What is an antihistamine. Antihistamine - what does it mean? Effective antihistamines

Almost everyone modern man V home medicine cabinet There are antihistamines that are used to relieve an allergic reaction. But not everyone who uses them knows how such drugs work, how to use them correctly, and what the term “histamine” means. Therefore, you should understand in what cases these medications are prescribed, what their indications and contraindications are.

is a biologically active substance produced by cells immune system. It causes various physiological and pathological processes in the body, affecting receptors located in the tissues of internal organs.

Antihistamines block the production of histamine, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of allergies, gastrointestinal, neurological and other pathologies.

When are antihistamines prescribed?

Indications for taking antihistamines are the following pathological conditions:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • the body's reaction to insect bites;
  • allergic reaction to house dust, pet hair;
  • drug intolerance;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • exudative or allergic erythema;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergies to cold, heat, household chemicals and other toxic substances;
  • allergic cough;
  • food allergies;
  • bronchial asthma.

Types of antiallergic drugs

Several types of histamine-sensitive receptors are present in body tissues. These include:

  • H1 (bronchi, intestines, heart vessels, central nervous system);
  • H2 (gastric mucosa, arteries, central nervous system, heart, myometrium, adipose tissue, blood cells);
  • H3 (CNS, cardiovascular system, digestive organs, upper respiratory tract).

Each antihistamine composition acts only on certain groups of receptors, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

First generation antihistamines These drugs block the sensitivity of H1 receptors, and also cover a group of other receptors. Active substance, which is part of these drugs, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, causing the development of a side effect - sedation. This means that these antihistamine medications cause drowsiness in a person, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

Treatment with first-generation antihistamines is not allowed if the work of the person taking them is related to concentration.

This type of antihistamine also has other side effects. These include:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • violation heart rate.

These drugs act very quickly, however, the effect after taking them lasts for a short time. In addition, the first generation of antihistamines is addictive, so they should not be taken for more than 10 days. They are not prescribed for stomach diseases occurring in acute form, as well as in combination with antidiabetic and psychotropic drugs.

First generation antihistamines include:

from 128 rub.
from 158 rub.
from 134 rub.
from 67 rub.
from 293 rub.

The development of the second generation of antihistamines has eliminated most of the side effects. The benefits of these drugs include:

  • lack of sedation (mild drowsiness may occur in particularly sensitive patients);
  • the patient maintains normal physical and mental activity;
  • the duration of the therapeutic effect lasts throughout the day;
  • The therapeutic effect of the drugs persists for 7 days after discontinuation.

In general, the effect of antihistamines is similar to previous drugs. But they are not addictive, and therefore the duration of treatment can vary from 3 days to one year. Such drugs should be taken with caution by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Second generation antiallergic drugs include:

from 220 rub.
from 74 rub.
from 55 rub.
from 376 rub.
from 132 rub.

Third generation antihistamines are selective and affect only H3 receptors. They have no effect on the central nervous system, and therefore do not cause drowsiness and fatigue.

Although these antihistamines are derivatives of previous ones, all of them were taken into account when developing them. existing shortcomings. Therefore, they have virtually no side effects.

The following diseases are successfully treated with this type of antihistamine:

  • rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • dermatitis;
  • rhinoconjunctivitis.

The most popular antihistamines include:

In what cases are antihistamines not prescribed?

Allergies are a companion for many modern people, which significantly increases the popularity of antihistamines. On pharmaceutical market There are three generations of antihistamines. The last two generations have much fewer contraindications for use. Therefore, you should consider those conditions for which most antihistamines are not prescribed:

  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components included in the preparations;
  • the period of bearing a baby and natural feeding;
  • age restrictions;
  • severe stages of liver or kidney failure.

The dosage of antihistamines should be calculated individually. Therefore, before taking them, you should consult your doctor. For some diseases, the doctor can adjust the dosage of the antiallergic drug downward, which will avoid the development of side effects.

But since the largest number of contraindications are present in first-generation drugs, they should be given special attention. These drugs are not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • for glaucoma;
  • at bronchial asthma;
  • with prostate enlargement;
  • in old age.

As mentioned above, first-generation antihistamines have a pronounced sedative effect. This side effect increases if they are taken in combination with alcohol, antipsychotics, tranquilizers and other drugs.

Other side effects include the following:

  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • insomnia;
  • increased nervousness;
  • fatigue.

Antiallergic drugs for children

To eliminate allergic manifestations in children, first generation antiallergic drugs are used. These include:

The disadvantage of these drugs is multiple side effects, manifested in disruption of digestive functions, activity of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. Therefore, they are prescribed to children only in case of severe allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, many children develop chronic forms of allergic diseases. To minimize the negative impact on the growing body, new generation antihistamines are prescribed for the treatment of chronic allergies. For the youngest children they are produced in the form of drops, and for older children - in the form of syrups.

Antihistamines apply when allergic reactions of various origins.

Their wide spectrum of action is due to their ability to release histamine and effectively influence the main symptoms of allergies.

The main thing in the article


Every year the frequency of occurrence and development of allergic reactions is steadily increasing. This is due high level air pollution and the presence of ozone in it, as well as the lifestyle features of modern people.

Even though allergic rhinitis, atopic asthma and rhinitis in themselves do not threaten human life; their symptoms must be treated as soon as possible eliminate what antihistamines do well.

A key role in the development of various allergies is played by mediators with different structural features - biogenic amines, kinins, cationic proteins, leukotrienes, etc.

