Why do you dream about your brother? I dreamed about my cousin: meaning according to various dream books.

A dream where you fell in love with a cousin foreshadows the emergence of quarrels and misunderstandings between your relatives, which can develop into a serious conflict.

Maintain composure and patience. The ability to compromise can help to deal with the problem that has arisen and resolve the matter peacefully.

Hugging your cousin in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, hugging a cousin foreshadows the onset of negative events, the advent of adversity, problems and misfortune. If during the hug you felt attraction of a sexual nature, in reality you will have to face betrayal. For women, the vision promises betrayal of a partner.

Gather your strength, direct your determination and positive attitude to solve the main problems. You shouldn’t waste your energy on trifles, with less meaningful problems you'll have time to figure it out later.

I dreamed about my deceased cousin

Why do you dream about your deceased cousin? The vision reflects the desire of your family to turn to you for help. Someone close to you needs your financial support to solve an important matter.

Provide assistance to your loved ones, do not refuse their request if you are able to fulfill it. Your help will be rewarded.

Why do you dream that your cousin is helping?

A cousin helps in a dream - to the inevitable appearance of difficulties, serious problems. Large-scale unplanned financial expenses are coming.

Be more restrained in your needs, try to reduce unnecessary expenses to a minimum, otherwise excessive expenses will seriously undermine your financial well-being.

Dreaming about the death of a cousin

If you dreamed about the death of your cousin, the vision has the opposite meaning, promising your relative longevity and happy life. You can expect improvement in either get well soon brother if he has health problems.

Show your participation in the life of your loved one, provide assistance in solving his problems, your help will be invaluable.

I dreamed that my cousin was smiling

If you dream that your cousin is smiling, then in reality you are in danger. There is a high probability of becoming an object of intrigue and gossip from ill-wishers. The actions you take will cause idle conversations and misunderstandings.

What do you dream about and how to interpret Cousin from the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Seeing your cousin, oddly enough, is not a very good omen. In most cases, when you dream of a cousin, this does not foreshadow you too much. good relationship with your relatives. Most likely, they will be tense, something will cause your disappointment, and this may be followed by some sad events and disappointments. If you saw that you were corresponding with your cousin, it means that you will break all ties with distant representatives of your family, completely quarrel with them, and stop all communication. Talking to your cousin in a dream is a warning that you will be disappointed in the woman you love.

Seeing your cousin is a positive dream that predicts your friendship with someone good person. When you dream of a cousin and you communicate with him, it means that in reality you have a person with whom you maintain close and warm relations, which can be called more fraternal, kindred, than just friendly. You can completely trust each other and not expect betrayal even if you disagree on something. To see that your cousin has come to visit you - expect his arrival in reality close relative. Quarreling with your cousin in a dream, arguing with him - soon you will have some serious conversation.

Why do you dream about a cousin in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

When a woman sees her cousin (sister) in a dream, this turns out to be a sad warning for her that some disappointments and sorrows await her. Most likely, they will be related to members of your family - distant relatives. Some of their actions will cause you a lot of problems. When you dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your cousin (sister), this predicts a final break with distant relatives and the cessation of all contacts between you.

In a dream you see your cousin or sister, he has negative meaning and warns of a significant deterioration in relations with your distant relatives. You will be disappointed on their part. Carrying on a lively correspondence with a cousin or sister in a dream means a complete severance of relations between your families and the cessation of all communication.

Seeing your cousin - the dream probably symbolizes that you miss your relatives and are going to pay them a visit in the near future. When you dream of a cousin, you have a reason to finally visit your relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. Maybe it will be someone’s anniversary or another family celebration.

Cousin - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

If you dream of a cousin, you see some kind of dream about him, although perhaps you yourself are not involved in it - this is a positive dream that promises you to soon receive news from your distant relatives. Maybe it was from a cousin, but it may also be from someone else. By the way, why don't you call them today and find out how they are doing? If in a dream you saw that you were fighting with your cousin, the dream turns out to be a symbol of your kindred love, longing for loved ones whom you have not seen for a long time, or a feeling of gratitude for some service rendered to you.

Brother - To see a brother in a dream - to good health or news, to see in water - to joy, to the dead - to longevity. Arguing with your brother in a dream is a warning against loss or loss through your own fault. Why do you dream about your cousin? Fighting with him means great happiness and benefits await you. Seeing the death of a brother or a long journey in a dream means happiness and a long life. To see a cousin - an uncertain relationship with someone awaits you. Saying goodbye to your brother in a dream is a harbinger of the upcoming division of property.

