Mineral waters DONAT Mg and STIRIJA. Method of use and benefits of medicinal mineral water Donat magnesium

Donat Mg is water with unique properties and composition. It is rich in magnesium and other beneficial components. Next we will talk about this natural panacea; find out why it is used and how.

The water that flows in the underground pools located in the area has miraculous powers. rocks. Such water tends to be enriched with minerals that have healing properties. The resort, located in the east of the country of Slovenia, Rogaska Slatina, is known almost throughout the world. It gained its popularity thanks to the Donat Mg mineral water source.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use

Donat Mg differs in composition from other medicinal mineral waters. This water contains many useful components, it is uniquely balanced, suitable for complex treatment various ailments. It is recommended by doctors to improve work internal organs, strengthening muscle and bone tissue. It is effective in treating the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes, functional impairment gastrointestinal tract
  • Gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Hypertension, relieves higher level blood cholesterol

Besides - mineral water relieves tension, relaxes muscles during spasmodic conditions. It increases potency, promotes weight loss, removes toxins and waste.

Mineral water - composition

IMPORTANT: Magnesium, which is part of mineral water, promotes the accumulation of energy in cell tissues, it strengthens the nervous system due to its anti-stress properties.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for adults

A natural panacea has truly unique properties. It enhances metabolic processes in various systems body, strengthens tooth enamel, supplies carbon dioxide, sodium ions, calcium sulfate, bromine, magnesium, lithium, fluorine, bromine, iodine and other substances to human life systems. The only thing is that the medicinal water must be drunk according to a certain scheme and only the attending physician can select the correct dosage for the patient. Only then will you benefit from this mineral water. If we count approximately, then an adult should consume approximately three hundred to five hundred milliliters Donat Mg per day.

Water Donat Mg

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary take Donat Mg according to a certain method:

Drink water three times a day- definitely after meals. The interval between meals and consumption of Donat Mg should be two and a half hours. One kilogram of a person’s weight should require 26-30 ml of water per day.

IMPORTANT: Active substances Donat Mg quite quickly penetrates into blood vessels and human blood, thereby provoking biochemical processes. Thanks to this, the patient feels a surge of strength and a general improvement in health.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for children

Young children, especially before a certain period, grow actively. They are undergoing changes; more precisely, all organs are being formed different systems. That is why children simply need natural minerals, which are abundant in Donat Mg water. You need to drink water in certain dosages. Below is a table of data on how to use the panacea.

Donat Mg - how to drink for children?

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for pregnant women

The benefits of Donat Mg mineral water are obvious. Naturally, if you do not abuse it, but drink it according to the schemes provided above. Despite this, pregnant women may have doubts about whether the source of unique components will harm the unborn child.

Donat Mg is useful for expectant mothers at any stage, the main thing is that the woman has no contraindications to its composition and does not get carried away with its excessive use.

IN small quantities water will relieve the expectant mother from toxicosis, anemia, constipation, causeless worries, depression, miscarriage, problems with internal organs, all sorts of fears, and nervous overexcitation.

Donat Mg will also be useful for little babies, it can nourish the body useful substances, normalize the functionality of all vital systems of the body.

Donat Mg - for pregnant women

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women should use Donat Mg in the same way as adults.

How to drink Donat Magnesium water for constipation

Constipation causes discomfort in people; due to this disease, patients feel constant feeling fatigue, bad taste V oral cavity, bloating, nausea. Donat Mg water can save a person from such a problem. It enhances the production of bile secretion and increases the peristalsis of the large intestine. It saturates the body with fluid, thereby preventing stool stagnation.

To get rid of these symptoms, use water according to the usual regimen - three times a day. three hundred to four hundred milliliters per day.

Donat Mg for constipation

How to drink Donut Magnesium water while losing weight?

If you decide to reset excess weight with the help of this natural drink, you don’t have to go on a strict diet and constantly exhaust yourself with workouts gym. You can do this without it, by taking only Donat Mg water before eating. Many people who are losing weight have already tested this quality of water on themselves. In one calendar month you can lose from two to six kilograms of body weight. To achieve maximum results, drink a course of water 25 minutes before meals. The scheme for using Donat Mg is presented in the table below.

