Painful ovulation causes and treatment. Causes and treatment of painful ovulation

It has long been known that the menstrual cycle is one of the main indicators in assessing women's health. Based on its duration, the absence or presence of pain, the appearance of bloody discharge during menstruation, one can conclude about the presence of one or another gynecological pathology. One of the leading diagnostic signs during menstrual cycle is the presence of pain during ovulation, but it is worth noting that similar condition observed in only 20% of all women of reproductive age.

More about the term "ovulation"

The menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of menstruation until the first day of menstruation of the next cycle. The duration of this process varies from person to person and in good condition is 21-35 days. The ideal cycle in gynecology is considered to be the menstrual cycle corresponding to a full lunar cycle(lasting 28 days). The cycle itself consists of several subsequent phases:

    Follicular phase.

The follicular phase depends on the influence of estrogens and is completely regulated by them. Estrogens are involved in determining the dominant follicle in the ovary, from which the future egg is subsequently formed. The duration of this phase is about 12-18 days and depends on the length of the entire cycle. In an ideal menstrual cycle (28 days), the follicular phase is 14 days. In the final stages follicular phase the follicle (dominant) reaches maximum development, becomes tense and ready to burst.

    Ovulatory phase.

This phase is the shortest in the entire menstrual cycle and lasts only 12-36 hours. At this time, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops, due to which the main follicle bursts and releases a mature egg, which is ready for fertilization. Characteristic feature of this stage is that the level of both estrogens and progesterones is at a fairly low level (estrogens stop being synthesized by follicle-stimulating hormone, since the dominant follicle and the egg inside it have already matured, progesterone has not yet begun to be synthesized under the influence of luteinizing hormone, since the corpus luteum, replacing main follicle has not yet formed).

    Luteal phase.

During this period of the cycle, the synthesis of progesterone begins to increase in the body, the effect of which provokes proliferative processes in the uterine mucosa, thereby preparing it for implantation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the luteal phase the level of progesterone decreases (die-off occurs). corpus luteum menses), functional layer The endometrium begins to shed, which leads to menstruation.

Thus, ovulation is immediate process release of an egg ready for fertilization at the moment of rupture of the dominant follicle. Painful ovulation in gynecology is called Mittelschmertz syndrome, or ovulatory syndrome.

Signs of ovulation

Ovulation (from Latin “egg”) has characteristic signs, so every woman experiencing pain or discomfort during this stage of the cycle can accurately determine its beginning:

    Pain in the left or right side.

Pain occurs in one side. The differentiation of the sides depends on which ovary is involved in the menstrual cycle (in most cases, right-sided pain is observed, since the right ovary is better supplied with blood and innervated, and is also located in close proximity to the appendix).

Most often, the pain is minor and causes mild discomfort. However, in some cases, women experience cramping, stabbing or cutting pain. The duration of such sensations lasts from 1 hour to 1-2 days. The intensity of pain depends on:

    pain sensitivity threshold - the higher the threshold, the less pain a woman experiences during ovulation;

    the presence of gynecological pathologies increases pain;

    character - women who differ more emotional character, experience more vibrant painful sensations.

Thus, the period of ovulation itself is quite short-lived, and pain in the lower abdomen can persist for 1-2 days. Since only one of the ovaries can participate in each menstrual cycle (and ovulation, respectively) (they function alternately), the pain will be localized directly in the area of ​​the involved ovary.

Quite rarely, however, it may be that both ovaries are involved in the work at once, and two eggs mature at the same time. Usually when successful fertilization This situation ends in multiple pregnancies. Painful sensations in this case may be present on both sides or manifest themselves in the form of diffuse aching pain throughout the lower abdomen.

    Increased libido.

Sexual desire, or libido, increases to some extent during ovulation, which is inherent in nature female body(ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception, and, accordingly, procreation).


Before ovulation begins, at the very moment of ovulation, and for several more days, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Their consistency becomes more liquid, viscous (similar in appearance With egg white). Such changes in secretions are required in order to facilitate the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity and further to fertilize a mature egg. The characteristic consistency of vaginal discharge to some extent in the dilated cervical canal greatly facilitates the process of sperm movement into the uterine cavity.

    Changes in discharge color.

During ovulation and for a short time after it, there may be a change in the color of the discharge. They become pinkish or there may be a few drops of blood on the laundry. This is due to the fact that a slight detachment of the endometrium occurs (estrogens stop being produced, and progesterone is not yet synthesized).

