Chemical composition of pumpkin per 100 g of flour. Chemical composition and beneficial properties of pumpkin


The orange color of the pumpkin, the shape of the fruit and the appetizingness of the pulp always attract our attention. But its closest relatives – watermelon and melon – are more popular. Perhaps, having learned the benefits of pumpkin, many will reconsider their attitude towards the vegetable and will more often include it in their diet.


Pumpkin belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family of the same name, which is interesting due to its large species diversity and the absence of poisonous plants in it. Pumpkin is prized for its fruits, which are called pumpkin. They are often mistakenly called berries. In the temperate zone, mainly one species, Cucurbita pepo (common pumpkin), is grown as a cultivated plant; it is also associated in all European countries with the concept of “pumpkin”.

What are the benefits of pumpkin? How pumpkin components affect its beneficial properties

Let's take a closer look at the pumpkin and analyze its composition. Pumpkin pulp is a fibrous structure consisting of polysaccharides, pectin and lignin. Plant dietary fiber pumpkins are very useful for humans, although they are not digested by the digestive tract. Sometimes they are called fiber, meaning only cellulose polysaccharides (carbohydrates). These fibers feed symbiont bacteria (anaerobic bacteria), which help where human enzymes are powerless. They enhance the enzymatic digestion of food, and in addition suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines (including putrefactive bacteria, E. coli, salmonella, enterococci), and also activate the immune system. In addition to stimulating the growth of intestinal microflora, pumpkin pulp plays the role of a natural enterosorbent, which absorbs toxic substances and then transforms them into neutral ones, or accumulates harmful substances and removes them through the excretory system. Thanks to symbiotic bacteria, pumpkin promotes the detoxification of formaldehyde, plant poisons, heavy metals and other harmful substances; absorption of vitamins and amino acids (groups B, C); formation and absorption of vitamin K - a blood clotting factor; regulation of the metabolism of salts, cholesterol, bile acids.

We recommend reading: How to grow pumpkin >

Organic acids , which are part of pumpkin (about 0.1 g per 100 g of pumpkin pulp), affect metabolic processes and take part in oxidative processes. They play the role of antioxidants, which is why pumpkin is so beneficial for everyone.

Besides, simple carbohydrates , included in the chemical composition of pumpkin, provide energy nutrition for cells and tissues. Thus, the simple carbohydrate glucose is essential for nourishing all nerve cells in the body, including brain cells. There are three times more simple carbohydrates, mono- and disaccharides in pumpkin than high-molecular carbohydrates. That's why pumpkin juice is so invigorating, improves mood and improves brain activity. Since simple carbohydrates provide quick nutrition to cells, pumpkin is useful for athletes and anyone who leads an active lifestyle.

The listed qualities do not reflect all the benefits of pumpkin. The beneficial properties are not limited to the effects of fiber and carbohydrates. Are of great importance vitamins and carotenoids contained in pumpkin pulp. Pumpkin contains about a dozen water- and fat-soluble vitamins and vitamin-like substances that determine its usefulness.

Pumpkin contains vitamin C , which is often called the immunity vitamin. But in addition to the immune system, ascorbic acid takes part in hundreds of chemical reactions that occur in the body, including promoting metabolism and the preservation of other vitamins. 100 g of pumpkin pulp contains 14 mg of ascorbic acid. For comparison: in the “standard” citrus fruits there are 4 times more. This seemingly negative fact is a huge advantage of pumpkin, because in excessive quantities ascorbic acid causes allergies or even poisoning. In pumpkin, vitamin C is in balance. There is enough of it, but not so much as to cause allergic reactions when eating a large amount of the vegetable.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin are complemented by four water-soluble B vitamins. Thanks to thiamine, or vitamin B1 , pumpkin helps normalize heart function and has a positive effect on the nervous system, regulates energy, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Riboflavin (B2 ), present in pumpkin, is beneficial for eyesight. It improves light and color perception, and also affects liver function and the formation of blood cells.

Contained in vegetables vitamin B3 (niacin, or vitamin PP) makes pumpkin a “cure” for various infections. Thanks to its content, pumpkin is useful for high cholesterol, nervous disorders and depression. Unlike vitamin C, B3 is not destroyed during heat treatment, so even boiled or baked pumpkin is as healthy as fresh pumpkin.

Folic acid awarded pumpkin with the beneficial property of stimulating the formation of erythrocytes - red anucleated blood cells that carry oxygen, and leukocytes - cells that protect the body.

And rare vitamin T , or B17, (some scientists classify it as a vitamin-like substance) endowed pumpkin with the ability to normalize blood clotting and stimulate platelet formation.

Pumpkin owes its bright orange color to the ingredients it contains. carotenoid compounds . Its pulp contains 1.4 - 1.9 mg of carotene, depending on the variety and color intensity. Like all orange fruits, pumpkin is useful in that it protects tissues and cells from under-oxidized destructive radicals. Although there is no vitamin A (retinol) in pumpkin (as in any plant cells and tissues), it contains one type of carotenes, a precursor to vitamin A - beta-carotene (or provitamin A). In the human body, one molecule of beta-carotene breaks down into two molecules of vitamin A, which in turn is responsible for growth, the condition of the skin, mucous membranes and twilight vision.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin are formed thanks to macronutrients - various chemical components necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

Contained in large quantities in pumpkin potassium (200 mg/100 g) helps maintain the sodium-potassium pump (ion balance in the body's cells), normal heart function, reduce swelling, remove excess tissue fluid and improve urination. Calcium , contained in the pulp, is necessary for bone tissue. Phosphorus promotes normal development of bone tissue, maintains bones in good condition, and is part of amino acids. Thanks to the content magnesium pumpkin is good for the nervous system and normalization of metabolic processes.

Rich in pumpkin and microelements , which in turn provide its other beneficial properties:

Pumpkin promotes the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes (properties gland ), affects metabolic processes and the functioning of the thyroid gland (properties iodine ). Thanks to zinc this vegetable activates immune reactions, supports the functioning of the brain and nervous system, improves memory and sense of smell, and stimulates metabolic processes associated with lipids and carbohydrates. Manganese promotes the normal functioning of muscle tissue, prevents fatty liver, helps the growth and development of bone tissue, and blocks free radicals. Copper in pumpkin strengthens the walls of our blood vessels, promotes the formation of red blood cells (together with ascorbic acid and iron). Rare element cobalt accelerates the growth of bone tissue, participates in the synthesis of enzymes and sugar metabolism.

Interesting information about the benefits of pumpkin and contraindications

Pumpkin is not only a healthy food product, but also a good remedy. Thanks to the components it contains, pumpkin has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, helps with inflammation and some skin diseases, but not in the case of bleeding wounds. But pumpkin flowers are used in folk medicine in Central Asian countries to heal open, infected wounds. Pumpkin is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, and excretory systems. It is often prescribed to patients as a component of dietary nutrition.
Another valuable quality of pumpkin is that its pulp has virtually no contraindications. It does not cause allergic reactions, even in children or the elderly, unlike tomatoes and carrots. In addition, pumpkin can be consumed by patients with high stomach acidity, for whom vegetables and fruits such as radishes, tomatoes, oranges, apples, plums, cabbage, tangerines, and carrots are contraindicated.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds?

