What does a disability certificate look like? The employee brought a certificate of disability

The process of registering a disability cannot be called pleasant and easy. In our country, people have to confirm for a long time with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and document the assignment of disability in order to have the right to preferential medical services, an increased pension and additional social benefits in the future. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of registering a disability.

Disability is usually called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of socialization and ability to work, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or injury.

The right to be considered disabled is given by severe physical impairments. But not all sick people are entitled to this status and receive the corresponding benefits.

Official registration of disability is available only when the disease is a serious obstacle to work activity. This term includes legal and social concepts. Official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or termination of work, as well as the appointment of state social security in various forms.

The Russian Ministry of Health has established certain criteria and classifications on which the recognition of a person as disabled is based. Some suffer from serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to Social Security disability benefits, but do not take any action to officially prove this. But personal opinion alone is not enough.

The main criterion is the presence of persistent pathology that limits the normal life activities (work activities, independent movement) of people.

A person can be advised to register a disability by a medical specialist who realistically assesses the patient’s health and capabilities. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the disease and its consequences.

The reason for ordering a medical examination will be:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Restriction of certain body functions (speech, movement).

Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not the case if the patient has fully recovered and can continue working. True, a lot here depends on the type of occupation. If it involves excessive physical exertion, this fact will be taken into account when conducting a medical and social examination.

The assignment of disability for cancer is a controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not such a serious illness, since it does not interfere with the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a lifelong disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and leukemia.

As for amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here too. When determining a person's eligibility for disability benefits, factors such as:

  • Condition of the stump.
  • Cause of limb loss.
  • Age.
  • Profession.
  • What part of the limb was amputated?

Serious visual impairment or complete loss of vision necessarily entails the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of visual impairment.

Mental disorders belong to a separate category of diseases, upon diagnosis of which a person receives a disability group:

  • Mild forms of mental disorders are the first group.
  • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
  • The patient is unable to assess himself adequately and lead a normal life - the first group is assigned.

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at his place of registration. The patient can do this on the direction of a doctor or at his own discretion.

Required documents

You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Medical record from the clinic.
  • Completed application.
  • Referral for examination.
  • Sick leave, if available.
  • Extracts of medical examinations performed.
  • A copy of the work record book or employment contract.
  • Certificates of injuries or chronic diseases, if any.

The entire package of documents is submitted to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

A bedridden patient is examined a little differently. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, so relatives can agree with the doctor to conduct an examination in an inpatient setting. There is an option to register disability in absentia by obtaining a power of attorney to perform such actions from the disabled person.

Procedure and procedure

The medical and social examination usually involves three representatives from the bureau. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the bureau. The examination itself includes:

  • Study of medical documents.
  • Examination of the patient.
  • Analysis of various (domestic, social, labor) living conditions of a citizen.

Based on the data received, experts render their verdict. To be assigned a disability, the following conditions must be met:

  • Limitation of life activity;
  • Need for rehabilitation;
  • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

A person can receive a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

When conducting an examination, it is mandatory to keep a protocol. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as incapacitated without being assigned a disability. The commission’s conclusions are documented in the form of a report, which is given to the patient.

If a person is recognized as disabled, he must be assigned an individual rehabilitation program and issued the appropriate certificates. These documents are necessary for applying to the pension fund and social security authorities.

The result will be a disability pension and preferential payments.


The process of registering disability takes place in several stages. Collecting documents and going through medical specialists takes approximately 7-10 days.

The examination can be scheduled no later than one month after submitting the documents. However, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign disability must be made on the day of the examination. If the outcome is positive, the necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

It will take three to four months for a child to be assigned a disability. A medical and social examination is also carried out, to which the child’s attending physician must refer.

If we are talking about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a genetic examination. A corresponding entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the bureau:

  • A certificate certified by a clinic doctor.
  • Outpatient card from a medical institution for children.
  • Registration information.
  • Identity documents of the guardian or parents.
  • Application completed according to the form.
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

When assigning disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as disabled without any degree of severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for a period of eighteen years without the need for a re-examination.