    Soreness of the mammary glands.

During ovulation, breast tenderness and tenderness may be present. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands are preparing for pregnancy and subsequent lactation. Mastodynia (chest pain during ovulation) is short-lived and ends before the formation of the corpus luteum.


Pain during ovulation can occur for several reasons. Before the egg leaves the follicle, the latter must mature and significantly increase in size.

    The significant size of the follicle puts pressure on the ovarian capsule, which provokes painful sensations before the onset of ovulation.

    After the dominant follicle reaches the required size and degree of development, it ruptures and the finished egg is released into the abdominal cavity.

    When a follicle ruptures, in addition to the egg, it also penetrates into the abdominal cavity. a certain amount liquid that is irritating to parietal peritoneum. In addition, the ovarian capsule is damaged and small particles burst in its wall. blood vessels. Due to the outpouring even small amount blood also irritates the peritoneum.

    Similar nagging pain may bother a woman 12-48 hours after the completion of the ovulation stage. However, after the absorption of follicular fluid and blood in the abdominal cavity, the pain disappears.

    Since when the egg is released into the abdominal cavity, peristalsis of the fallopian tubes is activated in order to successfully and promptly capture the egg ready for fertilization and ensure its meeting with the sperm, pain can be maintained as a result of this process.

    An indirect sign of the occurrence future pregnancy is soreness in the middle of the cycle.

However, in some cases, pain during ovulation is more pronounced. This manifestation is due not only to the fact that a woman has more low threshold sensitivity, but also the presence of gynecological pathologies, for example:

    adhesive disease of the pelvis, which occurs in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, after surgical intervention history or presence of endometriosis;

    adhesions prevent normal contraction of the fallopian tubes, the ovary becomes overtightened, and in some cases even the ovarian capsule becomes thickened, which leads to increased pain.

Types of ovulation

In gynecology, there are several types of ovulation:

  • timely;


Premature ovulation means that the maturation and release of the egg from the follicle occurs not in the middle part of the cycle, but earlier. This may be due to several factors:

    endocrine pathology and hormonal disorders;

    various diseases, including gynecological ones;

    strong emotional experiences and stress;

    increased physical activity on the body or lifting weights;

    excessively violent sexual intercourse.

Etiology late ovulation includes various hormonal problems, which includes menstrual irregularities.

In the presence of the types of ovulation described above, painful sensations do not occur in the middle part of the cycle, but much earlier, or, accordingly, much later, which is often the reason for a woman to contact a specialist. Therefore to indirect signs Pain in the middle part of the cycle can also be attributed to a possible future pregnancy.


When discussing the topic of ovulation, one should not miss such a problem as lack of ovulation, or anovulation. Anovulation is normally observed only in women of menopausal and premenopausal age, as well as in pregnant women. There will also be no ovulation when taking contraception hormonal action.

If a woman of reproductive age suffers from the absence of ovulation for several cycles in a row, it is worth paying attention to this, because if there is no ovulation, then there is no egg, which in turn makes pregnancy impossible.

In most cases, the cause of anovulation is hormonal imbalance in the body, which, with proper therapy, should be stopped, and the woman gets a chance to get pregnant. In order to clarify the dates of ovulation, it is enough to use special ovulation tests or perform an ultrasound, where the doctor will accurately determine the mature dominant follicle and its release from the egg (obviously, ultrasound should be performed repeatedly within the expected framework of the ovulation process).

How to make it easier?

Regardless of how confident a woman is that the occurrence of pain in the left or right lower abdomen is associated with the ovulation process, she should not resort to self-medication; it is best to seek help from a doctor. It's important to remember that pain syndrome, coinciding in time with the middle of the menstrual cycle, can be caused by the presence of pathologies and not only gynecological ones.

During the examination, the doctor must exclude other possible causes of pain and prescribe best option therapy.

    In the case when ovulatory syndrome bothers a woman in each cycle, doctors recommend trying to be as relaxed as possible on these days and avoid stressful situations and stick to your diet.

    Therapeutic nutrition should limit foods and dishes that can overload gastrointestinal tract, promote increased intestinal motility and, accordingly, aggravate pain, provoke flatulence and excite the central nervous system. First of all, this applies to strong tea and coffee, chocolate, white cabbage and legumes, fatty and spicy dishes.

