What do you need to know when buying an existing business? When should you use real estate agents? What do you need to buy an injury?

You don’t have to create a business from scratch—you can buy a ready-made one that actually works. You can do this and start working for yourself with just $10 thousand. Before you detailed instructions- what, how much and where are the risks hidden?

You don’t have to create a business from scratch—you can buy a ready-made one that actually works. Beauty salons and cafes are especially popular now. Entrepreneurs often buy them for their wives, so that they have something to do. There is also high demand for car washes, car service centers and restaurants - buyers are driven by the desire to invest in ready-made enterprise to have an interesting business and a stable source of income.

How much does a candle factory cost these days?

If you have entrepreneurial ambitions and 10 thousand dollars, from which you want to make more money than the bank will give you on a foreign currency deposit, you can buy a small video rental or exchange office somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow. And then you are no longer a rentier, but an honest entrepreneur who has dared to increase his fortune with his investments and work.

Yes, you can buy a functioning business today for 10 thousand. True, in the case of an exchange, you need to have another 15-20 thousand working capital, otherwise it won't work.

Many businesses require additional financial investments after purchase in order for them to be useful. Therefore, we must take into account that the price of this method of becoming an entrepreneur consists of two components. Firstly, this is the cost of the acquired business. Secondly, the cost of the investment program (necessary costs for business development).

But on the market you can choose a business that does not require absolutely any additional investments. It’s just that one owner is, as it were, removed from the business, and the other appears in his place - he continues to steer the process and extracts income. For example, recently a curtain production salon was sold in this way for 40 thousand dollars. The entire business complex (including equipment, rented space, raw materials and inventory, labor collective, agreements with suppliers and consumers) passed to a new owner. For 70 thousand you can buy a ready-made confectionery production workshop with established production that does not require additional investment. You can’t find a supermarket on the market for less than 100 thousand. Father Fyodor’s dream of a candle factory today could come true for about 100-150 thousand dollars.

Car washes and beauty salons are in fashion

A Russian usually focuses on price, choosing what he can afford, and not what he would like. On the ready-made business market (and this has already taken shape) the situation is somewhat different. Here the buyer judges not so much by price, but by his abilities, reasoning like this: I understand this business, I can handle it; I can do it and I can afford it.

For example, any person who dares to try on the title of investor can easily run a hairdressing salon. Success is determined by a few and fairly simple factors: the production rate per workplace, rental costs, materials. In the same way, there are no special secrets to organizing a business at a car wash - people seem to be quite capable of it.

Moreover, the fashion for certain businesses is not necessarily confirmed by economic results. A beauty salon, by definition, cannot generate high profitability. Its main attraction lies elsewhere: it is a simple, understandable and feasible business.

“There are market myths,” says Mikhail Kuznetsov, marketer at the Ready Business Store company. — People think that some business is transparent, manageable and accessible to them. Coffee shops and restaurants consistently fall into this category. Although restaurant business not so simple due to increased competition. IN lately as a result of Luzhkov’s team’s active struggle with snow, people began to believe in car washes. There’s a real boom in demand for car washes right now.”

Statistics from companies specializing in the sale of existing businesses show that the most attractive in the small business sector are trade and service enterprises. For example, according to the “Ready Business Store”, approximately a quarter of those wishing to purchase their own business dream of providing services to the population. About 17% of demand comes from trade enterprises, 10% from transport and 11% from production. Moreover, the number of people wishing to buy a small factory or workshop is constantly growing. Experts attribute this to a reduction in the tax burden and a change in the mentality of entrepreneurs.

The head of the project for the sale of ready-made and operating businesses from the Institute of Economic Security, Mikhail Ivanchenko, believes that trade and commercial real estate enterprises are now the most popular. Commercial real estate- this is when an enterprise has office, industrial or retail space and rents it out. Considering that the cost of business rent in Moscow is constantly growing, the purchase of such companies becomes a good investment. However, this is hardly entrepreneurship in its pure form - there is something of a rentier here.

Exists stable demand for beauty salons- from the VIP category to regular hairdressing salons. Entrepreneurs often buy them for their wives. True, practice shows that restaurants or beauty salons purchased as a gift to loved ones are often put up for sale again after a year and a half.

Sometimes restaurants or cafes are bought, relatively speaking, for club purposes - so that there is a place where you can sit with friends or partners. “Your own restaurant” is a piquant accessory in the gentleman’s kit of a modern capitalist.

How to evaluate the business being purchased?

If a person is able to evaluate an apartment or car himself, then when buying a business one cannot do without a qualified appraiser. And the point is not only that special knowledge will be required here, but also that information about the state of affairs at the enterprise must be correctly retrieved (and it may be hidden) and correctly interpreted.

The “Ready Business Store” believes that the main factor in determining the value of an enterprise is its net profit, and not the accounting profit, but the money that the owner can withdraw from the enterprise. “First of all, the buyer must pay attention to cash flows and net profit,” says Sergei Kharchenko, head of the valuation department of the Ready-Made Business Store. - If there is no profit even in management reporting, it’s worth thinking about.”

