Sources of health herbal medicine of Surin. Everything you need for a happy and healthy life comes from nature.

Electronic version of the popular book Tyumen herbalists Surina Lydia Nestorovna, Baranov Alexander Alexandrovich and Surin-Levitsky Stanislav.

3rd edition, revised, 2003, 584 pp., with illustrations. The e-book in djvu format - djvreader is in the archive.

The book describes more than 200 species of medicinal plants of the Tyumen region. Recipes are given for the use of medicinal herbs and preparations from them for various diseases.

What will you learn by reading the book “The Healing Lands of Tyumen Grass”?

How to use herbs and what not to do...

When and how to correctly use various medicinal herbs...

How to achieve a lasting effect with herbal medicine...

Brief description of the contents of the book

- What makes us sick?

Spiritual and moral sources of health. Your food should be your medicine. Bread is the head of everything. Milk and health. Is it necessary to refine vegetable oil? Sugar and health. Vitamins and health. Diet and health. The meaning of the post. Smoking habit or suicide? Stress and health. Herbal treatment of stressful conditions. About lithophagy. Water and silicon. Water as a carrier of information. Microelements in plants and health. Grandma's advice. Rejuvenation of the body as disease prevention. Advice for young mothers. If the child is sick.

- Healing herbs

How to use herbs and what not to do. Preparation, storage and methods of using medicinal plants. When and how to take the medicine. Characteristics of plants.

- Herbal medicine

Diseases of the endocrine glands: Prostate adenoma; Diabetes mellitus; Goiter; Female menopause.

Respiratory diseases: Adenoiditis; Angina; Asthma bronchial; Chronic bronchitis; Sinusitis; Vocal cords; Flu, prevention; Immunity enhancement; Cough of all types; Laryngitis, pharyngitis; Pulmonary heart; Acoustic neuritis; Shortness of breath (angina pectoris); Otitis; Pneumonia; Tuberculosis.

Liver and kidney diseases: Hepatitis, jaundice; Glomerulonephritis; Cholelithiasis; Calcemates; Opistrochiasis; Pyelonephritis; Kidney stone disease; Gilbert's syndrome; Cirrhosis of the liver.

Digestive system diseases: Gastritis; Helminths treatment, prevention; Haemorrhoids; Dysbacteriosis; Heartburn; Colitis; Pancreatic lipomatosis; Pancreatitis; Periodontitis; Polyposis; Stomatitis; Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Joint diseases: Arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis; big toe bones; Osteochondrosis.

Eye diseases: Glaucoma; Cataract; Conjunctivitis.

Diseases of the blood system: Anemia (anemia); Lupus erythematosus; Hemophilia; Leukemia; Lymphogranulomatosis; Lymphostasis; Obliterating endarteritis; Toxoplasmosis; Thrombophlebitis.

Women's diseases: Infertility (female); Uterine fibroids; Regressive pregnancy; Trichomoniasis; Cervical erosion.

Skin diseases: Gersudism, hair removal; Vitiligo; Lichen planus; Corns; Felon; Scleroderma; Boils; Eczema.

Nervous diseases: Alcoholism is a disease; Insomnia; Headache; Depression; Stuttering; Impotence; Paralysis (numbness of the arms and legs); Shaking palsy, Parkinson's disease; Radiculitis; Epilepsy; Enuresis is involuntary; Nocturnal enuresis; Encephalitis.

Cardiovascular diseases: Arrhythmia; Atherosclerosis; Hemorrhagic vasculitis; Vegetovascular dystonia; Hypertension; Cardiac ischemia; Rheumatism; Tumors, neoplasms; Cystosis (kidney, liver); Edema of various origins.

Cosmetics, skin care: Freckles, pimples, dry skin, acne; Hair care; Calluses on the feet and sweaty feet; Masks for cleansing facial skin; Wrinkles on the facial skin; Acne; Killoid scars.

Detoxification and cleansing of the body: Purgation; Liver cleansing; Blood purification; Lymph cleansing.

- Non-traditional methods of preventing and treating diseases

Grain sprouts and health. Separate or ideal nutrition? Hirudotherapy. Aromatherapy. Baths and therapeutic baths. Music, dance, art and health. The influence of color on health.

