Mouth rinse. Mouthwash: Antibacterial Dentist Recommended Mouthwash

If a person follows all the rules of oral hygiene, regularly brushes his teeth, uses rinses and floss (dental floss), then in most cases he comes to the dentist only to conduct a preventive examination. There are many good mouth rinses on the market today, but before purchasing such a product, you need to clearly understand what it is intended for and what its composition is. In order to correctly decide on the best mouth rinse specifically for you, it is best to consult a specialist.

How to choose the best mouthwash?

Daily use of the rinse in combination with normal oral care gives a noticeable effect. When choosing the best mouth rinse, it is worth considering that each of them has a certain content of active substances, the action of which is aimed at solving certain problems. Most often, dentists advise using rinses in the following cases:

  • as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of caries;
  • for periodontal diseases;
  • include in the complex treatment of hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of enamel or hard tissues of teeth.

In order not to aggravate oral problems, when choosing a mouthwash, adhere to the following rules:

If the product is intended for the prevention of caries development, then choose a mouthwash that contains amino fluoride or (which is slightly worse) sodium fluoride. The concentration of fluoride compounds in the solution should not exceed 250 ppm.

Antiseptic based mouthwash(chlorhexidine, triclosan, benzydamine, methyl salicylate) can be used for no more than 14 days (in case of urgent need, an antiseptic solution can be used for 21 days). Otherwise, dysbiosis of the oral cavity may develop, manifested by dry mucous membranes, persistent bad breath, and increased tissue irritability.

Rinse aids based on plant extracts can be used regularly, they significantly reduce the risk of developing gum and periodontal diseases.

Some mouthwashes contain ethanol, therefore, if the product is purchased for a child or a person driving a car, this parameter is worth paying attention to.

Choosing the best mouth rinse is not enough - to get the greatest effect from using the rinse, you need to use it at least 2 times a day (and preferably after each meal), rinse your mouth for at least 60 seconds. If you use a product based on fluoride compounds, then before using it you need to brush your teeth with a calcium-based paste that does not contain fluoride - then the anti-caries effect will be maximum.

Inflammation of the gums is a problem faced by patients of any age. The cause of the inflammatory process can be injury to the mucous membrane from hot food or sharp objects (for example, meat and fish bones), poor and irregular hygiene of teeth and gums, and the use of toothpastes and brushes that do not correspond to age and individual needs. A lack of ascorbic acid and other essential vitamins can lead to inflammation, in which the capillaries and lymphatic vessels located in the soft tissues become vulnerable to exposure and are quickly damaged, causing bleeding.

The most effective and fastest way to deal with inflammation is rinsing. They can be performed on patients of any age, including children over 1 year of age who can rinse their mouths independently. For the procedure, herbal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptic solutions and decoctions of medicinal plants are usually used. Some improvised means that you can use at home also have a good effect.

Drug treatment

Preparations used to disinfect the oral cavity during inflammatory processes can be divided into two groups: homeopathic (consisting only of natural raw materials of organic origin) and synthetic, which contain chemicals with antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Homeopathic solutions are safer for use in children and are not contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, but their effectiveness is slightly lower than synthetic antiseptics due to the cumulative therapeutic effect.

A local drug in the form of a clear red solution, 1 ml of which contains 1 mg of the active substance - hexethidine. The product can be used as an antiseptic for stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, as well as to prevent infection of the tooth socket after tooth extraction. The drug is effective against tumor processes at the decomposition stage, accompanied by the appearance of bad breath, as well as against fungal infections of the oropharynx. "Stomatidin" can be used as monotherapy for candidiasis infection or be part of combined treatment regimens.

You need to use "Stomatidin" for inflammation of the gums 2 times a day after meals. A single dosage of the drug is 5 ml. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with plenty of warm salt water and take a sorbent drug.

Pay attention!"Stomatidin" is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in children under five years of age. For atrophic pharyngitis, the use of the drug is also prohibited.

Antiseptic "Stomatidin" - instructions

A natural preparation that contains anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, soothing herbal components and natural antiseptics. The drug is available in the form of a liquid extract, bottled in dark glass bottles of 45 ml and 120 ml.

Active ingredients of the drug:

  • pharmaceutical/medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • oak bark;
  • calamus root;
  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • peppermint leaves, etc.

Before use, dilute 2 tablespoons of extract (approximately 10 ml) in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth 2 to 4 times a day. The product has no contraindications and is suitable for use in childhood, as well as during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Important! For children over 3 years of age, the drug is available in a special children's form “Stomatofit Fresh for Children” with a chewing gum flavor.

