The feeling that is stronger than death (based on Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"). Why Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy

To the question Why did Romeo and Juliet die? given by the author Nastka:D abc the best answer is Due to youth and stupidity.

Reply from Sock[master]
Out of love, out of stupidity and because of a discrepancy with the time of resurrection.
Lovers: before poisoning, check the timings and synchronize your watches!; O)

Reply from cane[active]
From strong love and stupidity!

Reply from Flush[guru]
Due to a misunderstanding. Some messenger somewhere didn’t make it in time... This is what absence means mobile communications. By the way, in the movie "Romeo and Juliet" Romeo had a mobile phone, but he threw it away at the wrong time. Total neperka, in a word, ruined them!

Reply from Radical Dreamer[guru]
Because of dogmatic ancestors who prevented them from being together, dividing them with details and traditions... but Shakespeare knew that love WILL FIND the answer itself...
And so it happened...
Romeo could not live without Juliet... Juliet couldn't live without Romeo... and they were more important to each other than traditions, laws and rules...

Reply from DAN[guru]
Romeo and Juliet died because of stupidity. They did not know that Love is a continuation of life, not death.
There are many solutions to the issue of misunderstanding of mutual attraction between children and their parents. This is it
solution to the issue "Fathers and sons"

Reply from Anastasia Novobranets[guru]
During the next period of reconciliation between the Capelletti and Montague parties, a carnival was organized, at which a young man from the Montague family named Romeo met the young Juliet Capelletti for the first time. The feeling that gripped them at the first meeting gradually becomes stronger and in the end leads to the fact that, having secretly married in the presence of the monk Friar Lorenzo, they become husband and wife. By the will of fate, the almost frozen enmity between the two families is resurrected, and one day in a street fight Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliet's brother.
By the verdict of justice, Romeo is forever banished from Verona, and Juliet suffers bitterly in separation. Her parents, not knowing the real reason The daughter's tears and wishing Juliet well, they want to marry her off. Unbearable torment forces her to turn to her brother Lorenzo, from whom she asks for poison. Instead of poison, Lorenzo gives Juliet a powder, after drinking which she will fall into a sleep similar to death, but will wake up unharmed in two days.
The overjoyed Juliet reassures her parents and drinks sleeping pills on the first night. The next morning they cannot wake her up; the arriving doctor declares that she is dead, and she is buried in the family crypt.
Brother Lorenzo gives the letter that Juliet wrote in advance for Romeo to a monk so that he can give it to Romeo, but this does not happen due to an unfortunate accident, and Juliet’s servant Pietro, confident in the death of his mistress, decides to tell this sad news to Romeo himself. Shocked, Romeo wants to die and enters the ancient tomb of the Capelletti family to last time see your beloved.
Shedding tears, he drinks poison and, embracing Juliet, says: “O beautiful body, the limit of all my desires! If, after parting with your soul, you still retain even a drop of feeling in yourself, if your soul, having parted with your body, sees my bitter death, I beg you to be merciful to me: I could not live openly with you in joy, now I am secretly I’m dying next to you in grief and suffering.”
Meanwhile, Juliet wakes up from her long sleep, Romeo finds out and tries to understand why he is in the crypt. Finally, a tragic mistake is revealed, and the dying Romeo begs Juliet not to despair after his death. Friar Lorenzo comes for Juliet, but to his horror, he sees her distraught with grief next to the lifeless Romeo. Juliet asks Lorenzo to “beg our unfortunate parents to graciously allow us to lie in the same grave, without separating those whom love burned with one fire and led to death together.” And turning to his beloved - “How can I be without you now, my lord! What can I do for you now, if not follow you on the road to death? No, I have nothing else left! Only death could separate me from you, and now she won’t be able to do that either!” , Juliet dies.
Lorenzo tells the whole story to the sovereign, and the parents of the dead are reconciled over the bodies of their children.

Romeo and Juliet 1968 Italy UK
Feature film


At the end of the 16th century, more precisely in 1596, the English playwright William Shakespeare created a play that became immortal, giving birth to a ballet by Sergei Prokofiev, an opera by Charles Gounod, and many paintings and illustrations.
But W. Shakespeare did not come up with the plot of this play himself, but borrowed it from his predecessors; Before Shakespeare, the story of love and the death of two lovers due to a coincidence was told by the ancient Roman poet Ovid in the collection “Metamorphoses” (transformations). The heroes' names were Pyramus and Thisbe. 16th century Italian writers Luigi da Porto and Matteo Bandello used a similar plot in their short stories. That is, the story was quite well known and popular, but few people, except specialists, remember Ovid and his heroes, the short stories of Italian authors are little known, but everyone knows Shakespeare’s heroes.

What is the secret of Shakespeare's talent? Why is Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" so famous for centuries, why is it considered great?

The action of Shakespeare's tragedy is laid out in five days, during which all the events of the play take place: from the initial - and fatal! - the meeting of Romeo and Juliet at a ball in the Capulet house before their sad death in the Capulet family crypt.
The atmosphere of the sultry south reigns in a tragedy playing out among a people prone to violent passions, ardent and fearless. Almost all participants in events tend to act impulsively, obeying instantly flaring moods and feelings. True, there are calm and reasonable people here, but sobriety of thought and prudence are powerless against volcanic outbreaks of both love and hatred.