By the way, according to expert observations, there is a discrepancy between “white” and “management” accounting in absolutely all enterprises. Of course, companies strive to operate as legally as possible. But even the smartest, according to consultants, manage to bring no more than 80% of their business “to the ground.”

Sergei Kharchenko considers the second most important indicator affecting the value of a business to be the period during which the business will generate money. After all, products may lose relevance, competitors may appear offering best product, lease agreements expire, or on the territory production premises They will plan to build an overpass, like in the movie “Garage”.

By the way, business in leased territories is cheaper and “returns” faster, but has more risks associated with the unreliability of the lease. If the business is done on its own premises and equipment, then it is more expensive and takes longer to complete. But equipment and especially real estate are themselves liquid assets. They can be sold at a profit even if the business collapses.

Experts differ in their assessment of such a phenomenon as goodwill (the intangible assets of a company consisting of a brand, business connections, employee talent, own know-how, etc.). For small businesses, of course, goodwill is not as significant as in large corporations that spend huge amounts of money on brand promotion. The share of goodwill in the value of, say, a bakery is small, although it still exists - reputation, culinary skills, recipes. But there are cases when goodwill makes up a significant part of the value of the business. For example, the value of a company developing software, fundamentally depends little on rented space or your own computers. In this case, the most important thing is bright minds, the names of developers and managers, as well as their connections.

In other words, the company may not have large tangible assets, the book value of its property will be small, but it is capable of generating significant financial flows. This often applies to information and consulting businesses. Such companies are worth much more than the totality of their assets. By the way, the difference between the selling price of a company and the price of its tangible assets is precisely the cost of this very goodwill. The only catch is that it is extremely difficult to determine goodwill in any other way (except in the circumstances of the sale of the company).

An important factor in the formation of goodwill, the overall value, and even the viability of a business is the workforce of the enterprise, its qualifications and manageability. The entire business can depend on one person, and this is a huge risk. There is a known case in insurance business, when the chief sales manager left the company after a change of ownership, and 40% of clients left with him, that is, almost half of the business. He had enough to start his own insurance company.

But we're talking about not only about top managers who can move to another job and take away clientele. No less serious problems are fraught with the whims of the main car mechanic, Uncle Vanya, with golden hands, on whom the entire car service business rests. It’s funny, but the fate of a dry cleaner can be decided by a stain remover with a salary of 6 thousand rubles. The profession is very rare, and without such a specialist, dry cleaning loses both its meaning and clients.

All in all, business valuation is a tricky and multifaceted matter. Appraisers use sophisticated techniques, the essence of which is simplified as follows:

1. market method - an analysis of similar transactions on the market is carried out, the necessary discounts and allowances are made depending on the specific circumstances of the business, and thus the value of the enterprise that you want to buy is determined. This, by the way, is the same method that we all use when buying a home or a car - after all, we also start from the prices for a similar product on the market;

2. restoration method - the business is valued at the amount that would be required to develop a similar business from scratch;

3. income method - in this case, the income that the enterprise gives or will bring is considered. Here the assessment is influenced by the period during which it is possible to “recoup” the funds invested in the purchase.

Mikhail Ivanchenko says that the payback period for an acquired enterprise is now considered normal for small businesses to be one and a half years. Mikhail Kuznetsov believes that no one will sell an operating business for less than 7-8 months’ profit. And rarely does a business sell for more than two to two and a half annual profits.

According to Alexander Butov, manager of the investment banking department of the FINAM investment holding, first of all, the value of a business is determined by the company’s position in the market and its revenue. Next come profitability and accounts payable. And the profitability factor is important - the forecast of cash receipts for the future and the period during which the acquisition can pay off. “But in practice,” says Alexander Butov, “buyers often use their naive methodology: revenue is multiplied by profitability and the number of years in which the new owner wants to recoup the deal. For some reason normal period three years are considered."

The procedure for transferring “business ownership”

The most ticklish and difficult question— how to give away money and take ownership of a new business. I really want there not to be too much or even an insurmountable distance between these two acts.

It must be said that there are indeed risks here, including criminal ones. Just like, say, they exist in the real estate or car markets. There are risks of non-compliance with agreements and deception (some intermediary firms even offer physical security services to clients). But, as Mikhail Ivanchenko testifies, fraud in this area is becoming less crude and more elegant. General trend— everyone tries not to violate the law, especially criminal law. Which, however, requires even more diligence from intermediary consultants who monitor the purity of the transaction.

Director of the legal department of the “Ready Business Store” Sergei Samsonov considers hidden off-balance sheet obligations of the company being sold to be among the main risks. With some sales schemes, old debts that the previous owner managed to hide (for example, bills not taken into account on the balance sheet, some guarantees, guarantees) may come out after the transaction. And the new owner cannot get away from them.

