What can you make a hookah pipe from? How to make a hookah from a minimum amount of scrap materials

If a situation arises in which you and your friends suddenly really want to smoke a hookah, but there is no hookah as such, you can make a homemade shisha from a bottle. If everything is done correctly, the device may turn out to be no worse than a store-bought one, since the design of a hookah is not that complicated. In this article we will tell you how to make a hookah from a bottle.

DIY hookah from a plastic bottle

First way

We will need: an empty five-liter bottle, an apple, foil, 2 plastic caps (large and small), a plastic tube (2 meters), a plastic tube (about 30 centimeters), toothpicks, tobacco and charcoal.

To begin with, we take caps from 5 liter and liter plastic bottles. We cut holes in them the diameter of a tube. We put them next to each other outside and insert an improvised shaft. We screw the cap onto the bottle so that the tube is immersed in water by 1-2 centimeters. Now we make a bowl for tobacco from our apple. We do this with a knife and toothpicks. Detailed description how to do this is indicated in our articles on the site. After this, we place our apple on the plastic cap, which is located on the bottle and check the traction. After this, cover the apple with foil, make holes and place lit charcoal on the foil. The hookah at home is ready, you can start smoking.

Detailed description this method shown in the video.

Second way

This method differs from the previous one in that instead of plastic tubes we will use a regular liter plastic bottle and a sleeve of foil or cooking film. Also in this method we will place our apple directly on the neck of a five-liter bottle.

To begin with, we select the amount of water and the length of the “mine” so that it enters the water by 1-2 centimeters. Next, we make a bowl for tobacco using an apple and try it on the neck. For everything to work out, you need to take a large apple. After this, we make a small hole in the bottom of the liter bottle. Next, in the upper part of the balsanka we make a hole with a diameter of the neck of a liter bottle and connect the containers. Insert the tube into bottom part apple and put it on the neck of the balsanka. Cover it with foil, make holes, put coal on top and our hookah is ready.

With the help of these homemade hookahs you will spend an unusual and interesting evening.

Glass bottle narghile: interior decoration

Surely you have seen beautiful devices where the role of a flask is played by bottles of elite alcohol: Jack Daniels, absolute and others. Of course, craftsmen easily make such devices on their own! To prove this, we collected unique photo instructions. Now each of you can construct a shisha from a glass bottle at home.

In our textbook used empty bottle elite vodka, but you can take Jack Daniels or Red Label with a volume of at least 0.7 liters.

Step 1: we prepare materials and tools

You will need the following supplies:

  • glass bottle - size and color corresponding to the interior of your room;
  • copper tube (25 cm);
  • plastic tube (8-9 cm);
  • hookah hose;
  • rubber stopper;
  • hookah bowl;
  • drill;
  • blade;
  • glass drill.

Step 2: drill a hole in the rubber plug

We make a hole in the rubber plug with a diameter suitable for the existing tube.

Step 3: you need to make a hole in the lid

This is the easiest part that you can do yourself. It is enough to use a drill of the same size to make a hole in the lid and thread a copper tube into it.

Step 4: drill a bottle

Using a glass drill, you need to make a small hole in the side of the bottle you have chosen as the base. Having dealt with this, we begin the assembly.

Attention: do not forget to rinse the bottle - glass particles may remain in it when drilling

Step 5: let's start assembling

Now we put the plastic tube on the edge of the hookah hose.

Step 6:

Many people prefer to use hookah, but no one realizes that it is possible to make a hookah from a bottle. This article will look at how to make a hookah from a bottle using something that almost every person has in their home. The main attribute of this method is an ordinary plastic bottle, but how can you make a hookah from a bottle that will not be inferior in its properties to an expensive unit? An undeniable advantage this method is its cost, because with the money saved from buying a real hookah you can buy truly important things.

Let's start this method by taking this bottle, preferably 2 liters in volume, so that it has more steam, and make 2 holes in it. This is done so that the tubes that will transmit steam to our respiratory organs, fit freely into these holes and were not pinched. Next, you need to make a similar hole on the side of the bottle as we did in the previous step of the method; it is advisable to make it on the other side.

