Horny skin on the elbows: causes and treatment. Why do the elbows of women and men dry out on their hands, the skin cracks and crusts form: causes, treatment

As a rule, women take special care of their face, body, hair, and hands, but do not pay attention to the skin on their elbows. Looking in the mirror, they are surprised and wonder: why do the elbows on their hands dry out? And they immediately begin searching for ways to fix the problem.

Our elbows rarely come into view, most often they are under clothes and women remember them only with the onset of warmer weather, when a long sleeve is no longer able to hide their deplorable condition. Most ladies believe that caring for these parts of the body is in vain, but this is not so.

The skin on the elbows, as well as on the knees, is quite rough, as it is forced to constantly stretch due to the work of the joints. Not many people know that in these places the epidermis has practically no sebaceous glands, and therefore requires regular and intensive care.

Reasons for the development of pathology

If the skin on the elbows is dry, the reasons must be sought inside the body. The following factors can provoke the development of cosmetic defects:

Often internal diseases can provoke dry skin on the elbows. The causes and treatment for this option must be considered separately. The following pathologies provoke the problem:

Considering the factors that provoke dry elbows, the causes and treatment of the pathology must be agreed with a doctor. Ignoring symptoms leads to complications.

Treatment methods

Treatment of dry epidermis should begin with a visit to a dermatologist, he will prescribe appropriate tests that will help find out the true causes of the problem. A clinical and biochemical blood test, as well as a clinical urine test, are mandatory. Taking into account the results obtained, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen or prescribe additional research methods.

Professional products

On every woman's dressing table there is sure to be a cream for the face, hands and feet. There is no special cream for elbows, but the epidermis in this area is similar to that covering the feet and hands, so for the elbow area you can safely use products intended for these areas of the body. On the pharmacy shelves there are a lot of products designed to permanently rid a woman of the problem of dryness.

  • Taking vitamin complexes helps replenish the deficiency of substances necessary for the skin. The drug must contain B vitamins, tocopherol, and retinol. The most popular and affordable drugs are Aevit and Undevit.
  • Special ointments based on herbal ingredients will help relieve itching and inflammation in problem areas: Boro Plus, Gistan, Faretal and others.
  • Among the healing agents, Salicylic and Zinc ointments have proven themselves well.
  • Professional hand cosmetics perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin of the elbows. Among them are the Velvet Handles products, a line for the care of dry and sensitive skin from the L'Oreal company.

The use of cosmetic oils will soften the epidermis and have an antibacterial effect for dermatitis and eczema. Apricot, peach, almond, and grape have regenerating properties and in rare cases cause an allergic reaction.

Peeling at home

If dryness is not associated with serious internal diseases, the elbow area can be treated using home peeling procedures. They will help remove dead epidermal cells and start tissue regeneration processes.

The duration of the course depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis. Procedures are allowed no more than 2 times a week. Acid cleaning - no more than once every 7 days. It should be remembered that peeling is only suitable if there are no cracks on the elbows. Using the procedure, especially with citrus acid, provokes inflammation and irritation in the damaged dermis.

Nourishing masks

Applying cream to your elbows and carrying out cleansing procedures is not always enough to eliminate the problem. In most cases, it is necessary to use homemade masks, which will not only soften the skin, but also help eliminate growths and calluses.

Homemade masks should be used with caution. Many recipes contain honey, which is a strong allergen.

Therapeutic baths

The complex treatment of dry elbow skin necessarily includes medicinal baths.

  • You can soften and moisturize your skin with a bath of heated olive oil. Place your elbows in it for 10 minutes.
  • Starch diluted in warm water with the addition of vegetable oil will also help eliminate dryness. Keep your elbows in this composition for 15 minutes.
  • Regular soda is often used for medicinal baths. For a liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and place elbows in the solution for 10 minutes.

Such recipes should be used only after the permission of a specialist.

Dry elbow skin looks unsightly and spoils a woman’s appearance. In some cases, it may indicate serious disorders in the body. The first signs of dryness that cannot be treated with conventional remedies require immediate consultation with a dermatologist.

