What happens if you take a photo of a sleeping person. Why you shouldn’t take pictures of sleeping children - signs

Since time immemorial, people have believed in mysticism and otherworldly forces. It has already been said why newborn children are not shown until 40 days old, or why watches are not given as gifts, now it’s the turn to talk about why people should not be photographed while they sleep.

Although the superstition is very old, and no one knows when this sign entered our modern world. But maybe due to some events and coincidences this superstition appeared.
Primary prohibitions
According to the theory, the picture contains all the information about the photographed subscriber. Therefore, any psychics can read all the information about a person from a photo. Using a photograph to cause damage using magic. Adults are more protected from the evil eye, but for small children this poses a greater danger. Therefore, children’s photos should be kept away from the prying eyes of others, children’s photos should not be given as gifts even to the closest people, and especially not posted on various social networks for everyone to see. After all, it’s easy to print a photo that interests someone from the site.
It is believed that the superstitions of our ancestors from distant centuries, which have survived to this day, are that when a person sleeps, the soul leaves the body.
At this time, a person becomes much more defenseless in the face of all kinds of evil spirits and magic. It is also believed that during sleep, it is dangerous to scream or scare, a person should wake up gradually so that the soul has time to return to the body. Otherwise, death may occur in your sleep. This may be an exaggeration, but from a sudden awakening, you can remain a stutterer for the rest of your life, or you can have a heart attack or stroke. Imagine, deep night, silence, someone is fast asleep and suddenly there is a bright flash, a person can get very scared, not understanding what is happening, at such a time a person can lose his mind. The first cameras appeared in Europe in the 19th century, they cost a lot of money Naturally, only a few could acquire such luxury for themselves. Based on this, the cost of one photograph was very high, affordable only for wealthy people. When losing a close relative, rich people found a way so that a relative or loved one who had passed on to another world would still remain in their memories. For this purpose, the deceased was washed, dressed in expensive clothes and photographs were taken. There are photographs in which the deceased is sitting at a table with his relatives. Looking at such a photo, it is impossible to determine that a deceased person is depicted in the photo along with living people. For our time, these are creepy photographs that evoke mixed feelings, but for that era they are par for the course.
A photograph of a sleeping person does not look photohygienic.
After all, in a dream, a person does not control his behavior and movement. In sleep mode, a person turns around, changing body position, some people drool, hair is most often disheveled, and it even happens that a person sleeps with his mouth open. Who would want to have such photographs as a souvenir? Or in our time, to see such a photo of yourself on the pages of social networks? Therefore, before taking such a picture, ask before the person goes to bed whether he would be against taking a photograph of him sleeping.
Is it possible to photograph adults and children while they sleep?
Everyone has different opinions on this matter. An adult, as was written above, can be frightened by his actions. If you want to take a photo of a person you don't know, he may not allow you to take the photo, and if this has already happened, then he has the right to force you to delete the photo.
If we are talking about children, then permission to take photos must be asked from the child’s parents. Nowadays, the baby photo shoot service is very popular for a reasonable fee. And many parents enjoy filming. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to children after photo services.
There is a popular opinion that you should not take pictures of a child while sleeping.
That when you photograph a baby who is soundly and sweetly sleeping, then from the bright flash his Guardian Angel gets scared, offended and leaves the child forever. This leads to serious illnesses for the baby.
Another opinion is more realistic - the baby may become very frightened, will flinch and show anxiety because of every sharp sound. Just imagine, the child is sleeping soundly and sweetly. You decide to take a photo as a souvenir, you scare the child with a blinding flash; when he wakes up, he does not understand what happened, he begins to go into hysterics with a wild cry. You can’t calm him down and explain that it’s you and you just took a photo of him. Would you like this for your baby? Therefore, think ten times about what this could lead to, your dear, what do you think is fun.
Some photographers believe that sleeping children are easier to photograph, here are the reasons why:
First, if you approach this issue correctly and prepare everything carefully, you will get original and interesting photographs. It’s even better if this is done by a person your child knows. But at the same time, a true professional in his field. Even if the child wakes up, so that he is not afraid of someone else’s uncle. Secondly, the photographs of sleeping children are incredibly beautiful, they look amazing and carefree and gentle. Thirdly, the photo session will take its rightful place in the baby’s album; when the child grows up, it will be nice to look through photos from birth and to that day, at what age he is. Of course, even at 20 and 30 years old, you will still show interest in your childhood photos. Then your child will have something to show his children and grandchildren.
And lastly, although it is believed that taking photos when the child is fast asleep is not recommended. Superstitions say that it brings trouble, the evil eye, damage and illness, but in fact, photos bring joy, and a memory remains for posterity. How many people, so many opinions. Each person makes his own choice.