The young heroes have grown up and live in an atmosphere of age-old enmity between their families. The Montagues and Capulets have already forgotten how the struggle between them began, but they fanatically fight each other, and the entire life of the city-state of Verona passes under the sign of inhuman hatred.

In an environment saturated with poisonous malice, where every trifle serves as a pretext for bloody skirmishes, a wonderful flower of young love suddenly grows, defying many years of family enmity.

Two camps appear before us in tragedy. These, on the one hand, are irreconcilably hostile people, the Montagues and Capulets. Both of them live according to the law of ancestral revenge - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood. It’s not just the elderly who adhere to this inhumane “morality.” The most ardent follower of the principle of blood feud is young Tybalt, burning with hatred for all Montagues, even if they have not done him any harm, he is their enemy simply because they belong to a hostile family. It is Tybalt, even more than Capulet, who adheres to the law of blood place.

Another group of characters in the tragedy already wants to live by different laws. Such a desire arises not as a theoretical principle, but as a natural, living feeling. It flares up so suddenly mutual love young Montague and young Capulet. Both easily forget about the enmity of their families, for the feeling that took possession of both of them instantly breaks the wall of enmity and alienation that separated their families. Juliet, having fallen in love with Romeo, argues that his belonging to a hostile family does not matter at all. In turn, Romeo is ready to easily give up his family name if it turns out to be an obstacle to his love for Juliet. Romeo's friend Mercutio is also not inclined to support the civil strife that is tearing Verona into two irreconcilable camps. By the way, he is a relative of the Duke, and he is constantly trying to reason with the warring parties, threatening punishment for violating peace and quiet in Verona.

Friar Lorenzo is also an opponent of the feud. He undertakes to help Romeo and Juliet, hoping that their marriage will serve as the beginning of reconciliation of the birth.

Thus, followers of the law of blood feud are opposed by people who want to live differently - obeying feelings of love and friendship.

This is one conflict. Another conflict occurs in the Capulet family. According to the custom of that time, the choice of a partner for the marriage of a son or daughter was made by parents, regardless of the feelings of the children. This is how it happens in the Capulet family. The father chose Count Paris as Juliet's husband without asking her consent. Juliet tries to resist her father's choice. She seeks to avoid this marriage through a cunning plan invented by Friar Lorenzo.

Juliet is only thirteen years old, she is still an inexperienced child. When he finds out that Romeo heard her speeches about love for him, he is very embarrassed. But, making sure that he answers her with the same feeling, she is the first to ask when they are getting married. Juliet is brave and determined. Of the two, she is more active than Romeo. Circumstances are such that she needs to find a way out of the situation in which she found herself when her father categorically demanded her consent to marry Paris.

Shakespeare surprisingly subtly showed that Juliet is by no means indifferent to issues of family honor. When she learns from the nurse's stupid story that her cousin Tybalt was killed by Romeo, her first feeling is anger at the young Montague. But then she reproaches herself for the fact that almost immediately after the wedding she is already able to reproach her husband.

Juliet's courage is especially evident in that fateful scene when, on the advice of a monk, she drinks a sleeping pill. How natural is the fear of the young heroine when she reflects on the terrible sight that she will see when she wakes up in the family crypt among the corpses. Nevertheless, having overcome her fear, she drinks the drink, because only after going through this test will she be able to unite with her beloved.

The determination inherent in Juliet is also manifested when she, waking up in the crypt, sees the dead Romeo. Without thinking twice, she commits suicide, because she cannot live without Romeo. How simply, without false pathos, Juliet behaves at the hour of her last choice.

Romeo is seventeen years old, but although he is older than Juliet, his soul is just as pure. Love suddenly took possession of Juliet. Romeo was a little more experienced than her. He already knew that there was such a wonderful feeling in the world even before he met Juliet. His soul was already thirsty for love and was open to receiving it. Before meeting Juliet, Romeo had already chosen an object for adoration. It was, by the way, a girl also from the Capulet clan - Rosalina. Romeo sighs for her, but this love is speculative.
Moreover, Rosalina does not crave love at all. We learn about her that she is cold, like Diana (the patron goddess of virgins).

But then Romeo saw Juliet, and no trace remains of his passive daydreaming. He boldly approaches Juliet and takes a kiss from her lips. Although their meeting at the ball is brief, both are immediately imbued with passion for each other. From now on, Romeo wants only one thing in life - a happy union with Juliet. Obstacles lead him to despair, and it takes a lot of effort for Friar Lorenzo to bring him back to normal.

Romeo's love for Juliet is so strong that he is not inferior to Paris even when she is dead. In life and death, she must belong to him alone. Just as Juliet cannot live without him, the news of her death immediately makes Romeo want to die with her.

The death of Romeo and Juliet makes such an impression on their parents that they reconcile and put an end to their feud. So the love of two young heroes has a real impact. What the Duke could not achieve with his threats and punishments occurs under the influence of the terrible end of the young heroes, whose death is a tragic lesson that forces the parents to understand the cruel senselessness of their enmity. The death of Romeo and Juliet triumphed over the inhuman custom of blood feud. But the price paid for this is high. The tragedy lies in the fact that only the sacrifice of young heroes could stop the swords that were ready to endlessly shed blood.

