What helps with nausea after drinking. Anti-nausea pills after alcohol, what are they?

Nausea after drinking alcohol is a symptom of alcohol poisoning. Less often it occurs immediately, more often in the morning after waking up. The severity is related to the amount of drinking and the individual reaction of the body. It also depends on gender, age and quality of the drink. There are ways to prevent the condition, reduce nausea, headaches, and vomiting.

Why do you feel sick with a hangover?

Many people are familiar with the symptoms of a hangover, but not everyone knows the cause. A similar condition is provoked by ethanol. It is absorbed into the blood, the walls of the digestive tract, and the gastric mucosa. Alcohol is oxidized to acids and acetaldehyde. As a result, vital magnesium, potassium and calcium are removed from the body at a high rate.

Due to rapid absorption, the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases quickly. Organs can no longer cope with the load, and the liver cannot filter the blood properly, since enzymes are not produced in sufficient quantities. It turns out that toxins are not eliminated correctly - intoxication develops.

When the dose of alcohol increases, the load on the pancreas increases and the body stops working correctly. If you drink regularly, in medium or large quantities, there are permanent problems with your well-being and health. This ends in gastritis or cirrhosis. Nausea develops under the influence of:

  • severe hangover;
  • alcohol intolerance;
  • poor quality alcohol;
  • frequent use.

How to quickly stop vomiting

There are several ways to cleanse the body. Their main task is to restore the gastric mucosa:

  1. An effective way is to induce vomiting. Dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water, drink as much as possible, and after 10 minutes - a little more. Then press your fingers on the root of the tongue. This will cleanse the body, help remove poisons and toxins, while at the same time normalizing well-being.
  2. Drink sorbents that help with severe poisoning. For example, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, the main thing is to choose the right dose and read the instructions.
  3. Eat fruit containing vitamin C: lemon, orange, grapefruit, kiwi. Or take effervescent tablets with vitamin C, dilute them in water, and drink. This will normalize your well-being, relieve nausea, and prevent vomiting.

How to get rid of symptoms

To eliminate nausea and other signs of a hangover, follow these rules:

  • Drink mineral water, this will normalize the water-salt balance.
  • Take a walk outside, preferably in a park, to speed up your metabolic processes and recover faster.
  • Water procedures will help restore good health. Take a contrast shower, brush your teeth, change into fresh clothes.
  • When acute nausea has subsided, have breakfast. Suitable dishes: chicken broth, boiled eggs or vegetable salad with olive or vegetable oil.

What tools and methods will help

A persistent hangover is a sign of progressive alcoholism. In addition to nausea, the condition is accompanied by migraines, allergies, vomiting, swelling of the hands and feet. To restore your well-being, pay attention to vitamins:

  • vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, removes poisons from the body, is part of multivitamins, aspirin;
  • Vitamin E – allows cells to free themselves from toxins, normalizes metabolic processes;
  • nicotinic acid – helps to calm down emotionally, symptoms are less annoying.

Even in case of alcohol poisoning, medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Otherwise, thoughtless taking of pills can further harm digestion and general condition. The following drugs are usually recommended:

  • Cerucal. The tablets help fight nausea, vomiting, and prevent prolonged diarrhea from developing. The active substance has an antiemetic effect and helps accelerate the elimination of toxins. 2 mg is the maximum dosage per day. The advantage is high efficiency, but it does not help everyone.
  • Neosmectin. Adsorbent helps fight the effects of poisoning, normalizes digestive functions, and eliminates nausea. Available in powder form. Dilute the contents of one sachet in a glass of water.
  • Filtrum. The tablets work as a sorbent, collect toxins and remove them from the body, restoring the microflora of the digestive system. For nausea, drink 3-4 pieces at a time, they work quickly.

Before use, read the instructions, check contraindications, and consult your doctor.

Folk recipes

In addition to medications, you can alleviate the condition with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Effective ones include:

  • Brine or water with lemon juice also helps eliminate alcohol-related headaches;
  • bread kvass;
  • warm milk and a few drops of castor oil;
  • a glass of water and 10 drops of ammonia;
  • sauerkraut.

What not to do

A mistake in treating alcohol intoxication is getting hung up. You should not drink alcohol again, hoping that it will make you feel better. Yes, the condition will return to normal, but the effect will be short-lived and the consequences will be more serious. This approach provokes the development of alcohol dependence.

It is better not to combine smoking and alcohol, this will increase the workload of the liver. Caffeine also enhances the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.

It is believed that physical activity will alleviate the condition. This is not entirely true. Light exercise actually improves your well-being by activating blood flow, and alcohol is eliminated faster. The main thing is not to overdo it, excessive stress will only worsen the condition.

