Why do you dream that you drowned your phone? Mobile phone, telephone, Loff's dream book

The world of a child is a crystal temple, the walls of which are very fragile and vulnerable. And school is a small battlefield on which he has to fight every day with visible and invisible enemies.

It often happens that at school your child faces various troubles: classmates who are hooligans, bullies or envious people, as well as picky and unfriendly teachers. If your child encounters one of these problems at school, try first to find out the reasons and talk to the teacher.

But if a conversation with the teacher does not bring any changes, and the situation only gets worse, you can help the child immediately by resorting to the protection of conspiracies and spells.

Today, there are many texts endowed with magical powers that have been passed down to us from older generations and have been repeatedly tested in practice. The effect of the conspiracy, carried out with a calm heart and faith, will not take long to occur. The offenders will fall behind, and the environment around the child will become much more benevolent and good-natured.

Proven protective spells and incantations

A conspiracy to protect a child from fights and insults (said to a child in a dream):

« Guardian angel (child's name), I appeal to you, I trust in you and entrust my child to you for protection. Take care of him from enemies and evil tongues, from cruel hearts and quick fists. May his will and spirit be strengthened, as will his sleep. So be it. Amen.»

This conspiracy carries positive energy, it will help even small children.

Prayer against evil intentions:

« Our Almighty God, protect my child (child’s name) from the evil intentions of enemies and the unkind hearts of people. I pray you, give the servant of God (the name of the child) your bright strength and wisdom, protect him from enemy intent and bad words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

It is best to write down the prayer on a piece of paper and put it in the child’s briefcase or clothing pocket so that he always has it with him.

Spell for successful studies:

« The sun is clear in the Lord's sky, bright as the head of God's servant (child's name). Just as the sun shines in the sky, so does the servant of God (the name of the child) have success in learning. Just as the sun warms the earth with its rays, so the servant of God (the name of the child) pleases his parents with his successes in learning. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

This spell has a beneficial effect on the child’s academic performance and will help not only in studies, but also in making friends. The spell must be recited regularly at the beginning of each academic month.

Amulets from all misfortunes

It is popularly believed that a talisman is an extraordinary object endowed with magical powers. In fact, anything can act as a talisman - be it precious or semi-precious stones, figurines carved from wood, hand-sewn dolls or coins. Any item can be charged with miraculous power if you read spells or prayers into it.

To protect your child from ill-wishers and failures in the new school year, take any small object and read a spell over it for successful studies or a spell so that the child is not beaten or offended at school. Place the amulet charged with magic words in the place where the child’s belongings are stored or hide it in the lining of his school clothes.

Such cunning methods will help protect your child from unwanted worries and worries at school, from fears and threats from the outside world outside the walls of your home. Use magical powers carefully, only with good intentions and an open heart, only for the benefit of your child. And then they will work in the best way.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Telephone - psychological interpretation:

Why dream of seeing a telephone - then you will meet people who will confuse you.

If a woman dreams of talking on the phone, then she has many envious people, however, she will be able to resist the surrounding evil.

If, while talking on the phone in a dream, you have trouble hearing what they say to you, then you are in danger of losing your lover. It is possible that you will become the object of malicious gossip.

See also: why do you dream about a mobile phone, why do you dream about calling, why do you dream about calling.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about the Phone:

If you dreamed of a telephone or you hear a telephone ringing in a dream, this means that the upcoming meeting will turn out to be more important for you than you think.

If in a dream you make a phone call, then your request will go unheeded.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about the Phone, how to understand the dream:

To see that you are in a telephone booth means that you will meet a pleasant person, communication with whom will be supported by common interests.

If in a dream you turn the telephone dial, dialing the desired number, and constantly hear short beeps, then you will experience extreme lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, and the expectation of a life catastrophe. Moderate your tendency to self-criticism and introspection, make decisions thoughtfully, weighing the pros and cons.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a telephone?

Dreaming of a telephone means deception and failure.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why dream of seeing that you are chatting with someone on the phone for a long time - this portends that your husband will be infuriated by your optionality and inattention to your person.

