How does atomic oxygen affect the human body? Atomic oxygen: beneficial properties

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent. When used correctly, it can become a panacea for many, even intractable diseases.

In the human body Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and atomic oxygen, which is facilitated by a special enzyme - catalase.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide, being a powerful oxidizing agent, plays a significant role in the process of cleaning the cells themselves from toxins and waste.

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, tasteless and odorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide is also called perhydrol, hydroperite, hyperon, laperol... H 2 O 2 is an oxygen-containing drug, discovered by the French chemist Tenar L.Zh. in 1818, he called it “oxidized water.” Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic and is widely used throughout the world as an external disinfectant and hemostatic agent.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally (rules):

  • To take hydrogen peroxide orally, you must use a well-purified solution.
  • you should start with small doses, namely 1-2 drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide per 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day, this procedure is repeated 2-3 times. In subsequent days, the dose is increased by adding one drop until a single dose reaches 10 drops.
    The total amount of hydrogen peroxide taken per day should in no case exceed 30 drops.
  • Hydrogen peroxide should only be taken on an empty stomach, since the presence of food in it increases the negative effects of the drug. This means that at least 2-3 hours should pass after the last meal. And after taking the drug you should refrain from eating for at least another 40 minutes.
  • It is advisable to take the drug cyclically. After a 10-day intake, a 3-5 day break is taken. The following cycles can be started with 10 drops, but in no case increase the dose. High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause burns.

It should be noted that the first time you take hydrogen peroxide orally, severe intoxication of the body can occur, and the condition will sharply worsen. This is quite understandable and there is nothing wrong with it. It’s just that hydrogen peroxide is a very active substance and, once it enters the body, it immediately destroys bacteria.

Another not very pleasant, but at the same time good sign of the beneficial effect of hydrogen peroxide on the body can be the appearance of all kinds of skin rashes and inflammations. Through them, toxic substances are removed from the body. This inconvenience will not last long.

Finally, another property of hydrogen peroxide plays a huge role: its ability to oxidize toxic substances - both those entering the body from the outside and waste products of the body itself.

When treating diseases with hydrogen peroxide, the body must receive vitamin C, which significantly increases the strength of the effect of H 2 0 2.

You can cleanse your body before starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide using a plant-based diet.

Sometimes, when taking hydrogen peroxide, other unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, etc.

In these cases, you can reduce the dose, but it is not at all necessary to stop taking peroxide, since the solution is so weak that it is absolutely safe, and there will still be a beneficial effect. With a little patience, the result will be a significant improvement in your health.

And one more piece of advice: before you begin the procedure of ingesting hydrogen peroxide, you should take care of cleansing the body. Otherwise, the effect will be significantly slowed down.

The father of the internal use of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 in Russia was Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who is called the man of the year 2002. He began research on H 2 O 2 back in 1966, working at the closed research institute for medical and biological problems in medical support for space flights.

The main thing is to be careful and avoid overdose. I repeat: 30 drops per day, no more. I also advise you to regularly rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water.

The same solution can be instilled into the nose, 10 drops in each nostril. It is also suitable for external use in the form of compresses, which should be applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours.

So, hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 is needed for additional pumping to atomic oxygen, which the body always lacks, especially with physical inactivity, multi-storey buildings, boiled food and boiled water.

There are no contraindications to taking hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2.

According to some Western sources, doctors do not recommend resorting to treatment with hydrogen peroxide for those people who have any transplanted (transplanted from a donor) organs. Due to the high degree of active influence on redox processes in the body, as well as the general effect on the immune system of the human body, difficulties may arise related to tissue compatibility.

A short list of diseases that can be successfully treated using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Infectious diseases: acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, purulent inflammation of the paranasal and frontal sinuses, pharyngitis (both acute and chronic), purulent (external and middle) otitis;
  • Cardiovascular system: stroke, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • Neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis, stroke, osteochondrosis;
  • Metabolic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiencies of various origins;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases: bronchiectasis, emphysema, lung cancer;
  • Dentistry: stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  • Skin diseases: fungal infections, eczema, cancer.

Toothache can be relieved with hydrogen peroxide, for which you need to dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 1/2 glass of water. This solution should be kept in the mouth for as long as possible, then spit out and repeat the procedure, filling the oral cavity with a new portion of the solution. Repeat several times.

Possible adverse reactions to taking hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes:

  • skin rashes,
  • nausea,
  • drowsiness,
  • unusual fatigue
  • symptoms similar to colds (runny nose, cough),
  • less often - diarrhea.

Peroxide intravenously:

Atomic oxygen, which is formed during the decomposition of H 2 O 2, is destructive for any pathogenic organisms. Therefore, after the first intravenous injections, an increase in temperature of up to 40 degrees may be observed. This is due to the intoxication of the body by dead microbes. That is why, when first introducing H2O2, you need to be careful and administer it in small portions. Let me explain what this means. Having mixed 20 cubes of saline solution with 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide, take 1/3 of this amount for the first injection, half for the second, and 3/4 for the third.

American doctor Farr makes the following discovery in 1998: better oxygen saturation of tissues occurs by introducing into the blood... hydrogen peroxide! When administered intravenously, H 2 O 2 causes an increase in the rate of metabolic processes by 2 - 3 times!

Without exception, all Western authors and, first of all, the already named leaders of peroxide therapy, C. Farr and W. Douglas, take a firm position: intravenous hydrogen peroxide can only be used for treatment purposes by a doctor and at the same time, one who is well acquainted with the mechanism of its action, as well as those recommendations on the percentage of the solution and the features of administration, which are confirmed in practice. Professor Neumyvakin never ceases to repeat the same thing.

Books about peroxide treatment

Attention! There are also books on sale about treatment with peroxide, I publish links, including Neumyvakin’s book. All of them are very inexpensive.

"Hydrogen peroxide: guarding your health"

"Hydrogen peroxide is a miracle of healing. Home treatment"

It was used to heal broken knees and abrasions on the elbows. But the healing properties of peroxide are much broader. Thanks to her, they get healthier:

Heart and blood vessels;
- Digestive organs;
- Joints and spine;
- Respiratory system;
- Leather.

"Hydrogen peroxide. New application possibilities"

This very inexpensive medicinal and hygienic product is distinguished by the variety of areas in which it can be used: to preserve the freshness of food, as a bactericidal component in toothpastes, or to disinfect furniture and other items.

Detailed information on the use of hydrogen peroxide for rheumatic diseases and cancer, as well as numerous recipes for external use, are collected in this practical reference book.

And he writes about taking it orally in his books and talks about it at lectures by I.P. Neumyvakin. W. Douglas also wrote about this in his book “The Healing Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide.”

The books say that many studies have been conducted that disprove that hydrogen peroxide is dangerous and harmful to the body.

Moreover, it has been proven that using hydrogen peroxide can get rid of many diseases. The only contraindication is intolerance to peroxide; in other other cases, according to Neumyvakin and other researchers in this area, hydrogen peroxide can be used orally, administered intravenously and enemas.

This is one of those cases when I cannot refute or not accept this version, since it is the case. But it’s also not yet possible to accept it completely, most likely until I see a real specific person to whom this would be given. treatment method helped. So if anyone has tried and personally experienced treatment with hydrogen peroxide, please share your experience.

Today I just want to tell the version of I.P. Neumyvakin, who with one hundred percent guarantee and confidence speaks about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide and that official medicine is simply unprofitable for such a cheap and effective method of treating many diseases (however, as well as treatment, for example , because in fact, you can completely heal your body with herbs, it just requires knowledge and proper use). Many researchers claim that hydrogen peroxide treatment is cheap, safe and very effective.

How does hydrogen peroxide affect the body?

When it enters the bloodstream, it interacts with catalase in plasma and white blood cells. Next, hydrogen peroxide penetrates the cell membrane of red blood cells, entering into a chemical reaction with red blood cell catalase. And at this stage, oxygen is released, which begins to fight the infection. In addition, peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, as a result of which the toxic waste products of bacteria are oxidized and removed from the body.

Hydrogen peroxide can cure many bacterial and viral diseases, even those that are difficult to treat and, most often, become chronic with periodic exacerbations (herpes, candidiasis). By purifying the blood, healing from skin diseases and various etiologies occurs.

