What kind of plant is fennel and what are its beneficial properties? Useful properties of fennel, application, composition, photo

Fennel is an annual herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family, characterized by antibacterial, sedative, diuretic and choleretic effects on the body. It is also used as an antispasmodic and improves the secretion of the digestive glands.

Chemical composition

Fennel fruits are mainly used for medicinal purposes. They include:

  • protein substances – up to 20%;
  • sugar – up to 5%;
  • fatty oils – up to 18%;
  • essential oil – 2–6%.

The active components of the essential oil are: dipentene, anethole, limonene, fenchone, phellandrene, anisic acid, anisaldehyde, anise ketone, methyl chavicol, pinene.

Fatty oils contain oleic, linoleic, petroselinic, and palmitic acids.

Some recipes use the green part of the plant: the stems and leaves. The following were found in their composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals;
  • glycosides.

Beneficial features

Fennel improves digestion and is also used as a carminative, antimicrobial and expectorant. It is prescribed to enhance lactation and for intestinal motility disorders. The plant has a hepatoprotective and antifungal effect, increases appetite, enhances estrogen synthesis, normalizes the condition of the skin and stimulates the removal of waste and toxins from the body. Fennel fruits are used to activate metabolism, and the roots are used as a laxative.

Indications for use

  • spasms of the stomach and intestines;
  • dyspepsia and abdominal pain;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (in particular, hepatitis, cholelithiasis);
  • flatulence and stomach colic in children of the first year of life (as part of dill water);
  • kidney stone disease;
  • diseases respiratory tract accompanied by cough ( bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as influenza and ARVI);
  • tuberculosis;
  • cystitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • scanty menstrual bleeding;
  • breast milk deficiency;
  • whooping cough.

Fennel is used externally for conjunctivitis, eczema and pustular lesions of the skin.


  • epilepsy;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe arrhythmias;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to active substances plants.

Home remedies from fennel

Infusions, decoctions, teas are prepared from fennel, and also used in the form of dill water and essential oil:

  • tea for coughs, to improve digestion and for flatulence (externally - for washing the eyes): grind fennel fruits, pour 1 tsp. powder 250 ml of boiled water, strain after 10 minutes and drink 1 glass 2-5 times a day. When used as an antitussive, sweetening with honey is allowed. For local application tea is diluted with water in equal proportions;
  • dill water for flatulence and bloating in children: grind fennel seeds in a coffee grinder, 1 tsp. pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20–30 minutes, strain. Give the child 1 tsp. 4–6 times a day before each feeding;
  • infusion for flatulence in adults: mix equal amounts of fennel, valerian root and peppermint. 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture, pour 500 ml of boiled water, leave in a thermos for 12–14 hours, strain. Use the entire infusion throughout the day, dividing it into several doses;
  • infusion for stomatitis, bronchitis, intestinal atony, inflammatory diseases eyes, pustular skin lesions: grind 1 tbsp. l. fennel fruits, pour 500 ml of boiled water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 15 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day;
  • remedy for improving lactation: mix 1.5 g each of anise, dill and fennel, pour 1 cup of sour cream over the mixture, stir and place in the oven over low heat for 30 minutes. Take 2–3 tbsp warmed up daily before bed. l.;
  • infusion for gastritis: mix 1 tsp. fennel fruits, marshmallow roots, wheatgrass and licorice, as well as chamomile leaves. Mix everything thoroughly and 1 tsp. of this collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 200 ml of infusion before bed;
  • fennel essential oil for bronchitis: dissolve 5-10 drops of fennel essential oil in 200 ml of boiled milk. Take warmed 3-4 times a day, adding sugar is allowed;
  • decoction with chronic cough: 1 tsp. chopped fennel fruits, pour 200 ml of water and boil over low heat for 30 minutes, cool and strain. The decoction is taken 2 tbsp. l. 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day;
  • juice for disorders menstrual cycle: Mix in equal proportions the juice squeezed from carrots and beets, as well as fennel herb. Take 100 ml of juice 2 times a day;
  • tea for weight loss: pour 20 g of fennel seeds into 1 glass of boiling water, place on low heat for 30 minutes. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, after cooling, strain and consume throughout the day.

Fennel is a herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. Often grown for disposal in medicinal purposes, cosmetology, cooking and animal husbandry. Fennel is used both fresh and processed. As drug therapy most often used medicinal properties fruits and seeds of the plant, from which decoctions, infusions and teas are prepared.

Description of fennel

Popularly, fennel is called pharmaceutical dill. Despite the fact that the plant looks very similar to garden dill, these are completely different seedlings. Fennel has a more pronounced spicy aroma that is somewhat reminiscent of tarragon. Pharmaceutical dill is also distinguished by its rich rhizome. Fennel has a sweetish taste, unlike dill, and the seeds have an oblong shape that is more reminiscent of.

Differences between pharmaceutical dill seeds and garden dill: the first are pharmaceutical, the second are garden

Conventionally, fennel can be divided into 2 groups:

Many people use the plant to make more flavorful and healthy food. Not only its fruits and seeds are utilized, but also its roots, stems and leaves. Fresh pharmaceutical dill is added to soups and salads. Dried fennel seeds are used as a seasoning in cooking confectionery, various sauces, fish and deli meats. As already noted, fennel is not only tasty, it has medicinal properties. Given its chemical composition, it is used to combat various diseases.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of fennel is in no way inferior to popular fruits and vegetables, which we use every day to benefit the body. Fennel fruits contain:

  • 20 percent protein;
  • from 3 to 6% ethereal extracts;
  • up to 20% fatty oils;
  • up to 5% vegetable sugar.

