Localization of pain in the left shoulder with pancreas. The nature and causes of the development of pain syndrome at different stages of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory and degenerative process in the pancreas. Every year the number of people suffering from pancreatitis increases. The symptoms and treatment of this disease directly depend on the severity of the inflammatory process and the severity of damage to the pancreas.

The main victims of pancreatitis most often are people prone to overeating, lovers fatty foods, alcohol. Under the influence of certain provoking factors, the production of proteolytic enzymes is activated in the pancreas, which causes inflammatory processes.

Causes of pancreatitis

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

The pancreas is not a very large organ, however, it performs the most important functions in the human body, the most important of which are the secretion of food enzymes for normal digestion and the production of insulin, the deficiency of which leads to such a serious disease as diabetes. What happens when the gland becomes inflamed? During the period of acute pancreatitis, symptoms develop as in severe poisoning. Enzymes produced by the pancreas are retained in it or its ducts and begin to destroy the gland itself, and when they enter the blood they cause symptoms of general intoxication:

Fast food is one of the main enemies of the pancreas

  • Pain. This is the most pronounced symptom, pain with pancreatitis is usually very intense, constant, the nature of the pain is described by patients as cutting, dull. If medical care and pain relief are not provided in a timely manner, the patient may experience pain shock. The pain is localized in the pit of the stomach, the hypochondrium, either on the right or on the left, depending on the location of the gland lesion; in the case when the entire organ is inflamed, the pain is girdling in nature.
  • High temperature, low or vice versa high pressure. With the rapid development of the inflammatory process, the patient’s well-being quickly deteriorates, the temperature may rise to high levels, and blood pressure may decrease or increase.
  • Complexion. With pancreatitis, the patient's facial features sharpen, at first the skin becomes pale, and gradually the complexion acquires a gray-earthy tint.
  • Hiccups, nausea. Pancreatitis is also characterized by symptoms such as hiccups, belching and nausea.
  • Vomit. Attacks of vomiting with bile do not bring relief to the patient. Therefore, at the beginning of the acute period, there is no talk of any food intake; fasting in the case of acute pancreatitis is the main condition for successful further treatment.
  • Diarrhea or constipation. Chair at acute pancreatitis most often foamy, often with a fetid odor, with particles of undigested food. Vomiting can also be caused by food eaten (when vomiting gastric contents at the beginning of an attack), then bile appears from the duodenum. However, on the contrary, there are also constipation, bloating, and hardening of the abdominal muscles, which may be the very first signal of the beginning acute attack pancreatitis.
  • Dyspnea. Shortness of breath is also caused by loss of electrolytes through vomiting. The patient is bothered by constant shortness of breath, sticky sweat, and appears.
  • Bloating. The stomach and intestines do not contract during an attack, so upon examination the doctor determines severe bloating abdomen, palpation does not determine the tension of the abdominal muscles.
  • Blueness of the skin. Blue spots may appear around the navel or on the lower back, giving the skin a marbled tint; in the groin area, the skin color may acquire a blue-green tint. This is explained by the fact that blood from the inflamed gland can penetrate under the skin of the abdomen.
  • Yellowness of the sclera and skin. With the sclerosing form of pancreatitis, it can occur, which appears due to compression of part of the common bile duct by compacted gland tissue.
  • With such symptoms of pancreatitis, a person’s condition is worsening every minute; in such cases, one cannot hesitate and should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, treatment is possible only in a hospital setting, under the supervision of qualified specialists; this is considered a very dangerous condition. If acute pancreatitis is suspected, call immediately Ambulance and the person should be urgently hospitalized.

Sometimes failure to provide medical care in a timely manner can cost a person his life. The first aid that can be provided to a person with obvious symptoms is to apply cold to the stomach, take an antispasmodic - Na-shpa, as well as refuse to eat any food and go to bed until the ambulance arrives.

The main 3 pillars on which the treatment of acute pancreatitis is based: HUNGER, COLD AND REST

Emergency assistance provided in the Ambulance:

  • puncture the vein, drip with saline solution
  • antiemetic - metoclopramide (cerucal) 10 mg
  • pain reliever - ketorolac
  • antisecretory - octreotide (sandostatin) 250 mg or quamatel () 40 mg

In a hospital setting, the following is usually carried out:

  • In the hospital, intravenous administration of sodium chloride (saline solution), reopolyglucin + contrical
  • Diuretics are used, they prevent swelling of the pancreas, and also help remove enzymes from the blood and toxins from the body. From diuretics or Furosemide (Lasix) during infusion therapy(in gum after a dropper) or Diacarb in tablets under the cover of potassium supplements.
  • Omeprazole 80 mg per day, there are forms for intravenous administration during the drip - Kvamatel.
  • Antispasmodics -
  • If vomiting persists, metoclopramide intramuscularly
  • For pain – painkillers
  • For severe or purulent pancreatitis - antibiotics (3-4 generation cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones).
  • In the acute period, enzyme inhibitors (contrical and gordox) are indicated.
  • Vitamin therapy is also included in the comprehensive maintenance of a weakened body, especially vitamin C and B vitamins.
  • For 4-5 days, the patient is prescribed fasting and drinking warm water without gases. In severe pancreatitis, when fasting for several weeks, parenteral nutrition is indicated (protein hydrolysates and fat emulsions are administered intravenously if cholesterol in the blood is normal).
  • Only after this time has passed, the patient is allowed to eat; at first, you can only drink yogurt, gradually adding cottage cheese to the menu, and after 3-4 days, the patient can gradually take dietary food according to special diet 5P.

Surgical treatment is indicated for suspected destructive pancreatitis and signs of inflammation of the peritoneum, as well as for the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.

In this case, laparoscopy is indicated for suspected fluid in abdominal cavity or signs of peritonitis. It is also performed for differential diagnosis of acute pancreatitis with other diseases.

Laparatomy (wide surgical access with dissection from the sternum to the groin) is performed for previously performed surgical interventions on the abdomen, ventral hernias, unstable blood circulation (shock).

Symptoms and signs of chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is considered primarily an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, in which structural changes in the tissue of the organ occur. Most researchers believe that hallmark chronic pancreatitis is that after eliminating the action of provoking factors, pathological changes in the gland not only remain, but also continue to progress functional, morphological disorders work of the gland. In this case, exogenous and endogenous insufficiency of this organ is formed.

In the occurrence of chronic pancreatitis, two periods are defined, the initial one - which can last for years and then manifest itself with characteristic symptoms, then subside, and the period - when disorders and damage in the pancreas are pronounced and bother the person constantly.

