If there is a lack of iron in the human body. Lack of iron in the body of men, women and children: signs, causes and consequences

What signs can be used to determine the presence of iron deficiency in the body and why is this bad for those suffering from hypothyroidism?

You, of course, know that iron is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the human body, then all organs and tissues will not be provided with an adequate amount of oxygen and will not be able to work effectively. This leads to anemia.

Common causes of iron deficiency include:

  • insufficient intake of iron into the body due to poor diet or restrictive diets,
  • inflammatory bowel disease,
  • increased needs during pregnancy,
  • blood loss during difficult periods,
  • internal bleeding.

Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency vary depending on the severity of the anemia, how quickly it progresses, age, and current health. In some cases, people have no symptoms.

10 Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency

1. Unusual fatigue. Feeling very tired is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency in the body.

2. Pale skin. Pale skin and pale coloring on the inside of the lower eyelids are other common signs of iron deficiency.

Paleness may appear all over the body or may be limited to one area such as the face, gums, inside the lips or lower eyelids, and even nails. This is often one of the first things doctors will look for as a sign of iron deficiency. However, this must be confirmed by a blood test.

3. Shortness of breath. It is a symptom of insufficient levels of iron and hemoglobin in the blood. Therefore, the body is not able to efficiently transport oxygen to muscles and tissues.

4. Dizziness and headaches. Iron deficiency can cause headaches. A lack of hemoglobin means that there is not enough oxygen for the brain to function properly, so its blood vessels swell and create pressure.

5. Feeling that the heart is beating too fast or pounding hard. In cases of iron deficiency, the heart has to work overtime to deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. This can lead to irregular or fast heart rhythms and even a heart murmur, an enlarged heart, or heart failure.

6. Dry and damaged hair and skin. This happens because when the body lacks iron, it diverts its limited oxygen to more important organs and other bodily tissues. When skin and hair are deprived of oxygen, they can become dry and weak. More serious cases of iron deficiency are associated with hair loss.

7. Swelling and soreness of the tongue and mouth. Sometimes, looking in the mouth, you can detect iron deficiency anemia. Signs of this include how the tongue appears swollen, inflamed, pale, or strangely smooth. Iron deficiency can also cause dry mouth, red cracks at the corners of the mouth, or mouth ulcers.

8. Restless legs. Restless leg syndrome is pain in the legs and a strong urge to move the legs at rest, usually occurring most often at night. The causes of restless leg syndrome are not fully understood. However, up to 25% of people with restless legs syndrome are thought to have iron deficiency anemia, and the lower the iron levels, the worse the symptoms.

9. Brittle or false nails. A much less common symptom of iron deficiency is brittle or false nails, a condition called koilonychia. It often starts with brittle nails that crack easily. In later stages of iron deficiency, the shape of the nails may change, with the middle of the nails drooping and the edges rising, creating a rounded, spoon-like appearance. However, this is a rare side effect and is usually only seen in severe cases of iron deficiency anemia.

10. Other potential signs. They tend to be less common and can be associated with many other conditions besides iron deficiency.

  • Strange food cravings. The desire for strange foods or substances is usually expressed by the person having a desire to eat ice, clay, dirt, chalk or paper. This can also happen during pregnancy.
  • Feeling restless. The lack of oxygen available to body tissues due to iron deficiency can cause feelings of anxiety. However, this tends to improve as iron levels are corrected.
  • Cold hands and feet. Iron deficiency means less oxygen reaches your arms and legs.
  • More frequent infections. Since iron is essential for a healthy immune system, a lack of this mineral can cause more illness than normal.

Seven Reasons Why Iron Deficiency Is a Problem for Hypothyroidism Patients

Reason 1. Iron deficiency is a precursor to anemia.

Reason 2. May lead to symptoms that mimic hypothyroidism - depression, mild fatigue, weakness, faster heart rate, increased heart rate, loss of sex drive, hair loss and/or foggy thinking, etc.

Reason 3. Patients taking desiccated thyroid (or T3) are unable to find an appropriate dose of the drug because increasing the dose causes either an increase in T3 or an increase in rT3 (T3 reverse). rT3 levels often increase when iron levels are low.

Reason 4. It can reduce the activity of the deiodinase enzyme, that is, slow down the conversion of the T4 hormone to T3.

