What to take for intestinal disorders. Fast acting diarrhea tablets for adults

Tablets for intestinal disorders are selected based on symptoms. Abdominal pain and disturbances in the digestive system can occur for various reasons. The wrong choice of medications can worsen the situation. Tablets are recommended to be used when the exact cause of the disease is known. If you have a high fever, rash, blood or mucus in your stool, you should avoid home treatment and seek medical help.

Intestinal disorders are caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It may appear due to a nervous breakdown or a change in diet. The more symptoms accompany diarrhea, the more careful you need to be in treating it.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Intestinal upset is a symptom of many chronic digestive diseases. Loose stools are often accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen, which can be caused by a large amount of bile that has been released into the intestines for some reason. This happens if there is a history of cholelithiasis, in which bile does not drain well. If a person has consumed large quantities of a choleretic product or drink, then an active release of bile may occur, and its excess will cause short-term upset of the digestive process. This can occur when the nervous system reacts inadequately to stress.

To alleviate the condition during this period, antispasmodics, Corvalol, which soothes irritable intestines, are prescribed. You can take dietary supplements with motherwort, mint or valerian. They help improve the functioning of the nervous system, which is responsible for intestinal motility, and everything returns to normal.

Acute or chronic diarrhea can be caused by pancreatic insufficiency. This disorder of the digestive system is often found in people suffering from alcohol addiction, beer lovers, and in patients with chronic pancreatitis who suddenly broke their diet.

They need to take medications to compensate for the deficiency. These may be tablets containing enzymes. The most commonly recommended is pancreatin, an active substance found in many medications.

Dysbacteriosis, which develops a few days after stopping taking antibiotics, can also cause prolonged diarrhea. These drugs destroy most of the beneficial microflora in the intestines, which is why the digestive processes are significantly disrupted.

In people who regularly take medications for blood pressure, a pathological condition such as diarrhea occurs periodically. Loose stools often occur when taking antacids and magnesium supplements. Digestive disorders can occur with the active use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Diarrhea as a side effect develops when taking medications with active substances such as:

  • misoprostol;
  • quinidine;
  • olsalazine;
  • metoclopramide;
  • cisapride.

For treatment, you need to take a course of probiotics containing beneficial bacteria. These may be lactobacilli or other groups of microorganisms that are beneficial to the intestines. These include:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Biphilis;
  • Acipol;
  • Acylact;
  • Colibacterin;
  • Bioflor;
  • Bactisporin.

You can select the right drug after the result of the analysis prescribed for the study of intestinal microflora is ready.

When nutritional errors are to blame

Poor nutrition is a common cause of intestinal upset. For many people, diarrhea occurs as a reaction of the body to individual intolerance to some food additive or consumption of incompatible food products. Colic in the intestines and loose stools can begin if you drink tea brewed with water that has not had time to boil. Halwa or fish mixed with fresh milk causes severe upset which is treated with digestive enzyme tablets like Festal.

A healthy person with a strong immune system can suffer significantly due to indigestion, which occurs due to the entry of opportunistic microflora into the intestines. Unwashed hands often cause symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis.

Pathogenic bacteria that grow in food can cause sudden diarrhea. To prevent this type of disease, you need to keep Furazolidone in your home medicine cabinet. This drug is recommended to be taken as a treatment for any bacterial food poisoning without specifying the pathogen. This active substance quickly relieves the symptoms of diarrhea and gastroenteritis of infectious origin. It suppresses dysentery bacillus, salmonella and shigella, which often cause intestinal upset due to poor nutrition.

If there is an individual intolerance to Furazolidone, it can be replaced with Levomycetin or Phthalazol. These antimicrobials are effective against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms.

Enterosorbents are taken as an adjuvant during treatment with Furazolidone. Sorbents may not always stop diarrhea. They are recommended to quickly bind active pathogenic agents in the intestines and then remove them out.

For treatment, you can take activated carbon, Smecta, Filtrum, Polysorb and other similar drugs. They have high sorbing activity and a nonspecific detoxification effect. Enterosorbents should be taken in the dose recommended by the manufacturer. Activated carbon is taken 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. A smaller dose does not produce results.

Smecta powder is an antidiarrheal agent with an adsorbent effect, it helps relieve abdominal pain and normalize stool during acute and chronic diarrhea, if the disease is caused by an error in diet. Violation of the daily dose leads to constipation.

When taking sorbents, you need to take into account that they absorb not only poisons and toxins, but also medications. Therefore, you need to take medications one at a time, and not all at once. Before taking the medicine, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use of the product and find out the specifics of administration, single and daily dose. If you have severe symptoms that do not disappear with this treatment, you should seek medical help.

If the cause is a viral infection

Viral enterocolitis is increasingly becoming the cause of sudden diarrhea. This disease has acute symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • spasms;
  • loose stool.

They can be present for up to 3 days, severely affecting the intestinal mucous tissue. Infection may be group in nature, or 1 person will suffer from the disease. Such diarrhea is treated based on symptoms. Enterol helps well at this moment. The drug is called a universal remedy for any type of diarrhea. This is a probiotic that contains dried fungi Saccharomycetes boulardii. They restore the quantitative composition of intestinal microflora. It is available in the form of 250 mg capsules. You can purchase sachets for preparing the suspension.

Since rotavirus infection affects sections of the intestines, it is suggested to use probiotics or prebiotics to combat it. It could be:

  • Eubicor;
  • Hilak forte;
  • Linux;
  • Baktisubtil.