Don't drive while hungover. In addition to a bad reaction, driving a car increases nausea.

Nutrition and drinking regime

If you feel nauseous after drinking alcohol, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. In addition to water, drink the following drinks:

  • decoction of mint and lemon balm;
  • chamomile tea;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • mineral water.

They will help restore the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines, relieve spasms, and quickly normalize the water-salt balance, which is disturbed under the influence of alcohol.

In the morning, if you have a hangover, have a hearty breakfast. Despite the lack of appetite, to eliminate nausea you need to eat, for example, low-fat soup, sauerkraut, rye bread crackers, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.

Symptoms of poisoning will noticeably decrease after drinking pomegranate, orange or carrot juice. They will also help restore peristalsis and reduce flatulence.


Knowing some rules and tricks, you can prevent serious consequences and poor health in advance:

  • Taking vitamin B6. If you drink it 12 hours before and then again 3-4 hours before drinking alcohol, the risk of developing a hangover will decrease significantly. The vitamin enhances the production of enzymes in the liver, so it will be easier for it to withstand the effects of alcohol.
  • Taking enzymes: Pancreatin, Mezim-forte, Creon.
  • Immediately after drinking, take sorbent: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta. Then try to empty your intestines so that drug-related toxins leave the body faster.
  • Take the anti-hangover drug immediately after drinking alcohol, the main thing is not at the same time as the sorbent. This is Bison, Alka-Seltzer. Leave an additional dose for the morning when the hangover sets in.
  • Dilute lemon juice in water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and drink gradually. This will speed up your metabolism and help remove toxins faster.
  • 2-3 days before drinking alcohol, you should not eat fatty foods, heavy foods, or smoked foods.

Nausea associated with a hangover indicates severe intoxication. The body tries to rid itself of toxins by vomiting. Try to drink in moderation; it is important to take care of your condition in advance and take preventive measures. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning and poor health will be minimal.

Vomiting from a hangover occurs due to intoxication of the body with ethanol and its metabolic products. Often vomits after drinking low-quality alcohol and poisoning with its surrogates. If there is vomiting, this indicates that the body itself is trying to cleanse itself of ethyl alcohol toxins, so you should not interfere with this process. Alcohol poisoning is often treated by gastric lavage and inducing vomiting. However, the opposite situation also happens when severe vomiting does not stop for a long time. This condition can be a symptom of some dangerous diseases that are exacerbated by alcoholism, and it can also cause severe dehydration. That is why you need to know how to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning, and in what cases this can be done, and when urgent medical attention is needed.

Why is continuous vomiting dangerous?

Nausea and vomiting with a hangover occur due to poisoning of the body with a toxic metabolite of ethanol - acetaldehyde. In addition, fusel oils from alcohol, acid, and sometimes methanol, which is often found in surrogate, contribute to intoxication of the body.

If vomiting after alcohol does not stop for a long time, then the danger of this situation is as follows:

  • Drinking alcohol promotes frequent urination, which provokes water imbalance. Vomiting only makes dehydration worse. In addition, vomiting helps flush out useful substances and microelements from the body. As a result, there is a violation of the water, salt and electrolyte balance in the body, which affects the functioning of all organs and can lead to dire consequences.
  • If the gag reflex occurs when alcohol intoxication has not yet passed, and the person is asleep or unconscious, then there is a risk that he may choke on vomit when he is lying on his back. That is why a drunk sleeping person must be placed on his side and controlled so that he does not roll over onto his back.
  • The most dangerous thing is when a hangover vomits with blood, bile or vomit that is almost black in color. This may indicate damage to the digestive tract, exacerbation of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Causes of vomiting

We explained why people vomit after a hangover. This is the body's protective reaction to alcohol poisoning. However, there are other reasons why the gag reflex occurs:

