How to treat a throat in a nursing mother. How to treat the throat of a nursing mother Komarovsky? Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system during breastfeeding

Malaise can strike at any moment. Depending on the cause of pain, its intensity varies. To prevent the risk of complications, you need to know how to treat a sore throat with breastfeeding. Many medications are prohibited for nursing mothers, so treatment for inflammation should begin as early as possible so that potent medications are not required later.

Causes and symptoms of sore throat

Pain in the throat can be caused by various diseases

Pain in this location can be caused by various diseases.

  • Laryngitis is an inflammation that occurs in the larynx due to the development of viral or bacterial flora. May have acute and chronic form. Laryngitis appears due to hypothermia, mouth breathing, dry and dusty air. In addition to a sore throat, there is a dry, hard, barking cough, heavy breath. The disease is dangerous for infants as it can lead to suffocation.
  • Pharyngitis - acute or chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the pharynx, lymph nodes, soft palate. In acute form it occurs independently or accompanies rhinitis, inflammatory diseases nasopharynx. Allergies may be the cause foreign body, virus, fungal or bacterial infection.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils is the most common reason Why does a mother have a sore throat when breastfeeding? This condition is associated with decreased immunity after childbirth and constant overwork. On initial stage disease, the pain is mild, only soreness and discomfort can be observed. If measures are not taken in time, painful sensations will intensify and other symptoms of the disease will appear. The cause of the pathology is an infection of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature.
  • Sore throat is an acute, infectious disease that is contagious to others. In addition to the pain symptom, a general deterioration in health, fever, intoxication, and pain in the joints are observed. Causes of occurrence: contact with a carrier of infection, reduced immunity, hypothermia, dusty air. Often the condition develops after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Mucosal candidiasis most often occurs in infants due to fungal infection. Symptoms of the disease are white curdled discharge, sore throat. A constant inflammatory or infectious process (for example, caries), eating large amounts of sweets create favorable conditions for the development of fungus, hinder recovery.

When breastfeeding, a sore throat may occur due to the development of an allergic reaction. There is no significant pain, but there is discomfort, dryness, sore throat, watery eyes, cough and runny nose. Treatment is symptomatic, with the use of antihistamines.

Sore throat should not be ignored

Features of throat treatment during lactation

When breastfeeding, it is important to cure a sore throat as early as possible. This will protect you from taking medications that are harmful to the baby and from developing possible complications at mom's. The cause of the pathology must be determined by a doctor, since the causative agent of the infection can be not only a virus, but also a bacterium or fungus. They are affected by different medications, and when self-medicating, the disease can be greatly aggravated by the wrong choice of medication. In addition, the specialist will explain what can be taken in this situation, in what quantity and for how long.

When treating a throat while breastfeeding, use medicines should not exceed 3 days. If necessary, continue therapy for more long term even with approved drugs, the possibility of temporary artificial feeding. It is also important to maintain a drinking regime to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood and speed up recovery.

How to treat a sore throat during breastfeeding with medication?

When breastfeeding, you should be careful when choosing medications for treatment.

Often, topical medications are used that enter the bloodstream minimum quantities. Such remedies relieve pain and inflammation, soften and restore the mucous membrane. These include pharmacy tablets for resorption, aerosols, sprays, rinsing solutions, inhalations.

During lactation, throat treatment can be carried out with approved folk remedies. The most effective is the combination of medications and folk recipes. Pharmacy products must be prescribed by a doctor. Violation of the dosage or duration of administration is undesirable, since an untreated infection can become chronic, and excess medication will cause harm to the baby’s health.

The list of approved medications is small, but sufficient to reduce pain and relieve inflammation. In addition to them, you may need medications against the common cold, antipyretics, and cough suppressants. It is advisable to treat the throat with antibiotics only if bacterial nature infections. Similar drugs incompatible with natural feeding. When prescribing an antibacterial course, lactation will have to be stopped for a while.

Lollipops and tablets

Lozenges are one of the most safe methods treatment

This group of drugs has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and softening effect. They should be taken 1 hour after eating. Dissolve slowly, do not drink with water. You can eat after using the product 1-3 hours later, depending on the drug.

