Big herpes. Various herpes viruses and methods of combating them

Back in 2012, statistics were published that more than half of people under the age of fifty were infected with the herpes simplex virus on the planet. What kind of virus is this, why is it so widespread and how dangerous is the disease of the same name? Let's talk in this article.

What is the herpes virus?

The herpes virus or herpesvirus is a large family of viruses that infect both humans and the animal kingdom. The mechanism of action of this group of viruses is to damage the cells of the body, which is why, once it gets into it, the virus remains there forever.

Often a person lives his whole life with the herpes virus, which does not manifest itself in any way. This fact is a distinctive feature of the entire family of herpes viruses.

Types of herpes virus

A total of 86 types of herpes viruses have been studied and described. In humans, eight of them occur. A characteristic feature of each of them is the diseases they cause. Typing of human herpesviruses is based on ascending complexity of diseases. We present the classification in the table:

Type of herpes virus Virus name Diseases that are caused by a virus
Type 1 HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1) Oral herpes, less commonly genital herpes
Type 2 HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus type 2) Genital herpes, vaginal herpes, less commonly oral herpes
Type 3 Varicella zoster virus Chickenpox, herpes zoster
Type 4 EBV (Epstein-Barr virus) Infectious mononucleosis, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, CNS lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma
Type 5 CMV (cytomegalovirus) Infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, retinitis
Type 6 HHV-6A, HHV-6B (roseoloviruses) Infantile roseola, exanthema
Type 7 HHV-7 (roseolovirus) Chronic fatigue syndrome
Type 8 KSHV (Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus) Kaposi's sarcoma

The first five types of human herpesvirus have been studied and described. The sixth, seventh and eighth types have been studied superficially. The relationship between them and diseases has not been clearly established.

The herpes virus is transmitted through skin contact with its carrier. It does not necessarily turn into a disease in the carrier of the virus. The virus is highly contagious. Especially in the active form of the disease.

When talking about herpes viruses, they often mean the first two types of viruses - herpes simplex viruses. They cause the disease of the same name, which we will continue to talk about.
Varicella zoster virus, or the third type of herpes virus, is also widespread and well studied. It causes common chickenpox and shingles. These two diseases are the same types of herpes. Shingles is also called herpes zoster.

What kind of disease is herpes?

Herpes is a viral disease that is caused by herpes viruses of the first or second type. Its main symptom is a rash of blisters on the skin or mucous membranes, grouped in small areas.

Herpes appears on the lips and the skin around them, or on the external genitalia. Depending on where it spreads, the disease is called oral or genital.
Oral herpes is also called “cold sores.” This is due to the fact that the disease often manifests itself against the background of seasonal colds and seems to be their manifestation.
This is wrong. Herpes is an independent disease, and colds are the cause of its development.

Causes of herpes

It was already mentioned above that the herpes virus can remain in the body for a long time without external manifestations. The development of the disease can begin for several reasons:

  • hypothermia,
  • colds,
  • emotional exhaustion,
  • injuries,
  • junk food, often during diets,
  • menstruation,
  • third-party diseases.

These reasons have a common feature: they lead to exhaustion. The virus manifests itself as a disease when the body's resistance decreases.

Herpes symptoms

The classic symptom of herpes is one: a rash of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. Bubbles appear in small, concentrated groups.
The disease also has warning signs: itching, burning sensation, slight tingling around the mouth or genitals. But almost no one pays attention to them, although at this stage treatment can give maximum effect.
The classic picture of herpes simplex looks like this:

  • 1. Itching and discomfort appear in the oral or genital areas (depending on what type of herpes begins).
  • 2. The disease begins to manifest itself as the development of an inflammatory process. A small swelling appears and grows quite rapidly.
  • 3. The swelling turns into blisters with clear liquid contents. They burst and liquid, containing millions of viral particles, flows out. Ulcers form in place of the blisters.
  • 4. The sores dry out and turn into scabs, which can bleed and become very painful.

There are also atypical manifestations of herpes, when the disease goes away without the classic rash. Such cases are rare. Atypical herpes occurs with warning symptoms: itching, burning, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, rarely with nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
Such symptoms indicate herpes, but require confirmation in the form of a test for the herpes virus.

The type of herpes is determined based on the location of the rash. Here there can be no confusion as to whether the patient has a genital or oral type.

Herpes virus: treatment in adults

Regardless of whether the patient is diagnosed with oral or genital herpes, treatment is carried out using the same tactics. But before moving on to its description, we need to recall an important nuance:
It is impossible to completely recover or get rid of the herpes virus. But correctly chosen drug therapy and an adjusted lifestyle give a result in which the patient will not be bothered by the manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of herpes, regardless of where it manifests itself, is carried out in two parallel directions:

  • suppression of virus activity,
  • strengthening the immune system.

They are equally important, but the last point above should come first. Herpes practically does not appear in those who do not have general health problems. Those who do not have bad habits, who eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

And the main thesis in the treatment and prevention of herpes: a healthy body copes with the herpes virus itself.

Suppression of herpes virus activity

To reduce the frequency and severity of herpes symptoms, antiviral drugs are used during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Their effectiveness remains quite controversial, but they show good results for herpes. In the treatment of the disease, drugs are used that contain acyclovir, an antiviral substance, a synthetic analogue of the thymidine nucleoside. The latter is a natural component of human DNA. Acyclovir is found in pharmacies under different commercial names. Here are a few of them:

Preparation Price Description
Zovirax from 193 rub. Antiviral drug based on acyclovir. Available in the form of a cream. During the standard course of the disease, it is applied to the areas of the skin affected by the rash and the adjacent areas five times a day.
The course of treatment is from four to ten days.
Panavir from 137 rub. Complex antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. For herpes it is prescribed as a solution for intravenous injection.
According to the instructions, in case of herpes virus infection, the contents of the bottle are injected twice at intervals of 24 hours.
Vivorax from 101 rub. Cream with the active ingredient acyclovir. Effective for oral and genital herpes.
Apply to the affected and adjacent areas of the skin 5-6 times a day for five to ten days. The exact period of use is determined by the doctor based on the demonstrated effect.
from 50 rub. Local antiherpetic drug. The areas of skin affected by the rash are treated with ointment five times a day, for no more than ten days.

Antiviral drugs for herpes are creams and ointments for topical use. They act on the virus at the site of the disease, which is sufficient for the standard course of the disease.

When herpes occurs with complications, antiviral drugs are prescribed by injection. This is a more effective method, but due to the principle of sufficiency it is rarely used.

It must be remembered that antiviral drugs for herpes do not cure the disease. They only effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency of its manifestation and severity. Any antiviral drug is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Strengthening the immune system

The issue of strengthening the immune system for herpes goes much further than a simple recommendation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The manifestation of the disease indicates that there has been a serious malfunction in the functioning of the immune system, which must be solved with therapeutic methods.

