Halva during breastfeeding - can a nursing mother eat it or not? Is halva harmful for mothers while breastfeeding and how to avoid unwanted reactions in the baby. Halva for a nursing mother in the first month.

Who doesn't love halva? Tasty, tender, she is a temptation in at different ages and with any income. But during lactation, many mothers are concerned that the foods they eat do not harm the baby. So is it possible to have halva with breastfeeding Or will you have to give up your favorite sweets?

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Mother's milk is priceless. The longer a mother feeds her child, the more benefits for health he receives. From the first moments of a newborn's life, microflora is formed in its intestinal tract. Colonization of the intestines beneficial microorganisms protects the newborn from food allergies and other troubles.

Breastfeeding is of great importance. In order for this process to bring maximum benefits, women who are breastfeeding need to carefully monitor their diet. Beware dangerous products, soberly assessing possible risk for the health of the newborn. Meals should be varied, regular, and nutritious.

There are no food restrictions for nursing mothers. However, doctors advise not to eat food that can cause allergic reactions in the baby.

The younger the baby is, the more often various problems arise associated with the mother's intake of unwanted foods. These include: liver, pickles, marinades, mushrooms, beans, sausages, dumplings, canned food. Onions and garlic are undesirable.

It is better to refrain from hot spices: pepper, mustard. It is not recommended to eat fried foods. Particular care must be taken to ensure that products do not contain chemical additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives.

When you want something sweet

The desire of a nursing mother to eat something sweet during this period is simply explained. Feeding is an energy-intensive process, nights without sleep, stress, anxiety. After eating sweets, a woman feels an increase in energy, her mood improves, emotional background normalizes.

This is due to the fact that food containing an increased amount of carbohydrates helps the production of serotonin. The hormone helps normalize sleep, improves general condition body, relieves painful sensations. A lack of serotonin encourages us to eat something sweet.

Methods of preparation and types of halva

Halva has been known to mankind since ancient times and is a popular sweet in many countries. Previously, it was made by hand; the secrets of its preparation were strictly kept.

Halva is divided into two types:

  1. When making the first type, ground nuts and olive grains are used. Consists of honey or caramelized mass, nut paste, soap root (thorn or licorice), which plays the role of a foaming agent;
  2. To prepare the second type, use vegetable or flour mass. This mass consists of carrots, flour, sugar, sweet potatoes, water, butter.

There are hundreds of cooking recipes. You can find halva:

  • nuts (peanut, pistachio),
  • sunflower,
  • tahini (sesame).

Sunflower seed halva

The most popular sunflower halva. It is believed that eating this type of halva is most beneficial for the body. The sunflower seeds included in its composition are a wonderful remedy for premature aging, heart disease, and musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin B1 has positive action on cardiac activity, immune, nervous system. Vitamin F1 normalizes cholesterol levels. Helps restore and heal skin, nails, hair. This is relevant when deciding whether a nursing mother can have halva, since during pregnancy and lactation the body loses a lot of calcium and vitamins.


Another type is peanut (nut), which contains vitamins B2, D, PP, B6. This complex stabilizes brain and cardiac activity and reduces the risk of heart attack. It has a good effect on memory and can increase attention. Microelements and amino acids have an antioxidant effect and have an anticancer effect.

There is a variant of preparation from pistachios. This dessert has a preventive effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and liver.


Tahini halva is made from sesame seeds. It is valued among experts precisely for delicate taste east. This halva is useful for breastfeeding. Has the most wide range microelements, vitamins, minerals that have a positive effect on the respiratory system. Including due to substances that regulate oxygen exchange in the body, accelerating the body’s rehabilitation processes after stress, physical and emotional stress. Thanks to increased amount Vitamin A has a good effect on vision. Another property is the ability to prevent the appearance of tumors.

Effect on lactation

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Halva is good for breastfeeding because it stimulates an increase in the volume of breast milk. It is recommended for use during weak lactation.

Remember about the high calorie content of sweets: 100 gr. contain 500-600 Kcal. It is due to this that the delicacy increases the nutritional value and fat content of milk.

Possible negative reactions

When answering the question whether a nursing mother can have halva, we should mention its disadvantages. Nuts and seeds are the strongest allergens. Taking this into account, doctors do not recommend that nursing mothers consume peanut halva.

If a newborn has an early tendency to allergies, the mother’s consumption of halva may cause undesirable reactions.

