How to clean a glass smoking pipe. Clean the tube from tar and dirt

caring for your smoking pipe- this is a whole ritual. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Using inappropriate tools and methods. Some even think that doing this once a week or even less often is enough. All this can lead to deterioration and even breakage of the tube. Considering that the price for it can be by no means small, it will be very disappointing.

Preparations for cleaning

Manufacturers recommend that if the tube is actively used, it should be cleaned every day. This will preserve the original appearance and smoking properties of the product.requires knowledge of what it consists of. Let's list all the elements:

    cup (this is where the tobacco is poured, it has a top and a bottom);

    chibouk (hollow rod with a place for attaching a mouthpiece);

    mouthpiece (has a neck that is inserted into the pipe, and at the other end there is a mouthpiece through which smoke is drawn in).

Before the evening cleaning ritual, you need to prepare brushes and a pipe ashtray. If it is unrealistic to purchase such a special one, then it is quite possible to make it yourself. Any flat ashtray will do as a base (the larger its diameter, the better). In its center you will need to glue a champagne cork (you can, of course, use any other one, as long as it is made of cork). The top of the plug is rounded using sandpaper (it is better to do this before gluing it to the ashtray, then it will be inconvenient). The end result will be something like a cork anvil. It is very safe to knock the ashes out of the pipe.

Cleaning technology

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. First you need to remove the ash from the bowl. Next, the mouthpiece is disconnected from the stem. It is important not to pull it, but to separate it in a circular motion, as if “unscrewing” it and only in a circle. It is important to know that this should not be done if the tube is hot. The mouthpiece is usually made of acrylic or ebonite, and when heated it increases in size and fits more tightly to the seat. If you pull it out at this moment, the tube will quickly become loose due to wear of the neck of the mouthpiece and, in general, the entire connection assembly. There are tubes with threaded connection of components. In this case, everything is much simpler. You just need to unscrew the mouthpiece along the thread.

After disconnecting, you need to clean it. To do this, take a previously prepared brush and push it into the smoke channel through the hole in the mouthpiece. You need to pull it through the entire mouthpiece. It's not worth saving. You may need several to completely clean them. There are brushes with inserted hard bristles. They are used to clean a heavily soiled smoke duct or if there is dried condensation when the pipe has not been used for a long time.

Having cleaned the mouthpiece from the inside, move on to its outer surface. A regular clean napkin will do for this procedure. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids, as this will have a detrimental effect on the product. The ebonite mouthpiece still needs to be additionally treated with a special paste.

Next they move on to the chibouk. In general, it is recommended to clean it after each smoking. You will also need a brush for this. You need to fold it in half and use it to clean the hole where the mouthpiece is inserted. It is important to know that you need to clean not in a circular motion, but in a reciprocating motion. It will be useful to leave the brush in the pipe until the next time you use the tube (but not more than a day). This helps absorb excess moisture and thereby prevent the tube from “souring.”

How to clean a pipe - video

Restoration of smoking properties

Alcohol-salt method

All these tips will help the ownercare for the smoking pipe. But what should you do if it does turn sour, or if a permanent aftertaste appears after using tobacco with a bright taste? Here we need radical measures to restore smoking properties.

Restoration of the tube

One of the most common ways to restore the taste of a pipe is to use an alcohol-salt solution. You need to take coarse salt, in no case iodized, and the alcohol must be pure. If you can’t find one, then it’s acceptable to use vodka or another unsweetened and “unflavored” strong drink, but the result then may not live up to expectations. You will also need a stand or any other device that allows you to hold the tube motionless. There is no need to listen to advice that before recreating the original smoking taste in this way, you must remove the mouthpiece and plug the pipe with a brush. This will remove sour deposits only from the cup, and they will remain in other places.

The technique itself is as follows. Salt is poured into the cup to the top and carefully filled with alcohol (preferably with a pipette or syringe, so as not to pour it onto the outer surface). It is necessary that all the salt is well saturated. The tube is left in this form until the alcohol has completely evaporated (about a day). During the chemical reaction, the salt turns black, absorbing soured resins and soot. It is then carefully removed from the tube, as with normal cleaning. Then the product needs to dry thoroughly for two or three days and you can test the results of the restoration. As a rule, the first smokes will have an alcoholic tint, but later it disappears.

There is, however, a danger: if the salt is too fine or the product is not dried well, a crack may form and it will become unusable. According to this method, everything needs to be done scrupulously; if you are unsure, it is better to turn to a specialist.

With irregularsmoking pipe careIt may happen that the product becomes so acidic that it may not be possible to restore its original properties using this method. What to do in this case?


If the result of the alcohol-salt method is unsatisfactory, you can try an extreme measure in the form of boiling the tube. This is done, of course, not in water, but in an alcohol solution (vodka is quite suitable). The product is completely immersed in it and boiled for about 4-5 hours. After this, it needs to dry for at least two weeks.

This measure is truly an extreme measure. Although the smoking properties will return, the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled. The entire surface will have to be restored again: painted, varnished, polished. It is not a fact that the tube will look the same as before.

What to do if your mouthpiece comes loose

Another point worth mentioning concerns the situation when there are defects in the connection between the mouthpiece and the shank. There are two ways to solve this problem at home.

    If the connection is loose, then the neck of the mouthpiece is heated from a flame or in boiling water. When it becomes soft, you need to press it vertically against any hard object and hold it until it cools down. From all this, the diameter of the neck of the mouthpiece becomes larger. You can carry out the procedure until the desired planting density is achieved, and to prevent the smoke channel from narrowing too much, a wire is simply inserted into it.

    If the connection is very tight and the mouthpiece is pulled out with great difficulty, then its neck is rubbed with graphite powder. If it is difficult to buy a special one, then you can crumble the lead of a simple pencil. You just need to take one marked “soft”. If this does not help, then you can try to warm up the neck of the mouthpiece and immediately screw it into the shank, thus achieving the desired tightness of the connection.

08.02.2010 14:21

You can find a “tasty” pipe, learn the secrets of blending tobacco, and gather pleasant company. But you won’t be able to repeat the pleasure if you don’t learn the most important thing - how to care for your pipe.

“Keep your head cold, your feet warm, and your pipe dry!” advises the famous pipe maker Vladimir Grechukhin. He really understands this. Now you too will understand.

The master class is conducted by Alexey Shekhovtsov, President of the Russian Association of Pipe Clubs.

Hot tube

After finishing smoking, mix the ashes with the remaining tobacco and shake out the contents of the pipe.

However, it can be replaced by a knife from a regular tee. After smoking, the pipe should cool down for an hour and a half. Then it can be disassembled.

Cooled tube

Before cleaning, you must remove the mouthpiece. It needs to be inserted and removed, turning in one direction, for example, only to the right. If the tube has a filter, it must be removed before cleaning.

It has the ability, having accumulated moisture, to easily give it back. If the pipe is not cleaned at all, its taste will change and it may turn sour.

Tobacco chamber

Additionally, the camera can be cleaned with a napkin or a bent brush.

Carbon deposits in foam pipes are unacceptable. It is best to remove it with a buttner. You can remove carbon deposits from the foam while smoking. To do this, it is necessary, while “trampling” the tobacco, to forcefully walk along the walls of the cup with the sharp edge of the stool.

A soft paper napkin rolled into a roll is used.

It can be replaced with a bent brush or cotton swabs. If the smoke channel is very clogged, use a drill from a rimmer or a tee awl. It is necessary to clean the smoke channel until the brush comes out clean.

Whether it is possible to use alcohol-containing liquids to clean the smoke duct is a controversial issue. From the point of view of Vladimir Grechukhin (which is also supported by the author), alcohol is harmful to wood: it drives dirt into the pores of the wood, and gradually the tube deteriorates. Although there are supporters of this method of cleaning.


A small amount is applied to the mouthpiece, then the tube is polished with a soft cloth. Acrylic does not require polishing. If the mouthpiece does not fit well and squeaks, lubricate it with a special graphite compound or a soft pencil lead.