Histamines have an effect on many body systems:

  • respiratory system - bronchospasms, swelling of the mucous membrane and discharge large quantity mucus;
  • cardiovascular system - heart rhythm is disturbed, capillaries dilate, vascular permeability becomes high, hypotension;
  • gastrointestinal tract- the occurrence of colic, disturbances in gastric secretion;
  • skin - becomes blistered, peels, causes unpleasant itching, etc.

Antihistamines neutralize unpleasant symptoms, which are associated with the release of histamine, but do not affect the infiltration of the mucous membranes of eosinophils and the sensitizing effect of allergens.

Therefore, if antiallergic drugs are prescribed late, when most of the histamine receptors are bound, their effectiveness will be relatively low.

Let's look at the main types of new generation anti-allergy drugs and how they work.

Mechanism of action of antihistamines

The mechanism of action of drugs used against allergies is based on their ability to reverse inhibit H1-histamine receptors.

They, however, effectively block those receptors that it did not have time to occupy. That is why they are used when it is necessary to prevent rapidly developing and severe allergies.

Also, H1 blockers prevent the production of new batches of histamine if the disease is actively developing. Modern antiallergic drugs can affect not only histamines, but also bradykinin, serotonin and leukotrienes.

When interacting with H1 receptors, they cause the following effects:

  1. Antispasmodic effect.
  2. Bronchodilator effect if a spasm occurs after exposure to histamine.
  3. Prevents vasodilation.
  4. normalize the permeability of the vascular wall, especially in the capillary bed.

Antihistamines cannot affect acidity gastric juice and secretion, since they do not interact with histamine H2 receptors.

Chemical structure and properties of antiallergic drugs

Antiallergic drugs can be divided into several types depending on their chemical structure. Depending on the type and structure, pronounced effects and properties are formed.

Type of drug Varieties Characteristic properties
Ethanolamines Clemastine, diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, doxylamine
Ethylenediamines Chloropyramine Pronounced sedative effect, drowsiness, m-anticholinergic effect
Alkylamines Dimetindene, acrivastine, chlorphenamine Causes increased stimulation of the central nervous system, but the sedative effect is weak
Piperazines Cetirizine, hydroxyzine Weak sedative effect
Piperidines Ebastine, loratadine, levocabastine, fexofenadine Weak sedative effect, practically do not affect the nervous system and lack anticholinergic properties
Phenothiazines Promethazine, hifenadine Pronounced anticholinergic and antiemetic properties

In order to decide which antihistamines are better, you need to consider their distinctive features, positive and negative aspects, as well as the allergy itself.

The development of H1 receptor blockers occurred gradually, and today three generations of drugs can be distinguished, each of which has its own characteristics.

First generation allergy tablets

Pioneers in the fight against allergies, or 1st generation antihistamines, are successfully used in medical practice for several decades now.

The distinctive features of these drugs are:

  • the effect after taking the drug occurs quickly (up to half an hour), but is short-lived;
  • possible side effects, even if the normal dosage is followed;
  • pronounced sedative effect(drowsiness, lethargy, weakness);
  • M-anticholinergic properties, which manifest themselves in the form of dry mouth, problems with urination and bowel movements, disturbances in heart rhythm and vision;
  • rarely observed psychomotor agitation when the prescribed dose is exceeded and in children;
  • potentiating effect on simultaneous administration with analgesics and sedatives, alcohol;
  • anti-sickness and antiemetic effect;
  • with long-term use, a decrease in antihistamine activity is observed, so it is better to alternate first-generation drugs every 2-3 weeks;
  • local anesthetic effect;
  • affordable price;
  • the presence of various dosage forms (for example, very popular allergy pills).

Basic first generation antihistamines (list):

Trade names
Ifenadine Fenkarol
Clemastine Tavegil
Sehifenadine Histaphene
Mebhydrolin Diazolin
Promethazine Pipolfen
Diphenhydramine Diphenhydramine
Hydroxyzine Hydroxyshchin Canon, Atarax
Chloropyramine Suprastin

Everyone knows the sedative properties of first-generation antiallergic drugs, which is due to the ability to dissolve in lipids and pass through the blood-brain barrier.

May vary depending on the specific drug and the characteristics of the patient.

However, their undeniable properties are their affordable price and variety of dosage forms. Therefore, it is the first generation antiallergic drugs that are most in demand in cases where the patient needs to provide first aid.

Second generation antihistamines

A peculiarity of these drugs is that, due to their chemical structure, they exhibit poor permeability through the blood-brain barrier.

Therefore, they selectively act on peripheral H1 histamines, and do not affect central H1 receptors at all.

The specifics of the chemical structure of antihistamines determined their main characteristics:

  1. subject to therapeutic doses the sedative effect occurs only in sensitive patients, but even in this case, drowsiness is moderate;
  2. clinical effect occurs quickly, like the first generation drugs, but lasts much longer. This occurs due to the good binding of the drug to blood proteins and its slow elimination;
  3. With long-term use, second-generation drugs retain their effectiveness.

Disadvantages of second generation antiallergic drugs:

  • . Due to blocking of myocardial potassium channels and prolongation of the QT interval, heart rhythm disturbances are possible;
  • the possibility of negative reactions increases if antihistamines are combined with antidepressants, macrolides, and antifungal drugs. Their long-term use is not recommended for liver problems;
  • One of the main disadvantages is the lack of parenteral dosage forms; many drugs are produced only for topical use.
International generic name Trade names
Hifenadine Fenkarol
Clemastine Tavegil
Sehifenadine Histaphene
Mebhydrolin Diazolin
Promethazine Pipolfen

Some second generation antiallergic drugs:

International nonproprietary name Trade names
Dimetinden Fenistil
Loratadine Clarisens, Loratadine, Lomilan, Clarotadine, Erolin, Alerpriv
Azelastine Allergodil
Akrivastine Semprex
Levocabastine Visine, Reactin
Ebastine Kestin

Third generation antiallergic drugs

The drugs of this group are fundamentally different from previously existing ones in that they contain active metabolites of anti-allergy drugs of previous generations.