There are others in this story bright characters. This is, first of all, Romeo's friend Mercutio. He is distinguished by greater maturity of mind and greater life experience. Mercutio is a skeptic. He is incapable of the love-passion that Romeo possesses. A joker and a merry fellow, he, however, has a high sense of honor. Mercutio understands the senselessness of the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets and laughs at the bullies, ready to get into a fight at any moment. But when, as it seems to him, the honor of his friend is hurt, he does not hesitate to challenge Tybalt. If Romeo is completely devoted to the power of his feelings for Juliet, then Mercutio and Benvolio are the embodiment of devotion in friendship.

The figure of Friar Lorenzo is unusual. Himself renounced joys worldly life, he is by no means one of those saints who would be ready to prohibit love and pleasure to all people.
Lorenzo comes up with a complex plan to save the love of Romeo and Juliet. However, he could not take into account all the vicissitudes of fate in advance. An unexpected circumstance - a plague epidemic (a common phenomenon in those days) - prevented him from warning Romeo that Juliet's death was imaginary, and from that moment events took a tragic turn.

Juliet's nurse is kind and endlessly devoted to her. She wants Juliet to be happy, but she seems indifferent to who exactly will be her favorite’s life partner. In her opinion, Paris is no worse than Romeo. It is important that there is a husband, and the rest, she thinks, will follow. As you might guess, Juliet's mother agreed to marry Capulet without any love. He married her in his mature years, having managed to live for his own pleasure. The marriage of Juliet's parents is an example of a traditional marriage that is not based on love.

The young contender for Juliet's hand, Paris, bears little resemblance to the young heroes. There is no reason to consider him insincere. He apparently fell in love with Juliet. However, what distinguishes him from Romeo is that he does not seek the girl’s reciprocal feelings, relying entirely on the fact that his father’s will will place her under his marital power.


Juliet Capulet, was born in the Italian city of Verona into a noble and respected noble family. She was raised by a nurse. Although, in essence, there was no upbringing. She ran wherever she wanted, climbed trees and fought with Susanna, her foster sister, the nurse’s daughter. Mom called her restless and lamented that she constantly tears silk dresses and does not want to learn good manners. Her father spoiled her. Her cousin Tybalty, her mother’s nephew, although older than her, sometimes played with her, taught her to shoot a bow and jokingly called her his little brother because of her boyish habits. In general, treated kindly by her family, she did not know grief. Her nurse especially adored her. When she turned eleven years old, her free life ended. She was sent to a monastery for training. Two years later, she returned home, and all her relatives began to unanimously claim that she already looked like a real bride.

Juliet was still a very stupid child. She didn't have any life experience. She didn't think about men. When her mother told her that they had found a groom for her, and she should look at him and give her answer to her father, she said that she would do as she told her. Juliet relied on the answers of her nurse in all her questions because her mother was not involved in her upbringing. But unexpectedly at the ball she meets Romeo Montague. She felt a strong attraction to him. For the first time, a young man noticed her and kissed her. She developed feelings called “love passion.” Juliet and Romeo fell in love at first sight. This passion is short-lived. Usually it passes quickly because in this case there is an attraction to each other physical bodies, not the spirit. Romeo was already familiar with such love passion. Before meeting Juliet, he suffered from unrequited love for Rosanda. She, too, like Juliet, was from a family hostile to him.

Romeo Montague was not hostile to the Capulet family. He wanted to live in peace with them. He was very emotional. He didn’t know how to control his feelings at all and was led by them. He couldn't think straight. Emotions went to his head and deprived him of his reason. He saw Juliet only once. She was from a family hostile to him. He was completely dependent on his father since he was very young. He did not have the means to support his family. But he unconditionally accepted the offer coming from Juliet. She acted prudently. She could be married off at any moment to a man she didn’t care about. She decided to voluntarily marry her father's enemy. She didn't think at all about the consequences of this step. At that moment she needed sound advice. She was used to turning to her nurse with all her questions.

Her nurse was a simple, stupid woman. She was a servant of the Capulets. Accustomed to obeying the whims of her ward. She had to maneuver between several lights. She tried to please everyone. When Juliet told the nurse about her love for Romeo and her desire to marry him, she did not see any resistance on her part. The woman was simply afraid to tell her something against the wedding because disagreeing with her would cause a lot of indignation on Juliet’s part. She loved her and valued her place. She did not know how to calculate actions in advance. The nurse, like Juliet, believed that no one would protest against the marriage. She was also self-serving. Carrying out instructions from her mistress, she received money from Romeo for these services. After the murder of Tybalty, the parents decided to immediately marry Juliet. Apparently, the father was afraid that this quarrel might interfere with his daughter’s wedding to Count Paris in the future. The nurse, seeing that Romeo is in exile, understands that she will have to answer to Juliet's parents for pimping. She was afraid of their anger and began to persuade her ward to marry the count. Juliet did not expect such betrayal on her part. She was left alone with her misfortune.

