Eye drops "Tropicamide": analogues, instructions for use, side effects, reviews. Tropicamide, instructions for using eye drops, consequences of intravenous administration, tropicamide addiction, treatment

Eye diseases often deprive a person of the ability to perceive normally. the world around us. Naturally, in such cases it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist for a thorough examination. In order to take a closer look at the condition of the eyeball, the doctor may prescribe special medications to prepare the patient for the examination. One such medicine is Tropicamide. The instructions for use (we will look at analogues later) will tell you all the information that will be of interest to people with vision problems.

General description of the drug

This medicine is intended for topical use, that is, to be dropped into the eyes. "Tropicamide" (analogues of the drug contain the same active substance) well blocks M-cholinergic receptors, that is, receptors of the iris and This helps not only to diagnose the disease, but also to carry out surgical intervention, as it causes paralysis of accommodation and dilation of the pupil.

"Tropicamide" is sold (analogs of this drug may cost less and are intended for other purposes) in dropper bottles. The volume of the bottle is 5 ml. Main active ingredient is tropicamide. 1 ml of half-percent liquid contains 5 mg of the main substance. In addition, the drug contains the following components: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, sterilized water, and disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.

Mechanism of action

"Tropicamide" (analogues can have a completely different action) causes paralysis of accommodation of the eye and dilation of the pupil. This helps to examine the fundus of the eye without any problems using devices. In addition, paralysis makes surgical interventions more convenient.

The drug begins to act within a few minutes after use. The effect of pupil dilation lasts about 1-2 hours. It all depends on the concentration of the drug. Paralysis of accommodation lasts at least half an hour. Its complete completion is possible only 3 hours after the injection.

The product has high level absorption into the systemic circulation. That is, the risk of side effects increases. The substance is excreted after a short period of time. It will take at least 6 hours for the body to fully recover after use.

Features of the interaction of the drug with other drugs

"Tropicamide" (analogs of the drug will be named below) can enhance its effectiveness when local application with Quinidine, Procainamide, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, antipsychotics. Therefore, when prescribing drops, the attending physician must know what additional medications you are taking.

In order to ensure paralysis of accommodation, just 1 drop of a 1% solution is enough. However, it should be dripped at least 6 times. The interval between manipulations is about 5-10 minutes. After half an hour - 50 minutes. it is possible to carry out hardware research.

In order to dilate the pupil, you need to use 1 drop of a more concentrated or 2 drops of a less concentrated medicine. Optimal time for ophthalmoscopy this occurs within 10 minutes.

If children under 6 years of age are examined, only a half percent solution should be used. It is also used to eliminate infectious lesions. In this case, you need to drip at least 6 times a day.

It is better to use the substance before bed, as the drug reduces visual acuity and can cause some discomfort. If you use the drug without a system, without following the instructions, an overdose may occur, fraught with very unpleasant side effects.

What consequences may arise?

For some diseases, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the drug Tropicamide - eye drops. Analogues cannot be used independently, as they can only make things worse. However, even this drug can cause unwanted reactions. For example, these:

Behavioral disorders (especially in children), headaches.

Increased intraocular pressure and lacrimation, photophobia.

Problems with visual acuity.

Shortness of breath, erratic heartbeat, circulatory problems, hypotension, hyperemia.

Allergic reactions, dry mouth.

In some cases, confusion, hallucinations, or psychomotor reactions may occur. The drug should not be used intravenously, as this can lead to severe dependence on the drug.

If an overdose of the drug occurs, then you need to use Benzodiazepine. To eliminate hyperemia, it is necessary to constantly moisten the surface of the body with water and use cold compresses. After each use of the drops, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Please note that in children the side effects are more pronounced. If necessary, after the study, the doctor may give the patient a drug that helps narrow the pupil.

Special instructions for use and analogues

If Tropicamide is not suitable for you, analogues (Russia also produces some medications) can eliminate this problem. Drops should not be used for other purposes. This is an ophthalmic agent for topical use.