All these drugs are beneficial for the intestines and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which suffers from the attack of a pathogenic agent.

Vomiting and diarrhea severely dehydrate the human body. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend drinking a soda-salt mixture. It can be prepared at home by mixing 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt and dissolving it in 1 liter of boiled water. At the pharmacy you can buy several bags of Regidron and prepare a drink to maintain the salt balance in the body from the prepared mixture.

How to stop diarrhea quickly?

Most often, when diarrhea occurs, people turn to drugs that reduce peristalsis. These include the active substance loperamide. Medicines containing it are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug can be purchased at low cost under a generic or trade name. It could be:

  • Diara;
  • Diaremix;
  • Diarol;
  • Imodium;
  • Laremid;
  • Loperacap.

Loperamide relaxes the muscles of the small intestine and colon, which leads to slow elimination of contents from the gastrointestinal tract. This increases the absorption of water from the intestines, and this significantly reduces the water content in the stool. The medicine is taken according to the regimen recommended by the manufacturer.

Loperamide tablet does not relieve all symptoms of diarrhea. The drug will help if loose stools were caused by an allergic reaction, an emotional outburst, or due to taking medications.

The active substance allows you to survive changes in diet, help with metabolic disorders and absorption processes. The drug can be taken as an adjuvant for intestinal upset caused by an infectious agent.

Loperamide does not relieve intestinal colic, and Drotaverine or Papaverine hydrochloride must be taken along with the medicine, if necessary. Loperamide is recommended for use by all people suffering from intestinal disorders. Children can take it from 6 years old.

Complete disappearance of symptoms occurs with 3 tablets. If the drug does not help within 3 days of treatment, you should seek medical help.

Diarrhea can happen to anyone, regardless of age or habits. This delicate issue can disrupt plans. Sometimes the symptoms go away after a day, sometimes it takes weeks to eliminate the intestinal disorder.

When prescribing medications for diarrhea, the doctor takes into account the reasons that caused the body's reaction. A correct diagnosis allows the doctor to prescribe effective treatment.

Regardless of the cause, treatment for diarrhea is comprehensive. For a person in good health, it will take two to three days for symptoms to resolve.

If loose stools occur due to nervousness, it is enough to take a fixative drug and a sedative. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the doctor prescribes probiotics.

If loose stools are caused by poor nutrition (overeating or eating exotic foods), enzyme medications will help cure it.

The cause of the phenomenon is an adverse reaction to the medication. The medicine should be replaced with an analogue.

If loose stools are caused by food poisoning or an infectious disease, a fixative tablet will bring a short-term effect or will not help at all. In the latter case, consultation with a doctor is necessary. The doctor will order examinations, determine the cause and prescribe effective treatment in a particular case.

There are known universal medications that can help in an emergency. They will eliminate the discomfort, but perhaps only temporarily.

Effective remedies against diarrhea

Today, pharmacies offer many medications for diarrhea - domestic and foreign drugs. There are both expensive and cheap pills. But do all the remedies help in the event of a serious illness, are they able to stop the unpleasant symptom?

The medicine will help if the cause of the diarrhea is established. Depending on the cause, groups of drugs are distinguished.


Diarrhea caused by poisoning will be stopped by adsorbents. The drugs remove toxins, poisons, and microorganisms from the body. The price of medicines is acceptable.

List of the best medications for severe diarrhea:

  • Activated carbon. Inexpensive, fast-acting tablets. The product has a high sorption capacity. Removes toxins and microorganisms along with feces.
  • White activated carbon. The demand for activated carbon has led to the pharmaceutical industry producing tablets called White Activated Carbon. It is concentrated and effective in small doses.
  • Enterosgel - used in adults and children for acute and chronic intoxication. It has sorption and detoxification properties.
  • Smecta is a natural antidiarrheal agent. The advantage is that it is allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The powder is prescribed for children.
  • Polysorb is a powder based on highly dispersed silicon dioxide. The medicine is prescribed for adults. Young patients as young as one year old can take it.

It is difficult to choose effective sorbents for diarrhea on your own. To eliminate the violation, it is better to leave the choice to the attending physician.


A group of medications designed to restore intestinal microflora. Probiotics prevent.

  • Linex is a well-known third-generation product. Effective against diarrhea even in infants.
  • Bifidumbacterin – contains live bifidobacteria. Corrects intestinal microflora. The powder is diluted in water and consumed immediately. An infant takes the drug diluted in breast milk.
  • Hilak forte – corrects the qualitative composition of microorganisms in the intestines. Used to treat dysbacteriosis. Effective for .
  • Lactobacterin is prescribed to normalize digestion.
  • Acylact is a Russian remedy for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, capable of saturating it with acidophilic bacteria.
  • Acipol - capsules recommended for intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, stool disorders. Allowed for children from 3 months.

The benefits of probiotics are great. They allow you to cope with severe diseases. There are many drugs in this group. The most popular ones are listed. But the attending physician must choose the effective one.

Drugs that reduce peristalsis

Diarrhea in adults occurs when the intestines contract rapidly. Drugs have been developed that slow down the work and reduce the speed of feces passing through the intestines.

  • Loperamide is a fast-acting anti-diarrhea pill. The symptom is eliminated within 2 hours after administration, but the cause of diarrhea is not eliminated. It should not be given to children without a doctor's recommendation; the side effect is dehydration.
  • Imodium is a medicine for diarrhea. Available in the form of capsules and tablets. Imodium in capsules and tablets for children from 6 years of age.
  • Diara is an instant action medicine against diarrhea, recommended for adults and children over 6 years of age. Available in chewable tablet and capsule form.