How to use? Volume of water consumed Temperature How to use? How much should I take?
25 minutes before your morning meal 225-325 ml Temperature - 55°C Quick sips

From 5 to 6 weeks

25 minutes before lunch 175-225 ml Temperature - 25°C Slow sips
25 minutes before evening meals 175-225 ml Temperature - 25°C Slow sips

Is it possible and how to take Donat Magnesium mineral water if you have diabetes?

If a person regularly does not eat properly and overeats, then his metabolism may be disrupted and, as a result, he may experience metabolic syndrome. It lies in the fact that the patient’s organs are disrupted. This causes improper insulin production. It is present in the body, but does not work as it should - it turns into a hormone, which subsequently leads to excessive obesity.

And Donat Mg helps to cope with the situation in such cases. The main substance, which is abundant in the liquid, is magnesium, which penetrates into the cells, where, due to the expulsion of calcium and sodium, there are more receptors on the cell membrane itself. And bicarbonate promotes the production good hormones, which improve insulin production.

Water lowers blood sugar, normalizes the functionality of the pancreas, and helps slow down the aging process of cellular components. Use it in the same way as for weight loss before meals behind twenty five minutes throughout the month in the amount of 225-500 milliliters per day.

Donat Mg water for diabetes

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: contraindications, side effects

Even such a natural panacea as mineral water has a number of contraindications. You can't drink it:

  • patients with kidney diseases
  • with pathologies of cholelithiasis that require surgery
  • cancer patients, during exacerbation of pathology
  • people with stomach ulcers, ulcers duodenum at internal bleeding
  • patients with low acidity

To avoid any complications, take Donat Mg in gentle dosages. Moreover, do not start drinking water immediately with the recommended doses. You should start drinking it with a small amount (preferably half the dose), and then, after making sure that it suits you, take 325-500 ml of water per day.

Contraindications. Who should not drink Donat Mg?

IMPORTANT: So that mineral water does not lose all its beneficial features Never leave it in the refrigerator. It should also not be frozen. Drink water only for prevention. Donat Mg should not be replaced daily dose fluid consumption.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: analogues

It is difficult to find Donat Mg mineral water in regular sales. A cheaper analogue could be Stelmas MgSO4. It contains similar components, but they are still somewhat different. This mineral water also has a choleretic and laxative effect. It is necessary to drink the analogue only as prescribed by a medical specialist in the recommended dosages.

Water Stelmas Magnesium - analogue of Donat Mg

This mineral water has been popular for a long time, and now its properties have not been lost. Therefore, it has not lost its popularity to this day. It is not used to treat various diseases. It is recommended for maintaining health and for preventive purposes. If you do not take into account the contraindications of Donat Mg, complications and health problems for the patient are possible. Before using it, consult a medical specialist.

Video: Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: reviews

Instructions for Donat - mineral magnesium water

Instructions in summary applied directly to the packaging mineral water. More detailed information can be obtained from the doctor who prescribes her DonatMg or from the article below.

Form, composition, packaging

Being a natural mineral water with medicinal properties, Magnesium Donat is sold in one-liter plastic bottles. Since the extraction of the healing liquid is carried out deep underground, it has the ability to be naturally enriched with minerals, magnesium, bicarbonates, calcium and sulfates. This mineral water is different high content magnesium, unlike its counterparts.

Storage period and conditions

Water storage is provided for one year, provided it is kept in temperature conditions from 2 to 20 degrees in rooms where relative humidity does not exceed 85 percent.


The healing properties of Donat magnesium mineral water are multifaceted and are due to the uniqueness of its composition. Pharmacological activity consists in a fairly high mineralization of water and great content ionic magnesium, which is electrically active.

Indications for use of Magnesium Donat

Donat mineral water with magnesium is widely used in medicinal purposes and therefore can be recommended for a wide variety of ailments.