The main lozenges and tablets for sore throat approved for breastfeeding:

  • lysobact - lozenges with lysozyme and pyridoxine;
  • Strepsils - lollipops based on dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmetacresol;
  • stopangin - lozenges with tyrothricin and benzocaine;
  • faringosept – tablets based on ambazone monohydrate;
  • sebedin - tablets with chlorhexidine and ascorbic acid;
  • septolete - lozenges with benzalkonium chloride, levomenthol, mint and eucalyptus oils, thymol;
  • Septefril - tablets based on decamethoxin.

Attention! It is undesirable to abuse this group of medications during treatment, since most of them contain large number chemical aromatic and flavoring additives.


During lactation, various aerosols and sprays will help relieve a sore throat. Many have an antimicrobial effect, provide analgesic and therapeutic effect. Miramistin is used to treat the mouth, throat, and nasal passages in the composition complex treatment. Available in the form of a solution for local application. The active substance is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate.

Aerosol hexoral (based on hexethidine) is a symptomatic remedy for pain symptom. Has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial effect. Has a slight anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane. Aerosol ingalipt has more active substances, which is why it should be used with caution during breastfeeding.

Attention! After treating your throat with sprays and aerosols, you should not drink or eat for at least 40 minutes.

Rinse preparations

One of the most harmless ways to treat a mother's throat while breastfeeding is gargling. Common salt and soda solutions, decoctions and infusions of herbs. Among medications, you can gargle with furatsilin, iodinol, hexoral.

Furacilin is available in the form of tablets for preparing a solution. The active ingredient is nitrofural. 1 piece dissolve in 1 tbsp. warm water, gargle up to 5 times a day. As a result, the pain should decrease, purulent plugs wash, redness of the tonsils goes away.

Iodinol is a solution for local and external use based on iodine. Rinsing with the drug is used when chronic tonsillitis. Iodinol acts as an antimicrobial solution. It can be used during natural feeding, but it is necessary to monitor the baby's reaction.

Hexoral rinse solution reduces inflammation and acts as an antimicrobial agent. Has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effect. But you should remember that you swallow this medicine it is forbidden.

Traditional methods of treatment

For sore throat during breastfeeding, gargling with herbal decoctions is used as a treatment, steam inhalations, warm and sufficient fluids with active ingredients. Use various herbs during natural feeding with caution, because they can cause a severe allergic reaction in the baby. The most common is rinsing with a decoction of chamomile. In case purulent sore throat you can use a warm solution with soda, salt and iodine.

At night, it is advisable to drink warm milk with honey or melted fat. This procedure will soften the mucous membrane, provide antimicrobial effect. Drinking with added fat is necessary if you have a cough. Also, for diseases of the nasopharynx, it is permissible to use hot inhalations. You can use herbal decoctions or regular potatoes, boiled in their skins.

Note! Cleanses the oral cavity and the body as a whole well, resorption of natural vegetable oil. Compliance with the technology will ensure a lasting result. But you should not swallow used oil, as this can lead to poisoning.

Inhalation treatment

For a sore throat during breastfeeding, you can use inhalations with saline solution, mineral water, miramistin. If the brand of nebulizer allows it, you can add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the solutions. Procedures are used to eliminate inflammation and pain, cleanse respiratory tract.

Inhalations are best done using a nebulizer

Gargling with herbal decoctions

During the procedure, you do not need to swallow the solution, so there will be no harm to the baby’s health. Take herbs single-component or in mixtures, the main thing is that the mother herself is not allergic to them. The most commonly used is chamomile, peppermint, marshmallow, St. John's wort, fennel.

To prepare a decoction, mix chamomile, St. John's wort, mint and marshmallow root in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. Place the collection in a thermos, pour boiling water over it. You can leave it to brew overnight and use it as directed in the morning. Rinse with this infusion 4 times a day.

Prohibited drugs and methods of treating throat with hepatitis B

It is better to avoid using aspirin during breastfeeding

Upon appointment therapeutic therapy When breastfeeding, one should take into account not only the possibility of using certain means, but also possible contraindications at the baby. Any medication, the annotation to which states that its use during lactation is prohibited, should be excluded from the woman’s treatment or the possibility of temporarily stopping breastfeeding should be considered.

To treat throat and accompanying symptoms cannot be used:

  • aspirin and its analogues;
  • antibiotics;
  • folk remedies containing components intolerable to the child;
  • remantadine;
  • bromhexine;
  • grammidin.


The main measures aimed at eliminating the possibility of illness are caring for oneself, avoiding hypothermia, overwork, long-term stress. A balanced and nutritious diet will provide a nursing woman’s body with everything it needs. nutrients, will help strengthen the immune system. Walking on fresh air are also necessary.