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Everything you need for a happy and healthy life is provided by nature. The heroine of the next club “From the First Person” on the eve of its anniversary was the famous Tyumen herbalist, candidate of biological sciences Lidiya Surina. The name of Lidiya Surina, a consultant in herbal medicine, is known both in the Tyumen region and beyond. She surprises, delights and inspires. He teaches us by personal example: live in accordance with nature and preserve your health, clarity of thought, vivid memory and sparkle in your eyes for many, many years. Lidia Nestorovna appreciates kindness and responsiveness in people, and happily shares her knowledge and experience. She knows every blade of grass in the Tyumen region. She knows how to use plants for the benefit of people, and is absolutely sure: everything you need for happiness and health is nearby. Does your child learn what he sees at home? Alexander SKORBENKO: – Lidiya Nestorovna, tell us when you first became acquainted with the healing power of plants? “Roots” from childhood? Lydia SURINA: – Of course. My dad graduated from the Forestry Academy, was a forestry scientist, and knew herbs well. Walking with me in the vicinity of Omsk, he showed me plants and talked about them. Mom was a doctor. She was also interested in plants that help a person be healthy. Until 1938, doctors in Russia collected a reference herbarium. Unfortunately, modern doctors know less about the beneficial properties of herbs; they are not taught this. Medicinal plants are studied only by pharmacists. Dacha chores bring joy to the spouses. Pharmacy - under your feet Raisa KOVDENKO: - Previously, there was only one pharmacy in Tyumen, but now there are hundreds of them. There are countless chemical drugs. Name herbs that can replace chemotherapy drugs. Lydia SURINA: – Aspen (bark powder) is an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent, effective for colds and headaches. Treats cholecystitis, prostatitis, cystitis, pancreatitis, rheumatism, salt deposition. For colds, use a decoction of the bark three to five times a day. Chestnut thins the blood. Anti-inflammatory. Golden root tones. Used for hypotension (low blood pressure), when there is not enough strength, but you want to be more energetic. Oregano. Treats respiratory tract diseases, cystitis, nephritis. Heather is a good sedative for fearfulness, suspiciousness, and a sleeping pill. Lastoven (antitoxicum) is an antidote. Used for poisoning, tick bites. Relieves intoxication. Birch leaves are used as a diuretic for diseases of the joints and nervous system. Birch catkins are the elixir of youth and longevity. Collect buds and earrings, fill with vodka 1:10. A teaspoon for a cup of tea. Pine is a Siberian vessel cleaner. If you are experiencing infertility, I advise you to drink a decoction of any flowers. After the flower there is always a seed. Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, plantain, green pine cones) improve memory. Sulfur, the walls of chicken stomachs, helps with allergies. Plantain: healing of any wounds, gastritis, treatment of bronchi, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In China, plantain seeds are added to soups. Improves memory, tones. Tatyana TIKHONOVA: – Lent is approaching. Lydia Nestorovna, how useful is observing fasting, especially the long and strict Great Fast? Lydia SURINA: – I’ll tell you the parable of Pythagoras. There is information that Pythagoras received consent to marry a girl when he was 94 years old and she was 12. To rejuvenate, he fasted for 40 days. After that, he fasted for two or three days every week for another six years. During this time, he cleansed the circulatory system and began to look like a 30-year-old man. When he turned 100 and his chosen one was 18, they got married and gave birth to two boys and three girls. This is after a hundred years. What happens? Glory to fasting and abstinence in food. A book is the best gift! Alla ZYRYANOVA, Tyumen: – Where to buy your books? Which ones are on sale? Lydia SURINA: – Books can be bought from me at the reception. Among the most recently published, I would like to name “Healing Lands of Tyumen Grass” (2003), “Sources of Health” (2009), “Sources of Health of the Ob North” (2010), “Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist” (2011), “ Energy of Life" (2013), "Good advice to parents", "School of Survival". One of my favorite publications is “The Energy of Life.” This is a book about traditional methods of treatment, and not only. In it I talk about the effects of embroidery, knitting, sewing, singing, color and aromatherapy, and animals on humans. In total, my books have been published in a circulation of 750,000 copies. I have co-authors: Alexander Baranov - husband, Stanislav Levitsky - son, Svetlana Kincheva-Surina - daughter. How to get into shape? ■ Eat small meals every two hours. ■ Eliminate carbonated drinks from your diet. ■ Drink ice water. ■ Eat bran bread. ■ Follow fasting days twice a week. ■ Take a kilogram of some fruit or berries for the whole day. Divide into five doses of 200 grams. For fasting days, apples, strawberries, dark grapes, apricots, peaches, and cherries are suitable. Remember that green tea accelerates fat burning. ■ Breakfast should consist of fruit juices. This is enough, since hunger is not created by a night's rest. Make lunch protein-rich, but moderate. Dinner – hearty (two hours before bedtime). ■ You should not eat if you have pain, high fever, physical fatigue, or mental stress. Food is needed to maintain strength. Drinking should be plentiful. ■ Watch your weight. If your height is 164 cm, then your weight should be no more than 64 kg. Deputies express respect and gratitude to the honorary citizen of the Tyumen region, 2011. Herbal medicine for children Svetlana KAISER, Yalutorovsk: – Lidia Nestorovna, as far as I know, herbal medicine has its own indications and contraindications. As a young mother, I am interested in how herbal medicine for children differs from herbal medicine for adults, and how safely herbs act on a developing child’s body. My child is one and a half years old. Lydia SURINA: It's all about the dosage. A person's daily dose fits in his fist. A child's palm is not the same as an adult's. This applies to those collections when five to ten plants are taken. Look how much will fit into the child’s fist, this will be his norm. If your child has a cold, wear blue pajamas at night. During the day - pink or red clothes. If the temperature is high, it is useful to give aspen bark powder or its decoction. Both poplar and willow will do. These are natural antipyretics. For herbal medicine, use plants from your area. During treatment, do not offer your child meat. This also applies to adults. Svetlana KAISER: – What about protein? It's found in meat. Lydia SURINA: - For a small child, replace meat with eggs, milk, cottage cheese, boiled fish. Do not give strong meat broths. Since we're talking about nutrition, I'll say that white bread has little benefit. It's empty. It is better to use the one made from wholemeal flour, with malt, bran: gray and black. I urge you to give up refined foods: oil, sugar. Use sea salt instead of table salt. It contains 64 microelements, and replace sugar with honey. Until the age of five, a child has strong intuition. He only asks for what is useful to him. Don't force your baby to eat. Let him eat what his hand reaches out to. Alla ZYRYANOVA: – The child asks for salted lard. I forbid it. Lydia SURINA: – And in vain. Everything used to be cooked with lard. It is very useful and outperforms oil. I grind lard in a meat grinder, add garlic and herbs. Then I spread it on bread. Delicious. Ilyas MAVLYUTOV: – Lidiya Nestorovna, you are a candidate of biological sciences. Is the topic of your dissertation related to herbal medicine? Lydia SURINA: – Of course. I graduated from the biological faculty of the Omsk Pedagogical Institute. Mom, a gynecologist, asked: find a plant that protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy. At that time, abortion was prohibited. I have been looking for such a plant for seven years. I once gave a lecture on herbs in Salekhard. One woman shared with me: “Two or three days before menstruation, I use the herb northern breaker and do not get pregnant. When I wanted a child, I stopped drinking and gave birth.” This plant is popularly called Pervomayka. Translated from Latin it sounds like this: “protection from the husband.” I began to study this plant and in 1975, in Tomsk, I defended my dissertation on the topic “Biology of the northern borer as a medicinal plant.” If you have a cold ■ The most important time is the first day after the onset of the disease. ■ Immediately put on red or orange clothing. ■ Signs of a viral disease: runny nose, sneezing, headache, cough, fatigue, temperature up to 38°C, loss of appetite. Sometimes there is pain in the ears and