What to sell to make money? Best selling products. What is profitable to sell? In some cases it is also necessary

The rules for buying weapons in Russia are quite confusing, but it’s not difficult to figure it out - let’s do it together.

What you need to buy a weapon:

  1. Have permanent place residence
  2. Be over 18 years old
  3. Do not register with a drug treatment or psychoneurological clinic
  4. Have no criminal record for an intentional crime
  5. Not have a repeat offense within one year administrative offense which interferes with public order or government
  6. Do not have chronic or protracted mental disorders with persistent or worsening painful manifestations
  7. Have a visual acuity of more than 0.5 in the first eye and below 0.2 in the second or 0.7 in the first eye with no vision in the second
Passing a medical examination

Certificate for "weapons" - certificate 046-1 is issued in medical institutions who have the appropriate license. Subject to availability driver's license, remember where you took the medical examination; usually they also issue certificates for weapons.

It is best to surf the Internet and read reviews. Surely you will find private clinic, where it’s a little more expensive, but it’s fast and affordable high level. There's a lot more to lose state clinic, having sat all day and watched doctors wandering along the corridor in order to smoke or confer.

If you are serving in government agencies, where there is access to weapons - armed forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and the like, you can do without a certificate - you need to get a certificate from the military department of the unit, which says that you are assigned some kind of service weapon.

Weapon training

Buying a gun safe

Safe it is the most important condition to buy weapons. What you need to know about a gun safe:

  • You can make a safe yourself, but it’s a hassle to legalize it and comply with the parameters specified in the law “On Weapons.”
  • If you are buying a safe, then you need to buy it from stores that sell only safes. You can buy a better quality safe and spend less.
  • Do not buy a safe for only one barrel - there is a chance that you will buy another one, and then possibly another. Plus cartridges, plus (possibly gunpowder, shot, cartridges, etc.)
  • Think carefully about the location of the safe. The safe must be hidden from view, but be in the so-called " walking distance"People place it in closets, bedrooms, etc.
  • Be sure to attach the safe to the wall. This is safer and will comply with legal requirements.
  • If you have a lot of weapons (or are planning to buy more), it is better to buy two of them. One is the main one, the second is “on duty”

We receive a federal hunting license

This is not necessary, but it won't hurt! It is issued by the ministry natural resources. Find out how to receive it on the Internet.

Visit to the permitting and licensing department (PLO)

The RLO is located in the police department of the area where you live. Citizens' documents are accepted twice - you need to find out the schedule and call.

You will need:

  • 2 photos
  • Envelopes
  • A receipt for payment of the state duty is 150-200 rubles.

You hand over documents for the purchase of weapons and you are given a date when you should call and find out whether it is allowed or not. During this period, the RLO checks your past. If this is not the case, then you will receive permission - it is called “brilliant for a smoothbore”.

A license to purchase long-barreled weapons has a validity period of 6 months; during this time you need to either buy a weapon or surrender the license. This is a must, otherwise the district police will torture you. The obtained license to purchase weapons is not renewed, and if lost, it is not restored. A new license is obtained in the same way - the state fee is paid again, and based on the submitted documents, a new license is issued.

Registration of weapons with the RLO

After purchasing a weapon, you must bring the weapon to the RLO within 14 days for registration. Otherwise, they may be subject to administrative liability.

Your weapon will be inspected, your permit will be taken away, and in return you will be given a temporary permit. Now in 10 days you will receive a full weapons license.

Re-registration of weapons

Re-registration of civilian weapons according to the law is carried out every 5 years.

In gun stores

When purchasing a weapon, you will have to present a green card and a personal passport. Without these documents, they won’t even show you a weapon or give it to you. After selecting a weapon, the seller takes the green card, fills out all three parts of it and stamps it.

Buying a used car is always a difficult and risky business. A person risks minimally if he purchases a new car at a dealership, but a used car can often contain bad points in itself or in its “history.” How to choose and complete the purchase correctly, what you need to check, what documents are needed, and how difficult it is to buy a car second-hand, we will consider further.