Sanitary and hygienic standards must be observed in the premises. Daily wet cleaning and ventilation will reduce the concentration of pathogens in the air. You also need to continue natural feeding so that if the nursing mother becomes ill, the baby has protection. Compliance with sufficient drinking regime is the prevention of viral infections.

As you know, after childbirth, until a woman’s body has fully recovered, it is very susceptible to all sorts of viruses and colds. If a nursing mother has a sore throat, then first of all you should think about how to help so as not to harm the baby. There are many ways. Now we will look at them.

Treatment while breastfeeding

How to treat a throat This issue should be approached with great responsibility. Since mother's milk contributes to the development immune system child, then improper treatment of any disease can lead to useful substances Not only will they enter the small body in reduced quantities, but they may even cease to be produced naturally.

When it comes to a nursing mother, what can be treated and what can’t? First you need to consult with a therapist, but under no circumstances should you try to eliminate this problem on your own.

No matter how effective pharmaceuticals, such as tablets, potion, spray, you need to remember that they mainly consist of chemical elements, which, together with milk, can penetrate into children's body. The result of such treatment may be:

The occurrence of urticaria of varying degrees;

Chemical poisoning.

It is also possible that the drugs will negatively affect the functioning of children's organs, such as the heart, kidneys or liver.

If a nursing mother has a sore throat, and treatment with any medicines contraindicated, what should I do? The answer is simple - be treated with decoctions from medicinal plants. But this can also be a very serious mistake. Even if you decide to recover using this method, you need to consult a specialist.

But when a nursing mother has a sore throat, what should she do to avoid harming her baby? Best when the slightest symptoms start treatment. The simplest and optimal options will become:


Drinking large amounts of liquid;

Creating everyone around you necessary conditions for recovery.


Rinsing can be classified as the best option. Since it not only has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the throat and relieves inflammation, but also does not enter the blood or milk of a nursing woman.

To prepare the solution you will need:

200 milliliters of boiled water;

Salt, preferably sea salt (1 tsp);

2 drops of iodine;

0.5 teaspoon baking soda(this is optional).

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

It is very good to rinse the larynx medicinal decoctions. To prepare them you will need chamomile, string (or calendula).

Also effective decoction obtained from the following herbs:


St. John's wort;

Marshmallow root.

Mix these components thoroughly in equal proportions. After this, 2 tablespoons of the mixture should be poured with boiling water (500 ml). You need to infuse the broth in a thermos for about 9 hours. Rinse the larynx three times a day until discomfort will not go away completely.

Of course, it is best to alternate these rinses.

In addition, it will be useful to keep your throat warm, for example, by wrapping it in a wool scarf.

Folk remedies

When a nursing mother has a sore throat, you can try to cure it traditional methods. The most popular of them is boiled milk. You should add a small piece of butter and a teaspoon of natural honey to it.

It is considered an effective remedy natural honey(1 tsp) with garlic (one clove).

You can chew a piece of propolis throughout the day. But in this case you need to be careful. Although this product and has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties, it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

While breastfeeding? In this case, you should consult a doctor to make a final decision.

What to do if a nursing mother has a runny nose and a sore throat? I would like to note that these symptoms are the first signs of a viral disease. Many women worry that during treatment they may harm the child and that this period better than a baby do not breastfeed. But this is a very big mistake. Since the virus enters the body several days before it manifests itself. During this time, the small organism completely adapted to it. And his already strengthened immune system should cope on its own.

A nursing mother has a sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose - what to do? If you experience such symptoms, you should follow these recommendations.

You need to do steam baths, as well as inhalations. The temperature should be brought down with antipyretic drugs that contain paracetamol and are allowed for use during breastfeeding. It is also worth taking such remedies for any viral symptoms, which are allowed for women who are breastfeeding.

You need to drink a lot of warm liquid, since with any viral disease the body becomes dehydrated, which, in turn, negatively affects lactation.

Instructions for a nursing woman

When it happens to a nursing mother, what to treat and what to do?

  1. Carry out rinsing procedures every hour.
  2. Inflammation of the larynx can be relieved by inhalation using eucalyptus essential oil.
  3. Milk with butter will also become an indispensable remedy.
  4. You need to try not to get too cold and constantly wrap your throat with a warm scarf.
  5. In order not to irritate the mucous membrane, do not eat salty and hot foods.
  6. Try not to speak too loudly, so as not to strain your vocal cords.

