Thai balm red tiger instructions. Thai white balm

Tiger Balm or Thai tiger balm appeared in ancient China. The best healers and monks close to the emperor were involved in the development of the balm, and the composition and method of preparation for a long time was kept in the strictest confidence.

How did Tiger Balm come about?

The name “tiger” appeared because of tiger fat, on the basis of which the monks made almost any medicinal ointment. Today, all that remains of tigers for the balm is its name, which came from ancient times. The Thais use only medicinal wild herbs growing on the islands for production.

There are two types of tiger balms - red and white, they are absolutely identical in composition, and differ only in the concentration of components, as a result of which they have different indications for use. Thus, red balm has a good warming effect and is prescribed for the treatment of joints, muscles and ligaments, while white balm has a milder effect, therefore it is used to treat colds, headaches, spasms and cramps.

Tiger balm application: indications

As already mentioned, tiger balm is used according to its type, but so that you do not have any incidents, we will consider the indications for use for each specific type.

Red Tiger Balm has a strong concentration active ingredients, which promotes excellent stimulation of blood circulation, has a warming and analgesic effect. Red balm is prescribed for joint pain, sprains, ruptured ligaments and tendons, and insect bites.

White Tiger Balm contains less concentration active substances and affects the human body with a milder effect. In terms of the type of effect and composition, the white balm is absolutely identical to the red one, but its indications for use are somewhat different. Like red, white balm will be useful for bruises, pain, sprains and tears, but in addition, it is used as an anti-cold remedy.

White and Red Tiger Balm application – how to use?

The first thing to consider during treatment is that the balm can only be used for external use, and in cases of contact with the mucous membranes and surface of the eyes, it is necessary to immediately rinse the eyes and mucous membranes under running water and seek help from a doctor. Also, the balm should not be applied to open and bleeding wounds.

Red tiger balm is used by easy massage rubbing in the area of ​​pain. It is enough to use a small amount of the product to apply to the skin, rubbing it in for 2-5 minutes with massage movements until completely absorbed. The effect of the ointment will be noticeable within 10-15 minutes after application.

Application of white tiger balm somewhat more extensively, in addition to a similar method of application to painful areas body it can be used as a cold remedy. Apply a small amount of balm to the wings of the nose, throat or temples and within 5-10 minutes you will forget about the runny nose, rhinitis, cough or headache that recently bothered you.

You can buy tiger ointment in our Thai-Rai online store with delivery throughout Moscow and various regions of Russia.

One of the types of ointments that are made in Thailand is tiger balm ointment). This is the most powerful of all existing Thai ointments in terms of the degree of impact on the human body. This balm is always talked about as one of the best local analgesics on the planet. It is also the main component of many Chinese ointments. But first things first.


Developed a unique composition this drug Oh Chu Kin. This is a famous Chinese herbalist who lived in Rangoon in the seventies of the 19th century. He used valuable oils that were originally used to create the formula medicinal ointments For Having opened his medical shop in Rangoon, he began selling his warming remedy. After his death, all the knowledge of the herbalist remained with his sons, who continued his endeavors. They began selling tiger balm in Singapore and Malaysia. The goods were sent there along with an image of a tiger, which personified vital forces.

In Singapore in the twenties of the last century, the sons opened a factory for the production of balm, which they called “Tiger”. After some time, they founded a company called Hawpar. Today, the tiger brand Hawpar is very popular in the world and is used for a variety of diseases.

There are 2 types of this product in Thai pharmacies: white and red balms. They differ only in the strength of action and the volume of essential oils included in their composition. Red tiger balm has a more pronounced effect. It can even make it easier


Red ointment has a noticeable warming effect, relieving aches and pain. This reliable means for radiculitis, salt deposits.

