How to use lavender oil for hair? Lavender essential oil for hair: application, benefits, masks and recipes Lavender oil for oily hair.

Today, lavender oil is the most popular essential oil. According to some reports, it is used in medical and for cosmetic purposes more than two and a half thousand years: in ancient Egypt Lavender oil replaced perfume, and the Romans took baths with it, scented the air, and even added it to food.

Today we will talk about the benefits of lavender oil for the beauty and health of hair.

What you need to know about lavender oil?

The Latin name “Lavare” literally means “to wash, cleanse.” Opinions about the name vary: some believe that it is because of the fresh smell, the aroma of cleanliness; other sources claim that the flower is so named because of its frequent use in Roman baths.

One of the undoubted advantages of lavender oil is its excellent compatibility with other base and essential oils, be it chamomile or nutmeg oil.

This feature allows you to try various options to get the perfect cosmetic combination that suits your hair or skin.

Uses of lavender oil

  1. Lavender hardly counts the best antidepressant. Aromatherapy or baths with the addition of a few drops of lavender essential oil can relieve insomnia, relax, and help relieve stress and tension.
  2. Also, if you have a long trip, flight, or nervous event, just rub a couple of drops of lavender essential oil in your palms and apply to your wrists - you will get an almost instant calming effect.
  3. Inhalations with lavender oil cure coughs due to bronchitis and colds; Chest massage also helps a lot.
  4. Lavender oil has an antiseptic effect. It perfectly helps with burns, cuts, and heals wounds. Also used in complex therapy in the fight against arthritis and muscle pain.
  5. Lavender oil is an additive in a wide variety of cosmetic products - from aromatic gels to body balms.


In addition to beneficial properties, lavender oil There are also contraindications.
Lavender oil should absolutely not be used:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if you are taking medications that contain iodine;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • anemia.

Also, before using lavender oil on your hair, you need to know how your skin reacts to it. It is enough to apply a drop of oil to a clean area of ​​skin and, if no allergic reaction occurs, discomfort, headache, irritation, then you can start using it.

Lavender essential oil for hair: what does it treat?

Lavender oil is used not only as a component for simple homemade masks - for example, wanting to nourish. It is actively used in medicinal purposes, fighting more serious hair and scalp diseases.

Let's take a closer look at the use of lavender oil in two different aspects - medicinal and cosmetic.

Interesting fact!

A number of medical trials have been carried out in Scotland under the guidance of qualified dermatologists. The results showed that 45% of people suffering from alopecia got rid of this disease after a head massage with lavender oil. The massage was performed every day for six months.

Lavender oil for hair loss

Therapeutic head massage with lavender essential oil helps to cure a disease such as alopecia, as well as improve hair growth. Of course, you can’t expect results after a couple of uses; methodicality is important here: you need to massage every day, for at least four months.

The secret of the procedure is that therapeutic massage with lavender oil improves blood circulation in the scalp and thereby significantly reduces hair loss and subsequently enhances hair growth.

How to perform a massage?

  1. It is advisable to massage the scalp once a day at the same time.
  2. Do not apply too much oil - this may cause headache, one or two drops will be enough, rubbed between your fingers, and then begin the massage.
  3. Lavender oil is rubbed into the skin with soft circular movements, using only the fingertips.
  4. Massage time is 7-10 minutes.

Lavender oil against dandruff

Mask with lavender against dandruff

Ingredients: 12-14 drops of lavender essential oil are mixed with a couple of tablespoons of sweet almond oil, then the mixture is heated for a very short time - about ten seconds.

Application: massage the scalp for fifteen minutes (the oil should be warm!). Then the head is covered with a shower cap. After 50-60 minutes, the mask is washed off with regular shampoo without any additives, without subsequent use of hair conditioner.

Prevention of head lice

To protect yourself from such problems, it is enough to do a dry scalp massage with a few drops of lavender oil twice a week.

The best hair masks with lavender oil

As a rule, lavender oil becomes an excellent addition to homemade balms, creams, nutritional mixtures. It is used both to get rid of oily shine and to simply give hair a pleasant aroma.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair with lavender

Effect: nutrition, moisturizing, hair aromatization.

