Indinol: side effects you need to know. Which is better: indinol or mastodinone?

Indinol is a plant-based drug. Prescribed for the treatment of female diseases. To determine how effective this remedy, so often prescribed by doctors, is, you need to find out the reviews of those people who have experienced the effects of Indinol.

Reviews about the drug Indinol

“For a long time I considered painful sensations in the chest that occurred on certain days of the cycle to be normal. Accordingly, I did not consult a doctor. I began to worry only when yellow discharge appeared from one breast, leaving stains on my underwear. But I didn’t go to the doctor right away. But in vain! In addition to intraductal papilloma, which was the cause of the discharge, I was diagnosed with fibroadenomas.

After the operation, during which the papilloma was removed along with the duct, I was prescribed treatment, which included taking Indinol. The doctor said that this is necessary to prevent the formation of new fibroadenomas in the mammary glands. I took 4 capsules a day: two in the morning and two in the evening. The course lasted two months. In addition, I took cyclodinone, Wobenzym, and Mastofiton herbal tea.

When prescribing the drug, the doctor explained why it was necessary. In addition to eliminating chest discomfort, treatment should help normalize hormonal levels, which are disrupted and fibroadenomas appear. And since the main treatment for such formations is only surgical, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of new tumors. And this is possible with correction of estrogen levels. Since after surgery, fibroadenomas can appear again.

As soon as the course of treatment was completed, the mammologist conducted a follow-up examination. According to the results of ultrasound, two of the three previously existing fibroadenomas were not detected. The third remained unchanged. My breasts began to bother me less. So I recommend the drug, although its price is high. But it’s much better to spend money on medicine than to go under the surgeon’s knife!”

Marina, 39 l no

“I was faced with the problem of fibrocystic mastopathy (nodular form). I discovered the node on my own. I went to a gynecologist, then to a mammologist, and finally reached an oncologist. After the examination, the oncologist prescribed Indinol two capsules once a day. The treatment was designed for three months.
I don’t take dietary supplements seriously.

I decided to consult another specialist. After much thought, I finally decided to take Indinol. I was tempted by the fact that the drug is non-hormonal and cures all diseases, even cancer. Although the product is not cheap.

I took the drug, as was said, for three months. No miracle happened, and everything remained the same. Once again I was convinced that it is useless to be treated with dietary supplements, and their effect on the body has not been sufficiently studied. Don't waste your money!"

Elena, 33 years old

“The diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy has long been made. The mammologist prescribed Indinol. The course of treatment was 3 months. At the same time, I took Chofitol, vitamin E, and another homeopathic medicine. At the end of the course, no positive results were noted. The doctor recommended a second course of treatment, but I decided: rather than spend money on an expensive drug, it’s better to lean on cabbage, radishes, turnips and broccoli, which also contain indole-3-carbinol.”

Lyudmila, 35 years old

“I never believed in dietary supplements, but I was convinced in practice that they also work. After giving birth, about a couple of months later, I was examined by a gynecologist. An ultrasound revealed a cyst of about 4 cm on the left ovary. No treatment was prescribed.

After 2 months, an ultrasound revealed the same picture, plus pain in the abdomen (in the lower part) was added. In such a situation, hormonal contraceptives are usually prescribed. But they are contraindicated for me, since I already had vein thrombosis, for which an operation was performed. There was still hope for Indinol, since I did not want to remove the cyst surgically.

About a month and a half passed from the start of treatment when I came to the gynecologist again. During the examination, no cyst was found. I am incredibly happy that I got rid of this problem. I wish the same for you!”

Tatyana, 27 years old

“I was faced with a problem like endometriosis. I went to different doctors for a long time, tried all kinds of treatments with varying degrees of success. The last time I was prescribed Indinol, which had to be taken with Epigallate. After a month of treatment, I realized that I had a chance to get rid of this disease. And after 6 months I had hope that I could become a mother. I think this treatment has helped me a lot.”

