Vitamin B15 (Pangamic acid). Vitamin B15 – benefits and beneficial properties of pangamic acid

Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) is a vitamin-like substance that increases oxygen absorption and prevents fatty liver degeneration. The vitamin is destroyed upon contact with water and under the influence of light. Calcium pangamate (calcium salt of pangamic acid) is usually used for treatment. What are the main benefits of vitamin B15? This acid is an active participant in oxidative processes and ensures a sufficient level of oxygen in cells; this vitamin also improves energy processes and metabolism.

Vitamin B15 dosage

The approximate daily intake for adults is 0.1 - 0.2 g. The need for the substance increases during sports, due to the active participation of vitamin B15 in the functioning of muscle tissue.

Beneficial properties of pangamic acid

Pangamic acid takes part in the regulation of protein and fat metabolism. It promotes the production of substances necessary to ensure the functionality of organs and tissues in the body, accelerates recovery processes after active physical activity and increases the lifespan of cells. The vitamin prevents fatty liver degeneration and the formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, it supports the functionality of the adrenal glands and regulates the production of hormones.

Indications for additional intake pangamic acid:

  • Emphysema.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Various forms of atherosclerosis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Dermatoses.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Initial stages of cirrhosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.

Pangamic acid has an anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effect, improves metabolic processes, increases the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen. Vitamin B15 is a strong antioxidant - it stimulates recovery processes, accelerates the elimination of toxins, lowers cholesterol levels, and alleviates the symptoms of asthma and angina pectoris. Pangamic acid reduces fatigue during physical activity, increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen, and helps get rid of the effects of poisoning alcoholic drinks and drugs, activates the liver’s ability to resist intoxication.

Vitamin B 15 (Vit. B 15, Pangamic acid) is a vitamin-like substance of group B. This substance optimizes metabolism and redox reactions. Although not a true vitamin, Pangamic acid strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the condition of the heart, liver, brain, and skeletal muscles.

Vit. At 15 it was opened in the middle of the last century. In 1950, Japanese scientist Takayama obtained it from bovine liver. A year later, another scientist, Krebs, isolated similar substance from apricot kernels. Soon the same substance was obtained from other plant seeds. It has been found to be found in many seeds.

This is where the name came from. It is a derivative of two Greek words: pan - everywhere, and gami - seed. The newly discovered substance was classified as a B vitamin and assigned the serial number 15. But during further study of Pangamic acid, scientists came to the conclusion that it does not possess a true vitamin. This is a biologically active substance with vitamin-like properties.

There were also other misunderstandings. Pangamic acid is a derivative of another biologically active compound, Dimethylglycine. And at first, Dimethylglycine was mistaken for Pangamic acid. But soon the i's were dotted. Dimethylglycine was designated as vit. In 16, and work on the study of Pangamic acid continued, and has not stopped to this day.


Externally, Pangamic acid is a white or white-yellow powder. This powder is hygroscopic, but does not dissolve in alcohol. It is not resistant to factors external environment, and quickly collapses not only under the influence of moisture, but also in light and when heated. Chemical formula Pangamic acid: C 10 H 19 NO 8. Nomenclature name: 6-(2-dimethylamino-acetoxy)-2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxy-hexanoic acid.

When interacting with some minerals, Pangamic acid is capable of forming crystalline salts, pangamates. Unlike Pangamic acid, its salts are more resistant to action external factors. One of the salts, calcium pangamate, is used for therapeutic purposes.

Physiological action

The Pangamic acid molecule contains methyl groups and labile CH 3 radicals. Vit. At 15 he is a donor to these groups, he gives them to others organic compounds during the so-called transmethylation reactions. The properties of the methyl donor largely determine the biological value of Pangamic acid.

It regulates lipid (fat), carbohydrate and protein metabolism, participates in the synthesis of many biologically active substances, as well as high-energy compounds, nucleic acids. Physiological action Pangamic acid appears on cellular level. Cell membranes are a double phospholipid layer. Phospholipids also contain methyl groups, which can be lost by them.