Essential oil is especially useful; it contains a huge amount of aromatic substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems. The composition of the pharmaceutical dill herb includes vitamins B, E, C.

Auxiliary components of the chemical composition:

  • niacin;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • minerals – iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese.

Healing properties of fennel

Beneficial features pharmaceutical dill are even recognized official medicine, it is used not only in folk medicine, based on fennel, produced whole line medications.

The healing composition of fennel helps reduce temperature during colds, removes mucus from the larynx, and eliminates a runny nose in the shortest possible time. The plant oil acts as an antifungal agent. Essential extract of pharmaceutical dill has a rejuvenating effect. At correct use You can improve the flexibility and elasticity of tissues, smooth out small wrinkles.


The roots of pharmaceutical dill are recommended for use as a laxative. This is due to the fact that the roots contain a large number of dietary fiber, which helps cleanse the body. The dried root is used in baking bread and producing dietary products.

Benefits of fennel root:

  • stabilizes arterial pressure;
  • removes from the blood;
  • effective in the fight against colon cancer.

The fruits of pharmaceutical dill have an antiseptic and analgesic function. For diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and heart pathologies, even doctors recommend drinking medicinal infusions and fennel fruit teas. Medicines using fennel seeds stabilize intestinal function, eliminate bloating, and promote more restful sleep.

Decoctions and infusions of dill seeds are taken not only internally, but are effective in treating purulent wounds, conjunctiva and acne. Fennel seeds have a mild soothing effect on the body. Eliminate spasms and pain, restore natural metabolism.

Fresh leaves and the stems are most used in cooking. They are added to salads, vegetable and fish soups and sauces. Also, the stem and leaves are crushed, stored and frozen for use in winter time of the year.

To normalize digestion

For digestive disorders (bloating, cramps, colic, flatulence and constipation), it is recommended to drink medicinal fennel tea. Medicinal components, which are part of the plant, improve the performance of the stomach. Fennel stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, relieves inflammatory processes in the intestines, and also promotes better absorption of food and stabilizes acidity levels.

To prepare dill tea, you need one teaspoon fresh fruits Brew it in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes under a closed lid. Drink tea before meals 3 times a day. To improve the absorption of food after a meal, it is recommended to chew a small amount of seeds - half a teaspoon.

For treatment chronic diarrhea 1 tsp Fennel seeds, previously crushed, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let steep for 30-40 minutes. Take 3 times a day with meals. You can brew the tea for the whole day, but you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

To get rid of “bloating” in adults, you will need to use a collection - the fruits of the plant, valerian root and peppermint. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities; 1 tablespoon of the mixture will require 0.5 liters of boiling water. Brew and let brew in a thermos for 12-14 hours. Strain thoroughly and take throughout the day, dividing it into several equal doses.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Due to the fact that fennel fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, it reduces inflammatory processes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Properties of vitamin C - improves intestinal function, treats inflammation, but also has a beneficial effect on immune system. The beneficial substances contained in vitamins help to absorb iron better and more safely, thereby relieving the digestion process.

To facilitate sharp pains for gastritis, you will need a collection of:

  • 2 tbsp. pharmaceutical fruits;
  • 3 tbsp. ;
  • 3 tbsp. ;
  • 1 tbsp. ;
  • 1 tbsp. To ;
  • 5 tbsp. .

Mix all the ingredients, pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Take half a glass in the morning and before bed.

Collection from:

  • 3 tsp dill fruits;
  • 4 tbsp. leaves;
  • 4 tbsp. herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. herbs;
  • 3 tbsp. marsh cudweed grass;
  • 1 tbsp. calamus rhizomes;
  • 2 tbsp. yarrow.

Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with increased acidity. Pour two tablespoons of the mixed mixture into a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse with the lid closed overnight. Drink the infusion on an empty stomach. The first dose is one glass, and divide the rest of the broth into 4 equal admission and consume 2 hours after meals.

To improve lactation

To increase your milk supply when breastfeeding, it is best to use fennel extract. A collection of plant fruits, anise seeds, dill, fenugreek, oat plant and goat's rue inflorescence, and hop cones will help improve lactation. Mix all ingredients in equal quantities, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of the mixture. The collection is infused for 20 minutes, then you need to strain.

To improve lactation, take the appropriate mixture, 1 tbsp. 2 times a day. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

For colds and flu

Fennel infusion helps with colds. Pour 0.250 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of crushed seeds, cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Then strain, cool and add a little honey. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, take 1 glass 3 to 5 times a day. If a cold is accompanied by a dry and irritating cough, it is recommended to use a decoction for treatment.

Grind the fennel seeds into powder - using a coffee grinder or mortar, pour in 2 tsp. powder 400 ml hot water. Then you will need to simmer the mixture over low heat or in a water bath for 40-50 minutes. Let the broth cool to room temperature, strain and take 50 ml 4-5 times a day.

To treat diseases of the throat and larynx, gargle with fennel essential extract. Add a pinch of salt to 3-4 drops of oil and dilute the solution with a glass of warm boiled water. To make therapeutic inhalations and compresses at home, you will need to add 12-16 drops of essential oil to a liter of hot water. Then breathe in the steam; you can also fill a medical inhaler with the solution.