How to take hydrogen peroxide

In special clinics that practice treatment with hydrogen peroxide, it is administered intravenously. At home, hydrogen peroxide is taken orally, starting from one drop three times a day, increasing the number of drops to ten every day. More than thirty drops per day should not be taken. You should take 10 drops diluted in 30 ml of purified, boiled or distilled water (not tap water) three times a day, half an hour before or two hours after meals. Hydrogen peroxide cannot be taken with food, as it is only taken empty. When treating with hydrogen peroxide, it is additionally recommended to take vitamin C.

Initially, when you start taking it with one drop and increase it to ten drops, the moment you reach ten drops, you should take a break for 3-5 days, and then start taking it again immediately with ten drops. And it is very important to remember that taking hydrogen peroxide should be strictly on an empty stomach! That is, in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunch 30-40 minutes before meals and at night two hours after dinner.

After the first two or three doses, your health may worsen, as peroxide will begin to kill bacteria, and their remains can cause intoxication of the body (Herxheimer reaction). These may include skin rashes, diarrhea, feeling tired and nausea.

Hydrogen peroxide can also help clean up your mouth. For oral health, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of 3% peroxide, slightly diluted with water, and for healthy, white and beautiful teeth, you need to brush them with peroxide mixed with baking soda. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is also quite popular, and many dentists approve of this method of whitening.

Proponents and researchers of hydrogen peroxide treatment provide a huge list of diseases that peroxide helps cure. I won’t list them all, since the list is really long. The most important thing is that hydrogen peroxide saturates cells with oxygen, cleanses the blood and fights infections and bacteria.

If used correctly, I think you can get good results. However, this must be done after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. I would like to hear your opinion on this issue.

Be healthy!

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From the book of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. "Hydrogen peroxide. Myths and reality"

It has now been proven that due to gas pollution and smoke in the air, especially in our cities, including due to unreasonable human behavior (smoking, etc.), there is almost 20% less oxygen in the atmosphere, which is a real danger, standing up in front of humanity. Why does lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, and depression occur? Yes, because the body does not receive enough oxygen. That is why oxygen cocktails are currently becoming increasingly popular, as if to make up for this deficiency. However, this does not give anything other than a temporary effect. What can a person do?

Oxygen is an oxidizing agent for burning substances entering the body. What happens in the body, in particular in the lungs, during the exchange of gases? Blood passing through the lungs is saturated with oxygen. In this case, a complex formation - hemoglobin - turns into oxyhemoglobin, which, together with nutrients, is distributed throughout the body. The blood turns bright red. Having absorbed all the waste products of metabolism, the blood already resembles wastewater. In the lungs, in the presence of a large amount of oxygen, decay products are burned, and excess carbon dioxide is removed.
When the body is clogged with various lung diseases, smoking, etc. (in which, instead of oxyhemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin is formed, which actually blocks the entire respiratory process), the blood is not only not cleansed and not supplied with the necessary oxygen, but also returns in this form to the tissues, and so suffocating from lack of oxygen. The circle closes, and where the system breaks down is a matter of chance.

On the other side, the closer to Nature food (vegetable), subjected to only minor heat treatment, the more oxygen it contains, released during biochemical reactions. Eating well does not mean overeating and throwing all your food into a pile. In fried, canned foods there is no oxygen at all; such a product becomes “dead”, and therefore even more oxygen is required for its processing. But this is only one side of the problem. The work of our body begins with its structural unit - the cell, where there is everything necessary for life: processing and consumption of products, converting substances into energy, releasing waste substances.
Since cells almost always lack oxygen, a person begins to breathe deeply, but excess atmospheric oxygen is not a good thing, but the cause of the formation of the same free radicals. Cell atoms, excited by a lack of oxygen, enter into biochemical reactions with free molecular oxygen and contribute to the formation of free radicals.
Free radicals are always present in the body, and their role is to eat pathological cells, but since they are very voracious, as their number increases, they begin to eat healthy ones. When breathing deeply, there is more oxygen in the body than necessary, and by squeezing carbon dioxide out of the blood, it not only upsets the balance towards its decrease, which leads to vasospasm - the basis of any disease, but also the formation of even more free radicals, in turn turn to aggravate the condition of the body. It should be borne in mind the fact that there are a lot of free radicals in inhaled tobacco smoke, and almost none in exhaled smoke. Where did they go? Is this not one of the reasons for the artificial aging of the body?

It is for this purpose that there is another system in the body associated with oxygen - this hydrogen peroxide, formed by cells of the immune system, which, when decomposed, releases atomic oxygen and water.
Atomic oxygen It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that eliminates oxygen starvation of tissues, but also, no less important, destroys any pathogenic microflora (viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.), as well as excess free radicals.
Carbon dioxide is the second most important regulator and substrate of life after oxygen. Carbon dioxide stimulates respiration, promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the brain, heart, muscles and other organs, participates in maintaining the necessary acidity of the blood, affects the intensity of gas exchange itself, and increases the reserve capabilities of the body and immune system.

At first glance it seems that we are breathing correctly, but this is not so. In fact, our mechanism of oxygen supply to cells is deregulated due to a violation of the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the cellular level. The fact is that, according to Verigo’s law, when there is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body, oxygen and hemoglobin form a strong bond, which prevents the release of oxygen to the tissues.

It is known that only 25% of oxygen enters the cells, and the rest returns back to the lungs through the veins. Why is this happening? The problem is carbon dioxide, which is formed in the body in huge quantities (0.4-4 liters per minute) as one of the end products of oxidation (along with water) of nutrients. Moreover, the more physical activity a person experiences, the more carbon dioxide is produced. Against the background of relative immobility and constant stress, metabolism slows down, which causes a decrease in carbon dioxide production. The magic of carbon dioxide is that, at a constant physiological concentration in cells, it promotes the expansion of capillaries, while more oxygen enters the intercellular space and then diffuses into the cells. You should draw your attention to the fact that each cell has its own genetic code, which describes the entire program of its activities and operational functions. And if the cell is created with normal conditions for the supply of oxygen, water, and nutrition, then it will work within the time prescribed by Nature. The trick is that you need to breathe less often and shallowly and make more delays when exhaling, thereby helping to maintain the amount of carbon dioxide in cells at a physiological level, relieving spasm from the capillaries and normalizing metabolic processes in tissues. We must remember this important circumstance: the more oxygen enters the body, into the blood, the worse it is for the latter due to the danger of the formation of peroxide compounds. Nature came up with a good idea by giving us excess oxygen, but we must handle it carefully, because excess oxygen means an increase in the number of free radicals.

For example, the lungs should contain the same amount of oxygen as is found at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. This is the optimal value, exceeding which leads to pathology. Why, for example, do mountain people live long? Of course, organic food, a measured lifestyle, constant work in the fresh air, clean fresh water - all this is important. But the main thing is that at an altitude of up to 3 km above sea level, where mountain villages are located, the percentage of oxygen in the air is relatively reduced. So, it is precisely with moderate hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that the body begins to use it sparingly, the cells are in standby mode and make do with a strict limit at normal carbon dioxide concentrations. It has long been noticed that staying in the mountains significantly improves the condition of patients, especially those with pulmonary diseases.

Currently, most researchers believe that with any disease, disturbances in tissue respiration occur, primarily due to the depth and frequency of inhalations and excess partial pressure of incoming oxygen, which reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide. As a result of this process, a powerful internal lock is activated, a spasm occurs, which is only relieved for a short time by antispasmodics. What is really effective in this case is simply holding your breath, which will reduce the supply of oxygen, and thereby reduce the leaching of carbon dioxide, with an increase in the concentration of which to a normal level, the spasm will be relieved and the redox process will be restored. In each diseased organ, as a rule, paresis of the nerve fiber and vasospasm are found, that is, diseases without disruption of the blood supply do not exist. This is where self-poisoning of the cell begins due to insufficient supply of oxygen, nutrients and small outflow of metabolic products, or, in other words, any disruption of the capillaries - the root cause of many diseases. This is why the normal ratio of the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide plays such an important role: with a decrease in the depth and frequency of breathing, the amount of carbon dioxide in the body is normalized, thereby removing spasm from the blood vessels, the cells are relaxed and begin to work, the amount of food consumed is reduced, as the process of its processing improves. cellular level.

