Why do veins burst in the eyes? Vessels burst in the eyes: causes and treatment, consequences, if often

You can discover trouble in the form of a burst vessel in the eye either after waking up in the morning, or during a normal, measured day. This phenomenon is often so imperceptible that you can accidentally learn about external changes from your interlocutor. This metamorphosis happens quickly, unexpectedly and in some cases painlessly. The causes and treatment of a burst vessel in the eye are interconnected, since treatment of the disease without identifying the root cause is not possible.

Hemorrhage on a previously white surface is not a sight for the faint of heart, but when such a change occurs to a person, it is quite natural that he is overcome by fear of the unknown cause and consequences.

Reasons if a vessel bursts. Why do hemorrhages occur in the eye?

The correct, full functioning of the retina is carried out with the help of the choroid, which is represented by the capillary-venous network. The walls of the bloodstream are fragile, apparently this is a common reason that they burst at the slightest increase in pressure.

In fact, there are many reasons why a vessel in the eye has burst, and they are not always harmless, as it sometimes seems:

Diseases that damage the vascular wall. Systemic vasculitis (Wenger's granulomatosis, Behçet's syndrome, Takayasu's disease).

There are many reasons why a vessel in the eye has burst, and most of them deserve emergency medical attention. A sharp jump in blood pressure can make drastic changes in life, and can even result in death, and glaucoma can cause a person to lose his sight.

Symptoms of a burst vessel

The main symptom, noticeable to the naked eye, is redness unusual for the eye. This becomes a reason to contact a specialist. Redness can be in the form of a small fragment as a result of a violation of the integrity of one capillary and cover the entire eyeball - with a large bruise or hematoma.

The way the result of a rupture of blood flow looks has a direct connection with the cause of the pathology. Visually, you can see disturbances in the capillaries of the anterior part of the eye.

Symptoms of hemorrhages depending on the location:

1. Into the retina. This is the nervous tissue lining the inside that provides vision. Bleeding into it temporarily makes it impossible for a person to see. With constant ruptures of capillaries in the retina of the eye, visual acuity is impaired, and blindness may be a further prognosis. Often this symptom appears in diabetics, hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the retinal blood flow, and ripples in the eyes are added to it. Only an examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist can make an accurate diagnosis.


2. In the eye socket. When capillaries are broken as a result of injury, blood fills the retrobulbar fatty tissue. This leads to bulging eyes (exophthalmos). Symptoms associated with the disease are swelling and bruising typical of the consequences of injury. The victim has a double image, and there is pain that does not allow him to move the eye.


  • ripples in the eyes;
  • dark spot in the field of view;
  • visual absence of a red spot.

3. Into the vitreous body. The main part of the eye, represented by a transparent formation, allowing the passage of light rays. Focuses them on the retina of the eye. If there is blood, the tissue becomes translucent and vision is lost. This is usually the result of serious injuries and cannot be avoided without the qualified help of an ophthalmologist.


  • a veil before the eyes, a sudden loss of the ability to see;
  • perception of light in red shades;
  • Most often one eye is affected.

4. Into the anterior chamber. Hyphema can be caused by various reasons, but most often it occurs with glaucoma and trauma. The accumulation of blood occurs in the lower part of the anterior surface and is clearly visible to the naked eye. In severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated; in others, the blood resolves within a week without special treatment.

People are unaware of the pathological changes occurring inside the body until their health deteriorates.

But the changes that occur on the outer membranes of the eye or around it become noticeable as soon as you approach the mirror. You can also pay attention to such a phenomenon as a burst vessel on the sclera.

A hyperemic stripe or bruise is immediately noticeable against the background of a light conjunctiva; this condition not only leads to aesthetic discomfort, but can also be the cause of certain diseases.

Naturally, a person is looking for ways to eliminate such a nuisance, but before starting treatment, it is necessary to know the specific cause leading to conjunctival hemorrhage.

Causes leading to hemorrhage of the blood vessels of the eye

The small blood vessels located in the sclera of the eye are distinguished by thin walls, so any unfavorable provoking factor very quickly leads to disruption of their structure, due to which the wall becomes thinner or tense, and blood pours out under the conjunctiva.