With the loss of methyl groups, phospholipids are transformed into fats. The latter accumulate inside the cell, which ultimately leads to its death. Macroscopically, this is manifested by fatty infiltration and organ degeneration. Vit. B 15 triggers transmethylation processes and protects cell membranes from destruction and cells from death. Accordingly, the structure and functions of the organ and tissue are preserved.

The effect of Vit. is especially noticeable. At 15 on the condition of the liver. Pangamic acid protects liver cells (hepatocytes) from damage and promotes the regeneration of hepatocytes under various pathological processes. This prevents dystrophic changes in functional liver tissue (parenchyma) with the outcome in fatty hepatosis (steatohepatosis) and cirrhosis of the liver.

The liver's synthesis of protein compounds and glycogen improves. In the same way, its ability to synthesize bile and coagulation factors and neutralize toxins improves. The liver becomes more resistant to negative action medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs), alcohol. It has been confirmed in practice that Pangamic acid reduces the severity of alcohol intoxication and hangover syndrome.

Along with the liver, glycogen is deposited in skeletal muscles. Here, under the influence of Vit. 15 synthesizes organic carboxylic acid creatine and its high-energy derivative creatine phosphate. With the accumulation of creatine, creatine phosphate and glycogen, muscle strength and endurance increases.

In addition, Vit. B 15 regulates the processes of oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen. Under the influence of Pangamic acid, high-quality, complete utilization of glucose occurs with less oxygen. This leads to the fact that skeletal muscles become more resistant to hypoxia and oxygen starvation.

Resistance to hypoxia increases not only in skeletal muscles, but also in the myocardium. As a result, the force of heart contractions increases, the lumen expands coronary arteries, feeding the heart with blood. The severity of ischemia (insufficient blood supply) of the myocardium is reduced.

Cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and others are prevented severe consequences ischemia. Pangamic acid expands the lumen not only coronary vessels, but also other arteries. This improves tissue blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.

Blood circulation in the brain tissue also improves. This has a positive effect on thinking, memory, and prevents cerebral ischemia and stroke. Vit. B 15 has a positive effect on the condition of not only the central nervous system (CNS), but also on the condition peripheral nerves. Under the influence of Pangamic acid, the conduction of sensory and motor impulses through nerve fibers. To a large extent, the influence of Vit. At 15 on nervous system associated with its ability to synthesize another vitamin-like substance, Choline or Vit. At 4.

Choline is part of the myelin sheath of neurons and is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In addition, Choline regulates certain types of lipid metabolism. And also Vit. 15 have antiatherosclerotic properties. Under the influence of Pangamic acid, the production of low-density cholesterol fractions, from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed, is reduced. And this also manifests itself positive influence vit. At 15 on the cardiovascular system.

Pangamic acid stimulates the production of adrenaline by the adrenal medulla. According to some data, it also stimulates the production of corticosteroid hormones by the cortex. Adrenaline and corticosteroids support heart function and systemic circulation at the proper level, and are natural adaptogens - help the body adapt to unfavorable conditions external environment. There is also evidence that Pangamic acid regulates the activity thyroid gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

In the lungs, Pangamic acid improves gas exchange. This is achieved in two ways. Firstly, the bronchi expand and improve alveolar ventilation. And secondly, the blood supply to the lung tissue also improves. Lung tissue becomes more resistant to the action of infectious agents and volatile toxic substances.

In addition, Pangamic acid is natural immunostimulant and an anti-inflammatory agent. This is largely due to its anabolic properties and its effect on the production of corticosteroids. In addition, Vit B 15 is a natural antioxidant. It protects tissue cells from damage free radicals. Under the influence of Vit. At 15, resistance to infections increases, the severity of inflammatory manifestations decreases with pain syndrome and local edema.