There are many medications for bowel disorders for adults based on loperamide. They differ in price, manufacturer, have different names, but are similar in action. They perpetuate, but do not eliminate the disease. If the cause of diarrhea is an infectious disease, simple tablets will not help. If medications for loose stools do not work, you should immediately consult a doctor.


For diarrhea caused by infection of the gastrointestinal tract with infections and viruses, the doctor will recommend taking an antibiotic or antimicrobial agent.

  • Levomycetin is an antibacterial bitter tablet with a wide spectrum of action. It is possible to drink them for diarrhea if the diarrhea is caused by a bacterial intestinal infection.
  • Amoxicillin is an antibiotic often prescribed to treat intestinal upset caused by infection. The medication is prescribed to adults and children. Children take the medicine in the form of a suspension.
  • Furazolidone is an antimicrobial agent. While taking the medication, your urine may be dark brown in color. Instant absorption from the stomach promotes rapid action.

In some situations, only antiviral drugs can provide effective treatment. Antibiotics do not involve self-medication. Drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

Herbal preparations

Herbal preparations help with intestinal disorders. A decoction of bird cherry fruits has an astringent property. In folk medicine, enemas with a decoction are recommended.

A decoction of the fruits of unripe walnuts is indicated for digestive difficulties and stool disorders.

Diarrhea often causes pain. For abdominal pain, you can take No-shpa, Drotaverine. It is a powerful remedy for pain and spasms.

Good and inexpensive medicines for the stomach and loose stools are named, with the help of which first aid is provided and treatment is carried out.

First aid for distress

Loose stools often surprise you in unexpected places. Sometimes there is no way to seek medical help. In such cases, the patient should know what to do, prepare to provide first aid and try to eliminate the intestinal disorder by taking available medications.

First, you need to take a drug for intestinal disorders: Smecta, Enterol or activated carbon, which should be in every first aid kit. If your stomach hurts, take No-shpa.

If the symptoms stop, follow the diet for a week. Exclude fresh fruits, fried, fatty foods. Reduce carbohydrates. Maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.

The reasons that can cause an unpleasant symptom are varied. There are even more medications that can cope with pathology. It is difficult for a consumer to choose the necessary drug from the abundance of drugs presented by pharmacists. Do not forget that drug therapy is effective if prescribed by a professional. Self-chosen medications may cause more harm than good.

If you are faced with the problem of constipation and diarrhea, you can say that it is an intestinal disorder. This syndrome occurs due to various reasons - poor nutrition, stress, pathogenic influence of microorganisms. You can diagnose the disease yourself or with the help of a specialist. To cure intestinal disorders, complex therapy with medications and folk remedies and a special diet are used.

What is intestinal disorder

In medical terminology, intestinal disorder means a condition in which the patient suffers from prolonged abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits. A manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome, or “bear disease,” is painful constipation or intense diarrhea. The disease requires careful diagnosis and selection of individual treatment, because without therapy complications are possible - dehydration, exhaustion.


The pathology of abdominal and intestinal disorders is manifested by the following characteristic symptoms and signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen after eating;
  • excessive gas formation, flatulence, bloating;
  • “bloating” of the stomach, a feeling of heaviness;
  • diarrhea, constant urge to defecate;
  • rumbling in the stomach after eating;
  • fever, weakness, nausea;
  • change in color, character of stool, urine.

Causes of intestinal disorder

Doctors name the following reasons for the occurrence of stomach and intestinal problems in adults:

  • unhealthy diet - bad foods, fatty, spicy, heavy foods, sometimes just new ones, affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections, viruses, bacteria that entered the body and digestive tract after communicating with patients or eating contaminated food;
  • dysbacteriosis – changes in intestinal microflora;
  • stress, fatigue, nervous environment, fear.

In a child

Children are more susceptible to intestinal disorders than others. The reasons may be poor nutrition and unhealthy psycho-emotional environment. The younger the child, the more dangerous the disorder is for him. In infants, intestinal upset can lead to severe dehydration, which affects the functioning of the heart and brain. In addition, the cause of intestinal disease can be fear of bowel movements.

During pregnancy

A common condition in pregnant women is a functional disorder of the abdomen, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. If chronic intestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea occur, the reasons may be changes in hormonal levels, a general restructuring of the functioning of systems and organs, increasing intra-abdominal pressure, and poor nutrition. The combination of these factors has a negative effect on the intestines, and the disorder is exacerbated by large amounts of food taken, fatty, spicy foods, foods with cabbage, legumes or baked goods.


Before treating an intestinal disorder, the doctor identifies the causes of the disease. The doctor asks questions about the duration of the illness, the presence of symptoms, diet, lifestyle, employment, and taking medications. This information helps determine the direction of diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for intestinal dysfunction.

Instrumental confirmation of the disorder includes ultrasound, x-ray, fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The latter is an informative research method - during it, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the intestines and takes a piece of tissue for a biopsy. This helps to understand the clinical picture, because some symptoms of an intestinal disorder may not appear immediately.

Ancillary methods for diagnosing intestinal disease include laboratory tests of blood, urine, and stool. They help identify the infection that caused diarrhea, detect traces of blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract, duodenum or other parts of the intestine. After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, what symptoms appear, and the individual characteristics of the patient.