The use of contact lenses can cause negative effect. You can wear them during treatment. However, they need to be put on only half an hour after instillation.

Please note that the presented product can affect concentration and the speed of psychomotor reactions, so you should not drive in the next 2 hours after using the product.

Do not touch the dropper under any circumstances. In this way, you can infect not only the bottle itself, but also the solution inside it. Before starting instillation, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Next, turn the bottle cap until it stops. This will allow you to pierce top part droppers.

During instillation, try not to touch the mucous membrane of the eye. Next, you need to tilt your head back and pull down your lower eyelid. Place 1 drop of the substance into the resulting bag, close your eyes tightly and press on tear ducts. In this way you will reduce the absorption of the drug by the body.

After use excess liquid wipe with a clean cloth. There is no need to wash or wipe the bottle. Next, simply close the lid tightly.

As for analogues, among them the following can be distinguished:

- "Atropine."

- "Buskopan".

- "Spazmex".

- "Spiriva".

- "Atrovent".

- "Midrum".

- "Midracil".

- "Cycloptic".

Most of these drugs also require a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life and user reviews

It is recommended to store the drug at room temperature. At the same time, try to limit access to the medicine to children as much as possible. Avoid direct contact sun rays per bottle. The dropper cap must be tightly closed. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. After opening the bottle, you will have to throw it away within a month.

As for the reviews, they are mostly positive. Patients talk about high efficiency the drug, the speed of its action, low cost (from 70 rubles). The product relaxes the eye muscles well. However, during use, vision becomes somewhat upset and a tingling sensation is felt in the eyes. It should be noted that when correct use emergence adverse reactions observed in in rare cases. Now you know all the information about the drug. Instructions; analogues have been reviewed in detail by us. Be healthy!

Tropicamide is a drug from the mydriatic group, a so-called m-cholinergic receptor blocker. The medication is prescribed locally in ophthalmology. I will review the instructions for this medication in detail for readers of Popular Health.

So, instructions for Tropicamide:

What is Tropicamide's composition and release form??

The pharmaceutical industry produces an ophthalmic drug in transparent eye drops 0.5%, they contain 5 mg active substance tropicamide, in addition, 1% drops are also produced, where the active compound is presented in a dose of 10 mg. Among the auxiliary components in the composition of Tropicamide: sodium chloride, added disodium edetate dihydrate, in addition, benzalkonium chloride, added hydrochloric acid.

The pharmaceutical product Tropicamide is available in plastic bottles of ten milliliters, the container is equipped with a dropper stopper. The medicine is placed in a cardboard box. Sold by prescription. The exposure period (shelf life) does not exceed three years. After directly opening the bottle of ophthalmic medication, it can continue to be stored for no more than one month, and then the medication must be disposed of.

What is the effect of Tropicamide??

Mydriatic Tropicamide is a blocker of m-cholinergic receptors of both the ciliary muscle and the iris sphincter. The medicine quickly dilates the pupil by short time, in addition, causes temporary paralysis of accommodation.

Pupil dilation is already observed five to ten minutes after a single instillation of an ophthalmic medication directly into the area of ​​the conjunctival sac. Maximum effect expect from 15 to 20 minutes. Therapeutic effect Tropicamide lasts for an hour when a 0.5% solution is instilled, and when 1% drops are instilled, the effect lasts up to two hours.

After five hours, there is a complete restoration of the so-called pupil size to its physiological form. Maximum paralysis of accommodation after instillation of a 1% Tropicamide solution 2 times with a 5-minute break occurs after 25 minutes and lasts half an hour, and after three hours complete recovery is observed.

What are Tropicamide's indications for use??

The indications for Tropicamide 0.5% include diagnostics during ophthalmoscopy, and drops are also used to determine refraction; This medication is prescribed to prevent the development of so-called synechiae in complex treatment inflammatory eye diseases.