  • During the onset of the disease, which usually lasts decades, a person experiences only periodic painful sensations, occurring 15 minutes after eating and lasting from several hours to several days. The pain is most often localized in the upper abdomen, sometimes in the heart area, on the left side chest, on the left in the lumbar region, can also be encircling in nature. Its intensity decreases when a person leans forward while sitting.
  • Basically, the appearance of characteristic pain is provoked excessive consumption fatty, fried foods, alcohol or an abundance of carbonated drinks, as well as chocolate, coffee. The worst thing happens to a person if he eats a large number of different dishes at the same time. It is difficult for the pancreas to cope with different types of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, people who adhere to principles separate power supply less susceptible to pancreatic diseases.
  • Pain may also include symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, chronic diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss. However, this does not always happen, and pain and dyspepsia with adequate symptomatic treatment pass, the function of the gland to produce enzymes is not significantly impaired and the patient continues a quiet life, until the next overeating or malfunction.
  • In the case of prolonged existence of chronic pancreatitis, the structure of the gland tissue begins to deteriorate, the production of enzymes and hormones is reduced, and secretory insufficiency gradually develops. In this case, the pain syndrome may be completely absent or mild, and dyspepsia, on the contrary, becomes the predominant symptom of chronic pancreatitis with secretory insufficiency.
  • Also, chronic pancreatitis is characterized by slight yellowing of the skin and sclera; it does not happen to everyone and may also disappear periodically.
  • In the later stages of pancreatitis, when the gland begins to atrophy, diabetes mellitus may develop.

Based on the various symptomatic complexes experienced by patients with chronic pancreatitis, several types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Dyspeptic appearance- with this form of pancreatitis the patient suffers chronic diarrhea, bloating, weight loss.
  • Asymptomatic appearance- this form is the strangest, since pancreatitis does not show any signs or symptoms for years and the person has no idea about the violations occurring.
  • Pseudotumor appearance- this form of pancreatitis resembles the course and symptoms. The main symptom of this disease is the emerging yellowness of the skin, sclera, etc.
  • Painful type - from the name it is clear that it is characterized by a painful syndrome, which occurs very often after eating food and especially alcohol.

What to do if you suspect chronic pancreatitis?

Of course, if you suspect chronic pancreatitis, you should seek a comprehensive diagnosis from a gastroenterologist. The doctor, based on the patient’s complaints, medical history and the following diagnostic measures, will establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • Laboratory diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is a change in the level of elastase in the feces.
  • A stool analysis can determine whether there is steatorrhea, that is, the content of undigested fat in the stool, which will indicate a malfunction of the gland.
  • Test with special drugs to stimulate the pancreas.
  • Ultrasound can also help in making the correct diagnosis.
  • In case of doubt or to make the diagnosis more certain, computed tomography is also helpful.
  • You should take a blood glucose test to identify diabetes mellitus, and you can also take a test for.

Diagnosis based only on ultrasound data is not reliable, since there is no specific signs, but there may be only minor diffuse changes structures or swelling during an exacerbation. Most often, there are no ultrasound manifestations at all.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis can be mild or severe. As a rule, with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, hospitalization and similar therapy are also indicated as for an acute process.

The patient must follow a diet for life, take medications for secretory insufficiency pancreas, antispasmodics. It is very useful to visit sanatoriums twice a year, especially in the Stavropol Territory, such as Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk, with complex treatment and taking natural mineral water from springs (Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya water are especially effective). Basic principles of treatment:

Diet for chronic conditions

This is the most difficult treatment principle to implement, since the diet for pancreatitis excludes all the tasty foods that everyone loves - kebabs, chocolate, sweets, mushrooms, spicy, fried foods, fast food. All products, including fruits and vegetables, should be chopped, only boiled, baked.

How to relieve pain from chronic pancreatitis

Alcohol is the worst enemy of the pancreas

When following a diet, pain makes itself felt much less often, but if you move away from it a little, allow yourself fatty or fried foods, and that’s it - you need painkillers.

  • At intense pain The doctor may prescribe antispasmodics - Drotaverine, which reduce inflammation in the pancreas and accordingly reduce pain.
  • Today, the doctor can also prescribe mebeverine (Duspatalin, Sparex) - an antispasmodic, myotropic action, eliminates gastrointestinal spasms.
  • You can prescribe antisecretory drugs (omeprazole) and diuretics (diacarb tablets for three days under the cover of asparkam for edema) for a short course.
  • Octreotide, a drug that suppresses the production of hormones by the gland, is also used because they stimulate it and thereby cause pain. This medicine is prescribed only in hospitals.

Pancreatic enzymes for the correction of pancreatic dysfunction

With a long course of chronic pancreatitis, the normal tissues of this organ are replaced, its normal function is lost, therefore diabetes mellitus appears and digestion is disrupted. To give rest to the pancreas and reduce pain in patients, it is necessary to take additional pancreatic enzymes:

  • Festal - it should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet with meals, it is usually combined with histamine blockers to reduce acidity in the stomach - famotidine, cimetidine.
  • Pancreatin (Ermital, Creon, Penzital, Panzinorm, Pangrol, Micrazim, Mezim, Biozim, Gastenorm, Enzistal) are pancreatic enzymes, also taken 3 times a day, 2 tablets. During meals, it is advisable to drink alkaline mineral water. They help break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
  • Speaking about enzymes, we must remember about their activity; 10,000 units for lipase (Mezim-Forte tablet) three times a day is the standard requirement for replacement therapy. The original mezim does not have a very pleasant smell; if there is no smell, it is a fake (crushed chalk).

In chronic pancreatitis, when symptoms persist for a very long time, insulin levels decrease, which sooner or later leads to the development of diabetes mellitus. If diagnosed, the patient should consult an endocrinologist to clarify the treatment regimen and diet.

Pain due to pancreatitis is a frequent and characteristic manifestation of the existing medical history. Pancreatitis is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory foci in the mucous membranes of the pancreas and the growth in them degenerative changes. The signs of the disease and the severity of the disease are proportional to the form of the disease, the general somatic status of the patient, and the history of his illness, especially if there are other gastroenterological diseases. Pain with pancreatitis always appears, and the degree of its intensity is proportional to the overall severity of the disease. In the overwhelming majority of all clinical cases Pain from inflammation of the pancreas can be relieved on your own. How to get rid of pain with pancreatitis, how to relieve it? What kind of pain is characteristic of pancreatitis, their localization and features of manifestation will be discussed in this article.