Benefits of this group:

  1. the active effect occurs approximately an hour after taking it, but lasts much longer;
  2. the clinical effect is more pronounced than others;
  3. therapeutic effect and the half-life from the body is longer;
  4. one of the main advantages is that third generation drugs do not have toxic effect on the heart;
  5. wide range actions, and therefore their use is desirable if prescribed long-term treatment allergic diseases that are associated with the presence of mediators in the late phases of allergic inflammation.

The main third generation antihistamines:

In any case, both the doctor and the patient himself must remember that the best antihistamines are those that effectively fight the disease and its symptoms, and also cause minimal harm to the heart, liver and other systems of the body.

Therefore, in most cases the choice should be made on the most modern and high-quality medicines.

How to choose antihistamines for skin allergies

Antihistamines are used both to relieve symptoms of allergies and to prevent them.

To select the most effective and suitable remedy The following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • The 3rd generation drugs are recognized as the safest today, despite the fact that the first and second generation drugs remain popular (loratadine, suprastin, etc.).

Key Benefits : no sedation, ability to take medications while driving, no side effects from the central nervous system and liver.

  • If an acute reaction occurs that needs to be stopped quickly, as well as in serious condition patient, careful use of prednisolone is possible. The maximum dose at the beginning of treatment is 25-30 mg per day, which is reduced over the next 7-10 days until the drug is discontinued.
  • Antihistamines for skin allergies used in the form of lotions and ointments.

In this case, a solution is used boric acid or resorcinol, ichthyol ointment. It is possible to prescribe corticosteroids that do not cause the effect of dying and thinning of the affected areas of the skin.

For example, a patient is prescribed methylprednisolone for external use.

Benefits: symptoms such as swelling, erythema, and painful sensations, itching and irritation.

Skin manifestations of allergies and development secondary infection will prevent pyrithione zinc.

Advantages: has similar efficiency to hormonal medications, but there are practically no side effects; antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

New generation antihistamines: list

1st and 2nd generation allergy medications are still used in clinical practice, however, there are reasons why their use is undesirable:

  1. have large number side effects;
  2. not recommended for people whose work involves high concentration attention and concentration;
  3. unwanted reactions drugs are enhanced when taken simultaneously with other drugs and alcohol;
  4. prescribed with caution to persons with heart, liver, and kidney diseases;
  5. New generation antihistamines are safer and more effective.

Antihistamines 2nd generation: list

Name of active substance Trade names Release forms
Dimetinden Fenistil Drops, emulsions, gels
Azelastine Allergodil Eye drops and spray
Loratadine Clarisens, Alerpriv, Lomilan, Clarotadine, Eralin Tablets, suspension, syrup
Akrivastine Semprex Capsules
Levocabastine Visine, Reactin Nasal drops and spray
Cetirizine Cetrin, Cetirizine Hexal, Letizen, Zodak, Zetrinal, Zenaro, Parlazin Tablets, drops, syrup
Ebastine Kestin Pills

Antihistamines 3rd generation: list

The advantage of 3rd generation drugs is that they do not cross the blood-brain barrier and cannot cause similar effects that affect the central nervous system.

In addition, they act quickly (within an hour), and they need to be taken once a day, since the effect of taking the medicine lasts 24 hours.

New generation antihistamines: list

It does not stand still, and therefore the list of anti-allergy drugs is constantly updated with new products.

New drugs have not yet been officially classified as 4th generation antihistamines, so this name is arbitrary. They also effectively treat allergy symptoms by blocking H1 receptors.

Advantages the latest drugs for allergies:

  • absence negative impact on the liver vascular system and heart;
  • do not cause drowsiness and many other side effects, like drugs of previous generations;
  • qualitatively and quickly neutralize allergy manifestations;
  • Not recommended for women during pregnancy and children under 2 years of age.

List modern drugs New generation anti-allergy:

  1. Erius;
  2. Xizal;
  3. Levocytirizine;
  4. Desloratadine;
  5. Fexofenadine;
  6. Ebastine.

Antiallergic drugs for children

Let's look at the main antihistamines for children that are approved for use, including for newborns and infants.

Antihistamines for children under one year of age


Features of the antiallergic drug:

  • a well-known anti-allergy drug;
  • refers to first generation drugs;
  • can be used by children aged 1 month or older;
  • release form - tablets.

Dosages and application: The tablet must be ground into a fine powder and added to formula or breast milk.

The specific dosage and dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. Recommended doses and frequency of administration are presented below:

Child's age Recommended dose Reception frequency
From one month to a year Quarter tablet of suprastin 3 times a day
From one year to 6 years Half or quarter tablet of suprastin 2-3 times a day
From 6 to 12 years Half a tablet of Suprastin 3 times a day
More than 12 years Whole tablet 3 times a day

Cons of Suprastin:

  • even at a low dosage causes noticeable drowsiness and lethargy;
  • not recommended for use in situations where it is necessary to maintain attention and concentration;
  • should not be used in children who are lactose deficient.

Fenistil for children (dimetindene)


  • effective antihistamines for infants over 1 month of age;
  • refers to second generation drugs;
  • Available in the form of drops, control of the prescribed dosage is necessary.

The drug can be added to formula or milk (for small children), or added to other foods.