Allergy symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • nasal congestion;
  • soreness;
  • sneeze;
  • hives.

Possible bloating, constipation, drowsiness, chills. The most severe manifestation that halva can lead to during hepatitis B is anaphylactic shock.

In addition, such a dessert is unusual and difficult for the baby. May adversely affect intestinal functions, causing diarrhea and colic.

How much can you eat?

It can be argued that halva is not prohibited during breastfeeding. However, it is not recommended to introduce it into the menu of a woman breastfeeding in the first month after the baby is born. This must be done after the child is 2-3 months old, very carefully.

You need to start eating with a small piece. Carefully observe your baby's reaction to the innovation. If undesirable symptoms occur, colic, increased anxiety, intestinal upset, allergic reactions hold off on eating the treat.

If the baby reacted normally, no reactions appeared, you are allowed to eat 100 grams of halva daily.

Rules for eating dessert during lactation

To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow these simple rules:

  1. Choose carefully. If there are all kinds of additives, flavorings, and stabilizers, you shouldn’t buy sweets. Choose fresh quality product no rancid odor. The presence of husks indicates violations of the cooking technology;
  2. Opt for sesame or sunflower halva. Unlike peanuts, these types are less likely to cause allergic reactions. They will be more useful and safe for mother and baby;
  3. Practice moderation when consuming your favorite product. Eat in small portions. Consuming once a day or every other day will not harm the baby;
  4. Carefully monitor the newborn’s well-being, his reaction to new product. Whenever allergic manifestations postpone the introduction of sweets into your menu for 1 month;
  5. Consult your pediatrician before using an unusual product.


Mommy is allowed to eat halva while breastfeeding. It should be remembered that in addition to benefits, sweetness can also cause harm. By consuming it in reasonable quantities and carefully monitoring the reaction of the newborn, you can not be afraid of unwanted results. Keep a diary of observations of your baby and if any bad manifestations occur, stop eating your favorite dish for a while.

Which nursing mothers refuse, impressive. It also includes sweets: chocolate, sweets, pastries, in a word, almost all the little feminine joys, without which it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Pediatric specialists and nutritionists suggest that women during lactation replace these unhealthy goodies with dried fruits, raisins, honey, nuts and other safe ones. natural products. Sometimes, as a sweet treat, relatives and friends insistently recommend that new mothers try halva.

So, is it possible to eat halva while breastfeeding? Let’s look at this issue from a medical point of view.

Composition and beneficial properties halva

Even the body of an adult, accustomed to various kinds of additives and dyes, sometimes presents unpleasant surprises in the form of a disorder or allergy after consuming certain products. What can we say about newborns - their immature digestive system is simply not ready for such a load, so before eating a piece of halva, the mother must make sure that it is made from natural and safe ingredients. This product, made in accordance with the rules and regulations, consists of three main components: a protein mass (nuts, seeds, sesame or peanuts), a caramel mass (sugar or molasses) and a foaming agent (marshmallow root and egg white). When making homemade halva, sugar is often replaced with honey, which is not entirely desirable for nursing mothers. Since the latter is a strong allergen. Basically, all the ingredients from which this delicacy is made are completely acceptable, and in the absence of contraindications, can be included in the diet of a nursing woman. Therefore, most often you can hear a positive answer from pediatricians and nutritionists to the question of whether it is possible to eat halva while breastfeeding. Moreover, some experts even recommend that mothers eat a small piece of halva in order to increase the fat content of milk and cope with some other problems. For example, it has been proven that due to its rich composition, this delicacy has positive impact on the nervous system of mother and baby, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps stabilize the process of blood formation.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. The use of halva by a woman during breastfeeding can also have negative consequences. Which ones, let's find out.

Contraindications to consuming halva

Nowadays, many manufacturers do not hesitate to declare that their product contains harmful dyes and flavors. But how many of us pay attention to the label and thoroughly study the composition? That's right - units. And this is the main mistake of nursing mothers, who assume that a product that is extremely healthy at first glance will not cause a negative reaction from others. child's body. When buying halva in a store, every woman runs the risk of getting “ free application» many harmful ingredients that may well cause bloating, upset or allergies in a newborn. However, additives and dyes are not always the main culprits of violations by digestive system crumbs. The fact is that halva itself is a fairly fatty product, therefore may cause some typical toddler tummy issues. Also, amino acids and proteins included in the composition often cause allergic rashes in a child.