Features of occurrence

In order to understand what kind of pain occurs with pancreatitis, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of development of the pathology. Increased pain in pancreatitis is associated with progression various processes inside the pancreas. Severe pain occurs against the background of the following changes:

  • obstructive changes in the ducts;
  • ischemic processes in all organ structures;
  • dystrophic or sclerotic changes;
  • foci of inflammation.

Against the background of an acute form of the disease or its chronic manifestation, the severity of pain can vary significantly. Chronic pain can be mildly expressed, accompanied by episodes of increasing and decreasing intensity. Pain in acute form may not go away at all, or persist even after taking antispasmodic drugs. Often required long-term use painkillers for pancreatitis for a lasting effect.

Acute course

IN acute phase diseases, the predominant role is played by inflammatory foci, provoking swelling, decreased functionality of the organ, up to the development of dystrophic or necrotic degeneration of healthy pancreatic tissue. Pathological changes in glandular structures can be local and generalized, which entails the development of pancreatic necrosis. As the inflammatory foci spread (including the lobular part of the organ), pain and painful symptoms increase.

Chronic course

When the disease is chronic, inflammation is a minor sign of pancreatitis. Ischemic transformations in vascular structures and tissues come to the fore. During ischemic processes, glandular tissue is replaced by connective tissue, cystic components and elements of calcification are formed. The intensity of painful sensations increases due to compression of full-fledged tissues, when the normal enzymatic outflow of the gland is disrupted. Painkillers for pancreatitis in the chronic stage must be taken as soon as the first signs of exacerbation appear.

Important! With systematic exacerbations, a change in the sensitivity of the gland is likely due to the formation of a pain reaction to any irritants. The chronic form is rarely accompanied unbearable pain, but leads to irreversible consequences in the gastrointestinal tract.

The localization and distribution of pain in pancreatitis manifests itself individually in each patient, but most often the pain focus is concentrated in the iliac peritoneum and epigastrium. The appearance of pain in the acute form of the disease manifests itself immediately after eating as a response to food irritants. The patient needs to take a forced position, usually this is the position of the patient on his side with his knees tucked to his stomach (otherwise, the fetal position). When the patient lies on his back, the pain only intensifies. Soreness can radiate to the left or right hypochondrium, encircle, resemble obvious signs angina pectoris. Such pains are accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, radiating to the arms, dorsal regions, parts of the lower jaw. Typical parts of the body where pain occurs include:

  • lower back on the left or to full girth (girdling pain due to pancreatitis); back without obvious extension to the left or right;
  • sternum (iliac part of the peritoneum);
  • some parts of the peritoneum (middle or iliac part).

Unpleasant sensations can manifest themselves as cramping pains that spasm and subside for a short time. Patients are almost unable to tolerate the pain of pancreatitis without the use of medications. If the pain has sharply subsided, then this only indicates the development of a large-scale necrotic process in all soft structures of the pancreas. Pancreatitis without pain can also be a signal of generalized necrosis.

Pain in acute pancreatitis

The peculiarity and strength of painful phenomena during an acute process is completely determined by the volume of inflammation of the pancreas. The greater the scale of inflammation, the more pronounced the pain. The pain appears suddenly, increases regularly, and occurs in paroxysms. Where does it hurt with pancreatitis in the acute phase?

The localization of pain is as follows:

  • section of the epigastric space;
  • area of ​​the left hypochondrium;
  • sternum (left side).

When trying to relieve pain by adopting a comfortable body position, the patient experiences disappointment, since no position brings relief. Painkillers used for acute pancreatitis often contain analgesics and narcotics.

Important! Pain in acute pancreatitis can radiate to the shoulder blade, arm, cervical regions. When shooting and burning pain in the left parts of the chest and limbs it is important to carry out differential diagnosis to exclude other pathological changes in cardiac activity.

Pain in chronic pancreatitis

Chronicity of the pathology is possible as a result of a long acute period, as well as in the presence of a burdened gastroenterological history. The severity and intensity of pain in chronic pancreatitis becomes less with each attack of exacerbation. After reducing the inflammatory process, the pain is excruciatingly dull in nature with a tendency to decrease in intensity. At chronic course there is an unclear localization of pain, characterized by the appearance in the following parts of the body:

  • belly (upper or middle part);
  • sternum;
  • lumbar area;
  • back pain with pancreatitis without irradiation to adjacent organs.

Pain in chronic pancreatitis often occurs only after eating aggressive foods (for example, spicy, salty, sour, fried, too fatty, alcohol). Migraines often appear as the disease becomes chronic. The strongest headache with pancreatitis leads to mental disorders or emotional instability of the patient due to constant discomfort and irritation.

Relieving pain at home

In acute forms of pancreatitis, treatment at home involves gradually reducing pain with medications and calling an emergency doctor. State acute abdomen can only be assessed through professional diagnostics. Pain relief for pancreatitis is inappropriate. This may affect the final diagnosis or the inability to conduct adequate analysis. To subside the pain before the ambulance arrives, it is enough to apply ice.

The chronic course of the disease suggests a different scenario for pain relief, which can be used at home. If the diagnosis has already been established, then therapy is reduced to minimizing episodes of exacerbation, improving the patient’s quality of life, and relieving pain when it occurs. Painkillers for pancreatitis for home use do not contain narcotic components. The main drugs for home treatment include Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Mig, Diclofenac. Chronic pancreatitis requires combination therapy, aimed at eliminating provoking factors, and not temporarily eliminating pain.

How to relieve pain with pancreatitis: types of medications

Among the main medicines are:

  • Enzyme compounds. Pancreatic enzymes (for example, Creon) improve the act of digesting food, reduce the pronounced load during the digestion of food on the glandular structures of the organ. Reducing organ load helps eliminate pain.
  • Hormones. Hormonal drugs(Ocreotide, Somatostatin) is required for a general reduction in pain and has a prolonged effect. Even with a course of 5 days, the effect remains quite long. Prescription of the drug is often prevented huge amount contraindications.
  • Blockers. Cupping histamine receptors ensures functional rest of the pancreas by suppressing secretory function enzymatic compounds. The main drug in this group is Famotidine, which has a characteristic antioxidant effect. Famotidine reduces the secretory functionality of the gland and inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the gastric cavity.
  • Inhibitors. Inhibitors proton pump(for example, Rabeprazole, Lansoprazole tablets, Esomeprazole) have a small number of adverse effects and actively suppress the production of hydrochloric acid in the gastric cavity. Medicines can be used for a long time.