Drops ophthalmic Tropicamide 1% is prescribed if so-called paralysis of accommodation is necessary, when refraction needs to be examined. The product should be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

What are Tropicamide's contraindications for use??

Contraindications for Tropicamide include prohibitions on use in the following situations:

In the presence of glaucoma, especially with angle-closure;

Ophthalmic medication is not prescribed for diagnosed intraocular hypertension;

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the pharmaceutical drug.

The ophthalmic drug Tropicamide is prescribed with caution to pregnant women, in infancy, in addition to this during lactation.

What are Tropicamide's uses and dosage??

The drug Tropicamide is administered so-called conjunctivally. For the purpose of diagnostic dilatation of the pupil, the medicine 0.5% is instilled over ten minutes, 1-3 drops. In this case, ophthalmoscopy can be performed by instilling the medication three times every 10 minutes.

To determine refraction, the pharmaceutical drug is instilled six times with an average break of ten minutes. When using Tropicamide for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to instill it up to six times a day.

To achieve the effect of cycloplegia, Tropicamide 1% is recommended to instill 1-2 drops during a refraction study, and instillation of the medicine should be repeated after five minutes. If the patient has not been examined within 25 minutes, then additional instillation of the pharmaceutical drug in the amount of one drop is required in order to prolong the so-called mydriasis (dilation of the pupil).

What are the side effects of Tropicamide??

Known side effects Tropicamide, they will be expressed as allergic reactions, there is an increase intraocular pressure, photophobia is characteristic, visual acuity may decrease.

System side effects for Tropicamide may be as follows: headache, characterized by dysuria, psychotic reactions, tachycardia is observed, a decrease in blood pressure is possible, hyperthermia is not excluded, in addition, convulsions and dry mouth. IN similar situation The patient is given a set of symptomatic measures.

Tropicamide - overdose

With topical use of drops, a situation with an overdose of Tropicamide is unlikely. If the medicine is taken orally, then the stomach is immediately washed out, after which you need to consult a doctor, especially if feeling unwell sick.

Special instructions

The ophthalmic pharmaceutical contains benzalkonium chloride; it is considered a preservative that is deposited on the surface of contact lenses. As a result, soft lenses should not be used while using Tropicamide.

To reduce the so-called resorptive effect of the pharmaceutical preparation, it is recommended to apply fairly light pressure with the pad of your finger on the area of ​​the so-called lacrimal sac for two minutes after direct instillation.

How to replace Tropicamide, what analogs to use?

Midriaticum-Shtuln PU, the drug Midriacil are analogues of Tropicamide.


The pharmaceutical product must be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

in ophthalmology (the need for mydriasis and cycloplegia - examination of the fundus, determination of refraction using skiascopy). Inflammatory processes and adhesions of the eye.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect is enhanced by sympathomimetics, weakened by m-cholinomimetics. The likelihood of developing systemic side effects is increased by tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, amantadine, quinidine, antihistamines and other agents with m-anticholinergic properties.

Hypersensitivity, angle-closure glaucoma.

Side effect

Paresis of accommodation, photophobia, increased intraocular pressure, attack of glaucoma. When using high doses possible systemic side effects: agitation, headache, tachycardia, hypotension, dry mouth, hyperthermia, dysuric phenomena.

No information available.

Special instructions

Eye drops should be instilled into the lower conjunctival sac. To reduce resorption, light pressure on the area of ​​the lacrimal sacs is recommended for 2-3 minutes after instillation. During the treatment period, you should not wear soft contact lenses.

Dosage form

eye drops 0.5%, eye drops 1%

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Just a few years ago it seemed that only a madman could call eye drops a drug. But trouble always comes from where no one expects it: tropicamide (popularly known as “tropic”) has become a popular psychotropic substance. It is one of the most sought after "pharmacy drugs" that is easy to purchase. Varieties of the drug - "Midriacyl" and "Cyclomed" - are sold everywhere, most often they are sold without a prescription.