  1. If the next morning there was a single vomiting, then most likely the body is trying to cleanse itself of ethanol and its toxins. There is no need to interfere with this process. Moreover, if you feel nauseous but do not vomit, it is recommended to do gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water and press on the root of your tongue so that you vomit. This way you will help the body and clear the stomach of alcohol that has not had time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
  2. If a person is poisoned by alcohol, vomiting occurs even after consuming a small dose of surrogate. Alcohol poisoning, which is made from methyl alcohol, is especially dangerous. This substance can cause deafness, blindness and even death.
  3. Vomiting after drinking alcohol may occur due to an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to ethanol. As a rule, this condition is complemented by accompanying symptoms - suffocation, cough, rashes.
  4. Vomiting may also occur due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to exposure to ethanol. If ethyl alcohol disrupts the activity of the gallbladder, then bile will be present in the vomit. In this case, a person may feel bitterness in the mouth. Often, such vomiting may indicate incipient pancreatitis.
  5. Of all the types of alcoholic vomiting, the most dangerous is vomiting with blood. Such vomit will occur when the walls of the digestive tract, throat or stomach are damaged. Such vomiting needs to be treated only in a hospital setting, so it is better to refrain from taking any anti-vomiting medications until the ambulance arrives.
  6. If your vomit is black, this may be caused by the food you eat or may indicate hidden bleeding. Remember, no alcoholic drinks can turn the contents of the stomach black. Therefore, if you are sure that you have not eaten anything all day the day before that could affect the color of the vomit, immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause and location of hidden bleeding.

The first thing to do when vomiting after drinking alcohol is to help the body clear the stomach of alcohol and food debris. To quickly stop vomiting, you need to do gastric lavage. To treat a poisoned person, rinsing is always used. Remember, you should not combine alcohol and emetics, as the body’s reaction can be unpredictable. It is better to flush the stomach mechanically. When performing this procedure, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The patient should drink at least two liters of ordinary clean water. To do this, you can take chilled boiled water or mineral water without gas. There is no need to add potassium permanganate to it, as our grandmothers did. If you want, to improve the absorption of toxic substances, you can add crushed activated carbon or another sorbent to the water.
  • The poisoned person must sit or stand. As a last resort, he can be laid on his side so that the vomit does not block the airways. Then you need to press on the root of the tongue, which will induce vomiting and clear the stomach.
  • After cleansing the stomach and stopping vomiting, you need to take enterosorbent. This could be the same activated carbon or another pharmaceutical drug. It will help get rid of alcohol toxins that have entered the intestines. It is worth remembering that all sorbents have one feature - after a certain period of time after adsorption, they begin to release toxins back into the intestines. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to give an enema 2-4 hours after consuming the sorbents. Thus, the sorbent and toxins will be removed naturally with feces.
  • To restore fluid balance after vomiting, be sure to drink enough fluid. 3-4 liters is your norm for the day. Just don't drink in large quantities at once, as this can cause vomiting. It's better to take a sip every five minutes. Plain water, mineral water without gas, green tea, compotes, rosehip decoction, juices are suitable for drinking.
  • Do not eat immediately after emptying your stomach. When you feel sick due to alcohol poisoning, it is better to eat the first meal after stopping vomiting after 4 hours. Chicken broth, boiled vegetables, and fruits are suitable as food.

It is worth knowing: if the patient has an ulcer, gastritis, hypertension, heart attack or cholelithiasis, then rinsing is strictly prohibited.

If a person vomits from a hangover and after gastric lavage, then use the following recommendations:

  1. You can stop vomiting with the help of a medication called Cerucal. You need to take the tablet with a minimum amount of liquid, since a large portion of water can provoke a new attack of vomiting. If it gets a little better, after a quarter of an hour you can take another tablet.
  2. With alcohol poisoning, an inflammatory process may begin in the intestines, which will provoke nausea and vomiting. To stop it, you can drink a decoction of chamomile, rose hips and calendula.

Pharmacy medications for nausea and vomiting

If you do not know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home, then vomiting can be treated with the following medications:

  • As we said above, if the urge to vomit does not stop, drink Cerucal.
  • As sorbents that need to be drunk after washing and stopping vomiting, we can recommend Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Enterodes, Smecta. These medications will help speed up the elimination of alcohol toxins from the body.
  • To cope with alcohol intoxication, which is the main cause of vomiting and nausea, you can use pharmaceutical hangover medications. For example, Zorex will help speed up the elimination of alcohol toxins and neutralize the effects of alcohol breakdown products.
  • Another medicine that reduces the toxic effects of ethanol and its metabolic products is Limontra. The drug contains succinic and citric acids, which stimulate physiological processes, have an antioxidant effect and increase performance.
  • In addition, we can recommend Alka-Seltzer, Yantavit, Metadoxyl, Biotredin, Bison.

Remember, you should not drink emetics while drinking alcohol to speed up the cleansing of the stomach. The thing is that it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction to a cocktail of a drug with such an effect and alcohol. Many medications are allowed to be taken only a few days after stopping drinking alcohol.

Ginger water can be used to treat nausea after alcohol poisoning. To do this, crushed ginger root is poured with boiling water and, after infusion, drunk instead of tea. Mint tea and infusion of lemon balm leaves work well against nausea. Lemon water has a pronounced antiemetic effect. To prepare it, juice from one lemon is mixed with water, bringing the volume to 0.25 liters. A teaspoon of potato juice before meals also has a similar effect.