What does it mean to dream about a Cousin? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

You see your cousin and talk with him, foretells that everything will be fine with you and with him, but there is no reason to worry about him, the news of the illness will turn out to be false. If in a dream your cousin looks sick, unpleasant events await you in reality, which will happen due to your own oversight and imprudence. A cousin in a dream means disappointment and chagrin. Such a dream foreshadows sad events that are beyond your power to prevent. Receiving a letter from your cousin in a dream means a further rift between your families.

Kissing a cousin in a dream in a fit of kindred feelings means happy reconciliation and long friendship. Seeing an older cousin in a dream means prosperity, a younger one means responsibilities. To be at the funeral of his cousin in a dream - in reality he is destined for a long and lucky fate. If the weather is clear and sunny on the day of your cousin’s funeral, you will forget about any illness for a long time. If the day of a cousin's funeral is gloomy and rainy, bad news about the illness of one of the relatives is inevitable. Seeing your cousin in a coffin means longevity for him and yours, as well as profit and joy.

Separating from a cousin is a happy occasion. Missing cousin - a future filled with turbulent events awaits you. Quarrel with your cousin in a dream - you will be upset by the imminent news from him. Seeing a happy, laughing cousin in a dream is good luck. For a woman to see similar dream on the contrary, it foreshadows severe illness or sudden death. To dream that you have insulted your cousin means that no one will help you in your matter. Fighting with a cousin in a dream means despondency and disappointment.p>

Why do you dream of a Cousin (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Cousin - help from afar, good relationship. Cousin - relationship with him; character traits that are dominant in him. You dreamed of a Cousin, what is this for (sister) - The dream foreshadows sad events associated with relatives. Perhaps illness or death. Imagine that you made a mistake. In fact, the person you saw is not your relative, but someone else.

Cousins ​​(cousins) - You saw a cousin in a dream - the dream portends disappointments for you; you would like to connect your destiny with some person, but in reality it turns out that you would be better off running away from this person. It’s as if you are corresponding with one of your cousins ​​- the dream warns of a major quarrel that will lead to a break in relations.

The appearance of close relatives in dreams - auspicious sign. But even such dreams have their own subtleties of interpretation - a lot depends on who exactly you dreamed about and what state they were in. Interpreting what dreams mean brother, dream books say that most often this means receiving news from relatives.

For a girl to see her brother in a dream is a sign of a marriage proposal. I dreamed that my brother was alive and well, says Velesov’s dream book, this means profit. French dream book believes that seeing a brother in a dream is a sign of family feuds, however, this interpretation can be explained by the peculiarities European history and rights of inheritance.

If you dreamed that your brother was getting married in a dream, while in reality he does not have a wife and is not going to get married, you can tactfully inform your relative that significant changes will soon occur in his life. For some reason, a brother in a dream ended up behind bars - a warning for the sleeping person: the patience of your loved ones is not unlimited, and you should not abuse it.

Those who like to “guess” their dreams are often interested in: why is the older brother dreaming? As he says Psychological dream book, the brother in this case acts as a symbol of protection and patronage that the dreamer would like to find in reality. If in a dream the brother turned out to be the youngest, this may mean a lack of friendly communication in real life sleeping - you need to pay attention to such visions special attention when in reality you don’t have brothers.

Why do you dream about your brother if you had to part with him in the dream? Most interpreters believe that such a dream is an omen of a happy event in the life of the sleeper. If a relative in your dream turned out to be alive, but was sick, in reality you should show extreme caution and caution in business, because the probability of a mistake is very high, which can cost you dearly.

Did you have a dream: is your brother begging you for help? Such a vision most likely means that in reality you will have to solve all your problems on your own; there is nowhere to wait for help. Sometimes this can also mean an upcoming emergency at work.

I dreamed of a drunk brother - according to one interpretation, soon it will be the one who dreamed that will have health problems. If in reality your brother doesn’t drink, but you dreamed about him being drunk, this may indicate that you should be more firm and learn to say “no.”

Seeing in your dreams how a drunken brother is drowning - a business that you will do together may turn out to be an adventure, so it is better not to get involved in it. If a drunk brother slaps you in the face in a dream, this is very favorable dream: the money invested in the business will pay off and will be returned with substantial interest.

Cousins ​​and other relatives

But these are not all the dream plots in which brothers may appear to us. In a dream they may appear:

  • Cousins.
  • Second cousins.
  • From my husband's side.

Why do you dream about your cousin? different dream books interpreted differently. For example, the Alphabetical Dream Interpretation says that such a vision promises disappointment and grief. The 21st century dream book believes that seeing a cousin in a dream means an uncertain relationship with a person whom you will soon meet.