You can search for a car to buy second hand in different ways– online services, newspapers, advertisements on the vehicles themselves, etc. But it’s worth knowing what should alert a potential buyer to different stages searching for an “iron horse” and the further purchase procedure.

Nuances when searching for a vehicle

Already in the process of searching for a second hand vehicle, you should pay attention to how the owner of the car you like talks to the potential future owner. If on simple questions according to the title, previous car purchase (in the showroom or second hand), etc. he answers very generally or remains silent at all, and also, if he offers to look at the car somewhere in an uninhabited place or outside the city, then it is better to refuse immediately, because there is a high probability of encountering scammers.

You should also remember that a used car, its make, year of manufacture and condition must correspond to the price. That is, if during a search a person saw a car that cost 100-150 thousand rubles. is less than the market value of comparable technical specifications (while the ad says that the car is problem-free), then 99% of it is a hoax and it’s not even worth calling on such an ad.

You cannot deposit money even under the pretext of booking a car before a personal meeting with the owner, and it is better not to transfer any money at all until the purchase and sale agreement is concluded. This kind of fraud has become very common in modern market used car.

Checking for arrest, bail and unpleasant statuses of used vehicles

The following nuances should alert a potential buyer:

  1. The title has been replaced or lost, but the owner has a duplicate in his hands.
  2. The sale of a car is carried out not by the owner, but by his representative under a general power of attorney.
  3. A large number of car owners indicated in the PTS with a relatively small age of the used car (for example, the car is only 5 years old, but more than 10 people have already owned it).

, as well as the presence of administrative arrest or hijacking is possible through special online services or upon request to the traffic police. The only thing that cannot be checked with 100% probability (this can be done in the Federal Tax Service, but they do not always have complete information, and the verification process may take a long time) – this is the car’s credit status, because PTS can be replaced “due to loss”. The owner will not say that his car is in the status of collateral, a loan is being paid for it, or it is acting as collateral in a pawnshop. Here you should rely only on your own intuition and the seller’s honesty. Otherwise, the organization that issued the loan or the pawnshop has every right take the car even from the new owner for non-payment of debt. Money given for a used car can be returned, but to do this you will have to write more than one application to law enforcement agencies and it takes a very long time to go to court. Therefore, if you doubt the honesty of the owner of a used car, it is better to refuse the deal.

What is the danger of a duplicate vehicle passport and how to check it when purchasing

Duplicate PTS is a common trick of scammers. Sellers can name various reasons for the presence of a duplicate and not the original - loss, replacement due to wear and tear, lack of space in the original PTS, etc. All this should not be a reason to trust a person. When checking the title, you must also check the history of the used car through special services so that the information matches. We'll talk about this later.

Both the original and duplicate PTS must be checked for authenticity according to the following appearance criteria:

  1. The passport ornament, which is a pattern, should not lose clarity upon closer examination.
  2. The hologram must be clear and easy to read; it is the most difficult to fake.
  3. There should be a three-dimensional pattern in the form of a rosette on back side document. It can be determined by touch. It also changes color from green to gray at different viewing angles.
  4. The volumetric watermark “RUS” can be found if you illuminate the PTS.
  5. In case of a duplicate, it will be stamped “Duplicate”.

What to check besides PTS

Before you buy a car, you need to find out what documents, in addition to the car's passport, are needed for verification. Then carefully check everything on the list. In addition to the title, the owner of a used car must be prepared to present the following documents, which also need to be carefully and carefully checked for authenticity:

  • vehicle owner's passport.
  • a certificate of full repayment of debt to a bank or pawnshop, if any.
  • a document confirming payment for the cost of the car or other documents confirming the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the current owner.

What documents are needed when transferring a vehicle to the buyer by the seller?

The purchase and sale of a used car should preferably be legalized by a notary using a purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the SPA). It requires the following documents:

  1. Passports of both parties.
  2. PTS of the car.
  3. Certificate of registration of the car by the owner.
  4. MTPL or CASCO insurance policy.

If a transaction for the sale of a vehicle may not be certified by a notary, then it will be quite difficult to prove the case in situations that are problematic for both parties. Even relatives are usually advised to put a notary stamp, because and disagreements may arise between them, in which the PrEP will become an important document for solving the problem.