The role of hydrogen peroxide in the body

I will cite one letter from the numerous mail.
Dear Ivan Pavlovich!
You are being disturbed from the regional clinical hospital in N. One of our patients suffers from poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of stage IV. He was hospitalized at the Moscow Oncology Center, where appropriate treatment was carried out and from where he was discharged with a life expectancy of one month, which was told to his relatives. In our clinic, the patient received two courses of endolymphatic administration of fluorouracil and rondoleukin. In the complex of this treatment, we have introduced the method recommended by you: intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 0.003% in combination with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood. Hydrogen peroxide was administered in the amount of 200.0 physiological solution daily No. 10 and blood irradiation was carried out using the Isolda device, since we do not have the Helios-1 device you developed. 11 months have passed since our treatment, the patient is alive and working. We were surprised and interested by this case. Unfortunately, we have come across publications about the use of hydrogen peroxide in oncology, but only in popular literature and in your interview articles in the Healthy Lifestyle newspaper. If possible, could you provide more detailed information about the use of hydrogen peroxide. Are there any medical articles on this topic?

Dear Colleagues! I must disappoint you: official medicine does everything not to see or hear that there are some alternative methods and means of treatment, including for cancer patients. After all, then we would have to abandon many legalized, but not just unpromising, but also harmful methods of treatment, which in the case of oncology are, for example, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

It should be noted that three quarters of the cells of the immune system are located in the gastrointestinal tract, and one quarter is in the subcutaneous tissue, where the lymphatic system is located. Many of you know that the cell is supplied with blood, where nutrition comes from the intestinal system - this complex mechanism for processing and synthesizing substances necessary for the body, as well as removing waste. But few people know: if the intestines are contaminated (which happens in almost all patients, and not only), then the blood is contaminated, and therefore the cells of the whole body. At the same time, the cells of the immune system, “suffocating” in this polluted environment, not only cannot rid the body of under-oxidized toxic products, but also produce the required amount of hydrogen peroxide to protect against pathogenic microflora.

So what happens in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), on which our entire life depends in the full sense of the word? In order to generally check how the gastrointestinal tract works, there is a simple test:
accept 1-2 cm. spoons of beet juice (let it sit for 1.5-2 hours beforehand; if after this the urine turns a brown color, this means that your intestines and liver have stopped performing their detoxification functions, and breakdown products - toxins - enter the blood, kidneys, poisoning the body as a whole.

My more than twenty-five years of experience in folk healing allows me to conclude that the body is a perfect self-regulating energy information system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the safety margin is always greater than any damaging factor. The fundamental cause of almost all diseases is a disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because this is a complex “production” of crushing, processing, synthesis, absorption of substances necessary for the body and removal of metabolic products. And in each of its workshops (mouth, stomach, etc.) the process of food processing must be completed.
So, let's summarize.

The gastrointestinal tract is the location of:

3/4 of all elements of the immune system, responsible for “restoring order” in the body;
more than 20 own hormones, on which the functioning of the entire hormonal system depends;
the abdominal “brain”, which regulates all the complex work of the gastrointestinal tract and the relationship with the brain;
more than 500 types of microbes that process, synthesize biologically active substances and destroy harmful ones.
Thus, the gastrointestinal tract is a kind of root system, on the functional state of which any process occurring in the body depends.

The slagging of the body is:

Canned, refined, fried foods, smoked foods, sweets, the processing of which requires a lot of oxygen, which is why the body constantly experiences oxygen starvation (for example, cancer tumors develop only in an oxygen-free environment);
poorly chewed food, diluted during or after eating with any liquid (the first course is food); a decrease in the concentration of digestive juices of the stomach, liver, and pancreas does not allow them to digest food completely, as a result of which it first rots, becomes acidic, and then becomes alkalized, which is also the cause of diseases.
Gastrointestinal dysfunction is:
weakening of the immune, hormonal, enzymatic systems;
replacement of normal microflora with pathological ones (dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, etc.);
changes in electrolyte balance (vitamins, micro- and macroelements), which leads to disruption of metabolic processes (arthritis, osteochondrosis) and blood circulation (atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, etc.);
displacement and compression of all organs of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic areas, which leads to disruption of their functioning;
congestion in any part of the large intestine, which leads to pathological processes in the organ projected on it.

Without normalizing the diet, without cleansing the body of toxins, especially the large intestine and liver, it is impossible to cure any disease.
Thanks to cleansing the body of toxins and subsequent reasonable attitude towards our health, we bring all organs into resonance with the frequency laid down by Nature. This restores the endoecological state, or, in other words, the disturbed balance in energy-informational connections both within the body and with the external environment. There is no other way.

Now let's talk directly about this amazing feature of the immune system, embedded in our body, as one of the most powerful means of combating various pathogenic environments, the nature of which does not matter - about the formation of cells of the immune system, leukocytes and granulocytes (a type of the same leukocytes), hydrogen peroxide.
In the body, hydrogen peroxide is formed by these cells from water and oxygen:
When decomposing, hydrogen peroxide forms water and atomic oxygen:
However, at the first stage of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, atomic oxygen is released, which is the “impact” element of oxygen in all biochemical and energy processes.

It is atomic oxygen that determines all the necessary vital parameters of the body, or rather, supports the immune system at the level of complex control of all processes to create the proper physiological regime in the body, which makes it healthy. When this mechanism fails (with a lack of oxygen, and, as you already know, there is always a lack of it), especially with a lack of allotropic (other types, in particular, the same hydrogen peroxide) oxygen, various diseases arise, including the death of the body. In such cases, hydrogen peroxide is a good help for restoring the balance of active oxygen and stimulating oxidative processes and its own release - this is a miraculous remedy invented by Nature as a defense for the body, even when we are not giving it something or simply do not think about how it is inside There is a very complex mechanism at work that ensures our existence.

Modern medicine has reached a dead end. Synthetic drugs that appear on the pharmaceutical market like mushrooms do not cure diseases and are more likely to cripple than to cure, and their cost is getting higher and higher. Cancer and AIDS continue to take human lives into the world. New incurable diseases are emerging.
And so medical scientists, aimed at treating people, and not at making a profit from their diseases, remembered the discovery of hydrogen peroxide 200 years ago. It has long been established that many diseases begin when body tissues experience oxygen starvation. For example, cancer tumors develop only in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment. If you saturate the tissues with oxygen, then the healing process begins more actively.
It was this idea that formed the basis of the so-called oxygenation - saturation of body tissues with oxygen in order to treat a number of diseases. This method, by the way, is very popular in the West, but is extremely expensive: its implementation requires a system of pressure chambers with adjustable pressure. So Dr. Farr almost undermined this business with his discovery. However, it was made a long time ago and not by Farr at all - he only once again conducted clinical trials that confirmed that the best oxygen saturation of tissues occurs by introducing... hydrogen peroxide into the human blood. Absurd? Nonsense? Not at all.
It has been scientifically proven that H 2 O 2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the body interacts directly with blood proteins, thereby releasing active oxygen, which is carried along with the blood, saturating the heart muscle and those tissues that it directly approaches.
Based on a large number of laboratory and clinical studies, it was found that with the help of intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide one can successfully combat cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, influenza, lichen, herpes zoster, systemic fungal diseases, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tumor processes, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, migraine, allergies.
It turns out that hydrogen peroxide can be used not only externally, but also internally through the mouth to treat many diseases. Hydrogen peroxide treatment is something new from a well-forgotten old one. But not everything old is useless.
The concept of intravenous administration of H 2 O 2 was formed at the beginning of the last century. In 1916, British doctors Turncliffe and Stebbing administered peroxide intravenously to a human for the first time. The conclusion they reached left no room for doubt: intravenous peroxide, if performed correctly, can be used clinically with significant benefit to the patient. But there was also evidence that in some cases the use of hydrogen peroxide not only did not cure the disease, but also led to a worsening of the situation. What is peroxide: medicine or poison?
Unfortunately, the brave researchers fell victim to the “tomato syndrome.” “Tomato syndrome” is the belief that tomatoes are poisonous, which was shared in the 18th century. most doctors and ordinary people. Likewise, today “everyone knows” that hydrogen peroxide cannot be used internally. If this were not so, we would certainly have heard about it from the lips of representatives of official medicine. However, they remain silent, occasionally breaking to criticize this method of treatment. Thus, the experiment of Turncliffe and Stebbing was not “clean” enough precisely because of the belief that an error had crept into their research. After all, it is absolutely known that peroxide is poisonous when taken orally. Here we must also take into account purely material interests: peroxide is very cheap, and its widespread use would ruin many pharmaceutical companies, whose influence in America in 1916, and even now, is very great.
In the United States, the first reports of the use of hydrogen peroxide date back to 1888, when Dr. Cortelyou used it to treat diseases of the throat and nose. He treated one patient with diphtheria (in those days it was a fatal disease), which was covered with diphtheria films, with peroxide, and he recovered within a day.
From 1811 to 1935 Many other attempts have been recorded to study the effects of hydrogen peroxide on the body, but interest in such studies disappeared due to rapid progress in drug production in the 1940s.
For the first time, the French doctor Nisten looked at hydrogen peroxide with different eyes. Back in 1811, to treat animals, he injected them intravenously with H 2 O 2. And more recently, specialists from the Scripps Institute (USA) announced the discovery that blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide, which in turn kills the cells of pathogenic microorganisms. In their opinion, this discovery allows for the development of new medicines against all kinds of diseases - from influenza to cancer.
Professor Neumyvakin, working at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the USSR Ministry of Defense, since 1959, for 30 years, was responsible for the health safety of cosmonauts during space flight. His first dissertation was on the function of respiration during space flight, and it was then that he turned his attention to hydrogen peroxide. What connection?