The elbow is perhaps the most inconspicuous part of the arm. Often it becomes the object of attention only when some painful symptoms appear. The latter, however, may appear not due to lack of care, but due to illness, which will be discussed below. You will also learn about how to deal with the symptom.

Description of the symptom

Initially, the skin on the elbows is rougher and thicker than on the rest of the arm. This is due to the fact that at the bend site - the elbow joint, it is subject to constant stretching, and, in fact, becomes as strong as possible - thick and rough. In addition, there are quite a few sebaceous and sweat glands in this area, so there is simply not enough natural lubrication.

Dry skin on the elbows means a condition that causes discomfort:

  • noticeable thickening and roughness to the touch;
  • roughness, literally relief;
  • peeling, and the scales peel off with great difficulty, are painful, in some cases bleeding appears during peeling;
  • cracks in the skin, sometimes deep;
  • itching - usually occurs with excessive peeling;
  • darkening - too slow renewal of the top layer leads to the accumulation of horny scales. Accordingly, the color in this area changes - the skin becomes gray or brown;
  • redness and pain are usually a sign of a secondary infection.

Without proper care and improper nutrition, the skin on the elbows first becomes dry, after which it begins to peel off and then crack.

Roughness, cracks and itching on the elbows appear regardless of skin type. Moreover, there is no data to suggest that this phenomenon is less common in women with oily skin.

The reasons for the appearance of this annoying drawback are very diverse.

  • Most often, the appearance of dry skin is associated with insufficient care. The denser and thicker top layer is renewed too slowly. This leads to thickening of the skin, dirtiness, and the appearance of cracks, since the moisture content in the stratum corneum is, in principle, very low - 7–10%.

To avoid troubles, it is more than enough to scrub your elbows periodically - 1-2 times a week, and lubricate them with any moisturizer.

  • The other most common reason is a basic lack of vitamins. The skin is known to be a protective barrier and receives nutrients on a residual basis. If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, they will, first of all, be used in important areas - to ensure the functioning of internal organs. Accordingly, with constant poor nutrition, the skin becomes drier, thinner and rougher not only on the elbows, but the latter are a kind of “first bell”.

Most often, the cause is a lack of vitamin D and A. Therefore, in the spring, this symptom is observed in literally every second person - the lack of sun affects it.

  • Purely mechanical reasons contribute to the appearance of rough and cracked elbows, for example, the habit of resting your elbows on the table while working.
  • Too frequent baths, as well as visits to a swimming pool with highly chlorinated water, irritate the skin to a lesser extent and can also lead to dryness and roughening of the skin.

Possible diseases

Insufficient care, synthetic clothing, and even an incorrect diet are quite easy to correct. In this case, the condition of the skin on the elbows will recover on its own. However, the same phenomenon can be observed in a number of diseases.

  • Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that appears as a result of a variety of mechanical and chemical factors. The complexity of the disease is represented by the activation mechanism: dermatitis refers to ailments based on an immediate or delayed allergic reaction.

Dermatitis –
an inflammatory process of the skin that occurs due to the influence of various factors - infections, exposure to external irritants, the presence of an allergic component, poor nutrition, etc.

Dermatitis manifests itself in the form of rashes, itching, swelling, sometimes inflammation and fever. There are acute and chronic dermatitis. The latter manifests itself slowly, is weakly expressed, but its consequences are very difficult to treat.

  • Hyperkeratosis is a disorder in the mechanism of exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin. In this case, the scales die off before they dry completely, do not separate, but accumulate. As a result, in the places where the skin is most stretched - elbows and knees - the skin becomes rough, dry, and covered with painful cracks.
  • Psoriasis is red spots with a specific “waxy” coating, consisting of small white and gray scales. The elbow joint most often becomes the first focus of the disease. The disease is extremely difficult to treat, is prone to relapses and causes not only physical but also psychological discomfort. Care for skin affected by psoriasis is determined by the attending physician.
  • Eczema - usually rashes are observed in areas exposed to the triggering factor. But if we are talking about solar eczema, then the elbows are also affected.