joints. The cause of ARVI is a virus that enters the body through airborne droplets or through unwashed hands. ■ ARVI goes away in 5–10 days. ■ Ventilate and humidify the air where the patient is located with chamomile, mint, and string vapor. ■ Hot foot baths, massage of the soles and chest are useful. ■ Drink tea with leaves and berries of raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn leaves, linden flowers. They cleanse the body of viruses and strengthen the immune system. ■ Try to avoid sugar and sweets, as they cause irritability. ■ If the patient refuses to eat, do not insist. Try offering baked apples or vegetable soup. ■ Do not give aspirin to children under 12 years of age; it is harmful to the liver. ■ Place a bath of water near your child to wet their feet. Unity with nature is the key to good health and good mood. Herbs do not work suddenly Natalya KHUDOROZHKOVA: – Should we expect instant, magical healing from herbalism? How long is this process and what does it depend on? Lydia SURINA: – You need to take herbal treatment for a long time, at least for a year. Be patient, careful and consistent in their application. Do not be afraid of a short-term exacerbation, it indicates the revitalization of protective forces. Herbal medicine strengthens the immune system. Herbs should be taken for both acute and chronic illness. If necessary, in combination with chemotherapy. I recommend grinding dried plants. I give small doses, literally on the tip of a teaspoon, so that allergies do not occur. Place it on your tongue and drink it with water. The liver will react to a large dose and begin to secrete antitoxins. Alternate your herbal intake: three weeks with one herb, three weeks with another, and so on. Only one course is designed for 4 months, that’s 16 weeks. Herbs help and support in any case. I'll give you my example. Five years ago I fell and broke my hip. They took me to the hospital and installed a metal rod. On February 16, an injury occurred, and on March 16, I already celebrated my 80th birthday in the Tyumen Regional Duma. I came on my own, taking a cane with me just in case. I recovered within a month. Raisa KOVDENKO: – When preparing your articles, I reproduced your recipe for salvation in the newspaper several times. After all, a hip fracture leaves many people disabled for life. Repeat this recipe again. What helped you? Lydia SURINA: – I used wheatgrass. I cooked soups on its roots and stems. I'll make a decoction and throw away the roots. Saw "Phytomina" for animals. Don't be alarmed by the fact that there is a dog on the label. The composition of the tablets for our little friends includes herbs: oak bark, eucalyptus leaf, comfrey roots, calamus rhizomes, dandelion roots, violet grass, birch leaves, St. John's wort herb, wild rosemary, meadowsweet flowers. I used blue clay. Jellied meat is good for strengthening joints and bones. Raisa KOVDENKO: – How to use clay? Lydia SURINA: – The instructions advise dissolving the clay in water and drinking a tablespoon twice a day. I dissolve a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water and drink it immediately. You can make the solution thicker, spread it on bread with butter or lard. You can make all kinds of lotions and masks from clay. Clay cleanses blood vessels, strengthening them due to the silicon it contains, which retains calcium in the body. As a result, the bones will be strong and the blood vessels will be elastic. Clay also cleanses the lungs and bronchi. Alexander SKORBENKO: – How do you feel about the coffee and teas sold in the store? Lydia SURINA: – I only buy green tea in the store, I never take black tea. You can make tea yourself. At the World Congress in Prague in 1991, a Japanese man approached me and asked where fireweed grows in Russia. I answered that everywhere: from the Arctic Circle to the boundless steppes of Kazakhstan. Tyumen Ivan tea contains six times more vitamins than lemon, in Salekhard - 20 times (in Tyumen 260 milligrams, in Salekhard - 810). Therefore, eat what grows under your feet, and not what lives overseas. Energy is given to plants by the climate and soil on which they live. You can, of course, try bananas, but don’t get carried away with them. TIPS ■ ABOUT WATER Living water – not brought to a boil until it bubbles. The water has turned white, the first small bubbles have appeared - turn off the kettle. You need to brew herbs for tea with this water. ■ ABOUT PRAYER Think less about the illness, do not give in to fears and doubts - this will enhance recovery. It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, prayer will help you. I like the prayer of the Optina elders. Read it in the morning. ■ WHY IS SULFUR NEEDED? The body uses it to renew the cells that joints need. It relieves pain, swelling, inflammation. Useful for eczema, itching, psoriasis, boils, hemorrhoids, pinworms, paralysis, irritability, hay fever, cystitis, arthritis, endometriosis. It is enough to consume one mustard spoon per day for three weeks. ■ BENEFITS OF PLANTNESS SEED HUTTERS They relieve constipation. They have a lot of dietary fiber. Four times more than in bran. Psyllium seed shells remove “bad” cholesterol and normalize intestinal microflora. ■ HOW TO STRENGTHEN A CHILD’S IMMUNITY? Protect your child from stress. Learn to wash your hands more often. Temper with water and sun. In warm weather it is useful to walk barefoot on wet grass. Journalists visiting Lidia Nestorovna Eat right! Vladimir POLISCHUK: – Are you going to publish a book dedicated to the nutrition of Tyumen “Robinsons”? Lydia SURINA: – There are chapters on nutrition in each of my books. Thus, the walls of the chicken stomach help with allergies, dysbiosis, enuresis, cholelithiasis, they should be consumed within three weeks. Of course, a book dedicated to Siberian cuisine can be published. Many of you don’t even know the importance of parsley, for example: it removes cholesterol and dissolves stones. Dill is a diuretic that helps with cystitis and nephritis. It relieves bloating - it’s not for nothing that it is recommended for children. Natalya KHUDOROZHKOVA: – A reader asks: her daughter has a tumor in her breast, not oncology. How can we help? Lydia SURINA: – Come for a consultation, I accept every Saturday and Wednesday. Please check with the editorial office for office hours and address. Choose colors correctly Konstantin ELISEEV: – Lidiya Nestorovna, you pay significant attention to color therapy. Which colors help overcome illnesses, and which, on the contrary, attract them? Lydia SURINA: – I like to choose bright clothes for myself. Dressing like this lifts your mood. If you want to relax, if your nerves are not in order, wear blue or blue clothes. If your heart hurts - green. Avoid black. If you are wearing black, add a detail of white or red: shirt, blouse, collar. Gray and black suppress the endocrine system. They are for monks. Look at how the Chinese dress: if they have black trousers, then there must be an orange or pink shirt on top. If you need black color at work, then at least try to wear a different color at home. Red has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. But you don’t need to wear it for months: three to four days maximum. Avoid brown: it does not improve energy or beauty. And white color rejects negative energy. Alexander SKORBENKO: – Today we are treating our guests to honey and fireweed tea. Which honey is especially beneficial? Lydia SURINA: – If there are problems with the blood, you need to eat buckwheat, dark, but you can eat any kind. I prefer light. Valentina VINOGRADOVA: – You said it’s good to eat fly agaric mushrooms. And at what dose? Lydia SURINA: – Small pieces from the cap. You need to take red, fresh fly agaric. Valentina VINOGRADOVA: – How to treat hypotension? Lydia SURINA: – Golden root, nuts. For high blood pressure - motherwort, lingonberry leaf, heather Blitz survey - What character quality do you respect most in a person? - Kindness. – What do you like to read from fiction? – When I was a student tutor, I loved reading Lermontov. My dad taught me his poetry. I really like the poems of Peter Dravert. – Which period in your life do you consider the most fruitful? – When I started teaching: pedagogical institute, medical institute. What I owned, I could convey. She brought a love of nature to students through riddles and poems. For example, I read “Poem about Medicine” to them. – Favorite country, where have you been? – Bulgaria and Germany. There they pay a lot of attention to the study of plants. Although each country has its own charm. – Do you have a favorite plant and why do you love it? - There are several of them. Plantain, calendula and spruce. I like wheatgrass, which cats and dogs eat. It heals blood vessels. – What does your breakfast consist of? – Vegetables and herbal tea. - What is happiness? - Give to people. A souvenir photo with readers and journalists || Photo by Yuri KOMOLOV AUTOGRAPH