Ingredients: 5-7 drops of lavender oil, 3-4 tablespoons coconut oil.

Application: Coconut oil is mixed with lavender oil. If the coconut oil is too thick, it is recommended to warm it briefly over low heat, and only then add lavender. The mask is applied to dry hair, the head is covered with a shower cap and wrapped in a towel - the thermal effect improves penetration useful substances into the hair structure. Keep this mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with simple shampoo without additional effects.


If you have problems removing excess oil when washing, you can use a weak vinegar rinsing solution.

Hair rinse with lavender (prevention of seborrhea)

Effect: adds shine and aroma, refreshes, conditions, and is used to prevent seborrhea.

Ingredients: two glasses of boiled water, ¼ cup of dried lavender, 3-5 drops of lavender oil. Dried lavender is poured with two glasses of boiling water, cooled, filtered and essential oil is added.

Application: Use this rinse immediately after washing your hair with shampoo: rinse hair and skin thoroughly, and after 15-20 minutes rinse hair again boiled water.

Shampoo with lavender essential oil for oily hair

Effect: dries roots, provides protection from external damage.

Ingredients: ¼ cup coconut milk, ¼ cup regular shampoo without additional effects, 10 drops lavender essential oil, 10 drops orange oil.

All ingredients are mixed/shaken in a shampoo bottle or any other container that is suitable for storing the mixture. The shelf life of the shampoo is one month; after this time, use should be discontinued.

Application: It is best to use shampoo after the main shampoo, when surface impurities have been removed. It is recommended to shake the shampoo before each use.

Lavender flowers are a vibrant lilac-violet color and have a delightful, slightly pungent aroma. When the lavender fields bloom, it seems that there is a sea with lilac waves ahead.

Artists even named a shade after these flowers: lavender. The homeland of this plant is considered to be the Mediterranean, India and Canary Islands. From there, fragrant flowers first came to Great Britain, and then received recognition and love throughout the world. And it’s not for nothing that lavender is so universally loved, because in addition to its strong aroma, it is endowed with a lot of medicinal properties.

Lavender and its oil are used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine, perfumery and even in household chemicals.

Composition and healing properties of lavender oil

Lavender oil, like other essential oils, is obtained by distilling flowers. In this case, steam with oil particles accumulates on the walls of the vessel in the form of droplets, and then a product with a bright aroma is obtained from them.

As a result of the distillation process, the oil is very light, with a barely perceptible aroma. To give it the appearance and aroma that is familiar to us, it is saturated.

Special vessels for oil that hang around the neck will help in this matter, or you can make aromatic sachets with lavender flowers and place them at the head of the bed during rest or sleep.

In addition, lavender oil will help you cope with colds, easing cough and runny nose. To do this, you need to do inhalations by adding a couple of drops of essential oil to the water.

  • Lavender oil helps you get rid of teenage skin rashes. To do this, burn the inflammation areas with pure oil or wipe the skin. aqueous solution lavender oil.
  • It can also be used to lubricate small cuts or burned areas of the skin, because the oil has bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

Lavender oil - 10 main properties:

What are the benefits of lavender oil for hair?

Lavender oil is a real salvation for hair.

  • It will help add health to your curls.
  • Cleanses the scalp.
  • Eliminates dandruff.
  • Activates hair growth and restores hair follicles.
  • Will increase the thickness of hair.

For dry, brittle hair and hair loss, lavender oil is also useful, as it moisturizes the strands to the very ends, nourishes the roots, and strengthens the hair follicles.

Using lavender oil to strengthen your hair is quite simple.

1. The first and easiest method of using oil is to add a few drops to store-bought shampoo or hair mask. In this way, you can strengthen your curls when there is not enough time for other procedures.

2. If you decide to seriously engage in strengthening and restoring your hair, it is recommended to use homemade masks with lavender oil, scalp massage with a solution of lavender oil and aromatherapy.

3. Mixtures of lavender and other oils are often used to strengthen hair. It is usually used together with peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree and rosemary.

Just keep in mind that it is unsafe to apply essential oil to the scalp too often, as it can dry it out. It is best to do such procedures about twice a week.