For the next point of this method, you will need a 0.33 liter tin can, which can easily be bought in a store, especially since they fully satisfy our budget plan. Next, in the same aluminum can you need to make many holes with a knife so that our tobacco flares up well and the hookah does not taste bitter, observing safety precautions and not making holes by holding the can in your lap. Another material for the hookah will be an ordinary piece of plastic curved tube, which can be bought at any hardware store; it will be inserted into the tin can that we prepared earlier. The hole in the jar should be reverse side and, preferably, of such a size that the tube fits into this hole without problems, but does not get pinched. A similar operation needs to be done with a rubber stopper, which in this method will act as a kind of seal for a budget hookah.

Next, the process of connecting all parts of the hookah into one structure will take place in order to check the functionality of the entire method. We put the tube into a two-liter bottle and make sure that the bottom of the tube does not come into contact with the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the hookah will not work. The next step will be to fill the container with the optimal amount of liquid, because if there is too much water, the splashes of water will flood the entire table. Next, you need to secure the rubber tube to the bottle, this is done simply: we press on it until the process of fixation with the neck of the bottle occurs. Then, very carefully and carefully insert the hoses into the two slots that were cut at the very beginning of the method, and make sure that the tubes are firmly fixed.

Next, we fix the jar on a plastic tube, making sure that the entire structure is securely fastened, because an unstable structure can tip over the hookah along with the coals, and this is very dangerous. We take tobacco and carefully pour it onto a tin can; choose tobacco or smoking mixture of your choice, but pour it in such a way that the layer thickness is no more than 1 centimeter.

To add a more piquant aroma and taste of tobacco, it is advisable to rub the jelly-like mass a little in your palms to separate the leaves and pieces of fruit from each other, then the hookah will reward you with the noble taste of fruits and all kinds of aromas. You also shouldn’t forget about the air gap between the bottom of the tin can and the foil covering it; it should reach levels of four to five centimeters, only then will the tobacco burn evenly. Now we need to talk about the foil itself: its area should be about twenty square centimeters, the canvas should be folded in half and a few holes should be made using nail scissors; a cat’s paw will also work perfectly.

Next, we’ll insert some kind of plug into the hole on the other side; a ballpoint pen is good for this task. All that remains is to choose the type of coal: self-igniting, or one that needs to be heated over a fire for a couple of minutes. It would seem that the choice is simple, but you always have to pay for simplicity. Spontaneous combustion coals have a slightly bitter or sour taste; for some, this negative factor will be decisive in favor of ordinary coals. Special attention should be paid to almost the most important part of the hookah: this is the liquid through which our aroma of fruits or other overseas spices and sweets will pass. For big company for five to six people, 0.5 liter milk for 1 hookah is perfect, this product Girls will really like it, because it has a slightly sweet and mild taste. For a group of young people, a hookah made from budget beer or expensive absinthe or chacha is good.

Those who love high-quality hookah know how expensive it is to smoke it somewhere in a restaurant and therefore want to have their own, native hookah at home. Someone brings them as a souvenir from Turkey or Egypt, where “shisha” is very, very popular.

However, all these hookahs have one big drawback: they are bulky and extremely inconvenient to take with you on a picnic or bring to a friend’s house. There is a solution - make your own neat folding hookah from IKEA glass jar- how my friends from banka lab make them! This is what we will do today.

1. We'll start by making a hole in the lid. The bowl will be inserted there (the bowl and the silicone gasket under it are freely sold in any hookah store, as well as all other spare parts)

2. The contour is ready and you can start drilling

3. The glass is drilled with a special diamond head of the required diameter

4. The process is quite long, but we can’t rush here - we need a perfect hole, without chips.

5. There will be two more holes on the side of our jar - for the tube and for the valve.

6. The big picture begins to emerge

7. There will be a valve here

10. After drilling, the holes are ground using a drill machine with a special attachment

11. Lid with gasket under the bowl

12. When drilling glass, you need to take precautions - in addition to glasses, a mask is also advisable, because we shouldn’t breathe glass dust, right? Having a beard is not necessary, but highly desirable!

13. Next we cut glass tubes- two short ones of different diameters for the valve (we will insert them into each other) and two long ones - for the mouthpiece and shaft. High-quality Czech borosilicate glass from Simax, a manufacturer of high-end laboratory glassware, is used here.

14. When cutting glass, water is poured over it. This way it doesn’t heat up and doesn’t fly away with dust as much.

15. We make holes in the tube that will descend from the bowl into the water - this way we will get a diffuser that will help cool the smoke and reduce vibrations. In addition, with a diffuser the hookah will last better

17. In addition to the holes, we also make such notches

18. For the valve we will need two small glass tubes and a glass ball. And, of course, gaskets

19. Valve assembled

21. Almost ready. A medical silicone tube is used as a hose. You can also buy a ready-made hose in the store

22. The guys from banka lab spent a long time experimenting with the required sizes, proportions and design options. Now they have several various options, well proven.

