Ex tempore. preparation of non-aqueous solutions: castellani liquid

Nail fungus - contagious disease, which causes discomfort to a sick person and poses a danger to others. It is very easy to catch onychomycosis in public places, especially where there is high humidity.

To treat this pathology, dermatologists prescribe different procedures, for example, treating nails with Fukortsin. It is known that “raspberry brilliant green” is possible, but not all people know how to remove nail fungus with Fukortsin.

Composition and pharmacological properties of Fukortsin

Fucorcin is a solution with fungicidal and antimicrobial properties, known as crimson green and Castellani paint.

The composition of Fukortsin is represented by the following substances:

  • Acetone – disinfects and dries the affected area.
  • Resorcinol - a component with keratolytic properties protects healthy tissues from infection and stimulates the regenerative function of cells.
  • Boric acid is an antiseptic that effectively fights different strains of fungi and types of infections.

The combined product is intended for external use. It looks like a dark red liquid with a gouache smell. Phenol gives the product a specific aroma; the synthetic dye fuchsin provides a bright shade.

A more convenient option for treating nail fungus with Fukortsin, as evidenced by patient reviews, is colorless Castellani paint. Her pharmacological properties identical to raspberry green, but the colorless medicine does not turn the fingers red. Colorless Fucorcin is found commercially under the name Castellani Gefe V solution.

Timely use of Fukortsin allows patients to effectively fight fungal infections that have become active on the nails, skin and mucous membranes of the human body.

What else does Castellani paint help with:

In pediatrics, Fukortsin is used to treat the skin of newborns with fungal and bacterial infections. The solution quickly removes fungus and heals erosions, ulcers and ulcers formed for various reasons.

How to use Fukortsin for nail fungus: instructions

You can find instructions for using Fukortsin in the package, but on the eve of using the drug for nail fungus, doctors recommend carrying out hygiene procedures.

Preparatory activities begin with cutting and cleaning problem nails. The plates are ground to a slight roughness using a coarse file. On such a surface active substances the medicine penetrates deeper into the nail structure faster.

After preparatory activities start treating nail fungus with Fukortsin.

Treatment of the problem surface is carried out using a glass applicator, which comes complete with the bottle, cotton swab or a cotton-gauze pad if the affected area is large. The treated plates should turn deep pink, like a solution.

If Fukortsin is used for toenail fungus, cotton socks should be worn after treatment procedures. However, here you need to take into account that the raspberry liquid greatly stains things, so for the duration of treatment it is better to take socks that you don’t mind throwing away.

Do not rub Castellani paint too intensely into the nail and adjacent skin. Otherwise, the tissue will suffer from a chemical burn.

Fucorcin should be used for onychomycosis daily at least once a day (preferably at night). Depending on the severity of the disease, the affected plates can be treated 2–4 times a day.

The course of treatment lasts 1 month. However, if after a week the therapy does not give any result, Fukortsin is replaced with analogues:

  • Acerbin.
  • Fucaseptol.
  • Iodopyrone.
  • Lidochlor.
  • Galmanin.
  • Bactoderm.

The solution has no analogues with a similar composition. According to indications, it is replaced with another agent that can exhibit a fungicidal effect.

Fucorcin: side effects and contraindications

When Fukortsin is applied to nails affected by fungus, problems may occur. side effects in the form of pain and burning. These sensations indicate that the fungicidal, antimicrobial and disinfectant properties of the solution are manifested.

Negative reactions disappear after a short period of time and do not require discontinuation of therapy. When the Castellani paint has completely dried on the nails, the side ridges and cuticles must be protected from drying out and spreading infection. To do this, they are treated with antifungal ointment.

Helps quickly remove colored stains from healthy skin ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions and rubbed on the fingers.

Contraindications to the use of Fukortsin for onychomycosis on the arms and legs are:

During pregnancy and lactation, nail fungus can be treated with Castellani paint with the permission of the attending physician. The effect of the drug on gestation and breastfeeding has not been established by specialists, therefore all prescriptions are made by the doctor carefully, assessing the risks and benefits of using Fukortsin for expectant and nursing mothers.