    Warm baths using aromatic oils or medicinal plants. It is also possible to apply heat to the lower abdomen - this reduces the force of contractions of the tubes and uterus and relieves pain. However, such therapy is possible only in the absence surgical diseases and acute infectious processes.

    Among medicinal painkillers, the most popular are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can not only block the production of prostaglandins, but also relieve inflammation and pain (Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen).

    Antispasmodics (Spazmalgon, Spazgan, No-shpa) also have a positive effect.

If ovulatory syndrome is persistent, the gynecologist may recommend the use of oral contraceptives, which help block ovulation and, accordingly, prevent pain. However, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, taking such drugs should be avoided. You should also not use heating pads on the lower abdomen or take any medications on the days of ovulation, as this can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the egg.

Severe pain

In some cases, very intense pain in the middle part of the cycle. The presence of severe pain in the ovary in the groin on either side may be a sign of an emergency:

    drug-induced ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;

    cyst rupture;


    torsion of the cyst pedicle;

    ovarian apoplexy;

    ectopic pregnancy;

    acute inflammation of the appendages.

Each of the above conditions is a pretext for providing emergency medical care, and most often even the need for surgical intervention. Thus, delay can not only lead to aggravation of the situation, but also cause fatal outcome. You cannot wait out very intense severe pain and try to relieve it yourself; you must immediately call an ambulance.

When to sound the alarm

An emergency visit to a doctor should be made if there is severe pain in the lower abdomen and/or if the following signs appear:

    progressive deterioration of the condition;

    sudden fainting;

    a history of endometriosis, surgery, acute gynecological pathologies;

    when taking medications that stimulate ovulation;

    appearance bleeding from the vagina, regardless of the degree of their intensity;

    the occurrence of intense nausea or vomiting;

    increase in body temperature and maintaining it for more than an hour;

    presence of pain for more than 2 days.

Can ovulation be noticeably painful? Yes, quite. If you now conduct a survey among girls and women of reproductive age and ask them whether they experience painful ovulation, especially after childbirth, then at least 20% will confirm this fact. Of course, the statistics are sad, but not tragic. In some cases, pain when the egg leaves the ovary and moves into the fallopian tube can be associated with natural physiological processes. However, first of all, it is necessary to exclude any pathology that can lead to the appearance of such a clinical symptom.

Most girls and women experience absolutely no painful ovulation. Only an increase in mucous secretions, an increase in basal temperature and swelling of the mammary glands can indicate its passage.

Why does pain occur during ovulation?

Only a highly qualified, experienced doctor can determine the cause of painful ovulation. If it is not possible to associate the pain with any disease, primarily gynecological, then the existing discomfort is usually explained physiological reasons. Why does it sometimes happen that ovulation is very painful, but no pathology can be detected:

  • The large size of the follicle can lead to stretching and rupture of some part of the ovarian capsule during the release of a mature egg.
  • When an egg is released from the ovary, a certain amount of fluid with blood may appear, which leads to irritation of the peritoneum ( inner shell abdominal cavity). But this bloody liquid is quickly absorbed by the peritoneum (absorbed), without causing the development of dangerous inflammation.
  • Increased contractility of the fallopian tubes, trying to capture the egg released from the ovary.

If you experience pain or other severe symptoms During ovulation, it is strictly not recommended to delay visiting a doctor.

Clinical picture

In addition, painful ovulation may be accompanied by additional clinical symptoms and signs that will indicate natural physiological process, and not for some gynecological disease, for example, uterine fibroids or endometriosis. What signs might these be:

  1. Often, pain when a mature egg is released from the ovary occurs suddenly around the middle of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, before the onset of pain, health was normal.
  2. Depending on which ovary the egg comes from, pain can be observed in the lower abdomen, both on the right and on the left above the pubis.
  3. It happens that the pain spreads to groin area or pelvic bones.
  4. Possible deterioration general condition in the form of weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache.

In most cases, the duration of painful ovulation with other associated clinical signs ranges from several hours to 1.5–2 days. In case of severe, prolonged pain of various types and the addition of vomiting and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain during ovulation and conception

The appearance of pain and common symptoms ailments that are physiological in nature during ovulation do not in themselves serve as the basis for the development of serious gynecological pathologies. Nevertheless, with this condition, a certain discomfort is still present during and after intimacy.