What to do if you have an intestinal disorder must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the cause of the disease. The main methods of therapy are:

  • changing the diet, giving up bad habits - the patient is recommended to eat in small frequent portions, give up fried, spicy, foods that cause increased gas formation;
  • taking medications for the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder - these will be antacids, alginates, suspensions;
  • restoration of regular intestinal microflora with medications.

Medicines for intestinal disorders

The doctor decides what to take if you have an intestinal disorder. The following categories of medicines are distinguished:

  1. For first aid - activated carbon, Smecta and enterosorbents. They absorb toxins that enter the intestines and eliminate the problem.
  2. Loperamide is an emergency medicine that can be used without diagnosing the cause of the disease. The drug acts quickly, but is not suitable for children under three years of age.
  3. Antidiarrheals – Imodium, Cerucal.
  4. To restore microflora - Baktisubtil, Linex, Hilak Forte, Probifor, Bifistim. The products contain a suspension of bacteria beneficial to the intestines, which in the process of action kill pathogenic microorganisms of the rectum, produce vitamins and restore normal intestinal microflora.
  5. Antiviral drugs - Arbidol-Lance, Kipferon suppositories.
  6. Preventing dehydration - Regidron, Trihydron, Gidrovit. They restore the loss of vital substances and normalize the acid-base balance.


If an intestinal disorder causes fever and dehydration, but the cause is not a virus, antibiotics can be used. They are prescribed by the doctor depending on the age and course of the disease. Popular remedies for eliminating the disorder are:

  • Rifaximin is a non-systemic action, safe even for pregnant women and children, its group includes Vancomycin, Bacitracin, Ramoplanin, Neomycin;
  • Cefix, Cefixime - suspension and tablets are suitable for sick children with a mild condition;
  • Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Erythromycin - not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Alpha Normix, Amoxicillin – no side effects;
  • Lekor – suspension for infants up to six months;
  • Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole - for acute disorders of the intestinal tract.

Folk remedies

If the disease proceeds sluggishly, calmly, without exacerbations, you can try a folk remedy for intestinal disorders using herbs. Here are some recipes:

  • taking a decoction of a mixture of marshmallow root, wild rosemary flowers and leaves;
  • a glass of hot strong tea with four teaspoons of sugar and half a glass of fresh grape juice from sour berries;
  • A decoction of burnet root has a bactericidal and astringent property, which for intestinal disorders should be taken five times a day, a tablespoon diluted in a quarter glass of water;
  • the collection of marshmallow root, St. John's wort, red rowan fruits is poured with boiling water, after an hour it is drunk four times a day, the broth must be filtered before taking;
  • For children over one year old, it is useful to prepare carrot puree soup from carrots, onions, potatoes, flour and butter; it will ease the work of the intestines.

Diet for intestinal upset

To alleviate the patient’s condition after an upset stomach and intestines, doctors recommend following a diet and switching to proper nutrition. Here are the main recommendations:

  • there are steamed or boiled dishes;
  • if upset, give preference to soups and non-dairy cereals;
  • ban on salt abuse;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • in case of exacerbation of diseases of the intestinal tract, you can drink only tea and cocoa without milk, a lot of water;
  • it is allowed to take acidophilus milk, fresh low-fat hard cheese, three-day kefir, sour cream;
  • you can eat non-food products, slightly dried crackers, buns, wheat or gray bread (this will provide the body with fiber);
  • among fats, preference should be given to fresh butter, ghee and olive oil;
  • it is allowed to eat one boiled egg per day, eat soups in low-fat broths with cereals, noodles, pureed lean meat;
  • it is allowed to take lean veal, beef, lean fish, steamed cutlets, meatballs, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina porridge;
  • Puddings, vegetable purees, steamed vegetable cutlets, young zucchini, boiled cabbage, berry jelly are allowed;
  • You can drink juices diluted with water in half;
  • exclude butter dough, fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, marinades, canned food, carbonated drinks, ice cream;
  • You cannot eat fresh fruits and vegetables, millet, barley porridge, barley, coffee and tea with milk, horseradish, mustard, seasonings, mushrooms, legumes and chocolate.


To prevent the causes of intestinal disorder, prevention of the occurrence of the disease is required. These include:

  • increasing stress resistance;
  • getting rid of alcohol, fatty, spicy foods;
  • overeating and unsystematic malnutrition should not be allowed;
  • physical exercise, sports.

Video: bowel dysfunction

Everyone is familiar with such an unexpected nuisance as diarrhea. Its occurrence can be associated with many reasons, and for each case there are pills that help with diarrhea. In order to treat such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to try to understand the cause, which can be indicated by the color of the discharge, for example, yellow, green, etc. Did you eat an unfamiliar dish the day before? Have you experienced stress or overexertion at work? Or was it the body’s reaction to a certain event in life?

Diarrhea is caused by the following factors:

Anti-diarrhea tablets are selected depending on the cause of this delicate problem.