  • To cleanse the body/accelerate metabolism (antispasmodic for the stomach, increased peristalsis, improved functionality of the muscles at the entrance to the stomach, a building element for the gastric mucosa during its renewal);
  • For gout/diabetes mellitus (preventing the development of complications in diabetes, destruction of insulin-producing cells, promoting the digestibility of BZHU);
  • For chronic ailments of the digestive tract/heartburn (neutralization of acidity, stimulation of peristalsis, normalization of the functionality of the cardiac orifice);
  • For chronic fatigue syndrome/stressful condition (normalization of transmission nerve impulses, decreased apathy, weakness, increased attention);
  • With withdrawal syndrome (recovery blood count balance, eliminating alcohol intoxication and dehydration, normalizing blood pressure and sleep, replenishing the loss of important microelements, relieving anxiety symptoms);
  • For low cholesterol/hypertension (relieving vascular spasms, normalizing blood pressure, eliminating shortness of breath, migraines);
  • If you are overweight (decreased appetite, accelerated metabolic processes and removal of toxins and excess fluid without loss of microelements, increased breakdown of fats);
  • For constipation (laxative effect, prevention of gallstone formation, increased peristalsis);
  • For male infertility (increased sperm motility, decreased lifelessness).


  • renal failure in acute/chronic form;
  • exacerbations of gastrointestinal ulcers with bleeding;
  • gallstone disease, when surgery is necessary;
  • conditions requiring hospitalization;
  • oncological diseases.

Instructions for use of Donat Magnesium water

to cleanse the body

  • 200 or 300 milliliters in the morning on an empty stomach strictly a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • no more than 20 minutes before lunch and dinner, 150 or 200 milliliters;

for diabetes mellitus

  • 150/200 milliliters strictly on an empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast;
  • 100 or 150 ml. no more than twenty minutes before lunch and dinner;

for gout

  • in the morning on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals, 200 milliliters;
  • before using the following techniques 150 milliliters of food a quarter of an hour before meals;

for constipation

  • 20 minutes before breakfast, strictly on an empty stomach, 300 or 350 milliliters (the water should be warm);
  • before lunch, drink 100/200 milliliters of warm water;

for obesity

  • Be sure to take 200 or 300 milliliters a quarter of an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach;
  • 150 or 200 ml. no more than 20 minutes before lunch and dinner;

for heartburn/gastritis

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 ml. 15 minutes before the first meal;
  • before each subsequent trip to the table 15 minutes. 150 milliliters of water;

at peptic ulcer

  • in the morning no more than twenty minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 ml;
  • 150 ml each. in 15 minutes before the next meals;

for hepatitis/cholecystitis/pancreatitis

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, 200 or 100 ml. in 20 minutes before the morning meal;
  • lunch/dinner in 15 or 20 minutes. 150 milliliters each;

for phosphaturia/oxaluria

  • 15 minutes in the morning. before meals 100/200 ml;
  • 20 minutes before each meal. 150 milliliters each;

for chronic fatigue syndrome/stress

  • in 15 minutes before breakfast, strictly on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 milliliters of water;
  • 150 milliliters twenty minutes before subsequent meals;

for hangover syndrome

  • before breakfast, no more than 350 (250) ml a quarter of an hour or 20 minutes;
  • all day at two-hour intervals, 150 milliliters;

for low cholesterol/hypertension

  • 200 or 100 milliliters 15 minutes before meals in the morning;
  • the same amount of water before meals throughout the day;

for the prevention of gallstone formations

  • 100/200ml. in the morning on an empty stomach and before every meal all day;

for male infertility

  • drink 100-200 milliliters of water before meals and at morning hours before the first meal;

in case of magnesium deficiency

  • 200 (100) ml. Drink mineral water in the morning before meals and throughout the day before starting a meal.

Before starting treatment with Donat mineral water, you should consult a doctor for advice. The specialist will recommend optimal mode administration and dosage, as well as the temperature of the mineral water, which will be suitable in a particular case.

Additional instructions

You should not self-medicate. Even such a drug as medicinal mineral water requires prior consultation with a doctor. Only a doctor can recommend this water for use and adequately prescribe its dosage regimen.

Donat Magnesium analogues

Analogues of this mineral water can be Stelmas magnesium sulfate-magnesium mineral water or Krasnousolskaya healing mineral water two. However, to replace Donat with analogues, especially based on their more acceptable cost, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor.

Donat Magnesium price

According to online pharmacies, a bottle (1 liter) of Donat medicinal mineral water with magnesium can be purchased for approximately 216 rubles.

Donat Magnesium reviews

Reviews of Donat mineral water with magnesium medicinal product quite a few and all of them positive. Everyone claims that water not only helped cure the disease, but also brought many benefits to the body as a whole. There are practically no people dissatisfied with the drink. Sometimes there are arguments about the high cost of the product or that water does not have a very pleasant taste if the doctor prescribes drinking it warm and without gas. However, the effect therapeutic effects covers this too.