Conditions for registering disability

Assignment of disability is carried out upon fulfillment of certain conditions depending on the group.

First group:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Lack of self-service capabilities.
  • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

Second group:

  • Persistent disturbances of the vital functions of the body.
  • Lack of normal working capacity (inability to engage in work activities for a long time).
  • The need to provide specific working conditions.

Third group:

  • The creation of special working conditions is required.
  • Admission to previous work activities is prohibited due to the fact that harm to others may be caused.
  • Inability to work at the previous place of work and engage in one’s professional activities.

If it is necessary to assign a certain disability group to a person, the reason must be reflected in the document. Specialists must justify why a person received the first, second or third group. The justification for the reason must be detailed.

After a certain period of time, the patient will again have to undergo an examination to re-register the disability. The dates for re-examination are set by specialists from the medical and social bureau.

It is important not to be afraid of possible difficulties. If you clearly know all the rules, paperwork will not take much time, but will provide an opportunity to receive additional benefits and payments.

How to register a disability - where to start: you need to know the procedure for registering a disability, what documents are needed to register a disability, what is the ITU commission for registering a disability

Cases when work capacity is limited due to an exacerbation of the disease or serious injury are a fairly common phenomenon in labor practice. In order to protect their rights and receive social support, an injured worker must go through a rather complex and lengthy procedure for registering disability. Where to start?

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First, you need to carefully study the regulatory framework and determine the procedure for registering disability.

Secondly, you need to clearly understand what documents are needed to register a disability, where to get the work performance form for registering a disability, and decide on the functions and purpose of the ITU commission for registering a disability.

And thirdly, if necessary, distinguish between the features of registering a disability for a pensioner (bedridden), registering a disability for a child, how to register a visual disability, and how the procedure for registering a disability in oncology differs from others.

We will examine all these points in more detail in our article.

ITU commission for registration of disability

You can obtain the status of a disabled person on the basis of the Rules established by government decree number 95 in February 2006. Paragraph two of these Rules directly states that a citizen must first undergo a medical and social examination (MSE) - an ISE commission for registration of disability. Without the appropriate conclusion of medical specialists, you cannot count on state help.

Residents of Moscow, remembering the special federal status of their city, often do not know how to apply for disability in Moscow. Considering that the effect of the government decree of the Russian Federation is equivalent in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that in the capital the procedure for registering disability occurs in strict accordance with the above document, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The basis for contacting a doctor is deterioration in health. A sick or injured person should visit his doctor, who will provide a referral to specialized specialists. They will record the results of the examination and examination in a separate report. Such a document has the right to be drawn up by both the attending physician and the group of doctors who observed the patient.

Particular attention is paid to the patient's condition. It is being determined whether he can live without outside help or continue working. In cases with children, their ability to learn, move independently and control their own behavior is determined.

Referrals for examination are given by the following government agencies:

  • representatives of social protection authorities;
  • branches of the Pension Fund (at the place of residence of the citizen affected by injury or illness);
  • polyclinics (district or city).

If you became disabled due to the fault of a doctor, find out what punishment the doctor should bear for.

Features of the procedure

The legislation provides for both independent appeal of citizens to all necessary authorities, and through legal representatives who have all the powers to protect the interests of a sick person.

To obtain the status of a disabled person with the help of such a voluntary assistant, you must have the appropriate court decision in hand. It confirms the special condition of a person with disabilities and gives the representative the right to obtain a power of attorney at a notary’s office. can be found in this article.

