Osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Drug treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease that cannot be left without treatment. Constant back pain leads to the fact that a person is forced to seek help from a medical institution. And to solve this problem, there are medications for osteochondrosis.

But how to determine which drugs to take for osteochondrosis? To do this you need to know various shapes medicines, used to treat diseases spinal column.

Types of osteochondrosis


Many patients believe that the best remedy for osteochondrosis is. Their main task- relieve pain, slow the progression of the disease, improve the condition of the joints.

Warming ointments provide pain relief. Due to expansion blood vessels and local irritation, blood circulation improves. As a result, nutrition processes in the joints are improved.

The following ointments give a similar effect:

  • Capsicam
  • Nicoflex
  • Apizartron
  • Finalgon

The next remedy for osteochondrosis, which slows down the progression of the disease, is a chondroprotector. One of the most modern drugs, which improves the condition of joint tissue - Chondroxide. The ointment slows down the degenerative processes occurring in intervertebral discs. In this case, the drug does not restore joint tissue, but simply “softens” the disease.

Medicines for osteochondrosis in the form of ointments are prescribed for another purpose - to relieve inflammation. Drugs such as Voltaren, Nurofen, Ketonal simultaneously relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joints.


The patient is prescribed in the first days of exacerbation of the disease. The main purpose of injections is to relieve pain. With the help of an injection, you can very quickly alleviate the patient’s condition, adjust the dosage of the drug, and achieve a long-term positive result.

The main drugs for osteochondrosis:

Injections for osteochondrosis
  • Diclofenac (not only removes pain syndrome, but also swelling);
  • Milgamma (a multivitamin preparation that has a direct effect on the trophism of nerve fibers. As a result, the patient’s pain intensity and inflammation in tissues decrease);
  • (relieves muscle spasms. As a result of the action of the drug, the muscles relax, the source of inflammation decreases, and joint mobility increases);
  • Don, Elbona (chondroprotectors, whose task is to restore cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs).

Drugs for osteochondrosis cervical region in the form of an injection is prescribed and administered only by a doctor. The injections are not given into the muscle of the arm or thigh, but directly into the source of the disease, thus directly affecting the cause of the pain.


Not the last place among medicines with cervical osteochondrosis they occupy. They are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor, who adjusts the dosage and combination with other various treatment methods.

One of the first drugs prescribed to a patient is aspirin. Its task is to relieve inflammation, heat and reduce pain.

More a potent drug for cervical osteochondrosis, butadione is considered. His pharmacological action similar to aspirin, but the medicine has side effects such as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down the process of removing fluid from the body.

Analgesic medicine for spinal osteochondrosis in the form of tablets is Nise, indomethacin and ketanol. The dosage and method of administration are controlled by the attending physician.


The next group of drugs against osteochondrosis are balms. They contain many useful substances, which can help the patient reduce pain and recover from the disease if the balm is used in combination with various treatment methods.

Dikul balm

It contains mumiyo, bee waste products, oils, vitamins, and silver ions. According to its properties, the balm is an additional medicine for cervical osteochondrosis, which improves blood microcirculation, and also reduces inflammation and reduces pain.

It is prescribed by a doctor in combination with other forms of medications. The method of using the drug is very simple: the patient simply needs to rub the medicine into the affected area with massaging movements, which is covered with a warm scarf after the procedure.

Such a medical product for osteochondrosis, like a balm White Tiger has analgesic properties. The composition of the drug includes various oils- camphor, clove, eucalyptus and others. Local application of the medicine - rubbing into the affected area with massage movements.


Such drugs as have the least side effects. Their task is to reduce pain and inflammation in the spine.

Using patches for osteochondrosis

The Nanoplast patch can serve as first aid if unbearable pain. The method of its use is simple: the patch must be glued to the lesion. The course of treatment is 9 days. In addition to reducing inflammation, the drug improves microcirculation in the bloodstream and reduces the severity of pain.

Preparations with similar properties are Dorsoplast, Pepper plaster. A huge number of different foreign-made patches can be found at the pharmacy or placed an order via the Internet. Although it is possible to use patches for first aid, they are not suitable as the main method of treating the source of the disease, since only a doctor can determine the degree of development of the disease and the appropriate treatment.

Which drug is used to treat osteochondrosis? Any of the above medications are used to treat diseases of the spinal column. But none of the drugs alone can cure osteochondrosis: the course of treatment consists of various medications, as well as massage, acupuncture, manual therapy and special gymnastics.

The choice of drugs depends on individual characteristics person: conditions of organs and systems, individual intolerance to any components or procedures, body features. It is necessary to begin a course of treatment only after a final diagnosis has been made.

If you are suffering from constant or periodic pain in the neck, back, lower back, chest, consult a doctor. Perhaps these are symptoms of one of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis. When a pathology is detected on early stages the process of destruction of cartilage tissue can be stopped with the help of tablets. Correctly selected medical supplies will help relieve pain and significantly improve the quality of life.