The balm is also used to relieve inflammation, tumors and pain. Nedeko is used for pain relief for lumbago, sciatica, and gout. Helps quickly heal bones in case of fractures. It is used to relieve muscle pain (from sprains, impacts, strains, etc.), to warm up the muscles. Helps resolve hematomas. Tiger balm perfectly relieves irritation that occurs after bites of various insects. It is also used for colds for massage and inhalation. It may even relieve heartburn. If you apply the product to your stomach, it relieves pain in it and also helps with indigestion.


It should be noted the rich composition of plant components that tiger balm contains. The instructions for its use, included with each package, contain a detailed list of ingredients. In general, the unique formula of the drug is based on herbs and inherited from ancient Chinese medicine. This composition has been used for many years and is currently extremely popular. The drug contains about a hundred different components medicinal plants mountain forests of China. It is known for sure that the components of the product are menthol, camphor, mint oil, cajeput oil, cassia and clove oils, borneol, ginger, and barleria.

Menthol is effective for various colds, when relieving fatigue and muscle pain, rheumatism. Its cooling effect helps reduce itching and irritation caused by insect bites and various allergic reactions.

Camphor is used for rheumatism, inflammation, and arthritis. Quickly penetrating into tissues, it has a calming effect on peripheral nerves.

Oil peppermint famous for its ability to fight bacteria and viruses, as well as its antiseptic properties. It is used in the treatment of various colds and improves immunity.

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Cajeput oil is used as an antispasmodic, antineuralgic and antiseptic. Very effective in the treatment of bronchitis, influenza, otitis media, laryngitis, rheumatism, various diseases skin.

Cassia oil is an excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent.

The ointment also contains paraffin and petroleum jelly.

Methods of application

Tiger balm is applied in a small amount externally to the affected areas. In case of a cold, it is recommended to smear it on the back, chest, bridge of the nose and neck. Balm is also added to the solution for inhalation.


Red balm is contraindicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as people who are prone to allergies to the components of the drug. The balm should be used with great caution when treating young children. Do not use internally; care must be taken to ensure that the product does not come into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Buying a balm

You can buy the drug in special stores that sell real Thai ointments, as well as ordering online from Thai manufacturers. But, of course, it’s best to visit this wonderful country yourself, where red balm can be found in every pharmacy.

Tiger balm: reviews

Despite the fact that this drug is not so easy to find on Russian shelves, reviews about it are not difficult to find. People who managed to purchase it say that it has an amazing effect, relieving pain and irritation. It is also actively used by athletes before training. The only disadvantage we can highlight is that it is not easy to buy a real red balm, since there are now many fakes on the Internet.

Tiger ointment is a medicinal and prophylactic, designed to restore muscle and joint tissue, ligaments and tendons. The product has an active regenerating effect, helps restore tissue trophism and prevent a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Tiger ointment is also suitable for those who experience severe physical activity and also plays sports.


Today they are becoming very popular medicines who have natural composition And healing properties. This is exactly what Tiger Ointment is.

Red Tiger Balm is a Thai remedy developed by the famous Chinese doctor. In his practice, he used exclusively natural oils and herbs, combining them for maximum effect.

At first, the balm was made by the manufacturer himself, but, thanks to the effectiveness of this product, mass production was established years later. Today Tiger Ointment is known in many countries and is very popular.

Tiger balm has wide range actions and helps with the following diseases:

  • Eliminates heaviness and pain in muscles and joints;
  • Improves blood flow and resolves hematomas;
  • Fights irritation, peeling, dryness and redness of the skin;
  • Eliminates irritation and itching caused by insect bites;
  • Helps with acute respiratory diseases, colds, coughs, runny nose;
  • Eliminates attacks of heartburn and abdominal pain;
  • Has a local analgesic effect, eliminating muscle pain, neuralgia and joint pain;
  • Possesses preventive action and is widely used by athletes to warm up muscles before competitions;
  • Activates tissue regeneration and improves bone fusion;
  • Helps treat radiculitis, arthritis and rheumatism.

Important! There are two varieties Tiger ointment– white and red. Red has a warming effect, and white has a cooling effect.