Lyudmila: This water was prescribed to my daughter at the age of five, after she underwent a course of treatment with Biseptol. Abdominal problems began, which manifested themselves as symptoms of flatulence and constipation. After contacting the doctor and talking about the problem, we received a prescription to take Donat water and a recovery drug intestinal microflora. Two weeks passed and the child's condition became much better. A few years later, my daughter started having digestive problems again. The diagnosis of gastritis was in question, and while the examination was going on, to make the baby’s life easier, the doctor prescribed her phosphalugel and the already familiar Donat water. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed, and my daughter returned to normal; there was probably some kind of malfunction in her body. Now myself, having from time to time, discomfort in my stomach I drink this water according to the instructions with the doctor’s approval, of course. I feel much better. By the way, with taking Donata, I got rid of several extra pounds, although this was not my goal. I recommend.

Semyon: I learned about this healing mineral water from my friend who suffers from diabetes. He doesn't start the day without her. Having looked more closely at the bottle when I was visiting him, I saw that there were many indications for it. Among them is hypertension, which has been bothering me for several years now. I decided to buy a bottle to try. I didn’t go to the doctor about taking mineral water, but I drank it according to the instructions, which described in detail for what ailment, how much to drink and when. The effect is amazing. I began to forget about blood pressure and generally felt better. Now I buy in packs at once. I don’t drink too much, but I also mandatory techniques I don't miss it. I am very grateful to my friend for this advice.

Galina: I have been drinking this water for several years now as a preventative measure to improve the general condition of the body. One day I complained to my therapist about terrible fatigue and general malaise. I felt like a squeezed lemon. The doctor advised me to try Donut water with magnesium. This is a healing mineral water. I bought a bottle to try. Let me tell you right away that water is not cheap. But she somehow immediately began to improve my condition. Now I drink it several months a year. What is the result: the immune system has become stronger, the nervous system is calmer, sleep has returned to normal, and the heartburn that sometimes bothered me has disappeared. Some weight loss was a bonus because Donat water improves metabolism. In a word, complete benefit. I recommend trying it. You won't have to regret spending money.

Victoria: There was a case in our family when we had to worry a lot. The husband underwent a medical examination and was sent from the clinic to the hospital by ambulance because his blood sugar exceeded all acceptable standards. Diabetes. He was prescribed Donat and told how to take this mineral water correctly. My husband has been drinking water for several years now and his sugar levels have been kept under control. It turns out that this mineral water still has many indications for use: enhancing metabolism, strengthening nervous system, hypertension, improved immunity and much more. I want to try drinking it myself. Although I have no health complaints, I think it will be useful for preventive purposes.

Similar instructions:

Water for constipation

The unique composition of natural mineral water Donat Mg is main reason that Rogaska Slatina has been a favorite European resort for many years, specializing in the treatment and relief of chronic diseases in the field of gastroenterology.

Donat Mg- the most magnesium-rich water in the world, it is the only medicinal mineral water in the world containing 13 g of dry matter in one liter, and of this more than 100 mg of magnesium.

Donat Mg mineral water contains a whole range of minerals and trace elements: sulfates in combination with magnesium accelerate the cleansing of the gallbladder and intestines, bicarbonates reduce acidity gastric juice, lithium and bromide act as an antidepressant, fluorite helps against caries, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, vanadium are catalysts and are necessary for the body to carry out many enzyme reactions, but the most main element– magnesium, the deficiency of which leads to apathy, depression, decreased concentration, muscle tremors, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, and possible heart rhythm disturbances.

All these components, complementing and interacting with each other, make up a product that is unique in its qualities and healing properties. mineral water Donat Mg. Mineral water Stirija is very similar to Donat Mg, but has a lower mineral content.

Thanks to its unique composition, water Donat Mg helps in the treatment of a number of diseases such as diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, nervous system, stomach. Doctors especially recommend drinking water Donat Mg people suffering from diabetes various diseases gastrointestinal tract and pregnant women.

It has been proven that Donat Mg water normalizes acidity in the stomach, stimulates the cleansing of the gallbladder and the secretion of pancreatic juices. Getting into colon, Donat Mg mineral water has a laxative effect, which helps remove toxins. It has a beneficial effect and prevents the formation of calcium sulfate kidney stones.