How to properly draw up a purchase and sale agreement

A sample DCP can be found on the Internet; the parties can also fill it out themselves, but it is still advisable to have it certified by a notary. In addition, the notary will check the correctness of filling out so that in the future there will be no problems with actions related to the subsequent operation of the car (registration, sale, donation, etc.).

The DCP must reflect the following information:

  1. Data individuals(full name, passport details).
  2. Technical data of the car (VIN, make, model, year of manufacture, engine number, body, chassis).
  3. PTS data (series, number, date of issue).

Before you fill out the DCT and buy a car, you should definitely check the car owner’s documents to ensure their authenticity. That is why it is better to carry out the procedure with a notary, so that if something happens, he can bring the fraudster to clean water. But you should not go to a notary recommended by the seller, especially if the buyer doubts the honesty of the owner. Often scammers, in our case the seller and the notary, operate together.

In addition to the DCP, you can draw up and certify a receipt from a notary indicating that the seller has received funds in the amount of the full cost of the car.

What will happen to license plates?

When selling a vehicle, the previous owner can keep the numbers for himself in order to later install them on a new car. To do this, he needs to write an application to the traffic police, and they will give it back after the car is re-registered and new numbers are assigned to the car. If it doesn’t matter to both parties what numbers will be on their cars, then those that were on the registration certificate are retained and the car with them is registered to the new owner. The duty in this case is less than for replacement.

What to do after buying a car

Firstly, after purchasing a vehicle from someone else, you need to insure the car. The policy can be either MTPL or CASCO - at the discretion of the new owner. Secondly, you need to register the car with the traffic police MREO. Fortunately, since 2013, the presence of the previous owner is not required to deregister the car and register it with the new owner. To re-register a car, you need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A document confirming the right to own a car (sale agreement, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance or a certificate-invoice from a car dealership if the car is new).
  3. OSAGO or CASCO policy (in which the owner of the car is included).
  4. Application for vehicle registration (completed and signed).
  5. A check that confirms that the state duty has been paid (it ranges from 500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the region and the fact of replacing the license plates. If a replacement is made, the amount of the duty will be 2,000 - 2,500 rubles more).

The new owner must re-register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase. In case of intentional or unintentional evasion of this procedure, he will be subject to administrative punishment in the form of a fine, which will range from 1500 to 2000 rubles. In addition to this fine, if the new owner of the car is stopped by traffic police officers, he will have to pay an additional fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles. At repeated violation the fine will be many times larger and amount to 5,000 rubles, and the owner of the car may be deprived of his license for a period of 1 to 3 months.

To summarize, we can say that buying a car second-hand is not so difficult. It’s more difficult here not to contact scammers, to formalize the transaction correctly and to do everything necessary operations to re-register the car to the new owner.

Transactions in Russia have huge amount features. For some transactions it is necessary to provide certain documents. For example, an identity card. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a purchase and sale transaction. But there are exceptions. This article will tell you whether a passport is needed when buying a phone in one case or another. What kind of documents might be useful? What features of the transaction are recommended to pay attention to? Understanding the question posed is not so difficult. Especially if you carefully study the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Age to enter into a transaction

The first issue that will have to be taken into account is the age of the buyer. The thing is that often transactions related to purchase and sale are not available to part of the population. We're talking about children.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, minor citizens have the right to enter into transactions of a certain nature with the permission of their parents after 6 years. From 14 (or after receiving a passport), the list increases. Once you reach the age of majority, you are allowed to conduct any transactions.

How to buy a mobile phone? At what age can you enter into such a deal? In practice, even a teenager can buy himself mobile device. From the age of 14 for sure. But some stores have the right to refuse the transaction. It should be noted that 100% of the time you will be able to buy a mobile or any other gadget in Russia after you reach adulthood.

Making a purchase

Most often, the problem being studied occurs when registering a phone. As already mentioned, when buying a gadget, a purchase and sale occurs. Usually, after completing the transaction, the citizen is given a check. And nothing more. We are talking about going to a regular hardware store.