But there is another interpretation of what a cousin dreams about. It explains that such dreams foreshadow a quick meeting with distant ones, and also encourage the sleeper to pay more attention to his family and not to forget about loved ones. Why do you dream about a brother if he is a second cousin? Such a dream also foreshadows a meeting with relatives, and there is a high probability that it will be the dreamer who will go to visit.

In general, in the interpretation of dreams about cousins ​​and more distant relatives great value has to do with the relationship you are actually in. For example, if you dreamed of a cousin with whom you have a strained relationship, you should show caution and prudence in the near future. If in reality the relationship with your cousin is excellent, the dream does not carry any negativity; it may mean, for example, that you will receive news from someone dear to you whom you have not seen for a long time.

The strengthening of family ties in the near future is also indicated by a dream in which the sleeper had to be with his brothers. It doesn’t matter whether they are relatives or cousins. Such visions promise stabilization of one’s financial situation, support from friends and good attitude from relatives.

Many women and girls wonder: why do you dream about your brother (or boyfriend)? If the person you dreamed of in your dream was cheerful and sociable, this portends good luck for the sleeping woman. Also for a lady, this may mean that she will have fans who will show her signs of attention.

Passed away

Our dreams often do strange things: we may see the dead as alive, the living as dead. Why do you dream about your brother if in fact he is quite alive?

If you dreamed of a relative who is actually not dead, but alive, this means that in the near future you will experience the successful implementation of your plans, good income and good health.

Why did you dream about a brother who was actually deceased, but who you dreamed was alive? If in your dreams your deceased brother appears alive to you, such a dream suggests that you have ill-wishers who should not be given the slightest reason to denigrate you. Also, a deceased relative who appears alive in front of you in a dream may remind you of some important family celebration that you for some reason forgot about in the bustle.

You dreamed of a deceased relative, and you talk to him as if he were alive - soon one of your relatives will ask you for help. And if your deceased brother turned out to be cheerful and drunk in your dreams, this encourages the dreamer to reconsider his behavior, which can cause irritation for many - including influential people. As he says Modern dream book, a deceased brother - smiling or laughing - in your dream may warn that soon they will want to borrow a large amount from you.

The appearance of relatives in a dream predicts the occurrence of events that will somehow be connected with relatives. What the cousin dreams of is interpreted by the dream book depending on the behavior and interaction of the character with the dreamer.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing your cousin in a dream promises grief and disappointment. In addition, the General Interpreter supplements the previous explanation with the fact that these events will be associated directly with dear people.

Simon Kananite interprets the dream as an upcoming friendship with kind person. According to the Dream Book from A to Z, what a cousin dreams about explains the occurrence of sad events, as a result of which you will have to admit your own wrongness and short-sightedness.

Late cousin

What a dead cousin dreams about is explained General dream book the likely appeal of relatives to the dreamer for advice or financial help.

The noble dream book of N. Grishina positions the deceased cousin in a dream as the fulfillment of secret desires, or receiving help while in a difficult situation. If this person is silent and sad, it means that he will have to overcome a difficult period in life on his own.

I dreamed about the deceased dear person alive and vigorous, which means that in the near future expect wonderful news or a grandiose joyful event. Hugging him, according to Nostradamus, predicts deliverance from obsessive fears, gaining confidence and stability.

Seeing a portrait of a deceased person predicts spiritual support in financial need. Taking something from the hands of the deceased prophesies happiness and wealth. Congratulating him on something in a dream means doing a good deed in reality.


Quarreling with a cousin in a dream predicts a long friendship. To conduct active correspondence with him, according to Miller’s dream book, predicts the final break in all relations between families.

Hugging your cousin with joyful emotions in a dream promises happiness. If you dreamed that you had a chance to hug this person while experiencing sexual attraction, it means betrayal. For women, such a vision prophesies the infidelity of a beloved man.

Talking with a relative portends anxiety or a premonition of something bad in reality. Visiting it and seeing it in poor condition promises justification for anxious feelings; seeing it healthy and successful means a successful acquisition.

Conducting any business with a loved one means inevitable difficulties. Visiting a sick brother warns of forced and unforeseen financial costs.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Cousin in a dream according to 7 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Cousin” symbol from 7 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order personal interpretation sleep expert.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about your cousin?

A sign of troubles and disappointments. After such a dream, expect unexpected turns in fate.

If you dream that you are having a lively correspondence with your cousin- this is a harbinger of fatal quarrels between families.

Dream book for the whole family

Cousin - such a dream foretells disappointment in relatives or friends and associated grief and sad events in life.

Texting in a dream with a cousin- means breaking all ties with distant relatives and quarreling with the family.

If you are communicating with your cousin- as a brother, you will be disappointed in the woman you love.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your cousin in a dream- means disappointment and disappointment.