Child's age Recommended dose, drops Reception frequency
From one month to a year 3-10 2-3 times a day
From one year to 3 years 10-15 2-3 times a day
From 3 to 12 years 15-20 2-3 times a day
More than 12 years 20-40 2-3 times a day

Cons of Fenistil:

  • Possible urinary retention;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • increased heart rate.

These effects are observed mainly in children under one year of age.

Zyrtec for children

Antiallergic drugs containing cytirizine belong to the group of third-generation drugs. Available in tablets and drops.


Child's age Recommended dose Reception frequency
From 6 months to a year 5 drops 1 time per day
From one year to 2 years 5 drops 2 times a day
From 2 to 6 years 10 drops 1 time per day
After 6 years Tablet - half or whole 1 time per day

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • consultation with a specialist is mandatory for premature infants, as well as for children with impaired central nervous system and renal function;
  • in some cases causes urinary retention.

Antihistamines for children over one year of age

Antiallergic drugs based on loratadine (claritin, lomilan, loratadine)


  • well studied, belongs to 2nd generation drugs;
  • has no sedative effects
  • is not addictive;
  • Available in the form of tablets or syrup;
  • taken once a day.

Dosages: depend on the child's weight.


  • modern medicine 3 generations;
  • does not affect the functioning of the heart and central nervous system;
  • effective in combating skin allergies and in treating seasonal allergies;
  • for children is available in syrup.


  • 3rd generation antihistamine;
  • fast action- 12 minutes;
  • can be used for children from 2 years old;
  • Available in tablets and drops.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

It is known that allergies are not a disease, but rather a certain reaction of the immune system to allergens that enter the body.

Allergy symptoms during pregnancy are common:

  1. headache;
  2. rhinitis;
  3. bronchospasms and shortness of breath;
  4. itchy skin and spots on the surface of the skin;
  5. tearfulness.

During periods of exacerbation of allergies, including during pregnancy, follow-up with a doctor and therapeutic treatment, which is selected individually in each specific case.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

About a third per allergic symptoms, even if they had not previously observed hypersensitive reactions of the body.

It is important to understand that allergies cannot affect normal development child, since antibodies and antigens are not able to cross the placenta.

However, for the woman herself, manifestations of allergies can create a lot of inconvenience.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 1st trimester, 2nd trimester can be prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of allergy, the severity of its occurrence and individual characteristics patients.

Types of allergies during pregnancy

  • allergies in the first stages of pregnancy, when they provoke allergic reactions. A pregnant woman should immediately visit an allergist so that he can identify allergy factors and exclude contact with them;
  • an allergy that has nothing to do with pregnancy. A consultation with an allergist is necessary, who will adjust the intake of antiallergic drugs for the patient;
  • allergies whose symptoms worsen due to pregnancy. This case is rare, but requires consultation with a doctor who will help normalize the pregnant woman’s condition;
  • allergies, the symptoms of which are easier during pregnancy. This happens quite often because during pregnancy a woman's body produces the hormone cortisol, which helps relieve allergy symptoms.

Taking antihistamines during pregnancy

The case of allergies during pregnancy is a complicated case, since many antihistamines are simply not permissible to prescribe during pregnancy.

Therefore, a woman should attend consultations not only with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also with an allergist.

  • Initially, it is necessary to identify which allergens caused allergy symptoms, especially if the allergy first appeared in a woman during pregnancy;
  • then, together with doctors, an analysis of the situation surrounding the woman is carried out in order to exclude the influence of factors that provoke allergies on her;
  • It should be noted that very often an allergic reaction is associated with taking certain products, using household chemicals and cosmetics.

One way to treat allergies is to take vitamins:

  • makes it difficult to develop inflammatory reactions in allergies by taking linoleic acid and fish oil;
  • Reduces symptoms of pollen allergy by taking vitamin PP;
  • prevent anaphylactic reactions and reduce the number of attacks respiratory allergies vitamin C will allow;
  • Vitamin B5 helps eliminate allergic rhinitis;
  • reduces the manifestation of dermatitis and asthma by one of the best natural antihistamines - vitamin B12;
  • the risk of developing allergies due to the use of perfumes and household chemicals will reduce the intake of zinc.

Taking vitamins should not be arbitrary; consultation with a doctor is necessary, because many vitamins are also strong allergens.

What antiallergic drugs are best to use during pregnancy?

Antihistamines during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and thereafter should be taken very carefully, since some drugs have a negative effect on active developing fetus, can even cause involuntary uterine contraction(Tavegil, Diphenhydramine).

You need to pay attention to the nature of the existing symptoms - if they are mild, then simply eliminating the source of the allergen that causes them will help.

Antihistamines during pregnancy, especially severe symptoms, such as asthma, swelling of the nasopharynx, should only be prescribed by an allergist.

You also need to constantly monitor the effectiveness of a particular drug.

The dosage of anti-allergy medications for a pregnant woman should be minimal, and the duration of their use should be shorter.

Preference should be given to those medications that have a wide spectrum of action and a low risk of side effects.

As a rule, these are proven antiallergic drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generation.

Antihistamines and their inexpensive analogues

Every person who has experienced allergies at least once wants to buy antiallergic drugs that are inexpensive but effective.

A varied selection of products in the pharmacy allows you to do this if you know the main characteristics, their active substance and analogues.

Let's look at some of them.