Natalya, 37 years old

“Five years ago, fibrocystic mastopathy was diagnosed. I tried various drugs, including cyclodinone and mastodinone. There were no results. One day a doctor recommended that I take a course of Indinol. But having learned how much this miracle drug costs, I decided that it was a waste of money and would be of no use.

Then my mother, having learned that I was advised, bought the medicine herself, and I had to take it. I drank regularly for 2 months. I was pleasantly surprised when, at the next examination, the doctor noted significant improvements. An ultrasound confirmed the doctor's verdict. I continue treatment."

Oksana, 25 years old

“A lot of problems have accumulated: mastopathy, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis. I took Indinol in courses. The first was the longest: twice a day, two capsules for six months. Epigallate was added to Indinol. The pain stopped bothering me quite quickly. Then she began to alternate: she took treatment for 3 months, and took a break for three months. This went on for about two years. I felt great.

The problems began unexpectedly: the cycle became irregular, bleeding appeared. The gynecologist diagnosed endometrial hyperplasia. Breast problems returned. Currently I continue to take Indinol, to no avail. Hoping for the best".

Margarita, 45 years old

“As it turned out, I have fibrocystic mastopathy. My breasts have been bothering me for a long time. It hurts especially a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation. When I got tired of it, I decided to see a doctor.

The mammologist recommended Indinol and Progestogel. I thought for a long time about whether to buy the drug, since its price is quite high. I made up my mind. The effect I was waiting for until I felt it: my breasts before my period both hurt and still hurt.

But an unexpected side effect emerged: the pimples that usually appeared before menstruation stopped popping up. My skin was great while I was taking Indinol, but as soon as I stopped, acne appeared again.
An ultrasound will show how much the drug has helped with mastopathy. But I was convinced that it is harmless and can solve other problems (acne). I hope Indinol will also be useful to someone.”

Svetlana, 28 years old

“I have been seeing a gynecologist for a long time, whom I contacted when I was still a teenager. My problem is ovarian cysts, which appear with enviable regularity. I'm very afraid of the cyst rupturing. And they cause a lot of trouble: the lower abdomen hurts, bloody discharge appears. One fine day, the gynecologist advised me to take Indinol, which, according to the doctor, would easily solve my problem.

I bought the medicine at the pharmacy. I read the instructions, after which I realized that this is not a drug, but a dietary supplement. Since a tidy sum had already been spent on purchasing it, I started taking it as expected: 4 capsules per day, divided into two doses (morning and evening). I drank a whole package for a month (120 capsules).

I didn’t feel any side effects, and the follicular cyst resolved, which I was very happy about. But the joy was short-lived, as a corpus luteum cyst then formed. Once again, the doctor prescribed Indinol for me, motivating her decision by the fact that last time this remedy helped me. I agreed and bought it again.

The second time the miracle did not happen, and the cyst remained in place. The gynecologist recommended continuing treatment with Indinol, but intensified therapy with other medications. The cyst resolved, which was discovered in the next cycle. What helped is the question.

Later, I again developed a follicular cyst, which Indinol dealt with. This means that only follicular cysts can be treated with this dietary supplement.
Since Indinol does not contain hormones, it is safer. Many people think so. But my problem was finally solved only with the help of a hormonal drug - Utrozhestan, which was recommended to me by another gynecologist. This medicine is much cheaper and much more effective. So you should think twice before deciding to buy an expensive dietary supplement.”

Ekaterina, 26 years old

“Some time ago, the doctor discovered that I had uterine fibroids. An ultrasound confirmed this. The prospects were sad: the doctor said that only surgical treatment was possible. Naturally, it was scary to agree to the operation.

I turned to another doctor for advice. This was the professor everyone wanted to see. After the examination, the doctor said that fibroids cannot be cured. The only thing that can be done is to stop its further growth. He prescribed Indinol and in addition prescribed Epigallate. The complex treatment also included special vitamins. It was recommended to avoid stress and eat right.
It took six months for the pain in the lower abdomen to disappear and the cycle to become regular. Upon re-examination, it was discovered that the size of the fibroids remained the same. This means that the fibroid has stopped growing. I’m glad the pills helped avoid surgery.”