Redness of clearly defined papules, dryness and density of the dermis, itching, peeling, bleeding - symptoms of psoriasis

Not only skin diseases can cause roughening of the skin. There are quite a few ailments for which changes in the skin are one of the symptoms.

  • Anemia - pale and dry skin accompanies shortness of breath, constant fatigue, dizziness, and in women, menstrual irregularities.
  • Hypothyroidism - when the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, or pituitary gland malfunction, the smooth muscles of the blood vessels lose tone, which leads to a wide variety of disorders. Among other things, it leads to dry skin, brittleness and loss of hair and nails.
  • Diabetes mellitus provokes disturbances in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Dry skin and the appearance of cracks are not the most serious consequences of the disease.
  • Autoimmune diseases – scleroderma, for example. In this case, the cells of your own body are attacked. Hyperkeratosis on the elbows is a typical sign of pathology.

Read also about the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

If the cause of rough skin on the elbows is a disease, every effort is made to treat the disease.

Treatment methods

Treatment should be understood as both the impact on the primary disease - eczema, dermatosis, anemia, and symptomatic treatment. And the latter requires special drugs. In addition, medicated ointments and creams cannot be used continuously: as soon as the symptom disappears, use should be discontinued.

Read also about dry scalp.


  • Pitival is a drug with antifungal and antibacterial effects. Their use is advisable when the disease is caused by pathogenic microflora.
  • Atoderm - contains various oils and effective moisturizing components. Atoderm ensures rapid restoration of water balance.

Atoderm prevents chronic dry skin.

  • Lipikar - the main purpose of this ointment is to restore lipid balance. It provides a protective film on the surface of the skin, preventing further irritation of cracks and wounds, and promotes rapid regeneration.
  • – normalizes the exfoliation mechanism. In addition, radevit heals microcracks and wounds and helps relieve itching.
  • – contains dexpanthenol, which is transformed in the body into vitamin B5. The cream relieves irritation, redness, and helps remove swelling.
  • Zinc ointment is one of the oldest pharmaceutical remedies against fungus and skin diseases of an antibacterial nature. The cream is greasy and quite heavy; it will not help restore the water balance, but it will protect the skin during recovery.
  • Salicylic paste is another ointment option with a pronounced antiseptic effect. Salicylic paste does not eliminate dryness, but it will help get rid of hyperkeratosis, destroy the causes of inflammation and ensure the restoration of the normal peeling mechanism.

Salicylic paste prevents the appearance of rough skin

The duration of use of the drugs is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the course is 2 weeks. It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day.

Pharmacy drugs will not be able to provide the desired effect if the patient still does not receive enough vitamins.


The vast majority of products in this category are caring. Masks and homemade creams may well restore the moisture of the stratum corneum, create a protective film, and help cleanse the skin of deposits.

With the exception of formulations containing tar, other folk remedies can be used as care without time restrictions.

  • Oil masks - or rather, baths. Oil – olive, sunflower, shea, cocoa, heated in a water bath, poured into 2 containers of the required shape and lowered the elbows into the “baths” for 15–20 minutes. You can get by by simply rubbing the skin with oil.
  • A mask of a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 yolk is applied to a piece of cloth to obtain a kind of compress. Hold for at least half an hour.
  • To get rid of peeling as completely as possible, resort to a mixture of cream, “Extra” salt, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts - 1 teaspoon each.
  • A quick way to restore tenderness to your elbows is a fruit mask. It is made from the pulp of 2–3 apricots, which are previously pureed and heated. The mixture is kept for 20–30 minutes.
  • Tar soap can help with inflammation and rashes caused by pathogenic microflora. Birch tar is a very effective remedy against skin ailments. You just need to wash the affected skin with soap.