The drug midriacil (tropicamide) and its features

Midriacil (tropicamide) is an eye drop that is used by drug addicts to enhance the effect of opiates and prolong euphoria. The substance is used intravenously, so its use carries all the dangers injectable drugs. The drug accumulates in the body, is poorly excreted, and causes overload of the heart and other internal organs.

Why was the drug midriacil (tropicamide) created?

The drug was developed and widely used in ophthalmology for eye examination. Most likely, its psychotropic effect was discovered by chance. After entering the eyeball, the substance allows the pupil to dilate as much as possible, which is necessary for its examination. Drug addicts used this medication to mask the constriction of the pupil.

When used as directed, midriacil is safe, with only minor side effects. But if the substance is administered intravenously, extreme consequences occur. negative consequences: tissue destruction, a drop in hemoglobin, the nervous system is destroyed.

When does drug addiction begin and how to identify it?

Since midriacil was discovered relatively recently in narcology, there are no widely available studies on this topic. As a rule, to this drug experienced users come who do not have enough money for heroin, opium, codeine. The drug midriacil itself does not cause euphoria, but only a state similar to it.

It is not difficult to determine that a person is sick: all symptoms are most often noticeable naked eye. These are sudden mood swings, inappropriate behavior(lethargy) in a state of intoxication. A drug addict ceases to belong to himself: he lives only to get the next dose.

Main signs of addiction:

Irresistible craving for the drug. To get money for the next dose, everything is used: requests, demands, theft. Presence of injection marks. The absence of veins is due to the fact that they atrophy due to injections. Yellow skin. Since midriacil is poorly excreted from the body, liver function deteriorates, and the body takes on a corresponding shade. Large quantity empty containers from eye drops. The presence of dependence should also be indicated by the “container” of the substances used.

What to do and how to recover from drug addiction?

The drug Tropicamide is used together with other substances, so it makes sense to talk about complex therapy. Professional evaluation, detoxification, and inpatient treatment for tropicamide addiction are required. Without such help, the addict will not live more than 12-24 months, and his death will be in terrible agony.

Tropicamide (drops) – instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price

Thank you

Tropicamide is a solution used as eye drops. By pharmacological properties Tropicamide belongs to the class M-anticholinergics , which act on the receptors of the sphincter of the iris and the ciliary muscle of the eye, which changes the width of the pupil. As a result of the action on the receptor structures of the sphincter of the iris and the ciliary muscle of the eye, a short-term strong dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) occurs with simultaneous paralysis of accommodation. Paralysis of accommodation is a condition in which the eye muscles are unable to regulate the width of the pupil depending on the amount of light flux. That is, Tropicamide, on the one hand, dilates the pupil, and on the other hand, prevents its narrowing.

This action of Tropicamide is used in practical ophthalmology, when the doctor needs to examine the fundus of the eye, determine refraction using skiascopy, or for effective treatment inflammatory phenomena and adhesions in the eyes. Tropicamide is also used to prepare for surgical and laser operations before our eyes.

Composition and release form

To date, Tropicamide is available in only one dosage form– eye drops. Tropicamide is a colorless and transparent solution, packaged in a plastic bottle with a 5 ml dropper dispenser. This medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical corporation "WARSAW PHARMACEUTICAL WORK POLFA, S.A." at factories located in Poland.

Eye drops "Tropicamide" as active component contain chemical substance with the same name as the finished drug - tropicamide. Today, the drug is available in two dosage options - with a concentration of the active component of 0.5% and 1%. A 0.5% solution of Tropicamide contains 5 mg of active substance per 1 ml. And in a 1% solution the content of the active substance is 10 mg per 1 ml.

Tropicamide 0.5% and Tropicamide 1% are available in identical bottles with a 5 ml dropper dispenser. Sometimes, in order to designate a drug with a certain dosage, the terms “Tropicamide 0.5” and “Tropicamide 1” are used, where the number corresponds to the concentration of the active substance.

