New prescriptions for drugs. Rules for the dispensing of medicinal products for medical use, including immunobiological medicinal products, by pharmacy organizations, individual entrepreneurs with a pharmaceutical license

The Ministry of Health is discussing introducing a de facto ban on the sale of antibiotics without a prescription. As Izvestia found out, an interdisciplinary commission has already been created, which, in addition to specialists from the Ministry of Health, also includes representatives of other federal departments. The commission's task is to create a national action plan to curb antimicrobial resistance. And development effective mechanism, which controls the prescription sale of antibiotics, is one of the points of the national plan.

According to the president of the League of Patient Defenders, Alexander Saversky, the inability to purchase antibiotics without a prescription will lead to an increase in the flow of patients to clinics.

With the current work of clinics, when you get to the doctor in four days, it’s like death. We conducted a survey and based on its results we found out that the waiting time for an appointment with a therapist reaches a week,” Alexander Saversky explained to Izvestia. - Imagine if a person needs an antibiotic, and he waits a week to see a therapist. It's easiest to tighten the nuts, but you need to restore order in the system as a whole.

However, the expert agrees that under certain conditions such measures are necessary.

There are a lot of drugs prescription, not just antibiotics. And here is a question for pharmacies that break the law. “Everyone knows this,” said Alexander Saversky. - But when we put up some kind of barrier, we must think about what it will lead to. With a normally functioning healthcare system, I am in favor of such a ban with both hands. But with the system we have, I am against it with all my limbs.

That “antimicrobial resistance is a growing threat to global public health and requires special attention all stakeholders,” Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova said in her speech at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, held at the end of September in New York. Simply put, antibiotics stop working on us, and hundreds of thousands of people die from infections every year. Actually, doctors encountered the problem of resistance to antimicrobial drugs back in the 40s of the last century, when widespread clinical application antibiotics.

Resistance is a natural biological phenomenon. At the same time, its growth rate depends on various reasons, one of which is the frequency of use of antibiotics,” the director of the Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Smolensk State University” told Izvestia medical Academy» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Roman Kozlov. - This problem became extremely relevant in the 1980s, and now it has reached a critical level.

Experts call a frightening figure: resistance to antibiotics kills 700 thousand people every year. And it will get worse.

By 2050, while maintaining growth rates at the current level, this figure is expected to increase to 10 million, explained Roman Kozlov. - The losses of the world economy from this problem will amount to 7% of global GDP, that is, about $210 trillion. That's why international organizations(UN, WHO) the problem of antibiotic resistance is perceived as a threat to global stability, and at the level of individual countries - as a threat to national security. In Russia, an interdisciplinary commission will create a national action plan to curb antimicrobial resistance.

There are many reasons for antimicrobial resistance. But among the main ones, Professor Kozlov names “ irrational use antibiotics for the treatment of people, unjustified use in agriculture and veterinary medicine and insufficient infection control measures.” Simply put, if a person, every time he has a common runny nose, begins to treat viral disease antibiotics, then when he gets sick, for example, with pneumonia or a sore throat, the antimicrobial drug will no longer help him.

However, a significant portion of the population self-medicates and uses antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription. In many countries this is simply impossible - not a single pharmacy will sell such a drug without a prescription. Actually, this should be the case in Russia too. But in practice, even strong antibiotics can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

IN Russian Federation in accordance with existing legislative framework Antibiotics should only be sold with a doctor's prescription. The problem here is not the absence of laws, but their implementation,” said Roman Kozlov.

Apparently, the inability to buy antibiotics without a prescription will cause discontent among Russians. To prevent this from happening, the Ministry of Health will have to conduct more than one information campaign and constantly explain the dangers of uncontrolled use of such drugs.

We are actively engaged in informing the population about this problem - we conducted a pilot project with the support of the administration of the Smolensk region and WHO in Smolensk - these materials are available on the website, - said Roman Kozlov. - It’s nice to know that, according to online surveys, 82% of the population have heard about this problem. But resistance to antimicrobial drugs is dangerous not only due to “direct” human and financial losses. Just imagine the decrease in the effectiveness of organ transplantation programs, treatment oncological diseases due to the fact that infections will be caused by poly- and pan-resistant bacteria! This problem cannot be solved with new antibiotics alone - we need A complex approach. But first of all, understanding by everyone - both the state and the population, and medical workers- the fact that antimicrobials- the most important and irreplaceable resource of humanity, saving people's lives.

Registration No. 8322

In accordance with Article 6.2 Federal Law dated July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State social assistance"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3699; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607) in order to provide citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set social services necessary medicines with the provision of additional free medical care, I order:

1. Approve the List of medicines dispensed according to prescriptions of a doctor (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care individual categories citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in accordance with the application.

2. Recognize as invalid orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 28, 2005 N 601 “On approval of the List of Medicines” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 29, 2005 N 7052), dated May 2, 2006 N 324 “On amendments to the List medicines" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 16, 2006 N7840).

