Nutrition according to blood type: is it worth following D’Adamo’s recommendations. Nutrition by blood groups: products and recommendations Nutrition by blood groups research

The diet of Dr. Peter D'Adamo is based on the fact that people with different blood groups should eat different foods. The four blood types did not arise at the same time - new antibodies appeared in people's blood in those eras when human culture was changing, and along with culture, the way of life. Thus, the work of “new” organisms turned out to be focused on recently emerging nutritional standards. That is why blood groups reflect what “breed” its owner comes from - hunters (group I, or 0), farmers (group II,). or A), from nomads (group III, or B) or from a mysterious rare group of unclear origin (group IV, or AB).

Anyone who intends to follow the "most ancient" diet must have their blood tested and then receive three lists - one listing desirable foods, the other undesirable, and the third neutral. There are general approximate preferences for each group: you can include some sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates in your diet, but it is advisable to limit or exclude others.

Group I (0)

Meat and poultry. You can consume large amounts of animal proteins. Poultry is in second place after dark meat (lean, natural, without cholesterol and hormones).

Dairy products and eggs. Dairy products can be consumed every week, but in small quantities. Eggs can be eaten 3-4 times a week.

Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are the most important part of the diet. Only tomatoes should be limited and corn should be avoided. Fruits can be a great substitute for bread and pasta, although not all are healthy. It is better not to eat melon, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, and coconut.

Bread and cereals. Wheat should be completely avoided. There are no healthy grains or cereals for this group at all.

Drinks Mineral water and tea are quite harmless, you can drink beer in moderation - if there are no problems with weight. A little wine is allowed. It is better to give up coffee and replace it with green tea containing caffeine.

Group II (A)

Meat and poultry. It is poorly absorbed and causes fat deposition. It is preferable to get protein from seafood.

Dairy products and eggs. Almost all dairy products are not recommended. It is better to limit eggs. Therefore, it is advisable to take calcium supplements or consume soy milk and soy cheeses.

Vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat vegetables raw or steamed. Tomatoes are bad, but garlic, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, and cabbage are good. Fruits should be eaten 3 times a day, preferably berries and plums. Tropical fruits are poorly digestible, although pineapple helps digestion.

Bread and cereals. You can eat grains one or more times a day. Fruits help normalize the acid-base balance.

Group III (B)

Meat and poultry. Different types of meat are well digested. The best are lamb, venison, and rabbit. Avoid chicken.

Dairy products and eggs. All dairy products, as well as eggs, are very well digested - for nomads this is the natural and most familiar food.

Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are the main product. But skip the tomatoes. Eat plenty of leafy vegetables, which contain magnesium, a natural antiviral agent. Almost all fruits can be eaten, with the exception of persimmons, pomegranates and prickly pears. Try to consume the fruit 2-3 times a day.

Bread and cereals. Rice and oats are well digested. But it is better to limit wheat and avoid rye, corn, and buckwheat.

Drinks Herbal and green tea, water and juice are well received. Coffee, black tea and wine are neutral foods.

Group IV (AB)

Meat and poultry. It is better to eat meat in small portions, and eat the same types of meat as for groups A and B.

Dairy products and eggs. You can safely eat almost all dairy products and eggs, but yoghurt, kefir, and low-fat sour cream are better digested.

Vegetables and fruits. You can eat not only all vegetables that are suitable for groups A and B, but even tomatoes. Fruits should be consumed the same as for group A.

Bread and cereals. It is better to make a menu of rice, oats, rye, and you can eat wheat 1-2 times a week. You should not consume corn and buckwheat.

Drinks Coffee and green tea are healthy, as is red wine. Beer has neither harmful nor positive effects; you can afford it in moderation.

Of course, not only the blood type is important, but also the general state of health. The diet of Dr. Peter D" Adamo is intended not so much for weight loss as for improving the functioning of all vital systems. It makes joints bend better, skin defects disappear, tone increases, but weight loss is not guaranteed by this method. Weight loss is not one of the main goals diets.

This happens because food for D "Adamo is not just a supplier of energy, but a health-improving agent. But before you begin the healing process, you need to find out where it hurts and why. And you also need to find out what the patient’s habits are so as not to make drastic " jumps" from one diet to another. That is why, before using Dr. Peter D'Adamo's method, you should definitely visit a dermatologist and gastroenterologist, and not limit yourself to just finding out your blood type.

Inesa Tsiporkina
"Perfect Appearance"

Cosmetic problems: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment,

The principle of a healthy diet balanced with respect to blood type was first proposed by the American naturalist Peter D'Adamo. According to his concept, in order to maintain health, youth, beauty and gain longevity, a person needs to eat foods that are beneficial for his blood type.

What is the diet based on for blood groups 1, 2, 3, 4, positive and negative Rh factor?