Reason 5. May affect the first two of the three steps in thyroid hormone synthesis by decreasing the activity of the enzyme “thyroid peroxidase,” which is iron dependent.

Thyroid peroxidase leads to the chemical reactions of adding iodine to tyrosine (an amino acid), which then produces T4 and T3. Iron levels change and reduce the conversion of T4 to T3, in addition to binding T3.

In addition, low iron levels may increase circulating concentrations of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone).

Reason 6. May negatively affect cortisol production through the adrenal cortex. One study showed that iron-containing protein is present in large quantities in the adrenal cortex and is involved in the synthesis of corticosterone. So, by having low iron levels, you can reduce your cortisol levels.

Reason 7. May negatively affect your body's ability to produce/break down thyroid hormones (in addition to iodine, selenium and zinc). published .

Mary Jane Brown

Translation: Galina Ushakova

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The vital activity of the body daily supports many vitamins and microelements, the lack of which immediately affects a person’s appearance and well-being. Lack of iron in the body occurs more often in women than in men and is caused by blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is important to understand why its level is low, what symptoms it manifests, and how to deal with such a disorder.

The role of iron in the human body

To understand how to compensate for iron deficiency in the body, it is important to understand what role this trace element plays in its functioning and why it is needed. Like many other substances, it is of great importance for human health and normal well-being. The trace element is part of hemoglobin and performs the following functions in the body:

  • a sufficient amount of iron affects the normal transport of oxygen in the blood, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide;
  • when iron is normal, sufficient synthesis of enzymes and proteins in the blood occurs, which in turn affects the implementation of proper metabolism;
  • with normal iron content in the blood, the level of leukocytes - substances that have a protective function - is equalized;
  • maintaining this indicator is important for the production of thyroid hormones, the work of which affects the functioning of many internal organs.

Thus, it is difficult to underestimate its importance in maintaining human health. According to medical data, the female body needs at least 18 mcg of this microelement per day, while the norm for men is only 10 mcg. In addition to blood, iron is also found in muscles, spleen, liver tissue and brain cells. Therefore, it is important to understand what a lack of iron in the body leads to and regularly consume foods rich in this microelement in order to meet the body’s needs and keep it healthy.

Why does iron deficiency occur in a woman’s body?

The work of every healthy organism is balanced and thought out by nature to the smallest detail. Therefore, all organs work harmoniously, and the functioning of systems is interconnected. Violations of this work lead to pathologies and diseases. When wondering why there is little iron in the blood, there are two factors to consider:

  • the consumption of this microelement may be increased;
  • or lack of substances entering the body.

The first reason occurs in women regularly during menstruation. These days, there is a significant loss of blood from the female body, and accordingly, the amount of microelement drops along with it. If an analysis is carried out during this period, the diagnosis will reveal low hemoglobin and low iron levels. However, this condition is not a pathology, since with proper nutrition, the balance is restored within a few days.

Iron is one of the important trace elements in the human body, which takes an active part in the processes of hematopoiesis. Without such a microelement, brain tissue and endocrine glands cannot be provided with oxygen in sufficient quantities.

Often the body does not have enough, and such a pathological condition can be quite dangerous. The lack of such a microelement in the body is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms and requires mandatory treatment. What to do if there is not enough iron in the body, which doctor to contact and how to treat such a pathology?

Iron is a trace element that performs very important functions in the body.

Most of the iron in the human body is part of the respiratory pigment in the blood called hemoglobin. It is thanks to iron that such a pigment gains the ability to bind oxygen entering the lungs and deliver it to all cells of the body.

Another important biologically active compound that contains iron atoms is myoglobin. It is a respiratory protein of skeletal and cardiac muscles. This compound takes an active part in the delivery of oxygen to actively functioning muscles.

The presence of iron in myoglobin helps maintain the performance of muscle fibers during intense physical activity, when the oxygen coming from the blood is consumed too quickly. Thanks to myoglobin, athletes are able to develop and train such an important quality as endurance.

Iron is present in many enzymes that actively participate in the process of oxygen utilization and support energy production.