It’s worth mentioning separately about pumpkin seeds. How are they useful for our body?

Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of nutrients, including vegetable fats and carbohydrates. They contain vitamins E, B3 (PP), F, B2, carotenoids, flavonoids, tocopherols, a lot of magnesium, zinc, iodine, potassium and iron. It has been established that pumpkin seeds have regulatory functions that affect metabolism; perform anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions; accelerate tissue regeneration processes and relieve swelling; normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, have choleretic properties, and improve the functioning of the bladder. In addition, this natural anthelmintic is superior to synthetic analogues and does not produce side effects. See more about the properties of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is a very healthy food product that can rightfully be called a natural multivitamin. All substances that make up the bright pulp do not lose their benefits even during heat treatment. In addition, pumpkin contains seeds - another treasure trove of health. After cleaning the pumpkins, do not throw them away, but dry them and store them. In the spring, they will help prevent vitamin deficiency and other problems. The peel is very rough, so it is trimmed off before cooking.

Decorative varieties of this plant can decorate the interior and delight the eye with their bright colors and impeccable shapes. Back in the old days, when sweets such as ice cream and chocolates were rare, a piece of baked sweet pumpkin was considered a real delicacy. The secret of the longevity of our ancestors can be explained by the fact that their daily diet was rich in healthy foods. Without having any special knowledge, they, relying on personal experience, were convinced of the beneficial effects of pumpkin on the body.

A little history

Pumpkin is an ancient crop. It came to Europe in the 19th century from Central America after potatoes and tobacco. Today, more than 20 varieties of this vegetable are known, differing in taste, color and size.

In many countries, pumpkin is rightfully considered the queen of vegetables. The American Indians were of the opinion that it was a cosmic eye connecting man with the Universe. The British believed that when sowing a pumpkin on Holy Friday, an oak tree would grow. Nowadays, pumpkin is widespread in almost all regions of the country.

How does it grow?

Pumpkin is a dioecious, monoecious, annual herbaceous plant. It has a very powerful root system, which consists of a main tap root, the penetration depth of which is 1–1.7 meters, and small, lateral, adventitious suction roots. Their main part is located at a depth of 40–50 cm, other roots can penetrate 4–5 meters deep. Lateral horizontal branches of the roots from the stem can spread over a radius of 4–5 m or more. The roots of one plant can have a total length of up to 25 km.

The long creeping stem has an average length of 4–5 m. First-order shoots come from the main stem, and second-order shoots from them, etc.

The leaves of the plant are large, they have long stalks, and can reach up to 25 centimeters in diameter. There are flowers and tendrils in the axils of the leaves. Varieties that are more resistant to drought and heat are characterized by the presence of a highly demarcated leaf blade. In some of them, aerenchyma can form - air-bearing tissue under the epidermis, the purpose of which is to protect the leaf from overheating. Some gardeners may mistakenly mistake areas of aerenchyma on the leaf surface for traces of disease.

The plant has single, large flowers of orange or yellow color. Female flowers can have different sizes, colors and shapes, depending on the variety and type of plant. The flowers are predominantly solitary, unisexual, but hermaphrodite can also be found. The number of male flowers is 20–25 times greater than female flowers. Females are more often located on the side braids of the first order, and males - on the main stem.

The fruit of the plant is a false multi-seeded berry (pumpkin), capable of reaching very large sizes. It can have different colors and shapes (from serpentine to round). The seed cavity of the pumpkin contains placentas with seeds. The pulp of the plant comes in a variety of colors - from reddish-yellow and orange to cream and white. For most varieties, fruits can reach 4–10 kilograms, for large-fruited ones - about 100 or even 200 kg. The diameter of the fruit can reach up to 1 meter.

The seeds are covered with a peel or they are bare, ellipsoidal in shape, of different colors and sizes (depending on the variety). They can remain viable for 4–5 years. Pumpkin is moisture-loving and heat-loving: germination of its seeds begins at +13...14 °C, but the most favorable temperature for this can be considered +20...25 °C. The plant is extremely sensitive to temperature changes at an early age: it dies at –1 °C. The growth of vines and stems occurs at a temperature of at least +12...15 °C, and the optimal temperature for fruit development is considered to be +25...27 °C.


The pumpkin fruit consists of peel (upper shell) - approximately 17% of the total mass, pulp - up to 75% and seeds - about 11%. Pumpkin is a natural source of many important minerals and vitamins that have beneficial effects on the body.

Table 1 “Chemical composition of pumpkin”
Compound Contents per 100 grams
1 g
4.4 g
0.1 g
2 g
91.8 g
0.1 g
Ash 0.6 g
0.2 g
4.2 g
250 mcg
0.05 mg
0.06 mg
0.4 mg
0.1 mg
14 mcg
0.7 mg
8 mg
0.4 mg
204 mg
25 mg
4 mg
14 mg
18 mg
25 mg
19 mg
0.24 mg
0.4 mg
1 mcg
0.04 mg
180 mcg
86 mcg
1 mcg

The energy value of pumpkin is 22 kcal.

Useful properties

Pumpkin is a very healthy product. This is an almost waste-free vegetable, because both pulp and seeds can be used for food.

A successful combination of potassium and magnesium is an excellent solution for women who care about their figure. This combination will help the body get rid of excess water and, as a result, cellulite. For the same reason, pumpkin puree is recommended for those people who suffer from edema and kidney pathology.

Pumpkin contains high amounts of iron, so it should be included in the diet of people who have anemia. This element plays an important role in the activity of the immune system, the formation of interferon and phagocytes. Therefore, dishes made from this vegetable are very relevant during an epidemic of ARVI and influenza.

The zinc present in pumpkin takes part in building the skeletal system. It is not without reason that village women may encounter fewer cases of age-related osteoporosis than city women of the same age. Maybe it is the pumpkin, which can be found more often on the village table, that helps strengthen the bones of provincial women?

The content of zinc in the body of men is directly related to potency. With its deficiency, sexual weakness occurs. Therefore, women who expect feats from their men in bed need to feed them dishes with the addition of pumpkin.

Pumpkin is a dietary vegetable. Due to the low content of organic acids and coarse fiber in the pulp, it can be consumed in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Any ophthalmologist will confirm that vitamin A, which is high in pumpkin, will prevent vision loss. Pumpkin dishes are recommended for people who spend a long time at the computer - they help compensate for high visual stress. Vitamin A has another useful function - preventing the occurrence of cancer. Since pumpkin is also a source of natural beta-carotene, these substances together will allow you to fight back the emergence of any neoplasms. Doctors advise people with poor heredity for oncology to take courses of multivitamins that contain beta-carotene and vitamin A. We must not forget that the absorption of this vitamin occurs best with fats, therefore, when preparing porridge, it is advisable to cook it in milk or add vegetable or butter.