Causes of diarrhea:

  1. Emotional stress - if there is reason to suspect that watery stools are caused by stress or excessive emotional stress, then it is necessary not only to take medicine for diarrhea, but also to take a sedative. In this case, doctors recommend paying attention to anticholinergics - these are drugs that help regulate intestinal tone and also block the formation of acetylcholine, which activates peristalsis. This group of funds includes:
    • Metacin,
    • Atropine,
    • Ephedrine,
    • Parfen."
  2. If you have chronic diarrhea, which was caused by intense intestinal motility, then it is best to take Diphenoxylate, Loperamide, and their analogues. They are designed to secure the chair and relieve discomfort. Afterwards, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist to determine the cause of chronic diarrhea, which may be caused by an intestinal infection or other disease.
  3. For food poisoning, Furazolidone and Sulgin can help. To neutralize the effect of negative substances, take adsorbents that remove poisonous gases, toxins, and other harmful elements. The most popular products from this group are “Smecta”, “Polifepan”, “Activated carbon”.
  4. If diarrhea is caused by drug therapy, for example, overuse of antibiotics, then you should stop taking the medication and the diarrhea will disappear. If diarrhea is caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora, then probiotics and anti-diarrhea tablets are usually prescribed.

Which medicine for diarrhea to choose - review of remedies

All anti-diarrhea tablets can be divided into three classes:

  1. Enterosorbents bind and remove waste products of microorganisms, as well as pathogenic microflora. Among the representatives of this group, the most common are “Polysorb”, “Carbactin”, “Smecta”, “Regidron”, “Activated carbon”.
  2. Probiotics – restore the natural intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, after antibiotic therapy. This group includes “Hilak-Forte”, “RioFlora”, “Lactobacterin”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Linex”.
  3. Drugs that have an antimicrobial effect slow down peristalsis. In addition, such drugs reduce the number of urges to defecate, slow down peristalsis, and increase the time it takes for feces to pass through the intestines. This group contains drugs with names such as “Enteroben”, “Nifuroxazide”, “Imodium”, “Diara”, “Loperamide”, “Furazolidone”, “Enterobene”, “Lopedium”, “Fthalazol”.


"Levomycetin" is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. Shows effectiveness against bacteria, gram-positive cocci, large viruses, etc.

  • Ingredients: potato starch, calcium stearate, chloramphenicol, polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  • Indications: therapy of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the action of the drug, treatment of diarrhea.
  • Application: tablets are taken orally half an hour before meals. A single dose for adults is from 250 to 500 mg, and a daily dose is 2000 mg.
  • Price: from 40 rub.


“Imodium” is a drug that can reduce intestinal motility and tone.

  • Ingredients: loperamide hydrochloride, magnesium stearate, corn starch, lactose, talc.
  • Indications: treatment of chronic, acute diarrhea of ​​various types, including radiation, medicinal, social, allergic: in case of a change in the composition of food, diet, malabsorption, metabolic phenomena; as an auxiliary drug for infectious diarrhea.
  • Application: tablets are taken orally in the amount of two capsules for adults and one for children. The maximum dosage is 8 tablets for adults and one tablet per 7 kg of body weight for children.
  • Price: from 150 rub.

So, we have looked at the main causes of diarrhea, methods of treating it, and the pills used. Remember, if diarrhea is acute or chronic, then it is imperative to visit a doctor and find out the cause of the diarrhea. After all, this phenomenon can be caused by serious diseases of the internal organs. Be healthy!

The uncomfortable condition that provokes disturbances in the digestive system makes people look for pills for stomach and intestinal upsets. Many people prefer tablet drugs due to their convenient use and fairly high efficiency.

The drugs prescribed by doctors have a different spectrum of action and have very different properties that affect not only individual symptoms, but also the causative factors of the disorder. Modern pharmacology offers a wide selection of a wide variety of remedies for intestinal disorders, from sorbents and antibiotics to herbal preparations.

How to choose the right medicine

Before choosing the effective remedy necessary to eliminate painful symptoms, you should consult a doctor so that he can help determine the cause of the ailment, which could be eliminated with the help of the necessary medicine. Medicines prescribed by doctors, as a rule, have standard properties:

  • have a positive effect on the digestive microflora;
  • normalize intestinal motility;
  • remove waste and harmful toxins from the body;
  • eliminate all associated pain.

Patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed drugs such as Gastal, Drotaverin, Linex, Penzital, Motilak, Allohol, Mezim, Loperamide, Furazolidone.

For elevated temperatures that appear due to intestinal upset, doctors prescribe Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. To relieve stomach cramps and eliminate pain, Nurofen, Faspik, and No-shpu are prescribed.

The list of drugs that are prescribed for the purpose of therapeutic treatment of disorders of the digestive tract is opened by sorbents. They are prescribed for their effective detoxifying properties. This group of drugs includes activated carbon, Sorbitol, Neointestopan, Gastrofarm.

If the cause of the disorder is a toxic infection, the symptoms of which are nausea, gag reflex and loose diarrhea, doctors prescribe sulfonamides. These are Furazolidone and Imodium tablets.

If the state of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, provoked by dysbacteriosis, in therapeutic therapy, preference is given to taking tablets that eliminate the symptoms of intestinal disorder: “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Bifiform”.

How is diarrhea treated?

Before prescribing the necessary treatment for diarrhea, doctors determine its cause. Sometimes this symptom can be treated with a topical remedy. Functional diarrhea, which is caused by intestinal spasms, can be cured by applying a warm heating pad to the stomach and giving the patient complete rest. If the cause of diarrhea is poisoning, then you cannot do without a medicine with absorbent properties. Often, before the doctor arrives or the ambulance arrives, the patient is given activated carbon tablets (per 10 kg of body weight - 1 tablet) or Smecta. Doctors categorically prohibit giving stronger drugs until the true cause of the disease is established.

