Sodium thiosulfate rls. Sodium thiosulfate for allergies: features of use in conservative and alternative medicine

In this medical article you can read: medicine Sodium thiosulfate. The instructions for use will explain in what cases injections can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Sodium thiosulfate, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of allergies and poisoning with arsenic, lead and other compounds in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Sodium thiosulfate, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Release form and composition

Sodium thiosulfate is available in the following dosage forms:

  • sterile solution for intravenous administration 30%;
  • solution 60% (used to treat scabies);
  • powder.

In one ampoule with 10 ml injection solution contains 3 g of sodium thiosulfate. Excipients: sodium bicarbonate and water d/i.

Pharmacological action

When poisoned by compounds of arsenic, lead, or mercury, it forms non-toxic sulfites. In case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, it forms the relatively non-toxic thiocyanate ion, and in case of cyanide poisoning, it forms thiosulfate cyanide sulfur transferase.

In the treatment of scabies, the use of this medicine justified, since it is capable of breaking down into sulfur dioxide and sulfur in an acidic environment, having a damaging effect on the mite and its eggs. In addition, it is often used in the treatment alcoholic delirium as a detoxifying agent.

When sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously, it is distributed in the extracellular fluid and excreted unchanged in the urine. Its half-life is 0.65 hours. The drug is absolutely non-toxic.

Indications for use

What does Sodium thiosulfate help with? Injections are prescribed:

  • poisoning with heavy metals, cyanides and other toxic chemical compounds;
  • neuralgia;
  • Libman-Sachs disease;
  • arthritis;
  • allergic pathologies.

Instructions for use

In case of poisoning, sodium thiosulfate is taken orally 2-3 g at a time in the form of a 10% solution. Sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously in a dosage of 5-50 ml of a 30% solution. The exact dosage depends on the severity and type of poisoning.

In case of cyanide poisoning, according to the instructions, it is recommended to combine sodium thiosulfate with sodium hyposulfite and sodium nitrite. Also, with this type of poisoning, one should not hesitate to administer the antidote and monitor the patient for 24-48 hours. If at this time the symptoms of intoxication return, the drug is administered again, but in half the dosage.

To treat scabies, a remedy is used in the form of rubbing in a 60% sodium thiosulfate solution. Rub the solution for 2-3 minutes in turn into the left and right arms, torso, left and right legs. In total, the procedure takes 10-15 minutes, after which they take a break, wait until the skin dries and crystals form on it.

Then, in the same sequence, the solution is rubbed in again, and this time, after it has dried, a solution of 6% hydrochloric acid is applied to the skin in the same order and for the same duration. The patient is allowed to wash during treatment three days after rubbing.

Taking the solution orally

Sodium thiosulfate is also used internally to cleanse the body, in particular, lymph and blood. To do this, for 10 days you should take one ampoule of the drug, diluted in a glass of water according to the following scheme: in the morning, half an hour or an hour before breakfast, take 0.5 cups of the solution; in the evening, half an hour, an hour before dinner, or two hours after it, you need to drink the remaining half glass.

The morning after taking the drug, you may experience mild disorder stomach. For 10 days of taking the drug, it is recommended to abstain from meat, milk, and drink plenty of fluids. At this time, citrus juices diluted with water are especially useful. The result of such cleansing: improvement in the condition of the skin, nails and hair, performance, slight weight loss, nervousness and allergies go away, and the condition of patients with psoriasis is significantly improved.

Sodium thiosulfate in gynecology is rarely prescribed as an independent therapeutic agent. In the treatment of infertility caused by lack of ovulation, intravenous administration of the drug is combined with plasmapheresis sessions, intramuscular injections of Actovegin and transorbital electrophoresis nicotinic acid. After this treatment, there is a cessation of metabolic processes causing anovulation.

If cysts are detected in the ovaries, the drug is combined with diclofenac, dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment to eliminate them.

For the treatment of tuberculosis in gynecology, sodium thiosulfate is included in nonspecific therapy: treatment is carried out with the help of enzymes - drugs lidase or ronidase and antioxidants - vitamin E and sodium thiosulfate solution, which is administered intravenously in 10 ml doses at intervals of one or two days. In total, 40 or 50 infusions of the drug are administered during the course of treatment.

Sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis

For psoriasis, the advisability of using sodium thiosulfate is explained by the fact that the drug allows you to thoroughly cleanse the body, and this in turn helps to strengthen the immune system and alleviate the course of most chronic diseases.

Reviews from people who took the solution indicate a significant improvement in their condition. Some patients claim that by taking sodium thiosulfate, they were able to completely get rid of psoriasis.

However, given the chronic nature of the disease, it can be assumed that we're talking about about achieving stable remission.

How does the drug work? Firstly, when entering the intestines, sodium thiosulfate attracts waste products and toxic substances that enter the digestive tract from lymph, blood, intercellular and interstitial fluid.

Secondly, due to the presence of sulfur molecules, which have a pronounced reducing effect, it binds heavy metals well.

Thirdly, sodium thiosulfate enhances intestinal motility and helps to liquefy its contents, thereby having a laxative effect and accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. As a result, the patient recovers and begins to function better. internal organs and systems.

In addition, the drug slows down absorption toxic substances through the intestinal mucosa and prevents them from entering the blood.

The course of treatment of psoriasis with sodium thiosulfate lasts from 5 to 12 days. Daily dose- 10-20 ml (depending on the tolerability of the drug and the patient’s body weight).

Before use, the solution is diluted in 100 ml of water. To improve bad taste you can add to it small quantity lemon juice. It is better to take the medicine at night. If the laxative effect is pronounced, the dose is reduced to 10 ml/day.


The only contraindication to cleansing the body with a product is hypersensitivity to its active substance.

Side effects

The use of the drug may cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy is only possible if absolutely necessary. Reproductive Research animals were not treated with sodium thiosulfate. It is not known whether sodium thiosulfate can cause adverse fetal effects when taken by pregnant women or affect reproductive capacity.

Special instructions and drug interactions

The patient should be closely monitored for 24-48 hours due to the possibility of recurrence of symptoms of cyanide poisoning. If symptoms return, the administration of sodium thiosulfate should be repeated at half the dose.

Analogues of the drug sodium thiosulfate

Detoxifying agents and antidotes include:

  1. Thetacine-calcium.
  2. Trekrezan.
  3. Sorbex.
  4. Digitalis is an antidote.
  5. Levulose.
  6. Pelixim.
  7. Sanitation.
  8. Desferal.
  9. Ferrocin.
  10. Marina.
  11. Glutamic acid.
  12. Lamisplat.
  13. Mylife.
  14. Leucovorin calcium.
  15. Carbopect.
  16. Dalizol.
  17. Pentacin.
  18. Epilapton.
  19. Naloxone.
  20. Naltrexone.
  21. Mucomist.
  22. Acizol.
  23. Polyfan.
  24. Ornitsethyl.
  25. Complete cleaning.
  26. Cystamine.
  27. Etiol.
  28. Extraneal.
  29. Calciumfolinate-Ebewe.
  30. Calcium folinate.
  31. Phosrenol.
  32. Ultra-adsorb.
  33. Medetopect.
  34. Naltrexone hydrochloride.
  35. Anti toxin Life formula.
  36. Polyphepan.
  37. Carbactin.
  38. Artamin.
  39. Natriopholin medac.
  40. Hydrolytic oxidized lignin.
  41. Cardioxan.
  42. Unithiol.
  43. Bianodine.
  44. Mesna.
  45. Naloxone tridecanoate.
  46. Hepa-Merz.
  47. Uromitexane.
  48. Calcium folinate.
  49. Naloxone hydrochloride.
  50. Meglumina sodium succinate.
  51. Antakson.
  52. Enterodesis.
  53. Reamberin.
  54. Braydan.
  55. Carbosorb.
  56. Exjade.
  57. Ionostigmine.
  58. Cuprenil.
  59. Carboxim.
  60. Anexat.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Sodium thiosulfate (10 ml ampoules No. 10) in Moscow is 86 rubles. Dispensed by prescription.

Shelf life – 5 years. The medicine should be stored within 18-20 degrees, in a dark place, out of the reach of children.