Children grow and change quickly, so parents (especially if this is the first child in the family) want to stop a moment and capture almost every minute of their baby’s life.

And it seems that modern technologies make it possible to do this, but... Many mothers (most often at the suggestion of their parents or grandmothers) are afraid to take pictures of their babies, especially if the child is sleeping soundly. Is it possible to photograph sleeping newborn babies? If not, why not? Bad omen! Oddly enough, many people don’t even know what exactly the folk superstition is about photographing children in their dreams, but since it says “impossible,” it means it’s better not to risk it. And it doesn’t matter that this is the age of high technology and the era of space discoveries.

So, Is it possible to photograph sleeping children? Let's discuss this issue in detail.

The sleeper will not wake up

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? The short answer “no” confuses many. But why? Usually, folk signs are associated with many years of people’s observations of various phenomena and identified patterns. But there are also those that appeared due to a lack of knowledge of human nature and ancient superstitions. The ban on photography in a dream can perhaps be classified as the latter.

Thus, for many centuries, people believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body and returns to it only at the moment of awakening. While a person sleeps, his soul supposedly visits his previous body (reincarnation). Accordingly, if you try to wake up a sleeping person, the soul will not have time to return to his body and the person simply will not wake up.

It's the same with photography. According to this sign, while taking photographs, the soul may not return in time due to the characteristic click when pressing the button, or it may “go bad” and never return to its body. Especially in children, because they themselves and their soul are still small and “untrained” - it still has a strong connection with the previous incarnation, and the speed of rapid return has not been “worked out.”

In this regard, the baby may not wake up at all or wake up without a soul, which is also very, very bad.

Impaired sleep quality

Inadequate sleep and, as a result, irritability and even deterioration in health. All this, according to many older people, can be a consequence of photographing a child in a dream.

Losing an Angel

Why shouldn't you photograph a sleeping newborn baby? By analogy with the soul, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, an angel could also be “scared” by a photo flash and the click of a photographic shutter. And when frightened, he flies away, leaving his little owner without protection.

After this, the baby, of course, does not die, but begins to get sick, and misfortunes literally haunt him.

It is noteworthy that in Christianity there are no prohibitions on photography, either in a dream or while awake. And there is also strong doubt here that an angel can leave his little client because of a click of a camera.

But in Islam there is a ban on photography. But it is completely unrelated to various kinds of prejudices and objects. It’s just that in Islam it is forbidden to draw portraits; moreover, a taboo is imposed on all images of living beings.

"Stolen Destiny"

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Answers have been sought since ancient times. And now there are so many of them that it’s difficult to figure out which is true and which is fiction. Among the superstitions you can hear is that by photographing a sleeping child, one is stealing his health and destiny. The more pictures, the bigger the “theft.” This is especially true for newborn unbaptized children who do not yet have any protection and cannot withstand external negative influences.

By the way, it was forbidden to photograph unbaptized children not only in their sleep, but also at any other time. The rite of baptism took place on the 40th day after birth, when the mother was allowed to attend church.

But even after this, the older, experienced generation forbade inviting strangers - photographers - into the house, so that they would not steal the baby’s fate.