If it starts to “walk” (we are talking about filterless tubes), you can do the following. Stock up on a set of small drills with minimal size differences. From them, select one whose smooth part will fit exactly into the mouthpiece from the side of the tenon (trunnion). However, first use a drill bit that is one size larger. The spike should be heated over a closed fire, for example, using an electric stove.

And so that it does not melt and heats up slowly, you can build a stand in the shape of a cone, say, from cardboard or other material. Make a hole in the top, insert the spike of the mouthpiece there and wait until it softens slightly. Then insert the selected drill into the hole with the smooth side, let the mouthpiece cool and carefully pull it out.

The diameter of the spike will increase and the mouthpiece will no longer wobble.

You can polish not only a cold pipe, but also a hot one. Meerschaum tubes are wiped with a soft cloth dipped in warm water. Never use alcohol when cleaning them.

Cigar Clan No. 5`2003, Alexey Shekhovtsov

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Smoking pipes

“You have to be sensual with her,” experienced people say, “she has something of a woman in her, she knows how to be grateful for care and for everything that emphasizes her beauty.”

Don't smile - cosmetics and the art of grooming provide your pipe with eternal youth and bring a little joy to your partner. After all, there are not so many of these joys in the modern world.

The very choice of pipe and tobacco gives an idea of ​​the tastes and personality of the smoker, but a dirty and smoky pipe completely disqualifies him. Smoking such a pipe is no pleasure, going out among people with it is a shame, appearing in a clan of pipe smokers is buffoonery.

“Tell me how you take care of your pipe, and I will tell you who you are,” this is how you can paraphrase a well-known aphorism. How to care for your pipe? We spied on experts, listened to a lot of good advice, and tested it in our own skin.

Don't be alarmed, caring for your pipe will not take much time and will cause no more problems than cooking a steak. Begin.

On the left is the device of a smoking pipe.

The pipe ashtray is a necessary accessory. If you can't buy it, then make it yourself. To do this, find a traditional flat ashtray, as large in diameter as possible, and place a large balsa wood plug in the center. First, the upper part of the plug must be rounded using sandpaper.

This cork anvil will be used to knock the ashes out of the tube. The method is trouble-free and safe. Smokers have experienced many unpleasant surprises from tapping their pipe on a glass or porcelain ashtray, the edge of a table, or a heel.

If you don’t have a pipe ashtray at hand, then the ash and particles of unburnt tobacco can be carefully scooped out with a spoon. Perform the ritual of cleaning the pipe in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time, without the participation of observers - this is an intimate process. Never clean your pipe in the kitchen or at the table while you are eating.

Are you complaining about the instrument or the tamper? Why does a smoky instrument set stain pockets, handkerchiefs, tablecloths and cutlery? Buy a device or a tamper in a case or hood to protect this useful device; in the end, make the case yourself, from leather or thick fabric. I know smokers who surprise the company with their own devices.

I read and listen with great interest about the times when small manufacturers brought to the market pipe accessories that were real works of art.

The tobacco chamber is the part of the pipe bowl that is filled with tobacco.

Devices give us another, but very significant problem: they do not stay in our pockets at all, but they easily get used to the pockets of our friends. We have not yet come up with a single effective method of combating this phenomenon. There is only one way out; you need to have several instruments.

It is indecent to replace the tamper with a finger, although even philosophers have done this. Let's start with cosmetic procedures. First, we separate the mouthpiece from the stem, remembering that you should never pull it out, like a cork from a bottle.

It is enough to allow the slightest distortion, and the shank will burst or the neck of the mouthpiece will break off. You should never attempt to remove the mouthpiece while the pipe is still warm. Why? The ebonite or acrylic from which the mouthpiece is made expands more when heated than the heather of the pipe.

Never twist the mouthpiece left and right, like the crown of a wristwatch. This method leads to rapid wear of the mouthpiece neck seat and complete loosening of the tube.

It is also bad to twist the mouthpiece to the right one day, and to the left the next - it also becomes loose.

We hold the head of the tube firmly with our left hand, and with our right hand, not with our fingers, but with our entire palm, tightly grasp the mouthpiece and, turning it, remove it from the tube to the right. Insert the mouthpiece back in the same way. If the mouthpiece is attached with a thread, then we disconnect it differently - screw it in to the right, unscrew it to the left.

When it becomes softer under the influence of high temperature, we hit its end, strictly vertically, against some hard object - a hammer, the bottom of an ashtray, for so long until the mouthpiece hardens.

As a result of our efforts, the neck of the mouthpiece will become larger in diameter and will fit more tightly into place. We repeat these steps until we reach the desired planting density.

If the smoke channel of the mouthpiece is in danger of narrowing during this operation, it is necessary to insert a piece of wire or a nail of suitable diameter into the hole, for this purpose it is necessary to ensure that they are at hand in advance.

Finally, immerse the neck of the mouthpiece in cold water to cool.

If the losses are not too large, then this method usually gives good results.

The VAYEN company produces special graphite pencils in lipstick-type cases for processing tubes with nine-millimeter filters.

Preparations for cleaning

Manufacturers recommend that if the tube is actively used, it should be cleaned every day. This will preserve the original appearance and smoking properties of the product. Caring for a smoking pipe requires knowledge of what it consists of. Let's list all the elements:

    cup (this is where the tobacco is poured, it has a top and a bottom);

    chibouk (hollow rod with a place for attaching a mouthpiece);

    mouthpiece (has a neck that is inserted into the pipe, and at the other end there is a mouthpiece through which smoke is drawn in).

Before the evening cleaning ritual, you need to prepare brushes and a pipe ashtray. If it is unrealistic to purchase such a special one, then it is quite possible to make it yourself. Any flat ashtray will do as a base (the larger its diameter, the better). In its center you will need to glue a champagne cork (you can, of course, use any other one, as long as it is made of cork).

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. First you need to remove the ash from the bowl. Next, the mouthpiece is disconnected from the stem. It is important not to pull it, but to separate it in a circular motion, as if “unscrewing” it and only in a circle. It is important to know that this should not be done if the tube is hot. The mouthpiece is usually made of acrylic or ebonite, and when heated it increases in size and fits more tightly to the seat.

After disconnecting, you need to clean it. To do this, take a previously prepared brush and push it into the smoke channel through the hole in the mouthpiece. You need to pull it through the entire mouthpiece. It's not worth saving. You may need several to completely clean them. There are brushes with inserted hard bristles. They are used to clean a heavily soiled smoke duct or if there is dried condensation when the pipe has not been used for a long time.

Having cleaned the mouthpiece from the inside, move on to its outer surface. A regular clean napkin will do for this procedure. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids, as this will have a detrimental effect on the product. The ebonite mouthpiece still needs to be additionally treated with a special paste.

Next they move on to the chibouk. In general, it is recommended to clean it after each smoking. You will also need a brush for this. You need to fold it in half and use it to clean the hole where the mouthpiece is inserted. It is important to know that you need to clean not in a circular motion, but in a reciprocating motion. It will be useful to leave the brush in the pipe until the next time you use the tube (but not more than a day). This helps absorb excess moisture and thereby prevent the tube from “souring.”

How to clean a pipe - video

Clean the tube from tar and dirt

The Ministry of Health warns, but Columbus has already sailed from America and brought new traditions. And with them new worries - how to clean a smoking pipe, how to wash a bong.

A little about smoking

Today, according to WHO, there are about one and a half billion smokers on the planet. The most tobacco-dependent country is Cuba. But Russia is also “trying”, ranking seventh in the world in terms of the number of cigarettes smoked per capita.

58% of Russian men and 12% of women are smokers, and the number of tobacco fans increases every year in Russia by one and a half percent. The Russian tobacco market occupies an honorable third place on the world pedestal.

Without touching on the saddest statistics, we have to admit that smoking has a number of unattractive consequences:

  • darkened teeth and plaque on them;
  • sourish heavy odor from the mouth and hair;
  • a peculiar smell of sweat that is unpleasant for others;
  • tobacco yellowed fingertips;
  • damaging effect on blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • lung and larynx cancer.

