Articles in a foreign language. Simple texts in English for beginners

Let's say you already know English quite well. Or so you think. Isn't it time to test yourself and reach a new level? We have selected 10 fascinating sites for you, where you will definitely be able to find challenging, useful and exciting information. So let's get started!

Even if you are not confident in your abilities, when you go to an interesting site, you will not be able to resist translating an article that interests you. And by the way, we have already started doing this for you! Learning English without honing your skills is, you know, not that smart and certainly not effective, so feel free to choose a website and dive with us into the world of information and interesting English!

Scientific English sites

Historical English sites

Social English sites

Entertainment English sites

"It"s better to have played and lost than never to have played at all."
“It’s better to play and lose than not to play at all.”

And you can check how well you know the location of the US states. Can you do that?


You won't go anywhere without bonuses!

On this collection of sites, you can choose the perfect portal for yourself to have fun and practice English in style. We recommend taking the time to immerse yourself in this amazing assortment, with the best entertainment sites on the Internet that cover every possible aspect, be it entertainment news, celebrity gossip, watching English movies online or TV shows, sports, online games, magazines, music, humor, etc. Everything elite that the Internet can offer you for a good time is collected in this collection. Have a pleasant time!

The most viral pictures on the Internet, sorted by popularity for you!

And finally, just find this cow by sound, and life will become more fun! Just make sure you don't have the volume all the way up.

Have fun learning and having fun! We wish you knowledge and fun!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Reading is for our mind what working out in the gym is for our body. In this article we will give you links to 7 sites with texts for reading in English. Try to “pump up” your brain!

1. English as a Second Language

This site is suitable for beginners with levels and. All texts are short, they use simple words and elementary grammar - three tenses of the Simple group. Try to read at least 2-3 texts daily, it will only take 5-10 minutes.

The themes of the texts are different, often they are small jokes. All words are selected in such a way that the student not only reads texts in English, but also expands his vocabulary. So, you can learn the first phrasal verbs, frequently used words and expressions.

Feature of this resource: Each text is accompanied by an audio recording. The speaker speaks clearly and slowly, which is exactly what beginners need to learn to understand English by ear.

2. English Online

This resource was created specifically for English language learners with a level and above. The texts are not very long, but they are full of useful expressions and words.

Articles on various topics are adapted specifically for students: the most commonly used vocabulary and simple grammatical structures are used. At the moment, several hundred texts on various topics are available for reading on the site. They are all quite interesting, so this resource contains the optimal proportion of education and entertainment.

Feature of this resource: In all articles you will see words in bold. This is the vocabulary you are asked to learn. After the text of the article you will find an English-English dictionary with these words. Thus, the site performs an important function - you can learn new vocabulary on it in context.

3. Short Stories

This site is suitable for all lovers of fiction. There are no adapted texts or dictionaries here, only stories by English-speaking authors in their unaltered form.

The site presents 8 popular genres: children's literature, detective, fantasy, horror, humor, documentary, novel, science fiction. If you are at the Pre-Intermediate level, try starting to read children's stories. In these texts, the characters speak in fairly simple words, and at the same time, their speech is lively and unadapted. You can try reading any stories at a level; it’s better to start with short texts in your favorite genre.

Feature of this resource: the variety of genres of stories on this site will not allow even the most demanding reader to get bored. Additionally, you can sort stories by length. To do this, select any of the genres you are interested in and click on the All stories button. In the tab that opens, you can select stories from 1-2 to 30+ pages in length. This is quite convenient: you can select your text depending on the availability of free time.

4. Breaking News English

The site is suitable for students from Elementary to , who want to keep up with the latest news and improve their English. News is sorted by date - from the most recent to the oldest. Sources are indicated for each - if interested, you can read them in the relevant media and compare the presentation of information.

For all news there are reading, listening, vocabulary and writing exercises.

Feature of this resource: the same news is adapted to several levels - see what words and grammatical structures can convey the same information.

5. Infosquares

This site contains only a few dozen texts, but it is worthy of your attention. The resource is suitable for students with an Intermediate level and above.

The resource differs from previous sites in that your task is now not just to read the text and understand the main idea, but to grasp even the smallest details. On the tab with any article you will find not only a link to the text itself, but also a test to test your reading comprehension. Therefore, we advise everyone who is preparing for an English language exam to pay attention to this resource, because you can “rehearse” the Reading section on this resource.