Objectives of drug treatment for osteochondrosis

Fully restore cartilage tissue with the help of tablets alone it is impossible, even if you take the very expensive and most effective means. Drug treatment of osteochondrosis helps to stop further progression of the pathology, relieve joint pain, and improve the patient’s mood. Recovery motor functions and the composition of cartilage tissue are promoted by physical procedures, proper nutrition and gymnastics. The main goals that doctors pursue when prescribing medications are:

  • restore blood circulation in the affected area;
  • eliminate painful sensations;
  • relieve the inflammatory process;
  • restore joint mobility;
  • relieve muscle spasm, which is accompanied by compression of nerve endings;
  • prevent further damage soft tissues adjacent to the joint.

Types of tablets for osteochondrosis

The patient must carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the necessary therapeutic effect will not be achieved. For cupping unpleasant symptoms and achievement of all set goals are more often used complex treatment osteochondrosis with medications. For this, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • muscle relaxants – reduce skeletal muscle tone;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – have an anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic effect;
  • antispasmodics – relieve spasms smooth muscle;
  • vitamins – strengthen the immune system, help improve the patency of nerve fibers;
  • sedatives – relieve tension, calm, help relax;
  • vasodilators - help normalize blood circulation in the damaged area.


Drug therapy always begins with the prescription of painkillers non-steroidal drugs. They help relieve inflammation of soft tissues and cartilage, slow down the course of the disease, and relieve swelling. Most often, NSAIDs are produced in the form of gels, ointments, and special solutions, but tablets are also available for sale. Based on their composition, all commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs can be divided into three groups:

  • medications with diclofenac - Voltaren, Naklofen, Diclak, Diclofenac;
  • drugs with ketoprofen - Ketonal, Flamax, Artrosilene, Ketoprofen;
  • medicines based on naproxen - Nalgesin, Naproxen.

Diclofenac is one of the most powerful painkillers. Once in the body, it prevents the synthesis of arachidonic acid (the main substance that provokes the onset of the inflammatory process), affects nerve receptors and the pain center of the brain, relieving discomfort, morning stiffness, severe pain. The average cost of a package of 20 Diclofenac tablets of 0.1 g is 67-120 rubles.

The drug is taken before or after meals, 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day. After achieving the required therapeutic effect the dosage is gradually reduced. Tablets with diclofenac are prescribed with caution when bronchial asthma, stomach or intestinal ulcers, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood), diabetes mellitus, children under 14 years of age.

Ketoprofen capsules have a similar principle of action. They relieve pain localized in the lesion, relieve inflammation, and have an analgesic effect. You can purchase the drug at the pharmacy for 77-98 rubles per pack of 20 tablets of 50 mg. To achieve a therapeutic effect, up to 4 capsules per day. The anti-inflammatory effect becomes noticeable after a week of treatment. Unlike Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and Naproxen have a wide range of contraindications and side effects, therefore they are used less frequently as main medications.


In addition to tablets, special multivitamin complexes are prescribed for osteochondrosis. They help improve nerve patency, restore sensitivity of soft tissues, and reduce pain. In addition, taking vitamins helps boost immunity and support the functions of all organs and systems of the body. Relevant for the destruction of cartilage tissue are complexes, the composition of which includes the following vitamins:

  • Retinol (A) – participates in the formation of new cells, regenerative and oxidative processes. The vitamin reduces the degeneration of cartilage tissue and ligaments.
  • Riboflavin (B2) – takes an active part in metabolic processes, restores the elasticity of cartilage tissue, affects the process of reproduction of cartilage tissue cells.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – helps proteins to be better absorbed and processes amino acids. The vitamin helps improve nerve-fibrous patency and strengthens muscles.
  • Thiamine (B1) – stimulates muscle and bone growth, essential for carbohydrate metabolism. The vitamin stops the aging process and enhances the delivery of oxygen to tissues.
  • Ascorbic acid(C) – important vitamin to maintain immunity. It is also responsible for collagen synthesis, strengthens small vessels and capillaries.
  • Calciferol (D) – is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium from food.
  • Tocopherol (E) – protects the body from toxins, participates in cellular metabolism processes. This vitamin has an antioxidant effect (prevents premature aging) and has a positive effect on the elasticity of ligaments and the tone of capillaries.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) – actively participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism, helps to cope with stress more easily, controls inflammatory processes.


Painkillers are an important part of the treatment of osteochondrosis. They can temporarily completely eliminate pain and improve well-being. According to the principle of action, such drugs are of two types:

  • Non-narcotic - Analgin, Citramon. Such drugs for osteochondrosis are prescribed in the early stages of treatment, when pain occurs periodically.
  • Narcotics – Tramal, Pentazocine. It is advisable to use in the later stages of development of osteochondrosis for acute and burning pain. They have many contraindications, cause various side effects and can be addictive, so they are only available with a prescription from a doctor.

The most popular analgesic tablets are Analgin. This drug contains only one active component - metamizole sodium, in the amount of 500 mg per 1 tablet. Analgin suppresses the synthesis of endogenous substances (those that cause pain), has moderate antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory properties. Average cost for 10 tablets. 500 mg in Moscow ranges from 15 to 24 rubles.