Damage, evil eye and other troubles

Another interpretation of the sign about the prohibition of photographing sleeping children is that with the help of the resulting picture, the baby can be easily jinxed, damaged, etc.

It is no secret that many fortune tellers, shamans and sorcerers use photographs for their rituals. It is believed that a photo card carries not only visual, but also deeper information about a person, and stores the imprint of his aura. At the same time, the children’s aura is clean, bright, but absolutely defenseless - easy prey for various sorcerers and magicians. Therefore, even a novice sorcerer can cast a spell on him using a photograph of a sleeping child.

Any person, even the closest person, who looks at a child’s photo can put the evil eye on a child.

By the way, about this reason, according to folk superstitions, it is forbidden not only to photograph sleeping people, but also to generally show children’s photographs to strangers. You should also not throw away or burn photographs, as this can also negatively affect the fragile child’s aura.

Hypnos and Thanatos - twin brothers

In ancient Greek mythology, the god of death Thanatos and the god of sleep Hypnos were twin brothers. And the Slavs for a long time believed that sleep and death are very similar and have a number of similar features. And the deceased person is very similar to the sleeping one (same closed eyes, same real estate).

In this regard, it was believed that photographing a child in his sleep would bring his death closer. Especially if the photo turns out blurry. Such vagueness was considered evidence of some hidden fatal illness, approaching troubles and imminent death.

Where do legs grow from?

To believe or not to believe in all these superstitions is everyone’s business. But it’s still interesting what caused such a negative attitude towards photography in a dream.

Why is it forbidden to photograph sleeping children and adults? Many researchers are confident that these prejudices began almost immediately after the invention of the camera - in the 19th century. Photography in those days was a very expensive pleasure. And as a rule, only rich people ordered photographs and only at the very last moment - when a loved one died.

Moreover, the deceased was not just photographed as a keepsake, but a real photo session was arranged. Adults were dressed in the most beautiful outfits, sat on a chair or even at a table, toys, books, etc. were laid out around the children.

Living family members were often photographed next to the deceased. In the photograph it seemed that the person was simply sleeping, but still the impression was eerie. However, this did not prevent the creation of entire albums with photographs of deceased relatives, which were replenished with each new deceased. Almost every family had its own “book of the dead.”

Subsequently, some people painted on the pupils on the closed eyelids of the deceased, creating the impression that the person was alive. But even in black and white photographs of that time his deathly pallor was visible, which made the picture downright ominous and scary.

This custom has been widespread for a long time in European countries and on the American continent.

Time passed, the fashion for photographing the dead became a thing of the past, and instead prejudices began to appear about the ban on taking pictures of the sleeping.

And again the ancient Greeks, or From the depths of centuries

According to another theory, the ban on depicting sleeping people is much older and has its roots in Ancient Greece. All because of the same twin brothers Hypnos and Thanatos, ancient artists never painted portraits of sleeping people - this was one of the main taboos that no one dared to break.

The Greeks believed that paintings depicting sleeping people would attract misfortune, ruin, separation, illness of loved ones and even death to the house.

Perhaps, later this ban was simply gradually adapted to new realities and moved from portraits to photographs.

What is it really?

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Signs are one thing, but modern scientists and simply educated people consider all folk signs regarding photography in a dream to be mere fiction and do not take them seriously.

However, many of them do not deny that there are a number of reasons why it is still not worth photographing a sleeping baby. Among the most important:

  1. In their sleep, little children are relaxed, but at the same time they sleep quite lightly and can wake up from any sharp, even quiet, sound or bright light from a flash. And not just wake up, but also get scared, which can provoke a whole range of problems from hysteria to real phobias, which young parents certainly don’t need.
  2. Even serious scientists have come to the conclusion that the outbreak can affect the quality of a baby’s sleep. Of course, this does not mean at all that because of a couple of frames taken by mom or dad to capture their baby snoring sweetly in the crib, the child will certainly not get enough sleep. No! But serious changes can indeed occur in his biorhythms.
  3. Another argument against it is a bright flash, especially in the dark. The light flux has a negative effect on the child's vision. However, closed eyelids do not reduce this effect at all.