As you know, a person breathes molecular oxygen, and, as the scientist explains, in the body, as a result of chemical reactions, molecular oxygen is converted into an atomic form. It is atomic oxygen that is the strongest antioxidant.
All diseases and ailments, says Professor Neumyvakin, come from poor nutrition and problems in the gastrointestinal tract. If we wash down food with water or juices, then with this liquid we dilute the digestive juices of the stomach, liver, and pancreas. Their concentration becomes insufficient to process food, and the body is given a signal to produce additional digestive juices. This is where heartburn, ulcers, and heaviness in the stomach appear. Stomach acid must be completely neutralized by alkaline juices, but if this ratio is violated, the acid passes into the duodenum along with the liquid, causing constipation, rotting of semi-digested food, the proliferation of many pathogenic microbes and the occurrence of a variety of diseases, including cancer. In order to digest putrefactive products well, atomic oxygen is needed. And with poor nutrition and the current state of the environment, we don’t have enough of it.
However, in our body there is a second line of production of atomic oxygen. Cells of the immune system - leukocytes and histiocides, have been proven to produce nothing more than hydrogen peroxide, which in turn decomposes into water and atomic oxygen so necessary for the body.
The immune system is our law enforcement agencies, says the scientist, it is engaged in the fact that with the help of atomic oxygen it kills what has “badly entered” the body. But it is this form of oxygen that is often lacking here. In addition, the more unbalanced a person is, and the more often he experiences stress and irritation, the faster atomic oxygen is burned, leaving the body practically unprotected.
How can you make up for its deficiency? It turns out that it is very simple - with the help of hydrogen peroxide, a source of atomic oxygen, both for prevention and treatment (but this can only be done under the supervision of a doctor).
As Professor Neumyvakin says, Dr. Far from the USA has been successfully treating a terrible disease - leukemia - exclusively with hydrogen peroxide, which is administered intravenously, for several years. And a Russian patient of the oncology center with a diagnosis of “poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma of the 4th stage”, who, according to the prognosis, had about a month to live, with the help of treatment in our country according to a certain method, including the use of H 2 O 2 orally, began to work after 11 months, and his stomach problems were forgotten. And this is far from the only example.

Imagine a priceless painting that was ruined by a devastating fire. Beautiful colors, painstakingly applied in many shades, were hidden under layers of black soot. It would seem that the masterpiece is irretrievably lost.

Scientific magic

But don't despair. The painting is placed in a vacuum chamber, inside which an invisible, powerful substance called atomic oxygen is created. Over the course of a few hours or days, the plaque slowly but surely goes away and the colors begin to reappear. With a fresh coat of clear varnish, the painting is restored to its former glory.

It may seem like magic, but it's science. The method, developed by scientists at NASA's Glenn Research Center (GRC), uses atomic oxygen to preserve and restore works of art that would otherwise be irreparably damaged. The substance is also capable of completely sterilizing surgical implants intended for the human body, which significantly reduces the risk of inflammation. For patients with diabetes, it could improve the glucose monitoring device, which would require only a fraction of the blood previously needed for testing so patients could monitor their condition. The substance can texture the surface of polymers for better adhesion of bone cells, which opens up new possibilities in medicine.

And this powerful substance can be obtained directly from the air.

Atomic and molecular oxygen

Oxygen exists in several different forms. The gas we inhale is called O 2, that is, it consists of two atoms. There is also an atomic one - O (one atom). The third form of this chemical element is O3. This is ozone, which, for example, is found in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

Atomic oxygen cannot exist under natural conditions on the Earth’s surface for a long time. It has extremely high reactivity. For example, atomic oxygen in water forms But in space, where there is a large amount of ultraviolet radiation, O 2 molecules break down more easily to form the atomic form. The atmosphere in low Earth orbit is 96% atomic oxygen. In the early days of NASA's space shuttle missions, its presence caused problems.

Harm for good

According to Bruce Banks, Alphaport's senior space environmental physicist at the Glenn Center, after the shuttle's first few flights, its structural materials looked as if they were covered in frost (they were heavily eroded and textured). Atomic oxygen reacts with organic materials covering spacecraft, gradually damaging them.

The State Inspectorate began investigating the causes of the damage. As a result, not only have researchers created methods to protect spacecraft from atomic oxygen, they have also found a way to harness the chemical element's potential destructive power to improve life on Earth.

Erosion in space

When a spacecraft is in low-Earth orbit (where crews are launched and where the ISS is based), atomic oxygen generated from the residual atmosphere can react with the surface of the spacecraft, causing them to be damaged. When developing the power supply system for the station, there were concerns that solar cell batteries made of polymers would undergo rapid destruction due to the action of this active oxidizer.

Flexible glass

NASA has found a solution. A team of scientists from the Glenn Research Center developed a thin-film coating for solar cells that was impervious to the action of the corrosive element. Silicon dioxide, or glass, is already oxidized, so it cannot be damaged by atomic oxygen. The researchers created a coating of transparent silicon glass so thin that it became flexible. This protective layer adheres tightly to the panel's polymer and protects it from erosion without compromising any of its thermal properties. The coating still successfully protects the solar panels of the International Space Station, and was also used to protect the solar cells of the Mir station.

According to Banks, the solar panels have successfully withstood more than a decade in space.

Taming the Power

After conducting hundreds of tests as part of the development of a coating resistant to atomic oxygen, a team of scientists at the Glenn Research Center has gained experience in understanding how this chemical works. Experts saw other possibilities for using the aggressive element.

According to Banks, the team became aware of changes in surface chemistry and erosion of organic materials. The properties of atomic oxygen are such that it is able to remove any organic matter, hydrocarbon, which does not react so easily with conventional chemicals.

Researchers have discovered many ways to use it. They learned that atomic oxygen turns the surfaces of silicones into glass, which could be useful in creating components that seal tightly without them sticking to each other. This process was developed to seal the International Space Station. In addition, scientists have discovered that atomic oxygen can repair and preserve damaged works of art, improve materials in aircraft structures, and also benefit humans through a variety of biomedical applications.

Cameras and handheld devices

There are various ways to expose a surface to atomic oxygen. Vacuum chambers are most often used. They range in size from a shoebox to a 1.2 x 1.8 x 0.9 m unit. Using microwave or radio frequency radiation, O 2 molecules are broken down into atomic oxygen. A polymer sample is placed in the chamber, the level of erosion of which indicates the concentration of the active substance inside the installation.

Another method of applying the substance is a portable device that allows you to direct a narrow stream of oxidizer to a specific target. It is possible to create a battery of such flows capable of covering a large area of ​​the surface being processed.

As further research is conducted, more and more industries are showing interest in using atomic oxygen. NASA has formed many partnerships, joint ventures, and subsidiaries, which in most cases have become successful in various commercial areas.

Atomic oxygen for the body

Research into the areas of application of this chemical element is not limited to outer space. Atomic oxygen, whose beneficial properties have been identified but much more remains to be studied, has many medical applications.

It is used to texturize the surface of polymers and make them able to fuse with bone. Polymers usually repel bone cells, but the chemically active element creates a texture that enhances adhesion. This determines another benefit that atomic oxygen brings - the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

This oxidizing agent can also be used to remove biologically active contaminants from surgical implants. Even with modern sterilization practices, it can be difficult to remove all bacterial cell debris, called endotoxins, from the surface of implants. These substances are organic, but not living, so sterilization cannot remove them. Endotoxins can cause post-implant inflammation, which is one of the main causes of pain and potential complications in patients with an implant.

Atomic oxygen, whose beneficial properties allow you to clean the prosthesis and remove all traces of organic materials, significantly reduces the risk of postoperative inflammation. This leads to improved surgical results and reduced pain for patients.