Price and reviews of Fukortsin

When asked how much Fukortsin costs, the pharmacist will answer based on the volume of the bottle. In Russia, the price of Fukortsin varies within the following limits:

  • 10 ml bottle – 30 – 60 rubles.
  • Bottle 25 ml – 46 – 90 rub.
  • Marker 5 ml – 45 – 60 rub.

Some manufacturers include a special spatula in the package with the vial, which makes it easier to apply the solution to the fungus-affected area. However, doctors recommend using cotton swabs for treatment and disposing of them after each procedure.

In their reviews of Fukortsin, dermatologists write that the product is a fairly effective tool in the fight against microorganisms. But with extensive application of the solution, they warn about the need to monitor their well-being.

Phenol vapor poisoning can cause dizziness, lethargy, decreased blood pressure, and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. In this case, you need to drink cool water and ventilate the room. If symptoms do not disappear within 15 minutes, an ambulance should be called.

In general, treatment of onychomycosis with Castellani paint is harmless to the body and effective. If the solution is used on early stage diseases and fungus can only be removed with this remedy. Advanced forms of nail fungus require complex therapy.

There are many on the forums positive feedback about the use of Fukortsin for nail fungus. Thanks to its pronounced fungicidal effect, raspberry brilliant green quickly relieves the symptoms of the fungus and completely heals the plates.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, 62 years old, Chita:

“After the flu, fungus suddenly appeared on my nails. Due to my small pension (on the advice of a dermatologist), I bought cheap remedy- fucorcin. After 2 weeks of use, the disease disappeared. I liked the product, it doesn’t cost much, that’s just it bed sheets got very dirty. You need to wear old socks."

Irina, 29 years old, Khabarovsk:

"After visiting public bath, I noticed that my nails began to peel. I went to the clinic and was diagnosed with a fungus. The doctor advised to lubricate the plates with fucorcin. After 10 days, my nails regained their healthy color. You can try if the disease is in initial stage, the drug will definitely help.”

Berezhnova's liquid for nail fungus was actively used by our parents and their parents when they had problems with their nails. Today, the world of modern pharmaceuticals offers us more and more antifungal drugs new generation. More and more effective drugs for onychomycosis are being developed in laboratories, which are full of advertising videos on television and on the Internet. They all predict a positive outcome.

Medical experience shows that short-term relief from fungal infection is observed only in the first stages. While most patients have an advanced stage, when the fungus has firmly taken its position in the nail structure. In this situation, the only right choice is complex treatment local and systemic drugs.

  • How is a drug selected for treatment?
  • Composition of Berezhnova liquid
  • Instructions: how to use Berezhnova liquid
  • Reviews
    • Get a detailed answer in similar material:

How is a drug selected for treatment?

We do not recommend self-medication

First of all, having suspected yourself of fungal infection, the patient tries to solve the issue on his own. It first opens a browser window, or not best case scenario home first aid kit, and looks with his eyes for help.

Only half the success on the path to recovery is making the correct diagnosis. But for some reason, many are in no hurry to see a doctor. And they go straight to the pharmacy and buy medicines local action. The use of such drugs in advanced stage pointless, just a waste of precious time. After all, the disease progresses, then it will be more difficult to cure. Or, for example, they buy pills broad action, drink them, the fungus recedes for a while. And then it returns with renewed vigor, having already adapted to this medicine.

Having studied the budget offers of antifungal drugs in the pharmacy window, you can focus on Berezhnova liquid and Listeril.

Composition of Berezhnova liquid

Any dermatologist will tell you that Berezhnova's liquid is not modern drug. However, it is no less effective than many of today's medications. It is based on glycerin, vinegar, iodine solution, and sodium iodide.

Buying Berezhnova liquid anywhere will not be so easy. But if there is an urgent need, it can be ordered at municipal and medical institutions.

Instructions: how to use Berezhnova liquid

When processing, do not be afraid to go beyond the nails

For maximum effect When using Berezhnova's liquid against nail fungus, you must carry out the following procedures:

  • You must first steam the affected nails soda-soap solution within 15 minutes;
  • then remove the keratinized particles of diseased nails and dry them;
  • apply Berezhnova liquid not only to the nail plates, but also to the skin around the nail plates;
  • These manipulations are best performed before bedtime.