4. Entrust control over the execution of the order to the Deputy Minister of Health and social development Russian Federation V.I. Starodubova.

Minister M. Zurabov


List of medicines dispensed according to prescriptions from a doctor (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance

I. Anticholinesterase drugs

Galantamine - film-coated tablets.

Ipidacrine - tablets.

Pyridostigmine bromide - tablets.

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesic

Buprenorphine - solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection; sublingual tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.

Morphine - solution for injection; extended-release, film-coated tablets.

Morphine + Narcotine + Papaverine hydrochloride + Codeine + Thebaine - injection solution.

Tramadol - capsules; injection; rectal suppositories; extended-release, film-coated tablets; pills.

Trimeperidine - solution for injection; pills.

Fentanyl is a transdermal therapeutic system.

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid - tablets.

Diclofenac - gel; eye drops; ointment; rectal suppositories; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release tablets.

Ibuprofen - gel for external use; cream for external use; film-coated tablets; suspension for oral administration.

Indomethacin - ointment for external use; suppositories; film-coated tablets.

Ketoprofen - capsules; cream; suppositories; retard tablets; Forte tablets, film-coated.

Ketorolac is a film-coated tablet.

Meloxicam - tablets.

Metamizole sodium and combination drugs tablets containing metamizole sodium.

Paracetamol - rectal suppositories; pills.

Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Pheniramine + Ascorbic acid- powder for preparing a solution for oral administration.

Piroxicam - gel.

IV. Medicines for the treatment of gout

Allopurinol - tablets.

Colchicum splendid alkaloid - coated tablets.

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

Mesalazine - rectal suppositories; rectal suspension; Enteric-coated tablets.

Penicillamine - tablets.

Sulfasalazine - tablets.

Chloroquine - tablets.

Chondroitin sulfate - capsules; ointment.

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

Diphenhydramine - tablets.

Ketotifen - tablets;

Clemastine - tablets.

Levocetirizine - film-coated tablets.

Loratadine - tablets.

Mebhydrolin - pills.

Hifenadine - tablets.

Chloropyramine - tablets.

Cetirizine - drops for oral administration; film-coated tablets.

VII. Anticonvulsants

Benzobarbital - tablets.

Valproic acid - drops for oral administration; syrup; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.

Carbamazepine - tablets; extended-release tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.

Clonazepam - tablets.

Lamotrigine - tablets.

Primidone - tablets.

Topiramate - capsules; film-coated tablets.

Phenytoin - tablets.

Phenobarbital - tablets.

Ethosuximide - capsules.

VIII. Drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism

Bromocriptine - tablets.

Levodopa + Carbidopa - tablets.

Levodopa + Benserazide - capsules; dispersible tablets; pills.

Piribedil is a controlled-release, film-coated tablet.

Tolperisone - film-coated tablets.

Cyclodol - tablets.

IX. Anxiolytics

Alprazolam - tablets; extended-release tablets.

Diazepam - tablets.

Hydroxyzine - film-coated tablets.

Medazepam - tablets.

Nitrazepam - tablets.

Tofisopam - tablets.

Phenazepam - tablets.

X. Antipsychotics

Haloperidol - drops for oral administration; pills.

Zuclopenthixol - film-coated tablets.

Quetiapine is a film-coated tablet.

Clozapine - tablets.

Levomepromazine - film-coated tablets.

Perphenazine - film-coated tablets.

Risperidone - lozenges; film-coated tablets.

Sulpiride - capsules; pills.

Thioproperazine - film-coated tablets.

Thioridazine - pills; film-coated tablets.

Trifluoperazine - film-coated tablets.

Flupentixol - film-coated tablets.

Chlorpromazine - pills.

Chlorprothixene - film-coated tablets.

XI. Antidepressants and medications

normotimic action

Amitriptyline - tablets; film-coated tablets.

Venlafaxine - modified release capsules; pills.

Imipramine - pills.

Clomipramine - film-coated tablets.

Lithium carbonate - extended-release tablets.

Maprotiline is a film-coated tablet.

Milnacipran - capsules.

Paroxetine is a film-coated tablet.

Pipofezin - tablets.

Pirlindol - tablets.

Sertraline - film-coated tablets.

Fluvoxamine is a film-coated tablet.

Fluoxetine - capsules.

Escitalopram is a film-coated tablet.

XII. Medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders

Zolpidem is a film-coated tablet.

Zopiclone is a film-coated tablet.

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

Baclofen - tablets.

Betahistine - tablets.

Vinpocetine - tablets; film-coated tablets.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid - film-coated tablets.

Hopanthenic acid - tablets.

Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid- pills.

Piracetam - capsules; oral solution; film-coated tablets.

Tizanidine - tablets.

Phenibut - tablets.

Phenotropil - tablets.

Cinnarizine - tablets.

XIV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections


Azithromycin - capsules; film-coated tablets.

Amoxicillin - capsules; film-coated tablets; pills.

Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid - powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration; dispersible tablets; film-coated tablets; pills.

