“Dream Interpretation Cousin dreamed about what a Cousin dreams about in a dream. Interpretation of the dream cousin in dream books

In an article on the topic: "dream book cousin" - current information on this issue for 2018 is presented.

Family Dream Book

Seeing two in a dream sibling means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or hear from someone you have not seen for a long time, but which has always been dear to your heart. Separating from your brother in a dream foreshadows a happy occasion. Seeing your half-brother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part. Seeing him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies. Such a dream also foretells winning a case in court.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

I dreamed about my cousin - in the future, due to the events that have occurred, you will be forced to realize that you acted wrongly and short-sightedly. Communicate with your cousin - in reality you will be haunted by a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. To see him in poor health or in unfavorable circumstances - your fears will become reality. However, if he looked healthy and happy, a new successful purchase awaits you soon.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a cousin means that in reality, relatives or close friends will disappoint you, you will begin to see life only in dark colors. A person who in dreams receives letters from a cousin or answers him will in reality quarrel with relatives and break the threads that bind them. A man dreams of a conversation with his cousin - this means that the behavior of the woman he loves will make him disappointed in her.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a cousin means disappointment, grief, sad events. Carrying on a lively correspondence with your brother is the final break between families. Also see Brother.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If you dreamed of a cousin, you will be friends with a person who will be distinguished by kindness and honesty. You will also pay a visit to a close relative.

Chinese Dream Book

Seeing a cousin - a dream predicts the appearance of friendly relations With kind person.

Dream interpretation cousin

Dream interpretation cousin

Why do you dream about your cousin? If a relative appears in front of you, then you can make a simple assumption: you have not seen him for a long time, and the subconscious is pushing you to the fact that it is high time to eliminate this gap in the relationship. In fact, seeing a cousin in a dream foretells the occurrence of events that can unite warring family members. But is it worth stopping only at this interpretation?

Where to start?

As the dream book describes, a cousin is an ambiguous symbol, which not every specialist can shed light on. After reading the works of Gustav Miller, you can immediately understand that the image of a loved one you see reflects the disappointments and limitations that may appear in life. real life it's coming soon. The psychologist tries to push the sleeper to prepare for changes in advance, and then they are unlikely to shock him.

If you dreamed about your cousin, then, according to the Modern Interpreter of Dreams, you are expected interesting events, which will be attended by close relatives. Wherever you are invited, you should think about your outfit in advance.

A dream vision, referring to Simon the Canaanite, predicts the beginning of good friendly relations with interesting person. However, you must learn not only to receive information, but also to reciprocate.

The dream book from “A” to “Z” explains the dream in which you happened to see your cousin - there is a high probability of sad events occurring due to failure to admit one’s own wrongness and short-sightedness. The dreamer will have to understand that his point of view is not truly correct, and others may think differently.

Deceased relative

Why do you dream about a deceased relative? Seeing such a plot, you can panic, but experts do not advise doing this. Having realized that there is nothing terrible in such a symbol, you must immediately turn to dream books for help.

General interpreter

Pdear cousin - a symbol that one of your close relatives or friends will need your help. Before you dare to take such a step, you will have to understand whether it is really necessary, or whether someone wants to shift their difficulties onto your shoulders.

Seeing a previously deceased cousin in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Why do you dream about kissing your deceased brother? According to transcripts from Noble dream book, it immediately becomes clear that the dreamer will be able to realize his secret desires or get help when he really needs it. I'll have to remember appearance deceased relative:

  • as if alive - to improve your life situation;
  • With cadaveric spots- to the onset of a difficult period from which you can only get out yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A famous predictor gives his assessment of what is happening in night dream. To see a deceased brother alive and cheerful - in real life, pleasant news or dramatic changes await. The dream interpreter predicts the most favorable time, which you can take full advantage of.

Hugging your deceased brother means you will be able to get rid of unnecessary fears and gain confidence in your own abilities. By following simple recommendations, you can reach new level life.

Hugging a cousin in a dream

If a portrait of a deceased person appears in front of you, then you have long felt the need for spiritual support from loved ones. As the dream book describes, sex with a deceased cousin means gaining wealth and happiness. Making a congratulation for a name day means committing a good and noble deed.

What kind of interaction?

It so happens that in a dream you cannot remember anything except one key action, and therefore it is so important, after waking up, to replay the night’s plot in your head.

If you have dreams in which you quarrel with your cousin, then a long and strong friendship awaits you. Starting correspondence with a relative who has moved to another country means a final and irrevocable break in relations between families.

However, you have one last chance - to take the first step and see what happens.

I dreamed about it intimacy with cousin

Hugged with your cousin, experiencing joy and pleasant experiences - happiness awaits you, which you need to share with others.

Why do you dream about sex with your cousin? Dreamed visions predict the appearance of a traitor in your life, so try to limit your communication with dubious individuals. It will be important for representatives of the fair sex to know why they dream about sex with a relative. Dream interpreters write that the dreamer is faced with the infidelity of a loved one. However, after awakening, there is no need to arrange any proceedings, but it is better to start with yourself and change your attitude towards your partner. Sex with a cousin can be interpreted as a call for non-standard actions.

If you kiss your cousin when you meet, then you are actually feeling anxious and anticipating the onset of bad events. In this case, you can trust your own intuition. If you were kissed by a brother who is in poor condition, you will experience betrayal from close people. Kissing a healthy and successful man means concluding a profitable deal.

If you decide to start a joint business in a dream with a loved one, then difficulties will probably appear on your path. Visiting a sick brother and asking him about pressing problems means unforeseen financial expenses, and therefore it is better to prepare for them in advance.

Atypical wording

To see the death of a loved one in a night dream is the beginning of serious trials. According to another interpretation, such a plot predicts victory over circumstances.

Why dream of kissing your dying cousin? Esotericists suggested that such a dream marks the beginning of difficult changes. To get the desired result you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Kissing brothers are an unusual and therefore frightening symbol. This picture reflects the dreamer’s confusion associated with the uncertainty of the future period. If you can focus on your future and plan detailed plan, then you can achieve what you want quickly and easily.

Cousin according to the dream book

The appearance of relatives in a dream predicts the occurrence of events that will somehow be connected with relatives. What the cousin dreams of is interpreted by the dream book depending on the behavior and interaction of the character with the dreamer.