The course of therapy depends on the degree and severity of the damage to the nail plates; the course of treatment can last from two weeks to six months.

Contraindications for the medication are minimized, as are side effects. What can cause an allergic reaction is individual hypersensitivity to iodine.


Marina, 32 years old

I simply got infected with a fungus in the gym shower. My feet itched terribly, even if I climbed the wall. I decided to try Berezhnova’s liquid. The whole week of feet after the bath, the solution turned out to be surprisingly effective. It's good to know what can help.

Sergey, 28 years old

I often play football, my feet are always damp in my boots. Sometimes it can also fly down the leg so that the nails turn blue. Often occur accidentally during the game. After a shower, when I was trimming my nails, I noticed darkening on the edges of my nails. My father recommended Berezhnov’s liquid and applied it for about three weeks. As a result, my nails returned to normal, I recommend it to all athletes.

Vladimir, 41 years old

Nail fungus appeared in my life when I changed jobs. When I started working at the mine, I was given work shoes. After a month of work, the nails began to either peel or crumble. In general, I took Berezhnov’s liquid out of the first aid kit, and regularly after work I began to completely lubricate my feet with it. demanded new shoes, maybe someone measured the old one or something else... After two months, the nails recovered, the main thing during treatment is not to skip the procedures.

Description of Fukortsin and methods of its use for nail fungus


Bottle 10 ml up to 50 rubles, 25 ml up to 100 rubles.

Where to buy

The drug has no special requirements for dispensing from pharmacies.

You can place an order through an online pharmacy:

  1. apteka.ru
  2. eapteka.ru

Release form

Fukortsin solution is a dark red liquid with a specific phenol odor.

The liquid is available in a darkened glass bottle with a volume of 10 ml and 25 ml. Some manufacturers equip the bottle cap with a spatula or brush for more comfortable application.

Fukortsin also exists in the form of a marker (by Lekker) with a volume of 5 ml. Does not exist in ointment form.

The colorless version of Fukortsin (Castellanni liquid) is the Castellani-Gefe solution. This solution must be ordered only with a prescription from pharmacies that manufacture medications.

Composition of the drug

Main components:

  • Boric acid – antibacterial, antifungal, fungistatic, astringent effect;
  • Resorcinol (resorcinol) – antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory;
  • Basic fuchsin is a coloring agent, antifungal.
  • Acetone is a solvent.


  • Phenol – has antiseptic properties, toxic;
  • Ethyl alcohol 95% - antiseptic, solvent;
  • Distilled water is a solvent.


Fucaseptol is one domestic drugs, corresponding to the composition of Fukortsin.

The following solutions have a wide range of antifungal, antiseptic and disinfecting effects:

  • Sangviritrin - 200 rubles;
  • Octenisept - from 500-700 rubles;
  • Acerbin - 400 rub.
Cheap analogues

Most cheap analogue Fukortsina is Diamond Green at a price of 20 rubles, however, it is not effective in monotherapy of onychomycosis. Moreover, in comparison with Fukortsin, brilliant green does not have an antifungal effect. It makes sense to use brilliant green only for antiseptic treatment skin.

The action of iodine covers fungal pathogens, but its effectiveness is rather weak against nail fungus. Price from 15 rub.

Properties of the drug

The instructions do not indicate specific pathogens, however, effectiveness against dermatophytes, in particular Trichophyton rubrum, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, is noted.

The main pharmacological properties are antifungal and antiseptic. Prevents infection of wounds, is used both for the prevention of fungal and purulent infections, and for treatment.

How it works

The components of the drug have a destructive effect on the membrane of fungal cells.

Indications for use

  • Fungal skin diseases;
  • Purulent lesions;
  • Superficial wounds, abrasions;
  • Erosion, cracks.

Instructions for use

Directions for use

The instructions describe the method of use as follows: the liquid should be applied using a cotton swab or other applicator to the affected areas of the skin. After drying, the product can be applied medicine ointments or pastes.