Tiger ointment has a rich combined composition, which is based on:

  1. Camphor is a component that has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect. It causes a local irritant effect, helping to warm tissues and improve blood microcirculation. Camphor has a calming effect, eliminates pain and discomfort.
  2. Menthol is a component that is used for colds, helps eliminate rheumatism and pain in the muscle tissue. Menthol components have an irritating effect, helping to give a feeling of freshness and comfort. In addition, this component fights irritation and allergic reactions.
  3. Peppermint oil is a component that has antiseptic effect. It disinfects the skin, prevents tissue infection and has an anti-cold effect. This component increases the body's immune defense and strengthens tissues.
  4. Cajeput oil is a natural component that is an excellent analgesic and antispasmodic. It helps get rid of pain of various etiologies, and also helps treat acute respiratory diseases and skin diseases.
  5. Clove oil is a substance that has an active anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It activates blood microcirculation and improves tissue nutrition.
  6. Cassia oil is a component that has antiviral and antibacterial effect. It is often used in preparations that have anti-cold properties.
  7. The balm also contains petroleum jelly and paraffin, which give the product the necessary ointment base.

Price. The price of Tiger ointment is 250 rubles. The jar has a volume of 20 grams.


Tiger balm is an active anti-inflammatory and strengthening agent used for diseases musculoskeletal system, skin and respiratory organs. The product has a natural herbal composition that affects a number of problems, improves metabolism and helps strengthen the body as a whole.

As soon as we feel the first sign of illness, we confidently head to the pharmacy for the medicines stored in packs on the shelves. Many people think that by swallowing the coveted pill or buying injections, they can return everything to its place and feel as before. But in all these powders, solutions, tablets there is absolutely nothing natural and natural, all the time there is only chemistry. But everyone seems to have gotten used to it.

But treatment in Vietnam, for example, is strikingly different from ours. Traditionally, the Vietnamese use the gifts of nature to heal. All sorts of infusions, decoctions, dried herbs, as well as massage and herbal medicine - these are the main tenets of Vietnamese traditional medicine.

The wisdom of generations is passed down through the centuries, and the Vietnamese, in turn, carefully preserve and protect the secrets of preparing many medicinal balms, ointments and infusions.

Ointment "White Tiger"

White Tiger ointment Vietnam, which is also known as “White tiger balm”, “Tigre blanc” and Bach Ho, is very popular and respected all over the world. Pharmacists from the famous Vietnamese laboratory "Bao Lin" gave humanity unique recipe massage ointment balm, which is placed in a neat jar with a tin lid. Don't be fooled by its very modest appearance, because inside there is a real treasure waiting for you.

Vietnamese white tiger balm improves blood circulation and has an analgesic effect. It also dilates superficial blood vessels and has an analgesic effect. local action. Its composition consists of 100% natural plant extracts. Among them: menthol, mint, eucalyptus, camphor oil, cinnamon and clove oil, others essential oils.

Eucalyptus extract is part of the White Tiger balm.

The effect on the body and the benefits from it have already been appreciated by hundreds of thousands of people, including Russians. The balm can also be found in Russia in pharmacies, but extremely rarely. There are also dozens of online stores that offer these products. But when buying balm online, you risk purchasing a fake. Especially if you see a suspiciously low price, you should be wary! Its real cost, even in Vietnam, is low - only 5 dollars, but there are cheaper offers on websites. Most likely these are fakes. It’s better not to risk your health and don’t throw money away. Buy medicine at pharmacies. And if your friends are planning to visit Vietnam and are already asking you: “What to bring from Vietnam?”, don’t think twice! The answer should emerge on its own.

If you are lucky enough to set foot on Vietnamese soil, then your purchases in Vietnam should begin with the White Tiger balm. Take care in advance - you will be healthy later.

After all, this massage oil is used not only directly during massage, but also for radiculitis, lumbago, arthritis, pain in the elbows and knee joints, post-traumatic syndromes and muscle pain. With acupuncture influence on certain points during the following diseases: flu, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, rhinitis, toothaches.