A mask of honey, almonds, lemon and yolk helps get rid of rough skin

Hardware cosmetology

There is no special procedure for caring for elbows. However, most intensive skin care methods are fine.

  • Paraffin therapy is one of the most accessible and quite effective methods. Liquid paraffin is applied layer by layer to the roughened areas and held until completely hardened. Paraffin not only restores skin moisture, but also removes swelling, promotes rapid healing and resorption of various subcutaneous formations.
  • Gas-liquid peeling - the stratum corneum of the skin is removed with a jet of gas under high pressure. This is the most gentle type of peeling. Since there are no abrasive particles or chemically aggressive substances, it is possible to remove roughness even with cracks and pain.
  • Microcurrent therapy is a rather specific method in which damaged areas are treated with current. Stimulation of this type normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation, and, therefore, helps restore the skin, improve turgor, and relieve swelling.


In this video we talk about the diseases that caused dryness and about traditional treatment for the problem.


Restoring the skin on your elbows when it comes to insufficient care or lack of vitamins is quite simple. But if roughness and dryness of the skin are associated with diseases, treatment should concern not only the symptoms, but also the primary disease.

The elbows are dark and rough - to an uninformed person, such a skin problem may seem insignificant: I applied some moisturizing cream, and the rough spots disappeared. However, in practice everything turns out to be far from so easy. Black and rough elbows often signal the presence of serious health problems that require immediate attention. If your right or left elbow is rough, start addressing the problem as soon as possible.

Elbows are rough and dark: the main reasons

First of all, you need to figure out why the skin on your elbows is rough. The most common cause of dryness and dark spots on the elbows is simple pressure and friction. How do you sit at the table? Most often, leaning on him with your elbows.

The skin is subjected to very heavy stress at this time. The body's defense system cannot ignore such inconveniences and gives the command to thicken the epidermis. Because of this, the elbows become rough and dark.

Another common reason why the skin can become rough and dark is the lack of vitamins A and E, which are very important for the human body. Due to their deficiency, the tissues dry out and darken.

When understanding why elbows are rough, one should not ignore diseases that are characterized by such an external manifestation. Dryness and dark spots on the skin usually appear due to the following diseases.

  1. Hypothyroidism. An unfavorable change in the condition of the skin in the elbow area indicates a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Metabolic processes slow down, the rate of skin restoration becomes noticeably lower, exfoliation of dead cells does not occur, as a result of which the skin becomes stained, dark and rough. That is why doctors recommend that all patients whose elbows become rough and dark be examined first by an endocrinologist.
  2. Diabetes. This disease is characterized by a malnutrition of all cells of the body, and skin cells are no exception. Against the background of unfavorable changes, the skin becomes thin and dry. Even the smallest lesions can become infected and inflamed. Additionally, the palms and heels suffer and itching occurs.
  3. Diseases of an autoimmune and dermatological nature. The range of diseases is very wide - from common dermatitis and neurodermatitis to extremely rare ailments such as scleroderma, ichthyosis, etc.
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia. Because of it, the skin on the elbows can also become rough and dark.

Therefore, if your elbows have become dark and rough, be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination, during which the following should be done:

  • the condition of the thyroid gland was checked;
  • the level of sugar in the body is established;
  • the absence/presence of anemia, allergies, and skin diseases was confirmed.

Important! If everything is in order with your body, then your elbows have most likely become rough and dark due to insufficient intake of vitamins into the body, excessive sun exposure, or exposure to dry air on the skin (typical of the heating season).

What to do if your elbows are black and rough?

To restore the normal state of the skin, you can use folk remedies. There are many recipes to normalize the condition of dark and rough elbows.

Important! Before using any of the traditional recipes, make sure that the source of the problem is not the previously discussed diseases.

There are several recipes. For example, lemon has proven itself very well. Its juice has a whitening effect on the skin. To cure rough and dark elbows with lemon, cut it into thin slices and secure it on problem areas in a convenient way, for example, using an elastic bandage. Keep it for half an hour. After the specified time, apply nourishing cream to your rough and dark elbows. There is no need to rinse off the lemon juice. Usually the skin becomes lighter and smoother after 2-3 weeks of such procedures.