According to Miller's dream book, seeing your cousin in a dream promises grief and disappointment. In addition, the General Interpreter supplements the previous explanation with the fact that these events will be associated directly with dear people.

Simon Kananite interprets the dream as impending friendship with a kind person. According to the Dream Book from A to Z, what a cousin dreams about explains the occurrence of sad events, as a result of which you will have to admit your own wrongness and short-sightedness.

Late cousin

What a dead cousin dreams about is explained General dream book the likely appeal of relatives to the dreamer for advice or financial assistance.

The noble dream book of N. Grishina positions the deceased cousin in a dream as the fulfillment of secret desires, or receiving help while in a difficult situation. If this person is silent and sad, it means that he will have to overcome a difficult period in life on his own.

If you dreamed of a deceased loved one alive and well, it means that in the near future expect wonderful news or a grandiose joyful event. Hugging him, according to Nostradamus, predicts deliverance from obsessive fears, gaining confidence and stability.

Seeing a portrait of a deceased person predicts spiritual support in financial need. Taking something from the hands of the deceased prophesies happiness and wealth. Congratulating him on something in a dream means doing a good deed in reality.


Quarreling with a cousin in a dream predicts a long friendship. To conduct active correspondence with him, according to Miller’s dream book, predicts the final break in all relations between families.

Hugging your cousin with joyful emotions in a dream promises happiness. If you dreamed that you had a chance to hug this person while experiencing sexual attraction, it means betrayal. For women, such a vision prophesies the infidelity of a beloved man.

Talking with a relative portends anxiety or a premonition of something bad in reality. Visiting it and seeing it in poor condition promises justification for anxious feelings; seeing it healthy and successful means a successful acquisition.

Conducting any business with a loved one means inevitable difficulties. Visiting a sick brother warns of forced and unforeseen financial costs.

The death of a loved one

The dream of the death of a cousin is positioned as the beginning of serious trials. Another version of why such a plot is dreamed of is victory over circumstances.

Esoterics, dreams associated with death loved one, are positioned from the point of view of the end of a difficult period in life. Perhaps in real time it is necessary to “speed up” the work in order to get the desired result.

According to the noble interpretation of N. Grishina, such a picture predicts an unclear and uncertain future due to the confusion of the sleeping person. You need to concentrate on your plans and desires, figuring out what you really want.

In the dream, she fought a lot with her cousin and cried a lot. Because he pushes me away and doesn’t want to listen.

I dreamed that my cousin died, and a few days later my daughter was born and I was very happy.

Today I dreamed of my cousin, we talked to him, he gave me something, but 6 years have already passed since he is not with us.

In the dream, my cousin arrived in a car that wasn’t his own, and at that moment his mother was standing next to me and he said something, I got into the car and we drove off.

All my brothers became characters in the dream. One is a relative and three are cousins. Some were kind, some were evil, some were greedy. What would that mean?

Why do I dream that I’m sitting at work, they call me and say that my cousin has died? younger brother?! I dreamed from Thursday to Friday!

Cousin interpretation of the dream book


Dream books usually interpret dreams about relatives as preceding events related to family and loved ones. If you want to find out why your cousin is dreaming, then be sure to remember what exactly happened in the dream, and think about how your relationship with this relative actually develops.

Miller's dream book does not promise anything good to those who saw their cousin in a dream. According to the fortuneteller, this character promises only disappointments and problems. By the way, he explains that all these unpleasant discoveries will somehow affect the dreamer’s family members.

A cousin, according to the dream book from A to Z, is a symbol of future bad events. In particular, they can shake the sleeper’s faith in own strength and will have a bad effect on his reputation, since he will be forced to admit that he was wrong.

But don't rush to despair. After all, in the opinion of Simon the Canaanite, this same relative personifies the imminent appearance of a good, faithful comrade next to the sleeping person.

Deceased Cousin

Why do you dream about a dead cousin? General interpretation this dream, it is likely that his relatives will soon turn to the dreamer for financial support. But if you trust the Noble Dream Book compiled by N. Grishina, then, on the contrary, the sleeping person will receive help from loved ones. Or his bold ideas and dreams will come true. When a deceased cousin in a dream looks withdrawn and depressed, then there is no point in hoping that someone will come to the rescue during a difficult period. The one who sees such a dream must make all decisions independently, bear the entire burden of responsibility and pay only from his own wallet.

When in your night dreams you notice a portrait of your deceased cousin, then someone will support you morally. If you dreamed that the deceased son of an aunt or uncle was passing something from hand to hand, then this is an excellent omen of wealth and profit. You will do a kind, noble deed, this is what the cousin you congratulate in the dream means.

Actions, actions

In your dream, are you quarreling with your cousin? Then, in fact, you will be connected by a strong, long-lasting friendship with him or with another family member. Active correspondence with this relative, according to Miller’s dream book, threatens a breakdown in relations in the family clan.

Happiness and prosperity, this is what dreams of a cousin whom you hug or warmly and joyfully greet. When such a vision occurs to a man and he, waking up from sleep, realizes that he had clearly erotic feelings for his cousin, then he must prepare for the betrayal of a dear person. Women similar dream, also promises betrayal of the spouse.

Dreamed conversations with this relative prophesy cause for concern and fear in reality. It’s even worse if in the dream you came to visit your cousin. Then you will definitely have problems. But if in your night dreams he seemed surprisingly cheerful and active to you, then do not be afraid of anything, you are about to make a profitable purchase.

A dream about you visiting a sick brother, according to the dream book, foreshadows financial losses for you. Not better consequences prophesies and the vision in which you started with him general business. It predicts difficulties that will certainly arise in reality.

Death of this relative

You are facing a series of serious trials, this is what the death of a cousin may mean in a dream. But according to dream books, this plot predicts that you will become stronger, and ultimately from the very difficult situation You will come out with dignity - a winner.