To dream that you are engaged in a lively correspondence with your brother

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Cousin in a dream?

Seeing your cousin in a dream- portends sad events that will force you to admit your own wrongness and short-sightedness.

Talk to him in your sleep- this means that in reality you will suffer from anxiety and premonitions of something bad. Visit it and see it in poor condition- your worries will be justified, see him safe and healthy- make a successful purchase.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cousin - friendship with a kind person.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing your cousin in a dream- to disappointment and grief.

Lively correspondence with brother- means the final break between families.

Solomon's Dream Book

Cousin - friendship with an honest and kind person.

Video: Why do you dream about Cousin?


Did you dream of a Cousin, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    I only remember part of the dream. as if I married my older cousin on my mother’s side, but there was no wedding, I just know the very fact of marriage. there was no wedding night either, and in my dream I kept worrying about how it would happen and why. felt awkward. after the wedding, we found ourselves somewhere in someone else’s living room, which I had not seen before, there was my brother’s mother, his younger brother and his wife. and in a dream I remembered what younger brother I, too, was planning to get married before, but for some reason it didn’t work out. My grandmother and my brother were also there, she was dissatisfied and happy with something at the same time. in the dream I felt anxious and was upset that I had married my brother. Thanks in advance

    I was walking along the road with my eldest daughter, and my cousin (he is alive) was driving a car to meet us, he was sitting in the back seat and the car was driving without a driver. Having met us, the car stopped, my brother came out to us and very happily talked to us

    I dreamed that I was in a relationship with my cousin (in appearance it seemed to be him, but in feeling it was a completely different person). He and I were going to go somewhere by train. And before that, we were standing at the station, I was buying tickets, and he started drinking (something alcoholic).

    Hello Tatyana, this morning I dreamed that I was marrying my cousin, who will soon go into the army. At first everything was like at ordinary weddings, but we were not allowed to exchange rings because... They immediately sat me down at the table and I put the groom’s ring in my purse. After all the guests were already tipsy, I tried to find the ring, but nothing happened. They started taking my bag away and saying that I had invented it all myself, that there weren’t any rings and there couldn’t be any. I never found him afterwards. Help please! This dream worries me very much.

    I dreamed that I was in some kind of school, but also in a hospital. Then my grandmother appears, with whom I don’t communicate in real life. And so is my cousin. I have never seen him, he is less than a year old and I also do not communicate with him. But as he slept, he was sick.

    There were two dreams.
    1. I saw off my brother to the army, there was a farewell, we somehow communicated too closely, although in reality this was not the case, we sat in an embrace all the time, etc. In reality this is not the case, although I love him very much and worry about him.
    2. We come to the hospital to see his sister, but he and his child are still lying there. Well, in a dream, this seems to be the norm, then he goes from this hospital with engagement rings to the girl, then they immediately have a wedding. I cried a lot at it, there were also small quarrels between relatives, but in principle the wedding was warm, calm and cheerful.

    I was sitting and playing the computer, and my cousin, who is 1 year older than me. They came to us, my cousin came in, and his dad was standing on the street smoking or doing something in the car, I don’t remember, I greeted him like this: “Oh hello " and he answered me, then they sat playing on the computer, I was wearing a white earphone, they were playing, I told him, look, look, I’m a master of something like that... and by the way, they were either going to Paris or London (my brother said so), it seems like he’s undergoing treatment, There was something wrong with his heart or with his hand! That’s all.

    Hello. My dream was like this: I went to bed late and somehow fell asleep and saw in my dream a not very clear picture, but a couple I remember the moments I saw myself in the hall, but I didn’t see a white dress on myself, and the groom turned out to be my cousin (he’s a year younger than me). We were happy, I don’t know why, but he was very happy, I didn’t really see a couple of faces of relatives at the wedding, and then I woke up abruptly. I would like to know what this dream is about?

    Hello! I dreamed that I married my cousin... I didn’t see the wedding itself, but I knew that we were married because we had wedding rings, then his classmate friend appeared in a dream and we began to compare my engagement ring and my friend’s engagement ring.. And we laughed because his ring was much larger than mine... We didn’t take the wedding seriously, we just wore rings and that’s it...