In turn, traditional medicine promises to cure nail fungus with a red solution.

The nail treatment process goes like this:

  • Do medicinal bath, for example, with sea salt;
  • Cut off infected areas of the free edge;
  • Use a cotton swab to lubricate the nail plate and adjacent skin area;
  • As soon as the solution dries, you can apply antifungal ointment.


The frequency and duration of use is determined individually. The instructions advise using the solution 2 to 4 times a day.


Phenol poisoning is possible only if large areas of the body are treated, which is hardly applicable when treating nail fungus.

Phenol can penetrate the blood and cause toxic poisoning, accompanied by symptoms of dizziness and weakness. Help with such poisoning is to call a doctor, fresh air and discontinuation of further use.

Features of use with other drugs

Concomitant use with other antimycotics should be discussed with your doctor. In addition, Fukortsin solution is not a recommended drug official medicine for the treatment of fungal nail infections.

Application schemes

According to the instructions, it is allowed to use the solution together with ointments, for example: Terbinafine, Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole.

However, the lack of data on drug interactions does not prove the effectiveness of such therapy and does not refute the opposite.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding.

Do not use in young children without consulting a pediatrician.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, carefully protected from children.

Composition of the drug

Castellani liquid (or in other words Fukortsin) is a special disinfectant and antiseptic, which has an effective antifungal effect. This drug is produced in the form of a solution, which is intended exclusively for external use. As a rule, these are glass bottles with a capacity of ten or twenty-five milliliters. Characteristic Features Fucortsina are dark red in color (very bright shade) and pungent odor. Castellani's solution smells of phenol (carbolic acid), which is contained in its composition and has a specific aroma of gouache. The presence of a rich red color is due to the presence of fuchsin, a red aniline dye, in the preparation. In addition to this, in this drug includes: boric acid, resorcinol, acetone, ethyl alcohol and distilled water. It is also worth noting that today the manufacturer also offers a transparent Castellani preparation. The colorless liquid is obtained due to the absence of fuchsin in the composition. At the same time, the antiseptic, called Castellani-Gefe, has exactly the same properties and effects as Fukortsin.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to complex impact components included in this medicinal drug, it has excellent antimicrobial effect. And is used to treat many infectious diseases skin. In addition, Castellani liquid also has a strong antifungal effect, due to which this remedy actively used for medical procedures with lesions of this kind. The presence of drying properties makes the use of this disinfectant very useful for diaper rash and pustular rashes. Considering medicinal properties, which Castellani liquid has, it is important to emphasize that before starting treatment with this remedy, it is necessary to mandatory Consult with a specialist and carefully read the instructions that come with the kit.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the complex effects of the components that make up this medicinal drug, it has an excellent antimicrobial effect and is used to treat many infectious skin diseases. In addition, Castellani liquid also has a strong antifungal effect, due to which this product is actively used for therapeutic procedures for fungal infections. The presence of drying properties makes the use of this disinfectant very useful for diaper rash and pustular rashes. Considering the medicinal properties that Castellani liquid has, it is important to emphasize that before starting treatment with this remedy, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and carefully read the instructions that come with the kit.

Indications for use

Abstract to this medicine notes that this solution is effective for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases such as cracks, abrasions, purulent lesions, fungus, pyoderma, superficial wounds and erosions. Castellani liquid is applied to the affected skin using a cotton swab or cotton swab. small quantity several times a day. If necessary, apply an appropriate medical gel or ointment on top of the solution.

Contraindications for use

This drug is contraindicated if you have allergic reactions on the components included in its composition, with high skin sensitivity and chronic dermatosis. Fukortsin should also not be used during pregnancy or in women who are breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

Experts say that when using this solution, dermatitis, various allergic reactions, as well as addiction may occur, as a result of which this drug ceases to have its effect. therapeutic effect. In addition, the solution should not be applied to too large an area of ​​skin (to avoid an overdose of phenol).

Perhaps 50 years ago, brilliant green was considered the best way in the treatment of chickenpox. Therefore, today, everyone knows this “magic” remedy, which seems to do the job well. However modern world has many various drugs with similar action and some of them are colorless and leave no trace. Zelenka, as we all know, leaves green specks that are then difficult to wash off. Is there a colorless green patch with chickenpox? Yes, and we will talk about it in this information article.