If you trust the opinion of fans of esotericism, then such a dream symbolizes the end unfavorable period in the life of a sleeper. There is a high probability that he will literally “wake up” and show remarkable talent and energy in his work, which will have a positive effect on his income, and he will occupy a higher position in society. However, in Grishina’s Noble Dream Book, there is a slightly different interpretation of what this means I dream about my dead cousin. She believes that this vision is not in the best possible way characterizes the dreamer. He is an absent-minded, uncollected person, which is why he fails to take a leading position in the team, to achieve love and respect. She advises the person who has had such a dream to concentrate and accurately determine his priorities - step by step he will achieve what he wants.

I dreamed about my cousin: meaning according to various dream books

Since ancient times, the dream book has been helping people to lift the veil of future events at least a little, to get to know themselves better by unraveling the images and objects seen in a dream. Why do we dream of a cousin in our night dreams? As a rule, this is a relative who is not as close as his own, therefore the interpretation of dreams with his presence is special.

General interpretation of a dream with a cousin

The appearance of a cousin in a dream may well indicate the need to visit one of your relatives in the near future. Perhaps this person needs your support and help, or, on the contrary, you need his presence.

After sleeping with your cousin, you need to be on guard. Most often, such a dream warns you. You need to concentrate and analyze the content of the dream. If, in addition to your cousin, other relatives, a loved one or friends were present in the dream, then a breakdown in relations with them is soon possible. If your cousin was at your work in a dream, most likely one of your colleagues is plotting against you.

The dream may predict future misunderstandings between your families, which does not exclude a serious conflict. This interpretation it is more appropriate if in a dream you were quarreling with your cousin and could not find common language. The ability to compromise will help resolve a possible controversial situation.

If your dreamed cousin is no longer alive in reality, then your relatives will soon contact you for help. financial assistance. Such a dream can mean the embodiment of the most cherished ideas and desires of the deceased. If in a dream your cousin is depressed and distant, this signals that at a difficult moment, making important decisions will rest only on your shoulders. Don't wait for outside support and help.

If your cousin handed you some item from hand to hand in a dream, then soon great profits and wealth await you. Congratulating a cousin in a dream on some event means committing a good and noble deed in reality.

Why do you dream of a cousin whom you joyfully meet and hug? For women, such a dream promises betrayal of a spouse, for men - betrayal of a loved one.

Conversations with a relative in dreams predict the emergence of reasons for fear and anxiety. If in a dream you come to visit your cousin, then this speaks of future problems in life. If you visit a sick cousin, you will soon face serious financial losses.

Seeing a dying cousin in a dream means an upcoming series of trials in reality. This also suggests that you will be able to emerge victorious from the most difficult situation and ultimately become stronger in spirit.

Dream books usually interpret dreams about relatives as preceding events related to family and loved ones. If you want to find out why your cousin is dreaming, then be sure to remember what exactly happened in the dream, and think about how your relationship with this relative actually develops.

Miller's dream book does not promise anything good to those who saw their cousin in a dream. According to the fortuneteller, this character promises only disappointments and problems. By the way, he explains that all these unpleasant discoveries will somehow affect the dreamer’s family members.

A cousin, according to the dream book from A to Z, is a symbol of future bad events. In particular, they can shake the sleeper’s faith in his own abilities and have a bad effect on his reputation, since he will be forced to admit that he is wrong.

But don't rush to despair. After all, in the opinion of Simon the Canaanite, this same relative personifies the imminent appearance of a good, faithful comrade next to the sleeping person.

Deceased Cousin

Why do you dream about a dead cousin? The general interpretation of this dream is the likelihood that his relatives will soon turn to the dreamer for financial support. But if you trust the Noble Dream Book compiled by N. Grishina, then, on the contrary, the sleeping person will receive help from loved ones. Or his bold ideas and dreams will come true. When a deceased cousin in a dream looks withdrawn and depressed, then there is no point in hoping that someone will come to the rescue during a difficult period. The one who sees such a dream must make all decisions independently, bear the entire burden of responsibility and pay only from his own wallet.

When in your night dreams you notice a portrait of your deceased cousin, then someone will support you morally. If you dreamed that the deceased son of an aunt or uncle was passing something from hand to hand, then this is an excellent omen of wealth and profit. You will do a kind, noble deed, this is what the cousin you congratulate in the dream means.

Actions, actions

In your dream, are you quarreling with your cousin? Then, in fact, you will be connected by a strong, long-lasting friendship with him or with another family member. Active correspondence with this relative, according to Miller’s dream book, threatens a breakdown in relations in the family clan.

Happiness and prosperity, this is what dreams of a cousin whom you hug or warmly and joyfully greet. When such a vision occurs to a man and he, waking up from sleep, realizes that he had clearly erotic feelings for his cousin, then he must prepare for the betrayal of a dear person. For women, such a dream also promises a betrayal of their spouse.

Dreamed conversations with this relative prophesy cause for concern and fear in reality. It’s even worse if in the dream you came to visit your cousin. Then you will definitely have problems. But if in your night dreams he seemed surprisingly cheerful and active to you, then do not be afraid of anything, you are about to make a profitable purchase.

A dream about you visiting a sick brother, according to the dream book, foreshadows financial losses for you. The vision in which you started a common business with him also predicts not the best consequences. It predicts difficulties that will certainly arise in reality.

Death of this relative

You are facing a series of serious trials, this is what the death of a cousin may mean in a dream. But according to dream books, this plot also predicts that you will become stronger, and in the end you will emerge from the most difficult situation with dignity - a winner.

If you trust the opinion of fans of esotericism, then such a dream symbolizes the end of an unfavorable period in the life of the sleeper. There is a high probability that he will literally “wake up” and show remarkable talent and energy in his work, which will have a positive effect on his income, and he will occupy a higher position in society. However, in Grishina’s Noble Dream Book, there is a slightly different interpretation of what this means I dream about my dead cousin. She believes that this vision does not best characterize the dreamer. He is an absent-minded, uncollected person, which is why he fails to take a leading position in the team, to achieve love and respect. She advises the person who has had such a dream to concentrate and accurately determine his priorities - step by step he will achieve what he wants.

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What happened to your cousin in the dream?

Seeing the death of a cousin in a dream▼

What did your cousin do in his dream?

I dreamed that my cousin was helping▼

A dream where your cousin helped you foreshadows the emergence of inevitable difficulties. There are forced financial expenses ahead that you did not expect.

Why do you dream that your cousin is smiling▼

A dream about being a cousin warns of danger, the possibility of suffering because of intrigue. Your behavior will cause idle conversations.