The risk of non-fulfillment of obligations under a business purchase and sale transaction, that is, non-payment of money or non-receipt of rights to the business, with a competent intermediary with a good reputation is, in principle, reduced to a minimum. Normal mediator studies credit history enterprises, collects information from the security field. Usually he is responsible for all documentation related to the appraisal - after all, he must have an appraiser's license. In some cases, the intermediary may, by agreement with the parties, undertake financial guarantees for the transaction, but this is extremely rare.

As for money transfer procedures, then it is simple. First, an agreement of intent is signed between the buyer and the seller, then the buyer hands it over to the seller against receipt or makes an advance payment to his account. After this, all the stated circumstances of the business are checked. When the decision is made, the buyer opens a letter of credit in favor of the seller. Then a purchase and sale agreement for a 100% share or shares is signed (depending on the legal form of the enterprise). The bank allows the seller to access the letter of credit funds only on the basis of a signed and certified purchase and sale agreement and a new constituent document registered with the tax office. Sometimes, instead of a letter of credit, the buyer rents a safe deposit box, which is used for payment using the same mechanism: the bank gives the seller access to the safe deposit box upon transferring to the buyer documents certifying his ownership of the business.

It's easy to transfer money. Business ownership is a little more complicated. WITH legal point In our opinion, there are four forms of buying and selling a business.

The first and main thing is to replace the founders in an LLC or CJSC - that is, in a legal entity that owns a business. This is a fairly simple method. Its disadvantage is that the legal entity retains its old credit history under the new owner. Unknown off-balance sheet liabilities may surface. There is also a significant advantage: replacing founders does not require obtaining the entire package of permits and licenses (if the business is licensed). You just need to register changes in the composition of the founders with the tax office. That is, the business remains untouched, as it were, with its pros and cons. It’s just that the founders and owners are different people.

The second method is to create a new legal entity and the transfer to him of assets related to the purchased business. Assets may be sold or otherwise transferred. When selling property from one legal entity to another, taxes naturally arise, which, however, can be minimized. The method is also simple, but also has a significant drawback. The new legal entity must re-obtain the entire set of permits and licenses, if required. And this is a very troublesome matter.

According to one expert, a couple of years ago it took three weeks to obtain all the documents for a beauty salon. A year later I had to spend five weeks. Now it’s almost three months. These are the results of the campaign announced just two years ago to combat administrative barriers. For three months, the finished enterprise will stand idle and incur losses for no business reason. Because of bureaucratic harassment.

Knowing the situation, mediator-consultants proceed as follows. They create a legal entity ahead of time and get everything for it necessary documentation. This keeps downtime to a minimum. But in some cases it is impossible to obtain two permits for one case; you have to first disavow the old one and then wait for the new one.

Third form proposed by law, - sale of the enterprise as a property complex. But there are few such cases when an enterprise would be registered as a property complex. On the contrary, often one legal entity has, for example, a car wash, two restaurants and a gas station, but only the gas station is sold. So, business purchase and sale transactions using this option occur extremely rarely. Although experts consider this method to be optimal, it practically eliminates all the risks described above associated with hidden off-balance sheet obligations or the need to obtain a bunch of new permits.

The three methods described are suitable for selling normally functioning enterprises. There is a fourth one - for the endangered. This is a sale through liquidation. We are talking, of course, about friendly bankruptcy. Relatively speaking, the buyer and seller come to an agreement, the seller initiates the liquidation procedure of the enterprise, its property is described, sold at auction, where it is acquired by a new owner. True, there is a risk that another bidder will come and beat the price. But experts say that if everything is done correctly, then the transition of business to to the right buyer guaranteed. This mechanism is suitable for small, medium and large businesses. A hotel was recently sold under a friendly bankruptcy scheme.

Why are intermediaries needed?

There are already about sixty enterprises operating on the market, declaring that selling an existing business is their business. Really does this with to varying degrees Hardly a dozen consulting firms are successful. Others have experience as an intermediary in one-time transactions, others are engaged in information support— create platforms or catalogs for buying and selling businesses on the Internet. The matter is also necessary.

But the most important thing in this area is, of course, consultations, assessment, information, and support. No sane investor would buy a business relying only on his own ingenuity. Well, unless you buy a photo studio from an old friend, when you know both her and him like crazy.

Familiarity factor for Russian business remains very important. Both the buyer and the seller often need recommendations from third parties who are personally familiar with the parties. But a fairly large proportion of transactions are already taking place without this. That is, a normal market situation becomes common, when the seller and buyer initially know nothing about each other. The intermediary brings them together, helps with pre-sale preparation, often acts as a business consultant and helps clean up the business. He also evaluates the enterprise, makes inquiries about high-level contracting parties in the interests of each of them, provides legal support and sometimes even resolves security issues.

Intermediary consultant services cost 2-15% of the transaction amount - all intermediaries emphasize that their approach is purely individual. Moreover, the seller pays for them. The fact is that sales are carried out from the set of offers that is formed by the sellers, which is why the intermediary has to be paid. However, no one is stopping the buyer from paying for the services of an intermediary.