This vegetable is enriched with rare vitamin T, which is very important for the body. It helps the digestive organs cope with the digestion of fatty foods and prevents obesity. That is why pumpkin puree is recommended as a side dish for beef and pork dishes. This is especially true for people with metabolic disorders who easily gain extra pounds.

Pumpkin is very rich in fiber - a real “broom” for the intestines, removing everything unnecessary. There is a direct connection between the strength of the immune system and healthy intestinal activity. Therefore, by using pumpkin to support intestinal function without constipation and other problems, you can avoid many diseases that arise as a result of a weakened immune system.

A person needs to consume about 1 mg of fluoride per day. This amount can be obtained by preparing juice from 0.5 kg of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice, thereby saving yourself from the possible occurrence of caries.

Healing recipes with pumpkin

  • For hepatitis and other liver diseases, you need to dry a glass of pumpkin seeds, grind them in a blender, and add 1 glass of olive oil. Then boil everything in a water bath, cool and leave for 7 days in a dark place. Strain everything and drink three times a day before meals.
  • Prostatitis. Grind 2 cups of unpeeled fresh seeds in a blender, add a glass of honey and mix everything. Make small balls from the mixture (about the size of a quail egg). Place them in the freezer, freeze and dissolve 1 ball at a time before eating.
  • For insomnia. Cut 100 grams of pumpkin pulp into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and eat 1 hour before bedtime. Sugar can be replaced with honey.
  • In case of urination problems. Eat pumpkin porridge three times a day.
  • Anemia. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, add 1 glass of water, add herbs and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Stew everything and eat it 3 times a day.

Is it possible to retain beneficial properties after processing?

Pumpkin can be consumed in any form - raw, baked, boiled, frozen. It is most effective to consume fresh pulp, but frozen pulp can also retain almost all its beneficial properties, and it can be used at any time of the year due to the possibility of long-term storage.

The beneficial substances of the vegetable are preserved even when it is baked. Baked pumpkin has pronounced diuretic, laxative and choleretic effects. It is, first of all, useful for people who have cardiovascular diseases and excess weight - it can significantly reduce the load on the heart. The vegetable can be baked in small pieces or whole, in the peel.

Avicenna wrote about the medicinal properties of boiled pumpkin. He considered it an excellent remedy for treating lung diseases and old coughs. Cooking pumpkin is very simple - cut the fruit into two parts, peel it from the seeds, and cut it into medium-sized pieces. Then everything is put into boiling water, salted and cooked for half an hour.

There is another way to preserve the beneficial qualities of a vegetable - it can be dried. When dried, pumpkin gives strength during physical activity, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and strengthens memory. And most importantly, this is a semi-finished product that practically does not require additional processing.

From pumpkin you can get healthy juice with a thick consistency, with a pleasant honey taste, which retains almost all the beneficial substances. In addition to a rich set of minerals and vitamins, it has good antioxidant properties. During a flu epidemic or the threat of a cold, you need to drink 200 ml of pumpkin juice every morning to boost your immunity. Due to its concentration, it will help well with increased nervous excitement, hemorrhoids, constipation, and vomiting. You can also use it to remove kidney stones.

The benefit of the drink also lies in its high pectin content, due to which it has restorative and rejuvenating effects. These abilities have found application in cosmetology. Pumpkin juice lotion helps eliminate skin redness, copes well with acne, and ensures skin regeneration at the cellular level. But people who have increased stomach acidity should not abuse pumpkin juice, since it is the pectin in its composition that contributes to heartburn and nausea.

Freshly squeezed juice is recommended for people suffering from seasonal depression. It's all about the successful combination of vitamin C with almost everything. This combination allows, on the one hand, to relieve fatigue, increase tone, give strength, and on the other hand, calm the nervous system.

This drink is also indicated for people with blood clotting disorders. This problem can be eliminated by the pumpkin juice present in it. Its deficiency is felt very acutely in old age. Recent scientific studies have confirmed that this particular vitamin helps the body absorb calcium from food. Therefore, with regular consumption of pumpkin juice, you can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vegetable oils (more than 50%) and proteins.

Despite their high calorie content, they are very beneficial for the body due to their high content of vitamin E, zinc, salicylic acid and other elements.

Due to their high zinc content, pumpkin seeds are widely used in cosmetology (both externally and internally) for problems such as seborrhea, dandruff, acne and others. They are also recommended for use by the stronger sex, since their benefits include increasing potency, as well as preventing strokes and heart attacks.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that pumpkin seeds can sometimes harm the body. Due to their high calorie content, they are not advisable for people who are prone to obesity. Salicylic acid contained in seeds in small quantities can cause poisoning of the body. When eating pumpkin seeds in large quantities, harm will be felt by the human digestive system, in particular the gastric mucosa.

An oil unique in its healing properties is produced by cold pressing from pumpkin seeds. It contains vitamins and microelements, but the greatest benefit is in the content of essential phospholipids and plant origin.

The introduction of such oil into the diet helps prevent atherosclerosis, neurosis, normalizes hormonal levels in women and men, and removes cholesterol. It is also used in cosmetology.

Before using pumpkin oil, you should consult a doctor, because it has a choleretic effect, and if used incorrectly (especially in large quantities) can be harmful to health.

Pumpkin dishes are the key to good health and well-being. They are perfectly absorbed by the human body. Most pumpkin dishes are prepared very quickly.

Pumpkin is used in many countries around the world. In America, a traditional pumpkin pie is prepared for Thanksgiving. In India, hot spices – pepper and others – are used when preparing pumpkin dishes. In South Asia, desserts are mainly prepared from this vegetable. In Japan, small pumpkins are used to make tempura. In Thailand, small pumpkins are steamed, first stuffed with mustard. Italians often use pumpkin and cheese for ravioli.

The simplest recipe is pumpkin puree. To do this, cut it into cubes or grate it, simmer until soft under the lid. Then knead with a potato masher or spoon. Mashed potatoes, depending on the taste, can be spicy, salty or sweet. You can add spices, herbs and herbs to it, which will help diversify the taste of the dish.

Pumpkin mass can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator for some time. It goes well with potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini and other vegetables, meat or minced meat. You can use pumpkin to make pies, pancakes, or fill pies with the mixture.

In cosmetology

Pumpkin is widely used in cosmetology. For example, rubbing your skin with a piece of pulp every morning will help get rid of acne. It is included in various face masks. Some of them you can cook yourself.

For dry skin

Boil the pulp, take 3 tablespoons of it, add 1 tablespoon of olive or peach oil, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to skin for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

For oily skin

Take 3 tablespoons of raw pumpkin pulp, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 yolk. Mix everything well, heat in a water bath to a temperature of 40°C, stirring continuously. Apply to the face, except for the triangle of the mouth and the area around the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask is also effective for acne.