What feelings did you have for your cousin in the dream?

Falling in love with a cousin in a dream▼

Did you dream that you fell in love with your cousin? A misunderstanding will arise between your relatives, which can develop into a serious one. Your self-control and ability to compromise will help you solve the problem.


Did you dream of a Cousin, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream of a Cousin in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello. I dreamed that I went somewhere on vacation with my cousin, but when we arrived I was alone and met some group of people, I always went somewhere with them. Then I saw my brother and we found ourselves in some kind of that incomprehensible building, and my brother was dissatisfied with something and was angry with me.

    • Masha, the fact that you saw your cousin in a dream probably means that a critical situation awaits you in life.

      I dreamed that I unexpectedly met my cousin, whom I love very much as a brother. they live far from us, I ended up visiting them, and it was he who greeted me! He took my hands, and tenderly, as if he was not my brother at all, he began to kiss me, then we had sex... I was in such shock, but even in a dream I felt that I liked it! what does this mean? all the definitions don’t fit, maybe it’s not about dreams???

      • The fact that this person appeared in your dream most likely means that you miss him very much.

        I have dreamed many times that I am marrying my cousin, and the plot is almost the same: he is in a suit, happy, smiling; I come up, we kiss tenderly... a feeling of complete happiness... there are always a lot of people and relatives and acquaintances around, but his mother (my aunt) is always standing nearby and says nothing and is not happy and does not judge... I go out to go to the registry office, on me white beautiful dress, shoes and I am very pleased. The difference in the dreams is mainly that sometimes I am concerned that the groom is my brother, sometimes I don't care at all. What could this mean?

        Hello! I dreamed that I was in Sochi and somehow ended up in a casino, I won in a game of cards a large amount money, and then I realized that they were watching me and wanted to kill me and take the money and I ran out into the street, a storm began and for some reason instead of the sea there was a river and it began to rise, the water was seething, but it was not cloudy, then it calmed down and was quiet began to fill the bank, I tried to go home, and there strangers immediately attacked, tried to take the money, and I ran out into the street again and accidentally met my cousin, he hugged me and said that he felt that something had happened to me and came to the rescue, and I immediately felt so warm from his hugs and felt safe and then I woke up

        I dreamed about my cousin, who is in prison. I don’t want to say this word. This is not the first time I have dreamed about him. In the dream, he came out of prison, we discussed his life there, then we went to the toilet. Some guy stained us with urine, I punished him a little. We went to the toilet, I don’t remember. For some reason he’s been bothering me lately

        My brother was dressed in a black leather jacket, light blue jeans, a black cap, white sneakers, if I’m not mistaken, and a white T-shirt. I myself was wearing blue jeans and a white or pink jacket. He was getting ready for a disco, he was in a dark room, and next to it there was a corridor and there was a light on, there was a girl sitting there (either a relative or an acquaintance), she was wearing a white T-shirt and a brown skirt with drawings, and my brother saw me and looked at us with her, said: I went to the disco. And I called him, said wait, I want to ask something, and looking at this girl, I took my brother into that dark room and there he hugged me and we kissed on the lips. In a dream we seem to love each other like a guy and a girl, but we are afraid to talk about it to our relatives. That's it.

        I dreamed that my cousin and I were walking somewhere and he started looking into some unfinished houses, then we started jumping over holes in which from the holes I noticed skeletons, either dogs or horses, and then we started making love, then his wife and I came started talking to her as if nothing had happened without feeling any remorse

        I dreamed of a cousin, as if I was sleeping in a dream, my brother came up to me and lay down on the bed with me and began to hug me, I woke up and told him what are you doing, he says I want you, and began to persuade me, and then I woke up

        We were sitting at a party and the brother whose I fell in love sat next to him, he smiled and hugged his cousin and brothers and sisters, we rode on the hills, then we killed a monster in the mountains and hid with some woman, then I had a child in my hands and went to this woman my boss came to visit and I tried not to show myself to him with this child

        My cousin and I are driving in a car, he is driving in the garden seat of the car, a young woman I don’t remember who, then I went to my aunt’s house who died, saw her husband, talked, went to their house, saw her son and someone stole my husband’s shoe that I was wearing and I put on someone else’s shoes the husband is angry and the brother says the most important thing is to be healthy

        I dreamed that my cousin drove a bright green gazelle into my car near my house! And he behaved as if nothing had happened! I asked him to pay for the repair of my car! To which he said that you have money, but I don’t! I was going to sue him! And she kept going with some kind of documents!! Then there was some kind of family document. It’s a holiday and I wanted to tell my father everything about this accident that I want to sue! Because I was afraid that my father would stand up for my brother and I had already prepared myself that there would be a quarrel!

        I dreamed that my brother came from Moscow. We met at my grandmother’s (we spent our entire childhood there together). showed a document that he changed his last name - Sushko or something similar. then we talked in another room

        In my dream I found myself on the beach. My cousin was there too. We talked about something and he pushed me into the water, as strange as it may seem, and started to paw (molest) me in the water. At this place I woke up. I wondered what this meant, because my brother would never do such a thing. He is a modest and decent boy.

        It seemed to me that I saw my cousin, but then he immediately left without saying where, I was worried about him and went to see where he went. I didn’t see any traces or the motorcycle on which he left. And she went to call her brothers for help (it seemed to me that something had happened to him). They went into the forest and found him hanging from the branches, skinned and scratched. I was scared.

        Hello! I dreamed about my cousin on my father's side. In on a worthwhile life I don't really communicate with him. Just “hello” and “bye.” He has a girlfriend. He brought her to his home. His parents are wary. And I dreamed that his girlfriend was pregnant. Although my brother is still a teenager. And it’s as if I’m talking to him, communicating. By the way, almost every month I dream that I’m communicating with him. In general, why do I dream about him? Please answer.

        the dream was fragmentary
        first one situation, then another
        Well, in general, the first situation, we are in the village with my grandmother, I am my cousin and someone else, there was nothing distinctive in the dialogue, the only thing I replaced in the dream, by the way, too, was that the store had changed, before it was just a store, but now this is Varus. that's it

        and here is the second situation.
        we sat in the room with him (he is a year older than me) talking about this and that
        next shot we are fighting. We quarreled over something, sort of, and started fighting, but without fanaticism.
        in the end, I kind of grabbed him by the neck with my hands from behind and started to choke him (without fanaticism, so as to win in a fight) at that moment his grandmother, his father and someone else came in
        they started shouting and in the end, he started to quarrel with them, but said that everything would be fine with him, because... he is expecting a child. someone like Vika will give birth to his child in a week.
        that's all.