The blood type diet was proposed by American doctors James and Peter D'Adamo . For 30 years, father and son D'Adamo conducted research to find out how a person's health depends on his diet. At the same time, they identified the relationship between diet and blood type.

In 1989, as a result of joint work with his father, Dr. Peter D’Adamo published in the book “4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health” healthy eating concept based on blood type . The book was translated into many languages ​​and quickly became a worldwide bestseller.

Peter D'Adamo was the first to suggest that the perception and absorption of certain foods by the human body directly depends on its inherent blood type. The American doctor developed not just theoretical, but practically substantiated principles of dietary nutrition for people with different blood groups.

Dr. Peter D'Adamo characterized the four blood groups existing in the world in a certain way.

  • He called people with blood type 1 “hunters.” Researchers consider this blood group to be the oldest. There is a hypothesis that it was from the first blood group that all the others then descended. “Hunters” make up approximately 32 percent of all humanity.
  • The author of the diet classified the inhabitants of the planet with blood type 2 as “farmers.” About 40 percent of people on earth have the second blood group.
  • People with blood type 3 were called “nomads” by Peter D’Adamo. Their number is approximately 20 percent of the world's population.
  • Carriers of the rarest blood group, 4th blood group, were called by an American doctor representatives of the “mixed type” or “new people”. There are only 7 or 8 percent of them on the planet.

According to Dr. D’Adamo’s theory, all products, depending on their compatibility with a person’s blood type, can be divided into:
  1. those that are easily absorbed by the body, bringing him benefit and health, and therefore recommended for use;
  2. harmful products- they are deposited in the form of waste (extra kilograms) and are toxic to humans;
  3. neutral.

To adhere to the suggested blood type diet, representatives of each blood type need to eat only products that are healthy for them . Partially neutral food can be added to them. But harmful foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

By eating foods recommended for your blood type, a person naturally reaches his ideal weight, since the body’s metabolism is normalized. At the same time, the immune system is strengthened and life expectancy increases. In addition, following a blood type diet largely protects a person from such serious diseases as diabetes, cancer, strokes, heart attacks, Alzheimer's disease and many others.

Diet for those who have the first positive blood group

  • General dietary recommendations for people with blood type 1
    Representatives of the 1st blood group are recommended to eat a protein-rich diet. They tend to have strong digestive and immune systems. But at the same time, carriers of the first blood group have difficulty adapting to the slightest change in the conditions of their environment.
  • Authorized products:
    fruits, seafood, rye bread, liver dishes, meat foods, fish dishes, greens, .
  • Prohibited products:
    corn and cabbage, mayonnaise and marinades, St. John's wort, echinacea, coffee and strong drinks.

Diet for those with the first negative blood group

Diet for those with a second positive blood group

  • General dietary recommendations for people with blood type 2
    According to Peter D'Adamo, vegetarianism is most suitable for carriers of blood type 2. The body of people with the second blood group adapts perfectly to changing nutritional conditions and the environment.
  • Authorized products:
    vegetables in all their diversity, pineapples, apricots, plums, figs, vegetable oils, cereals, water with lemon juice, green tea, coffee, red wine, trout, cod, perch, mackerel, garlic, carrots, onions, fermented milk products, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Prohibited products:
    beans, potatoes, mushrooms, turkey and chicken meat, tomatoes, eggplants, olives, dairy products, ice cream, wheat dishes, bananas, tangerines, oranges, melon, mangoes, coconuts, sugar, chocolate.

Diet for those with a second negative blood group

  • General dietary recommendations for people with negative blood type 2
    For carriers of the second blood group, the diet, regardless of the Rh factor, takes into account the fact that the weak point is the digestive tract. Their stomach, with its characteristically low acidity of gastric juice, is unable to digest such heavy food as meat. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is very delicate.
  • Authorized products:
    fermented milk drinks, low-fat and mild cheese or feta cheese, vegetable and fruit juices, legumes, cereals, vegetables.
  • Prohibited products:
    meat, caviar, flounder, herring, halibut, seafood, orange juice, black tea, dairy.

Diet for those with a third positive blood group

Diet for those with a third negative blood group

  • General dietary recommendations for people with blood type 3
    People of the third blood group with a negative Rh factor have the same strong immunity as those with a positive Rh factor. They are recommended a similar diet.
  • Authorized products:
    meat, green salad, fish and dairy products, cereals and legumes, vegetables, liver, fruits, herbal teas, cabbage juice.
  • Prohibited products:
    duck, chicken, shrimp, pumpkin, olives, crabs, buckwheat, millet.