How to communicate with your baby when you are sick?

What to do if a nursing mother has a sore throat and other symptoms of the disease? In this case, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Since all such ailments are most often transmitted by airborne droplets, then, when near the baby, it is best to use bandages that need to be changed every couple of hours.
  2. Try to do wet cleaning and ventilate the premises as often as possible. Such measures have a deadly effect on any viral infections.
  3. Despite the fact that the mother is sick, there is no need to protect the child from walking outdoors. After all, even one of the household members can do this.
  4. Under no circumstances should you stop breastfeeding your baby. At the slightest viral disease, antibodies are produced in the milk, which protect the child from viral infection.


What to take for a sore throat while breastfeeding? The most commonly recommended drug is Grippferon. It is effective in treatment and can be used by women who are breastfeeding.

The following medications will help relieve a sore throat:

- “Hexoral”.

- “Iodinol.”

- “Strepsis.

The temperature can be brought down with Paracetamol tablets only when it rises above 38 degrees. Up to this point, wiping with a vinegar solution will do an excellent job of wiping the problem.

Medicines such as:

- “Breast Elixir”.

- "Gedelix".

In order not to cause harm to either the baby or yourself, you should not take unfamiliar drugs in large doses.

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, medical advice cannot be ignored.

Be attentive to yourself!

So, a nursing mother has a sore throat. How to treat such an ailment? At first glance, everything seems simple, but if you look from the other side, this is not at all true. After all, thoughtless and incorrect treatment can harm two organisms.

First of all, you can't ignore initial symptoms. Since the result may be chronic disease or, even worse, a bacterial complication will begin to develop.

If you choose the wrong treatment method in the fight against a cold, there is a very high probability that this will lead not only to an allergic reaction in the baby, but also to a weakening of his immune system. The latter, in turn, risks the child contracting the same disease as the mother.

During breastfeeding, the baby gets everything he needs with milk, but the slightest violation The diet that the mother adheres to all affects his body. At improper treatment beneficial substances are supplied in reduced quantities. At the same time, the production of maternal antibodies, which protect the small, not yet fully strengthened organism, also decreases.


If you ignore the slightest signs of a sore throat, it can result in the following diseases:

  • Sore throat, which is characterized by inflamed and reddened tonsils, may manifest purulent plaque. Also in this case, the appearance of high temperature cannot be ruled out.
  • Laryngitis. It occurs as a result of hypothermia and can be viral in nature. Spreads to the larynx, epiglottis and vocal cords. If not treated correctly, it spreads to the trachea and contributes to a dry cough.
  • Pharyngitis (inflammation) Characterized by a cough, often dry, runny nose, hoarseness in the throat and high temperature. Its origin can be either viral or infectious.
  • Candidiasis. Fungal disease mucous membrane of the throat. It is inherent severe itching, bubbles on the surface, erosions covered with a cheesy coating.

Painful sensations in the larynx are quite common among people. When a nursing mother has a sore throat, the question immediately becomes how to treat it and breastfeed at the same time, so as not to harm the baby. Doctors suggest safe medicines, adviсe alternative medicine, which are allowed to be used during lactation.

Causes and symptoms of throat disease

A severe sore throat characterizes a viral infection or ARVI. This condition causes a lot of inconvenience and has a bad effect on the well-being of a nursing woman. The effectiveness of treatment for hepatitis B will depend on establishing the exact pain factor. Symptoms manifest themselves in a painful feeling when swallowing, soreness, and burning.

The reasons for the development of discomfort are

  • Viral infection and ARVI, also measles, diphtheria.
  • Bacterial infection (staphylococcus).
  • Allergic reaction of the body.
  • Cigarette smoke (from smoking or a woman simply inhales harmful substances contained therein).
  • The air in the room is insufficiently humid.
  • Prolonged stress on the ligaments (singing, screaming, increased tone of conversation).
  • Thermal damage.
  • Foreign object inside.

Local drug treatment

For accelerated recovery Women can take Strepsils.