Analgin is taken whole after meals in an amount of 0.25-0.5 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 3 grams, and the frequency of administration is 2-3 times. Analgin affects the composition of the blood, so it is not recommended to take it without the knowledge of a doctor. Tablets for the treatment of osteochondrosis are not prescribed to patients prone to bronchospasm (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi), with pronounced violations kidney or liver function, low blood clotting.


Muscle spasm, which often occurs in patients with osteochondrosis, leads to compression of blood vessels and poor circulation. To relieve this condition, the following vasodilators are prescribed:

  • Actovegin - activates metabolic processes in cells, improves trophism (passability) and stimulates regeneration processes. The active ingredient is deproteinized hemoderivative from calf blood. The dosage and duration of use of Actovegin depend on the severity of the degenerative processes and are therefore determined by the doctor. The average cost of a medicine in the amount of 50 tablets. 200 mg - 1600 rubles.
  • Trental – improves blood microcirculation, has angioprotective properties (reduces capillary permeability). One capsule of Trental contains 100 mg of pentoxifylline. The dose is set individually, depending on physiological characteristics patient. The cost of a package of 60 capsules of 100 mg is 548 rubles.
  • Cinnarizine is a blocker of slow calcium channels. The drug reduces the tone of smooth muscles of arterioles, enhances vasodilatory properties carbon dioxide. One capsule contains 25 mg of the active component cinnarizine. For peripheral circulation disorders, you should take 50-75 mg of the drug three times a day. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. The cost of one pack of 50 capsules of 25 mg is 54-57 rubles.


This group drugs is the main one in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chondroprotectors restore damaged cartilage tissue and replenish reserves synovial fluid in intervertebral discs, normalize metabolism nutrients in soft tissues. For osteochondrosis, the following is often prescribed:

  • Artron Flex – contains glucosamine (a substrate component necessary for the construction of cartilage tissue). Systematic intake of the drug into the body enhances the synthesis of collagen and proteoglycans (complex proteins). These substances prevent the destruction of articular cartilage and prevent degenerative processes in adjacent soft tissues. Artron Flex for osteochondrosis, take 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months. The medicine can be purchased in pharmacies from 467 rubles for 30 tablets in a bottle.
  • Dona tablets - the drug replenishes glucosamine deficiency, has a moderate analgesic effect, stimulates synthesis hyaluronic acid synovial fluid, ensures normal calcium deposition in bone tissue. Active active substance medications - glucosamine sulfate sodium chloride. The drug is taken for a course of up to 6 weeks, 1 tablet 2 times a day. The average cost of Don is 60 pcs. 750 mg – 1397 rubles.
  • Artron triactive is a cartilage tissue stimulator. Contains three active components at once - sodium chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and methylsulfonylmethane. The drug stimulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase (a substance that disrupts the integrity of cartilage tissue), and has a weak analgesic effect. For osteochondrosis, you should take 1 capsule 1-3 times a day for three months. The average cost of a bottle of 30 capsules is 520 rubles.


To relieve muscle spasms, eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations, to improve blood flow, antispasmodic tablets and muscle relaxants are prescribed. They help quickly eliminate cramps, headaches, and dizziness. For osteochondrosis, the following medications are most often used:

  • Mydocalm – muscle relaxant central action. Reduces muscle rigidity (numbness), improves coordination of movements, increases muscle tone. The drug contains a muscle relaxant - tolperisone hydrochloride. Treatment begins with minimal dosages (50 mg), gradually increasing them to 150 mg 2-3 times a day. Side effects of Mydocalm are minor and occur very rarely. The average cost of 30 tablets of 150 mg is 389-420 rubles.
  • Baclofen - reduces the excitability of the terminal sections of nerve fibers, relieves muscle spasms, and prevents the occurrence of seizures. Baclofen is taken 5 mg (1/2 part of a tablet) three times a day. The drug may cause drowsiness, nausea, and urinary retention. Contraindicated in psychosis, pregnancy and lactation. Price for 50 tablets of 10 mg – 278 rubles.
  • Sirdalud is an alpha2 receptor stimulator. It helps relax muscle tone and has a mild analgesic effect. The active component of the drug is tizanidine. For painful muscle spasms, 2-4 mg of medication is prescribed 3 times a day. Sirdalud is contraindicated in cases of severe liver dysfunction and pregnancy. Price in pharmacies for a package of 30 pcs. 2 mg is 235 rubles.