Indications for use

Medicinal mineral water “Donat Мg”

This natural diamond average age which is approximately 8000 years old, is born at a depth of 280 to 600 meters, dissolving stones rich in magnesium, calcium, sulfates, bicarbonates, and contains a whole range of elements necessary for the proper passage of metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to its chemical composition, physical properties, balneological effect and medical knowledge, Donat Mg water is used for medicinal (therapeutic) and preventive purposes, and is also a source of pleasure for us.

Calming effect of Donat Mg water and its beneficial effects on the body help alleviate problems resulting from stress. Combining a course of mineral water with other relaxation and revitalization procedures gives the desired results - a person is again full of energy, calm, feels rested and ready for new challenges and victories.

Great magnesium course

Magnesium course of drinking medicinal mineral water “Donat Mg” helps in the treatment of a number of diseases, namely diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, nervous and cardiovascular systems. A magnesium course also has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

A course of drinking Donat Mg water in combination with selected procedures is perfect for eliminating constipation, combating excess weight, excessive secretion of stomach acid and heartburn. Since drinking Donat Mg water provides invaluable assistance to the body in stressful situations, during significant physical and mental stress, when the body’s need for magnesium increases sharply, a course of treatment with magnesium will give excellent results as a program for stress relief!

"Donat Mg" quickly and effectively reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, normalizes arterial pressure and weight.

Water perfectly relieves fatigue, headaches, improves sleep, calms, relieves heartburn and stomach cramps, and relieves hangover syndrome. Donat Mg mineral water strengthens muscle and bone tissue.

Water is simply necessary for growing children, pregnant women, athletes, and during mental stress and stress. "Donat Mg" has excellent taste.

Water is simply necessary for growing children, pregnant women, athletes, and during mental stress and stress. “Donat Mg” has natural carbonation and excellent taste.

Mineral water from Slovenia “Donat Mg”, unique and the only one in the world in terms of content and saturation of the body with magnesium.

In Russia, about 8 million diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels without pills using Donat Mg.

The source of this water is located in Rogaska Slatina, the oldest resort in Slovenia. The water has stood the test of time - it has been known and used for medicinal purposes for more than 400 years. Mineral water "Donat Mg" is very popular not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

Indications for use

- Chronic gastritis beyond the acute stage.
- Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.
- Functional disorders intestines, accompanied by constipation Liver disease in the inactive phase.
- Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract without a tendency to frequent exacerbations and beyond the exacerbation stage.
- Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent) mild and moderate severity in the compensation stage.
- Impaired glucose tolerance.
- Primary obesity, exogenous-constitutional, grade 1-3.


- Acute and chronic renal failure;
- Gallstone disease requiring surgical intervention;
- Oncological diseases, a period of exacerbation or decompensation of the underlying disease;
- Conditions requiring hospitalization and hospital stay;
- Recent exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers, with bleeding.

Cleansing the body - "Donat Mg" has a spasmolytic effect on the stomach (relieves spasms), improves peristalsis, improves the motor-evacuation function of the stomach, enhances metabolism, blood circulation, has a choleretic effect, promotes the elimination of toxins, and quickly renews cells.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach 200-300 ml; in 15-20 minutes. before lunch, dinner 150-200 ml.

Method of administration and dosage Diabetes mellitus - "Donat Mg" reduces blood sugar, improves its absorption by tissues, promotes better insulin production by pancreatic cells, and prevents the development of vascular complications of diabetes mellitus.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach 150-200 ml; in 15-20 minutes. before lunch 100-150 ml; in 15-20 minutes. before dinner 100-150 ml. If there are concomitant diseases, it is advisable to coordinate the course of administration (regime, dosage, temperature) with a doctor (tel. See Where to buy - Regions - doctor's consultation).

Gout- "Donat Mg" improves nucleic acid metabolism, reduces the level of uric acid in the blood.

Application: in 15-20 minutes. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach, 200 ml, 15-20 minutes before. before meals 150 ml.

Constipation- “Donat Mg” increases the secretion of bile and also enhances intestinal motility, thereby having a laxative effect.

Application: warm, strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 300-350 ml, before lunch 100-200 ml (water temperature 20-25°C).