It is possible to speed up recovery and cure a sore throat during breastfeeding using medicinal drugs with therapeutic results. They have an analgesic, antiseptic or antibacterial effect, and alleviate the condition of a nursing mother, depending on the chosen medication. Adhering to the individual dosage and strictly following the instructions, stop breastfeeding won't be needed. The following drugs are allowed:

  • Lozenges, lozenges. Antiseptic agents that cure it completely, relieve pain, alleviate the patient’s condition, are allowed for breastfeeding “Strepsils”, “Septolet”, “Faringosept”, “Lizobakt”, “Stopangin”, “Astrasept”. Use lozenges up to 4 times a day after meals.
  • Sprays and aerosols for throat irrigation. Powerful antiseptics. During lactation, Hexoral, Cameton, Ingalipt are allowed up to 3 times a day.
  • Rinse solutions. IN medical practice use "Furacilin" (the most harmless remedy), "Chlorhexidine", tincture of eucalyptus and calendula. These drugs help relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microbes.
  • Essential oils for inhalation that help reduce inflammation - also suitable treatment sore throat during breastfeeding.

Safe drugs by mouth

Great care must be taken when choosing medications, especially those that enter the body immediately. Active substances, in the composition penetrate into breast milk and harm the baby. During lactation it is directly permitted to use:

  • Antipyretics. Often, sore throat goes away with fever. The only one safe drug"Paracetamol" is listed. It is allowed to use products with its base - “Panadol”, “Efferalgan”, “Coldrex”.
  • Syrups. Choose those that do not contain bromhexine. They recommend Doctor Mom, Gedelix.

Folk recipes: how to heal a nursing mother’s throat?

Irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa can be removed with fig milk.

To remove harmful substances from the body pathogenic flora It is necessary to drink plenty of warm drinks for colds of any kind. And this is useful for the baby - frequent consumption of liquid by the mother will cause an influx of milk, which is important when breastfeeding. To relieve disturbing irritation on the mucous membrane of the throat, it is recommended to drink warm drinks in large daily volumes.

  • Milk with figs. Boil 500 ml of milk over low heat. Add the chopped figs and cook until the liquid turns brown. Drink the prepared warm drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • Banana jelly. Mash half a banana with a fork and pour boiling water over it. Cover the dish with a saucer and let stand for half an hour. Add honey and raspberries. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to drink the infusion 3 times a day.


The highest quality, reliable and effective medicine for a sore throat. With regular repetition, microorganisms are washed off (removed) from the mucous membrane. Soda-salt infusion is the safest medicine for the mother. To increase the effect, you need to drop a couple of drops of iodine. Collections of pharmaceutical herbs such as chamomile, mint, and string are suitable for daily rinsing. Mix dry wood in equal quantities. Place 2 tablespoons of herbs per liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 12 hours and rinse your throat with the infusion every 3 hours. It is important that the herbs do not cause allergies in the woman. Safety for the baby is guaranteed by the fact that such rinses do not pass into breast milk.

Frequent rinsing (every 2-3 hours) with warm solutions and decoctions gives the most positive results.

Sore throat is one of the most unpleasant symptoms colds. To eliminate painful sensations when swallowing, soreness and burning of the mucous membranes of the larynx, there are many effective drugs, but not all of them are approved for use during lactation. Breastfeeding (like pregnancy) reduces a woman’s immunity, so nursing mothers are susceptible to respiratory infections and lower respiratory tract diseases are more common compared to women whose children are bottle-fed.

The main criterion when choosing a treatment method for breastfeeding is the safety of the woman and the baby. Some strong medications require temporary cessation of lactation, but in most cases, you can get rid of a sore throat using safe methods.

In 80% of cases painful sensations in a nursing mother are associated with colds. A decrease in immunity during lactation contributes to the fact that any negative factors can lead to a deterioration in the body's resistance and the occurrence of an inflammatory process. These factors include:

  • hypothermia;
  • being in drafts;
  • inconsistency of the clothing used with the weather conditions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

One of the most common infectious diseases of the respiratory tract is sore throat. This is very dangerous disease, which can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. Often after recovery, women experience heart murmurs, arrhythmia, and signs of heart failure may appear. Complications from the heart muscle occur when the delayed treatment or its absence, therefore, if you have symptoms of a sore throat, you do not need to engage in self-diagnosis - it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Signs of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) include:

  • severe sore throat that makes it difficult to eat, drink, or talk;
  • plaque on the tonsils (with purulent sore throat - purulent plaque);
  • high temperature and fever;
  • swelling of the tonsils and tonsils;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Treatment of sore throat requires antibiotics. Some antibacterial drugs compatible with breastfeeding. The attending physician will tell you which remedy to use in a particular case and how to calculate the dosage after diagnosis.