It is believed that immunomodulators (drugs for regulating the functioning of the immune system) for herpes are necessary when the disease occurs more than four to five times a year. In such cases, we can say that the immune system cannot cope with its protective function and needs external support.

One may come across the opinion that immunomodulators are a marketing product without proven effectiveness. But to achieve the goal, all means are good and for herpes this statement is correct.

There are dozens of immunomodulators on pharmacy shelves. Choosing a specific one is the task of the doctor who has used them and knows exactly the features of each medical history.
Here are the names and descriptions of popular immunomodulators:

Preparation Group of immunomodulators Price Description
Ridostin Interferon inducer from 137 rub. An immunostimulating and antiviral drug, the effectiveness of which is achieved by increasing the production of interferon.
Amiksin Interferon inducer from 598 rub. A drug based on tilorone with antiviral and immunostimulating effects. It is a low molecular weight synthetic interferon inducer.
Neovir Interferon inducer from 574 rub. Immunostimulant with antiviral activity against DNA and RNA genomic viruses.
Helps increase the production of interferon alpha.
Tamerite Immunomodulator from 492 rub. Immunostimulating drug with anti-inflammatory effect. Efficiency is based on increasing the antibacterial activity of granulocytes and nonspecific protection of the body.
Galavit Immunomodulator from 329 rub. Immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory agent. The mechanism of action is based on the effect of Galavit on the activity of phagocytic cells and the normalization of antibody formation.
Viferon Interferon inducer from 186 rub. A drug with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Efficiency is ensured by increased activity of natural killer cells and increased phagocytic activity.

Whatever drug is used, you need to remember that immunomodulators are not a panacea. They are helpers. The body’s protective functions need to be strengthened not only with medications.

Traditional medicine recipes for herpes

Regarding herpes in folk medicine there are only three proven recipes. This is due to the fact that medications are either effective for this disease or they are not. Folk recipes are extremely simple.

At the first appearance of a “cold on the lips”, even before going to the pharmacy for anti-herpes cream, it is useful to rub the rash with a cut of a clove of garlic. It is best to do this at night so that the juice remains at the site of the lesion longer.

The antiviral effect of garlic is widely known. It suppresses the activity of herpesvirus well.

Symptoms of herpes are relieved by regular ice. By applying a piece of ice to the area of ​​the rash, the itching, pain and burning will go away quickly, but not for long. The procedure can be repeated several times until traditional medicines give results.

Brewing tea helps fight the symptoms of herpes. The brewed tea bag is applied to the site of the herpes lesion and left for 15-20 minutes. Tannins contained in tea leaves have an anesthetic effect and effectively relieve pain and discomfort.

Complications after herpes

Herpes is a very dangerous disease in terms of possible complications. Their development is facilitated by:

  • weakened immunity and lack of immunostimulating therapy;
  • lack of treatment and prolonged manifestations of the disease with frequent relapses.

Complications can spread to almost all human life systems and cause many diseases. Here are some of them:

Diseases - complications of herpes - Esophagitis, herpetic proctitis, viral stomatitis. Keratitis, iridocyclitis, corneal opacity. Herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, peripheral neuritis. Herpetic urethritis, herpetic cervicitis, erosion of the anterior urethra. Herpetic pneumonia, herpetic hepatitis.

It can be noted that many diseases that can manifest as complications of herpes even have the designation of herpes etiology in their names. This once again confirms the versatility and danger of the herpes virus.

The danger lies in the mechanism of action of the disease. The virus is integrated into the genome of nerve cells and can manifest itself anywhere they are. And they are found throughout the body.
Therefore, herpes must be treated urgently to prevent complications from developing.

Herpes during pregnancy

Infection of a woman with herpesvirus during pregnancy requires a separate explanation.

When the virus enters the human body, it is kept in a latent state by the immune system, which produces the necessary antibodies. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity is weakened and with primary infection with a herpes virus there is a risk of its dangerous effect on the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

The absence of antiherpes antibodies allows the virus to freely penetrate the fetus, which provokes the development of defects and even miscarriages.

Herpes occurs more easily in pregnant women with repeated manifestations. The defense system is already familiar with the virus and is ready to resist it. The infection does not reach the fetus and the child can be infected only at the time of birth. Statistics show that if the mother has genital herpes, the chance of infecting the child at the time of birth is more than forty percent. Every fifth child will get herpes.

Therefore, herpes in pregnant women is a dangerous disease that requires a prompt therapeutic response. It is difficult for the expectant mother’s body to resist the virus and cannot do without full-fledged drug treatment.

Prevention of herpes

Preventing the manifestation of herpes is an interesting event, taking into account the fact that most people on the planet are carriers of the herpes virus. The main task of disease prevention is not to prevent infection, but to prevent the development of diseases that it provokes. In particular, herpes.

A strong immune system copes with this task. To maintain it in this condition, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • give up bad habits,
  • eat well,
  • alternate loads and rest in reasonable proportions,
  • avoid stress,
  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Prevention of infection with herpes virus, according to many experts, is a futile task. It cannot be said that certain actions will avoid infection. But even taking into account this opinion, the basic rules of hygiene cannot be neglected:

  • hand hygiene after each visit to public places;
  • use only individual personal hygiene products;
  • use of contraceptives during casual sexual intercourse.

Vaccination against herpesvirus

At the moment, there is no preventive vaccine against herpes viruses. There is a therapeutic vaccine that prevents relapses of herpes. It was created by Soviet scientists back in the last century. But it did not become widespread due to the fact that it can only be used according to strict indications.

Currently, work is underway to create a preventive vaccine against herpesvirus in many countries. From time to time information appears about successes in this work, but no one has yet achieved the final result.

Scientists predict that a preventive vaccine can be created in the next decade, and then the fight against herpes will become effective both in terms of stopping the disease and preventing infection.

This is an intracellular parasite that is integrated into the genetic apparatus of cells for its own reproduction. This is the main feature of any viruses - they cannot reproduce without the cells of the “host” body.

Externally, the human herpes virus appears as a blistering rash. Its other names - cold, fever - characterize the time of manifestation of the virus. It is activated when the body's defenses weaken. If blistering pimples appear on the genitals, then this manifestation of the virus is called a sexually transmitted infection. It is transmitted sexually.

Note: in addition, another type of herpes is known - chickenpox. It also has the appearance of a blistering rash and is transmitted by airborne droplets over long distances.

First, the virus attaches to the epithelium of cells with so-called “spikes”. In this case, it is possible for the virus to detach from a healthy cell and not infect it; doctors call this process “reversible adhesion.” If detachment does not occur, the virus envelope merges with the membrane of the human cell. Next, the virus penetrates the nucleus and injects its DNA into it. After 24 hours, the infected cell becomes a source of new viruses. They are released into the blood and spread throughout the body. The human cell itself dies.