Gramicidin C - buccal tablets.

Josamycin - tablets; dispersible tablets.

Doxycycline - capsules.

Clarithromycin - film-coated tablets.

Clindamycin - capsules.

Midecamycin - film-coated tablets.

Rifamycin - ear drops.

Tetracycline - eye ointment.

Fosfomycin - granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.

Fusidic acid - cream for external use; ointment for external use; film-coated tablets.

Chloramphenicol - eye drops; liniment; pills.

Erythromycin - eye ointment; ointment, for external use; Enteric-coated tablets.

Synthetic antibacterial


Co-trimoxazole - suspension for oral administration; pills.

Levofloxacin - film-coated tablets.

Moxifloxacin - film-coated tablets.

Nitrofurantoin - tablets.

Nitroxoline - film-coated tablets.

Norfloxacin - film-coated tablets.

Ofloxacin - film-coated tablets.

Pipemidic acid - capsules.

Sulfacetamide - eye drops.

Furazidin - capsules; pills.

Ciprofloxacin - eye drops; film-coated tablets.

XV. Antiviral agents

Arbidol - film-coated tablets; capsules.

Acyclovir - tablets; ointment for external use; eye ointment.

Interferon alfa-2a - solution for intranasal use.

Interferon alpha-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration.

Interferon gamma is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intranasal administration.

Ribavirin - capsules; pills.

Rimantadine - tablets.

XVI. Antifungal agents

Itraconazole - capsules; solution for oral administration.

Ketoconazole - tablets.

Clotrimazole - cream for external use.

Nystatin - ointment for external use; vaginal suppositories; rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.

Terbinafine - cream for external use; spray; pills.

Fluconazole - capsules.

Mebendazole - tablets.

Metronidazole - tablets.

Pyrantel - tablets; suspension for oral administration.

Furazolidone - tablets.

XVIII. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and related drugs

Azathioprine - tablets.

Aminoglutethimide - tablets.

Anastrazole - film-coated tablets.

Bicalutamide - film-coated tablets.

Busulfan - tablets.

Granisetron is a film-coated tablet.

Calcium folinate - capsules.

Capecitabine is a film-coated tablet.

Letrozole is a film-coated tablet.

Lomustine - capsules.

Medroxyprogesterone - tablets.

Melphalan - film-coated tablets.

Mercaptopurine - tablets.

Methotrexate - tablets.

Ondansetron is a film-coated tablet.

Sehydrin is an enteric-coated tablet.

Tamoxifen - tablets.

Flutamide - tablets.

Chlorambucil - film-coated tablets.

Cyclosporine - capsules; solution for oral administration.

Cyclophosphamide - film-coated tablets.

Cyproterone - tablets.

Etoposide - capsules.

XIX. Drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

Alfacalcidol - capsules.

Dihydrotachysterol - drops for oral administration; solution for oral administration.

Calcitriol - capsules.

Colecalciferol - drops for oral administration.

XX. Drugs affecting hematopoiesis

coagulation system

Aktiferin - syrup.

Warfarin - tablets.

Heparin sodium - gel for external use.

Dipyridamole - dragee; film-coated tablets.

Iron hydroxide polymaltosate - syrup; Chewable tablets.

Iron gluconate + Manganese gluconate + Copper gluconate - solution for oral administration.

Iron sulfate + Ascorbic acid - film-coated tablets.

Pentoxifylline - film-coated tablets.

Folic acid - tablets.

Epoetin alfa - solution for injection.

Epoetin beta - lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration; injection.

XXI. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Amiodarone - tablets.

Amlodipine - tablets.

Atenolol - tablets.

Atenolol + Chlorthalidone - film-coated tablets.

Acetazolamide - tablets.

Validol - sublingual capsules; sublingual tablets.

Verapamil - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.

Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.

Hydrochlorothiazide + Triamterene - tablets.

Digoxin - tablets.

Diltiazem - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.

Isosorbide dinitrate - dosed sublingual aerosol; extended-release tablets; pills.

Isosorbide mononitrate - long-acting capsules; retard tablets; pills.

Indapamide - capsules; film-coated tablets; modified release tablets.

Inosine - film-coated tablets.

Captopril - tablets.

Captopril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.

Carvedilol - tablets.

Clonidine - tablets.

Corvalol - drops for oral administration.

Lisinopril - tablets.

Metoprolol - film-coated tablets; pills.

Moxonidine - film-coated tablets.

Molsidomine - retard tablets; pills.

Moexipril - film-coated tablets.

Peppermint oil + Phenobarbital + Hops cones oil + Ethyl bromizovalerianate - drops for oral administration.

Nebivolol - tablets.

Nitroglycerin - dosed sublingual spray; sublingual tablets; extended-release tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.

Nifedipine - capsules; extended-release, film-coated tablets; rapid retard tablets, film-coated; modified release tablets; pills.

Perindopril - tablets.

Perindopril + Indapamide - tablets.

Procainamide - tablets.

Propranolol - tablets.

Ramipril - tablets.

Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.

Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide + Potassium chloride - film-coated tablets.

Rilmenidine - tablets.

Sotalol - tablets.

Spirapril - tablets.

Spironolactone - tablets.

Trimethylhydrazinium propionate - capsules.

Felodipine is a long-acting, film-coated tablet.

Fosinopril - tablets.

Furosemide - tablets.

Quinapril - film-coated tablets.

Cilazapril - film-coated tablets.

Enalapril - tablets.

Enalapril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.

Enalapril + Indapamide - tablets.

Etatsizin - film-coated tablets.

XXII. Medicines for treating diseases

gastrointestinal tract

Drugs used to treat diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes

in the esophagus, stomach,


Algeldrat + Magnesium hydroxide - suspension for oral administration; Chewable tablets.

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - film-coated tablets; pills.

Metoclopramide - tablets.

Omeprazole - capsules.

Rabeprazole is an enteric-coated tablet.

Ranitidine - film-coated tablets.

Famotidine is a film-coated tablet.


Bencyclane - tablets.

Drotaverine - tablets.

Mebeverine - long-acting capsules.


Bisacodyl - rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.

Lactulose - syrup.


Activated carbon - tablets.

Loperamide - capsules.

Pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatin - capsules; film-coated tablets.

Pancreatin + Bile components + Hemicellulose - dragees; enteric coated tablets.

Cholenzym - film-coated tablets.

Means used

for the treatment of liver diseases

and biliary tract

Ademethionine is an enteric-coated tablet.

Allohol - film-coated tablets.

Combined preparations containing phospholipids - capsules.

Pumpkin seed oil - capsules; oil for oral administration; rectal suppositories.

Ursodeoxycholic acid - capsules.

Phosphogliv - capsules.

Recovery Tools

intestinal microflora

Bifidobacteria bifidum - lyophilisate for preparing a solution for oral administration and local application.

XXIII. Hormones and agents affecting the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Betamethasone - cream; ointment.

Hydrocortisone - eye ointment; ointment for external use; pills.

Dexamethasone - eye drops; pills.

Desmopressin - tablets.

Clomiphene - tablets.

Levothyroxine sodium - tablets.

Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine - tablets.

Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine + Potassium iodide - tablets.

Liothyronine - tablets.

Methylprednisolone - tablets.

Methylprednisolone aceponate - cream for external use; ointment for external use; ointment for external use (greasy); emulsion for external use.

Prednisolone - eye drops; ointment for external use; pills.

Somatropin - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection; solution for subcutaneous administration.

Thiamazole - film-coated tablets; pills.

Triamcinolone - ointment for external use; pills.

Fluocinolone acetonide - gel for external use; ointment for external use.

Fludrocortisone - tablets.


diabetes mellitus

Acarbose - tablets.

Glibenclamide - tablets.

Glibenclamide + Metformin - film-coated tablets.

Gliquidone - tablets.

Gliclazide - modified release tablets; pills.

Glimepiride - tablets.

Glipizide - tablets.

Insulin aspart is a solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration.

Insulin aspart biphasic - suspension for subcutaneous administration.

Insulin glargine - solution for subcutaneous administration.

Biphasic insulin (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.

Insulin detemir - solution for subcutaneous administration.

Insulin lispro - solution for injection.

Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered) - solution for injection.

Insulin-isophane (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.

Metformin - film-coated tablets; pills.

Repaglinide - tablets.

Rosiglitazone - film-coated tablets.


Dydrogesterone - film-coated tablets.

Norethisterone - tablets.

Progesterone - capsules.


Estriol - vaginal cream; vaginal suppositories; pills.

Ethinyl estradiol - tablets.

XXIV. Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

Doxazosin - tablets.

Tamsulosin - modified release capsules; controlled-release, film-coated tablets.

Terazosin - tablets.

Finasteride is a film-coated tablet.

XXV. Drugs affecting the respiratory system

Ambroxol - syrup; pills.

Aminophylline - tablets.

Acetylcysteine ​​- effervescent tablets.

Beclomethasone - aerosol inhaler, activated by inhalation ( easy breath); nasal spray.

Bromhexine - syrup; film-coated tablets; pills.

Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation; suspension for inhalation.

Dornase alfa - solution for inhalation.

Ipratropium bromide - aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.

Cromoglicic acid and its sodium salt- dosed aerosol for inhalation; eye drops; powder for inhalation in capsules; solution for inhalation.

Naphazoline - nasal drops.

Salmeterol - aerosol for inhalation.

Salmeterol + Fluticasone - dosed aerosol for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.

Salbutamol is an aerosol inhaler activated by inhalation (light breathing); solution for inhalation; pills; film-coated tablets, prolonged action.

Theophylline - capsules with prolonged action; retard tablets

Tiotropium bromide - capsules with powder for inhalation.

Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.

Formoterol - capsules with powder for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.

Formoterol + Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation.

XXVI. Drugs used in ophthalmology

Azapentacene - eye drops.

Atropine - eye drops.