For pneumonia

Decoctions and infusions prepared from fennel have an antispasmodic and carminative effect on the body. Helps increase the secretory activity of the digestive glands, thereby acting as an expectorant and diuretic. Herbal preparations with fennel are extremely useful for diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

The drug collection for pneumonia includes:

  • a teaspoon of dill fruits;
  • 2 lungwort leaves;
  • 2 coltsfoot leaves;
  • half a teaspoon of peppermint leaves;
  • one tsp each herbs sweet clover, thyme, plantain leaves, marshmallow root, licorice root.

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiled but cooled water and let it brew for 2 hours. Then bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Strain the broth thoroughly and drink warm in several doses over the course of one day.

For the kidneys

Natural substances contained in fennel are used to stimulate functions genitourinary system. The most popular method in the fight against cystitis, for resorption kidney stones, for colic and kidney inflammation. Collection from fennel helps to less painfully remove harmful toxins and waste from the body.

In the case of kidney stones, mix dill, rose hips, juniper and moraine roots in equal proportions. One tsp. collection, fill with boiled but cooled water. Let sit for a day and then boil. Consume the entire decoction in small sips over one day.

For kidney inflammation, treatment is facilitated by a collection of dill, elderberry umbrellas, caraway seeds, adonis and parsley. Mix all ingredients in equal quantities and leave for half a day in a glass of chilled liquid. After time, the mixture is boiled and filtered. Divide the decoction into several doses and consume within one day.

For renal colic you will need:

  • fennel raw materials;
  • black elderberry umbels;
  • tricolor violet;
  • centaury;
  • medicinal comfrey.

Mix the components in a 1:1 ratio. 1 spoon of collection requires 200 ml of water. The broth is boiled over low heat, infused for several hours, filtered, and used three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening after meals.

To improve potency

Alcohol tincture of fennel not only treats pathologies of the genitourinary system in men, but also helps increase potency. To prepare the infusion, you can use not only alcohol, but also homemade moonshine and vodka. The tincture made from white wine has the most pleasant aroma and taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 grams of fresh fennel fruits;
  • 100 grams of celery leaves;
  • 1 liter of white wine.

Chop the celery, add fennel and pour in white wine. The tincture is kept in a dark room for about a month, shaking the container periodically. After time has passed alcohol tincture filtered. Take 2 times a day, 150 ml after meals. The duration of such treatment is discussed individually with the attending physician.

To cleanse blood vessels

Helps cleanse and strengthen blood vessels tincture of medicinal collection with fennel. You will need 3 tbsp. chopped fennel fruits, one tbsp. leaves of celery, raspberries, currants, strawberries, as well as dogwood and hogweed fruits.

Mix all ingredients and place them in a glass container. Pour the collection with 2 liters of white wine, close tightly and let it brew for 30 days. Then you will need to strain the tincture; take 2 tablespoons twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is one and a half/2 months.

IN mandatory During the entire course of treatment, the tincture should be stored only in the refrigerator.

To restore hormonal balance

Due to the fact that fennel fruits and herbs contain a large amount of phytoestrogens, the plant is often used to restore hormonal balance. The product is also effective for menstrual irregularities, hot flashes and feeling unwell during menopause.

To stabilize and restore hormonal balance, you should use decoctions, teas, infusions, essential oils and pharmaceutical extracts of fennel. In case of menstrual irregularities, the most effective means is the freshly squeezed juice from the stems and leaves. Pharmaceutical extract is used in case of decreased sexual desire in representatives of both sexes. To increase libido, both men and women should take 8-13 drops of pharmaceutical fennel extract 3 times a day.

During menstruation, fennel has an analgesic effect on the body. To prepare the infusion you will need one teaspoon of rose hips, parsley roots and half a tablespoon of fennel seeds and dill, juniper fruits and St. John's wort. One tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the appropriate collection and let it brew under a closed lid for 30 minutes. The infusion is taken half a glass twice a day after meals. The duration of the course is 90 days.

Fennel for weight loss

Fennel fruits help stabilize metabolism, suppress hunger and stimulate performance digestive tract. As a result, fats are burned, toxins and impurities are eliminated.

If in your daily diet Fennel bulbs rich in fiber will appear steadily, after some time you will definitely start losing weight. Fennel's low calorie content also promotes weight loss. 100 grams of the fruit of the plant contain 50 kcal, and the stems contain only 30 kcal.

Ways to get rid of extra pounds using fennel:

  • To reduce appetite, chew dry fennel seeds; they also have a mild diuretic effect. The seeds help to safely cleanse the body and fill it with vitality and energy;
  • Brew tea based on the plant, it improves digestion and relieves flatulence;
  • The fruits of the plant are used for cooking vegetable salads, soups, vegetable stews;
  • Frequent diets worsens mood, irritability appears due to constant feeling hunger. The nervous system is loaded and the body experiences stress. Aromatherapy based on fennel essential oil calms the nervous system;
  • The plant oil is used to massage the body and problem areas in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Massage movements accelerate blood circulation, thereby helping to get rid of subcutaneous fat. An excellent addition to a massage would be adding fennel oil to medicinal baths with sea salt.