Diet for those with the fourth positive blood group

  • General dietary recommendations for people with blood type 4
    The main diet for blood type IV is based on the fact that representatives of this type have a flexible and highly sensitive immune system; almost any food is suitable for them. But their digestive tract is not resistant to various types of infections.
  • Authorized products:
    rabbit and turkey meat, lamb, olive oil, cod liver, nuts, cereals, peanuts, dairy products, cheeses, trout, tuna, hake, sturgeon, vegetables, sweet fruits, coffee, green tea.
  • Prohibited products:
    bacon, ham, red meat, wheat, buckwheat, legumes, peppers, black olives, sunflower seeds.

Diet for those with fourth negative blood group

General dietary recommendations for people with blood type 4:

The main recommendations are a moderately mixed diet, similar to carriers of a positive Rh factor. The diet should be used with caution by those who have a history of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and anemia.

Pros and Benefits of Nutrition

The main benefits of the blood type diet are:

  • Balanced diet. The menu for each blood type consists of a wide variety of products. One of them can always be replaced by another.
  • Opportunity to eat low-calorie foods.
  • The diet allows for infrequent consumption of even unhealthy foods.
  • This system is not rigid; in addition to the recommended products, there is a large list of neutral ones that do not cause any harm.
  • The belief of diet followers in its unconditional help is in itself a health benefit.

The proposed diet is most suitable for people aimed at a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet provides a person with a high level of vital energy . A diet rich in vitamins and microelements keeps hair, nails and skin in excellent condition.

Cons and contraindications

With all the positive aspects of the blood type nutrition system, it should be understood that Every person on earth has their own unique body, a set of antibodies in the blood, their own state of health . National characteristics, seasons, and individual gastronomic preferences also matter.

The main disadvantages of the blood type diet include:

  • There is no guarantee that the chosen diet will help you lose extra pounds.
  • The need to take into account cholesterol levels and the state of the digestive system.
  • The impossibility of following this nutritional system in the presence of a number of chronic diseases.
  • A person sometimes has to break ingrained habits of eating certain foods. Not all people are ready to do this.

Before you start following a diet based on your blood type, you should definitely consult your doctor!

Following a strict blood type diet is not recommended:

  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • People with a history of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes.
  • Persons who are currently weakened, are in a post-mortem state, or have serious chronic illnesses.

People for whom healthy eating is a truly important issue try to choose food for their diet that can become a source of not only excellent taste, but also help maintain physical health. Of course, there are many diets designed to improve the basic functions of the body. Sometimes a certain set of products is collected for medicinal purposes, sometimes in an effort to lose weight. But there are also diets that are selected for a specific blood type.

A staunch supporter of the concept that a person's health is directly dependent on what he eats, taking into account his blood type, was Dr. Peter d'Adamo. As a naturopathic scientist, d'Adamo spent many years studying human blood and, ultimately, based on research Many geneticists and hygienists concluded that a person’s blood type and diet are interconnected. His motto was the slogan “4 blood groups - 4 paths to health” and he devoted many of his books to this topic.

According to the firm belief of the scientist, each blood group needs its own, special diet, and if you follow the table proposed by d'Adamo, you can improve your health, normalize your metabolism and even lose weight. But one cannot ignore the fact that not everyone The doctor’s colleagues agree with the results of his research and believe that you cannot choose your diet based only on your blood type.

Of course, here everyone can choose for themselves whether to believe such statements or not, but to make a decision, you can also turn to the history of the appearance of different blood groups. And if you look at this topic more closely, you can see that there really is something in d’Adamo’s statements.

History of the development of blood groups according to d'Adamo's theory

O(I) – first (about 33% of people)

The blood of hunters and gatherers. Appeared first among all other groups. Since the main food of people of that time was meat, this product is an important part of the diet of O(I) owners.

A(II) – second (approximately 40% of the population)

Blood of farmers. Since their main food was the products of the earth, the destiny of such people was vegetarianism.

B(III) – third (about 22% of people)

Blood of nomads. Milk is considered the main product, but it can be combined with products of the first and second groups.

AB(IV) fourth (approximately 8% of the population)

This is the blood of new people. It appeared the latest and is therefore the rarest among other existing groups. Those people who have AB(IV) have a very sensitive immune system and gastrointestinal tract. That is why they need fermented milk products and low-fat foods.

Nutrition chart by blood type

If you believe the scientific works of Peter d'Adamo, then absolutely all products are divided into three main categories:

  • Medicinal (+);
  • Harmful (-);
  • Neutral (0).

It was on these principles that the blood group nutrition table was created. If you look closely at it, you can see that there are foods that are preferable to those with a certain blood type. Other foods are equally beneficial for everyone, and some foods are equally harmful to everyone. At the same time, nutritionists working according to this table advise eating only foods with a positive value, rarely adding neutral foods to your diet, and avoiding foods with a “harmful” value. And also stick to a similar diet for the rest of your life.