Important! Infectious mononucleosis By clinical symptoms very reminiscent of a sore throat. Mononucleosis – viral infection, therefore, the use of antibiotics for this disease will be ineffective and may worsen the woman’s condition. If after 2-3 treatments for a sore throat there is no improvement, it is necessary to donate blood for the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the causative agent of mononucleosis.

Another common disease that often worries nursing mothers is laryngitis. Laryngitis can be infectious, non-infectious, or unspecified. The disease is characterized by swelling, inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes of the larynx and vocal cords, sore throat, sore throat, as well as a prolonged dry cough (reminiscent of a dog barking).

Treatment for bacterial laryngitis is usually with antibiotics. For a nursing mother, the doctor can prescribe antibacterial therapy local action, which do not penetrate the systemic circulation and do not pass into breast milk.

A sore throat can be caused by other diseases, including:

  • viral infections (flu, acute respiratory infections);
  • rotavirus infection (symptoms colds disappear after 1-3 days, after which signs of gastrointestinal disorders appear);
  • fungal infections of the oral cavity (candidal stomatitis);
  • injuries and damage to the mucous membranes of the larynx (for example, when swallowing large pieces of solid food or a foreign body);
  • illnesses digestive tract, in which there is a reflux of gastric contents into the cavity of the esophagus and larynx (esophagitis, gastritis).

Important! IN in rare cases sore throat without others clinical symptoms may indicate the presence of tumors. They can be benign (such as polyps) or malignant. If laryngeal cancer is suspected, a woman should be examined by an oncologist.

Video - Taking medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sore throat: what to do?

If you have a sore throat, you need to start treatment by visiting a clinic or calling a doctor at home (the second option is recommended for elevated temperatures). You will also need to take urine and blood tests to determine the presence of signs of an inflammatory process and to identify the type of pathogen in the case of an infectious nature of the disease.

Also, a nursing mother should do the following recommendations specialists to avoid complications and cope with the disease faster:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • increase fluid intake ( drinking water, weak tea, dried fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, juices);
  • frequently ventilate the room;
  • do not refuse the help of relatives or friends in looking after the baby or cleaning the house.

Some mothers stop lactation during illness, so as not to infect the child, and try to communicate less with the baby. This approach is not only harmful to emotional state child, but also dangerous to the health of the woman herself. Stagnation of milk in the breast with a temporary cessation of breastfeeding can cause lactostasis and purulent mastitis, so there is no need to give up lactation. It is quite enough to use gauze bandage in contact with a child (it needs to be changed every 2 hours).

Important! Breast milk contains antibodies to all diseases that the mother suffers during illness, so the child receives natural protection. Babies who are weaned while their mother is ill are more likely to get sick than those who continue to receive breast milk.

Drug treatment

In order for the treatment of pain in the larynx to be successful and safe, the nature of the infection must be determined. At viral diseases a woman may be prescribed antivirals, For example, " Genferon», « Viferon», « Interferon" They contain human interferon, strengthen the immune system, increase the body's protective functions and destroy viruses.

For treatment bacterial infections(sore throat, bacterial laryngitis) may require the use of antibiotics. The drug of choice for the treatment of lactating women is “ Amoxicillin» (« Amosin") - antibiotic penicillin series, possessing wide range antibacterial activity. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe amoxicillin preparations enhanced with clavulanic acid - it increases the effectiveness of treatment and speeds up the penetration process active substance into the systemic circulation. TO combination drugs amoxicillin include:

  • « Augmentin»;
  • « Amoxiclav»;
  • « Flemoklav».

With purulent sore throat and high temperature Antibiotics of other pharmacological groups may be prescribed.

Antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections during lactation

Important! These antibiotics do not require cessation of lactation, but exact dosage and the dosage regimen should be selected individually by the attending physician.

Local preparations

Drugs that have a local effect help eliminate tissue swelling, reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome, destroy pathogenic flora. They can be produced in several dosage forms ah: spray, aerosol, antiseptics, lozenges and lozenges.

Spray and aerosol

This is one of the most convenient dosage forms, which has virtually no contraindications for use. Most sprays have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effects. The formula of many drugs has been strengthened essential oils mint, eucalyptus or tea tree, which not only cope with germs and bacteria, but also soothe inflamed mucous membranes.

During lactation you can use the following sprays:

  • « Hexoral»;
  • « Tantum Verde»;
  • « Kameton»;
  • « Inhalipt».