The heroine of the next club “From the First Person” on the eve of its anniversary was the famous Tyumen herbalist, candidate of biological sciences Lidia Surina.

Lidiya Surina at a meeting at the First Person club || Photo by Yuri KOMOLOV

The name of Lydia Surina, a herbal medicine consultant, is known both in the Tyumen region and beyond. She surprises, delights and inspires. He teaches us by personal example: live in accordance with nature and preserve your health, clarity of thought, vivid memory and sparkle in your eyes for many, many years.

Lidia Nestorovna appreciates kindness and responsiveness in people, and happily shares her knowledge and experience. She knows every blade of grass in the Tyumen region. She knows how to use plants for the benefit of people, and is absolutely sure: everything you need for happiness and health is nearby.

Does your child learn what he sees at home?

Alexander SKORBENKO:

- Lydia Nestorovna, tell us when you first became acquainted with the healing power of plants? “Roots” from childhood?


Certainly. My dad graduated from the Forestry Academy, was a forestry scientist, and knew herbs well. Walking with me in the vicinity of Omsk, he showed me plants and talked about them. Mom was a doctor. She was also interested in plants that help a person be healthy. Until 1938, doctors in Russia collected a reference herbarium. Unfortunately, modern doctors know less about the beneficial properties of herbs; they are not taught this. Medicinal plants are studied only by pharmacists.

Dacha chores bring joy to the spouses.

Pharmacy - under your feet


- Previously, there was only one pharmacy in Tyumen, but now there are hundreds of them. There are countless chemical drugs. Name herbs that can replace chemotherapy drugs.


Aspen (bark powder) is an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent, effective for colds and headaches. Treats cholecystitis, prostatitis, cystitis, pancreatitis, rheumatism, salt deposition. For colds, use a decoction of the bark three to five times a day.

Chestnut thins the blood. Anti-inflammatory.

Golden root tones. Used for hypotension (low blood pressure), when there is not enough strength, but you want to be more energetic.

Oregano. Treats respiratory tract diseases, cystitis, nephritis.

Heather is a good sedative for fearfulness, suspiciousness, and a sleeping pill.

Lastoven (antitoxicum) is an antidote. Used for poisoning, tick bites. Relieves intoxication.

Birch leaves are used as a diuretic for diseases of the joints and nervous system. Birch catkins are the elixir of youth and longevity. Collect buds and earrings, fill with vodka 1:10. A teaspoon for a cup of tea.

Pine is a Siberian vessel cleaner.

If you are experiencing infertility, I advise you to drink a decoction of any flowers. After the flower there is always a seed.

Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, plantain, green pine cones) improve memory.

Sulfur, the walls of chicken stomachs, helps with allergies.

Plantain: healing of any wounds, gastritis, treatment of bronchi, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In China, plantain seeds are added to soups. Improves memory, tones.


- Lent is approaching. Lydia Nestorovna, how useful is observing fasting, especially the long and strict Great Fast?


I'll tell you the parable of Pythagoras. There is information that Pythagoras received consent to marry a girl when he was 94 years old and she was 12. To rejuvenate, he fasted for 40 days. After that, he fasted for two or three days every week for another six years. During this time, he cleansed the circulatory system and began to look like a 30-year-old man. When he turned 100 and his chosen one was 18, they got married and gave birth to two boys and three girls. This is after a hundred years. What happens? Glory to fasting and abstinence in food.

A book is the best gift!

Alla ZYRYANOVA, Tyumen:

- Where can I buy your books? Which ones are on sale?


Books can be purchased from me at the reception. Among the most recently published books, I would like to name “The Healing Lands of Tyumen Grass” (2003), “Sources of Health” (2009), “Sources of Health of the Ob
North" (2010), "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" (2011), "Energy of Life" (2013), "Good advice to parents", "School of Survival".

One of my favorite publications is “The Energy of Life”. This is a book about traditional methods of treatment, and not only. In it I talk about the effects of embroidery, knitting, sewing, singing, color and aromatherapy, and animals on humans.

In total, my books have been published in a circulation of 750,000 copies. I have co-authors: Alexander Baranov - husband, Stanislav Levitsky - son, Svetlana Kincheva-Surina - daughter.

How to get into shape?

■ Eat small meals every two hours.

■ Eliminate carbonated drinks from your diet.

■ Drink ice water.

■ Eat bran bread.

■ Follow fasting days twice a week.

■ Take a kilogram of some fruit or berries for the whole day. Divide into five doses of 200 grams. For fasting days, apples, strawberries, dark grapes, apricots, peaches, and cherries are suitable. Remember that green tea accelerates fat burning.

■ Breakfast should consist of fruit juices. This is enough, since hunger is not created by a night's rest. Make lunch protein-rich, but moderate. Dinner - hearty (two hours before bedtime).

■ You should not eat if you have pain, high fever, physical fatigue, or mental stress. Food is needed to maintain strength. Drinking should be plentiful.

■ Watch your weight. If your height is 164 cm, then your weight should be no more than 64 kg.

Deputies express respect and gratitude to the honorary citizen of the Tyumen region, 2011.

Herbal medicine for children

Svetlana KAISER, Yalutorovsk:

- Lidia Nestorovna, as far as I know, herbal medicine has its own indications and contraindications. As a young mother, I am interested in how herbal medicine for children differs from herbal medicine for adults, and how safely herbs act on a developing child’s body. My child is one and a half years old.


It's all about the dosage. A person's daily dose fits in his fist. A child's palm is not the same as an adult's. This applies to those collections when five to ten plants are taken. Look how much will fit into the child’s fist, this will be his norm.

If your child has a cold, wear blue pajamas at night. During the day - pink or red clothes. If the temperature is high, it is useful to give aspen bark powder or its decoction. Both poplar and willow will do. These are natural antipyretics.

For herbal medicine, use plants from your area. During treatment, do not offer your child meat. This also applies to adults.

Svetlana KAISER:

- What about protein? It's found in meat.


For a small child, replace meat with eggs, milk, cottage cheese, or boiled fish. Do not give strong meat broths.

Since we're talking about nutrition, I'll say that white bread has little benefit. It's empty. It is better to use the one made from wholemeal flour, with malt, bran: gray and black. I urge you to give up refined foods: oil, sugar. Use sea salt instead of table salt. It contains 64 microelements, and replace sugar with honey.

Until the age of five, a child has strong intuition. He only asks for what is useful to him. Don't force your baby to eat. Let him eat what his hand reaches out to.


- The child asks for salted lard. I forbid it.


And in vain. Everything used to be cooked with lard. It is very useful and outperforms oil. I grind lard in a meat grinder, add garlic and herbs. Then I spread it on bread. Delicious.


- Lidia Nestorovna, you are a candidate of biological sciences. Is the topic of your dissertation related to herbal medicine?


Certainly. I graduated from the biological faculty of the Omsk Pedagogical Institute. Mom, a gynecologist, asked: find a plant that protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy. At that time, abortion was prohibited. I have been looking for such a plant for seven years. I once gave a lecture on herbs in Salekhard. One woman shared with me: “Two or three days before menstruation, I use the herb northern breaker and do not get pregnant. When I wanted a child, I stopped drinking and gave birth.”

This plant is popularly called Pervomayka. Translated from Latin it sounds like this: “protection from the husband.” I began to study this plant and in 1975, in Tomsk, I defended my dissertation on the topic “Biology of the northern borer as a medicinal plant.”

If you have a cold

■ The most important time is the first day after the onset of the disease.

■ Immediately put on red or orange clothing.

■ Signs of a viral disease: runny nose, sneezing, headache, cough, fatigue, temperature up to 38°C, loss of appetite. Sometimes there is pain in the ears and joints. The cause of ARVI is a virus that enters the body through airborne droplets or through unwashed hands.

■ ARVI goes away in 5-10 days.

■ Ventilate and humidify the air where the patient is located with chamomile, mint, and string vapor.

■ Hot foot baths, massage of the soles and chest are useful.