Obesity- "Donat Mg" stimulates metabolism, increases the breakdown and excretion of fats, accelerates the removal of toxins and fluids from the body, reduces weight without loss of macro- and microelements.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 200-300 ml; in 15-20 minutes. before lunch, dinner 150-200 ml.

Gastritis, heartburn- "Donat Mg" neutralizes acidity, relieves spasms, stimulates peristalsis, improves blood circulation, regenerates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer- "Donat Mg" neutralizes acidity, relieves spasms, stimulates peristalsis, improves blood circulation, regenerates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Application: in 15-20 minutes. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach, 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes before. before meals 150 ml.

Chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis- "Donat Mg" improves the emptying of the gallbladder, relaxes the sphincter at the exit of the bile canal, improves the composition of bile, regenerates liver cells, improves blood circulation in the liver and pancreas.

Application: in 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before lunch, dinner 150 ml.

Oxaluria and phosphaturia- "Donat Mg" is a natural inhibitor of the formation of calcium stones.

Application: in 15-20 minutes. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach, 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes before. before meals 150 ml.

Reflux (GERD)- "Donat Mg" reduces hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, reduces the number of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric refluxes.

Application: in 15-20 minutes. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach, 150-200 ml, 15-20 minutes before. before meals 150 ml.

Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome- "Donat Mg" relieves symptoms of depression, apathy, reduces irritability, excitability, accumulates energy in the cells, increases attention, memory, normalizes the transmission of impulses to muscle cells, increasing muscle strength and tone.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

Withdrawal syndrome (hangover)- "Donat Mg" restores the acid-base balance of the blood, relieves symptoms of dehydration and alcohol intoxication, replenishes losses of essential microelements, normalizes blood pressure, relieves symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Normalizes sleep.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 250-350 ml, then every 2 hours 150 ml during the day.

Hypertension, lowering blood cholesterol- magnesium has a beneficial effect on vascular tone, relieving their spasms, and thereby normalizes blood pressure, as a result - migraine symptoms are relieved and shortness of breath disappears.

Application: strictly within 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.

Preventing the formation of gallstones- magnesium ions - improve emptying of the gallbladder and, at the same time, relax the sphincter at the exit of the bile canal.

Male infertility- magnesium ensures high sperm motility. If magnesium metabolism in them is disrupted or if there is a deficiency of it, a decrease in motor activity occurs (lifelessness).

Application: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.

Magnesium deficiency- in 500 ml. Donat Magnesium mineral water contains the daily requirement of magnesium (Mg2+), which is well absorbed in the body. In case of magnesium deficiency, Donat is a sufficient remedy for effective treatment.

Application: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.

IMPORTANT! Check out the contraindications. To carry out an effective course of treatment and prevention, agree on the dosage regimen, temperature and dosage of medicinal mineral water "Donat Mg" with your doctor.

Chemical analysis natural mineral water DONAT Mg


Magnesium Mg 2+

Sodium Na+

Calcium Ca2+

Ammonium NH4+

Iron Fe2+

Manganese Mn 2 +

Aluminum Al 3+

Vanadium Vn


Weak electrolytes

Almost every person has encountered a problem. This is due to the features labor activity and eating habits modern people. For these reasons, patients suffering from constipation should definitely know how to deal with this pathology.

The disease is a slow, insufficient or difficult evacuation of feces during defecation. Many doctors consider constipation not an independent pathology, but a manifestation of other diseases.

There can be many reasons for constipation: physical inactivity, dietary habits, insufficient intake clean water, taking certain medications, changing place of residence, in women, long-term stressful situations, hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases of the large and rectal intestines.

Magnesium Donat Water

Donat mineral water is extracted from a pure healing spring located in Slovenia. The product contains microelements magnesium, sodium, sulfates and bicarbonates, which determine its therapeutic effect on the human body.

Effect on the body

Donat provides complex impact on the body. Water improves general state patients, activates metabolic processes in organs and tissues, stimulates reparative processes.

These mechanisms help in the treatment of a large number of diseases, and they also contribute to the overall renewal of the body. Water is suitable as a means of preventing many pathologies.