4. When washing your hair, add a few drops of essential oil to the usual amount of shampoo. It can be added to a conditioner or hair styling spray.

5. Warmed, diluted lavender oil can be rubbed into the hair roots overnight.

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For better effect It is necessary to do a head massage. Thus, the oil is well absorbed into the skin, and also improves blood supply to the skin, which helps in the fight against hair loss.

  • Hair strengthening mask

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, one egg yolk.

  1. Warmed, but not hot burdock oil add lavender oil and yolk.
  2. Mix all ingredients well and apply to dry, clean hair. special attention focusing on the roots.
  3. Put on a shower cap and an insulating cap, or wrap it in a terry towel.
  4. After 40 minutes, rinse with water and shampoo.
  • Hair loss mask

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil or olive oil, 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and the same number of drops of lavender oil.

  1. Essential oils are added to heated jojoba oil.
  2. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair. massage movements, and then distribute along the entire length.
  3. Put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a towel. Wear no more than 10 minutes.
  • Hair conditioner with lavender to add shine to hair

Ingredients: 100 ml apple cider vinegar, 800 ml of chamomile flower decoction, 5 drops of lavender oil.

  • Nourishing hair mask with kefir

Ingredients: 100 ml kefir, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil, one yolk, 3 drops of lavender oil.

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Apply to clean, dry hair and scalp.
  3. The mask should be washed off after an hour with shampoo.
  • Mask for dry and brittle hair

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice.

All components should be mixed and applied to dry hair 30 minutes before washing. This mask should be done 2 times a week until the hair acquires its natural shine and elasticity. This mask will help restore hair after bleaching or perming.

  • Mask to accelerate hair growth with pepper and lavender oil

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground red pepper, 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 3 drops of lavender oil.

  1. Ground pepper must be mixed with honey. If the honey is too thick, you can melt it in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. Then add lavender essential oil to the resulting mixture and gently apply to the hair roots. It is better to distribute the hair into strands, so the mask will better cover the entire scalp. You should be careful not to get the mask on your face or eyes.
  3. After applying the mask, you need to put on a shower cap and wrap it with a towel.
  4. Wear the mask for 40 minutes, then rinse with water. If the mask gets too hot, you can wash it off earlier.
  • Mask for oily skin scalp that is prone to dandruff

Ingredients: 2 drops lavender oil, 2 drops lemon oil, 2 drops of geranium oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil or hair balm.

Add essential oils to the balm or olive oil and rub the mixture into the scalp 10 minutes before washing. It is recommended to use 2 times a week.

  • Mask for adding shine to hair

Ingredients: 100 ml of boiled water, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 3-5 drops of lavender oil.

IN lemon juice Lavender oil is added, then diluted with water. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair after washing. The mixture does not need to be washed off.

After such a mask, your curls will be shiny and radiant with health. In addition, lavender oil promotes hair growth.

  • Express remedy for restoring dull and dry hair

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 5 drops lavender oil, hair balm.

  1. IN small quantity necessary oils are added to the hair balm.
  2. Apply the product to freshly washed hair and distribute it over its entire length, without touching the roots.
  3. After half an hour, the hair should be washed and dried with a hairdryer.
  • Hair strengthening mask with cognac

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of grape seed oil, 1 tbsp. spoon almond oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, a little cognac.

The resulting mixture should be applied to hair 40 minutes before washing.

Essential oils are widely used in cosmetology. Products that contain lavender extract are always popular; for hair, these include various shampoos, conditioners and rinses. Why did lavender oil attract the attention of hair product manufacturers? with their own unique properties, known since ancient times.

Medicinal and aromatic properties of the plant

Lavender oil is produced from the lavender angustifolia plant, a subshrub native to the Mediterranean. The name “lavender” itself comes from Latin word“lava”, which means “mine, wash.” Lavender water was used for baths and abrasions back in the Ancient Rome, not only because of the pleasant aroma, but also noticing that this remedy helps treat various skin diseases, relieves migraine attacks, calms, improves mood.