When shopping in Vietnam, don't forget the White Tiger Balm

The method of use is quite simple: you need to apply a thin layer of balm on problem area and rub in massage movement within 5 minutes. Repeat 3-5 times a day. To achieve greater effect, use the acupressure technique.


Red Tiger Balm- an effective and fast-acting remedy that promotes the restoration of muscles and ligaments affected by bruises and sprains. The balm promotes the healing of damaged muscles and ligaments, quickly penetrating deep into the tissue. The balm is also effective as a prophylactic. Before playing sports or various strength loads, the ointment can be used to warm up the muscles. The effect of the ointment is comparable to that of the Zvezdochka balm, but healing power red Tiger Balm is significantly higher.

Red and White Tiger Balm is one of the most famous and effective pain relievers. Tiger balm is used for different types pain: first of all, pain from sprains and bruises of muscles and ligaments, pain from arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism, the balm also helps with headaches. Effectively relieves itching and skin irritation from insect bites. The balm is widely used for colds: as a warming agent and for inhalation. In general, it promotes rapid recovery from runny nose and cough.

Tiger balm comes in two types: red and white. In their composition and properties they are almost identical. The healing properties of White Tiger Balm are also high, but it has a milder and more gradual effect, which is due to the absence of red pepper extract in its composition - one of the potent components of Red Tiger Balm. Therefore, red tiger balm is considered to have a warming effect, while white tiger balm has a cooling effect.

Tiger balm has a local anesthetic effect. Active action the balm begins soon after rubbing it into the skin. Natural healing components, which are part of Tiger Balm, effectively relieve rheumatism and back pain, pain manifestations arthritis and arthrosis, joint aches, muscle pain. Camphor and essential oils contained in the balm help expand peripheral blood vessels. Due to the dilation of blood vessels, blood flow improves, the blood becomes closer to the surface skin, which creates the thermal effect necessary for healing. Strengthening and improving blood circulation helps fast healing damaged areas of tissue. The action of the balm slightly increases the temperature of the skin, which weakens and dulls the pain, creating a comfortable feeling of warmth for the body.

The healing effect of the balm is achieved thanks to its uniquely selected composition. It contains cinnamon, peppermint, camphor, cajuput oil, cassia oil, menthol and clove buds.

Tiger ointment reduces increased sensitivity, increases blood flow and serves as a mild and effective pain reliever. Ideal for treating radiculitis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, and various salt deposits. The balm can be recommended for elderly people.

Healing properties of Red Tiger Balm:

  • has an effective warming effect;
  • promotes relief severe pain;
  • used to relieve muscle fatigue, sprains and bruises;
  • improve trophism of cells and organs;
  • used for colds as a massage and inhalation;
  • can be used for infectious diseases, complicated by cardiac and respiratory failure;
  • improves blood circulation, normalizes breathing;
  • effective in the treatment of diseases associated with salt deposition;
  • relieves itching from insect bites;
  • used for colds and coughs;
  • for headaches, rub the balm into the temple, occipital part heads;
  • promotes effective treatment joint diseases.

How to use tiger ointment

Red Tiger ointment is applied externally. Apply a thin layer of balm to painful areas and rub into the skin. The balm should be used 2-4 times a day. Before strength training and sports, the ointment is used as a massage agent to prepare muscles for intense work. To warm up the muscles, apply small quantity ointment and rub into the skin. For headaches, Tiger Balm is applied in a thin layer to the temples and forehead no more than three to four times a day. For rhinitis of various etiologies, the balm is applied to the skin in the temporal region, on the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose. For colds, rub the balm (preferably before bedtime) onto the bridge of the nose, neck, back, chest. The balm can also be used as an additional component for inhalation.


The ointment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Red balm should not be used by people who are allergic to the components of the ointment.

The balm is used exclusively for external use. Avoid getting the ointment inside, as well as on mucous membranes (including eyes) and damaged areas of the skin.