What functions does this microelement perform in the human body:

  1. takes part in the process of metabolism within cells and hematopoiesis
  2. is an important constituent element of myoglobin
  3. maintains normal functioning
  4. influences the metabolism of B vitamins
  5. present in many enzymes
  6. considered an essential element necessary for normal growth of the body
  7. supports normal functioning of the immune system
  8. helps prevent the development
  9. improves the condition of hair, nails and skin

Insufficient intake of iron into the human body causes the development of various pathologies due to decreased immunity.

Norm and symptoms of iron deficiency

For normal functioning of the body, the need for iron is not that great - 3-5 g per day. In the first year of life, the baby’s body should receive 4-10 ml of microelement per day, and by 7-10 years this figure increases to 12 ml. For normal development of the body in adolescence, the iron requirement for boys is 15 ml, and for girls - 18 ml.

Often, patients are diagnosed with a deficiency of this microelement, which causes the development of various diseases, loss of strength, deterioration in general well-being and increased paleness of the skin. The following symptoms may indicate insufficient iron content in the human body:

  • Changes in skin, hair and nails. With a lack of microelements, increased dryness and flaking of the epidermis is observed, and the hair becomes brittle and falls out. In addition, the nails become very thin and take on a spoon-shaped, concave shape.
  • Changes in the condition of the mucous membranes and the development of inflammation of the tongue. In addition, cracks form in the corners of the mouth and stomatitis and caries may occur.
  • Perversion of taste. Patients with iron deficiency have a desire to chew inedible objects and smell unusual odors.
  • Pathology of the organs of vision. With a lack of microelement, the sclera turns blue and corneal dystrophy develops. In addition, the choroid plexuses of the organs of vision begin to become translucent.
  • Decreased muscle tone, which can cause problems with urination and pain of various types.

Insufficient intake of iron into a child’s body leads to delays in his motor and mental development. In addition, there is a disturbance in the immune system, that is, the body’s defenses are significantly reduced.

Causes of pathology

Experts identify the following reasons that can cause iron deficiency in the human body:

  1. problems with cellular respiration and lack of physical activity
  2. following a dairy diet without plant foods and fruits
  3. unbalanced and irrational nutrition
  4. prolonged bleeding or large blood loss
  5. pathologies that interfere with the normal absorption of microelements
  6. changes in the body's hormonal levels
  7. lack of vitamin C and accompanying iron absorption

The main reason that causes insufficient intake of iron in the body is considered to be poor nutrition. Eating refined foods, such as sugar, salt, canned food, bread and white flour, has a negative impact on your health. They saturate the body with phosphates, which interfere with the absorption of iron.

Often, insufficient supply of microelements occurs when following various diets, when those foods that contain iron are excluded from food.

Girls of childbearing age, children and adolescents should regularly consume iron supplements or foods with sufficient iron content.

With iron deficiency, atrophic changes in the mucous membranes are observed, which causes a violation of their barrier function. The result of this is the fact that many infections can easily penetrate the body and cause the development of various pathologies.

This situation is further aggravated by reduced immunity, therefore, with a lack of this microelement, a person often suffers from gastritis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases.With low iron content, muscle disorders occur, which result in myocardial dystrophy and decrease. Such patients often develop pathological conditions such as shortness of breath and tachycardia.

Microelement deficiency can manifest itself in functional liver failure, that is, the amount of prothrombin decreases, and. With a lack of iron during pregnancy, dystrophy of the myometrium and placenta develops, which is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of hormones produced.

Useful video: causes and symptoms of iron deficiency

With excessive trace element content in the human body, symptoms such as decreased appetite, headaches, constipation and increased fatigue develop. When consumed in large quantities, iron can have a toxic effect on the body and the development of a disease such as hemochromatosis is possible. With this pathology, the body accumulates iron in the most important organs, which greatly disrupts their normal functioning.

How to treat microelement deficiency?

Iron deficiency is closely related to such a concept as. Treatment of severe and severe forms of this pathology is carried out only in a hospital setting, since this is simply impossible to do at home. When diagnosing a patient with a mild to moderate form of anemia, it is imperative to find out the reasons that caused its development.

If the lack of iron was caused by insufficient intake of iron into the body with food, then medications are prescribed. After such drug therapy, to avoid recurrent iron deficiency, it is necessary to consume foods with the necessary content of this microelement.

Animal liver and meat are considered useful products for eliminating anemia and replenishing the iron balance in the human body.