Toning mask

Grate the pulp, squeeze out the juice, moisten a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. After 10 minutes, wash with warm water. Or you can apply grated pulp for 15 minutes.

For weight loss

Pumpkin is a low-calorie vegetable, so it is used in various diets. When consumed, the metabolism accelerates, so the body absorbs and digests food more easily. This helps prevent possible problems with metabolism and the accumulation of fats and harmful substances in the body.

Due to its low calorie content, pumpkin dishes can be eaten every day without worrying about the possibility of gaining excess weight. Due to the high fiber content of this vegetable, it is widely used to cleanse the body.

There is a special pumpkin diet. Its basic principles are:

  1. Remove salt and sugar from your diet.
  2. Eliminate alcohol and sweets.
  3. Daily calorie content should be no more than 1200 kcal.
  4. Food can be taken until 18.00, excluding snacks.
  5. Drink only coffee without adding milk, tea or still mineral water.

The diet menu can be varied, you can create it yourself, following the above rules. You can make soups, porridges, salads from pumpkin, and eat it frozen, dried, baked or boiled.

Cut a small pumpkin in half, remove the seeds, trim the peel so that only the pulp remains. Then it needs to be washed and cut into cubes, 300 grams of which then pour 1 glass of water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Next add oatmeal - 200 grams. Cook for 30 minutes without adding salt or sugar.

Pumpkin soup

Take 200 grams of pumpkin, potatoes, red bell pepper and cut into cubes. Chop the greens, grate the carrots and add to the previously prepared vegetables. Add water and cook until done.

Pumpkin salad

On a coarse grater, grate the pumpkin pulp, 1 green apple and carrots in equal parts. Mix everything, season with natural yoghurt.

Vegetable stew

Cut pumpkin, tomatoes, potatoes and into cubes in equal parts. Pour everything into a frying pan coated with olive oil, add 0.5 cups of water and simmer until done. Add parsley, rosemary, dill.

At the end of the diet, you need to switch to a normal diet, but be sure to limit sweets. Under no circumstances should you remove pumpkin from your diet.

Contraindications and harm

Along with its positive effects, pumpkin can also cause harm to the body. It is not recommended to eat pumpkin if you have the following pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • violation of alkaline-acid balance;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • any diseases of the digestive system during the period of exacerbation.

Some people who try pumpkin for the first time may experience bloating. It is better for such people to avoid eating this vegetable.

Pumpkin is a wonderful gift from nature and a record holder for beneficial properties. It can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, for the treatment of many diseases, and for weight loss. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, you can safely use this vegetable and get the maximum benefit from it.

Mexico and the southern states of North America are considered the birthplace of pumpkin. The peoples inhabiting these countries have known pumpkin since time immemorial. As a vegetable and melon crop, it is widespread in many countries of the world.
Pumpkin is an annual plant. The pumpkin stem reaches 8 m in length. The pumpkin fruit is multi-seeded and varies greatly in size and color. The fruit pulp is fibrous, yellow, and the rind is woody. Pumpkin seeds are flat, narrowed on one side with a clearly defined groove. Pumpkin blooms in June - July. The fruits reach full maturity in August - October. Pumpkin is unknown in its wild state.


The plant contains energy substances: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fatty and essential oils were found in the seeds.
Fatty oil includes glycerides of linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids; phytosterol - cucurbitol, amino acids, resinous substances containing oxycerotic acid, organic acids, vitamins C, B1, carotenoids were found. Sugars (the main one is sucrose), fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron salts are found in pumpkin pulp; trace elements: copper, cobalt, etc.; vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, E, PP and carotenoids. The leaves of the plant contain significantly more vitamin C compared to the fruits (up to 620 mg%). Coloring substances, flavonoids and carotenoids (cryptoxacin, zeaxanthin, flavoxanthin) were found in the flowers.

Table of the chemical composition of pumpkin (per 100 g of product).
Vitamin PP0.5 mg
Beta carotene1.5 mg
Vitamin A (VE)250 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.06 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)1.6 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)14 mcg
Vitamin C8 mg
Vitamin E (TE)0.4 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent)0.7 mg
Calcium25 mg
Magnesium14 mg
Sodium4 mg
Potassium204 mg
Phosphorus25 mg
Chlorine19 mg
Sulfur18 mg
Iron0.4 mg
Zinc0.24 mg
Iodine1 mcg
Copper180 mcg
Manganese0.04 mg
Cobalt1 mcg
Fluorine86 mcg
Nutritional value
Calorie content22 kcal
Squirrels1 g
Fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates4.4 g
Dietary fiber2 g
Water91.8 g
Starch0.2 g
Ash0.6 g
Organic acids0.1 g
Mono- and disaccharides4.2 g

See the chemical composition and nutritional value of fruits, vegetables and herbs:


In scientific medicine, seeds and pulp of the fruit are used as medicinal raw materials - pumpkin seed porridge, pumpkin seed decoction, pumpkin seed emulsion, pumpkin powder, pumpkin seed emulsion, pumpkin powder. These drugs are used to expel tapeworms - bovine, pork and dwarf tapeworms, tapeworms, etc. In terms of activity, pumpkin preparations are inferior to those of male fern, but they do not have a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, they are prescribed primarily to sick children and the elderly, as well as to persons who have suffered serious illnesses. In addition, these drugs are recommended for expelling worms in patients suffering from diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver, with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, during pregnancy and in nursing mothers. The seeds are included in recipes recommended for the treatment of kidneys and bladder.
It has also been established that pumpkin pulp improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes bile secretion, increases water and salt metabolism, resulting in increased diuresis. Therefore, it is recommended in raw or boiled form for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, liver and kidney diseases, gout, as well as for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with persistent constipation.
In folk medicine, “milk” made from pumpkin and hemp seeds has long been considered a good remedy for diseases of the liver and bladder. freshly prepared pumpkin juice is also used as a diuretic.
It is useful to include pumpkin in the diet of obese and diabetic patients, as it contains few carbohydrates and calories.
In small doses (1 glass), pumpkin juice is recommended to be taken at night for people suffering from insomnia and troubled sleep. In folk medicine of Azerbaijan, a decoction of flowers is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds. In German folk medicine, pumpkin seeds are also widely used to expel tapeworms, especially in children. Literary sources indicate that pumpkin pulp is an effective antiemetic for pregnant women. Popularly, pumpkin is considered a drug that dulls sexual desire.
Tibetan medicine uses pumpkin in therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart, treatment of gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. For certain indications, it is advisable to use pumpkin, zucchini and squash in medical nutrition in the form of main and sweet dishes. Of all the melon crops, pumpkin can be stored for a long time. Therefore, throughout the winter and spring it can be eaten fresh. You can use it to prepare various porridges, puree soups, marinades, syrup, fry in sour cream, bake flat cakes, etc. This is a valuable vitamin food.
Pumpkin oil is prepared from pumpkin seeds, which tastes like Provencal oil and is successfully used in food.

