Vitamin B17 – which foods contain it and in what quantity. Let's find out everything about vitamin B17: which foods contain the highest concentrations of it?

Vitamin B17 is one of the most controversial vitamins. In the USA it is completely banned as it is considered toxic. There is an opinion that the substance can kill cancer cells. However, there is still no official confirmation of this.

It is not for nothing that vitamin B17, also known as laetral, letril, amygdalin, is called the most controversial substance. It contains cyanide and benzenedehyde, which in turn belong to toxic substances. It is believed that letril is capable of destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

In addition B17:

  • helps with arthritis, reducing pain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents cells from aging quickly;
  • fights obesity;
  • increases immunity;
  • helps the body with severe stress and increased physical activity.

As for harm, it can only come from an overdose. Since benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules are considered poisonous, when they react with each other, they form a new molecule, which is given the name B17. In normal quantities, this substance is not capable of causing harm, but if consumed more than normal, then it will come sharp deterioration state up to fatal outcome.

Letril is found in apricot kernels. If you consume a large number of seeds at once, there is a risk of death. Death from an apricot kernel is a scientifically proven fact. You should take this seriously and not think that this is a joke.

Indications for use B17

Vitamin B17 is taken in the following cases:

  • Constant stress;
  • If malignant tumors are detected (strictly as prescribed by the doctor);
  • If you are overweight.

B17 is often used in dietetics, since the vitamin is capable of breaking down fat deposits.

Daily norm

For adults daily norm vitamin B17 is 3000 mg. But this is a dose for three doses, under no circumstances should you drink it all at once! No more than 1000 mg at a time.

Due to its toxicity, letril is not recommended for children. But by eating foods containing B17, the child will in any case receive it in some quantity. Therefore, parents need to make sure that the baby does not eat too many foods with high content B17, to avoid overdose.

As for pregnant and breastfeeding women, amygdalin is also contraindicated for them.

What products contain

Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of many fruits: apricots, peaches, plums, apples. But these are not all sources. Below is a table listing which products contain this lethril.

What you need to know about the full absorption of B17 by the human body

When B17 breaks down, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which is considered poisonous to the body. But its proportions are so small that they can only affect cancer cells. But with the simultaneous use of vitamin and alcohol, the likelihood of poisoning with this acid increases several times.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while using amygdalin.

Can B17 cure cancer?

US doctors believe that B17 is a highly toxic substance that in no way can be a cure for cancer. Since the mid-1970s, research and testing has been conducted on letril in the fight against cancer cells. No evidence has been found that the substance actually helps treat cancer.

In Russia, the use of amygdalin as a cure for cancer began in 1945. But the substance turned out to be toxic. Then they came up with a modified version called Laetrile. It was prescribed to cancer patients and improvements were indeed noticed, but not always. Sometimes there were deaths.

Proponents of alternative treatment methods still include the use of B17 in therapy together with special diet. However, according to modern oncologists, the drug cannot cure cancer.

List of pharmaceutical drugs with B17

There are quite a few vitamin complexes based on B17, but they still exist.

  • Vitalmix Recnacon 17". Contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Drink one capsule a day.
  • "Laetrile B17" with apricot, grape and almond seeds. Increases immunity and is used in the prevention of cancer. Take 1 month, twice a day, capsule.
  • "Metamygdalin." Two bottles per day, pre-diluted in water. It is not a medicinal product.

In the treatment of cancer, the effectiveness of B17 in terms of official medicine not proven. However, there are many people who claim that amygdalin helped them in the fight against cancer. In any case, you should consult a specialist before taking the vitamin.

Vitamin b17 against cancer, if it really helps get rid of fatal disease, why do patients with cancer continue to die from the disease? This vitamin should not be considered as a panacea, but as a preventive, general strengthening agent. Vitamin B17 is not useful in the treatment of cancer, as it can have a beneficial effect on the body. It is also called amygdalin. It was first extracted in its pure form from bitter almonds in the nineteenth century, and was later discovered in several other plant species. However, scientists have still not been able to confirm the vitamin activity of amygdalin. Despite this, chemical compound has become popular among those who use alternative methods of cancer treatment.

Vitamin b17 against cancer - is it worth taking? It is important to understand what to treat malignant tumors you just need medications, chemotherapy, surgical intervention. Self-therapy is unacceptable. B17 is a nitrile compound that dissolves in water and contains sugar. They are most often non-toxic and are found in many types of plants.