    I’m walking near my cousin’s house, and I looked at his balcony, and there were about 6.7 people standing with their hands behind their heads and the police were conducting a search on them dressed things. I went inside the house, but the rooms were completely different, in my life I don’t have other rooms at home. I took some kind of jacket from someone and just looked at it. and heard the police talking loudly in the other room. then I left her and went to another room, then I met a classmate and I said that I needed to go home (although I didn’t even know why I was in a hurry to go home.). and we went further with him, it turned out that home was also just on his way. We walked further, for some reason I didn’t have any shoes. and he gave me his shoes. and that's all.

    my cousin came to my apartment with his wife and his two children, small child My brother’s wife was bathing me in the baby bath in the hall, when I saw this, I showed him the bathroom and said that you could bathe in the bathroom. Then my brother, my brother’s wife and I sat near the computer. My brother’s wife and I were at his side. At that moment I kissed my brother’s wife for two or three seconds. I felt that my brother, with his peripheral vision, saw us kissing on the lips, but he didn’t show it.

    I had a dream in which I was standing in a registry office, in wedding dress and marrying my cousin (who is actually married). There were few guests there, there were only my parents and his parents, 2 of my friends and my sister. I don’t understand why I had this dream.

    I dreamed of a cousin who, unfortunately, is no longer alive :)
    I go into some room and see him with a child in his arms, he saw me and let the child fall to the floor, I went up to him and we hugged, and I told him: “It’s so good that you’re alive!” and with that I woke up!

    I dreamed that I was marrying my cousin, for some reason in the evening. everyone is fussing, but I can’t find cosmetics and put on makeup, no one has makeup, I understand that besides the fact that I’m going down the aisle unkempt, I don’t want to marry my own brother and I’m still waiting for my boyfriend to come and take me away from there, while everyone is busy.

    My brother and I were driving around his neighborhood in a car, then I ended up at my school, there was a showdown, my brother was writing something on the last desk in the algebra room. We communicated very well with him in the dream, but by the end of the dream he was very silent and upset about something

    I dreamed about my cousin. I haven’t seen him for 6 years. Our meeting was unexpected, he hid around the corner, when I saw him, I was very surprised, hugged him and said something like how long no see.

    Hello Tatyana, I'm in lately I constantly see a dream with a cousin with whom I have not communicated for a long time, but after these dreams, I began to quarrel with my family, became quick-tempered and very lazy, please explain what this means?

    I dreamed that my cousin, who is 10 years older than me, proposed to me. At first he just arrived, my parents sat us next to each other. he treated me very well. then we found ourselves at the skating rink. I don't remember anymore)

    My brother and I were walking around the market somewhere, he showed me signs of attention, in my opinion it even looks like love, he kept hugging me and trying to kiss me, and his brother passed by, he smiled and walked past

    good afternoon.. I just woke up and was very interested in my dream.. first I received the news (from whom I don’t remember exactly) about the death of my father, then after some time, the news reached me that my cousin had died.. I saw a lot of tears, both my own and my cousins, then I heard the same news on the news at the airport... that’s all, actually... I would like to know why I was dreaming about all this, I was very interested. I would be very grateful for a quick and detailed answer.

    I don’t remember the dream exactly, I remember my cousin, he was 5 years old, he was sitting in his jacket and I was either watching him or something else, I remember exactly that I then chose perfume for him and was very worried about what he would take.

    In a dream I saw a cousin, he hugged me, then I even looked with me by his son, we were postponed, and I cried because I live far from my homeland and they came to visit me later we sat, laughed, etc. HE SAID IT'S TIME FOR US TO LEAVE

    Today I saw my cousin in a dream, I married him. But in reality, I myself love my married husband, my brother is also married. But we don’t really communicate with him. What is this dream for? I feel like I can’t help myself, it was hard in my sleep.

    Zdravstvujte mne presnilsja son kak ja vichozu zamuz za svojego dvojurodnogo brata.. v etom sne bilo vse horosho.. potom mi poshli k kakimto znakomim..no pochemuto kaljco u menja bilo pravoj ruke.. a ne na levoj kak dolzno eto bitj.. help pozalujsta peretolkovatj shto eto mozet znacitj

    I dreamed about my cousin and as if he was caring for me. That we were at some kind of lecture with him

    The other guy seemed to be jealous, then my brother took me to his house, my cousin, aunt (sister’s mother) and aunt (brother’s mother) were there.

    Good afternoon. I invite you to such a dream not very much beautiful girl In order to have sex, my cousin brother suddenly appears, it seems like everyone is happy and everything is fine, but I see the girl liked my brother, but she doesn’t seem to like him. Then they left together. And I stayed at home

    Hello, I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, my cousin is as young as he was when I was little, now he is about 50 years old! But we don't communicate with him. In the dream he was young, and I am like now, I’m 30, in the dream he pestered me, tried to give me his hand or touch my breasts! The dream is strange, help me figure it out.

    I dreamed of my second cousin, in the dream he fell in love with me and in order to achieve me he changed a lot. He earned a lot of money, bought a car, an apartment, a ring for me, then something happened and he left me and returned to past life, leaving all their money and property. He became a beggar again and no longer communicated with me.