        Mne snilsia son s moim dvojurodnim bratom v dushe. What mi zanimalis seksom dva raza. Dush ne nash, on vikliucal svet.. Vo sne mne takze zvonila moja mama, a niby posle vtorogo nasego polovogo akta v dushe priehal moj muzh domoj no nevidil necego.
        K cemu takoj uzasnyj son? na javu moj dvojurodnyj brat zivet vmeste s nami. (mama moja, ja, muz, nas sin, moj brat i dvojurodnyj brat)

        Last night I dreamed about my cousin, whom I saw 17-18 years ago. In some strange way, he ended up in my college building in the dining room; I came across him in the dining room when my friends and I came to have tea. I approached him and said hello, then we started talking about something. I only remember he offered to go to the apartment to get things after my grandfather’s death, saying that my grandmother was at home and she would open it. (although my grandmother died in 2011, my grandfather died in this) My brother, knowing the whole situation, put it on the patient. I turned around and went with my friends to the other end of the dining room and burst into tears...

        Why could this be a dream?

        Well, I dreamed that my grandmother was cooking with my Tyota and Tyota said that she was taking me to her place, besides, she was pregnant, the next day I came to live before her, her eldest daughter is adopted and my son’s birthday is the same as mine one and the same day for only 1 year, the younger one, then my brother and I went to the pool and there were a lot of people there, I was swimming, the depth was quite deep there, the two boys started to get me up, and the rat rushed in to save me, and then I hugged him. fell to the floor, it was slippery and then he kissed me on the lips, well, I pulled away, said no, my brother and sister and we went home, I was playing on the computer, the bundle braided my brother, she asked me to leave, then they played and we were told to hide in a secluded place when we arrived there a train with unknown goods, we hid, played on a tablet, and that’s the whole dream

        Hello, I dreamed this: I was with my cousin in his company, but I didn’t know anyone there, they teased me there, but he didn’t stand up for me. and in the dream it was as if I was his girlfriend. then I talked to the blonde, she told me. that my brother already has a girlfriend, and then I saw him dancing with her, I was offended and wanted to leave, but he didn’t let me go, then I woke up

        I already had a dream like this (I think to myself in a dream), some moments were repeated, my uncle and his children arrived (my sister and brother are cousins), when they began to get ready to leave, I went to a cafe with my brother, then the dream began to repeat itself, which I had dreamed earlier (that I was hiding from some big guy, etc., then I went downstairs to say goodbye to my sister and uncle, but when I reached out to them, they didn’t want me to kiss them on the cheek, the whole dream I hugged and kissed my cousin brother on the cheek .

        I dreamed that I was having lunch at school with friends in the cafeteria and suddenly I took a SWEET bun and it turned out to be salty, I didn’t like the taste and I decided to wash it down with water. I drank it for a very long time and couldn’t get drunk, but in the end I got it. also my father and mother, they are now in the north, but I dreamed that he was standing and writing something on the table homework and explains to me

        Hello! From Saturday to Sunday I dreamed of a cousin who at the moment has been in a coma for 10 days. I dreamed about him at my grandmother’s place, where we sometimes all get together. She has an old house with a covered yard. In the yard we were talking with my brother, he behaved somehow strangely, at first he spoke like a mentally retarded person with a child's voice and angular movements, but sometimes he behaved like normal person. He was dressed in a black T-shirt and black pants or shorts. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what happened next. By the way, after this dream I had a second dream (two dreams in a row is very rare for me) in the second dream I dreamed that I was beating a person.
        Describe a dream about your brother because we are all worried about him and are waiting for him to come out of his coma. Thanks in advance!

        Last night I dreamed of a cousin with whom I very rarely communicate. It turned out that this happened by accident, since I was traveling around the world through a portal) When I ended up with him, I was very glad to see him and he was me too. We started hugging , kissing each other on the cheek. Then I started crying and telling him that I want to return to the communication that we had before, that I miss him. He didn’t answer anything, and with tears in my eyes I flew into the portal. By the way, there there were also 3 pink roses, I threw two into his room, and took one with me. Here)

        Hello!) Today I had a very dream unusual dream. I dreamed that my cousin and I love relationship. Moreover, in the dream I experienced very tender feelings for him. But the worst thing is that I saw him as my boyfriend, I even slept with him. I don’t understand what this means at all

        Hello. I'm married, my cousin is married. And today I dreamed that my husband and I came to some kind of room, like a club. was there large room. We didn’t know that my brother and wife would be there. When my brother saw me, he took me to that room and everything happened there. Afterwards we went out to our spouses.

        I dreamed that a refugee brother arrived from Ukraine, my dad lit a cigarette, but he was not allowed to smoke, we went shopping, returned through the park, the war began (the sound of fighter jets, shooting, a bomb explosion) and I woke up

        Hello! I dreamed about my cousin for days in a row, the first time he hugged me and wanted to give me flowers, he asked what flowers, the second time he invited me to his room to play lotto, in the same dream I dreamed of my own brother and hugged me and said that he missed me very much. In real life I hardly communicate with them, hello bye and that’s it, it really scares me.