The auxiliary components in Tropicamide 0.5% and 1% are the same and are contained in equal quantities. So, Tropicamide eye drops contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • sodium chloride (table salt);
  • disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (sodium EDTA);
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • specially purified and deionized water.

Tropicamide - recipe

Prescription for Tropicamide 0.5% usually written out as follows:
Rp.: Tropicamide 0.5% - 5 ml
D.S. 2 drops in each eye. An interval of 5 minutes should be maintained between drops.

Prescription for Tropicamide 1% looks like this:
Rp.: Tropicamide 1% - 5 ml
D.S. 1 drop in each eye.

In the recipe after the designation "Rp." the name of the drug is indicated on Latin, as well as the concentration of the solution and the volume of the bottle with eye drops. In the second line of the recipe after the designation "D.S." the dosage regimen and instructions for use of the drug are indicated.

Therapeutic action and pharmacological effects

Tropicamide is a drug from the group of M-anticholinergics. This means that it blocks M-cholinergic receptors located in the muscles and blood vessels of almost all organs and tissues of the human body. The letter "M" in the name of the receptors stands for an abbreviation for the word "muscarine". Muscarine is the name of a substance that is the main mediator and intermediary for the inclusion of these receptor structures. M-anticholinergic - means that the substance has the ability to block the functioning of the receptor structure due to the inactivation of muscarine, which causes certain effects.

If an M-anticholinergic agent is administered intravenously, the effects of blockade of muscarinic receptors will manifest themselves in the form of changes in the functioning of all organs and systems. And if an M-anticholinergic drug is used topically, like Tropicamide as eye drops, then the drug causes effects only in the area that was exposed to the drug.

Tropicamide acts on M-cholinergic receptors located in the iris and ciliary muscle of the eye. As a result of blocking the receptors, muscle relaxation occurs, which lasts a short time. Relaxation of the iris sphincter and ciliary muscle leads to maximum pupil dilation and paralysis accommodation. The phenomenon of accommodation itself consists in the ability to adjust the width of the pupil depending on the intensity of light. Palsy of accommodation occurs when relaxed muscles are unable to constrict the pupil when an intense beam of light enters the eye. That is, Tropicamide dilates the pupil due to maximum muscle relaxation and keeps it in this state. Keeping the pupil dilated is achieved by maintaining the muscles in a relaxed state.

Pupil dilation ( mydriasis) reaches a maximum 15 - 20 minutes after instillation of Tropicamide solution into the eye. The onset of pupil dilation is observed 5 to 10 minutes after instillation of the solution. Mydriasis persists for 1 hour after instillation of a 0.5% solution into the eye, and for 2 hours after application of a 1% Tropicamide solution. Normal pupil width is restored 5 to 6 hours after instilling the drug into the eyes.

Paralysis of accommodation develops as a result of several repeated instillations of Tropicamide solution into the eyes. The maximum severity of paralysis of accommodation is recorded after double instillation of a 1% solution after 15 minutes, counting from the last injection of the drug into the eye. Paralysis of accommodation persists for half an hour after its development. Full recovery the ability of the pupil to accommodate occurs 3 hours after instillation of Tropicamide.

Tropicamide has a shorter duration of action on the eye than atropine. In addition, Tropicamide drops do not have as strong an effect on ophthalmotonus as atropine. Despite its milder effect compared to atropine, Tropicamide can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. This factor must be kept in mind when a person suffers from angle-closure glaucoma.

Indications for use

Tropicamide eye drops are used for diagnostic procedures to prepare the eyes for surgical interventions, and also as therapeutic agent. Indications for the use of Tropicamide eye drops with diagnostic, preparatory and medicinal purposes, are reflected in the table:

Tropicamide drops - instructions for use

Tropicamide eye drops in concentrations of 0.5% and 1% are used in the same way, subject to the same rules. The choice of concentration of Tropicamide depends on the goals and the required speed of obtaining pharmacological effects.