Lavender oil began to be produced on an industrial scale in the 18th century. Moreover, from 100 kg of inflorescences only 1 kg of product comes out. Nowadays lavender is grown on plantations. The largest are located in France in the province of Provence and occupy hundreds of hectares. And the lavender flower has become a symbol of the south of France, where the very air is saturated with its scent. Lavender oil has found application in medicine, perfumery, and cosmetology.. Lavender essential oil is especially effective for hair, which is why leading companies producing hair and scalp care products are the main consumers of this raw material.

Action provided

1. Nourishes thin and weakened hair, giving it elasticity and shine.

2. Has a regenerating and stimulating effect on hair follicles, helping to restore hair thickness.

3. Helps in the fight against fungal diseases of the scalp, eliminating the causes of dandruff.

4. Softens the scalp, heals small wounds.

5. Normalizes secretion sebaceous glands, helping to keep hair fresh and clean longer.

To take advantage healing properties lavender, you don’t have to buy shampoo or conditioner in the store. It is quite possible to prepare such products at home, especially since this plant as an ornamental plant is quite common in our flower beds, and buying lavender hair oil at the pharmacy is also not a problem.

Home care products

1. The easiest way is to apply a few drops of lavender oil to the comb when combing, but the comb must be made of wood. According to reviews from those who use this method of combing, the hair is less electrified, does not frizz, and is easier to style. And the aroma of freshness helps maintain wellness and mood.

2. If you use castor or burdock oil for hair, you can strengthen therapeutic effect, adding lavender flowers to a bottle of oil and keeping them there for at least two weeks.

3. You can add lavender oil to any hair shampoo. It is better to do this immediately before use, at the rate of 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 tbsp. l. shampoo. If you do not plan to use the mixture immediately, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

4. Hair mask: combine 3 tbsp olive oil with egg yolk. l. and 5-6 drops of lavender oil. After which the mixture must be beaten well. This mask is applied to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. Then put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a terry towel. Leave for half an hour and rinse off the mixture with warm water. Wash your hair with shampoo.

5. You can prepare a rinse by mixing 1 part apple cider vinegar and 6 parts water, adding a few drops of lavender oil. Rinse your hair with this product after using shampoo, and after drying it will acquire a beautiful shine and a pleasant aroma, will be less electrified and easier to style.

6. If you do not want to wash your hair with shampoo often, as this dries out your hair and scalp, you can use a moisturizing liquid by combining 1 part glycerin and 4 parts floral water (infused with rose petals, lavender inflorescences) in a spray bottle. medicinal herbs). Add a tablespoon of jojoba or avocado olive oil and a few drops of lavender oil to the mixture. Apply the product to your hair using a spray bottle, after which you need to let it dry and comb your hair with a wooden comb. different directions. Hair is cleansed of grease and dirt and gains freshness and a healthy shine.

7. Women who dream of thick and beautiful hair, often use beer-based homemade cosmetics. Even our grandmothers knew about the healing effects of beer on hair. But not everyone likes the smell of beer. Not all aromatic oils can correct this deficiency, but lavender oil gives beer balms and masks a pleasant aroma. For example, you can mix half a glass of dark beer, egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lavender oil. After applying the mask to your hair, you should put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. Keep the product on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water without using shampoo. If you take more beer, then this product can be used as an air conditioner.

The use of these tools is based on natural products safe for the health of hair and skin, but in any case, before using them, you need to test them by applying a few drops of a balm or rinse containing lavender oil to the skin on your arm or behind your ear. If redness and itching appear, then you have allergic reaction and the use of these drugs is contraindicated. There are several other reasons why it is not recommended to use products containing lavender:

1. Pregnancy, especially its first trimester.

2. Use of medications or dietary supplements containing iron or iodine.

3. Low blood pressure. Lavender has antihypertensive properties, and the additional decrease in blood pressure can lead to headaches, weakness and depression.

4. It must be taken into account that the use of lavender oil, like any other essential oil in its pure form, can lead to skin burns; it should be added to preparations carefully, just a few drops at a time.

Except for these reasons, enriching cosmetic products for hair and skin care with lavender oil will not only improve the health of the body, but also normalize emotional state, because the smell of lavender improves mood, relieves depression, gives a feeling summer holiday and sun even in the winter months.