Preparation Analogues Peculiarities

Inexpensive new generation drugs

Cetirizine Zodak
  • acts quickly due to good penetration of the drug into the skin and lack of metabolization in the body;
  • with long-term antihistamine therapy, it can significantly reduce the risk of developing an atopic condition;
  • a pronounced result is achieved within 2 hours from the moment of taking the drug;
  • It works for a long time, so one tablet is enough for a day.
Loratadine Clarisens, Lomilan
  • suitable for all age groups of patients;
  • does not affect psychomotor processes and the heart;
  • has minimal sedative effect;
  • well tolerated;
  • can be taken with other medications.
Erius Desloratadine
  • powerful antihistamine effect;
  • Available in the form of tablets and syrup;
  • not recommended during pregnancy;
  • strictly applicable set time;
  • copes well with skin itching and rashes;
  • there are some side effects - dry mouth, fatigue, weakness

Inexpensive second generation anti-allergy drugs

  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • copes well with food or drug allergies, with runny nose and itchy skin;
  • causes light sedation;
  • used for insect bites;
  • Suitable for atopic dermatitis.
  • the effect of taking the medicine lasts throughout the day;
  • does not cause addiction and resistance to allergies to the drug;
  • suitable for seasonal and skin allergies;
  • suitable for children from 2 years old;
  • individual selection dosage.
  • eliminates symptoms of swelling;
  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • effective for Quincke's edema, urticaria and allergic rhinitis;
  • Use with caution for liver problems.

Inexpensive first-generation anti-allergy drugs

Diphenhydramine doesn't have
  • classic drug- suppresses the cough and gag reflex, eliminates pain;
  • there are side effects - dry mouth, urinary retention, drowsiness;
  • used in the absence of other antihistamines.
Tavegil doesn't have
  • similar to Diphenhydramine, but has fewer side effects.
Suprastin doesn't have
  • effective against itching and spasms, eliminates swelling;
  • used even for anaphylactic shock;
  • valid for 5 hours.

When choosing a remedy to combat an illness, many allergy sufferers are interested in antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness.

A sedative effect is typical for most first-generation antiallergic drugs, and for some second-generation drugs.

Modern antihistamines, for the most part, are free from such an unpleasant side effect, so they can be used at any time, early in the morning, while driving, during a business trip or an important meeting.

Main dosage forms of anti-allergy drugs

Modern allergy medications are available in different dosage forms, including: allergy tablets, ointments, nasal sprays, as well as antiallergic eye drops, syrups, etc.

Since allergy pills are the most common dosage form, which is used by many manufacturers of anti-allergy medications, suggests considering the features of using ointments, sprays and eye drops against allergies.

Allergy ointment

This medicinal formula is effective when allergies are caused by insect bites, medications, pollen, or associated with the intake of certain foods.

Skin allergies are effectively treated with ointments, which are hormonal and non-hormonal:

1. Hormonal ointments for allergies: Advantan, Gistan, Lokoid, Sinaflan, etc.


  • cannot be used for pregnancy;
  • are prescribed to children, depending on the type of ointment, from birth or from 4-6 months.

2. Non-hormonal ointments for allergies: Elidel, Bepanten, Zinc ointment, Protopik, Wundehill et al.

These ointments are suitable for children of almost all ages and for pregnant women.

In addition, allergy ointment may be intended to relieve individual symptoms or for a specific body part:

  • ointment for skin itching(Iricar, Beloderm, Mesoderm, etc.);
  • ointment for allergies on the face (Celederm, Miramistin, Actovegin, etc.);
  • ointment for allergies on the hands (Belosalik, Lorinden A, etc.);
  • eye ointments(Levomekol, Fucidin, etc.).

Allergy spray

Any allergy has its own characteristics. Many people suffer from seasonal manifestations allergies (pollen, dust), insect bites, etc.

The best way to prevent allergy symptoms is to avoid exposure to the allergen, but another solution is to use a barrier product, such as an allergy nasal spray.

These drugs protect the human body from exposure to the allergen, since they create an obstacle in its path.

Benefits of nasal sprays:

  1. easy to use;
  2. safe;
  3. used in complex therapy;
  4. safe for pregnant women and children;
  5. safe for people who have contraindications to the use of antihistamines.

There are different types of nasal allergy sprays:

  • gel-like (Prevalin), which when mechanical impact take on a liquid state;
  • children's (Prevaln Kids), which can be used by children from 6 years old;
  • with natural ingredients (Nazaval);
  • based on sea ​​salt(Aquamaris sense).

Allergy eye drops

The manifestation of an allergy in the eyes causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient - redness, swelling, severe itching, lacrimation and photophobia). You can quickly get rid of them by using local anti-allergenic agents - eye drops.

Types of anti-allergy eye drops:

  • Antihistamine eye drops (Lecrolin, Olopatadine, Azelastine, etc.).

They quickly stop the allergic reaction and can be used as part of complex therapy.

  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops (Lotoprednol, Acular).

Quickly relieve swelling and suppress itching. However, their prescription should be controlled by the attending physician, since he must accurately determine whether the patient has an infectious inflammation associated with an allergy.

  • Vasoconstrictor eye drops (Vizin, Octilia, Okumetil).

Stops lacrimation, itching and pain, relieves redness from the eyes.

Such drugs must be taken with caution, since they can be addictive if taken long-term, and if discontinued, the allergy may return.

Any allergy medications must be approved by your doctor or allergist.

If you bloom in the spring along with flowers, you urgently need to deal with this...

Currently allergic diseases are the scourge of the 21st century. The number of people suffering from this disease is growing every year. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that the most susceptible negative reactions on certain substances small children. Based on this, nursing mothers should not consume many foods until the child’s body reaches a certain degree of maturity.

Among the adult population there are also enough people suffering from allergies.

How to deal with intolerance pollen, cat hair or citrus? The ideal option is to eliminate the allergen. That is, avoid contact with anything that causes an allergic reaction.