Taxes should also be included in the costs that arise during the transaction. A smart intermediary will, of course, help minimize them. The fact of buying and selling a business in itself is not an object of taxation. But taxes arise if property is transferred during the transaction. Or if the business was sold by purchasing shares or shares and the purchase price exceeded the nominal value - this difference is considered the income of the seller and is subject to income tax (13%) if we are talking about an individual. It is clear that in the case of an LLC, a 100% share of the enterprise can be valued at 10 thousand rubles at par of the authorized capital, but the business can cost $100,000. That is, the difference between the face value and the market price will be $99,700 and should be taxed as income to the seller. Often the parties take legal risks, underestimating the formal value of the business, or agree to share the burden of taxes.

Now there are dozens and even hundreds of offers for the sale of a business on the market. Not only factories and ships are for sale, but also small enterprises that we can manage to an ordinary person who has at least some business acumen. This market may also be of interest to existing entrepreneurs who want to diversify their business.

How to buy a ready-made store?

IN modern world all conditions have been created for successful management own business. Even novice entrepreneurs can receive expert advice, take thematic courses at state expense, and consult on issues of interest to the relevant authorities. With proper planning, a business can grow and become profitable within a short period of time.

Trade on at the moment is one of the leading areas of activity. Indeed, it is not enough to simply produce goods. The main task of any manufacturer is to bring its product to the end consumer in order to make a profit. This is precisely why wholesale buyers work, resell goods to stores, on the shelves of which the end consumer sees them.

Buy a ready-made store or open a new one from scratch

In order for a product to sell well, you must adhere to a number of rules when organizing point of sale. The store should be located in a walkable location for potential buyers. Care should be taken to create bright advertising, quality service and a regularly replenished assortment. Undoubtedly, the sale of each type of product has its own nuances.

Sometimes it is much easier to buy a ready-made store than to carry out a step-by-step task such as opening a retail outlet and gaining customer loyalty. And here it is important to take into account all the subtleties so that the store does not have to be closed for another initial stage work with the new owner.

By purchasing a ready-made store, an entrepreneur saves himself from the need for initial brand development. After all, this point already has regular customers who regularly use its services. At the same time, if the store did not have a very good reputation, visitors complained about poor quality service, expired goods, then earning their trust will be more difficult than when opening a new one.

Second important point– location of the store being sold. For example, small grocery store counter type will never be profitable if it is located in walking distance from the hypermarket. Perhaps its owner wants to get rid of an unprofitable business and is selling it, sometimes even at a price that is very attractive at first glance. In such a situation, you can consider a purchase with subsequent reorientation to another type of activity. In fact, only retail space is purchased. But often this is not the best deal.

Which store is preferable to buy?

Before buying a store, you should consider what your preferred specialization is: clothing, shoes, food, leather goods or sporting goods?

It is possible that provided during negotiations financial indicators may distort reality and in fact the store will not be as profitable as it might seem at first glance. A retail outlet of any specialization has its own characteristics, which it is better to know about at the initial stages.

Grocery stores are the most common type of business.

Indeed, at almost every step there are hypermarkets, large supermarkets, shops or even food stalls. Upon purchase ready-made store products should be focused on location: the traffic of the point, the presence of competitors and the segment of potential buyers.

For example, in the center or business part of the city, fewer products are purchased than in residential areas, and supermarkets receive much more revenue than small counter-type stores. It is important to remember that at chain points the price is set at the regional level, which means that an entrepreneur cannot always regulate the level of markup. At the same time, suppliers work with large outlets on more favorable terms.

Clothing and shoe stores may be located in large shopping centers or on the first floors of residential buildings. When choosing, you should also focus on the location, the popularity of the company in the city market and potential customers. Clothing and shoes are the category of goods that most buyers prefer to purchase in a certain place. Small company It will be difficult to attract new clients. We will have to organize regular promotions and special offers. In this way, it will be possible to increase consumer loyalty to your store.

At sporting goods stores also has its own consumer. IN major cities sporting goods are presented both in large chain stores and in small retail outlets. Very often in hypermarkets the price is slightly more expensive, because in addition to quality, the buyer also overpays for the brand. It is best for small stores to specialize in a certain price segment. As a rule, stores aimed at consumers with an average income level develop best.

Specific specialty stores. When choosing this category of trade, it is important to understand how much this product is in demand in a given region. If the product is in demand and there is an established customer base, the point will develop.

Search for offers to sell a ready-made store

First of all, you can ask questions to friends who may have such information. Very often, the owners of a business for sale use the so-called “word of mouth”.

However, if you don’t find such acquaintances, you can use specialized sites. Advertisements for the sale of a ready-made business can be placed in city newspapers in the appropriate sections and on the Internet. IN electronic network there are many forums where entrepreneurs exchange useful information. There you can place information about your desire to buy an existing business.

Before making a decision, you should not only personally communicate with the owner and carefully study all the documents, but also visit the retail outlet several times. It is useful to communicate with sellers, sometimes under the guise of a simple buyer. If possible, you can ask store visitors for their opinion. This will help to draw a conclusion about current state business in the store.