Victoria, 39 years old


Having familiarized yourself with the experience of using the drug Indinol, you can see that this drug helps, but not everyone, although it has practically no side effects. Often a comprehensive approach to treating diseases is required.

Therefore, you should not carry out treatment yourself, based only on reviews of the drug. The most correct thing is to contact a specialist who will conduct the necessary examination and give appropriate recommendations.
As soon as diseases of the female reproductive system appear, it is necessary to immediately contact a knowledgeable gynecologist or mammologist, and not wait until the disease begins to progress and you have to resort to radical methods of treatment.

The abbreviation BAD stands for dietary supplement. Many of them actually benefit the human body, however, dietary supplements should not be considered drugs. They act as supplements and cannot completely replace medications. They must be used in combination with other medications or for preventive purposes.

Why is the drug needed?

Indinol Forto is often used in combination in the treatment of mastopathy. This additive is based on a food idol that is found in vegetables (cabbage, turnips, radishes). The benefits of vegetables and their content of vital vitamins for the human body have long been considered a well-known fact. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of vegetables significantly reduces the risk of tumors of the intestines, breast and genital organs.

Based on the results of the study by scientists, we can conclude that the food idol contained in vegetables can normalize the production of female sex hormones.

As a result, many positive reviews of women who took Indinol Forto are published. This drug significantly reduces the risk of tumors that arise due to excess hormone. In addition, the drug is able to normalize the menstrual cycle, which is disrupted due to excess estrogen production.

Therefore, this drug can be used even for preventive purposes, with minor disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Indinol Forto normalizes hormonal levels by reducing estrogen. This effect of the drug ensures the activation of immunity in the body. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that Indinol should be used only for the purpose of prevention. The drug is not the main tool in the fight against tumors. But, nevertheless, medical practice includes a sufficient number of drugs that contain dietary supplements made from cruciferous plants.

For what diseases is the drug effective?

Idinol Forto and its analogs give very good results, which is why they are produced in many countries. And the drug is also used in case of relapse of cervical cancer due to the ability of the drug to influence the development of the human papillomavirus. The attached instructions for the drug Indinol Forto indicate a number of diseases for which the use of dietary supplements is indicated, namely for:

  • mastopathy;
  • cervical cancer;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • dysplasia;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • breast cancer.

You should not prescribe the drug yourself; consultation with a doctor is a prerequisite for a positive outcome in the treatment of any disease. The drug is prescribed for a period of up to 3 months, 2 capsules before meals, 2 times a day. It is worth considering that the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The instructions for use state that there are no side effects, although studying the reviews of those who took Indinol Forto we can conclude that side effects are still observed in some cases. So many women describe weight gain while using the drug. This phenomenon is facilitated by a decrease in estrogen in the blood. In addition, it is quite natural that if the maturation period of the egg increases, conceiving a child will be problematic. Even taking into account such side effects, dietary supplements benefit the body.

Instructions for use of the drug Indinol Forto

Indinol Forto is an antitumor drug that consists exclusively of plant components. It quickly corrects defects that have arisen in the reproductive system of the female body. It has a positive effect in the case of the formation of benign tumors.

The drug is released only by prescription.

Composition of the drug, packaging and release form

One capsule of the drug contains 0.2 g of indole carbinol. In addition to this, the composition includes excipients:

  • lactose monohydrate – 0.14 g;
  • Magnesium stearate – 0.001 g;
  • corn starch (modified) – 0.095 g;
  • microcrystalline cellulose – 0.064 g.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules with a yellowish cap and a white body. Capsule composition: white to brown powder.

  • 20 capsules – contour cell packaging in a cardboard box.
  • 60 capsules - a polymer jar in a cardboard box.
  • 90 capsules - a polymer jar in a cardboard box.
  • 120 capsules - a polymer jar in a cardboard box.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed:

  • in the treatment of cyclic mastodynia (mastalgia);
  • when detecting benign hyperplasia in the mammary gland.