There are a huge number of reasons for this condition, the most basic include:

  1. A sharp increase in blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension for a number of years often notice hemorrhages on the sclera, this happens because the increase in pressure leads to excessive blood supply and small arteries, unable to withstand the pressure, burst. Sometimes burst blood vessels can be the first sign of hypertension, because some people do not feel any signs of the disease.
  2. Physical overexertion - lifting weights, intense training of athletes. In a woman, numerous capillaries on the sclera burst at the time of childbirth - during pushing.
  3. Endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitus. With this disease, all blood vessels become thinner, which also affects the eyes.
  4. Ophthalmological diseases - conjunctivitis and eye keratitis. With such diseases, hemorrhage on the sclera is accompanied by other symptoms - lacrimation, itching, discomfort.
  5. Injuries can range from blows to the eye or bruises to the head.
  6. Prolonged overexertion - you can notice redness of the eyes after a long time of working with documents, with a computer, or reading.
  7. High weather sensitivity - in some weather-dependent people, reddened sclera is noticeable after changes in pressure or temperature.
  8. You can also notice burst blood vessels after a hot bath or taking large doses of alcohol.
  9. Vitamin deficiencies are a deficiency of ascorbic acid and rutin in the body.
  10. Flu.
  11. Intraocular formations - benign or malignant tumors lead to overstrain and stretching of all parts of the eye, along with small arteries and capillaries.
  12. In some cases, hemorrhage occurs with long-term use of blood thinning drugs.

In babies under one year old, blood vessels often burst after crying heavily or with constipation, when the baby cannot go to the toilet and push hard.

A single occurrence of hemorrhages caused by stress should not worry parents, but if the pathological process occurs repeatedly in the eyes, you should contact not only the eye clinic, but also a pediatrician. Promotes frequent hemorrhage and myopia.


The main symptom is hemorrhage, noticeable immediately. Bruising can be at the bottom or top of the eye, and with the simultaneous destruction of several arteries, the sclera can turn completely red. Some people notice only visual signs, others note discomfort in the lower or upper eyelid, a feeling of dryness, and a slight burning sensation.

If the cause of the disturbance in the structure of the vessel is a jump in blood pressure, then the sick person may complain of a headache, poor health, and black spots before the eyes.

Hemorrhage often occurs in only one eye; both eyes are affected much less frequently; according to localization, several forms are distinguished:

  1. Retinal hemorrhage– blurring of visible objects occurs, vision decreases, and spots may flash before the eyes. The frequent occurrence of such symptoms leads to the appearance of spots on the retina and a sharp deterioration in vision. If the symptoms are minor, the condition of the eye returns to normal after rest and taking hemostatic drugs.
  2. Hemorrhage into the orbit occur with injuries to the eye and skull, less often with blood diseases. The appearance of bulging eyes is noticeable - a sharp displacement of the eyeball forward; the sick person complains of a decrease in eye mobility. Split objects, pain, loss of vision. Hemorrhagic spots can be seen on the apples of the eyelids and on the conjunctiva.
  3. Vitreous hemorrhage is considered a serious pathology and requires emergency care. In addition to the dark tubercle on the sclera, flashes of light occur in front of the eyes, moving spots are detected, and vision deteriorates sharply. Lack of treatment leads to retinal detachment.
  4. Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye are designated by the medical term hyphema. The formation on the eye is red, homogeneous, with a vertical position of the body it descends into the lower parts of the eye, and with a horizontal position it can occupy a significant part of the sclera. Hyphemas usually resolve within a few days. If their resorption is not observed for more than 10 days, then it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist - a similar eye condition occurs with intraocular pressure.

How to quickly restore transparency to your eyes

The main thing that worries a person with a hemorrhage in the eye is the aesthetic side, so everyone is looking for ways to quickly get rid of the disease.

Eye care should be withheld depending on the influence of the provoking factor.

You can take the following steps on your own, before visiting an ophthalmologist:

  1. Giving your eyes a rest is best if it is a long sleep. Compliance with this condition is necessary in case of overwork, stressful situations, or working at the computer for a long time.
  2. If you have hypertension, you must take an antihypertensive drug prescribed by your doctor.
  3. A contrasting eye bath will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You need to pour cold water into one container and warm water into another. It is necessary to immerse the inflamed eye in one cup or another of water for several minutes.