The main culprit of this tragedy is the priest, Brother Lorenzo. He was the confessor to both Romeo and Juliet. They believed in God Christ. Nobody taught them to fight passions. Teaching Catholic Church goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the outward worship of God. The priest was afraid to go against the nobility. He, like Juliet’s nurse, tried to please all the rich and noble people. To forgive sins, it was enough to repent of them before Brother Lorenzo. The inhabitants of the city sinned, came and repented of their sins before him. He released them to them, they went out and sinned again. Brother Lorenzo indulged the sins of the parishioners. He knew about Romeo's love passion for Rosanda. But when he asked him to urgently marry the child Juliet, he immediately agreed to do it. He understood that he was going against the wishes of their parents. He also understood that these children, if expelled from their families, would have nothing to live on. So why did he commit such an evil act? Because he was afraid of Romeo's wrath. The priest saw with his own eyes the unbalanced morals of all the inhabitants of the city. He was simply afraid of not pleasing the young, hot-tempered, rich guy. He was used to pleasing rich and noble people.

Romeo did not know how to control his feelings. His emotions evoked fear and pity. It was impossible to curb his anger. And it was also difficult to get him to think soberly after committing a murder. Brother Lorenzo, instead of correcting the sin committed against Juliet, led these children into sin even more. He advises going to Juliet and spending the whole night with her. The Cabuletti house is in mourning for the murdered Tybalt. He has not yet been buried, and the killer and cousin are indulging in voluptuous love. And when they decided to urgently marry Juliet, brother Lorenzo persuades her to die falsely. This child is completely confused in adult intrigues. She agrees. But brother Lorenzo did not calculate everything possible punctures in his adventure. He sent his messenger to Romeo on a donkey. He drove slowly and Romeo's servant overtook him. Romeo was in despair and, falling into sadness, poisoned himself. Juliet, having come to her senses, saw dead Romeo and the priest cowardly running away. She was overcome by terrible despondency and committed suicide.


// Analysis of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"

The brilliant English playwright of the Renaissance, William Shakespeare, gave the world the great but sad play Romeo and Juliet. The author drew inspiration from folk tales about two Italian lovers whose story ended tragically. Shakespeare was not the first to put an artistic spin on the famous romantic legend. However, the English playwright's version became the most famous.

Shakespeare took key plot points from Arthur Brooke's poem " Tragic story Romeus and Juliet."

The genre of this work is defined as tragedy in accordance with literary canons. It should be noted that Shakespeare's tragedies have become a role model. They are so sad and enthusiastic that they always cause a storm of emotions in readers.

In the play, two motives are most noticeable: the motive of enmity and the love motive. In the center of events are two clans at war with each other: the Montagues and the Capulets. Their hostility is shown on all levels. The heads of families, their relatives and even servants come into conflict at every meeting. Why are Montagues and Capulets enemies? Their misunderstanding began so long ago that no one remembers the exact reason, but the negativity towards each other remains.

The exposition of the play shows the clash between the servants of the Montagues and the Capulets. The author immediately shows us how the conflict of these families has worsened. Also, at the beginning we learn about the main characters. Romeo revels in his love for the beautiful Rosaline. He seems to be an unhappy romantic. And they want to marry off Juliet, who will soon turn 14 years old.

The plot takes place in the Capulet house during a masquerade. Naturally, the Montagues were not expected there, but Romeo and his comrade make their way into enemy territory for a personal purpose. Romeo wants to see his beloved Rosaline, but meets Juliet. The young man immediately forgets about Rosalina, realizing that his feelings for her were only his romantic impulse. And feelings for Juliet completely cover the young Montague. Their sympathy turns out to be mutual. The first kiss of lovers also happens at the masquerade.

Major events include the development of Romeo and Juliet's relationship, their marriage, the duel between Romeo and Tybalt, Romeo's exile, the help of Friar Lorenzo, the lovers' suicide, and the reconciliation of the clans.

The climax of the play is depicted in the crypt, when Romeo and Juliet take turns taking their own lives, thinking that they have lost the person they love most.

The denouement of the work is the reconciliation of families who finally realize what their enmity has led to.

The main idea of ​​the tragedy can be considered the affirmation of a new morality, which was inherent in the people of the Renaissance. The main characters recognize only the power of their love and are not afraid to go beyond the usual traditions. The young man is ready to renounce his name for the sake of his beloved and enters into a secret marriage with her. Juliet does not pretend to be modest, does not flirt, but honestly surrenders to her feelings. People in love oppose the will of their parents, against an ossified society.

The images of the main characters are revealed comprehensively and vividly through their monologues, dialogues and Shakespeare's remarks.

- a young representative of the noble Montague family. Despite his young age, he is reasonable and courteous. In his majestic posture one could discern good upbringing, and in his speeches - excellent education. But, as befits young men, he was a romantic and longed for great love.

- the young heiress of the Capulet family. She is still childishly naive, but already strong in spirit. Juliet does not play love with Romeo, as coquettes do, but sincerely surrenders to her feelings.

Shakespeare's play is sad, but brilliant story about first love.

“The children of the leaders love each other, / But fate sets up intrigues for them.” In this prologue, the conflict of the tragedy is indicated and the main characters are named - Romeo and Juliet. Let's see if fate really got in the way of their love.

The love of Romeo and Juliet broke out suddenly. It lasted only five days, but it literally reborn them.

Juliet's love for Romeo

We first hear about Juliet from her father. To Paris’s proposal to take her as his wife, he will answer: “...After all, my daughter is just a child, / She is not yet fourteen years old.”