    Good afternoon, I had a dream about my cousin with his wife and little son, this dream took place in the summer - at my birthday, he gave me a cool gift, in the dream I was happy, and for some reason they kissed him, like on the cheek ( closer to the lips, I don’t remember exactly) so quickly and often) heh, but he was happy with me, but because of his wife he somehow behaved very restrainedly... I don’t understand at all why I had this dream in exactly this context... I Lately we haven’t seen him at all, we don’t communicate, we’re both very busy. Why this dream? I dreamed today from Saturday to Sunday

    I dreamed that my cousin and I were dating, and in the dream it was perceived as completely normal. Now everyone lives in the city, but the dream took place in my home village. We enter the house and see that relatives already know about our relationship and have gathered to celebrate this event, when I entered the room, the unknown guy in front of me tripped on the carpet, and so I went in and shook hands with my brother’s dad (I kissed his hand ), which is on at the moment dead and in a dream I knew about it. Then I hear my brother’s mother praising me for being such a good daughter-in-law. In the dream, I have a very warm and tender attitude towards my brother. That's all

    I had a dream about my cousin (he actually studies at the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Yekaterinburg) he came with his girlfriend and hugged me very tightly and said that he missed me very much. We don’t communicate very well. And by the way, my loved one’s name is the same

    The dream was like this: I found myself in some apartment, and my brother was standing in front of me, he’s 19, but since he left forever in the dream, it seemed to me that I hadn’t seen him for an eternity and hugged him in tears of happiness and didn’t want to let go and said that I wouldn’t let go I cried in his shoulder when I woke up and I cried too!

    I periodically dream about my great brother with whom I have not communicated for 6-7 years. The dream is that we are so friendly, cheerful, kobuto, we didn’t quarrel, we all have a great time together, he always takes me home, takes me, well, in short, brother and sister don’t spill water. But when I wake up I feel so sad because this is just a dream...

    I dreamed that I was having sex with my cousin. And for the first time with him. Before this I only ex-husband. And he was very affectionate. Then the dream was interrupted. Then it resumed and the brother was already walking from room to room and saying: “That’s it, I’m tired of everything!” And then I come up to him and hug him and say, “What are you doing!” You are my best brother, the smartest and the strongest! And then my 8-year-old son comes up in a jacket and hat and says: “I’m going for a walk!” I straighten his scarf. On
    Tom I woke up.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was in my aunt’s apartment and looked out the window at my cousin, the snow was falling, he was smiling and it was as if there was a dialogue in my head, that he wanted to help me with the apartment and would do everything so that I wouldn’t sulk at him anymore … In real life, we quarreled at his mother’s funeral and there were no more contacts, I have already forgiven him and if he needs help again, I will help…. I just can’t understand what this dream is about...

    My brother (cousin) died in 2012. I saw him in a dream. We were driving a truck with hay. We brought the hay to the farm. There were a lot of cows there. I saw the cows drinking water. He asked me to light a candle for him. My brother was neither sad nor cheerful at times He smiled. He gave short answers to my questions. The dream was very clear - as if in real life.

    I dreamed about my cousin »»»
    I came from work and he was sitting near my apartment, then we came into the apartment, my mother started to put it on the table, I went, he said, bring our chair and the chair hit mine and that’s it for the summer, the dream ended

    I am offended by my brother and I began to dream about him often, and today.
    It so happened that the whole family was sitting in our house deceased grandmother, my uncle tried to reconcile my brother and I, but I was not in any way, then Yura (brother) sat down next to me and hugged me. He told some story from our childhood and I started laughing. And my resentment disappeared

    I dreamed of a cousin who died 1.5 years ago. In the dream everything was white, the room was all dazzling white and there was only one chair. He had a fight with his sister. I stood nearby, but didn’t understand anything. When he walked out the door, I caught up with him and said that I missed him and that I miss him very much. We hugged each other, he also told me that he missed me and left. the corridor was very long, there seemed to be a door at the end. He was dressed only in jeans, he didn't seem to have a T-shirt on

    In a dream, I was sleeping, then I woke up in a dream and I see cousins, one takes a rope and puts it around his neck, and then you know what happened, but then he fell because he didn’t fasten it correctly; the second brother’s nails grow on his fingers like a werewolf. on the street everything is red and some other color, but the colors are so cold

    I dreamed that I and my little son were walking around the city and met my cousin on the way, talked to him warmly, then met two of my cousins ​​among a large crowd of people

    I saw 2 cousins ​​whom I really missed, and also after walking I somehow found myself in the forest and climbed a very thick tree, but it was without leaves and cold colors prevailed, like late autumn

    Hello. We haven't seen our cousin for a long time. And I dreamed that he came to visit me. I hugged him for a very long time and could not stop talking to him. We walked hand in hand, talked, we were very happy to see each other.