Carriers of the herpes virus - 95% of the world's population

The virus in the blood of an infected person is not the only problem with herpes infection. Something else is worse. From the blood, herpes penetrates the nerve fibers and their plexuses - ganglia. Here he is protected from any influence of the immune system (antibodies and interferons). In addition, herpes (unlike other viruses) inhibits phagocytosis (the production of the body's natural defense - its own interferon). Here, in the ganglia of the spinal cord, herpes remains for life, even after blocking its reproduction and suppressing the acute stage of the disease. This explains the fact that once infected, a person becomes a carrier and source of herpes for life.

The virus is stored in the body in the ganglia of the spinal cord. Where is he sleeping (medical terminology - latent) condition. And it is activated when immunity decreases (cold, infection with another virus, inflammation, allergies or alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.

Having become infected with herpes in early childhood or preschool age, a person becomes a virus carrier. For some, carriage occurs frequently(rashes due to colds and inflammations), in others - rarely or not at all. However, statistics confirm the fact that 98% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus.

Herpes virus: varieties

Infection or transmission of the virus occurs from a sick person to a healthy person. In this case, the susceptibility of the infected person’s body and the level of its immunity are important. As mentioned earlier, the virus can attach to the membrane of a healthy cell and then fall off (“reversible adhesion”) without the formation of infection and carriage.

When infected, the virus tends to enter the human blood. Together with the bloodstream, it gets the opportunity to reach any organs, tissues and cells. To penetrate the bloodstream, herpes uses any methods available to it: airborne, contact and sexual infection. He does not disdain any opportunities to obtain new space for life and multiply as much as possible in human cells.

According to the characteristics of infection and external manifestations, eight types of herpes are distinguished, which are capable of destroying human cells. All other types (modern science has counted about 80 of them) are not dangerous to humans, since they do not reproduce in human cells. The most widespread virus is the herpes simplex virus.

What is herpes simplex virus: oral and genital infection

Herpes virus types 1 and 2 are called simple(in Latin notation - simplex or simplex). Herpes virus type 1 (or HSV-1, or herpes simplex virus HSV-1) is called oral, oral, labial, labial. He prefers the skin on the lips (along their edges) and the nasolabial triangle. But it can also appear on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, genitals (especially after oral sex), on the skin of the hands and fingers. The herpes simplex virus in children often appears along with seasonal colds and influenza epidemics.

Note: the herpes simplex virus is transmitted primarily through contact (kissing, touching). Often, infection occurs asymptomatically in the first year of life from close relatives (during care, bathing, swaddling).

Herpes virus type 2 or HSV-2 is located on the genitals, and therefore is called genital. Herpes virus type 2 is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. Genital herpes virus is less likely to develop in men than in women.

When diagnosed herpes simplex virus type 2» Treatment is based on stimulating the immune system and using a specific antiviral drug (which acts specifically against herpes).

The third virus is the causative agent of chickenpox

In addition, it has become widespread herpes virus type 3 - Zoster(in Western terminology varicella zoster). In children, it manifests itself as the ubiquitous chickenpox. In adults, carriage of the virus can result in shingles (it has nothing in common with ringworm from stray animals). Zoster, a virus of herpes zoster and chickenpox, is called volatile. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and can infect a new organism at a distance of 50 m.

Other types of herpes

All other types of human herpes are not as well studied as the previous oral, genital and chickenpox.

Herpes virus type 4 - called Epstein-Barr virus(abbreviated as VEB). It causes a disease that doctors call infectious mononucleosis, with damage to the human lymphatic system.
Herpes virus type 5 - called cytomegolovirus (CMV). When the disease occurs, cytomegaloviruses penetrate through the saliva (kiss) and salivary glands of a person, and here they are stored in a dormant form. However, they can also penetrate into other organs and be stored there (for example, in women - on the mucous membrane of the cervix). The cytomegalovirus virus in children often manifests itself in the form of a sluggish, long-lasting flu.

Note: when diagnosed with cytomegalovirus virus, treatment consists of taking or injecting antiviral drugs (acyclovir is the most tested drug, tested and recommended even for pregnant women).

Herpes simplex virus type 6 or HHV-6- is the causative agent of exanthema (other names for the disease are infantile roseola and pseudorubella). This disease is expressed in fever and rash. Type 6 virus is most often transmitted by airborne droplets and manifests itself in children under 2 years of age. Herpes virus type 6 has two subtypes - virus A and B, which are stored mainly in the salivary glands and on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Herpes virus type 6 in a child often manifests itself against the background of other diseases (ARVI, inflammation, dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection). It significantly aggravates any inflammatory processes and colds.

Advice: if a child is diagnosed with herpes virus type 6, treatment in a child will be aimed at fighting the virus and counteracting the symptoms of the disease (rash and fever). Panciclovir and foscarnet are used against the virus, against rashes - treatment with an antiseptic (Miramistin), against fever - means to reduce it.

Herpes virus type 7 (HHV-6, HHV-6)- a factor that has been poorly studied by the theory of modern medicine. It is only known that it settles on human lymphocytes and contributes to the appearance of immunodeficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, and enlarged lymph nodes. Also causes pseudorubella in older children.
Herpes virus type 8- also a poorly studied type of virus, doctors suggest that it is one of the consequences formed AIDS or cancerous tumors.

Coxsackievirus is not a herpes infection

Besides, is not herpes, but has similar manifestations of the Coxsackievirus rash. Its rashes appear as red spots and sores on the palms, soles and around the mouth. Based on the location of the rash, the virus received its second name “ hand-foot-mouth" Its first manifestations of the virus are often confused with chickenpox rashes.

If you have been diagnosed with Coxsackie virus, treatment in adults will use general antiseptics and antipyretics. In children, additional antihistamines are prescribed (to reduce itching). There is no specific treatment for Coxsackie virus.

The DNA of different herpes viruses is different from each other. Thus, the DNA of herpes virus type 7 differs from HSV, EBV, Zoster, and cytomegalovirus by 50-70%. The degree of homogeneity (similarity) of different viruses is only 30-50%. This suggests that specific antibodies are needed to treat each type of virus. And the presence of antibodies against one type of herpes does not guarantee protection against another type.

Herpes virus: how is it transmitted?

  • Contact method of infection- various touches, kisses, sexual activity, as well as through shared dishes, towels, bed, clothes, as well as when a child passes through the birth canal from a sick mother. Important: a sleeping virus is in a latent (inactive) state. For infection to occur, an exacerbation of the disease with the external manifestation of a blistering rash and wounds is necessary. It is the rashes that become a source of infection for surrounding people. Carriage of the simple viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 is transmitted through contact. Moreover, the oral virus can successfully settle on the genitals, and the genital virus can successfully settle on the lips and other open parts of the body. These viruses replace each other on different parts of the body (which is often observed in those who practice oral sex).
  • Airborne infection. This is the most likely way to get chickenpox and one of the possible ways to get oral herpes.
  • Infection through blood- this method is possible through microtraumas, scratches and cuts, or during pregnancy, or during medical procedures (for example, during a blood transfusion).