Tropicamide drops should be instilled into bottom part conjunctival sac. You can instill the solution into your eyes using a pipette or a special dropper with which the bottle is equipped. If a bottle dropper is used, you should avoid touching the tip as this may contaminate it and introduce germs into your eyes. Before instilling Tropicamide, you must remove contact lenses. You can put on contact lenses again after half an hour after instilling the drug.

After instillation, Tropicamide causes visual disturbances and photophobia, which disappear on their own after the drug wears off. When the medicine is injected into the eyes, it is necessary to pinch the tear ducts with your finger for 2 - 3 minutes to prevent the solution from entering the nose, from where it is almost completely absorbed into the bloodstream. Tropicamide entering the bloodstream by absorption through the nasal mucosa leads to the development of systemic effects of M-anticholinergics, which manifest themselves in:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • dilation of blood vessels with a drop in pressure;
  • inhibition of sweating and secretion production by all mucous membranes;
In order to maximize pupil dilation, it is necessary to drop a 1% or 0.5% solution into the eyes. In this case, one drop of a 1% solution or two drops of a 0.5% solution is sufficient. If a 0.5% solution is used, then one drop is first injected into the eye, and the second only after five minutes. After 10 minutes, the pupil dilates and allows for diagnostic manipulations. If pupil dilation is not sufficient, then Tropicamide can be used simultaneously with phenylephrine.

In order to develop paralysis of accommodation, to conduct a refractive study, it is necessary to inject one drop of a 1% Tropicamide solution into the conjunctival sac of the eye six times, with an interval of 6 to 12 minutes between them. A refractive examination can be performed between 25 and 50 minutes after the last (sixth) drop of solution is administered to the eyes.

Tropicamide can be used in children from birth. However, in children under 6 years of age, only 0.5% concentration of Tropicamide can be used. Premature babies have increased risk development of systemic effects of Tropicamide due to the drug entering the nose and subsequent absorption into the blood through the mucous membrane. Tropicamide enters the nose through the nasolacrimal duct. But through the nasal mucosa, almost all the amount of the drug that gets on it is absorbed into the blood. As a result of entry into the blood, Tropicamide has systemic effects, such as dry mouth, persistent dilation of the pupils, difficulty urinating, dilation of blood vessels with a drop in pressure, intestinal hypotension, tachycardia, nervous excitement, hallucinations and increased body temperature.

At reuse Tropicamide in premature infants increases the risk of developing systemic effects of the drug. To reduce this risk and prevent systemic effects of the drug in premature infants, it is necessary to dilute the drug with saline in a 1:1 ratio. And it is necessary to use exactly this 0.5% solution of Tropicamide, diluted in half, for instillation into the eyes of premature babies.

For treatment inflammatory diseases eyes (for example, keratitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis) Tropicamide is also used as part of complex therapy. Typically, the drug is prescribed one drop of a 1% solution in each eye daily in the evening (before bedtime), for 2 to 4 weeks. The minimum period of therapy with Tropicamide is 2 weeks, but if the disease has not gone away completely after this period, the course of treatment can be extended to 4 weeks.

Interaction with other drugs. When used simultaneously with histamine blockers (Zyrtec, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil, Claritin, etc.), phenothiazines, antidepressants, Procainamide, Quinidine, benzodiazepines and neuroleptics, the effects of Tropicamide and the listed drugs are mutually enhanced.

The combined use of Tropicamide and nitrites (Nitroglycerin, etc.), Disopyramide, glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, etc.) and Haloperidol leads to a strong increase in intraocular pressure.

Overdose When applied topically, Tropicamide was never detected. If the drug enters the bloodstream (for example, by absorption through the mucous membranes of the nose), the following may develop:

For treatment systemic manifestations Tropicamide should be given to the stomach, after which the person should be given activated charcoal. It is also recommended to administer 1–2 mg of physostigmine intravenously. Physostigmine can be administered every hour. If convulsions develop, they must be stopped by intravenous administration of 10–20 mg of diazepam. If a fever develops, the person should be cooled by physical methodscold water, ice packs, etc. The condition of a person who has taken Tropicamide orally should be monitored and the necessary symptomatic medications should be administered until his condition is completely normalized.