You can fight rough and dark elbows with potatoes. To do this, grate a raw potato on a fine grater and apply the resulting pulp to the skin. Wrap your elbows with potatoes in a bandage and leave for about an hour. If possible, you can leave it for a longer time - there will be no harm from this.

Often, various compresses, for example, apple cider vinegar, are used to normalize the condition of rough and dark elbows. To prepare it, mix 3 large tablespoons of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of boiled water of the same volume. Soak a couple of cotton pads in the resulting solution and apply them to your dark and rough elbows. Secure the compress on top with a bandage and leave for half an hour.

Baths against rough spots on elbows

To make the fight against dry and rough elbows even more effective, combine your chosen folk remedy with special restorative baths. Thanks to them, the rough and dry skin of the elbows will become tender and soft again.

To prepare such a bath, thoroughly stir 100 g of salt and 50 g of soda in a liter of water. Keep your elbows in this solution for 20 minutes, then gently treat them with pumice, dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream. Thanks to salt and soda, the skin will be cleansed of dead cells and various impurities. Also, such baths help normalize blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of dry and rough elbows.

For greater effect, you can replace regular water with potato broth. Use the water left over from cooking the boiled potatoes.

To whiten dark skin on your elbows, you can use a bath of ammonia. Mix a small spoon of liquid soap and the same amount of ammonia in a liter of warm water. Soak your rough and dark elbows in this bath for 20 minutes. After such treatment, the skin should lighten and become softer.

Prevention of dryness and black rough spots on the elbows

To prevent the problem in question from occurring or to bring rough and dark elbows back to normal even faster, follow these recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This way you will provide the necessary hydration to the skin from the inside;
  • humidify the air at home. It is especially important to do this during the heating season;
  • reduce the frequency of taking hot baths. Use a warm shower instead;
  • try to avoid contact of dry and rough elbows with soap;
  • take multivitamin complexes;
  • do not use cosmetics that contain irritating components;
  • take care of damaged elbow skin using pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory creams.

Also, for prevention, you can lubricate your elbows daily with a moisturizing oil, for example, grape seed oil, olive oil or black cumin seed oil.

The listed oils have an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, promoting active regeneration of the skin.

Additionally, you can make compresses from warm honey and baths from heated milk.

Video instruction

With a little patience, your rough and dry elbows will return to normal in no time. Good luck and stay healthy!

In the absence of regular care, many people notice that the skin becomes rough, begins to itch and flake. These symptoms indicate dry skin. But what are the main causes of very dry skin all over the body and methods of treating this condition?

Why does dry skin occur?

Dehydration of the epidermis on the arms and legs can occur due to the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors. Before starting therapy, a dermatologist must determine the causes of unpleasant symptoms. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective, and even the use of expensive drugs will not bring positive results.

Environmental factors

Dermatologists include among the external provoking factors:

  • use of incorrectly selected skin care products;
  • low indoor humidity. this factor often provokes dry skin in infants;
  • regular contact with hard tap water;
  • natural factors: ultraviolet radiation, low temperature in winter and high in summer, strong wind;
  • improper hygiene or lack thereof;
  • frequent contacts with household chemicals: soaps, detergents and compounds, washing powders, cleaning products;
  • work in a hot shop;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse.

Internal environmental factors

Internal factors include various pathologies that develop inside the body. The following are the causes of dry skin on the hands and feet:

  • Unbalanced diet, which leads to a lack of vitamins and nutrients. As a result, skin depletion develops;

  • insufficient fluid intake during the day;
  • presence of genetic predisposition;
  • various pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • menopause;
  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • anemia;
  • allergies and various skin pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • history of renal failure.

There are also specific additional factors that can lead to the development of dehydration of the epidermis in a certain part of the body.

Why does dry skin develop on the hands?