To prepare weight loss tea, mix 2 tsp. fennel fruits, one tsp. any green tea, chamomile inflorescences and dried herb plants. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for 20-25 minutes. The resulting mixture is a concentrate that will need to be diluted with boiling water in certain proportions. 1.5 tbsp. This collection should be diluted with a glass of boiling water and left to steep again for 15 minutes. Reception is possible both cold and hot.

Application in cosmetology

Fennel essential oils are used to prepare cosmetic masks, aromatic and soothing baths. To restore the structure of hair and skin, essential extract is added to shampoos, creams, and anti-cellulite massage products.

Beneficial properties of fennel oil:

  • smoothes shallow wrinkles and prevents their appearance;
  • tightens the body;
  • removes swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • relieves acne and other rashes on the skin of the face;
  • stimulates collagen production.

To take a fragrant bath, you will need to mix 7 drops of oil with sea salt and another oil, for example, lavender. In order to improve the composition of a cream or shampoo, for every 50 milliliters of cosmetic product you need to add 25 drops of fennel essential extract.

Hand and face mask

Mix raw yolk with 15 grams of white clay and 12 grams of olive oil. Add 3 drops each of fennel and neroli essential oil. Apply the mask to your face and neck, rinse with warm water after 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure in a day.

Grind and add to it one teaspoon of full-fat cottage cheese (preferably homemade), raw yolk and 4 drops of fennel extract. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth and apply to face and hands. Duration – no more than 10 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1 or 2 times a week.

Recipe for getting rid of acne

To treat chronic conjunctivitis and eliminate it on the skin, it is recommended to use a decoction. The mixture is diluted with water in equal quantities, and the resulting decoction is wiped over the skin of the face.

You can use another recipe to get rid of acne. To 50 milliliters of pure alcohol, add 10 drops of lavender essential extract and tea tree and 5 drops of fennel oil. Stir and let brew for 2-3 days. After the expiration date, soak a cosmetic cotton pad in the broth and wipe your face twice a day. Acne marks will disappear 2-2.5 weeks after regular procedures.

Fennel for children

Medicinal tea Fennel is also useful for small children, including infants. It is allowed to take tea from 4 months, which relieves the baby from intestinal colic ov and flatulence. Strengthens the nervous system, thereby promoting more restful sleep and improves immunity.

The plant contains calcium, which has positive influence and on skeletal system child. To brew tea, pour 2 tsp into a small saucepan. fennel seeds and pour in a glass of boiling water. Simmer the tea leaves over low heat for 3-4 minutes. Children are allowed to give this tea no more than 6 times a day, one coffee spoon.

Contraindications and harm

Fennel is practically incapable of causing harm to the human body. Contraindications include personal intolerance to the plant and its overuse. Pregnant and lactating women should be careful when using fennel.

Abuse of fennel during pregnancy increases uterine tone, which leads to premature birth, and on early stages- to a miscarriage.

Fennel contraindications:

  • causes diarrhea;
  • disrupts heart rhythm;
  • causes seizures in epileptics;
  • allergic reactions followed by rashes all over the body.

In some cases, reception folk remedies from fennel provokes the occurrence side effects. Most often, patients complain of intestinal disorders and nausea.

Common fennel is a herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. There are one-, two- and perennial species. Wild fennel is common in foothill and steppe arid regions. In many countries, fennel herb is grown as a cultivated plant for medicinal purposes, in the perfume industry, cooking and animal husbandry. All parts of the plant are edible and can be used in cooking, fresh or processed.

For cooking medicines grass, bulbs and fruits (seeds) of the plant are used, from which decoctions, infusions, and teas are made. The pharmaceutical industry produces several types of fennel preparations - extract, tincture, essential oil, powder concentrate, tea. The beneficial properties of fennel are varied, the effect of the drugs depends on dosage form and plant parts used.

Fennel is a herbaceous plant with a straight, finely ribbed tubular stem, with thin, pinnately dissected leaves. The lower leaves are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. The height of the plant reaches from 90 cm to 2 m. The fennel root is spindle-shaped, multi-headed, branched. The flowers of the plant are double umbels with multiple rays, which bear five-leaved flowers with petals about 1 mm in diameter. The fruits are small, greenish-brown, oval-shaped seeds with a distinct anise aroma and a sweet taste.

Description of fennel

By external signs the plant is very similar to the more common garden dill. The question often arises: are fennel and dill the same thing or not? The main difference between fennel and dill is the bluish-blue hue of the plant, its aniseed aroma and chemical composition. The taste is also different - it is more spicy, slightly sweet and reminiscent of anise. In cooking, the use of fennel is due to the taste of the herbaceous part, roots and seeds.

Cultivated varieties of fennel are divided into two types - pharmaceutical and vegetable. The medicinal variety of fennel is also called pharmaceutical dill. The fruits are used to prepare medicines and essential oils in the pharmaceutical industry, for home use- in the form of infusions, decoctions, tea, both independently and in herbal preparations.

Collection, preparation, conditions and shelf life

The time for harvesting the plant depends on what part is being harvested and for what purpose. If the plant is grown for use as a spice, then it is dug up entirely, along with part of the root system during the flowering period. When collecting seeds, it is necessary to take into account that they ripen unevenly, so they must be collected as they ripen. When plants are fully ripe, they need to be cut to harvest seeds. top part stems together with umbrellas, dry under a canopy for 4-5 days, then thresh, knocking out the seeds.