23. After the jar is ready, it is necessary to carry out tests =)

24. Smokes great, valve works properly. So everything is fine.

Imagine that you and your friends wanted to smoke a hookah at home, or in nature, but there was none nearby - don’t be upset, because there is always a way out. We will share with you proven ways to make it at minimal cost from scrap items. A self-made smoking device will not be inferior in properties to the purchased prototype. After all, a hookah is not a very complicated design.

For the first method you will need: plastic bottle capacity 5 liters, pair of plastic lids different sizes, foil, a pair of plastic tubes (one 2 meters long, the other 30 cm long), toothpicks, charcoal, an apple and, of course, the tobacco itself.

In caps from 5 liter bottles and liter jar cut a hole the same diameter as the tube. We string the lids connected by the outer edges onto it. Screw the resulting cap onto the bottle so that the tube is immersed approximately 1.5 cm in the liquid. Using a knife, we cut out a kind of bowl from the apple, which we then place on the bottle. Make sure there is traction. Then cover the apple with a thick layer of foil and place the coals. You can start smoking!

Second way. For our homemade hookah You will need a plastic liter bottle and a stick, which is usually wrapped with foil. The apple fruit must be quite large, since we will be putting it on the neck of a 5-liter bottle. As in the previous method, the tube should be immersed in water by 1.5 cm. We make a bowl from the apple, and an opening in the bottom of the bottle. At the top of a 5-liter bottle, cut a hole of the required size and insert a liter container there. Place a pipe in the apple bottom. We put the resulting design on the neck. We put coals on top. Author's hookah in Hand style made ready!

The popularity of hookah smoking is growing every day. After trying it once, you want to smoke hookah again. Millions of people around the world escape from everyday stress by inhaling aromatic hookah smoke.

Having tried it once in a club or on an outing, many want to buy a hookah for home: smoke it occasionally by themselves, relax in the evening over a hookah with friends or guests, or take it out into the countryside for relaxation. There are many reasons why hookahs are sold out and the demand for them is always high.

Stores today offer wide choice different hookahs: small, medium, large; Chinese, Egyptian, Turkish. All presented hookahs are beautiful, bright and stylish and almost identical. What if you want to buy a hookah, but the stores can’t offer anything worthwhile? There's only one thing left - make your own hookah! We’ll give you an idea with a flask - for it we’ll use an ordinary glass bottle of your favorite alcohol.

List of required materials:

Electric drill and glass drill bit
Glass bottle
Ceramic bowl for hookah.
Copper pipe
Aluminum mesh for coals
Hose or tube for hookah (in our case, the hose will be a tube + copper fitting)
MYA rubber bushing for flask.
Insulating tape

Step 1 - drill a hole in the bottle.

First you need to drill a hole in the bottle. Be careful and watch the speed of the drill! The fact is that a very fast drilling speed can leave unsightly marks on the glass, so you need to drill at a low speed. If you took a bottle of cheap vodka and accidentally ruined it, it won’t be as bad as a bottle of the same “Jack” or “Johnny Walker”

We will demonstrate how to drill a hole in glass in this simple and clear video. To avoid any crooked holes, try to use diamond drills of the required diameter and do not forget to wear a protective mask over your nose or any other dense fabric.

Step 2 - Insert the hose into the hole.

Next, take the MYA rubber bushing and insert it completely into drilled hole. Wet the hose in vegetable oil and insert it into the sleeve to the required length. The hose must be held tightly in the sleeve so that it does not tear out while smoking.

Step 3 - fix the copper pipe on top.

We lower the copper pipe 3/4 of its entire length into the bottle from above, and tightly wrap the remaining length of the pipe (looking out of the bottle) with electrical tape so that it can be stuck into the bottle for reliable fastening in it, but do not forget about what is on top The hookah bowl will be put on the pipe. We wrap a small layer of foil on top of the electrical tape (as per the recipe).

Step 4 - fill the bowl with tobacco and IT’S HOOKAH TIME

Well, that's all friends. Our hookah is ready in every sense of the word, it’s time to smoke it. Have a good holiday everyone and don’t forget to share your experiences.

Send photos of your hookahs to us by email and we will be happy to post them in this review.