Many people have never heard of B17. Some believe that it fights cancer, others believe that the product is toxic and, on the contrary, provokes cancerous tumors. IN modern world it is officially used in Mexico to treat diseases. There it is extracted from apricot kernels. However, the vitamin is also created synthetically.

B17 is also called “anti-tumor vitamin”. What is the specificity of amygdalin?

  1. The anticancer compound was discovered by biochemist Ernest Krebs, extracting the substance in its pure form from apricot kernels.
  2. The scientist proved its safety by injecting a dose into his arm.
  3. From a biochemical point of view, B17 is not a vitamin, and its ability to destroy cancer cells has not been proven.
  4. The natural substance is found in berries and fruits, especially in bitter fruits, more precisely in the kernels, as well as legumes and clover.
  5. B17 is divided into amygdalin and laetrile. The first is a natural substance, and the second is partly synthetic.
  6. Experiments were conducted on animals that showed that this compound is able to inhibit the progression of cancer, stop the development of tumors, and the proliferation of metastases.
  7. B17 kills not only affected but also healthy cells.

However, some scientists still concluded that cancerous tumor becomes sensitive to radiation treatment after taking this compound. That is, amygdalin saturates the damaged areas with oxygen, enhancing the effect of therapy. IN large quantities the substance can cause severe poisoning. In this case, the patient will require immediate medical attention.

This chemical compound should not be underestimated, but it is also not recommended to abuse it. It is indeed toxic, but does not accumulate in the body. It is important for the patient to comply with the daily dosage, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning. The body of a cancer patient is greatly weakened, therefore self-treatment cancer is prohibited.

How to treat cancer with alternative methods? One way is to take vitamin B17. It is found in its pure form in the fruits of many plants. Amygdalin tastes bitter. Minimum quantity The substance is found in cultivated blackberries, beet tops, watercress, and sweet potatoes.

A high concentration of the vitamin means that one hundred grams of the product contains 500 mg of the component. The average level is one hundred milligrams of the substance per 100 g of food. Low - less than one hundred mg. Dietitians confirm that a cancer treatment regimen should include proper nutrition. To fully cover a cancer patient’s need for B17, it is necessary to eat 24-35 apricot kernels daily.

Foods containing B17:

  • wild blackberries (maximum quantity);
  • elder;
  • cherry and plum kernels;
  • bitter almonds;
  • cashew nuts;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cranberry (high content);
  • apple seeds;
  • apricot and peach kernels;
  • pear seeds;
  • prune pits;
  • lentils;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • quince;
  • raspberry.

The peculiarity of b17 is that it is not destroyed by heat treatment. There is a lot of valuable vitamin in raspberries, strawberries, or rather, in small seeds. These berries contain ellagic acid, which destroys cancer cells.

Once the vitamin enters the human body, it creates special compounds that fight cancer cells by breaking them down. It is also capable of synthesizing in the body naturally B12, which together with ascorbic acid It is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against disease. Combining foods containing B17 and drug treatment, can be dangerous, so moderation is needed in everything.

Only an oncologist can prescribe a synthetically derived vitamin in tablets. You cannot take it on your own, but food products containing it are not prohibited. But you also need to eat them in limited quantities. B17 deficiency may be severe high blood pressure, body pain, inflammation, cancerous tumors.

The main reason why vitamin B17 is not officially a medicine is that amygdalin contains the poison cyanide. An excess of the substance in the body provokes nausea, dizziness, headaches, fever, low blood pressure, impaired coordination of movements, liver failure, to whom and death.

Why is too much B17 dangerous?

  1. Apricot kernels, which are 50-60 pieces, contain lethal dose amygdalin (60 grams).
  2. If a person eats foods with this vitamin, or also drinks vitamin tablets, it is important to control the dosage.
  3. There is a lot of amygdalin in seeds and fruit seeds, raw almonds, apricots, peaches, celery, carrots, flax, nuts, and bean pods. They should be eaten separately from the tablets.
  4. Amygdalin should not be taken by people with liver disease.
  5. Medicines with vitamin B17 and food both cause sharp decline pressure.
  6. It is not recommended to abuse medications with amygdalin in patients with cardiovascular disorders.
  7. Amygdalin can greatly thin the blood.
  8. The unwanted combination of B17 and probiotics causes side effects.

You need to be very careful when combining vitamin B17 with other anti-cancer drugs. In this case, the compatibility of the components is taken into account. If an excessive amount of amygdalin enters the body, this leads to a deterioration in health. The reason is the toxicity of the chemical compound. To trust your health or not alternative method Treatment is a personal matter, but we should not forget about the potential risks.