Another drug from the group of homeopathic dental solutions. It contains chamomile, yarrow and calendula. Before use, 1 spoon of solution must be diluted in 180 ml of water and rinse your mouth with the resulting composition. If inflammation is severe and the drug is well tolerated, the single dose of the extract can be increased to 3 tablespoons. You need to use the product 3-5 times a day for a week.

Table. Preparations for mouth rinsing for inflammation, their prices and analogues.

130-290 rubles"Hexoral", "Hexetidine".
120-280 rubles"Stomatofit-A", "Chlorophyllipt".
20-75 rubles"Rotokan-Vilar", "ZheKaTon".
"Furacilin"50-90 rubles"Nitrofural".
"Miramistin"190-330 rublesThere are no analogues.
"Iodinol"10-70 rublesThere are no analogues.
"Chlorhexidine"10-40 rubles"Hexicon", "Chlorhexidine S".

Homemade rinses at home

If the inflammation is severe and is accompanied by bleeding, pain, burning and swelling, measures should be taken without waiting to see a dentist. If the acute inflammatory process is not stopped in the next 10-12 hours, the patient may develop abscesses, ulcers, ulcers and other defects of the mucous membranes, which increase the pain syndrome and complicate the treatment process.

At home, you can relieve inflammation and reduce the intensity of pain using salt, an alcohol solution of iodine or baking soda.

How to use salt?

Regular table salt is a universal anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce inflammation, relieve toothache and reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel to external irritants. Salt rinses are good at drawing out pus from wounds and ensuring the outflow of exudative fluids, reducing swelling and promoting rapid healing of the gums. To treat inflammatory processes, you can use sea or rock salt. The product intended for consumption must be crushed with a spoon so that the crystals dissolve well in water.

The rinse solution must have a high concentration of salts, so it must be prepared strictly observing all the proportions specified in the recipe.

  1. Pour warm water into a 180-200 ml mug (temperature should not exceed +28-30°C).
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and stir well.
  3. If you are not allergic to iodine, you can add 4 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine.

You need to rinse your mouth with the solution at least 4 times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Pay attention! The product is suitable for all categories of patients, but children under 5 years of age and pregnant women are not recommended to add iodine to the composition due to the high risk of allergies and hyperthyroidism.

Soda rinses

Baking soda, which is a sodium compound in the form of carbonate (sodium bicarbonate), is an excellent remedy for treating many inflammatory processes at home. It helps to neutralize the increased acidity of the oral cavity, which in most cases is the cause of the rapid growth of pathogenic flora and the development of infectious processes. Soda can be used for inflammation caused by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, microbes, various types of sticks, as well as single-celled fungi, so soda-based recipes are recommended for the treatment of all types of infectious stomatitis.

The water for preparing the solution should be warm - no more than +34°C. The product is prepared as follows:

  • Dissolve a spoonful of soda in 150 ml of water;
  • add 2-3 g of salt;
  • mix thoroughly.

You need to rinse your mouth 3-6 times a day. In order not to upset the balance of the natural microflora of the oral cavity, it is not recommended to carry out soda therapy for more than 5 days in a row.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine knows many recipes that help reduce inflammation, restore fluid circulation and improve blood supply to the gums without the use of medications. The undoubted advantage of this treatment is its safety - in most cases, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. The disadvantages of alternative therapy include the inconvenience of preparation, the need to find the right ingredients and the long waiting time for a therapeutic result.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaves are an excellent vitaminizing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant that helps cope with all the symptoms of inflammation at home. Lingonberry leaf is excellent for use in childhood, strengthens gums, stops bleeding and helps to establish metabolic processes, which is important for the healthy functioning of soft tissues and maintaining the health of the dentition.

To prepare a decoction for mouth rinsing, you need:

  • Pour 300 g of lingonberry leaf into a liter of boiling water;
  • put on the stove and cook on medium for 15 minutes;
  • cool and strain through a sieve.

It is best to use fresh leaves, but if this is not possible, dried leaves are also suitable. You can prepare it yourself during the lingonberry harvest period or buy it at the pharmacy. You need to rinse your mouth 4-8 times a day for two weeks. One rinse requires about 80 ml of decoction.

Ginger root infusion

Ginger is a real treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and medicinal components. It can be used to treat 130 diseases accompanied by inflammatory or purulent processes. To rinse your mouth, you need to use fresh root, which can be bought in the vegetable department of the store or in the oriental cuisine departments.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • cut a small piece from the root - 3-4 cm;
  • grate it together with the peel;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 30-40 minutes.