They need to be used 3-4 times a day (every 4 hours). It is better to do this after rinsing so that the absorption rate of the medicinal ingredients is higher.

An excellent drug for the treatment of sore throat with sore throat and other infectious diseases is the local antibiotic Bioparox. It begins to act after the first use, but it can only be used after consulting a doctor, since in some situations it can be dangerous to the health of the woman and child.

Important!"Bioparox" cannot be used for bronchial asthma and other malfunctions respiratory system, as attacks of asphyxia (suffocation) are possible.


Gargling is one of the most effective and safest methods of combating a sore throat. In case of acute inflammation, it is recommended to gargle every 1-2 hours, that is, the number of gargles should be up to 10 times a day. Starting from the third day of treatment, you can reduce the number of procedures to 4-5 per day.

For rinsing you can use:

  • saline solution ( teaspoon salt per glass of warm water);
  • alcoholic tinctures of plants ( calendula, St. John's wort, sage);
  • soda solution ( half a teaspoon per 180 ml of water);
  • ready-made antiseptics (“ Furacilin», « Chlorhexidine»).

Excellent therapeutic effect has a solution for topical use "". This is a drug with combined action: it is active not only against bacterial flora, but also against fungal microorganisms. The product is sold in a bottle with a spray nozzle, so you can use it in the form of a spray to treat the larynx or gargle as usual.


Lollipops and lozenges help quickly relieve pain and relieve inflammatory process and relieve redness. The following drugs are allowed for treatment for nursing mothers:

  • « Faringosept»;
  • « Septolete»;
  • « Strepsils»;
  • « Sebidin»;
  • « Lysobacter».

The tablets must be dissolved slowly 3-4 times a day (at the recommended dosage) after meals. Do not eat or drink for 1-2 hours after taking the medicine.

Important! When choosing a drug in the form of lozenges, you should pay attention to the presence of dyes and flavoring additives. Too much of these substances can cause allergies in an infant.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional methods of treating sore throat are safe for mother and child (except in cases of allergies to the components included in the recipe), and can be quite effective if treatment is started on the first day of the disease.

Milk with honey

Milk with honey is classic recipe sore throat treatment

A classic recipe for treating a sore throat, helping to reduce swelling and inflammation of the tonsils. Add a spoonful of honey and a piece of butter to a mug of hot milk, mix everything thoroughly and drink in small sips. You need to take this medicine 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.

Pay attention! The combination of butter and milk may cause a gag reflex when consumed empty stomach, so it is better to take the product after meals. If the urge to vomit does not go away, you can add one spoon of sugar to the milk and reduce the number of uses to 1 time per day.

Soda and iodine

A mixture of soda and alcohol solution Yoda. One spoon of soda must be diluted in 150 ml of warm water and added 2-3 drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution 2-4 times a day (use the entire prepared volume at a time). Treatment should be continued until full recovery, but not less than 3 days.

Important! This method not suitable for women with hypersensitivity to iodine preparations and thyroid diseases.

Fennel tea

To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to pour one spoon of fennel seeds (can be replaced with dill seeds) with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-20 minutes. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of admission is from 5 to 7 days.


Against the background of weakened immunity after childbirth, intense physical activity associated with child care, the likelihood of developing infectious diseases increases. When a mother experiences pain in the throat while breastfeeding, this may indicate tonsillitis, inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall, or laryngitis.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Have you ever had elevated temperature body on the first day of illness (on the first day of symptoms)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often for lately(6-12 months) You experience similar symptoms(sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just below lower jaw. Your feelings:

At sharp increase temperature You took an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After this:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other painkillers? local character(candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into oral cavity by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Depending on the triggering factor, a woman may experience cough, fever, malaise and lack of appetite. Lymph nodes located close to the source of inflammation enlarge and become painful on palpation.

When you have a sore throat, sore throat may result from:

  • viral infection, accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. The woman notes nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, dizziness, and headaches.
  • activation bacterial pathogens, often streptococci, which infect the tonsils, causing tonsillitis (sore throat). The disease manifests itself symptomatically high fever, severe pain when swallowing.
  • exposure to an allergic agent, which provokes a sore throat and dry cough. Allergies usually occur during the flowering season of grasses, after contact with animals or fluff. The woman begins to be bothered by sneezing, lacrimation, eye hyperemia and rhinorrhea.
  • increased dry air. Due to the drying out of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, it becomes traumatized, which causes soreness and discomfort in the throat. Dry mucous membranes leads to a decrease in its protective functions, which predisposes to infection.