Important! Treatment at home does not involve the manufacture of drugs according to grandma's recipes. Before deciding how to relieve pancreatitis, you need to consult a specialist. Patients can take prescribed medications at home indefinitely while visiting a specialist. The dosage and combination of medications for pancreatitis is drawn up by a doctor based on data from clinical studies, the patient’s general clinical history, body characteristics, age and other information about the patient’s condition.

Inpatient treatment

In the acute phase of the disease with the primary formation of pancreatitis or in severe exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, emergency hospitalization of the patient in a specialized department is required.

Blocking pain involves the administration of analgesics with narcotic components (intravenous or oral administration of Promedol, Tramadol, Ketanov, Omnopon). At states of shock use a combination narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants. Each group of drugs enhances the effect of the drug. Treatment in the hospital continues until the symptoms subside and the inflammatory foci are eliminated. Against the backdrop of positive dynamics, patients are sent home and registered at the dispensary.

At healthy way life and following all the doctor’s recommendations in the chronic course of the disease, pancreatitis is quite easy. Can be lined up favorable forecasts for life expectancy. With inadequate treatment, if recommendations are not followed, and against the background of systematic use of alcohol and tobacco, severe complications develop that can lead to disability of the patient.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. The main reason is the disruption of the outflow of digestive juice and other enzymes produced by the pancreas, in small intestine(duodenum). The incidence of pancreatitis and other pancreatic diseases is increasing worldwide. First of all, this is due to poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, environmental degradation.

In the article we will consider in detail: what it is, what are the main causes of its occurrence, the first signs and symptoms, as well as what treatment is prescribed for pancreatitis in adults, and what you need to know if an attack occurs.

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory and degenerative process in the pancreas. If such a process occurs, then the enzymes produced by the pancreas do not enter the duodenum. Consequently, they begin to actively act already in the pancreas, gradually destroying it.

This process is called autolysis, which, translated from Latin, is called “self-digestion.” Now you know, in the most general outline about acute pancreatitis, what it is. This is simply a chemical attack, and the transformation of the gland “on its own” into a semi-digested mass.

The pancreas is one of the most complex organs of the human body, which is practically irreparable. The performance of this gland regulates metabolism and normal digestion.

Its main functions are:

  • Isolation of enzymes for digestion useful substances and obtained from food in the small intestine.
  • Fermentation of insulin and glucagon in the blood - hormones that regulate the storage and consumption of energy obtained from food.


Pancreatitis in adults is a fairly common problem that anyone can encounter. Disorders associated with the outflow of bile, as well as dietary habits (for example, consumption of fatty and rich meat foods, stress, hereditary predisposition, alcohol, etc.) can lead to development.

Consequently, those people who constantly abuse alcohol have a higher risk of developing pancreatitis. According to statistics, it develops more often in pregnant women and young mothers in postpartum period. The key to preventing the development of pancreatitis is the right approach to the formation of a diet.

Doctors distinguish the following types of disease:

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis means, accordingly, an acute form of manifestation of aseptic inflammation to which the pancreas is exposed. It most often develops in the following cases:

  • when drinking alcohol - up to 70% of all cases of the disease (mainly in young and mature men),
  • in the presence of cholelithiasis - up to 25% or 30% (more often in women),
  • operations on the stomach or other abdominal organs - about 4% or a little more.

There are certain phases of pancreatitis, which are considered within its acute form:

  • enzymatic phase (within three to five days);
  • reactive phase (ranging from 6 to 14 days);
  • sequestration phase (from 15 days);
  • exodus phase (from six months or more from the moment of onset).

Chronic form of pancreatitis

What is it? is a form of the disease in which inflammation progresses slowly, and the functions of the pancreas are gradually impaired. As a result, fibrosis of the pancreatic tissue or its calcification may occur. Most often found in older women.

According to the predominant cause of inflammation, chronic pancreatitis is distinguished:

  • toxic-metabolic (including alcoholic),
  • idiopathic,
  • hereditary,
  • autoimmune,
  • recurrent,
  • obstructive.

It is possible to distinguish a primary chronic form of pancreatitis, a secondary one, which develops due to diseases digestive system– cholecystitis, chronic, enteritis.

The first signs of an attack

If a patient exhibits signs of acute pancreatitis, his condition will quickly deteriorate. This is why it is so important to seek medical help immediately.

  • In the acute form of the disease, the pain is localized in the pit of the stomach in the upper part, the left and right hypochondrium; if the entire gland is affected, the pain is girdling in nature.
  • The patient also experiences vomiting mixed with bile, which does not bring him relief, dry mouth, hiccups, nausea and belching.

The same signs that appear in both acute and chronic (during exacerbations) forms of pancreatitis are acute, severe pain in the abdominal area. Localization depends on which part of the pancreas is affected by the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

Pancreatitis, the symptoms of which appear due to the fact that there is no release of enzymes secreted by the gland into the duodenum, occurs with the activation of these enzymes directly in the gland, due to which its gradual destruction occurs, in other words, self-digestion.

The acute form of pancreatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the left hypochondrium, radiating to the back or encircling.
  • Nausea, vomiting, flatulence. Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Dry mouth, thick white coating on the tongue.
  • Headache, sweating. The skin becomes pale.
  • Promotion blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, shock.

If such symptoms are present, the patient’s condition is worsening every minute, so there is no time to hesitate. At the first suspicion, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Description of symptoms in an adult
Pancreatic colic
  • This sharp pain in the first 3 days it has a “girdling” character and is felt in the upper abdomen, which can radiate to the left collarbone or both shoulder blades, posterior sections lower ribs on the left.
  • Gradually the intensity of the pain decreases, it becomes dull and lasts about 1 week.
  • In acute pancreatitis, it is repeated, painful, and does not bring relief. It can occur at the beginning of the disease along with pancreatic colic, or at later stages.
  • The abdomen swells especially at the top; when you touch it, severe pain may occur. It is especially aggravated when palpation is deep. When the stomach is tapped, bowel sounds weaken.
Skin color changes The color of the skin may change:
  • pallor,
  • cyanosis,
  • jaundice

Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes) is uncommon, but is associated severe forms acute and chronic recurrent pancreatitis. It manifests itself in general and local areas on the patient’s body, the anterior region and lateral surfaces of the abdomen, in the navel area, as well as on the patient’s face.

  • In addition, the patient experiences an increase in temperature, and the more the gland tissue is affected, the higher the temperature.
Breathing problems
  • The frequency and depth of breathing is impaired, sometimes it seems that there is not enough air.
  • Shortness of breath occurs due to the loss of blood electrolytes during vomiting. It is accompanied by sticky sweat.
  • A strong yellow coating appears on the tongue.