It is in them that the microelement is contained in large quantities and in an easily digestible form. Beef kidneys, rabbit meat and lamb are slightly inferior to such products. The absorption of iron, which is contained in plant foods, is a little worse, but you should forget about them.

Most of this element is found in buckwheat, semolina, raisins, dried apricots, lentils, apples and green vegetables. In order to improve the absorption of iron, you should combine the consumption of animal products with dishes of plant origin, and especially rich in vitamins B12 and C. Products such as tea and caffeine, as well as calcium and phosphates, interfere with the absorption of the microelement in the human body.

A lack of iron in the human body leads to serious consequences: from an early age, children can develop anemia, anemia, and other undesirable problems.

In older age, iron deficiency leads to nail pathologies, dental diseases, and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

In addition to these phenomena, a lack of iron can provoke a distortion of the sense of taste.

To replenish the level of this element in the body, we offer a list of vitamins for children and adults.

Timely recognition of signs of element deficiency in the blood will help prevent the negative consequences of this problem.

Ferrum is considered a vital component that cannot be synthesized independently.

Iron is used for hematopoiesis, the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues.

Obvious symptoms of component deficiency in women and men will be immediately noticeable:

  • Pallor of the skin of the face, peeling of the epidermis, dryness.
  • Impaired attentiveness.
  • Decreased performance and vigor.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Change in taste sensations.
  • Severe shortness of breath.
  • Problems with blood circulation.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  • Chronic fatigue and irritability, poor memory.

The listed symptoms may be supplemented by changes in the level of hormones in the blood, which is also a problem for an adult or child.

To quickly check yourself for an element deficiency, answer the questions: how often do you eat meat, vegetables and fruits, is there a tendency to go on a diet, and also how much energy reserve can be assessed.

All answers will tell you whether there is a lack of iron or whether its level is normal.

Latent deficiency in children

Hidden lack of an important component in children is called latent iron deficiency.

This condition develops in a child when the tissue reserves of the element are significantly depleted. In this case, hemoglobin is normal, anemia does not develop.

Let's consider how LID manifests itself externally - latent iron deficiency:

  1. Muscle wasting. The child's muscle tissue weakens greatly and stops growing.

    Over time, this becomes noticeable, but at the initial stage this sign is difficult to identify.

  2. Burning of the genitals. Girls experience severe inflammation in the vulva area, accompanied by annoying itching and redness.
  3. Seizures on the corners of the mouth. This phenomenon often happens in children, which is why parents attribute it to the child’s poor hygiene.
  4. Dry and yellow skin. Noticing such a symptom, the mother immediately runs to a gastroenterologist, believing that the child has problems with liver function.
  5. Dry and brittle nails and hair. This symptom can be attributed to a lack of calcium, but if all of the listed symptoms appear together, it is worth getting tested for iron levels.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor takes blood from a finger, the results show the level of hemoglobin.

Important! Latent deficiency is characterized by a decrease in ferritin levels, as well as a significant decrease in serum iron.

The doctor prescribes adequate treatment using vitamins and a proper diet. In this case, the diet should be filled with foods rich in iron.

How to make up for vitamin deficiency

A reduced level of hemoglobin requires rapid replenishment of this element. For this purpose, a special diet is prescribed, including certain foods.

Pay attention! If hemoglobin is normal, indicating LVAD, the doctor independently selects a diet aimed at recovery.

Let's consider options on how to replenish ferrum deficiency without harm to the human body:

Food category Products
Meat products The greatest amount of iron is found in pork, chicken and beef liver. Pork heart is also suitable for the diet.

If the medical history contains gastritis, it is prohibited to use such a diet during an exacerbation.

Seafood Oysters and mussels are record holders for the content of the element. They are followed by sardine, black caviar and tuna.
Cereals Bran and oatmeal will become the main products during the iron replenishment period
Nuts, dried fruits Cashews, as well as prunes and dried apricots will help restore the shortage
Drinks Cocoa contains about 14 milligrams of iron per 100 grams of drink

What does iron deficiency lead to?

Iron deficiency plays a special role during pregnancy: due to a lack of components, the expectant mother and child experience health problems.

A woman develops anemia, which can lead to fetal hypoxia in pregnant women.

Iron level is an important indicator for the human body. The same can be said about plants - when the soil lacks iron, the leaves begin to fade, and the flowers cease to please the housewife.