Ginger contains a large amount of hot essential oils and acids, so this method of treatment should be used no more than 2 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the dynamics of treatment and tolerability of this method and can range from 5 to 14 days.

Pay attention! Ginger root is contraindicated for any bleeding, so if you have bleeding gums, it is better not to use this method of treatment - this can lead to aggravation of the situation. In the presence of ulcers and erosive defects of the mucous membrane, during the first procedures, burning, tingling and tingling may be felt - such phenomena are considered normal and disappear by the end of the second or third day of therapy.

Violet decoction

For those who grow violets at home, you can use the following recipe: 150 g of violets (you can use the stem and leaves), pour 450 ml of water and put on fire. Cook for 20-30 minutes, then leave for 2 hours at room temperature and strain. You need to rinse your mouth with the decoction 3-4 times a day. The first improvements may be noticeable on days 3-5 of treatment, but to achieve a stable result it is necessary to repeat the procedure daily for 2-3 weeks.

Important! Before use, the stems and leaves of the plant should be rinsed well with running water and lumps of earth should be removed.

Rinsing is the fastest and most convenient way to combat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. If you know what to rinse your mouth with and how to do it correctly, you can cope with inflammation on your own in just a few weeks. If there is no effect from self-treatment within 3-5 days, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the inflammation could reach the periodontal tissues - in this case, the patient requires specialized care in a dental office.

Video - How to prevent bleeding and inflammation of gums, folk recipes

Often teeth, although outwardly healthy, hurt and ache when eating hot and cold food. This indicates their sensitivity. An effective remedy for them is rinsing, which can significantly reduce sensitivity and improve the quality of enamel.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

The main reason leading to tooth sensitivity is poor quality care and neglect of oral health. Without regular and thorough hygiene, they begin to multiply pathogenic microbes, as a result of the activity of which soft plaque turns into hard brown stone. It negatively affects the gums, which become inflamed, weak and painful.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Thinning of the enamel is caused by using a brush with very hard bristles or a highly abrasive paste. As a result of mechanical injuries, teeth can also become very sensitive. Their protective layer is destroyed due to poor nutrition, which is dominated by foods with a limited amount of microelements, sweet, sour and carbonated.

Tooth enamel may become sensitive after:

  • installation or removal.

After the stone removal procedure, the enamel becomes weak and the neck of the tooth is exposed.

If your teeth begin to hurt when eating hot or cold food, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, the situation can only get worse, as this may be a sign of dental disease.

Classification of rinse aids

Rinse aids are divided into:

  • hygienic (cosmetic);
  • medicinal;
  • combined.

Hygienic ones are used to eliminate unpleasant odors and reduce the risk of developing oral diseases. They help cleanse the mouth of food debris and reduce the number of bacteria. The additional components available, most often mint or menthol, add freshness to your breath. But these remedies can mask the problem rather than eliminate it.

Mouth rinses

Therapeutic rinses are divided into solutions:

  • Against. They help get rid of plaque. They contain antiseptic components that stop the development and growth of all kinds of bacteria. These substances may include triclosan, chlorhexidine and bigluconate;
  • For. The product contains potassium citrate, which can remove tartar;
  • To prevent caries. These rinses contain fluorides, which strengthen the enamel and perform remineralization. As a result, carious streptococci stop developing in the oral cavity.

Complex products are used in the absence of specific problems in the oral cavity. They can be beneficial in terms of general prevention, increase immunity, freshen breath, eliminate plaque, and have a positive effect on the mucous membranes and gums.

Features of the composition of solutions for sensitive teeth

Teeth rinses that react to thermal and chemical irritants contain components that reduce sensitivity. The composition varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but there are basic components present in all preparations. Some of them are the antiseptic substances bigluconate, chlorhexidine and triclosan:

  • disinfectants for the oral cavity;
  • preventing;
  • preventing the formation of tartar;
  • fighting bacteria.

The presence of fluorides in the composition of the products helps strengthen the enamel and reduce its sensitivity. A substance such as calcium citrate eliminates various deposits on the teeth, preventing them from accumulating.

In order for the therapeutic effect to be as effective as possible, extracts of medicinal herbs are added to the rinses - chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark and sage.

How to Choose a Mouthwash for Sensitive Teeth

Excellent results can be achieved by using the mouthwash daily in combination with toothpaste and a brush. When choosing a rinse for sensitive teeth, you need to carefully review the substances it contains.