Men and women face the problem of dry skin with equal frequency. In the male half of humanity, the epidermis becomes dehydrated due to regular contact with aggressive substances and exposure to cold in the winter season.

Women often have to come into contact with chemicals during laundry, washing dishes, and cleaning.

Also, with the onset of menopause, the female body undergoes age-related changes, during which hormonal levels are disrupted. This has a negative impact on the condition of the skin of the hands - the epidermis rapidly loses moisture, and cracks may appear.

Why does dry elbows occur?

A common cause of dry skin on the elbows is sedentary work, and no specific treatment is required in this case. The skin becomes rougher due to constant rubbing of the elbows on the table or chair armrests while working.

Often, dry elbows indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Dryness and flaking on the elbows may indicate the development of psoriasis. After all, the first symptoms of the disease appear in this area. If you suspect psoriasis, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

If the surface layer of the epidermis is greatly thickened, then the development of hyperkeratosis can be suspected. This pathology provokes increased division of the stratum corneum of the dermis against the background of disruption of the processes of exfoliation of dead cells. As a result, the skin may thicken by several centimeters.

Hyperkeratosis is not an independent pathology, but develops against the background of impaired functioning of internal organs.

Why does dry feet occur?

The driest areas on the legs are the feet and knees. Dehydration of the epidermis on the knees usually develops due to friction of the skin on rough clothing (jeans, tights) or prolonged kneeling (during construction work or in a mine). If a patient develops psoriasis, the first symptoms of the disease may appear in the knees as well as the elbows.

The skin on the feet becomes dry mainly in the summer, when people wear open shoes: flip-flops, sandals, flip-flops. The negative impact of provoking factors (heat, dehydration, dust) leads to the epidermis cracking, calluses and corns may appear on the left or right foot.

Wearing flip-flops causes increased dryness of the skin between the toes.

In the summer, many patients note hardening of their heels, deep cracks, and pain when walking.

The following are the causes of cracked skin:

  • high ambient temperature;
  • a history of diabetes mellitus;
  • flat feet;
  • obesity;
  • improper care or lack thereof;
  • varicose veins, which provoke blood stagnation and disruption of local blood flow.
Various vascular diseases provoke poor circulation and can therefore lead to excessive dryness of the skin in the lower leg area.

Features of therapy for dry skin of hands

If dryness occurs due to the negative influence of environmental factors, then it is enough to use gloves when doing housework or work. This will limit contact of skin and aggressive substances.

  • wear gloves in winter;
  • Apply sunscreen regularly in summer;
  • thoroughly dry the skin after hygiene procedures with a soft towel;
  • use exclusively gentle and high-quality soaps to cleanse the skin of your hands;
  • adhere to the rules of a balanced diet.

If cracks appear on your fingers due to dry hands, you should consult a dermatologist. This symptomatology may indicate the development of hypovitaminosis, or may be a sign of fungal infection of the skin. When a fungus occurs, spots often form on the surface of the skin, the shade of which can vary from red to slightly bluish.

Patients also note the appearance of itching and burning. Only a dermatologist can treat fungal skin infections in adults and children after laboratory diagnostics and identification of the causative agent of the infection. Taking antifungal drugs on your own is not recommended, because self-medication can only complicate the course of the disease.

Use of folk remedies

To cure dry skin, you can use pharmaceutical wound healing products and traditional medicine preparations that effectively nourish and moisturize the dermis. For therapy at home, the following formulations are recommended:

The first results from the use of traditional medicine will be noticeable after 5-7 days. However, for a complete cure, regular use of drugs will be required for 1-2 months.

How to cure dry elbows?

If the skin in the elbow area has become rough, dark, and has acquired a brown tint, then it is recommended to start therapy with the use of exfoliating and softening compounds. For this purpose, salicylic ointment is widely used, which normalizes the processes of exfoliation of dead cells. For additional skin nourishment, it is recommended to apply pharmaceutical creams.