Please note that pharmaceutical amygdalin is very expensive. For example, some companies sell tablets in a package of 100 pieces of 100 mg each for 12,500 rubles. It makes sense to take natural products containing it. They do not have such a toxic effect on the body. Also, supermarket chains sell apricot kernels in packages as a medicine or dietary supplement, although this is not allowed.

You need to take B17 correctly. If these are tablets, then strictly follow the instructions. Only the attending physician can extend the course of treatment, as well as prescribe medications. Preparations containing the chemical compound are often marketed under the name Laetrile. Therapeutic dose B17 ranges from two hundred to one thousand milligrams.

An excellent preventative product is apricot kernels. Healthy people It is recommended to eat from five to thirty pieces during the day. It is strictly forbidden to consume them at one time! Amygdalin glycoside - dangerous substance, in large quantities causing coma and death. Vitamin tablets are taken according to instructions.

Biologically active additive with amygdalin it is more dangerous natural products:

  • seeds containing the vitamin will improve human health and prevent cancer if taken ten pieces daily;
  • if a person is already sick with cancer, the dosage is doubled to fifty seeds per day - that’s thirty-five grams;
  • if apricot kernels are used as a source of substance, then the recommended dosage is seven grams per day, but not at one time;
  • If malignant neoplasm, carcinoma is in a weakened stage, then it is advised to take sixteen apricot kernels daily;
  • if the vitamin is in capsules, then the permissible dosage per day is two pieces, which is 100 mg;
  • b17 is also found in dark chocolate; to prevent diseases, you can eat thirty grams of the treat daily;
  • Children and pregnant women are not recommended to consume the vitamin, as it is very toxic.

It makes sense to take Laetrile for tumors, high risk cancer diseases, stress, depressive states, increased physical activity, obesity. The body's response to taking b17 is unpredictable in some cases, so you cannot treat yourself with the vitamin. Proponents of alternative cancer treatment argue that chemotherapy is much more dangerous than taking laetrile.

It is impossible to say 100% that this is really the case. In the first case, this is official way cancer treatment, which has proven its effectiveness. However, the vitamin also has specific properties, namely: it normalizes well-being, relieves arthritis pain, normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and slows down cell aging. Experts still advise not to take the vitamin alone. It is better absorbed and less toxic in combination with vitamins b15, A, E, C.

Opinions of doctors and patients about B17

This vitamin is a chemical compound that adherents of the informal method of cancer treatment call “anti-cancer.” Researchers of this compound believe that the vitamin actually fights cancer, since it creates hydrogen cyanide in the body, which destroys cancer cells. Others, on the contrary, talk about the danger of the compound, which can even lead to death.

Laetrile is a substance extracted from amygdalin. The latter compound, in turn, is found in large quantities in the kernels of apricot, peach and almond fruits.

According to some research scientists, the vitamin helps reduce tumors, prevent the development of cancer cells, and also strengthen immune system. However, these statements have not yet been confirmed, so it is officially stated that vitamin B17 is effective remedy you can't cure cancer.

Vitamin B17, also known as laetral, is one of the most controversial vitamins of the decade. Chemically, vitamin B17 is a compound of sugar, hydrogen cyanide and acetone. In medicine, vitamin B17 is called nitriloside.

It is found in various seeds and seeds of fruit and berry crops: cherries, apples, apricots, peaches and plums.

Most doctors believe that a lack of vitamin B17 can lead to a decrease in the body's resistance to cancer. The National Cancer Institute (FDA) conducted studies demonstrating the significant anti-cancer effect of laetral, but never approved its release and use due to the threat of cyanide poisoning to the population.

However, some doctors and pharmacists recommend including natural springs vitamin B17. Earl Mindell's Vitamin and Mineral Guide lists daily dosage in the range of 0.25-1 g. You should not take a large dose as excess laetral can be dangerous due to toxicity. This is an official warning.

Panacea or falsification

The Australian newspaper "Sydney Morning Herald" told the story of a man who independently recovered from cancer by daily consuming large quantities of apricot kernels containing amygdalin.

This man's name is Paul Reid. Many years ago, doctors diagnosed him with incurable lymphoma and promised him 5, maximum 7 years of life. The healthy smiling man is still alive and well, today he is 68 years old. And this is 13 years after the terrible forecast.

All these years, the man followed an organic diet, including 30 apricot kernels daily, but excluding sugar. Important point: Reid showed no symptoms of cyanide poisoning. It is sugar that feeds cancer cells, and the contents of the apricot kernel prevent the tumor from absorbing sugar.