With low immunity, primary infection results in high fever and multiple rashes. And in children - lethargy and capriciousness. Primary herpes infection may also be asymptomatic. With strong immunity, the defenses produce the necessary antibodies and block the reproduction of the virus. In this case, the person does not know that he has become a virus carrier.

Secondary manifestations of infection usually cause a lower temperature. This is due to the fact that the body has already encountered this virus and knows how to fight it. In this case, secondary rashes are possible in any part of the body. The sleeping virus is located in the spinal cord and spreads along nerve fibers to any organ.

Herpes simplex virus and pregnancy

The herpes virus during pregnancy does not always appear as a blistering rash. According to medical examinations, only a third of women develop a rash. The presence of rashes also depends on the state of the immune system.

Herpes simplex virus in pregnant women can be a recurrent infection or a primary infection.. The reaction of the immune system, the type and amount of antibodies produced and, most importantly, the level of negative consequences for the child in the womb depend on whether the woman previously had contact with a carrier of the infection or whether she became infected for the first time during pregnancy. How does the herpes virus affect pregnancy?

A recurrent virus is not dangerous for a baby herpes simplex. During pregnancy, the mother’s blood contains a sufficient amount of antibodies that can protect the child from infection (there is a risk of infection, but its probability is only 5%). There is a high risk of infecting a child during childbirth, when passing through the birth canal (if at this time the woman has blistering rashes). In such cases, the woman is offered a caesarean section.

If a relapse occurs from oral herpes, then the baby is less likely to become infected during childbirth.

How dangerous is the herpes virus?

The primary herpes virus during pregnancy has sad consequences. Due to the lack of antibodies, it penetrates from the mother’s blood into the blood of the developing fetus, causing deformities and other disorders that are often incompatible with life. The primary herpes virus in the blood during pregnancy often causes spontaneous miscarriages or severe damage to the developing brain.

However, here the risk of infection is not one hundred percent. According to medical studies, the risk of severe complications is 75%. In this case, the mother's immunity plays an important role. It can block the replication of the virus even during primary infection.

Infecting a pregnant woman with herpes in the absence of antibodies to this disease is considered the most dangerous. That is, those rare situations when the expectant mother did not become a carrier of the HSV-1 or Zoster virus in childhood and became infected with it for the first time while carrying a baby. Or even more rare cases when a woman had a new sexual partner during pregnancy and became infected with the genital HSV-2 virus from him.

How can you determine whether you have a primary infection or a relapse? After all, even with the first infection, a high temperature is not necessary, but relapses occur without obvious carriage?

The most reliable answer will be given by a blood test for immune bodies and enzymes - ELISA.

Enzyme immunoassay blood test for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies

When the virus first enters the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. At the same time, specific antibodies remain in the human body, which will subsequently control the reproduction of the virus.

Doctors refer to the first antibodies that appear in a person’s blood during infection as IgM.. With their help, the immune system blocks the life of the virus.

Subsequently, to control herpes in a dormant state, other types of antibodies are produced - IgG. The amount of IgG antibodies indicates the body’s relationship with the dormant virus. If there are a lot of these antibodies, it means that immunity has dropped and the virus is out of control. Thus, a sharp increase in the IgG indicator or its high values ​​in a blood test for ELISA (immunoenzymes) is a sign of activation of chronic herpes, relapse.

Note: The term “herpes simplex virus igg (or IgG) means a relapse of infection, which is blocked by antibodies of group G. The test for the herpes simplex virus igg is positive in case of chronic infection (virus carriage). As practice shows, this analysis gives positive results in 95% of the population.

Herpes virus: symptoms of manifestation

What does the herpes virus look like? The external manifestations of a herpetic rash differ from other types of rashes. These are bubbles that burst and turn into wounds. Subsequently, nearby wounds can merge into one wet spot under a crust. At the same time, until the virus is completely neutralized, the wounds do not heal, ooze, hurt, and itch.

Forming wounds are a source of infection for the people around you. Before wounds form, a person who is a carrier of the infection can infect only through close contact of mucous membranes (kissing and sexual intercourse) or in the presence of skin damage (abrasions, scratches). After the bubbles with purulent exudate burst, the person becomes a source of easy infection for the people around him.

With acute herpes virus types 1 and 2, the symptoms are pronounced. We list the most important signs by which you can distinguish herpes from other viruses, colds or flu:

  • Itching and burning - appear before blisters. These are the first symptoms of herpes. If you are prone to cold sores, start taking antiviral medications as soon as you feel the first burning sensation and discomfort.
  • Redness and swelling - appears in areas of future rash.
  • The rash has the appearance of bubbles, which can be located in groups.
  • After a few days, the bubbles burst, the liquid flows out, and a crust forms.
  • 12-14 days after the first symptoms appear, the crusts and wounds heal (if there is no bacterial infection).
  • Lymph nodes also enlarge in the area of ​​the rash.
  • Possible increase in temperature.

The herpes virus manifests itself more easily in children than in adults. This is especially noticeable during the first infection. Everyone knows that the harmless chickenpox ( herpes virus type 3), which is tolerated by most preschool children without complications, can be a very serious and even fatal disease for adults.

For the herpes virus in children, symptoms of fever, lethargy, and moodiness may be the only sign of illness. In this case, it is difficult to determine whether it is herpes. For treatment, you can use general means of boosting immunity (vitamins, human interferon).

Herpes virus in the blood: treatment

Just a few decades ago, doctors did not know how to treat viruses. The difficulty of the therapy was that viruses penetrate inside a living cell, and they can only be destroyed together with the cell. Then how to treat the herpes virus so that the body's losses are minimal?

Modern medicine offers a number of drugs aimed against herpes infection. The “grandfather” of modern antiherpes drugs is acyclovir and drugs based on it.

Acyclovir is a relatively inexpensive drug that loses its high effectiveness when used repeatedly. The virus mutates, adapts to means of control and control. Therefore, acyclovir-based drugs are most effective at the first manifestations of the rash.

If you are deciding how to treat a virus in a child, you can safely turn to drugs that contain acyclovir. These are Atsik, Virolex, Gerpevir and Herpesin, Zovirax, Lizavir, Supraviran, Citivir. For the first time, treatment with this antivirus will be affordable and effective.

Herpes simplex virus: how to treat relapses

How to kill the herpes virus so that the number of relapses is reduced to at least one per year? To do this, you need to act in several directions:

  • Raise and maintain your own immunity. In addition to general measures to establish a daily routine and nutrition, you need to take probiotics and human interferon;
  • Limit the activity of the virus with an effective antiviral agent; It is necessary to start taking it as soon as you suspect something is wrong (redness or itching or burning appears).
  • Remove the virus from human blood.

It is important to know: the body itself fights the virus, sooner or later it takes control of the uninvited guest. But if the herpes virus becomes infected or recurs, treatment speeds up recovery.

How to cure herpes virus in the blood?