In addition, as doctors say, breastfeeding can only be beneficial, while it is better for women to avoid eating peanuts, sesame seeds and nuts during lactation. And of course, it is impossible not to mention that halva should be introduced into the diet of a new mother gradually: a small piece in the first half of the day, and if a negative reaction occurs on the part of the baby, the delicacy should be discarded.

Sweets are among the foods that, if not given up during breastfeeding, are certainly eaten in moderation and introduced into the diet with caution. The reason for this lies not only in sugar, but also in synthetic dyes, preservatives and flavors, which are abundant in candies, chocolate, cakes and pastries. But what about relatively harmless oriental desserts, which include halva? Let's figure out whether a nursing mother can have halva, what kind of halva is possible and in what quantities it will not harm the newborn.

Product benefits

Halva is not the name of a specific dessert, but of a whole group of sweets. Traditionally it is made from sesame, sunflower seeds, peanuts and various nuts (cashews, almonds, walnut, pistachios). Despite such a variety of raw materials, chemical composition All types of halva are approximately the same and include:

  1. Vitamin B1 (absent in sesame halva) - normalizes the functions of the heart and blood vessels, participates in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, and is necessary for the physical growth and development of the child.
  2. Vitamin B2 - ensures the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, participates in the growth and renewal of skin, hair and nails, in the maintenance normal operation thyroid gland.
  3. Vitamin PP is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats and amino acids, participates in tissue respiration, reduces cholesterol concentrations, and dilates small blood vessels.
  4. Vitamin E (present only in peanut halva) is a strong antioxidant and immunomodulator.
  5. Calcium - ensures blood clotting, the formation of hormones and neurotransmitters, and the restoration of bone tissue.
  6. Magnesium - participates in protein synthesis, maintaining health nervous system and cholesterol removal.
  7. Sodium - responsible for maintaining acid-base balance And water balance, activation of many enzymes and maintaining blood concentration.
  8. Potassium - necessary for regulating water and acid-base balance, maintaining blood concentration and muscle contractions.
  9. Phosphorus is a basic element of teeth and bones; it is also involved in cell division, storage of genetic information and transmission of nerve impulses.
  10. Iron - ensures respiration and transport of oxygen to organs.

Thus, huge amount The iron in halva will help get rid of anemia that occurs during pregnancy, and calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B2 will cope with the deterioration of bones, nails and hair - a common occurrence in the first months after childbirth.

In addition, in the East there is an opinion, not yet confirmed by science, that halva during breastfeeding can improve lactation. However, it is precisely established that nuts do breast milk more fatty and nutritious.

Harm to the product

First of all, this treat is an excellent example of “empty calories.” With a huge calorie content of 502–516 kcal, halva contains only 3-4 vitamins and 6 micro- and macroelements. The reason for this is the heat treatment of seeds and nuts at temperatures from 150 to 300 °C. However, the “western” rival of halva - chocolate - is an even more empty product, so nursing mothers can safely give preference to eastern sweets.

Sunflower halva deserves special attention. Over time, the toxic metal cadmium accumulates in the seeds of this plant, which can cause vomiting and convulsions and, most unpleasantly, is a carcinogen. In this regard, during lactation it is better to eat sesame halva.

In addition, halva (like raw seeds/nuts) is included in the group of highly allergenic products, so even the absence of allergies in the mother does not guarantee that the child on breastfeeding will calmly tolerate its consumption.

Finally, the abundance of sugar in this dessert automatically makes it contraindicated for mothers with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • severe cases of pancreatitis;
  • some diseases of the liver and stomach.

It is also worth giving up this sweetness for mothers who want to quickly regain their previous figure after childbirth, since halva is second only to some types of chocolate in terms of calorie content.

How to introduce halva into the diet during breastfeeding

It is advisable to introduce this dessert into the diet no earlier than two months after giving birth. You need to start eating halva, like any new product during breastfeeding, with a small slice. It should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, and all subsequent meals should consist of proven non-allergenic foods. If by nightfall monitoring of the child has not revealed any negative reactions, you can gradually increase the amount of dessert to 50–100 g per day (while not forgetting the extremely high calorie content of the treat).

If your baby has diarrhea, colic, or skin allergy, with halva you will have to wait until better times.