Let's figure out what iron deficiency leads to and what problems it manifests itself in:

  • Blood pressure decreases.
  • There is a risk of heart disease.
  • Muscle tone decreases.
  • The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted.
  • Decreased immunity and increased risk of infectious diseases.
  • Children may experience mental retardation, which causes difficulties in understanding the world around them.
  • Pregnant women are at risk of premature birth or miscarriage.
  • Children experience sleep disturbances and lack of concentration, which is important for school age and good academic performance.
  • A person becomes irritable due to a change in psycho-emotional background.
  • The likelihood of developing skin diseases or problems with the gastrointestinal tract increases by 2 times.

As soon as a deficiency of a component is detected in the body, it is recommended to immediately begin therapy.

This includes eliminating factors that influence component loss, as well as the nutritional therapy outlined above.

Often, the doctor prescribes iron supplements and also advises eating at least 100 grams of meat daily to prevent relapses.

Useful video

As you know, the human body is considered the most complex system of all that was created by nature. Every trace element, vitamin, molecule plays an important role in the course of biological processes. At the same time, it is believed that almost the entire periodic table is present in the body, and if some substance becomes insufficient, then against this background various diseases develop, for example, anemia. This disease occurs as a result of a lack of iron in the tissues of the body, the causes and manifestations of which are the subject of this article.

The role of iron in the human body

Iron is one of the most common substances on earth, without which life is impossible for either plant or animal organisms. The role of this component is extremely important for humans, since iron contributes to the occurrence of many biologically important processes. Moreover, if you collect all the iron that is in the human body, this can be enough to make up to five small cloves.

  • This substance is mainly present in the blood and organs that are responsible for hematopoiesis, namely the liver, spleen and bone marrow. This trace element is required for the formation of hemoglobin, the protein that forms red blood cells. Hemoglobin captures oxygen and ensures its transport in the body, therefore, iron helps saturate internal organs with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body.
  • At the same time, the described microelement participates in and improves the processes of intracellular metabolism, including promoting the most productive metabolism of B vitamins. Iron also participates in the formation of DNA and ensures the full growth and development of most body systems. This component is important for the activation of interferon, which describes iron as an immunoforming component.

Daily iron requirement for women

On average, an adult living in a developed country, where there are no problems with food shortages, has about 4-5 grams of iron in the body. Moreover, most of it (up to 70%) is contained in liquid tissue. In order for a person, especially when it comes to the female body, to feel good, it is necessary to systematically obtain iron from the outside.

For women, the daily dose is approximately 10-20 grams, but this is a rather arbitrary indicator that can depend on a large number of factors. It is interesting to note that women need to consume much more iron daily than men. It should also be noted that girls carrying a child or breastfeeding require more not only iron, but also other substances.

Persons leading an active lifestyle or involved in professional sports need to increase the dose. In this case, the daily norm of the described microelement can reach up to 45 milligrams of the substance, however, only a specialist can calculate the correct dosage, and therefore you should not consume iron-containing vitamins unless there is a reason for it.

Causes of iron deficiency in the blood

A lack of iron in the body is called anemia, or anemia, since this pathology occurs most often with bleeding. Most often, the problem is faced by people who have suffered an injury, due to which significant blood loss was recorded. This phenomenon is also typical for girls with menstrual irregularities, which is especially common in adolescence and is referred to as juvenile bleeding.

Anemia syndrome can be observed when the nutritional balance is disturbed, and therefore a person does not consume enough iron in food. This problem is faced mainly by girls who adhere to strict diets, as well as people who play sports, but do not take into account the body’s increased need for nutritional components.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in a woman’s body

Iron deficiency is a phenomenon that can have a completely different range of symptoms. With this disease, namely iron deficiency anemia, the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops significantly, and as for the specific signs of the disease, they can be divided into symptoms characteristic of certain stages of the disease. Thus, the features of the course of anemia are described below in accordance with the stage of the described syndrome.

How does the prelatent stage manifest itself?

The main symptom, which unfortunately does not give a clear understanding of what caused it, is asthenic syndrome. The person feels weak, depressed, and noticeably lost strength. These physical conditions are accompanied by changes in mental state, against which depression and irritability develop. Many people complain of dizziness and headaches, as well as difficulty swallowing.