The most effective treatment is for the virus in human blood. For this, antiviral tablets are taken or similar injections are given. They act directly on the virus. This treatment is supplemented by taking interferon, which together allows you to take control of the vital activity of the virus, remove it from the blood and preserve it in the nerve plexuses.

What is the herpes virus afraid of? What means are most effective in combating it? This is a group of generic drugs acyclovir:

  • Valacyclovir (Valtrex) - in tablets.
  • Penciclovir (Vectavir, Fenistil Pencivir) - ointments.
  • Famvir (tablets).

The effectiveness of their use also depends on the timely initiation of treatment. The sooner you start taking an antiviral drug, the easier it is for the body to block the multiplication of the virus.

Herpes virus: treatment with folk remedies

Natural first aid kit uses the following tools to fight the virus:

  • Garlic and wormwood herb (orally 3-4 times a day) - antiviral treatment, blood cleansing.
  • Healing wounds with tea tree oil, aloe, propolis.

If you have a herpes virus, treatment will speed up recovery and prevent new recurrences of the infection. Therefore, treating herpes is better than not treating it. Use pharmaceutical preparations or traditional medicine of your choice.

Herpes– a disease caused by viruses of various types; lesions can be localized on the genitals, mucous membranes and throughout the body, leading to unpleasant sensations and physical discomfort.

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes pathogens, therapy is aimed at suppressing their activity and putting them into a dormant state. The herpes virus can remain in the body for a long time without leading to the development of a clinical picture.

The first symptoms appear suddenly and require immediate medical attention: depending on the stage at which measures are taken, the effectiveness of treatment and the speed of relief from the main symptoms depend.

Herpes - what kind of disease?

Herpes is a viral disease that has its own classification depending on the clinical manifestations and location of the lesion.

To suppress the activity of the virus, complex treatment is used, including the use of antiseptics, antiviral drugs in various forms and means for symptomatic therapy.

Depending on the form of herpes, infection can occur in the following ways:

  • Airborne path: in a room with normal temperature conditions and air humidity levels, the pathogen can maintain its vital activity for no more than a day;
  • Personal hygiene items, which were used by people infected with an active form of herpes;
  • Blood transfusion and through open wounds or minor violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • Mucosal contacts and unprotected sexual intercourse.

Causes of the disease

The cause of the disease is the entry of the herpes virus into the body. For a long time it may not manifest itself in any way.

The pathogen is activated under the influence of the following factors:

  • Exacerbation of various diseases in a chronic form;
  • Disorders of the immune or endocrine system;
  • Systematic exposure to low temperature conditions;
  • Complications arising from diabetes mellitus;
  • Stress factors, emotional stress;
  • Taking hormonal-type pharmacological drugs;
  • Infectious lesions of the body;
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Having bad habits;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

Symptoms and features of the disease

The clinical picture of herpes occurring on the body includes the following symptoms:

The severity of herpes symptoms on the body depends on the general health and immune system of the person.

Herpes on the back and lower back

The back and lower back are the most vulnerable areas of the body where herpes most often appears, since its causative agent is.

This form is called herpes zoster, and can affect all people who had chickenpox in childhood. The disease is not considered severe or dangerous, but it can cause severe physical discomfort to the patient.

The main features and symptoms are described below:

Localization of lesions on the buttocks most often occurs due to the activity of the herpes virus type 2, but they can also be caused by other types of pathogens if, due to violation of hygiene rules, they were transferred from other parts of the body.

The symptoms look like this:

Herpes on legs, feet and toes

In some cases, the rashes do not spread throughout the body, but are localized on the legs; the activity of the chickenpox virus, as well as herpes type 1 or 2, leads to a similar clinical picture.

People who are actively involved in sports are prone to this form, since infection can occur through microscopic damage to the epidermis on the lower extremities, for example, on the soles of the feet and fingertips.

The symptoms are as follows:

Herpes on the arms, hands and fingers

Rashes that do not spread throughout the body, but only affect them, are a sign of infection with herpes simplex type 1 or 2.

The development of the disease is described below:

When herpes is localized on the hands, the patient does not have a fever or general deterioration in health.

Herpes that affects the body can be localized on the stomach - this form of the disease is more severe than rashes on the arms, legs and buttocks.

The causative agent is the varicella zoster virus, the features of the clinical picture depend on the stage of the disease.

At the first stage, when the virus activity increases, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

After 5 days, the causative agent of the disease begins to multiply in the body, during this period a new stage is distinguished, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature, severe weakness of the body;
  • Increased itching, especially at night. When scratching, there is a risk of secondary infections;
  • The appearance of blisters, their drying with subsequent formation of crusts occurs after 5-7 days.

Diagnosis of herpes on the body

If herpetic rashes occur on any part of the body, you should consult a dermatologist.

The following diagnostic methods are practiced:

If the rash spreads to the genital area, additional consultation with a gynecologist or urologist may be required.

If necessary, the dermatologist can refer you for examination to a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist.

Treatment of herpes on the body

It is impossible to completely get rid of the causative agent of the disease; therapy is aimed at suppressing its activity, which leads to the disappearance of symptoms. Treatment is complex and is prescribed by a specialist depending on the characteristics of the disease and the location of herpes.

Features of treatment:

  • When treating herpes on the body, it is prohibited to use hormonal drugs, as this can cause serious health problems;
  • Therapy is prescribed taking into account the patient's age, stage of the disease, extent of lesions and other factors. The entire process is prescribed and supervised by a doctor;
  • Antibiotics are also not used to treat herpes on the body, experts prescribe them only in rare cases in severe cases of the disease, when foci of purulent inflammation appear on the skin or mucous membranes.

Below we discuss the main groups of drugs and examples of drugs that are prescribed only after consultation with specialists.

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs form the basis of the course of treatment for herpes on the body for any location of the rash.

Their action is aimed at suppressing the activity of the causative agent of the disease, which leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms, gradual recovery and minimizing the risk of relapse.

Effective treatments for herpes are:

  • Valaciclovir— is available in the form of tablets based on the substance of the same name, its concentration is 500 mg in each tablet. Used to treat herpes on the body in patients over 12 years of age. When treating genital herpes, 4 tablets are prescribed per day, they should be taken in 2 doses. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days. In case of relapses, a repeat course lasting 3 days is prescribed, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. If the rash is localized on the back and lower back, 2 tablets are prescribed every 8 hours for a week, treatment begins 2 days after the rash appears. If the patient has HIV infection, the dosage should not exceed 2 tablets per day. The cost of a package containing 10 tablets is 450-500 rubles ;
  • - is a budget antiviral drug based on acyclovir, it can be used to treat any form of herpes over the age of 3 years. The tablets are prescribed for adults to take 800 mg 4 times a day, with a break of at least 6 hours between doses. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days. For children over 6 years old, the same dosage is prescribed, but taken 4 times a day. At a younger age, 400-200 mg of the drug is prescribed. Instead of tablets, you can use a 5% cream, which is applied to the rashes on the body every 4 hours. Depending on the dynamics, the duration of the course varies from 5 to 10 days. The cost of the drug is from 20 to 50 rubles .