■ Drink tea with leaves and berries of raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn leaves, linden flowers. They cleanse the body of viruses and strengthen the immune system.

■ Try to avoid sugar and sweets, as they cause irritability.

■ If the patient refuses to eat, do not insist. Try offering baked apples or vegetable soup.

■ Do not give aspirin to children under 12 years of age; it is harmful to the liver.

■ Place a bath of water near your child to wet their feet.

Unity with nature is the key to good health and good mood

Herbs don't work overnight


- Should we expect instant, magical healing from herbal medicine? How long is this process and what does it depend on?


You need to take herbal treatment for a long time, at least for a year. Be patient, careful and consistent in their application. Do not be afraid of a short-term exacerbation, it indicates the revitalization of protective forces. Herbal medicine strengthens the immune system. Herbs should be taken for both acute and chronic illness. If necessary, in combination with chemotherapy. I recommend grinding dried plants. I give small doses, literally on the tip of a teaspoon, so that allergies do not occur. Place it on your tongue and drink it with water. The liver will react to a large dose and begin to secrete antitoxins. Alternate your herbal intake: three weeks with one herb, three weeks with another, and so on. Only one course is designed for 4 months, that’s 16 weeks.

Herbs help and support in any case. I'll give you my example. Five years ago I fell and broke my hip. They took me to the hospital and installed a metal rod. On February 16, an injury occurred, and on March 16, I already celebrated my 80th birthday in the Tyumen Regional Duma. I came on my own, taking a cane with me just in case. I recovered within a month.


- When preparing your articles, I reproduced your recipe for salvation in the newspaper several times. After all, a hip fracture leaves many people disabled for life. Repeat this recipe again. What helped you?


I used wheatgrass. I cooked soups on its roots and stems. I'll make a decoction and throw away the roots. Saw "Phytomina" for animals. Don't be alarmed by the fact that there is a dog on the label. The composition of the tablets for our little friends includes herbs: oak bark, eucalyptus leaf, comfrey roots, calamus rhizomes, dandelion roots, violet grass, birch leaves, St. John's wort herb, wild rosemary, meadowsweet flowers. I used blue clay. Jellied meat is good for strengthening joints and bones.


- How to use clay?


The instructions advise dissolving the clay in water and drinking a tablespoon twice a day. I dissolve a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water and drink it immediately. You can make the solution thicker, spread it on bread with butter or lard. You can make all kinds of lotions and masks from clay. Clay cleanses blood vessels, strengthening them due to the silicon it contains, which retains calcium in the body. As a result, the bones will be strong and the blood vessels will be elastic. Clay also cleanses the lungs and bronchi.

Alexander SKORBENKO:

- How do you feel about coffee and teas sold in the store?


I only buy green tea at the store, never black. You can make tea yourself. At the World Congress in Prague in 1991, a Japanese man approached me and asked where fireweed grows in Russia. I answered that everywhere: from the Arctic Circle to the boundless steppes of Kazakhstan. Tyumen Ivan tea contains six times more vitamins than lemon, in Salekhard - 20 times (in Tyumen 260 milligrams, in Salekhard - 810). Therefore, eat what grows under your feet, and not what lives overseas. Energy is given to plants by the climate and soil on which they live. You can, of course, try bananas, but don’t get carried away with them.

Living water - not brought to a boil until it bubbles. The water has turned white, the first small bubbles have appeared - turn off the kettle. You need to brew herbs for tea with this water.


Think less about the disease, do not give in to fears and doubts - this will enhance your recovery. It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, prayer will help you. I like the prayer of the Optina elders. Read it in the morning.


The body uses it to renew the cells that joints need. It relieves pain, swelling, inflammation. Useful for eczema, itching, psoriasis, boils, hemorrhoids, pinworms, paralysis, irritability, hay fever, cystitis, arthritis, endometriosis. It is enough to consume one mustard spoon per day for three weeks.


They relieve constipation. They have a lot of dietary fiber. Four times more than in bran. Psyllium seed shells remove “bad” cholesterol and normalize intestinal microflora.


Protect your child from stress. Learn to wash your hands more often. Temper with water and sun. In warm weather it is useful to walk barefoot on wet grass.

Journalists visiting Lidia Nestorovna

Eat right!


- Are you going to publish a book dedicated to the nutrition of Tyumen “Robinsons”?


There are chapters on nutrition in each of my books. Thus, the walls of the chicken stomach help with allergies, dysbiosis, enuresis, cholelithiasis, they should be consumed within three weeks.

Of course, a book dedicated to Siberian cuisine can be published. Many of you don’t even know the importance of parsley, for example: it removes cholesterol and dissolves stones. Dill is a diuretic that helps with cystitis and nephritis. It relieves bloating - it’s not for nothing that it is recommended for children.


- A reader asks: her daughter has a tumor in her breast, not cancer. How can we help?


Come for a consultation, I accept every Saturday and Wednesday. Please check with the editorial office for office hours and address.

Choose the right colors

Konstantin ELISEEV:

- Lidiya Nestorovna, you pay significant attention to color therapy. Which colors help overcome illnesses, and which, on the contrary, attract them?


I like to choose bright clothes for myself. Dressing like this lifts your mood. If you want to relax, if your nerves are not in order, wear blue or blue clothes. If your heart hurts - green.

Avoid black. If you are wearing black, add a detail of white or red: shirt, blouse, collar. Gray and black suppress the endocrine system. They are for monks. Look at how the Chinese dress: if they have black trousers, then there must be an orange or pink shirt on top.

If you need black color at work, then at least try to wear a different color at home.

Red has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. But you don’t need to wear it for months: three to four days maximum.

Avoid brown: it does not improve energy or beauty.

And white color rejects negative energy.

Alexander SKORBENKO:

- Today we treat our guests to honey and fireweed tea. Which honey is especially beneficial?


If you have problems with your blood, you need to eat buckwheat, dark buckwheat, but you can eat any kind. I prefer light.


- You said it’s good to eat fly agaric mushrooms. And at what dose?


Small pieces from the cap. You need to take red, fresh fly agaric.


- How to treat hypotension?


Golden root, nuts. For high blood pressure - motherwort, lingonberry leaf, heather

Blitz survey

- What quality of character do you respect most in a person?

When I was a student tutor, I loved reading Lermontov. My dad taught me his poetry. I really like the poems of Peter Dravert.

What period in your life do you consider the most fruitful?

When I started teaching: pedagogical institute, medical institute. What I owned, I could convey. She brought a love of nature to students through riddles and poems. For example, I read “Poem about Medicine” to them.


Lidiya Nestorovna Surina,

Candidate of Biological Sciences, herbal medicine consultant

■ In 1953, she graduated from the biology department of the Omsk Pedagogical Institute and went to work in Kamchatka in the village of Lazo, where she taught at a high school.

■ In 1954 she returned to Omsk, served in the nature department of the Omsk Regional History Museum and in the department of botany of the Agricultural Institute.

■ From 1957 to 1960 she lived in Salekhard, where her children were born: son Stanislav and daughter Svetlana. In Salekhard she taught at an evening school and worked in the local history museum.

