After fungus there was a hole left in the navel. Umbilical fungus (granuloma) in newborns: causes, treatment and consequences

Newborns are a population group whose health must be carefully protected. For this purpose, doctors observe newly born children in a specialized medical institution (perinatal centers), and then provide patronage during the first month of life. At the slightest symptoms of the disease, newborns are hospitalized in a hospital. This proves that not only the baby’s parents are interested in his health, but it is also protected by the state. The most common diseases in the first days and weeks of a child’s life are umbilical fungus and omphalitis. They can be diagnosed in the maternity hospital. Most often they are discovered during the first month of life.

What is umbilical fungus?

Umbilical fungus is common in newborns. This disease is common throughout the world among both boys and girls. It is usually noticed by parents when they bathe the baby and treat the umbilical cord. The high incidence of this part of the body in newborns is due to the fact that this place connected mother and child for a long time and contributed to nutrition. In the first minutes of life, the umbilical cord is cut, leaving a stump in its place. Normally, it dries quickly and falls off. But in some cases, the wound takes a long time to heal because it becomes infected. Umbilical fungus is a proliferation of granulation tissue. It develops as often as omphalitis. In some cases, granulations can become infected. This occurs due to the penetration of bacteria into the tissue. Then complications of the disease are possible.

Fungus of the navel in newborns: causes of appearance

The proliferation of granulation tissue is not an infectious process. Rather, it is considered an individual adaptive feature of the organism. There are no specific reasons for the development of fungus. The proliferation of granulations is most often associated with a wide umbilical ring in a baby. After the stump falls away, the free space begins to be filled with fungus. Another reason for its appearance may be a wide umbilical cord. Both of these factors do not relate to pathological conditions, but are characteristics of the body. However, the proliferation of granulation tissue itself is not considered normal. Therefore, navel fungus must be treated. Despite the fact that this disease is considered harmless, its complications are dangerous for the baby’s health.

How does umbilical fungus develop?

The development of fungus means the appearance of excess granulation tissue, which begins its growth from the umbilical cord. Predisposing factors include the newborn's high body weight and prematurity. The main reason is a wide umbilical ring. The development of granulation begins after the stump has fallen off. Normally, the umbilical cord remnant falls off quickly. When fungus develops, a small part of it remains. This unhealed cord remnant gives rise to granulation tissue that begins to fill the ring. The process can stop on its own without affecting the baby’s condition. However, this does not always happen. In some cases, granulations completely fill the umbilical ring and begin to extend beyond its limits. This not only leads to a cosmetic defect, but also poses a danger. When an infection occurs, inflammation of the umbilical ring develops - omphalitis. As a result, bacteria can enter the arterial blood and cause sepsis.

Symptoms of navel fungus

The clinical picture of umbilical fungus depends on the degree of proliferation of granulations. At the initial stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. Only a slight increase in the umbilical remnant inside the ring is noticeable. With further growth of granulation tissue, tumor formation is observed. First it fills the umbilical ring and then extends beyond it. As a result, a classic example of fungus is observed - mushroom-like growth of granulations. The formation originates in the umbilical ring and can occupy a significant surface of the anterior abdominal wall. Apart from this symptom, the clinical picture of fungus is weak. In rare cases, there may be an increase in body temperature and a slight deterioration in condition. In newborns, these symptoms are expressed in tearfulness when processing the navel, poor sleep, and refusal to breastfeed. These manifestations should alert parents, as they are often observed during the development of omphalitis.

Diagnosis of fungus in newborns

Fungus is often confused with other diseases of the umbilical wound. Among them are catarrhal and purulent omphalitis, hernial protrusion, lipoma. When making a diagnosis, it is important to conduct a thorough interview with the baby’s parents. It is necessary to find out how long ago the proliferation of granulation tissue began, whether the fungus is increasing in size, how the child reacts to bathing and treatment of the umbilical area. It is also important to check for other symptoms. A sharp deterioration in the child’s condition often indicates complications that have developed against the background of fungus. If inflammation develops in the umbilical wound, then the following symptoms appear:

  1. The appearance of serous or purulent discharge.
  2. Hyperemia and edema.
  3. Pain when pressing on the fungus area. It is expressed by crying, sudden movement of the baby.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Breast refusal.

These symptoms are dangerous for newborns. If they appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Laboratory tests are performed in the hospital. With uncomplicated fungus, no changes are observed in the CBC and TAM. If there are inflammatory phenomena (leukocytosis, accelerated ESR), this means that omphalitis has developed. In this case, discharge from the umbilical wound is taken for analysis in order to identify the causative agent of inflammation and prescribe treatment. In some cases, fungus can be confused with other formations. If the doctor has doubts, the abdomen is performed. Most often, the doctor quickly diagnoses navel fungus in newborns. Photos of this pathology are posted in the specialized medical literature on neonatology. However, parents should not draw conclusions on their own. If granulations appear, you should consult a doctor.

Navel fungus in a newborn: how to treat the disease?

The choice of fungus treatment method depends on the size of the formation and the general condition of the baby. For small granulations that do not tend to grow, observation is recommended. If the fungus increases, then it is necessary to get rid of it. In most cases, for this purpose, granulations are cauterized with nitrogen and silver lapis. If there is navel fungus in newborns, treatment (surgery) is carried out in the pediatric surgery department. The child must be hospitalized and examined before the intervention. The operation consists of removing granulation tissue and washing the umbilical ring with antibiotic solutions.

Prevention of fungus in newborns

Navel fungus cannot be predicted in advance, since its appearance depends on individual characteristics. However, it is possible to prevent the inflammatory changes that develop against its background. To do this, you need to monitor the baby’s condition, bathe the newborn daily and treat the umbilical wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. In case of inflammatory phenomena, you should consult a doctor.

Complications and prognosis of the disease

A complication of fungus is omphalitis. Inflammation of the umbilical wound is very dangerous, as it is one of the main causes of sepsis. In the absence of complications, fungus is not a serious pathology and usually does not affect the baby’s condition. However, if granulations grow rapidly, the formation must be removed.

Often, due to improper care of the wound during healing, negative phenomena occur with the umbilical cord remnant, for example, bleeding or infection. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor and care for the wound, observing hygiene standards.