Anti-inflammatory effect of vit. In 15 it is expressed in arthritis, especially of a rheumatic nature. Pangamic acid inhibits autoimmune and inflammatory reactions, reduces joint pain and intra-articular swelling, eliminates local fever, and promotes increased range of motion.

Like many other vitamins and vitamin-like products, Pangamic acid has an oncoprotective effect and prevents the development of malignant neoplasms. This is largely due to the fact that transmethylation reactions contribute to the preservation of the structure of nucleic acids.

Prevented gene mutations– the leading mechanism for the appearance of atypical cells. Of course, Pangamic acid is in no way a panacea for cancer. However, scientists have confirmed that Vit. At 15 it is able to alleviate the course of cancer. Under the influence of this substance, the growth of the primary tumor with the formation of metastases slows down, and pain decreases. Amount of toxins released cancer cells, also decreases. The tumor itself becomes more susceptible to the effects of chemotherapy.

Daily requirement

Here are minimum quantities. IN extreme conditions, at physical activity, diseases, the need for Pangamic acid increases many times over.

Sources of income

Some scientists claim that part of the amount of Pangamic acid we need is produced by our intestinal microflora. However, this fact has not yet been reliably confirmed. But food sources of this compound have long been known.

Product Content, mg/100 g
Beef liver 0,1
Pork liver 0,09
Apricot kernels 0,16
Wild rice 0,06
Rice bran 0,057
Nuts 0,14
Watermelon 0,07
Brewer's yeast 0,05
Plant seeds 0,2

Pangamic acid is present in many other foods of plant and animal origin. It should be taken into account that thermal cooking leads to significant destruction of vit. At 15.00.

Causes and signs of deficiency

Isolated deficiency of vit. At 15 it practically does not occur. As a rule, it is accompanied by a lack of other vitamins and vitamin-like products. The reasons can be very different: serious illnesses, infections, fasting, alcohol abuse, gastrointestinal pathology ( gastrointestinal tract) with a deterioration in the absorption capacity of the intestine.

In this case, the main types of metabolism are disrupted, immunity decreases, and tissues form pathological changes associated with hypoxia, atherosclerosis and impaired synthesis of biologically active compounds. Symptoms of these disorders:

  • general weakness, sleep disturbances, irritability, depression
  • deterioration in concentration and memory
  • decreased muscle strength and endurance, muscle and joint pain
  • increased blood pressure
  • increased frequency of angina attacks
  • paresthesia (numbness, tingling) in some areas of the body
  • digestive disorders with abdominal pain and stool disorders.

In children, a lack of Pangamic acid can affect general development. In adults, the risk of cancer increases diabetes mellitus, fatty liver disease, heart attacks and cerebral strokes.

Synthetic analogues

Since Pangamic acid in its pure form is quickly destroyed, synthetic preparations are produced with calcium pangamate. One of these products is the domestic Calcium pangamate. Calcium pangamate is produced in the form of 0.05 g tablets and powder for oral administration. In addition, Calcium pangamate is included in many multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

Indications for use:

  • illnesses cardiovascular systemischemic disease heart, heart failure due to systemic atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis
  • respiratory diseases - chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - intestinal motility disorders, chronic hepatitis, steatohepatosis, initial stage liver cirrhosis
  • diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves - polyneuritis and polyneuropathy, cerebral ischemia
  • skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, pyoderma
  • long-term use of antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, chemotherapy drugs
  • alcoholism.

Calcium pangamate is included in some products for sports nutrition recommended for intense physical training.


When taken orally as part of food or medications, Pangamic acid is absorbed quite quickly and easily from the intestines. After this, it is distributed to organs and tissues, where it is included in metabolic processes. Some amount of Pangamic acid enters the liver. Here it undergoes transformations with the formation of the amino acid Glycine and another metabolite of Sarcosine, which also has physiological activity. Pangamic acid does not accumulate in the body; its excess is excreted unchanged by the intestines and kidneys.