Tropicamide for children - rules of use

In children under 6 years of age, only 0.5% Tropicamide drops can be used. To minimize the risk of developing systemic effects of the drug, it should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with saline. Thus, immediately before use, you should prepare a 0.25% solution from a 0.5% solution, and use it for instillation into the eyes of children. To dilute Tropicamide, use a sterile saline solution purchased from a pharmacy.

To treat inflammatory processes in the eyes, Tropicamide is best taken in the evening, before going to bed. Typically, one drop of a 0.25% solution is instilled into each eye. Instillation is carried out daily for 2 - 4 weeks.

When using Tropicamide for the purpose of performing diagnostic procedures, you must be aware that the drug will lead to temporary visual impairment and photophobia. These phenomena will go away on their own after the drug wears off, without any additional treatment.

Tropicamide should be used very carefully in infants, since at this age the drug can lead to the development of disorders in the activity of the central nervous system. nervous system.


Tropicamide is contraindicated for eye drops only if a person has the following conditions:

1. Angle-closure and mixed primary glaucoma.
2. Increased intraocular pressure.
3. Sensitivity, allergy or intolerance to Tropicamide components.

Side effects

Tropicamide may cause local and systemic side effects. Local ones relate exclusively to the place of application of the drug and are manifested by various symptoms relating to the eye and vision. And systemic side effects appear when Tropicamide enters the bloodstream, for example, when the solution is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nose, where it flows through the nasolacrimal duct if it is not applied with the fingers. Systemic side effects most often develop in young children and the elderly.

All local and systemic side effects of Tropicamide are reflected in the table:

Local side effects of Tropicamide Systemic side effects of Tropicamide
Violation of accommodationFeeling restless
PhotophobiaNervous excitement
Decreased visual acuityDry mouth
Increased ophthalmotonusNo sweating
Attack of angle-closure glaucomaDry mucous membranes
Burning sensation in the eyesHeadache
Allergic reactionsTachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
Increased intraocular pressureDecreased blood pressure (hypotension)
Urinary retention (dysuria)
Increased body temperature


Tropicamide has synonyms and analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market. Synonyms are those drugs that also contain the substance tropicamide as an active component, and in exactly the same concentration. And analogues include drugs that have a spectrum of action similar to Tropicamide, but contain a different chemical compound as an active component.

Today, drugs synonymous with Tropicamide include the following drugs:

  • Eye drops – Mydriacyl;
  • Eye drops – Midriaticum-Shtuln PU;
  • Eye drops – Midrum;
  • Eye drops – Tropicamite;
  • Eye drops – Unitropic.
The following drugs are analogues of Tropicamide eye drops on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
  • Drops and ointment for eyes – Atropine;
  • Atropine sulfate eye films;
  • Eye drops – Cyclomed;
  • Eye drops – Cycloptic.

From October 1, 2015 medicinal product tropicamide is included in the list of drugs subject to registration. For what reason do they not give more? buy tropicamide without a prescription, after all, it would seem a harmless medicine to dilate the pupil. What could cause such serious security measures in terms of its implementation? So let's find out.

What is tropicamide: instructions

Reading the instructions for using tropicamide, we stop at an overdose and side effects and contraindications.

  • Contraindications: glaucoma, allergic reactions.
  • Side effects: burning sensation, fuzzy visual perception, attacks of glaucoma, photophobia, etc.
  • Overdose: When applied topically as prescribed by a physician, overdose is unlikely - the answer to most instructions for the use of tropicamide.

Nothing life-threatening, everything is absolutely safe. Yes, it seems safer at first glance activated carbon. But looking into the dark corners of the Internet and surfing websites for drug addicts, I found out some interesting information...