If you see yourself throwing your phone, using this as the last argument in a family scandal, then expect troubles at home.

If in a dream you cannot call from the street due to broken tubes in all pay phones, then you will be confused by false information.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about Telephone according to the dream book:

If you call someone on the phone in a dream, then pretty soon you will be entrusted with secret information concerning one of your classmates, and you will be asked not to disclose this information, but you will not be able to contain your ardor and will tell the “terrible secret” to everyone who is not too lazy to listen to you.

If in a dream they call you on the phone, then in the conversation to which you devote all your leisure time you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors. But this will amuse you thoroughly, which certainly cannot be said about the person to whom these rumors are dedicated.

If you talk on the phone in a dream, then in reality you will soon spend time in empty conversations, but you will completely forget about your lessons.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

If you hear poorly during a telephone conversation, you are in danger of losing a loved one due to gossip.

According to another interpretation, any dream in which a telephone appears means that you risk becoming the object of malicious gossip.

Talking on the phone is a sign that you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers. However, the fight against them will be successful.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about a telephone according to the dream book:

The telephone is often called the second most important means, after direct contact. If you dreamed of a telephone and a conversation with a certain person, this means that you lack close communication and relationships with this person.

If a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone, then this predicts the appearance of a large number of envious people in her life, but their negativity will not have a tangible impact on her.

Universal dream book

Cell phone - Brief interpretation: communication; no hands; convenience.

Popular expression: talking until you lose consciousness; express everything that is in your heart.

If you are a man, perhaps your mobile phone expresses your belief that... small is even better?!

Phone Book - Brief interpretation: accessibility; list; choice Popular expression: in full view; work with your hands.

The phone book is very convenient. Alphabetical order organizes information perfectly.

Seeing a phone book is a sign that you can immediately state what you want, and also that you have a huge selection. What are you looking for on these pages?

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a telephone in a dream?

Brief interpretation: entertainment; crystal clear; compactness.

What do you use your phone for in your sleep? Perhaps the music is a kind of message to you?

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Telephone according to the dream book:

If you grew up in the era of radio and transistors, the associations that the word mobile phone evokes in you are different from those of young people.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Phone, what does it mean:

Was your phone stolen in a dream? If you are young, this may mean that you feel your freedom is being threatened.

Does your dream seem like a way to have fun, or do you annoy the people around you? This will tell you how you think people perceive you: support or oppose you. I guess

Surprisingly, in a short time, a mobile phone has turned from an expensive secret agent toy into an everyday accessory.

Does your phone make you feel safe in a dream because you know it's always at hand in an emergency? - or symbolizes an invasion of your privacy for you?

Carry out mobile repairs for Sony Ericsson or any other popular brand in your dream- in reality you may encounter some difficulties, difficulties in communication.

In your dream, do you hear the phone ringing?- how do you feel about this? Do you think, “Oh no, they can never leave me alone” or “I’m glad they were able to get through to me”?

Are you a pleasant conversationalist in a dream?- your voice sounds confident, you clearly express your thoughts, is it easy for you to use the phone because no cables or wires get in the way?

In your dream, are you talking to someone on your cell phone?- what do you tell the person? Are you feeling confident or depressed?

In a dream, does the mobile phone turn off or the connection is interrupted, creating problems for communication?- perhaps this indicates that it is difficult for you to express some emotions or feelings. You think that you are not being listened to.

A mobile phone can also symbolize- obligations. These days, when many people buy a cell phone, they sign a long-term contract. You probably want to be available to others for as long as possible.

If you are a man- perhaps a mobile phone expresses your belief that... small is even better?!

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Mobile phone- symbolizes power in managing the situation; by talking on a cell phone in a dream, you can dictate the conditions that you would like to implement in real life.

Modern combined dream book

If you dreamed that a general mobilization had begun- this means either your worries about other people’s affairs, in connection with certain political events- outbreak of hostilities or threat of war.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Neither Freud nor Jung said anything about mobile phones. And in our time, cell phones have already become an integral part of life, and therefore of our dreams. Having turned into a symbol of reliability, mobile phones have ceased to be an indicator of social status. We feel connected to the whole world when our mobile phone is at hand.

