Diet for allergic skin rashes. Nutrition for allergies

© "Tsentrpoligraf", 2016


Food allergies are characterized by increased sensitivity of the body to foods and the development of signs of food intolerance caused by the reaction of the immune system.

Normal digestion and absorption food products provided by the state endocrine system, structure and function gastrointestinal tract, biliary system, composition and volume of digestive juices, composition of intestinal microflora, state of local immunity of the intestinal mucosa.

Normally, food products are broken down into compounds that do not have allergenic properties, and the intestinal wall is impermeable to undigested products.

Development food allergies provoked by factors:

– first of all, this is an increase in the permeability of the intestinal wall, which is noted with inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract;

– disruption (decrease or acceleration) of the absorption of food compounds may be due to disruption of the stages of digestion due to insufficient pancreatic function, enzyme deficiency, biliary and intestinal dyskinesia, etc.;

– disordered eating, rare or frequent meals lead to impaired gastric secretion, the development of gastritis and other disorders that cause the formation of food allergies or pseudo-allergies;

– the formation of hypersensitivity to protein foods is influenced not only by the amount of food taken and diet violations, but also by the acidity of gastric juice.

Manifestations on the skin:

– hives or just redness,

– eczema,

– itching and dryness,

- various rashes.

Manifestations from the digestive system:

- stomach ache,

– dyspepsia – vomiting, nausea or diarrhea,

– itching in the mouth or swelling of the mucous membranes.

Respiratory system:

– redness,

– swelling and nasal congestion,

- allergic cough.

Manifestations on the mucous membranes of the eyes:

– redness of the conjunctiva,

- lacrimation.

Manifestations from the cardiovascular system:

– chest pain,

– abnormal heart rhythm.

– hypertension,

- fainting, loss of consciousness.

The only available treatment method today is to avoid contact with the allergen. No other attempts to treat this disorder have been successful. The basic principles of prescribing a diet include the exclusion from the diet of foods that have a fairly high allergic activity, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and contain emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives, and stabilizers. When creating a diet, it is also necessary to replace intolerable foods with natural and specialized ones.

Diets for allergies

A food allergy diet will slowly but surely relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, and you will be able to return your favorite foods to your diet - but carefully and little by little.

The diet for food allergies can be divided into several stages.

Elimination. Such nutrition for allergies implies the exclusion from the diet of those foods that are causally significant allergens.

Hypoallergenic. This is the exclusion of products that are not themselves allergens, but contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Includes products such as: honey, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, eggs, sauerkraut, orange and red fruits.

Elimination diet

Option 1. Starts with either 1–2 fasting days on water, or 1–3 days on tea with Not a large number sugar (5 glasses per day) and 250 g of dried white bread. Then every 2-3 days the diet is slightly expanded. First, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet in the following sequence: kefir, cottage cheese, milk, cheese. Then they add meat, and even later - fish or vegetable dishes.

Option 2. Eating pears (or green apples), turkey (or lamb) and rice. Gradually, a variety of vegetables are introduced into the diet - preferably those that are eaten infrequently: parsnips, turnips, carrots.

If the allergy does not worsen when consuming the newly introduced product, after 4 days another previously excluded product is introduced.

Dyes and additives prohibited for allergy sufferers: E100, E101, E102, E104, E107, E110, E120, E122-E124, E127-E129, E131-E133, E141.

Hypoallergenic diet

This is one of the ways to treat all types of allergies, as it helps to identify the real reason diseases.

The main indication for prescribing this diet is food allergies, since the main objectives of this diet are the direct elimination of factors, that is, the products themselves, that lead to an allergic reaction and reducing the allergenic load on the body.

Nutrition is physiologically complete and gentle, with limited consumption table salt up to 7 g per day. All dishes are served only boiled; soups are cooked with three changes of broth, especially when cooking meat, fish, and chicken.

The approximate energy value of this diet is 2800 kcal per day. You need to eat in small portions, at least 6 times a day.

A hypoallergenic diet completely excludes all food allergens, including:

– meat and fish products (including caviar),

– citrus fruits,

– all types of nuts,

– fruits and berries of red and orange color,

– melon and pineapple,

– spicy vegetables (radish, horseradish, radish),

– chocolate and coffee,

– honey, sugar, jam, baked goods and all types of confectionery products,

– salted and smoked products,

– mayonnaise and ketchup,

– poultry meat (except for white meat chicken and turkey),

– spicy cheese,

– all industrial products (excluding baby food),

alcoholic drinks,

– remove products to which the patient has an individual intolerance.

Most often, the following products are allowed to be included in the hypoallergenic diet menu:

– meat: boiled beef, white meat chicken and turkey,

– vegetarian soups made from permitted consumption of products,

– vegetable oil: olive, sunflower,

– porridges: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal,

– lactic acid products: you can have cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and yogurt without additives,

– feta cheese,

– vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, leafy greens, potatoes, green peas,

– fruits: green apples, preferably baked, pears,

– tea and dried fruit compote,

– dried white bread, unleavened flatbread, unleavened pita bread.

Quitting the diet. The duration of the diet can be from two to three weeks for adults and up to 10 days for children. When allergy symptoms cease to appear, that is, after 2-3 weeks from the moment of improvement, you can gradually return food products to the diet, but strictly one at a time and in the reverse order - from low-allergenic to highly allergenic. A new product is introduced once every three days. If deterioration occurs, it means that the last product is an allergen and should not be eaten.

Principles of nutrition for allergies

The key to dealing with food allergies is to get the right foods. 93% of food allergies are caused by just 8 foods. In descending order of allergenic properties, they are arranged as follows: eggs, peanuts, milk, soy, tree nuts, fish, crustaceans, wheat.

Apples and pears, peaches and plums, carrots and potatoes, green beans, zucchini and squash are considered non-allergenic. Turkey and lamb meat, rice, barley, oats and rye rarely cause allergies.

Food allergies are related to general. People who are allergic to tree pollen, stop eating: stone fruits and berries, nuts, celery, dill, carrots. People who are allergic to cereals and meadow grasses, limit the consumption of bread and bakery products. Prohibited products: bread kvass, pasta, semolina, breadcrumbs, ice cream, halva, beans, sorrel. People who are allergic to Compositae plants (wormwood, etc.), stop eating: melon, watermelon, herbs, hot spices, sunflower oil, mayonnaise, mustard, halva, and also stop drinking: vermouth, absinthe, herbal preparations with the addition of coltsfoot, string, yarrow. People who are allergic to quinoa stop eating: spinach, beets, peach, pear, mango, kiwi, pineapple, honey, mustard. People who are allergic to aspirin, salicylates, other drugs, should not eat: citruses, berries, peaches, melon, plums, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes. Also, you should not use the following medicinal herbs: willow bark, raspberry leaf, meadowsweet, marsh cinquefoil, peony, marin root.

Hypersensitivity to some foods is more common than others.

Cow's milk– a common allergen, which is especially important to consider when feeding young children. The slightest amount of this allergen is enough to cause a child to develop a serious condition, immune system which did not have time to fully form. There were cases when a child died not even from eating dairy food, but only from milk dust, if the remains of milk were on the diapers on which the baby was placed.

chicken egg is also one of the leading food allergens. It is interesting that sometimes hypersensitivity manifests itself only to the protein, and sometimes only to the yolk (it happens that both components cause an allergy). If you are allergic to chicken eggs, you are often allergic to chicken meat (less often duck), other types of eggs (duck, goose), as well as to dishes containing eggs (mayonnaise, creams, butter and flour products, champagne and all white wines fined with egg white). In addition, hypersensitivity to eggs may be accompanied by an allergic reaction. respiratory tract on feather pillows.

Remember that vaccine vaccines (for example, against measles, mumps and rubella) also contain a small amount of egg whites. And this can be enough to cause serious reactions in people with allergies to the vaccine.

If you are allergic to chicken eggs or the chicken itself does not appear every time, then perhaps it is not these products themselves that cause your increased sensitivity, but the components of the food that was given to the chicken (for example, if you are hypersensitive to tetracycline, an allergic reaction to meat is quite likely birds fed with this drug).

Fish (sea and river), as well as various fish products (caviar, fish oil) are common allergens. Heat treatment practically does not reduce their allergenicity. During cooking of fish, allergens enter the broth and even water vapor, inhalation of which can also cause allergic reactions. People with hypersensitivity to fish are often allergic to the smell of fish food (daphnia). Keep in mind that even the use of cosmetic shadows made from fish scales can cause an allergic reaction.

Crustaceans – crayfish, crabs, lobsters– quite allergenic.