The drug must be taken before meals, 2 times a day, 1 capsule.

The required daily dose is 2 capsules (400 g).

The duration of the course is determined individually, in most cases the course does not exceed 6 months.

Contraindications for use

  • if sensitivity to the components of the drug is detected;
  • patient intolerance to galactose;
  • lack of lactose in the body;
  • galactose-glucose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 18 years.

Side effects

During use of the drug, the following may occur:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • stomach pain;
  • weight loss;

If side effects are detected, you should immediately consult your doctor.


In case of overdose, possible symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The antidote for this drug is unknown, so in case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is required.

How does Indinol interact with other medications?

Indolecarbinol affects the activity of the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme, so you should control the doses of medications that are based on the cytochrome isoenzyme.

special instructions

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to control machinery, including driving.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Indinol Forto is contraindicated.

Possibility of using the drug for children

Prescribing the drug to persons under 18 years of age is contraindicated.

Storage conditions and periods

The storage temperature of the drug should not exceed 25C. However, it should be stored in a dry and dark place. The maximum shelf life is 2 years. After this period, the drug cannot be used.

Use of the drug for mastopathy

Mastopathy combines a number of diseases caused by a benign tumor. The disease is caused by an increase in estrogen, resulting in the growth of tumor-causing cells. In most cases, treatment of mastopathy has a positive outcome. However, there have been cases of cancer occurring against the background of mastopathy.

Not all forms of the disease require immediate treatment and surgical removal. Often such a seal is installed under the supervision of a specialist. But it is worth considering that preventive measures need to be taken.

According to statistics, more than 70% of women in the country suffer from mastopathy. If there is a hormonal imbalance, there is a risk of developing another disease not related to hormones. Thus, with prolonged disruption of the menstrual cycle against the background of hormonal diseases, degeneration of mammary gland tissue may occur. Mastopathy can deprive a woman of her ability to lead a full life. In this case, accompanying unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • headache;
  • tension;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • irritability.

Currently, there are quite a large number of medications that are aimed at treating mammary gland pathologies. So, with the help of tablets and ointments, you can relieve unpleasant symptoms for a while. In addition, most of them are available without a prescription.

Indinol Forto is a drug prescribed for the treatment of mastopathy. This drug is the latest development and therefore has not acquired its widespread use. Reviews about the dietary supplement are quite contradictory, as a result of which the advisability of using it for mastopathy still remains an unanswered question.

The use of Indinol Forto for benign formations

The vast majority are benign tumors of the mammary glands. The disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance. The disease is more common in women between 18 and 45 years of age.

Every month, the female body undergoes changes that occur under the influence of the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body. These hormones are responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle and have their effect on the mammary glands, in particular on their tissue.

In the case of small lumps in the breast, which are not accompanied by additional gynecological diseases and problems that threaten the woman’s health, doctors, as a rule, do not resort to surgical removal. In this case, non-hormonal therapy is prescribed, but it is often ineffective.

In this case, the prescription of hormone replacement therapy often leads to suppression of the production of one’s own hormones. In such a situation, herbal medicines that correct the level of the hormone estrogen can help. Such drugs include Indinol Forto; for mastopathy, reviews from its use are only positive.

The effectiveness of using Indinol forte for mastopathy

The drug is able to act on tissues that are more susceptible to tumor processes. Indolecarbinol, which is involved in the suppression of receptors responsible for the production of estrogen. In addition to all this, the drug is capable of destroying the formation of 16-hydroxyestrone. This hormone is especially dangerous because it causes a malignant tumor. The additional ability of the drug is to destroy tumor tissues through self-destruction.

Effects of Indinol forto on. During the treatment of mastopathy, this antitumor dietary supplement has a fairly wide range of uses. A large number of doctors claim that thanks to this drug it is possible to achieve a positive outcome in the treatment of the disease in a fairly short time.

The difference between the drug Indinol Forto and Indol forte Evalar

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the individual sensitivity of the body.