If excessive diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, this can lead to dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to try to replenish the lost amount of fluid as soon as possible. For this purpose, you can use the prepared composition, which includes 1 liter of boiled water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. This mixture helps maintain the water-salt balance in the body for the entire period until diarrhea with vomiting ends. In order to restore fluid in the body, you can buy “Regidron” or alkaline mineral water at a pharmacy and use it according to the instructions.

Herbal remedies for intestinal disorders are recognized as one of the most effective. These include herbal infusions and teas, which are given to a person if his painful condition is not accompanied by vomiting. This is a great opportunity to replenish the body not only with lost fluid, but also fill it with useful microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium.

In addition, for severe diarrhea, you can take such remedies as calcium carbonate, Tanalbin, St. John's wort, oak bark, bird cherry fruits, chamomile flowers, belladonna tincture and others. As a necessary remedy for the treatment of diarrhea, doctors prescribe a dietary diet that completely excludes the consumption of flour products, fatty and fried, sour and spicy foods, fermented milk products, and carbonated drinks.

If the cause of diarrhea is dysbacteriosis, doctors recommend taking a course of drugs such as Colibacterin and Lactobacterin. Intestinal upset syndrome can be treated with medications that improve digestive processes, especially if the cause of diarrhea is pancreatic insufficiency. From this series, such drugs as “Panzinorm”, “Pancreatin”, “Festal” are effective. Neutralizes toxins, destroys pathogenic bacteria and their decay products "Filtrum". If diarrhea appears as a result of intestinal infection, then doctors can prescribe antibiotics: Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Erythromycin, Nitrofuran.

Popular tablets

The most popular drugs for the treatment of intestinal disorders are:

  1. For acute and chronic forms of intestinal imbalances, use the antibiotic Rifaximin (Normax).
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug "Phenylsalicylate", "Phthalylsulfapyridazine".
  3. An antioxidant that improves the synthesis of vitamins B and P, stimulates the entry of vitamin E into the blood, and also prevents increased flatulence and improves cellular immunity - Baktisubtil.
  4. Adsorbent - activated carbon.
  5. Antidiarrheal, absorbent and protecting intestinal mucosa medicine "Attapulgite".
  6. "Rehydron" is an absorbent that is used to restore electrolyte balance due to the loss of large amounts of microelements due to severe diarrhea and vomiting. This product in the amount of 1 packet is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water and drunk a few sips after each liquid bowel movement.
  7. The adsorbing agent "Polysorb" has antimicrobial, adaptogenic and disinfectant properties. For severe diarrhea, use Polysorb and Tannacomp.
  8. An excellent absorbent with enveloping properties is Smecta.
  9. To restore intestinal microflora, Hilak Forte is used.
  10. Antidiarrheal drugs - Loperamide, Phthalazol, Imodium, Lopedium.
  11. A product that improves the condition of intestinal microflora is Linex.
  12. Acylact suppositories eliminate any type of disorder.
  13. Normalizing intestinal microflora “Flonivin”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Bifikol”, “Colibacterin”.
  14. Reduces histamine content and improves the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, relieves pain in the intestines, eliminates severe flatulence "Lactofiltrum".
  15. Lactobacilli that normalize intestinal microflora - “Narine”.
  16. Tablets “Mezim Forte”, “Festal”, “Digestal”, “Somilaza”, “Panzinorm”.

Herbal remedies for pathology

In addition to tablets, capsules and other medications, herbal-based medications have an excellent effect on the intestinal microflora.

Healing decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, which have antiseptic properties that eliminate any type of intestinal disorder. Phytotherapeutic components, as a rule, can help eliminate the main symptoms, but do not in any way affect the cause of the disease itself.

For painful disorders caused by spasms and for the gag reflex accompanied by heartburn, tea made from chamomile flowers helps. It is also used for loss of appetite and heaviness in the stomach.

Tea is prepared from chamomile and yarrow flowers, well crushed and mixed in equal quantities: add 1 tbsp to 3 cups of boiling water. l. mixtures. Brew, strain and drink throughout the day, half an hour before meals.

Brewed willow buds help with all types of intestinal diseases, including gastritis and ulcers. The raw materials collected in February should be dried. For 1 glass of boiling water add 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and brew in a thermos for several hours. Drink 0.25 glasses 4 times a day before meals.

Eucalyptus infusion helps overcome heartburn and pain in the intestinal area. The dried leaves of the plant are crushed and 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave until cool. Strain. Take 3 tbsp as a medicine. l. half an hour before meals, 5 times a day.

Barberry flowers, as well as berries in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Brew in 2 liters of boiling water. Drink this tea during the day before meals. Dried berries can be eaten without processing during diarrhea.

Calamus rhizomes are known for their analgesic and spasm-relieving effects. The best remedy for treating digestive disorders is homemade wine made from it. An amount of 100 g of crushed root is poured into 1 liter of good quality white wine. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks at room temperature. Then filter and take 1 sip 30 minutes before meals. The optimal number of sips per day is 10.

Basil is considered to be not only a good seasoning, but also a medicine, as it helps relieve cramps in the intestines and improve appetite. Pour 2 tsp with a glass of boiling water. dried leaves of the plant and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. When warm, strain and drink a quarter glass 4 times a day before meals.

Every person repeatedly faces such a delicate problem as diarrhea. Violation of the defecation process is always accompanied by severe discomfort and disruption of the rhythm of life. To quickly eliminate this problem, you should take medications or folk remedies for stomach and intestinal upsets.


Before taking tablets for indigestion, patients should find out the cause of the bowel movement disorder.