Among fruits, berries and vegetables The most common causes of allergies are strawberries, strawberries, and citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons). Yellow, red, pink vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, peaches, etc.) are more likely to cause allergies than green ones.

Nuts- quite strong allergens. Keep in mind that some nuts are chemically similar (for example, walnuts and almonds; cashews and pistachios). Therefore, an allergy to one type of nut is often accompanied by an allergy to another type.

The most common hypersensitivity is to peanuts and numerous products containing them (cookies, chocolate, peanut butter, etc.). It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to cosmetic preparations (creams, shower gels, shampoos, etc.) that contain this nut or its oil.

Honey, mushrooms, cocoa, chocolate, coffee have pronounced allergic properties. If you are hypersensitive to coffee and cocoa, you may also be allergic to other legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.).

Alcoholic drinks, yeast dough, cheeses and sausages. These products contain histamine, which is formed as a result of the activity of certain bacteria and provokes allergic reactions.

Less commonly, allergies to grain products (buckwheat, wheat, rye, oats), meat, legumes, onions, celery, and various spices occur.

Thus, it is possible to give an approximate general list products for allergies.

Do not use:

– broth,

– spicy,

– salty,

– fried,

– smoked,

– spices,

– sausage and sausage products ( boiled sausage, smoked sausage, frankfurters, sausages, ham),

– liver,

– fish and other seafood,

- chicken egg,

– sharp cheese, processed cheese,

- ice cream,

– mayonnaise, ketchup, margarine,

– vegetables: radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, sweet peppers, sauerkraut, pickled cucumber,

– fruits: citruses, apricot, peach, pomegranate, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, melon,

– berries: wild strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, watermelon,

– refractory fats,

– soda, kvass, coffee, cocoa, chocolate,

– sweets: honey, caramel, marshmallows, marshmallows, cake, pastry, cupcake,

- chewing gum.

Can be used:

– cereals (exception – semolina),

– fermented milk products: kefir, biokefir, natural yogurt without additives, etc.),

– mild cheese,

– lean meat (beef, pork, rabbit, turkey), canned meat for children,

– vegetables: any cabbage, zucchini, squash, light pumpkin, parsley, dill, green peas, green beans,

– fruits: green apple, white apple, pear,

– berries: cherries, plums, white currants, red currants, gooseberries,

– oil: ghee, refined vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive, etc.),

– fructose,

– 2nd grade wheat bread, grain bread,

- bread,

- crackers,

– dried fruits,

– dried fruit compotes (with the exception of rose hips and red berries),

– any tea,

– mineral water.

Limit products:

- pasta,

- bread made from flour premium,

– dairy dishes: whole milk, sour cream (added to dishes), cottage cheese, yogurt with additives,

– meat: lamb, chicken,

– vegetables: carrots, turnips, beets, onions, garlic,

– berries: cherry, black currant, cranberry, blackberry, banana,

– rosehip decoction,

Menu for exacerbation of allergies
Day 1

Breakfast: cup low-fat kefir, salad (cottage cheese, cucumber, parsley, dill).

Dinner: a bowl of pea soup, rice, boiled beef, a glass of green tea.

Dinner: potato casserole with cabbage, a glass of tea.

Day 2

Breakfast: oatmeal with apples, cherries, and a glass of water.

Dinner: soup with beef meatballs, boiled potatoes with dill, olive oil, a glass of green tea.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with raisins, a glass of dried fruit compote.

Day 3

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir, a plate of wheat porridge.

Dinner: a plate of milk soup, a few potato balls, a glass of tea.

Dinner: pasta with Bolognese sauce, a glass of water.

Day 4

Breakfast: salad (cabbage, cucumber, dill, olive oil), a glass of apple juice.

Dinner: pureed potato soup, zucchini stewed in sour cream sauce, a glass of green tea.

Dinner: pancakes with apples, a glass of cherry compote.

Day 5

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir, a couple of apples stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins.

Dinner: soup with zucchini, cherry dumplings, a glass of tea.

Dinner: stewed cabbage, a glass of water.

Day 6

Breakfast: a glass of apple compote, a plate of buckwheat.

Dinner: vegetable soup with beef broth, zucchini pancakes, a glass of green tea.

Dinner: a couple of zucchini stuffed with vegetables and rice, a glass of tea.

Day 7

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir, a plate of rolled oats.

Dinner: Lentil soup, minced beef dumplings, a glass of tea.

Dinner: vegetable stew, a glass of water.

Menu when leaving a strict diet
1 day

Breakfast: crumbly buckwheat porridge.

Dinner: potato soup with meatballs on water.

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: stewed zucchini in sour cream and turkey meatballs (without sauce, steamed).

Day 2

Breakfast: crumbly rice porridge.


Afternoon snack: cottage cheese balls in a slow cooker (no sauce, minimal egg).

Dinner: beef meatballs and crumbly buckwheat porridge.

Day 3

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with apples (cook apples in the microwave with sugar, or without milk).

Dinner: potato soup without green peas.

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: beef meatballs and white cabbage salad with apple (carrots - minimal).

4 day

Breakfast: Four Grain Porridge (caution if you are allergic to gluten and milk).


Afternoon snack: buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese.

Dinner: meatballs with cabbage and rice.

5 day

Breakfast: wheat porridge (caution if you are allergic to gluten and milk).

Dinner: Zucchini soup without curry and meat broth.

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: meatballs with cabbage and rice.

Day 6

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge (caution if you are allergic to gluten and milk).


Afternoon snack:

Dinner: Potato casserole with vegetables (egg, carrots - minimal).

Day 7

Breakfast: pies with cabbage and apple compote.

Dinner: corn porridge with meatballs.

Afternoon snack: pie filled with plums and poppy seeds.

Dinner: cutlets (lean pork in half with beef).

Kefir diet

Day one: five boiled potatoes and one and a half liters of kefir.

Day two: 100 g of boiled chicken and one and a half liters of kefir.

Day three: 100 g boiled meat and one and a half liters of kefir.

Day four: 100 g of boiled fish and one and a half liters of kefir.

Day five: fruits and vegetables, except high-calorie bananas and grapes, and one and a half liters of kefir.

Day six: kefir.

Day seven: mineral water.

Menu options for the day

Breakfast: wheat porridge, tea, green apple.

Snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable soup, meatballs, pasta and dried apple compote.

Dinner: vinaigrette, tea with a bun.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea, apple.

Snack: coffee with milk, cookies.

Dinner: Minced chicken soup, boiled beef stroganoff and mashed potatoes, compote.

Dinner: curd pudding, jelly.


Breakfast: semolina porridge, tea, apple.

Snack: cabbage and carrot salad.

Dinner: Vegetarian cabbage soup, baked rabbit leg, stewed carrots, compote.

Dinner: milk noodles.

Dishes for allergies to various foods


Heather tea

Compound: dried rosehip leaves, heather flowers - 2 g each, dried strawberry leaves - 10 g, water - 200 ml.

Rinse the porcelain teapot hot water(having a temperature when the hand can no longer stand it - above 60 ° C). Then add the herbal mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for about 10 minutes.

Rowan tea

Compound: dried leaves black currants – 2 g, dried rowan fruits – 5 g, dried raspberries – 30 g, water – 200 ml.

Brew the mixture in a porcelain teapot and leave for 7 minutes. Use further as tea leaves.

Lingonberry tea

Compound: dried lingonberry leaves – 12 g, sugar – 10 g, water – 200 ml.

Rinse the porcelain teapot with boiling water, add lingonberry leaves, brew with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then add granulated sugar and pour into cups.

Primrose tea

Compound: water – 200 ml, dried leaves of St. John’s wort and primrose – 5 g each.

Pour the mixture of leaves with boiling water in a porcelain teapot and let it brew for about 7 minutes. Use further as tea leaves.

Tea with thyme

Compound: dried lingonberry leaves - 4 g, dried St. John's wort and thyme leaves - 10 g each, water - 200 ml.

Brew the mixture of leaves and use as tea leaves.

Vitamin tea

Compound: dried oregano leaves – 5 g, dried rowan berries – 10 g, dried rose hips – 20 g, water – 200 ml.

Chop the dried berries, then pour boiling water over them and then cook for 5 minutes, then add oregano leaves and let sit for 10 minutes. This is a multivitamin tea that has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body and serves as a remedy against sclerosis.

Rowan and nettle tea

Compound: rowan fruits and nettle leaves – 7:3, water – 500 ml.

1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the composition and boil for 10 minutes, then let it brew for 4 hours in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place, filter. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day.