When concluding a transaction, you should carefully check the statutory documents, as well as the financial statements. Ideally, you should obtain a reconciliation report from all suppliers, so that later you do not have to pay for the debts of the previous owner.

Let's make a deal

So, the store has been selected, all documents have been checked, the last step remains - concluding an agreement, after which you can start working in a new status.

If the former owner individual entrepreneur, you should also register a business activity or select a Limited Liability Company as the subject of activity. Next, an agreement is drawn up under which the seller transfers all rights of ownership, management and ownership to the buyer for a certain price. In this case, the responsibility for renegotiating contracts with all suppliers falls on the shoulders of the new owner. It is also necessary to change all statutory documents and seal.

If the store operated as a Limited Liability Company, you can also enter into a similar agreement. Another way is to introduce a new participant into the company and remove the previous one.

The paperwork process may take several weeks.
After concluding a transaction, the entrepreneur needs to replace all documents in the consumer’s corner, renew contracts with suppliers, where he must indicate his personal data.

From the moment the agreement is signed, all responsibility for compliance with tax laws and maintaining accounting falls on the new owner. This data should be maintained from the first day of work.

Franchise work

If an entrepreneur is not ready to spend time and money on opening a new store from scratch, you can try to find an organization with which it is possible to conclude a franchising agreement. For a monthly royalty payment, the entrepreneur will receive the right to use a well-known brand. In large famous brands this fee will be high, some companies charge a nominal fee for the right to use their name.

Before concluding such an agreement, you should carefully study the history of the company, the direction of activity and all the intricacies of the agreement.

Creating your own business – complex process, which has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, an entrepreneur gains financial freedom and independence from many external factors. On the other hand, he fully assumes all risks and responsibility for his activities.

When opening a store from scratch or buying an already existing business, you should be aware that this is a very complex painstaking work, which requires great physical and material costs, especially at first.

Only with careful planning of each step, with regular detailed analysis All indicators can achieve good results and turn a small store into a popular retail outlet that will operate regardless of the season and economic situation in the region.

Advice from an expert on how to shop correctly:

Buying a used car is always a difficult and risky business. A person risks minimally if he purchases a new car at a dealership, but a used car can often conceal bad points in itself or in its “history.” How to choose and complete the purchase correctly, what you need to check, what documents are needed, and how difficult it is to buy a car second-hand, we will consider further.

You can search for a car to buy second hand in different ways - online services, newspapers, advertisements on the vehicles themselves, etc. But it’s worth knowing what should alert a potential buyer to different stages searching for an “iron horse” and the further purchase procedure.

Nuances when searching for a vehicle

Already in the process of searching for a second hand vehicle, you should pay attention to how the owner of the car you like talks to the potential future owner. If on simple questions according to the title, previous car purchase (in the showroom or second hand), etc. he answers very generally or remains silent at all, and also, if he offers to look at the car somewhere in an uninhabited place or outside the city, then it is better to refuse immediately, because there is a high probability of encountering scammers.

You should also remember that a used car, its make, year of manufacture and condition must correspond to the price. That is, if during a search a person saw a car that cost 100-150 thousand rubles. is less than the market value of comparable technical specifications (while the ad says that the car is problem-free), then 99% of it is a hoax and it’s not even worth calling on such an ad.

You cannot deposit money even under the pretext of booking a car before a personal meeting with the owner, and it is better not to transfer any money at all until the purchase and sale agreement is concluded. This kind of fraud has become very common in modern market used car.

Checking for arrest, bail and unpleasant statuses of used vehicles

The following nuances should alert a potential buyer:

  1. The title has been replaced or lost, but the owner has a duplicate in his hands.
  2. The sale of a car is carried out not by the owner, but by his representative under a general power of attorney.
  3. A large number of car owners indicated in the PTS with a relatively small age of the used car (for example, the car is only 5 years old, but more than 10 people have already owned it).

, as well as the presence of administrative arrest or hijacking is possible through special online services or upon request to the traffic police. The only thing that cannot be checked with 100% probability (this can be done in the Federal Tax Service, but they do not always have complete information, and the verification process may take a long time) – this is the car’s credit status, because PTS can be replaced “due to loss”. The owner will not say that his car is in the status of collateral, a loan is being paid for it, or it is acting as collateral in a pawnshop. Here you should rely only on your own intuition and the seller’s honesty. Otherwise, the organization that issued the loan or the pawnshop has every right take the car even from the new owner for non-payment of debt. Money given for a used car can be returned, but to do this you will have to write more than one application to law enforcement agencies and it takes a very long time to go to court. Therefore, if you doubt the honesty of the owner of a used car, it is better to refuse the deal.

What is the danger of a duplicate vehicle passport and how to check it when purchasing

Duplicate PTS is a common trick of scammers. Sellers can name various reasons for the presence of a duplicate and not the original - loss, replacement due to wear and tear, lack of space in the original PTS, etc. All this should not be a reason to trust a person. When checking the title, you must also check the history of the used car through special services so that the information matches. We'll talk about this later.