        I dreamed about my 4th cousin, we haven’t seen each other for 4 years, now we started meeting quite often, once a month for 1 month, so I’ve been dreaming 3 times in a row that I’m kissing and hugging him, spending time together)

        My brother and I can’t be alone with each other for a long time, just like he can’t be with me. We can’t stand each other, and we usually swear very loudly and often, but then I dreamed about something like this.
        He took me by the hand and led me to the park. We walked there for a long time, rode on carousels, went on boats, went to a cafe and ate. But for some reason, often because of the awkwardness of such an impulse to bury the hatchet, we remained silent.
        He was still going to take me to the sea, but the dream ended

        In the dream, my brother took our hands and wrapped our hands in dough. He said that he sealed them like that forever. Then we walked around the room and then sat on the sofa. He was about to remove the dough, but I didn’t allow it, then he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

        quarrel, I don’t even know if it’s possible to say that it’s a quarrel, basically he told me these words that he was against it, and I was in tears with my cousin because he said that he didn’t like him, and then there was a quarrel with a guy which pisses me off. he was just a boor in life and it was,

        My brother introduced me to his girlfriend. Afterwards I yelled at him because he was swearing and we quarreled. An important fact is that at the time of the quarrel, my cousin and his girlfriend were lying in bed, and the bed was in the office of my uncle, my brother’s father.
        Then the dream vision changes to the eyes of my brother’s girlfriend.
        (On the day of the quarrel, the brother apparently had a holiday)
        My brother is standing sad in the kitchen and his friend comes to him, tells him not to be sad and gives him a package. It contains an ordinary green terry towel with a note to the flowers: “Happy birthday, stupid big brother.” The brother is delighted, presses the towel to his cheek and says that it is soft. Afterwards, he places it on a long bench next to a crumpled, uncomfortable towel (there is a certainty that this is a gift from his girlfriend). I see all this through the eyes of a girl who was hiding behind the closet. Afterwards, the girl comes up to the bench, takes the towel I gave her, crumples it and hides it under her own.

        Hello, I had a dream:
        I’m in the village at my aunt’s place, there are a lot of people around, everyone is busy doing something, running around.
        I go out into the fence or move further away, my cousin appears, we kiss, hug, talk! We all go back to the house after some time, hide from everyone again and kiss, and so on throughout the entire dream!
        I’m wondering why I had such a dream, we haven’t seen each other for more than 10 years, we wish each other a happy birthday and that’s it!!!
        Please help me interpret the dream, thanks in advance))))))))

        Hello! I had a dream where the son of my dear aunt, that is, my cousin, was born. Everything happened either on a bus or in a minibus, I don’t remember exactly, but I delivered the baby. And I saw how the baby smiled at me, screamed a little in his sleep and calmed down. Then I wrapped him in a diaper and gave him to his mother. Explain why such dreams occur?

        We talked about business and he expressed a desire to take part in my business. he looked very old and completely unlike himself and sick. I also thought that things were probably not going well for him if he showed interest in my business, because before he was not interested in what I was doing. then we stood in front of the mirror and I said that I was half a head taller than him. I'm actually taller.

        I dreamed of a cousin whom I love very much, but all the other relatives simply hate him! so this is what I dreamed: I came home from the street, it was already late, I went into the room and there was my cousin, I ran to him, hugged him and cried a little with happiness! he asked if my mother would allow him to stay with us, but I was afraid to ask because I knew that my mother would say no! We talked a little more and then his mother came and kicked him out! tell me what this dream is for, it’s very important for me to know!

        I dreamed that my deceased cousin was coming to visit us. When he arrived, I did not leave my room to meet him. I began to wait for him to come to me. After a while, he actually entered my room, there was some kind of comedy on TV. My brother was drunk. I don’t remember what he said to me, but when he spat on the floor, I told him: “You look so much like our uncle!” (meaning that he often drinks) My brother seemed to nod. Then I looked into his eyes, and they were not brown (which my brother had during his life), but gray! Then he lay down on my bed and I told him to slept here. But he refused. Then we left the room, he went out into the corridor, and when he returned, I saw in his hand a green branch with three peeled oranges. And he told me: choose any one. I chose the largest one.
        Please interpret my dream.

        My friends and I went to the river, there were dark clouds, we thought it would rain, since my friend’s mother was on the river, she called us to go with her (that is, with a friend). We came to the river, there was a slope where you could rest and then go into the river. My friends sat for a while and went, but I couldn’t climb the slope, my cousin was right there next to me, he picked me up and put me on top, but I lay there and looked at the sky. He kissed me and said these words: “I love you, little sister!” I also said: “I love you too, Brothers!” I kept sitting on the slope and he was in the same place with me. I kept trying to put on my shoes and slowly ate down, eating and eating as I could, then my friend’s mother and her grandmother and my cousin’s friend climbed in and then a couple more people. My brother and I went and sat on the stones, they were a little further from the river, we sat, hugged, kissed, then my uncle came, that is, my cousin’s father, we sat a little more. Pre-story: Before all this, my grandfather was going to the store, and he was a sick man.. Continuation: There was a stump next to the stones, suddenly my grandfather came and sat on the stump, he became ill, my brother and uncle took me home, I lived with grandfather and grandmother. Another pre-story in Real: I am currently in Omsk in a village, next to my grandmother lives their son (this is my uncle) and his children (my uncle’s 3rd child, my cousin in a dream, his name is Rostisla) With me Rostislav hasn’t communicated for about 1.5 months, but when I arrived he hugged me and said: “Hello!” That's all

        I dreamed that my brother and I were walking around the city, he bought me soft toy in the form heart, and heart it was pink in color. In the dream, I felt an incomprehensible feeling for my brother, either love or something like that, we walked and chatted nicely.

Dream interpretation cousin

Why do you dream about your cousin? If a relative appears in front of you, then you can make a simple assumption: you have not seen him for a long time, and the subconscious is pushing you to the fact that it is high time to eliminate this gap in the relationship. In fact, seeing a cousin in a dream foretells the occurrence of events that can unite warring family members. But is it worth stopping only at this interpretation?

Where to start?

As the dream book describes, a cousin is an ambiguous symbol, which not every specialist can shed light on. After reading the works of Gustav Miller, you can immediately understand that the image of a loved one you see reflects disappointments and limitations that may appear in real life soon. The psychologist tries to push the sleeper to prepare for changes in advance, and then they are unlikely to shock him.

If you dreamed about your cousin, then, according to the Modern Interpreter of Dreams, interesting events await you, at which close relatives will be present. Wherever you are invited, you should think about your outfit in advance.

I dreamed about my cousin

A dreamed vision, referring to Simon the Canaanite, predicts the beginning of good friendly relations with an interesting person. However, you must learn not only to receive information, but also to reciprocate.