It is also worth considering that such a blood type diet assumes refusal from pork, bacon, ice cream, corn oil, Westphalian gingerbread, wheat baked goods, black olives and sunflower oil for all categories of people. And although many reject the D'Adamo diet, it is worth noting that the harm of most of these products has been scientifically proven.

  • Pork, for example, is harmful due to its high fat content, as well as the presence of growth hormone in it, which can provoke tissue inflammation and even the development of unwanted tumors. Its constant use can lead to gallbladder diseases, appendicitis and the development of skin diseases.
  • For the same reason, you should avoid bacon, which, moreover, is rich in purine bases and unwanted salts.
  • The dangers of ice cream are explained by the fact that it has high calorie content, excessive sugar and cholesterol content.

There are also foods that benefit anyone, regardless of their blood. These are salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod, olive oil, savoy cabbage and broccoli, as well as parsley and parsnips. Even ardent opponents of the proposed theory will agree that all of the listed products are very useful.

  • Olive oil, for example, can neutralize existing harmful substances.
  • Parsley not only contains a huge amount of mineral salts, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and also contains many vitamins.

Products without harm and benefit are: cod liver oil, almonds, beans, green peas, peas, white beans, green beans and Mammoth beans. Also equally neutral were: Chinese cabbage, onion sets, bamboo shoots, lettuce, zucchini, watermelon and kiwi.


Blood group









Rabbit meat














Smoked salmon






White meat fish













Goat milk

Non-skimmed milk (whole)

Milk with fat content up to 2%

Soy milk

Ice cream


Sour cream


Cheese "Brie"

Cheese "Dutch"

Camembert cheese

Cheese "Mozzarella"

Sheep cheese (brynza)

Parmesan cheese

Cheese "Feta"

Cheese "Chedar"

Cheese "Edensky"

Cheese "Emmenthal"

Country cheese

Cottage cheese


Peanut butter

Corn oil

Linseed oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Fish oil (from cod liver)

Sesame (sesame) oil







Cashew nuts

Nut butter

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

pumpkin seeds





Green peas

Soybean red

Green beans

White beans

Beans "Mammoth" (large green beans)

Red beans

Variegated beans

Black beans

Green lentils

Red lentils



Corn flour

Oat bran

Wheat bran

Rice bran


Wheat sprouts

Processed rice

Seven Grain Blend

Soybean granulate

Corn flakes

Oat flakes

Soy flakes



Wheat buns

Corn baked goods


Westphalian gingerbread

Rice wafers

Millet bread

Multigrain bread

Whole grain wheat bread

Rye bread

Soy bread

Bakery products made from oat bran

Wheat baked goods

Crispy baked goods



Groats "kus-kus"


Oatmeal pasta"

Wheat flour pasta"

Pasta made from wheat flour "Durum"

Pasta made from rye flour

Rice flour pasta

Barley flour pasta

Coarse wheat flour

White rice

Brown rice







Shiitake mushrooms


White cabbage

Brussels sprouts

Red cabbage

Chinese cabbage

Savoy cabbage

White potatoes

Red potatoes


White corn

Yellow corn


Onion sets



Greek olives

Green olives

Black olives

Paprika yellow

Green paprika

Red paprika



Bamboo shoots




Alfalfa sprouts

"Mung" sprouts

Radish sprouts




Tofu (soybean cheese)
















Green grapes

Red grapes








The use of other products has its own nuances, and here there is a more detailed table on blood type for each type of person.

Nutrition according to the first blood group

Considering that this particular group is the prerogative of ancient hunters, its owners are strong, self-confident individuals and have leadership qualities. The diet of such people was dominated by meat food, therefore, in order to digest it, the acidity in the stomach of the “hunters” was increased and the digestive system itself was quite well established. They also have a strong immune system, which not only protects the body from infections, but can also lead to illness due to its excessive activity. For example, it is O(I) owners who are most prone to allergies, joint diseases and ulcers, as well as poor blood clotting. That is why D'Adamo insisted on the need to follow a certain diet in order to keep all body functions normal.

Nutrition table for blood group I

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Fatty meat (pork);
  • Seafood, smoked fish;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Lentil products, legumes;
  • Champignons, corn, potatoes, cabbage;
  • Citrus fruits, melon;
  • Drinks with high caffeine content, strong alcohol, soda;
  • Porridge, flour.
  • Dietary meat;
  • River fish;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Soybeans, legumes;
  • Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, carrots, peppers, onions, beets, asparagus, oyster mushrooms;
  • Berries, banana, peach, pineapple, kiwi;
  • Beer, green tea, red and white wine, herbal infusions, juices from pomegranates, grapefruit, grapes.
  • Turkey, veal, beef, lamb;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Bean products;
  • Broccoli, garlic, earthen pear, Chinese cabbage, turnip;
  • Figs, plums, cherries, apples;
  • Fruit drinks and pineapple juice.