When harvested for culinary use, fennel herb is harvested throughout the summer. The herbaceous part should not be dried in the open sun, but under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area (for example, in an attic). During drying, the raw materials need to be turned over sometimes. Dry herbs are stored in glass jars, cardboard boxes, canvas bags from several months to a year. Seeds are stored in tightly closed containers for no more than 3 years. For culinary purposes, fresh fennel herb is salted, spicy fennel oil or vinegar is made, and the roots of the plant are pickled.

Chemical composition

In pharmaceuticals and folk medicine, fennel fruits are used for medicinal purposes, which contain:

  • up to 20% protein substances;
  • from 2 to 6% essential oils;
  • up to 18% fatty oils;
  • up to 5% vegetable sugar.

Of particular value is the essential oil extracted from fennel seeds, which contains a large amount of aromatic substances that have a positive effect on the nervous, respiratory, digestive and endocrine system. Fatty oil consists of oleic, palmitic, linoleic, and petroselinic acids.

The green above-ground part is also used for medicinal purposes - fennel herb, which contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E (tocopheryl);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • niacin;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, selenium).

Fennel - medicinal properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of fennel have been used in folk medicine since ancient times, and are now recognized by official medicine.

  1. Grass and seeds - antifungal, antiseptic effect. Preparations and homemade products based on fennel help to effectively combat harmful microflora, both when used externally and when taken orally. With the help of essential oil, premises are cleaned and disinfected without harm to health.
  2. The antispasmodic and analgesic properties of fennel fruits are used for stomach and intestinal colic and spasms. smooth muscle. The decoction helps relieve pain and eliminate spasms of the digestive system.
  3. Carminative properties are used to reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. Dill water and powder are used to eliminate intestinal colic in newborns.
  4. Fennel preparations have a pronounced cleansing effect, promote rapid elimination from the body toxic and harmful substances. Infusions and decoctions of fruits are used for liver diseases, alcohol intoxication, overeating and food poisoning.
  5. Antimicrobial and antiviral properties are used in the treatment colds and ARVI. A decoction of this plant, pure or mixed with other herbs, is used in the treatment of dry cough, facilitates mucus discharge and has an antipyretic effect.
  6. Fennel - irreplaceable plant for edema and diseases of the urinary system. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, which is important for cystitis.
  7. With the help of decoctions and infusions, you can regulate the secretion of sex hormones. This property of the plant is used for lactation disorders in nursing mothers and complications in women during menopause.
  8. Fruits have the ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood, strengthen and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Used for atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  9. The overall positive effect on the digestive system and the cleansing effect of fennel make it suitable for weight loss.
  10. Has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, has a calming effect. Tea made from seeds is recommended for insomnia, anxiety disorders, stress, nervousness and increased irritability.

Research is currently underway on fennel for its use as an anti-developmental drug. malignant diseases. The seeds contain a unique substance - anethole, one of the properties of which is antitumor activity. Anethole has the ability to penetrate into cells and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, has a sedative, antispasmodic, and vasodilator effect.

Contraindications for use include: general character. It is not recommended to use homemade recipes with fennel:

  • during pregnancy (there is a risk of increased uterine tone);
  • with a large amount of milk during lactation (if there is no goal to increase secretion);
  • for epilepsy;
  • for chronic diarrhea;
  • at hypersensitivity to the active substances of the plant;
  • with severe arrhythmia.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of fennel herb and seeds are widely used for diseases of the digestive system, especially intestinal disorders. In second place in terms of effectiveness, it is worth noting the antiseptic, analgesic and antiviral effects of the plant. Fennel can provide important assistance for sexual disorders, hormonal imbalance, decreased libido in women and potency in men.

The list of indications for use includes the following health conditions:

  • increased gas formation, intestinal and stomach colic;
  • flatulence and stomach colic in newborns and children of the first year of life;
  • pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • frequent constipation of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract;
  • cough of any type, including tuberculosis etiology;
  • pathology Bladder and urinary tract (cystitis);
  • disturbances in the hormonal balance of the sexual sphere;
  • lack of milk during breastfeeding;
  • vascular diseases, arterial hypertension;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, insomnia;
  • impaired potency in men;
  • excess weight.

As an external remedy, fennel is used for fungal skin infections, eczema, and pustular lesions. skin, for inflammatory eye diseases, to improve vision.


  • Fennel to improve digestion

For digestive disorders accompanied by spasms, pain, colic, flatulence, and constipation, it is recommended to drink tea from the fruit. Fennel components help improve stomach function by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices, relieve inflammatory processes in the intestines, improve food absorption and normalize acidity levels.

To prepare tea, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of fruit in a glass of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Take one glass 3 times a day before meals. To improve food digestion after eating, you can chew a small amount of seeds (0.5-1 teaspoon).

How to brew fennel for constipation? To treat chronic constipation, 1 teaspoon of seeds must first be ground into powder, then pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for half an hour. Take 3 times a day with food. Can be brewed all day and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

For bloating in adults, a mixture is used - fennel fruits, valerian root, peppermint in equal quantities. 1 tbsp. l. collection, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and steep in a thermos for 12-14 hours. Strain and take throughout the day, dividing into several doses.

  • For children

For newborns, fennel is the best natural and safe remedy. Helps eliminate bloating, colic, and normalize restless sleep. The pharmacy option for babies is ready-made dill water or Platex powder. It is not difficult to prepare a remedy for bloating for a child at home - brew 2-3 g of fennel seeds (1 coffee spoon) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and cool. Give an infant 0.5-2 teaspoon of infusion 3 times a day.