The first stage is characterized by an increase in heart rate, which is caused by any, even the most insignificant, physical activity. Grooves and local areas of inflammation and redness appear on the tongue. Patients often experience a distortion of their sense of taste; at the same time, preferences in aromas change and the smell of gasoline begins to attract them. Often pregnant women feel the urge to eat chalk, which may also indicate the onset of anemia.

How to determine latent iron deficiency

During the latent stage, the patient’s condition only worsens and the disease progresses. During this period, you can feel an even greater decrease in activity, temperature and pressure drop. Dermatological manifestations appear: seizures form, the skin acquires a pale, bluish tint. With all this, painful sensations arise in the abdominal area, mental processes worsen, including qualitatively impaired memory and the ability to reproduce information.

Stage of pronounced deficiency

The transition of the disease to a pronounced stage, as well as its subsequent progression, is dangerous for the patient’s life. During this stage of the disease, there is a disturbance in the digestive process, which causes belching, bloating, and constipation. Due to the fact that the immune system does not fully perform its functions, the risk of infectious and viral diseases increases.

Due to hormonal changes in patients with anemia at the last stage, the likelihood of tumors increases. At this point, poor growth of hair and nails can be noted, and distortion of their shape is also noted (nails become concave). People experiencing severe iron deficiency complain of tachycardia and pain in the heart.

Video about the causes and signs of iron deficiency anemia

This video is a broadcast of a TV show that is dedicated to the problem of iron deficiency in the human body. This video explains the possible causes that contribute to the development of a specific disease, as well as methods of treatment and prevention of such a common phenomenon as anemia.

What to do if there is not enough iron in the body?

If you suspect that the body does not have enough iron, you should pay attention to your own diet. If your diet contains a product containing iron in the required quantity, and the signs of the disease still do not go away, you should consult a doctor. The diagnosis can be made based on a blood test, after which treatment adequate to the problem will be prescribed.

What and how to compensate for iron deficiency

Today, the problem of iron deficiency has been studied in sufficient detail, and therefore there are a large number of methods to combat a specific disease. In the early stages, iron deficiency anemia is eliminated by correcting the nutritional system, in which food of animal origin predominates, since the key enzyme from this category of products is absorbed better than from food of plant origin. If the diet does not allow you to completely cure the disease, which requires at least three months, then medications are used, which is discussed in more detail below.

List of foods containing iron

Obviously, there are a lot of iron-containing foods, but this does not mean that food with a large percentage of this microelement will contain the necessary dose of iron for anemia. As noted, iron from meat is much better absorbed than the substance from cereals and vegetables, since plant foods contain many inhibitors that do not allow the enzyme to be absorbed in the required amount. At the same time, you should describe the foods that contain the most iron, which will help you create the most appropriate diet.

Among foods of animal origin, the following will have the greatest therapeutic effect:

  • cheese made from skim milk;
  • beef liver;
  • beef, lamb and pork;
  • eggs, especially the yolk;
  • language;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bird;
  • fish, etc.

Among the absolute leaders in iron content among plant foods, it should be noted:

  • beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • dill;
  • thyme;
  • seaweed, etc.

The best iron supplements

It should be understood that pharmacological treatment of anemia is possible only as a result of examination and prescription of specific drugs by the attending physician. Therapeutic tactics are based on eliminating the pathology that led to the loss of the microelement, as well as restoring the proper level of iron in the blood. In combination with vitamins containing iron, it is customary to use additional substances that contribute to better absorption of this component. Among the most common medications for anemia, it should be noted:

  • Heferol;
  • Ferronate;
  • Irovit;
  • Fenyuls;
  • Actifferin, etc.

Preventing iron deficiency

In order to avoid iron deficiency, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor your own health, and also eat well. You should regularly eat meat, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, which will not only prevent the development of anemia, but also keep the body in good shape.

What threatens iron deficiency: consequences

If iron deficiency is an advanced process, the symptoms and course of which are ignored for some reason, then there is a risk of a serious deterioration in health, which in a critical situation can lead to death. First of all, a patient with advanced anemia will encounter painful sensations in every part of the body and will experience constant weakness and malaise. Due to suppressed immunity, severely ill patients suffer from a large number of diseases that are a consequence of anemia, including worsening chronic processes and significantly increasing the risk of developing cancer.