Nutrition according to the second blood group

Since this particular category of people belongs to the era of farmers, then, according to the same Dr. D'Adamo, they have a rather weak digestive system. After all, they mainly ate products of plant origin and did not need constant processing of animal proteins. That is why , the doctor strongly recommends following the diet he proposed, since, in his opinion, non-compliance is fraught with frequent illnesses due to a weak immune system.

Nutrition table for blood group II

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • All types of meat;
  • Fatty fish, caviar;
  • Dairy products;
  • Navy beans;
  • All types of cabbage, tomato, rhubarb, pepper;
  • Citrus fruits, melon, banana, coconut, barberry;
  • Orange and tomato juices.
  • Pasta, semolina, wheat, bran bread;
  • Turkey, eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Low fat milk;
  • Soybeans, green peas;
  • Beetroot, cucumber, radish, asparagus, radish, celery;
  • Garden and southern berries, pomegranate;
  • Fruit juices, wines.
  • Dietary fish;
  • Beans, beans, lentils;
  • Broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip;
  • Wild berries, apple, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • Juices from the specified vegetables and fruits, green tea;
  • You can eat all porridges except millet.

Nutrition according to the third blood group

The third blood group becomes the property of nomads, so such people are usually hardy, calm, have excellent immunity and a strong nervous system. Their digestive system allows them to digest a variety of foods, so representatives of B(III) are considered omnivores. Although products that disrupt metabolism are contraindicated for them.

Nutrition table for blood group III

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Pork, poultry;
  • Eel, crayfish;
  • Ice cream (but popsicles are fine);
  • Beans, lentils, potatoes, radishes, tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • Pomegranate, persimmon, avocado;
  • Buckwheat, pearl barley, barley porridge, corn flakes, millet, bread products;
  • Juices from appropriate vegetables and fruits, strong alcoholic drinks, soda.
  • Beef, veal, liver, turkey;
  • River fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Peas, soybeans, asparagus;
  • Oyster mushrooms, champignons, onions, celery, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, asparagus;
  • Peach berries of all types, melon, citrus fruits, pear;
  • Rye flour, semolina, pasta;
  • Juices from these fruits, herbal teas, beer, wine.
  • Lamb, rabbit, eggs;
  • River fish in unlimited quantities;
  • Dairy products;
  • Legumes, cabbage, peppers, carrots, beets, broccoli;
  • Apple, grapes, pineapple, coconut, plum, banana;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Green tea is good for nomads.

Nutrition according to the fourth blood group

Since such blood is the youngest and created as a result of the mixing of other groups, it has absorbed all their pros and cons. So, for example, having the characteristics of a group of nomads, AB(IV) owners can digest animal proteins, but if they suddenly have low acidity, it is better for them to give preference to vegetarianism. That is why D'Adamo advises this category of people to be more careful about their diet.

Nutrition table for blood group IV

What it is forbidden

What Can

What need to

  • Poultry, fatty meat;
  • Exotic seafood;
  • Full-fat milk, ice cream;
  • Legumes, iceberg lettuce, radishes, radishes;
  • Grapes, pomegranate, avocado;
  • Rice, rye products, oatmeal;
  • Juices from appropriate fruits, strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Liver;
  • Skim milk, low-fat cheese, whey;
  • Asparagus, soybeans, peas;
  • Oyster mushrooms, champignons, onions, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini;
  • Berries in unlimited quantities, peach;
  • Semolina, pearl barley, pasta, bakery products, millet;
  • Juices from the specified fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, beer, wine.
  • Dietary meat;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Low fat dairy products;
  • Legumes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, celery;
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, apple, kiwi, nuts;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Juices, black coffee, green tea.

It is also worth considering that nutrition based on blood type gives rise to a lot of controversy among nutritionists and other scientists. Many adhere to the opinion of Dr. D'Adamo and strongly recommend listening to his advice. Others, on the contrary, believe that such statements have no basis and there is a lot of evidence for this.

What should you pay attention to when choosing food based on your blood type?


  1. The concept of the creator of such a diet, Peter D'Adamo, is that it is the blood type that determines which foods are good for a person and which ones are best avoided to maintain physical health. Therefore, he selected for each of the four groups a complete set of products that help to get everything necessary substances. He also included only healthy foods in each diet. Based on this, he claims that such a diet can be followed for a lifetime.
  2. The blood type diet involves split meals, with small portions, 5-6 times a day. This is precisely the principle of proper nutrition that modern nutritionists adhere to.
  3. Most fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw in this manner. And this means getting the optimal amount of nutrients from food.
  4. Compliance with the proposed diet involves preparing food only in the most optimal ways: boiling, steaming or baking. This helps ensure good absorption and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. There is no archaeological or medical evidence to support this theory.
  2. Most modern specialists reject eating according to blood type, because they insist that such a diet has quite drastic restrictions that can even be harmful. After all, the body needs to receive a variety of useful substances that go beyond the scope of the proposed table.
  3. D'Adamo claimed that all the missing substances in his table can be obtained by consuming dietary supplements. Modern scientists insist that the effectiveness of such supplements has not been proven. Moreover, they, indirectly, are medications, so their uncontrolled use can cause damage significant harm to health.