How to choose healthy halva

When purchasing this sweet in original packaging, the first thing you should do is check the composition of the product. Halva, like other oriental sweets, is famous for its naturalness, and therefore should contain only basic raw materials (nuts or seeds) and sugar (optionally molasses or honey). It should be remembered that honey is a strong allergen for many infants. The presence of artificial flavors, preservatives, dyes and emulsifiers in the composition during breastfeeding is unacceptable.

You should not buy halva with traces of husk - such a seemingly trivial detail can indicate more serious violations production technologies. Dark Plaque indicates that the product's shelf life has expired or the storage rules have been violated.

Finally, a bitter taste indicates that the fats in the product have gone rancid, i.e. oxidized. Under no circumstances should you eat it: rancid oil can cause serious poisoning.

For mothers and children who are not allergic to nuts and oilseeds, halva is harmless during breastfeeding. However, there is little benefit from it, so if you have a craving for sweets, it is better to give preference to much lower-calorie dried fruits, marmalade and candied fruits.

Women who have recently become mothers and are breastfeeding their babies need to monitor their diet very carefully, since all the food they eat passes to the baby through milk. Many people advise eating sweets, in particular halva, to increase the fat content of milk. But is it allowed during lactation, and will it cause negative reactions in the baby? This is what will be discussed in this article.

The benefits of treats during breastfeeding

Eating halva helps:

  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • normalization of skin structure;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • stabilization of digestion;
  • relieving fatigue and overwork;
  • accelerating the lactation process;
  • increased fat content of breast milk;
  • improving mood.

Can mothers eat halva during the first month of breastfeeding?

In the first month after birth, the baby adapts to the conditions environment, his gastrointestinal tract is improving, so the mother must follow a very strict diet, excluding sweets and allergens. Halva consists of nuts or seeds, and these products can provoke allergies in the baby and lead to unwanted reactions. It is better to start introducing treats into the diet from the second month after the birth of the baby, when his body is already a little stronger.

Did you know? The recipe for halva was invented in Persia back in the 5th century BC for King Darius I. Then the recipe quickly spread throughout the East and in each country the delicacy acquired its own taste.

How to include it in your diet after childbirth

You need to start introducing halva into your diet with a small piece. It is recommended to eat it in the first half of the day. You can't try new sweetness on an empty stomach. The rest of the foods a woman eats during the day should not be allergenic and it is advisable that she already eats them for a long time. You need to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the day. If any negative reactions, colic, loose stool, increased anxiety and skin rashes, then the introduction of halva should be postponed for some time. But if the baby’s behavior and condition have not worsened, then you can eat 100 g of treats every day.

Important!If you have tried halva and the baby accepted it well, then you should not experiment with other types of delicacy during the breastfeeding period.

Sunflower, sesame, pistachio or peanut: which one to choose

Halva comes in different forms. But each type has a lot of useful properties:

Did you know? The most popular and more accessible variety of halva is sunflower, since the seeds have the ability long-term preservation useful substances.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner: when is best?

Besides this, this product high in calories: 100 g contains 500 kcal. Therefore in evening time Don't eat sweet dessert to avoid problems excess weight.

When is it better not to eat?

Let's consider when it is better to stop eating halva:

  • You should not eat a treat if you are not sure of its composition. Manufacturers often add various preservatives and flavorings to enhance the taste, which can negatively affect the health of mother and baby;
  • women with excess weight problems should avoid this dessert, as it is very high in calories;
  • halva is a fairly fatty product. Therefore, it is better not for mommy to eat it if the baby has common problems with digestion;
  • For mothers who have never eaten oriental sweets, it is better not to experiment and not introduce it into the diet during breastfeeding;
  • due to the large amount of sugar contained in the delicacy, mothers who suffer from diabetes, pancreatitis, liver and stomach diseases should not consume halva;
  • You cannot eat the dessert in question if you have an individual intolerance.

Important!It is better for a nursing mother to avoid sweets that contain honey, as it is a very strong allergen and can provoke negative reactions in the baby.

What other sweets are possible during lactation?

Sweets during lactation should be strictly limited. But there are some foods that you can eat while breastfeeding in reasonable quantities:

  • marshmallows;
  • curd and yoghurt cakes;
  • candied fruit;
  • baked apples;
  • paste;
  • marmalade without dyes;
  • dried fruits;
  • biscuits.

Previously, doctors advised new mothers to eat condensed milk to increase the fat content of milk. But now it is better to abandon it during lactation, since the manufacturing technology has changed and they add large number preservatives.