Both the original and duplicate PTS must be checked for authenticity according to the following appearance criteria:

  1. The passport ornament, which is a pattern, should not lose clarity upon closer examination.
  2. The hologram must be clear and easy to read; it is the most difficult to fake.
  3. There should be a three-dimensional pattern in the form of a rosette on back side document. It can be determined by touch. It also changes color from green to gray at different viewing angles.
  4. The volumetric watermark “RUS” can be found if you illuminate the PTS.
  5. In case of a duplicate, it will be stamped “Duplicate”.

What to check besides PTS

Before you buy a car, you need to find out what documents, in addition to the car's passport, are needed for verification. Then carefully check everything on the list. In addition to the PTS, the owner of a used car must be prepared to present the following documents, which also need to be carefully and carefully checked for authenticity:

  • vehicle owner's passport.
  • a certificate of full repayment of debt to a bank or pawnshop, if any.
  • a document confirming payment for the cost of the car or other documents confirming the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the current owner.

What documents are needed when transferring a vehicle to the buyer by the seller?

The purchase and sale of a used car should preferably be legalized by a notary using a purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the SPA). It requires the following documents:

  1. Passports of both parties.
  2. PTS of the car.
  3. Certificate of registration of the car by the owner.
  4. MTPL or CASCO insurance policy.

If a transaction for the sale of a vehicle may not be certified by a notary, then it will be quite difficult to prove the case in situations that are problematic for both parties. Even relatives are usually advised to put a notary stamp, because and disagreements may arise between them, in which the PrEP will become an important document for solving the problem.

How to properly draw up a purchase and sale agreement

A sample DCP can be found on the Internet; the parties can also fill it out themselves, but it is still advisable to have it certified by a notary. In addition, the notary will check the correctness of filling out so that in the future there will be no problems with actions related to the subsequent operation of the car (registration, sale, donation, etc.).

The DCP must reflect the following information:

  1. Data of individuals (full name, passport details).
  2. Technical data of the car (VIN, make, model, year of manufacture, engine number, body, chassis).
  3. PTS data (series, number, date of issue).

Before you fill out the DCT and buy a car, you should definitely check the car owner’s documents to ensure their authenticity. That is why it is better to carry out the procedure with a notary, so that if something happens, he can bring the fraudster to clean water. But you should not go to a notary recommended by the seller, especially if the buyer doubts the honesty of the owner. Often scammers, in our case the seller and the notary, operate together.

In addition to the DCP, you can draw up and certify a receipt from a notary indicating that the seller has received funds in the amount of the full cost of the car.

What will happen to license plates?

When selling a vehicle, the previous owner can keep the numbers for himself in order to later install them on a new car. To do this, he needs to write an application to the traffic police, and they will give it back after the car is re-registered and new numbers are assigned to the car. If it doesn’t matter to both parties what numbers will be on their cars, then those that were on the registration certificate are retained and the car with them is registered to the new owner. The duty in this case is less than for replacement.

What to do after buying a car

Firstly, after purchasing a vehicle from someone else, you need to insure the car. The policy can be either MTPL or CASCO - at the discretion of the new owner. Secondly, you need to register the car with the traffic police MREO. Fortunately, since 2013, the presence of the previous owner is not required to deregister the car and register it with the new owner. To re-register a car, you need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A document confirming the ownership of the car (sale agreement, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance or a certificate-invoice from the car dealership, if the car is new).
  3. OSAGO or CASCO policy (in which the owner of the car is included).
  4. Application for vehicle registration (completed and signed).
  5. A check that confirms that the state duty has been paid (it ranges from 500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the region and the fact of replacing license plates. If a replacement is made, the amount of the duty will be 2,000 - 2,500 rubles more).

The new owner must re-register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase. In case of intentional or unintentional evasion of this procedure, administrative punishment will be applied to him in the form of a fine, which will range from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. In addition to this fine, if the new owner of the car is stopped by the traffic police, he will have to pay an additional fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles. In case of repeated violation, the fine will be many times larger and amount to 5,000 rubles, and the owner of the car may be deprived of his license for a period of 1 to 3 months.

To summarize, we can say that buying a car second-hand is not so difficult. It’s more difficult here not to contact scammers, to formalize the transaction correctly and to do everything necessary operations to re-register the car to the new owner.

There comes a moment in every person’s life when he understands that he needs to somehow realize himself. Since business is rapidly developing in the modern world, most men have at least once thought about opening their own business and working only for themselves.

When thinking about this topic, many questions arise - what to open, where to open, where to invest money and how to invest it so as not to be left empty-handed and not go into debt. When looking for ideas, many people choose to buy an existing business, namely a grocery store. The logic here, of course, is very simple and, at first glance, ironclad - after all, no matter what, everyone always wants to eat, so it’s impossible to remain without customers!