Japanese nutritionist J. Ozawa put pumpkin seeds in first place in the food health chart. He also noted that round varieties of pumpkin have the healthiest seeds.

Need to know that pumpkin is contraindicated people suffering from intestinal diseases accompanied by excessive gas formation, chronic stomach diseases and their exacerbations.


Seed germination period

Time for planting seeds for seedlings

25 - 30 days before planting in open ground or greenhouse

Seed placement depth

Planting scheme

70x70 cm (2 - 3 seeds in each hole, after germination the most powerful plant is left)

Time for planting seedlings in a greenhouse

End of May - beginning of June

Growing season

103 - 130 days

Soils by degree of acidity


Best soils

Fertile sandy loam, light and medium loamy

The best predecessors

Any vegetable crops (excluding pumpkins)

We grow on everything natural!

And some lyrics. It is worth listening to the advice of Angelina Moiseenko, the author of the poem "Pumpkin"

So that it works normally,
There was a healthy complexion
Eat pumpkin regularly
Eat pumpkin endlessly.
Baked and with porridge,
Better - with millet cereals,
And then your health
It will be a strong mountain.
No hurricanes
Then you won't be shaken,
Eat pumpkin regularly -
There will be comfort in your stomach.
There is a lot of fiber in it,
It contains pectin, potassium,
There are also a lot of vitamins
You can eat without fear.
Like cleaning it with a brush
Your intestines from everything,
What has accumulated has become superfluous,
And it will make him healthier.
You can also drink juice
And add honey to the glass,
It's much more useful
It will become, honey gives strength.
Lots of microelements
In honey, like in pumpkin, there is
If you remember this,
There will be countless benefits for you.
The heart will become healthier
And sclerosis will disappear,
Listen soon
Our most useful advice.


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It is known that the health and productivity of the crop grown on it depends on the acidity level of the soil. You can determine it in laboratories specialized for this, or you can do it yourself using a pH meter or indicator litmus paper. There is also a method for determining soil acidity based on weeds growing in a given area.

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The well-known pumpkin in Russia comes from Southern Mexico.

The Indians began cultivating this vegetable more than 5 thousand years ago.

They prepared food from the pulp, extracted oil from the seeds, and used the peel to make dishes. In the 16th century, it began to be grown in Russia - since then it has been especially popular among us.

But pumpkin is not only tasty, but also very healthy - it’s difficult to list all the beneficial substances it contains.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin and its contraindications are determined by the chemical composition of this vegetable. About 75% of the mass of the vegetable is pulp, 10% is seeds and approximately 15% is peel.

The peel is usually not used for food because of its hardness, but the pulp and seeds are not only eaten, but also used as medicine.

The stalks and flowers are also sometimes used for medicinal purposes.

Nutritional value: 100 g of pumpkin contains: 1 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 4.4 g of carbohydrates, 91.8 g of water, calorie content 22 kcal.

This vegetable contains a large number of different substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – boosts immunity and protects against seasonal colds.
  • Rarely found in other vegetables, vitamin T is found in pumpkin. It helps digest heavy foods more easily, so it is primarily useful for people suffering from excess weight. In addition, vitamin T prevents anemia, promotes platelet formation, and improves blood clotting.
  • Pumpkin is rich in pectins, and there is more carotene in yellow and orange varieties than in carrots.
  • Necessary for the synthesis of blood protein and bone tissue, vitamin K, which is absent in almost all other vegetables but is present in pumpkin, gives it even greater value.

In addition, it contains:

  • vitamins A, D, E, F, PP,
  • B vitamins,
  • macro- and microelements:
    • iron,
    • potassium,
    • calcium,
    • magnesium,
    • copper,
    • phosphorus,
    • cobalt;
    • fiber;
  • vegetable sugars;
  • substances:
    • accelerating metabolism,
    • removing “bad” cholesterol,
    • affecting the condition of the skin and various body systems.

Health benefits and harms of pumpkin

This wonderful vegetable is a real pharmacy that contains medicines for many diseases.

The benefits of pumpkin lie in its vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and cleansing properties.

Its pulp can calm the nervous system, improve metabolic processes, normalize the gastrointestinal tract and bile and urination; increases water-salt metabolism in the body.

Recently, a substance was discovered in it that can suppress the growth of tubercle bacilli.

The pulp not only removes excess water from the body, but also frees it from toxins and cholesterol. It is also known as an antiemetic, as well as an anti-aging agent.

For what diseases does pumpkin provide the greatest benefit?

  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the intestines, gall bladder;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • intestinal infections;
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • acne and skin diseases;
  • dandruff and seborrhea;
  • nervous disorders;
  • sore throats and colds;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • caries.

Are the beneficial properties of pumpkin preserved during processing?

Pumpkin can be consumed in any form - raw, boiled, baked and frozen.

The best effect, of course, comes from fresh pulp, but frozen pulp also retains almost all the beneficial substances and is convenient for use at any time of the year, as it can be stored much longer than fresh pulp.

The health benefits of pumpkin are preserved when the vegetable is baked.

When baked pumpkin is consumed, toxins and sodium salts are removed from the body, and pronounced choleretic, laxative and diuretic effects are observed.

First of all, baked pumpkin is useful for people suffering from excess weight and cardiovascular diseases - it significantly reduces the load on the heart. You can bake the vegetable in the oven whole, directly in the peel, or cut into small pieces.

Avicenna wrote about the medicinal properties of boiled pumpkin, as well as the benefits of raw pumpkin. He considered this vegetable an excellent cure for old coughs and lung diseases.

Today, boiled pumpkin is also used in cosmetology - as part of moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Cooking a vegetable is very simple: cut the washed fruit into two parts, remove the seeds from the fruit and cut into medium-sized pieces. Place in boiling water, add salt and cook for 30 minutes. You can eat it in pieces or puree it.

Another opportunity to preserve all the beneficial qualities of the product is to dry the pumpkin.

Dried, in addition to the beneficial properties inherent in this vegetable, it also gives strength during physical activity, strengthens memory, helps improve digestion, remove bile and mucus.

And most importantly, it is a semi-finished product that requires virtually no additional processing.

Medicinal benefits of pumpkin

It can be called an almost waste-free vegetable - in addition to the pulp, its seeds can also be eaten, and other parts of the fruit, except for the thick peel, can be used for treatment.

The introduction of this product into the diet will not only have a preventive effect on health, but will also have a therapeutic effect.

What benefits does the pulp of the fruit bring?

Any dishes made from pumpkin are beneficial for cardiovascular diseases.

The potassium it contains helps stabilize the heart, reduce swelling and strengthen blood vessels.

Skin lesions - burns, eczema, acne, pimples and others - are treated with freshly prepared pumpkin pulp applied to the wounds. It will also help with problems with nails and relieve pain in the feet when standing for a long time.

Another reason to use this healthy vegetable in your diet is anemia. Due to the high content of iron and vitamin A in the pulp, the blood formula improves.