The components must have a special soft composition, which reduces sensitivity to irritants for 12 hours, prevents the development of various inflammations and caries. It’s good if they contain natural extracts, for example, aloe or chamomile.

The best rinses against tooth sensitivity

Mouth rinses are essential products for daily hygiene. There are many types of them, but there are some that have earned recognition from users with sensitive teeth.



The Italian Listerine mouthwash contains:

  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug methyl salicylate;
  • alcohol;
  • thymol;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • eucalyptus extract.

It has excellent protective properties. When using it, a slight whitening effect is observed. This pleasant-tasting product freshens breath, eliminates plaque and destroys pathogenic microbes. The obtained result lasts for 12 hours. Features include the presence of a sharp taste and some burning sensation in the mouth.


Almost transparent SPLAT rinse aid has a light yellowish tint and a bright minty smell. It also has a refreshing minty taste. The active components included in its composition penetrate well into hard-to-reach places, which clean perfectly. This liquid additionally protects teeth from caries and takes good care of gums.

Rinse aid SPLAT


ELMEX SENSITIVE mouthwash contains many active ingredients and does not contain alcohol. Thanks to this, the product significantly reduces tooth sensitivity. The presence of a modern protective polymer in it allows the formation of a unique protective film on the enamel surface. The amino fluoride it contains has increased activity against the development of caries, which is why it strengthens the enamel well.


LACALUT Sensitive

There is no alcohol in the Lakalut Sensitive mouthwash, but there are a lot of active substances. It also contains chlorhexidine, which is a strong antiseptic, and aluminum lactate, which has an astringent property that helps fight bleeding gums. LACALUT Sensitive contains herbal and antiseptic additives. The product does not dry out the mucous membranes, so you can use it for a long time.

This mouthwash:

  • eliminates hypersensitivity;
  • neutralizes the action of microorganisms that lead to caries and cause bad odor.

After soaking in the mouthwash, teeth begin to recover.

COLGATE Plax "Comprehensive Protection"

This liquid contains components that help with various diseases:

  • cetylpyridinium chloride, which eliminates gum inflammation;
  • sodium citrate, which reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • sodium fluoride, which strengthens teeth and protects against caries.

You can rinse your mouth with COLGATE Plax “Comprehensive Protection” for no more than two weeks.

Rules for using mouthwash for sensitive teeth

Mouthwash must be used correctly. It is necessary to study the information contained on the label, but there are general rules that apply to all products.

The first rule is that The mouthwash should be used after brushing your teeth.. This is necessary in order to further clean the cavity from food debris and plaque.

You need to fill the cap with 10-20 ml of product and mentally dividing the oral cavity into 4 parts, rinse each for 5-7 seconds. The procedure requires a careful approach, especially for interdental spaces.

Rinse teeth

It needs to be done no less than 30 seconds. It is in this amount of time that the entire cavity will be cleansed, and the active substances in the product will have the desired effect on the gums and teeth. Modern rinses have a sealing effect, which is why they perfectly distribute beneficial components throughout the oral cavity.

The second rule is that There is no need to rinse your mouth with water after mouthwash, because it contains many components that, remaining in the cavity, on the gums and teeth, have a healing effect on them. Water helps reduce the positive effect.

If, when you first use this product, its bright taste and freshness seem somewhat unusual, you can dilute it with water. However, in the future you need to reduce the amount of water. The mouthwash should not be swallowed, it must be spat out. After the procedure is completed, it is not recommended to drink water or eat for half an hour.


Rinses for sensitive teeth will help protect the enamel, which is subjected to certain stresses every day that deplete and destroy it. Liquids help keep teeth healthy and keep your mouth fresh and clean. It must be remembered that rinsing with products for sensitive teeth can only give a positive result if you additionally use a toothbrush, floss and special pastes.

Using an antibacterial mouthwash can be an important part of oral hygiene for everyone.

Many people know the importance of regular brushing and flossing, but are not aware of the effectiveness of using a mouthwash. Choosing the right mouthwash can be a difficult task as there are so many options available in stores.

Types of Mouthwash

1) With a healing effect

This type of mouthwash is designed to combat dental diseases such as caries, gingivitis or periodontitis. They have anti-inflammatory properties and fight plaque formation. When plaque and tartar are reduced, the risk of periodontal disease and gum disease also decreases. Such products may also contain fluoride, which will help fight tooth decay.

2) With a cosmetic effect

This type includes breath fresheners. They may also include bleaching agents. Typically, these mouthwashes do not contain any medicinal agents.