And when the mother directly asks Juliet, meaning Paris: “Well, will you take care of his special one?” Juliet will obediently promise: “We need to do a test, but this is only for you.” Juliet is not interested in Paris, but she is an obedient daughter. With Romeo, Juliet is completely different. She knows well that for her family Romeo is an enemy: “They will see you and kill you,” “Just don’t get in their sight!” The girl is unable to give up her lover for the sake of her family.

She is ready to become his wife even tomorrow: “Let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding is.” Where does this determination and independence come from in Juliet, since she just showed complete readiness to accept her mother’s instructions? There is only one answer. It was Juliet's love for Romeo that awakened in her the ability to decide and act.

Love reveals previously unknown traits in her. The news of the death of Tybalt's cousin at the hands of Romeo comes to the family simultaneously with the news of Romeo's expulsion from Verona. Juliet “feels sorry for Tybalt,” but hearing “Romeo banished” is for her “ worse than death thousands of Tybalts." These words say it all: no pity for a brother can compare with the grief caused by Romeo's expulsion. But then the refined and gentle heroine utters even more cruel words; it turns out that hearing “Romeo is expelled” is worse for her than even the words: “About the death of a mother or father, / Or both of them, if really necessary.”

What is this? Callousness, selfishness? May be. But also absolute immersion in her love - to the point of renunciation of those she loved. Juliet's words are "not right", but they are sincere and honest. And this is what Juliet is all about - she doesn’t play - she lives like this. Although, when necessary, she can play, for example, her readiness to take revenge on Romeo for Tybalt: “... I’ll make up a poison for him...”, “... I’ll find Romeo’s poison myself.”

Juliet faced difficult trials and each subsequent one was more difficult and dangerous than the previous one. But in order to unite with her lover, she was even ready to die. She is very scared, she says “...Horror stops the bleeding.”

Juliet's love changed her completely. She didn't want to die, but it happened that way...

Romeo's love for Juliet

And what about Romeo? He too has changed. Romeo appears on stage already in love - “I’m yearning for love.” He is in love with a certain Rosalina, and most likely, with love in her image. But Rosaline immediately disappears as soon as he sees Juliet: “I forgot her name, father,” he says to Lorenzo.

Having fallen in love, Romeo moved away from his previous entertainment - he does not want meaningless fights, enmity... He conciliatoryly says to Tybalt, who is clearly asking for a fight: “Let’s part as friends, Capulet!” Romeo calls Tybalt for peace, even going against the norm to answer the challenge. He understands well that he is violating the laws of honor: “...Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft.” And yet it was at Romeo’s hand that Tybalt died. “Be quiet, kindness!” - he ordered himself, realizing that he must avenge the death of his friend Mercutio. This is how Romeo’s love of peace, fueled by his love for Juliet, and duty and honor united, forcing him to draw his sword.

Love and grief made the hero insightful and wise. He begins to understand the value of all things. Convincing a poor pharmacist to sell him poison, Romeo says that “gold is a much greater poison” than real poison.

Both Romeo and Juliet changed during their days of love. But it was more difficult for Juliet to walk her path. She is younger than Romeo, and her parents' power over her is stronger.

Different loves

The feelings of the main characters are at the center, but they are not the only ones in the tragedy. There was also Romeo's love for Rosaline, and Paris's love for Juliet. Why did Shakespeare need to talk about them? Their feelings are a kind of background that allows us to better consider the love of Romeo and Juliet. So, comparing Romeo's feelings for Rosaline and Juliet, it is clear that his feeling for Rosaline is somehow speculative. This feeling is reinforced by Rosaline's absence from the stage.

Unlike Rosaline, Paris is in plain sight. But his love is more from the mind than from the heart. He asks for Juliet's hand because she is a worthy match. The young man is not soulless - he grieves when Juliet dies. But the noble and courageous Paris does not imagine the full depth of the tragedy in which he unwittingly became a participant.

Shakespeare portrayed Paris as young, handsome, noble - “a rich, handsome, noble man,” that is, completely worthy of Juliet’s love. And his name is appropriate. This was the name of the ancient Greek hero who managed to fall in love with himself, although not without the help of Aphrodite, Helen - the most beautiful of women - and take her to Troy. But Paris from Verona failed to conquer Juliet, because for her wealth, nobility, and beauty meant little. Note that Romeo’s appearance is not even described - it does not play any role in Juliet’s love for him.

Why do Romeo and Juliet die?

The lovers die, despite the fact that many people seem to be helping them. For the time being, Juliet was helped by a nurse. Brother Lorenzo also helped. He was always on the side of the lovers and came up with a way to save their love, but the plague got in the way... Was it a coincidence? Yes, it was an accident, but it led to tragedy.

Such an ending is predictable almost from the first scenes of the tragedy. When Mercutio dies, Romeo will say: “...murder is a bad omen for the future.” Shakespeare intensifies the feeling of anxiety: night, mystery, prohibition, premonition of death. There is no tragedy yet, but it is already in the air and, in the end, it happens. Who's to blame? Fate as the Choir foretold? But is this the conflict between Romeo and Juliet? No. The lovers found themselves in conflict with the people closest to them - their families, whose enmity stood as an insurmountable wall in the way of their love. That is, love and hate collided. Hatred has lost and is punished: “Heaven is killing you with love.” “Heaven” is the same fate, and it punishes not Romeo and Juliet, but “you” - the Montagues and Capulets.