“Sodium thiosulfate” is prescribed for lead, arsenic, bromine, hydrocyanic acid, iodine salts, neuralgia and arthritis. It is used to treat infertility and eliminate cysts in the ovaries. The medicine is also used externally. "Sodium thiosulfate" is produced in the form of powder and solution for intravenous administration. This drug does not have any form for intramuscular injections. In the form of a 10% solution, two to three grams are taken orally. A 30% solution of “sodium thiosulfate” is administered intravenously in an amount of 5-50 ml.

Exact dosage The drug is determined by the doctor depending on the type and severity of poisoning.

For the treatment of cyanide poisoning, “Sodium thiosulfate” is recommended to be combined with “Sodium Nitrite” and “Sodium Hyposulfite”. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the patient for 24-48 hours. If symptoms of intoxication return, the drug is administered again (at half the dosage).

For scabies, a 60% solution of sodium thiosulfate is prescribed. It must be rubbed for 2-3 minutes into each part of the body in the following sequence: and right hand, torso, left and right leg. The entire procedure should take 10-15 minutes. Then they take a break, during which the solution dries on the skin and crystals appear on it. After this, another rubbing of the solution is carried out in the same sequence. After drying, a 6% solution of hydrochloric acid should be applied to the skin in the same order. You can wash only three days after rubbing.

Using "Sodium thiosulfate" to cleanse the body

“Sodium thiosulfate” is also used to cleanse the blood and lymph of the body. In this case, for ten days, take one ampoule of the drug, diluted in one glass of water, according to the following scheme. In the morning, half an hour to an hour before meals, take half a glass of the solution, in the evening, half an hour to an hour before dinner or two hours after it, drink the remaining half glass.

After cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate, patients with psoriasis experience significant relief.

During the course of taking the drug, you need to abstain from meat and drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to consume citrus juices diluted with water. After this cleansing, the condition of nails, skin and hair improves, performance increases, nervousness disappears, allergies decrease, and the craving for drinking alcohol disappears.

Side effects, contraindications to the use of "Sodium thiosulfate"

"Sodium thiosulfate" is contraindicated in women during lactation, as well as in cases of hypersensitivity to the drug. According to reviews, "sodium thiosulfate" is well tolerated, but in rare cases may cause allergic reactions. The drug may be prescribed despite the fact that objective controlled studies of the safety and effectiveness of the drug in this group have not been conducted.

Sodium thiosulfate is medication with a strong antitoxic effect, used to treat poisoning, inflammation, cleansing the body and losing weight.

Release form and composition

Available in:

  1. Ampoules for intravenous injections containing colorless liquid. Carton contains 10 ampoules of solution of 5, 10 ml.
  2. Vial with powder.
  3. 60% solution.

What is it used for?

Sodium thiosulfate is used in the following cases:

  • acts as an antidote for poisoning with lead, mercury, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, hydrocyanic acid, iodine salts, bromine and other heavy metals;
  • for scabies;
  • for allergies;
  • for neuralgia;
  • with staphylococcal infection;
  • when infected with worms;
  • with seborrhea;
  • for eczema;
  • for arthritis;
  • in case of lidocaine overdose;
  • with systemic lupus erythematosus (Libman-Sachs disease);
  • with some women's diseases(formation of cysts in the ovaries) or infertility.


Contraindications are individual intolerance to the drug and the period of breastfeeding. Use with caution during pregnancy, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, heart pathologies, edema, high blood pressure and asthma.

How does sodium thiosulfate affect the human body?

It is used in medicine mainly for acute intoxications. The drug acts as an antidote for poisoning with heavy metal salts. Renders positive impact for the synthesis of necessary enzymes. Strengthens intestinal motility and helps remove its contents, has a laxative effect, which accelerates the transport of waste and toxins from the body.

The drug also slows down the absorption of toxic substances into the intestinal mucosa and prevents them from entering the blood. Cleanses the liver, has choleretic effect. Helps destroy scabies mites in the skin. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to take sodium thiosulfate

The dosage regimen depends on the purpose of use.