This condition can be considered as a reaction of the body to any product, or as a symptom of a serious pathology:

  • jar of Hearts;
  • reaction to medications taken during therapy;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poisoning;
  • a disease that has a viral or infectious etiology;
  • serious pathological processes in the body.

In the case where the cause of diarrhea is stress or the use of some new product, people can safely purchase any remedy for indigestion from pharmacy chains. In all other situations, they must first go to medical institutions, undergo examination and receive medical prescriptions.

Group of enterosorbents

Drugs included in this group should be taken in cases where diarrhea has developed as a result of eating low-quality foods.

The components present in the medications will quickly remove all harmful substances from the body:

"Activated carbon"

The drug is able to remove toxic substances, destroy pathogenic microflora and even stop diarrhea. After taking the pills, the stool turns black


This medicine is effective for bloating, heartburn and diarrhea.


The active substances present in the drug have a detoxifying effect. The medicine can quickly eliminate signs of poisoning, vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea. Can be used in the treatment of children from 1 year of age


This remedy has been used for many years in the treatment of intestinal infections. Tablets quickly eliminate diarrhea


This remedy is used for food poisoning. Its components quickly remove toxins. But, it will not have the desired effect for diarrhea, which was caused by indigestion

Probiotic group

Medicines from this group are used in the treatment of intestinal infections, dysbiosis and diarrhea:

How to choose the right drug

Modern medicines for diarrhea, which are offered in a wide range on the pharmacological market, have standard properties:

  1. Removes toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the body.
  2. Eliminate pain and discomfort associated with diarrhea.
  3. Restore beneficial microflora.
  4. Normalize peristalsis, etc.

Depending on the cause of the development of the pathological condition, specialists may prescribe the following medications to patients:

  1. If the cause of the disruption of the defecation process is a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, then patients will be prescribed tablets “Furazolidone”, “Loperamide”, “Mezima”, “Allochol”, “Motilak”, “Penzistal”, “Linex”, “Drotaverine”, “Gastala” "
  2. If the patient has an elevated temperature, then specialists will prescribe Ibuprofen and Paracetomol tablets.
  3. For severe spasms and pain, No-Shpy, Faspika, and Nurofen tablets will be prescribed.
  4. If food poisoning is suspected, patients will have to take Gastropharma, Neointestopan, and Sorbitol tablets.
  5. If a disturbance in the process of defecation is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then experts will prescribe Imodium and Furazolidone tablets to patients.
  6. If the microflora is disturbed, you will have to take Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex.
  7. For persistent diarrhea, people are advised to take calcium carbonate.
  8. If diarrhea was caused by dysbacteriosis, then Lactobacterin and Colibacterin should be used in the process of eliminating the pathological condition.
  9. In case of infectious etiology of diarrhea, you should take tablets of Nitrofuran, Erythromycin, Gentamicin, Ampicillin.
  10. To normalize digestive processes, it is recommended to take Festal, Pancreatin, and Panzinorm tablets.

The most popular and affordable medications

If a person has diarrhea, which is not a symptom of a serious pathology, he can take the following medications:

  1. "Fthalazol". This medicine eliminates diarrhea very quickly. Often used for infectious etiologies of disorders. In case of prolonged diarrhea, it can normalize stool within a few days. In parallel, its components will suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. Has a minimal number of side effects.
  2. "Imodium." The medication has a rapid therapeutic effect. It can be used for acute diarrhea; it is very convenient to take the medicine on long trips, since it comes in the form of lozenges. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 8 mg of the drug.
  3. "Diara." The components of this drug quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder. Frequent urge to defecate is eliminated by slowing intestinal motility.

People who develop diarrhea should drink plenty of water. This must be done to prevent dehydration, since liquid is also removed from the body along with feces.

There are a large number of diseases that can cause such an unpleasant symptom as diarrhea. Among the most common are the following:

  • simple gastrointestinal disorder due to consumption of low-quality food;
  • nervous stress;
  • diet that caused;
  • use of medical drugs;
  • infectious diseases (, etc.);
  • poisoning with harmful substances;
  • serious illnesses.

The first three cases are not serious and allow you to independently choose cheap antidiarrheals. However, in other cases, pills will only relieve the symptom, but will not solve the problem.

In addition, they may interfere with the initial diagnosis and contribute to the worsening of the disease that caused diarrhea.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

The following situations require an immediate visit to the doctor:

  • diarrhea manifested in an infant;
  • diarrhea, which is accompanied by vomiting, high fever, severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • signs of the body losing a large amount of fluid (no urine for more than 5 hours, pain in the kidney area, )
  • diarrhea in people over 70 years of age;
  • diarrhea in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diarrhea during pregnancy;
  • the duration of the symptom is more than 4 days;
  • food poisoning.

In case of severe diarrhea, you cannot self-medicate; you must immediately seek qualified help. You need to visit a therapist who, based on tests of stool, blood, and blood, will make a diagnosis.

The patient may also be referred to the infectious diseases department or to a gastroenterologist, depending on the cause of diarrhea.

After determining the cause, the doctor prescribes treatment, including proper nutrition and effective medications.


At any pharmacy you can buy pills that will help you forget the unpleasant symptom. Before taking the tablets, you must carefully study the instructions for use or consult a specialist.

If problems arise in the functioning of the intestines, then it is not necessary to buy expensive foreign analogues. Domestic manufacturers have been producing high-quality, highly effective medicines for a long time.


Topping the list is Loperamide, a drug that is produced both in the form of capsules and tablets. This product is low cost and does an excellent job of treating diarrhea.