Calming vitamin tea

Compound: 4 parts oregano herb, 2 parts peppermint, 2 parts thyme herb, 2 parts Kuril tea, 2 parts lemon balm herb, 1 part motherwort herb, water - 200 ml.

Brew at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup. This tea goes well with blueberries and blackberries. It is recommended to drink no more than 20 g of this tea per day.

General strengthening tea

Compound: dried strawberry leaves - 3 g, blackberry leaves - 3 g, black currant leaves - 3 g, St. John's wort - 10 g, thyme - 10 g, water - 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the mixture of dried herbs in a porcelain teapot and leave for 10 minutes.

Tea with hawthorn

Compound: black tea – 1 tbsp. spoon, mint – 10 g, crushed rose hips – 7 g, motherwort – 5 g, crushed hawthorn berries – 3 g, valerian root – 2 g, water – 500 ml.

Mix all ingredients, pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 cup 4 times a day after meals.

Jasmine tea

Compound: green tea – 2 teaspoons, jasmine flowers – 1 teaspoon, lingonberry leaves – half a teaspoon, water – 500 ml.

For some of these diseases, food products will be the trigger. For others, plant pollen, animal hair, dust, etc. are more significant. It is clear that dietary recommendations for so various pathologies will differ significantly. However, there are a number of recommendations that will be useful to everyone.
1) Agree with your exact list“allowed” and “prohibited” food products. To determine the presence of specific allergens, you may be prescribed skin prick tests or a test for specific IgE in the blood serum.

2) Try new foods with great caution. It is better if you do this at home and under the supervision of relatives who can help if it occurs.

3) Prepare your own food from ingredients raw foods. Buy meat and fish only in pieces.

4) Try not to use processed foods, canned foods, mayonnaise and other sauces. You can never be completely sure of the composition of the finished product you purchase.

5) Carefully study the composition of any prepared food you are going to eat.

These recommendations apply to both children and adults. If your child suffers from allergies, you need to monitor his diet very carefully. Everything is relatively simple as long as the baby is small and does not attend school or kindergarten. As soon as a child grows up and gains independence, it becomes more difficult to control him. It is necessary to explain to the child which foods he can eat and which he cannot. At the same time, you should choose a form of dialogue so that the child understands that your instructions are not “mommy’s whim,” but a necessity. If there are a lot of “forbidden” products, it makes sense to write them down on a card and give them to the child with you. The barmaid and teachers at school should also be aware of your child's problem. If you are not sure about the quality of school breakfasts, you should prepare your child’s food at home and give it to him in a plastic container.

Nutrition during exacerbations of allergic diseases

As already mentioned, physiological feature people suffering from any allergic disease is their initial tendency to various manifestations of allergies. The situation becomes even more acute during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease, when the body is in a state of hyperreactivity; at this time, even a minor irritant can intensify the manifestations of the underlying disease or manifest a new allergic reaction.

Here is an approximate list of “allowed” and “prohibited” products.


Broths, spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked meats, spices, sausages and gastronomic products (boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters, sausages, ham), liver;
- fish, caviar, seafood;
- eggs;
- sharp and processed cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise, ketchup;
- radish, radishes, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, sauerkraut, pickles;
- mushrooms, nuts;
- citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches, pomegranates, grapes, sea buckthorn, kiwi, pineapple, melon, watermelon;
- refractory fats and margarine;
- carbonated fruit drinks, kvass;
- coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
- honey, caramel, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes, muffins (with flavorings, etc.);
- chewing gum.

Limited to:

Semolina, pasta, bread made from premium flour
- whole milk and sour cream (given only in dishes), cottage cheese, yoghurts with fruit additives;
- lamb, chicken;
- carrots, turnips, beets, onions, garlic;
- cherries, black currants, bananas, cranberries, blackberries, rosehip decoction;
- butter.

Cereals (except semolina);
- fermented milk products (kefir, biokefir, yoghurts without fruit additives, etc.);
- mild varieties of cheese;
- lean meat (beef, pork, rabbit, turkey), specialized canned meat for baby food;
- all types of cabbage, zucchini, squash, light pumpkin, parsley, dill, young green peas, green beans;
- green and white apples, pears, light varieties of cherries and plums, white and red currants, gooseberries;
- melted butter, refined deodorized vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive, etc.);
- fructose;
- second grade wheat bread, grain crispbread, unsweetened corn toffee sticks and flakes.
This diet is prescribed for exacerbations of allergic diseases for 7-10 days, then, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, you can slowly switch to an individual hypoallergenic diet (a diet that excludes specific foods that are allergens for a particular patient).

In conclusion, I would like to ask all allergy sufferers not to treat diet as torture.
Remember that by following dietary recommendations, you give yourself the opportunity to live healthy and full life despite the presence of an allergic disease.

Allergic reactions can occur during treatment with medications, household and industrial chemicals, as well as to certain foods (food allergies). In these conditions, nutrition should be physically adequate, but not excessive. Carbohydrates are limited in the diet, especially those that are quickly absorbed (sugar, honey, jam, chocolate, sweet drinks). By reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, the ability of body tissues to retain fluid decreases and inflammatory processes are weakened. Sugar can be replaced with xylitol. The protein and fat content should not exceed the physiological norm. Significantly reduce the amount of table salt and salty foods in the diet. Limit or exclude spicy foods, spices, spicy vegetables, seasonings, smoked products, meat, fish and mushroom broths and sauces. Dishes are served boiled, baked, stewed, but not fried. Such chemical sparing can somewhat reduce the absorption of allergens. Increase the content of vitamins in the diet, especially C and P. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Products enriched with calcium, which has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, are useful. If an allergic reaction occurs during therapeutic nutrition for various diseases, then it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the basic diet.


Among allergic diseases, food allergies have become widespread. The reason for the spread of food allergies is excess nutrition, especially protein, which is widely used in food industry dyes, preservatives, all kinds of surrogates, and in agriculture - chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Increase in recent years the number of general allergenic effects on the body (domestic, chemical, industrial, medicinal, etc.) contributes to the formation of a state of allergic readiness of the body to food products.

In childhood, true food allergies are much more common than in adults. The list of products that cause allergic reactions is very wide. The most common food allergens are egg whites, milk and wheat. Cases of allergies to fish, strawberries, shellfish, nuts, tomatoes, chocolate, bananas and citrus fruits are also very common. There are cases of allergies to certain types of meat, for example, pork. Sometimes an allergy to dairy products manifests itself in certain type milk, for example cow's milk. This is a very important circumstance, as it allows for medicinal purposes to replace cow’s milk with the milk of other animals (goat’s, mare’s), as well as to use milk substitutes from plant products, such as soy or peanut milk, in the diet. Allergy to cow's milk is quite common. Even small amounts of milk protein components in various foods (cottage cheese, butter, chocolate, etc.) can cause some allergic reactions in some people. Whole milk is more likely to cause an allergic reaction than processed or fermented milk.

Eggs, like milk, can cause allergic reactions. Egg albumin has the greatest allergic properties. When cooked, their activity decreases, so cooked egg whites have less allergenic potential than raw ones. Fish often causes allergic reactions. When cooked, it only slightly loses its allergenic properties. However, some people are hypersensitive to all types of fish, while others are sensitive only to certain types. Intolerance to crabs, crayfish, and oysters is often noted. Of the cereals, wheat is the most active.

The patient's sensitivity to certain food allergens can be extremely high. The presence of very small, trace amounts of egg white in food or even the smell of fish or parsley is enough for those who are particularly sensitive to react with a severe allergic reaction. There are cases of high individual sensitivity to products that contain minimal amounts of yeast (beer, bread, cheese, etc.).

The clinical picture of food allergies is very diverse and depends on the reactivity of the body, the properties of the allergen, and the functional state of the organs in which the allergic reaction develops. For acute allergies characterized by a sudden onset of the disease soon after ingestion of a food allergen, the appearance of general allergic reactions (fever, general weakness, chills, sometimes herpes on the lips, itchy skin, edema, bronchospasm, migraine, polyarthralgia, etc.). Despite the severity of the condition, the process is completed within 1–2 days. To find out the causes of allergies, it is of great importance to find out the hereditary predisposition of the patient and his close relatives to allergic diseases. Great help Keeping a systematic food diary can help. However, data regarding intolerance to certain foods must be verified through special tests.