Indications for use

The list of indications for which you can drink Donat is wide:

  1. It is used to reduce blood glucose levels, improving its absorption by body tissues. Donat promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas, which helps improve the condition of patients suffering from diabetes.
  2. It is recommended to drink water for people who want to lose weight. It accelerates the metabolic process, thereby promoting increased breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Donat also actively withdraws excess liquid from the body.
  3. Water helps reduce levels of hydrochloric acid in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which is effective in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  4. Donat accelerates the flow of bile and stimulates reparative processes in liver cells, so the drug can be used during the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.
  5. Water promotes general cleansing of the body, especially digestive tract. Donat stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates blood circulation, activates intestinal motility. These processes improve the evacuation function of the intestines, which helps in the fight against constipation.
  6. Donut can be drunk when nervous overstrain human, water helps to calm and relax the body.


All patients should know that Donat is used for the purpose of treating and preventing diseases. Before using it, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist.

You should not drink Donat water in the following cases:

Instructions for using water in the treatment of constipation

How to take Magnesium Donat correctly for constipation? When treating constipation, drink water for a month. 1 glass of medicinal liquid is consumed on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. It’s good if the Donat water temperature is cooler than room temperature. This promotes maximum activation of intestinal motility, which improves the evacuation of feces.

The second and third servings are drunk before lunch and dinner, also half an hour before eating. The water temperature should be room temperature.

This fluid intake regimen will help restore your toilet routine. Doctors advise to carry out the act of defecation in certain time day, preferably in the morning.

The course of treatment can be repeated every six months. In cases where nothing bothers the patient, this will help prevent constipation in the future. Patients should not forget that they need to adjust their diet and exercise regularly.

For adults

The scheme described above is completely suitable for adults. Patients should definitely consult with their doctor and refuse to drink this water in cases of contraindications.

For children

Children can also drink Donat for constipation. The amount of fluid depends on the age and weight of the small patient. The calculation is carried out only by the attending physician. In other aspects, the scheme is identical to the adult one.


The problem often worries women during pregnancy. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines and hormonal changes in the body, which slows down the peristalsis of the organ.

Laxative medications can increase uterine tone. This poses a risk to the pregnant woman and her fetus as it can lead to miscarriage. For these reasons, physicians should exercise extreme caution in these situations.

Donat mineral water is absolutely harmless for both a pregnant woman and an unborn child. The action of the product is mild, without side effects. Therefore, Donat water is allowed for constipation during pregnancy, as it helps activate evacuation mechanisms in the intestines.

Thanks to its unique composition, mineral water called Donat Magnesium has medicinal properties, and in order to use them for your benefit, you need to study the instructions for use. This water is recommended for children and adults, women during pregnancy, elderly people, and athletes. It is mined in Slovenia. Donat mg mineral water is produced in three variations: plastic containers (0.5 l and 1 l) and glass bottles (0.75 l).

On a note! Its popularity healing water I received Donut Magnesium a long time ago. And since its effectiveness has been proven for more than one generation, it has retained its relevance until today. Healing water nourishes human body valuable minerals, among which sodium and magnesium are the leaders. It can be used as additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases, and also used for their prevention.

Composition of Donat Magnesium water: table

Donat Magnesium mineral water has a unique chemical composition. It is full of useful components, therefore it is used to treat various diseases.

Physico-chemical composition of medicinal min. Magnesium Donat water (mg) is presented in the table.








Carbonic anhydride

Silicic acid

General mineralization

The composition of water is dominated by magnesium and sodium. When interacting with other components, they provide a healing effect.

Indications for use and beneficial properties

Availability medicinal properties allows the use of Donat Magnesium mineral water for the treatment of most diseases, and the indications for its use are as follows:

  • gastritis, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: medicinal water has the ability to lower the stomach, increase blood flow, restore peristalsis and intestinal mucous membranes;
  • diabetes mellitus: after drinking Donat Magnesium mineral water, the functioning of the pancreas is restored, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, and the production of insulin increases;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis: blood flow increases, bile composition improves;
  • hypertension: vascular spasms are reduced, their walls are strengthened, pressure is stabilized;
  • postoperative period: medicinal water gives additional strength to the body and helps it recover faster after surgery;
  • male infertility: sperm movement accelerates (water helps only in cases where the cause of their inhibition is a lack of magnesium in the body);
  • depression: appetite increases, mood improves, apathy goes away;
  • overweight: by improving the metabolic processes occurring in the body, fat deposits are broken down;
  • food poisoning: toxins, waste and others are eliminated hazardous substances from the body.