Umbilical fungus is often found in newborns. It is an inflammation of granulation tissue (in the form of a small blister) in the area of ​​the umbilical fossa. The swelling is pinkish in color, diameter ranges from 2-6 mm. All children are susceptible to this disease, regardless of gender. From a medical point of view, such inflammation is not a serious threat to the baby’s life, but it does cause him some discomfort.

Children with low immunity may experience a slight increase in temperature

Causes of navel fungus

At the moment, no scientifically confirmed reasons for the appearance of navel fungus have been found.

Under equal conditions, one baby has fungus, and the other does not. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty what exactly caused its formation, but there are some factors that can influence the formation of granuloma:

  • Large umbilical ring. After separation of the umbilical cord stump, a lot of space remains, which is covered by granulation tissue.
  • Prematurity or high weight. Both conditions are at risk for developing fungus. It is important to maintain proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system.
  • Omphalitis (inflammation of the navel). Occurs when any infection (usually staphylococcal) gets into the navel wound. The disease can be both the cause of fungus and its consequence.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you find the previously described external anomalies in a child, you should immediately seek advice from an experienced specialist. Diagnosing the disease yourself can be problematic, since visually umbilical granuloma is a bit reminiscent of other diseases, for example, umbilical fistula. It, unlike fungus, is a serious pathology that causes complications, and therefore requires immediate surgery.

The doctor prescribes treatment for navel fungus depending on the stage of its development. In mild form (up to 3 mm), it can be treated at home, which does not require surgical intervention.

  • Treatment of the umbilical area. After bathing, apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the wound, dry it and treat it with any antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green or potassium permanganate). The procedure should be carried out daily for 7-10 days.
  • Antibiotics. The doctor prescribes antibiotics in the form of a solution or ointment for an elevated temperature in a child. Take according to instructions.
  • Folk method. Many doctors are of the opinion that salt treatment can be quite effective, but the process itself is a little painful for the child. The essence of the method: pour a little salt into the wound, leave it for half an hour and then wash it off.

During treatment, due attention should be paid to prevention so as not to introduce infection into the wound. To do this, you need to regularly wet clean the room, wash your child’s toys and iron his clothes.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; it is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and then in the near future your baby will get better and get rid of the unwanted illness forever.

ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be 100% reliable. No need to self-medicate!

Navel diseases in newborns

The umbilical cord separates and falls off around the end of the first week of life. Sometimes a sticky discharge appears in the area, which may be a sign of infection. A smear will help determine whether your belly button needs antibiotic treatment. As long as the baby feels good and looks healthy, the main thing is to keep the navel area clean and dry, otherwise diseases in the navel area may occur.

What diseases of the navel exist in newborns?

The cause of navel diseases has not yet been fully elucidated. It is only known that there is a delay in the closure of the umbilical ring by the transverse fascia of the abdomen. Under the healed navel, for a certain time, there remains an empty space (previously it was filled with blood vessels).

Umbilical cord hernia

This is a pathology in which protrusion of the abdominal organs occurs through an existing defect in the anterior abdominal wall in the area of ​​the ring.

Skin umbilicus in newborns

This is the transition of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall to the sheath of the umbilical cord; a skin growth of 1 - 1.5 cm in size remains.

No treatment required.

A granuloma is a small red area of ​​scar tissue that sometimes forms after the umbilical cord is separated. If it does not go away, cauterization with silver nitrate is used. This is a painless procedure because the scar tissue does not contain nerve fibers, and the doctor uses a jelly-like lubricant to protect the surrounding skin.

Seen frequently. Appears after the wound has healed. A hernial protrusion is formed by screaming and straining; it is usually easily reduced, and the enlarged umbilical ring can be felt.

Treatment of navel disease is conservative:

  • abdominal massage,
  • free swaddling that does not restrict movements,
  • placing the baby on his stomach before feeding for 5-10 minutes;
  • It is advisable to prevent the child’s screams.

Sometimes a pressure bandage or adhesive patch is applied to the navel area; the latter can macerate the skin, so it is used as rarely as possible and for a short period of time.

The need for surgical treatment of this navel disease occurs extremely rarely. They differentiate from a congenital hernia of the cord (detected at birth) and a cutaneous navel, which is a congenital developmental anomaly (the skin from the abdominal wall passes to the umbilical cord, after falling off, which remains a stump protruding above the surface of the abdomen).

Omphalitis in newborns

Omphalitis is inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area. Infection can occur immediately after the birth of the child during the first toilet and later, after the umbilical cord has fallen off, when the wound has not yet become covered with epithelium, especially if the umbilical wound is poorly cared for. Omphalitis begins in the 2nd – 3rd week of a child’s life. The skin around the navel turns red, swollen and tense. Usually the wound is covered with a purulent crust, with granulation at its bottom. The child is restless.

With a pronounced picture of navel disease:

  1. The temperature rises, the child stops gaining weight or loses weight, and begins to spit up.
  2. In some cases, discharge from the navel becomes purulent. Pus accumulates in the folds of the developing navel. In such cases, they speak of umbilical pyorrhea.
  3. Prolonged healing of a suppurating umbilical wound can lead to a navel ulcer. This is a round or oval tissue defect with undermined and infiltrated edges. The bottom of the ulcer is covered with purulent plaque.

It is much more serious when inflammation develops at the bottom of the wound, the umbilical ring, the subcutaneous fat around the ring, and the umbilical vessels. The disease begins in the 2nd week of life with symptoms of catarrhal omphalitis, when after a few days purulent discharge from the wound appears - umbilical pyorrhea, swelling, hyperemia of the umbilical ring, subcutaneous fatty tissue thickens, infiltration occurs, and the navel bulges above the surface of the anterior abdominal wall.

The skin around the navel turns red and is hot to the touch. The vessels of the anterior abdominal wall dilate, red stripes characteristic of adjoining lymphangitis, dilated superficial veins appear, and upon palpation, signs of damage to the umbilical vessels - veins and arteries - are determined. The child's condition quickly deteriorates, lethargy, breast refusal, regurgitation appear, and he begins to lose weight. Body temperature may be elevated to febrile.