What if this is impossible?

It was this question that served as a prerequisite for active research and creation of the most effective and safe antiallergic drugs. What medications are the most effective in the difficult task of fighting an allergic reaction?

To choose the right medicine, you should know the nature of the allergic reaction. Itching, sneezing, redness of the skin, suffocation - these are all symptoms caused by the substance histamine. To eliminate an allergic reaction, it is necessary to deprive it of its ability to act in the body, in other words, to block it.

Antihistamines can do this.

We present to your attention a list of the most effective and popular medicines, from which you can choose what is most suitable for you.

Attention! Our rating is for you if you have been bitten by a harmful insect or eaten for breakfast exotic fruit, or sneeze from poplar fluff... That is, if your allergy is an unpleasant episode, and not chronic disease. Otherwise, only a doctor should prescribe treatment. And one more thing. All the drugs listed here have contraindications; before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions and contraindications for use in detail - what if the chosen drug is absolutely not suitable for you?

Rating of the best allergy remedies

Exclusive of its kind - Cetrin
the best allergy drug at the moment

Photo: www.utkonos.ru

In first place in terms of effectiveness is the third generation antihistamine, Cetrin.

The average estimated cost of the drug is from 160 to 200 rubles.

The main advantages of Cetrin are high degree its effectiveness, as well as the rapid action after taking the drug. It is also preferable because it does not cause drowsiness and “abstains” from negative effects on the liver.

Cetrin should be taken to eliminate symptoms of seasonal allergies, hay fever or atopic dermatitis.

This drug is best choice for both adults and children. It has a pleasant taste and has virtually no contraindications or restrictions on use. Unlike other drugs, it is enough to use it once a day, which greatly simplifies the application process.

In the ranking of the most effective antiallergic drugs, Cetrin takes first place. On a ten-point scale, he can safely be given 9.5 points. 0.5 points are deducted for the only drawback - the price. Allergy medications can be purchased at a more reasonable price, but this is precisely the case when it is appropriate to remember the words of the wise Jew: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

Claritin is a true, reliable, safe medicine for allergies

Photo: lechimsya.org

Next on the list of the most effective drugs for treating allergies is Claritin (Loratadine).

Average cost this drug- from 160 to 220 rubles.

Before the advent of third generation antihistamines, Claritin was the most common. It is one of the first antiallergic drugs that did not affect the patient's state of attention, which made it possible for use by doctors and drivers.

It is used for various manifestations of the allergic process, ranging from cutaneous forms(itching and redness) and ending with laryngospasm (suffocation).

Claritin is good for its speed of action, the possibility of use in children after one year, as well as in people who need concentrated attention while working.

The rating of this drug is 9.2 out of 10, since the drug has some disadvantages, such as limited use in people with impaired renal function, in women who are breastfeeding, and in children under one year of age. To some extent, the price also stops it - for the same money you can buy the safest and most effective Cetrin.

Fenistil - old, but still effective...

Photo: apkiwi.ru

The average price for it currently ranges from 220 to 280 rubles.

Fenistil is a second generation antiallergic drug. Has less effect compared to Claritin, however, it is much more effective more effective than drugs first generation.

The drug is used when an allergic reaction develops from food products, medications, for skin rashes and flow from the nose during the flowering period.

Fenistil has a good, pronounced anti-allergic effect, preventing the development of an allergic reaction even with a high concentration of allergen and histamine.

In terms of frequency of use, it is in third place among all drugs in the rating. Its rating is 8.2 out of 10. The drug has such disadvantages as a sedative, calming effect, increased effects of alcohol when joint use, distortion of the action of some other drugs. Contraindicated in breastfeeding, pregnancy, as well as in children under 2 years of age.

Dangerous, but extremely effective - Gistalong

Photo: www.gippokrat.kz

Gistalong (Astemizole) is an antihistamine drug with the longest clinical effect.

The price of this drug ranges from 300 to 460 rubles, which makes it one of the most expensive drugs.

Gistalong belongs to the second generation drugs. Has the longest therapeutic effect(for some people it can take up to 20 days)

This drug is used in the treatment of chronic allergic processes.

The duration of action of Gistalong allows it to be used with a frequency of about once a month. Its use allows you to avoid taking other antiallergic drugs.

Despite its duration of action and antiallergic activity, the drug ranks only fourth in the ranking. Its rating on a ten-point scale is 8 out of 10. This result is due to the side effects of this drug - when taking it, normal heart rhythm may be disrupted, which can lead to fatal outcome in persons with heart disease. Contraindicated for use in acute phase development of allergies, as well as in pregnant women and children.

Time-tested drug - Tavegil
good reliable first generation allergy remedy

Photo: sanatate.md

Tavegil (Clemastine) is one of the most common and used first-generation drugs.

You can buy Tavegil for, on average, 100 rubles.

The drug is used both in tablet form and in injection forms. It has a fairly strong antiallergic effect. It is often used as an additional drug for anaphylactic shock and pseudoallergic reactions.

Low incidence of side effects and high efficiency allowed Tavegil to be included in the ranking of the most used products. In addition, the drug begins to act quite quickly, and the effect of its use lasts quite a long time, which makes it the drug of choice in the treatment of allergic processes.

The average rating of this drug on a ten-point scale is 8, 3 out of 10. Tavegil receives a similar rating for such shortcomings as possible development an allergic reaction to tavegil itself, a slight sedative effect, which makes it impossible for drivers and doctors to use it. Also, the drug is contraindicated for use in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 1 year of age.

Will help quickly and in any situation - Suprastin

Photo: alfavitnik.ru

Suprastin (Chloropyramine) is a drug often used in most branches of medicine. You can buy it for 120-140 rubles.