If you have a desire to buy a grocery store and make money on the natural needs of a person, then you need to know some points and problems that may arise in such a business. So, what should you pay attention to? special attention when shopping at the grocery store, so as not to get into trouble.

Despite the fact that a hungry person will find your store even in the forest, one should not forget that a good location is the main condition for the successful operation of a grocery store. If the store is located near a roadway, has convenient access by car, or is it a pavilion at a bus stop public transport, then the probability that the store will be brought to you good profit– very high. But, as a rule, the cost of such a store will also be quite decent. Therefore, if your budget leaves much to be desired, then this option will not suit you.

There are also so-called “home stores”. This is a store located on the 1st floor of a residential building, where, as a rule, residents of this building and nearby buildings go. The cost of such a store is several times less, but here you need to look around carefully. How many residential buildings are nearby, what kind of houses they are, how many apartments they have, and what financial capabilities your potential buyers have. And the most important thing to do is to correctly evaluate your competitors and decide for yourself whether you can compete with them or not.

When buying a grocery store, you should also understand such things as the form of ownership of the premises in which the store is located. If this property is owned and they are willing to sell this property to you, and you accordingly have the money to buy it, then this is very good and you automatically get rid of many inconveniences.

But if you buy the right to lease, then there are two options. The first is premises rented from individual. As a rule, you can always come to an agreement with him, if he is, of course, adequate (which, unfortunately, is not always the case). And the second option is to rent premises from the city. This is where you need to read the lease agreement carefully. For what period and under what conditions is it concluded, is extension provided? The fact is that lease agreements for municipal property are concluded through auction, and this is a rather tedious procedure.

Of course, when purchasing a store, you should carefully examine the premises itself. What condition is it in, does it need repairs, but the main thing is whether there are fire and security alarms. If you think that you will do everything yourself, then do not forget that this is very expensive and if the business does not trample, you will have to leave this equipment there, and this is wasted money.

Let's move on. Let's look at the documents. The later the LLC is registered, the greater your chances that any unpaid taxes, penalties, fines, etc. will not come to light. A certificate from the tax office about the absence of debt at the time of purchase of the LLC does not guarantee that some debts will not emerge later. There must be a license to carry out retail sales alcohol products. Unfortunately, it does not last forever. Maximum term The validity of such a license is 5 years. Minimum – 1 year. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the licensee.

The fact is that the mechanism for obtaining such a license is quite problematic and financially expensive, and revenue from the sale of alcohol is on average 40% of the revenue of the entire store, and on holidays it is as much as 70%!!! As sad as it may sound, without alcohol you shouldn’t even get involved in this business. And if you consider that from January 1, 2013, beer will also be classified as alcohol, which can only be sold if you have such a license, then you need to understand its meaning.

One year of validity of such a license costs 40,000 rubles to the state treasury (state duty), you must also meet all the conditions for obtaining a license: the store area must be 50 m2 or more, you must have a safe for storing funds, working fire and security alarm and a lot more. With all this, it is far from a fact that you will be given this license on the first try, but no one will return your money. You will continue to pay until you eliminate all the shortcomings or bring the ladies working there a magic envelope with money.

It is clear that someday the license will expire and you will have to obtain it yourself, but at the first stage I would like it to already be there. Remember that of all the equipment that is in the store, after purchase, only a couple of refrigerators will become yours. The rest was generously provided by product suppliers for temporary use.

And of course, be sure to ask why this grocery store is sold. No one will sell the goose that lays golden eggs without a good reason. As a rule, the legends are like this: we are leaving for another city, there is still business and there is no time to do this, or something like that. If possible, it is better to find out about the reason for the sale from third parties. Only they can tell you the truth, from which you can draw objective conclusions.

In general, these were the basic rules for beginning businessmen; of course, there are still many different nuances that you should pay attention to, but more on that some other time. Business in Russia is special and slightly different from business in other countries, but this has not only disadvantages, but also its advantages) Good luck.

Transactions in Russia have huge amount features. For some transactions it is necessary to provide certain documents. For example, an identity card. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a purchase and sale transaction. But there are exceptions. This article will tell you whether a passport is needed when buying a phone in one case or another. What kind of documents might be useful? What features of the transaction are recommended to pay attention to? Understanding the question posed is not so difficult. Especially if you carefully study the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Age to enter into a transaction

The first issue that will have to be taken into account is the age of the buyer. The thing is that often transactions related to purchase and sale are not available to part of the population. We're talking about children.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, minor citizens have the right to enter into transactions of a certain nature with the permission of their parents after 6 years. From 14 (or after receiving a passport), the list increases. Once you reach the age of majority, you are allowed to conduct any transactions.

How to buy a mobile phone? At what age can you enter into such a deal? In practice, even a teenager can buy himself mobile device. From the age of 14 for sure. But some stores have the right to refuse the transaction. It should be noted that 100% of the time you will be able to buy a mobile or any other gadget in Russia after you reach adulthood.

