Society's attitude towards the forest. Tale A

There is nothing more mysterious than human soul. In my opinion, S. N. Bulgakov’s statement could not be more suitable for A. I. Kuprin’s story “”. This work was created in 1898 and refers to early creativity writer. It deserves the closest attention. The author poses a complex problem, and the bright characters of the characters make the story exciting and memorable.

Olesya is very similar to folklore characters. She has amazing beauty, in addition, she is characterized by extraordinary talents. The girl is shown in close connection with nature. Even at the very first moment of meeting Olesya, she brings birds into the house. Forest wild birds become “tame” for her. Olesya is a real savage, but that is what makes her so attractive. Simple village girls are noticeably inferior compared to Pei. Olesya herself, natural and amazing, from the point of view of the villagers is clear evidence of her “witchcraft”.

It is not difficult to imagine how much admiration Olesya’s appearance evokes in the protagonist. After all, the fairy-tale beauty seems to be the living embodiment of folklore heroines: “There was nothing in her like the local “girls”, whose faces, under ugly bandages covering the forehead on top, and the mouth and chin below, wear such a monotonous, frightened expression. My stranger, a tall brunette of about twenty to twenty-five years old, carried herself easily and slenderly. A spacious white shirt hung freely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten..."

The “witchcraft” abilities of Olesya and her grandmother cannot be perceived by the reader as dangerous. After all, Olesya’s moral purity, which becomes obvious from the moment we meet her, cannot allow these amazing abilities to be used for harm. But in the village Olesya is perceived as a witch.

However, how much more noble and pure Olesya looks compared to the village residents. The stupidity, malice, and narrow-mindedness of the villagers make them disgusting, and the reader involuntarily gets into this feeling. As for Olesya, one cannot help but admire her. She is mysterious, but so beautiful and attractive.

Olesya and her grandmother try not to communicate with residents of the nearby area. With her story about the position of neutrality, the girl seems to be trying to isolate herself from those around her, to protect herself from their stupid malice and hatred: “Are we really touching anyone! We don't need people either. Once a year I just go to a place to buy soap and salt... And I also give my grandmother tea - she loves tea from me. Otherwise you might as well not see anyone at all.” Ordinary people cruel in their desire to register everyone who is not like them as “witchers”. And Olesya first of all strives to escape from this uncontrollable anger.

Olesya's intelligence is obvious. A simple, uneducated girl has amazing intuition and is well versed in everything that is in one way or another connected with human relationships. She understands that she has no future with Ivan Timofeevich. This hurts her, but she can’t change anything. The master cannot connect his life with a forest savage, no matter how beautiful she is.

The girl sacrifices herself. The demand of her beloved to attend church was dangerous for Olesya. She was well aware of this. Local residents would not forgive the “witch” for daring to visit the church. Olesya's random threat is perceived by local residents as clear evidence of her witchcraft power. And now the girl and her grandmother have no opportunity to stay in the same place. They need to run away again, look for a new refuge. Who is to blame for this? Olesya doesn’t blame anyone. She does not perceive her love for Ivan Timofeevich as a punishment; she is grateful to him for those wonderful minutes that she gave her.

The savage girl greatly benefits from the educated Ivan Timofeevich. He could not feel the danger that threatened his beloved. He seems like a selfish person who only thinks about himself. Without meaning to, he brought trouble to his beloved. And he doesn’t have the strength to protect her. We understand how difficult the separation was for Olesya. After all, she is forced to run away without even saying goodbye to her lover. She thereby saves him, because the local residents, suspecting Ivan Timofeevich of communicating with witches, could be dangerous for him. Olesya's nobility is manifested in everything. She has amazing kindness, wisdom, and purity.

Kuprin's story "Olesya" makes you think about the complex relationships between people. In addition, this story once again proves how mysterious and incomprehensible the human soul can be.