Nausea and vomiting after a heavy feast with large amounts of alcohol is an unpleasant consequence and a serious symptom, meaning severe intoxication of the body. It is important to remember a few tips on how to get rid of nausea after drinking.

You experience a hangover within a few hours after drinking alcohol. Severity of the condition depends on the quantity and quality of the drink. And you have to think not only about how to get rid of nausea from a hangover, but also how to remove other equally unpleasant symptoms. After all, a person experiences the urge to vomit, because the body must remove toxic substances: fusel oils, as well as acetaldehyde, zinc and other additives to soften the taste.

What other symptoms?

In addition to acidosis (acid imbalance), which actually causes nausea, a hangover can be said to be:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • sweating;
  • feeling of chills;
  • pain in the abdomen and hypochondrium;
  • dry mucous membranes caused by dehydration;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • severe headaches.


Alcohol poisoning of the body causes very serious consequences, therefore, low-quality alcohol with impurities can cause extremely serious conditions. Confusion, memory loss, hallucinations, loss of vision, decreased body temperature, increased excitability and aggressiveness, persecution mania indicate the need for medical help, since dehydration and impaired metabolic functions could affect the brain and other vital organs.

How to get rid of symptoms?

Frequent participants in feasts have to literally collect recipes for getting rid of nausea during a hangover, so that later they can choose the most relevant ones. They can be divided into several groups.

Home and folk methods

  1. Nausea and vomiting are the best way to cleanse the body of alcohol. Therefore, there is no need to get rid of the gag reflex; it is the first assistant to someone suffering from a hangover.
  2. A large amount of water, preferably warm, drunk after waking up will cause vomiting. Most of the toxins that poison the body will come out with the masses. For mild alcohol poisoning, this is enough.
  3. Alcohol washes away magnesium and removes fluids necessary for life from the body, so it is very important to restore water balance and put the acidic environment in order. Drinking a large amount of liquid, preferably something sour and salty, will help relieve nausea. We are talking about brine, a favorite “hangover drink”, the properties of which are by no means exaggerated. Cucumber, cabbage, and beetroot brines are rich in vitamins; they will help compensate for the lack of many microelements and alleviate the condition.
  4. Mineral water, juices and fruit drinks, fermented milk products will also have a beneficial effect on the body, helping to relieve nausea, cramps that cause headaches and abdominal pain.
  5. When you have a hangover, you can rarely eat anything, but drinking a raw egg will bind toxins and relieve nausea; a cup of hot chicken broth will help cope with it.
  6. Water procedures are a method recognized by many to combat a hangover. A hot bath or, even better, a bathhouse and sauna provide the opportunity to sweat, that is, remove toxins from the body through the skin. This method works for mild hangovers in healthy people; it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of non-carbonated mineral water (alkaline) or brine into the bathhouse so that additional loss of fluid does not cause cramps.
  7. A contrast shower will help restore blood pressure, improve skin and muscle tone, and stimulate the functioning of blood vessels. You need to start with hot water, after 15 - 20 seconds change it to cold for the same time, then again to hot. Shower duration – 10 minutes. Under no circumstances should this method be used if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure.
  8. Complete emptying of the stomach will help get rid of nausea. If using water doesn’t work, you can try a method that was popular among archers. Stormy drinking sessions the next day resulted in severe hangover symptoms, and life depended on the ability to bring oneself back to normal, so they always had sauerkraut, pickles and brine, beets, carrots and fresh cabbage ready. You need to mix 2 parts sauerkraut and 1 part fresh cabbage, add grated beets and carrots, pour brine over everything and drink. After this, the stomach required immediate emptying, and then the long-awaited sobering up and relief from the symptoms of drunkenness.
  9. Vampire's Eye: Separate the egg white from the yolk, carefully pour the whole yolk into 1 glass of tomato juice. Drink the cocktail without stirring, in one gulp.


The best medicine is , so they often place a bucket next to the sufferer (in case he vomits), a jar of brine, honey tea with lemon, or Essentuki mineral water, waiting for the body to cope with the poisoning.


Medications can also help relieve nausea from a hangover.