If you see a phone in a dream- this indicates a reliable connection with additional opportunities (or at least your desire for this).

But of the possible explanations for the appearance of this image in a dream- this is a desire to increase social status in order to motivate the need to use a mobile phone. Try to remember who you called and under what circumstances, since a cell phone can also symbolize security. What is a telephone for you, part of your social image or an indispensable means of communication? Does your cell phone annoy you, ringing incessantly and preventing you from enjoying the silence?

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Interpretations of what a new phone means in dreams cannot be found in old dream books, which is understandable, because this invention came into light relatively recently. Therefore, in order to understand what exactly this promises for you personally, you should turn to modern interpreters. It would also be useful to remember as many details of what you saw as possible.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Explaining why a new phone is dreamed of, this famous interpreter warns the sleeper that he will soon have a lot of enemies and envious people. According to the dream book, the enemies will be able to fight back, but in order not to get caught in the placed nets, be vigilant and be on your guard.

Interpretations of modern dream books

Why might you dream of a new smartphone just from the store? This dream suggests that the dreamer is torn by two strong desires. I want to plunge headlong into new sensations and adventures - after all, life can provide a lot of opportunities. And at the same time, it’s scary to step outside your comfort zone and change your usual life for the unknown.

But such a dream has another interpretation. It is seen by those who are immersed in work, not finding a single free minute. This is the opinion of the Family Interpreter.

Did you dream about a mobile phone? Immediately after you wake up, be extremely careful. Any detail, even insignificant at first glance, can be a way to solve a problem or provide the necessary information.

Good luck ahead

Did you have a dream in which you received a phone completely unexpectedly? In reality, you will be very lucky. Was the phone in your dream a spontaneous purchase? The solution to a problem lies on the surface; you just need to take a closer look at it.

According to the Erotic Dream Book, if you dreamed about the phone you have always dreamed of, everything is in order with your personal life now.

Stylish and expensive

Dream books also have an explanation of what an iPhone might mean in a dream. This product is not the cheapest, which means it symbolizes not only a means of communication, but also the high social status of the sleeper.

  • Did you see him in a dream? Perhaps evil intrigues are being weaved behind your back. But such a vision also has another interpretation - it portends quick profit.
  • Did you dream that you were replacing your old phone with this prestigious gadget? Be extremely vigilant.
  • Do you use this gadget for work? You have chosen the right path to achieve your goal.
  • Do you play it? In reality you will encounter misunderstandings.

  • Unlucky to lose your phone in a dream? In reality, take something burdensome off your shoulders.
  • Did you see that the device updated itself? Expect important news.

But it may also happen that this interpretation is much more literal in nature - probably the sleeper really wants to become the owner of this stylish and expensive thing.

Buying a phone

Dream books also have an explanation of what you might dream about buying a new phone. According to interpreters, the sleeper is a person who tries to personally control every situation, not allowing it to take its course.

Sometimes such a dream is seen by those who have difficulty communicating. The reason may be either ordinary shyness or the inability to personally talk with this or that person.

For those who in a dream pleased themselves with such a purchase, dream books also promise good luck in business terms. All transactions and projects will bring success and solid dividends, and you will hardly have to put any effort into it.

A few more interpretations

According to Madame Hasse’s dream book, what you might dream about buying a phone indicates the collapse of all plans. But you should not be upset ahead of time - the situation will develop in such a way that in the end you will gain more than you will lose.

The Family Dream Book has its own opinion regarding the purchase of a mobile phone. Soon the sleeper will have information at his disposal that can influence some people. How to use it is up to the dreamer to decide.

What does it mean to dream in which you bought a phone “from hand to hand”? As the dream book says, you feel envy towards those who are more successful. According to the interpreter’s advice, do not drown in envy, but try to achieve what others have already achieved.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 07/10/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...