To figure out how to register a disability, you must first clarify all the nuances of the procedure at the clinic or social service. Such consultation will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

Documents must be provided within ten days after submitting the application. This can also be done electronically. But the document must be certified by a qualified signature. After you have dealt with the paperwork, the immediate process of registering disability begins, which consists of 3 stages:

  1. Invitation to ITU. It may come in paper or electronic form.
  2. Conducting an ITU and obtaining a decision. No more than 30 calendar days pass from the date of filing the application until the examination. The decision is made immediately after the procedure. Explanations from medical experts can be provided immediately after the examination.
  3. Obtaining a certificate confirming the disability of a certain group.

Features of registration for certain groups of citizens

How to apply for disability for a child

To clarify how to register a disability for a child, you must also first consult with the social examination bureau or at the clinic.

In most cases, registering a disability for a child is no different from examining an adult. The documents are additionally accompanied by the passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents.

Another important nuance is the need to present the characteristics issued at the place of education (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, permission from the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical confidentiality in the characteristics compiled.

In general, there should be no problems with how to register a disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to apply for disability for a pensioner

Before applying for disability, a pensioner will have to do the following:

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination, after which he issues a medical report, which indicates the mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of illness of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • Based on the results of a medical examination at the ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • With the certificate, the pensioner goes to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and an increase in pension.

Sample performance characteristics for disability registration

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this regard, the state assigns a disability pension.

Before applying for a disability pension, you need to collect all the necessary documents:

  • certificate of passing the ITU;
  • passport;
  • SNILS card

Having a package of documents in hand, the citizen contacts the Pension Fund branch in his region and writes an application for payment of a disability pension.

Let's consider how much pension different groups of disabled people will receive.

  • disabled people of the first group and disabled people from childhood of the second group – 8647.51 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the second group – 4323.74 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the third group - 3675.2 rubles per month;
  • disabled children and disabled children of the first group - 10,376.86 rubles per month.

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Important information update!

The Pension Fund and Social Security can issue a referral to the ITU in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 874. If all of the listed organizations refuse to send a person, he can file a complaint with the ITU office.

The next step in the examination procedure is. Moreover, a list of them is most often issued along with the referral. This list includes:

Then, you need to write to the bureau and register it along with all the necessary papers. Registration of such an appeal is made on the day it is written.

Reference! If a person has not provided all the necessary documents to the bureau, he is given 10 days to bring them. If he managed to provide them within the given period, then the disability fee will be charged from the date of the first application.

After ITU bureau staff have examined all the documents, they will set a time for the examination and send an invitation to the applicant. He is sent within 24 hours after the decision on the date of the examination. Such an invitation must indicate the date, time and address of the organization that will conduct the examination.

After receiving an invitation from the bureau, the person needs to appear at the place of examination. If the applicant cannot come for the examination himself for health reasons, then the organization’s employees can come to his home or hospital. Besides, in some cases, a decision can be made even without the presence of a person, based on the documents provided.

During the ITU, a person wishing to formally register a disability undergoes an examination. When conducting such an examination, bureau employees evaluate and study a person’s everyday, labor, psychological and social abilities. Everything that happens during the examination must be recorded in the protocol.

Making an expert decision

After carrying out all the necessary examinations and studying documents, the commission begins to make a decision. This procedure takes place in the form of discussion and voting. The members of the commission make their decision by a majority vote.

After this, it is announced in the presence of the person who underwent the ITU, and all the specialists who took part in the examination. This must be made no later than 30 days after the date of application.

Statement of results

So, what kind of certificate is this and where can I get it? A citizen receives such a document after undergoing an examination at the ITU bureau. It contains information about the examination and a professional verdict. Such a certificate is issued to all people who are recognized as disabled. In addition, such an act indicates the degree of ability to work that was awarded to the person, as well as whether he needs to be transferred to easier work.

Important! Such a document is issued immediately after the decision is made. The ITU certificate is given to the person who has undergone this examination, and the extract is sent to the social security department or the Pension Fund.

Document requirements

This certificate must contain:

  1. Number and series of the certificate.
  2. Full name, date of birth and place of residence of the person to whom the certificate was issued.
  3. Date of disability determination.
  4. Disability group, degree of disability and cause of disability.
  5. The date until which the disability is valid.
  6. Seal of the ITU Bureau and signature of its head.