Lavender oil helps get rid of dandruff, eliminate hair fragility, and restore healthy natural shine. Find out how to use this product in your hair care.


Essential oil lavender is considered universal, because it is widely used in various fields, such as cooking, perfumery, aromatherapy and cosmetology. It becomes simply indispensable for hair, helping to strengthen it, restore beauty, solve the problem of fragility and split ends, and has positive action and on the scalp.

Benefits of lavender essential oil for hair

Lavender oil becomes an indispensable tool in hair care, because with its help you can solve various problems. It has the following properties:
  1. It has a fresh, pleasant and soothing aroma, so it helps not only get rid of stress and insomnia, but also soothe irritated scalp. Recommended for use when certain diseases skin.
  2. Lavender oil has antifungal and antibacterial effect. Due to these properties, it should be used for scratches or other damage to the skin. Helps get rid of dandruff and itching, makes hair beautiful, thick and healthy.
  3. Thanks to the regular use of homemade cosmetic masks, which contain lavender essential oil, the hair follicle is strengthened. As a result, the structure of the hair improves from the inside and along the entire length, and its growth is activated. Recommended for frequent use for hair loss problems.
  4. Lavender oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties, therefore it fills the hair vitality and natural shine. If you have a problem with lifeless, brittle and dull hair, or increased oil content, you need to use masks with this oil or apply a couple of drops to a comb and simply comb the strands.

Lavender oil is often added to professional cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners, masks, rinses, etc.

Composition of lavender oil

Thanks to the set of useful components included in this product, it is ideal for any hair type:
  • Resins. Provide reliable protection hair, thickening at the roots, a thin film is formed on the surface, neutralizing negative influence from the environment.
  • Valeric acid. Has a calming effect, relieves inflammation, itching, and headaches.
  • Citral and caproic acid. Refers to the number natural antiseptics, therefore they help get rid of inflammation of the scalp.
  • Cineole. Helps remove toxins and other harmful substances from the epidermis, gives the hair a pleasant lavender aroma.
  • Tannins. These include tannin. They give strands reliable protection from negative solar or temperature influences.
  • Ursolic acid. Helps in the fight against increased fat content hair, normalizes sebum production.

Aromatherapy hair combing with lavender oil

It is very useful to use lavender oil during aromatherapy. Thanks to regular implementation of this cosmetic procedure, the condition of the hair improves and the curls acquire a beautiful shine.

For this purpose, take a thin comb, onto which literally a couple of drops of lavender essential oil are applied. Then comb your hair thoroughly for 10 minutes, it is advisable to move the comb in different directions so that the oil is evenly distributed throughout the strands. After this procedure, the hair appears beautifully shiny and becomes perfectly smooth.

Aroma combing is effective massage scalp, if you simultaneously stroke the crown with your fingers. Movements should be light and circular. This procedure helps speed up blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes occurring in the scalp. As a result, lavender oil penetrates directly into the hair roots, nourishing and saturating them with vitamins and microelements. This procedure helps speed up hair growth, make it thicker, and prevent the problem of hair loss.

To perform a head massage, you can use burdock, olive or jojoba oil as a base product: 2 tbsp. l. base, add 4 drops of lavender oil. The most important thing is to stir the oil mixture well so that the lavender oil is evenly distributed throughout the base. If necessary, the composition can be slightly heated in a steam bath, making the massage procedure much more effective. Lavender oil easily penetrates pores and nourishes from within hair follicle, as a result of which the problem of hair loss is solved.

Using Lavender Oil for Hair

Before you start using lavender oil, you need to remember that it has quite a high degree concentration, so it is not recommended to take it as a base or apply it to strands (scalp) in a pure, undiluted form.