Interaction with other substances

Vit. At 15, it enhances the effect of vit. A, C, E, B 12. Also promotes the synthesis of vit. At 4. Vit. At 17 and vit. In 15, each arc mutually enhances the oncoprotective effect. Vit. At 15, it neutralizes the effects of many poisons, incl. chlorine-containing drugs, alcohol. Also reduces negative effects antibiotics, sulfonamides, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine destroy Pangamic acid and help reduce its level in the blood plasma. Pangamic acid improves the absorption of anti-tuberculosis drugs and synthetic corticosteroids.

Signs of hypervitaminosis

Excess Pangamic acid in natural conditions unattainable. After all, it does not accumulate in the body and is quickly eliminated. With an excessive intake of calcium pangamate, headaches, palpitations, general anxiety, and sleep disturbances are possible. However, cases of overdose of Pangamic acid are extremely rare, and are mainly observed in elderly patients. Symptoms of overdose quickly disappear after discontinuation of calcium pangamate.

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Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) provides positive impact on the body. Thanks to this biologically active substance, the accumulation of fat in the liver is prevented.

Being a source of free methyl groups, pangamic acid ensures the synthesis of nucleic acids, creatine and other compounds necessary for the functioning of the body.

The component enters the body with food. A small part of it is synthesized intestinal microflora. If there are obvious symptoms of deficiency, drugs containing pangamic acid are prescribed.

How does vitamin B15 affect the body?

Pangamic acid has important physiological significance. It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and improves the functioning of the adrenal glands. The participation of the compound in redox processes is explained by its antioxidant properties.

In the presence of pangamic acid, cellular respiration improves and hormone production is regulated. Vitamin useful for work internal organs. It prevents the development of liver cirrhosis, participates in the elimination of harmful toxins, eliminates cravings for alcohol, and also fights hangovers.

Positive effects on blood vessels and heart muscle have been proven. Under the influence of vitamin B15, the body's defenses increase. This is explained by stimulating the process of antibody production. Pangamic acid has anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties.

Other positive effects are also known:

  • increasing cell lifespan;
  • increasing the amount of glycogen;
  • giving muscle tone;
  • rapid removal of breakdown products toxic substances, coming with alcohol, medications;
  • acceleration of processes in damaged tissues;
  • ensuring the prevention of muscle spasms;
  • temporary decrease in blood pressure.

Pangamic acid is integral part complex therapy for many diseases. The instructions contain recommendations for use. Maximum efficiency is ensured when simultaneous administration vitamins A and E.

Approximate daily requirement for humans – 1-2 mg. The indicator is indicative, since there is no data on the exact amount of the substance. The main sources are brewer's yeast, stone fruit kernels, nut crops, cereals and cereals. There is a lot of pangamic acid in the liver and blood of animals. This should be taken into account when planning daily ration, especially if there is a lack of it in the body.

Vitamin B15 is important for athletes. The connection has the ability to warn oxygen starvation. Consumed during sports activities huge amount energy that is synthesized with the participation of oxygen.

In this case, oxidative reactions occur. During periods of intense training biochemical processes proceed especially quickly. The supplied oxygen is consumed in short term. If the body lacks oxygen, energy production slows down. As a result, the athlete will not be able to perform sufficient quantity physical exercise and build the muscle mass you want.

Pangamic acid eliminates the negative effects of oxygen starvation. The presence of vitamin B15, as well as other biologically active substances and minerals in the diet of bodybuilders is the key to effective training.

When is pangamic acid prescribed?

In most cases, the indication for the use of drugs containing vitamin B15 is complex treatment the following diagnoses:

  • different forms of atherosclerosis;
  • damage to the large arteries of the brain;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • initial form of liver cirrhosis;
  • dermatitis, manifested by itchy skin;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathological processes in the lungs;
  • rheumatism.

In the presence of pangamic acid, sulfonamides, corticosteroids and anti-tuberculosis drugs are better tolerated. This explains the use of the vitamin as an adjuvant in the treatment of many other diseases.