However, vitamin A is absorbed best in combination with fats, so when preparing, for example, porridge, it is advisable to add butter or vegetable oil to it or cook it in milk. This way carotene will be absorbed much better.

Due to its high carotene content, pumpkin is also good for vision.

Just half a kilogram of raw pulp daily will act as a mild laxative and relieve constipation, and will have a diuretic and choleretic effect in case of kidney and liver disease.

Boiled or baked pulp, taken up to 3 kg per day for 3–4 months, also helps with these diseases.

It is impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties of pumpkin for the liver that the vegetable provides to patients during the rehabilitation period after suffering from jaundice. It helps bring out the “bad” ones.

For swelling, you should eat pumpkin porridge three times a day.

Pumpkin should definitely be included in the menu of older people, especially those with atherosclerosis. It contains a lot of pectins and helps eliminate cholesterol.

Boiled or stewed vegetables eliminate congestion in the spleen and liver, remove toxins and radionuclides, improve gastrointestinal function and digestion. Therefore, it is indispensable for chronic constipation, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The vegetable is also used as an anti-cancer agent. The boiled pulp is applied to the tumors and included in the diet.

Pumpkin is also useful for weight loss; nutritionists often include it in the diet of their patients.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin for weight loss are that it is a low-calorie product, and thanks to the substances contained in the pulp, it promotes weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes.

When limiting sweets and flour products, it is advisable to take 100–150 g of pumpkin porridge three times a day in addition to the usual diet.

Are pumpkin seeds good or bad?

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds are determined by the presence of certain substances contained in them.

Pumpkin seeds are 50% oils.

In addition, they contain a lot of proteins, zinc, proteins, resins, phytosterol, organic acids, vitamins, carotene.

They can be eaten raw or dried, or ground with honey.

Just keep in mind that in large quantities they can cause nausea or vomiting, but a handful of pumpkin seeds will only bring benefits and will not cause any harm.

The only thing you shouldn’t do with seeds is bake them in the oven and fry them. In this case, they lose most of their beneficial qualities. Dried seeds are stored for about two years and do not lose their properties.

The beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds are used to treat and prevent certain cardiovascular diseases. They activate the heart and can relieve heart pain due to angina pectoris and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

One glass each of pumpkin and hemp seeds:

  1. Grind the seeds in a mortar, periodically adding boiled water (3 cups) to them.
  2. Then you need to strain the drink, add sugar or natural honey and drink in portions throughout the day.

It can be added to buckwheat porridge. “Milk” is used for urinary retention or when there is blood in the urine.

Another remedy for kidney disease is tea made from seeds. You need to take 1 tablespoon of seeds and pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. You should drink up to 3 glasses of this tea per day.

The benefit of pumpkin for children lies in its anthelmintic effect. Pumpkin seeds help, first of all, against bovine, pork and dwarf tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms.

The absence of toxic effects on the body allows you to use the seeds during pregnancy, give them to children, patients with impaired liver function and the elderly.

How to get rid of worms?

  • Remove 300 g of fresh or dried seeds from the shell (remove only the hard skin, leaving a thin green film).
  • Grind thoroughly in a mortar
  • Stirring continuously, pour in about ¼ cup of water in small portions.
  • Add a teaspoon of sugar, honey or jam.
  • The patient should take the entire volume on an empty stomach within an hour in small portions.
  • After three hours, you need to drink magnesium sulfate, diluted in this way: adults - 10-30 g in half a glass of warm water; children at the rate of 1 gram per year of life.
  • After half an hour, you need to give an enema.

Seeds are given in the following doses: 2–3 years – up to 30–50 g, 3–4 years – up to 75 g, 5–7 years – up to 100 g, 10–12 years – 150 g.

Pumpkin juice - what are its benefits?

Pumpkin juice is another healthy product that can be obtained from this vegetable. The beneficial properties of pumpkin are preserved in its juice.

If you drink pumpkin decoction or juice sweetened with a spoonful of honey before going to bed, you can get rid of painful insomnia.

Half a glass of juice will calm the nervous system and act as a sleeping pill.

The juice from this vegetable removes excess fluid, so it is recommended to take it for edema, dropsy, diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys and liver. Just 3 tablespoons 4 times a day can relieve many kidney and liver problems in a month.

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of pumpkin juice are well known. Compresses with it help in the treatment of wounds, burns, rashes, eczema: moisten a gauze pad in the juice and apply to the sore spot.

Two to three glasses of juice daily are the best remedy for constipation and diseases of the biliary tract and gall bladder.

Few people know, but pumpkin juice is an excellent remedy for reducing fever during a cold. It also protects teeth from caries and tooth enamel from cracks.

Pumpkin oil

The benefit of pumpkin oil is that it is of high value and has a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

Due to the presence of easily digestible proteins, more than 50 micro- and macroelements, fatty acids and biologically active substances.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin oil are also determined by its chemical composition.

The oil is used in the treatment of the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous endocrine systems, to cleanse the body of harmful substances, strengthen the immune system, and maintain hormonal balance.

It is used in the treatment of vision, erosive and ulcerative damage to the mucous membranes, and dysfunction of the reproductive system.

It also has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nail plates, and the condition of bone tissue and cartilage. It has wound-healing and bactericidal properties.

You can read about the beneficial properties of lentils in our article at:

Can you use pumpkin flowers?

The flowers of the plant can also be effectively used for medicinal purposes - to prevent or treat cough. They are baked in dough in the form of flat cakes and eaten during severe attacks. Together with pumpkin flowers, you can bake viburnum flowers.

You can also prepare a decoction of flowers: pour crushed flowers (2 tablespoons) with a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes and leave for half an hour. Strain the broth and take half a glass before meals three times a day.

What benefits does pumpkin bring to women's and men's health?

Women will also be interested in the beneficial properties of pumpkin.

The fact is that pumpkin makes it possible to permanently get rid of periods of irritability, insomnia and overwork, and also eliminate acne, make nails strong, and hair lush and healthy.

The benefits of pumpkin for women also lie in its antioxidant properties. Every young lady sooner or later begins to worry about the issue of aging - pumpkin solves this problem too.

Vitamins A and E present in the pulp actively fight the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Vitamin A stimulates the production of mucus; it is the best “friend” of the mucous membranes.

Therefore, pumpkin is very useful for the intimate sphere. In addition, pumpkin contains iron, so women who regularly eat it will always have a good complexion and excellent mood.

During pregnancy, the beneficial properties of raw pumpkin will come in handy. Raw pulp or pumpkin juice will help replenish the lack of vitamins and relieve toxicosis.

For example, a decoction of pumpkin and lemon soothes vomiting.

The benefits of pumpkin for men cannot be ruled out. Pumpkin juice has been used in folk medicine for a long time as a means to help maintain sexual tone in men.

In addition, the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on men's health and sexual strength. It is no coincidence that in the old days, seeds ground into flour were added to love potions.