One of the most effective first generation histamine blocking drugs

It is used for almost all types and manifestations of allergic reactions; used when providing emergency care for allergies (one of the mandatory medications).

Suprastin does not accumulate in the blood serum, which prevents the possibility of an overdose of the drug. The effect develops quite quickly, but to prolong it it is necessary to combine Suprastin with other drugs. The low cost of the drug is also its undoubted advantage, since choosing high-quality and inexpensive remedy on modern market medications are extremely difficult.

In the ranking of the best antiallergic drugs, Suprastin receives 9 points out of 10. Its use is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, in children under 1 month, in persons with individual intolerance to chloropyramine, as well as acute attack bronchial asthma.

Standing guard from time immemorial... - Diphenhydramine

Photo: www.syl.ru

Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine) is a drug of the first generation of antihistamines, the founder of this group of drugs.

Prescription drug.

It is one of the cheapest antiallergic drugs. Its cost ranges from 15 to 70 rubles.

One of the antiallergic drugs that were invented first. It has a fairly strong antihistamine effect.

Diphenhydramine is used to eliminate the manifestations of most allergic processes. It is produced mainly in the form of products applied topically (in the form of ointments), but can also be used for systemic treatment. It is part of the so-called triad due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Diphenhydramine has a pronounced antiallergic effect: the effect develops quickly, but ends just as quickly. Thanks to its low cost, anyone can buy it.

In the drug rating, Diphenhydramine receives a rating of 8 out of 10. Despite its effectiveness in treating allergies, Diphenhydramine has a number of side effects, among which the most pronounced are drowsiness after using the drug, mild confusion with a sedative effect, anemia, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Results... Which allergy medicine is best?

Having understood in detail the principles of action, effectiveness and degree of safety of each of the above drugs, we should once again mention the crowned Cetrin. Due to its safety and effectiveness, it takes first place in our rating, and can be recommended for a home medicine cabinet.

This drug deserves a huge plus for its lack of effect on a person’s attention and concentration. You can take it without worrying about side effects and your psycho-emotional state.

Of course, before taking it, it is best to consult with an allergist and study the instructions.

Be healthy and don't sneeze...

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Antihistamine- What is this? There is nothing complicated: such substances are designed specifically to suppress free histamine. They are used to combat allergic manifestations and in the treatment of cold symptoms.

Histamine is a neurotransmitter released from mast cells of the immune system. It is capable of causing many different physiological and pathological processes in the body:

  • swelling in the lungs, swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • itching and blistering on the skin;
  • intestinal colic, impaired gastric secretion;
  • expansion of capillaries, increased vascular permeability, hypotension, arrhythmia.

There are antihistamines that block histamine H1 receptors. They are used in the treatment of allergic reactions. There are also H2 blockers that are indispensable in therapy stomach diseases; H3-histamine blockers, in demand in the treatment of neurological diseases.

Histamine causes the symptoms characteristic of allergies, and H1 blockers prevent and relieve them.

What are first or second generation antihistamines? Histamine blocking drugs have undergone repeated modifications. More effective blockers have been synthesized without many of the side effects present in H1 blockers. There are three classes of histamine blockers.

First generation antihistamines

The first generation of drugs, by inhibiting H1 receptors, also captures a group of other receptors, namely cholinergic muscarinic receptors. Another feature is that first-generation drugs affect the central nervous system because they penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which causes a side effect - sedation (drowsiness, apathy).

Generations of antihistamines

Blockers are selected after assessing the patient’s condition; the sedative effect can be either weak or pronounced. In rare cases, antihistamines can cause agitation of the psychomotor systems.

Remember, treatment with H1-blockers in work conditions that require increased attention is unacceptable!

The effect of first-generation antihistamines occurs quickly, but they only act short time. Taking medications for more than ten days is contraindicated as they are addictive.

Also, the atropine-like effect of H1 blockers causes side effects, including: dry mucous membranes, bronchial obstruction, constipation, cardiac arrhythmia.

For stomach ulcers, in combination with diabetes medications or psychotropic medications, the doctor should be careful when prescribing.

The first generation of antihistamines include suprastin, tavegil, diazolin, diphenhydramine, fenkarol.

First generation antihistamine

Second generation antihistamines

What does a second generation antihistamine mean? These are drugs with an improved structure.

Differences of the second generation of products:

  • There is no sedative effect. Particularly sensitive patients may experience slight drowsiness.
  • Physical and mental activity remains normal.
  • Duration of therapeutic effect (24 hours).
  • After treatment positive action lasts for seven days.
  • H2 blockers do not cause gastrointestinal problems.

Also, H2 blockers are similar to H1 blockers, except for the effect on some of the receptors. However, H2 blockers do not affect muscarinic receptors.

A feature of antihistamines related to H2-blockers, along with the quickly onset and long-term action, is the lack of addiction, which allows them to be prescribed for a period of three to twelve months. When prescribing some H2 blockers, care is required, as the drugs can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A modern doctor has at his disposal many antihistamines with different therapeutic effect. However, all of them only alleviate the symptoms of allergies.

The second generation of antihistamines are Claridol, Claritin, Clarisens, Rupafin, Lomilan, Loragexal and others.


Third generation antihistamines

H3 blockers are even more selective in their effect, selecting specific histamine receptors. Unlike the two previous generations, it is no longer necessary to overcome the blood-brain barrier, and, as a result, it disappears negative impact on the central nervous system. There is no sedation, side effects are minimized.