  • The cheapest remedy is paracetamol + activated carbon. They will work more effectively if, immediately after the end of the party, if you feel that you have drunk too much, induce vomiting, and then take 1 tablet of aspirin and activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Coal will bind toxins, neutralize them, and paracetamol will help with pain relief, fever, and vasospasm. The price of a standard of 10 tablets of paracetamol is 19 rubles, coal is 7 rubles. There are no contraindications, but individual intolerance is possible.
  • For nausea after alcohol poisoning, anesthesin will help, weakening nerve impulses, which alleviates suffering. During the day you need to take 3 tablets - one in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. With a price starting from 150 rubles, it has almost no contraindications. It should not be taken after alcohol for eczema or dermatitis, as this can cause an exacerbation.
  • Validol is also sometimes used for nausea and hangover. The tablet is placed under the tongue, the active substances have both a distracting and calming effect, gently dilate blood vessels, reduce pressure, and relieve an attack of nausea. A standard of 10 tablets costs 10 rubles. There are no contraindications.
  • Enterosgel is similar in action to activated carbon, the cost is from 400 rubles. Not recommended for pregnant women and children; do not take it if you have kidney failure or liver problems.
  • Surely Cerucal, an excellent antiemetic, will help cope with nausea. The cost of a package of 50 tablets is from 250 rubles. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day during the day. If nausea does not subside, you should consult a doctor. An overdose is dangerous, headaches may worsen, and sometimes symptoms of damage to the nervous system appear.

Any pharmacy can advise you on how to relieve nausea with a hangover using imported drugs, but their cost is much higher, and the side effects cause a serious blow to the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle.

If relief does not come, you should call a doctor: acute alcohol poisoning is fraught with serious consequences.

Corrections in food intake

In case of alcohol poisoning, as in any other case, it is worth remembering light and healthy food.

You should not eat or drink:

  • fatty, spicy, fried, so as not to overload the liver even more;
  • lemon and orange juices - they increase the symptoms of poisoning, can cause an allergic reaction in a weakened body, irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • cheese is one of the dairy products that is contraindicated for nausea due to its fat content; the stomach will not be able to digest it;
  • coffee will increase the load on the liver and heart and can cause serious complications, so it is better to abstain from it.

The advice on how to relieve nausea by taking 100 grams of vodka is harmful: this method of helping to survive a hangover with alcohol works for only a few, but more often it causes additional torment. A person who drinks alcohol often goes on a binge.

Helpful for hangovers:

  • oatmeal is the lightest and healthiest breakfast food, preferably with sugar to replenish lost glucose;
  • tea with lemon and biscuit - vitamins and glucose;
  • chicken broth - it will seem like nectar to the stomach after a heavy load;
  • Ukha - no less useful than broth;
  • croutons, preferably salted, go perfectly with the broth;
  • raw fruits will perfectly enrich the body with vitamins, so it is better to have bananas, apples, kiwis, and tangerines on hand the next day after the party if you have to go to work.

Roasted seeds, salted nuts, oatmeal or any other cereal, doused with fermented milk products for 2 hours, ordinary yogurt for a hangover sufferer will be a salvation.

Other ways

If nausea persists and there is no vomiting, you can resort to a proven cleansing method: an enema. Ordinary warm water will work a miracle, you can forget about nausea.

Ascorbic acid, rivit, ascorutin and other vitamin complexes can be taken 5-7 pills or tablets at a time, this will not harm the body, but it will definitely relieve nausea.

What not to do?

There are many tips for those suffering from nausea after drinking that are more harmful than helpful.

  • “kick out” a hangover with physical activity, this can affect the cardiovascular system;
  • smoking, this will not get rid of the vile taste in the mouth, but will only worsen the condition;
  • travel in public transport - stuffiness, many odors will provoke vomiting and deterioration of the condition;
  • climb into water: river, pool, lake - temperature changes can cause spasms;
  • suppress vomiting - it is better to remove everything that is possible from the body;

You cannot self-medicate If the nausea does not go away until the next day, complications from the liver, pancreas, and kidneys are likely.

When should you seek medical help if you have a hangover?

Sometimes a hangover turns into extremely serious complications.

  • A sharp unbearable headache, pain in the eye sockets that does not go away after vomiting, double objects and confusion may indicate a micro-stroke, which was caused by libations and hypertension.
  • Attempting to induce vomiting can damage both small and large blood vessels. Vomiting blood after drinking alcohol is a reason to immediately call a doctor, as this could be an open stomach ulcer, damage to the esophagus, or other equally dangerous internal injuries.
  • Doctors should be called in case of vomiting that is gushing out, which is difficult to stop, because dehydration can become critical.

A sharp drop in body temperature, pallor or cyanosis, weakness and tremors are also reason to see a doctor, since we are most likely talking about serious intoxication, the intravenous administration of fortified saline solutions will help to quickly get rid of it.

How to prevent this situation?