The image of Olesya makes the reader remember amazing fairy-tale beauties who, in addition to their beauty, had many talents. The girl grew up in unity with nature and is close to it. It is no coincidence that already at the moment of acquaintance first of all main character pays attention to the birds that the girl brings into the house. She herself calls them “tame,” although they are ordinary wild forest birds.
Olesya compares favorably with local village girls. This is how the author says about it: “There was nothing in her like the local “girls”, whose faces, under ugly bandages covering the forehead on top, and the mouth and chin below, wear such a monotonous, frightened expression. My stranger, a tall brunette of about twenty to twenty-five years old, carried herself easily and slenderly. A spacious white shirt hung freely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten...”
It is no wonder that the main character admires the girl and cannot take his eyes off her. Olesya is considered a witch. She really has skills that are not typical of most ordinary people. Secret knowledge passed down from generation to generation only by a select few. Olesya’s grandmother and mother are the bearers of such knowledge, so the girl herself is considered a witch.
Olesya grew up away from society, so lies, hypocrisy, and hypocrisy are alien to her. Local residents consider Olesya a witch, but how ignoble, cruel and heartless they themselves are compared to her! The main character of the story, upon closer acquaintance with Olesya, becomes convinced of how pure, sublime, and kind the girl is. She has an amazing gift, but she would never use it for evil. There are rumors about Olesya and her grandmother; they are blamed for all the troubles that happen to local residents. The ignorance, stupidity and malice of the latter sharply contrast with the moral beauty of Olesya. The girl is as pure as the nature around her,
Olesya says that she and her grandmother do not maintain relationships with the people around them at all: “Do we really touch anyone! We don't need people either. Once a year I just go to a place to buy soap and salt... And I also give my grandmother some tea - she loves tea from me. Or at least not see anyone at all.” Thus, the girl seems to draw a line between herself and others. The hostile wariness of others towards the “witchers” leads to such withdrawal. Olesya and her grandmother agree not to maintain relationships with anyone at all, just to remain free and independent of the will of others.
Olesya is very smart. Despite the fact that she received virtually no education, she is very knowledgeable about life. She is very inquisitive, she is interested in everything that a new acquaintance can tell her. The love that arose between Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya is a sincere, pure and beautiful phenomenon. The girl is truly worthy of love. She is a completely special creature, full of life, tenderness, compassion. Olesya gives all of herself to her beloved, without demanding anything in return.
Olesya teaches Ivan Timofeevich an excellent lesson in moral purity. The master falls in love with a beautiful witch and even proposes to her
become his wife. Olesya refuses, because she understands perfectly well that she has no place next to an educated and respected person in society. She understands that later Ivan Timofeevich may regret his rash act. And then he will involuntarily begin to blame the girl for the fact that she does not correspond to the image usual in his society.
She willingly sacrifices herself in order to fulfill his absurd, in general, demand - to attend church. Olesya commits this act, which entails such tragic consequences. Local residents were hostile to the “witch” because she dared to appear in a holy place. Olesya's random threat is taken too seriously by local residents. And now, as soon as something bad happens, Olesya and her grandmother will be to blame.
The girl also sacrifices herself when she decides to suddenly leave without telling her beloved anything. This also reveals the nobility of her character.
The whole image of Olesya testifies to her purity, kindness and nobility. This is why it becomes so difficult when you find out that a girl has separated from her lover. Nevertheless, this ending is the pattern. The love between Olesya and the young master has no future, the girl understands this perfectly and does not want to be an obstacle to the well-being of her loved one.

At the end of the nineteenth century A.I. Kuprin was the manager of an estate in the Volyn province. Impressed by the beautiful landscapes of that region and the dramatic fate of its inhabitants, he wrote a series of stories. The highlight of this collection is the story “Olesya,” which tells about nature and true love.

The story “Olesya” is one of the first works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. It amazes with its depth of images and unusual plot twist. This story takes the reader to the end of the nineteenth century, when the old way of Russian life collided with extraordinary technical progress.