If hemorrhage in the eyes appears frequently, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps such a pathology is caused by ophthalmological diseases, somatic diseases or a lack of vitamins.


The regular appearance of red spots on the eyes requires the most careful attitude to your health. After the examination, the therapist or ophthalmologist will prescribe a course of therapy aimed at treating the identified cause.

In addition, a person suffering from hemorrhages on the sclera can take some steps to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

  1. It is necessary to enrich your usual diet with food containing the maximum amount of vitamin C and rutin. They are found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, vegetables and fruits of a rich dark green color - spinach, broccoli, lettuce.
  2. It is necessary to reduce physical work and heavy lifting.
  3. When reading books or working with office equipment, you need to rest your eyes for a few minutes every hour.
  4. Heat and high humidity can provoke hemorrhage, so visits to steam rooms should be kept to a minimum.
  5. For colds and flu, you need to take antiviral drugs and vitamin C, this will prevent the destruction of small capillaries.
  6. On windy days and when the air is extremely dry, you need to wear glasses and wash your eyes after going outside.
  7. Endocrine diseases and hypertension require regular use of medications prescribed by a doctor. Compliance with this condition will not allow secondary symptoms of diseases to develop, including preventing hemorrhages.
  8. When using air conditioning at home, you need to install air humidifiers, since excessive dryness also worsens the condition of the eyes.
  9. You should always get enough sleep.

In case of eye injuries, you must immediately consult a doctor; some conditions require assistance within the first hours; compliance with this condition will allow you to completely preserve your vision.

Hemorrhages that occur with bacterial conjunctivitis require specific treatment - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops. Hemorrhage, which occurs with swelling and discharge of pus, also requires emergency assistance.


Intended for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages. Instill 1-2 drops up to three times a day, the course of treatment can last up to a month.

For ophthalmological diseases or neoplasms, eye drops should be prescribed by a doctor. A properly designed treatment plan will prevent serious vision problems in the future.

A burst vessel on the sclera of the eye can be the result of quickly passing fatigue or a symptom of dangerous pathologies, so you should not put off visiting a doctor.

  1. If possible, find out the cause - measure blood pressure and temperature. If your blood pressure is high, you need to take medication. If you are using herbs, you should definitely see a doctor.
  2. Eye fatigue requires a long rest for two to three days. If this cannot be done, then you need to get a good rest at night.
  3. Regularly recurring hemorrhages require a comprehensive examination of the body.

Without a normally functioning organ of vision - the eye, a person's life does not change for the better. In many cases, it is possible to prevent serious visual impairment by regularly visiting a doctor, this is especially necessary for people over 40 years of age.

From this article you will learn: the reasons why a vessel in your eye burst, what can affect it. Is treatment needed? what to do if this happened to you.

Article publication date: 04/07/2017

Article updated date: 05/29/2019

The full functioning of the retina is ensured by the choroid in the form of a capillary-venous network. It supplies the retina with oxygen and nutrients.

Sometimes you can see red blood spots on the visible part of the membrane. This means that a blood vessel has burst in this eye. The reasons for the appearance of such a pathology can be completely varied: from minor (dry air in the room) to serious health problems. In a child, this can happen after strong, tearful crying; in adults, most often during severe physical strain (strength training, lifting weights). At the moment of vessel rupture, a person does not feel any symptoms, only a red spot can tell about what happened.

What to do when a blood vessel in your eye bursts? Should it be treated? First of all, you should see an ophthalmologist, he will determine the cause and determine further actions.

In most cases, this pathology is harmless and is completely eliminated within a week.

Why do blood vessels in the eyes rupture?

Many people have observed hemorrhages in their eyes at least once in their lives. This disease does not cause pain or other physical discomfort. But from an aesthetic point of view, the eyes look scary.

If a vessel in the eye bursts for the first time, then there is no need to be scared or panic. Typically, a blood stain resolves on its own within 3–5 days without leaving any consequences. But if the vessels begin to burst regularly, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, find out the causes of the pathology and begin treatment immediately.