Feature of this resource: The main purpose of this site is to check how well you understand the text. Therefore, we recommend studying on this site about once a month, and reading other articles the rest of the time. This way you will see how quickly your English reading skill is developing and how attentive you are when reading.

6. Study Zone

This site is similar to the previous one: the small amount of materials is more than compensated by the presence of various exercises that test understanding of the text. Here you can study at the Pre-Intermediate level and above.

Feature of this resource: Of course, the main advantage of this site is the availability of exercises for understanding and memorizing the text. In addition, we must pay tribute to the authors of the site - they have collected the most interesting stories for you and presented the information in a convenient form.

7. Dreamreader

This resource will be of interest to those who like to read various educational and entertaining articles on the Internet. The site is suitable for students at the Elementary level and above.

Most of the texts on this site are presented in the Fun English and Academic English sections. The beauty of the articles is that they are written in simple but lively language. And the topics discussed in the articles are relevant and cover a wide variety of aspects of life: from body language to fast food, from UFOs to “cat” idioms. Each text is accompanied by a series of questions to help you check how well you understood what you read.

Feature of this resource: the site is a 2 in 1 tool. You can not only read the article, but also listen to it. Moreover, the audio recording is suitable even for those who have difficulty understanding English speech by ear. The speaker speaks clearly and quite slowly, so you can practice your listening skills, and the text will become your assistant in this matter.

There are many more sites on the Internet with texts in English. However, we have recommended the most informative and useful ones for you to study. Read with pleasure, and let English become your best entertainment, an activity that brings pleasure.

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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We are in website We love learning new things and developing, and learning a foreign language contributes to this in the best possible way. Having looked through thousands of educational resources, we tried to prepare the highest quality and useful articles, and now we have collected them all together to make language learning interesting and comfortable. Go ahead, you will definitely succeed!

To learn English

For everyone who is tired of monotonous cramming and incomprehensible grammar tasks, we have compiled a list of the best resources to help you learn the language. With them, the boring learning process turns into an exciting adventure. The main thing to remember is that the key to success in learning a language is consistency.

There are many ways to learn a foreign language on your own in a fun and interesting way. Especially for the site, Sasha Chicago has collected 6 methods of learning English that will make this process easier and more fun.

The English language has many set phrases and expressions that are quite difficult to understand right away, but you still need to know them. We have collected the most popular phrases in one simple table that will be convenient to use.

In schools and universities we are traditionally taught classical English - prim, correct and very far from life. But the spoken language includes a lot of slang words and sharp expressions that make speech lively and help to distinguish “us” from “strangers”. In this collection, we have collected words that will help you not to look like a black sheep during normal everyday chatting with foreigners.

A distinctive feature of the English language is the so-called phrasal verbs. This is a combination of a verb with a preposition or adverb that has a single meaning. It is almost impossible to understand the principle of their unification without long scientific research, but remembering phrases is quite possible. We have prepared a list of verbs that are most often used by the British and Americans in everyday speech.

Passing the TOEFL exam is a prerequisite for enrollment in many foreign colleges and universities, obtaining the right to an internship, or entering a job that requires knowledge of English. In general, the TOEFL certificate opens up a large number of opportunities and prospects for development.
These 15 free websites will help you achieve your goal.

There are many available opportunities for us to learn languages. For example, you can play a video from one of the training channels on YouTube every day, and professional teachers will sort out everything that you don’t understand completely free of charge. This excellent selection will help you find a suitable channel in Russian or English.

There is one way to learn English that everyone without exception loves - watching films in the original. Here, TV series have more advantages compared to films: simple dialogues, lively language, short duration, and from episode to episode you gradually get used to the voices of the characters. In this selection you can find a suitable series depending on your level of knowledge and favorite genre.

To learn other foreign languages

If you already speak one foreign language, learning another one will be easier. The Theories and Practices site has selected useful open-access English-language sites for self-study of French, German, Italian and Spanish - through podcasts, games, opera arias and detective stories.

You can even learn foreign languages ​​for free - if only you had access to the Internet and a little more patience. In this cool collection, we have collected the most useful resources for learning 6 different languages ​​- and everything will definitely work out, we believe in you!