Thus, Donat MG water improves the health of the entire body. It cleanses it, strengthens the immune system, preventing many diseases, and helps organs work properly.

On a note! According to experts, Donat Magnesium water even takes an active part in the production of hormones.

How to take Donat Magnesium correctly?

For getting therapeutic effect you need to know how to drink Donat Magnesium mineral water correctly. Depending on the indications for use, special treatment regimens have been developed:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases, dysfunctions of the nervous system: 150-200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, as well as half a glass before lunch and dinner;
  • diabetes mellitus: 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, 150 ml at the rest of the day;
  • hypertension, infertility in men, cholelithiasis: half a glass before meals;
  • obesity, excretion toxic substances: 300 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 200 ml before lunch and dinner;
  • constipation: up to 350 ml in the morning before meals, 200 ml in the afternoon and evening;
  • hangover: 350 ml in the morning, half a glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

Regardless of the indications, Donat MG magnesium water should be drunk immediately before meals. Dosages in each special case can be adjusted by your attending physician.

Instructions for use of Donat Magnesium water for children

The way to use mineral water for children depends on their age:

  • over 10 years: 120 ml before meals in the morning, the same amount before lunch and 50 ml before dinner;
  • 6−10 years: 100 ml in the morning before meals, the same amount before lunch and 40 ml before the evening meal;
  • 1−6 years: 80 ml before meals in the morning and afternoon, 40 ml before evening meals;
  • up to one year: 10 ml every 3-4 hours before meals.

Healing water is useful not only for adults; it is also recommended for children to drink. As a rule, it is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which often happens in childhood due to unstable digestive system. In case of poisoning, this water, along with medications, helps remove toxins from the body, as well as restore the functions of the stomach and intestines. For children under one year old, it will allow them to better accept complementary foods and adjust to a new diet.

Dosage regimen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs support more than ever. And Donat Magnesium mineral water can provide it.

  • keep the water at room temperature for at least 2 hours;
  • drink 200 ml before meals in the morning, you can have breakfast 20 minutes later;
  • drink 150 ml before the day and evening receptions food.

Since many women suffer from constipation during pregnancy, healing mineral water will help avoid such problems. It will make the intestines work correctly.

Instructions for use for athletes

For people who play sports or simply lead an active lifestyle, Donat Magnesium water will help restore strength and replenish lack of energy. As you know, a lot of them are lost during classes. In addition, there is a significant load on the muscles and internal organs. With the help of mineral magnesium water it will be possible to restore as soon as possible, feeling a charge of energy and a surge of strength.

Magnesium takes an active part in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the human body. If this element is insufficient, dysfunction of internal organs occurs. Magnesium water will compensate for its deficiency.

Beneficial features medicinal water Magnesium donation for athletes consists of the following:

  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • strengthening physical endurance;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • relief from muscle pain and spasms.

On a note! Since magnesium is ionized in mineral water, the body is more quickly saturated with it. If you take it in tablet form, the body will have to expend additional energy to absorb this element.


It is not advisable to drink Donat Magnesium water if you have kidney failure, severe gastrointestinal illnesses, internal bleeding, kidney stones, cancer diseases. Contraindication is the presence of problems with kidney function.

Side effects after taking Donat Magnesium mineral water are diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. Usually, unwanted effects occur only in case of non-compliance with the treatment regimen. The dosages recommended in the instructions for use should not be exceeded.

On a note! Before using Donat Magnesium mineral water, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid unwanted effects.


Donat Magnesium mineral water has no analogues. However, other means can be noted similar action. Magnesium also predominates in their composition.

Since Donat mineral water contains Magnesium a large number of useful minerals, its benefits are obvious. It activates all important biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Literally a few minutes after consumption, magnesium water reaches all cells and organs, providing a healing effect.

On a note! Experts say that if you follow Donat Mg when drinking water established standards, you can only use it to replenish the daily dose of magnesium in the body.

Since magnesium water has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, it should be drunk in therapeutic courses. According to experts, the greatest positive effect observed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, arrhythmia and diabetes mellitus. In order not to cause harm, you should take such water as medicine, and not a regular drink to quench your thirst. It is important to follow the recommended doses and not exceed them.

It is advisable to drink water at room temperature, since in this form it is absorbed best by the body.