The work begins with a description of the nature of the region, where the main character Ivan Timofeevich came on estate business. It's winter outside: snowstorms give way to thaws. The way of life of the inhabitants of Polesie seems unusual to Ivan, who is accustomed to the bustle of the city: an atmosphere of superstitious fears and fear of innovation still reigns in the villages. Time seemed to stand still in this village. It is not surprising that it was here that the main character met the sorceress Olesya. Their love is doomed from the very beginning: too different heroes appear before the reader. Olesya is a Polesie beauty, proud and determined. In the name of love, she is ready to do anything. Olesya is devoid of cunning and self-interest, selfishness is alien to her. Ivan Timofeevich, on the contrary, is incapable of making fateful decisions; in the story he appears as a timid person, unsure of his actions. He cannot fully imagine his life with Olesya as his wife.

From the very beginning, Olesya, who has the gift of foresight, feels the inevitability of the tragic end of their love. But she is ready to accept the full severity of the circumstances. Love gives her confidence own strength, helps to withstand all the heaviness and adversity. It is worth noting that in the image of the forest witch Olesya, A.I. Kuprin embodied his ideal of a woman: decisive and courageous, fearless and sincerely loving.

Nature became the background for the relationship between the two main characters of the story: it mirrors the feelings of Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich. Their life for a moment turns into a fairy tale, but only for a moment. The climax of the story is Olesya's arrival at the village church, from where the locals drive her away. At night of the same day, a terrible thunderstorm breaks out: a strong hail destroyed half of the crop. Against the background of these events, Olesya and her grandmother understand that the superstitious villagers will certainly blame them for this. So they decide to leave.

Olesya's last conversation with Ivan takes place in a hut in the forest. Olesya does not tell him where she is going and asks him not to look for her. In memory of herself, the girl gives Ivan a string of red corals.

The story makes you think about what love is as people understand it, what a person is capable of in its name. Olesya’s love is self-sacrifice; it is her love, it seems to me, that is worthy of admiration and respect. As for Ivan Timofeevich, the cowardice of this hero amuses one to doubt the sincerity of his feelings. After all, if you really love someone, would you allow your loved one to suffer?

Brief analysis of Olesya Kuprin's story for grade 11

The work “Olesya” was written by Kuprin when people involved in herbal medicine were treated with caution. And although many came to them for treatment, they did not particularly allow Orthodox peasants into their circle, considering them to be sorcerers and blaming them for all their troubles. This happened with the girl Olesya and her grandmother Manuilikha.

Olesya grew up in the middle of the forest, learned many secrets associated with herbs, learned to tell fortunes, and charm diseases. The girl grew up unselfish, open, and reasonable. Ivan simply could not help but like her. Everything contributed to the establishment of their relationship, which grew into love. Nature itself helped the love events develop, the sun was shining, the breeze played with the leaves, birds chirped around.

Ivan Timofeevich, a naive young man, having met the spontaneous Olesya, decided to subjugate her. This can be seen in how he persuades her to attend church. To which the girl agrees, knowing that this cannot be done. He persuades her to leave with him and marry him. He even thought about my grandmother, if she didn’t want to live with us, there were almshouses in the city. For Olesya, this state of affairs is completely unacceptable; it is a betrayal towards to a loved one. She grew up in harmony with nature and for her many things of civilization are incomprehensible. Despite the fact that the young people are dating and at first glance everything is fine with them, Olesya does not trust her feelings. Fortune telling with cards, she sees that their relationship will not continue. Ivan will never be able to understand her and accept her for who she is, and even more so the society in which he lives. People like Ivan Timofeevich like to subjugate themselves, but not everyone succeeds in this and rather they themselves follow the lead of circumstances.

Olesya and her grandmother make a wise decision so as not to ruin their lives and Ivan Timofeevich secretly leaves their home. People from different social groups hard to find common language it is even more difficult to integrate into a new environment. Throughout the entire work, the author shows how different these two lovers are. The only thing that connects them is love. Olesya's is pure and selfless, while Ivan's is selfish. The entire work is built on the opposition of two personalities.