For diseases of the prostate gland, enemas with pumpkin decoction are indicated. You can replace them with microenemas made from seed oil, as well as candles made from peeled crushed seeds, mixed in equal proportions with butter.

Is pumpkin good for children?

If the child has no contraindications, then including all kinds of pumpkin dishes in the diet will only benefit the baby.

This treasure trove of vitamins and other beneficial substances will give your child health, good sleep, calm the nervous system, and pumpkin juice will have a gentle effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

Fiber, which the vegetable is so rich in, has a beneficial effect on the child’s stomach.

It normalizes digestion and helps to better absorb nutrients and support the immune system.

The miracle vegetable will give the baby everything he needs for normal growth and development.

The medicinal properties of pumpkin can solve another problem that is most often found in children - worms.

Pumpkin contraindications

  • disturbances of the acid-base balance in the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • gastritis.

Some people who try this vegetable for the first time may experience bloating. Perhaps it is better for them to refrain from eating it. Well, for everyone else, pumpkin will bring the maximum possible benefits for health and beauty.

Culinary recipes for healthy pumpkin dishes

Pumpkin dishes are an excellent therapeutic and preventive remedy. Besides this, it is also very tasty.

There are many recipes for preparing this vegetable: it is added to salads, soups, side dishes for meat dishes, porridges, jams and even desserts.

Pumpkin with honey also has beneficial properties.

As you know, honey itself is a potent healing agent, and in combination with the beneficial properties of pumpkin it has truly miraculous healing powers.

  1. Take a large fruit weighing about 9 kg, remove the skin and grind in a meat grinder along with the seeds and core.
  2. Add 5 kg of honey to the resulting mass and mix.
  3. Leave for 10 days, stirring occasionally. On the eleventh day, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  4. Drink juice three times a day, half an hour before meals, 50 g.

The pulp can be thrown away - it has lost all its biologically active substances and no longer has any beneficial properties.

Another recipe for pumpkin with honey will benefit the liver after hepatitis or a course of treatment with potent drugs.

  1. Cut off the top of the middle fruit, remove the seeds with a wooden spoon and fill with acacia honey (other honey will also work).
  2. Stir and cover the fruit with the cut top “lid”.
  3. Place dough along the cut and leave for 10 days in the dark.
  4. From the eleventh, you can start taking it half an hour before meals, taking a tablespoon three times a day.
  5. Continue treatment for 20 days.

Pumpkin porridge also has beneficial properties, especially for children, the elderly and in dietary nutrition.

In the children's menu, if there is no allergy, porridge can be supplemented with honey.

To prepare porridge, you will need:

  • 1 kg pulp,
  • 2 apples,
  • 1.5 liters of milk,
  • half a glass of millet or rice (you can also take buckwheat, semolina or corn grits), butter,
  • granulated sugar,
  • cinnamon, vanilla.

Peel the apples and cut them into cubes along with the vegetable pulp.

Bring milk to a boil and add cereal to it. Cook the porridge over low heat for 15 minutes.

Place pumpkin and apples in it and cook until done. At the end, add sand, vanillin and cinnamon. Before serving, add butter and honey.

The benefit of raw pumpkin is that it contains the maximum amount of vitamins that enrich any pumpkin dish.

Try cooking vitamin pumpkin salad:

  1. Grate 150 g of pulp and 4 apples on a coarse grater,
  2. add the zest of one lemon and lemon juice (about a teaspoon), 2 tsp. honey,
  3. stir and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Cream soup No. 1:

  • cut 250 g pumpkin and 4 potatoes into cubes,
  • boil, salt, add spices;
  • drain the liquid and mash the vegetables into a puree,
  • pour in milk (1 l) and cook until tender.

Cream soup No. 2:

  • fry in vegetable oil 1 kg of diced pumpkin, finely chopped onion, garlic clove, 1 tsp. ground ginger.
  • Season with salt and pepper and pour in a liter of chicken broth.
  • Cook until tender, cool and puree.
  • Boil the resulting puree and serve, after garnishing with a sprig of cilantro, sour cream and crackers.


  • Grate 0.5 kg of pulp,
  • pour 400 ml of hot milk and cook until soft.
  • Cool the mixture, break an egg into it, add sugar (2 tbsp.), and stir.
  • Add enough flour to get the consistency of sour cream.
  • Mix thoroughly and fry like regular pancakes in a hot frying pan with oil.

To prepare the pie you will need:

  • 0.5 kg pumpkin,
  • 0.5 kg puff pastry,
  • half a glass of dried apricots or raisins,
  • a quarter cup of sugar, nuts (optional).

Grate the pulp on a medium grater, mix with sugar, chopped dried apricots (raisins) and nuts.

If desired, you can add cinnamon. Roll out the puff pastry, place it in a mold with a diameter of 26–28 cm, trim along the edges.

Place the pumpkin on top and place strips of dough crosswise. Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven.

Bake for 35–40 minutes at 200°C. Remove the pan, remove the foil and bake until golden brown if the dough is a bit pale.

Pumpkin jam can be not only tasty, but also a healthy dessert.

Pumpkin has special healing properties that help remove toxins from the body and increase metabolism.

Therefore, such jam is useful for those who closely monitor their figure and health.

When following a diet, pumpkin jam is a real godsend, which will help not only nourish the body with healthy vitamins and microelements, but also lose weight.

To make tasty and aromatic jam, it is better to choose a small summer pumpkin, which, unlike winter varieties, has more tender and juicy pulp, but, unfortunately, does not last so long.

Pumpkin jam for weight loss:

  1. peel the skin from the fruit, remove the seeds,
  2. 3 kg of pulp cut into small pieces,
  3. add 2-3 oranges and 1 lemon (also pre-cut with zest).
  4. Mix everything, add 1 kg of sugar and cook in 2 batches over low heat.

Can be cooked pumpkin and dried apricot jam.

It will require: 1 kg of pulp, 0.3 kg of dried apricots and 0.5 kg of sugar.

  1. Grate the pulp, rinse the dried apricots and cut into pieces (you can pour boiling water over them).
  2. Put sugar and dried apricots into the grated pulp and leave for a while.
  3. When the juice is released, put on the fire, bring to a boil with constant stirring, cool and put on the fire again.
  4. Repeat the procedure 3 times.

Kids will love this one pumpkin marmalade:

  1. put 1 kg of baked pumpkin and 0.5 kg of sugar on the fire. Do not add water!
  2. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. When the mass thickens, the marmalade is ready. You can add a little orange zest or vanillin to it.

Pumpkin in cosmetology

The miracle vegetable is also effective as a cosmetic product.

For example, to get rid of acne, it is enough to wipe the skin every morning with a small piece of pulp.

Useful, effective face masks are also obtained from pumpkin.

Here are a few recipes you can make yourself.