If dry skin is caused by insufficient intake of vitamins from food, then it is recommended to take vitamin complexes and review your diet. For endocrine pathologies, consultation and treatment of an endocrinologist is necessary.

In case of severe irritation, dermatologists recommend applying Lipikar balm, Atoderm or Pitival cream, and Radevit ointment.

The drugs should be used twice a day after preliminary cleansing of the integument. If severe itching appears in the elbow area, then fish oil can be applied to the skin.

To moisturize the skin, you can use pharmaceutical creams based on chamomile or alfalfa. These drugs can not only soften the skin, but will promote the healing of cracks. For lumpy skin, creams based on lecithin and glycerin can be applied.

The use of folk remedies

Traditional medicine is widely used to treat dry elbows:

Regular use of traditional medicine recipes will restore the water balance of the skin in the elbow area within 7-10 days. However, to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to continue therapy for 30 days. After this period, you can use your usual skin care products.

How to eliminate dry feet?

If a person has dry skin on the legs, feet, and knees from birth, then additional procedures are required to ensure sufficient moisture of the skin. These include:

Dermatologists also recommend regularly applying therapeutic oils, creams or ointments to the calves, feet and knees.

Additionally, you can use effective folk recipes:

If dry skin occurs, consult a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the cause of the pathology. After all, a complete cure for the patient is possible only after eliminating the negative influence of provoking factors.


Dry, rough elbows at first glance seem like a harmless and minor problem. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. The condition of the skin on the elbows may signal the development of a hidden disease that is present in the body. People suffering from this problem often wonder what to do and how to treat dry and rough skin on the elbows? This is exactly what today's article is about.

Why does rough elbows occur?

A number of diseases can be signaled by dry skin.

  • Dermatological diseases: dermatitis, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, and other serious pathologies of the epidermis are manifested by this condition.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Problems with the digestive tract.
  • leads to disruption of the nutrition of the body's cells; the skin and other organs suffer from dehydration, which is also manifested by dryness and flaking on the elbows.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is another cause of the symptom.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism give certain signs, among which may be dry, rough elbows.

If a person is healthy and there is no reason for concern from the organs and systems, then the reason may be insufficient fluid intake, dry air, vitamin deficiency, or friction against the surface.

What to do to get rid of dry and rough elbows

To eliminate the problem, there are many different remedies that will remove the unpleasant symptom. But if the reason lies in a serious illness, then external medications for use will not bring the desired result. To get rid of the troubling problem, you will have to conduct an examination and find out the true cause of the body’s condition.

In the arsenal of traditional medicine, ointments, infusions, and compresses have long been tested to help with any trouble that has arisen.

Oils for the treatment of dry, rough skin on the elbows

To keep your skin soft and not flaky, you need to regularly use various oils. Almond, flaxseed, olive, peach oils have a positive effect on the skin. They soften the skin, make it elastic, well-groomed, relieve inflammation and redness.

  • The way in which funds are used depends on the person's choice. You can simply rub any of the oils into the skin. You can also combine oils. For example, combine almond and olive oil, heat in a water bath and lubricate your elbows with light massage movements. Sometimes it will be more effective to use it in the form of a compress: soak a piece of gauze in oil, apply it to the rough spot, wrap it in cling film, secure it and wear it for a couple of hours.
  • A honey compress is used to treat dry and rough skin on the elbows.

— Almond oil 1 tbsp. l.

- Honey 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and heat slightly in a water bath or in the microwave. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the elbows, wrap the top with cling film and wrap with a warm scarf. The compress can be left on all night.

  • Sea buckthorn and medicinal herb chamomile

— Chamomile 2 tbsp. l.

— Sea buckthorn oil 200 ml.

This excellent emollient will help treat dry skin on the elbows and also remove roughness. Pour sea buckthorn into a container, add chamomile. You need to prepare the product in a water bath, boil for 15 minutes. Leave in a cool, dark place for five days. Use for two weeks, rubbing into problem areas.

Therapeutic baths for dark elbows

In order to soften the skin and get rid of roughness, to prepare the skin of the elbows for the application of various products, you can use baths.