More often, calcium pangamate tablets are prescribed for treatment, prevention and replenishment of deficiency. The attached instructions contain information about indications and contraindications.

Symptoms of deficiency

Here's what clinical manifestations Pangamic acid is prescribed:

  • rapid fatigue, even with light loads;
  • decreased performance;
  • irritability;
  • disorders ;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • lack of oxygen in body tissues;
  • dysfunction of the heart muscle;
  • changes in internal organs associated with premature aging.

Even if there are indications for use, you should not self-medicate. It is recommended to take medications containing this vitamin only as prescribed by a doctor.

Excess pangamic acid

Excess is often associated with taking large doses of the active ingredient.

If the instructions for using vitamin B15 are not followed, symptoms of overdose may occur:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • the appearance of drowsiness and weakness;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • deterioration of heart function.

Excess of the compound in the body is eliminated by various measures. First of all, the drug is discontinued. Carried out if necessary symptomatic therapy, gastric lavage. Despite daily norm, in the treatment of certain diseases, 50-100 mg of pangamic acid per day may be required. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

The instructions reflect the interactions of pangamic acid with other substances. Vitamin B15 is soluble in water. The compound interacts with some foreign substances. Thus, the vitamin is able to neutralize the harmful effects of chlorine-containing chemical compounds, neutralizing them.

Pangamic acid prevents excess aspirin, neutralizing side effects on the adrenal glands and organs digestive system. Drugs containing it are prescribed while taking large doses of sulfonamides and antibacterial agents. For some biochemical transformations to occur, it is required.

"Pharmacist's Notes"

When taking medications containing biologically active substances, the instructions must be strictly followed. Lack or excess of vitamins negatively affects the entire body. Therefore, you should control your diet, be attentive to your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Pangamic acid – crystalline powder white capable of absorbing liquid. The substance was discovered in the 1950s by the Japanese scientist Tomiyama during research on bovine liver. Later, other scientific experts found that the vitamin is present in apricot kernels, rice sprouts, and brewer's yeast. The word "pan" in Greek means "all", and "gami" means "seed". Pangamic acid got its name from its distribution in the seeds of many plants. Vitamin B 15 is actually a vitamin-like compound, since its deficiency in the human body does not cause serious pathologies.

Functions of vitamin B 15 in the human body

The main function of pangamic acid is to increase the resistance of tissues and organs to lack of oxygen. With sufficient intake of the substance into the body, the tone increases and the processes of cell dying are inhibited.

Why does the body need vitamin B 15? It is an antioxidant and adaptogen that performs the following functions:

  • improving blood circulation in the extremities;
  • increasing the contractility of the heart muscle;
  • lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • involved in the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland;
  • preventing hepatosis;
  • activating the absorption of oxygen by cells;
  • regulating the synthesis of amino acids;
  • improving liver function.

Also, when optimally introduced into the body, the substance has the following effects:

  • accelerates the regeneration of injured muscles;
  • improves the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • normalizes lipid, protein, mineral metabolism;
  • eliminates oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • relieves hangover;
  • prolongs the life of cells;
  • participates in the synthesis of DNA and RNA;
  • strengthens muscle fibers;
  • removes toxins from the body in case of poisoning;
  • weakens spasms of blood vessels;
  • increases glycogen concentration in the liver.

Indications for use of pangamic acid

Preparations based on pangamic acid are recommended to be taken as additional funds in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • hepatitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • unadvanced cirrhosis;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic coronary insufficiency;
  • skin itching;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Vitamin B 15 can also be taken together with corticosteroid, anti-tuberculosis and sulfonamide drugs to improve the absorption of the components of these drugs.

Daily intake of the substance

An adult should receive 2 mg of the substance with food per day. If a person eats well and nutritiously, then the optimal amount of pangamic acid enters his body. It should be noted that vitamin B 15 is absorbed better if used together with retinol and tocopherol. A person who monitors the quality of their diet, does not suffer from intestinal dysfunction, and has healthy liver, does not require the use of vitamin B 15 preparations.