It's possible if you're careful

To summarize, we can say that it is, of course, possible to photograph a baby sleeping, but with extreme caution. It’s even better to capture the child while he’s awake: when he puts together his first pyramid, takes his first steps, or tries to lift a spoonful of porridge to his mouth. And then all the important moments of the baby will be captured for history and all this with absolutely no harm to his health. As well as souls, auras and guardian angels.

Photography has great power. She can stop time. With its help, you can damage a person or, on the contrary, heal a sick person. Today, taking a photo is accessible to almost everyone; it’s not even about the fact that anyone can afford to buy a camera, but about the fact that currently the most budget mobile phone in most cases is equipped with a camera. So a huge number of photos appear on social media pages - people take pictures of everyone and everything - themselves in different poses, animals, nature and even food. However, few people know, but there are several signs associated with photographs. The most common belief is that you should not photograph sleeping people, and the ban on this kind of photography exists not only among superstitious people; even professional photographers are unlikely to agree to photograph a sleeping person.

Where did it come from that you can’t take pictures of a sleeping person?

If you dig deep into history, you can find information that in the distant 19th century in most European countries there was a tradition of photographing dead people as if they were just sleeping. So, one could see photographs showing a dinner in a family circle, and a dead man sitting at the head of the table. Of course, to a modern person this picture may seem, to put it mildly, strange, but in those days it was a completely normal phenomenon.

Modern explanations for the taboo on photographing sleeping people

It was from the theory of the origin of superstition described above that it came about that if a person is captured in a photo with his eyes closed, it means he is no longer in the world of the living.

Currently, the more common version is that if you take a photograph of a sleeping person, then in this way you can bring trouble on him and, even worse, bring the day of his death closer.

It is not recommended to photograph a sleeping person for one more reason. The fact that the soul travels in a dream is an indisputable fact. By taking a picture, you can wake up a person, and if his soul was near his body, then it may be damaged, but if at that time it was flying somewhere far away, then upon return it may not find its physical body. By the way, for the same reason it is not recommended to transfer a sleeping child to bed.

And finally, the most common version of why there is a taboo on photographing sleeping people is that a person’s soul leaves the body during sleep and makes it very vulnerable. Photographing a sleeping person can have a detrimental effect on his energy.

It has been proven that photography is capable of storing the bioenergy of the person depicted in it. That is why, if a photograph of a sleeping person falls into the hands of an envious person or, even worse, a black magician, then it will not be possible to escape from trouble. Therefore, if you have a photograph in which a person dear to your heart is captured sleeping, then try to hide it from prying unkind eyes. In addition, we know that thoughts are material, which is why, looking at a photograph of a sleeping person, an association with a dead person can involuntarily arise, and thus one can invite death.

Why you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping children

A sleeping child is a touching picture: a sweet smile, smiling eyes... Well, how can you not take a picture of him so cute?! And yet, try to overcome your desires, because by taking a photo, you can scare your child’s Guardian Angel. In addition, such a photo session can wake up and frighten the baby, and this, if you rely on the opinion of believers, will not lead to any good.

As already mentioned, the photograph captures not only the physical body, but also the biofield. In babies, even when they are awake, it is quite weak, but is it worth talking about the photo?! Having been touched by the sleeping baby in the photo, you can put the evil eye on him.

What about other religions?

The Christian religion says that photographing a sleeping person can frighten the Guardian Angel and he can leave the person forever. However, Sharia law also discourages photographing people while they sleep. This is explained by the fact that when taking a photograph, a person wants to become like the Almighty, which is considered a great sin and for this the photographer will suffer torment in hell. There is another interpretation of the prohibition of photographing a sleeping person from the point of view of the Islamic religion, so, man-made images can lead to polytheism, and this already emanates disbelief in Allah.