Features of using lavender essential oil for hair:

  1. Treatment of seborrhea and dandruff. To make a medicinal rinse, you need to take honey (50 g) and mix it with soda or salt (used as an emulsifier). Add warm water (500 g) and lavender oil (3 drops). The oil must be mixed with an emulsifier, then it is dissolved in water. After each shampooing, the hair is rinsed with this solution (a new one is prepared each time, cannot be stored) along its entire length. This procedure can be performed daily to improve general condition scalp.
  2. Hair restoration. This recipe will help quickly restore lifeless, dull and injured strands. 30 g is used as a base sunflower oil(you can use almond, jojoba, burdock or grape). Heat it up by steaming, add 4 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and rosewood ether, beat in the egg yolk. All components are thoroughly mixed until the composition acquires a homogeneous consistency. The resulting product is evenly distributed from the roots to the very ends of the hair, then a plastic bag is put on the head. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your hair using a mild shampoo. After a week, the mask is repeated, full course treatment is 2 months. Such cosmetic procedure will help get rid of dandruff, irritation, perfectly moisturize hair, and make combing easier.
  3. Treatment of pediculosis. For this purpose, the following remedy is prepared: mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil with 2 drops of lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair and distributed evenly. A plastic bag is placed on the head, after 20 minutes the mask is washed off with any shampoo. After just a few procedures, the problem of pediculosis will be solved.
  4. Conditioner-rinse aid. Suitable for regular use. To prepare it, take a lavender (linden or chamomile) color and add 60 g of apple cider vinegar. The composition is poured into a dark glass container and tightly covered with a lid, left for a week. After the specified period of time, the infusion is diluted with warm boiled water (no more than 3 glasses). Then 2 drops of lavender extract are added and the rinse is evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls. A towel is wrapped around your head, and after 10 minutes you need to rinse your hair thoroughly clean water. The remaining conditioner can be stored in the refrigerator for a while, but before use it needs to be slightly steamed, after which lavender oil is added.
  5. Caring for colored hair. For damaged and colored hair, it is useful to regularly use the following product: mix 3 tbsp. l. jojoba oil with 5 drops of lavender oil and rosemary, 2 drops of thyme extract are added. The oil mixture is slightly heated by steam, then applied to damp strands, washed off with shampoo after 10 minutes.
If lavender oil is added to cosmetics, you need to follow a certain scheme: for 1 tsp. For the main preparation, take 2-4 drops of oil. The resulting composition should be used immediately after preparation and not stored, since the essential oil begins to lose its properties over time. beneficial properties. These products can be used 3 times a week.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil

Lavender oil for hair has a lot of positive qualities and helps solve various cosmetic problems, but also has certain contraindications for use:
  • Prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Not recommended if you are allergic to lavender.
  • It has a strong relaxing effect and is therefore prohibited for people suffering from low blood pressure, otherwise it may appear strong feeling weakness, loss of strength.
  • Do not combine the use of concentrated lavender oil when taking medicines with iron and iodine.
How to use lavender oil for hair - watch the video:

Lavender oil helps preserve beauty and youth, gives emotional balance and calm. If you use it regularly in hair care, your curls will shine with a healthy shine, acquire silky softness and dazzling beauty.

Lavender is an ancient healing remedy used in cosmetology and medicine, known for its antiseptic, tonic, healing, relaxing properties in maintaining the general condition and care of skin and hair. The concentrated oily substance, extracted by distillation, has a recognizable woody color and expressive aroma.

A little history

The Egyptians also called lavender Indian spikelets, since their life aromatic herb started with the Mediterranean and India. It quickly became an attribute of luxury and was a sought-after product in international trade, accompanied wealthy people both in life and after death, and flowers found in tombs in incense carried their aroma for three thousand years.

The advance of the Roman Empire into Europe opened up new way developments in the use of aromatic flowers. Church ministers used them, protecting themselves from evil spirits, for ordination, ordinary people they wore crosses made of dried lavender and hung amulets from the inflorescences in their homes.

In the Middle Ages, growing a fragrant plant in the gardens of monasteries was mandatory.

Translated from Latin, the word Lavare means “to wash.” The flowers were infused in baths and added to the water during bathing, which disinfected the body and hair. The presence of antiseptics and organic resins in the essential lavender extract stops hair loss, increases its elasticity and prevents drying of the skin, normalizes oiliness, and eliminates itching. It is also used to increase blood circulation and improve metabolic processes scalp, follicle.