Thus, laetral actually kills cancer, leaving healthy cells of the body alive, or damaging them slightly. However, nausea, dizziness or headache signal to a person that it is necessary to reduce the dosage of vitamin B17.

Today laetral is already used by some oncology clinics outside the USA, for example: in Mexico (Dr. Francisco Contreras) and in the Philippines. There is an opinion that large American pharmaceutical companies hinder the dissemination of information about a truly effective cancer treatment - vitamin B17.

Natural springs

Seeds and Fruits

According to the American Cancer Society, vitamin B17 is found in apricot kernels and papaya seeds. The hard, wooden shell of the seed protects the seed substances from decay and also prevents the appearance of characteristic bitterness in the fruit pulp.

Laetral is also present in the kernels of cherries, plums, nectarines, and in apple and orange seeds.

Bitter almonds

Scientists have found that the substances responsible for the bitterness of almonds are partly composed of water molecules that release hydrocyanic acid during distillation. This acid became known as amygdalin, a common component of many vitamin-containing products on the pharmaceutical market.

Clover and sorghum

Research from the National Cancer Institute has confirmed that clover and sorghum grass both contain vitamin B17.

You can squeeze juice from the juicy shoots of clover, or brew it into clover tea. Clover also contains a lot of nutritious protein.

Common sorghum is usually processed into syrup, which is often used in the production of alcoholic drinks. It is worth remembering that some varieties of sorghum contain high concentrations of cyanide.

Lima beans or lima beans

Nature took good care of itself, inventing difficulties on the way to consuming laetral. During the day (but not all at once), you can eat from 5 to 30 apricot seeds. This is a good and completely harmless cancer prevention.

Amygdalin - vitamin B17 - is not a vitamin in the usual sense of the word. It is a compound of water-soluble nitrilocides that are non-toxic and high in sugar. While almost every person has heard about vitamins such as B2, B6 or B12, few know about the existence of this compound.

Fierce debate continues around this vitamin. Some scientists consider it miracle cure from cancer and others serious illnesses, others attribute this substance to poisons.

What is amygdalin

This vitamin was isolated from almond seeds in 1952 by American biochemist Ernst Theodore Krebs. The scientist named the resulting substance laetrile.

Just a few years earlier, Krebs managed to give the world pangamic acid(vitamin B15), pharmacological properties which has not yet been fully studied. A biochemist isolated it from apricot kernels, and later it was discovered in legumes and rice bran.

Amygdalin is water-soluble vitamin group B, consisting of cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules. The substance has the appearance of white shiny crystals that begin to melt at temperatures above 215 degrees Celsius. The vitamin dissolves easily when heated in water. In this case, the amygdalin molecule can break down into separate parts. The most dangerous of them is hydrocyanic acid. It belongs to a number of cyanide compounds, which, even in minimal dosages, can lead a person to comatose state, severe intoxication or cardiac arrest.

Dr. Krebs himself saw in his discovery a very effective remedy that has the highest potential in the fight against various tumors and cancer cells. To prove the safety of using vitamin B17, he injected the substance into a vein in his arm. Thus the scientist by example was able to convince the general public that his discovery did not pose any threat to a healthy body.

Brief history of use

Despite the fact that this substance cannot be called a vitamin from a biochemical point of view, the healers of the ancient civilizations of China and Egypt were well aware of the benefits of this compound. As therapeutic agent healers who lived many thousands of years BC used mainly bitter almonds, which hold the record for amygdalin content.

However wonderful medicinal properties of this vitamin were safely forgotten, and today, full-fledged studies of the compound began only in the middle of the 20th century.

Ernst Krebs, together with his father, undertook many scientific experiments to prove the effectiveness of the discovered vitamin. They believed that oncology was not caused by external factors such as bacteria, viruses, that cancers are not contagious. In their opinion, oncology is caused by metabolic failures in the body, primarily due to poor nutrition. They tried to object to scientists, but so far no one has been able to refute their theory.

In his report at a conference in 1974 on cancer research, Krebs cited observations of the amazing Burishi (Hunza) people who live in the Hunza River valley in a remote region of the Himalayas. Average duration The lifespan of representatives of this people is 100–120 years, all residents are healthy until old age.

Burishi live according to nature, they have a natural healthy image life and plant-based diet. Their daily routine includes interesting point: in the spring, when many fruits and vegetables have not yet ripened, they feed almost exclusively on dried apricots. This period can last 2–4 months a year. Krebs noted this fact, as well as the fact that not a single case of cancer was recorded in the tribe.