In medical practice, it is often found that the same drug helps one patient cope with the disease 100%, but is not suitable for the second at all; secondly, conflicting reviews lie in the use of Indole Forte Evalar by patients, and not Indinol Forto.

The difference is that the second is a registered medicinal product, the registration code is indicated in the package insert. And Indole Forte Evalar - despite the consonance of the name, has no proven effectiveness in the treatment of mastopathy.

The difference between the drugs lies in the dosage. Also, the degree of purification of the plant extract is 33% in the drug Indol Forte Evalar, and 100% in the drug Indol Forto. The dosage of the drug occurs in exact proportions, so the patient always knows the dose of the substance that has entered the body.

Drug price

Today, the average price of the drug Indinol Forto is 2,490 rubles for 60 capsules. This package is enough for 30 days of treatment.

To prevent the development of mastopathy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The birth of a child prevents the occurrence of mastopathy. The mammary glands are created to feed the baby. When sucking, the baby stimulates the breast, which triggers the processes inherent in nature, thereby preventing the development of breast diseases. You need to give birth before the age of 27, this will significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease in the future.
  • Correct means of contraception Abortion is a direct path to mastopathy. Therefore, protection plays a big role in preventing the disease. However, it is not advisable to use it, since changes in hormonal levels in the body may occur.
  • The correct way of intimate life. Lack of sex negatively affects the health of a woman’s entire body. Therefore, a woman should have a full sex life. In turn, you should be careful when choosing a partner. Due to the fact that 80% of intimate diseases lead to changes in the mammary glands.

  • Less stress. Almost all diseases arise due to the generation of a neurological disorder. Frequent tense situations, depression, nervous tension, and insomnia lead to pathological processes and the onset of diseases, including mastopathy.
  • Heredity plays an important role. Often mastopathy is inherited, so knowing about your predisposition to the disease, you can reduce the risks to zero. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist and mammologist once every 3 months.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. A proper diet and the absence of bad habits can significantly reduce the risk of mastopathy.
  • The right underwear. The right bra can ensure uninterrupted blood flow to the mammary glands. Tight and uncomfortable underwear, on the contrary, impairs blood circulation.

Regular breast examination

To prevent the development of mastopathy, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive examinations:

  • Examination once a year. An annual examination is a mandatory measure for the prevention of mastopathy. It is easier to treat a disease when it is just beginning than at the last stage. Therefore, you need to regularly visit a mammologist.
  • Self-examination and massage. Every month you need to independently examine your breasts to identify lumps. If detected, you must immediately consult a doctor. You also need to massage the mammary glands once a month, this will significantly reduce the risk of mastopathy.
  • Identify concomitant diseases. Provocation of mastopathy occurs due to disorders of the endocrine system, thyroid gland, and kidneys. Therefore, timely detection will help avoid severe consequences of the disease.

In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Indinol. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the tablets can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Indinol, from which one can find out whether the medicine has helped in the treatment of mastopathy, fibroids, endometriosis in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Indinol, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

A herbal medicine with antitumor and antiestrogenic effects is Indinol. The instructions for use indicate that capsules 200 mg Forto, Epigallate and 300 mg, tablets 416 mg also have immunomodulatory properties.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  1. Capsules 300 mg.
  2. Capsules 200 mg Forto and Epigallat (sometimes mistakenly called Indinol Forte, the instructions for use indicate that such a dosage form does not exist, perhaps this means the dietary supplement from the Evalar company - Indol Forte).
  3. Tablets 416 mg.

There are no other dosage forms, be it drops or ampoules for injection.

The main active component of the drug is indolecarbinol - 200 mg in 1 capsule. Excipients are: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Capsules are packaged in contour cell packs of 20 pieces (3 or 6 blisters per cardboard box) or in polymer jars of 90 and 120 pieces with detailed instructions included.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Indinol is a dietary supplement, which, due to its properties, acts as a universal corrector of hyperplastic pathological processes in the tissues and organs of the female reproductive system (cervix, mammary gland, endometrium, ovaries and myometrium), and also has the ability to selectively destroy transformed cells with abnormal high proliferative activity.