For chronic pancreatitis:

  • Permanent or temporary abdominal pain. Appears after drinking alcohol and fatty foods.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen radiates to the back.
  • Rumbling in the stomach, nausea, vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite, stool upset, chronic diarrhea.
  • Dehydration. As a result, the patient's body weight decreases.
  • Skin and mucous membrane oral cavity acquire a yellow tint.
  • At the last stage of the disease, diabetes mellitus occurs.

With relatively mild pain, the period of exacerbation can last quite a long time (up to several months). This period is characterized by decreased appetite, general weakness, and decreased mood.


Complications of pancreatitis may include:

  • Gland abscess;
  • Pancreatic necrosis (death of pancreatic tissue);
  • Formation of a false cyst;
  • Pancreatogenic ascites;
  • Pulmonary complications;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Lethal outcome.

With complications, the usual nature of the disease changes: the nature, localization and intensity of pain changes, it can become permanent.


The sooner the patient receives qualified help, the less time the treatment will take and the more effective it will be. But just early diagnosis This disease is the main problem.

The most reliable method for identifying pancreatitis and its forms is achieved using full examination sick. The following stages are distinguished in the diagnosis of the disease:

  • assessment of clinical symptoms;
  • study of biochemical parameters;
  • carrying out enzymatic tests;
  • instrumental studies in the diagnosis of disease.

Blood tests:

  • The total blood count (CBC) will reveal, show the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the volume of pancreatic enzymes, and help identify inflammation. A leukocyte count of more than 8.8 thousand/ml or an ESR of 15 mm/h are bad signs.
  • Biochemical analysis will reveal the level of glucose (an increase in the concentration of “sugar” to 6.5 mmol/l and 106 mg/dl is dangerous - hyperglycemia), cholesterol (should not be less than 3 mmol/l) and pancreatic enzymes: amylase (with pancreatitis increases by tens times, up to 1000 U/l and higher), α2-globulins (should not be less than 7%), trypsin (should not be higher than 4 µmol/ml.min), lipase (should not exceed 190 U/l), etc.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs can detect an enlarged pancreas and the presence of stones in the ducts.
  2. X-ray diagnostics establishes intestinal paresis (violation contractility), collapse of areas of the lungs (atelectasis) and the presence of effusion in the pleural cavity are visible.
  3. The gastroduodenoscopic method reveals the edematous stomach and duodenum.
  4. Vascular examination - angiography, allows you to see deformed and displaced arterial vessels, accumulation of contrast agent in them due to stagnation.

If you use data only to make a diagnosis ultrasound diagnostics, then it may be unreliable. Often pancreatitis does not give any specific signs and the specialist conducting the examination can detect only minor diffuse changes or swelling of the organ. Although even these indicators are visible on ultrasound only during exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, treatment is possible only in a hospital setting, under the supervision of qualified specialists; this is considered a very dangerous condition. Therefore, when the first signs appear, call an ambulance.

First aid

If you suspect an attack of pancreatitis, the first aid is rest, a sitting position with your knees pressed to your chest, strict fasting with a quarter glass of water every 30 minutes to an hour, put an ice pack on the pancreas area from the back. Shallow breathing will help relieve the attack.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs should not be taken, as this will greatly complicate the diagnosis.

If the pain is intense, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverine). With their help, inflammation in the pancreas is reduced and, as a result, pain subsides.

In the hospital, conservative methods of therapy are used to treat acute pancreatitis. In particular, various solutions are introduced into the bloodstream - saline solutions, protein preparations, glucose, with the help of which intoxication and pain are overcome. The acid-base balance is also normalized.

Medicines for pancreatitis

  • At frequent vomiting drugs are used to restore the water-salt balance, for example, “Sodium chloride solution”.
  • To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, take enzyme preparations, which replace pancreatic enzymes that are absent during illness: “Creon”, “Pancreatin”, “”.
  • Vitamin therapy. In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, additional vitamins are prescribed - A, E, C, D, K and B vitamins. In addition, lipoic acid and cocarboxylase are prescribed.
  • Parenteral nutrition. In case of severe digestive disorders and poor absorption of food by the intestines, parenteral nutrition is prescribed.

As parenteral nutrition, by drip intravenously, usually administered:

  • Mixtures of essential amino acids (250-400 ml): “Alveein”, “Alvezin”, “Aminosol”;
  • Electrolyte solutions: 10% potassium chloride solution (10-15 ml) and 10% calcium gluconate solution (10 ml).

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis involves: diet, painkillers, vitamins, replacement therapy enzymes, treatment of diabetes and other endocrine disorders, timely treatment gallstone disease.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is indicated in the case of the development of diffuse inflammation of the peritoneum, purulent complications, increasing obstructive jaundice and destruction of the gallbladder and ducts.

The following operations can be prescribed:

  • Emergency. They are carried out at the very beginning of the development of the disease. This could be the first hours or days. Patients with pancreatitis caused by enzymes and acute pancreatitis, which began due to blockage of the duodenum, are urgently operated on.
  • Planned. The surgeon begins to operate on the patient only when acute inflammation in the pancreas stopped. Before the operation, the patient is carefully examined to ensure that the attack does not recur.


The basis for successful therapeutic correction of this disease is following a diet. The daily diet is adjusted in this way: the level of fats and carbohydrate products in the diet and the level of protein intake increases. Appointed vitamin preparations. The number of meals should be 5-6 in one day.

In case of acute pancreatitis, in the first 2-3 days it is necessary to completely abstain from eating, only drinking plenty of water is allowed - mineral water, rosehip decoction or extreme case ordinary water.

When the exacerbation of pancreatitis has passed, you need to adhere to the following dietary rules:

  1. The diet must contain lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Take water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamin complexes.
  3. Avoid products that contain chemicals, because they can greatly irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  4. Cannot be consumed spices, smoked meats, spicy.
  5. It is best to steam food, grind it first, and may need to grind it.
  6. Food should be eaten warm, but not hot.

After the symptoms of acute pancreatitis have completely passed, you need to eat soup, lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, different types cereals, vegetables, you can drink fruit juice; for sweets, give preference to honey, jam and pudding.

Folk remedies

Below, we have collected effective folk remedies for pancreatitis, but before using them, be sure to consult with your doctor.