Analysis of the story for grade 11

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The story "Olesya" (Kuprin) is based on the author's autobiographical memories of 1897, when he lived in Polesie. At that time, disillusioned with his reporting career, Kuprin left Kyiv. Here he was involved in managing the estate located in the Rivne district, and became interested in Church Slavonic language. However, Kuprin's greatest passion was hunting. Among the vast swamps and forests, he spent whole days with peasant hunters.

The impressions received from meetings and conversations, local legends and “tales” provided rich food for the writer’s mind and heart, suggested the specifics and form of his early stories - a description of “local” history,

Love in the works of Kuprin

Alexander Ivanovich was always interested in the topic of love, believing that it contained the most exciting mystery of man. He believed that individuality is expressed not in colors, not in voice, not in creativity, not in gait, but precisely in love.

"He and she in Kuprin's story "Olesya" - the most important topic works. Love as the highest measure of a person’s personality, ennobling and elevating him above life circumstances, was revealed with great skill in this story. In it, Alexander Ivanovich poetizes the nobility of the soul, the ability to enjoy the beauty and harmony of nature. The landscapes of Polesie lovingly and generously described in the story give a major, bright tone to the story about the fate of Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya - the main characters.

Image of Olesya

The content of Kuprin's story "Olesya" is based on the story of a young girl's bright feelings for an aspiring writer. From the very first phrase about “hungry finches,” the heroine wins over readers. She amazed Ivan Timofeevich with her original beauty. The girl was a brunette, about twenty to twenty-five years old, tall and slender. Pure curiosity brought Ivan Timofeevich together with her and her grandmother Manuilikha. The village treated these two women unkindly, sending them away to live because Manuilikha was considered a witch. The main character, accustomed to being wary of people, did not immediately open up to the writer. Her fate is determined by exclusivity and loneliness.

The narration is told on behalf of Ivan Timofeevich, a city intellectual. All other characters (uncommunicative peasants, Yarmola, the narrator himself, Manuilikha) are connected with the environment, constrained by its laws and way of life, and therefore are very far from harmony. And only Olesya, brought up by nature itself, its mighty strength, managed to preserve her innate talents. The author idealizes her image, but Olesya’s feelings, behavior, and thoughts embody real abilities, so the story is psychologically truthful. For the first time in Alexander Ivanovich’s character, Olesya’s selflessness and pride, sophistication of feelings and effectiveness of actions merged together. Her gifted soul amazes with the flight of feelings, devotion to her lover, attitude towards nature and people.

Did Ivan Timofeevich love Olesya?

The heroine fell in love with the writer, a “kind, but only weak” person. Her fate was sealed. Superstitious and suspicious Olesya believes what the cards told her. She knew in advance how the relationship between them would end. Mutual love it didn't work out. Ivan Timofeevich experienced only an attraction to Olesya, which he mistakenly took for love. This interest arose due to the originality and spontaneity of the main character. The opinion of society meant a lot to the weak-willed hero. He could not imagine life outside of it.

He and she in Kuprin's story "Olesya"

Oles embodied the image of Mother Nature. She treats finches, hares, starlings with care and love, takes pity on her grandmother, the thief Trofim, forgives even the brutal crowd that beat her. Olesya is a serious, deep, integral person. There is a lot of spontaneity and sincerity in her. Kuprin's hero, under the influence of this forest girl, experiences, albeit temporarily, a special enlightened state of soul. Kuprin (the story "Olesya") analyzes the characters' characters by contrast, based on contrast. This is very different people belonging to different strata of society: the hero is a writer, educated person, who came to Polesie to “observe morals.” Olesya is an illiterate girl who grew up in the forest. She was aware of all the shortcomings of Ivan Timofeevich and understood that their love would not be happy, but, despite this, she loved the hero with all her soul. For his sake, she went to church, which was a difficult test for the girl, since she had to overcome fear not only of the villagers, but also of God. Ivan Timofeevich, despite the fact that he loved Olesya (as it seemed to him), was at the same time afraid of his feelings. This fear ultimately prevented Ivan Timofeevich from marrying her. As can be seen from the comparison of the images of the two heroes, he and she in Kuprin’s story “Olesya” are completely different people.