In addition, the most commonly suspected allergenic product is excluded from the normal diet for 7-10 days. In this case, all dishes in which the suspected product is included as an integral part are excluded. In cases where food allergens cannot be identified, the most common allergens are excluded from the diet - milk, eggs, fish, chocolate, honey, nuts. If, as a result of this diet, all allergic symptoms decrease or disappear within several days, add one or another of the excluded products one by one. When signs of the disease recur, the role of this product as an allergen is considered proven. Another, more strict version of the diet is also used. For 1–3 days, only weak tea is allowed in the amount of 4–5 glasses with a small amount of sugar. At the second stage, dried white bread and cereals are added, then after 2-3 days - milk and dairy products (butter, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.). Then again, after 2-3 days, the diet is expanded, including meat, fish, egg dishes, vegetables and fruits.

To exclude non-food forms of allergies, the patient is examined using household, pollen, bacterial, medicinal and other allergens using skin and other tests, as well as other methods of allergic research. In cases of food allergies, it is not always possible to identify the allergen.

For those suffering from food allergies, it is recommended to gradually accustom them to the intolerant product. To do this, the product is administered in minimal doses before meals. Intolerable, less common foods that do not play a big role in nutrition are excluded from the diet (strawberries, lemons, oranges, watermelons, tomatoes, nuts, fish, caviar, crabs, honey, chocolate, etc.). It is much more difficult to exclude basic foods from the diet - bread and flour products, potatoes, milk, eggs, meat. If it is impossible to exclude an important nutritional product, then the intolerable product is prescribed in gradually increasing doses. Water-soluble products (milk, egg yolk) are diluted in boiled water in a ratio of 1:2, 1:10, 1:100 and 1:1000. Treatment is prescribed from the maximum dilution and given 1 teaspoon 1 time per day, then 2-3 times a day, increasing the dose daily (up to 10 spoons per day). Then they move on to a dilution of 1:1000, etc. The diluted product should be kept in the refrigerator; it is recommended to prepare it every 3-4 days. Well therapeutic nutrition at least 2–3 months.

In mild cases of food allergies, it is recommended to take a small amount of the intolerant product (1/4 spoon of egg, 20-30 ml of milk, etc.) 45-60 minutes before taking the main amount of the product. Repeated procedure within 3–4 weeks can lead to practical recovery.

Bread and flour products: rye, protein-bran, protein-wheat, wheat from 2nd grade flour, bread, on average 300 g per day. Inconvenient flour products by reducing the amount of bread.

Soups: from various vegetables, borscht, cabbage soup, meat and vegetable okroshka, beetroot soup; weak, low-fat meat, fish, mushroom broths with vegetables, permitted cereals, meatballs, potatoes.

Meat and poultry dishes: lean beef, veal, trimmed and meat pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, boiled, stewed and fried after boiling, chopped and in pieces. Sausages, diet sausage, boiled tongue.

Fish dishes: boiled, baked, sometimes fried low-fat fish. Canned fish in own juice and tomato.

Dishes made from milk and dairy products: milk and fermented milk drinks, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Unsalted, low-fat cheese.

Egg dishes: soft-boiled eggs, white omelettes.

Dishes from cereals and pasta: porridge from buckwheat, barley, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal; legumes

Vegetable dishes: potatoes, taking into account the carbohydrate allowance. Preferably cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants. Vegetables are raw, boiled, baked, stewed, less often fried.

Appetizers: fresh vegetable salads, vegetable caviar, squash, vinaigrettes, soaked herring, meat, jellied fish, seafood salads, low-fat beef jelly, unsalted cheese.

Fruits, sweet dishes, sweets: fresh fruits and berries in any form. Jelly, mousses, compotes, candies made with xylitol, sorbitol or saccharin.

Sauces and spices: low-fat based on weak meat, fish, mushroom broths, vegetable broth, tomato. Pepper, horseradish, mustard – limited.

Drinks: coffee with milk, tea with milk, tea, juices from vegetables, low-sweet fruits and berries, rosehip decoction.

Fats: unsalted butter and ghee, vegetable oil - in dishes.


Exclude from the diet: products made from butter and puff pastry; strong, fatty broths, milk and semolina soups, as well as soups with rice and noodles; fatty varieties meat, duck, goose, smoked meats, most sausages, canned food; fatty types and varieties of fish, salted fish, canned food in oil, caviar; salty cheeses, sweet curd cheeses, cream; limit egg yolks; exclude or sharply limit rice, semolina and pasta; exclude salted and pickled vegetables; grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, sugar, jam, sweets, ice cream; fatty, spicy and salty sauces; meat and cooking fats.



First breakfast: carrot balls or cutlets, sausages, baked apples, black bread.

Second breakfast: herring, thoroughly soaked with boiled potatoes, tea with milk and xylitol.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, boiled beef stroganoff, dried fruit compote, black bread.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: cheesecakes, vegetable stew, tea with sugar.

At night: prunes.


First breakfast: oatmeal porridge with meat broth, boiled sausages or diet sausage, tea with milk and xylitol, black bread.

Second breakfast: boiled potatoes with butter, apples.

Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup, boiled meat with a side dish in white sauce, dried fruit compote, black bread.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables, tea with sugar, black bread.

At night: yogurt.


First breakfast: herring soaked with vegetable oil, boiled potatoes with chopped herbs, sour cream and butter, doctor's or diet sausage, tea with xylitol.

Second breakfast: steamed meat cutlets.

Lunch: broth with meatballs, krupenik with diet cottage cheese, fruit jelly, black bread.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: meat stew with vegetables, tea with sugar, black bread.

At night: yogurt.


First breakfast: omelet, boiled chicken, coffee with milk and xylitol.

Second breakfast: semi-viscous buckwheat porridge.

Lunch: potato soup with meatballs, meatloaf, compote with xylitol, black bread.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: cottage cheese and apple pudding, tea with sugar, black bread.

At night: kefir.


First breakfast: oatmeal, boiled beef, tea with xylitol, black bread.

Second breakfast: vegetable juice.

Lunch: borscht, boiled meat soufflé, compote with xylitol, black bread.

Afternoon snack: apple juice.

Dinner: mashed potatoes with butter, tea with sugar, black bread.

At night: kefir.


First breakfast: meat pate, boiled sausages, tea with milk and xylitol, black bread.

Second breakfast: apples.

Lunch: vitamin-rich fruit soup, meat puree, dried fruit compote, black bread.

Afternoon snack: fruit mousse.

Dinner: diet cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with sugar, black bread.

At night: kefir.


First breakfast: omelet, boiled chicken or steamed chicken meatballs, tea with xylitol, black bread.

Second breakfast: grated carrots.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup, beef soufflé, apple compote with xylitol, black bread.

At night: kefir.


The most important condition for nutrition is the correct combination of all nutrients in a person’s daily diet, moreover, they must be introduced in quantities that completely cover all the body’s expenses, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In the human body, processes of oxidation (combination with oxygen) of various food substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - are continuously occurring, which are accompanied by the formation and release of heat. This heat is necessary for all life processes; it is spent on heating the inhaled air and maintaining body temperature. Thermal energy also ensures the activity of the muscular system. The more muscle movements a person performs, the more he produces losses, which require more food to cover.

The need for more food is expressed in heat units - calories. Currently, according to the International System of Measurement (SI), the energy value of food is expressed in joules (1 kcal = 4.184 kJ). The calorie content of food is the amount of energy that is formed in the body as a result of digestion of food. A calorie is the amount of heat required to heat 1 liter (large calorie) and 1 ml (small calorie) of water at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius by one degree. Every gram of protein and every gram of carbohydrates of any food, when burned in the body (during oxidation), produces heat equal to 4 kcal, and when 1 g of fat is burned, 9 kcal is formed. Knowing the amount of energy need, you can determine the need for basic nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Important for the vital functions of the body also have minerals, vitamins and water.

Proteins are of particular importance in nutrition. The main manifestations of life are associated with their action: metabolism, muscle contraction, irritability of the nerves, the ability to grow and reproduce, and even thinking. They are found in all tissues and fluids of the body, being their main component. Proteins consist of a variety of amino acids that determine their biological significance. Some of the amino acids are formed in the body itself. They are called nonessential amino acids. Others enter the body only with food. These amino acids are called essential amino acids. For physiologically complete functioning of the body, the presence of all essential amino acids in food is necessary. Insufficient content of at least one essential amino acid in food leads to a decrease in the biological value of proteins and can cause protein deficiency, despite a sufficient amount of protein in the diet. Essential amino acids are found mainly in products of animal origin: milk, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs.

However, the human body cannot do without proteins. plant origin, which are found in bread, cereals and vegetables, which mainly contain non-essential amino acids. Proteins from animal products in combination with proteins of plant origin provide the body with the substances necessary for its development and vital functions.