Of course, modern society is far from some prejudices, which is why many, without a twinge of conscience, photograph their loved ones while sleeping. We want to say that whether to believe in omens or not is your own business. Just don’t forget that if you strongly believe in something, it will definitely happen, so believe in the best. Have a nice photo, beautiful and different!

Without looking away we look at the cute sleeping child, we just want to capture this moment, but mothers and grandmothers whisper sternly, dissuading us from a dubious undertaking. Why is it forbidden to photograph sleeping people, we ask - my mother’s answer: “It’s a bad omen” makes the prohibition more severe and we put the camera aside.

What does this bad omen hide and is it really that bad? Magicians, religious followers and even psychologists have the answer.

Mysticism and magic

It is believed that the energy field of a sleeping person is similar to the energy field of a dead person. By photographing a sleeping person, we fix the state of his field in reality, which can lead to illness or death. It is a common belief that while someone is sleeping, his soul goes to other dimensions. During natural awakening, it returns, but if the sound of the shutter or a sharp flash of the camera wakes a person, then the soul will not have time to return to the body, which can lead to inevitable death.

Healers, magicians and sorcerers claim that the photographs display the human energy field, which contains all the information about the owner. During sleep, this field weakens, which is also displayed in the picture, so it is easier to cast damage, the evil eye or curses from the photograph of the sleeping person.

For the same reason, sleeping children, especially infants, are not photographed; their biofield is initially weak and highly susceptible to the evil eye. It is believed that an energy vampire can also harm the baby in the photo. Often people themselves do not realize that they are energy thieves or have the evil eye, which is why photographs of children should not be shown to strangers.

You cannot photograph a pregnant woman in a dream, as it is believed that the child may not be born. The origin and veracity of this belief are unknown.


Many people note that in the photographs sleeping people resemble dead people, such associations make superstitious people assume that the photograph brings death to the person depicted. The basis for this superstition was laid in the 19th century, along with the invention of photography.

The process of photographing in those days took about 30 minutes, during which time it was difficult for an adult, and especially a child, to sit still. Only wealthy people could afford the services of a photographer.

Appeared in Europe terrible custom- photographing the dead. The dead were prepared for the process - dressed, combed, washed. To take photographs, the dead were seated at a table, depicted drinking tea or given a newspaper in their hands, children were seated in their arms or next to living relatives. In the photograph, the deceased was distinguished only by his closed eyes. This type of photography was used until the 1960s; some families collected albums with similar photographs. Fortunately, the custom is a thing of the past, but the association is alive and now only the dead have their eyes closed in photos.


Medical and psychological factors

Why you shouldn't photograph sleeping babies, children and adults

  1. Fright. The sound and flash of a camera can be scary. Physically, fear is associated with impaired breathing and heart rate, therefore it can lead to heart disease. Young children are especially sensitive to extraneous sounds in their sleep; fright from a working camera can lead to stuttering.
  2. Sleep disorders. During sleep, the human body produces melatonin. This hormone is responsible for restoring strength and energy, activates the immune system, and protects against stress. Melatonin is produced in complete darkness, the camera flash disrupts the production of the hormone, the body does not fully recover during sleep - the result is fatigue, lethargy, and nervous disorders.
  3. Is it possible to photograph a sleeping child? “No,” some ophthalmologists will answer with complete confidence. Doctors' opinions were divided. Some do not see this as a negative impact. Others claim that a camera's flash can damage the retina of the eye, since in infants the vision is not fully formed.
  4. Aesthetics. During sleep, a person's muscles are relaxed, and the sleeper is unable to control the position of his body and facial expression. The photo may turn out unattractive.
  5. Each person has his own personal space, which should not be violated without his knowledge. The state can be equated to defenseless. From the point of view of the law, it would be wrong to carry out any actions with a defenseless person without his consent - that’s why you can’t take a picture of a sleeping person.