Shakespeare, unlike the ancient Greek tragedy, sees the cause of human conflicts in the people themselves, and not in the “machinations” of fate.

Romeo and Juliet (1595) is Shakespeare's first tragedy. It was created during the Renaissance and affirmed its ideals. And the main ideal of the Renaissance is a person and, above all, a loving person. The one for whom the highest of all values ​​is love.

The main features of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet":

  • conflict: enmity - love;
  • family feud as a reason for conflict;
  • exciting dramatic plot;
  • tragic actions are accompanied by tragic predictions;
  • moral perfection of heroes;
  • cult loving person;
  • man is the creator of his own destiny;
  • the truth of life and characters;
  • organic transition of poetic fragments into prose ones;
  • aphoristic language;
  • psychologism;
  • tragic ending.

The work of the great playwright William Shakespeare can be divided into several periods. The first of them is characterized by early tragedies, the texts of which are imbued with faith in justice and hope for happiness. Next comes the transitional stage. And finally, the period of late dark tragedies.

If you analyze the play “Romeo and Juliet”, then the poet’s negative moods can be observed quite clearly here. After all, in the play, life, as they say, is in full swing, in the foreground are good people, defeating the forces of evil. However, the inhumanity shown by the playwright is not so unarmed. She darkens life, threatens it and takes revenge.

The appearance of the play "Romeo and Juliet" became a significant event in the history of not only English, but also world literature. It was the beginning of a new, so-called Shakespearean stage.

Analysis dramatic work“Romeo and Juliet” suggests that social issues became the basis of the tragedy. Showing these relationships in the play reveals its historical significance.

History of creation and time

The play "Romeo and Juliet" is one of those works by the author that were written by him in the earliest period of his work. Shakespeare created his famous play between 1591 and 1595.

Consider the plot of Romeo and Juliet. The analysis of the work very briefly describes the story proposed by the playwright. She tells us about the imaginary death of the main character, the news of which led to the suicide of the young man she loved. This was the reason that the girl also took her own life.

A similar plot was first described long before the creation of this play. It was found in the poem “Metamorphoses”, created by the ancient Roman writer Ovid. The work was written in the 1st century BC. It tells the story of two lovers - Pyramus and Phiobe, who lived in Babylon. The parents of the young people were against their meetings, and then they agreed on a night date. Fioba came first and saw a lion there hunting bulls, whose muzzle was covered in blood. The girl decided that a formidable predator had torn apart the young man she loved, and ran away, dropping her handkerchief along the way. The lion tore this handkerchief and smeared it with blood. After this, the young man came and, deciding that Fioba was dead, he himself stabbed himself with a sword. The girl returned to the appointed place, saw the dying Pyramus, and immediately rushed to the sword.

This story was used by Shakespeare when writing his comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. Only there the plot about two lovers was presented to the audience by an amateur theater.

This plot wandered from work to work. Thus, it was described in one of the Italian short stories, and then moved into an English poem created in 1562 by Arthur Brooke. And only a little later Shakespeare became interested in this story. He modified it somewhat English version ancient Roman poem. Its duration was reduced from nine months to five days. At the same time, the time of year during which the events took place changed. If initially it was winter, then in Shakespeare it turned into summer. The great playwright also added a number of scenes. But the most basic difference from all previous options lies in the deeper content of the plot. This allowed the play to take its rightful place in the history of world literature.


So, what is the story told in the play Romeo and Juliet? An analysis of the work can briefly introduce us to this plot. The entire period during which the tragic events unfold covers, as already mentioned, only five days.

The beginning of the first act was marked by a brawl between servants belonging to two different families, who are in a state of enmity with each other. The hosts' surnames are Montagues and Capulets. Next, representatives of these two houses join the servants' brawl. Heads of families are not left out either. Tired of the strife that had lasted for days, the townspeople had difficulty separating the fighters. The Prince of Verona himself arrives at the scene with a call to stop the clash, threatening the violators with death.

Montague's son, Romeo, also comes to the square. He is not involved in these feuds. His thoughts are completely occupied beautiful girl Rosalina.

The action continues in the Capulet house. Count Paris comes to the head of this family. He is a relative of the Prince of Verona. The Count asks for the hand of Juliet, who is the only daughter of the owners. The girl is not yet fourteen years old, but she is obedient to the will of her parents.

Plot development

A carnival ball is organized in the Capulet house, into which young men from the house of Benvolio and Montague enter, wearing masks. This is Mercutio and Romeo. Even on the threshold of the house, Romeo was seized by a strange anxiety. He told his friend about it.

During the ball, Juliet met Romeo's gaze. This struck both like lightning, sparking love in their hearts.

From the nurse Romeo learned that the girl was the daughter of the owners. Juliet also learned that the young man was the son of the sworn enemy of their house.

Romeo carefully climbed over the wall and hid in the greenery of the Capulet garden. Soon Juliet came out onto the balcony. The lovers talked to each other and swore an oath of love, deciding to unite their destinies. The feeling consumed them so much that all the actions of the young people were carried out with extraordinary firmness.

They told their story to Romeo's confessor, Friar Lorenzo, and to Juliet's confidant and nurse. The clergyman agrees to conduct a secret wedding ceremony for the newlyweds, hoping that this union will finally force the two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets - to reconcile.