Limited movement and constant pain not only interfere with sleep, but also lead to destabilization of the psycho-emotional background. In addition to painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other tablets, they are prescribed sedatives. They enhance the effect of analgesics and improve mood. To maintain nervous system mild sedatives (calming) drugs are used: Valerian tablets or Motherwort tincture. In severe cases, preference is given to the following medications:

  • Amitriptyline is an antidepressant, has a weak analgesic effect, calms, relieves anxiety and fear, improves psychological state. At depressive disorders prescribed in dosages of 25-50 mg at night. Dispensed by prescription average price per pack 50 pcs. 25 mg is 30 rubles.
  • Aminazine is an antipsychotic, has a sedative and antiemetic effect. The medicine relieves psycho-emotional arousal, reduces anxiety and restlessness. Aminazine dosages are determined individually. tablets are dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription, per pack of 10 pieces. for 0.025 grams you will have to pay about 150 rubles.
  • Phenazepam is a tranquilizer, has anticonvulsant properties, and has a mild sedative-hypnotic effect. The drug reduces psycho-emotional stress, helps treat depression, and reduces feelings of anxiety and fear. Tablets have multiple side effects and have serious contraindications, so they are available only by prescription. You can buy 50 tablets of 1 mg of Phenazepam in pharmacies for 135 rubles.

Tablets for cervical osteochondrosis

With degenerative processes of cartilage tissue occurring in the neck area, many patients are concerned headache, dizziness, feeling of numbness or tingling in the fingers, decreased concentration. To eliminate these symptoms, tablets, injections, and anesthetic ointments are used. Complex therapy additionally includes taking vitamins, therapeutic exercises, and massage. Tablets for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are selected taking into account the principle of action:

  • To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Naproxen, Meloxicam. Lidocaine is often prescribed as a local analgesic.
  • To restore blood supply to the brain and relieve vasospasm, neotropic drugs are used - Trental, Vazonit, Pentoxifylline.
  • To restore the structure of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors with glucosamine are prescribed - Artra, Dona, Teraflex.
  • Cinnarizine helps dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, and improve blood supply to damaged tissue areas.

Medicines for lumbar osteochondrosis

This type of pathology of the musculoskeletal system is especially common. Patients with osteochondrosis lumbar region I am worried about pain in the lower back, which often radiates (gives) to the perineum, buttocks or thighs; the process of urination (frequent and painful urge to go to the toilet) and defecation may be disrupted. Drug treatment of spinal osteochondrosis involves the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) – Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Celecoxib. This group of drugs, by reducing inflammation and blocking nerve receptors, helps reduce pain and swelling.
    • Analgesics and NSAIDs - Analgin, Dolobid, Diclofenac.
    • Antispasmodics – Mellictin, Sirdalud.
    • Chondroprotectors – Mucosat, Rumalon, Chondroitin.
    • Painkillers – Naproxen, Butadione.
    • Vitamins – Vitrum, Calcium D3 Nycomed.


During an exacerbation, tablets can reduce pain and the inflammatory reaction, which significantly alleviates the person’s condition.

During the period of subsidence of osteochondrosis, taking medications improves the nutrition of intervertebral joints, inhibits the destruction of cartilaginous discs, and eliminates constant pain in the back.

What pills should you take for osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis of the spine occurs with the following pathological manifestations:

  • back pain;
  • headache;
  • disturbance of sensitivity (goosebumps, numbness of the skin);
  • pain in the limbs;
  • dizziness.

The pain syndrome is most pronounced during an exacerbation of the disease; during the lull period, the pain is either absent or has a weak aching character.

It can radiate to the leg, arm, and simulate heart and stomach diseases. The pain spreads along the affected area nerve fiber. To eliminate pain, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and muscle relaxants.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine often leads to compression vertebral arteries, which supply blood to the brain. As a result, headaches and dizziness occur due to insufficient oxygen supply to the nerve cells. To treat cerebral ischemia, vasodilators and antispasmodics are prescribed.

In case of paresthesia (impaired skin sensitivity) in the form of goose bumps, numbness, tingling, the doctor prescribes B vitamins.


One of the mechanisms of pain in osteochondrosis is an inflammatory reaction at the site of a damaged disc and a pinched nerve root. Swelling develops around the tissues, which leads to compression pain receptors in them.

Anti-inflammatory drugs interrupt development pathological inflammation, thereby eliminating pain.

For osteochondrosis use:

  • – prevents the development of an inflammatory reaction. The medicine is drunk either during a meal or immediately after it. It should be swallowed whole and washed down with a small amount of water. Diclofenac provokes the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, so omeprazole is prescribed along with it.
  • Dolobid – has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, the analgesic effect develops within an hour after administration.
  • Lornoxicam - has an additional analgesic effect by disrupting the formation of pain impulses and weakening their perception in the brain. Copes well with chronic pain syndrome.
  • Meloxicam – does not provoke formation ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane digestive tract, therefore it is not contraindicated for stomach ulcers.
  • – has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, but it is suitable for long-term treatment, as it rarely causes side effects.
  • Naproxen - the anti-inflammatory effect develops over a month and is long-lasting and persistent. He rarely calls adverse reactions and additionally inhibits the process of degeneration (destruction) of cartilage tissue.


An additional mechanism for the formation of pain in osteochondrosis is muscle spasm in the area of ​​the damaged disc.

Pinched nerve root leads to the arrival of pathological nerve impulse on muscle tissue and its contraction.

Normal relaxation of muscle fibers does not occur; excess lactic acid accumulates in them and pain impulses occur.