Positive moments in sleepy photos

If you do not indulge in superstitions and speculation, then in photographs of a sleeping person, and especially a child, you can note pleasant moments.

A completely different look at the photography process Anna Efthymiye and Adele Enersen. For these mothers, the question “Why can’t you photograph sleeping children?” simply doesn't exist. Taking pictures of sleeping children in homemade decorations, they created a new round in this direction. Photos with their babies turn out unusual and funny. Shooting your babies in such a creative way is becoming fashionable among young mothers.

Is it possible to photograph a sleeping person? The question remains open for everyone. The consent of the subject and your personal intuition will be the only correct answer to the question.

The creative impulses of a photographer can be limited not only by his own imagination, but also by social and legislative norms.

There are many prohibitions on photography in museums, subways, theaters, cinemas, shops, restaurants and other public places. But most of them are imaginary. and other countries of the world, read our material about government bans on photography.

However, many of the prohibitions are dictated not by law, but by human customs and prejudices. Every photographer should take into account that the people who fall into his lens may have their own cockroaches about photography in various situations. Here we list the main signs, superstitions and prejudices that directly affect the work of a photographer.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

It is believed that you should not photograph people in their sleep because:

  1. There is a superstition that photographs retain a person’s energy.It is believed that if a photo of a sleeping person falls into the hands of a psychic or a person with black magic, it can lead to the evil eye, illness or even death.
  2. According to some religious beliefs, the soul leaves the body during sleep.At this time, a person becomes defenseless and vulnerable to otherworldly forces. These beliefs have a medical explanation. As you know, human sleep consists of phases of deep and shallow sleep. And if he is woken up by a sudden flash or the click of a camera at the wrong stage of sleep, this can greatly frighten him or even cause a heart attack.
  3. There is a historical explanation for this prejudice.In the 19th century, when the first photographs first appeared, they were very expensive and took quite a long time to produce. Among the rich and famous there was a tradition of taking photographs of the deceased person as a keepsake - so-called post mortem photographs. The deceased was seated among the living, seated in a chair with a newspaper, or photographed lying in bed - that is, “sleeping.” The tradition of photographing the dead continued until the 60s of the twentieth century. Based on this, a sign was formed: taking photographs of a sleeping person means early death.
  4. There is also an ethical aspect to this prejudice.The fact is that in a dream a person does not control his facial expressions, gestures and postures. It just might look bad in a photograph. This is why you should not photograph sleeping people unless they give permission.

To reject superstitions or be at the mercy of prejudices is everyone’s business. But the photographer must respect the beliefs of his subjects.

Of course, most photos of supposedly sleeping people were not taken while they were asleep. If you want to shoot a scene with a sleeping person in the frame, simply recreate it with your model: ask him or her to take the necessary pose and close his eyes - in this case, you are guaranteed to get successful shots in which the model will look photogenic. Of course, if your task does not include putting a person in a bad light for the sake of laughter or likes on social networks.

Why can't you photograph newborns?

Why not? Can! We even teach how to do this at a newborn photography workshop as part of our children's and family photography course. These are very valuable photographs for memory, because children grow so quickly!

But the older generation often has its own opinion on this matter. The fact is that many parents and grandparents are against filming newborns up to 40 days old.

What is the reason for the traditional ban on photographing newborns? Of course, with religious beliefs. In Christianity, this is associated with the rite of baptism. The fact is that a young mother cannot visit the temple for 40 days after giving birth, so it is recommended to baptize the baby immediately after this period has expired. It is believed that before baptism the baby is defenseless and vulnerable to evil forces, and after the baptism ceremony he finds his guardian angel. But in our time this is not so relevant, since children are not always baptized at birth: this ceremony is often postponed until 3 months, a year, 7 years, or even the child’s adulthood.