Relief for Diabetes Patients

The technology is also used in glucose sensors and other life science monitors. They use acrylic optical fibers textured with atomic oxygen. This treatment allows the fibers to filter out red blood cells, allowing the blood serum to more effectively contact the chemical sensing component of the monitor.

This makes the test more accurate while requiring a much smaller volume of blood to measure the person being tested's blood sugar level, according to Sharon Miller, an electrical engineer in the Space Environment and Experimentation Division at NASA's Glenn Research Center. You can give an injection to almost any part of the body and obtain enough blood to establish your sugar level.

Another way to obtain atomic oxygen is hydrogen peroxide. It is a much stronger oxidizing agent than molecular. This is explained by the ease with which peroxide decomposes. The atomic oxygen formed in this case acts much more energetically than molecular oxygen. This determines the practical destruction of molecules of dyes and microorganisms.


When works of art are at risk of irreversible damage, atomic oxygen can be used to remove organic contaminants, leaving the painting's material intact. The process removes all organic materials, such as carbon or soot, but generally does not affect the paint. Pigments are mostly inorganic in origin and are already oxidized, meaning oxygen will not damage them. can also be preserved by careful timing of exposure. The canvas is completely safe, since atomic oxygen is in contact only with the surface of the painting.

Works of art are placed in a vacuum chamber in which this oxidizing agent is formed. Depending on the degree of damage, the painting can remain there for 20 to 400 hours. For special treatment of a damaged area in need of restoration, a flow of atomic oxygen can also be used. This eliminates the need to place artwork in a vacuum chamber.

Soot and lipstick are not a problem

Museums, galleries and churches began turning to the GIZ to preserve and restore their works of art. The research center has demonstrated the ability to restore a damaged Jackson Pollack painting, remove lipstick from a canvas, and preserve smoke-damaged canvases at St. Stanislaus Church in Cleveland. A team at the Glenn Research Center used atomic oxygen to restore a fragment thought to be lost - a centuries-old Italian copy of Raphael's Madonna of the Armchair, owned by St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Cleveland.

According to Banks, this chemical element is very effective. It works great in artistic restoration. True, this is not something that can be purchased in a bottle, but it is much more effective.

Exploring the future

NASA has worked on a reimbursable basis with many parties interested in atomic oxygen. The Glenn Research Center served individuals whose priceless works of art had been damaged in house fires, as well as corporations looking to use the substance in biomedical applications, such as Eden Prairie-based LightPointe Medical. The company has discovered many uses for atomic oxygen and is looking to find more. more.

According to Banks, there are many unexplored areas left. A significant number of applications for space technology have been discovered, but many more are likely to lurk outside of space technology.

Space at the service of man

A group of scientists hopes to continue studying ways to use atomic oxygen, as well as promising directions that have already been found. Many technologies have been patented, and the GIC team hopes that companies will license and commercialize some of them, bringing even more benefits to humanity.

Under certain conditions, atomic oxygen can cause damage. Thanks to NASA researchers, this substance is now making a positive contribution to life on Earth. Whether it's preserving priceless works of art or healing people, atomic oxygen is a powerful tool. Working with him is rewarded handsomely, and its results become visible immediately.

From the book of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. "Hydrogen peroxide. Myths and reality"

It has now been proven that due to gas pollution and smoke in the air, especially in our cities, including due to unreasonable human behavior (smoking, etc.), there is almost 20% less oxygen in the atmosphere, which is a real danger, standing up in front of humanity. Why does lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, and depression occur? Yes, because the body does not receive enough oxygen. That is why oxygen cocktails are currently becoming increasingly popular, as if to make up for this deficiency. However, this does not give anything other than a temporary effect. What can a person do?

Oxygen is an oxidizing agent for burning substances entering the body. What happens in the body, in particular in the lungs, during the exchange of gases? Blood passing through the lungs is saturated with oxygen. In this case, a complex formation - hemoglobin - turns into oxyhemoglobin, which, together with nutrients, is distributed throughout the body. The blood turns bright red. Having absorbed all the waste products of metabolism, the blood already resembles wastewater. In the lungs, in the presence of a large amount of oxygen, decay products are burned, and excess carbon dioxide is removed.
When the body is clogged with various lung diseases, smoking, etc. (in which, instead of oxyhemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin is formed, which actually blocks the entire respiratory process), the blood is not only not cleansed and not supplied with the necessary oxygen, but also returns in this form to the tissues, and so suffocating from lack of oxygen. The circle closes, and where the system breaks down is a matter of chance.

On the other side, the closer to Nature food (vegetable), subjected to only minor heat treatment, the more oxygen it contains, released during biochemical reactions. Eating well does not mean overeating and throwing all your food into a pile. In fried, canned foods there is no oxygen at all; such a product becomes “dead”, and therefore even more oxygen is required for its processing. But this is only one side of the problem. The work of our body begins with its structural unit - the cell, which contains everything necessary for life: processing and consuming products, converting substances into energy, releasing waste substances.
Since cells almost always lack oxygen, a person begins to breathe deeply, but excess atmospheric oxygen is not a good thing, but the cause of the formation of the same free radicals. Cell atoms, excited by a lack of oxygen, enter into biochemical reactions with free molecular oxygen and contribute to the formation of free radicals.
Free radicals are always present in the body, and their role is to eat pathological cells, but since they are very voracious, as their number increases, they begin to eat healthy ones. When breathing deeply, there is more oxygen in the body than necessary, and by squeezing carbon dioxide out of the blood, it not only upsets the balance towards its decrease, which leads to vasospasm - the basis of any disease, but also the formation of even more free radicals, in turn turn to aggravate the condition of the body. You should keep in mind the fact that there are a lot of free radicals in inhaled tobacco smoke, and almost none in exhaled smoke. Where did they go? Is this not one of the reasons for the artificial aging of the body?

It is for this purpose that there is another oxygen-related system in the body - this hydrogen peroxide, formed by cells of the immune system, which, when decomposed, releases atomic oxygen and water.
Atomic oxygen It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that eliminates oxygen starvation of tissues, but also, no less important, destroys any pathogenic microflora (viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.), as well as excess free radicals.
Carbon dioxide is the second most important regulator and substrate of life after oxygen. Carbon dioxide stimulates respiration, promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the brain, heart, muscles and other organs, participates in maintaining the necessary acidity of the blood, affects the intensity of gas exchange itself, and increases the reserve capabilities of the body and immune system.

At first glance it seems that we are breathing correctly, but this is not so. In fact, our mechanism of oxygen supply to cells is deregulated due to a violation of the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the cellular level. The fact is that, according to Verigo’s law, when there is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body, oxygen and hemoglobin form a strong bond, which prevents the release of oxygen to the tissues.

It is known that only 25% of oxygen enters the cells, and the rest returns back to the lungs through the veins. Why is this happening? The problem is carbon dioxide, which is formed in the body in huge quantities (0.4-4 liters per minute) as one of the end products of oxidation (along with water) of nutrients. Moreover, the more physical activity a person experiences, the more carbon dioxide is produced. Against the background of relative immobility and constant stress, metabolism slows down, which causes a decrease in carbon dioxide production. The magic of carbon dioxide is that, at a constant physiological concentration in cells, it promotes the expansion of capillaries, while more oxygen enters the intercellular space and then diffuses into the cells. You should draw your attention to the fact that each cell has its own genetic code, which describes the entire program of its activities and operational functions. And if the cell is created with normal conditions for the supply of oxygen, water, and nutrition, then it will work within the time prescribed by Nature. The trick is that you need to breathe less often and shallowly and make more delays when exhaling, thereby helping to maintain the amount of carbon dioxide in cells at a physiological level, relieving spasm from the capillaries and normalizing metabolic processes in tissues. We must remember this important circumstance: the more oxygen enters the body, into the blood, the worse it is for the latter due to the danger of the formation of peroxide compounds. Nature came up with a good idea by giving us excess oxygen, but we must handle it carefully, because excess oxygen means an increase in the number of free radicals.

For example, the lungs should contain the same amount of oxygen as is found at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. This is the optimal value, exceeding which leads to pathology. Why, for example, do mountain people live long? Of course, organic food, a measured lifestyle, constant work in the fresh air, clean fresh water - all this is important. But the main thing is that at an altitude of up to 3 km above sea level, where mountain villages are located, the percentage of oxygen in the air is relatively reduced. So, it is precisely with moderate hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that the body begins to use it sparingly, the cells are in standby mode and make do with a strict limit at normal carbon dioxide concentrations. It has long been noticed that staying in the mountains significantly improves the condition of patients, especially those with pulmonary diseases.