    From the beginning, some dark-haired girl in a green dress took me to my grandmother’s apartment, but my grandmother herself was not there. She asked: will you have strawberries? I answered: Yes. When she picked the strawberries, I sharply said: No, my stomach hurt yesterday (yesterday it actually hurt). She got angry and was about to throw the strawberry away, but I stopped her with the words: Put it in the refrigerator * she did. came up to me and said: I need to tell you something. Without hesitation, I was delighted to assume that she was the girlfriend of my 22-year-old cousin Maxim. I asked: are you Maxim’s girlfriend?

    at the moment my aunt is with us, she came to us from far away, she has two sons... I dreamed of her and her son who came to us in a dream... not to say that the dream was pleasant, it was a little rude, there was some kind of fuss, everyone was running back and forth I don’t remember exactly

    I dreamed about it very much strange dream. I was at an incomprehensible holiday. There was my dear sister. We were told to stand in pairs, I didn’t have time to come to my sister and had to stand with some girl. I lost my earring and was looking for it. In the end, I didn’t find it, but instead of serga I found a turtle.
    She was very angry, she was chasing me. The owner of the turtle tried to catch it, but nothing happened. She didn't help anytime soon.
    I'm running away from the turtle and then my cousin and my twin sister come. They ran after the turtle for a very long time. My sister caught it. My brother had a burning desire to run over her with a hoverboard. My sister said we couldn't move her. As a result, the turtle was given to the owner…….

    I dreamed about my cousin! We are not such super friends in real life, we just communicate occasionally, even though we live very close! but in a dream there was some kind of holiday at my house, and my brother came too! the slow song started playing and he danced with me, he came up and even when the music stopped, he still danced! I have always dreamed of such an attitude on his part towards me, as in this dream! he showed in it that his sister is still important to him)

    The dream started like this.
    I’m sitting and eating in the kitchen (the kitchen was like at home)
    Then I went into the room with my relatives and there was a conversation about Kolya (cousin) coming, he came in, shook hands with me and we went to another room, he himself was in a great mood, but to be honest, I only remember clearly his hand because in addition to the usual handshake, with my left hand I grabbed the hand that he extended to me, I didn’t see his face clearly and for this reason I had the feeling that it could be my school friend who went abroad, or a classmate from the university with whom I I communicate well, but lately I haven’t seen you because... he doesn't go to classes. And as a result, I would like to know the interpretation of the dream because I dreamed of one person, and according to my feelings it could have been two others (I haven’t communicated with all three for a long time)

    I was sitting at home, then my brother came in to say hello, that’s all. Then somehow I ended up with my aunt and sister in another city with relatives, and my brother came there too, and that’s it, I didn’t see him again

    I had a dream that my brother needed an operation and a donor. A donor was found, the operation is being performed, in their house for some reason. We all wait, for a very long time, in the next room. After some time, we were all called into that room and told that my brother had died without suffering for a long time. We're all crying.

    I dreamed that all my relatives and I met my cousin on the railway, then suddenly it turned out that I was having a wedding, and it took place on railway, and there was my grandfather, who is no longer alive, and unfamiliar faces whom I see for the first time, and I no longer remember my brother whether he was there or not

    Good afternoon, I didn’t find the pushing I needed, please help me.
    In a dream I saw 3 sisters and one brother, we all flocked to the beaches And the two older sisters were pregnant, all of them I haven’t seen for a couple of good years, I haven’t seen my younger sister for maybe 15 years, why is this a dream?

    My cousin and I are attracted to each other. This is real. And in a dream I see how he came home to me, he didn’t have an arm to his shoulder. And he doesn’t seem to want to show it to me. Acts as if nothing is happening, everything is normal. Then I say, what happened to the hand and I feel so bad for him at that moment. He looked at me with such pain in his soul, our eyes filled with tears and we just hugged. We were sooo sad(((This is the whole dream. At the moment he is in the army, he should return soon.