Betaxolol - eye drops.

Idoxuridine - eye drops.

Latanoprost - eye drops.

Pilocarpine - eye drops.

Pilocarpine + Timolol - eye drops.

Proxodolol - solution-drops.

Taurine - eye drops.

Timolol - eye drops.

Cytochrome C + Adenosine + Nicotinamide - eye drops.

Emoxipin - eye drops.

XXVII. Vitamins and minerals

Ascorbic acid - tablets.

Ascorbic acid + Dextrose - tablets.

Ascorbic acid + Rutoside - tablets.

Benfolipen - dragee.

Vitamin E - capsules; solution for oral administration.

Gendevit - dragee.

Potassium iodide - tablets.

Potassium and magnesium aspartate - tablets.

Nicotinic acid - tablets.

Retinol - pills; oily solution for oral administration.

Retinol + Vitamin E + Menadione + Betacarotene - oil solution for local and external use.

Thioctic acid - film-coated tablets.

Rosehip oil is an oil for oral and topical use.

Rosehip syrup plus vitamin C - syrup.

Ergocalciferol - pills.

XXVIII. Antiseptics and disinfectants

Iodine - solution for external use.

Chlorhexidine is a solution for external use.

Ethanol is a solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms.

XXIX. Other means

Hydrogen peroxide - solution for local and external use.

Gentamicin + Betamethasone + Clotrimazole - cream for external use; ointment for external use.

Diosmin - film-coated tablets.

Diosmin + Hesperidin - film-coated tablets.

Ketosteril - film-coated tablets.

Codeine + Propyphenazone + Paracetamol + Caffeine - tablets.

Bacterial lysates mixture - capsules; suspension for intranasal administration; lozenges.

Omega-3 triglycerides (EPA/DKG-1.2/1-90%) - capsules.

Troxerutin - capsules.

Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine sulfate - capsules; film-coated tablets.

XXX. Means used by decision of a medical commission approved by the chief physician of a medical institution

Altretamine - capsules.

Asparaginase is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Atorvastatin is a film-coated tablet.

Acetylsalicylic acid - enteric film-coated tablets.

Bevacizumab is a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.

Bisoprolol - film-coated tablets.

Bortezomib - lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intravenous administration.

Botulinum toxin is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.

Buserelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.

Valganciclovir - film-coated tablets.

Valsartan - film-coated tablets.

Vinorelbine - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.

Ganciclovir - capsules; lyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion.

Gefitinib - tablets.

Hydroxyurea - capsules.

Glatiramer acetate - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration, solution for subcutaneous administration.

Goserelin - capsule for subcutaneous administration.

Chorionic gonadotropin is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.

Dacarbazine is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.

Dalteparin sodium - solution for injection.

Iron hydroxide polyisomaltose - solution for intramuscular administration.

Iron hydroxide sucrose complex - solution for intravenous administration.

Zoledronic acid - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.

Imatinib - capsules.

Imiglucerase - powder for the preparation of solution for injection.

Normal human immunoglobulin - solution for intravenous administration.

Inosine is a solution for intravenous administration.

Interferon alpha-2a - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection; injection.

Interferon alpha-2b - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and topical use; lyophilized powder for the preparation of solution for injection; injection.

Interferon beta-1 a - solution for subcutaneous administration.

Interferon beta-1 b - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection.

Interferon gamma is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

Infliximab is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.

Irbesartan - tablets.

Cabergoline - tablets.

Calcitonin - nasal spray.

Candesartan - tablets.

Colecalciferol + Calcium carbonate - chewable tablets.

Lovastatin - tablets.

Losartan - film-coated tablets.

Losartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - film-coated tablets.

Mycophenolic acid - enteric-coated tablets.

Mycophenolate mofetil - capsules; film-coated tablets.

Nadroparin calcium - solution for subcutaneous administration.

Oxybutynin - tablets.

Sodium oxodihydroacridinyl acetate - solution for intramuscular administration.

Octreotide - microspheres for the preparation of suspension for injection; solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration; injection.

Paclitaxel - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.

Peginterferon alfa-2a - solution for injection.

Peginterferon alfa-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration.

Raltitrexide is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.

Risperidone - powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action;

Rituximab - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.

Rosuvastatin is a film-coated tablet.

Roxithromycin - film-coated tablets.

Simvastatin - film-coated tablets.

Temozolomide - capsules.

Ticlopidine - film-coated tablets.

Tolterodine - extended-release capsules; film-coated tablets.

Trastuzumab is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.

Tretinoin - capsules.

Trimetazidine - film-coated tablets; modified-release film-coated tablets; capsules.

Triptorelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.

Tropisetron - capsules.

Coagulation factor VIII is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.

Coagulation factor IX is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.

Fludarabine - film-coated tablets.

Fluticasone is a dosed aerosol for inhalation.

Celecoxib - capsules.

Cerebrolysin - solution for injection.

Cefazolin is a powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Ceftriaxone - powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration; powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.