It must be remembered that all of the listed drugs stop the process of reproduction of the herpes virus, but do not protect other people from infection, therefore, if localized in the genital area, you should refrain from sexual intercourse until complete recovery.


Another important component of drug therapy in the treatment of herpes on the body are drugs that have a stimulating effect on the immune system.

These include:

  • Imunofan- in the form of a solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. The daily dosage is 50 mcg, 1 injection is given daily, the course duration is 15-20 days. If you are prone to relapses of herpes, you can repeat the course after 2-4 weeks. The drug is used to treat adults and children over 2 years of age. The cost is from 400 rubles ;
  • Arbidol— is available in the form of tablets based on umifenovir, they must be taken before eating. The product is intended for adults and children over 2 years of age. For those over 12 years of age, take 2 tablets 4 times a day, with a 6-hour break between doses. The duration of the course is 5 days. For the treatment of herpes in children under 12 years of age, the dosage is determined individually by a specialist. Packaging cost is from 250 rubles .


The use of antihistamines on the body is necessary to suppress itching, burning and other manifestations of physical discomfort.

The following remedies are prescribed:

  • - these contain 10 mg of loratadine, they can be used to treat children from 2 years of age. Over the age of 12 years, 1 tablet per day is prescribed, the duration of the course is determined by the speed and duration of the therapeutic effect. For children under 12 years of age and patients with severe liver damage, the dosage is adjusted individually. A package containing 10 tablets costs from 220 rubles ;
  • Cetirizine- is another modern antihistamine in tablet form containing 10 mg of cetirizine. The product can be used to eliminate itching on the body when treating herpes in patients over 6 years old, provided that the body weight is more than 30 kg. It is allowed to take no more than 1 tablet per day. Average cost of packaging 150 rubles ;
  • Desloratadine— in tablet form is used to treat patients over 12 years of age. The daily dosage is 1 tablet, the duration of the course is individual and depends on the symptoms. To eliminate itching when treating herpes in childhood, pediatricians sometimes prescribe Desloratadine in syrup form. The cost of the product is from 130 rubles .

Treatment of herpes on the body with folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows a large number of ways to combat the manifestations of herpes that occur in various parts of the body, but they are allowed to be practiced only after agreement with a specialist and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Below are some effective home techniques:

Features of the treatment of herpes on the body in pregnant women

When the herpes virus enters a woman’s body before conception, the risk of infecting the child is minimal, since maternal antibodies provide reliable protection.

If infected already during pregnancy, the risk of transmitting the pathogen to the fetus increases significantly, which can create a threat of miscarriage or provoke pathologies of further development.

On the body during pregnancy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a ban on the use of many pharmacological drugs.

A pregnant woman may be offered the following treatment options:

Features of the treatment of herpes on the body in children

Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are also used to treat herpetic rashes on the body in children, but only a pediatrician should prescribe them.

Some features of the treatment of the disease in childhood are discussed below:

After recovery, the child’s diet is adjusted to include fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in vitamins.

The most effective prevention of herpes is maintaining a normal immune system.

The set of preventive measures includes:

Currently, there is not a single person who does not know what herpes is. Herpes can occur at any time and ruin a person’s mood. It appears due to an excessive weakening of the immune system. This occurs in the spring and autumn seasons. It can also occur as a result of severe stress and sudden changes in body temperature and the environment. To get rid of it, many citizens turn to a cosmetologist for help, others prefer to solve the problem on their own. Treatment of herpes at home helps to quickly get rid of the problem. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. Many people know how to cure herpes at home. The most important thing is that your home medicine cabinet contains all the necessary medications.

Features of the disease

Currently, herpes is considered the most common viral disease. This is due to the constantly increasing number of patients, the presence of a huge variety of its manifestations, various routes of transmission and its rapid transition to a chronic condition. In this regard, many people often ask their doctor about how to deal with herpes.

Once in the body, herpes enters the active stage after 2 hours. Its maximum concentration is reached after 8 hours.

Viral cells, in small concentrations, remain dormant in the body until favorable conditions arise. After their onset, the virus awakens and begins to attack healthy cells of the human body.

According to statistics, about 92% of people are susceptible to this disease, the remaining 8% are at risk of its occurrence. This happens because the virus can spread very quickly from person to person, especially at an early stage. Therefore, very often people ask the doctor about how to get rid of herpes.

Remember, if the herpes virus has once entered the human body, it will not leave it again.

Currently, there are no medications or special vaccines that could completely get rid of the virus. All medications only temporarily relieve its unpleasant symptoms. As a result of this, when optimal conditions occur, herpes may appear on the surface of the skin again.

Types of herpes

The virus occurs in different places in the human body, and its localization area depends on the type.

Thus, the following types of virus are distinguished:

  • Herpes on the lips. It is considered the most common form of the virus and can be easily cured on your own. It can be treated with medications, which are sold in a wide variety at pharmacies. In addition, it can be cured with folk remedies.
  • Genital or lumbar herpes. If this form of the virus occurs, a person is advised to contact an experienced specialist. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist.
  • Herpes in the oral cavity. It usually appears in young children. This is due to the fact that their immunity is very weak, so they often get colds. In this regard, parents often bring their children to the pediatrician and ask him a question about how to treat herpes on the child’s tongue.

It is characterized by the appearance of small blisters or ulcers with liquid contents on the mucous membrane of the internal organs. They can cause pain and discomfort to a person, especially if it appears on the surface of the tongue.

Many people believe that they can go away on their own, but this opinion is wrong. White sores that appear should be treated, as they can spread quickly and worsen the patient’s general health. In this regard, many people often wonder how to identify the disease by typical symptoms and how to cure herpes at home.

Symptoms of a person having a herpes virus in the body

The appearance of a simple form of herpes is characterized by the formation of a small rash with liquid contents, localized in one place. In this case, the skin around the ulcers becomes pink or reddish in color.

If the manifestations cause severe pain in a person, then in addition he may develop:

  • fatigue and aches throughout the body;
  • itching and burning at the site of the rash.

A few days after the first rash appears, the blisters begin to burst, and this leads to the formation of small wounds on the surface of the skin. Later, these wounds dry out and become covered with a hard crust. It is noteworthy that the tissues around the wound also have increased sensitivity and, when touched, cause severe pain in a person.

Standard ways to get rid of the herpes virus

Pharmacies contain a huge number of medications that help get rid of herpes at home. A separate group includes drugs that help get rid of herpes on the tongue. It is noteworthy that all medications are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Remember that before using them, you should carefully read the instructions for use, which are included in each package. The instructions for them describe in detail how to quickly cure herpes.

Treatment at home for the first signs of herpes is carried out using a remedy such as Acyclovir or other drugs based on it.

In order to disinfect and relieve inflammation, as well as improve the condition of the mucous membrane, the oral cavity is rinsed with a weak solution of manganese. You can also use chamomile infusion. Existing rashes can be treated with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.