Patient at an ophthalmologist's appointment

At the appointment, the doctor needs to not only examine the fundus of the eye and study the patient’s medical record, but also find out all the details of what happened a few minutes or hours before the vessel ruptured, which could have caused this. It is very important to tell the doctor in detail everything you felt at that moment. Maybe fever or chills, dizziness, spots in the eyes? Every little thing, at first glance, can help in determining the exact cause of what happened.

Internal reasons

Internal factors arising from the state of human health and concomitant diseases:

  • Arterial or intracranial hypertension is the first thing doctors think about when there are repeated hemorrhages in the eyes. A hypertensive crisis is characterized by a sharp jump in pressure; the thin and fragile vessels of the eye cannot withstand the enormous pressure from within and are the first to burst. Often, nosebleeds can be observed in parallel.

    Bursted blood vessels in the eyes of a hypertensive patient are a clear signal that you should pay attention to. It is urgent to take care of your health, monitor your blood pressure and not let it rise, otherwise, in the worst case, blood vessels may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, which is fraught with much more dangerous consequences (disability, death).

  • The development of diabetes mellitus quickly leads to a pathological state of blood vessels, their walls become thin and fragile. Diabetic retinopathy (a disease of the vascular network of the eyes) over time quietly leads to decreased vision and complete blindness. In this case, ruptures can occur both independently and under minor loads (squatting, lifting, bending). If you have diabetes mellitus and periodic hemorrhages in the eye begin to appear, immediately come to see an endocrinologist to prescribe more effective therapeutic measures.
  • Ophthalmological diseases can also cause vessel rupture. These can be malignant or benign tumors, infectious or inflammatory eye diseases (glaucoma, conjunctivitis, dacryoadenitis, blepharitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis and others).
  • Hematological pathologies (hemophilia, coagulopathy, lymphoma, leukemia, thrombocytopathy) lead to excessive bleeding of all body tissues, including the eye. Such diseases can be easily noticed by the excessive sensitivity of the skin to mechanical influences (light pressure with a finger leads to a hematoma, a small cut leads to large blood loss).
  • Immunodeficiency, vitamin deficiency. A lack of certain microelements (rutin, vitamins A and C) leads to impaired elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Less dangerous conditions in which a blood vessel in the eye may burst:

  • Fatigue, lack of sleep, eyestrain. Working at a computer, watching television for a long time, using phones, tablets, reading books at night without proper lighting - all this leads to eye fatigue. In this case, a ruptured vessel is the first sign of vision pathology. Without treatment, other ophthalmic diseases develop over time.
  • Excessive physical activity. Lifting weights, professional sports, intense training, contractions and pushing during childbirth in women are the causes of one-time vascular ruptures.
  • High temperature accompanying acute colds, viral and infectious diseases can lead to vascular deformation.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Taking a large dose of alcohol provokes a sudden dilation and rapid constriction of blood vessels. Hemorrhage in the eyes is one of the symptoms of chronic alcoholism, along with swelling of the skin and the pathological condition of the liver and other organ systems.
  • Crying loudly (typical of children).

External factors that have a negative effect on the eye vessels

The condition of the venous-capillary network of the eye can be influenced by:

  1. sharp gusty wind, bright sun, high atmospheric pressure;
  2. excessive dryness of indoor air, smoke or dust in the room;
  3. high ambient temperature (sauna, bathhouse, hot season);
  4. eye injury, ingress of dust, debris, or foreign body.


The only clear symptom of this pathology is a red eye with a bloody spot. It can be very small if one vessel has burst, or it can cover the entire front part of the eye if there are several burst vessels. Redness can only be observed if the ruptured vessel is in the visible part of the eye, but in the posterior part there are many more of them. In this case, you can feel only a slight heaviness, which few people pay attention to now.

Treatment methods

If a blood vessel bursts in the eye, what should you do? If this happened for the first time, then most likely the cause should be sought among external factors. In this case, treatment is not required; you need to limit the strain on your eyes and wait a few days. You should consult a doctor if the redness has not subsided within 3-5 days, there is discomfort in the eye (dryness, irritation, swelling) or the bleeding has recurred.