In practice, there are no problems with purchasing a mobile device in such places. It is necessary to think about whether you need a passport when buying a phone if you plan to purchase a used device. Typically, such transactions require special attention from both the buyer and the seller.

In fact, in practice, no documents are asked from a person. You just need to tell the seller which phone model you want to purchase. Further, everything will depend on the specific place where the transaction is executed.

What you need to buy

How are new phones selling? People often wonder what to take with them to make a deal with a store. What papers may be required from them?

It has already been said that much depends on the specific point of sale. Most often, a citizen only needs money to register a mobile phone. This will be enough.

Of course, no one will sell the phone at all small child. But a teenager will be able to bring the idea to life. To be on the safe side, you can obtain parental permission for a minor to purchase a mobile phone. This technique will protect you from failure.

Accordingly, an identity card is not such an important document for buying and selling a phone. It is not always necessary. Especially if we're talking about about a new gadget.

Credit and installments

It is worth noting that the proposed scheme is relevant only for those who decide to immediately buy a phone in a store. Loans and installment plans are separate transactions. It follows that buying a mobile phone will be a little different. What exactly?

Firstly, loans and installment plans are offered exclusively to adult citizens. Secondly, you need to document your income. And this is just the beginning.

Do you need a passport when buying a phone in installments or on credit in a store? Yes, in mandatory. Without it, a citizen cannot make a purchase. As already mentioned, you will additionally have to bring with you a certificate of income (form 2-NDFL).

From hand

In the modern product market, some smartphone models are expensive. And they prefer to buy them second-hand. For example, used. Similar situation is not the rarest. In Russia it occurs often - you can see a lot of advertisements for the sale of gadgets, not just mobile phones. What should a future buyer prepare for?

Do you need a passport when buying a phone "from hand"? It all depends on which seller you get. Often, the buyer is required to provide identification. They try not to sell used phones to children.

Accordingly, a passport is required for some operations. It can be neglected if a person immediately pays for a purchase in a store. In other cases, an identity card is one of the main papers involved in the transaction.

With SIM card

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? As already mentioned, for some transactions this is a mandatory document. And sometimes it won't be needed. For example, when paying for an entire (new) purchase in a store, you will not be asked for an ID.

Only exceptions happen everywhere. Therefore, one should not think that the store will not ask the buyer for a passport. It is safe to say that an identity card must be presented when you plan to purchase a device with a built-in SIM card.

The thing is that a phone number requires mandatory registration. A passport is required for this. This means that all persons who have this document have the right to conclude a transaction, unless otherwise specified in the charter of the trading network.

From the card

Some problems may arise when payment is made using a card or by bank transfer. Payment in cash does not require the provision of identification, unless it is a loan or installment plan.

The seller has the right to request a citizen’s passport if new phones are paid for by bank transfer. For example, with bank card. In practice, this phenomenon rarely occurs.

However, this fact will still have to be taken into account. Especially for those who prefer to use contactless payment. To confirm the operation, the PIN code from the card is not asked. Therefore, the seller has the right to require a passport in order to ensure the security of the transaction. There is no need to be surprised by this.

Additional warranty

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? It has already been said that this document is only necessary under certain circumstances. And this is important to consider.

It's safe to say that buying used phones without ID is a risky business. Requesting a passport from the seller (and the buyer too) is important.

In the store, a passport is required not only when applying for a loan or installment plan. It is noted that when purchasing an additional warranty for a device, it is important to have identification with you. Without it, the deal will be refused. More precisely, you can buy a phone without a SIM card, but you can’t buy an additional warranty or number.

Buyer's Reminder

Now you can think about what to look for when buying a phone. This transaction requires attentive attitude consumer. Otherwise, the citizen risks either buying a bad device or even being deceived.