Why use brilliant green for chickenpox

An alcohol solution of brilliant green is used to treat exanthema with chickenpox. This is done with the aim of disinfecting areas of the epidermis affected by the rash, which helps reduce the spread of infection, and also reduces the risk of developing secondary bacterial infections, which can significantly complicate the course of the disease itself and subsequently lead to the formation of deep skin disorders in the form of scars.

Representatives modern medicine note that as such therapeutic action brilliant green has no effect because it does not penetrate the skin layers. Its use in chickenpox can be reduced to a way of marking new foci of exanthema that form every day or two.

Colorless antiseptics

To date, pharmaceutical companies offer several antiseptic drugs, which have a greater effect in the treatment of chickenpox rash. Here are some of them:

Cost of colorless and effective products

All of the above products can be purchased in city pharmacies or from online sources. The price of a colorless green solution for chickenpox, Castellani Gefe-B solution, varies from 150 rubles to 250 rubles per bottle, depending on the place of purchase.

Alcohol solution salicylic acid 1% costs pennies, within 20-30 rubles per bottle.

It is almost impossible to buy medical alcohol 60% in a pharmacy today.

The most expensive product is essential oil tea tree. Price 100% essential oil ranges from 900 to 2000 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle and quality, as well as the place of sale.


All the drugs and remedies proposed above have a fairly narrow effect. The use of any product must be agreed with qualified specialist. If we really talk about worthwhile means for the treatment of chickenpox, you should pay attention to Calamine lotion and PoxClean hydrogel. They have a wide spectrum of action and really contribute to the rapid healing of rashes when chicken pox. In addition, if you decide to use lotion or hydrogel, treatment with antiseptic solutions will not make sense. Don't get sick.

The drug Fukortsin, known to many since childhood, is often called “red brilliant green” in everyday life, because it, like a solution of brilliant green, when used, colors the skin, but not green, but red. We will look at more details about what Fukortsin is, indications for the use of this medicine and restrictions on its use below.

Fukortsin - composition and properties

Another name for the medicine in question is Castellani liquid. This solution is a rich dark red color and has a specific, recognizable odor. The product is packaged in darkened glass bottles, which some manufacturers provide with dropper stoppers or brushes for ease of use. Fukortsin has the following composition (active ingredients):

  • boric acid– antiseptic, anti-inflammatory substance, has an astringent effect;
  • phenol – a compound with bactericidal and antifungal properties;
  • resorcinol is a substance that has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, dermatoprotective and antiseborrheic effect;
  • basic fuchsin is an aniline synthetic dye with antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Excipients of the solution are:

  • ethyl alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • distilled water.

Fukortsin, the indications for use of which are discussed in more detail below, is a means for external use that has a detrimental effect on wide range bacterial and fungal pathogens that stop infectious and inflammatory processes in different stages and promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Fukortsin (solution) - indications for use

It is advisable to use Fukortsin solution for the following types of damage:

  • fungal infections of skin tissue (candidiasis, etc.);
  • pustular rashes (streptococcal impetigo, acne, phlyctena, etc.);
  • violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, abrasions, cracks, erosive lesions, shallow wounds, calluses, etc.);
  • fat and mixed forms.

"Red brilliant green" Fukortsin - application

Fukortsin, the indications for use of which include the most common types of skin damage found in everyday life and in nature, is practically universal antiseptic. Moreover, the drug is effective both in case of an already developed infectious process and for its prevention in case of high risk infection by bacteria or fungi. If Fukortsin is used for the listed lesions, the use of this solution will help quickly stop inflammation, prevent weeping and speed up healing.

Considering the indications, Fukortsin can be used for self-medication, but you should follow important recommendations:

  • the solution is applied pointwise to the lesions using a cotton swab or cotton swab;
  • Do not apply the product to large areas of skin;
  • it is unacceptable to treat with medicine open wounds(edges only);
  • after applying the drug, there is likely a feeling of mild burning and itching that goes away after a couple of minutes;
  • Fukortsin treatment can be carried out 2-4 times a day;
  • The product should be used carefully so as not to stain clothes, household items, linen, etc.