If you are planning to get pregnant, then you should not refuse sex during this period. Most experts are of the opinion that regular intimacy throughout the menstrual cycle significantly increases the chances of conception.

How can childbirth affect ovulation?

Often, pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle appears after childbirth or inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Surgery, such as an appendectomy, can also cause similar symptoms. In addition, the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity, which can occur after cesarean section, laparoscopy and various abdominal operations, quite often leads to painful ovulation.

If you experience pain in the middle of the cycle after childbirth, you should definitely inform your doctor about this in order to exclude more serious pathology. In situations where there are reasonable concerns about the development of pathological process in a woman’s body, there is a complex medical examination, which is as follows:

  1. Patient interview.
  2. Clinical examination.
  3. Gynecological examination.
  4. Ultrasound examination.
  5. Laboratory tests.

As a rule, if the birth proceeded well without complications, then after normalization hormonal levels painful ovulation is not observed.


What to do if you have painful ovulation? First of all, you need to calm down and create a comfortable psycho-emotional atmosphere around you. It is especially not recommended to be nervous or make sudden movements. Any physical activity It’s better to exclude it altogether. They will come to the rescue as traditional medical supplies, and traditional medicine.

Traditional approach

Pain that causes significant discomfort should not be tolerated. If very painful ovulation occurs, it is necessary for everyone to available means try to cope with the pain. However, without the knowledge of the doctor, you should not resort to the use of serious manipulations or medicines, including folk remedies. What can you do if you have painful ovulation?

  • Take a warm bath or apply a heating pad to lower area belly. Similar procedures They help relieve spasms quite effectively. However, they can only be used when you are absolutely sure that you are experiencing physiological painful ovulation, and not some kind of pathological inflammatory process. Otherwise, you will only significantly worsen your current condition.
  • Light circular massaging movements of the area of ​​the body where the pain is felt most.
  • Take painkillers or antispasmodics. Today, the choice of such drugs is very wide. For example, No-shpa, Papaverine, Analgin, Buscopan, etc.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures are also very positive effect on the female body.

Do not forget that taking medications must be agreed with your doctor.

Traditional medicine

Some experts folk remedies In case of painful ovulation, it is advised to saturate your diet with foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium. Therefore, girls and women should eat nuts, greens, dried fruits, fermented milk products, legumes, cereals, etc. It is useful to drink up to 6-8 glasses of purified water. If you experience severe pain, try drinking a decoction of yarrow and chamomile or an infusion of calendula flowers.

Painful ovulation, nausea, vomiting, fever, spotting - this is an immediate reason to go to the hospital to receive professional medical help.

Approximately 25% of women of reproductive age are characterized by sensitive ovulation (ovulatory syndrome). They are able to quite accurately determine the time of release of a mature egg by the expressed pain. The pain can be aching, spasmodic (as during menstruation, but weaker), and paroxysmal. Most often, the lower abdomen or one of the ovaries pulls or bursts, and it is also possible It's a dull pain in the lower back or rectum. Its duration ranges from several minutes to two days, but more often 12-24 hours.

Causes of pain during ovulation

For some women, the release of the egg occurs almost unnoticed or as a short illness. Much depends on individual characteristics organism, associated factors:

  • general health;
  • presence of gynecological diseases;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • individual pain threshold;
  • proximity and sensitivity of nerve endings.

Gynecologists consider pain during ovulation to be a natural phenomenon that occurs for objective reasons:

Can your stomach hurt during ovulation?

If there is a slight pull in the stomach during ovulation, this is usually a manifestation normal operation ovaries and a sign that follicular fluid has entered the peritoneum (on free liquid in the retrouterine/posterior cervical space). Feedback uterus (contractions) are reflected in the organs with which it is adjacent. Therefore, during ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts in the area of ​​the ovaries, radiating to the side or lower back, and bloating is often observed.

In order to check whether the cause of the pain is a spasm or irritation of the nerve roots, you need to drink no-shpa. If the pain is spastic, then after taking the pills it will decrease or stop completely. Otherwise, this is the sensitivity of the nerve endings and you can help yourself by taking a convenient, as comfortable position as possible.

Not excluded discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea. Vaginal discharge (colorless at the beginning of the ovulatory phase and mixed with blood at its end) - also characteristic feature ovulation.