And finally, I would like to give a couple more interesting facts:

  • Many volunteers using the blood type diet noted significant improvements in their well-being. Although experts who do not support the theory of such nutrition argue that this is nothing more than self-hypnosis.
  • When studying this theory, people noted that, subconsciously, they wanted to eat exactly the food that was beneficial for their blood type.

As you can see, nutrition based on blood type is shrouded in a web of disagreements and contradictions in the scientific community. Therefore, when deciding whether to follow the concept of a famous naturopath or not, it is better to weigh everything carefully and consult a nutritionist. After all, this is not the first diet to cause controversy, but it may turn out to be more enjoyable than many other popular healthy eating plans.

A universal diet that takes into account the individual characteristics of everyone - the blood type diet of James and Peter D'Adamo. The system is based on the fact that the body itself tells us which foods to include in the diet and which not. By following the simple rules of the blood type diet, you will adjust your weight, and also cleanse your body of harmful substances and toxins, restore and improve your metabolism. It is a pleasure to be on such a diet, because it is selected specifically for your blood type, so the products offered to you are easily absorbed by the body.

To start this diet, you just need to know your blood type, regardless of whether you have a Rh factor: positive or negative. What are the specifics of each group?

Blood type I – hunters

It is considered the most ancient group, from which the rest came. Code name: hunters. Already from the name it is clear that these are strong, strong people with a strong immune system and good metabolism. Hunters need physical activity. Despite the large number of advantages, this group also has negative properties. Such people are mostly conservative, therefore, it is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions and change their diet. The body reacts poorly to new foods and is predisposed to allergies. Increased stomach acidity contributes to the development of ulcers. Therefore, you need to be careful when creating a menu.

Food table for a group of hunters

It will not be difficult to create a menu for every day using healthy and neutral products. Here's a sample menu to help you navigate.

  • A glass of pineapple juice;
  • Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, dressed with olive oil.
  • Pumpkin soup;
  • Beef meat fried with broccoli in olive oil;
  • Green tea.
  • Mackerel baked with onions and sweet peppers;
  • A glass of red wine.

No weight loss system will be effective if you neglect physical activity, this is especially important for a group of hunters. It is recommended to go jogging, skiing, cycling, and you can engage in extreme sports - adrenaline is in the blood of hunters. It's good to take up wrestling - the most hunting sport!

Blood group II – farmers

This type developed later, but more people have it than the others. People of this type are called farmers. Calm, friendly people are able to find a common language with almost everyone and work well in a team. The main difference between farmers and hunters is mobility, the ability to constantly change, so they get used to new things well. The immune system and digestive tract are quite weak, so you need to follow the correct diet. Weak nervous system, so the menu will include those products that will strengthen it. For a negative blood group, the products are the same.

Table of products for a group of farmers

The emphasis in products is on those that are grown with your own hands. From such a set it is easy to create a menu for every day. For example, this:

  • Fruit salad seasoned with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • A glass of carrot juice.
  • Celery soup;
  • Buckwheat with carrots and onions;
  • Green tea with blueberries.
  • Rice with fried cod;
  • A glass of white wine.

As for physical activity, team sports (volleyball, basketball, football), swimming, dancing are suitable. All this will have a positive effect on your overall health and appearance. The body will become athletic and fit, and the extra pounds will be gone forever.

III blood group – nomads

The next type is nomads. These are hardy people who are accustomed to walking, moving, and changes. They are calm, dexterous, smart. Moreover, the positive group is stronger than the negative one. Nomads have a strong immune and nervous system, they are practically omnivores, however, this group also has bans on foods that disrupt metabolism. The Nomads menu is an example of diversity.

Food table for nomads

You can experiment with this list of products as much as you like, this is the menu we ended up with for the day:

  • Grated carrots and apple mixed with sour cream;
  • A cup of green tea.
  • Mushroom plant;
  • Pasta with Bolognese sauce;
  • Juice from freshly squeezed oranges.
  • Boiled rice;
  • Liver stewed with vegetables;
  • A glass of red wine.

A king would envy such a list of dishes, and for people of this type it will be useful and protect against diseases. Don't forget about sports! Hiking, slow running, and swimming are suitable for nomads. Reinforce your body with lecithin and magnesium - these vitamins are good for immunity.