Harmless medications that can be used after hemorrhage in the eye, provided there is no eye disease:

  • Visine (relieves swelling and redness of the eyes);
  • Taufon (has a regenerating effect);
  • Emoxipin (resolves hemorrhages, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation),
  • Ascorutin (replenishes the lack of vitamins C and P, eliminates vascular permeability and fragility;
  • Hyphenosis (has a softening and lubricating effect, relieves dryness and irritation).

Medicines that will help with bleeding in the eye

The use of any of the above remedies is possible only after consulting a doctor! Under no circumstances should you choose medicinal eye drops on your own; this can lead to the development of unpleasant side effects.

If hemorrhage reappears, you need to consult a doctor, identify the cause and direct all efforts to eliminate it. If this is not a consequence of a serious illness, then the prognosis is quite favorable; most likely, this will not happen again.

  • If a vessel in the eye bursts during physical activity, then you should allow the body to relax and fully rest. For some time, it is better to give up training altogether or reduce its intensity.
  • If it is not possible to be away from the computer completely for a couple of weeks (if this is your main job), you need to organize a break every half hour, including a walk around the office, simple exercises and eye exercises.
  • If you notice burst blood vessels after “parties”, you will have to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes.
  • Protect your eyes from strong wind, sun and dust with sunglasses, and ventilate the room. If necessary, purchase an air humidifier or place bowls of water in stuffy and dry rooms.
  • To stimulate blood microcirculation in the venous network of the eye, you can wash your face with cool, clean water several times a day. Make sure your eyeballs don't get too cold.

After a blood vessel ruptures in the eye, you should not:

  1. Instill vasoconstrictor drugs into the eyes. They not only do not help, but can cause great harm in the current situation;
  2. Place cotton pads soaked in strong tea leaves over your eyes. This very popular folk remedy for all eye diseases will not eliminate inflammation, but will aggravate the condition of the fundus.
  3. Touch, rub, scratch your eyes, especially with dirty hands.
  4. Doctors do not recommend using any medications on your own without consulting an ophthalmologist to prevent complications.

If you do not notice a direct connection between the burst vessel and the above possible causes, consult an ophthalmologist. Diagnostic measures will help to establish the true cause of what is happening and determine the course of treatment (therapy will be individual depending on the cause of the problem).

Preventive measures

Prevention of pathologies of the venous-vascular network of the eye is aimed at eliminating possible causes of its deformation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels:

  • taking vitamin-mineral complexes, increasing the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, especially paying attention to citrus fruits and bell peppers (they contain rutin and vitamin C);
  • quitting smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, reducing the consumption of strong coffee and tea;
  • get enough sleep, follow a daily routine;
  • avoid excessive physical activity, do not lift heavy objects alone;
  • do not overload your eyes - alternate working at the computer with exercises and visual exercises, read only in a well-lit room, watching TV should be limited;
  • if you have dry eye syndrome, you should not neglect your doctor’s prescriptions, regularly drip artificial tears;
  • Be careful, protect your eyes from dryness, direct sunlight, wind, dust and injury.

To prevent any eye diseases, regularly visit your local ophthalmologist to have your vision examined. Any pathology is easily curable in the initial stages, when a symptomatic picture is not yet observed. And some diseases may not manifest themselves at all until severe damage occurs.

Waking up in the morning and looking at himself in the mirror, a person may be frightened by the changes that have occurred in his eye overnight, and all because a vessel in his eye has burst. This may be a very small hemorrhage in the form of a red spot, or the entire visible surface of the eye around the pupil may turn red.

Such a sight will frighten anyone in the morning. He won’t even immediately think about the reasons for this phenomenon and what consequences it threatens him with. The aesthetic side of the issue will be of primary importance in his thoughts. How can you go to work or even go outside with such an eye, if you are even scared to look at it?

And only after a person stops “twitching” at the sight of how badly a vessel in the eye burst, he wonders why this could have happened.

Causes of the phenomenon

Many factors can trigger this phenomenon, such as:

  • Vessels are too fragile.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Diseases that affect blood vessels, their elasticity and strength. Such diseases include other endocrine pathologies, as well.
  • High strain on the eyes. For example, this happens when working at a computer for a long time.
  • Alcohol abuse or visiting the sauna. This does not mean that you cannot go to the sauna at all. It’s just that sometimes it can contribute to the rupture of a blood vessel in the eye.
  • Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. The impact of such changes is possible only when a person is too sensitive to weather changes and these changes negatively affect his well-being.