If the ovary hurts during ovulation - the norm and deviations

The way your stomach hurts during ovulation has its own specific features, indicating that the source of discomfort is processes in the reproductive system. Pain in the ovary during ovulation is usually mild, cramping or cutting, and quickly subsides after the release of a mature egg.

As a rule, the source of discomfort is localized on the right or left. It depends on which of the ovaries the follicle matures and ruptures. Paired organs perform this mission in turn. In this way, a woman can understand where the egg matured in this cycle.

In the absence of any pathologies and high pain threshold manifestations of ovulatory syndrome can be tolerated without medical intervention. But you should definitely contact a specialist if the pain in the ovarian area is unbearable or does not go away. within three days. You should also be alert to accompanying troubles: changes in temperature, painful urination, nausea, a significant increase or decrease in blood pressure.

This may be a symptom of pathologies that require urgent treatment:

  • apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary;
  • appendicitis and others acute inflammation intestines;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) or appendages (adnexitis);
  • rupture or torsion of an ovarian cyst;

Painful sensations combined with heavy vaginal bleeding may indicate a cyst cervical canal or inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (endometritis).

Why does the lower back hurt during ovulation?

Lower back pain during ovulation is explained by physiology - the proximity of the ovaries and uterus to the nerve roots

Approximately 70% of young women experience lower back pain during ovulation, before it begins and after it ends. This is, first of all, the result of the irradiation of pain that accompanies the maturation of the follicle and its rupture.

Painful sensations can also be caused by:

  • Hormonal changes. Before ovulation, the body actively produces lutein, which increases the tone of the uterus and the strength of its contractions. As a result, pressure on the spine in the pelvic area increases and lower back pain appears. After ovulation, the body produces a maximum of progesterone, which brings the muscles to their normal state, and the discomfort disappears.
  • Physiological feature- the closest location of the ovaries in relation to the muscles of the lower back.
  • Exacerbation chronic illness lumbar spine at the moment of increased pressure from the uterus.
  • Degeneration of the dominant follicle V follicular cyst with a lack of lutein in the body.

If women who have had C-section or surgical treatment diseases reproductive system, painful ovulation is observed, the reasons for this may lie in adhesions, postoperative scars. They reduce muscle elasticity and increase tissue tension during uterine contraction and egg growth.

Breast pain during ovulation - normal or abnormal?

Before ovulation, a woman’s body experiences a significant increase in progesterone (up to 10 times). Side effect hormone - fluid retention. This is especially noticeable in the condition of the breasts; they swell a little and become painfully sensitive. The level of discomfort depends on the structure of the body, skin characteristics, and health status.

If, after ovulation, fertilization of a mature egg does not take place, the level of progesterone drops and the breasts return to normal. If pregnancy occurs, sensitivity and swelling persist.

Severe pain during ovulation - how to help

If severe monthly pain during ovulation is a common occurrence, in critical period worth sticking to special regime, implying:

  • exclusion of physical and emotional stress;
  • application various techniques relaxation;
  • increased fluid intake;
  • taking a warm shower;
  • dietary food (easily digestible foods, sources of fiber).

If you are sure that the pain is a manifestation of ovulatory syndrome, you can take an antispasmodic drug or an analgesic (no-spa - allowed when planning pregnancy). It's better if it's an option medicinal assistance The doctor will select it taking into account individual characteristics.

Important(!) But if possible, it’s better to endure it. This recommendation applies to taking absolutely all medications during planning and pregnancy. You should not saturate your body with excess chemicals without first consulting your doctor.

After ovulation during pregnancy, pain also occurs, most often during implantation of the embryo into the uterus. Sometimes during the pregnant cycle, women notice pain and tension in the lower abdomen immediately after ovulation and all the time after it. Read more about early signs pregnancy read in.

Painful ovulation4.26 /5 (85.26%) Votes: 19

At least 50% of women experience painful ovulation, while painful ovulation constantly accompanies about 20% of women every month. Why does painful ovulation occur and is this always normal? The answers are below.

Who suffers from painful ovulation?

One in five women suffers from pain during ovulation. A woman usually experiences this pain when the egg leaves the follicle. Pain during ovulation can be a side effect, but let's look at this in more detail.

How does the woman feel?