According to reviews, Indinol not only normalizes the balance of estrogen in the body, but also suppresses their negative stimulating effect and blocks hormone-independent mechanisms that activate pathological cellular growth of uterine and mammary tissue.

Indications for use

What does Indinol help with? As a dietary supplement, Indinol is recommended for use as an additional source of the substance – indole-3-carbinol.

As a remedy with medicinal properties, the medication is indicated for use in:

  • carrying out complex therapy for diseases of the female genital area associated with human papillomavirus, including anogenital condylomatosis and cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia);
  • parallel intake of Epigallat dietary supplement capsules as part of a therapeutic complex treatment of endometrial hyperplasia (passing without atypia), adenomyosis (a type of endometriosis), uterine fibroids, as well as for the prevention of these pathologies after surgery;
  • carrying out prevention or complex therapy of mastopathy of fibrocystic etiology, as well as for the purpose of correcting the functional state of female mammary glands, in which changes have occurred due to the development of this pathology.

Instructions for use

Indinol capsules 300 mg

Taken orally. For women suffering from fibrocystic mastopathy, Indinol is recommended to be taken orally, 1 capsule per day with meals for 2-3 weeks.

As part of combination therapy (endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids), Indinol is recommended to be taken in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat (1 capsule + 1 capsule) with meals for 2-3 weeks. Longer use is possible on the recommendation of a doctor.

For genital diseases associated with the human papillomavirus, Indinol is recommended to take 1 capsule once a day in combination with immunomodulator drugs used as standard treatment for these diseases. In this case, both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Forto capsules

You need to drink 200 mg 2 times a day. The daily dose of the drug is 400 mg. Capsules are taken before meals. The duration of treatment is 6 months.


In accordance with the instructions, Indinol is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by most patients and causes virtually no side effects. However, in rare cases, the following side effects may occur during the use of the drug: allergic reactions in the form of redness of the skin, itching, skin rashes, etc.

If side effects occur when using Indinol, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Indinol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Prohibited for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

special instructions

During treatment with this drug, you do not have to refrain from driving a car or using complex mechanisms that require increased concentration from the patient, since the active substance of the capsules does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system.

Drug interactions

Parallel use of Indinol dietary supplement capsules and medications that reduce gastric acidity is not recommended.

Analogues of the drug Indinol

Analogues are determined by structure:

  1. Intrinol.
  2. Indinol Forto.
  3. Indinol + Epigallate.

For the treatment of mastodynia, analogues are prescribed:

  1. Norkolut.
  2. Progestogel.
  3. Cyclodinone.
  4. Agnucaston.
  5. Bromocriptine.
  6. Mastodinon.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Indinol (capsules 300 mg No. 60) in Moscow is 1,226 rubles. Implemented freely.

In accordance with the instructions, Indinol must be stored out of the reach of children and protected from light, in a dry place, at room temperature up to 25 C. The shelf life of the medication, if the recommendations are followed, is 2 years.


Ingredient composition for 1 capsule 300 mg:

Component: cruciferous plant extract, 100 mg, 33.3%

Excipients: lactose, 90 mg, 30.0%; starch, 80 mg, 26.7%, microcrystalline cellulose, 27 mg, 9.0%; magnesium stearate, 3 mg, 1.0%.

Active ingredients: each capsule contains at least 90 mg of indole-3-carbinol.

Release form

Capsules, contents weighing 300 mg. Capsules in blisters 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120 capsules per package (10, 20 capsules in a blister). Capsules in polymer jars with a lid 60, 80, 90, 100, 120 per jar. It is allowed to pack the can in a consumer pack.

pharmachologic effect

Indinol® is a universal corrector of pathological hyperplastic processes in the organs and tissues of the female reproductive system (breast, endometrium, myometrium, cervix, ovaries). Normalizes the balance of estrogen in the body and suppresses their negative simulating effect, and also blocks other (hormone-independent) mechanisms that activate pathological cellular growth in the tissues of the mammary gland and uterus. It has the ability to cause selective death of transformed cells with abnormally high proliferative activity.