Loperamide contains substances that slow down peristalsis, which increases the time food remains in the intestines. The drug increases the absorption of the intestinal walls.

After taking it, the frequency of defecation decreases. The drug copes well with diarrhea in most cases.

The drug should not be taken by children under 4 years of age, pregnant women, or people with reduced

The cost of tablets varies from 119 to 150 rubles.


Loperamide is used as the main substance. In addition to it, the composition contains aspartame, sodium bicarbonate, and gelatin. The drug begins to act an hour after use.

Since the medicine is made in the form of lozenges and has a pleasant minty taste, it can be used even in case of nausea.

The greatest effectiveness is observed for non-infectious diarrhea. Tourists often use the drug because it copes well with diarrhea caused by changes in the usual habitat.

This drug has the highest cost in the budget segment. Drug prices start from 230 rubles.


Nifuroxazide is a highly effective drug that can overcome most infectious intestinal diseases. The drug actively penetrates tissue to suppress the pathogenic activity of bacteria. This is possible thanks to the amino groups contained in the drug.

Increasing the dose increases the bactericidal effect. The drug does not destroy the intestinal bacterial microflora.

Treatment continues for a week. These anti-diarrhea tablets for adults are taken 4 times a day. No more than 800 mg of the drug is allowed per day.

For ease of administration by children, the drug is produced in the form of syrup. It has almost no contraindications. Consumption with alcoholic beverages is not allowed. In case of overdose, it is necessary to rinse the stomach.

The cost of capsules is 150 rubles, syrup - 250 rubles.


A medicine that is classified as an antibiotic. It has an excellent effect on meningococcal and purulent infectious diseases. The drug is used when the disease is caused by Brucella , , spirochetes or Haemophilus influenzae bacteria.

This is a drug with an immediate effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The tablets must be taken half an hour before meals. In the case of severe forms of disease, up to 1000 mg of the drug is allowed 4 times a day, but such treatment is allowed only in a hospital setting.

The standard dosage is 250 mg 4 times a day. In addition to tablets, the drug is made in powder form, which is necessary for the preparation of an intravenous injection solution. In case of taking a large dose, monitoring of blood composition, as well as the condition of the liver and kidneys is required.

The drug may have side effects. Consumption by pregnant women and people with kidney, liver and circulatory system diseases is not allowed. The drug often causes an allergic reaction.

The average cost of a medicine is 25 rubles.


Inexpensive tablets based on sulfonamides. The drug copes well with intestinal infections. Slow absorption within the intestine allows it to act most effectively.

Phthalazole is also an anti-inflammatory drug due to its ability to reduce the activity of leukocytes.

It is made in the form of tablets or powder. If we are talking about an advanced intestinal disorder, then the pills are taken in two cycles. The course is taken under the supervision of doctors.

The daily dosage of the drug should not be more than 7 g. Intestinal microflora is sensitive to this medicine.

Average price is 25 rubles.


This medicine is based on povidone and has a detoxifying effect, eliminating the symptoms of intestinal poisoning.

The drug can be used to treat children over 1 year of age.

The dosage is calculated depending on the patient’s weight (0.3 g per 1 kg of child’s weight). Treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors and lasts from 3 to 7 days.

The price of the drug depends on the form of release and is 120 – 260 rubles.

Activated carbon

This product has a strong adsorbing effect. Made from processed organic coal. Thanks to its porous structure, it absorbs toxins well and removes them from the body.

Treatment may last for a week. A repeated course is allowed after a break. In case of severe poisoning, a solution is prepared by mixing coal powder in water. The patient's stomach is washed with this mixture.

Coal should not be taken if you have peptic ulcers (ulcerative colitis, etc.) or stomach bleeding. Due to consumption, this is a normal phenomenon, there is no need to worry.

The price varies depending on the number of tablets in the package and production. Average cost is 5 - 50 rubles.


A popular natural medicine that has an adsorbing effect. The drug stabilizes the mucous barrier, helping to increase mucus volumes. Thanks to this medicine, viruses and bacteria are eliminated from the body without negatively affecting the functionality of the intestines.

Produced in powder form, packaged in sachets. The contents of one sachet must be dissolved in half a glass of water. The recommended dose is 3 sachets after meals. The treatment course should not last longer than one week. In case of overdose, constipation is possible.

Average cost is 140 rubles.


Fast-acting tablets that are highly effective against dysbiosis. Can be used for inflammatory processes and intestinal infections. The drug is a probiotic and can restore normal intestinal microflora.

The drug can actively fight E. coli, staphylococcus and yeast-like fungi. The product is produced in ampoules, capsules, as well as in the form of suppositories and powder.

The powder must be diluted in warm water and drunk without waiting for dissolution. The medication must be taken with meals. If necessary, after a month's break, a second course of treatment is allowed.

Average price per drug is 80-120 rubles and may vary depending on the form of release.

Hilak forte

The drug affects the activity of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, improves gastric secretion and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. The drug is prescribed during the treatment of dysbiosis. It is also allowed to be used for chronic disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea, colitis or infectious diseases.

Average cost is 140-180 rubles.

Despite all the variety of medications, you need to choose the most suitable one.

For best results, you should consult your doctor. In this case, the risk of harm to your own body is reduced, and the likelihood of a speedy recovery and relief from discomfort in the body increases.

It is always better to start with a scheduled visit to the doctor and in no case should you self-medicate, since the likelihood of worsening the situation increases.

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