Soda bath

Treatments with baking soda have a very beneficial effect. Add a tablespoon of soda to 500 ml of water. Immerse your elbows in water for ten minutes. The bath will help soften the upper layer of the epidermis. The next step is to apply nourishing cream.

Herbal bath

First you need to prepare a herbal decoction. Add a tablespoon of calendula, chamomile and chamomile to two liters of boiling water. Bring the broth to a boil, cool and strain. Pour the warm broth into a basin, add 50 milliliters of lemon juice, onion and olive oil. Place your elbows in the water and hold for fifteen minutes. Apply the procedure for one week.

Mint ice cubes

- Mint 1 tbsp. l.

- A glass of water.

Place the mint in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Cool and pour into molds. Use cubes to massage your elbows.

You can also take baths in mint water. Such procedures with a medicinal plant have a beneficial effect on dry and rough areas. Their skin becomes soft and smooth to the touch.

Homemade masks against rough and dry skin on elbows

Potato mask

Place peeled potatoes and a teaspoon of honey in a blender. Apply the finished product to your elbows and wrap with cling film. After thirty minutes, remove the mask, rinse the skin in warm water and lubricate with cream.

Oatmeal mask

- Oatmeal 3 tbsp. l.

- One yolk.

— Honey 3 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and apply to your elbows. Apply and rinse with warm water after 30 minutes. At home, an oatmeal mask can be used for 7 days.

Curd mask

A mask made from cottage cheese and yolk will help prevent peeling skin on the elbows. In a blender, beat one yolk and a tablespoon of fat cottage cheese. Apply the product to disturbing spots, wrap with film and bandage. After an hour, rinse with warm water.

Diet for dry and rough skin on the elbows

In order to help the epidermis renew itself, you need to monitor your diet. For normal functioning, the epidermis needs vitamins and minerals. A varied menu is important, to which you need to add sunflower seeds, almonds, and eggs.

Also, foods rich in vitamin E: walnuts, dried apricots, buckwheat, corn, peanuts and other products contain the necessary element.

Vitamins A and D are essential for healthy skin. They can be found in fermented milk products, carrots, liver, and fish dishes. Spinach, beef, and apricots are also rich in these vitamins.

Sometimes, if the body is weakened and vitamin deficiency is present, you should take pharmaceutical preparations that include various complexes of useful substances. Your doctor will be able to choose the right vitamins for you.

Maintaining water balance

Without water, skin dries, loses elasticity, freshness, flakes, and takes on an unhealthy hue. A person must regularly replenish water reserves in the body. To do this, you need to calculate your fluid intake and drink it regularly throughout the day in sips.

Moisturizing nourishing creams

A variety of cosmetic creams help retain moisture, thus preventing dryness and flaking. Before applying the product, you need to take a bath for your elbows to steam the skin. Apply the product in a thin layer with light movements. Instead of creams, you can use any moisturizing oil or vitamin E. Liquid vitamin can be purchased at the pharmacy and regularly lubricate damaged skin with it.

Proper elbow care

In many cases, problems with the skin on the elbows are quite common. And folk remedies will easily eliminate the problem.

But if the cause does not disappear, and dark spots and cracks that hurt are added to the roughness and dryness on the elbows, then of course you need to seek help from a medical facility.

Be sure to watch your diet; you need to eat foods that will prevent the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. You can take vitamin complexes in the form of tablets and syrups.

Take care of your body skin, including your elbows. Use not only creams, but also peeling masks and compresses. Water procedures will saturate the skin with moisture and remove dead epidermal cells.

It is very important not to use products that act aggressively on the top layer of the skin - hard water and washcloth, soap. It is better to use gels or foams; they are gentle and do not damage the skin.

In order to remove dead skin on the elbows, you need to use a soft brush.

If you cannot solve the problem of dry and rough elbows, you should consult a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Experienced specialists will help you find the root cause of the problem and remove it with the help of comprehensive treatment.