This is what a blank certificate of passing the ITU looks like in the photo:

The act is a document that contains the following data:

This act is sent to the Social Security authorities or the Pension Fund.

The bureau can also issue sick leave, which is also called a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued if a person is not recognized as disabled and he can still work. The duration of such a sheet is at least 30 days. Also, its validity period may last until the next disability examination.

If a person needs to obtain official disability status, this is a prerequisite. There is no need to be afraid of such a procedure; the most important thing in this matter is to collect everything that is listed in the article.

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Strength and health are far from eternal values. However, life does not end with the passing of youth. Retiring for disability is associated with paperwork, and quickly and successfully passing a medical examination depends on your knowledge. This article will review the ITU certificate. What this is will become clearer.

ITU certification

This is a medical examination of a person’s condition, determining his ability to work and the degree of limitation of his capabilities. In other words, the commission determines whether a person is disabled and to what extent he needs social support from the state. Defining the category of “disabled child” is also within the competence of the ITU. The study of the causes of disability and the identification of factors influencing the degree of disability is also within the competence of the medical examination.

Disability commission

Why do you need an ITU certificate, what is it? These questions interest many. More on this below.

ITU bureaus are divided into territorial, federal or main. A citizen can undergo examination at any location. A referral to ITU can be issued:

  • municipality;
  • the clinic or hospital where the candidate received therapy recently;
  • by court decision;
  • it may be a person's own decision.

The commission must provide certificates and conclusions that confirm loss of ability to work. The citizen himself or an authorized representative (having a power of attorney certified by a notary) submits an application and finds out the time of the ITU meeting.


In addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • direction according to the established form No. 188-u;
  • patient's outpatient card;
  • tests, x-rays, certificates;
  • conclusion of the referring institution, medical commission;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • or original;
  • conclusion of departmental examination;
  • act in form N-1 (about an accident at the workplace);
  • education diploma (or other document);
  • power of attorney if documents are not submitted in person.

Only after passing the commission is a certificate of disability issued by VTEK ITU.

It is possible to call the commission to the home of a patient who is unable to arrive on his own, provided he provides a doctor’s conclusion that the person cannot move independently.

Is it possible to undergo VTEK without registration?

The ITU Bureau can issue a sick leave certificate to a person who is not recognized as disabled and who will return to duty. In this case, sick leave is issued with an extension period of at least 30 days or until the next examination.

There is no need to be nervous while waiting for an expert examination. The state does everything to help citizens live, not exist. But you shouldn’t remain indifferent; if you have questions or doubts, contact specialists, they will check the completion of the ITU certificate.

In order for a person to receive a disability, it is necessary to undergo a special examination, which will confirm the fact of disability. Such an examination is called a medical and social examination - MSE.

Passing this examination is not easy. You should start with the fact that to begin the process you need a complete package of documents.

Legislative regulation

The legislation clearly regulates the procedure and conditions for granting disability. Those who apply for disability for the first time have to deal with a lot of incomprehensible nuances, moments that make a person fall into apathy or panic.

In particular, basis for receiving disability is the presence of confirmation of three facts:

Moreover, it is important to note that receiving disability possible only if available two of the above signs, since one of them may not be enough.

Only the medical and social examination, which represents the main or federal bureau.

Direction for examination is issued by medical institutions, regardless of property rights, as well as by pension or social protection authorities. It is important to understand that a person can independently contact the ITU office if one of the organizations previously refused to issue him a referral.

At the same time, passing the examination provides for the establishment one of three degrees of disability, namely:

Obtaining the status of “disability” requires strict compliance with all provisions of the law. Regulation in this matter is carried out through the Federal Law on the social protection of disabled people in Russia, as well as the PP on the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.