Cyproterone - tablets.

Exemestane - film-coated tablets.

Enoxaparin sodium - solution for injection.

Eprosartan is a film-coated tablet.

Eprosartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - film-coated tablets.

Eptacog alfa (activated) - powder for the preparation of injection solution.

As experts note, new order The Ministry of Health contains vague wording. The document was signed back in July, but almost three months before it came into force, the department did not conduct explanatory work with doctors and pharmacists. As a result, each pharmacy interpreted the new rules to the extent of its fear of the inspectors. Relatives of cancer patients were required to have notarized powers of attorney; patients suffering from depression experienced difficulties in purchasing medications, and some pharmacies seriously doubted whether to ask customers for a prescription for Corvalol and motherwort?

Panic attack

Patients with depression learned about the new rules when they came to the pharmacy for another package of pills. “The pharmacist said: we will only sell it according to a prescription, otherwise we will be fined 40 thousand. I bought the drug at this pharmacy for six months, they already know my face, there was no talk of any prescription before. Why didn’t anyone warn me about the changes?” - asks Saratov resident Elena. She had two tablets of Cipralex left at home; she should take one and a half tablets a day; it is not recommended to quit the drug abruptly.

Elena called private clinic, in which it is observed that the next appointment with a psychotherapist is in four days. IN urgently The girl did not dare to look for another clinic and specialist. “I started to panic. I rushed to all the pharmacies in the city and rummaged through old stashes at home. My blood pressure jumped to 180. I prayed to all the saints to make it until Saturday and get to the doctor.” The patient was given a prescription at the clinic, and the pharmacy collected it when purchasing the drug. “Now every two months I will have to go to the doctor for a new prescription and pay 800 rubles per appointment,” Elena shrugs.

Yulia had a prescription for three drugs - an antidepressant, a sedative and a sleeping pill. Trying to buy them, the girl visited several pharmacies and found out that pharmacists understood the new rules differently. “At the first pharmacy they told me that they would take the prescription in exchange for pills. In the second, they held a whole meeting, after much deliberation, they sold me two drugs for two months and put a stamp on the prescription “medicine dispensed.” The third pharmacy sold another drug I needed for only one month and wrote a handwritten note on the prescription.” According to Yulia, a year and a half ago these drugs were freely sold in any pharmacy.

Everyone has their own point

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 403n, which changed the rules for the dispensing of medicines, came into force on September 22. The service’s journalists were the first to talk about the results of the document. palliative care: in pharmacies in Moscow, Samara, Kurgan and other cities, relatives of cancer patients were required to have notarized powers of attorney for the right to receive narcotic painkillers. Pharmacists read this requirement in paragraph 20 of Order No. 403n: “Narcotic and psychotropic drugs of List II are dispensed upon presentation of an identification document to the person specified in the prescription, his legal representative or a person who has a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the right to receive such narcotic and psychotropic drugs medicines" Registration of a notarized power of attorney with a visit to the home of a bedridden patient costs from 3.5 thousand rubles in Saratov and takes time.

A few days after the scandal in the press, the Ministry of Health explained that the new order, on the contrary, should make pain relief more accessible - now not only the patient’s close relatives will be able to get the drug at the pharmacy, but also, for example, friends or neighbors to whom the patient will give a power of attorney (and quite power of attorney in simple written form). It is noteworthy that the order was signed on July 11 and published on September 12, but before it came into force, no one explained the controversial wording to the pharmacies. Pharmacists decided to play it safe, fearing inspections, especially strict in the case of narcotic substances.

The difficulties faced by patients with depression are caused by point 14 regarding the sale of tinctures and sedatives. The document states that pharmacies are required to store “prescriptions for drugs in liquid” for three months. dosage form, containing more than 15% ethyl alcohol from the volume of finished products, other medicinal products related to anatomical, therapeutic and chemical qualifications antipsychotics(code N05A), anxiolytics (code N05B), hypnotics and sedatives(code N05C), antidepressants (code N06A) and not subject to subject-quantitative accounting.”

— Why not give a specific list of medicines that fall under the scope of the order? Why such a “raw” document? Or was everything done on purpose so that it could be pinched during inspection? - pharmacists are indignant on thematic forums.

Pharmacists suggested that even Corvalol, Valocardine, tinctures of motherwort, valerian, peony, etc., related to sleeping pills and sedatives (code N05C), fall under the new rules. But how can you demand a prescription for a bottle with the inscription “Dispensed without a prescription”? “In connection with incoming requests,” the Ministry of Health clarified that it is not encroaching on the favorite drops of domestic pensioners. As the department recalled, drugs are classified as prescription or over-the-counter at the stage state registration, indicate this in the instructions for use, and the sales rules do not change anything in this regard. Over-the-counter tinctures will continue to be sold freely under the new order, but control over prescription sedatives has been tightened.

Pyotr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta.

