The girl doused herself with machine oil on her iPhone. Vegetable oil burn: treatment at home

In the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region, a student at a pedagogical college stripped naked for a smartphone at a party in a nightclub. However, this attempt to undress for a gadget is not the first. The public's attention does not bother the girls.

By the way, a student from the Chelyabinsk region was deceived. She was promised an iPhone 7, but after the “striptease” she was only given a cheap smartphone. As a “bonus” - fame on the Internet, where viewers posted it.

Marriage is not a barrier

In the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory, in 2015, two girls performed naked dances on stage for the sake of an iPhone 5s. By the way, one of them was married. The audience appreciated the dances with applause, and social network users gave advice to “win brains instead of iPhones.”

Douse yourself with machine oil

In the summer of 2016 in Krasnoyarsk, video bloggers approached girls and asked what they were willing to do for an iPhone 5s. For example, will they be able to undress and douse themselves with machine oil? After many refusals, one finally gave in.

As it turned out, it was her birthday the day before and so she decided to “give herself an iPhone.” She got into the car with unknown guys, drove with them into the forest, where she undressed and doused herself with machine oil.

For an iPhone box

In Krasnoyarsk, a girl stripped off in a local club to... win an iPhone box. As it turned out, the contestants were played, and the prize for nakedness was not the gadget itself, but only its packaging. It went to the one who undressed completely; the others refused to do so.

Virginity for iPhone

The Internet is still wondering whether this was a real announcement or whether someone made a bad joke on a 19-year-old resident of the Rostov region. On her behalf, an advertisement was posted on Avito about exchanging an iPhone 5s smartphone for virginity. The proposal appeared in August 2014. But the specified phone number was unavailable a couple of hours after the announcement was made.

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, this means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy village yellow oil at the market - in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream foreshadows good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil is a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil is a sign of success in business and prosperity.

Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - to fulfill your desire.

Buying butter means satisfaction.

Getting dirty with butter means success in love.

Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth.

Spreading butter on something in a dream means gossip.

Anointing your head with oil means fame and recognition.

Eating heavily oily foods is beneficial.

Seeing a creamery in a dream means that your deepest desires will come true.

Working in a creamery means a particularly good dream.

Interpretation of dreams from

A burn from hot vegetable oil is a serious injury that can cause serious harm to the victim. The boiling point of vegetable oils reaches 200 0 C, which is two times higher than the boiling point of water. Such an injury is classified as thermal burns; when providing first aid, it is necessary to take into account the high heat transfer of vegetable oil and the concentration in the hearth. When hot oil gets on the skin, it forms a thick, greasy film that limits the access of oxygen to the wound and maintains a high temperature. Incorrectly provided assistance can lead to serious consequences.

Typically, thermal burns are divided into four degrees, but a burn with vegetable oil has three:

  • With a first-degree burn, the skin at the site of the injury becomes red and there is slight swelling. The injury is considered mild; it is enough to provide first aid at home; such a burn does not require special treatment.
  • A second-degree burn with vegetable oil is characterized by the appearance of blisters filled with a clear liquid; they can be either small or large in size. The victim feels a burning sensation and severe pain; if the affected area of ​​the skin is large, the person may receive a painful shock and lose consciousness. After providing first aid, the patient must be taken to the hospital.
  • A third-degree burn includes injuries that affect not only the superficial layer of the epidermis, but penetrate into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In this case, the nerve endings are affected and the blood vessels are torn. Due to severe damage, tissue necrosis begins, which is characterized by the formation of gray scabs and pus mixed with blood. In this case, treatment should only be carried out by a qualified specialist, and the assistance of a surgeon may also be required.

A fourth degree burn cannot be obtained at home; it involves damage and necrosis of muscle tissue and bones.

First aid for hot oil burns

First aid - cooling

First aid for a burn with boiling oil must be provided immediately; it is better if the victim is at home, then you can use home remedies. The algorithm of actions depends on the severity of the injury, but the main thing is to provide assistance as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances should you self-administer any medications.

What to do if you are burned with vegetable oil?

  1. The burn site must be cooled; to do this, a stream of water at room temperature must be directed onto the affected skin, this will stop the inflammatory process of the skin. If the injury is serious, the process of destruction of tissue in the deep layers will be stopped, and the thermal burn will not be able to develop further. Ice should not be applied. With a severe burn, the victim may develop fever and chills, in which case he should be wrapped in a warm blanket.
  2. To prevent the surface of the wound from drying out and causing additional pain, it should be covered with a special pharmaceutical bandage that does not stick and is used for burns. If you don't have one, you can use regular cling film. When applying a bandage, you need to make sure that it is not pressed too tightly against the damaged tissue. These measures will protect the skin from drying out and maintain the necessary level of moisture necessary for the speedy healing of the wound. If there are no blisters after a burn, there is no need to apply a bandage.
  3. After all the manipulations, the victim must be taken to the clinic. A first-degree burn does not require further treatment; assistance provided at home will be sufficient. To make the lesion heal faster, it can be treated with a solution of manganese or furatsilin.

Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of burns with vegetable oil

Healing medications - only as prescribed by a doctor

Treatment of thermal burns comes down to eliminating symptoms and is complex. The doctor determines how to treat the injury. As a rule, therapy consists of the following activities:

  • The use of painkillers to relieve pain and reduce the sensitivity of receptors located in the subcutaneous layers. Analgesics should only be used for severe pain.
  • Treating damaged skin with antiseptics is necessary for disinfection from microbes that easily penetrate open wounds. Pathogenic microflora can cause an inflammatory process, including the development of sepsis.
  • Applying moisturizers to the affected areas of the skin will protect it from dryness and help the tissues recover faster.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs stops the inflammatory process, which can begin in an organism weakened by injury.
  • The use of wound healing agents is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor. Do not use preparations containing oils; in case of an oil burn, they will only worsen the condition of the wound.

Treatment with medications can last from 1 to 2 weeks, then, to restore the skin, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

Traditional medicine recipes

To quickly heal wounds after a thermal burn with oil, you can use home remedies made from natural ingredients:

  1. To eliminate pain, it is recommended to use compresses made from pumpkin pulp or raw potatoes; to speed up tissue regeneration, you can add 1 tsp. honey The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, covered with a sterile napkin. The compress is kept for 3-4 hours, and the residue is removed with a soft, clean cloth.
  2. For speedy healing, oak bark is used. It contains tannins that promote tissue restoration, and the decoction is used for lotions. It is prepared like this: 1 tbsp. l. bark, pour 100 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Apply after the decoction has cooled to room temperature.
  3. Aloe leaf is used as an antiseptic to avoid inflammation in the wound; the plant is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. First, the sheet must be thoroughly washed and cut lengthwise, and applied to the hearth with a cut.
  4. A mixture of eggs and rich sour cream will moisturize the skin and accelerate tissue regeneration. To prepare, take 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil, mix everything thoroughly and lubricate the wounds. There is no need to cover the top with anything; when the mixture is well absorbed, the residue should be removed with a sterile napkin.
  5. Cabbage leaf is known for its healing properties, it soothes pain, and in combination with egg whites accelerates the restoration of the skin. Pass the juicy leaves of white cabbage through a meat grinder and combine the pulp with fresh egg white. Apply the prepared mixture to the wound and keep it for 24 hours, constantly renewing the bandage. After the procedure, the result will be obvious.
  6. You can use streptocide powder as an antiseptic and wound-healing agent; if you don’t have it, take 10 tablets and grind them in a mortar. Stir the resulting powder in 100 ml of vegetable oil, preferably olive or sea buckthorn; these oils themselves have a medicinal effect. The finished mixture must be heated in a steam bath for 30 minutes and then cooled. The medicine is ready, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas every 2-3 hours. After 2-3 days the wound will begin to heal.

All traditional medicine recipes are auxiliary and should be used in parallel with drug therapy. We must not forget about individual intolerance to some components, so before use it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction of the body. If suppuration begins in the wound, you need to urgently contact the clinic.

Apple products are becoming more and more expensive day by day; not every young girl can afford them. The author of the video, which can be seen on the news, decided to find out which girl would agree to strip down to her underwear and pour a can of oil all over her body for the sake of a new smartphone. She even allowed herself to be recorded on camera and posted the video online.

The author of the video filmed how he walked around the city and pestered girls with an offer to do something crazy for the sake of an iPhone. A mandatory condition was reaching the age of majority. After 8 minutes of talking, we managed to find a girl who confirmed that she was ready to do anything for an iPhone and saw nothing in stripping down to her underwear and sexually rubbing herself against a car. The girl agreed to douse herself with machine oil, but objected to doing it in a public place. So she got into a car with four men and drove out of town.

The girl was filmed on video taking off her dress and starting to pour herself with oil in her underwear to techno music with elements of a church choir. At the end of the video, Ksenia shyly rubbed herself against the car. After receiving the iPhone 5S, she noted the following: “ The feeling was not the best, but I was ready for it, so I don’t regret anything. Everything is fine" At the end of the video, the girl kissed the iPhone, and the men told her to go into the sunset.