Currently, most researchers believe that with any disease, disturbances in tissue respiration occur, primarily due to the depth and frequency of inhalations and excess partial pressure of incoming oxygen, which reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide. As a result of this process, a powerful internal lock is activated, a spasm occurs, which is only relieved for a short time by antispasmodics. What is really effective in this case is simply holding your breath, which will reduce the supply of oxygen, and thereby reduce the leaching of carbon dioxide, with an increase in the concentration of which to a normal level, the spasm will be relieved and the redox process will be restored. In each diseased organ, as a rule, paresis of the nerve fiber and vasospasm are found, that is, diseases without disruption of the blood supply do not exist. This begins the self-poisoning of the cell due to insufficient supply of oxygen, nutrients and small outflow of metabolic products, or, in other words, any disruption of the capillaries - the root cause of many diseases. This is why the normal ratio of the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide plays such an important role: with a decrease in the depth and frequency of breathing, the amount of carbon dioxide in the body is normalized, thereby removing spasm from the blood vessels, the cells are relaxed and begin to work, the amount of food consumed is reduced, as the process of its processing improves. cellular level.

The role of hydrogen peroxide in the body

I will cite one letter from the numerous mail.
Dear Ivan Pavlovich!
You are being disturbed from the regional clinical hospital in N. One of our patients suffers from poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of stage IV. He was hospitalized at the Moscow Oncology Center, where appropriate treatment was carried out and from where he was discharged with a life expectancy of one month, which was told to his relatives. In our clinic, the patient received two courses of endolymphatic administration of fluorouracil and rondoleukin. In the complex of this treatment, we have introduced the method recommended by you: intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 0.003% in combination with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood. Hydrogen peroxide was administered in the amount of 200.0 physiological solution daily No. 10 and blood irradiation was carried out using the Isolda device, since we do not have the Helios-1 device you developed. 11 months have passed since our treatment, the patient is alive and working. We were surprised and interested by this case. Unfortunately, we have come across publications about the use of hydrogen peroxide in oncology, but only in popular literature and in your interview articles in the Healthy Lifestyle newspaper. If possible, could you provide more detailed information about the use of hydrogen peroxide. Are there any medical articles on this topic?

Dear Colleagues! I must disappoint you: official medicine does everything not to see or hear that there are some alternative methods and means of treatment, including for cancer patients. After all, then we would have to abandon many legalized, but not just unpromising, but also harmful methods of treatment, which in the case of oncology are, for example, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

It should be noted that three quarters of the cells of the immune system are located in the gastrointestinal tract, and one quarter is in the subcutaneous tissue, where the lymphatic system is located. Many of you know that the cell is supplied with blood, where nutrition comes from the intestinal system - this complex mechanism for processing and synthesizing substances necessary for the body, as well as removing waste. But few people know: if the intestines are contaminated (which happens in almost all patients, and not only), then the blood is contaminated, and therefore the cells of the whole body. At the same time, the cells of the immune system, “suffocating” in this polluted environment, not only cannot rid the body of under-oxidized toxic products, but also produce the required amount of hydrogen peroxide to protect against pathogenic microflora.

So what happens in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), on which our entire life depends in the full sense of the word? In order to generally check how the gastrointestinal tract works, there is a simple test:
accept 1-2 cm. spoons of beetroot juice (let it sit for 1.5-2 hours beforehand; if after this the urine turns a brown color, this means that your intestines and liver have stopped performing their detoxification functions, and breakdown products - toxins - enter the blood, kidneys, poisoning the body as a whole.

My more than twenty-five years of experience in folk healing allows me to conclude that the body is a perfect self-regulating energy information system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the safety margin is always greater than any damaging factor. The fundamental cause of almost all diseases is a disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because this is a complex “production” of crushing, processing, synthesis, absorption of substances necessary for the body and removal of metabolic products. And in each of its workshops (mouth, stomach, etc.) the process of food processing must be completed.
So, let's summarize.

The gastrointestinal tract is the location of:

3/4 of all elements of the immune system, responsible for “restoring order” in the body;
more than 20 own hormones, on which the functioning of the entire hormonal system depends;
the abdominal “brain”, which regulates all the complex work of the gastrointestinal tract and the relationship with the brain;
more than 500 types of microbes that process, synthesize biologically active substances and destroy harmful ones.
Thus, the gastrointestinal tract is a kind of root system, on the functional state of which any process occurring in the body depends.

The slagging of the body is:

Canned, refined, fried foods, smoked foods, sweets, the processing of which requires a lot of oxygen, which is why the body constantly experiences oxygen starvation (for example, cancer tumors develop only in an oxygen-free environment);
poorly chewed food, diluted during or after eating with any liquid (the first course is food); a decrease in the concentration of digestive juices of the stomach, liver, and pancreas does not allow them to digest food completely, as a result of which it first rots, becomes acidic, and then becomes alkalized, which is also the cause of diseases.
Gastrointestinal dysfunction is:
weakening of the immune, hormonal, enzymatic systems;
replacement of normal microflora with pathological ones (dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, etc.);
changes in electrolyte balance (vitamins, micro- and macroelements), which leads to disruption of metabolic processes (arthritis, osteochondrosis) and blood circulation (atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, etc.);
displacement and compression of all organs of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic areas, which leads to disruption of their functioning;
congestion in any part of the large intestine, which leads to pathological processes in the organ projected on it.

Without normalizing the diet, without cleansing the body of toxins, especially the large intestine and liver, it is impossible to cure any disease.
Thanks to cleansing the body of toxins and subsequent reasonable attitude towards our health, we bring all organs into resonance with the frequency laid down by Nature. This restores the endoecological state, or, in other words, the disturbed balance in energy-informational connections both within the body and with the external environment. There is no other way.

Now let's talk directly about this amazing feature of the immune system, embedded in our body, as one of the most powerful means of combating various pathogenic environments, the nature of which does not matter - about the formation of cells of the immune system, leukocytes and granulocytes (a type of the same leukocytes), hydrogen peroxide.
In the body, hydrogen peroxide is formed by these cells from water and oxygen:
When decomposing, hydrogen peroxide forms water and atomic oxygen:
However, at the first stage of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, atomic oxygen is released, which is the “impact” element of oxygen in all biochemical and energy processes.

It is atomic oxygen that determines all the necessary vital parameters of the body, or rather, supports the immune system at the level of complex control of all processes to create the proper physiological regime in the body, which makes it healthy. When this mechanism fails (with a lack of oxygen, and, as you already know, there is always a lack of it), especially with a lack of allotropic (other types, in particular, the same hydrogen peroxide) oxygen, various diseases arise, including the death of the body. In such cases, hydrogen peroxide is a good help for restoring the balance of active oxygen and stimulating oxidative processes and its own release - this is a miraculous remedy invented by Nature as a defense for the body, even when we are not giving it something or simply do not think about how it is inside There is a very complex mechanism at work that ensures our existence.

From school, everyone knows that the basis for life of almost any living creature is oxygen, and by this we mean molecular oxygen found in the air. But it should be clarified that the true source of life is still atomic oxygen, which is formed during the processing of incoming molecular oxygen. To do this, cells of the immune system (leukocytes, granulocytes) produce hydrogen peroxide, which mixes with the fluid in the body and forms atomic oxygen. Without it, not a single biological or energetic reaction can take place.

Atomic oxygen is the strongest oxidizing agent, destroys any pathogenic microflora (viruses, fungi, bacteria) and has a stimulating effect on the entire immune system. It promotes the formation of vitamins and mineral salts, stimulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helps transport sugar from blood plasma to tissues, performing the functions of insulin in diabetes mellitus.

Hydrogen peroxide actively participates in the hormonal activity of the body, stimulates the supply of calcium to brain cells, improves respiratory processes: additionally saturates lung tissue with oxygen, increases air pressure in the alveoli, stimulates the discharge of sputum in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs; restores many functions of the brain, the functions of the optic nerve during its atrophy.

It has a positive effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases by eliminating fatty plaques from the lumen of blood vessels, dilating blood vessels in the brain, peripheral and coronary vessels, thoracic aorta and pulmonary artery. Hydrogen peroxide is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, in gynecology, neurology, diseases of the genitourinary system, ENT diseases, etc.

It is also known that hydrogen peroxide makes any water almost sterile, and even in the First World War, soldiers at the front used it to disinfect drinking water.

Up to three quarters of all immune system cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract, and the rest are in the subcutaneous lymph nodes. Nutrients enter the blood from the intestines, and if it is contaminated, the blood and cells of the whole body are polluted. Under these conditions, the immune system cannot fully remove toxins from cells and produce hydrogen peroxide in sufficient quantities to fight pathogenic microflora, and this gradually leads to various diseases.