  1. Golden mustache. 1 large leaf (length 25 cm) or two small ones are crushed and filled with 700 ml of water. Simmer the broth over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then infuse for several hours in the body (can be left overnight). The infusion should be consumed warm, 25 ml (before meals).
  2. Potato-carrot juice. Pass 2 potatoes and 1 carrot through a juicer. Consume 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, the course of treatment for adults will be 7 days, the method helps to normalize digestion and eliminate pain symptoms.
  3. Herbs for the pancreas are used in collections and one of them should consist of yarrow herb, calendula and chamomile flowers. All components are taken one tablespoon at a time and brewed in a ladle with boiling water. After half an hour you can drink the first portion (100 ml), and 40 minutes after that you can eat. It is necessary to drink the medicine at least 4 times a day, exclusively before meals.
  4. For a recipe for pancreatitis you will need immortelle flowers, motherwort, St. John's wort, pour 200 ml of boiling water over everything, leave for 30 minutes, drink up to three times a day before meals.
  5. Instead of regular tea, use tea with mint and honey. Mint has a choleretic effect and promotes the release of enzymes from the pancreas.
  6. Propolis. Small pieces are chewed thoroughly in between meals, the method is a shining example effective modern homeopathy and eliminates painful attacks, normalizing digestion.
  7. Rowan. An excellent choleretic agent that is used both in the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis. Rowan fruits can be eaten fresh or dried for future use.
  8. For 10 days you need to take 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil. Rest for two months and take the course again. Recommended for chronic pathology.
  9. Pour a glass of oats with a liter of water and leave for 12 hours. Bring the broth to a boil and simmer covered for half an hour. Wrap the container with the broth, leave for 12 hours, then strain and add water to a volume of one liter. Adults take the decoction three times a day, 100–150 ml, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month.
  10. Rose hip . In case of chronic pancreatitis, rose hips can be drunk on an ongoing basis - up to 400 ml per day. Hot water pour in rose hips (the number of berries is equal to the amount of liquid). The infusion is left in a thermos for a couple of hours, after which the drink can be consumed.


Prevention methods:

  • In the first place is the correction of risk factors: alcoholism, various metabolic disorders.
  • It is necessary to constantly adhere to the diet. Try to always be partial to what you eat, as this will not play into your hands in the future. Eat vegetables and fruits as often as possible, which will enrich your body with vitamins. Such prevention will protect you not only from pancreatitis, but also from other diseases.
  • Constant adjustment of treatment is also necessary. To do this, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist 2 times a year in the absence of relapses. In case of relapse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Now, you know what kind of disease this is and how it progresses in adults. Remember that treatment started on time allows you to avoid chronic form pancreatitis and reduce the risk of complications. Be healthy and take care of your health!

A small organ under the stomach, the head of which is covered by the duodenum, produces enzymes for the final breakdown of food mass in the intestine. The pancreas becomes inflamed more often in women due to changes in hormonal levels. The pain associated with pancreatitis is severe, often unbearable and can radiate to the back and heart area. Diagnosing inflammation of the pancreas is difficult. On initial stage You can relieve pain and cure pancreatitis proper nutrition and exercises.


The nature of pain with pancreatitis is the most different character. Localization depends on the area of ​​the pancreas that is damaged. Most often this is the head of the organ located in the bend duodenum. In this case, discomfort is felt on the right under the ribs, next to the liver.

With pancreatitis, pain can vary in intensity

The body of the gland is located opposite the spine, and the pain is localized in the pit of the stomach. The narrowed part is the tail of the pancreas, located under the ribs on the left. The nature of the pain depends on the cause of its occurrence:

  • acute, common with infections and purulent formations;
  • strong periodic mainly at night indicates chronic inflammation fabrics;
  • weak aching, periodically not felt during tissue necrosis.

The pancreas gets its name from its location under the stomach. Moreover, it is there if a person is standing or lying on his back. It is pressed from below to the stomach, slightly above the navel, located above the intestines, and at the same time shifted back to the spine.

The causes of pancreatitis in humans can be:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • poor nutrition;
  • slow and impaired metabolism;
  • reception medicines;
  • operations on neighboring organs;
  • pathological changes in the gallbladder;
  • injuries;
  • endocrine diseases.

Experts have determined that due to hormonal changes, pain due to pancreatitis, additional symptoms occur in 30% of patients. Perhaps this is the reason that women get sick 4 times more often than men.

There are many causes of the disease

The most dangerous condition with pancreatitis, when there is no pain. This indicates necrosis - tissue death or malignant formations. There are approximately 10 - 15% of such cases, but they are the ones that most often lead to fatal outcome. The situation is saved by timely diagnosed pancreatic disease and urgent surgical intervention.

Everyone should know the main signs of pancreatitis, symptoms, where it hurts in order to consult a doctor for treatment in time. The pancreas often becomes inflamed in children, but can quickly resolve once proper nutrition is established.

Chronic pancreatitis, where it hurts and how. Given the gradual development of the disease and the localization of the pancreas, pain most often occurs gradually. She appears in the afternoon and at night. It is localized at the level of the lower ribs and radiates to the back. From radiculitis and renal colic it can be distinguished by its characteristic features.

  1. In the morning there are no signs of discomfort. The pain begins in the afternoon, is severe at night, and gradually subsides in the morning.
  2. When bending over or lying on your back, the pain intensifies.
  3. The pain is relieved by pulling your knees toward your chest and lying on your side in the fetal position.
  4. Relieves from cold and finger pressure in the pit of the stomach.

For those wondering how pancreatitis hurts, the symptoms of a chronic state of inflammation are different from manifestations of pathology in other organs. Other symptoms are similar to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys:

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • anemia;
  • drowsiness.

Pancreatitis may cause nausea, diarrhea and flatulence.

Subject to availability additional signs If there is a disturbance in the functioning of the intestines, even if there is no pain, you should consult a doctor. The most dangerous species Pancreatitis passes without pain symptoms.

An insufficient amount of enzymes causes poor absorption of nutrients by the intestines. They come out without being absorbed by the walls and do not enter the blood. The result is fermentation of food masses, frustration and weakness.

The nutrition of cells with oxygen, amino acids and vitamins is disrupted. Tissue regeneration does not occur. The skin becomes pale and dry. Weakness and fatigue appear after minor physical exertion.

A distinctive feature of pancreatitis is the method of examination. In many cases, ultrasound shows no changes in the organ. The exact condition of the pancreas is reflected by computed tomography.

Pancreatitis can worsen from a chronic condition when purulent cysts form inside the organ, triggered by a virus or malfunction immune system leads to inflammation and destruction of the organ's own tissues. Often a relapse of a healthy organ occurs suddenly, with strong external influence. The main irritating factors are the following products:

  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • bananas;
  • alcohol;
  • salted fish, fatty varieties;
  • semi-finished products;
  • spicy;
  • fat;
  • sugar.