Subsequently, numerous laboratory tests and experiments did not confirm the high antitumor properties of the vitamin. Moreover, the hype around the vitamin attracted the attention of the Quality Control Agency food products And medicines USA (FDA), which not only did not approve the use of the compound, but also imposed a ban on its use and distribution.

However, such a conclusion from the above-mentioned organization did not at all put an end to the use of vitamin B17. Many supporters unconventional methods treatments unanimously started talking about lobbying the FDA for giant pharmaceutical companies who did not want to part with an impressive part of their own profits.

Thus, the patient has to be treated for cancer with the help of amygdalin at his own peril and risk, despite the prohibitions of official authorities.

What functions does amygdalin perform in the body?

One of the largest medical experiments took place in the 80s of the 20th century, when almost 200 patients suffering from cancer took part in the research. Positive results were recorded only in a few experimental subjects after 2.5 months of active use of amygdalin. Most of the people taking part in the study did not notice any changes in cancer therapy. On at the moment experiments continue, but this is happening in closed laboratories due to the official moratorium on the use of the vitamin.

The hydrogen cyanide and glucose contained in Formula B17 are highly destructive to cancer cells. When meeting such cells, the amygdalin molecule instantly splits into 1 molecule of benzaldehyde, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 2 molecules of glucose. Glucose is introduced into the space of the damaged cell, and benzaldehyde, together with cyanide, produces a special poison that destroys cancerous formations.

It is clear that amygdalin may contain a certain toxicity, but the effects of the poison natural origin clearly has fewer side effects than commonly used chemotherapy.

What foods contain amygdalin?

Let's find out which foods contain vitamin B17. These products can provide the body sufficient quantity amygdalin with minimal health risks.

A record amount of the compound is present in bitter almonds and apricot kernels, which are not uncommon in our area; they usually go into the trash can as useless waste. with their own taste qualities the seeds resemble almonds, but many find them even more pleasant and tender. Experts advise eating at least 30 seeds per day. In addition, there are many other natural products that contain vitamin B17:

  • pear, cherry and apple seeds;
  • prune, peach and nectarine kernels;
  • blackberries, gooseberries and currants;
  • elderberry, cranberry and boysenberry;
  • green peas, lentils and mung beans;
  • ginger, some types of mushrooms;
  • spinach, alfalfa and eucalyptus.

A sufficient amount of amygdalin is contained in buckwheat (it is best to use green cereals), wheat and mung bean sprouts. Almonds, bamboo shoots, cashews, sweet potatoes and beet tops are also worth including in your diet.

Flax seed, which can be purchased without much difficulty in any store, boasts a significant amygdalin content. In the process of preparing berry or fruit dishes, many housewives carefully remove seeds from cherries, grapes, apples and other fruits. However, this is strongly not recommended for the reason that most useful properties(including vitamin B 17) is present directly in small grains.

The daily dose of amygdalin should vary from 125 to 150 mg. There is another theory, according to which the number of apricot kernels should correspond to the number of fruits eaten per day.

Amygdalin should be taken not only by cancer patients, but also by all residents of large cities and metropolitan areas. Polluted air combined with bad habits, fast food and more unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of sleep lead humanity to many health problems.

Use large quantity fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and grains rich in amygdalin, avoidance of fatty, smoked and fried foods, regular physical activity are the best prophylactic, which can not only prevent cancer, but also significantly increase immunity and improve overall health.

Vitamin B17 (also called amygdalin and laetrile) was first discovered in France in the early nineteenth century. B17, extremely concentrated in apricot kernels and other bitter fruits and almonds, is one of the best natural allies for treating cancer.

Composition and role in the body

Vitamin B17 – why does the body need it? What is his role and what is the composition?

B17 is broken down into three interrelated elements: glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.

Vitamin B17 molecules are especially known for their effect on cancer cells. Indeed, cancer cells contain large amounts of an enzyme called beta-glucosidase. The latter operates on B17 according to the following process:

It first releases hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde. The two molecules then begin to interact together, killing the cancer cells.

Despite the absence scientific research to date, B17 may be one of the most natural anti-cancer therapies.

B-17 is also touted as a vitamin that can reduce arthritic pain, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and generally support general health. B-17 is best consumed through foods that contain it. When choosing a supplement, it is better to consult your doctor.

Good to know: when low doses Hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde are safe for healthy cells in the body.