To relieve muscle spasms, the doctor prescribes:

  • – suppresses nerve impulses going to the muscles from the spinal cord. This leads to relaxation of muscle fibers and a decrease in pain. May cause drowsiness, which may require you to stop driving during treatment.
  • Mellictin - blocks receptors responsible for muscle contraction. The pathological nerve impulse cannot affect the muscles and they relax. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 8 weeks, after which a break is taken for several months.

Analgesic for exacerbation

During an exacerbation, the pain can become unbearable, disrupting a person’s sleep and daily activities. During this period, medications are prescribed that can effectively relieve pain:

  • Ketorol - prevents the formation of substances that trigger inflammation, has a pronounced analgesic effect. The duration of treatment is no more than a week.
  • Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol) – slows down the formation of biologically active substances at the site of inflammation, thereby reducing pain.
  • Analgin - has a similar mechanism of action to previous drugs. The effect of taking the tablet develops within 30-40 minutes, reaching a maximum after 2 hours. You can take analgin on your own for no more than a week, after which blood formation control is required.
  • Promedol is an opioid analgesic, it is prescribed for unbearable pain in the back. Affects receptors in the brain, reducing the perception of pain. Long-term use Promedol causes drug addiction.

For dizziness

Dizziness occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the brain. It is caused by compression of the herniated disc of the vertebral arteries, which are located near the cervical spine.

The following medications will help improve blood circulation:

  • Eufillin - causes relaxation of small blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of blood to the brain.
  • Pentoxifylline - dilates blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation in the brain.
  • Nicotinic acid – vitamin B 3. It has a vasodilating effect, improves blood flow in small vessels.

For headaches

Head pain is also caused by deterioration of blood supply to the brain. The fastest way to deal with it is a combination of analgesics with antispasmodics, for example, analgin with papaverine or no-shpa.

Antispasmodics cause relaxation vascular wall, which leads to improved blood circulation in the brain. Analgin reduces sensitivity to pain, which allows you to cope with it while the antispasmodic effect develops.

Homeopathic - traumeel

Traumeel are lozenges that contain large number plant extracts. They have anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic effects. At the very beginning of treatment with Traumeel, a temporary deterioration in the condition is possible, which requires discontinuation of the drug and consultation with a doctor.

The course of treatment for osteochondrosis lasts at least a month. If after 2 months the condition has not improved, you should consult a doctor.


Mydocalm affects the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. It causes lasting relaxation muscle tissue and eliminates pain. The tablets are taken after meals, swallowed whole and washed down with water. Start with 50 mg 2-3 times a day, gradually daily dose increase to 300-450 mg.


The following vitamins will help improve your well-being and reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis:

  • vitamin A – is an antioxidant, reduces the rate of destruction of the intervertebral disc;
  • vitamin C – improves the condition of blood vessels and microcirculation;
  • B vitamins – stimulate the regeneration of nerve roots;
  • vitamin D – affects mineral metabolism, prevents the development of vertebral osteoporosis;
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

Patients experience pain in the neck and head, dizziness, decreased memory and attention, a feeling of numbness and tingling in the arm. These symptoms can be dealt with most effectively: the lumbar region of the patient is bothered by lower back pain radiating to the perineum and thigh, lumbago, difficulty urinating and defecating.

The following tablets will help:

  • diclofenac, lornoxicam, meloxicam;
  • mydocalm, sirdalud;
  • and B vitamins;
  • ketorol;
  • pentoxifylline, aminophylline.

The most effective drugs

Influence medicinal substances on the body purely individually, so the same pills will have different effects on different people. There is no drug that is equally effective for every person. Therapy should be selected individually, listening to your body and changes in its condition.

The most effective drugs are those that affect the cause of the disease. In the case of osteochondrosis, these are tablets that reduce the rate of destruction of intervertebral discs. These include drugs that improve the nutrition of vertebral joints (pentoxifylline, aminophylline) and vitamin-mineral complexes.

You can't beat osteochondrosis only drug therapy. Treatment must include rational physical activity, massage and various methods physiotherapy.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis involves the use of tablets, ointments, gels, balms, suppositories, and injections. The purpose of using such medications is to relieve swelling in soft tissues, inflammatory processes, muscle spasms, and relieve pain.

Progressive osteochondrosis can lead to very sad consequences and even make a person disabled. Therefore, it is worth fighting, although it is not possible to cure the disease completely. Modern medications allow you to significantly slow down the development of the disease and avoid further consequences.

Drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis

The drugs used in treatment can be divided according to the type of effect. Main groups:

  • painkillers (help relieve acute pain);
  • muscle relaxants (relieve spasms in muscle tissue);
  • chondroprotectors (help restore and improve nutrition of intervertebral discs);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs - relieve swelling);
  • medications to improve metabolism;
  • hormonal drugs (used if the use of other drugs has not given the desired effect);
  • (improves overall well-being, helps restore nerve conduction).