■ Having moved with her family to Tyumen, Lidiya Nestorovna got a job at the sanitary and epidemiological station (industrial sanitation department), and taught chemistry classes at the Agricultural Institute.

■ Since 1962, she moved to the Department of Botany at the Pedagogical Institute, and also taught a course in botany to pharmacists at the Medical Institute.

■ In 1974, Lidia Nestorovna’s first book, “Healing Herbs of the Tyumen Region,” was published, with a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

■ In 1975, Lidiya Nestorovna defended her PhD thesis in biology.

■ Since 1983, she has studied the use of medicinal plants for bee diseases at the Institute of Veterinary Entomology. From here she retired.

■ In 1991, she published her second book, “Healing Herbs.” Lidia Nestorovna has been involved in healing activities since 1986: she conducts consultations on herbal treatment.

How much do you plan to spend on the New Year's table?

Up to 3 thousand rubles

About 5 thousand rubles

More than 5 thousand rubles

Let's gather for a holiday with friends - it's cheaper and more fun

I will only buy ingredients for Olivier and champagne

I don’t plan to spend it - I’ll go on a visit

There won't be a festive table - I'll go to bed

Lidia Nestorovna Surina is a candidate of biological sciences, herbalist, herbalist with forty years of experience, the author of several books on the medicinal properties of plants, lives in Tyumen. For readers, we have prepared the most interesting excerpts from her books and interviews with various publications. We think they will benefit many...

Law of Environmental Compatibility

If we take someone else’s food, then we violate the law of environmental compatibility - the basic law of nature,” says Lydia Nestorovna. - If you feed northerners pineapples, they will not be able to adapt to the harsh weather conditions in which they live, because the pineapple carries information from a foreign climate. Let’s say that fireweed in Tyumen contains 6 times more vitamin C than lemon, and in Salekhard this figure is already 20 times more. That is, the plants themselves, the further north they are, the more vitamins they store, tens of times more than in the south.

This is why northerners can't eat a lot of southern fruits and vegetables. We are impoverishing ourselves, causing ill health, because we are violating the law of environmental compatibility. Just as you should not feed a deer camel thorn, so a person should eat what grows in the region where he lives. Our distant ancestors knew this well. Ivan the Terrible also said: “If you want to conquer a country, bring someone else’s product there. There will be an outflow of strength, people will begin to get sick, and sick slaves will be easier to manage.”

This is exactly what we are doing today, in our stores - an abundance of foreign fruits. To prevent such a disaster of weakening forces from happening to the people, you can eat no more than 10% of other people's products. And a person needs to be taught to be healthy from childhood. Not many people know that meat weighs down the stomach, takes a long time to digest and makes you tired. Look at examples of living nature: the endurance of herbivores is not comparable to the endurance of predators.

Eliminate food waste

In addition, the modern person’s diet contains a lot of food waste: Pepsi-Cola, chewing gum, chips, etc. They usually contain a special sweetener - aspartame. It was invented by Americans to make products addictive. The more you drink, the more you want. But it gives many complications. If a mother consumes these products during pregnancy, the child’s intelligence will be reduced by 15%. In addition, aspartame causes headaches, nausea, depression, stomach pain, blurred vision, speech impairment, and joint pain. When adding it to food, the brain stops producing serotonin, and the person does not feel full, and the fight against excess weight does not give any result.

About the benefits of rye bread

Another important point: we have begun to consume too much white bread, although we know that it contains fewer nutrients than rye bread. If we constantly give our child buns and white bread, then we are setting the stage for ill health in advance. Remember when our ancestors ate white bread? On holidays and Sundays! The rest of the time there was wholemeal bread on the table. The shell of the grain is preserved there; it is in such bread that our strength and resilience lie. It is known that white bread increases blood viscosity, hence hypertension increases and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. More people in the world die from white bread than from tuberculosis, but these are invisible numbers, and few people even know about it.

Iodine deficiency

The medicine for intelligence is iodine. It is known that NAPOLEON gave iodine to his army, because if the thyroid gland does not work well, dementia develops. Modern children suffer the most from iodine deficiency: it is difficult for them to study at school and learn new knowledge. In Russia, 35% of the population suffers from iodine deficiency without even knowing it.

Manifestations of iodine deficiency are varied: irritability, depressed mood, drowsiness, attacks of inexplicable melancholy, forgetfulness, deterioration of memory and attention, the appearance of frequent headaches, frequent colds, infectious diseases, decreased hemoglobin levels. What can I recommend? Eat more beets, even their leaves contain a lot of iodine. Anyone who knows woodlice grass can eat it, it also contains a lot of iodine.

How many different herbs we have! For example, wheatgrass is a powerful medicinal plant; it’s not for nothing that cats and dogs eat it in the spring. It contains silicon, which retains calcium, and this is the body’s natural defense against arthrosis and arthritis. Wheatgrass sharpens hearing and vision, cleanses the stomach, and treats gastritis. Wheatgrass roots can be made into flour. Peel the roots, dry them, grind them and simply add them to porridges and soups, bake bread with them.

“Don’t bring vitamins into your house”

And artificial vitamins are not a leaf and a berry, but synthetics, from which we have absolutely no protection. Let’s say that 1 gram of vitamin C, which the doctor prescribes, exceeds the natural dose by 25 times (!), and for each vitamin C tablet you need to drink 1 liter of water, but no one drinks, and no one talks about it. But artificial vitamin C is one of the worst vitamins. Doctors know of many serious complications after its use, and if you also consider how many counterfeit medications we have, then this is simply a disaster.

Doctors are now openly saying that frequent use of artificial vitamins promotes the development of cancer cells. In general, an overdose of vitamins prescribed by a doctor has a very detrimental effect on health. My mother was a doctor, and I remember her words well: “Don’t bring vitamins into your house and never give them from your own hands to anyone.” Because there are plants, there are living herbs.

In television and radio programs they often say that we have little selenium in our bodies; 80% of Russians have a deficiency. There's a sea of ​​selenium all around! You just need to know where to get it. It contains hawthorn, garlic, calendula, chamomile and other plants. Carrot tops can treat hemorrhoids and blood vessels, beet tops can treat fibroids. Turnip is a bronchodilator, helps the liver and everything else. After all, how long before the Slavs ate turnips, even in folk tales they are often mentioned, but now we don’t plant or eat them at all.

Sea buckthorn leaves contain a lot of vitamins. There is no need to get too carried away with its berries; they are contraindicated, for example, for cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and fibroids. The most valuable thing is sea buckthorn leaves, they are 10 times more “vitamin-rich” than lemon and inhibit the growth of any tumor. They should be prepared for the winter for tea, as well as currant and raspberry leaves, which contain a natural form of aspirin.