  • Fennel to improve lactation

To increase the amount of milk during breastfeeding, it is better to consume fennel in its entirety. To improve lactation, you need to take equal parts of fennel fruits, anise seeds, dill, caraway seeds, fenugreek, oat grass and goat's rue flowers (galega), and hop cones. 2 tbsp. l. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water from this collection, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 - 1.5 tbsp. spoons 1-2 times a day. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

  • Fennel for gallbladder and liver diseases

To reduce pain, spasms and colic in cholelithiasis, 3 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of seeds into powder, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1 hour. Take the strained infusion 3 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

For liver diseases (hepatitis), a collection is used - equal parts of fennel fruit, chicory root, yarrow herb, St. John's wort, horsetail. Grind all components, grind, 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, close, wrap and leave for half an hour. Drink the strained infusion on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

For the treatment of hepatitis: equal parts of fennel seeds, celandine herb and peppermint, licorice root, chamomile flowers, mix and grind. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes, let stand for half an hour, strain. Divide into two equal parts, take morning and evening before meals.

  • For bladder diseases

The benefit of fennel for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder is that it effectively fights bacterial infection, relieves pain and spasms, normalizes urination, eliminates swelling. During exacerbation chronic cystitis and inflammatory kidney diseases make an infusion of 1 tsp. fennel fruits, 2 tbsp. oak bark, linden flowers, bearberry grass. Mix the collection, grind, brew 1 tsp. a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain, drink in two doses.

  • To cleanse blood vessels

To cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, you can prepare a tincture of a medicinal collection with fennel. For cooking you will need 3 tbsp. crushed fennel fruits, 1 tbsp. l. celery leaves, leaves of berry bushes (raspberries, currants, strawberries), dogwood and hogweed fruits. Place all components in glass jar, pour 2 liters of dry white wine, close tightly and leave in a dark place for a month. Then strain the tincture, store in the refrigerator, take 2 tbsp. twice a day, course of treatment - 1.5-2 months.

  • For respiratory diseases, cough

To treat cough you need to prepare an infusion - 1 tsp. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over crushed fennel seeds, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes, strain, cool slightly, add honey. Take 1 glass 2 to 5 times a day.

For dry cough, it is recommended to use a decoction to facilitate the separation of sputum. To prepare it, fennel seeds need to be ground into a fine powder (in a mortar or coffee grinder). 2 tsp powder, pour 400 ml of hot water, put on very low heat or in a water bath, simmer for 40 minutes. Cool, strain and take 50 ml 3-5 times a day.

For inhalations and compresses, add 10-15 drops of essential oil to a liter of hot water, stir and breathe over the steam; you can make this solution for use in an inhaler.

Essential oil can be used internally. For bronchitis, this recipe is suitable - add 5-10 drops of ether to a glass of warm boiled milk to improve taste qualities You can add honey or sugar. Take warm 3-4 times a day.

  • To restore hormonal balance

The composition of fennel fruits and herbs contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, which makes it possible to effectively use the plant for female hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, hot flashes and poor health during menopause. To treat hormonal disorders, you can take infusions, tea, and fennel decoction. The most effective remedy for menstrual irregularities is the use of fresh juice from stems and leaves.

Fennel is used as a pain reliever during menstruation. To prepare the infusion you will need 1 tbsp. l. rose hips, parsley roots, 0.5 tbsp. l. fennel and dill seeds, juniper berries and St. John's wort. 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture, leave covered for half an hour, take half a glass twice a day after meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

At hormonal disorders, characteristic of the menopause period, it is recommended to regularly drink tea, use essential oil and pharmaceutical fennel extract. The pharmaceutical extract can be used to treat decreased libido in both sexes. To do this, take 7-12 drops of the drug 3-4 times a day.

Fennel for weight loss

All parts of the plant remove toxins, reduce blood cholesterol levels, improve lipid and water exchange. To lose weight, you can constantly drink decoctions and infusions of fennel in pure form (20 g of seeds per glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour) and in preparations. For example, this collection: 10 g of fennel seeds, 5 g of linden and chamomile flowers, 4 g of nettle leaves. Pour the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour and drink throughout the day, dividing into several doses.

Tea for weight loss: 2 tsp. fennel fruits, 1 tsp. Chop leaf green tea, chamomile flowers and dried fennel herb and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. The resulting infusion is a concentrate; it must be diluted with boiling water. For 1-1.5 tbsp. Add another glass of boiling water to this infusion and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink hot or cold throughout the day.

Chewing fennel seeds reduces appetite, improves metabolic processes. You can do this before meals to eat less, and after meals to improve food digestion.


The beneficial properties of fennel are unique in their diversity and general positive impact on the body. Regular use of decoctions, infusions, extracts, essential oils allows you to have a beneficial effect on everything internal organs and human systems. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help fight all types of infections of any location.

A large number of useful substances allows you to strengthen blood vessels, heart muscle, and the immune system. In the presence of external damage, suppuration, and skin irritation, fennel decoction can be used as a wound-healing and antibacterial agent. Infusion of herbs and seeds in olive oil - excellent remedy for massage for joint diseases, cellulite, back pain.

The benefits of fennel are great, but harm is also possible - allergies. Before consuming, do a test - a small sample.