Newborn photographers believe that it is better to photograph babies in the first 10-14 days of life, when they are sound asleep and easily fit into various positions. You can shoot with natural light at home or with pulsed light in the studio. It all depends on the professionalism of the photographer, the wishes of the parents and the individual characteristics of the child. If the baby flinches during sleep from sharp sounds or changes in lighting, then it is better to take photographs without a flash so as not to injure the baby. But if the child’s neurology is fine, then the baby can be photographed in his sleep without any restrictions.

Posting photos publicly or saving them for family use is up to parents. But to post photographs of babies in a portfolio and sell them on stock photo sites, the photographer must have written permission from their parents.

Why can't you photograph children under one year old?

Professional children's photographers, of course, do not observe this ban, since it has roots in the deep past. But there are several versions of the explanation for why you should not photograph sleeping babies and older, awake children:

1. Mysticism:It is believed that the child has not yet formed a biofield, which protects the baby from the influence of other people’s energy. Some people think that by photographing a child, you can steal his destiny or health. Superstitious fears are gradually receding in the face of modern photo trends, so it is worth weighing all the risks: the mystical risk of depriving a child of his destiny or the real risk of depriving a child of his childhood photographs.

2. Medicine:Doctors do not recommend photographing small children with flash, as this can damage the retina and frighten the baby. If you value your child’s health and vision, master the technique of shooting without flash:

  • Shoot children's scenes on the street: for this there is enough light outside both in sunny and cloudy weather.
  • Turn off the flash when shooting indoorsby increasing the shutter speed and ISO. However, in this case, due to the long flash, moving children may turn out to be blurry, and if the photosensitivity increases, the photo may be spoiled by digital noise. But if you don’t have high-quality photographic equipment, but you really want to capture a memorable moment, don’t miss this opportunity.
  • Use a fast lens for indoor photography. The 50 mm f/1.8 portrait lens is ideal for photographing children and their parents indoors.

True, the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky clearly says in his publications: “A child of any age can be photographed using a flash without any restrictions.” According to him, there is not a single scientific study showing that camera flash causes any harm to children's health.

3. Ethics: Some sites and social networks prohibit the publication of photographs of naked children, since there are people with mental disabilities who can use these photos for inhumane purposes or pour out negativity in the comments under the photo. The ban on naked butts on the Internet gave rise to a flash mob, in which parents posted online photos of their babies with a peach instead of a butt.

Many mothers on maternity leave complete photo projects. For example, Adele Enerson photographed her daughter Mila during her nap, creating fabulous pictures using ordinary blankets, towels and tights. These photos were then issued in the form of calendars in different countries of the world.

When Mila grew up, Adele gave birth to a son, Vincent, and based on his photo, she published the children's book “Vincent and the Night”:

If you decide to deprive your baby of childhood photographs, remember that you already took the first photo at the ultrasound.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

Photography is about capturing a moment. There used to be a superstition that you should not photograph or draw pregnant women, as this could stop the development of the child and lead to miscarriage. The sign was caused by the fact that previously only rich women who were not in good health were painted or, moreover, photographed. Since medicine was poorly developed, pregnancies were often interrupted by miscarriage or even death of women. Now obstetric care in European countries is well established, so there is no longer any basis for such a prejudice.

On the contrary, photographing pregnant women is now a separate area of ​​children's and family photography. Many women strive to photograph themselves while expecting a baby, so that later it will be easier to explain to the child where he came from. And preserving the magical moments of pregnancy as a souvenir is also worth a lot!

Why can't you take pictures in front of a mirror?

"How?! – you will be surprised. “How can it be impossible if half of the selfies were taken using a mirror?”

That's right, in the modern world only the lazy did not take pictures of themselves in the mirror. All these elevator and toilet bows, it turns out, contradict superstitions.

Photographs taken in the mirror rank second after the cemetery in the number of silhouettes, ghosts, plasmoids and other unexplained phenomena captured. Mirrors have a reflective surface in which light bends, producing unexpected effects that photographers love so much. This is a real source of inspiration for many photography masters.