Eating halva during breastfeeding can bring many benefits to the mother and her baby. The most important thing is not to overuse sweet products to avoid negative consequences.

Video: nutrition of a nursing mother in the first months

Breastfeeding imposes a number of dietary restrictions on a woman. A nursing mother, especially at first, needs to give up many foods, including healthy ones, but those that are highly allergenic. Does this include halva?

What beneficial and harmful substances does halva contain?

Halva is an oriental sweet. It is made from:

In the post-Soviet space, sunflower halva is the most popular, but in the east this delicacy is also made from flour and vegetables.

The calorie content of halva is on average 500 kcal per 100 g of product and depends on what raw materials it is made from: the least nutritious is sesame (only 470 kcal), and the most nutritious is peanut (550 kcal).

Video: production of treats

Halva contains all those useful substances nuts and seeds from which it is made:

  • sunflower is especially rich in vitamin E, necessary for the formation and functioning of the blood, bone and immune systems baby;
  • sesame contains a lot of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of the child’s brain and vision;
  • peanut is distinguished by the presence of beneficial for cardiovascular system oleic acid.

A delicacy of any kind includes vitamins B, PP, amino acids, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium and other useful substances. Halva has a clear advantage over other sweets - the absence of dyes, trans fats and other harmful components used in its production. confectionery(sweets, cookies, marmalade, etc.).

When a product may be harmful

In order for the halva to have the usual layered structure, soap root extract and other foaming agents (licorice root, marshmallow, tea seeds) are added to it. And although they are natural, in large quantities they can adversely affect the human body.

Soap root extract is a classic foaming agent that gives the product characteristic structure. However, soap root contains saponins, which have toxic properties, and therefore in our country its use in food industry, in particular in confectionery shops and in the production of soft drinks, is not permitted. The only exception is halva, for which this extract can be used in the production of caramel mass.

Buldakov A.S.

Nutritional supplements. Directory.

  • diabetes mellitus (a large amount of sugar in the composition increases the level of glucose in the blood);

    Some manufacturers offer halva for diabetics. It contains fructose instead of sugar.

  • overweight (high calorie content, fats and carbohydrates do not allow a young mother to get rid of extra pounds gained during pregnancy);

    There is a lot of fat in halva, because there is a lot of it in the nuts and seeds from which the delicacy is made.

  • pancreatitis and liver diseases (delicacy increases the load on the pancreas and liver);
  • problems with teeth (sweets contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel and the development of caries).

For infant overuse Eating halva from your mother can result in colic, indigestion or allergies.

Halva for breastfeeding

Halva is a very fatty product, so many sincerely believe that it can increase the fat content of mother's milk. However, breastfeeding experts say that this indicator of nutrient fluid does not change in any way depending on the woman’s diet. But on the other hand, the treat saturates the body useful minerals, fatty acids and vitamins, which means they also enter the body of a baby sucking at the breast.
Halva does not affect the fat content and quantity of milk, but makes its composition more nutritious

Allergenicity of the product

The allergenicity of halva depends on what raw materials it is made from. Most often, allergies are caused by peanuts, so it is not advisable for a nursing woman to consume a treat with its addition.

Sugar itself is not an allergenic product, but it can increase its manifestations, for example, rash and itching.

As for halva homemade, then it may contain honey, which also often causes the development of allergies in infants. When making treats yourself, a nursing woman should remember this danger.
Peanuts cause allergies more often than other nuts, so it is better for a nursing mother to avoid peanut halva.

When and how to introduce sweets into mom’s diet

Halva, like any new product, should be introduced into a nursing mother’s diet gradually, while observing the baby’s reaction. You can try sweets for the first time a month after giving birth. If as a result the baby does not have increased gas formation and colic, it is allowed to include treats in the menu, but not more than 20–30 grams per day and only in the first half of the day.

The quality of halva is also important. Before purchasing, study its composition and shelf life. If you buy a delicacy in bulk, then its surface should not be greasy or dark spots, which indicate that the product is not fresh.

Overall, the halva is delicious and useful product, and harm infant If you don't have an allergy, it won't do any good. But you need to eat it with caution and small quantities, keeping in mind the existing contraindications. Moderation in nutrition will allow a nursing woman to enjoy and diversify her menu.

Hello! My name is Alena, I'm 30 years old. Received a higher technical education, program engineer. There are two children. I consider myself a good wife and caring mother.