H3 blockers are successfully used in a therapeutic complex for chronic allergies, seasonal or year-round rhinitis, urticaria, dermatitis, rhinoconjunctivitis.

The third generation of antihistamines include Hismanal, Trexil, Telfast, Zyrtec.

4th generation antihistamines are the latest tools aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the fight against allergies. Their distinctive feature is the duration of the therapeutic effect and the minimum of side effects.

Histamine is complicated organic matter, which is part of many tissues and cells. He is in special mast cells- histiocytes. This is the so-called passive histamine.

IN special conditions passive histamine turns into an active state. Thrown into the blood, it spreads throughout the body and affects it negative impact. This transition occurs under the influence of:

  • traumatic injuries;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • effects of medications;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • chronic diseases;
  • removal of organs or their parts.

Active histamine can enter the body with both food and water. Most often this occurs when eating food of animal origin that is not fresh.

How does the body react to the appearance of free histamine?

The transition of histamine from a bound state to a free one creates a viral effect.

For this reason, flu and allergy symptoms are often similar. In this case, the following processes occur in the body:

  1. Spasms smooth muscle. Most often they occur in the bronchi and intestines.
  2. Adrenaline rush. This entails an increase blood pressure, increased heart rate.
  3. Increased output digestive enzymes and mucus in the bronchi and nasal cavity.
  4. Narrowing of large ones and expansion of small ones blood vessels. This causes swelling of the mucous membrane, redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash, and a sharp decrease in pressure.
  5. The development of anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, vomiting, and a sharp drop in pressure.

Antihistamines and their effects

The most in an effective way Anti-histamine drugs are special drugs that reduce the level of this substance in its free active state.

Since the first ones were developed medications combat allergies, four generations of antihistamines have been released. In connection with the development of chemistry, biology and pharmacology, these drugs were improved, their effect increased, and contraindications and undesirable consequences decreased.

Representatives of antihistamines of all generations

To evaluate drugs latest generation, the list should start with drugs from earlier developments.

  1. First generation: Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Mebhydrolin, Promethazine, Chloropyramine, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Peritol, Pipolfen, Fenkarol. All these drugs have a strong sedative and even hypnotic effect. The main mechanism of their action is blocking H1 receptors. Their duration of action ranges from 4 to 5 hours. The antiallergic effect of these drugs can be called good. However, they have too much impact on the entire body. Side effects of such drugs are: dilated pupils, dry mouth, blurriness visual picture, constant drowsiness, weakness.
  2. Second generation: Doxylamine, Hifenadine, Clemastine, Cyproheptadine, Claritin, Zodak, Fenistil, Gistalong, Semprex. At this stage of pharmaceutical development, drugs appeared that did not have a sedative effect. In addition, they no longer contain the same side effects. They do not have an inhibitory effect on the psyche, and also do not cause drowsiness. They are accepted not only for allergic manifestations from the outside respiratory system, but also with skin reactions, for example, urticaria. The disadvantage of these drugs was the cardiotoxic effect of their ingredients.
  3. Third generation: Acrivastine, Astemizole, Dimetindene. These drugs have improved antihistamine capabilities and a small set of contraindications and side effects. Based on the totality of all their properties, they are no less effective than 4th generation drugs.
  4. Fourth generation: Cetirizine, Desloratadine, Fenspiride, Fexofenadine, Loratadine, Azelastine, Xyzal, Ebastine. 4th generation antihistamines are capable of blocking H1 and H2 histamine receptors. This reduces the body's reactions to the mediator histamine. As a result, the allergic reaction weakens or does not appear at all. The likelihood of bronchospasms is also reduced.

The best of the latest generation

The best 4th generation antihistamines are characterized by a long-lasting therapeutic effect and a low number of side effects. They do not suppress the psyche and do not destroy the heart.

  1. Fexofenadine is very popular. It is characterized by versatility of action, due to which it can be used for all types of allergies. However, it is prohibited for use by children under 6 years of age.
  2. Cetirizine is more suitable for the treatment of allergies manifested in skin. It is especially recommended for urticaria. The effect of Cetirizine appears 2 hours after administration, but the therapeutic effect lasts all day. So for moderate allergy attacks it can be taken once a day. The drug is often recommended for the treatment of childhood allergies. Long-term use Cetirizine in children suffering from early atopic syndrome significantly reduces the further negative development of diseases of allergic origin.
  3. Loratadine has a particularly significant therapeutic effect. This fourth generation drug can rightfully top the list of leaders.
  4. Xyzal effectively blocks the release of inflammatory mediators, which allows you to get rid of allergic reactions for a long time. It is better to use it for bronchial asthma and seasonal pollen allergies.
  5. Desloratadine can be considered one of the most popular antihistamines, designed for all age groups. At the same time, it is rightfully considered one of the safest, with almost no contraindications and unwanted effects. However, it is characterized by at least a small, but still sedative effect. However, this effect is so small that it practically does not affect the speed of a person’s reaction and the activity of the heart.
  6. Desloratadine is most often prescribed to patients with pollen allergies. It can be used seasonally, that is, during maximum risk, and in other periods. This drug can be successfully used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.
  7. The drug Levocetirizine, also known as Suprastinex and Cesera, is considered an excellent remedy, used for pollen allergies. In addition, these medications can be used for conjunctivitis and allergic rhinitis.

Thus, fourth-generation antihistamines can be used while driving and performing other tasks that require a good reaction. They usually do not interact with others medicinal drugs, including antibiotics. This allows them to be taken in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Because these drugs do not affect behavior or thought processes and do not have a detrimental effect on cardiac activity, they are usually well tolerated by patients.

In addition, they usually do not interact synergistically with other medications.