  • for the prevention of fibrocystic disease and as part of its complex treatment, as well as for the correction of functional states of the mammary glands caused by this pathology;
  • in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat® in the complex therapeutic treatment of adenomyosis, uterine fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, as well as for the prevention of relapses of these diseases after surgical treatment;
  • in the complex treatment of genital diseases in women associated with the human papillomavirus: cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia), anogenital condylomatosis.


Indinol® is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for persons taking medications that reduce gastric acidity. Not a medicine. Dispensed through pharmacy chains and specialized stores and departments of retail chains. Does not contain GMOs.


For women suffering from fibrocystic mastopathy, Indinol® is recommended to be taken orally, 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals for 1 month. As part of combination therapy (endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids), Indinol® is recommended to be taken orally in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat® (1 capsule +1 capsule) 3 times with meals for 2-3 weeks. Longer use is possible on the recommendation of a doctor. For diseases of the genital area associated with the human papillomavirus, Indinol® is recommended to be taken orally, 1 capsule 3 times a day in combination with immunomodulator drugs used as standard treatment for these diseases. In this case, both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Indinol is an antiestrogenic and antitumor phytopreparation, that is, in fact, it is a biologically active food additive that, for some reason, has not yet been registered as a medicinal product. However, the manufacturer (domestic pharmaceutical company MiraxBioPharma) does not reflect this fact in the instructions.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and medications?

Biologically active food additives (BAS) differ from drugs in that their effect on the human body is not studied in accordance with the rules established for drugs. The latter undergo mandatory laboratory (on animals) and clinical (on sick people) studies and only after that they end up in pharmacies.

Is indole a dietary supplement or a drug?

Today, indole still remains a dietary supplement; perhaps, over time, after confirmation of all the necessary studies, it will be registered as a medicinal product. Clinical practice shows that this is a fairly effective remedy that can be used for the prevention and treatment (as part of complex therapy) of various diseases associated with an excess of the female sex hormones estrogen in the body, as well as diseases caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Indole is made from plants of the cruciferous family (most of all it is found in various varieties of cabbage). It has been revealed that if you regularly consume cabbage, turnips and other cruciferous vegetables, the threat of developing estrogen-dependent tumors of the female genital organs and mammary glands is reduced. But not everyone likes cabbage; in addition, it contains quite a lot of coarse fiber, which causes irritation of the gastrointestinal tract in some people. Indinol capsules can ideally replace cruciferous vegetables in the diet. Therefore, gynecologists and mammologists prescribe indinol as part of a diet for the prevention of mastopathy and breast cancer, fibroids, uterine cancer, erosions and cervical cancer and other tumors. But they do this after the examination.

Indinol is also prescribed as an adjuvant for the treatment of already formed precancerous diseases, tumors and other diseases associated with excess estrogen in the body (for example, premenstrual syndrome).

Together with antiviral drugs and agents to strengthen the immune system, indinol is prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by the human papillomavirus (papillomas on the skin and genital warts on the mucous membranes).

Can indinol have any side effects?

This is where the difference between dietary supplements and medications comes into play. On the one hand, indinol is presented by the manufacturer as an effective remedy (including for the treatment of estrogen-dependent diseases), and on the other (in accordance with the instructions for the drug) it does not cause any side effects, except allergic reactions. But both excess and deficiency of estrogen in the body necessarily causes a negative effect on the body, and if indinol is truly effective, then it cannot but have side effects.

The instructions for medications always indicate all possible (even extremely rare) side effects. And if indinol had passed all the tests necessary for drugs, then they would definitely have been established.

Thus, a lack of estrogen leads to rapid aging of a woman: the skin and mucous membranes become dry, wrinkles appear, and body weight increases. Estrogen deficiency negatively affects the skeletal system - without estrogen, bone tissue loses calcium and becomes fragile. Estrogens affect the first half of the menstrual cycle - egg maturation; their deficiency can create problems with egg maturation,