There are many proven ways to protect yourself from a severe hangover.

  1. Do not drink more than your body can tolerate: after the first hangover, the dosage will become clear, because it means too much.
  2. If you cannot avoid a feast, you should eat a hearty meal two to three hours before it, this will slow down the intoxication.
  3. A piece of butter, a sandwich with cheese and butter, and fatty foods also help to “slow down” the harm from alcohol.
  4. Some advise to “train” the body, that is, 2 hours before the main event, take 100 grams. vodka or cognac and have a hearty snack. In the remaining time, the body will prepare “neutralizers” and be able to alleviate the hangover.
  5. Do not mix all alcoholic drinks. If you want to try something new, don’t lower the temperature, that is, you shouldn’t drink a cocktail after vodka, it’s better – the other way around. And it’s even better to drink one type of wine, or just beer, or vodka.

Useful video for those who suffer from a hangover


Many people simply ignore pain after drinking alcohol, which can lead to many troubles.

To forget about what nausea from a hangover is and what to do with a headache, you need to accustom yourself to the competent, safe “art of drinking”, with salads, hot dishes and dessert with tea or coffee at the end of the evening. This will leave only pleasant memories for you and about you.

Everyone knows what a hangover is. And many people experienced its unpleasant sensations. After a stormy feast with strong drinks, morning inevitably comes. And along with it, a person is visited by weakness, thirst, and a nagging headache. But the most common accompaniment of a hangover is nausea.

Together with alcoholic drinks, a huge number of toxic substances enter the human body. After the breakdown of alcohol, all these fusel oils and aldehydes settle in the liver, subjecting it to incredible stress. If you ate a low-quality snack or drank several different types of alcohol, your body’s condition worsens significantly. Nausea rises in the throat, making the feeling unbearable. It is very important here not to lose your temper and not get hung up on the same alcohol. After temporary relief, you will feel much worse.

Nausea with a hangover, what to do

So, you woke up with a terrible headache and a nagging feeling of nausea. What should you do to regain your good health?

  1. Surely you know that vomiting always alleviates the condition and relieves the feeling of nausea. Therefore, you need to try to induce vomiting in order to clear the contents of your stomach from any remaining alcohol. To make this easier, drink a couple of glasses of liquid, preferably antiseptic. You can dilute a little potassium permanganate in water to make a pale pink solution. No matter how difficult it may be, you need to drink half a liter of this composition in small sips. After this, you need to press two fingers on the root of the tongue to feel the urge to vomit. After vomiting and gastric lavage, you will feel much better.
  2. After this you need to drink activated carbon. This is an excellent sorbent that absorbs alcohol breakdown products. The calculation for the number of tablets is as follows - one tablet per 10 kg of weight. If you weigh 80 kg, you should take at least 8 tablets of the drug.
  3. Take a shower, put on clean clothes, brush your teeth. These simple hygiene rules will help you cheer up.
  4. After an hour, when the feeling of nausea has subsided slightly, you can brew ginger tea. It fights nausea well. Chamomile decoction will also help improve your well-being.
  5. If the feeling of nausea persists, you probably have low stomach acid, which makes itself felt when you drink alcohol. To fix this, you need to eat a couple of slices of lemon or drink diluted lemon juice. After such events, the patient’s well-being usually returns to normal.
  6. If you have specialized anti-hangover medications on hand, be sure to use them. But only after gastric lavage. Effective medications that help relieve nausea - Motilium, Cerucal, Alka-Seltzer.
  7. As you know, alcohol removes fluid from the body, literally leading the body to dehydration. This is why a person with a hangover experiences extreme thirst. To restore the water-salt balance, drink alkaline mineral water, for example, Narzan, Borjomi, etc.

It is clear that it is very difficult to do all this with a hangover. However, if you value your health and well-being, you need to take yourself by the scruff of the neck and try your best to follow at least a number of these recommendations.

Here are homemade ways to quickly rid your body of nausea after drinking alcohol.