Benefits of mouth rinses

-Contain fluoride. Fluoride mouthwashes have the ability to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Numerous studies have been conducted showing that fluoride can strengthen and reduce the breakdown of enamel, thereby reducing the likelihood of tooth decay. This doesn't apply to all cases, but it works in many. Some fluorides are also good antibacterial agents and help fight periodontitis (for example, stannous fluoride).

-Prevent periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is caused by plaque and food that sticks to the teeth. As bacteria feed on food particles, they produce acids that destroy bone tissue and cause gum inflammation. Antibacterial mouthwashes help prevent periodontitis by reducing the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. There is also a product (Periogen) that has been shown to dissolve tartar, stains and plaque. This option is a great way to keep your teeth free of tartar between dental cleanings. It is a powder that can be diluted with water or mouthwash.

-Help fight gingivitis during pregnancy.

For some groups of people, maintaining oral hygiene is especially important, such as pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman's hormone levels increase, making her more susceptible to developing periodontitis if her oral hygiene is not maintained. There is an association between periodontitis in pregnant women and low birth weight and preterm birth.

-Help diabetics.

Patients with systemic diseases that make the body more susceptible to infection, such as diabetics, should reduce the amount of bacteria they ingest. In this case, mouthwash is highly recommended.

Disadvantages of mouth rinses

-Irritating ulcers or sores in the mouth.

This occurs when the alcohol content in the rinse liquid is too high.

-Short-term refreshing effect.

Using mouthwash freshens breath, but usually only for a short time. Only some mouthwashes can actually neutralize odor caused by chemicals (such as Closys). Without maintaining oral hygiene or eliminating certain chemicals from your diet, it is usually impossible to achieve long-term fresh breath.

Research (Listerine products) has shown that alcohol-based mouth rinses can stimulate salivation for moderate dry mouth. Alcohol has always been used in rinses to prevent the separation of the layer of essential oils (antibacterial properties) in the liquid and to achieve homogeneity. Fortunately, there are now many alternatives to alcohol-based products. Many people don't like the burning sensation of alcohol, and for people with weak salivation it can be uncomfortable. The choice is up to each person.


Mouthwash can help maintain oral health. However, remember that this is only an addition to basic brushing and flossing. The effect will come from their combined use. There are many mouthwashes available today, so it is best to consult with your dentist to find the right option.

Based on materials from

If certain problems occur in the oral cavity, special antiseptics may be prescribed.

The composition actively copes with microorganisms that cause damage and diseases of the mucous membrane.

Also, the use of antiseptics improves blood circulation, heals small wounds and reduces the growth of bacteria.

When to use an antiseptic

When is it most appropriate to use:

For each option, a separate type of antiseptic should be selected. Rinse aid effectively prevents and eliminates odors.

Any existing disease of the oral mucosa (for example, stomatitis) requires a more thorough approach to treatment: ointments and gels are used.

Types of antiseptics

Regarding the mechanism of action on pathogenic microbes, mechanical, physical, biological and chemical are distinguished.

The mechanical type includes medications used after a situation where there has been any physical impact on the surface of the skin or oral mucosa. For example, removing a foreign body from a wound or opening ulcers.

The physical type of antiseptics is used after procedures such as laser surgery, wound drainage, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Biological drugs include antibiotics, immune drugs, etc.

Regarding the method of application, local and general preparations are distinguished. Local are characterized by application directly to the affected area. General ones imply an effect on the entire body at once.


To maintain good oral health, it is important to perform regular hygiene care. In addition to daily brushing of teeth with regular toothpaste, it is recommended to use preventive antiseptics.

Such products can be used every day; they do not require special medical recommendations or prescriptions.

Special ones (for gums, against caries, general antiseptic effect) are important to apply to clean teeth in the morning. For example, before going to work. During the day you can use special pills and tablets.

It is important to take care of your oral cavity after every meal, in which case the risk of encountering infectious diseases of the mucous membrane is reduced to almost zero.


In cases where it is necessary to provide more serious assistance (pain or discomfort appears), you should immediately consult a doctor. Currently, pharmaceutical companies provide a wide selection of antiseptics. It is important to choose the right one for a specific problem, as well as choose a dosage form that is convenient for you.

The most popular is . It is a universal assistant in the treatment of problems of the oral mucosa. If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, then after completing the course of treatment, harmful microorganisms in saliva are almost completely destroyed. Thus, there is an effect on fungal viruses, herpes diseases, aerobes, anaerobes. In addition to its medicinal properties, it also has preventive properties: it prevents the formation of tartar.