These are the main groups of medications that are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. In every special case The doctor prescribes specific medications and then the treatment proceeds according to one plan or another depending on how the patient’s body reacts to taking the medications.

Medicines for exacerbation of the disease

If the patient has an acute stage of osteochondrosis, accompanied by pain and inflammatory processes, then a variety of analgesics and non-steroidal drugs are used.

It is worth noting that analgesics such as Tramadol belong to the opioid class. Are different strong effect, however, they have side effects. Lighter painkillers are Analgin and Baralgin.

Non-steroidal drugs are much safer. For osteochondrosis, the following are often used:

  • Ketorol;
  • Naklofen.

When using these medications, pain relief is observed, inflammatory processes are suppressed, and the patient’s well-being significantly improves. In the acute stage of osteochondrosis, the use of analgesics cannot be avoided.

Diclofenac belongs to the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and is an excellent pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. Indicated for treatment rheumatic diseases, inflammation of joints and soft tissues, arthrosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis. The effect of Diclofenac is achieved with treatment for 2 weeks.

Medicines to relieve spasms (muscle relaxants)

When inflammation occurs, muscle tissue reacts with spasms. This can be considered a kind defensive reaction, however, spasms give the patient extremely unpleasant sensations, so during treatment they also try to relieve them. Today, drugs such as:

  • Sirdalud;
  • Mydocalm;

The drugs are available in tablet form, the dosage is determined by the attending physician, and the course of treatment usually lasts from two to three weeks.

Baclofen is a drug that belongs to the group of centrally acting muscle relaxants. Helps relax muscles and relieve pain. Baclofen tablets (or Baklosan, which is the same thing) are well absorbed in the stomach, the effect appears within 2-3 hours.

Blockades (pain relief with injections)

In some cases, if there is severe pain, especially in the lumbar region, Novocaine or Lidocaine is used as an anesthetic. Solutions are injected into the site of inflammation, and the pain syndrome is relieved for a period of two to three days. Blockades are used for particularly severe pain.

Local anesthesia for osteochondrosis

In addition to drugs available in the form of tablets or injections, for osteochondrosis, medications in the form of creams or ointments are used for a warming, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect. The most common ones include:

  • Finalgon;
  • Ketonal;
  • Voltaren-gel.

These ointments and creams also have a local irritating effect and help relieve pain and spasms in muscle tissue. Used topically during exacerbation of the disease.

Drugs and treatment during remission

Before the disease goes into remission, doctors fight the acute stage. Using certain medications, it is possible to relieve pain and muscle spasms. The patient feels better. But this does not mean that you can stop taking the medications. When the acute stage has passed, it develops new plan treatment - now for the remission stage.

At this stage, the main thing is to support the intervertebral discs, ensuring access to nutrients. For this purpose, chondroprotectors, drugs that improve metabolism, as well as vitamins and mineral complexes are used.

Chondroprotectors in remission:

  • Chondroxit;
  • Teraflex;
  • Alflutop;
  • Discus Compositum;

Some of these drugs are available in the form of creams and ointments, some in the form of injections, and some in the form of capsules and powders for oral administration.

Vitamins used during this period include vitamins of group C and group B (B1, B6 and B12). Vitamin complexes help support the peripheral nervous system.

To improve metabolism, drugs such as:

  • Trenal;
  • Actovegin;
  • Cavinton.

If exacerbations do not occur, then such maintenance courses should be taken 2-3 times a year. This will allow you to maintain health, avoid acute stages of osteochondrosis and feel like a practically healthy person.

What osteochondrosis refers to chronic diseases, does not mean that it does not need to be treated. Refusal of treatment will inevitably lead to a significant deterioration in health, while qualified medical care will make it possible, even with osteochondrosis, to live a full life.

This common disease affects vertebrates ligamentous apparatus. There are various reasons for the development of pathology, but all of them ultimately lead to a violation metabolic processes occurring in the intervertebral discs. Any therapy for osteochondrosis is complex and must be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

How to treat osteochondrosis

Effective treatment will be if you coordinate it with a specialist, since self-selected therapy at home is often not so much useless as dangerous to health, as it causes an exacerbation of the disease. Conservative therapy pathology includes the following components:

In addition to the listed methods, the patient is recommended to remain in bed during periods of exacerbations. If this is not achievable, doctors advise at least reducing motor activity to a minimum and change the mattress to a hard one. To relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition, specialists may prescribe other procedures:

  • massage;
  • manual therapy methods;
  • physiotherapy;
  • ozokerite application;
  • MLS laser.

Cervical region

The developed complication of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine leads to impaired blood circulation, as a result of which the brain experiences oxygen starvation. As a result of the pathology, a person develops migraines, increases blood pressure, and develops vegetative-vascular dystonia, the heart and respiratory system suffers. At advanced cases disease is compressed spinal cord, resulting in death.

Therapy involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain that occurs with radicular syndrome (pinched nerve). In addition, the doctor prescribes the patient to take B vitamins, drugs that stimulate blood flow, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors. The latter contribute to the restoration of cartilage in the area of ​​damaged vertebrae.