In case of poisoning

The dose is determined according to the severity and type of poisoning. In case of cyanide poisoning, a saline solution containing sodium hyposulfite and sodium nitrite is administered intramuscularly. If the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear within 24 hours, then administer half the original dose again.

To cleanse the body

The drug is taken internally for cleansing circulatory system, which allows you to improve general condition health, as well as appearance hair, nails and skin, nervousness decreases.

An ampoule with a dose of 10 ml is diluted in a cup of water, the liquid is divided into 2 doses. One part is drunk before breakfast, the second - a couple of hours after dinner. To achieve best result The liquid is taken every day for two weeks. In the morning after taking it, indigestion may occur.

Should be excluded from the menu alcoholic drinks, smoked and fried foods, milk, flour and confectionery products.

During the course of cleansing the body, you should drink at least 2 liters of water, which can negatively affect people suffering from kidney disease.

For allergies

It is an adjuvant for allergic reactions together with antiallergic drugs. Use intravenously or in the form of droppers as prescribed by a doctor. At skin rash lubricate with a 60% solution.

For the treatment of female diseases

In gynecology it is used to treat endometriosis, endocrine infertility and a number of inflammatory diseases. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of such ailments:

  1. Infertility caused by lack of ovulation - in this case, the drug acts as an antihistamine during the process of taking Actovegin and conducting plasmapheresis sessions.
  2. When ovarian cysts form, it is used as an anti-inflammatory.
  3. Endometriosis - anti-inflammatory when using hormonal drugs.

For psoriasis

Used externally and intravenously:

  1. Externally, a 60% solution in the form of lotions or compresses is applied to areas of the skin affected by psoriatic plaques.
  2. Intravenously for psoriasis is prescribed for severe skin lesions. It is prohibited to inject yourself with the drug without a doctor’s permission.

For scabies

For scabies, rub a 60% solution into the affected areas of the skin for several minutes, after which you need to wait until the skin dries and crystals appear on it. Then rub the solution in again and wait for it to dry. Then apply 6% hydrochloric acid. You can clear your skin after 3 days.


Sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis: proper use


For weight loss

The drug has a laxative effect. Although it cleanses the body of waste and toxins, weight when taking sodium thiosulfate is reduced due to the removal of waste products from the intestines, and not due to fat burning or loss of appetite. The risk of this procedure is dehydration.

For helminthic infestation

Side effects

Due to the non-toxicity of the drug, side effects are rare. If the dose is greatly exceeded, problems with the functioning of the heart, liver, and decreased blood pressure, dizziness. In case of individual intolerance or with constant use of the drug, allergic reactions and swelling occur. For any change in health negative side you need to consult a doctor.

Special instructions sodium thiosulfate

During admission, the age and condition of the patient’s body are taken into account.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is currently no evidence negative influence drug to the fetus during pregnancy due to lack of clinical trials. The medicine should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor due to the possible detection of negative consequences on the fetus in the future. When taking medication while breastfeeding, the child must be switched to artificial nutrition.

Use in children

Rarely used to treat children under 14 years of age. The only exceptions are severe poisoning with mercury, lead, phenol, etc.

Sodium thiosulfate and alcohol

Application this drug is one of the ways to get rid of alcohol addiction. When interacting with alcohol, nausea and vomiting, hand tremors, coughing, heart rhythm disturbances, sweating, etc. develop. As a result, a stable aversion to alcohol is formed. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the dose is selected individually.

Interaction of sodium thiosulfate with other drugs

It can be taken with other drugs only with the permission of a doctor. When combined with other medications, it can cause allergies, renal failure and liver failure.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark place at a temperature of +18…+20°C. Shelf life - 5 years.


The price varies from 70 to 100 rubles. for a pack of 10 ampoules with a 30% solution.


There are analogues of sodium thiosulfate, but they are not completely similar in their effect on the body. Instead of this drug, you can use medications such as:

  1. Acizol.
  2. Methionine.
  3. Naloxone.
  4. Unithiol.
  5. Sodium nitrite.
  6. Ferrocin.
  7. Dipyroxime
  8. Amyl nitrite.
  9. Etiol.
  10. Lobelin.
  11. Cuprenil.
  12. Pentacin.
  13. Deferoxamine.
  14. Naltrexone.