One version of frequent inflammation of the pancreas in women is that chocolate and bananas lead the list of harmful foods for pancreatitis. Among the fairer sex large number has a sweet tooth Alcohol comes in at number 4, and that's mostly beer. Men most often recognize pain and symptoms associated with pancreatitis after beer with sausages, dried fish, and kebabs.

Women on strict diets also suffer from exacerbation of pancreatitis. Small meals every 2 - 3 hours are useful for weight loss, gastritis and stomach ulcers. The pancreas, on the contrary, suffers from the need to frequently produce enzymes and work under increased load.

Women on strict diets put stress on the pancreas

The pain in acute pancreatitis is strong, cutting, quickly increasing to unbearable. It begins after eating, is localized on the right under the rib, radiates to the back, groin, heart area, and can have a girdling character, as with intercostal neuralgia. Additional symptoms:

  • the pain is relieved if you sit in the fetal position;
  • severe bloating, flatulence;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite.

After eating, the pain intensifies, and when the stomach is empty, it subsides. Some patients subconsciously refuse to eat or drink and quickly lose weight. In case of severe pain, you should call a doctor. It is advisable not to take painkillers until the ambulance arrives. They will distort the symptoms of the disease.

Regardless of the form of the disease, headaches with pancreatitis occur constantly. This is due to metabolic disorders. When enzymes do not enter the duodenum and the flow stops nutrients into the blood. Their place is taken by toxins that destroy brain cells and disrupt their nutrition.

As a result of attacks of pancreatitis, intoxication of the heart and brain occurs, accompanied by pain. At the same time, the temperature may rise. The symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis are similar to colds or food poisoning.

With pancreatitis, enzymes that regulate blood sugar levels and regulate the production of gastric juice secretions that break down proteins cease to be released:

  • glucagon;
  • inulin;
  • somatostatin;
  • polypeptide.

If the pancreas is not functioning properly, not only abdominal pain is observed, but also headaches and fever.

With a lack of glucagon and inulin, blood sugar levels increase. The person feels dizzy and his blood pressure drops. Chronic pancreatitis is inextricably linked with diabetes. Against the background of one disease, another develops. In 5% of cases, inflammation of the pancreas develops as a consequence of diabetes mellitus.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas, the temperature rises, headaches worsen if the liver functions are impaired. Pancreatitis provokes the development of type B hepatitis. Lack of somatostatin, a hormone consisting of amino acids, affects the functioning of the pituitary gland, a part of the brain endocrine glands. This contributes to the development of gerontological pathologies and thyroid diseases.

To remove severe pain you need to stand up or sit down, leaning back in your chair. Press with your fingers solar plexus. Gradually the pain will decrease. After squeezing the gland with your fingers for 5 minutes, apply cold. The most convenient way is to fill the heating pad with luda, wrap it in a towel and apply it to the stomach above the navel.

You can’t keep the cold for a long time, maximum 15 minutes. Usually 5 to 10 minutes are enough for the acute pain to go away. Enzyme preparations and antispasmodics help well:

  • Wobenzym;
  • Duspatamin;
  • No-shpa.

When the pancreas begins to worry, treatment with tablets is prescribed only by a specialist

The main factors that relieve pain and discomfort in pancreatitis are 3 factors:

  • cold;
  • hunger;
  • peace.

If the pancreas is inflamed, you need to rest without overloading the organ with food; in case of exacerbation, massage and apply cold.

Home treatment for chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis can be treated at home. To do this, you need to eat fully, without using snacks to get rid of hunger, and eat 4 times a day. Eliminate harmful foods.

If quitting smoking is difficult, then you should not do it on an empty stomach, especially in the morning. If possible, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day and switch to lighter varieties.

Inflammation in the pancreas is relieved and restored normal work grass organ:

  • dandelion root;
  • milk thistle;
  • corn silk;
  • burdock root.

The most effective is a decoction of dandelion root. But in 10% of cases its effect on the body and gland is the opposite. The reason for this side effect not studied. Burdock root is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Corn silk cleanses the liver.

Coffee needs to be replaced green tea. 10 days a month it is good to drink Ivan tea, a monastery collection. Mineral water is suitable for Esentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Slavyanskaya and Smirnovskaya. Before use, keep the bottle open for several hours to allow the gases to escape.

Pain with pancreatitis is the main clinical symptoms, indicating the occurrence of an exacerbation of the disease.

Pain causes a person a lot of trouble. Most often, only after the appearance of pain does a person seek help from doctors.

How does pain occur with pancreatitis?

What kind of pain occurs during pancreatitis and where does it hurt during pancreatitis? The occurrence of pain is due to several reasons.

Pain in chronic pancreatitis, as well as in acute pancreatitis, primarily occurs due to a violation of the patency of the ducts for transporting pancreatic secretions. In addition, the cause of pain may be a violation of microcirculation in the tissues of the organ, the occurrence of foci of suppuration and the occurrence of dystrophic pathological changes.

If the disease occurs in an acute form, pathological changes associated with the formation of suppuration predominate in the tissues of the organ.

In such a situation, the full range of symptoms characteristic of the process of suppuration develops:

  • swelling occurs in the tissues of the organ;
  • there is a disruption in the functioning of the organ;
  • a color change occurs.

The accumulation of fluid in the gland tissue when swelling occurs leads to increased compression of the tissue; in addition, an increase in the size of the gland affects the intestines, squeezing it. Compression of the intestines leads to severe pain.

Each disease has individual characteristics, therefore, as pathology develops, the localization of pain during pancreatitis will differ slightly in each specific case.

Most often, discomfort and acute pain occur in the abdominal area.

If enzymes are produced glandular tissue They cannot find a way out; they penetrate beyond the boundaries of the organ and this intensifies the pain symptom.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by the presence of a pain symptom of relatively low intensity, and the pain itself is dull and aching, can be girdling and reminiscent of the sensations of angina attacks, which can mislead the patient.

Most often, girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back with pancreatitis develops if the disease becomes chronic.

The causes of pain can be a large number of reasons, among which are the following:

  1. Any ailment of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the occurrence of pancreatitis.
  2. Injury in the peritoneal area.
  3. Crashes in hormonal background body.
  4. Damage to the body by worms.
  5. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  6. Unreasonable use of medications during treatment, for example. Antibiotics.
  7. Junk food.
  8. Hereditary predisposition.

According to medical statistics In 30% of all identified cases, the exact cause of pancreatitis cannot be established.

Localization of pain and their nature

Sugar level

Pain in the abdominal area is the most characteristic sign of pancreatitis. The localization and nature may differ depending on which part of the gland is susceptible to the inflammatory process.