Those who are used to getting pleasure from taking various drugs are tirelessly looking for something new. Often they have to re-read a lot pharmacological reference books, in which they find medications containing drugs. One of the medications that drug addicts misuse is tropicamide.
This medicine is an M-choline blocker. This group Medicines get their name from the function they perform in the human body. These substances prevent the transmission nerve impulses, passing through the CNS receptors called M-cholinergic receptors.

How to use Tropicamide in ophthalmology and why

This medicine is available in the form of drops. And these drops are put into the eyes. Tropicamide blocks nerve receptors that are located in eyeball, thereby dilating the pupil of the eye. This property of tropicamide is used by ophthalmologists. The fact is that when the patient's pupils are dilated, this allows them to clearly see the fundus of the eye. This medicine is also an anti-inflammatory agent, and it effectively soothes the eyes under various inflammatory processes, which may occur in them.
But the properties of tropicamide are not limited to its effect on certain receptors of the nervous system located in the human eye.

Tropicamide: use as a drug

Initially, drug addicts used tropicamide to hide the constriction of the pupils of the eyes, which is characteristic symptom when consuming most narcotic substances made from opium.
However, over time, they were able to discover another of the properties of this medicine. When using tropicamide, people under the influence of a narcotic potion felt its effects more strongly. Thus, they realized that this substance enhances the effect that drugs have on the human body. Thanks to this property of tropicamide, patients are already for a long time those suffering from drug addiction, for whom taking the next dose simply meant coming to their senses, were able to feel a real “high” again.

And in addition, drug addicts managed to save money, since taking tropicamide allowed them to reduce the dose of the drug they took by almost half. However, as they say, you have to pay for everything, and along with the intensification of the feelings of drug intoxication, the consequences of drug addiction also became stronger. The pains of drug withdrawal became so terrible and unbearable that most drug addicts could not stand it and committed suicide.
In addition, as it turned out, the use of tropicamide itself caused drug addicts drug intoxication. For this reason, many tend to consider this medical drug drug. But this substance is not a derivative of opium.
Under the influence of tropicamide, drug addicts do not experience exactly the same sensations that they feel while under the influence of morphine, heroin, or something similar. These sensations are more similar to those that drug addicts experience when under the influence of hallucinogens.

These days there are many drug addicts who do not have the money to purchase drugs. A buy tropicamide without prescription For narcotic use it didn’t cost anything, because its sale in pharmacies was not limited by anything a year ago. In addition, this drug was quite cheap. And although this substance is not a derivative of opium, it still poses a serious threat to humans. "High" from tropicamide lasts only a short time, no more than half an hour, and therefore drug addicts have to “run” to the pharmacy for the next portion several times a day.

Tropicamide - consequences of taking

Using this medical product to enhance the effect of drug intoxication caused by other drugs, or to hide the symptoms of drug use can lead to very serious consequences:

  1. Irreparable damage to the eyes is a sharp decline in vision, leading to blindness. The pupils are artificially dilated all the time, too much light falls on the retina, which over time begins to perceive light poorly, and sooner or later all this leads to the development of blindness;
  2. The addict's immune system is weakened. He becomes susceptible to many infectious diseases;
  3. The internal organs of a drug addict, as a result of prolonged intoxication with tropicamide, cannot withstand the load and cease to function normally - which leads to numerous metabolic disorders. In addition, taking tropicamide leads to the development of: nephritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, toxic myocardial dystrophy - these are the most frequent consequences the use of tropicamide, which in most cases can be fatal;
  4. Development organic damage human central nervous system. Encephalopathy, epilepsy, etc.
    In case of tropicamide overdose to the human body significant damage is also caused. A drug addict can fall into coma, his body may be seized with convulsions, and in the case of a severe overdose of tropicamide, the person may stop breathing. In such situations, the addict needs urgent medical care. He needs to do a cleansing gastrointestinal tract and then give a drug that can adsorb the remaining toxic substances.

Treatment of tropicamide addiction in our center