If the bubbles occupy a large area, then the affected area can be smeared with brilliant green or zinc ointment. In this case, a person does not have to use antiviral drugs and give up pills. Remember that taking them only increases the healing process.

Medicines help fight herpes at home and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Monitor your body and if you have any unpleasant symptoms, start treatment immediately.

Exacerbation of herpes during pregnancy or breastfeeding

The appearance of herpes during this period is very dangerous for both the woman and the child. At this time, the woman’s immune system activity decreases. This creates favorable conditions for the development of the virus.

Methods for treating herpes at home in this case are complicated by the fact that a pregnant or lactating woman is prohibited from taking most medications.

What should a woman do in this situation and how to quickly get rid of herpes? Firstly, you need to take care of your health and eat proper and healthy food. A woman should also reduce the amount of carbohydrates she consumes and increase the amount of protein she consumes. In addition, many experts recommend that women start taking vitamin and mineral complexes created specifically for pregnant or lactating women. Healthy sleep and lack of stress will help maintain and improve your health.

Only an experienced specialist can answer a pregnant woman’s question in more detail about how to quickly remove herpes.

How to get rid of herpes yourself using traditional medicine

Doctors, when answering the question of how to properly treat herpes at home, recommend that all people use not only medications, but also traditional medicine:

  1. At the initial stage of virus development, it is very important to increase the activity of the immune system. Fir oil is used for this. They need to lubricate the affected areas. This should be done at intervals of 1 time every 2-3 hours. Before going to bed, fir oil should be anointed over the entire affected area. Do this for 20 minutes. 2 days after applying the oil, patients note that the inflammatory process and discomfort have disappeared.
  2. Many people note that it is fast. It should be cut into small slices and applied to the affected area at intervals of 2-3 hours. The procedure is performed within 3 days.
  3. Toothpaste helps not only clean the mouth, but also remove herpes at home. Applying it to inflamed blisters throughout the day helps dry them out and speed up the healing process.
  4. The heart medicine Valocordin, known to many people, can also be used to get rid of the herpes virus. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and keep it on the affected area for 3 to 4 minutes.

Recipes for preparing folk remedies for herpes

Doctors, when answering the question of how you can treat herpes at home using traditional medicine, note that most of them are based on substances that are always available in the house.

The choice of folk remedies used also depends on the location of the inflammation.

Recipes for folk remedies for getting rid of herpes on the lips:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of flour and 2 cloves of chopped garlic.
  2. To prepare the composition, mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of ash and 3 cloves of chopped garlic.
  3. Squeeze 1 tablespoon of juice from calendula leaves and mix it with 1 tablespoon of Vaseline.

All ingredients are finely ground to a paste and applied liberally to the problem area. You should do from 5 to 7 procedures.

We treat herpes on the lips using traditional medicine

  1. To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to mix 1 spoon of celandine juice and 1 spoon of honey. Lotions with the composition are applied to the affected area until the manifestations completely disappear.
  2. In a large cup, brew tea with viburnum berries. It should be taken orally until the symptoms of the virus are completely eliminated.
  3. A compress with oak bark helps answer the question of how to remove herpes and dry out existing sores. To do this, it should be mixed with chamomile in a 1:1 ratio. Instead of chamomile, you can also use calendula tincture mixed with oak in the same proportions.

When answering the question of how herpes can be cured, doctors recommend that all people adhere to the following simple rules:

  • maintain personal hygiene and eat right;
  • do not kiss strangers;
  • purchase for yourself separate dishes, cutlery and personal accessories: towel, soap, slippers;
  • avoid visiting public baths, saunas and steam rooms;
  • Use cotton swabs when applying the cream.

What foods can people with the herpes virus eat?

The use of medications and traditional medicine helps answer the question of how to treat the virus, but does not help quickly get rid of it. Doctors recommend that all people reconsider their diet. Every day they recommend consuming the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In order to restore the body in one day, you need to consume the following foods as often as possible:

  • with a high content of minerals. This includes a variety of seafood, seaweed, shrimp and squid;
  • low-fat dairy products of natural origin;
  • a large number of grain crops;
  • meat products with a small amount of animal fats. These include chicken and turkey;
  • soy products;
  • potatoes, greens, vegetable and fruit crops.

The following foods should be excluded from the human diet:

  • beef and excessive salt intake;
  • confectionery and alcoholic beverages;
  • large amounts of sugar and sunflower seeds;
  • peas, beans and chocolate.

In addition, you should eat foods high in vitamin C. This vitamin helps the body recover faster and improve immunity. If there is insufficient consumption, vitamin complexes are used.

Most people believe that the herpes virus is not dangerous. However, this opinion is not entirely correct. If manifestations of this virus bother a person no more than 5 times a year, it is considered not dangerous. If the virus appears more than 5 times a year, you should consult an immunologist. Especially if the ulcers appear on the labia or inside the genitals.

It is important to notice the appearance of the disease in time and begin to treat it immediately. In addition, people at risk should take preventive measures.

Herpes - translated from Greek as “a creeping, spreading skin disease.” The disease is caused by the Herpesvirales virus and is characterized by blistering skin rashes throughout the body and mucous membranes. The types of herpes depend on its location and the causative agent; in total there are about 200 varieties, but humans are subject to only 8 of them. Each type has its own signs and reasons for its appearance. Types 7 and 8 of herpes still remain not fully studied.

Herpes type 1

Routes of transmission of HHV 3:

  • through common objects;
  • when talking, coughing, sneezing, yawning, kissing (even friendly).

How does chickenpox manifest (symptoms):

  • the skin itches unbearably;
  • temperature rises;
  • vesicles throughout the body.

The rash spreads across the skin where the affected nerves are located. The duration of the disease is about 14 days. A person who has had chickenpox once becomes a carrier of the virus for life.

  • along the nerve processes, a person feels itching, burning and severe pain;
  • general body temperature rises and weakness appears;
  • the affected areas are inflamed for 3 days;
  • on days 2-3, a group of bubbles forms in the same place.

Important! The duration of the illness is approximately 2 weeks. One of the consequences of herpes zoster is inflammation of a nerve ganglion or several nodes (inflammation of the ganglia).

Treatment of patients with chickenpox or herpes zoster is carried out either in an inpatient department or at home. Therapy is based on the intake and use of antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, and vitamins. For chickenpox, the vesicles are lubricated with brilliant green or Fukortsin.

Herpes type 4

Epstein Barr virus and Human herpes virus type 4 (EBV or EBV). Herpes infection is the source of mononucleosis. The infection affects the nasopharynx, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Formations can lead to cancerous formations. The consequences of the Epstein Barr virus also include otitis media, sinusitis, damage to the heart muscles, inflammation of the liver and brain.

Routes of infection:

  • airborne;
  • domestic;
  • sexual contact (including oral sex).

The maximum amount of virus is released during breathing and coughing. Adolescent children and young adults are most susceptible to this disease.