The average adult body needs approximately 1–1.2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight from food. This means that a person weighing 70–75 kg should receive between 70 and 90 g of protein per day.

If the intensity of physical labor increases, the body's need for protein also increases. Average daily norm Protein for an adult is considered to be 90-100 g per day, moreover, 55% of it should be provided by protein of animal origin.

The most important sources of protein are meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, bread, potatoes, beans, soybeans, and peas.

Proteins in the diet cannot be replaced by any other substances.

The physiological significance of fats is very diverse. They are a source of energy and surpass the energy of all other substances. Fats participate in restoration processes, being a structural part of cells and their membrane systems; serve as solvents for vitamins A, E, D and promote their absorption. By improving the taste of food, fats increase its nutritional value. In addition, they promote the development of immunity and help the body retain heat.

Insufficient intake of fat into the body can lead to disruption of the central nervous system, changes in the skin, kidneys, eyesight, etc. Animals fed a low-fat diet had less endurance and life expectancy.

Vital nutritional components such as polyunsaturated ones have been identified in the composition of fat and its accompanying substances. fatty acids, lecithin, vitamins A, E, etc.

The average adult need for fat is 80-100 g per day, including 25-30 g of vegetable fat.

In food, fat should provide 33% of the daily energy value of the diet, which, according to modern data, is optimal. There are 37 g of fat per 1000 kcal.

Fats are found in sufficient quantities in foods such as brains, heart, eggs, liver, butter, cheese, meat, lard, poultry, fish, milk. Vegetable fats are also valuable, especially in the diet of older people, since they do not contain cholesterol.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. On average, they account for 50 to 70% of the calorie content of daily diets. Each gram of carbohydrates provides 4 kcal of energy. The need for carbohydrates depends on the body's energy expenditure.

For people engaged in mental or light physical labor, the daily requirement ranges from 300 to 500 g. For those engaged in physical labor and athletes, it is much higher. Those who are prone to obesity can be reduced according to food rations amount of carbohydrates without harming health.

The richest carbohydrates are plant foods - bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate.

Excessive amounts of carbohydrates disrupt the correct ratio of the main parts of food, which, in turn, leads to metabolic disorders.


Vitamins are substances that do not supply the body with energy, but are absolutely necessary in minimal quantities to maintain life. They are irreplaceable, since they are not synthesized or almost not synthesized, and are not produced by the cells of the body. Vitamins come either from the food they contain or in the form of synthetic preparations. They regulate, direct and accelerate metabolic processes.

Vitamins are divided into two large groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

The group of fat-soluble vitamins includes vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Vitamin A affects the growth of the body and its resistance to infections. It is necessary to maintain normal vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Contains vitamin A in large quantities in fish oil, cream, butter, egg yolk, liver. In some plant products: carrots, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, green peas, apricots, oranges - contain carotene - provitamin A, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin D promotes bone formation and stimulates body growth. If there is a lack of vitamin D in food, the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body is disrupted, which leads to the development of rickets. Largest quantity Vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolk, liver, and fish roe. Milk and butter contain small amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin K is involved in tissue respiration and helps maintain normal blood clotting. This vitamin is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria. Its deficiency can occur due to diseases of the digestive system or when taking various antibacterial drugs. Vitamin K is found mainly in tomatoes, green parts of plants, spinach, cabbage, and nettles.

To the group water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and B vitamins.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is actively involved in redox processes, affects carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and increases the body's resistance to various infections. This vitamin is found in many fresh vegetables and fruits. The fruits richest in it are rose hips, black currants, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, citrus fruits, cabbage, potatoes, leafy vegetables.

The B vitamin group consists of 15 active, water-soluble, independent vitamins that take part in metabolic processes in the body, the process of hematopoiesis, and also plays an important role in carbohydrate, fat and water metabolism. B vitamins are growth stimulants. Vitamins of this group are found in brewer's and baker's yeast, buckwheat and oatmeal, rye bread, milk, meat, liver, egg yolk, and green parts of plants.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It affects the activity of the endocrine glands, the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and ensures intracellular metabolism. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and fetal development. Most of this vitamin is found in corn grains, carrots, cabbage, green peas, eggs, meat and fish products, cow and olive oil.

A long-term lack of vitamins in the diet leads to vitamin deficiencies. But hypovitaminosis is more common, the development of which is associated with a lack of vitamins in food; this is especially observed during the spring and winter months. With hypovitaminosis, fatigue increases, weakness, apathy are observed, performance decreases, and the body's resistance decreases.

There is a close relationship between the effects of individual vitamins. A lack of one of the vitamins in food leads to disruption of the metabolism of other substances; only when proper nutrition vitamins have the proper effect.


Food must contain minerals that are part of the cells and tissues of the body and are involved in various processes metabolism. The main minerals that are necessary for both sick and healthy include calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium salts are macroelements, they are needed daily in relatively large quantities, as well as iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, iodine, fluorine , which are needed in very small quantities, which is why they are called microelements. Microelements enter the human body with products of animal and plant origin. For example, seafood is rich in iodine; Cereals, yeast, legumes, and liver are richest in zinc; copper and cobalt are contained in beef liver, kidneys, chicken egg yolk, honey.

The mineral composition of berries and fruits is very diverse. They contain a lot of potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus. Moreover, all these minerals are perfectly absorbed. In addition, they are low in calories, lack fat and cholesterol, and contain a lot of vitamin C - all this makes them indispensable in the diet of those suffering from many diseases: hypertension, circulatory disorders, kidney damage, especially with the formation of edema. The potassium contained in these products increases the secretion of fluid from the body.

Good absorption of food by the body also depends on its skillful preparation, appearance, and menu variety. It is very important how the food looks and whether the table is beautifully set. From one pleasant sight of a dish, gastric juice begins to actively secrete, and the whole digestive system it is prepared by the time of eating.

You should not eat very hot or very cold food. The temperature of hot dishes should be no more than 60 degrees, cold ones - no lower than 10 degrees.

For certain diseases, for example, diabetes, food should contain not only certain products, but all daily ration must have a specified chemical composition. It is necessary to follow a certain menu, each dish of which is prepared according to the prescribed standards and with appropriate culinary processing.

Therapeutic nutrition at home has its own characteristics, because you have to take into account that the patient’s appetite, as a rule, is reduced, and the list of products on his menu is limited, and seasonings are prohibited. Nevertheless, dietary dishes can be very tasty if prepared with skill.




Products: fresh tomatoes 100 g, vegetable oil 9 g.

Cut the prepared tomatoes into thin slices, lightly salt and pour over vegetable oil.


Ingredients: 200 g white cabbage, 80 g carrots, 50 g apples, 4 tablespoons kefir, 2 tablespoons parsley, a little salt.

Chop cabbage, apples and carrots on a coarse grater, mix with cabbage, season with kefir, salt, sprinkle with parsley, mix, put in a salad bowl, garnish with herbs.


Products: 200 g cabbage, 100 g beets, 50 g sunflower oil, 10 g of lettuce, 10 g of dill, 10 g of parsley, salt.

Finely chop the cabbage, grate raw beets on a plastic grater, mix with cabbage, season with vegetable oil, you can add juice from half a lemon. Stir and garnish with herbs in a salad bowl.


Ingredients: 400 g tomatoes, 1 apple, 1 spoon of vegetable oil, lemon juice, parsley or dill.

Wash the tomatoes, wipe them, cut them into thin slices or quarters, wash the apple, grate it. Add a little lemon juice. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Place the cooked tomatoes on a dish, sprinkle grated apple, finely chopped parsley on top, and pour over vegetable oil.


Products: potatoes 50 g, beets 40 g, carrots 40 g, fresh cucumbers 40 g, apples 30 g, leaf lettuce 20 g, egg 1/4 piece, vegetable oil 20 g.

Boil potatoes, beets, carrots separately, cool, then peel and cut into small cubes. Apples, salad, fresh cucumbers wash, peel and finely chop. Finely chop the hard-boiled egg. Mix vegetables with chopped egg, season with vegetable oil. Place the vinaigrette in a heap in a salad bowl and garnish with lettuce leaves.


Ingredients: 1 large head of cauliflower (500 g) or three small ones, salt, sugar, 1 tablespoon of grated crackers, 1 teaspoon of butter.

Wash the cauliflower, put it in boiling salted water, add a little sugar, cook until tender, drain, serve, sprinkled with browned, grated breadcrumbs. If the amount of fat is not limited, add a piece of butter.


Ingredients: 300 g of boiled meat, 3 pieces of boiled potatoes, 2 cucumbers, 100 g of green salad, 2 boiled carrots, 1 glass of kefir, 2 tomatoes, greens.