Sudden dura lex

Most medications used for depression are stamped on the packaging: “Dispensed with a prescription.” Neither doctors nor patients were warned that this instruction would become mandatory from September 22. This came as a surprise even to employees of government medical institutions. “My colleagues are shocked. Our patients run headlong around the city, looking for where to get drugs. Moreover, these are the most innocent drugs that are not addictive, but, on the contrary, treat addiction,” says one of the doctors, who asked not to be named.

According to the doctor, some clinics simply do not have prescription forms 107-1/u, which are necessary for prescribing antidepressants that are not included in the list of psychotropics with limited circulation. Until now, when prescribing such “light” drugs, doctors often used an ordinary piece of paper from a notepad. The doctor fears that due to the additional hassle with prescriptions and the decrease in demand, pharmacies in the outback will stop purchasing these medicines.

“We have not received any explanatory letters from the Ministry of Health or Roszdravnadzor. Patients began to call us complaining that they could not buy medications, we tried to find out the reason and found new rules. Patients and doctors were not ready for this,” says Ruzanna Parsamyan, head of the Saratov headache clinic. — I am for the sale of drugs according to prescriptions, so that there is no self-medication. But the patient should not have difficulty obtaining this prescription.”

— Neurological patients, as a rule, need long-term use drugs. Now we are being approached en masse by patients to whom I prescribed medications several months ago. To write them fresh recipes“, I sometimes stay at work until nine in the evening,” says neurologist at the Avesta clinic Nadezhda Zykova.

It is difficult to argue with the obvious statement that prescription drugs should be sold by prescription. But how prepared are local clinics for the influx of patients? According to official data for 2013, in state medical institutions of the region there were 495 full-time positions of neurologists, including 270 in polyclinics. 402.75 positions were filled, including 80 percent of neurologists in polyclinics. If we count not the rates, but the living specialists, the picture is even sadder - in 2013, 333 people worked in state medical institutions. There are no significant changes for the better: according to statistics for last year, V state clinics 352 neurologists worked in hospitals and hospitals in a region with a population of 2.4 million people, and 60 in private centers. The supply of neurologists was 1.3 per 10 thousand inhabitants.

According to the website of city clinic No. 3, to which I am assigned at my place of registration, you can make an appointment with a doctor through electronic registry. To do this, you must first register on the government services website, then come to the regular registration office with your passport and activate account. I'm trying to make an appointment by phone. I start calling at 9.40 - the subscriber is busy. At 10.42, approximately on the 97th-99th call, I was lucky - a polite girl answered the phone. Explains that before you get an appointment with to a specialist, you need to take a referral from a therapist. “Can I go straight to a neurologist? I just need to fill out a prescription; without it, the pharmacy refused to sell sleeping pills,” I beg. “You’re not the only one,” the girl sighs. “The next appointment with a neurologist is in two weeks, is that okay?”

Next up are antibiotics

Representatives of pharmaceutical retail believe that the state will tighten control over the sale of not only drugs falling under Order No. 403n, but also all prescription drugs. Since the beginning of the year, according to amendments to the Administrative Code, fines for sales have increased prescription drugs without a prescription: for a pharmacist or pharmacist the penalty is now 5-10 thousand rubles (previously 1.5-3 thousand), for legal entity- 100-150 thousand rubles (previously 20-30 thousand) or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. According to experts, government actions may cause an increase in prices for pharmacy products, as retail will try to compensate for the decrease in income from the sale of prescription drugs.

At the end of September, the Russian government approved a national strategy to combat antibiotic resistance developed by the Ministry of Health. The document provides for limiting the use of antibiotics. “Can a person buy antibiotics without a prescription at a pharmacy? “It can’t,” says the head of the department, Veronika Skvortsova. “The need for prescriptions has long been enshrined in law, but the control exercised by Roszdravnadzor must be tightened many times over.”

Dear residents and guests of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory!

From March 1, 2017 pharmacies work in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 N 647n "ON THE APPROVAL OF RULES OF GOOD PHARMACY PRACTICE FOR MEDICINES FOR MEDICAL USE" and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 785 "On the procedure for dispensing medicines"

The law states that all medicines, with the exception of those included in List of medications sold without doctor's prescription, must be available by prescription only.

Many patients have already encountered these innovations in their real life. Getting sick viral infection, were unable to buy antibiotics for treatment. Currently, a consultation with a general practitioner is required to prescribe proper treatment and prescribing antibiotics strictly according to the prescription.

This list is quite large and includes funds from almost all medicinal groups. Not all medications will be sold by prescription, but only those that are on a special list published on the website of the Ministry of Health. This list will be updated every year.