The pain can be sharp, spastic, pulling or dull. Typically, it is felt on either the right or left side of the lower abdomen, depending on which ovary releases the egg. There are no hard and fast rules regarding the location of pain. One month it may be right-sided, and the next month it may be left-sided. The duration of pain also varies. For some women, the pain may last several minutes, while for others it may last an hour or even a day. Some women may experience nausea. It should also be noted that this pain can be mistaken for appendicitis.

What to pay attention to

While painful ovulation is a common phenomenon among women and does not lead to any serious problems, you need to pay attention to the fact that painful ovulation can be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids and endometriosis. If you are very worried about pain during ovulation, then you should consult a doctor. It would be good in advance if you started keeping a diary of what day of the cycle it hurts, the nature of the pain and the duration.


  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain usually occurs two weeks before the start of the menstrual cycle
  • The pain is felt on the right or left, depending on in which ovary the egg has matured
  • Pain may vary from cycle to cycle, switch from one side to the other, or remain on one side for many months
  • Pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by headaches, cramps, nausea, etc.
  • Duration of pain ranges from a few minutes to 48 hours

Theories about possible causes of pain

The exact cause of ovulation pain is unclear, but some theories exist:

1) It is assumed that the pain is caused by an enlargement of the follicle, as a result of which it stretches the ovarian membrane.

2) When the follicle ruptures and the egg leaves the ovary, the ovary is traumatized, which can cause slight bleeding.

What problems might you encounter?

In most cases, as we said, such ovulation is harmless. However, severe, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen may be a warning sign various diseases, including:

Salpingitis – inflammation of the fallopian tubes after infection

Chronic inflammatory diseases pelvis (inflammation after infection)

  • Endometriosis – endometrial cells ( inner layer uteri) grow beyond their layer
  • Other symptoms include painful periods and pain with intercourse
  • Ovarian cyst is a pathological cavity with the formation of fluid inside it
  • An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding. If you suspect ectopic pregnancy, consult a doctor immediately for medical help!
  • Appendicitis - inflammation vermiform appendix. Sometimes it can also be confused with pain during ovulation. If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting, consult a doctor immediately
  • Other gastrointestinal diseases. Pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate perforated ulcer, gastroenteritis and inflammatory bowel diseases

Diagnostic methods

Methods that can show whether ovulation is harmless or the result of an infection/disease may include:

  • Taking an anamnesis or medical history
  • Physical examination, including gynecological examination
  • Blood test
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Vaginal ultrasound
  • Laparoscopy

How to take care of yourself

First, consult your doctor to determine that the pain is not some other problem. If the pain is caused only by ovulation, these methods may help you:

  • Relax, if the situation allows you, lie down and rest.
  • Treat pain with painkillers.
  • Warmth on the lower abdomen may help. In this case, you can put something warm on yourself or take a bath.
  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
  • Hormonal pills and other contraceptives can help relieve pain because they stop ovulation. Discuss this option with your doctor.
  • Drink plenty of water. 6-8 glasses a day will help you stay hydrated.
  • Use heating pads. They will help relieve spasms. However, if you are trying to get pregnant, then you should better avoid them, as this may affect the quality of the egg.
  • Take a mild pain reliever such as ibuproven. If your cycles are predictable and you know when you are ovulating, you can take the pill early, before the pain occurs.

Contact your doctor if the pain continues for more than three days or if you have other symptoms such as heavy bleeding or very heavy discharge.

Results: Today we learned that many women experience painful ovulation. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just one of those nasty side effects. But you need to be attentive to yourself, since such pain can sometimes be accompanied by various praises or infection. Consult a doctor if you are seriously bothered by such pain, undergo appropriate examinations to exclude the possibility of any pathologies. Use different ways pain and tension relief that suits you. Good luck!

A woman's life in reproductive age largely depends on the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, 30% of women do not feel very well, others notice how irritated they are, and the women themselves notice soreness.

Oh these pains...

Nature simply mocks some women: they feel pain not only during menstruation, but also during ovulation - and such women make up approximately 20%!

In most females, the release of a mature unfertilized egg from the ovary occurs without causing pain. They can guess about the birth of a new life by the changed quantity and quality of discharge, swelling of the mammary glands.

But sometimes ovulation is so painful that you have to take painkillers or seek medical help.

What is ovulation anyway? To answer briefly, it can be formulated as follows: the release of an egg from a mature follicle into the uterine cavity. The process is natural, women do not always realize that it has happened. The signs pointing to it are indirect.