Cut the peeled products into cubes or thin slices, mix with kefir, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, and garnish with tomato slices.


Products: carrots 100 g, unpeeled apples without core 70 g, sour cream 20 g, sugar 6 g.

Wash the apples, peel and cut them into strips. Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a fine grater and mix with apples. Season with sugar and pour over sour cream.


Products: carrots 90 g, black currants 50 g, sour cream 15 g, sugar 7 g.

Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater. Wash the blackcurrants, remove the inflorescences, mash a little with a wooden spoon, combine with carrots, add sour cream, sugar and mix carefully.


Products: beets 120 g, vegetable oil 7 g.

Boil the beets in their skins, cool, peel, cut into strips, and season with vegetable oil.


Ingredients: 3 eggplants average size, 2 tablespoons of crushed crackers, 1 teaspoon of butter, a little salt.

Wash the eggplants, peel them, cut them lengthwise into pieces, remove the grains. Boil water with salt, put eggplants in boiling water and cook. When ready, drain and serve, sprinkled with toasted breadcrumbs and a knob of butter.


Products: fish 150 g, loaf 15 g, gelatin 5 g, milk 15 g, fish broth 150 g, parsley 7 g, carrots 7 g, onions 7 g.

Clean the fish, rinse, remove the bones, mince the pulp, mix with a loaf or white bread soaked in milk and mince again. Mix the mixture and make meatballs and steam them, then cool. Make fish broth from fish bones and roots, strain it, combine with pre-soaked broth, let cool, garnish with herbs and pour in the remaining broth again and cool.


Ingredients: herring fillet 100 g, white bread 20 g, milk 20 g, butter 7 g, egg 1/4 piece.

Soak herring fillets in water, pass through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk and squeezed out, finely chopped boiled eggs, mix the oil thoroughly.


Ingredients: 150 g beef, parsley, salt.

Pour washed meat cold water, quickly boil and then continue to cook over low heat. When the meat is cooked, cool it, cut it into slices across the grain and garnish with herbs.


Ingredients: 150 g chicken, 3 g gelatin, egg and herbs for decoration.

Boil the chicken, cut into several pieces and cool in the same broth in which you cooked it. Then separate the pulp from the bones and cut it into pieces. Strain the broth, add the gelatin dissolved in the hot broth and stir. Pour the seasoned broth over the chopped meat and put it in a dish, decorate with eggs and herbs, and let it harden.



Ingredients: 1 kg of fish, 1.6 liters of water, 2 onions, 1 carrot, a quarter of beets, potatoes, 1 tablespoon pearl barley, greens, salt.

Sauté chopped onions in vegetable oil. Clean, rinse and cut the fish. Chop carrots and, if desired, beets. Place everything in a saucepan, add cold water, salt and put on fire. After 10 minutes, add chopped potatoes and cereal. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.


Ingredients: 400 g broth, 10 g butter, 250 g potatoes, half an egg, 20 g onions, parsley.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add 10 g of onion, egg, salt and mix well. Roll the meat into round meatballs and cook them in the broth. Boil the rest of the broth, add potatoes, finely chopped onions and fried in oil. When the soup is cooked, add meatballs and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Products: bones 250 g, carrots 20 g, onions 25 g, parsley root 10 g, salt, water 1.2 l.

Rinse the bones thoroughly, chop them, cover with cold water and cook for 3 hours. Allow the foam to harden and remove it. After 2 hours from the start of boiling the broth, add onions, roots, and salt. Strain the finished broth.

Soups and sauces are prepared using bone broth. Broth can also be a separate dish.

FRESH cabbage soup

Products: fresh cabbage 300 g, potatoes 150 g, carrots 100 g, parsley 10 g, dill 10 g, sour cream 20 g, broth 1.3 l.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and put them into the broth, add potatoes, cabbage and cook until tender. Rub all the hot vegetables into the broth through a sieve and boil again. Before serving, add sour cream and herbs to the cabbage soup.


Products: beans 80 g, potatoes 250 g, carrots 50 g.

Pour cold water over the beans in the evening. In the morning, cook the beans in the same water until tender, add carrots and potatoes and continue cooking until the vegetables are completely cooked. While hot, combine everything with the broth (after straining) and bring to a boil.


Products: potatoes 150 g, white cabbage 150 g, cauliflower 150 g, turnip or rutabaga 150 g, parsley root 15 g, onion 25 g, water 1.3 l.

Place the peeled root vegetables in cold water and cook over low heat until half cooked with the lid tightly closed. Then add cabbage, onion and continue cooking until tender. Strain the finished broth and bring to a boil.

Porridge, soups, and sauces are prepared using vegetable broth.


Ingredients: 0.5 kg of beef with bones, 1 beet, 1/4 of a head of cabbage, 2 carrots, half of parsley root, a quarter of celery root, 1 bay leaf, 1 onion, 2 tomatoes or 2 tablespoons of tomato, 2 teaspoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, parsley, salt, 3.2 liters of water.

Make broth from meat and roots. Peel beets, carrots, cabbage and cut into squares. Place chopped beets in a separate bowl, pour in a little broth, add oil, tomato, cover the dish with a lid and simmer, stirring. Then add lightly fried carrots, parsley and simmer until all the vegetables are soft. When finished simmering, add salt.

Place chopped fresh cabbage and bay leaf into the strained boiling broth and boil for 10 minutes. Then add the stewed beets and cook a little more. Fry the flour in oil, dilute with broth and pour into the soup.

You can put potatoes in the soup. It is added after the fresh cabbage has been cooked for 5 minutes. If you put tomatoes instead of tomato puree, then they must be cut into pieces and placed before the end of cooking along with a bay leaf.

Before serving, add boiled meat cut into pieces, sour cream and chopped parsley into a plate of borscht.


Ingredients: for dumplings: 400 g beef with fat, 1 onion, 2 cups flour, 1 egg, pepper, salt.

Boil the broth, the recipe for which is given above. Dumplings can be made from just beef or add some pork. Pass the beef and onions through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, a little broth and mix well.

Knead a loose dough from flour, eggs and a quarter glass of water, roll out thinly, put meat balls on it and cut out dumplings with a round mold.

Boil the broth, place the dumplings in it and cook for 10 minutes until they float to the surface. If you want to get a clear soup, boil the dumplings separately in salted water and, after removing them, pour in hot broth.

When serving, add chopped parsley and a little butter to the dumplings.


Products: fresh white cabbage 140 g, beets 160 g, potatoes 160 g, carrots 60 g, onions 30 g, fresh tomatoes 120 g or tomato sauce 15 g, parsley root 10 g, parsley 10 g, dill 10 g, butter butter 30 g, sour cream 40 g, water 1.2 l.

Boil vegetables until tender in a small amount of water. Boil the peeled beets in water until half cooked, grate them on a coarse grater and put them in the same water; add the rest of the chopped vegetables and cook until tender. Add the missing amount of liquid with hot water and bring to a boil. Before serving the borscht, add sour cream and finely chopped herbs.


Ingredients: 100 g currants, 100 g apples, 100 g plums, 0.5 tablespoon starch, 2 tablespoons sour cream, sugar, some orange peels.

Wash the apples, cut into pieces, wash the plums, remove the seeds, wash and peel the currants. Boil the fruits by placing them in boiling water, rub through a sieve and boil. Brew starch diluted in cold water, pour into boiling soup, remove from heat, season with sugar, orange peels to taste, add sour cream.

Soup from various fruits is prepared in the same way. For soup you can use apples, cherries, blueberries, etc. at the rate of 120 g per serving.



Products: beef 120 g, butter 6 g, milk 50 g, wheat flour 6 g, sour cream 15 g, tomato juice 15 g, parsley 5 g.

Boil the meat, cool, cut into thin pieces. Prepare white sauce, pour it over the meat, add tomato juice, salt, mix. Cook at low boil for 12 minutes, season with sour cream. At the table, add a knob of butter and sprinkle the beef stroganoff with finely chopped parsley.


Products: beef 120 g, bechamel sauce 40 g, butter 5 g.

Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder, add bechamel sauce, and grind thoroughly. Instead of bechamel sauce, you can add meat broth. Serve with butter.


Ingredients: beef 120 g, butter 6 g, flour 6 g, herbs.

Cut the boiled meat into pieces, pour in bechamel sauce or broth, add salt, cook over low heat for one hour. Serve to the table, sprinkled with parsley.


Ingredients: 250 g chicken, 20 g stale loaf, 25 g milk, 10 g butter.

Pass the chicken meat removed from the bones through a meat grinder, add a roll or loaf soaked in milk, grind again, add a little butter, mix well and cut into meatballs. Steam.