Much has been said about this. But in fairness, it is necessary to highlight the positive aspects recorded in the special medical literature:

  1. nicotine has a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa, so ulcerative colitis is 2 times less common in smokers than in non-smokers;
  2. Women who smoke are less likely to develop endometrial cancer;
  3. smoking, albeit for a short time, improves memory and reaction speed;
  4. Smoking reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases - however, this statement is still controversial.

How to reduce the negative effects of tobacco on the body

To reduce the impact of tobacco on internal organs, people have invented many smoking devices. The simplest of them is a mouthpiece. In its elongated smoke channel, resins settle and the smoke cools, making the taste sensations softer.

A long, thin mouthpiece in a well-groomed female hand looks sophisticated. Smoking a pipe has long become a sacred rite; it requires sedateness and restraint; The man with the pipe bears the mark of a sage, a philosopher.

The pipe also has a mouthpiece, and the smoking style itself changes - there are no deep puffs that are bad for the lungs.

A bong came from Southeast Asia - a vessel with water through which smoke from a smoking mixture is passed. But, resorting to one of the types of such smoking, the consumer acquires new problems.

The mouthpiece and pipe quickly become sources of bitter aftertaste, which distorts the smoking experience. The mouthpiece is enough for 7-10 smoking sessions. And the tube requires cleaning and resting after each use.

The bong loses its transparency due to soot, the liquid in it becomes cloudy, acquiring a dirty tint.

How to Clean a Cigarette Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces have different shapes and designs, different lengths and thicknesses. They can be stamped and turned from various materials: ebonite (German ebonite and colored ebonite are considered the best - Cumberland), acrylic, wood of various types, amber, animal bones and sperm whale teeth.

Mouthpieces can be supplemented with a filter and a cooler; in this case, chambers for them are provided in the smoke channel. To clean a cigarette mouthpiece, you need disposable brushes, which are purchased in tobacco stores, 100-200 pieces per package. there are brushes:

  • natural (cotton);
  • synthetic;
  • combined.

Cigarette mouthpieces are cleaned with synthetic ones. The brushes have a conical shape, with a short pile on one side and a longer one on the other.

You need to insert the brush into the smoke channel and make several translational and rotational movements, completely passing through it. The chamber for the filter or cooler is mechanically cleaned with a double folded brush.

An ebonite mouthpiece may change color due to alcohol. Then you need to apply a special paste, sold together with smoking accessories, to a soft cloth and clean the outside of the mouthpiece. Regular toothpaste may also be suitable for this.

How to clean resin from a smoking pipe

Pipes are made from different materials, but the best is briar. This is a basal growth on the trunk of Mediterranean heather growing on the granite rocks of the Cote d'Azur.

Briar accumulates so much silicon, extracted by the roots of the stone, that it itself becomes unusually hard, practically non-flammable, and has low thermal conductivity.

But at the same time, wood fibers retain the ability to absorb moisture, which is a very valuable property of this material in a smoking pipe. After all, pipe tobacco must have high humidity to ensure even smoke production.

This simple operation has its own subtleties - you cannot tap the inverted bowl of the pipe on the edge of the ashtray.

To avoid damaging the tube, place an elastic stopper from a wine bottle in the center of the ashtray for shock absorption and tap on it.

The tube should cool for an hour and a half. Now you need to disassemble it by unscrewing the mouthpiece clockwise. You will need to collect it by also rotating the mouthpiece in the same direction. This is explained simply.

If you twist the mouthpiece in the other direction, the fibers will first become frayed and then erased, and the parts of the tube will not fit tightly.

The mouthpiece is cleaned as described above. Here's how to clean the smoking pipe itself. First, the chibouk is cleaned, collecting moisture in it with a brush made of natural material. When passing the smoke channel of the tube with a brush, during translational movements you should not reach the opposite wall of the tube chamber, so as not to damage it.

Then the brush, dirty on both sides, must be given a U-shape and the clean middle of it must be wiped across the walls of the bowl with rotational movements.

To properly clean the pipe, you need to have a universal tee, consisting of a tamper, a spoon and an awl (punch). They clean the inside of the tube bowl from resin. The “cleaning” ends with the use of a soft paper napkin. Use it to wipe the walls and bottom of the bowl. The entire stammel (bowl and stem) is wiped with a soft flannel from the outside.

The tube goes on rest, which cannot be less than a day. The rest period is influenced by many factors, but there is a sign that indicates readiness for use - the unpleasant smell goes away, the pipe again emits the aroma of tobacco.

Without cleaning, the tube will irreparably “sour” from moisture absorbed into it.

How to Clean a Bong

From a chemist's point of view, a bong is a large flask with a long vertical shaft and a hole on the side to accommodate a bowl of smoking mixture. A lot of smoke is produced in the bong, which entails:

  • pronounced psychotropic effect, which is why this device has become popular;
  • saving smoking mixture;
  • rapid contamination of the walls of the vessel and the water in it with resins.

We need to solve a practical problem, how to clean a bong. First, it is completely disassembled, separating all its components. Small glass pieces can be soaked in a bowl of detergent. A large container is first filled with hot water with the addition of special products, alcohol or vinegar.

The main part of the soot will move away from the walls of the vessel. The dirty composition must be drained and any material for mechanical cleaning must be poured into the bong: coarse salt, baking soda, grain; then add alcohol or solvent, close the holes and shake vigorously for 5-10 minutes, remembering that we are dealing with fragile glass.

If necessary, repeat this algorithm several times.

You can use a long brush to clean the walls. The more often you clean your bong, the easier it becomes. After rinsing and drying, the bong is ready to use.

An unpleasant odor that can fill the entire room

A gloomy look that you don’t even want to touch

Below are some tips.

After each use, you should change the coolant in the bong and rinse it thoroughly under running cold and then warm water - this procedure will keep your friend in excellent condition for a long time and relieve him of the smell.

If you don’t have the time or desire to do all this, then at least change the water.

Cleaning a Glass Bong

All glass products are easier to clean, they are the same material. It absorbs the least, so there shouldn’t be any special problems with it, especially if you don’t start it.

Simply fill the bong with warm water, add any detergent or baking soda, close all the holes and give it a good shake for a few minutes and then drain all that liquid.

Thus, all surface resins will immediately disappear and the bong will look much better =) But this is not enough for us, we want to see our device almost like new! =) And to do this, refill with warm water, also add any detergent or soda, and with a brush, with force, wash the walls. If necessary, the procedure for replacing water can be repeated.

And don’t be afraid to use detergents, for example the same “fairy”. Some articles write that a detergent aftertaste remains, but this is not true at all. All detergents are easily washed off and do not leave traces or odor; a simple example is your dishes, which you wash with the same “fairy” and after that you do not feel its taste while eating.

But the first method with detergents is also very effective and affordable, because everyone has cleaning products, and after cleaning the bong can be rinsed repeatedly with warm water and not a trace of chemicals will remain!

How to use pipe brushes?

How to clean a smoking pipe, caring for a smoking pipe

Cleaning a smoking pipe

For many, caring for their smoking pipe is a ritual. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Using inappropriate tools and methods. Some even think that doing this once a week or even less often is enough. All this can lead to deterioration and even breakage of the tube.

Caring for your smoking pipe

cup (this is where the tobacco is poured, it has a top and a bottom);

chibouk (hollow rod with a place for attaching a mouthpiece);

mouthpiece (has a neck that is inserted into the pipe, and at the other end there is a mouthpiece through which smoke is drawn in).

Before the evening cleaning ritual, you need to prepare brushes and a pipe ashtray. If it is unrealistic to purchase such a special one, then it is quite possible to make it yourself. Any flat ashtray will do as a base (the larger its diameter, the better).

It is very safe to knock the ashes out of the pipe.

Cleaning technology

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. First you need to remove the ash from the bowl. Next, the mouthpiece is disconnected from the stem. It is important not to pull it, but to separate it in a circular motion, as if “unscrewing” it and only in a circle. It is important to know that this should not be done if the tube is hot.