Useful properties

B17, especially if it is obtained from natural sources, can bring a lot of health benefits

  • Regulating Hypertension: B17 can regulate hypertension problems due to the formation of thiocyanate, which helps reduce high blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Amygdalin is also known to work wonders for the immune system. Dr. Anju Sood, a nutritionist, says the biggest benefit of this vitamin is that it increases the number of white blood cells, which improves immunity.
  • Great Antioxidant: Some experts also claim that amygdalin's ability to interact with other powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin A, C, and E, breaks down and destroys toxic cells in our body, thereby aiding the natural detoxification process and promoting overall health.
  • Pain relief: Amygdalin also works as an effective pain reliever.

Vitamin B-17, Laetrile, Amygdalin - what's the difference?

For many, these names are interchangeable.

But there are differences.

Amygdalin is a natural substance that is found in raw nuts, such as almonds, and the kernels and seeds of fruits, especially apricots, because it was in this fruit that amygdalin was first discovered. There is also a lot of it in beans, clover, and sorghum.

Vitamin B-17 is the name given to amygdalin by Dr. Eugene Krebs. This is the person who first identified amygdalin. He classified it as a food component, and food components, if they are natural, water-soluble, non-toxic and if they are accepted by human metabolism, are vitamins.

Laetrile is a more concentrated, purified form of amygdalin that was developed for use in laboratories and to fight cancer cells.

What does it contain?

Let's take a closer look at the natural sources of vitamin B17 that you should include in your diet.


Apricot seeds are among the food sources of B 17. Other sources of this vitamin include prune seeds, pear seeds, peaches, cherries and even apple seeds. You can also use flax seeds; Squash seeds, millet seeds and buckwheat seeds to supplement the deficiency of B12 as these seeds also contain this vitamin in moderate quantities.


Nuts are a rich source of various nutrients, minerals and proteins. Almonds and cashews contain B17. Consuming almonds on a regular basis raises high-density lipoprotein levels and lowers low-density lipoprotein levels. Almonds may reduce levels LDL cholesterol up to 15% for every 7 g of almonds per day. On the other hand, cashews are effective in lowering blood pressure, which makes your bones stronger and helps in weight loss. In addition, they keep the heart healthy and are a preventative for colon cancer.


Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries and blackberries contain very good amounts of this anti-cancer vitamin. Berries are considered special because of their high level photochemicals that help protect cells from damage.


Alfalfa sprouts contain B 17. They are considered beneficial for your kidneys. They also help prevent the development of kidney stones.


Alfalfa and eucalyptus leaves contain large amounts of B17. Just like spinach leaves. Spinach leaves are filled with antioxidants that help fight the onset of diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. These antioxidants are beta-carotene, manganese, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and selenium.

The most important sources of vitamin B17 are apricot kernels. It is advisable not to eat more than two bitter apricot almonds per day per person to avoid the risk of overdose.

Due to the bitter taste of apricot kernels, they can be consumed with other sweet fruits, accompanied by plenty of water or tea.

Good to know: Children should not eat bitter apricot almonds.

Shortage and surplus

Some scientists believe that vitamin B17 deficiency leads to cancer, but this has not been proven. Symptoms of vitamin excess were also not noticed.

Side effects

The main danger of B-17 is that laetrile and amygdalin can be converted into cyanide, a poison to the body. So the side effects are similar side effects cyanide poisoning. Specifically, these are headaches, dizziness, drooping eyelids, liver damage, oxygen deficiency in the body tissues, decreased blood pressure and fever.

Cure and prevent cancer

Laetrile consists of one molecule of benzaldehyde, 1 molecule of hydrocyanide and two molecules of glucose.

Benzaldehyde and cyanide are toxic elements, but when vitamin B17 combines with glucose molecules, they become inert and have no toxic effects.

To release cyanide and benzaldehyde from B17, they need to come into contact with a specific beta-glucosidase enzyme. This enzyme is present throughout the body, but most of it is found in cancer cells (up to 3,000 times more).

The principle is simple: cancer cells need a huge number energy or glucose for their growth.

When you take B17, cancer cells take up the glucose molecule found in vitamin B17 and use the enzyme beta-glucosidase to “unblock” the benzaldehyde and cyanide from B17, causing their own death.

Due to its high concentration of the enzyme beta-glucosidase, B17 is extremely lethal to cancer cells, while healthy cells remain unaffected.

The fundamental effects of vitamin B17 are like a Trojan horse: cancer cells crave glucose, and when they consume it, they die.