You can now buy only by prescription:


I. Anticholinesterase drugs

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesic

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

IV. Medicines for the treatment of gout

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

VII. Anticonvulsants

VIII. Drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism

IX. Anxiolytics

X. Antipsychotics

XI. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers

XII. Medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

XIV. Drugs used in narcology

XV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections


Synthetic antibacterial agents

Antituberculosis drugs

XVI. Antiviral agents

XVII. Antifungal agents

XIX. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and related drugs

Cytostatic and immunosuppressive drugs

Hormones and antihormones for the treatment of tumors

Related drugs for the treatment of tumors

XX. Drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

XXI. Drugs affecting hematopoiesis and coagulation system

XXII. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Antianginal agents

Antihypertensive drugs

Medicines for the treatment of heart failure

XXIII. Drugs affecting the functions of the gastrointestinal tract

Drugs for the treatment of diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum




Pancreatic enzymes


Choleretic agents

XXIV. Hormones and agents affecting the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Anabolic steroid

Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Sex hormones




XXV. Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

XXVI. Drugs affecting the respiratory system

XXVII. Drugs used in ophthalmology

XXVIII. Drugs affecting the uterus

XXIX. Vitamins and minerals

XXX. Antiseptics and disinfectants

XXXI. Other means

The list of drugs that are freely available includes some antipyretics and antivirals, stomach sorbents, dietary supplements, iodine, brilliant green, and hydrogen peroxide.

New rules for dispensing prescription drugs should discourage people from self-medicating.

A prescription written by a doctor will be valid for two months - 60 days or 1 year.

If pharmacists do not comply with the order for selling prescription drugs without the appropriate documents, they face a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Severe penalties may be imposed for selling prescription drugs without a prescription, including suspension of business for up to 90 days.

Fight with death dangerous bacteria and infections switched to fundamentally new level when were developed antibacterial drugs. The need for their production was due to the fact that penicillin, once the most effective remedy for infections, simply stopped working.

The bacteria have become resistant (resistant to harmful drugs). The evolutionary process led to the fact that microbes adapted to environmental conditions and formed powerful protective systems. Scientists are also not asleep, fortunately, and are constantly developing a new class of antibiotics. In pharmacies, the sale of such drugs began to be actively controlled. Let's look at what antibiotics can be bought without a prescription, and why don't they sell such products without a special piece of paper from a doctor as before?

Why is it no longer possible to buy antibiotics without a prescription??

IN THE USA for a long time, as in other countries of the world, penicillin compounds were used to treat pathogenic microflora. Over time, due to the fact that their effectiveness dropped to almost zero, it was decided to cancel the compounds and ban them altogether.

12 years later, in the same USA, a decision was made to allow penicillin, and, oddly enough, it began to work effectively again! This suggests that microbes have lost their resistance to the substances affecting them over time.

Antibacterial drugs, as a rule, indiscriminately kill the body's microflora, be it pathogenic or beneficial. Therefore, they are considered hazardous to health exactly as much as they are beneficial. The sale of such medicines should be limited in order to prevent their uncontrolled use. Agree, every third person in modern world At the first symptoms of a cold, he rushes to the pharmacy and buys an antibiotic. They explain this by saying that they don’t want to get sick, and they don’t have time for it. In fact, the emerging signs of the disease are only confirmation that the body itself is trying to fight the virus (runny nose, sneezing, fever).

And only for life-threatening infections are antibiotics prescribed, which kill the entire microflora of the body. Incorrect intake, overdosage, lack of additional funds to restore intestinal microflora - all this only leads to a worsening of the patient’s condition. It is especially dangerous to take such drugs on your own, without undergoing tests or consulting a doctor.

There is another reason why some antibacterial agents are prohibited from commercial sale. Scientists say that due to uncontrolled medication use, the human population is suffering because external environment bacteria are released that are resistant to harmful effects.

Unfortunately, many parents not only prescribe dangerous medicinal compositions, but also immediately give them to children. Someone is guided by the prescription and recommendations of the doctor that were given for a previous illness. Someone consults with friends or pharmacists at the pharmacy and does not even come to see the doctor. For this reason, 30% of children end up in intensive care, either due to side effects, either due to the lack of the expected result of treatment and complications of the disease.

What antibiotic drugs are sold without a prescription??

It is prohibited to even display prescription medications on display. To buy them, you must present the pharmacist with a special form (certified by signature and seal) indicating the patient’s personal data, name of the medicine and dosage.
The list of antimicrobial drugs that are allowed for free sale is given on the official website of the Ministry of Health. Here's what you can do without a prescription:

Gramicidin S
Erythromycin+zinc acetate

The list of prescription drugs also includes some antifungal agents, for example, to treat thrush. The question arises: why are antibiotics not universally banned from being sold without a prescription? The Ministry of Health explains this by the fact that the human body becomes persistently resistant to some drugs that have been used for treatment for more than 30 years. Simply put, we are already accustomed to them, and they do not pose any particular danger when taken in the correct dose.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Health, soon all antibiotics may become prescription drugs, which will be quite logical. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. cardiovascular diseases, several analgesics, antirheumatoid, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory compounds, hormonal drugs with a low dose, as well as emergency contraceptives. Of the antibiotics, only 1st and 2nd generation drugs will remain permitted for sale without prescriptions. Which ones are not sold without a prescription? These are 3rd and 4th generation medications - they are strictly prohibited. The latter should be taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor, according to a strict schedule, and in addition, they can be addictive.