Dream of a wonderful person

The story "Olesya" (Kuprin) is the embodiment of the dream of a wonderful person, a healthy and free life in harmony with nature. It is no coincidence that the development of love took place against its background. The main idea of ​​the work: only far from an indifferent city, from civilization, can you meet a person who has retained the ability to love faithfully, unselfishly. Only in harmony with nature can we achieve nobility and moral purity.

The true meaning of love

He and she in Kuprin's story "Olesya" are completely different people, so they are not destined to be together. What is the meaning of this love, for the sake of which Olesya, knowing that their relationship was doomed, still did not push the hero away from the very beginning?

Alexander Ivanovich sees the true meaning of love in the desire to give the beloved the fullness of feelings. Man is imperfect, but the great power of this feeling can, at least temporarily, restore to him the naturalness and sharpness of sensations that people like Olesya managed to preserve. This heroine is able to bring harmony into such contradictory relationships as those described by Kuprin (the story "Olesya"). Analysis of this work allows us to conclude that her love is contempt for human suffering and even death. It is a pity that only a select few are capable of such a feeling. Love in Kuprin's story "Olesya" is a special gift, as rare as the main character possessed. This is something mysterious, mysterious, inexplicable.


The theme of love is the main theme in the works of A. I. Kuprin. It is love that makes it possible to realize the most intimate principles of the human personality. Especially dear to the writer are strong natures who know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of feeling. But A. Kuprin sees that man in his contemporary world has become shallow, vulgar, and entangled in everyday problems. The writer dreams of a personality who is not subject to the corrupting influence of the environment, and realizes his dream in the image of the Polesie witch Olesya, the heroine of the story of the same name.

Olesya does not know what civilization is; time seems to have stopped in the thickets of Polesie. The girl sincerely believes in legends and conspiracies and believes that her family is connected with the devil. The norms of behavior accepted in society are completely alien to her; she is natural and romantic. But it is not only the exotic image of the heroine and the situation described in the story that attract the writer’s attention. The work becomes an attempt to analyze that eternal thing that should underlie any high feeling.

A. I. Kuprin pays special attention close attention to how feelings develop in the characters of the story. The moment of their meeting is wonderful, the growth of sincere affection in their hearts is amazing. A.I. Kuprin admires the purity of their intimacy, but does not do this romantic love serene, leads heroes to difficult trials.

Love for Olesya becomes a turning point in the life of Ivan Timofeevich, a city resident. His initial focus exclusively on his own world is gradually overcome; the need becomes the fulfillment of the desire to “be together” with another person. His feeling is probably based on “vague attractions,” but very soon it is reinforced by spiritual intimacy. Kuprin accurately conveys the internal transformation of the hero’s personality, the source of which is nature itself.

One of the most important phenomena of love for Kuprin is that even a premonition of happiness is always overshadowed by the fear of losing it. On the way to the happiness of the heroes, there are differences in their social status and upbringing, the weakness of the hero and the tragic prediction of Olesya. The thirst for a harmonious union is generated by deep emotions.

At the beginning of the story, Ivan Timofeevich seems soft, sympathetic and sincere. But Olesya immediately senses weakness in him, saying: “Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt.” And the hero of the story really causes a lot of harm to his beloved. His whim is the reason why Olesya goes to church, although she understands the destructiveness of this act. The lethargy of the hero’s feelings brings trouble to the sincere girl. But Ivan Timofeevich himself quickly calms down. At the moment when he talks about the most seemingly exciting episode of his life, he does not experience guilt or remorse, which speaks of the relative poverty of his inner world.