Symptoms of substance deficiency in the body

If there is insufficient intake of pangamic acid into the body, the following symptoms are observed:

  • joint pain;
  • weakening contractility muscles;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • numbness of the fingers and some areas of the face;
  • acceleration of aging processes;
  • violation of the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • oxygen starvation of the heart muscle;
  • deterioration of the nervous system;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • problems with concentration;
  • nervousness, lethargy, depression.

Children most of all need vitamin B 15, especially those entering puberty, and athletes. Typically, a lack of the substance is observed in chronic alcoholics, people who take certain medications for a long time or are forced to work with poisons.

Vitamin B 15 Rich Foods

Pangamic acid is found in greater or lesser concentration in almost all products. But plant seeds are especially rich in vitamins. To enrich the body with pangamic acid, it is recommended to consume the following products:

  • sunflower, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, sesame seeds;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, rye porridge;
  • beef or poultry liver;
  • brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B 15 preparations

In which dosage forms is vitamin B 15 sold? The substance is available in the form of tablets and powder, sold in pharmacies under the name “Calcium pangamate”. This drug produced by many pharmaceutical companies, but its composition remains unchanged:

  • 70% - calcium salt, diluted with dimethylglycine;
  • 25% - calcium gluconate;
  • 5% - calcium chloride.

The vitamin is sold only in the form of calcium pangamate; in its pure form, the substance is quickly destroyed due to exposure to oxygen and ultraviolet radiation.

Most often you can find the drug Kalgam on pharmacy shelves. Also biologically active additives based on pangamic acid are sold in online stores. Vitamin B 15 is a component of the drug and some other multivitamin complexes.

Instructions for use of calcium pangamate

You need to take 1 to 2 50 mg tablets orally 3 times a day. Maximum daily dose for an adult is 300 mg.

The dosages of calcium pangamate for children are as follows:

  • up to 3 years – 50 mg;
  • 3 – 6 years – 100 mg;
  • 7 – 14 years – 150 mg per day.

The course of therapy lasts from 25 to 40 days. Then a break is taken for two months, after which treatment can be continued.

Interaction of calcium pangamate with other drugs

Vitamin B 15 is highly soluble in water. In the body, it binds to toxic chlorine-containing compounds and removes them from tissues. Pangamic acid, in combination with retinol and tocopherol, is more actively involved in improving metabolism; in combination with vitamin B 12, it normalizes certain biochemical processes inside cells.

Calcium pangamate is recommended to be taken together with aspirin to reduce the harmful effects of the latter on the kidneys and stomach. The drug is also prescribed to cleanse the body in case of poisoning with tetracycline and sulfonamide antibiotics.

Taking vitamin B 15 during pregnancy

The effect of calcium pangamate on the body of pregnant women has not yet been studied. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, so as not to risk the health of the embryo developing in the womb.

It is known that vitamin B 15 is able to penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, taking the medication during lactation is prohibited. Breastfeeding women are recommended to obtain the vitamin from natural sources - food.

Contraindications to the use of calcium pangamate

The drug is usually not harmful to the human body, well tolerated. Active ingredient refers to non-toxic substances. The only contraindication to taking the medication is individual intolerance to pangamic acid or calcium. People with low or high blood pressure, decompensated heart failure, and glaucoma should also take the drug with caution.

Side effects

When taking calcium pangamate side effects usually not observed. If you are sensitive to the components of the drug, the following symptoms may occur:

  • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • excessive sweating;
  • trembling of the upper limbs;
  • loss of strength;
  • darkening of the eyes with sudden body movements.

If the above symptoms occur, you should stop taking the medication immediately. Excess pangamic acid quickly leaves the body, so side effects disappear without therapeutic intervention.