In this case, the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children is carried out according to the following scheme: daily washing of the umbilical wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, followed by treatment with a 1% alcohol solution of brilliant green, a solution of potassium permanganate or 70% alcohol.

Catarrhal omphalitis in newborns

Catarrhal omphalitis (weeping navel) is catarrhal or purulent inflammation of the umbilical area. Usually the wound is covered with epithelium before the 14th day of life. With inflammation, epithelization is delayed, the ring becomes swollen and hyperemic.

Symptoms of navel disease:

Serous-purulent discharge appears in the umbilical wound. Sometimes the process spreads to the skin and blood vessels surrounding the wound, which become thickened and palpable in the form of cords. The umbilical area bulges somewhat. These symptoms may be accompanied by a disturbance in the general condition of the child, an increase in body temperature, a flattening of the curve of body weight gain and the appearance of signs of an inflammatory reaction in the peripheral blood.

When inflammation spreads through the umbilical vessels, thrombosis of the umbilical veins and generalization of the process (umbilical sepsis) are possible. Omphalitis can result in the development of phlegmon of the abdominal wall and peritonitis. In the presence of discharge from the wound and prolonged detachment of the umbilical cord, especially in children with a large body weight, mushroom-shaped granulations - umbilical fungus - may appear at the bottom of the wound.

Treatment of omphalitis in children

Daily treatment of the umbilical wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide followed by drying:

  • 70% ethyl alcohol,
  • 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green,
  • or 3 - 5% potassium permanganate solution.

Zinc hyaluronate (curiosin) has a good effect, including with purulent discharge.

The navel fungus is cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate.

If the general condition is disturbed and there is a threat of generalization of the infectious process, especially in premature and weakened children, antibiotic therapy, infusions of glucose solutions, plasma, and Ig administration are indicated.

Purulent omphalitis in newborns

Purulent omphalitis is a bacterial inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound, ring, and blood vessels. Develops at the end of the first week after birth. The discharge is serous-purulent or purulent. The general condition of the children is disturbed. The main symptoms of navel disease: the temperature rises, the blood test changes (the number of leukocytes increases, the ESR increases).

Treatment of skin diseases is carried out in a hospital. Antibiotics, a course of immunotherapy, and physiotherapy should be prescribed in a timely manner.

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Umbilical fungus (granuloma) in newborns: causes, treatment and consequences

The birth of a child is a touching and exciting moment, which can be overshadowed by such an unpleasant and dangerous inflammatory process as navel fungus. Before cutting the umbilical cord (it does not matter who will do it: the doctor or the father present at the birth), a special plastic clamp is placed on it to prevent bleeding. In the future, new parents need to properly care for the umbilical wound, otherwise dirt, dust, and infection will lead to various diseases. Thus, navel fungus in newborns cannot be treated at home and requires immediate medical attention.

What is umbilical fungus?

Fungus (or granuloma) of the umbilicus is the growth and inflammation of granulation tissue at the bottom of the umbilical fossa. Outwardly it resembles a mushroom - a dense cap on a thick base. Such a compaction can form either immediately after the umbilical cord has fallen off, or after several days, weeks, or months. The inflammatory process occurs differently for everyone, so it is important to monitor the baby’s navel throughout the entire stage of its healing. In addition, fungus can have different sizes from a millimeter to a centimeter. To prevent such an illness from taking young parents by surprise, it is worth taking care in advance of high-quality and proper care for the baby. If you are unfamiliar and inexperienced, it is better to consult a doctor or at least experienced mothers.

Reasons for appearance

Granuloma is not considered an infectious disease and can form due to an umbilical ring that is too wide. Of course, improper treatment of the wound after cutting the umbilical cord can also cause complications in the form of fungus, but such cases are less common. Basically, the disease is equated with the individual characteristics of the body, adaptation to the environment, and in some newborns it is even a kind of defensive reaction.

Symptoms: how does fungus manifest?

Inflammation of granulation tissue mainly manifests itself externally and is not accompanied by any symptoms. Parents can only notice a seemingly insignificant increase and inflammation of the umbilical remnant inside the ring. However, in advanced cases, the tumor-like formation has already spread over the entire surface of the anterior abdominal wall. Naturally, the newborn will feel discomfort in such cases, so tearfulness, poor sleep, and refusal of breast milk should alert the mother. Weak children may sometimes experience a high temperature.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the disease is incorrectly diagnosed, then treatment may not only bring no benefit or result, but, on the contrary, cause harm. Among the dangerous ailments similar to fungus, one can distinguish such as hernial protrusion, catarrhal and purulent omphalitis, lipoma, etc. Let's consider some of them in more detail:

  1. Umbilical cord hernia. The abdominal organs are intertwined with the umbilical cord. The liver and intestinal loops may even be located in its membranes. In this case, home treatment is impossible; surgical intervention is necessary.
  2. Skin navel. The umbilical remnant becomes overgrown with skin, which eventually wrinkles and protrudes on the abdomen. Doctors call this a cosmetic defect and, accordingly, correct it with cosmetic surgery.
  3. Omphalitis. An infection gets into the umbilical wound, resulting in bacterial inflammation of both the navel itself and the skin and blood vessels around it.

If any changes are detected in the child’s navel, parents should urgently seek help from a doctor.

Types of omphalitis

Omphalitis, in turn, is divided into several varieties. When diagnosing, the doctor will first ask the parents about the nature and course of the disease. Forms of omphalitis:

  • Weeping navel. It manifests itself as external discomfort; the child does not experience inflammation or fever. The umbilical wound does not heal due to the fact that pus and clear liquid are constantly secreted. Irritation appears on the tummy, and dried crusts painfully fall off over time. As a result, bleeding ulcers appear in their place, and fungus appears at the bottom of the umbilical wound.
  • Phlegmon of the navel. A weeping and purulent navel is protruded and has pronounced swelling and redness of the skin, while inflamed veins, lymph nodes and arteries are visible. The newborn suffers from fever, nausea, constantly spits up and cannot or does not want to eat. If the disease is ignored, the infection can spread to the groin and axillary area.
  • Necrosis of the navel. Children with weakened immune systems may develop peritonitis, a deep infection accompanied by inflammation of the abdominal wall.
  • Umbilical sepsis. The infection penetrates the baby's blood and organs. This is the most severe and dangerous form of the disease, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Additional symptoms indicate the presence of serious inflammation in the umbilical wound:

  • serous or purulent discharge;
  • redness and swelling;
  • pain and discomfort in the navel area;
  • heat;
  • lack of appetite.