The duration of the period from the entry of the virus into the body for its first symptoms is from 5 days to 7 weeks.

Symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • swelling, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx and;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • tonsils are covered with white coating;
  • formation of skin and mucous vesicles;
  • the level of lymphocytes in the blood increases.

Diagnosis of Human herpes virus type 4 is carried out using PCR. If the test is positive, the patient is observed by 3 specialists (an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist and an ENT specialist).

The disease can go away on its own, but it is better not to wait for this moment, as complications may arise and you will need to undergo the necessary course of treatment. Therapy for mononucleosis with mild and moderate forms is carried out at home, but the patient is isolated from others. If the case is severe, hospitalization will be required.

There is no specific treatment regimen for herpes type 4. Therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Herpes type 5

Herpesvirus 5 strain (Human herpesvirus 5, cytomegalovirus, HCMV-5) is characterized by a latent form. Symptoms are more pronounced when the immune system is weakened. Men may not realize they are carriers of HCMV-5 for a long time. The disease affects the liver, spleen, pancreas, central nervous system and eyes.

How does infection occur and routes of transmission:

  • during breastfeeding (BF);
  • in the womb;
  • with blood;
  • with saliva (kiss);
  • during sexual intercourse.

The period of time from the entry of the pathogen into the body until the appearance of primary symptoms is 60 days.

Signs of herpes type 5:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headaches, pain in the joints and larynx.

Important! Despite significant pain, the tonsils and lymph nodes are not susceptible to inflammation.

The disease poses a real danger to HIV-infected people, as well as those who have undergone organ transplantation, cancer patients, and those taking cytotoxic drugs.

Cytomegalovirus also has negative consequences for pregnant women. Expectant mothers may give birth to a child with congenital pathologies (dysfunction of the brain, hearing, vision, breathing and digestion, skin problems and retarded development). Stillbirth is also possible.

To identify or exclude the presence of cytomegalovirus in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus, determine a pathologically small amount of amniotic fluid, measure the heart rate, detect delays in fetal development and abnormal development of internal organs. It is also important to undergo laboratory testing methods (PCR, serological diagnostics).

The goal of treatment is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, increase and correct immunity.

Herpes type 6

Herpesvirus 6 strain (HHV-6, HHV-6) is a DNA virus.

There are 2 subtypes of HHV-6:

  1. Subtype “A” (HHV-6A). People with immunodeficiency are more susceptible to it. In adults, it leads to multiple sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease), chronic fatigue, nervous system dysfunction and viral progression.
  2. Subtype “B” (HHV-6B). Children are often affected by this subtype. The disease develops into infantile roseola (sixth disease, pseudorubella).

Important! In the absence of proper treatment for both subtypes, disability and isolation from society are inevitable.

Signs and symptoms:

  • small rashes (which is unusual for other types; the rash is not necessarily accompanied by itching, but the disease can also occur in an atypical form);
  • hyperthermia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • apathy, depression;
  • irritability;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • changes in gait (instability, lack of coordination, unsteadiness);
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dysfunction of the visual organs;
  • problems with speaking;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • impaired perception and changes in sensitivity;
  • convulsions.

If at least once, the virus remains for life in a latent form and does not manifest itself. Relapses are possible with a noticeable decrease in immunity, but without the appearance of external signs.

How is HHV-6 transmitted:

  • most often infection occurs through saliva;
  • sometimes the source of transmission is the palatine tonsils (airborne);
  • during breastfeeding and in utero (the possibility is practically excluded);
  • There is an even lower chance of infection during medical intervention.

To diagnose diseases, in addition to the usual doctor’s examination and questions, it is important to undergo an examination. To do this, you need to undergo a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, undergo serodiagnosis and a virus test.

It is impossible to get rid of herpesvirus 6 strain; the goal of therapy is to combat its manifestation. For this purpose, drugs with different pharmacological effects are used (corticosteroids, antioxidants, angioprotectors, antiherpetic agents, antipyretics, immunostimulants).

Herpes type 7

Herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7, HHV-7) often occurs in parallel with virus strain 6, moreover, they are very similar to each other. The virus infects T-lymphocytes and monocytes, which leads to CFS and the development of cancer of lymphoid tissues.

How is it transmitted:

  • the main source is airborne (since the localization of HHV-7 is saliva);
  • Infection occurs less frequently through blood.

The main differences between HHV-7 and HHV-6:

  • strain 7 virus is not transmitted in utero;
  • HHV-7 affects children at least one year old, and HHV-6 can make itself felt as early as 7 months after birth.


  • temporary increase in temperature without rash;
  • involuntary, paroxysmal muscle contraction;
  • inflammation of the brain and its membranes;
  • mononucleosis syndrome;
  • sudden exanthema or infantile roseola.

To detect herpes virus type 7 in the body, it is necessary to undergo PCR diagnostics, ELISA, a test for the virus and an immunogram.

Medical care consists of combating the symptoms that appear. There are currently no specific drugs for the treatment of HHV-7.

Herpes type 8

Herpesvirus 8 strain (HHV-8, HHV-8, KSHV) - the last abbreviation is not a typo or an accident. These letters appeared from English literature, since there the disease is called Kaposhi Sarkoma Herpes Virus. The virus infects T and B lymphocytes and is a DNA virus.

Virus 8 strain is transmitted in different ways:

  • sex with an infected person;
  • kiss;
  • blood (transplantation (engraftment) of organs or tissue sections; drug addicts are often exposed to infection when using one syringe);
  • a small percentage is given to infection in utero.

Important! People who have undergone organ transplantation, radiation, homosexuals and drug addicts are at risk.

For an infected person with normal immunity, HHV-8 does not pose a danger and does not manifest itself in any way. It is able to “expose” its negative sides when the body’s defenses decrease. HHV-8 provokes the appearance and development of Kaposi's Sarcoma, primary lymphoma and Castleman's disease.

Depending on what disease the patient has. There are also symptoms.

  1. Kaposi's sarcoma. The location is concentrated on the skin, lymph nodes, mucous membranes and internal organs. There are 4 types of disease (classical, endemic, immunosuppressive, epidemic), each of them has its own characteristics.
  2. Primary lymphoma. An oncological disease that affects the central nervous system and serous membranes.
  3. Multifocal Castelamna disease (MBD, angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, multifocal lymph node hyperplasia, angiofollicular lymphoma). A rare type of cancer that becomes more active due to HIV infection. The virus infects the lungs, lymph nodes in the mesentery and subclavian lymph nodes.

As with other agents of herpes infection, there is also no specific treatment for HHV-8. Usually, drug therapy with chemotherapy, radiation, cosmetic procedures (phototherapy), and in rare cases, surgery are prescribed.

Only an experienced specialist can correctly determine the type of viral disease, its etiology and prescribe treatment. Although to date a drug against herpes infection has not yet been created, the pathology requires special attention. Timely detection of the virus in the body will help relieve a person from unpleasant symptoms and consequences.