To nourish the skin, make a paste from the pulp:

  • mix 3 tbsp. spoons of gruel with chicken egg yolk and 1 tsp. natural honey.
  • Apply the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask for dry skin:

  • boil the pulp, mix 2 to 1 s. peach or olive oil.
  • Apply for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Toning mask:

  • Grate the pulp, squeeze the juice out of it, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face.
  • After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
  • If you have time, you can apply the grated pulp itself to your face for 15 minutes.

As you can see, the well-known pumpkin turned out to be not such a simpleton, suitable only for creating scarecrows and lanterns for Halloween.

This vegetable is a wonderful gift that nature created for humans. In terms of its beneficial properties, it can be compared with many plants used in folk medicine, and even surpass some.

Pumpkin is a herbaceous plant from the Cucurbitaceae family. About 8 thousand years ago, pumpkin was first cultivated in South America. The vegetable came to Europe several thousand years later thanks to sailors. Pumpkin shapes vary from round to flattened ellipse. The color of this vegetable is also not unambiguous; it can be either bright orange or dark green; depending on the variety, stripes can be observed on the fruits. The average weight of a pumpkin is about 3-8 kg, but some varieties can reach enormous size and weight (up to 200 kg). The vegetable is very practical to use and can retain its beneficial properties for up to six months, without requiring special storage conditions. The nutritional value of pumpkin is very high, so eating it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Types and varieties of pumpkin

According to the speed of ripening, varieties are divided into:

  • early ripening;
  • mid-season;
  • early ripening;
  • late ripening.

According to the purpose of pumpkin fruits, there are several categories:

  • canteens (intended for human food);
  • feed (as livestock feed);
  • decorative (for themed decorations).

There are also a number of pumpkin varieties that differ in external characteristics:

  • large-fruited;
  • hard-barked;
  • nutmeg.

The most popular pumpkin varieties are not demanding on growing conditions. The following varieties live in the middle zone: Arina, Butternut, Ulybka, Khersonskaya, Zimnyaya Sladkaya, Mozoleevskaya, Mindalnaya, Gribovskaya, Mramornaya, Acorn, Zorka, Rossiyanka. Pumpkin is unpretentious and can grow on different soils, including not the best ones. The vegetable is planted not only for food or feed, but also for decoration; even during growth, it attracts attention with its bright appearance. The fruits and large leaves of pumpkins can decorate any garden plot.

Useful properties of pumpkin

The rich chemical composition and nutritional value of pumpkin determine its popularity. It contains a large number of useful substances. The vegetable consists of the following components: vitamins B1, B2, C, E, P, beta-carotene and, in addition, minerals necessary for the human body: calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, fluorine, manganese, cobalt, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Pumpkin is often used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and intestines. The fruit contains potassium, which supports the functioning of the heart muscle, and the low content of dense dietary fiber is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract.

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The nutritional value of pumpkin is very high, so the vegetable is considered a dietary food; doctors recommend eating it even with stomach ulcers and gastritis. The product is capable of, if not rejuvenating, then at least stopping the aging process. Pumpkin has a positive effect on hair and skin. Pumpkin seeds are also particularly beneficial, and the nutritional value of the juice is due to its preventive properties against helminths.

Fresh pumpkin puree can heal burns and other wounds. The leaves are also used; they taste very pleasant, so they are often added raw to salads. Boiled leaf is perfect for soup and borscht. Pumpkin lovers can enjoy it raw, pickled, boiled and baked. Add to jam, soups, purees, porridges, etc.

Composition of pumpkin

Scientists such as V. A. Tutelyan and I. M. Skurikhin carried out detailed work on studying the composition of pumpkin and noted the data obtained in the reference book “Table of calorie content and chemical composition of food products in Russia.” The calorie content of the pumpkin fruit is 23 kcal per 100 g of product. Carbohydrates are synthesized into energy by 78%, proteins by 18%, fats by 4%.

Nutritional value of pumpkin per 100 grams. pulp:

  • B6 - 0.12 mg;
  • B9 - 14.1 mcg;
  • E - 0.4 mg;
  • RR - 0.7 mg;
  • C - 8 mg.

The pulp is also rich in pigment - beta-carotene (1500 mcg), which gives the vegetable an orange color. The nutritional value of pumpkin lies in the content of the following microelements:

  • phosphorus and calcium - 25 mg;
  • potassium - 203 mg;
  • sulfur - 18 mg;
  • chlorine - 19 mg;
  • magnesium - 14 mg;
  • copper - 18 mg;
  • fluoride - 85 mcg.

It is not for nothing that traditional medicine values ​​the fruits of pumpkins so much, and all recipes are aimed at improving human health. The fruits contain practically no organic acids and fiber, but are endowed with pectin, making them very useful for digestion. Eating pumpkin guarantees a decrease in cholesterol levels, relieves swelling and has a diuretic effect.

Liver treatment

The healing properties of pumpkin are clearly visible when used to cleanse the liver. For medicinal recipes, not only the pulp, but also pumpkin seeds are used. The chemical composition and nutritional value of the fruit have been studied well enough to use pumpkin for medicinal and preventive purposes. With poor nutrition, abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, liver cells - hepatocytes - are destroyed. Pumpkin can restore some of these cells and help the liver divide them. The pulp of the fruit cleanses the liver of toxins and waste. If you spend one day eating only pumpkin, your liver can return to normal. For these purposes, it is recommended to consume the raw fruit.

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Gallbladder treatment

Pumpkin pulp can improve the fluidity of bile. For normal functioning of the gallbladder, prepare a healing medicine based on the vegetable:

  • Peel 500 g of pumpkin, grind the raw pulp with a blender or meat grinder.
  • Pour 100 ml of sunflower or olive oil into the resulting porridge.
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. warty birch buds.
  • Leave the mixture to steep for a week. Afterwards, take the medicine 3 times a day, 1.5-2 tbsp. l. before eating.

If you have any chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor.


As mentioned above, the nutritional value of pumpkin and its seeds is very high, but the question arises, are there any contraindications? Only the peel of the fruit can cause harm to the body, especially if a person has chronic diseases and a sensitive stomach. The negative effects of pumpkin may affect the following people:

  • Those with low stomach acidity.
  • Patients with diabetes (pumpkin is rich in various sugars).
  • Those suffering from obesity.

Gallstone disease is also a contraindication for eating pumpkin.

Nutritional value

Boiled pumpkin is very healthy; it is used to make soup, puree and as an additive to porridge. To understand how healthy pumpkin is, it can be noted that even infants are allowed to introduce the vegetable as their first complementary food.

Pumpkin contains a number of nutrients:

  • proteins - 0.71 g;
  • fats - 0.08 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.8 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • water - 93.7 g;
  • ash - 0.63 g.

Among the particularly useful components, vitamin A, alpha and beta carotene predominate. In a ripened fruit, the starch content decreases, while sugar, on the contrary, accumulates. Fruits 30-40 days old consist of 13% starch and 3-4% sugar. After cold weather, the amount of sugar increases due to starch; the best varieties of pumpkins accumulate up to 10-11% sugar.