The mouthpiece is usually made of acrylic or ebonite, and when heated it increases in size and fits more tightly to the seat. If you pull it out at this moment, the tube will quickly become loose due to wear of the neck of the mouthpiece and, in general, the entire connection assembly. There are tubes with threaded connection of components.

In this case, everything is much simpler. You just need to unscrew the mouthpiece along the thread.

After disconnecting, you need to clean it. To do this, take a previously prepared brush and push it into the smoke channel through the hole in the mouthpiece. You need to pull it through the entire mouthpiece. It's not worth saving.

You may need several to completely clean them. There are brushes with inserted hard bristles.

They are used to clean a heavily soiled smoke duct or if there is dried condensation when the pipe has not been used for a long time.

It is important to know that you need to clean not in a circular motion, but in a reciprocating motion. It will be useful to leave the brush in the pipe until the next time you use the tube (but not more than a day).

This helps absorb excess moisture and thereby prevent the tube from “souring.”

Restoration of smoking properties

Alcohol-salt method

All these tips will help the owner of a smoking pipe to care for it. But what should you do if it does turn sour, or if a permanent aftertaste appears after using tobacco with a bright taste? Here we need radical measures to restore smoking properties.

One of the most common ways to restore the taste of a pipe is to use an alcohol-salt solution. You need to take coarse salt, in no case iodized, and the alcohol must be pure. If you can’t find one, then it’s acceptable to use vodka or another unsweetened and “unflavored” strong drink, but the result then may not live up to expectations.

You will also need a stand or any other device that allows you to hold the tube motionless. There is no need to listen to advice that before recreating the original smoking taste in this way, you must remove the mouthpiece and plug the pipe with a brush. This will remove sour deposits only from the cup, and they will remain in other places.

The technique itself is as follows. Salt is poured into the cup to the top and carefully filled with alcohol (preferably with a pipette or syringe, so as not to pour it onto the outer surface). It is necessary that all the salt is well saturated. The tube is left in this form until the alcohol has completely evaporated (about a day). During the chemical reaction, the salt turns black, absorbing soured resins and soot.

There is, however, a danger: if the salt is too fine or the product is not dried well, a crack may form and it will become unusable. According to this method, everything needs to be done scrupulously; if you are unsure, it is better to turn to a specialist.

If you do not regularly care for your smoking pipe, it may happen that the product becomes so acidic that it may not be possible to restore its original properties using this method. What to do in this case?


If the result of the alcohol-salt method is unsatisfactory, you can try an extreme measure in the form of boiling the tube. This is done, of course, not in water, but in an alcohol solution (vodka is quite suitable). The product is completely immersed in it and boiled for about 4-5 hours. After this, it needs to dry for at least two weeks.

This measure is truly an extreme measure. Although the smoking properties will return, the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled. The entire surface will have to be restored again: painted, varnished, polished. It is not a fact that the tube will look the same as before.

What to do if your mouthpiece comes loose

Another point worth mentioning concerns the situation when there are defects in the connection between the mouthpiece and the shank. There are two ways to solve this problem at home.

    If the connection is loose, then the neck of the mouthpiece is heated from a flame or in boiling water. When it becomes soft, you need to press it vertically against any hard object and hold it until it cools down. From all this, the diameter of the neck of the mouthpiece becomes larger. You can carry out the procedure until the desired planting density is achieved, and to prevent the smoke channel from narrowing too much, a wire is simply inserted into it.

    If the connection is very tight and the mouthpiece is pulled out with great difficulty, then its neck is rubbed with graphite powder. If it is difficult to buy a special one, then you can crumble the lead of a simple pencil. You just need to take one marked “soft”. If this does not help, then you can try to warm up the neck of the mouthpiece and immediately screw it into the shank, thus achieving the desired tightness of the connection.

“You have to be sensual with her,” experienced people say, “she has something of a woman in her, she knows how to be grateful for care and for everything that emphasizes her beauty.”

Don't smile - cosmetics and the art of grooming provide your pipe with eternal youth and bring a little joy to your partner. After all, there are not so many of these joys in the modern world. The very choice of pipe and tobacco gives an idea of ​​the tastes and personality of the smoker, but a dirty and smoky pipe completely disqualifies him. Smoking such a pipe is no pleasure, going out among people with it is a shame, appearing in a clan of pipe smokers is buffoonery. “Tell me how you take care of your pipe, and I will tell you who you are,” this is how you can paraphrase a well-known aphorism. How to care for your pipe? We spied on experts, listened to a lot of good advice, and tested it in our own skin. Don't be alarmed, caring for your pipe will not take much time and will cause no more problems than cooking a steak. Begin.

On the left is the device of a smoking pipe.

You need to take care of the decent appearance of your beloved yourself and not trust this to others, even those closest to you. The pipe you used during the day should be cleaned in the evening, just like your teeth, so it should not remain dirty overnight. For evening dressing, you need to prepare brushes, a utensil and an appropriate ashtray. The pipe ashtray is a necessary accessory. If you can't buy it, then make it yourself. To do this, find a traditional flat ashtray, as large in diameter as possible, and place a large balsa wood plug in the center. First, the upper part of the plug must be rounded using sandpaper. This cork anvil will be used to knock the ashes out of the tube. The method is trouble-free and safe. Smokers have experienced many unpleasant surprises from tapping their pipe on a glass or porcelain ashtray, the edge of a table, or a heel. If you don’t have a pipe ashtray at hand, then the ash and particles of unburnt tobacco can be carefully scooped out with a spoon. Perform the ritual of cleaning the pipe in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time, without the participation of observers - this is an intimate process. Never clean your pipe in the kitchen or at the table while you are eating. Cover the table or coffee table with old newspaper for protection. At the end of all procedures, you will wrap all the dirt, used brushes and cotton wool in this newspaper.

Are you complaining about the instrument or the tamper? Why does a smoky instrument set stain pockets, handkerchiefs, tablecloths and cutlery? Buy a device or a tamper in a case or hood to protect this useful device; in the end, make the case yourself, from leather or thick fabric. I know smokers who surprise the company with their own devices.

I read and listen with great interest about the times when small manufacturers brought to the market pipe accessories that were real works of art.

The tobacco chamber is the part of the pipe bowl that is filled with tobacco.

Devices give us another, but very significant problem: they do not stay in our pockets at all, but they easily get used to the pockets of our friends. We have not yet come up with a single effective method of combating this phenomenon. There is only one way out; you need to have several instruments. It is indecent to replace the tamper with a finger, although even philosophers have done this. Let's start with cosmetic procedures. First, we separate the mouthpiece from the stem, remembering that you should never pull it out, like a cork from a bottle. It is enough to allow the slightest distortion, and the shank will burst or the neck of the mouthpiece will break off. You should never attempt to remove the mouthpiece while the pipe is still warm. Why? The ebonite or acrylic from which the mouthpiece is made expands more when heated than the heather of the pipe. It (the tube) should be cold, then the mouthpiece will separate easily, it will be easy to disassemble and reassemble.

Never twist the mouthpiece left and right, like the crown of a wristwatch. This method leads to rapid wear of the mouthpiece neck seat and complete loosening of the tube.

It is also bad to twist the mouthpiece to the right one day, and to the left the next - it also becomes loose.

We hold the head of the tube firmly with our left hand, and with our right hand, not with our fingers, but with our entire palm, tightly grasp the mouthpiece and, turning it, remove it from the tube to the right. Insert the mouthpiece back in the same way. If the mouthpiece is attached with a thread, then we disconnect it differently - screw it in to the right, unscrew it to the left. What to do if your favorite pipe has become loose, and replacing the mouthpiece has become a difficult dream to achieve? Experienced smokers suggest: warm up a loose mouthpiece over the flame of a candle, gas or in hot water. When it becomes softer under the influence of high temperature, we hit its end, strictly vertically, against some hard object - a hammer, the bottom of an ashtray, for so long until the mouthpiece hardens.