Treatment of the spine also includes physiotherapeutic methods. These include:

  • electrophoresis (when exposed to electric current, the active substances of the drug are delivered to the right place);
  • ultrasound (has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect);
  • laser therapy (using special device blood flow improves, inflammation is eliminated);
  • magnetic therapy (effectively relieves swelling).


The key symptom of lower back pain is pain that gets worse after playing sports or other activities. physical activity. Pathology is treated through different methods– physiotherapy, massages, exercise therapy, medication use. Doctors often advise supplementing therapy with traditional medicine. Surgical intervention for lumbar or sacral localization is used in only 10% of cases. With conscientious treatment of the disease, patients are able to relieve pain, avoid the appearance of hernias, and restore the tissues of the lumbar region.


This type of disease is not common. Osteochondrosis cervicothoracic region has similar symptoms with other pathologies, so the doctor conducts a detailed diagnosis before prescribing suitable treatment. Since in the sternum area there is huge amount nerve endings responsible for the functioning internal organs, pathology often leads to heart failure, respiratory system, stomach.

If the patient does not have neuralgic symptoms, complex therapy is carried out anyway. Modern medicine has effective methods treatment of the disease, helping to practically stop or significantly reduce the rate of destruction of bone tissue and joints. In order for the therapy to be as beneficial as possible, you must follow all the doctor’s instructions. This is also important because thoracic region are localized endocrine glands, ensuring the normal functioning of the human immune system.

When the doctor confirms the diagnosis, he draws up a treatment program. Complex therapy allows you to achieve a quick, effective recovery and includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other drugs, the blockade method, the use of ointments and others local funds, execution therapeutic exercises, undergoing physical procedures. The following methods are used:

  • vacuum therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetopuncture;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • dry traction.

How to treat osteochondrosis

Spinal therapy is aimed at relieving pain during the acute period of the disease, improving blood circulation, restoring or stopping the destruction of bone tissue. If the patient has completed a course of drug therapy prescribed by a doctor, the pain syndrome is relieved for a long time. Otherwise, if the problem is ignored, relapse is inevitable. In addition, there is a high probability of progression of the pathology.

Exercises at home

In addition to taking medications, important role physical education plays a role, which, when carried out systematically, shows excellent results. Exercises for the cervical spine at home strengthen the back muscles, thereby reducing the load on the spine. In addition, exercise therapy stimulates blood circulation in the arteries and improves the flexibility of ligaments and muscles. In specialized institutions, the Bubnovsky apparatus is used for this purpose, but you can do without it. What exercises can you do at home:

  1. Place your fingertips on your forehead opposite each other. Press them lightly on your head for 30 seconds. At the same time, try to resist the backward movement by straining your neck.
  2. Sit on a flat surface, straighten your back, slowly tilt your head back, supporting the back of your head and chin with your hands. Lightly press on your chin, turning your head left, right, down, up. Repeat the described steps for no longer than a minute.
  3. Shoulders should be raised, trying to reach your earlobes. Then slowly lower them to their usual place. Repeat the exercise for 15 seconds, then rub your neck with your palms.

Treatment with medications

After diagnosis, therapy follows, which can be either surgical or conservative, depending on the severity of the disease, individual contraindications and other factors. Drug therapy in most cases more acceptable than surgery. Additional elements therapies that speed up the healing process are physiotherapy, manual techniques, and diet. However, if without recent treatment can be carried out, then therapy is impossible without medications.


As a rule, doctors advise taking medications during exacerbations of the disease. Tablets help get rid of pain that develops due to compression spinal nerves and vertebral arteries. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor prescribes a set of medications, each of which provides specific action:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. With the help of non-steroidal drugs that can quickly relieve pain, the inflammatory process is suppressed and swelling is relieved. Tablets in this group include Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimisil, Ketanov. Treatment with them should be carried out 4 times a day, washed down with a large volume of water.
  2. Sedatives. Necessary to prevent neuroticism, which can develop as a result of severe pain. Appointed herbal preparations such as herbal teas, motherwort tincture, etc.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Used together with diuretics. With their help, muscle hypertonicity and swelling are reduced. Representatives of this group of drugs are Mydocalm, Furosemide, Tizalud, etc.
  4. Vitamins B. Mandatory for the treatment of osteochondrosis of any localization. They help restore damaged nerve tissue. Recommended to take multivitamin complexes daily for 3 weeks.
  5. Chondroprotectors. Products that help restore cartilage tissue. Representatives of the group are Struktuvit, Teraflex, Arthra, etc.
  6. Medicines that improve the rheological properties of blood. Trental and Eufillin stimulate nutrition of pinched nerve roots and improve blood supply to the brain, which stops dizziness and headaches.