IV blood group - new people

Last on the list, but not the least important, is the mysterious, mysterious blood type. People of this type have bright charisma and a surprisingly strong character, but they have a weak digestive tract, increased sensitivity and nervous irritability, and a tender heart. A positive blood type is more unpretentious than a negative one, but everyone needs to take care of their health. The blood type diet is perfect!

Food Chart for New People

The list of products is combined taking into account the characteristics of this particular blood type, therefore, by creating a menu of possible products, you will get an amazing result. The menu could be as follows:

  • with apple;
  • A cup of coffee (these are the lucky ones for whom coffee is recommended).
  • Fish soup;
  • Tomato and cucumber salad;
  • Cherry juice.
  • Rolls;
  • Green tea.

For physical exercise, it is better to choose calm types: swimming, walking, Pilates. Choose a vitamin complex aimed at maintaining the circulatory system and immunity. Your body will thank you.

It cannot be said that the blood type diet is a panacea for all ills. Ideally, a nutritionist should select a nutritional system for everyone. If a person has a severely impaired metabolism or hormonal imbalance in the body, then the help of a doctor is necessary. But if you don’t have any major health problems other than weight problems, a blood type diet will help put your body in order, cleanse your body and improve your metabolism.

The dynamism, busyness and constant stress that a person faces every day leads to deterioration in health. Excess weight appears and immunity weakens. In the pursuit of rapid weight loss, strict nutritional systems are often used, which only aggravate the situation and lead to even more stress and health problems. The blood type diet, created by the American adherent of naturopathy Peter D'Adamo, is aimed at comprehensive strengthening of the body.

Special power system

It is difficult to say when the idea of ​​building a nutritional system based on erythrocyte hereditary characteristics first appeared. But the starting point was the release of Peter D'Adamo's book devoted to studying this issue. The book was published in 1990 and immediately won everyone's attention. More than a quarter of a century has passed, and the theory of nutrition based on group division is still relevant. Thousands of people around the world are guided by the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

The essence of the method, voiced by an American naturopath, is that there is no single nutritional system that would be ideal for the entire population of the planet. Over millions of years of evolution and formation of the human body's immune system, a certain ability to assimilate some foods better than others has developed.

People's lives were also not identical. There were different areas of human activity, the first of which were agriculture and hunting. At present, according to D’Adamo, the descendants of ancient farmers are more adapted to assimilate food of plant origin than of animal origin. The recommendations collected for creating a daily diet are accessible and understandable to everyone. The general principles of the nutrition system are divided into four groups.

Advantages of the D'Adamo method

There are a large number of adherents of the blood type diet in the world, as well as opponents. Peter D'Adamo bases his theory on the research of leading scientists in the field of history and genetics. This gives reason to believe that the issue has been thoroughly studied and the conclusions drawn are well founded. Modern medicine neither confirms nor refutes the correctness of such a diet.

Unlike strict mono-diets, which promise quick results and weight loss of tens of kilograms per week, the blood type diet is aimed at a complex effect on the body. Mono-diets lead to excess weight loss due to poor nutrition and lack of nutrients. This reduces immunity and provokes the development of various diseases.

The D'Adamo Method does not allow for hunger or lack of vitamins and minerals.

Based on the connection found between the genetic heritage of a particular population group and the chemical reaction that occurs after eating, a menu is built. Some of the best evidence that D'Adamo's theory works is the numerous positive reviews. Tens of thousands of men and women around the world have experienced the effects of blood type diets on themselves and were satisfied with the results.

What you need to know

With the help of a blood type weight loss diet, you can normalize your weight and strengthen your immune system, but you should not hope for a quick effect. Unlike the magic cures that are often advertised on television and the Internet, the D'Adamo Diet does not help you lose weight quickly. The nutritional system is built on strengthening the health and natural immunity of the body. As a result, with moderate consumption of recommended products and limitation of incompatible products, weight is normalized.

The Rh-negative blood group diet does not differ from the recommendations for the Rh-positive blood group diet. Despite all the advantages, nutrition by blood type does not reflect the needs and individual characteristics of each individual person. The nutritional system contains general instructions and defines the basic principles for constructing a daily diet. To create proper conditions for your blood type and diet, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The human body is unique, as is the composition of the blood. It is impossible to take into account the individual characteristics of each man or woman in general recommendations. Therefore, before changing your usual diet, you should visit a doctor and undergo a basic medical examination. If a person has any diseases or there is an active inflammatory process in the body, he should first undergo a course of treatment. There should be no radical changes in the food system at this time.

You should also take into account individual intolerance to certain products. If a person suffers from food allergies, the menu should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Don't forget about the balance of nutrients. You cannot simply exclude any product as a source of vitamins and minerals and not find anything in its place. With the right approach, the blood type diet will bring positive results.