    dreamed of being dead cousin, in reality he is alive, I don’t communicate with him, in the dream he was carefully lying on the clean floor face down, his feet shoulder-width apart, his arms at his sides, in reality he is very thin, in the dream his body was athletic, dense, his skin color was absolutely healthy, no abrasions or bruises, as if alive, I looked at him from different sides, next to me in this room were my father and his wife (my stepmother), we discussed something, thought, talked (I don’t remember what), there was no negativity , only that I had a slightly strange feeling, most likely a feeling of impression of my brother’s body that I saw and understood that it was no longer functioning and that he had dry mucous membrane in his eyes, in his mouth, etc. d. In reality, I have a goal towards which I have slowly begun to move, we are talking about a small financial investment and development in a certain area, after which I will move towards financial independence, at the moment everything is very difficult and this burden has already lasted a very long time, before I dreamed about how my friend and I released a lot of bees into a crowded place and ran away, that is, it was entertainment, and so on several times, there were a lot of bees, it seemed like they didn’t sting me when I ran away among them, the next day I dreamed about a girl being carried on a large tray V standing position, I I saw her briefly, someone said that she was a gift for someone, I immediately climbed up to where she was, and they carried me along with her for a few meters, I stood in front of her, then I got down and sat down at the festive table, took a knife and carefully cut it straight I got myself a piece of delicious sweet pie and ate it, well, after that I had a dream about my brother and about a dead brother in a dream while he is alive in reality, there are a lot of interpretations, there are bad ones and there are good explanations, I don’t know what to do with investments now, the investment is very very small, but the situation right now is difficult and this can lead to an even more difficult development of events, but maybe everything is the other way around, the topic works, you just need to understand it and make a result, I try very hard and constantly visualize in my thoughts only good result and 90% confident in him, especially after the previous two dreams, sincerely already for a long time I try to think only about good things, it feels like something is about to happen in life. new period higher and qualitative level, accordingly, spiritually I also try to develop by understanding and being aware of many things, the attitude towards the world and others, etc., etc., only in a dream with my brother I am confused, in general the chain of events and dreams in two last month indicates that even my most frank dreams will come true, at the end of the year of the monkey in which I was actually born, I had a dream not long ago about eating white bread and butter, and I dreamed about a hairy back, there were wings like an angel made of brown hair, just thick, armpits they were also hairy, the meanings are good about these dreams, in general Now we need to decide something, please help me explain,

    I'm in some house, there's a feast, we're sitting at the table, we're celebrating something, we're communicating with our cousin, we're laughing, we're joking, then my cousin's sister appears there, as if I'm in her house, there are her children and cats, I'm walking around her house, talking to her, she shows where everything is in her house is then I’m getting ready to leave and my cousin gives me a hundred rubles just like that

    In general, I was driving a car with my cousin brother, somehow I ended up in Moscow and I don’t know anything, we and he knows the city, we walked around the city and he suddenly ran away from me and couldn’t catch up with him.
    Why such a dream?

    I had a dream that I was marrying my cousin and at the same time I was pregnant for a short time, although I know for sure that I don’t love the girl and my brother in the dream, we don’t have a very good relationship with him either in the dream or in life

    I dreamed of my cousin whom I hadn’t seen where for 7 years I dreamed that we were having fun and also driving somewhere then we were sitting at home I saw my mother and also my grandfather who died and then I woke up what does this mean

    For a year, I dream about my cousin every day. We haven’t communicated with him since childhood, and somehow I don’t really think about him and have no desire to meet him. In my dreams, I constantly want to invite him somewhere, or I invite him, I walk with him, I try to attract attention to myself, there are intimate scenes. He almost never spoke in his sleep. Sometimes he just answered. and he was always silent.

    I arrive in the village with my parents by car. I get out of the car and my cousin is sitting on a bench, I was surprised when I saw him because he almost never comes there and in general we don’t communicate with him (we are 7 years apart) he says something somehow he encouraged me, I answered him and then we walked up the stairs and discussed it.

    I dreamed that the doctor called me and said that my grandmother had died, I didn’t believe it, I started to cry, I went to my brother, he was having a party and I decided that I would come the next day. The next day I asked him: “When are you in last time Have you seen your grandmother?”, he said that he didn’t remember. Then I told him that he would not see her again, because my grandmother had died. He started to get nervous and run around, said that he needed to go to the hospital, and I asked: “Do you know which one?” - but he didn’t answer and walked away, and I followed him, he couldn’t believe that grandma was gone.

    My younger cousin stood at my grandmother's house at the door on 3-d
    Then I looked at the wooden and glass cabinet and in my hands there was a plastic snowflake made using this handle, I wanted to hang it on the cabinet

    Hello! I dreamed that I was corresponding with my cousin, he showed his concern for me. After this, I immediately had a dream that I was breaking up with my boyfriend because I was jealous of him. Since it bothers me that he very often communicates with his managers and with the left girl (in reality this is also present), MCH reacted to this calmly and simply left. I followed him and told him “if you communicate with your (...name) then communicate with her,” to which he replied “why do I need feelings from the left girl”
    That's all.