The pancreas is divided into the head, body and tail. If the inflammatory process affects the head, then the right side in the hypochondrium area hurts. Localization pathological process in the body of the organ leads to discomfort in the stomach area, and inflammation of the tail of the gland manifests itself unpleasant sensations on the left side.

When the entire organ is inflamed, the entire abdominal part of the body begins to ache. The pain symptom spreads to the back, very often the pain can radiate to the leg; in women, the pain can radiate to the groin area.

Depending on which area of ​​the body the symptom extends to, as well as which area of ​​the organ is affected by the inflammatory process, the type of pain may be different:

  • blunt;
  • aching;
  • cutting;
  • spicy;
  • a burning sensation may occur;
  • pain spreading in a specific area or throughout the entire abdominal cavity.

The development of pain symptoms may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of loose stools.

The main cause of pain is blockage of the ducts, the formation of tumors and scars that interfere with the outflow of secretions. Cluster pancreatic juice leads to an increase in pressure and disruption of the blood supply to pancreatic tissue cells. Inflammatory process leads to damage to the nerve sheaths.

When the chronic form of the disease worsens, a person experiences debilitating pain that can be localized in the lumbar region. Painful sensations in some cases become unbearable, since the pain that occurs in the gland is accompanied by unpleasant pulling sensations that appear from putting pressure on the intestines.

The position of the gland is such that when it enlarges, it puts pressure on different areas duodenum and liver.

The consequence of putting pressure on the liver is the development of complications in the functioning of the organ in the patient, which manifest themselves in the form of cholecystitis, and the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is disrupted.

The severity of pain in acute pancreatitis can be such that a person develops severe shock against its background.

The duration of a painful attack can vary, and the attacks themselves can occur at night.

In order to reduce the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms during the period of their occurrence, the patient should be placed in a sitting position with the torso tilted forward.

This position additionally allows you to relieve tension in the abdominal area, which also improves the patient’s condition.

Methods of examination and prevention of pancreatic diseases

Prevention of exacerbations of pancreatitis is quite simple. As well as preventing the occurrence of the disease itself.

To prevent the development of pancreatic inflammation, you should not only adhere to healthy eating, but also maintain a daily routine. It is not recommended to eat at night, this is due to the fact that during this period of the day the organ goes into a slow mode of functioning.

You should not eat fast food, you also need to reduce your consumption of alcohol, fatty and fried foods. It is advisable to use boiled and baked meat for food. Additionally, it is necessary to limit the consumption of flour products and sweets.

Before taking part in the feast, to facilitate the work of the body, it is necessary to take enzymatic preparations that contain amylase, one of the main enzymes produced by the pancreas.

In order to promptly seek help and identify the presence of a disease in the body, you need to know what the first signs of the disease are.

Such signs are the following:

  • acute or It's a dull pain in the abdominal area;
  • girdling pain in the lumbar region;
  • the appearance of a feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of aversion to any food;
  • the occurrence of bloating;
  • change in skin color;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increase in heart rate.

If there is a suspicion of pancreatitis or when the first signs of the disease appear, a comprehensive examination should be carried out to establish accurate diagnosis.

When carrying out diagnostics, the following examination methods are used:

  1. Carrying out laboratory analysis blood.
  2. Biochemical blood test. This test reveals the level of amylase in the blood.
  3. X-ray of the abdominal organs.
  4. Fibrogastroduodenioscopy. The use of this technique allows you to determine the presence of ulcers and neoplasms; in addition, the method allows you to obtain for analysis gastric juice sick.
  5. Laparoscopy. The method allows, if necessary, to take material for a biopsy. A biopsy makes it possible to detect the presence cancer cells if there is suspicion of cancer development.
  6. Computed tomography - performed if detected.

One of the most common methods for detecting pathology is ultrasound.

If necessary, the doctor may additionally prescribe other types of diagnostics.

Pain relief at home

If a patient experiences a burning pain symptom that can radiate to the spine, it is necessary to relieve the unpleasant symptom and anesthetize the patient’s area of ​​manifestation of the disease. For this purpose, you can use cold at home. Hot water bottle with ice water or ice is applied for a duration of 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed for a while and the session is repeated in the future. A cold compress reduces the severity of pain and alleviates the condition of those suffering from pancreatitis.

At the first manifestation of a painful symptom, you should call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, to reduce pain, in addition to cold, you can give the patient a No-shpa tablet and drink mineral water without gas in a small volume every 30 minutes.

It is not recommended to use painkillers before the doctor arrives, as their use may complicate further diagnosis of the disease. You should refuse food completely. After providing first aid to the patient, he is transported to the hospital for examination and further treatment.

You can relieve pain with painkillers after the examination. For this purpose, you can use drugs such as Baralgin, Citramon or Paracetamol.

The hospital treatment regimen for pancreatitis involves the additional use of several groups various drugs, which block the production of pancreatic enzymes, help improve the digestion process and reduce the acidity of the food bolus when transporting it from the stomach to the intestines.

Elimination of pain symptoms in a hospital setting

After the examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis, treatment of the disease is carried out. The methods used in this case depend on the degree of development of the disease. The attending physician makes the choice of treatment method taking into account the data obtained during the examination and individual characteristics the patient's body.

Pain relief in a hospital setting can be achieved by using non-steroidal analgesics.

Most effective drugs are considered:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

If the analgesic effect of Paracetamol is not enough, then Ibuprofen and Diclofenac are used to relieve pain.

In the future, complex treatment involves the use of drugs related to several various groups medical drugs.

These groups are:

  1. H2-histamine receptor blockers.
  2. Preparations containing digestive enzymes.
  3. Medicines containing the hormone somatostatin or synthetic compounds with it.
  4. Antiemetics.
  5. Medicines that help reduce the load on the pancreas.

Drugs containing pancreatic enzymes include, for example, Pancreatin and. This drug not only reduces the load on the gland, but also helps to change the degree of acidity of the bolus of food during its transportation from the stomach cavity to the duodenum cavity.

Antiemetic drugs reduce the feeling of nausea and suppress the urge to vomit, which makes the sick person feel better.

In some cases, the use of H2-histamine receptor blockers may be necessary. Such drugs reduce the activity of enzymes contained in the pancreas and suppress the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity. The most popular drug in this group is Famotidine.

The use of drugs with somatostatin can reduce pain in pancreatitis. Popular drug This group is Octreotide. The use of this type of drug allows you to achieve a long-term positive effect.

Information about characteristic symptoms pancreatitis is provided in the video in this article.