First blood group

The nutrition table for the first category of people with blood group I or type O is based mainly on the meat menu. People of this type are recommended to include meat products in their daily diet. It would be wrong to limit the consumption of meat and other animal products and follow a vegetarian diet. The ancestors of the inhabitants of the planet with blood group I were hunters, the very first representatives of their species. Now about 30% of the world's population are descendants of ancient hunters.

The table for the diet for blood group I briefly presents information on basic foods.

You can print it out and study it in your free time, or download it to your smartphone and use it as a cheat sheet when buying groceries in the store.

  • Meat and offal. Red meat (beef, lamb), turkey meat, offal and minced meat have a positive effect on the body. Poultry and eggs are considered neutral for consumption. Eating fat (lard, bacon, goose, etc.) is not recommended.
  • Fish and seafood. All types of fish are considered healthy or neutral, except smoked, pickled and salted.
  • Dairy products are allowed to be consumed in the form of homemade cottage cheese. Milk, kefir, sour cream and their derivatives are not absorbed properly.
  • Olive and sunflower oil are considered beneficial. Soy, corn and peanut based fats are not recommended.
  • A feature of this group is the body’s negative reaction to gluten. Any wheat-based products (flour, pasta, bread, etc.) are not recommended. Any other cereals and flour made from them (buckwheat, rice, etc.) are allowed for consumption.
  • Plant foods are also divided into acceptable and unacceptable products. For example, Chinese and regular white cabbage are not recommended, but broccoli and kohlrabi are very well digested.
  • You can drink natural grape or fruit wine and beer in moderate quantities. Strong drinks are not recommended.

Second blood group

Nutrition according to blood type for the second type or group A is based on the conclusion that the ancestors of people with blood group II were engaged in cultivating the land. The products that formed the basis of the diet of this group (about 40% of the population) were mainly of plant origin. At first these were the fruits of gathering, then self-grown fruits and vegetables.

The table of food products for blood group II contains all the necessary information in order to create your daily diet correctly:

  • Meat and offal are allowed only of low-fat varieties that are easy for the digestive system (chicken, turkey, quail, etc.).
  • Fish has positive health benefits, particularly salmon and other types of fish that are rich in fatty acids. Smoked, pickled and salted foods negatively affect the body of the descendants of farmers.
  • Any fermented milk products are healthy; consumption of milk, butter and ice cream is not recommended.
  • Olive, sunflower and soybean oil have a beneficial effect on the body. And you will have to stop using peanut and corn oils.
  • All cereals are considered useful for group II, except semolina. Products and baked goods made from wheat flour are also not recommended.
  • Among vegetables, the restriction is imposed on sweet potatoes, potatoes, bell and hot peppers, white and red cabbage, champignons and tomatoes.
  • Any berries and fruits are allowed to be consumed, except bananas, melons, coconuts, tangerines and barberries.
  • The menu is complemented with black coffee, green tea and natural wines.

Third blood group

But the diet is made up of a wide range of recommended products, which include products of both animal and plant origin:

  • Meat and offal are recommended to be those that historically could have been obtained during a nomadic lifestyle. Lamb, rabbit meat, beef, lard. It is not recommended to consume poultry and pork.
  • Fish is allowed fresh, as well as salted and marinated for long-term storage.
  • Any dairy products are allowed, except ice cream.
  • Olive and flaxseed oil have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Representatives of this group are allowed to consume wheat flour and products made from it. Buckwheat, semolina and corn cereals are not recommended.
  • It is allowed to eat almost all vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, persimmons, pomegranates and avocados.
  • Drinks include beer, grape or fruit wine in moderation.

Fourth blood group

For blood group IV, the type of nutrition is based on the body’s ability to change and adapt to the environment. This is the smallest group of the population and makes up only about 8%. They are the result of the combination of farmers and hunters in the process of evolution. Unfortunately, this means that people with group IV have combined the negative qualities of groups I and II.

They have a weak digestive system and are prone to frequent food poisoning.

  • Lamb, rabbit and turkey are well-digested meats. Liver and eggs are allowed. Other types of meat are not recommended.
  • River and sea fish are well digestible. It is better to avoid salted and pickled fish.
  • Low fat dairy products are allowed.
  • Olive, soybean and peanut oil have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • Among cereals, the ban is imposed only on buckwheat and corn, as well as flour made from them.
  • Soy products and almost all fruits and vegetables are well digested. The exceptions are lettuce, radishes, bananas, avocados and oranges.
  • Beer, red and white natural wines are allowed.

The blood type nutrition system is an excellent method for organizing your daily diet and building a healthy menu. Like any other diet, the D’Adamo complex has its limitations and recommendations. The blood type diet chart offers concise, comprehensive information to help you plan your daily diet. The rules and general system are selected according to the genetic memory of the body and the Rh factor.