The dream book from “A” to “Z” explains the dream in which you happened to see your cousin - there is a high probability of sad events occurring due to failure to admit one’s own wrongness and short-sightedness. The dreamer will have to understand that his point of view is not truly correct, and others may think differently.

Deceased relative

Why do you dream about a deceased relative? Seeing such a plot, you can panic, but experts do not advise doing this. Having realized that there is nothing terrible in such a symbol, you must immediately turn to dream books for help.

General interpreter

Pdear cousin- a symbol that one of your close relatives or friends will need your help. Before you dare to take such a step, you will have to understand whether it is really necessary, or whether someone wants to shift their difficulties onto your shoulders.

Seeing a previously deceased cousin in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Why do you dream about kissing your deceased brother? According to transcripts from the Noble Dream Book, it immediately becomes clear that the dreamer will be able to realize his secret desires or receive help when he really needs it. We will have to remember the appearance of the deceased relative:

  • as if alive - to improve your life situation;
  • with cadaveric spots - the onset of a difficult period from which you can only get out yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A well-known predictor gives his assessment of what happens in a night dream. To see a deceased brother alive and cheerful - in real life, pleasant news or dramatic changes await. The dream interpreter predicts the most favorable time, which you can take full advantage of.

Hugging your deceased brother means you will be able to get rid of unnecessary fears and gain confidence in your own abilities. By following simple recommendations, you can reach a new level of life.

Hugging a cousin in a dream

If a portrait of a deceased person appears in front of you, then you have long felt the need for spiritual support from loved ones. As the dream book describes, sex with a deceased cousin means gaining wealth and happiness. Making a congratulation for a name day means committing a good and noble deed.

What kind of interaction?

It so happens that in a dream you cannot remember anything except one key action, and therefore it is so important, after waking up, to replay the night’s plot in your head.


If you have dreams in which you quarrel with your cousin, then a long and strong friendship awaits you. Starting correspondence with a relative who has moved to another country means a final and irrevocable break in relations between families.

However, you have one last chance - to take the first step and see what happens.


I dreamed of intimacy with my cousin

Hugged with your cousin, experiencing joy and pleasant experiences - happiness awaits you, which you need to share with others.


Why do you dream about sex with your cousin? Dreamed visions predict the appearance of a traitor in your life, so try to limit your communication with dubious individuals. It will be important for representatives of the fair sex to know why they dream about sex with a relative. Dream interpreters write that the dreamer is faced with the infidelity of a loved one. However, after awakening, there is no need to arrange any proceedings, but it is better to start with yourself and change your attitude towards your partner. Sex with a cousin can be interpreted as a call for non-standard actions.


Dreaming of a kiss

If you kiss your cousin when you meet, then you are actually feeling anxious and anticipating the onset of bad events. In this case, you can trust your own intuition. If you were kissed by a brother who is in poor condition, you will experience betrayal from close people. Kissing a healthy and successful man means concluding a profitable deal.


If you decide to start a joint business in a dream with a loved one, then difficulties will probably appear on your path. Visiting a sick brother and asking him about pressing problems means unforeseen financial expenses, and therefore it is better to prepare for them in advance.

Atypical wording

To see the death of a loved one in a night dream is the beginning of serious trials. According to another interpretation, such a plot predicts victory over circumstances.

Why dream of kissing your dying cousin? Esotericists suggested that such a dream marks the beginning of difficult changes. To get the desired result you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Kissing brothers are an unusual and therefore frightening symbol. This picture reflects the dreamer’s confusion associated with the uncertainty of the future period. If you can focus on your future and make a detailed plan, then achieving what you want can be done quickly and easily.

Brother is very close person, so it is not surprising that he may appear in a dream. But due to the fact that relatives in night dreams always carry a semantic load, you need to know what your brother is dreaming about in order to be able to correctly respond to certain events in real life.

It is very important to pay attention to all the nuances of the dream in which the brother appeared. Great value For accurate interpretation has the degree of relationship, as well as what actions the loved one took in their night dreams.

Great value for correct interpretation plays a role in the degree of relationship. As a rule, dreams in which immediate relatives appear carry a greater meaning.


More often than others, the question arises: why do you dream about your brother? Most often, the appearance of a sibling in a dream is a harbinger of receiving news from close relatives. In addition, such a dream should be understood as a sign that in this period Your brother doesn’t have enough time to communicate with you.

Brother is sleeping

If in your night dreams your brother is simply sleeping, then this is a reflection of harmonious family relationships. If in reality you do not have a sibling, but you saw him in a dream, it means that in reality you have a like-minded person and true friend, whom you can completely trust.

Why do you dream about your brother’s wedding?

When you dream about your brother’s wedding, serious changes are coming in real life. Most likely, they will be positive and will relate to career growth. But if in reality your brother is still single, then such a dream may simply be a harbinger of his marriage in the near future.

Quarrel with sibling

A quarrel with your brother in your night dreams does not bode well. It is a signal that warns that relationships with your loved ones are not going well. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the current situation as soon as possible and try to correct it.

My brother got sick

If you dream that your brother is sick, then such a dream has nothing to do with the health of your relative. This dream is a warning that very unpleasant events will happen in reality. which was caused by your carelessness.

Older or younger brother

If you dream of an older brother who looks like a younger brother, then this is evidence that you are constantly competing with your brother and strive to defend your life positions. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to defend your brother, then this speaks of your spiritual closeness. And if in the dream you have to fight with a relative, then you will soon make a big profit.

Full brother

When a loved one appears in night dreams stepbrother, which the dreamer actually has in real life, this indicates that close friends need help and support. But if such a relative does not exist in reality, it means that a person has appeared in your environment with whom it is unlikely that you will be able to establish a relationship.

Sister marries brother

A dream in which a sister marries her brother symbolizes the dreamer’s attachment to her blood relatives.

Sex with brother in night dreams

Sometimes the question arises: why do you dream about sex with your brother? Such a dream focuses attention on a person’s troubles in his personal life.

Dreaming about the birth of a brother

It is very good if in your night dreams you dreamed of the birth of your brother. This symbolizes profitable venture in reality. But on the other hand, such a dream focuses on increased competition. If the little brother cries according to the plot of his night dreams, then difficulties will arise in the implementation of a profitable project. But if you managed to calm down crying baby, then all the problems will be sorted out.