Olesya is the complete opposite of Ivan Timofeevich. In her image, Kuprin embodies his ideas about the ideal woman. She has absorbed the laws by which nature lives, her soul is not spoiled by civilization. The writer creates an exclusively romantic image of the “daughter of the forests.” Olesya’s life passes in isolation from people, and therefore she does not care about what many devote their lives to modern people: fame, wealth, power, rumor. Emotions become the main motives for her actions. Moreover, Olesya is a witch, she knows the secrets of the human subconscious. Her sincerity and lack of falsehood are emphasized in her appearance, and in gestures, movements, smile.

Olesya's love becomes the greatest gift that can give life to the hero of the story. In this love there is dedication and courage, on the one hand, and contradiction, on the other. Olesya initially understands the tragic outcome of their relationship, but is ready to give herself to her lover. Even leaving her native place, beaten and dishonored, Olesya does not curse the one who destroyed her, but blesses those brief moments of happiness that she experienced.

The writer sees the true meaning of love in the desire to selflessly give to his chosen one all the fullness of feelings that he is capable of. loving person. Man is imperfect, but the power of love can, at least for a short time, return to him the sharpness of sensations and naturalness that only people like Olesya have retained. The strength of the soul of the heroine of the story is capable of bringing harmony even to such contradictory relationships as those described in the story. Love is contempt for suffering and even death. It’s a pity, but only a select few are capable of such a feeling.

The theme of love is the main theme in the work of A.I. Kuprin. It is love that makes it possible to realize the most intimate principles of the human personality. Especially dear to the writer are strong natures who know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of feeling. But A. Kuprin saw that man in his contemporary world had become shallow, vulgar, and entangled in everyday problems. The writer dreamed of a personality who was not subject to the corrupting influence of the environment, and realized his dream in the image of the Polesie witch Olesya, the heroine of the story of the same name.

Olesya does not know what civilization is; time seems to have stopped in the thickets of Polesie. The girl sincerely believes in legends and conspiracies and believes that her family is connected with the devil. The norms of behavior accepted in society are completely alien to her; she is natural and romantic.

A.I. Kuprin paid especially close attention to how feelings develop in the heroes of the story. The moment of their meeting is wonderful, the growth of sincere affection in their hearts is amazing. The author admires the purity of their feelings, but does not make this romantic love serene, leading the heroes to difficult trials.

Love for Olesya becomes a turning point in the life of Ivan Timofeevich, a city resident. Kuprin will accurately convey the internal transformation of the hero’s personality, the source of which is nature itself.

One of the most important phenomena of love for Kuprin is that even a premonition of happiness is always overshadowed by the fear of losing it. On the way to the happiness of the heroes, there are differences in their social status and upbringing, the weakness of the hero and the tragic prediction of Olesya.

At the beginning of the story, Ivan Timofeevich seems soft, sympathetic and sincere. But Olesya immediately detects weakness in him, saying: “Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt.” And the hero of the story really causes a lot of harm to his beloved. The lethargy of the hero’s feelings brings trouble to the sincere girl. But he quickly calms down.

Olesya is the complete opposite of Ivan Timofeevich. In her image, Kuprin embodied his ideas about the ideal woman. She has absorbed the laws by which nature lives, her soul is not spoiled by civilization.

Olesya’s life passes in isolation from people, and therefore she does not care about what many modern people devote their lives to: fame, wealth, power, rumor. The main motives for her actions are emotions.

Olesya's love becomes the greatest gift that can give life to the hero of the story. In this love there is dedication and courage and contradiction. Olesya initially understands the tragic outcome of their relationship, but is ready to give herself to her lover. Even leaving her native place, beaten and dishonored, Olesya does not curse the one who destroyed her, but blesses those brief moments of happiness that she experienced.

The writer sees the true meaning of love in the desire to selflessly give to his chosen one all the fullness of feelings that a loving person is capable of. Man is imperfect, but the power of love can, at least for a short time, return to him the sharpness of sensations and naturalness that only people like Olesya have retained. Love is contempt for suffering and even death. It’s a pity, but only the Chosen are capable of such a feeling.

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