  1. Nausea may be worse when the stomach is empty. But you shouldn’t eat too much either. You need to eat something light, but at the same time nutritious. Oatmeal porridge is very good in the morning, as it perfectly coats the walls of the stomach. Cream soup has the same effect. Its viscous consistency soothes an irritated stomach and saturates the body with energy. You can drink raspberry or currant jelly - they contain vitamin C, which is washed out by alcohol. In the villages, men with a hangover were always given sour cabbage soup. Sauerkraut perfectly restored the water-salt balance of the body and the person felt much better after such a meal.
  2. If, along with alcohol intoxication, you are poisoned by stale food, you should not experiment with dishes. In this case, it is better to drink hot chicken broth. Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, ayran - perfectly relieve hangover symptoms. Don't forget about the classic pickle.
  3. Those who do not have heart problems can visit the bathhouse or sauna. All the breakdown products of alcohol will come out with sweat and sobering up will come much faster.
  4. Rub your ears thoroughly with a rotating motion. The flow of blood to the ears will reduce the feeling of nausea.
  5. Ammonia will help cope with the overwhelming feeling of nausea. Add 5-6 drops of ammonia to a glass of warm water and drink the solution in small sips.
  6. Quince fruit has antiemetic properties. A few pieces of this fruit eaten will return you to good health.
  7. A dill decoction will help prevent nausea from creeping into your throat. Drink it in small portions every hour and very soon you will feel better.

Use these tips to regain your good health and mood.

What not to do if you have a hangover

The biggest mistake when dealing with hangover nausea is getting hungover. You can’t drink alcohol hoping for long-awaited relief. You will feel a little better, but not for long. After a while, the hangover will be much more severe. In addition, such an approach leads to alcohol addiction, when a person falls into a vicious circle of drinking and getting drunk.

Many people combine drinking alcohol with smoking. This increases the load on the liver several times. This also applies to strong tea and coffee - caffeine enhances the effect of alcohol.

Some people try to do physical activity when they have a hangover. Indeed, there is some truth in this - blood circulation increases and alcohol is more quickly removed from the body's cells. However, excessive stress will tire your already exhausted body and make you feel worse.

If you are hungover, you should not travel in public transport, especially private transport. And it's not just that poor reaction and coordination puts everyone on the road at risk. After traveling on any type of transport, nausea will increase significantly.

Hangover prevention

As you know, it is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with its consequences. Of course, in order not to suffer from a hangover, it is better to stop drinking alcohol altogether. But not everyone can do this. However, you can protect yourself from an upcoming hangover.

In advance, before the feast, take care of tomorrow morning. Take analgin tablet or 5 tablets of activated carbon. Then, during the holiday, drink 2 tablets of coal every hour and a half. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach - eat oatmeal or a portion of soup before the feast. As a last resort, you can drink a spoonful of vegetable oil - it will coat the walls of the stomach and reduce the rate of absorption of alcohol.

Nausea with a hangover indicates severe intoxication of the body. The body tries on its own, with the help of vomiting, to get rid of the poison that you gave it. Don't be your body's enemy - drink in moderation. Or at least take preventive measures in advance that will help you avoid an upcoming hangover. And then nausea will bypass you.

Video: how to get rid of a hangover

It is not always possible to quickly get rid of nausea from a hangover, since the body is poisoned by intermediate products of the breakdown of ethanol. But it is also impractical to wait for their removal, because not only physical, but also psychological discomfort arises. You can get rid of this characteristic sign of withdrawal syndrome using time-tested folk methods. Medications for hangovers are rarely used due to their complete incompatibility with alcoholic beverages.

Causes of nausea from a hangover

Understanding the pathological processes occurring in the body at this time will help get rid of nausea during a hangover. Already during the feast, the breakdown of ethanol begins. It enters the liver cells, where alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that metabolizes ethyl alcohol, is constantly present. But its splitting into harmless water and acetic acid does not occur immediately.

First, toxic acetaldehyde is formed, which causes great harm to the body:

  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, which leads to weakening of the myocardium;
  • the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are irritated;
  • the organs of the urinary system function malfunctioning;
  • the respiratory system is depressed, the oxygen supply to the body is disrupted;
  • brain cells are irreversibly destroyed.

Attacks of nausea and vomiting during a hangover are not only symptoms of acute intoxication. These are protective reactions of the body, with the help of which it tries to get rid of acetaldehyde and fusel oils circulating in the systemic bloodstream.

With frequent alcohol consumption, the situation is aggravated by toxic damage to the main biological filter - the liver. It loses the ability to fully and quickly break down ethanol, which often provokes the development of serious diseases. Alcoholics almost always suffer from hepatitis, atrophic or hyperacid gastritis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver. Only competent treatment will help them get rid of nausea from a hangover.

You can often feel sick with a hangover after drinking low-quality alcohol with a high content of impurities. The likelihood of nausea increases significantly after drinking viscous sweet liqueurs and liqueurs, beer and champagne with carbon dioxide bubbles.

What is the danger of nausea from a hangover?

Getting rid of hangovers and nausea quickly is, of course, important. The physical and psychological state of a person improves, he is able to perform work and household duties. But the decrease in the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract may be irreversible. Especially if nausea always occurs after drinking alcohol. In such cases, only comprehensive drug treatment or planned surgical intervention will help get rid of it.

When a person vomits from a hangover, this may indicate brain poisoning. Its cells die, and new ones are not formed. The central nervous system regulates the functioning of vital systems more and more poorly, which often becomes a trigger for the development of many diseases. Nausea from a hangover can be a symptom, indicating insufficient production of gastric juice, bile, and digestive enzymes. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to get rid of it by carrying out diagnostic measures.

Ways to get rid of nausea during a hangover

Cleansing the stomach will help relieve nausea after a hangover. To get rid of the discomfort, you need to drink about a liter of warm water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. And then you should press on the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. Rinsing must be repeated until the liquid begins to drain without any impurities of undigested food. This procedure is not pleasant, but often it is the only way to get rid of the painful signs of a hangover.

Many folk remedies and medications help with nausea after drinking. They can also be used to eliminate accompanying symptoms: to get rid of headaches, severe heartburn and sour belching, bloating due to increased gas formation.

Medication methods

You cannot relieve the feeling of nausea after drinking alcohol by taking medications with antiemetic effects. Firstly, they have a wide list of contraindications and poor compatibility with alcohol. Secondly, it is not advisable to relieve nausea and stop vomiting during a hangover.

Other medications that are useful in this condition include:

  • antacids - Rennie, Gastal, Maalox. Nausea often occurs due to food remaining in the stomach, which provokes the release of hydrochloric acid. Antacids will also relieve heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, and the feeling of fullness during a hangover;
  • enterosorbents - Polysorb. The drugs are attracted to their surface and bind acetaldehyde, and then evacuate it from the body. They also adsorb food residues, which often lead to the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes.

The pharmacy assortment has many products that can help you get rid of a hangover, for example, Zorex or Alka-Seltzer. They only relieve headaches well, but are ineffective for nausea. Anti-hangover drugs act on the principle of antacids, eliminating the discomfort only temporarily.

Light sedatives are useful for nausea - valerian or motherwort tablets, Tenoten. They calm the nervous system and relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Folk remedies

The best remedy for moderate nausea from a hangover is proper sleep. During rest, all vital systems do not work at full capacity, which contributes to the restoration of tissues damaged by ethanol.

The following folk methods will also help you get rid of nausea:

  • contrast shower followed by rubbing with a hard towel. Improves blood supply to tissues with oxygen and bioactive substances, helps get rid of weakness;
  • oil enema. Improves intestinal function, stimulates accelerated evacuation of final and intermediate products of ethanol breakdown;
  • using vegetable pickles without adding vinegar. Restores water and electrolyte balance, facilitates withdrawal from binge drinking;
  • drinking plenty of fluids. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day - plain water, lightly salted mineral waters (Nagutskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Essentuki No. 2 and No. 4), berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes, vegetable juices.

You will stop feeling sick, shaking, and vomiting after drinking a specific anti-hangover drink. To prepare it, you need to beat the egg yolk with a glass of thick tomato juice.


When a person feels sick and then vomits, even the smell of food is completely intolerable. After feeling better, a person may feel hungry. But in this state, not all food is healthy. For example, after eating fatty, fried foods, nausea will return again.

For 2-3 days, the diet should consist of the following products:

This will not only help get rid of nausea during a hangover. Consumption of such products normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and soothes mucous membranes irritated by alcohol.

How to get rid of nausea and vomiting of bile with a hangover?

In this condition, stomach cramps lead to rejection of the green substrate. Vomiting bile is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and abdominal pain. It is often accompanied by diarrhea with fresh blood in the stool. A one-time discharge of bile during vomiting is quite natural, but its constant presence indicates toxic damage to the liver and (or) gallbladder.

If severe vomiting of bile does not stop within 5-6 hours, you should call a doctor.

What is strictly forbidden to do if you feel sick?

You cannot stop nausea with an aqueous solution of soda and citric acid. A hangover will only feel better temporarily, and then hydrochloric acid will begin to be produced in the stomach in even greater quantities. This will not help get rid of nausea, but the risk of ulceration of the gastric mucosa is very high. Drinking alcohol to cure a hangover and nausea is not a good idea. The severity of intoxication will only increase, which will lead to worsening digestion and peristalsis disorders.


The body, poisoned by alcohol, is weakened and for several more days it struggles with dehydration and damage to brain cells. Long walks in the fresh air, good sleep, and proper nutrition will speed up its recovery. At this time, taking effervescent tablets with ascorbic acid and balanced vitamin and mineral complexes is very useful.

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