If the reasons for the bursting of a vessel are eye strain, a sauna, alcohol or a change in weather, then you should not worry too much about the consequences of the phenomenon. It will go away on its own over time and may not appear again at all. Or it will appear, but again for some frivolous reason and in the distant future.

However, if the vessel bursts due to any of the diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor. This will not create any problems for the eye, but there are blood vessels throughout the human body. If they are so fragile that they can burst at any moment, where is the guarantee that next time this will happen in the eye and not in some other organ? Internal hemorrhage is much more dangerous than a small hemorrhage in the outer lining of the eyeball.

What to do if a blood vessel bursts?

If it bursts due to health problems, as already mentioned, a person should definitely go to the doctor and consult with him about the necessary treatment. The cause of the hemorrhage will be eliminated - the vessels will no longer burst.

If a vessel bursts due to overwork, you just need to put less strain on your eyes while working on the computer so that this doesn’t happen again. No treatment is required here. Usually the hemorrhage goes away on its own within a few days. The speed of its disappearance is individual for each person and depends on how quickly the hematomas dissolve in his body. For some people this happens within 3-5 days, while for others it can take 2 to 3 weeks.

What remedies will help?

You can speed up the resorption process and strengthen your blood vessels by using ascorbic acid or the drug “Ascorutin”, which restores and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. These drugs are harmless and are needed by any person, so they can be used even without a doctor’s prescription. More serious medications can only be taken as prescribed.

Some people consider only treatment using traditional medicine methods to be correct. This is not to say that these methods are bad and do not help. Many of them have an excellent effect on the human body and promote rapid recovery if these methods are used together with medications, and sometimes even without them. However, people do not always know for which diseases this or that treatment can be used, and for which it is contraindicated. Therefore, often from such self-medication a person only gets unnecessary problems.

For example, it is believed that if a person’s eye hurts and he has a hemorrhage, then it will help him well rinsing eyes with tea. Strange as it may sound, tea helps very well with conjunctivitis and relieves the inflammatory process, as many people know, but with hemorrhage, attempts to wash the eye with tea only lead to infection and the appearance of the same conjunctivitis. At the same time, tea does not at all contribute to the rapid resorption of the hematoma.

Sometimes, seeing a familiar person with a red eye, his friends do him a “disservice” by advising him to use drops to constrict blood vessels. In this case, the drops will not help, but they will cause spots to appear on the eyeball.

Safe eye prophylaxis

As already mentioned, the rupture of a blood vessel as a result of damage due to some kind of disease should make a person think about visiting a doctor, since if a blood vessel bursts once, it can burst again and in more dangerous places. If these are other reasons, then they can be avoided by simple preventive measures. These measures should include:

Related Issues

Hemorrhages are dangerous for vision!

A rupture of a vessel on the surface of the eye does not affect a person's vision in any way, but hemorrhage inside the eye can lead to a serious decrease in vision. And if it happens, then the person needs to be examined by a doctor and treated for the identified diseases that cause such disorders.

Broken capillary under the eye

There are also similar cases when a person in the morning, looking at himself in the mirror, suddenly discovers a hematoma. It looks like this person was hit in the eye area during a fight. Many people with such appearance are ashamed to even go out into the street. If it’s just a red eye, then at least it’s clear why it happened, but a black eye under the eye doesn’t look good on anyone.

If a hematoma appears under the eye, you need to check whether it is an insect bite. After all, the area under the eyes is very delicate and such a bite can cause serious swelling and hemorrhage. If there is no bite, then the person should be checked by a doctor for the possibility of developing hypertension, because such hemorrhages, as a rule, appear due to high blood pressure.

Hematoma on the eyelid

The same can be said about a case in which a vessel on the eyelid burst and a hematoma occurred. Most likely, these are the consequences of high blood pressure. In addition to combating pressure, you can use absorbable ointments to quickly disappear the hematoma.


If hemorrhage appears on the outer shell of the eye, it happens for the first time and does not recur or does not recur very soon, you can not pay attention to it.