As a result of our efforts, the neck of the mouthpiece will become larger in diameter and will fit more tightly into place. We repeat these steps until we reach the desired planting density. If the smoke channel of the mouthpiece is in danger of narrowing during this operation, it is necessary to insert a piece of wire or a nail of suitable diameter into the hole, for this purpose it is necessary to ensure that they are at hand in advance. Finally, immerse the neck of the mouthpiece in cold water to cool.

If the losses are not too large, then this method usually gives good results. If the situation is the opposite - the mouthpiece fits in too tightly, tightly and with a bang, it is difficult to screw it in, then the neck of the mouthpiece should be rubbed with graphite powder, this should work. The VAYEN company produces special graphite pencils in lipstick-type cases for processing tubes with nine-millimeter filters.

As a last resort, graphite powder can be obtained from the lead of a simple soft pencil. If the method of rubbing with graphite does not lead to the desired result, then we heat the end of the mouthpiece and try to screw it into the shank with a reverse movement. Do not apply heat to the mouthpiece too often, as the material from which the mouthpiece is made becomes too brittle. If the above described actions are beyond your strength, look for other methods, and sometimes the impossible will become possible. Once the mouthpiece is separated from the pipe, it must be cleaned. To do this, insert a previously prepared brush (clean) into the smoke channel of the mouthpiece from the side of the bite and pull it through the mouthpiece. You may need several brushes, don't skimp on them, and don't hoard the used ones for a rainy day.

In countries with a strong pipe tradition, you can purchase long brushes designed for cleaning CHURCHWARDENs. They can be folded in half and smoke channels of increased diameter can be cleaned. You come across brushes with short, stiff bristles woven into them. Such brushes are indispensable for cleaning particularly dirty smoke ducts lined with dried condensate. The color of the brush does not affect its quality. Cleaners are one of those pipe accessories that a pipe smoker should always have with him at work, when traveling, and so on. But they should be used delicately so as not to cause negative emotions in the people around you.

When cleaning the mouthpiece, let's not forget about the bite and tip. They are also supposed to be clean. If your snorkel is equipped with a coolant, be sure to clean it out. Now it's the chibouk's turn. We clean it after every smoking. Fold the brush in half and clean the hole in the pipe from the mouthpiece side. After the pipe is cleaned, we insert a clean brush into the pipe and leave it until the next time the pipe is filled with tobacco, but not longer than a day. This brush will absorb a lot of moisture from the tube.

The chubuk will not become tarred too quickly if we use a tool needle to clean it. This is the first tool that we will use for general cleaning of the pipe, but more on that a little later. The evening toilet of the tube requires the use of only brushes or a “Fedorov loop”, which we use if we do not have a brush on hand. “Fedorov's Loop” is a thin table wire folded in half (the first guitar string), in the fold of which a thin cotton wool flagellum is placed. This design is carefully pulled through the mouthpiece or shank. The operation is repeated, changing the cotton buds until the cotton wool remains clean. The last voice belongs to a piece of suede or a clean, soft cotton cloth with which we wipe the outside of the tube head.

When we connect the mouthpiece to the pipe, it is necessary to blow through the tube strongly in order to blow out any remaining dirt, lint from brushes and cotton wool. These routine cosmetic actions may seem unnecessary to some, the invention of a crazy hygienist, that all this ceremony is unnecessary and will only steal our valuable time. This is an unfounded accusation. In practice, this whole ceremony lasts no more than a couple of minutes, no longer than washing your face, washing your neck or brushing your teeth - something we used to get away with so cleverly in childhood. Some smokers are like children - their laziness does not bring health to either themselves or their pipes. It’s strange that the thought does not come to them to change this. These smokers take a dirty, uncleaned pipe into their teeth the next day, and can only say to it: “Somehow you’re not to my taste today.”

General inspection of a smoking pipe

Daily cosmetics are not enough. From time to time we subject our pipes to a general inspection, cleaning and repair. There are no specific deadlines here, we need to determine this by smell, and allocate some hour or a little more for our pipes. We supplement the already familiar pipe accessories with a small amount of alcohol, beeswax and some kind of liquid for cleaning smoke ducts. Special pipe care kits, for example from Savinelli, are very convenient, which include a wax solution for polishing pipe heads, a paste for polishing mouthpieces and a liquid for cleaning smoke channels.

Act one - like every day, the mouthpiece and the shank come under fire. We only moisten the brush with a special liquid or alcohol. It should not be moistened too much; the brush should not drip. Alcohol washing should clean out all hidden contaminants. We remind you that alcohol can be replaced with rum, gin, cognac, zubrovka, vodka or dry cherry. All these cleaning products must have a specific place and be stored away from the tubes, which are very sensitive to all sorts of odors and absorb them very easily. Particular care must be taken to ensure that no liquid gets into the tube container. Before we proceed with the general inspection, it is necessary to check whether the inside of the tubes is not covered with excessive carbon deposits. As we know, the thickness of the soot shell should not exceed 1.5 mm (the British say 1/16 inch).

Excessive carbon thickness not only reduces the volume of the tube's bladder, but can also cause the tube to tear apart (it will crack). Cutting off carbon deposits should not be delayed for a long time, but it should not be done every time. We cut off the deposits with a special key-mill. It's good when the key is specially adapted for a specific pipe. You can use a universal, adjustable wrench with sliding blades.

Regardless of what tool we have, this action requires great dexterity - too much pressure or misalignment of the cutter can lead to cutting the carbon deposits down to the wood, which will serve as the first step towards burning the tube right through in this very place, and such a defect will not be able to be plugged with anything . Experienced smokers advise not to try to replace the cutter with a chisel or knife, especially a sharp one; in extreme cases, you can use a dull penknife. Very often the edges and the upper cut of the head are affected. Try not to let the flame of a match or the heat of tobacco spilling from the pipe damage them. The pipe gets old, lichen appears on its surface, and the mouthpiece loses its beauty. Most of the symptoms of aging are our fault. However, they can be eliminated. To do this, cover the shank and tube head with a thin layer of wax solution. When the wax dries (this can be determined by the whitish coating that appears), carefully polish the tube with a clean cotton cloth. An ebonite mouthpiece that has turned gray over time needs to be polished with a special paste. If a small crack appears on the pipe as a result of careless handling of the tube, you will have to install a metal ring. We do all this with care, just as our aging friend usually becomes more and more desirable over time. Well-maintained pipes last a long, long time.

Old experts say that the pipe has a soul, complexes and character; it is necessary to get to know it better in order to understand each other. Helmut Hochrein in his “Das Grosse Buch des Pfeifenrauchers” (“The Pipe Smoker’s Big Book”) says: “...I once had a strange pipe. She was beautiful as sin, and had all the ingredients to become the favorite of my pipe harem. I gave her the best and most expensive varieties of tobacco from all over the world, but she didn’t give me anything, didn’t want anything from me and barely allowed me to touch her. Proud of the wonderful wood grain, it tasted like smoldering waste paper. I changed tobacco, treated her more sensitively than a spoiled mistress. But nothing helped. She still made scandals, threw hysterics, went out on the third puff, and the most expensive tobacco had in her the taste of the meanest shag. Enraged by this behavior, I threw it into some box, among the junk that no one needed. Two or three years later, I came across it by chance and thought: “Maybe I’ll try again?” She seemed more beautiful than ever, her wood was as smooth as a child's cheek. I got the impression that she was caressing my hands. As I cleaned and waxed her, I whispered to her about what had happened while she was sitting in the box.

At the end, I filled it with tobacco and waited with tension for the moment when the flame of the match would release the first smoke.

And then I felt the taste of heaven in my mouth, and she again took her place that I had once assigned to her in my pipe harem - she became the first concubine.

I told this story many times in the clan of smokers. No one tried to condemn me for lying, but also no one could explain to me these strange metamorphoses of this particular pipe. But it happened that one of my listeners, a real expert, smiled meaningfully, as if he wanted to tell me with his smile: “Old man, something similar happened to me.”