Pine bark

Here's another example. We now buy pine bark in America, from which the drug pycnogenol is made. At the pharmacy it costs 1,200 rubles per pack. And in Russia we throw mountains of pine bark on plots! But what is easier? Go to any pine tree, remove a little bark, chop it up and brew it - you will get the same pycnogenol. Resin is a very valuable substance; it contains many vitamins and is considered 5-6 times more “vitamin-rich” than lemon. Moreover, in summer there are fewer vitamins in it, and in winter there are more. You can take other conifers: spruce, fir, larch. Let's say spruce is a protection against arthrosis, it perfectly treats bronchi, cleans blood vessels, and contains a lot of silicon.

It is important to know this point as well. To extract the resin, you need a samovar, because simply brewing it in a teapot will not extract the resin. The spruce must be cut into small pieces and placed in a samovar, where the tea is boiled, and changed after a couple of days. Poplar, aspen, and willow also contain a natural form of aspirin. You should always have their ground bark in the house, and you can grind it in a coffee grinder. For a mild cold, take 1/4 teaspoon of aspen bark and drink water, the temperature will subside. Aspen has a persistent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect and is widely used for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and kidney inflammation.

Table salt: the grayer the better

Contemporaries use a lot of table salt in their food, but even in ancient times the famous doctor AVICENNA said that only sea salt should be used in food. It contains more than 60 important microelements: iodine, gold, potassium, calcium, cadmium, etc. Sea salt is used in France, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Germany, Bulgaria... Where to buy it? Go to any pharmacy, take the grayest, cheapest bath salt, but without dyes and additives, so that there is no calendula, lavender, or yellow or green. Use regular salt. The greyer the better, it contains more silicon. This sea salt is useful for cooking soups, porridges, and making pickles. And iodized salt is stupid. It must be eaten in one day, i.e. Open the package, eat a kilogram today, because tomorrow there will be no iodine there, it will evaporate. Why they put it there is unclear...

“Our education is no good”

What can I say about modern education? Our training is no good! Let’s say they talk about ferns at school: how spores are formed, how they fall, how a thicket is formed. But they do not study what microelements the fern contains and what it protects against. Why, for example, does Russia annually supply 700 tons of fern to Japan? Why do the Japanese eat ferns? What does it contain? Why do the Japanese live 30 years longer than us without having any natural resources?

Children leaving school should have useful knowledge about life and the use of certain plants. When to collect them, why should you eat them, what do they treat? Otherwise, why do they need information about taxonomy, plant species, how many pistils and stamens there are? We need to teach children how to use trees and herbs, what can be used from a regular garden, how to use the same woodlice, carrot tops, wheatgrass - that’s what needs to be taught! In every local history museum, in addition to mammoth bones and household utensils, there should be a stand with medicinal, food and poisonous plants - this is the benefit of local history, knowledge of your region, how they maintain health here, due to what, how people are connected with their nature.

One day, when my grandson Lyovushka had just started school, I took a group of children from his first grade to the forest. And she began to talk about different plants. Do you know what the reaction was, what keen interest! We talked about wormwood, that out of 30 species, only one is bitter. They began to look at the Chernobyl plant, what kind of stem it has, that the leaves can be eaten and then the sleep will be calm and good. One boy collected a whole bunch of this plant at once. I was surprised: why do you need so much? And he says: “My grandmother is sick, she doesn’t sleep well, so I want to treat her.” Do you see? He is still a baby, but he immediately figured out how to take care of a loved one.

“We need to raise traditional medicine”

Traditional medicine is folk medicine, i.e. it contains the best traditions of the people. But medicine, which today is called “traditional”, is not our medicine, but official. Today everything has been turned upside down. Hirudotherapy, massage, manual therapy - this is the traditional medicine of the people, and this is what needs to be raised first, because it has been tested on humans for centuries. This experience needs to be studied, but since the 90s we decided that we would live on pills... But no, we didn’t! Modern drugs cause many complications, and with each generation the health of the people becomes worse.

Traditional medicine is clinical, i.e. a therapeutic experiment on oneself, not on mice and rabbits, but on oneself, preserved in folk tradition. In Russia until 1933 Botany was still taught at the institutes, and each doctor collected a reference herbarium. Under each plant I wrote down: what age it is, what diseases it is used for, and in what quantity. Why was this most necessary thing removed? After all, our natural medicine was very highly developed.

Let me give you some numbers for comparison. Now our medicine is in 130th place in the world, and in tsarist times it was in 8th place. But Japan occupies one of the leading places in the world, and they have very interesting medicine! Half of working doctors prescribe only herbs to patients, and the other half prescribe both herbs and modern medicines. And with this approach, the Japanese eat 160 species of plants and live 30 years longer than us.

Wheatgrass - silicon

Wheatgrass is a powerful medicinal plant; it’s not for nothing that cats and dogs eat it in the spring. Wheatgrass contains silicon, silicon retains calcium - this is protection against arthrosis and arthritis. Wheatgrass sharpens hearing and vision, cleanses the stomach, and treats gastritis.

Using wheatgrass is very simple: take a bunch of wheatgrass, put as much as you can in a pan, boil for 10 minutes and throw away. Use wheatgrass decoction to cook porridges, soups, whatever you like, you will get silicon, which will keep calcium normal. No matter how much you feed him with cottage cheese or calcium supplements, it is of no benefit, especially since with age, taking calcium will do more harm than good. Silicon is needed to maintain calcium levels. You can make flour from wheatgrass roots - peel the roots, dry them, grind them and bake bread.

Northern breacher – protection against pregnancy

Northern Brothweed is a plant that protects a woman from pregnancy. Interestingly, the Latin name for this plant, Androsace, was given by Dioscorides in the 1st century AD, and literally means “protection from the husband” (andr - “husband” and sace - “shield”). Those. People have long known which plants are contraceptive and how to use them, but in our time they perform abortions, i.e. murder. In Russia, 13,000 abortions are performed in 1 day.

Method of use: before menstruation, a woman drinks this plant as tea 4-5 days before her menstruation, and that’s it, she lives without any protection and does not become pregnant.

“It’s better to collect the grass yourself”

In addition to the chemical composition, plants have energy, which also has a certain effect, and if it is removed, the effect of treatment will be much weaker. The main thing to take into account is that you need to collect the grass yourself, because people have different energy levels, and some sellers, without knowing it, take their energy from plants, that is, you will buy, as it were, empty grass. Therefore, it is better to collect the plants yourself, and what you sow at the dacha will work exactly for you. In the spring, when you have sown your beds, walk between them barefoot, this is very useful. Every person, by and large, must rely on God and himself. We need doctors for urgent help, and so you yourself can lead a healthy lifestyle, wisely take care of yourself and those around you, acquire useful knowledge and help other people.


Developer: Media-Service 2000
Publisher: Media Service 2000
Requirements: Minimum: Pentium 200 Mhz, RAM 32, Video 800x600, Windows 95/98/ME/XP, sound card

This disc is dedicated to medicinal plants and recipes for their use.
The disk contains four main partitions. These are the sections “List of Herbs”, “Recipes”,
“Index for use”, “Reference book”. The information on this disc will allow you
easy to navigate the variety of medicinal plants,
and also learn a lot about the treatment of major groups of diseases using traditional medicine.
For user convenience, the disk contains an advanced search system. Besides,
It is possible to save data about the selected plant to a file or print it on a printer.
The disc will be a good gift for anyone who is interested in medicinal herbs and cares about their health.