Making a purchase

Most often, the problem being studied occurs when registering a phone. As already mentioned, when buying a gadget, a purchase and sale occurs. Usually, after completing the transaction, the citizen is given a check. And nothing more. We are talking about going to a regular hardware store.

In practice, there are no problems with purchasing a mobile device in such places. It is necessary to think about whether you need a passport when buying a phone if you plan to purchase a used device. Typically, such transactions require special attention from both the buyer and the seller.

In fact, in practice, no documents are asked from a person. You just need to tell the seller which phone model you want to purchase. Further, everything will depend on the specific place where the transaction is executed.

What you need to buy

How are new phones selling? People often wonder what to take with them to make a deal with a store. What papers may be required from them?

It has already been said that a lot depends on the specific outlet. Most often, a citizen only needs money to register a mobile phone. This will be enough.

Of course, no one will sell the phone at all small child. But a teenager will be able to bring the idea to life. To be on the safe side, you can obtain parental permission for a minor to purchase a mobile phone. This technique will protect you from failure.

Accordingly, an identity card is not such an important document for buying and selling a phone. It is not always necessary. Especially when it comes to a new gadget.

Credit and installments

It is worth noting that the proposed scheme is relevant only for those who decide to immediately buy a phone in a store. Loans and installment plans are separate transactions. It follows that buying a mobile phone will be a little different. What exactly?

Firstly, loans and installment plans are offered exclusively to adult citizens. Secondly, you need to document your income. And this is just the beginning.

Do you need a passport when buying a phone in installments or on credit in a store? Yes, in mandatory. Without it, a citizen cannot make a purchase. As already mentioned, you will additionally have to bring with you a certificate of income (form 2-NDFL).

From hand

In the modern product market, some smartphone models are expensive. And they prefer to buy them second-hand. For example, used. Similar situation is not the rarest. In Russia it occurs often - you can see a lot of advertisements for the sale of gadgets, not just mobile phones. What should a future buyer prepare for?

Do you need a passport when buying a phone "from hand"? It all depends on which seller you get. Often, the buyer is required to provide identification. They try not to sell used phones to children.

Accordingly, a passport is required for some operations. It can be neglected if a person immediately pays for a purchase in a store. In other cases, an identity card is one of the main papers involved in the transaction.

With SIM card

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? As already mentioned, for some transactions this is a mandatory document. And sometimes it won't be needed. For example, when paying for an entire (new) purchase in a store, you will not be asked for an ID.

Only exceptions happen everywhere. Therefore, one should not think that the store will not ask the buyer for a passport. It is safe to say that an identity card must be presented when you plan to purchase a device with a built-in SIM card.

The thing is that a phone number requires mandatory registration. A passport is required for this. This means that all persons who have this document have the right to conclude a transaction, unless otherwise specified in the charter of the trading network.

From the card

Some problems may arise when payment is made using a card or by bank transfer. Payment in cash does not require the provision of identification, unless it is a loan or installment plan.

The seller has the right to request a citizen’s passport if new phones are paid for by bank transfer. For example, with bank card. In practice, this phenomenon rarely occurs.

However, this fact will still have to be taken into account. Especially for those who prefer to use contactless payment. To confirm the operation, the PIN code from the card is not asked. Therefore, the seller has the right to require a passport in order to ensure the security of the transaction. There is no need to be surprised by this.

Additional warranty

Do you need a passport when buying a phone? It has already been said that this document is only necessary under certain circumstances. And this is important to consider.

It's safe to say that buying used phones without ID is a risky business. Requesting a passport from the seller (and the buyer too) is important.

In the store, a passport is required not only when applying for a loan or installment plan. It is noted that when purchasing an additional warranty for a device, it is important to have identification with you. Without it, the deal will be refused. More precisely, you can buy a phone without a SIM card, but you can’t buy an additional warranty or number.

Buyer's Reminder

Now you can think about what to look for when buying a phone. This transaction requires attentive attitude consumer. Otherwise, the citizen risks either buying a bad device or even being deceived.

Among the main tips for buying a mobile phone are the following points:

  1. It is best to complete the transaction in official retail networks. You should not buy used gadgets.
  2. If you want to purchase a “used” phone, you must check it before paying. It is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the case, as well as the integrity of the structure. It is best to request documents for your mobile device from the seller. In this case, it is necessary to check serial numbers on the device and in the documentation.
  3. When purchasing from hand, you must ask for identification. It is better if it is a civilian passport.
  4. Be skeptical about low device prices. Mobile phones today they have different price categories. There are expensive models, and not so much. If the gadget itself is expensive, then the reduced cost is a clear indication of the shortcomings of a particular device.
  5. When choosing a model in a store, you can ask to demonstrate the quality of the device. In some cases, it is recommended to try calling from your phone.

Perhaps this is where all the recommendations can end. From now on it is clear what documents are needed to purchase a phone. In reality, you can only get by in cash. The transaction being studied is not complex in itself. Therefore, you should be very concerned about the documents provided during this process only when it comes to purchasing used devices. New phones are easier to buy.