So why do some women experience pain during the natural process, and is it necessarily a sign of something abnormal? What to do with painful ovulation, and what are its causes?

Release of the egg from the follicle

In women, the ovaries contain follicles - their arrangement can be compared to a bunch of grapes. Every month, a follicle “comes to life” in one of the ovaries and begins to increase in size - its maturation occurs.

Once it is mature enough, it bursts and releases the egg, which begins to travel along the fallopian tube to enter the uterine cavity.

First, the follicle is under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, then, under the influence of estrogen produced, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases - that’s when it cracks.

External signs - changes basal temperature(measured in the rectum), and the amount of secretion produced increases - it becomes thicker and acquires a whitish tint.

With fimbriae - hairs covering the inside of the fallopian tube - the egg is gradually “pushed” towards the uterus. If at this time she meets a sperm, the process of conception will occur. When an unfertilized egg penetrates the uterus, it dies and is subsequently rejected along with the endometrial layer that was prepared for its attachment.

About 48 hours pass between the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg into the uterine cavity.

Causes of painful ovulation

What are the reasons that cause pain in the natural process - the release of an egg from the ovary?

  • The follicle has grown too large large sizes and when it ruptures, the capsule of the ovary itself is injured;
  • Increased peristalsis of the fallopian tubes;
  • Tear fallopian tube when an egg passes through it - this is possible during an inflammatory process;
  • Due to irritation, fluid came out of the ovary and entered the abdominal cavity, causing temporary irritation. If there is little of this liquid, it will adsorb on its own;
  • Painful ovulation sometimes appears after discontinuation of OCs - oral contraceptives;
  • Hormonal cycle disorders;
  • The presence of a cyst or other neoplasm in the gynecological organs.

In inflammatory processes - exacerbation of adhesive disease or hormonal imbalance– when the follicle ruptures along with the ovarian capsule, a significant amount can be released into the abdominal cavity serous fluid or intra-abdominal bleeding begins. This condition, ovarian apoplexy, requires surgical intervention.

Pain during ovulation usually occurs on one side, in the side, at the level of the inguinal joint, but can radiate to the leg, perineum, lower back, or resemble pain from appendicitis.

Sometimes acute pain lasts for several minutes, but attacks may occur that last up to 2 days - all the time while ovulation continues.

At this time, the woman experiences weakness, nausea, dizziness - sometimes increased blood pressure and weakness are noted. Symptoms of painful ovulation, which significantly affect the quality of life, worsening it, may indicate inflammatory processes in the gynecological organs.

Examination to determine the cause of pain

As already mentioned, signs of painful ovulation may appear when there is a hormonal imbalance - after discontinuation of OCs or childbirth - due to an inflammatory process or after surgery in the pelvic area. These factors lead to compaction of the ovarian capsule and the occurrence of adhesions.

If the egg has to literally “break through” into the fallopian tube, the secreted fluid accumulates in the pouch of Douglas and causes severe pain and signs of an acute abdomen.

Even if the diagnosis ovarian apoplexy“is not diagnosed, you need to find out why the natural process causes severe pain, and, if possible, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

To do this, a woman needs to undergo examination:

  • take blood tests - general and specific - for hormones;
  • make several visits to the doctor for routine gynecological and ultrasound examinations at different phases of the cycle;
  • Hysteroscopy or laparoscopy may be required - examinations that are also surgical interventions.

After description clinical picture appropriate treatment is prescribed.


If the pain is tolerable and short-term, then the condition does not require treatment. As soon as a woman begins to feel the symptoms of ovulation, she needs to reduce stress - physical and intellectual - and prepare painkillers in advance in order to help herself in time.

Different medications are suitable for different women. For some, it is better to relieve pain with antispasmodics - “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Spazmalgon” - others need anesthetics: “Analgin”, “Paracetamol”... Some people prefer non-steroidal drugs- “Ibuprofen”, “Nimesil” and the like.

IN lately Doctors do not advise doing a compress - if there is a history of inflammatory process, then during the thermal procedure the swelling of the fallopian tube will increase and the painful sensations will intensify.

Normally, during ovulation, short-term light spots may appear. spotting, but if they are intense and clots appear, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If there is an intense adhesive process that makes ovulation painful, you may need to surgery. Currently, operations can be performed using a laparoscope, but sometimes open penetration into the abdominal cavity is necessary - if the adhesions are in hard-to-reach places.