German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. This means that German can be useful both for business and work, and for exciting travel. Here are the best resources for learning the language of Goethe, Nietzsche and Til Schweiger.

In this section you will find various articles and tips for learning English, notes on personal experience with English, stories and facts from the English language. The examples are taken from real life, so learning English will be much more interesting than using boring textbooks.


Four ways to learn a language with books

Let's discuss. What methods did you use? Which ones do you think are the most successful?

1. Read paragraph in English, then in Russian. Try to understand the meaning by reading the English version, do not look in the dictionary, check yourself with the help of the Russian text. This method is considered quite effective.

Using the preposition Since

The preposition since indicates time and denotes the beginning of an action that is still ongoing:

I have been working in the airport since last February.
I have been working at the airport since last February.

Since when did you become a doctor?
Since when did you become a doctor?

Modal verb shall

The modal verb shall has two forms - the present tense (directly shall) and the past tense ( should). Despite the fact that these are two forms of the same verb, each of them has its own characteristics of use, its own suitable situations, so we will consider shall and should separately. Let's start with the modal verb shall.

15 Rules of Motivation for Harvard Students

1. If you fall asleep now, your fancy will appear in dreams, for sure. Although, if you prefer studying to sleeping, your fancy will come true.

2. When you think it is too late, it is still timely.

1. Learning a language requires clear goal. You must know why you need the language. There are many people who dream of learning English throughout their lives. And no matter what courses they attended, no matter what books and tapes they bought, nothing worked for them. English remains the “language of dreams.” This happens because such people do not have a clear goal. By putting it in, you learn a foreign language, first of all, in the area of ​​your specialty.

Adverbs still, yet, already

Have you got your driver's license already?

Adverbs still, yet, already belong to adverbs of time.

Adverb still still translated, adverb yet- already, already- already.

Translation mistakes

Girl from the magazine cover. - The girl from the store wrapper.
Japanese people. - Japanese people.
high school - High cheekbones.

Negative pronouns in English

Negative pronouns in English include the following pronouns: no, nothing, nobody, no one, none, neither.

Interesting articles in English that will help you learn the language

Do you already have a good enough level of English to read in English? We have selected sites for you with interesting articles in English. They are perfect for learning a language for communication. after all, in fiction, high-flown epithets and phrases are often used. which are not suitable for everyday speech. In addition, these articles will help you prepare for international exams.

The book of life

The name of the resource speaks for itself. It contains articles in which you can find answers to important questions that many of us face every day. There is interesting material here about careers, relationships, and self-knowledge. The vocabulary in most of them is not very complex, reading the materials is easy and interesting.

NFB Blog

This is a blog that contains various entertaining and educational projects. The blog has sections: cinema, education, entertainment and culture. Articles cover a variety of films and media. The site is suitable for people with an Advanced level, as the articles contain complex academic vocabulary.


If you are one of those people who try not to read the news because there is a lot of negativity in it, then this resource is perfect for you. Here we collect only positive news from different parts of the world, which will make your soul feel warm.


A site for people who like to develop their ingenuity, expand their horizons and test their knowledge by solving interesting tests and puzzles. In addition to taking ready-made tests, you can create your own. This will help you develop your own speech and learn to formulate thoughts in English.

Khan Academy

As the name suggests, this site is a virtual academy. If you devote your free time to self-education, or are interested in any science, then the material collected here will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new, improving your English. There are many sections on interests: mathematics, science and engineering, economics, programming and computer animation, arts and humanities. There is also preparation for international exams.

Letters of Note

Do you love history, but are you interested in living history rather than boring textbook material? Then you will most likely be interested in this site. Letters and notes from people from the past are collected here. By reading them, you will plunge into bygone days, learn the thoughts of historical figures, for example, there is a letter from Anne Frank, and discover something new for yourself.


On this site you will find a story that is not written about in school textbooks. Here you can read about which writers suffered from mental disorders, which professions have sunk into oblivion due to technological progress, about hairstyles of the Victorian era and much more.

A resource for all occasions

If you are not interested in the above sites, you can look for “your” resource for learning English here. This is a large selection of English-language platforms, among which you will definitely find a resource on the topic that interests you.

We hope you liked the selection of interesting articles in English. Remember that learning a language should not make you sad; look for materials that will really interest you to learn. We wish you success.

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