Lavender oil is specially combined with geranium, rosemary, coniferous, wheat germ and other oils, nourishes hair, strengthens hair follicles, and improves general condition. The French were the first to use unique aroma in the perfume industry and cosmetics, using perfumes and rinses in various compositions, refreshing and rejuvenating the lush hairstyles of the owners of the nobility.

Methods of use

It is rational to use essential lavender extract to prevent hair problems by mixing it with ready-made shampoos and cosmetic care products, as it interacts well with them. By enriching a tablespoon of shampoo with two drops of lavender, you can prevent dandruff and hair loss, strengthen roots, and promote new growth. Adding up to ten drops of lavender extract to a conditioner or balm for one time of use will soften them, help them gain firmness, elasticity and shine, and envelop them in a pleasant, subtle aroma. Self-massage of the head in the form of aromatherapy combing with lavender oil for ten minutes once a week will have a beneficial effect on stimulating the sebaceous glands and will help restore hair after coloring.

Like any essential oil, lavender in the composition of the product against electrification with the onset of cold weather will help maintain your hairstyle throughout the day.


Funds with aromatic oil useful for oily and dry, brittle, damaged hair. All the components included in them are available to every person and at home you can easily achieve the effect of expensive salons. It must be used diluted and directly in the volume used, since the essential oil quickly evaporates. It is often recommended to be included in ready-made cosmetic care products or massage compositions.

A mask containing yolks, almond or burdock oil and a few drops of concentrated lavender will give your hair elasticity, shine, and soothe the skin.

Recipe with ingredients like castor oil or jojoba mixed with yolk and a few drops of ylang-ylang, rosewood, lavender will provide shine and enhance hair growth. It is best to apply it to the roots, followed by wrapping it in waterproof material and a warm towel for half an hour.

A hair washing composition in the form of blue clay, water and honey, yolk, and a few drops of lavender essential oil will add elasticity to the hair and help fight oiliness. It will help you easily cope with increased greasiness. Tip: after a half-hour procedure, use a balm to reduce hair stiffness.

Dry, lifeless curls will be supported by a mask containing mashed avocado pulp, a tablespoon of jojoba oil and eight drops of lavender oil. The result will not be long in coming.

Provided excellent care with universal remedy from oils: olive, argan, burdock, essential lavender. Applied to the ends of the hair, they vitaminize and add shine and strength to the hair. Changes in the composition or proportions of components are acceptable.

A mask for restoring broken ends can be based on regular sunflower oil, to which a few drops of lavender and oil are added. peppermint. Carefully spread it over the strands with your fingers and cover your head with a towel cap. After the procedure, rinse with shampoo and rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

A pleasant procedure for you and useful for damaged hair will be thermal wrapping with a mask of three tablespoons of jojoba oil and five drops of lavender and thyme oils. Then rinse with warm water.

A ten-minute self-massage of the skin using circular and lightly pressing movements will enhance the effect of essential oils in various compositions for hair loss.

It's hard to overstate a post-wash conditioner that contains lavender flowers infused with apple cider vinegar.

When used, the resulting product is mixed with water in a ratio of one to ten with the addition of a few drops of lavender extract.

The lavender anti-dandruff rinse, which contains a few drops of essential extract, one liter of water and one hundred grams of salt or honey, has also proven itself well. The effect will be visible after several rinses. With antibacterial capabilities and a rich aroma, a homemade formulation that is equal in quality medical drugs, will help eliminate lice.

A liquid of three tablespoons of olive oil, two drops of rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender is applied to the hair and scalp over three or four treatments. It is useful to use such a mask to eliminate the problem and prevent it.

And now a video - a recipe for a hair mask using lavender oil.


When using lavender essential oil, you need to take into account its characteristics and use it after testing for allergies or personal intolerances. To do this, apply it diluted to the area of ​​skin under the knee or on the bend of the elbow, where it is thinner. If no changes, redness or rash appear within 24 hours, then hair care will bring you only benefit and pleasure. If you are prone to allergies, pregnancy, anemia, or epilepsy, it is better to avoid lavender oil.

Using oil at low blood pressure may cause weakness and drowsiness.