Despite the fact that the human body is a self-regulating energy information system in which everything is interconnected and dependent, nevertheless, without cleansing the body of toxins (especially the large intestine and liver), it is impossible to cure any disease. It will not be big news that the slagging of the body of any of us is at a very high level and under these conditions the body experiences difficulties in providing atomic oxygen with all the ensuing consequences. Any of us can confirm this using the example of periodically emerging problems in the functioning of our own body’s immune system.

Well-known specialist in hydrogen peroxide treatment, Professor Neumyvakin I.P. suggests conducting a simple test to determine the level of slagging in the body: you should take 1-2 tablespoons of beet juice that has settled (1.5 - 2 hours) and if after this the urine turns a beetroot color, this will mean that the intestines and liver have stopped performing their functions properly detoxification functions.

In this case, timely assistance to the body is necessary, both in cleaning the gastrointestinal tract and in additionally providing it with hydrogen peroxide, and even better, immediately with atomic oxygen. An excellent solution to the problem of supplying the body with the required amount of atomic oxygen is to take drinking water with the addition of a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Personally, I drink this water regularly and at least three times a day on an empty stomach (15 - 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 - 2 hours after) for quite a long time. I can report that during this period, the results of blood samples periodically submitted for analysis show positively changing dynamics and have currently reached the required level. This is excellent proof of the correctness of choosing one of the methods of general improvement of the body.

The process of preparing and receiving drinking water with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Take a glass of structured (melt) water at room temperature and dissolve several salt crystals in it (preferably sea salt). Lately I have been practicing using simple tap water poured into a glass through a magnetotron - a funnel.
  2. We drip 3 drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and drink the prepared drink on an empty stomach (15 - 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 -2 hours after).
  3. If the body reacts normally, then over the next 10 days we gradually increase the volume of added hydrogen peroxide and bring it to 10 drops per glass of water.
  4. The amount of water you drink per day can be 150 drops or more, which can also be considered within normal limits.

A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide is sold in pharmacies in an opaque plastic bottle with a dropper spout that closes with a lid.

The optimal scheme for general drinking water intake:

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with hydrogen peroxide.
  • After 20-30 minutes, drink a glass of water with baking soda added, and only 20-30 minutes after that you can have breakfast.
  • During the day we drink only structured water, and before lunch and dinner we also drink a glass of water with hydrogen peroxide and soda in the order described above.
  • During breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should refrain from drinking any liquid (drinks, jelly, tea, coffee, etc.), and you can drink it only at least 1 hour after eating the main meal.

Hydrogen peroxide is the miracle of the new millennium. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, unique method of getting rid of problems.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant that destroys almost all types of pathogenic microflora - protozoa, bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer cells. The introduced hydrogen peroxide (low-concentrated solutions) is exposed to the enzyme catalase, which also splits it into atomic (active) oxygen and water. In this regard, saturation of the blood and, accordingly, tissues with oxygen occurs - an oxygenating effect.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is widely used in the treatment of patients with various destructive purulent processes, sepsis, anaerobic infection, arterial and venous pathology of the lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy and diabetic foot syndrome, obstructive jaundice and other diseases complicated by intoxication, secondary immunological deficiency. The introduction of peroxide into the veins of the lower extremities for varicose veins has proven itself well, due to its vasoconstrictive and sclerosing effects. In this case, patients who have undergone treatment bypass surgery with an angiosurgeon. This solution has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of herpetic infections. The analgesic effect is widely used for pain, muscle-tonic, neurovascular and radicular syndromes in the treatment of vertebrogenic pathology (osteochondrosis, etc.).

History of the use of hydrogen peroxide.

The concept of intravenous administration of peroxide was formed in 1916. Treatment with peroxide was discussed in the pages of the prestigious Lancet (British Medical Journal). Drs Turncliffe and Stebbing noted in the pages of this publication that successful experiments on intravenous administration of peroxide to animals were carried out in France as early as 1811 by Nysten. Turncliffe and Stebbing administered peroxide intravenously to a human for the first time.

The conclusion they reached leaves no room for doubt: intravenous peroxide, if performed correctly, can be used clinically with significant benefit to the patient.

In the United States, the first reports of the use of hydrogen peroxide date back to 1888, when Dr. Cortelyou used it to treat diseases of the nose and throat. He treated one patient with diphtheria (a fatal disease in those days) with peroxide, and he recovered within 24 hours.

From 1811 to 1935, many attempts were recorded to study the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the body, but interest in such activities disappeared due to rapid progress in medicinal production in the 40s.

Hydrogen peroxide is said to be harmful to cells. It turned out to be just the opposite: peroxide is necessary for normal metabolism; moreover, hydrogen peroxide is produced in the human body itself by blood cells - leukocytes and granulocytes. According to Dr. Rannasarma of the Indian Institute of Medicine, “The formation of peroxide as a result of cellular processes must have some meaning, it cannot be written off as a mere accident.”

Intravenous oxygen therapy was not the only promising area of ​​medicine that fell out of sight of the medical community with the advent of the era of drugs. Homeopathy, herbal medicine, electrotherapy and many other branches of medical knowledge were forgotten for a long time. Medicines have conquered the world. All the money went towards drug development. They believed that with their help it would be possible to solve all health problems.

Now we know that drugs do not solve all problems and therefore, medicine returns to forgotten methods of treatment, such as oxygen therapy.

In our country, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin has been researching the medicinal properties of peroxide for almost half a century. In the early 60s, Colonel Neumyvakin worked at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems and was involved in medical support for space flights, in particular, breathing issues. Then, on the advice of Academician B.E. So Ivan Pavlovich began to investigate hydrogen peroxide. In 1966, he published a paper on the great role of this drug in the activities of living organisms, including humans.

In Izhevsk, many doctors also widely use treatment with hydrogen peroxide in outpatient and inpatient settings in the treatment of patients with various destructive purulent processes, sepsis, anaerobic infection, arterial and venous pathology of the lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy and diabetic foot syndrome, obstructive jaundice and others diseases complicated by intoxication, secondary immunological deficiency. The introduction of peroxide into the veins of the lower extremities for varicose veins has proven itself well, due to its vasoconstrictive and sclerosing effects. In this case, patients who have undergone treatment bypass surgery with an angiosurgeon. This solution has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of herpetic infections. The analgesic effect is widely used for pain, muscle-tonic, neurovascular and radicular syndromes in the treatment of vertebrogenic pathology (osteochondrosis, etc.).

Mechanism of action

The half-life of peroxide in human blood is less than one tenth of a second; however, according to later information obtained by McNaughton, the half-life of peroxide can last up to two seconds and is highly dependent on the rate of mixing with the blood.

In the human body, hydrogen peroxide is produced by killer cells - these are leukocytes and granulocytes. Peroxide is their main weapon. When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, atomic oxygen is released. It is this that is the most powerful antioxidant that deprives the viability of almost all types of pathogenic microflora - protozoa, bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer cells. The introduced hydrogen peroxide (low-concentrated solutions) is exposed to the enzyme catalase, which also splits it into atomic (active) oxygen and water. In this regard, saturation of the blood and, accordingly, tissues with oxygen occurs - an oxygenating effect. Because Since the basis of any pain syndrome is the central link of pathogenesis is local tissue ischemia, the administration of hydrogen peroxide has a pronounced analgesic effect. Hydrogen peroxide, being a source of atomic oxygen, has a detoxification effect, simulating the function of liver monooxygenases. By oxidation, nitrogenous wastes (urea, creatinine, ammonia) and other metabolic toxic substances that are formed during ischemia, poisoning, destructive purulent processes, burn disease, and hepatic renal failure are removed from the body.

Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, a certain part of T - and B-lymphocytes dies. However, after 24 hours, the number of immune system cells increases by 20%-35% due to the increased formation of new cells, resulting in active immune stimulation.

With today's ecology and nutrition, a person constantly lacks atomic oxygen, an antioxidant that fights all infections. You can make up for the deficiency by taking hydrogen peroxide. I, of course, cannot give prescriptions for intravenous use. We are talking only about oral administration as a prophylaxis of the usual 3% pharmaceutical solution.