Unexpected turn of events

Next, the plot tells us about a skirmish that happened on the street between Juliet's cousin Tybalt and Mercutio. There was an exchange of caustic barbs between them, which was interrupted by the appearance of Romeo. The latter, having married Juliet, believes that Tybalt is his relative, and tries with all his might to avoid a quarrel. And this despite the fact that cousin Juliet is insulted by Romeo. Mercutio comes to his friend's defense. He attacks Tybalt with his fists. Romeo comes between them. However, Tybalt manages to deal a fatal blow to Mercutio.

Romeo loses best friend, who died defending his honor. This infuriates the young man. He kills Tybalt, who appears in the square, for which he faces execution.

The terrible news reached Juliet. She mourns the death of her brother, but at the same time justifies her lover.

Friar Lorenzo convinces Romeo that he should hide until forgiveness is granted. Before he leaves, he meets with Juliet, but they manage to spend only a few hours together. The coming dawn, along with the trills of the lark, informed the lovers that they would be separated.

Meanwhile, Juliet’s parents, who know nothing about their daughter’s wedding, start talking about the wedding again. Count Paris is also rushing things. The wedding is scheduled for the very next day, and all the daughter’s pleas to her parents to wait a little remain unanswered.

Juliet is in despair. She goes to Lorenzo. The monk invites her to use a trick and pretend to be submissive to her father’s will. In the evening, she needs to take a miraculous drug that will plunge her into a state similar to death. Such a dream should last forty-two hours. During this time, Juliet will already be taken to the family crypt, and Lorenzo will tell Romeo about everything. The young will be able to escape somewhere until better times.

Before the decisive step, Juliet was overcome with fear. However, she drank the entire bottle.

Tragic ending

In the morning, the parents discovered that their daughter was dead. The whole family plunged into inconsolable mourning. Juliet was buried in the family crypt.

At this time, Romeo is hiding in Mantua and waiting for news from the monk. However, it was not the messenger Lorenzo who came to him, but the servant Balthazar. He brought terrible news about the death of his beloved. The monk, Lorenzo's messenger, never met Romeo. The young man buys poison at a local pharmacy and goes to Verona.

The last scene takes place in the tomb. Romeo curses the evil forces that took Juliet from him, kisses her for the last time and drinks poison.
Friar Lorenzo was literally one moment late. He could no longer revive the young man. At this time, Juliet awakens. She immediately asks him about Romeo. Having learned the terrible truth, she plunged the dagger into her chest.

At the end of the story, the Montagues and Capulets forgot about their enmity. They extended their hands to each other and together began to mourn their dead children. They decided to place golden statues on their graves.

Love theme

So, we briefly learned the plot of the poem “Romeo and Juliet”. Analysis of the work tells us that its author, describing the tragedy of man, turned first of all to the greatest human feeling. The poem is literally imbued with the poetry of love. Moreover, the high feeling acquires an increasingly powerful sound as the action approaches the finale.

We continue our acquaintance with the play “Romeo and Juliet”. Analysis of the work allows us to understand that it is nothing more than the pathos of love. After all, from the monologues of the main characters it is clear that young people not only admire each other. In their speeches, love is recognized as a divine feeling, receiving proud, solemn and rapturous recognition.

Moral Issues

What else did Shakespeare want to tell the world? “Romeo and Juliet” (analysis of the work directly points to this) raises many moral problems. They are not at all limited to depicting love that inspires and unites two young people. This feeling develops and further strengthens against the background of other options that show us the relationship between a woman and a man. And Shakespeare told us about them with different accents of artistic expression. Romeo and Juliet (analysis of the work makes this clear to us) have a high feeling, the grandeur and purity of which contrasts with other forms of relationships.

The viewer sees the most primitive version at the beginning of the play. These are very rude expressions of the servants that women are created only so that they can be pinned to the wall.

Next brief analysis The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" tells us that there are other carriers of this moral concept. The author assigns such a role to the nurse, who expresses similar thoughts, but only in a softer form. She persuades her pupil to forget Romeo and marry Paris. This clash of morals leads to open conflict between the girl and the nurse.

What else does the analysis of Romeo and Juliet show us? Shakespeare does not accept another version of the relationship between a man and a woman. It is described in Paris's request to old Capulet. For that time, this method of creating a family was quite common. Paris asks for Juliet's hand without even asking about her feelings. The analysis of Romeo and Juliet shows us this quite clearly. Shakespeare in the second scene of the first act, through the mouth of old Capulet, says that before asking for a girl’s hand, you must immediately court her. However, further, Juliet’s father himself guarantees Paris the favor of his daughter, being confident in her submission to her parents.

We continue to study the poem “Romeo and Juliet”. Analysis of the work tells us that the count never told the girl about his love. Paris's behavior changes somewhat after the supposed death of his bride, although at the same time the chill of the conventions that took place in those days creeps into his actions and statements.

The comedy of the play

What else can a brief analysis of Romeo and Juliet tell us? Shakespeare combines in his work the romantic side of love with the quirks of passion and some oddities. The author points out that a high feeling does not allow a person to continue living in his usual rhythm, making him different from what he was before.