When taking these medications, you should consult your doctor to avoid side effects.

Sodium thiosulfate

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Solution for injection 30%, 10 ml


1 ml of solution contains

active substance: sodium thiosulfate 300 mg

excipients: sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.


Transparent, colorless liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other therapeutic products. Antidotes.

ATX code V03AB06

Pharmacological properties


After intravenous administration, it spreads into the extracellular fluid.

Excreted from the body with urine. The half-life is 0.65 hours.


Complexing agent.

Poisoning with compounds of arsenic, mercury, lead (non-toxic sulfites are formed), hydrocyanic acid and its salts (less toxic rhodanium compounds are formed), iodine and bromine salts.

IN complex therapy at:

Allergic diseases


Diabetic polyneuropathy


Directions for use and doses

Intravenously, slowly, 5-10 ml of a 300 mg/ml solution (depending on the severity of intoxication), for lesions with cyanide compounds - 50 ml of a 30% solution.

Side effects

Allergic reactions


Hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug

Drug interactions

Special instructions

Use in pediatrics

There is no experience with the use of the drug in children.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is used exclusively for health reasons, when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus/child.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Does not affect


Not identified

Release form and packaging

10.0 ml of the drug is poured into neutral glass ampoules.

A label made of label or writing paper is glued onto each ampoule, or the text is applied directly to the ampoule using intaglio printing ink for glass products.

5 ampoules are packed in blister packs made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. An ampoule scarifier is placed in the contour blister packaging.

When packaging ampoules with notches, rings and dots, scarifiers are not included.

1 or 2 contour packs along with approved instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a box of cardboard. An ampoule scarifier is placed in each pack. When packaging ampoules with notches, rings and dots, scarifiers are not included.

It is allowed to place contour blister packs (without enclosing them in a cardboard pack) in cardboard boxes. In each box, according to the number of packages, instructions for medical use are included in the state and Russian languages.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

By prescription


JSC "Khimpharm", Republic of Kazakhstan,

Shymkent, st. Rashidova, 81

Registration Certificate Holder

JSC "Khimpharm", Republic of Kazakhstan

Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers regarding the quality of products (products) on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

JSC "Khimpharm", Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan,

st. Rashidova, 81

Phone number 7252 (561342)

Fax number 7252 (561342)

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This solution can be taken orally, intravenously, or applied to the skin. For serious poisonings that threaten human life, intravenous administration of the drug is used. Usually, 5-10 ml of solution is administered for poisoning and for the prevention and treatment of cancer, and 50 ml of solution is administered for cyanide lesions. In case of cyanide poisoning, sodium thiosulfate should be administered immediately, otherwise death. The patient is usually observed for two days, and then if symptoms recur, the drug is administered again, but at half the dosage.

Sodium thiosulfate in gynecology

In gynecology, the drug, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, is used to resolve ovarian cysts. It is prescribed together with dimexide and diclofenac and supplemented with Vishnevsky ointment. Sodium thiosulfate is used in complex therapy in the treatment of infertility, that is, lack of ovulation. Treatment also includes intramuscular injection actovegin, plasmapheresis and nicotinic acid electrophoresis. Genital tuberculosis is treated intravenous administration sodium thiosulfate every other day and the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs, enzymes, vitamin E. In the treatment of endometriosis, this medicine is also used, which has a resolving effect on collagen (connective tissue protein).

Sodium thiosulfate to cleanse the body

Sodium thiosulfate binds heavy metals and toxins, acts as a laxative, enhances intestinal motility, accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. The cleansing course lasts 10 days, during which every day at night you need to take 10-20 ml of a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate, diluted in half a glass of water. In the morning you should feel relaxed. During these 10 days, you need to drink plenty of fluids, especially freshly squeezed citrus juices, limit your intake of dairy and meat products. The drug in the intestines will attract a lot of nasty things, acting on the blood, lymph, interstitial and intercellular fluids. After such “dry cleaning,” the condition of hair, skin, and nails improves, lightness and energy appear, allergic reactions disappear, and depression goes away. Also, sodium thiosulfate quickly relieves a hangover and stops the craving for alcohol.