Among the main tips for buying a mobile phone are the following points:

  1. It is best to complete the transaction in official retail networks. You should not buy used gadgets.
  2. If you want to purchase a “used” phone, you must check it before paying. It is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the case, as well as the integrity of the structure. It is best to request documents for your mobile device from the seller. In this case, it is necessary to check serial numbers on the device and in the documentation.
  3. When purchasing from hand, you must ask for identification. It is better if it is a civilian passport.
  4. Be skeptical about low device prices. Mobile phones today they have different price categories. There are expensive models, and not so much. If the gadget itself is expensive, then the reduced cost is a clear indication of the shortcomings of a particular device.
  5. When choosing a model in a store, you can ask to demonstrate the quality of the device. In some cases, it is recommended to try calling from your phone.

Perhaps this is where all the recommendations can end. From now on it is clear what documents are needed to purchase a phone. In reality, you can only get by in cash. The transaction being studied is not complex in itself. Therefore, you should be very concerned about the documents provided during this process only when it comes to purchasing used devices. New phones are easier to buy.

Blank weapons are designed to simulate firing with blank cartridges; they are used in filming, theatrical productions, many buy for self-defense. But we must not forget that outwardly the SHP weapon does not differ from the real one, therefore, when wearing and using it, certain safety measures must be observed.

What is a “chilled weapon”?

Cold weapons are decommissioned combat models, which have undergone decontamination and have lost the ability to fire live ammunition. The documents on them must indicate exactly how they were changed; several procedures are provided:

  1. The barrel is fixed motionless.
  2. The chamber is bored for a blank cartridge.
  3. A sleeve is pressed into the barrel and welded.
  4. The bolt is secured with pins.

Cold weapons are not classified as firearms; anyone over eighteen years of age has the right to buy them. Purchasing ammunition also does not require a license. There are two types of cold weapons:

  1. Firing blank cartridges.
  2. Layouts that do not provide the ability to fire a shot.

How are cold weapons made?

Similar models are made using the method of converting military pistols into civilian ones. SHP weapons also include starting pistols that have a caliber of 9 millimeters or more. Cartridges for dry weapons are sold freely, except for those intended for long-barreled models. These include an assault rifle, a carbine and a Mosin rifle. This aspect must be taken into account. Since when purchasing such models, they provide imitation cartridges for them, but only those who have permission to store hunting rifles of the appropriate caliber can replenish the stock.

The most popular are two models:

  1. Rifle SO-AVT-40. Outwardly it looks like a combat one. There is a pin inserted into the barrel plus there is a recess for the bolt.
  2. Pistol "TT". It fires light and sound charges, the shot is as loud as a combat shot. Often used on film sets.

Cold weapons - do you need a permit?

Many people ask the question: do you need a license for a cold weapon? By law, these models are listed as decommissioned because they were modified in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of firing. Therefore, a purchase license is not required. Parts of a cold weapon are not considered separate parts of a firearm; they, like SHP cartridges, are allowed to be purchased without a license. The law identifies such models only as intended for use in the field of culture and education.

There is an opinion that it is very easy to convert a cold weapon into a combat format. After all, both its price and the work of the master will cost less than purchasing a firearm. This opinion is wrong. It is impossible to remake the factory model; the deactivation process does not provide for this. An attempt to modify a weapon in a makeshift manner can render the pistol unusable or make it dangerous for the shooter. If the owner is stopped by law enforcement officers and notices the fact of alteration, the desire to save money may cost him years in prison.

Cooled weapons - what do you need to buy?

Purchasing a cold weapon requires no less attention to studying the purchase than a combat weapon. Since the availability of the necessary documents will become a guarantee against possible claims from law enforcement officers. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing SHP weapons at specialized points, without saving on handicrafts. What do you need to know when purchasing?

  1. Such weapons must have a passport and markings.
  2. The passport contains methods for deactivating the model.
  3. Write-off information is indicated on the case.

How does a cold weapon shoot?

SHP weapons are a sought-after product today; the workpiece for them is often considered to be defective. It is an exact copy combat To shoot, Zhevelo capsules are used; they are inserted into cartridge simulators. Starter pistols use brass cartridges because plastic substitutes can melt. Starting pistols are more convenient because they produce signals such as sound, light, and smoke; there are even flash-and-noise options.

