Sutures after mammoplasty: what they look like, what to watch out for and how to properly care for them. How does recovery occur after mammoplasty and what you need to know about this period How sutures come apart after mammoplasty

Mammoplasty is an aesthetic procedure that women undergo when they want to add volume or restore the beauty of their bust. Many people think about the result, but soon after the operation they are faced with questions regarding stitches.

What do stitches look like after mammoplasty?

Sutures for mammoplasty are made of several types, depending on the specific situation and type of operation:

  • Cosmetic. It features fast healing and quick lightening. This is done using threads.
  • Fixation of tissues with staples using a special gun.
  • Invisible seam. It is performed using fibrin-based glue. It is considered one of the most attractive from an aesthetic point of view, since after healing of the tissue it becomes literally invisible and indistinguishable to the eye.

Invisible seams are the most attractive, since in this case the regenerative processes proceed much faster. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, over time they really become almost invisible.

The use of one or another type of suture material, as well as access methods, also ensures the appropriate type of sutures after mammoplasty. The appearance is influenced by factors such as:

  • Length and depth of the wound;
  • Skin elasticity;
  • Physiology of the skin;
  • Individual characteristics of the body;
  • The experience of the surgeon himself.

Breast reduction and stitches after it - the topic of the video below:

Their varieties

  • The most inconspicuous seams are those that were made on periolar approach at the border of the pigmented skin of the nipple. With its help, within six months the site of intervention will be practically invisible. But there is a minus here - the sensitivity of the nipple is lost for at least several months, and in some cases - forever.
  • With axillary access the sutures will be located in the armpit area at the border of the pectoralis major muscle. That is, the access point will be hidden from view. But such an effect leads to its disadvantages - inaccessibility and the risk of open bleeding. Such an incision is made in case of asymmetry of the mammary glands, as well as if it is necessary to shift the submammary fold.
  • Submammary access It is done directly under the breast along the contour of the natural fold of the skin. It is considered one of the best types of access with minimal risks for the patient. After healing, such seams become almost invisible and are easily hidden under underwear.
  • Transareolar method access is presented in the form of a cross-section of the areola, that is, the pigmented skin of the nipple. It is the most traumatic and unsafe. But seams of this type are considered one of the least noticeable.

In general, the type of sutures depends on the professionalism and talent of the surgeon, as well as on the personal characteristics of a particular organism. For example, even with perfectly performed work, if the skin is prone to scarring, then it will not be possible to avoid sloppy healing of the scars.

At first, the seams look like red stripes. They will lighten over time until they become bleached. But in some cases, especially if there were complications during the rehabilitation period, healing may proceed more slowly, and the sutures themselves may change.

Sutures after mammoplasty by day (after 30, 60 and 90 days)

How long does healing take?

In general, tissue healing occurs within 2 months, although it is too early to talk about complete rehabilitation even at this time. This is explained by the fact that in addition to the external disappearance of the wound surface, the restoration of internal structures at the site of intervention is also underway.

It is also worth considering that the regeneration process proceeds differently for each person. For some, serious wounds heal within a month, while for others, scratches last for weeks.

Pain after surgery

It is worth preparing for the fact that the stitches will hurt for some time after mammoplasty. Therefore, for the first couple of weeks you will have to take painkillers. But if the pain is of high intensity or persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor. There are several reasons for this manifestation:

  • Friction of clothing (for example, a compression corset);
  • Postoperative complications;
  • Sensitivity of the incision site.

In the latter case, pain occurs with sudden movement of the arms. At the same time, the skin is stretched, and the internal tissues that have not yet been fully restored will give such sensations.

In the case of underwear, it is not uncommon to choose the wrong size or type of compression strap. In this case, it is necessary to either change clothes, or, if there are additional fasteners, loosen them by one position. But this can only be done after consultation with the specialist who performed the operation.

What is the secret of a perfect suture during breast surgery, the video below will answer:

Removing stitches

Usually the threads are removed at the first visit to the surgeon after surgery. This happens on average after ten days, if there are no complications. If the intervention was performed using self-absorbable material, then the sutures are generally not removed. The same applies to the use of “invisible seams”.

If we talk about removing sutures that do not dissolve, the process is carried out quite quickly. Many people talk about painlessness, but this procedure can hardly be called particularly pleasant. Pain will be present, but generally falls into the “tolerable” category.