Important component full treatment cervical osteochondrosis is the use of local remedies. They are rubbed daily into the affected areas of the spine (where pain is felt). The most effective ointments:

  • Anti-inflammatory. The main component of such drugs is non-steroidal substances, for example, diclofenac or ibuprofen. The ointment is applied several times a day until the pain syndrome completely disappears.
  • Warming agents. Contain bioactive components that have an irritating effect. Such ointments can be made on the basis of bee or snake venom, menthol. The consequence of treatment will be improved blood circulation and reduced swelling.
  • Preparations with a conductive effect. Products like Dimexide help deliver other medications deep into the tissue, so doctors prescribe their use in the form of dry dressings or applications.


The disease can manifest itself in different ways: weakness, drowsiness, blurred vision, and loss of coordination. However, the main symptom of osteochondrosis is pain in the area where the pathology is localized. The doctor who has confirmed the diagnosis prescribes painkillers to the patient. How the drug is selected:

  • if pain appears less than 10 days ago, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal drugs such as Indomethacin or Diclofenac (they help relieve pain and suppress recently started inflammation);
  • treatment of pain that began 2 weeks ago requires the addition of non-steroidal tablets with analgesics or painkillers such as Pentalgin or Tramadol;
  • if the patient’s pain began more than 3 months ago, the doctor prescribes a complex of drugs - analgesics, NSAIDs, antidepressants (the latter are needed to restore normal mental state a person who endures pain for a long time).

Massage at home

Therapeutic procedures include therapeutic massage. This method has mass useful properties, including toning the muscle corset, activating blood flow, strengthening intervertebral discs, etc. Massage can be prescribed for:

  • disease prevention;
  • to relieve pain during exacerbation.

Before starting the procedure, the specialist prepares the patient by lightly stroking the back (first in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, then closer to the shoulder girdle and neck). This movement is replaced by shaking, which lasts a couple of minutes, after which the massage procedure begins. With osteochondrosis, this method of treatment can cause severe pain, however, if the back has been well prepared and relaxed, this can be avoided. The patient lies on a flat surface during the session. If the massage is performed exclusively in the neck area, the patient should sit.

Effective method The treatment for the disease is manual therapy. In addition, it should be used to prevent the development of complications. The technique is similar to massage, but has significant differences: through the latter, muscle tissue is toned, while manual therapy has an effect not only on the muscles, but also on the vertebrae themselves.

Manual therapy involves the doctor's direct influence on the affected vertebrae. Since the disease leads to impaired mobility and flexibility of the spine, as a result of which patients experience severe pain, this method of treatment is indispensable (it helps eliminate negative consequences illnesses). After several sessions of manual therapy, vascular patency improves, inflammatory processes, spasms, and swelling disappear.


To quickly alleviate the patient's condition, painkillers are used. With their help, the drug is instantly delivered to the right place, resulting in pain relief in the shortest possible time. Blockade for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, in contrast to drug treatment of symptoms, provides operational effect. Active substances enter the blood and are quickly delivered to damaged nerve endings.

At severe pain the best solution To eliminate it, the medicine is administered intravenously through a dropper. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, regardless of where the disease is localized, solutions of the following groups are used:

  • glococorticosteroids;
  • analgesics;
  • NSAIDs;
  • myotropes.

Belt for lumbar osteochondrosis

One of the most effective methods of treating the disease is wearing a special corset/belt. The effect of using such a remedy does not appear quickly, but is very pronounced. The belt distributes the load on the spine evenly, thereby reducing pain and swelling. Products with a warming effect made from dog hair. You can buy such belts at a pharmacy, but you should first consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods therapy for the disease can be used in addition to the main ones. As a rule, treatment takes a long time and is carried out using local and internal means. These include lotions, compresses, herbal decoctions, etc. The most effective folk remedies:

  1. Ointment with honey. It is necessary to mix 200 ml of bee product with ½ tbsp. vodka and 300 ml radish juice. After thoroughly mixing the components, rub the mixture into the affected areas of the spine twice a day.
  2. Rub with egg and vinegar. Combine 1 tbsp. l. rye flour with raw egg, 100 g butter and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, then rub this remedy into the back area where the pain is felt the most. Repeat the procedure 2 times every day until the symptoms disappear.
  3. Compress from the decoction. Pour half a liter of vodka into 1 tbsp. lilac flowers, infuse the liquid for 10 days, then strain and apply a handkerchief soaked in the infusion to the affected area of ​​the spine.

Price of therapy

An important step getting rid of osteochondrosis and subsequent recovery is spa treatment. In specialized institutions, a set of measures is used to combat diseases of the spine, and such therapy is prescribed after pathogenetic and etiotropic treatment (when the doctor determines the cause and symptoms of the pathology). The purpose of a resort holiday is to consolidate the result and carry out rehabilitation after surgery or eliminate an exacerbation. Approximate prices for treatment in sanatoriums in Russia:

  • “Rodnik”, Anapa – 1850 rubles/day;
  • “Saki”, Saki – 2552 rubles/day;
  • « Mountain air", Sochi - 1550 rub./day;
  • “DiLUCH”, Anapa – 2200 rubles/day;
  • “Sanatorium named after. Lermontov”, Pyatigorsk – 1730 rubles/day;
  • “Assy”, Inzer – from 2100 rubles/day.