Cooled weapons for self-defense

Many people willingly buy cold weapons for self-defense, the best option experts call the model “TT”. But before you walk around the city with it, you need to learn how to use it; it’s best to take a few consultations with an instructor. You should choose a shooting range for training. Shooting from a cold weapon is as loud as a firearm, so using it in a crowded place risks attracting the attention of law enforcement officers.

Carrying and storing cold weapons

There are no special rules for storing agricultural products; you need to find a place for it in the house where children do not have access. Transportation also does not require permits, there are no prohibitions on the transport of such weapons, only a certificate of conformity is required when exporting them from the country. But some important aspects The rules for carrying cold weapons still provide for:

  1. Carry in a holster or special case.
  2. Do not show it to strangers unless necessary.
  3. Have with you the passport of the plant that carried out the cooling and a certified copy of the certificate of conformity.

There are four options to start a business: organize from scratch, open with the investment of a certain amount of money, buy a ready-made one, or use franchising. The main points of each option are described in our article about. Buy ready business It can sometimes be easier than founding a new one, since a ready-made operating company has some advantages in comparison with a new company created from scratch. However, acquiring a small business, for all its benefits, is not easy to accomplish. There are a lot of things that you need to know before you buy the rights of a franchisee or any existing company.

Scroll existing options in the selection process it is necessary to narrow down and consider those types business, which are the most familiar. A suitable option would be a business in accordance with the profession of the future owner, because important factor will be the presence of broad knowledge in the chosen activity. Such knowledge can play a significant role in future business management.

Is there a question of buying a ready-made business? Don’t know what you need to know?

After choosing a suitable business, it is necessary to find out the reasons that prompted its owner to sell. There may be risks in this business that the new owner will face as a result of the operation. It is necessary to analyze them, because the question may arise about bringing the company to a viable position.

If this is the case of franchising, then there is no need to worry about it. The essence of such a system (franchising) is that a large company (franchisor) grants the right (franchise) to a small enterprise (franchisee) that is just starting its journey in business. The franchisee undertakes to engage in activities for a specified time and place entrepreneurial activity using already functioning and proven technology, under a well-known and popular brand, as well as the possibility of obtaining necessary consultations and staff training.

Another important question is that it requires special attention when choosing business, as financing. Is it possible to afford to buy such a business? It’s not that difficult to get a loan, but why buy more than you can afford? This is similar to asking the question whether it is necessary to take out a loan if there is no way to repay it yourself.

Not exactly an easy task - buy a ready-made business. It is necessary to find out about all tax debts when purchasing, trials, which the company had at that time, because all these obligations will pass to the new legal owner of the small business.

Along with this, if a decision is made to purchase franchise rights, then you need to find out everything about the need to pay royalties, franchise payments, as well as other financial obligations and the timing of their payment. You must also try to find out about all hidden payments, since sometimes the preservation of franchise rights will require the new owner to make more payments than he owes.

1. Study of the company or franchise agreement. The sale and purchase agreement must be in accordance with the established rules and conditions of the law and the regulations of the municipal government. You cannot buy a company without first checking the documentation. Consultation with a lawyer on all main points of the contract is mandatory.

2. It is necessary to bargain. If it is possible to reduce the asking price for a company, then you should try to do it. The savings will be small, but in the end you can gain significantly.

3. Payment must be completed. If you have the necessary financing, it is enough to issue a payment order and pay the cost according to the agreed schedule. Loans to purchase a company. It’s a good idea to talk to the bank while searching for the right company in order to speed up the whole process faster.

4. Everything must be signed necessary documents. Once payment has been made and an agreement has been reached, the transaction must be completed by both parties by signing all the necessary papers. The documents need to be collected accordingly as they will be needed in the subsequent stage. It is better that the signing of documents takes place in the presence of a lawyer, in order to avoid uncertainty that everything is drawn up accordingly and nothing is missing.

5. It is recommended to register the company under your own name. At the time when full rights to the company are obtained, all necessary changes must be registered with the relevant authority. And if you want to change the name, renew the license or transfer ownership rights, then this is exactly the time when you can do it.