Cousin - dream book

A cousin appears very often in dreams. Such a dream, as a rule, is always associated with life’s disappointments. In some dream books, such a dream is interpreted as a hint from the subconscious that you need to remember your relatives and visit them.

A quarrel with a cousin in a dream is considered a good omen. This is a sign that friendship and trusting relationships with a relative can be maintained for a long time. But if, according to the plot of your night dreams, you had to hug your cousin, then this indicates that in real life you will have to face betrayal. For a woman, such a dream predicts the betrayal of her beloved man.

Other interpretations of night vision with a cousin may be as follows:

    Talking to him means having a presentiment of something bad. Visiting him means the occurrence of alarming situations. Seeing him in bad condition means expecting sad events. Seeing him in a good mood means making a successful acquisition.

Husband's brother

Husband's brother in a dream symbolizes dissatisfaction family relationships or failure in a planned business.

In addition, other storylines may mean the following:

    A happy and healthy husband's brother portends joyful events in life. A relative who asks for help warns that it is necessary to minimize communication with unfamiliar people. If the husband's brother is drowning, then this indicates that in reality he will have to face a complicated matter. When a relative hugs you, then thoughts of betrayal may arise in your head.

When you dream about your brother ex-husband, then this indicates that soon someone from the past will remind them of themselves. Also, such a dream can be advice that the time has come to deal with old connections. If you don't do this, you will be constantly haunted by the fear of repeating your past mistakes.

Seeing a guy's brother in a dream

If you dream about a guy's brother, then this is an insignificant symbol in the dream and special changes in life he does not foretell. According to the interpretations of dream books, after such a dream, events are planned in life in which it is better not to interfere. But if a brother appeared in his night dreams ex-boyfriend then maybe. There's a secret admirer in your life.

Death of a brother - interpretation of sleep

A dream in which the plot is connected with the death of a brother is always of a warning nature. The general interpretation in many dream books indicates that the dreamer may commit some reckless actions in real life. But in order to more accurately understand what should be feared in reality, it is necessary to analyze the entire storyline night dreams.

When a brother dies according to the plot of night dreams, this, first of all, means that there is a strong relationship between the closest relatives. emotional connection and affection. Sometimes such a dream is a sign that the dreamer or woman loves his brother very much and is very afraid of losing him. The desire to constantly keep your brother close to you is very selfish, therefore, you need to overcome this.

If you dreamed about the death of your brother, then this does not directly bring any consequences for the relative himself. negative consequences. Rather, on the contrary, such night dreams prophesy a long and prosperous life for the brother.

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, a dying brother is dreamed of in cases where in real life serious difficulties arise in financial sector. But on the other hand, such a dream can predict the fact that soon someone close to you will ask you to borrow money. Moreover, in this case, the dream focuses on the fact that one cannot refuse. Understanding why you dream that your brother has died, you can avoid mistakes that will negatively affect life in general.

Why do you dream about your brother’s funeral?

If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to attend your brother’s funeral, then this can be interpreted as follows:

    Walking in a funeral procession means worrying about the health of your loved ones. Seeing your brother in a coffin means fate will give him longevity. Saying goodbye to the deceased at the grave means strong worries about your relatives in reality.

If you see in a dream that a brother who is alive and well is dying, then you should expect some negative changes in life. Perhaps soon you will receive unpleasant news that will concern not only you, but also your relatives.

Kill brother

Killing a brother in a dream is not a very good omen. Such a dream indicates that you will be involved in a shameful event. But if the murder of a brother was committed in the trees of self-defense, then this portends good luck in the business sphere. In Freud’s dream book, fratricide symbolizes that you are not satisfied with your relationship with your partner. In this case:
    If you strangled your brother in your night dreams, then you want to diversify your relationship. Murder from firearms indicates problems in the intimate sphere. If you killed your brother with a knife, then this indicates that you have cooled down towards your partner and are experiencing a strong attraction to another person.

Brother gets into a car accident

If in your night dreams you watch your brother get into a fatal car accident or simply witness his murder, then this indicates that soon in real life you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions for some reason.

When a deceased brother dreams, this usually warns that the dreamer may commit an unseemly act. Try to remember what the deceased relative may have told you. This may be a hint for action in the real world. The question often arises as to why a dead brother dreams of being alive. If you saw him happy and healthy in your night dreams, then the dream warns that people in your immediate environment have a bad influence on you and give you the wrong advice. Because of this, your financial situation may worsen significantly.

Most full interpretation sleep is given in Miller's dream book. It indicates that you definitely need to pay attention to the plot of the dream in which your deceased brother hugs you. This is a warning from above and should definitely be heeded. The whole point is that your affairs, which you are so passionate about, lately can lead to disaster. You need to stop for a while and analyze the situation around you. It often happens that one dreams of a dead brother in the most different stories dreams:

    If you see that he has climbed out of the grave, then your friends will soon turn away from you. If you dreamed of him alive, but in a state of intoxication, then your unseemly actions will soon become public knowledge. When he pushes you towards the pit, then you are in real life. life will be disappointed in love. If you hug and kiss, then you will soon become seriously ill. When he asks you to borrow money, this portends great financial losses. If he plans to kill you, then you should expect that people will trail around you intrigue.
If in a dream you have a desire to hug your brother, but for some reason this does not work out, then this indicates that you really lack family ties. On the other hand, this dream can also focus your attention on the fact that your loved ones also lack your attention and care. Try to join the family and offer your help in solving various everyday problems. After this, life will be colored bright colors, and will also become more intense and interesting. A good sign is a dream in which you have to swear and fight with your deceased brother. It portends success in the financial sector. A business person will be able to conclude a very successful deals which will bring big profits. But if you are talking calmly with your deceased brother, then this indicates that you will have serious problems with health. This is a signal that you need to go through medical examination and, if necessary, engage in treatment. Maybe you just need to have a good rest away from home. Try to remember what your late brother told you in your night dreams. Maybe this will be a hint for you and will help prevent unpleasant turns of fate. If you dreamed of a deceased brother who died a long time ago, then in reality problems that go back to the past will appear. But such a dream also indicates that you will be able to deal with them. In such night dreams, a relative is a symbol of help and protection. Also, a long-dead brother may dream of a change in the weather.