Today, according to WHO, there are about one and a half billion smokers on the planet. The most tobacco-dependent country is Cuba. But Russia is also “trying”, ranking seventh in the world in terms of the number of cigarettes smoked per capita. 58% of Russian men and 12% of women are smokers, and the number of tobacco fans increases every year in Russia by one and a half percent.

Without touching on the saddest statistics, we have to admit that smoking has a number of unattractive consequences:

  • darkened teeth and plaque on them;
  • sourish heavy odor from the mouth and hair;
  • a peculiar smell of sweat that is unpleasant for others;
  • tobacco yellowed fingertips;
  • damaging effect on blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • lung and larynx cancer.

Much has been said about this. But in fairness, it is necessary to highlight the positive aspects recorded in the special medical literature:

  1. nicotine has a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa, so ulcerative colitis is 2 times less common in smokers than in non-smokers;
  2. Women who smoke are less likely to develop endometrial cancer;
  3. smoking, albeit for a short time, improves memory and reaction speed;
  4. Smoking reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases - however, this statement is still controversial.

Preparations for cleaning

Caring for a smoking pipe requires knowledge of what it consists of. Let's list all the elements:

  • cup (this is where the tobacco is poured, it has a top and a bottom);
  • chibouk (hollow rod with a place for attaching a mouthpiece);
  • mouthpiece (has a neck that is inserted into the pipe, and at the other end there is a mouthpiece through which smoke is drawn in).

Before the evening cleaning ritual, you need to prepare brushes and a pipe ashtray. If it is unrealistic to purchase such a special one, then it is quite possible to make it yourself.

Any flat ashtray will do as a base (the larger its diameter, the better). In its center you will need to glue a champagne cork (you can, of course, use any other one, as long as it is made of cork). The top of the plug is rounded using sandpaper (it is better to do this before gluing it to the ashtray, then it will be inconvenient). The end result will be something like a cork anvil. It is very safe to knock the ashes out of the pipe.

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. First you need to remove the ash from the bowl. Next, the mouthpiece is disconnected from the stem. It is important not to pull it, but to separate it in a circular motion, as if “unscrewing” it and only in a circle. It is important to know that this should not be done if the tube is hot. The mouthpiece is usually made of acrylic or ebonite, and when heated it increases in size and fits more tightly to the seat.

After disconnecting, you need to clean it. To do this, take a previously prepared brush and push it into the smoke channel through the hole in the mouthpiece. You need to pull it through the entire mouthpiece. It's not worth saving. You may need several to completely clean them. There are brushes with inserted hard bristles. They are used to clean a heavily soiled smoke duct or if there is dried condensation when the pipe has not been used for a long time.

Having cleaned the mouthpiece from the inside, move on to its outer surface. A regular clean napkin will do for this procedure. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids, as this will have a detrimental effect on the product. The ebonite mouthpiece still needs to be additionally treated with a special paste.

Next they move on to the chibouk. In general, it is recommended to clean it after each smoking. You will also need a brush for this. You need to fold it in half and use it to clean the hole where the mouthpiece is inserted. It is important to know that you need to clean not in a circular motion, but in a reciprocating motion. It will be useful to leave the brush in the pipe until the next time you use the tube (but not more than a day). This helps absorb excess moisture and thereby prevent the tube from “souring.”

Following these simple cleaning rules will help you maintain your pipe and enjoy smoking for much longer.

How to reduce the negative effects of tobacco on the body

To reduce the impact of tobacco on internal organs, people have invented many smoking devices. The simplest of them is a mouthpiece. In its elongated smoke channel, resins settle and the smoke cools, making the taste sensations softer. A long, thin mouthpiece in a well-groomed female hand looks sophisticated.

A bong came from Southeast Asia - a vessel with water through which smoke from a smoking mixture is passed. But, resorting to one of the types of such smoking, the consumer acquires new problems. The mouthpiece and pipe quickly become sources of bitter aftertaste, which distorts the smoking experience. The mouthpiece is enough for 7-10 smoking sessions.

How to Clean a Cigarette Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces have different shapes and designs, different lengths and thicknesses. They can be stamped and turned from various materials: ebonite (German ebonite and colored ebonite are considered the best - Cumberland), acrylic, wood of various types, amber, animal bones and sperm whale teeth.

Mouthpieces can be supplemented with a filter and a cooler; in this case, chambers for them are provided in the smoke channel. To clean a cigarette mouthpiece, you need disposable brushes, which are purchased in tobacco stores, 100-200 pieces per package. There are brushes:

  • natural (cotton);
  • synthetic;
  • combined.

Cigarette mouthpieces are cleaned with synthetic ones. The brushes have a conical shape, with a short pile on one side and a longer one on the other. You need to insert the brush into the smoke channel and make several translational and rotational movements, completely passing through it. The chamber for the filter or cooler is mechanically cleaned with a double folded brush. Periodically, when finishing cleaning, introduce a brush slightly moistened with alcohol (vodka, cognac), and then wipe with a dry cotton brush.

An ebonite mouthpiece may change color due to alcohol. Then you need to apply a special paste, sold together with smoking accessories, to a soft cloth and clean the outside of the mouthpiece. Regular toothpaste may also be suitable for this.

How to clean resin from a smoking pipe

Pipes are made from different materials, but the best is briar. This is a basal growth on the trunk of Mediterranean heather growing on the granite rocks of the Cote d'Azur. Briar accumulates so much silicon, extracted from the roots of the stone, that it itself becomes unusually hard, practically non-flammable, and has low thermal conductivity.

Caring for a smoking pipe is a ritual; there is nothing complicated in it, but all manipulations must be followed. Immediately after finishing smoking, the pipe must be freed from tobacco residues and ash. This simple operation has its own subtleties - you cannot tap the inverted bowl of the pipe on the edge of the ashtray. To avoid damaging the tube, place an elastic stopper from a wine bottle in the center of the ashtray for shock absorption and tap on it.

The tube should cool for an hour and a half. Now you need to disassemble it by unscrewing the mouthpiece clockwise. You will need to collect it by also rotating the mouthpiece in the same direction. This is explained simply. When a hole is machined into the tube shank, the tool rotates clockwise, guiding the wood fibers behind it. If you twist the mouthpiece in the other direction, the fibers will first become frayed and then erased, and the parts of the tube will not fit tightly.

The mouthpiece is cleaned as described above. Here's how to clean the smoking pipe itself. First, the chibouk is cleaned, collecting moisture in it with a brush made of natural material. When passing the smoke channel of the tube with a brush, during translational movements you should not reach the opposite wall of the tube chamber, so as not to damage it.

Then the brush, dirty on both sides, should be given a U-shape and the clean middle should be rubbed across the walls of the bowl with rotational movements.

To properly clean the pipe, you need to have a universal tee, consisting of a tamper, a spoon and an awl (punch). They clean the inside of the tube bowl from resin. The “cleaning” ends with the use of a soft paper napkin. Use it to wipe the walls and bottom of the bowl. The entire stammel (bowl and stem) is wiped with a soft flannel from the outside.

The tube goes on rest, which cannot be less than a day. The rest period is influenced by many factors, but there is a sign that indicates readiness for use - the unpleasant smell goes away, the pipe again emits the aroma of tobacco.

Without cleaning, the tube will irreparably “sour” from moisture absorbed into it.

How to Clean a Bong

From a chemist's point of view, a bong is a large flask with a long vertical shaft and a hole on the side to accommodate a bowl of smoking mixture. A lot of smoke is produced in the bong, which entails:

  • pronounced psychotropic effect, which is why this device has become popular;
  • saving smoking mixture;
  • rapid contamination of the walls of the vessel and the water in it with resins.

We need to solve a practical problem, how to clean a bong. First, it is completely disassembled, separating all its components. Small glass pieces can be soaked in a bowl of detergent. A large container is first filled with hot water with the addition of special products, alcohol or vinegar. The main part of the soot will move away from the walls of the vessel.