In the case of regular hematomas, you should definitely seek help from a clinic, since a red eye is not only unsightly, but also very dangerous for human health.

Video: ophthalmologist talks about bursting eye capillaries

Video: about the problem of constantly red eyes

The human eye is a complex self-regulating system that allows a person to see the world around him. Since we receive 90% of information through the ability to see, it is recommended not to trigger eye diseases. Ruptures of an eye vessel are one of the most common problems in ophthalmology; from the outside they look like a red thread or spot. In this article we will try to figure out why a blood vessel burst in the eye, what to do, and why this phenomenon is dangerous.


There is no such person who would not encounter redness in the eyeball. This condition is painless and usually does not cause additional problems. But behind this phenomenon a serious illness may be hiding. Therefore, it is advisable to know exactly why the vessel under the eye burst.

At a young age, eye injury is the most common cause of burst blood vessels in the eye. In addition, blood vessels burst after aggressive physical activity, visiting a bathhouse, long airplane flights, working for many hours at the computer, or sitting by the fire.

These causes are considered safe, and the hemorrhage of the eyeball caused by them generally does not require special treatment.

Rest is enough for the burst vessel in the eyeball to return to normal in 2-3 days.

Along with neutral factors why a vessel under the eye burst, there are also chronic diseases that can provoke the formation of red blood vessels in the eyeball:

Diseases Description
Arterial hypertension With high blood pressure, burst capillaries in the eyes are not a rare phenomenon, this occurs due to the fact that the vessels of the eyeball are filled with a large volume of blood and burst; hypertensive patients are also characterized by frequent nosebleeds. But experts are sure that a burst vessel in the eye of a hypertensive patient is more good than bad. Because the retina of the eye does not suffer from hemorrhages associated with high blood pressure, which cannot be said about the brain. Therefore, a red eye with high blood pressure serves as a harmless warning signal that pathological abnormalities are occurring in the body.
Diabetes mellitus This pathology causes the formation of microangiopathy, which contributes to vessel rupture. The increased level of glucose in the blood, characteristic of diabetics, negatively affects the strength of blood vessels, they become less elastic, which means the risk of their rupture increases. Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus is manifested by deterioration of vision. Redness of the blood vessels in the eyeball appears even with minor stress. If a diabetic has burst capillaries in his eye, what should he do? Urgently make an appointment with an endocrinologist.
Conjunctivitis With this inflammatory process, blood vessels burst as it affects the transparent film of the eye, the patient is bothered by burning and itching.
Increased intraocular pressure With this pathology, blood circulation in the vessels of the eyeball aggressively affects the vascular walls, causing ruptures.

Other symptoms of red blood vessels in the eyeball:

  • neurosis
  • neoplasms in the brain
  • endocrine system diseases
  • migraine attacks
  • elevated body temperature

Emergency situations when you should immediately contact a specialist - if there is a clear cause of damage (trauma, a foreign object in the eye), if there is a sudden deterioration in vision, burst vessels in the child’s eye, the hematoma is large, if the redness does not go away within two weeks, migraine attacks occur.

Symptoms of vessel hemorrhage

The main manifestation if a vessel bursts is redness of the eye under which the rupture occurred. This is the main factor why a person seeks medical help. The hemorrhage can be pinpoint or can fill the entire eyeball.

Signs of vascular rupture:

Signs Characteristic
Retinal hemorrhage The most dangerous option. The retina is responsible for human visual function, and if a vessel in the eye bursts, the consequence can be blindness. The cause of the symptom is arterial hypertension, diseases of the endocrine system. It is characterized by the following manifestations: blurred visibility, black ripples in the eyes, the appearance of blind spots. Diagnosed after a professional examination of the fundus.
Hemorrhage into the orbit The cause of formation is eye injury. If for this reason there is redness of the vessels in the eyeball, the patient complains of unbearable pain, the injured eye is motionless, the objects the victim is looking at split into two.
Hemorrhage into the vitreous fundus The vitreous fundus is responsible for the passage of light rays that are focused on the retina. Due to decreased transparency, vision dysfunction occurs. The cause is severe eye injury.
Hemorrhage into the anterior chamber The culprits are glaucoma and eye damage. Blood accumulates at the bottom of the eyeball and can be seen without special devices. The bloody formation resolves on its own within about 10 days; if this does not happen, surgical intervention is required.
Hemorrhage in the conjunctiva The most common occurrence. Formed due to sudden jumps in blood pressure, dryness and inflammatory processes. If the blood vessels under the eye suddenly burst, what should you do? Hemorrhage under the conjunctiva occurs due to increased blood pressure; for a more accurate diagnosis, consultation with a therapist is necessary.