Ingredients: 300 g of meat with bones, 100 g of roots, salt.

Wash, peel, rinse, chop, add a small amount of boiling water, add salt and cook. Wash the meat, put it in boiling vegetable broth and cook until soft. Divide into portions.


Products: per 100 g: meat 150 g, wheat bread 20 g, wheat crackers 6 g, butter 6 g, water 30 g.

Separate the meat from bones, tendons, films, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in water and lightly squeezed out. Salt the minced meat, mix well, gradually adding one tablespoon of cold water.

Make cutlets from the cutlet mass and cook them in a special pan - a double boiler. If you don’t have such a pan, you can use a net with legs that is placed on the bottom of the pan. Water must be poured so that it is below the mesh. From the moment the water boils until the cutlets are ready, 20 minutes pass.


Ingredients: 500 g of boiled or fried veal, 7 potatoes, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 glass of milk sauce, crackers.

Cut boiled or fried veal into slices and place in rows in a baking dish or aluminum frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cover with slices fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, seasoned with raw egg, pour in milk sauce, sprinkle with unsalted grated cheese or breadcrumbs, pour over butter and fry in the oven for 20 minutes until the surface is baked. Serve in the same bowl in which the veal was baked.


Ingredients: beef 120 g, milk 25 g, butter 5 g, egg 1/4 piece.

Boil the meat until tender and pass it through a meat grinder, having previously removed films and tendons from it. Combine the minced meat with the milk sauce, stir, add the yolk, butter, stir well, then carefully fold in the whipped whites. Stir and place in a mold greased with butter. Bring to readiness in a water bath.


Ingredients: 500 g chicken, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 0.5 tablespoon butter, 1 bay leaf, salt.

Cut the cleaned and well-washed chicken into pieces, place in hot water, add peeled, coarsely chopped carrots, parsley, bay leaf, and cook at low boil for 1 hour until the meat is soft. Old chicken needs to be cooked longer. To make chicken more tasty, add roots and spices at the end of cooking, and add salt at the end of cooking. Cut the cooked chicken into pieces, place in a frying pan with well-heated oil and fry until the surface is browned.

When serving, carefully place the meat on a heated dish, pour melted butter over it, and place boiled potatoes fried in butter next to it.

Serve separately with green salad, fresh cucumbers or tomatoes.


Ingredients: fish 150 g, butter 20 g, wheat flour 5 g, half an egg, milk 40 g.

Peel the fish from skin and bones, boil half of the mixture, cool and mince with the remaining raw fish. Prepare a sauce in the form of jelly from milk and flour, combine with minced fish, add a raw yolk and 10 g of vegetable oil, beat it all well, lightly combine with the beaten egg white, place in a greased mold and steam until ready.

Before serving, pour melted butter over the fish soufflé.


Products: for 100 g: headless fish 200 g, carrots 15 g, onions 10 g, bay leaf 1 piece, butter 6 g, sour cream 10 g.

Peel the carrots and onions, wash them, cut them into slices and cut each of them into 4 parts. Clean the fish from bones and skin, rinse in cold running water, cut into small pieces, combine them with vegetables, add 1 glass of hot water, bay leaf, place in a saucepan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat. First, put the pan on high heat, and as soon as the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat to low, but the lid must be tightly closed. Season the finished fish with vegetables with sour cream and butter.

An allergy is an immune disorder that occurs when special substances called allergens enter the body. Allergens cause pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, skin rash in adults, headaches and other symptoms. Various substances can act as allergens; Some of the most serious allergens are certain foods. Let's find out what diet is needed for allergies in adults.

Food allergies and their causes

Today, scientists have little understanding of why some people develop allergies to certain foods and others do not. Risk factors considered to be adverse conditions environment, genetic predisposition, the presence of certain diseases, and so on. Scientists have also found that some foods often cause allergies, while others do not. Of course, if you know a specific food allergen, then it is advisable to simply exclude it from your diet. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine which product is causing allergy symptoms, so it is worth thinking about adjusting your own diet.

Groups of food allergens

Each product has a certain allergic activity. Allergies can be triggered not only by the products themselves, but also by the methods of their processing. For example, lean pork fried in a small amount of vegetable oil rarely causes allergies, but fatty pork fried in a large amount of oil with plenty of seasonings causes allergies quite often. It was also found that high-calorie foods cause allergies more often than low-calorie foods (although it is also not entirely true to believe that low-calorie foods do not cause allergies). In general, depending on allergic activity, all products can be divided into several groups:

Foods that often cause allergiesFoods that sometimes cause allergiesFoods that rarely cause allergies
Whole cow's milkBeefFermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir and some others)
Raw eggsBuckwheat, riceLean pork and lamb, rabbit
Fish, caviar and some other seafoodPeas, soybeans, beansMost varieties of cabbage
Wheat, rye, barleyPotatoes, beetsCucumbers, zucchini and eggplants
Carrots, bell pepperCranberryApples and pears
Strawberry, raspberryRed cherry, cherryWhite and red currants
Kiwi, mango, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranateblack currantWhite cherry
Coffee, cocoaHerbal infusionsVarious greens (dill, parsley and others)
Some mushrooms Vegetable oil
Nuts Tea
Honey Medicinal mineral water
Exotic teas

If you have been diagnosed with an allergy, it makes sense to change your diet. To prevent allergies from interfering with your life, you will have to go on a hypoallergenic diet and give up some foods. There is a common myth that a hypoallergenic strict diet for serious allergies contains only tasteless, non-nutritious foods, so it is quite difficult to complete it. Below we will show that highly allergenic foods can be replaced with hypoallergenic foods without significant loss of flavor diversity:

Highly allergenic productWhat causesWhat hypoallergenic products can be replaced?
Chicken eggsSkin rashesBoiled meat (preferably chicken, beef and lean pork). Give preference to boiled meat, minimize consumption fried meat, refuse smoked meat.
Cow's milkDiarrhea, skin rashesFermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt
CitrusSkin rashesApples, pears, grapes
ChocolateHeadachesGive preference to natural sweets (dates, dried apricots and others). Also remember that chocolate is often found in cakes, sweets and pastries, so it is advisable to avoid these products as well.
Nuts and seafoodSkin rashesCan be replaced with soy products. You can also include fatty fish in your diet (it is advisable to boil the fish rather than fry it).
WheatCauses skin rednessProducts made from rye flour.

As you can see, you can quite simply give up many foods. Also, the menu for allergies should not contain the following products:
  • Smoked and pickled products.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Alcoholic and carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Products with a large number of different preservatives and flavoring substances.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Various salty snacks - chips, crackers, nuts and so on.

Also remember a few tips from healthy lifestyle supporters:

  • Allergic foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • Recipes should not contain various fried, smoked and salted foods. If you want meat, boil it or make steamed cutlets. It has been shown that frying, smoking and salting produce various substances that can trigger allergies, while cooking does not release such substances.
  • Nutrition for allergies in adults should be balanced. Don't eat a lot of food. It is advisable to eat food in medium portions 3-4 times a day.
  • Diet for skin allergies should never include citrus products.
  • Stop drinking alcohol.
  • It is also important not to over-salt your dishes.
  • Cooking doesn't have to take a lot of time.

Also remember that such a hypoallergenic dietary course lasts about 1-2 weeks. In most cases, by the end of 2 weeks the number of allergic reactions is noticeably reduced, and metabolic processes in the body is stabilized, which leads to recovery. After completing a course of a hypoallergenic diet, you can start eating as before again, but doctors do not advise doing this, as this may provoke the emergence of a new allergy. However, doctors also agree that after going through a hypoallergenic diet, you can relax a little and include foods with moderate allergenic activity in your diet, although it is advisable to completely avoid highly allergenic foods.

Diet for severe allergies - example

Deal with it serious illness A good diet will help with food allergies. Let's look at an example of such a diet.