Analysis of "Romeo and Juliet" (8th grade) clearly indicates that in some scenes main character just funny. The author shows the reader the intolerant and passionate feeling of a girl who knew love for the first time. At the same time, Juliet in comic scenes is faced with the cunning of the nurse. The inexperienced girl demands from the maid a story about Romeo's actions. However, she, citing fatigue or bone pain, constantly postpones the conversation.

Where else is comedy present in the play Romeo and Juliet? Analysis of the work allows us to draw clear conclusions that it contains more humor and cheerfulness than other Shakespearean tragedies. The author constantly produces a release of increasing tragedy. At the same time, the love story ceases to be high romance. He seems to land and move into the plane of ordinary human relationships, but at the same time he is not at all belittled.

Shakespeare expresses an unprecedented breadth of views on love in his work Romeo and Juliet. An analysis of the play confirms that almost all the characters in one way or another express their attitude towards the feeling that arose between Romeo and Juliet. At the same time, the assessment of the love of the young is given by the characters depending on their own positions. But, nevertheless, the artist himself proceeds from the fact that this high feeling has all-pervading power and is universal. At the same time, it is purely individual, unique and unique.

The power that changes a person

An analysis of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" also proves the fact that love is a demanding feeling that forces a person to become a fighter. There is no cloudless idyll in the play. The feeling that has arisen between young people is subjected to a severe test. However, neither the boy nor the girl even thinks for a second about whether they should choose love or choose hatred, which traditionally defines the relationship of the Montague and Capulet families. Romeo and Juliet seem to merge in one impulse.

However, even a brief analysis of “Romeo and Juliet” convincingly proves the fact that, despite the high feeling, the individuality of the young people did not dissolve in it. Juliet is not at all inferior to Romeo in determination. However, Shakespeare endowed his heroine with more spontaneity. Juliet is still a child. She is two weeks away from her fourteenth birthday. Shakespeare inimitably recreated this young image.

Juliet has not yet learned to hide her feelings. She sincerely loves, grieves and admires. She is not familiar with irony and sincerely does not understand why the Montagues should be hated. With this the girl expresses her protest.

All the immaturity of Juliet's feelings and behavior disappears with the advent of love. She grows up and begins to understand relationships between people much better than her parents. Being the daughter of Capulet, she was able to rise above class prejudices. Juliet chose to die, but did not marry an unloved man. These were her intentions, and this is how she began to act.

An analysis of the tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” clearly indicates that with the advent of love, the girl’s actions become more and more confident. She was the first to start talking about the wedding and demanded that Romeo not put things off, and the very next day he became her husband.

Tragedy of love

Studying the analysis of the work based on the play “Romeo and Juliet” (grade 8), one can be convinced that the high feelings of young people are surrounded by enmity.

The girl dies, having practically never known the happiness of the love she created and dreamed about. There is no person who could replace Romeo for her. Love cannot happen again, and without it, life will simply lose its meaning.

However, after a brief analysis of the work “Romeo and Juliet,” we can say with confidence that the reason for the girl’s suicide was not only the death of her lover. Waking up from the spell of the drug given to her by the monk, she realized that the young man had killed himself only because he was sure of her death. She simply needed to share his fate. In this Juliet saw her duty. This was her last wish.

Yes, the characters in the play took their own lives. However, in doing so, they pronounced a harsh verdict on existing inhumanity.

That light of love that was lit by Romeo and Juliet has not lost its strength and warmth in our time. There is something close and dear to us in the constancy and energy of their characters, as well as in the courage of the actions they committed. We warmly welcome the nobility of their souls, which found expression in their rebellious behavior and desire to assert their own freedom. And this topic, without any doubt, will not lose its relevance and will worry people forever.

Who was the rebellion against?

Some literary scholars believe that the play shows us the clash between fathers and sons. At the same time, the conflict flares up between inert parents and progressive-minded young people. However, this is not at all true. It is no coincidence that Shakespeare created the image of young Tybalt. This young man is so blinded by malice that he has no other goal than the extermination of the Montagues. At the same time, old Capulet, unable to change anything, admits that it is time to end the hostility. In contrast to the image of Tibelti, he longs for peace, not a bloody war.

The love of Romeo and Juliet is opposed to misanthropy. Young people not only expressed their protest against old views and attitudes. They showed everyone an example that you can live completely differently. People should not be separated by enmity. They should be united by love. This high feeling in Shakespeare's play is opposed to the bourgeois inertia that dominates the Capulet family. Such great love is born from faith in the greatness of a person, from admiration for his beauty, from the desire to share the joys of life with him. And this feeling is deeply intimate. It connects only a boy and a girl. However, their first irresistible attraction to each other becomes the last due to the fact that the world around us not yet ripe for love.

Nevertheless, the play does not leave us with hope that everything will change for the better. In Shakespeare's tragedy there is still no feeling that freedom has been destroyed and evil has conquered all aspects of life. The heroes do not experience the feeling of undivided loneliness that later overcomes Othello, Lear and Coriolanus. Romeo and Juliet are surrounded true friends, noble monk Lorenzo, servant Balthasar, nurse. Even a hero like the Duke, despite the fact that he banished Romeo, still pursued a policy aimed against the existence and further incitement of civil strife. In this tragedy, power does not oppose the main character and is not a force hostile to him.