According to the recommendation of Professor Neumyvakin, you should start with 1-2 drops per 1-2 tablespoons of water three times a day. The whole difficulty of this process lies in the fact that it must be taken only on an empty stomach - that is, either 30-40 minutes BEFORE a meal, or 2 hours AFTER a meal. And having started the course, you need to stick to it with discipline. That is, add a drop daily:

on the 3rd day - 3-4 drops three times a day, on the 5th - 5-6, etc. Bring to 10 drops, that is, the total amount is 30 drops per day. Then a break of 5-6 days.

The next cycle can be started immediately with 10 drops 3 times a day in 1-2 tablespoons of water for 10 days. And again a break for 5-6 days, then the next 10 days and a new break. You can take it for the rest of your life.

The professor believes that children should not, but should, be given this drug, just reduce the dose by half. By the way, the effect of peroxide is enhanced by taking vitamin C, and it combines well with the vast majority of medications.

It must be borne in mind that when taking hydrogen peroxide orally, in some cases, exacerbation of stomach diseases may occur, therefore, if pain occurs, the peroxide intake should be discontinued and consult a doctor experienced in working with hydrogen peroxide.

It is recommended to use peroxide externally as a compress. For example, for pain in the cervical spine. Add 1-2 teaspoons of 3% H2O2 to a quarter glass of water (50 ml), moisten a napkin and apply a compress for 1-2 hours.

Another option for use for periodontal disease, to eliminate bad breath: hold 1-2 teaspoons of H2O2 in the mouth for 20-30 seconds, then spit it out. Or this: mix 1 part peroxide, 1 part baking soda - on a tampon and brush your teeth, massage your gums for 4-5 minutes. Do this procedure every day, morning and evening. According to Dr. Farr, 98 out of 100 patients experience improvement. In nature, hydrogen peroxide occurs in the form of dew, rain, and melted snow.

In domestic conditions, it can be used for watering flowers with 1 ml of a 3% solution per 3 liters of water, for the prevention of airborne infections in kindergartens, schools, and medical institutions in the form of spraying a 1.5 - 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in the indoor air.

With strict adherence to the recommended methodology and technique for the intravascular use of weakly concentrated solutions of hydrogen peroxide, this method is safe, accessible and effective in clinical practice, expanding the clinical possibilities for the complex treatment of various diseases.

I) Oxygen deficiency. In the distant past, the oxygen concentration in the air was approximately 38%. Under the influence of certain circumstances, which may include atomic experimentation and war, worldwide industrialization and deforestation, we have oxygen content at a level just above 19% or half of the amount of oxygen that man was once able to enjoy. Evolution has not had time to expand our lung capacity or increase our ability to extract oxygen more efficiently, so we are apparently in a constant state of oxygen deficiency.

2) Disease resistance. It is well known that viruses are “anaerobic” formations, i.e. develop in the absence of oxygen. Our body's oxidant system, which is the main means of detoxification, relies on an abundant supply of oxygen. When there is a deficiency of oxygen, unwanted organisms thrive and we end up with our own unnecessary waste. Recently, our society has been plagued by viruses that are more resilient and persistent than ever before. We also have higher rates of degenerative diseases than ever before.

3) Hydrogen peroxide, for therapeutic neurological and surgical use. Despite the supposed bad effects, clinical use has proven their value and safety. Oxygen therapy avoids the chemical poisons that are characteristic of allopathic philosophy and often accelerate further illness.

It must be remembered that hydrogen peroxide is not a panacea, like any other single treatment method. Based on personal experience in official medicine and the widespread use of folk methods, it is necessary to use all levels of influence - spiritual, mental, physical with the basics of endoecological rehabilitation.

It is important to always remember that natural tools are usually the best.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - professor, doctor of medical sciences. Full member: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Medical and Technical Sciences, International Academy of Energy Information Sciences. Honored Inventor of Russia. Laureate of the State Prize. Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Traditional Medicine Specialists and Healers. Since 1959, he has worked in the field of space medicine for 30 years and is one of its founders, who created a system of medical care for astronauts during flights of various durations.

It has now been proven that the root cause of almost all diseases is a lack of oxygen. Any cell is a self-sufficient organism that has everything necessary for its life: a system of respiration, nutrition, excretion, energy supply, etc. These processes must take place with a normal supply of oxygen (anaerobic respiration), including through the formation and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an intermediate link in bioenergetic processes that take an active part in the destruction (destruction) of metabolic products. In the body, hydrogen peroxide is produced in small quantities by cells of the immune system (leukocytes and granulocytes) and performs two important functions.

Firstly, hydrogen peroxide takes an active part in all bio-energy reactions: protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolic processes, the formation of heat in cells, vitamins, mineral salts, improves blood fluidity, helps normalize acid-base balance, utilization sugar, thereby facilitating the work of the pancreas, and much more.

With improper breathing, the more a person inhales atmospheric oxygen, the more free radicals are formed (oxygen in the orbit of which there is an unpaired electron that has aggressive properties. This electron destroys the cell membrane and its structure).

They are very aggressive. These are a kind of killer cells that destroy not only foreign cells, but also their own (the more of them, the worse). They are even credited with being one of the causes of various diseases, including cancer.

With a lack of oxygen, redox processes in the body do not go to completion, little or no hydrogen peroxide is produced. This leads to acidification of the environment, slagging of the human body, and then to various diseases.

Taking hydrogen peroxide can help compensate for the lack of oxygen.

Externally: 3% H2O2 - 1-2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water in the form of compresses (hold for 0.5-1 hour), rubbing into any painful places (heart area, joints, etc.), for skin diseases, rinsing. Many suffer from oral diseases (periodontal disease, stomatitis, etc.), which is accompanied by bad breath and is a manifestation of gastrointestinal diseases. Hydrogen peroxide will help solve these problems. You need to mix 50 g of water and 1-2 tsp. H2O2 (3%), wet a cotton swab and “drive” it into the gums, then do not drink or eat for 15-20 minutes. To obtain a 3% H2O2 solution, you can dissolve 1 tablet of perhydrol in 1 tbsp. l. water.

Just don’t forget that well-chewed food is not only the key to its high-quality processing, but also trains periodontal muscles and strengthens teeth.

Inside: starting with 1 drop per 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after, adding 1 drop daily up to 10 on the 10th day, break for 2-3 days and take 10 drops, taking breaks after every ten days of taking.

If necessary, children under 5 years old can take 1-2 drops per 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water, from 5-10 years - 2-5, from 10-14 years - 5-8 drops at a time, still for 1-2 tbsp. spoons of water.

For any conditions (flu, headache, especially with Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, diseases of the nose, nasopharynx, maxillary sinus, frontal sinuses, noise in the head, etc.) should be instilled into the nose (at the rate of 10-15 drops of H2O2, per 1 tablespoon of water) pipette first into one, then into the other nostril 2-3 times a day. After a few days, you can inject 1 cube with a syringe (morning and evening), and more often for patients.

When, after 10-15 seconds, mucus begins to come out of your nose, tilt your head to your shoulder, pinch the top nostril with your finger, and “blow out” everything that comes out through the bottom. Then change the tilt of your head and do the same. Do not eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes.

Intravenously: from 1 - 2 to 5 ml of 3% H2O2, per 200 ml of saline or distilled water, administered slowly at 60 drops per minute (dropper): on the first day 50 - 100 ml, 2nd - 150 ml, Days 3-10 - 200 ml. The concentration of the solution is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the indications and sensitivity of the patient. Each time a new portion is prepared. For these purposes, it is best to use perhydrol of at least 10%, from which a solution of 0.03% - 0.1% is prepared. The course can be repeated after 2-3 months. There may be redness at the injection site. In this case, you need to apply a cold compress.

The reaction to taking H2O2 is different for many people. This is due to the fact that the human body has the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen. The level of this enzyme in the body can vary markedly between different people, which leads to different reactions of people to taking the same amount of H2O2.

When taking hydrogen peroxide in the first days, the temperature may rise and discomfort may occur: pain, burning, etc. There is no need to be afraid of this. As a result of “civilized” life, when we eat fried, fatty, smoked foods, and even food poisoned by chemicals, in which there is no oxygen at all, a large amount of it is required to process it. Tissues actually live in an oxygen-free environment, and they are forced to fight for every extra “sip” of air. It is against this background that various ailments occur that patients associate with taking H2O2. These are the cells that “scream” and “beg” for mercy. You need to wait 1-2 days and if you took 10 drops, then take 5 until the body gets used to the drug.

Since the human body, due to a sedentary lifestyle, diet and other factors, almost always lacks oxygen, taking H2O2 (or hydropyrite - 1-2 tablets per 50 ml of water) for any disorder will not be superfluous.

There are no contraindications for using hydrogen peroxide!