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Fennel is sometimes confused with dill, but this is completely wrong. The plant looks similar to its counterpart, but its composition is completely different. In addition, fennel seeds have a specific licorice and anise aroma. All parts of this herb are edible and have health benefits.

Biological description and distribution

Fennel- a small genus of plants of the Umbrella family, consisting of 10 species. The greenery has a branched and erect stem, reaching a height of up to 2 meters, pinnately dissected leaves and ovate-oblong fruits. It is grown as a food and medicinal plant.

Fennel contains up to 6.5% essential oil, so it has a specific smell. The aromatic substance is used in medicine, the soap and cosmetics industries, and veterinary medicine. The cake is rich in protein, so it is included in the diet of livestock.

The fruits are used to produce products intended to treat flatulence, including dill water, herbal teas and infusions. The seeds are used to relieve colic, as well as to induce menstruation and enhance lactation in nursing mothers.

The most common is common fennel (Voloshsky dill, dill) - a plant belonging to the species of the genus “Fennel”, widely used everywhere. This herb grows wild in southeastern Europe. North Africa, Central and Western Asia, Central and South America, New Zealand, steppe regions of the Caucasus. In Russia, it is cultivated, as a rule, in the Krasnodar region.

Common fennel It has a spindle-shaped, wrinkled root, about 10 mm thick, a straight and branched stem up to 2 meters high, ovate-triangular leaves, ovate-oblong and sweet fruits. The flowering period falls in July-August. The plant bears fruit in September.

Composition and calorie content of fennel

There are about 31 kcal per 100 g of fennel.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 14.2%;
  • fats – 2.3%;
  • carbohydrates – 83.5%.

Dill is famous increased content essential oil. 6.5% of this component comes from the fruits, and 0.5% from the leaves. The composition of the essential oil includes: fenchone, anethole, cineole, citral, camphor and other compounds. The fruits of the plant are rich in fatty oils, as well as microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, aluminum). Fennel contains many glycosides, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene and minerals.

Uses of fennel

1. In industry.

Voloshsky dill essential oil deodorizes various cosmetical tools. By distilling it we get fatty oil, widely used in technology. The waste is used to feed livestock. Fennel is used as a spice in the production of confectionery and liqueurs.

2. In cooking.

The essential oil and fruits of dill are used to season food. The greens have a spicy, refreshing and slightly sweet taste. It is used in fresh as a dessert, and also stewed with seasoning and butter, added to salads. Fennel seeds are placed in marinades and spicy soups, various pickles. A sauce made from a fresh plant is served with cold fish.

The thickened vegetable stem is fried and stewed, added to broths, soups, and various salads are prepared with it. The vegetable goes well with white cabbage, rice, squash, goose and pork. Borscht or cabbage soup gives an unusual taste if you put a little fennel in it.

Most often, fish dishes, mayonnaise, soups, sauces and compotes are seasoned with dill. It is added to sauerkraut to give it a unique aroma.

Mediterranean peoples use fennel as a vegetable. Residents of the Caucasus use it to flavor National dishes. Juicy leaves and umbrellas are preserved, and stems and umbrellas are added to pickles. The fruits are often used in baking.

It is advisable to buy small and tender bulbs of the plant that are white and free of stains and damage. The feathery leaves should be bright green and fresh. The top layer must be removed from old bulbs.

3. In medicine.

ABOUT medicinal properties fennel was known to ancient physicians. Hippocrates recommended the use of this green as a diuretic, Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder suggested treating with it eye diseases. Avicenna believed that the use of Voloshsky dill could facilitate the discharge of sputum.
The medicine “Anetin” is obtained from the fruits of the plant. It has an antispasmodic effect on the intestinal muscles and coronary vessels. Doctors prescribe it to eliminate chronic spastic colitis and relieve spasms abdominal cavity and treatment of chronic coronary insufficiency.

To make bath brooms, take the leaves and stems of dill. It is recommended to steam with such a broom in case of excessive nervous excitability, neurasthenia, insomnia, inflammatory diseases bacterial nature, skin diseases, furunculosis and acne. An infusion of fennel leaves and fruits is used externally for the listed diseases.

From the essential oil of the plant, dill water is obtained, intended to eliminate flatulence (especially in children). It is used to make a licorice elixir that softens coughs. Green fruits are included in carminative, laxative, sedative, thoracic and choleretic infusions.

Useful properties and contraindications for consuming fennel

Beneficial features:

Preparations of Voloshsky dill have carminative and antispasmodic effects, stimulate secretory function digestive glands, promoting normal digestion, have a mild diuretic effect, and are used as an expectorant. They are often prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by cramps and flatulence. Dill water give to small children.

Fennel is indicated for diseases of the kidneys and biliary tract, bronchitis, scanty menstruation, whooping cough and sexual immaturity. The infusion of the fruit is taken orally and compresses are made from it for mycoses.
Dill is used as a disinfectant and expectorant. Traditional healers It is recommended to wash the eyes with a decoction of seeds for conjunctivitis, and also apply it to the skin for ulcers, take it orally for flatulence, insomnia, abdominal pain, cough and to enhance lactation. To alleviate a sore throat, eliminate hoarseness, and the consequences of alcohol and drug poisoning, use a herbal decoction.

Fennel oil also has beneficial properties. Fennel essential oil is used to cleanse the body, remove waste and toxins. It has a laxative effect and is indicated as a diuretic and toxic lesions liver. It is used to eliminate constipation, nausea and flatulence, increase appetite, and also to activate the production of their own estrogen in women during menopause. Sanitation of a room using essential oil reduces the number of fungi in the atmospheric air by 5 times.