The dirty composition must be drained and any material for mechanical cleaning must be poured into the bong: coarse salt, baking soda, grain; then add alcohol or solvent, close the holes and shake vigorously for 5-10 minutes, remembering that we are dealing with fragile glass. If necessary, repeat this algorithm several times.

You can use a long brush to clean the walls. The more often you clean your bong, the easier it becomes. After rinsing and drying, the bong is ready to use.

If someone finds the process of caring for their favorite things too burdensome, they need to give up smoking. An old truth: if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled!

Despite the publication of a series of popular articles for beginning pipe smokers, communication with people who are just beginning to get acquainted with the interesting world of smoking pipes and pipe tobacco shows that many questions still remain. And today, in the “Blitz” format, we will try to give answers to the most frequently asked questions. Or at least some of them. So, let's go.

What material is better to buy a tube from?

From briar. It is more durable and, as a result, durable. Leave everything else for the time when you have a clear idea of ​​what you need and why. The first pipe should be briar.

How to disassemble a smoking pipe?

To do this, the tube must be cool. Simply remove the mouthpiece by rotating it clockwise. Why clockwise? The fibers in the briar are laid in this direction by the drill, and if we rotate counterclockwise, we can lift them, which can ultimately lead to jamming of the tip. Or it may not, but this is not the case when it’s worth taking the risk.

How often should you clean your smoking pipe?

The pipe is cleaned after each smoking. Before this, it must cool down and only after that the tube can be disassembled.

Do I need to wash my smoking pipe?

In everyday life - no. Sometimes it becomes necessary to clean the tobacco chamber with a damp toothbrush if you are restoring an old smoked pipe. Usually, with regular maintenance, a good cleaning with pipe brushes is sufficient.

How and which side to insert the filter into the smoking pipe?

If we are talking about 9 mm filters with ceramic inserts on both ends, then there is absolutely no difference in which side to insert the filter into the smoking pipe. Insert the filter at either end until it clicks slightly, then assemble the tube by rotating the mouthpiece as described above.

If we are talking about filters with plastic at one end, then such filters, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, are inserted with the plastic end towards the mouthpiece.

How often should you change the filter in your smoking pipe?

The filter is changed when cleaning the pipe after each smoking. You smoke the pipe, let it cool a little, after which you disassemble it and remove the filter.

What to do if the tobacco is dry?

Tobacco can be moistened. Of course, you won’t get back all the delights of the taste, but the tobacco will be quite smokable. Moreover, there is not always a choice, especially if we are talking about those tobacco mixtures that are no longer produced. We will devote a separate video and/or article to the issues of proper humidification of tobacco, if you, friends, consider it necessary.

Is it possible to dry a smoking pipe in the sun?

No. Firstly, sudden and uneven heating of wood can lead to damage or, at a minimum, to shrinkage. Secondly, ebonite mouthpieces fade in the sun, oxidizing. If you dry the bowl in the sun without a mouthpiece, you can get the result when the mouthpiece simply stops being inserted into the tube.

My pipe is changing color. Why and what to do about it?

This is normal and even inevitable. Smooth briar pipes without varnish and a black finish sooner or later become all the same color, impregnated with resins. The lighter and more natural the finish of the tube, the more noticeable the changes in color. But in the end, all smooth pipes, when smoked regularly, become the same, even green and blue, if not varnished.

What should I do if my pipe gets very hot while smoking?

Experiment with packing density to reduce it, and work on the rate of smoking. The pipe should be slightly warm; do not take sharp or deep puffs and do not try to squeeze more smoke out of the pipe. Smoke slowly and calmly, don't worry if the pipe goes out. The same advice applies to cases where the pipe is being smoked with too much moisture.

That's probably all for now. If you think that some issues need to be covered in more detail, write about it in the comments. You can also ask your questions, and we, in turn, will try to answer the most frequent and interesting of them.

The legalization of marijuana and, as a consequence, its regular use dictate special requirements for the condition of smoking devices. Over time, layer after layer of old resin with an unpleasant odor accumulates on their surface. To keep your smoking pipe, bong or other smoking device spotlessly clean, you only need to follow a few steps: simple care tips after them.

After several months, weeks, or even days of using a pipe or bong, a thick layer of resin settles on the inner surface of the device. This does not look very aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, significantly spoils the taste of the smoke. In addition, it is quite difficult to wash a pipe or bong of resin, and if this is not done in time, then it is impossible to use the device . Get rid of plaque You can do this without spending extra money on special cleansers by following a few simple steps.

Cleaning the tube

1. First you need clean the resin with special tools for tube care where possible. The popular resource The Chronicle calls Randy's Hard Bristle products the best, but you can use quality tools from any other brand. The tool is inserted through a mouthpiece at the front of the tube and is then used to scrape the inside along the entire length of the tool, forcing a significant portion of the resin into the bowl of the tube. This operation must be repeated several times. The clumps of resin are then removed from the bowl of the tube. To completely clean it, you can use a regular toothpick or paper clip. Special care must be taken with the knife as the metal blade glides across the glass surface.

2. Then you need to fill a tall glass alcohol. 90% alcohol is best, but in the absence of stronger alcohol, you can also use a 60% alcohol solution. The glass should be about two-thirds filled with it, after which the tube is immersed in it. The device is left in alcohol for some time, at least an hour (the longer the better).

3. After the tube has been in alcohol for some time, it needs to be drained and the device rinsed clean running water. The tube is then placed in a suitable sized pan, which is filled with water. Place the pan on the stove and gradually bring to a boil. Under no circumstances should a glass tube be placed directly into boiling water - this may cause cracks to appear on it. Device needed simmer for 30 minutes, then let the water cool and carefully remove the tube from the pan. Important: while the pipe is boiling, a very intense specific smell spreads. If there is still resin on the tube even after boiling, this step must be repeated.

4. After boiling, a very thin layer of melted resin may settle on the tube. It can be easily eliminated if place the pipe back into the tall glass of alcohol(for about 30 minutes). Then the tube must be rinsed again under running clean water. After the device has dried, it is ready for use again.

Cleaning your bong

1. Cleaning a bong usually takes a lot easier and faster than a tube. Its design allows easy access to most of the internal surfaces. First you need to fill the water tank of the bong 90% alcohol and remove the bowl. Important: this method is not suitable for a plastic bong, since interaction with alcohol will inevitably lead to cracks.

2. Fill the tank of a medium-sized bong about halfway. table salt. The abrasive structure of salt allows you to quickly and safely remove plaque.

3. Then you need to clamp the tank holes on both sides with your hands and shake vigorously him several times. These manipulations need to be performed over the sink. While shaking the tank, you need to periodically turn it over so that the salt cleans different parts of its inner surface. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the resin layer is thickest.

4. After the entire internal surface of the tank has been cleaned with salt, it must be rinsed under running water. clean running water.

5. For cleansing bong bowls and tubes The glass tube cleaning method described above is used.


caring for your smoking pipe- this is a whole ritual. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Using inappropriate tools and methods. Some even think that doing this once a week or even less often is enough. All this can lead to deterioration and even breakage of the tube. Considering that the price for it can be by no means small, it will be very disappointing.

Preparations for cleaning

Manufacturers recommend that if the tube is actively used, it should be cleaned every day. This will preserve the original appearance and smoking properties of the product. requires knowledge of what it consists of. Let's list all the elements:

    cup (this is where the tobacco is poured, it has a top and a bottom);

    chibouk (hollow rod with a place for attaching a mouthpiece);

    mouthpiece (has a neck that is inserted into the pipe, and at the other end there is a mouthpiece through which smoke is drawn in).

Before the evening cleaning ritual, you need to prepare brushes and a pipe ashtray. If it is unrealistic to purchase such a special one, then it is quite possible to make it yourself. Any flat ashtray will do as a base (the larger its diameter, the better). In its center you will need to glue a champagne cork (you can, of course, use any other one, as long as it is made of cork). The top of the plug is rounded using sandpaper (it is better to do this before gluing it to the ashtray, then it will be inconvenient). The end result will be something like a cork anvil. It is very safe to knock the ashes out of the pipe.