Self-help for redness

What to do if blood vessels in the eye burst? If a rupture of a vessel in the eyeball is caused by high blood pressure, then the redness should be treated with an antihypertensive drug prescribed by the attending physician. To strengthen the blood vessels of the eyeball, contrasting water procedures have proven themselves to be excellent. To do this, you will need two basins, pour water at room temperature into the first, and a little warmer into the second. And alternately lower the inflamed eye into them for 2 minutes. You should start and end the procedure with a container containing cool water.

Village residents, in the course of fulfilling their economic obligations, often face the problem of a foreign body getting into the eye. Using a clean cloth, carefully remove the item. After the foreign body is removed, you need to make several circular movements clockwise and then rinse the eye with water. Metal shavings can be removed using a magnet or a damp cloth.

If you can’t get rid of the speck on your own, contact a specialist.

If a capillary in the eye has burst, the situation can be corrected with black tea. Soak cotton balls in warm tea leaves a day old, squeeze out and place on the eyelid. Keep the discs for about 2 minutes. Perform the procedure 2 times a day. This procedure is contraindicated in inflammatory processes caused by infection.

Drug therapy

Vessels in the eye have burst, what should I do? Therapy for a broken capillary is aimed at eliminating pain symptoms and treating the root cause of the rupture. When redness of the blood vessels in the eyeball is caused by harmless factors, prolonged sleep helps. To quickly eliminate hemorrhage, itching and burning, eye drops are used. They are an indispensable assistant for people who spend most of their time in front of a computer monitor. These include:

Drugs Application
Tauof The drug speeds up the recovery process. Quick help if a vessel in the eye bursts due to overwork. The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, drop one drop 3 times a day.
Hyphenation Indications for use: dryness, micro injuries, conjunctivitis.
Visine A couple of drops of the product eliminates the feeling of discomfort for a fairly long period of time. Indications: eye hemorrhage caused by increased blood pressure, high temperature, and prolonged exposure to a computer monitor. It is not recommended to use drops for more than four days.
Emoxipin A medication to eliminate hemorrhages in the eyeball.

If blood vessels in the eye have burst due to an inflammatory process associated with an infection, the following eye drops with an antibacterial effect will help:

  • Phloxal;
  • tobrex;
  • sodium sulfacyl;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • albucid;
  • oftaquix.

If there is hemorrhage in the eyeball, the help of an ophthalmologist is required. It is also necessary to establish the root cause that led to the rupture of blood vessels. And undergo complex therapy for the treatment of the disease, prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication can contribute to irreversible consequences.

Preventive measures

To prevent a blood vessel from bursting in the eye, the following recommendations from specialists will help:

  • Simple eye exercises are carried out throughout the day. Be sure to switch attention from processes that put a lot of strain on your vision once every half hour, giving your eyes a rest.
  • To avoid damage to vision, experts recommend staying at a safe distance when watching TV or working at the computer. Reading magazines, newspapers and books should be done in good lighting.
  • Monitoring blood pressure indicators.
  • Eliminate drinks and foods from your diet that cause an increase in blood pressure.
  • Don’t forget to ventilate smoky rooms and add humidification to rooms with dry air.
  • Avoid direct exposure of ultraviolet radiation to the eyes. Remove contact lenses while sleeping, do not use cheap cosmetics. Care for sensitive eyes.
  • A balanced diet rich in vitamins A, greens, fruits, raw vegetables and dietary supplements.

Regardless of what caused the blood vessels in the eyeball to burst, you should visit a doctor and undergo a full examination. Because preventing an incipient disease is much easier than fighting its advanced form. Simple measures will help avoid irreversible consequences.