During development infectious disease the woman becomes a source of infection, so the child can get sick. To avoid this, you must use protective equipment (mask).

If your throat hurts while breastfeeding, a woman should follow some recommendations:

Systemic treatment of sore throat

The tactics are based on why the throat hurts during guards. Depending on the provoking factor, the following medications should be taken:

  • at viral disease the use of medications with antiviral effects is indicated, for example, Laferobion;
  • for tonsillitis, cephalosporin drugs (Cephalexime), penicillins (Flemoklav), and macrolides (Sumamed) are prescribed.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to undesirable consequences from the child's side. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of tonsillitis. Antibacterial agents can only be dispensed with in case of catarrhal form, when the tonsils are enlarged, swollen, and the surface is hyperemic. When a purulent component of inflammation appears, for example, with follicular, lacunar or necrotic forms for sore throats, taking antibacterial agents is mandatory.

If the mother does not attempt treatment purulent tonsillitis, the risk of developing complications such as rheumatism, myocarditis, arthritis, and the formation of phlegmon in the neck increases.

Women often ask the question: can the amount of milk during lactation decrease when breastfeeding a child? One of the complications of purulent tonsillitis is infectious mastitis, during which infection occurs in the chest lobules. Symptomatically, a woman experiences severe chest pain, an increase in temperature, as well as a decrease in milk supply or even complete lactostasis.

It is worth noting that antibiotic therapy does not require interruption of lactation, but the choice antibacterial agent must be carried out by a specialist.

Local treatment

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect when a nursing mother has a sore throat, topical use is necessary antiseptics. For this purpose, rinsing solutions are prescribed:

  • Furacillin, which exhibits its antimicrobial effect mainly against staphylo- and streptococci. To prepare, you need to crush the tablet, then thoroughly dissolve it in a glass of water. The drug can also be used in finished form, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution.
  • Chlorhexidine is used to cleanse the mucous membrane of the oropharynx from microbes. A 0.05% solution is indicated for the procedure; it can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Miramistin is different high level efficiency. A special nozzle is used to irrigate the oropharynx.
  • Inhalipt consists of an antiseptic component, eucalyptus oil, as well as mint. Besides antimicrobial action, reduces the intensity of pain and the inflammatory response.
  • Chlorophyllipt consists of eucalyptus leaves and is used as a solution or spray.

Of the tablet forms of antiseptics, Lizobakt, Faringosept, Strepsils and other lozenges are prescribed. For irrigation of the oropharyngeal mucosa, Cameton and Hexoral are prescribed.

To reduce temperature

Often, hyperthermia appears with a sore throat. At viral origin illness, it usually does not exceed 37.5 degrees. Regarding the presence of bacterial pathogens, fever can reach 40 degrees.

When breastfeeding, it is recommended to use antipyretic drugs, starting at 38 degrees. For this, syrups or tablets (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) are used. In addition to the antipyretic effect, medications reduce the severity of inflammation.

If 2 days after the start of treatment the condition does not improve, the sore throat intensifies, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Efficiency of recipes traditional medicine has been proven for a long time, but before using them you should be sure that there is no allergic reactions on various plants. In addition, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist about the advisability of using dress therapy.

  1. To avoid getting sick, and also when you are sick, you can drink tea with ginger. It is shown in small quantity. A small piece of root is brewed with boiling water, drink once a day.
  2. For the solution you will need 5 g of salt, soda and 180 ml of warm water. After mixing everything thoroughly, you can use it for rinsing twice a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a drop of iodine.
  3. To prepare a decoction of different herbs, you should combine an equal volume of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, and marshmallow root. 30 g of this mixture is enough to brew in a half-liter thermos. After steeping overnight, you can gargle three times a day.
  4. For oral administration, warm milk with butter and honey is recommended. The product will not only reduce sore throat, but also improve lactation.
  5. 15 g of fennel is brewed with 180 ml of boiling water, after which it is infused for a quarter of an hour. Take 80 ml before meals.

At the pharmacy you can also purchase ready-made solutions made from herbs, such as sage, calendula or chamomile.

In order for the rinsing procedure to be effective, you must follow some rules:

You should start gargling when your throat becomes sore or sore. This will help stop the spread of infection, as well as the inflammatory reaction. Timely initiation of complex treatment allows achieving good results, preventing the occurrence of complications.