Cleaning technology

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. First you need to remove the ash from the bowl. Next, the mouthpiece is disconnected from the stem. It is important not to pull it, but to separate it in a circular motion, as if “unscrewing” it and only in a circle. It is important to know that this should not be done if the tube is hot. The mouthpiece is usually made of acrylic or ebonite, and when heated it increases in size and fits more tightly to the seat. If you pull it out at this moment, the tube will quickly become loose due to wear of the neck of the mouthpiece and, in general, the entire connection assembly. There are tubes with threaded connection of components. In this case, everything is much simpler. You just need to unscrew the mouthpiece along the thread.

After disconnecting, you need to clean it. To do this, take a previously prepared brush and push it into the smoke channel through the hole in the mouthpiece. You need to pull it through the entire mouthpiece. It's not worth saving. You may need several to completely clean them. There are brushes with inserted hard bristles. They are used to clean a heavily soiled smoke duct or if there is dried condensation when the pipe has not been used for a long time.

Having cleaned the mouthpiece from the inside, move on to its outer surface. A regular clean napkin will do for this procedure. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids, as this will have a detrimental effect on the product. The ebonite mouthpiece still needs to be additionally treated with a special paste.

Next they move on to the chibouk. In general, it is recommended to clean it after each smoking. You will also need a brush for this. You need to fold it in half and use it to clean the hole where the mouthpiece is inserted. It is important to know that you need to clean not in a circular motion, but in a reciprocating motion. It will be useful to leave the brush in the pipe until the next time you use the tube (but not more than a day). This helps absorb excess moisture and thereby prevent the tube from “souring.”

How to clean a pipe - video

Restoration of smoking properties

Alcohol-salt method

All these tips will help the owner care for the smoking pipe. But what should you do if it does turn sour, or if a permanent aftertaste appears after using tobacco with a bright taste? Here we need radical measures to restore smoking properties.

Restoration of the tube

One of the most common ways to restore the taste of a pipe is to use an alcohol-salt solution. You need to take coarse salt, in no case iodized, and the alcohol must be pure. If you can’t find one, then it’s acceptable to use vodka or another unsweetened and “unflavored” strong drink, but the result then may not live up to expectations. You will also need a stand or any other device that allows you to hold the tube motionless. There is no need to listen to advice that before recreating the original smoking taste in this way, you must remove the mouthpiece and plug the pipe with a brush. This will remove sour deposits only from the cup, and they will remain in other places.

The technique itself is as follows. Salt is poured into the cup to the top and carefully filled with alcohol (preferably with a pipette or syringe, so as not to pour it onto the outer surface). It is necessary that all the salt is well saturated. The tube is left in this form until the alcohol has completely evaporated (about a day). During the chemical reaction, the salt turns black, absorbing soured resins and soot. It is then carefully removed from the tube, as with normal cleaning. Then the product needs to dry thoroughly for two or three days and you can test the results of the restoration. As a rule, the first smokes will have an alcoholic tint, but later it disappears.

There is, however, a danger: if the salt is too fine or the product is not dried well, a crack may form and it will become unusable. According to this method, everything needs to be done scrupulously; if you are unsure, it is better to turn to a specialist.

With irregular smoking pipe careIt may happen that the product becomes so acidic that it may not be possible to restore its original properties using this method. What to do in this case?


If the result of the alcohol-salt method is unsatisfactory, you can try an extreme measure in the form of boiling the tube. This is done, of course, not in water, but in an alcohol solution (vodka is quite suitable). The product is completely immersed in it and boiled for about 4-5 hours. After this, it needs to dry for at least two weeks.

This measure is truly an extreme measure. Although the smoking properties will return, the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled. The entire surface will have to be restored again: painted, varnished, polished. It is not a fact that the tube will look the same as before.

What to do if your mouthpiece comes loose

Another point worth mentioning concerns the situation when there are defects in the connection between the mouthpiece and the shank. There are two ways to solve this problem at home.

    If the connection is loose, then the neck of the mouthpiece is heated from a flame or in boiling water. When it becomes soft, you need to press it vertically against any hard object and hold it until it cools down. From all this, the diameter of the neck of the mouthpiece becomes larger. You can carry out the procedure until the desired planting density is achieved, and to prevent the smoke channel from narrowing too much, a wire is simply inserted into it.

    If the connection is very tight and the mouthpiece is pulled out with great difficulty, then its neck is rubbed with graphite powder. If it is difficult to buy a special one, then you can crumble the lead of a simple pencil. You just need to take one marked “soft”. If this does not help, then you can try to warm up the neck of the mouthpiece and immediately screw it into the shank, thus achieving the desired tightness of the connection.

The smoking pipe needs to be cleaned. Otherwise it will smell like an ashtray full of cigarette butts. It's unpleasant, isn't it? :)

The smell is of tobacco tar and tobacco condensate, the bitter liquid that is formed when smoking an aromatic pipe. So they get rid of them with the help of a brush. Just as a cotton rag absorbs spilled tea/coffee from the table, a cotton brush absorbs all the stink that is formed when smoking a pipe.

So, brushes are used:

  1. After smoking
  2. While smoking

1. Clean your pipe after smoking

After smoking, the mouthpiece of the smoking pipe must be separated from the stem and rinsed under water to remove these bitter liquids. Not under boiling water, not with soap, not in the dishwasher. Just under warm water. Release the fountains through the mouthpiece. :)
Let's play and that's enough. :)
Now we take the thin part of the brush and brazenly push it into the mouthpiece hole. In and out. In and out. :) Is this a familiar action? :)
So, that’s the only reason we buy brushes. :)))
All! If you did everything right, Your mouthpiece is now clean and smell-free.
Now we take the wood of the tube itself and insert a thick, clean part of the brush into the hole in the pipe. Got it all smeared?! From zarraz! I knew it! :)
Well, okay, what can you do - the brush is dirty. And since it’s already dirty, you need to work with it - back and forth - going in and out. And so 700-800 times. :)
Well okay... 5-10 times, but not 300. :)
All! Now and The tube is clean and not smelly.

Have I forgotten anything?

A! Yes! And the cup?!
There was tobacco burning there! She smells too!

Cleaning the smelly pipe bowl. :)

Take a disposable paper napkin or paper towel or toilet paper (Oh! God! I said it!)
We make a tampon out of it, insert it into the hole (yes, yes, this is already customary) and twist, twist, twist. :)
They wrapped a stinky thing on a piece of paper?!
Throw the dirty paper swab into the trash bin. Or we throw it to a neighbor, just to spite it! :)

Cool! Now our bowl, stem and mouthpiece are clean and non-smelling.

With a deft movement we stick the clean mouthpiece into the clean pipe and set it to rest on the stand.
All! You can present yourself with an order for special merits and demand from your wife a well-deserved kind and affectionate word.

2. Clean your pipe while smoking

If you have a pipe with a filter, pass by. This story is not about you. :)
This method is used only with a pipe for direct smoking, because “all the holes are open” and the brush can go right through - the filter does not interfere.

So, we smoke, we smoke, and suddenly: “Yo! What the hell is this? There’s water in the pipe! It’s gurgling, hissing, wheezing. I’ve been deceived! Give me my money back! Damn!”
Calmly! Hide the revolver. No need to shoot. This is fine.
When burned, water is formed. That's how it works. Chemistry!
So, if this water condenses rather than evaporates, it accumulates at the bottom of the tube. The tobacco gets wet from below and begins to squelch in the mouthpiece.
It's easy to get rid of this crap with a brush. He stuck the brush into the mouthpiece without removing it and all that. The deeper, the better. Better right up to the tobacco itself. The brush becomes wet, but the tube becomes dry.
Shaitanama! Happened! :)

Now you know how to use a brush when smoking pipe tobacco in a smoking pipe.
It's amazing how cool you are now! :)

By the way, I didn't say. These brushes are disposable. Paper napkins too. :)

That's it!
I showed and told everything. Now buy a box of brushes from me and go ahead and conquer the work of a pipe cleaner.