Disk format (.ISO), for installation you must mount it on a disk (or on a virtual disk) using the ALCOHOL or DAEMON program. Let's launch and use it.




18-03-2018 15:27:13


Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants (Media Service 2000)

Format: MDFMDS
Year of manufacture: 2002
Genre: Encyclopedias
Publisher: Media2000
Russian language
Description: This disc is dedicated to medicinal plants and recipes for their use. The disk contains four main sections: “List of herbs”, “Recipes”, “Index for use”, “Reference book”. The information on this disk will allow you to easily navigate the variety of medicinal plants, as well as learn a lot about the treatment of major groups of diseases using traditional medicine. For user convenience, the disk contains an advanced search system. In addition, it is possible to save...


Encyclopedia of indoor plants (Stepura A.V., Stepura M.Yu.)

ISBN: 978-5-486-03030-7, 978-5-366-00489-3

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: encyclopedia
Publisher: World of Books
Russian language
Number of pages: 224
Description: If you decide to take up indoor floriculture and create a fashionable interior, you will first of all need a complete practical guide, which discusses in detail the main issues of plant maintenance. Using this book, beginning flower growers will learn to understand which flowers are suitable for different rooms, grow well, reproduce and bloom in light or shaded places, without requiring...


Encyclopedia of indoor plants

Genre: Reference books, manuals
Author: "Zoo-Hall"
Publisher: e-book
Country Ukraine
Year of manufacture: 2006
Number of pages: 517
Description: HOUSE PLANTS - TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GROWING Mega-encyclopedia of plants (more than 1000 articles) - more than 600 indoor and not only plants. The book focuses on both the description of plants and, to a greater extent, the cultivation and care of plants. The interaction of plants with the house and interior is also described.
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
Format: HTML


The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Houseplants (Paul Williams)

ISBN: 978-5-9910-0492-3, 978-966-14-0085-5
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Paul Williams
Translators: Elena Tsygankova, Alla Chernets
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Family Leisure Club
Russian language
Number of pages: 192
Description: Brighten up your home and bring it to life. In the book you will find practical advice, tips and guides for growing and caring for all kinds of indoor plants. Select the desired plant using the pointer Follow the advice of the book so that your plants are always healthy and blooming Create...


Herbal Magic from A to Z. The Complete Encyclopedia of Magical Plants (Scott Cunningham)

ISBN: 978-5-9573-2551-2
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Posted by Scott Cunningham
Translator: Irina Malkova
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Esoteric, magic
Publisher: IG "Ves"
Series: Enchantress
Russian language
Number of pages: 352
Description: Magic is an art accessible to everyone. If you just wish to hear, see, feel the energy of creation diffused in space, at that very moment you will receive the key to controlling it. In his book Herbal Magic from A to Z, Scott Cunningham talks about how to connect with plants and use their power to transform your...

but I

Pocket Guide to Essential Medicines (Nevolainen L. (Ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-459-01138-8
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Nevolainen L. (Ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Medicine and health
Publisher: Peter
Russian language
Number of pages: 304
Description: Here is a modern guide to medicines. The directory contains information about the most important and popular domestic and foreign medicines, both the most modern and time-tested. The names of the drugs and their synonyms, composition and description are given, including indications and contraindications for use, dosages. Here you will find answers to the most important questions...

but I

Collection of books on the chemistry and technology of synthetic drugs (Berkenheim A.M., Vartanyan R.S. and others)

ISBN: 5-9704-0287-7
Format: PDF, Djvu, Scanned pages
Author: Berkengeym A.M., Vartanyan R.S., Dyson G., May P., Katsnelson M.M. and others
Year of manufacture: 1935-2002
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: GNTIHL, ONTI NKPT, MEDGIZ and others
Russian language
Number of books: 38
Description: Contains a collection of books on the chemistry and technology of synthetic drugs: -Chemistry and technology of synthetic drugs: -Chemistry and technology of vitamins: -Technology of finished dosage forms and herbal preparations: -Biopharmacy: -Organization of pharmaceutical production: -Analysis of medicinal products List...


Mysteries of poisonous plants (Valentina Astakhova)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Astakhova Valentina
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Medicine, health
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Marinov I.
Duration: 07:01:58
Description: Valentina Astakhova in her book “The Mysteries of Poisonous Plants” introduces the reader to the history of the use of plant poisons. Poisonous medicinal plants are of great help in the treatment of many diseases. However, they should be used very carefully and strictly in a certain dose. In addition, many of them have contraindications and serious side effects. Therefore, when using poisonous drugs...


Atlas of aquarium plants (K. Casselman)

Author: K.Kasselman
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Hobby, Aquarium
Publisher: Aquarium-print
Russian language
Number of pages: 370
Description: Breeding aquarium plants is a hobby that is extremely popular these days. The first part of the book examines in detail the natural habitats of aquatic and marsh plants. The second part is devoted to the description of plant species and offers an overview of currently cultivated varieties and plant forms.
Add. information: Sample pages


Atlas of indoor plants (team of authors)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Team of authors
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Housekeeping
Publisher: EKSMO
Russian language
Number of pages: 429
Description: The world of indoor plants is so large and diverse that those traveling through it cannot do without a guidebook. This atlas guide will help you make the right choice if you go to a flower shop to replenish your home flower collection. This book is primarily aimed at helping the fair sex, dear women, grow more beautiful, useful and all sorts of flowers, and this book will help you!


Key to plants of the Altai Republic (Krasnoborov I.M., Artemov I.A. (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-7692-1231-4
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Author: Krasnoborov I.M., Artemov I.A. (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Biology, ecology
Publisher: SB RAS
Russian language
Number of pages: 701
Description: The book provides dichotomous keys for identifying 134 families, 600 genera and 2136 species of higher vascular plants growing in one of the floristically unique regions of the Russian Federation. Scientific (Latin) and Russian names of plants are given. For each species, its life form, characteristic communities and habitats are indicated...

Pruning garden plants. A clear tutorial with illustrations (T. Karpenko (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-271-41221-9
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: T. Karpenko (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Garden
Publisher: Astrel
Russian language
Number of pages: 112
Description: In this illustrated guide you will find information that will help you prune trees and shrubs without prior preparation. You will learn all about the main types of pruning and various crown formation systems.

but I

Guide to collecting, drying and storing plants (herbarium) (Ivanova E.I.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Ivanova E.I.
Year of manufacture: 1969
Genre: Hobby
Publisher: Science and Technology
Russian language
Number of pages: 80
Description: The brochure outlines methods for drying woody, herbaceous and aquatic plants. The necessary materials and tools for these works are indicated in detail. Recommendations are given for the collection, mounting and storage of herbarium specimens, and design of the herbarium. Designed for scientists, school teachers, students, young people. Example pages Contents Introduction (5). A brief history of the study of the flora of the BSSR (8). Organization of botanical ex...