Fukortsin for chickenpox

(chickenpox) – viral disease, which is transferred to childhood most people. Characteristic symptom pathology - the appearance of a generalized itchy rash (initially in the form of pink spots, then in the form of papules and vesicles). Fukortsin is often used in children for this disease, but not for the purpose of neutralizing the virus that causes the rash, but to prevent secondary bacterial infection as a result of scratching the inflammatory elements.

Fukortsin can be applied only to pimples that appear with chickenpox, without affecting healthy skin and mucous membranes, and before this you should obtain the approval of the attending physician. The product can somewhat reduce itching, speed up the healing of the rash, which, when the right approach treatment goes away without a trace. In addition, thanks to the coloring properties of the drug, new elements can be “marked” in order to track when they stop appearing. This way you can find out when the child is already allowed to communicate with healthy children without the risk of infecting them.

Fukortsin for streptoderma

Rashes due to a disease such as streptoderma are caused by streptococci and their metabolic products that penetrate the skin. Depending on the severity of the lesion, both systemic antibiotics and local remedies for direct treatment of lesions. Fukortsin solution is often used for this disease.

Castellani liquid should be applied to the rash areas 3-4 times a day, remembering that it is prohibited to wet the lesions with this disease in order to avoid the spread of infection to other areas and aggravation inflammatory process. In addition, when treating streptodermic lesions with Fukortsin, you should avoid treating the perioral area, orbital zone, and mucous membranes with this antiseptic oral cavity, nose and genitals.

Fukortsin for fungus

"Red Green" - effective remedy against superficial fungal infections of the skin caused by various types pathogenic fungi. For this purpose, it is recommended to treat the infected areas of the skin with the drug several times a day until the skin acquires a healthy appearance and structure. If the affected area is large, preference should be given to another external remedy.

As for the possibility of using Fukortsin solution against nail fungus, in this case the drug is ineffective, because is not able to penetrate the thickness of the nail plate. This antiseptic can only be used for preventive purposes fungal infection in case of injury to the nails (in case of careless cutting, breaks, etc.), due to which healing will occur faster.

Fukortsin - application in gynecology

Many people are interested in whether Fukortsin can be used to treat various gynecological problems. Indications for the use of the drug Fukortsin do not include its use for pathologies of the female genital area, but this does not prevent it active use. Thus, treatment with Fukortsin is carried out for rashes on the genitals (genital herpes, candidal vulvitis, etc.). It is worth noting that in these cases therapy is not particularly effective, and it is better with similar diseases use medications specifically designed for their treatment.

Fukortsin solution - contraindications

The drug in question, Fukortsin, has the following contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the solution;
  • chronic allergic dermatosis.

Fukortsin - analogues

Fukortsin - alcohol antiseptic solution, which is complex active ingredients has no analogues. At the same time, based on the therapeutic effect of the drug, you can find many substitute drugs that can be used for the same indications as Castellani liquid. We list some analogues of Fukortsin, which are also available in the form of external solutions:

  • Diamond Green;
  • Methylene blue;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Saledez;
  • Fucaseptol;
  • iodine, etc.

Fukortsin colorless

Due to the fact that Fukortsin is a red coloring solution, it is very noticeable on the skin and is difficult to wash off. This is a significant drawback of the drug. An alternative could be similar drug with identical properties, which has the same composition, but without the inclusion of fuchsin, which gives the solution color. Colorless Fukortsin is produced in some pharmacies upon request.

Fukortsin or brilliant green - which is better?

Zelenka (brilliant green solution) is a common drug that, similar to Castellani liquid, is used skin lesions, purulent-inflammatory tissue lesions, etc. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the two drugs - Fukortsin or Zelenka - is more effective, because the effectiveness of drugs is determined various factors: type of pathogen, severity of the lesion, individual reaction of the body to the components of the product, etc. However, we note that in terms of antifungal activity, brilliant green is inferior to Fukortsin.