When an inflammatory process occurs in the navel, the child feels pain, while he is capricious and even refuses to eat

Taking tests

At the slightest suspicion of fungus, it is important to immediately seek medical help and undergo all the necessary tests to identify the causative agent of the disease. So, if inflammatory processes are present, be it leukocytosis or accelerated ESR, then most likely the baby has omphalitis. For an accurate diagnosis, fluid or pus released from the umbilical wound is taken for analysis. In difficult cases, an ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the abdomen may be additionally prescribed.

It happens that parents themselves try to determine the type of granulations that have appeared from photos in medical reference books on neonatology. Doing this is strictly prohibited, because improper treatment can only worsen the disease.

Treatment of the disease

If a navel granuloma in a newborn was noticed on time, then no traces should remain after treatment. Thus, without surgical intervention, a pediatrician may prescribe cauterization of the umbilical wound with a lapis stick, treatment with hydrogen peroxide (brilliant green, chlorophyllipt, etc.) or the use of antibiotics, the use of ointments, creams, and gels to eliminate the problem. In any case, treatment and preventive work should be prescribed individually, because children at such a tender young age are very sensitive to external factors, and some medications can simply cause allergies, rashes or even asthma.

Careful care

Treatment of the umbilical wound usually occurs after bathing, when the baby is clean, fresh and in a good mood. All procedures should be carried out at least 1-2 times a day, and depending on the severity of inflammation - even more often. Thus, the use of hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green in alcohol or alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt is effective, depending on the characteristics of the child’s body and the doctor’s instructions.

Immediately after the umbilical cord fell off, an incomprehensible lump formed. At first, I didn’t attach much importance to it, but after a few days a clear liquid began to be released. Luckily, we consulted a doctor in time, and in the end we got off with a slight fright, antibiotics and brilliant green.

What did you have?

We cured fungus with celandine juice. Before this, on the doctor’s recommendation, I burned it with iodine for three weeks, but in the end it only burned healthy skin, but the celandine was gone in two days!

The child is 3 years old, in the hospital they have been cauterizing fungus with quartz for a week, the skin around the navel has been burned, tell me, is this how it should be or is it all wrong? Doctors can’t really explain anything and don’t really cure anything, they just use quartz!

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.

Fungus navel

Immediately after birth, before cutting the umbilical cord, a plastic clamp is placed on it to prevent bleeding. In the first days, the umbilical cord usually swells and becomes gelatinous, then it begins to dry out, wrinkles and falls off within 1-2 weeks. All this time, the umbilical wound must be carefully looked after. Its infection and inflammation, although in rare cases, can lead to the formation of granuloma, or umbilical fungus. Such a turn of events necessarily requires medical intervention and treatment.

The name “fungus” comes from the Latin “mushroom”, since its shape resembles a round, dense mushroom cap on a thick base. The pale pink surface consists of dense tissue - granulations, hence another name - navel granuloma. These terms refer to the growth of granulation tissue at the bottom of the umbilical fossa. This sometimes happens soon after the umbilical cord falls off, when the hole becomes inflamed due to infection. In rare cases, this can happen several months after the umbilical cord falls off. Fungus can be either tiny, the size of a match head, or quite noticeable - several millimeters in size.

Usually, navel granuloma in newborns does not cause any defects, not even cosmetic ones. But for this, the child’s navel granuloma must be treated. Pediatricians most often refer this problem to a pediatric surgeon, although surgery is required only in very rare cases. Under the supervision of a doctor, the granuloma is cauterized once a day with a lapis stick, after bathing it is treated with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, chlorophyllipt solution, brilliant green, etc. and as prescribed by doctors, antibiotics are used in the form of sprays, ointments, creams, and solutions. In this case, you need to ensure that the granulosa tissue itself is not damaged due to friction of diapers and diapers.

As a rule, the umbilical wound heals within a day of life. Throughout this period, she must be looked after very carefully.

To prevent infection and speed up the drying of the remaining umbilical cord, lubricate it 3 times a day with alcohol or another antiseptic recommended by your doctor. When the umbilical cord falls off, you can see a few drops of blood in its place. Don't worry: this is how it should be. Continue to lubricate the umbilical wound with an antiseptic for a few more days. A sign of infection is a red, hot, and swollen spot about the size of a dime around the base of the belly button. For any type of inflammation of the umbilical wound, be it fungus or suppuration with a putrid odor, you must definitely consult a doctor so that he can prescribe treatment.

Umbilical fungus in newborns: causes and treatment

Fungus of the navel of a newborn is a fairly common disease. The disease is common throughout the world in children of both sexes.

As a rule, this pathology is detected by the parents themselves during the process of bathing the baby and treating the remaining umbilical cord.

Already in the first minutes after birth, the umbilical cord, which throughout the pregnancy connected the mother with the child and contributed to the child’s nutrition, is cut off, and in its place there remains a stump, which under normal conditions quickly dries out and falls off. However, despite this, in certain situations an infection gets into the navel, and the wound takes a long time to heal.

Umbilical fungus, in medical terms, is nothing more than the proliferation of granulation tissue. Quite often it develops in the form of omphalitis. When bacteria are introduced into the specified tissue, i.e. as a result of infection of granulations, with a certain degree of probability, complications of this disease can be expected.

Causes and signs of navel fungus in newborns

It’s worth saying right away that no reliably established causes of umbilical fungus in newborns have been identified to date.

The proliferation of granulations in itself is not an infectious process, but rather relates to the personal adaptive characteristics of a growing organism.

The beginning of the growth of granulation tissue is usually associated with the presence in the baby of such a physiological variant of the norm as a wide umbilical ring. Accordingly, a wide umbilical cord can cause the development of the described condition. After the process of separating the umbilical cord stump is completed, the resulting free space begins to be filled with fungus.