Pangamic acid was first isolated by E.T. Kerbs from apricot kernels in 1951. The name comes from the Greek “pan” - everywhere and “gamy” - seed, because. it is widely represented in plant seeds.

Active research on pangamic acid has been conducted in the Soviet Union, however, most US health authorities believe beneficial properties this substance is unproven.

B15 is a physiologically active water-soluble compound with vitamin-like properties (calorizer). It has not been proven that deficiency of pangamic acid in the human body leads to metabolic disorders, therefore, it is not a vitamin; it is more correct to call it a vitamin-like substance.

In pharmacies it is sold in the form of a calcium salt of pangamic acid - calcium pangamate, which is used as a mineral supplement to food.

Physicochemical properties of vitamin B15

From a chemical point of view, pangamic acid is represented by an ester of gluconic acid and demethylglycine. Chemical formula N, N-dimethylglycine hydrochloride ((CH 3) 2 NCH 2 COOH; ester of D-gluconic and dimethylaminoacetic acids). B15 has a molecular weight of 281. Pangamic acid salts crystallize well.

Destroys in water and when exposed to light.

Daily requirement for vitamin B15

The exact daily human need for pangamic acid has not been established, but it is estimated that for an adult it is 1-2 mg per day.

Daily dose of vitamin B15 (calcium pangamate) for oral administration:

  • Children under 3 years old - 50 mg;
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old - 100 mg;
  • Children from 7 to 14 years old - 150 mg;
  • Adults - 100-300 mg.

Serves as a source of free methyl groups, improves lipid metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels. Participates in oxidative processes, increases the absorption of oxygen by tissues, eliminates hypoxia, accelerates recovery processes, and increases the life span of cells.

Vitamin B15 stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands and liver, protects the liver from cirrhosis. Stimulates protein synthesis, increases the content of creatine phosphates in muscles and glycogen in the liver and muscles (creatine phosphate plays important role in normalizing the functional ability of muscles and in optimizing energy processes generally).

It has anti-inflammatory, antihyaluronidase properties, gives vasodilator and ganglion-blocking effects. Stimulates immune reactions, has detoxifying properties, reduces the need for alcohol and prevents hangovers.

  • various forms of atherosclerosis;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • chronic alcohol intoxication;
  • initial stage of liver cirrhosis;
  • itchy dermatoses;
  • rheumatism;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system (chronic coronary insufficiency).

Vitamin B15 is prescribed for better tolerance of sulfonamides, corticosteroids and anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Harmful properties of vitamin B15

Contraindications for use are glaucoma, severe forms arterial hypertension. In persons old age may cause deterioration of the condition, progression of adynamia, increased headaches, insomnia, irritability, tachycardia, extrasystoles and deterioration of cardiac activity.

Vitamin B15 absorption

Vitamin B15 is well absorbed in food. Its absorption occurs especially fully in the presence of vitamins and. Since most sources of pangamic acid contain these vitamins, additional enrichment of the diet with any special foods is not required.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis: increased fatigue, poor skin condition, irritability, disruption of hormone production (calorizer).

With a lack of pangamic acid in the body, there may be nervous disorders, glandular dysfunction, insufficient oxygen supply to body tissues and diseases of the cardiovascular system (it should be borne in mind that research has been limited).

Excess vitamin B15

Hypervitaminosis occurs mainly in elderly people who have used vitamin B15 too actively.

Symptoms of excess B15: sleep disturbances, headaches, rapid heartbeat, general poor health.

Under natural conditions, as well as with moderate consumption of the vitamin as part of dietary supplements, an excess of the vitamin is impossible.

Interaction of vitamin B15 (Pangamic acid, calcium pangamate) with other substances

Pangamic acid is effective when taken together with and.

With uncontrolled excess use of aspirin, vitamin B15 reduces the occurrence of side effects and protects the stomach and adrenal glands.

Vitamin B15 takes part together with some biochemical reactions occurring in the cells of the human body.

For more information about vitamin B15, watch the video “ Organic chemistry. Vitamin B15"