Can be found in a variety of dosage forms (concentrated solution, gel, spray). It is the solution that is recommended for use in the oral cavity. Method of use: 1 tbsp is enough, 3 times a day. Rinse your mouth with the solution, then be sure to spit it out. As a rule, the course of treatment does not exceed 7 days.

After treating your mouth, you should pause before eating (at least 2 hours).

- another effective remedy that a doctor can prescribe. Copes well with fungal diseases of the mucous membrane. Characterized by antimicrobial action.

It occupies a special place among antiseptics. This is a universal “soldier”, suitable for almost all areas of the human body where problems with microflora may arise. Only special nozzles are changed for ease of application of the solution. In the oral cavity it effectively copes with all pathogenic microbes, ideal for the care of dentures.

It is always important to use any medicine strictly as prescribed by your doctor. An incomplete course of treatment leads to the fact that untreated inflammation may soon recur. Excessive consumption leads to various adverse reactions.

Toothpastes with antiseptics

When buying toothpaste, it is important to pay attention to the composition. If it contains substances such as chlorine, phenol, triclosan, then such a paste is antiseptic in nature. The manufacturer may write that it is suitable for daily use, but consultation with a doctor is recommended: either develop an individual program of use, or use it intermittently.

Toothpastes with antiseptics provide comprehensive oral care. In addition to antibacterial properties, there are also general preventive properties. Contains calcium and fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel. And herbal supplements freshen breath and eliminate bleeding gums.

Antiseptic rinses

Their duration of action is only a few hours. Mouthwashes should not be used as the only oral care product. They do an excellent job of getting rid of unpleasant odors, and also build short-term protection of teeth and mucous membranes from virus-carrying bacteria.

Too frequent use can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as chemical burns and general disruption of the microflora of the oral mucosa. It is enough to rinse twice a day, immediately after brushing your teeth with toothpaste. This way the effect is consolidated and reliable protection is built.

The most popular drugs: Dimexide.

Antiseptic ointments

When diagnosing more serious diseases (such as stomatitis, gingivitis or herpes), doctors usually prescribe ointments. The dosage form allows you to localize the coverage of the antiseptic.

The main advantages also include:

  • effect after application - about 5 hours, despite the active influence of saliva;
  • ease of application to a painful area.

Ointments not only have effective properties in the fight against the disease, but also have a general calming effect on the mucous membrane: they reduce pain and restore damaged areas.

Oxolinic ointment has gained the most popularity. Use is allowed not only by adults, but also by children. The most effective result is achieved in the fight against herpetic diseases.

The antiviral properties of oxolinic ointment not only cure the problem area, but also prevent the spread of the disease. Before application, it is recommended to treat your mouth with a liquid antiseptic. The course of treatment depends on the degree of the disease, and the doctor’s prescription is also regulated by the frequency of use during the day.

The following products are also distinguished in this category: Methyluracil.

Antiseptic tablets

The most common medicine in this group is mouthwash tablets. When treating diseases, two tablets should be dissolved in one glass of water. The composition does not dissolve easily and quickly; initially, it is better to crush the tablets themselves a little, and the water should be warm. An antiseptic solution for the mouth and teeth must be prepared immediately before use.

Hydroperit or Biacarmint can also be prescribed by your attending physician. The ratio for preparing the solution is the same as for Furalicin.

Folk recipes

We should not forget about the heritage of traditional medicine, which offers many recipes to combat oral ailments.

The most popular herbs are chamomile and calendula. They can be purchased in dried form at any herbal pharmacy, but a home-made mechanism is also available. To do this, they need to be collected and dried, avoiding dampness in the room. For preventive purposes, you can not only rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions, but also simply drink brewed tea.

The recipe for preparing the decoction at home is very simple: 2-3 tbsp. dry herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for about 2 hours, pour into a thermos to keep warm. A decoction of marshmallow root is considered highly effective. It is prepared a little differently: pour cold water over the roots and keep in a water bath for about 30 minutes.

At home, one of the most common methods for rinsing is a mixture of water, salt and soda: add 1 tsp to 1 glass of warm water. funds. This solution reduces pain, relieves swelling, and cleanses the mucous membrane of pathogenic bacteria. Universal for use for colds, stomatitis and toothache. If the infection is purulent in nature, then a couple of drops of iodine can be added to such a solution.

In any care, it is always important not to overdo it. Daily hygiene measures are certainly important for the oral cavity. If any painful formations occur, it is always better to consult a specialist who will determine the nature of the problem and prescribe the correct course of treatment.