Note that both factors are not classified as a pathological condition. These are bodily features. With all this, the formation of granulation tissue itself was never considered by doctors as the norm. This is still a disease that needs to be gotten rid of, despite the fact that it is considered quite harmless.

Doctors tend to include the large body weight of the newborn baby, as well as the state of prematurity, as risk factors predisposing to the development of the described disease.

As mentioned above, the development of umbilical fungus in newborns implies the appearance of excess granulation tissue, the growth of which occurs from the umbilical cord remnant: the process starts after the umbilical cord stump falls off, which normally occurs very quickly, while a small part of the unhealed umbilical cord remnant gives rise to granulation tissue, gradually filling the entire umbilical ring.

Externally, the process looks like a mushroom-shaped growth on the tissue remaining after the umbilical cord stump falls off. Such growth quickly fills the entire umbilical wound with its mass, and sometimes even extends beyond the umbilical ring.

This fact not only causes a cosmetic defect in this area, but also poses a serious danger. If any microbial agent gets into the wound at this moment, the baby will develop inflammation of the umbilical ring, known as omphalitis. In turn, the result of this process can be the penetration of bacteria into the arterial bed with the development of sepsis.

In general, in the absence of infection of the fungus, the general condition of the baby is not disturbed, signs of inflammatory changes are not detected, and the umbilical vascular bundle is not palpable. There are no changes in the blood.

It is enough to look at what navel fungus looks like in newborns in the photo to understand that this condition does not cause diagnostic difficulties:

Attentive parents very quickly notice something is wrong in the umbilical wound and turn to a specialist who can easily determine the cause of concern and prescribe the necessary treatment measures.

Sometimes fungus can be confused with prolapse of the mucous membrane of an unclosed vitelline duct or with evagination of the intestine. However, the differences here are quite significant. In particular, fungus is characterized by a pale pink color (the mucous is bright red), and its consistency is dense (as opposed to the soft-elastic mucous). The pathology under consideration differs from evagination in the speed of development: granulations appear gradually, slowly, while evagination occurs quickly, sometimes suddenly.

The essence of treating navel fungus in newborns at home

The described disease is characterized by an independent stop of the process, without affecting the condition of the baby. However, such a favorable combination of circumstances does not always occur. And given the possibility of developing unpleasant complications, we can conclude that it is not worth delaying the treatment of fungus.

In most cases, navel fungus in newborns is treated at home. Its essence boils down to two main points: it is necessary to thoroughly clean the umbilical wound every day, and the granulations should be cauterized with a 5% concentration of silver nitrate solution. The latter is also known as Lapis and can be used in pencil form.

Also, as prescribed by a medical specialist, you can use antibiotics in the form of sprays and ointments, creams or solutions. In any case, it is necessary to ensure that diapers and diapers do not damage the granulosa tissue itself.

The umbilical wound must be treated at least once a day. This is usually done after bathing the baby. First, instill 2-3 drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (or, more simply, peroxide). After this, the wound is dried with a cotton swab.

The next step is treatment with a 1% solution of brilliant green in alcohol (ordinary “brilliant green”). As an alternative to the latter, you can use a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (known as “potassium permanganate”), as well as an alcohol solution of iodine, all in the same 5% concentration.

It is worth noting that all of the above products stain the skin, which is why you may not notice the onset of inflammation in time. For these reasons, some experts recommend using 70% ethanol, alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt or other colorless antiseptics instead.

There is also a known method for treating navel fungus in a newborn using ordinary salt. On the one hand, it’s hard to believe in this right away, because pouring salt on an open wound is not a pleasant procedure. On the other hand, according to many parents, this method of combating granulations works well.

This folk method is extremely simple. Ordinary table salt is poured into the umbilical wound, covered with a cotton pad on top and sealed with a band-aid. After 30 minutes, the patch is removed and the wound is washed with water. This procedure should be carried out twice a day.

If, when diagnosed with navel fungus in newborns, treatment with conservative measures does not give the expected result, then to solve the problem it is worth considering surgical intervention.

Fungus of the navel (granuloma). A story of successful recovery! - from my blog

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Red cheeks and slight dryness, I don’t understand why(


Vladimir, I want to express my deep gratitude to you! During the month of examination, the pediatrician discovered that we had fungus, a pink cap like a button, the navel was wet and with every diaper change I saw spots that remained due to the fact that a yellowish liquid was oozing from the navel. They went around. many surgeons who only advised rinsing with brilliant green and betadine, but for 2 weeks nothing helped us and everything remained as it was. As a result, the surgeons insisted on cauterization ((when I returned home, I decided to make do with cauterization and surgery and came across your article. I couldn’t decide for 2 days, but my husband still insisted. After the first use, the fungus turned purple, the next day it started bleeding and fell off after 2 days) The story didn’t end there, because after the first fungus, a second and a third came out. That is, they grew in “floors”, in the end there were 3 of them. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. But all these 3 pieces we also removed it with salt. It took 2 weeks, and the belly button tightened, now it’s very beautiful and clean) thank you again!

I want to express my deep gratitude to you Vladimir. We also managed to cure our belly button thanks to you. Although we were given a different diagnosis: “urachal cyst, umbilical fistula” and there was only one way - surgery. Our nurse also told us that this was the first time she had seen this, and the surgeon immediately wrote a referral for surgery, saying that there was no other way out. For several days I searched on the Internet for what I could do and how to help my son, who at that time was only 20 days old. Having visited two hospitals and read a bunch of information where only surgery was written. I somehow miraculously came across your article. Almost without hesitation, I decided, since the child does not need to be in pain. We also had a large bump sticking out of our navel, 3 times more than yours, and the navel was very wet, which is why we were diagnosed with a fistula. After two uses of salt, the result was noticeable, for 7 days the navel became wet, blackened, bled, and a sore gradually formed. It took 9 days to cure our navel, the sore fell off, and the navel was finally dry. I’m just happy and very grateful to you, and I believed in a miracle thanks to you. I wish health to you and your loved ones from our family. Thank you so much.