List of required documentation

To apply for disability, you must submit following documents:

Step-by-step order of passage

Registration of disability is a painstaking process that requires a huge amount of patience and, of course, time.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary documents, it is important to assert your rights. In some cases, those applying for disability are faced with reluctance on the part of health workers to provide assistance and assistance in a difficult matter, despite the fact that this is their direct responsibility. However, due to the fact that this is required by health conditions, it is important to overcome all obstacles.

Medical examination

Before registering for disability, the applicant undergoes a medical examination, according to which the diagnosis is confirmed, and the presence of a disease that prevents him from living and working fully is substantiated.

The first action that a person applying for status must take is to visit his/her attending physician, who is obliged to record all complaints in the outpatient record and issue a referral to specialized specialists so that the person undergoes a full examination.

The doctor gives the patient a corresponding form, which contains notes on which specialists need to be visited, as well as what examinations to undergo. It is important to note that the results of some examinations are valid for only two weeks. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

The attending physician also draws up a package of documents for further passage by the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to issue the appropriate referral, a written refusal must be issued citing the reasons for the refusal. Only in this case is a person allowed to apply independently to the ITU commission. If the doctor refuses to write a documented refusal, the person has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities.

The documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of application, test results, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation means include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, a hearing aid or spa treatment, etc. In addition, a referral form for passing the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Collection of necessary documentation

Once the date for the commission is set, you must have all the necessary documents, in particular:

Passing the commission

After collecting the necessary documentation, it is very important to come to the ITU regional office on time. As a rule, the waiting period for admission to the office is one month from the date of submission of documents.

The ITU commission is attended by a patient who needs to receive disability status, as well as three specialists. They can examine the patient and, if necessary, ask questions related to the patient’s health and financial condition. The commission may also be interested in living conditions, social skills, education, characteristics from the place of work, etc.

All questions and answers during the meeting are recorded in the minutes, after which voting is held. If there are disagreements, an additional examination may be prescribed.

Deadlines and results of registration

The process of registering disability takes place in stages. It takes at least 7-10 days to collect documents and undergo the examination. The decision to assign disability is made on the day of the examination.

If the commission is satisfied with everything, a disability group is assigned, which is documented with an appropriate certificate and the development of an individual rehabilitation system.

In fact, registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and problems.

Registration of disability for a child

Assignment takes up to four months. At the same time, an ITU examination is also carried out, which is referred by the attending physician.

At the ITU office The following documents must be provided:

  1. Certificate from a doctor.
  2. Outpatient card.
  3. Registration.
  4. Identification documents of the parent or.
  5. Identification documents of the child.

Children are not assigned any degree of disability, that is, there are no degrees of severity.

What to do in case of refusal

When passing the commission, situations may arise when the patient receives a refusal. In this case, the patient has the right to appeal the decision. It is important to comply deadlines for appeal– no later than one month from the date of such decision.

IN statement indicated:

  1. Full name of the bureau to which the application is sent.
  2. Applicant details.
  3. Statement of the essence, indicating the composition of the commission.
  4. Request for re-examination.

The application is reviewed within three days. If the answer is positive, a new examination is scheduled within 30 days after consideration of the application.


Re-examination occurs annually, since the ITU commission annually examines persons who have been assigned the status of a disabled person.

Passage order re-examination involves three types:

  1. For the first group of disabled people – once every two years.
  2. For the second and third groups of disabled people, re-examination is carried out once a year.
  3. For children once during the prescribed period.

It is absolutely impossible to skip the re-examination procedure, as a person may lose the right to be considered disabled. When undergoing re-examination, there is every chance of getting a category change if doctors consider that the person is getting better or his health condition has worsened. If the state of health is satisfactory, a person may lose his disability status.

For re-examination must be provided:

Registration of disability is a painstaking task that requires a lot of patience and effort, but if you are not afraid of difficulties and know your rights and all the registration rules, the procedure will go almost smoothly, allowing you to receive additional benefits and payments.

The rules for passing the ITU are described in the following video: