Essential oils against runny nose. Essential oils for colds and runny nose: antiviral and antibacterial aromatic oils

Absolutely healthy people It doesn’t happen - every person has had a cold at least once in their life. And everyone treats treatment differently: some trust only proven medical drugs, and some prefer natural remedies. Everyone knows that long-term and frequent use of medications weakens the immune system, and some natural products, such as essential oils, on the contrary, help strengthen it. So how can you deal with colds using ethers?

Essential oil therapy is not only an easy, but also a pleasant way to combat viral and bacterial infections. Despite their aggressiveness towards microbes, they are absolutely harmless to humans. Ethers create a special environment unsuitable for life pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, concentrated oils accelerate the penetration of antibiotics into human cells, increasing their effect several times.

Video: how essential oils protect against colds

Treatment of ailments and their symptoms

Each broadcast name has an individual set beneficial properties, but still they can be divided according to the main directions of action into subgroups:

  • antipyretic: eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, lemon, bergamot, mint;
  • anti-inflammatory: chamomile, sage, thyme, cloves, tea tree, juniper, myrtle, grapefruit;
  • antiviral: lemon, lavender, pine, fir, juniper, sage, tea tree, eucalyptus;
  • immunostimulating and restorative: lavender, chamomile, tea tree, sage, rose, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, juniper.

It is possible to use either one name of oil or a combination of several options. However, mixing more than three flavors is not advisable.

Due to the fact that essential oils are a highly concentrated product, treatment should begin with small doses: for the first time it is better to limit yourself to two drops.


Essential oils help fight infection, weaken bronchial spasms, thin mucus and remove it from respiratory tract. But before you choose the right aroma, you need to determine the nature of the cough:

  • when dry, esters of eucalyptus, coniferous trees (pine, fir, spruce), juniper, sandalwood, bergamot, ginger, cypress, lavender, chamomile will be effective, tea tree;
  • against wet cough accompanied by sputum production, preference should be given to basil, bergamot, lemon balm, peppermint, marjoram, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, fennel, thyme, sage, eucalyptus.

Some ethers have complex impact, helping with any type of cough.

You can use ethers to treat cough different methods. But any of them effectively fights the symptom of the disease and strengthens the condition of the body as a whole.


Inhalations are done in two ways: cold and hot. For cold procedures, a nebulizer is used: a couple of drops of a certain ether are added to a saline solution, the vapors of which are deeply inhaled through the mouth. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, the course of treatment is 7–10 days. If you don’t have this device, you can get by with a simpler option: soak a handkerchief in two drops of oil and breathe in the smell emanating from it for several minutes.

The hot method is more common. It can be used without special units:

  1. Boil a liter of water and add the selected oil ensemble (or one name of ether) into it in the amount of two to five drops.
  2. Cool the boiling water slightly to avoid burning the respiratory tract.
  3. Bend over a bowl of liquid, covering your head with a towel and closing your eyes, and breathe in the aromatic vapors with your mouth for five to seven minutes.

Coughing occurs after the second procedure. But there is no need to stop: continue treatment for at least a week in the morning and evening until the symptom disappears.


Aromatherapy is recommended for treatment light form illness. During the session essential aromas fill the entire space, preventing viruses from spreading. The procedure uses an aroma lamp, which should work for at least 30 minutes, but not exceeding two hours. Such sessions can be carried out all day, but with a break of at least 3 hours. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

If you don’t have a special unit, you can fill a small bowl with slightly cooled boiling water, diluting it with a drop of the chosen oil.

The most suitable concentrate for aromatherapy is eucalyptus essential oil.

Water procedures

Having normal temperature body, it’s good to take aromatic water treatments: mix 5-6 drops of ether (or several aromas) with sea salt (half a glass) and pour into a full warm bath. Relax and lie down for 15 minutes, ending the session with a warm bed.


Rubbing the chest and back with a specially prepared massage mixture is an effective addition drug relief for cough. To prepare a massage product, just add a couple of drops of concentrated aroma to any oil base (for example, olive oil). The duration of the session is 10 minutes and should be repeated daily for 7–10 days.

Doctors often prescribe warm compresses. To do this, the above mixture must be applied to a warm base (boiled potatoes, honey, cabbage leaves) and applied to the chest on both sides, bypassing the heart, for half an hour. The recommended course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Runny nose

Fighting a runny nose with ethers is great solution problems that high therapeutic effect, does not have negative consequences and contraindications (except for individual intolerance). In this case, you should purchase the following names of esters:

  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fir;
  • thyme.

These natural remedies can be used in different ways.

Nasal instillation

To apply nasal drops, you need to combine two drops of the selected aroma with half a teaspoon of vegetable olive oil. 1/4 pipette of the oil product should be inserted into each nasal passage, after which you should lie on your back for several minutes. Do about 5 instillations per day until the symptom disappears.

In the absence of strong discharge, it is enough to lubricate the skin near the nostrils with tea tree ether. This concentrate has high level efficiency, it is able to resist even antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.


To rinse the nose, you will need to brew 400 ml of chamomile or sage decoction, add 3-4 drops of ether (for example, thuja) to it and mix well. Rinse the nasal passages with this solution several times a day until the symptoms alleviate.

If green or yellow mucus is secreted, you need to prepare a slightly different solution for washing: half a tablespoon sea ​​salt dilute with a whole spoon of warm water, drop a couple of drops of eucalyptus ether, then dilute all this in 100 ml of chlorophyllipt. Use the liquid up to 4 times a day for a week.

Inhaling aromas

When eliminating a runny nose, the following are often prescribed: additional ways therapies such as inhalation and aromatherapy. These procedures are similar to those described above, but with the addition of aromas that correspond to this ailment. And with one more nuance - you need to inhale the vapors through your nose.

For sinusitis, warm inhalations with esters of rosemary, thyme and mint in a ratio of 2:1:1 will be effective. These 4 drops should be added to a liter of moderately hot boiled water and breathe in steam through your nose for about twenty minutes. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

You can’t explain to a small child that you need to sit quietly in order to carry out inhalations to improve breathing. stuffed nose. And you can’t keep my one-and-a-half-year-old son in a room with an aroma lamp - he’s constantly running around the whole apartment. So I make it a little easier by dropping a drop of essential oil on his clothes. It's very simple - the baby moves around the room, and the smell follows him. So I am calm that my child will receive the full benefit of the procedure. After half an hour, I change my clothes, because breathing ether vapors for a long time is not recommended, especially for small children.

Video: essential oil against runny nose

Sore throat

The most effective aromas against sore throats are:

  • mint;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • oregano;
  • carnation;
  • juniper.


For relief pain symptoms at inflammatory processes It is recommended to gargle in the throat oral cavity and throat. Prepare medicinal solution This procedure is easy:

  1. Prepare warm rinse liquid. It could be herbal infusion, plain warm water or with the addition of a teaspoon of salt and soda per glass.
  2. Dissolve 5 drops of the selected scent or a mixture of several options in small quantity emulsifier (it is best to use honey).
  3. Mix everything.

Rinse every 2–3 hours, and when severe pain- in one hour.

Features of treatment with essential oils for children

For colds, children are often prescribed a lot of medications that have a lot of side effects. But few people know that with the help of essential oils you can not only alleviate unpleasant symptoms, but also strengthen the immune system. In any case, you should not self-medicate, and before using even such harmless means like essential oils, you should consult your pediatrician.

Some rules for using concentrated aromatic oils for children:

  • give preference only to 100% natural esters;
  • use oils with extreme caution if your child is prone to allergic reactions;
  • strictly follow the recommended dosage;
  • do not apply undiluted oils to the skin;
  • When carrying out medical procedures, do not leave the child alone.

The best esters for treating colds in children are the following:

  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • dill;
  • bergamot;
  • fennel;
  • ginger;
  • orange;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • pine;
  • cedar.

Treatment procedures that are acceptable for childhood colds:

  • fragrant baths. When bathing, add an age-appropriate amount of the selected scent mixed with 1 tsp to the bath. base oil;
  • massage. After the aroma bath, it is good to massage the child’s back and chest using the massage mixture prepared according to the table below;
  • inhalation. For older children, you can use a nebulizer, and for very young children, use an aroma lamp by dropping the appropriate number of drops of ether into a bowl of water for the child’s age.

Table: dosages of essential oils for children

Child's ageQuantity of bath oil 10 l, dropsAmount of oil for aroma lamp per 15 m 3, dropsAmount of oil for massage mixture per 1 tbsp. l. base oil (olive, peach, apricot, almond), drops
2–8 weeks1 1 1
2–12 months1–2 2–3 2
1–5 years3–4 3–4 2–3
6–12 years4–6 5–7 3–5

Important: It is not recommended to use essential oils for children under 2 weeks of age.

Prevention of colds

For the prevention of colds, the most effective are the following essential oils, which have a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect:

  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • pine trees;
  • rosemary;
  • cypress;
  • thyme;
  • fir trees

During an epidemic, it is advisable to observe certain preventive measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from insidious viruses:

  • room aromatization. This method will help clear the air of pathogenic bacteria and prevent the spread various viruses. The procedure can be carried out using an aroma lamp or by dropping a few drops of ether onto a paper napkin, which will emit an aroma for the next 30 minutes;
  • aroma medallion Often schoolchildren and preschool age hang a pendant around the neck with a cotton wool soaked inside, soaked in a couple of drops of ether, which allows you to inhale the beneficial aroma until it fizzles out;
  • aroma baths. To add essential oil to a filled bath, you must first dissolve it in 50–100 g of an emulsifier (sea salt, milk, honey, kefir), since this concentrate does not dissolve in water. This bath should be taken for 10–15 minutes.

I love it when the apartment smells of my favorite scents, in my case it’s lavender. When cleaning, I always add a few drops of this ether to a bucket of water to wash the floors, and also wipe the surfaces with a rag soaked in a fragrant liquid. The rooms are immediately refreshed, the mood is lifted, and inspiration for good deeds is born. And most importantly, the air we breathe is disinfected and becomes as if sterile. This is especially important in the autumn-winter period, when there are a lot of viruses around. At this time, I supplement the lavender with a few drops of juniper and lemon oils. The aroma lasts for 2-3 hours. By the way, my children get sick no more than once a year!

Video: preventing colds with essential oils

Contraindications and possible consequences

Like a product high concentration any essential oil can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a drop of ether to the inner bend of the elbow and wait 1 hour. If there is no itching, redness, or irritation, then there is no allergy.

In addition to allergies, there are some restrictions on treatment with essential oils:

  • bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • pregnancy;
  • the child is less than 2 weeks old;
  • allergy.

In the absence of allergies and contraindications, treatment of colds with essential oils will be an excellent addition to medication. In addition to the benefits, the aromatic medicine will bring great pleasure, pleasant relaxation and peace of mind. The main thing is to observe the dosage of oils and the frequency of procedures.

Essential oils for colds are enough effective method prevention and treatment of this disease. A correctly selected composition of the above remedies will not only get rid of the symptoms of this disease, but also strengthen the body. It is also allowed to use essential oils for colds for children and pregnant women.

The importance of aromatic oils in the prevention and treatment of colds

Aromatherapy is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to combat viral and bacterial infections. In addition, using this method At the same time, the body's immunity increases.

Essential oils for colds are used both for the prevention of this disease and for its therapy. For example, for the first purpose, the aromas of geranium, lemon, lavender, lemon balm and others are used. For therapy, it is recommended to use other essential substances, such as oil of eucalyptus, sage, tea tree, spruce, rosemary, juniper, lavender, fir, pine, etc.

Effects of aromatic substances on the body

Essential oils have an incredible healing effect for colds. The properties of the above substance depend on the plant from which it is produced:

  • antiseptic - tea tree, cinnamon, sage, cloves, rosemary;
  • antiviral - esters of mint, geranium, fennel, ylang-ylang, lemon balm;
  • antibacterial - this is the oil of geranium, tea tree, spruce, chamomile, myrtle, cedar, juniper, ginger;
  • anti-inflammatory - esters of sage, tea tree, juniper, cloves, pine, myrtle, thyme, grapefruit;
  • immunostimulating - sage, tea tree, rose, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, chamomile, juniper, hyssop, lavender, grapefruit oil;
  • restorative - esters of lavender, anise, rose, fennel, incense, sandalwood;
  • diaphoretic and antipyretic - peppermint, lemon, lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree and lemon balm oils.

To disinfect rooms from cold viruses, esters of plants such as juniper, eucalyptus, cinnamon, sage, tea tree, oregano, cloves, thyme, and lemon are excellent. For this, a special aroma burner is used.

The most effective aromatic oils for colds: list

1. Essential oils for colds and coughs: 2 drops of eucalyptus + 2 drops of lavender + 2 drops of peppermint + 2 drops of bergamot. This mixture used for inhalation. Representatives alternative medicine It is recommended to inhale these vapors for no more than 10 minutes.

2. Essential oils for colds and runny nose: 5 drops of rosemary ether + 5 drops of pine oil + 5 drops of eucalyptus ether + 2 drops of peppermint + 5 drops of geranium + 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil. This mixture is used for the sinuses.

3. You can also use the following combinations of aromatic oils for the treatment of colds:

  • 2 drops eucalyptus + 2 drops lavender + 2 drops tea tree;
  • 1 drop of eucalyptus + 3 drops of peppermint + 2 drops of sage + 2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1 drops peppermint + 2 drops lavender + 1 drop rosemary + 1 drop eucalyptus;
  • 1 drop of spruce + 1 drop of cypress + 1 drop of thyme + 1 drop of mint + 1 drop of rosemary;
  • 1 drop of thyme + 1 drop of cloves + 1 drop of peppermint + 1 drop of eucalyptus.

The above combinations of aromatic oils were selected by alternative medicine specialists. They produce maximum healing effect, quickly relieving the body of the symptoms of colds.

The pharmacy also offers the opportunity to purchase essential oils for colds called “Breathe.” Manufacturers of this product have developed combinations of aromatic substances for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, thereby greatly simplifying this process. The patient no longer needs to buy several different packages of aromatic oils.

Recommendations for the use of the above remedy for the treatment of viral diseases

When using essential oils for colds, there are several important rules to consider:

  1. These substances must be of high quality, that is, natural.
  2. The dosage must be strictly observed, especially if this remedy is used for children and pregnant women.
  3. To prevent the flu, it is not recommended to use the same aroma oil for more than 3 weeks. It is important to take a break for at least 10 days.
  4. If the smell causes irritation, headaches or is simply unpleasant, it should be replaced with another one.
  5. Aroma oils have the ability to enhance the effect of antibiotics.
  6. Esters block the effect of homeopathic remedies.
  7. Before starting aromatherapy, it is important to consult a doctor if the patient has heart problems, epilepsy, or an allergic reaction.

Ways to use aromatic oils for colds

Aromatherapy for symptoms of viral and bacterial diseases can be carried out using the following methods:

  • Using special ones (take 5 drops of the substance per 15 square meters).
  • Taking a bath with ethers: antipyretic - temperature 36 degrees Celsius, for colds - temperature above 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Method of application to the skin (5 drops of aroma oil are mixed with body cream and rubbed into the chest area).
  • Using aromatic inhalation (mix 5 drops of a mixture of ethers with a spoon of honey and add to hot water). Breathe this solution for up to 10 minutes. For colds, it is recommended to apply a maximum of 3 times a day.
  • Oral administration (mix 1 drop of oil with a spoon of honey or vegetable oil). The course of such therapy is no more than 3 weeks. Important: this remedy do not take on an empty stomach.
  • (Mix 30 drops of aromatic oil mixture with salt and dissolve in 5 liters of water, wash the floors with this liquid).

Aromatherapy for colds and pregnancy

It is not recommended for pregnant women to use this method for the prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial diseases without prior consultation with a doctor. There are a number of aromatic oils that are contraindicated for patients in this category.

The most effective essential oils for colds for pregnant women: thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine, lavender, peppermint, tea tree.

Pregnant women can use both wet and dry inhalations (by applying the substance to the hand) to treat colds.

An excellent therapeutic combination of the following substances for pregnant women: 4 drops of tea tree + the same amount of eucalyptus. Use this mixture of aromatic oils to lubricate the nasal mucosa.

Aromatherapy for colds for children

This method of treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial diseases is excellent for young patients. Children are allowed to take essential oils for colds, but a few recommendations should be taken into account:

  • These substances, before adding to the water, are mixed with a base - a spoonful of salt;
  • inhalations with aromatic oils begin from a few seconds and are gradually increased to three minutes;
  • Pure essential oil should not be used in aromatherapy for children.

Children are allowed to use the following essential oils for colds: eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender or tea tree. Representatives of alternative medicine advise placing a drop of one of the above remedies on the collar of a child’s shirt before going to bed. This is an excellent preventive method.

Essential oils for colds: reviews

Aromatherapy is a fairly popular method of preventing and treating colds. There are enough reviews about this method.

The topic of using ethereal compositions is especially relevant in special forums. Its visitors strongly recommend using aromatic oils for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Reviews from some patients warn about the possibility of side effects if the selected essential oils are not suitable for the body. They indicate symptoms of allergies or severe headaches.

Therefore, before using essential oils for a cold, you should consult a doctor about such therapy. Self-use can be harmful.

Essential oils for colds: contraindications

The above aromatherapy should be used with extreme caution by people with heart problems, bronchial asthma, epilepsy. Experts also note that some esters can cause the following side effects:

  • severe dizziness;
  • increased irritability;
  • severe headaches;
  • allergy.

If you observe the above symptoms, you should immediately stop the course of therapy and seek help from a doctor.

Aromatherapy is quite popular and no less effective way prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Essential oils for colds have a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect on the body. Therapy is not only useful, but also enjoyable.

The ability of plant aromas to cure cough and respiratory diseases has been noted for a long time.

Thus, in ancient times there was an “anti-cold” custom of inhaling the smell of crushed myrtle leaves, casually picked from a bush, while Australian aborigines sent coughing fellow tribesmen to eucalyptus groves for recovery.

Current methods of aromatherapy continue and develop ancient traditions, and the use of myrtle and eucalyptus essential oils still occupy pride of place in the vast arsenal special means fight colds with scents.

The common healing properties of all these fragrant extracts are:

  • complex action;
  • particularly effective as prophylactic drugs;
  • the need for systematic and long-term use to completely eliminate the disease.

For runny nose, cough and flu

Feature natural preparations– a combination of several healing properties “in one bottle”. Therefore, many essential extracts are present in several lists of fighters against the causes and symptoms of the common cold.

Thus, aromatic essences contribute to the growth of immunity and resistance to influenza during the dangerous season:

  • bergamot;
  • grapefruit;
  • hyssop;
  • myrtle;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme (thyme);
  • black pepper;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus.

Oil esters with antiviral, antibacterial, disinfecting effects eliminate infections and are used for inhalation for coughs and flu. These are natural preparations:

  • geraniums;
  • hyssop;
  • myrrh;
  • myrtle;
  • neroli;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme (thyme);
  • eucalyptus.

Aromatic extracts treat cough:

  • hyssop;
  • myrrh;
  • dill;
  • fennel;
  • coniferous trees - spruce, cedar, fir and pine;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus.

Essential oils for runny nose:

  • basil;
  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus.

Aromas that relieve fever include:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus.

Fragrant preparations relieve inflammation:

  • carnations;
  • ginger;
  • myrtle;
  • mint;
  • pine trees;
  • fennel;
  • thyme (thyme);
  • tea tree;
  • sage

Gives a special effect joint use several medicinal oils, which support, complement and enhance each other’s action.

Natural remedies for flu:

Directions for use and recipes

Natural essential oils for colds fully manifest their healing properties in two types of procedures: inhalation of aromas in the form of inhalation and direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Inhalations with hot steam

With this method of treatment, the following essential oil complexes are used:

  • eucalyptus with tea tree equally;
  • lavender and pine one drop each;
  • eucalyptus with thyme in equal doses;
  • two drops of lavender with a drop of eucalyptus;
  • rosemary and thyme in equal proportions.

Add two or three drops of the aromatic composition to a bowl or pan with a liter of boiling water and bend over it, immediately covering yourself tightly with a terry towel. Breathe healing hot steam for five to ten minutes both through the mouth and nose, so that to the fullest Both essential oils for a runny nose and volatile cough preparations help. It is useful to supplement this breathing procedure by rubbing your feet with an undiluted essential mixture, and then lie down in bed.

Fragrant baths

General rules for preparing aroma baths for colds:

  • Water temperature – 37-38ºС; in case of chills – up to 40ºС.
  • The general dosage of essential oil for one bath of standard volume is from eight to ten drops.
  • The essential product is first applied to the emulsifier - one or two tablespoons of milk, cream, kefir, honey or sea salt. Then the mixture is shaken with several movements and dissolved in water. This procedure is necessary due to the fact that the aromatic oil itself is aquatic environment insoluble. Tea tree also goes well.

The following compositions provide a good therapeutic effect:

  • five drops of bergamot with three drops of lavender, the same amount of black pepper extract and two drops of juniper;
  • three drops of eucalyptus, the same amount of tea tree or thyme, and two “coniferous” drops - fir, pine or spruce;
  • three drops each of sage, tea tree and lemon oil with two drops of cloves.
At extreme heat Aromatic baths should not be taken.

Massage procedures and rubbing

For a massage for colds, be sure to use a basic vegetable oil, V optimal option— olive, first cold pressed. Good effect give the following compositions added to 25 ml of oil base:

  • three drops of lavender, the same amount of thyme and eucalyptus;
  • equally, two drops each of pine, geranium, rosemary, eucalyptus oil and one – peppermint extract;
  • four drops of sage, three drops each of geranium, peppermint and eucalyptus oils with two drops of pine preparation.

With these compounds you need to massage your chest and back before going to bed, rub your forehead above the bridge of your nose, the area of ​​your sinuses and the wings of your nose in a circle three times a day.

To cure sinusitis, such rubbing of the sinus area is carried out with fir, pine or eucalyptus oil. In this case, there should be no abrasions, scratches or damage to the skin.

It is useful to combine massage with inhalations, performing it immediately before or immediately after inhaling therapeutic steam.

Inhalations and baths with essential oils:

Healing smells of aroma lamps

Simple and effective remedy– evaporation of the volatile essential composition from the surface of heated water – radically cleanses the air of infections and significantly facilitates breathing. The essential mixture is added to the aroma lamp every half hour in the amount of 5 drops per 15 square meters area. This “air healing” is carried out before full recovery, and then continues for several more days.

The following mixtures are especially effective:

  • equal quantities of geranium, lavender, lemon, thyme and tea tree;
  • five drops lavender oil with eucalyptus and mint addition - a drop of each.

Healing by spraying

Essential oils for colds - effective remedy general disinfection of the apartment where the patient is located.

This antimicrobial complex consists of half a glass of alcohol or vodka with eucalyptus and tea tree oils - 20 drops each. This mixture should be dispersed in the air at intervals of one hour.

Aromatic prevention of infections

During the flu and cold season, you can stimulate the body’s defenses in advance, without waiting for the disease, and increase its resistance to viruses by inhaling the appropriate natural aromas applied to clothes - especially in the collar area. You can also grind a few drops of the essential elixir in your hands and, cupping your palms, inhale one of their antiviral, restorative complexes:

  • thyme;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus - an ancient medicine of the Australian aborigines;
  • Myrtle is an elixir of ancient Greece.

Placed next to the sleeping or playing area small child cotton pads or napkins with a few drops of health-improving, immune-strengthening and, at the same time, pleasant, gentle essential oils of rose, mint, and chamomile can protect the baby from colds.

For children

Prevention and treatment of childhood colds with healing volatile substances has significant features and direct limitations. In particular, steam inhalations are not used to improve the health of children under five years of age.

Any aromatherapy products are excluded in the first month of life.

From eight weeks of age, moderate use of the mildest drugs without side effects is allowed, namely, oils:

  • lavender;
  • myrrh;
  • neroli;
  • roses;
  • chamomile;
  • dill.

After two months and up to a year, the list of permits is replenished with extracts:

  • bergamot;
  • ginger;
  • fennel.

IN medical procedures for one-year-olds, tea tree is already used, from one and a half years old - patchouli essential preparations, and from five years old, natural aromatic extracts in minimal “children’s” doses are used without significant restrictions.

So, for healing baths, equal volumes of lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus preparations are mixed, and then 2 drops of the resulting composition are shaken in a tablespoon of milk and added to the filled bath.

For rubbing, 3 drops of the same mixture are added to a tablespoon of oil base.

Therapeutic massage of the back, chest and neck is also carried out with a mixture of 30 ml of base oil with three drops of eucalyptus extract, a drop of hyssop preparation and a drop of fragrant thyme.

Correct, timely and systematic use of essential oils of proper quality heals colds at any age.

The benefits of plant oils with their amazing aroma have been talked about since ancient times. Essential oils for colds and flu - excellent remedy, thanks to their properties, the body receives a lot of healing elements.

The chronicles say that even a fierce plague was defeated by people who used essential oils. According to legend, they were created by the Plague Doctor, to whom representatives of the richest classes secretly made their way. Essential oils were also used to prevent influenza during epidemics. How can a seemingly just pleasant aroma cope with the most serious illnesses? To do this, you need to understand how they arise respiratory diseases and what properties oils have.

It turns out that some essential oils can protect against the flu and even treat it.

According to research, there are more than 200 varieties of influenza viruses. Humanity has experienced at least 18 major epidemics; the disease easily crossed the borders of countries and continents. And now, every year, people are “covered” several times by the next wave of the epidemic. If the virus had not mutated, then the vaccine once created would only be given once. But new strains are emerging, against which more and more new vaccinations are being created.

Many people confuse influenza and ARVI, but these are completely different conditions. They can be distinguished by their symptoms.

With ARVI, the first thing that occurs is:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • sore throat, cough;
  • tearfulness.

People with the flu suffer from other symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • high temperature;
  • pain in muscles, joints.

The flu condition does not immediately “give itself away”, and, due to delayed symptoms, complications may arise:

  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory processes in the trachea, bronchi;
  • otitis, sinusitis, etc.

Important: complications pose a particular threat to children and the elderly who have low immunity. If a child has a rash of unknown etiology or convulsions on his body, consult a doctor immediately. In such cases, the child's life counts in minutes.

Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases

You need to contact specialists even before epidemics occur, which, by the way, are being trumpeted at all ends. Vaccination is an important and powerful weapon. Thanks to a simple vaccination, people tolerate the disease more easily or are not infected at all. Essential oils are also useful for preventing flu and colds.

Treatment of influenza requires a comprehensive approach

If it turns out that there is no vaccination, the doctor will prescribe antiviral therapy, as well as taking antipyretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines. It’s a good idea to resort to the secrets of unconventional approaches, which include aromatic oils for colds and flu.

Comprehensive treatment of influenza and ARVI

Use of aroma extracts, intake medicines allows you to get rid of symptoms and severe forms diseases, if combined with other treatment methods:

  1. Fluid intake. Tea, herbal infusions, compotes, juices, jelly, clean water- all this should be in the diet of a sick person. During illness, they suffer internal organs, since the virus enters the bloodstream and poisoning occurs - intoxication. You can remove toxins only with the help of liquid, that is, drinking plenty of fluids.
  2. Maintaining bed rest. Suffering from illness immune system, its reserves are running out. If a person also studies physical activity, then it will not be possible to fight viruses and complex exacerbations will arise.
  3. Air ventilation. The room in which the infected person is located must be ventilated at least 4 times a day. The virus multiplies in dry, stagnant air, and optimal humidity is a lethal atmosphere.

What types of aromatic oils are there against flu and other diseases?

People have been using oils since ancient times various plants, and what’s nice is that each of them has an amazing aroma. So you don’t have to settle for unpleasant “ambers”. The main names include oils:

  • eucalyptus;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon;
  • lavender;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • tea tree;
  • manuka;
  • fir;
  • saro;
  • pine trees;
  • thyme, etc.

It is impossible to list the entire list; there are hundreds of thousands of plants in the world, the extract from which has healing properties: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic. They contain flavonoids, antioxidants, and antiseptics.

Aroma oils for colds and flu

The method of using aromatic extracts is dominated by certain names of plants intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Each of them has powerful properties and affects one or another condition.

  1. Lemon eucalyptus oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for runny nose and stuffy nose.
  2. Lemon - stimulates the birth of new white cells in the blood. Regulates blood circulation and has antiviral abilities.
  3. Lavender has antiseptic, powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Relieves swelling of the respiratory tract, a state of stagnation.
  4. Peppermint (peppermint) has a powerful expectorant effect, thins mucus, and enhances mucus secretion. Often used in nebulizers and inhalers. Contraindicated for children.
  5. Pine - relieves swelling, expands the airways, relieves painful sensations in the larynx.
  6. Tea tree - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, bactericidal effect, relieves swelling in the nose, throat, bronchi.
  7. Thyme - used in combination with other oils: lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree. Effectively copes with congestion, swelling, runny nose, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.
  8. Rosemary - relieves pain in the head and throat, dilates the bronchi, lifts the mood, adds vigor and energy. Not recommended for high blood pressure.
  9. Ravensarnoe - antiviral, immunomodulatory effect. Increases vitality, tones, relieves flu symptoms - headache, aches in muscles and joints.
  10. Monarda fistula is used to purify the air in a patient’s room. Destroys all types of viruses, bacteria and fungi. When inhaled, it destroys viral colonies in the respiratory tract.

Eucalyptus oil is very useful in preventing flu

Essential oils for colds and runny nose

To use, you need to purchase a certain extract from a pharmacy or cosmetic store. It is more effective to use an aroma lamp, thanks to which maximum evaporation of oils occurs.

Recipe 1- classical composition. You need to mix five drops of orange, clove, lavender and cinnamon oil into one container. Pour water into the lamp and add 10 drops of the composition. Light a fire under the evaporator and a stunning aroma will reign in the room.

Important: aromatic procedures should be carried out in a separate room, which does not include other family members, as well as four-legged pets.

What cold and flu oil can you carry with you all the time? This question is asked by those who have an aroma pendant. You can easily use the composition described above to fill not only the pendant, but also to wet the napkin sachet. It is enough to take out a napkin several times a day, breathe in it, and the threat of influenza infection will be minimized.

Recipe 2- for cough and stuffy nose. Drop the composition onto a handkerchief: 5 drops of orange and 4 mint oils. Fold the handkerchief four times and place in an airtight container. Breathe every half hour and your nose will be cleared and your breathing will be free.

Recipe 3- treating cough. With colds and flu, people suffer from a debilitating, painful cough, especially at night. Aromatherapy for colds and flu will help you sleep peacefully:

  • thyme oil - 2 drops;
  • lavender - 5 drops;
  • saro - 5 drops;
  • eucalyptus globulus - 8 drops;
  • coconut oil - 2 tablespoons.

Mix the ingredients in a dark glass container and rub with balm overnight. You can also use incense as a rub (5 drops) and for instillation into an aroma lamp.

Lavender and its essential oil are an effective cough remedy.

Cocoa butter for colds and coughs

According to experienced doctors, even the aroma of the product can add vitality sick person. What is its uniqueness, what components allow you to cure colds and painful cough in a matter of days?

The name itself speaks about its origin: it is the extraction of fat from the beans of a chocolate plant. It is included in numerous confectionery products, used in perfumery, and in the production of cosmetics. The peculiarity of cocoa butter is its many advantages and the absolute absence of side effects. They treat not only respiratory, but also skin diseases, problems with musculoskeletal system, in gynecology, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the joints, etc.

  • Melt a teaspoon of the product in warm milk, you can drink 6 glasses of the drink during the day.
  • Melt a piece of the remedy and rub the patient - chest and back, wrap yourself up, the procedure is best done before bed.

Essential oil against colds and flu

In ancient times, when the plague was raging, people wore special masks, which, it seemed to them, protected a person from the penetration of viruses and bacteria. Of course, it didn’t help; microorganisms are able to penetrate through macropores. But there were essential oils against flu created by the Plague Doctor and they were not available to everyone.

In a modern pharmacy you can find different essential oils

Now it’s a different time; extracts from any plant, even the most tropical, can be purchased in pharmacies. It is important to believe in the success of the treatment and pleasant aromas will definitely help cope with diseases.

How and what essential oils to use for colds?

Everyone, both children and adults, is susceptible to colds. Especially various viral and bacterial infections overcome us in the autumn-winter period. Of course, no one wants to get sick, but it’s not always possible to avoid it. For the prevention and treatment of various acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, many are accustomed to using medications, which in sufficient quantity are available in almost every pharmacy, and advertising constantly recommends that we use one or another “miracle drug” in order to rid ourselves of a cold. But pharmaceuticals are often unsafe various reasons and in order to help your body cope with infection, it is safer to use natural remedies for prevention and treatment. To such natural remedies may include essential oils.

Aromatherapy is one of the most effective, and what is pleasingly safe, means for combating and preventing colds. Due to their properties, essential oils have a comprehensive effect on the body: they help fight infection, increase immunity, destroy and stop the growth of viruses and bacteria.

To combat colds, it is effective to use hot and cold inhalations, baths, rinses, compresses, rubbing and massage with essential oils.

It has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and antiviral activity. inhibits the growth of bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, coli. Unlike antibiotics, it does not kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, but limits their growth and prevents reproduction, while stimulating the body's immunity and resistance. It is recommended to use tea tree oil for baths to relieve cold symptoms or for steam inhalation.

It has antiseptic, bactericidal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, general stimulating, expectorant, and antiviral properties. Eucalyptus essential oil is indicated for bronchitis and other respiratory infections, as it stimulates the outflow of mucus from the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus and tea tree oil can be used interchangeably because they are similar in their anti-cold properties.

Effective for treating colds because it is antiseptic, bactericidal effect and can stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are part protective system the body against bacteria, fungi and infections. However, lemon essential oil may cause skin irritation in some people due to phototoxicity, so use this oil with caution in sunny weather.

Is antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. To receive best results When fighting colds, it is recommended to use a mixture with essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus. Which can be used to massage the nose, cheekbones and temples to relieve congestion, headaches and other symptoms caused by a cold. Rosemary oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy, or for people with high blood pressure or epilepsy.

It has bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, diaphoretic and expectorant effects. Use pine oil to relieve sore throat and nasal congestion. When inhaling pine oil vapors, bronchial secretion is stimulated, which promotes the removal of mucus. Pine essential oil is indicated for laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza and bronchial diseases.

It is an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. helps to liquefy sputum, due to which it is used for inhalation for bronchitis, pneumonia and hoarseness.

It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Peppermint oil is good for colds and flu, especially when combined with lavender and marjoram essential oils. A mixture of these oils is especially effective when used for inhalation at the onset of the disease. However, peppermint oil should be used in moderation, as it can cause bronchospasm and respiratory distress, as well as allergies in some people due to the presence of menthol in it. chemical composition. Additionally, never use peppermint oil on, or in close proximity to, infants and small children.

Thyme essential oil has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. To combat colds, it is recommended to use thyme essential oil in combination with essential oils of tea tree, lemon and eucalyptus. Do not use thyme oil if you have high blood pressure.

Use the above essential oils individually or in combination with each other to combat and prevent colds. You can select combinations of oils based on your own sensations or use ready-made anti-cold recipes.

Hot inhalations with essential oils against colds.

In order to do this, you need to boil 2 - 3 liters of water, remove the container with water from the heat and add essential oils to the right quantity. Then tilt your face over the water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Be careful to avoid injury and burns.

Hot inhalation to stimulate the release of mucus from the upper respiratory tract

2 drops lavender

2 drops tea tree

2 drops eucalyptus

Hot inhalation for a stuffy nose

2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops mint

2 drops tea tree

Anti-cold hot inhalation

2 drops lavender

2 drops rosemary

2 drops eucalyptus

Hot inhalation for cough relief

2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops lavender

Hot inhalation thins mucus and stimulates its removal

2 drops pine

1 drops lemon

2 drops eucalyptus

Hot inhalation at the first sign of a cold

2 drops eucalyptus

1 drops ginger

1 drops lemon

Hot inhalation for flu, sinusitis, bronchitis

30 drops eucalyptus

15 drops lavender

12 drops pine

6 drops marjoram (oregano)

3 drops thyme

Mix all the oils in a glass bottle. Then place 6 drops in a bowl of hot water and breathing into steam for 5 to 10 minutes.

Cold inhalations with essential oils for colds

You can also use it to relieve cold symptoms. An aroma lamp is most often used for this. Cold inhalations using an armalamp help not only fight colds, but also cleanse the space of viruses and bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of infecting other people who are in direct contact with the patient.

In order to conduct a session cold inhalation take an aroma lamp, pour warm water into its bowl and add a few drops of essential oil (up to 10 drops per 15 m 3 of room) or a mixture of essential oils. Then light a candle and place it at the bottom of the aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Cold inhalation to combat colds and flu during the daytime

2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops lavender

2 drops mint

2 drops tea tree

To fight colds and flu at night

2 drops lavender

2 drops tea tree

To relieve cold symptoms

3 drops eucalyptus

2 drops clary sage

2 drops orange

For runny nose and stuffy nose

2 drops mint

2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops rosemary

Massage with essential oils against colds

Massage is also effective in treating colds. For therapeutic purposes, mixtures of essential oils with base oils are used. Apricot, almond, and grape seeds, jojoba, olive, as they have good permeability.

The massage has a double therapeutic effect: First, essential oils penetrate the skin into the bloodstream; secondly, during the massage process, essential oils evaporate and penetrate the respiratory tract.

Daytime Cough Relief Blend

2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops lavender

4 tsp. almond oil or any base oil of your choice

Mix 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil, 2 drops lavender essential oil and 4 teaspoons carrier oil and apply to throat and chest.

Massage oil to boost immunity

10 drops geranium

10 drops tea tree

8 drops lemon

8 drops lavender

4 drops eucalyptus

120 ml jojoba oil, olive or almond

Massage oil that improves mucus discharge

60 ml base oil

20 drops eucalyptus

5 drops basil

5 drops mint

5 drops cedar

Mix essential oils and add base oil. Rub on chest, neck and back. Use daily 2-3 times as needed.

Bath with essential oils for colds

Like massage, it has a double effect: oils dissolved in water penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream; Oils evaporating from the surface of the water have an inhaling effect. But aromatic baths have another advantage - the ability to remove toxins from the body.

Before adding oils to a bath of water, they must first be mixed with some kind of emulsifier (bath salts, bath foam, milk, honey, etc.). The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

However, before taking baths with essential oils, it is worth remembering that this procedure has a number of contraindications. Contraindications may include acute inflammatory diseases, elevated temperature body, some skin lesions, heart disease, chronic diseases kidney, liver, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, oncological diseases. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is always necessary before starting procedures.

Bath with essential oils to boost immunity

5 drops eucalyptus

5 drops thyme

2 drops tea tree

1 tablespoon honey

Bath with essential oils against colds

4 drops tea tree oil

3 drops rosemary oil

2 drops lemon oil

1 drop ginger oil

2 tablespoons milk

Bath with essential oils for flu

1 cup fine sea salt

4 drops thyme

4 drops eucalyptus

4 drops rosemary

All of the above recipes can be used to prevent colds.

This article is written for informational purposes. For staging accurate diagnosis and appointments effective treatment consult a doctor.