Hello. I specially registered on the site to thank you for the article. Our navel did not heal for 1.5 months, at first the doctor said that there was no need to smear anything, we didn’t smear it, we just watched when the navel healed, but we realized that there was no improvement and something needed to be done. The next day they started treating it with brilliant green and peroxide, it got better, but it didn’t dry out at all, something constantly came out of it and an unpleasant smell began to appear. I got scared, called the doctor, he prescribed ointment with the antibiotic “tyrosur”, I started applying it, it became much better, the smell went away, but it still got wet and wet. I couldn’t do anything... I was just desperate. I did everything correctly, I always bathed in boiled water, and I still couldn’t overcome it.. I came across your article purely by accident, read a lot of good comments, didn’t make up my mind for a long time and finally decided, after consulting with my mother, we covered it with salt the first time, then the second time , the third and after 4 days our navel was cured. After 4 days. I'm just in 7th heaven with happiness. Our belly button has finally healed. I'm shocked. I tell everyone about the miracle remedy for 6 UAH. I am very grateful to you!! A big THANK YOU.

Vladimir, thank you very much. Health to you and your family! You helped so many parents with your article. When my baby was a month old, the belly button still did not heal. Then something started to grow from there. I didn’t know then that it was fungus. It’s good that at least the surgeon explained. And so for another month and a half, four times a day, I treated the navel with everything in a row, as the doctor prescribed, but to no avail. And then I found your article. We got rid of the problem in 2.5 days! I added salt only 5 times! That's all! And there is no trace! How grateful I am to you! Otherwise, my nerves were already giving in: we treated and treated, but there was no result.

Thanks to Vladimir and everyone for your feedback! After I read a couple of comments, the name of this disease (fangus) became clear. We visited a free and paid doctor... everyone said to cauterize with potassium permanganate! but time passed.. the granuloma grew.. and now we are already three months old! there was a crust from the potassium permanganate, it fell off and the fangus bled. it also got wet and festered! We went back to the surgeon at the clinic, he said it was a cyst! We do an ultrasound and go for surgery! I asked the doctor about the salt treatment method (I found this article just before the appointment). The doctor and nurse heatedly criticized this method and said that the baby would sting! But parents are ready for anything. I sprinkled salt on the granuloma while the child was sleeping. I held it for 15-20 minutes, I was very afraid of his reaction... I even drank valerian) then I washed it with water and saw that the granuloma had turned burgundy. I still anointed it with brilliant green. and discovered that the brilliant green had dried up (usually it got wet and washed off). I sprinkled it with salt the next day. In general, on the third day the fangus dried out and fell off. (and it was the size of a grape). at the appointment at the clinic, the doctor was surprised)) and everything was fine on the ultrasound. No need for surgery! We are happy.) Don't be afraid of this method, it really WORKS.

Vladimir, thanks for the post. Thanks for writing it.

Several years have passed, but everything is still relevant.

Thanks and to everyone who posted with photos :)

Salt also helped my baby.

He was about 1.5 months old already, the doctor said it was a granuloma and sent him for cauterization with silver. This idea didn't appeal to us much. The word cauterization is a little disturbing

At first it was exciting to sprinkle it. After the first time, tearing off the patch, I discovered a granuloma of such a burgundy, bloody red color that it made me excited. On the next day it darkened and “blown away”, and after a couple of cleanings it fell off. The place was still a little damp, but after a couple of days it was “like new.” Now the baby is 4 months old, the belly button looks good.

Vladimir, thank you very much. Health to you and your loved ones.

I am writing my comment for those whose results from salt treatment are not immediately noticeable.

Our daughter’s granuloma came out because the umbilical cord was thick and fell off only on the 17th day.

For a month we tried everything we could to treat this granuloma, but nothing helped. She only increased in size.

After that we decided to try table salt. When we started pouring salt into the navel, nothing happened to our granuloma for 8 days.

We almost despaired and gave up treatment, since everyone here writes that they got rid of this nasty thing in the navel in literally 1-7 days.

But on the 9th day I noticed that the granuloma stopped wetting. After that, it began to gradually dry out, darken and shrink.

Only on the 19th day from the start of salt treatment did our granuloma dry out and fall off.

The remaining sore in the navel disappeared on the 24th day.

P.s.: Parents, do not despair! Salt will definitely help with navel fungus! It's just a matter of time.

P.s.: Before adding salt, the navel was treated with peroxide, after salt the navel was treated with chlorophyllipt (5 days), then smeared with levomekol (10 days), then sprinkled with baneocin (4 days). On the advice of the surgeon, the navel was sealed with sterile napkins to prevent infection. After the fungus dried out and fell off, the remaining sore was covered with baneocin until complete healing.

P.s.: If nothing happens to your fungus from salt, try another salt. We sprinkled regular coarse table salt, then I bought salt from another manufacturer, also coarsely ground, but its grains were visually smaller.

P.s.: Good luck to everyone and a speedy recovery.

Vladimir, let us join the grateful parents. Thank you very much for sharing your experience of treating fungus with salt.

Our daughter’s fungus suddenly appeared from an absolutely healthy-looking navel at 3 months. The diagnosis was made quite quickly, but of course we were in a panic. Luckily, I came across your story and immediately and unconditionally believed in success. The surgeon prescribed cauterization with lapis for us, but we only used salt. Over the course of a week, the fungus decreased somehow imperceptibly, and then disappeared completely! I will only note that before treatment, of course, you need to do an ultrasound; there are also very difficult situations.

Thank you so much from our family and little baby. Be healthy!

Vladimir. Hello. Thank you and the Lord)) we are two months old) we got rid of this sore in 6 days) I started pouring salt on 06/16/17 in the evening before going to bed, and today 06/22/17 it fell off))

We went to see a surgeon (as planned, she diagnosed us with Granuloma), she advised us to cauterize with manganese (I couldn’t find it here (Krasnodar), so I turned to the Internet. Before that, I smeared it with brilliant green, sprinkled baneocin, the surgeon applied a bandage with levomikol - unsuccessfully (we had a thick umbilical cord, it fell off in the third week and the navel was constantly wet)

So I read a lot of reviews from you, and before going to bed, before bathing, I sprinkled salt on my son (I put a cotton pad and sealed it with an adhesive plaster) for 30 minutes, behaved calmly, then I washed off the salt under running water and rinsed the navel again with a stream of chlorhexidine - the granuloma immediately darkened. sprinkled with baneocin and dressed the child. Our navel began to secrete blood. Before pouring salt, I poured a drop of peroxide into the navel, waited a little and collected blood crusts with a dry cotton swab. Then everything first - salt, chlorhexidine, baneocin. And so on for 6 days.