  • Dinner. Prepare vegetable or fish soup. For the main course, eat some beef or pork, as well as boiled potatoes. Wash it all down with apple jelly.
  • Dinner. Make meat noodle soup. For the second course, eat a small piece of meat with coleslaw. Wash everything down with pear or apple compote.
  • Dinner. Make meatball soup. For the second course, eat mashed potatoes, beef tongue and cucumber. Wash everything down with compote.
  • Dinner. Eat pasta with butter, eat oatmeal cookies, drink kefir.
  • Breakfast. Make a fruit salad from apple, pear and kefir.
  • Dinner. Prepare vegetable or fish soup. For the main course, eat some lean pork with potatoes. Wash everything down with tea.
  • Dinner. Eat buckwheat porridge with steam cutlets. Wash everything down with compote.
  • Breakfast. Pour kefir over the oatmeal, let the dish sit for 10-15 minutes, add a few small pieces of fruit, you can add a small piece of butter. You can wash the dish down with green or black tea (you can add sugar to the tea).
  • Dinner. Make meatball soup. For the second course, eat mashed potatoes and cucumber. Wash everything down with compote.
  • Dinner. Do cottage cheese casserole. Wash it down with tea.
  • Breakfast. Eat a couple of sandwiches with a little butter (prefer rye bread). Wash it down with tea.
  • Dinner. Eat some beef soup. For the main course, eat rice with steamed cutlets. Wash everything down with compote.
  • Dinner. Make low-fat meat goulash and mashed potatoes. You can also eat 100-200 grams of dates.


  • Breakfast. Make a salad with cabbage and cucumber, eat it with a small piece rye bread. Wash everything down with tea.
  • Dinner. Make meat noodle soup. For the main course, eat a small piece of meat with mashed potatoes and cabbage salad. Wash everything down with pear or apple compote.
  • Dinner. Eat a steamed cutlet with rice. You can also drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.

The body reacts to certain stimuli to haptens and antigens. Antigens include:

  • Dust.
  • Pollen.
  • Components of chemical origin.
  • Wool.

Haptens include:

  • Allergens of various food products.

When a person has a tendency to allergies, when polysaccharides and proteins enter the body, they are accepted as foreign, and antibodies to them begin to be produced for protection, and subsequently neurotransmitters. These substances provoke the development of allergies in the form of skin rashes, disruptions in the digestive tract and respiratory organs. What can and cannot be eaten by people with allergies? This is exactly what we will talk about.

Main allergen products

Basically, allergies can be to the following products:

  • Seafood.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Legumes.
  • Nuts.
  • Chocolate.
  • Some types of fruits and vegetables.
  • Celery.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Certain varieties of meat.
  • Peanut.

A large place among allergies falls on semi-finished products, canned food, food instant cooking, various smoked meats, sweet carbonated drinks, sauces. They are the ones who cause feeling unwell in humans, skin rashes and other symptoms inherent in allergies. But what can you eat if you have allergies? You will learn more about this further.

What can you eat if you have some allergies?

At bronchial asthma You can eat almost all foods, except:

  • Wheat bread.
  • Orekhov.
  • Honey.
  • Some fruits that contain salicylic acid.
  • Raspberries.
  • Abrikosov.
  • Oranges.
  • Cherries.

What can you eat if you are allergic to wool? You can eat almost all foods except pork and beef.

If you are allergic to mites, dust, daphnia, or cockroaches, you should avoid consuming the following foods:

  • Shrimp.
  • Crabs.
  • Lobsters.
  • Langustov.
  • Snails.

Ragweed and hay fever type should exclude the following foods:

  • Sunflower oil.
  • Seeds.
  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.
  • Strawberries.
  • Citrus.
  • Celery.
  • Dill and parsley.
  • Spices.

What can you eat if you are allergic to milk proteins? Avoid:

  • Milk.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Cream.
  • Ice cream.
  • Wheat bread.
  • Oil.

What can you eat if you have allergies: list

The list of foods that are allowed to be consumed if you have allergies is:

  • from beef, chicken, turkey.
  • Vegetarian soups.
  • Olive, vegetable and sunflower oils.
  • Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Curdled milk, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt without flavorings.
  • Brynza.
  • Cucumbers, cabbage, greens, potatoes, green peas.
  • Green apples and pears (bake before use).
  • Weak tea without additives.
  • Dried fruit compote.
  • Not fresh bread, unleavened flatbread, lavash.

What pills to take for allergies

Medicines that are used to relieve allergy symptoms belong to the following groups:

  • Antihistamines. These drugs prevent the release of allergy and histamine mediators.
  • Systemic glucocorticoid hormones.
  • Membrane stabilizers. They reduce the excitability of cells that are responsible for the development of allergies.

Antihistamines are used to eliminate allergy symptoms in a short period. New generation drugs reduce sensitivity to histamine, so they need to be taken several times a day at equal intervals.

Which ones are possible? Allowed drugs include: Suprastin, Tavegil, Dibazol. Don't forget to consult your doctor. During pregnancy medicines for allergies can only be used in exceptional cases.

What else can be used for allergies? Drugs latest generation from an allergic reaction simultaneously affect histamine receptors and lose sensitivity to the allergy mediator. Even with a high level of histamine in the blood, an allergic reaction will not develop in the future. The advantage of the new generation of tablets is that they do not cause sedation and are taken only once a day. These drugs are: Ketotifen, Cetirizine, Claritin, Loratadine.

Membrane stabilizers are used to strengthen the basophil membrane, and they do not destroy the allergen that has entered the body. Basically, this group of drugs is prescribed for the treatment of chronic allergies.

Glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed for severe allergies when other methods and medications have not given the desired effect. They are considered analogues of adrenal hormones and have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. These hormones should be discontinued after treatment, gradually reducing their dose.

Allergy tests

If you have allergy symptoms, you need to get tested to find the cause. Where can I get tested for allergies? To do this, you need to contact the laboratory. Analyzes can be taken using the following methods:

  • Scratch method. During the diagnostic process, an allergen is placed at the puncture site. After some time, redness or swelling may occur. The test is positive if the papule is more than 2 mm. About 20 samples can be made at one puncture site.
  • By injection method.
  • Intradermal tests with various allergen components.

It is necessary to get tested if allergies occur after eating food, medications or on household chemicals. Skin testing is considered a reliable and proven method for diagnosing all allergic reactions to which the body is hypersensitive. Three days before the diagnosis, you need to stop taking antihistamines.

Diet for allergies: features

  • On allergy days, eat at least 4 times a day.
  • Use boiled beef, chicken and pork for food.
  • During this period, eat pasta, eggs, milk, sour cream, kefir (if there are no contraindications).
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, greens.
  • It is recommended to avoid fruits, berries and mushrooms.
  • You should not eat sugar and honey, as well as products containing these components.
  • Exclude dough products, alcoholic beverages, coffee, cocoa, smoked foods, and pickles.

All products and medications can be prescribed and adjusted only by a doctor. There is another type of hypoallergenic diet. They are used not for the purpose of treatment, but for the purpose of prevention, to eliminate the allergic irritant. If allergies bother you quite often, then such a diet must be followed constantly. Doctors identify several appropriate techniques. They are used for allergic reactions to various irritants.

Nutrition after allergies

What can you do after an allergy? When the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, you can gradually add some foods to the diet. This is carried out according to a special scheme from low-allergenic to highly allergenic. Every new product administered once every three days. If the allergy begins to worsen, it means that the last product was found to be allergenic. List of products that can be used after allergies:

  • Lean and boiled beef, chicken or pork.
  • Soups on secondary broth with the addition of cereals.
  • Vegetarian soups.
  • Vegetable oil and butter.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Various porridges.
  • Lactic acid products.
  • Cucumbers, greens.
  • Watermelon and baked apples.
  • Herbal tea.
  • Compotes of berries and dried fruits.
  • White bread without yeast.

Diet for exacerbation of allergies

During an exacerbation, you need to consult an allergist. Here the doctor will be able to do tests that will identify the allergen. You also need to follow a strict diet. It is based on several stages:

  1. Starvation. For two days the patient should drink only water. You should generally avoid tea, coffee and carbonated drinks. During the day you need to take up to 1.5 liters of clean water.
  2. Can be added to some products. They should be the least allergenic. This is porridge yeast-free bread and vegetable broth.

You can stay on this diet for a week and eat up to 7 times a day in small portions. Next, you should stick to the basic diet for another two weeks until the symptoms of the allergic reaction completely disappear. If you have allergies, you can drink purified or mineral water without gases. Also shown are tea without flavors and additives, dried fruit compote, and rosehip decoction. You cannot drink coffee, cocoa, beer, kvass, carbonated drinks, as well as grape wines, vermouth, liqueurs, liqueurs.

Bottom line

Allergies - enough serious pathology which can lead to complications. Patients who suffer from this disease are advised to follow a certain diet and know the permitted and prohibited foods for a particular irritant. Together with treatment and use antihistamines The doctor prescribes a hypoallergenic diet to the patient. You need to follow it for about three weeks until the allergy disappears completely. The latest generation drugs are prescribed once a day and can be used long time without developing addiction syndrome. People who are prone to allergic reactions, do not abuse alcoholic beverages and smoking. These factors provoke the occurrence of the disease. Be healthy!