Voloshsky dill is added to food to improve metabolism. If you chew 5 g of roasted plant seeds after eating, your digestion will improve and your breath will become fresh. The seeds can be chewed when motion sickness occurs in transport to get rid of attacks of nausea and dizziness.

Excessive consumption of fennel may cause seizures. It should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy and epilepsy.

Folk recipes

1.To improve lactation, normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle after childbirth.

recipe and application:

Pour 30 g of dill fruits with a glass of boiling water.

Infuse the product for an hour, take 3 times a day strictly before meals.

2. For gastrointestinal spasms.

recipe and application:

Pour 5 g of dry and chopped fennel with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain.

Take 100 g of the product 2-3 times a day.

3. To normalize digestion.

recipe and application:

Pour a pinch of ginger into a glass of water (boiled), add ½ tsp. fennel seeds, 5 g honey (to taste). Let the tea steep for a couple of minutes. Take the drink before or during meals.

4. For cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis.

recipe and application:

Pour 10-15 g of chopped dry Voloshsky dill with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. From 1-3 tbsp. l. Take up to 1/3 cup of the product 4-5 times a day.

5. For inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia (as an expectorant).

recipe and application:

Pour 15 g of chopped dry fennel with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain.

Take 1-3 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.

6. For the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis.

recipe and application:

Pour 15 g of chopped dry dill with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. From 1 tbsp. l. Take up to 1/3 cup of the product 4-5 times a day.

7. For weight loss.

recipe and application:

Pour 20 g of fennel seeds into a glass of boiling water, put on the stove, after 30 minutes remove from the burner and leave to steep. After half an hour, the drink is ready to drink. It should be taken as tea.

8. For diseases of the nasopharynx, flu.

recipe and application:

For adults: pour 5-10 drops of Voloshsky dill essential oil into a glass of milk or tea. Drink the drink warm. For children, the dosage of essential oil is 2-3 drops.

Pour 15 g. chopped fennel fruits 500 ml. water, leave for 2 hours, strain. 100-120 ml. Take the medication strictly before meals 4 times a day.

At 5 gr. dill pour a glass of water. Boil the product over low heat for half an hour, then remove from the stove and take 3-4 times a day, 30 ml. ¼ hour before meals.

9. For gastritis.

recipe and application:

Mix fennel fruits, marshmallow, licorice and wheatgrass roots, and chamomile leaves in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over 2 tsp. medicinal collection. Strain the infusion and take 200 ml at night.

10. To improve potency.

recipe and application:

Pour 100 g of Voloshsky dill and celery leaves into 1 liter of white wine (dry). Infuse the product for 1 month in the dark, shaking daily, strain, take 1/3 cup before meals.

Photo of fennel

1. The Mediterranean coast is traditionally considered the birthplace of fennel. The Greeks were the first to use this plant, and it became widespread thanks to the Romans.

2. Dill is a relative of celery, and its seeds smell about the same as anise.

3. Translated from Latin, the word “fennel” means “hay.”

4. Eating Voloshsky dill seeds dulls the feeling of hunger.

5. In the Middle Ages, people chewed fennel seeds before important meetings to freshen their breath.

6. People actively use almost all parts of dill. Its roots are eaten after cooking, the shoots are added to salads, the onion is eaten raw or cooked, dishes are seasoned with herbs, the seeds are used as a spice, and the essential oil is used to flavor liqueurs and confectionery.

7. It was once believed that if you mixed fennel with St. John's wort, you could drive away evil spirits. In fact, the aroma of Voloshsky dill repels insects.

8. Fennel seeds are part of the Chinese five-spice mixture.
Dill is an amazing plant that is cultivated everywhere. It has virtually no contraindications and can be used to treat flatulence in children. In addition, fennel is an indispensable part of many dishes, as it has a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma.

Fennel is a perennial plant that resembles in appearance and taste. The herb has been used medicinally since ancient times. Previously, fennel was considered a symbol of success and prosperity, and also thanks to healing properties he was given the status of sacred.

Fennel and dill - what's the difference?

Grass (greens)

Fennel greens contain a lot of vitamins C, E, PP, B vitamins, carotene, flavonoids, glycosides and esters.

Herbs are usually added to first and second courses. It enhances the taste and enriches them with vitamins and minerals.

Fennel in folk medicine

Fennel in alternative medicine Used to treat the following diseases and ailments.

  1. Anemia. Iron and histidine help overcome the disease.
  2. , colic, stomach upset. Fennel components relieve inflammation and promote secretion gastric juice and digestion. As a result, the patient feels relief after taking remedies from the plant.
  3. . Essential oil and other elements remove mucus from the bronchi and help cure the disease.
  4. Insufficient milk supply in nursing mothers.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Gynecological diseases.
  7. Inflammation of the eyes due to overload.

Now let's look at the recipes.

Fennel tea for newborns against colic

Infants are often bothered by colic and bloating because they digestive system must adapt to nutrition outside the mother's womb. You can make your child feel better with fennel products. Here are the most effective recipes.

Tea. Place 3 g of seeds in a mortar and crush with a wooden spoon. Transfer the raw materials into a 200 ml cup and fill with boiling water to the top. Let the tea sit for 2 hours. Then strain the infusion through a strainer and add a little cold water.