Today this thing fell off when I cleaned it with peroxide. The inside of the navel is clean and dry (with a small crust, where this granuloma is attached) I am very happy. Tomorrow we are going to the surgeon, and I will tell her how I treated my son:) (I told her about the salt, she said it was nonsense, don’t even dare:) I advised manganese. And our pediatrician said that manganese is a thing of the past, scientists have proven that it is harmful and negatively affects the genital area of ​​boys.

My husband and I express our gratitude to you! THANK YOU Blessings from the Lord to you.

P.s. Moms who are afraid to sprinkle salt, don’t worry, you’re not the only one who has encountered this problem) salt definitely helps.)))

I wrote before about our navel that doctors shrug their shoulders and don’t make a diagnosis, I found out that we have fungus, and we started treatment with a doodle pencil, an effect appeared, the fungus began to decrease and decreased quite significantly, it gradually dries up and.

I thought for a long time about where to place this post, but another response gave me the idea: since those mothers who wrote and write to me were still pregnant quite recently, then it should be here. Since May.

The story, which is already less than two years old, was brought to mind by the incident with the child of my BB friend; They are trying to treat her child for some crap with the skin without a diagnosis and clear tests: (God grant that in children.

Hello girls, maybe someone had something similar, please share the information. The baby is almost 8 months old. There was an umbilical hernia, but we wore a tight belt (specially sewn as the pediatrician said) and it went away. and now the navel is again.

I don’t understand what this is, I’m already panicking. The pain is very sharp, when I do something it seizes, I can’t even straighten up, I crawl to the bed. Clearly in the navel area, a maximum of a centimeter to the left. In principle, it releases quickly, but if...

I finally got around to writing a post in this category. I originally intended the post to be detailed and so that it could help someone here. Therefore, who is interested in the experience of a person who walked towards the cherished B long enough and stubbornly, who encountered.

Girls who have undergone IVF! Back to you again. Has this ever happened to you? The IVF protocol ended on March 27th with the arrival of my period. The last injection given in the stomach was Clexane on March 23 (10th). Gonal and cetrotide ran out on 10.

for about 20-30 minutes already. It doesn’t help to lie down or anything. (((Such a colic pain, like when you run for a long time. But I have it in a state of rest. The baby is moving, I can hear it with Doppler. Girls, I’m already panicking (((((I’m really in pain (what should I do?? get an ambulance. what the hell. GIRLS, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWERS! I WAS TAKEN AWAY.

A week has passed, but for me everything seems to be in a dream. hospital, childbirth, discharge. Here we are at home. My little bundle is snoring in his crib. It’s as if all this is not happening to me. My husband and I lived for only six months and I.

After the baby is born, the obstetrician cuts and ties the umbilical cord, in its place an umbilical cord remnant is formed, which dries out and falls off within a few weeks. Often, due to improper care of the wound during healing, negative phenomena occur with the umbilical cord remnant, for example, bleeding or infection. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor and care for the wound, observing hygiene standards.

Umbilical fungus is often found in newborns. It is an inflammation of granulation tissue (in the form of a small blister) in the area of ​​the umbilical fossa. The swelling is pinkish in color, diameter ranges from 2-6 mm. All children are susceptible to this disease, regardless of gender. From a medical point of view, such inflammation is not a serious threat to the baby’s life, but it does cause him some discomfort.

Children with low immunity may experience a slight increase in temperature

Causes of navel fungus

At the moment, no scientifically confirmed reasons for the appearance of navel fungus have been found.

Under equal conditions, one baby has fungus, and the other does not. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty what exactly caused its formation, but there are some factors that can influence the formation of granuloma:

  • Large umbilical ring. After separation of the umbilical cord stump, a lot of space remains, which is covered by granulation tissue.
  • Prematurity or high weight. Both conditions are at risk for developing fungus. It is important to maintain proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system.
  • Omphalitis (inflammation of the navel). Occurs when any infection (usually staphylococcal) gets into the navel wound. The disease can be both the cause of fungus and its consequence.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you find the previously described external anomalies in a child, you should immediately seek advice from an experienced specialist. Diagnosing the disease yourself can be problematic, since visually umbilical granuloma is a bit reminiscent of other diseases, for example, umbilical fistula. It, unlike fungus, is a serious pathology that causes complications, and therefore requires immediate surgery.

The doctor prescribes treatment for navel fungus depending on the stage of its development. In mild form (up to 3 mm), it can be treated at home, which does not require surgical intervention.

It includes:

  • Treatment of the umbilical area. After bathing, apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the wound, dry it and treat it with any antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green or potassium permanganate). The procedure should be carried out daily for 7-10 days.
  • Antibiotics. The doctor prescribes antibiotics in the form of a solution or ointment for an elevated temperature in a child. Take according to instructions.
  • Folk method. Many doctors are of the opinion that salt treatment can be quite effective, but the process itself is a little painful for the child. The essence of the method: pour a little salt into the wound, leave it for half an hour and then wash it off.

During treatment, due attention should be paid to prevention so as not to introduce infection into the wound. To do this, you need to regularly wet clean the room, wash your child’s toys and iron his clothes.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; it is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and then in the near future your baby will get better and get rid of the unwanted illness forever.

What is navel fungus, how to treat it and can it be avoided?

Fungus of the navel of a newborn

It is also called granuloma. A new growth appears in the navel area in the form of a blister or several, slightly reminiscent of a bunch of grapes. It does not pose a great danger, but it causes a lot of inconvenience, sometimes accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge.

Causes and signs of navel fungus in newborns

There are several causes of fungus:
  • Excessively large umbilical cord. When it dries, the free space is filled with connective tissue.
  • Getting infected. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms can be both the cause of fungus and its consequence.
  • Premature birth. Premature babies are more likely to get granuloma, perhaps due to the functioning of the immune system.
  • Large fruit. Some doctors claim that the large weight of the unborn baby can provoke the occurrence of fungus.
Fungus is a specific disease, determined by the following characteristics:
  • A clearly visible neoplasm of light pink, less often dark color.
  • Dense structure of the neoplasm.
  • A long process of emergence.
Fungus becomes noticeable when it enters the final phase of development; at first it is difficult to identify. It is treatable at any stage of development.

How to treat navel fungus?

The most radical way to get rid of fungus is surgery, but not all mothers are ready to put the baby under their nose and are looking for alternative methods. These include:
  • Regular treatment with antiseptics. After water procedures, drop hydrogen peroxide into the navel and wait for it to take effect. Dry and treat with brilliant green or fucorcin.
  • Silver nitrate preparation 5 percent. The navel is treated after each bath. The disadvantages are that there may be side effects in the form of a weeping wound.
  • If the growth is minor, liquid nitrogen can be used for cauterization. However, the method requires careful use and permission from a pediatrician.
  • Antibiotics for external use in the form of ointments, solutions. Need a doctor's recommendation.
  • Among folk remedies, ordinary table salt has proven itself to be the best. After bathing, cover the navel area with salt and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
When choosing any treatment method, be sure to consider the opinion of your pediatrician.

How to prevent the occurrence of navel fungus?

With navel fungus, the issue of infection remains relevant, which is why it should be gotten rid of. There are also ways to prevent its occurrence, including:
  • Regular wet cleaning of the premises.
  • Ironing children's clothes with a hot iron.
  • Sanitizing toys.
  • When the wound has not yet healed, carefully wash the baby, dress and use a diaper so as not to irritate the wound surface.
  • Properly treat the umbilical wound after arriving from the hospital.
If all recommendations are followed, the navel will heal without problems or complications.
Fungus is not a dangerous disease, but it is fraught with the possibility of infection and a long course of troubles that are associated with it. It is possible to avoid its occurrence by following all the pediatricians’ instructions.

Immediately after the baby is born, the umbilical cord connecting him to the mother is tied or secured with a special clamp. After just a few days, the remaining fragment of the umbilical cord dries out and, as a rule, spontaneously separates by the time of discharge from the hospital, forming a neat navel cavity. Until the navel is completely healed, another two or three weeks pass, during which the wound requires regular and proper care. All this time, the umbilical wound should remain dry and not secrete pus or large amounts of ichor.

Having discovered that the navel of a newborn who just arrived from the hospital a couple of days ago is getting wet, parents often get very scared. However, there is no need to panic. A baby's weeping navel does not always indicate the presence of a serious pathology, but in any case it requires urgent treatment.

What diseases cause fluid to discharge from the navel?

Defects in the development of internal organs or blood vessels of the peritoneum, birth injuries or improperly organized wound care can provoke inflammation of the tissue inside or around the umbilical scar. Appeals to the pediatrician with complaints about a wet and red navel in a child are most often caused by the development of omphalitis or the presence of an umbilical fistula.

Omphalitis of the navel

Omphalitis is an inflammation of the tissue around the navel, accompanied by the formation of pus, swelling, redness and fluid discharge. The accumulation of pus in the wound often causes it to swell and bulge above the surface of the skin, and the release of pus to the outside leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Depending on the type of bacteria that caused omphalitis, the purulent contents of the wound protruding from the navel can be from light yellow to brown with blood fragments.

The cause of navel infection is bacterial flora that gets into the umbilical wound during childbirth, due to improper hygiene or from a diaper.

As the disease progresses, in addition to obvious external signs of inflammation, navel omphalitis is characterized by:
  • poor appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • high temperature;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • tearfulness.

In order to prevent the spread of suppuration beyond the umbilical area, at the first signs of illness the child should be shown to a pediatrician.

In the early stages of the disease, treating the affected area with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green is sufficient to defeat the infection. To do this, a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the umbilical wound 2-3 times a day, which foams and thereby cleanses the site of inflammation. After the treated area has dried, a drop of 2% brilliant green is instilled into the navel. Some pediatricians recommend replacing brilliant green with Chlorophyllipt. This is explained by the fact that the bright color of the brilliant green applied to the wound makes subsequent examination and assessment of the condition of the small patient difficult.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in the baby’s condition, it is recommended to follow the rules for treating the wound when a newborn’s navel gets wet:
  • Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap;
  • never insert cotton swabs into the umbilical wound to clean it;
  • If possible, use sterile cotton wool, sticks, napkins.

In complicated cases, treatment requires hospitalization, which should not be abandoned. In the hospital, in addition to local antimicrobial therapy, antibiotic treatment is carried out in the form of injections or droppers.

Umbilical fistula in newborns

Umbilical fistula is similar in symptoms to omphalitis, but, in fact, it is a completely different disease. Just like omphalitis, a navel fistula prevents complete epithelization of the skin of the umbilical scar, but the reason that the wound does not heal is a small hole in the navel, directly connected to the intestines, bladder or abdominal cavity. The contents of the intestines or bladder in small portions enter the navel through the opening of the fistula and lead to an inflammatory process.

To eliminate umbilical fistula in newborns, only surgery is effective.

Fungus of the umbilicus in newborns

After the umbilical cord stump falls off, a reddish, moist formation (granuloma) may appear in the very center of the navel, which is noticeably different in appearance from healthy skin. This formation is a pathological proliferation of cells and leads to a wet navel in the newborn. It is preferable to treat navel fungus in newborns under the supervision of a pediatric surgeon, since it is rarely possible to cope with the disease at home.

Small navel granulomas are treated with conservative methods or cauterized on an outpatient basis. Surgical correction in the hospital is required if the fungus increases significantly in volume.

What discharge is normal?

A small amount of transparent ichor inside the baby's navel, which turns into a yellowish crust when dried, is a normal variant. The absence of pus, swelling, bulging, redness and divergence of the edges of the wound indicates that the process of navel formation is proceeding normally. In such a situation, it is enough to properly treat the wound with antiseptic agents recommended by the doctor and not try to forcibly remove the crusts with your hands or other available means.

Qualified care for a newborn's navel and maintaining proper hygiene reduce the risk of suppuration of the umbilical scar and complications of the inflammatory process.

What is the best way to treat a newborn's belly button? - Doctor Komarovsky