If they are separated or fester

There are two emergency conditions when seeing a doctor is critical not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also health:

  1. If the seam comes apart;
  2. If the seam festers.

If the edges of the wound have separated, then you should not panic. It is necessary to carefully examine the seams and soberly assess the situation. After this, the best and only thing the patient can do is to treat the area with an antiseptic composition to reduce the risk of infection.

If the wound becomes suppurated, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this is a sign of infection on the stitches. Most often, this symptom develops against the background of hematomas and accumulation of blood, which is an ideal environment for bacteria to live. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor immediately undoes the sutures, cleans the wound surfaces, eliminating suppuration and dead tissue. After this, the surface is treated with an antiseptic and antibacterial ointment is applied. Instead of ointment, the doctor may decide to take systemic antibiotics in the form of injections or tablets.

Seam processing

Sutures after mammoplasty are treated with antiseptics, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor. For this use:

  • Alcohol and alcohol tinctures;
  • Zelenka;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Fukortsin.

Treatment with antiseptics is carried out until the wound is completely healed, that is, at least two weeks after the operation. Even after a crust has formed on the surface of the wound, treatment with an antiseptic can significantly shorten the healing time of tissues, as well as prevent the risk of infection. When the stitches are closed with young skin, Contractubex ointment is applied.

There are also ointments that are used to treat sutures after surgery (only after consulting a doctor!):

  • Vishnevsky ointment,
  • Vulnuzan,
  • Levosin,
  • Stellanin,
  • Eplan,
  • Solcoseryl,
  • Actovegin,
  • Agrosulfan.

This video will show you what such a seam looks like after 5 months:

is an aesthetic procedure that women undergo when they want to add volume or restore the beauty of their bust. Many people think about the result, but soon after the operation they are faced with questions regarding stitches.

What do stitches look like after mammoplasty?

Sutures for mammoplasty are made of several types, depending on the specific situation and type of operation:

  • Cosmetic. It features fast healing and quick lightening. This is done using threads.
  • Fixation of tissues with staples using a special gun.
  • Invisible seam. It is performed using fibrin-based glue. It is considered one of the most attractive from an aesthetic point of view, since after healing of the tissue it becomes literally invisible and indistinguishable to the eye.

Invisible seams are the most attractive, since in this case the regenerative processes proceed much faster. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, over time they really become almost invisible.

The use of one or another type of suture material, as well as access methods, also ensures the appropriate type of sutures after mammoplasty. The appearance is influenced by factors such as:

  • Length and depth of the wound;
  • Skin elasticity;
  • Physiology of the skin;
  • Individual characteristics of the body;

Breast reduction and stitches after it - the topic of the video below:

Their varieties

  • The most inconspicuous seams are those that were made on periolar approach at the border of the pigmented skin of the nipple. With its help, within six months the site of intervention will be practically invisible. But there is a minus here - the sensitivity of the nipple is lost for at least several months, and in some cases - forever.
  • With axillary access the sutures will be located in the armpit area at the border of the pectoralis major muscle. That is, the access point will be hidden from view. But such an effect leads to its disadvantages - inaccessibility and the risk of open bleeding. Such an incision is made in case of asymmetry of the mammary glands, as well as if it is necessary to shift the submammary fold.
  • Submammary access It is done directly under the breast along the contour of the natural fold of the skin. It is considered one of the best types of access with minimal risks for the patient. After healing, such seams become almost invisible and are easily hidden under underwear.
  • Transareolar method access is presented in the form of a cross-section of the areola, that is, the nipple. It is the most traumatic and unsafe. But seams of this type are considered one of the least noticeable.

In general, the type of sutures depends on the professionalism and talent of the surgeon, as well as on the personal characteristics of a particular organism. So, for example, even with perfectly performed work, if, then it will not be possible to avoid sloppy healing of scars.

At first, the seams look like red stripes. They will lighten over time until they become bleached. But in some cases, especially if it took place in, healing may be slower, and the sutures themselves may change.

Carefully! The photo shows stitches after mammoplasty by day (click to open)


How long does healing take?

In general, tissue healing occurs within 2 months, although it is too early to talk about complete rehabilitation even at this time. This is explained by the fact that in addition to the external disappearance of the wound surface, the restoration of internal structures at the site of intervention is also underway.

It is also worth considering that the regeneration process proceeds differently for each person. For some, serious wounds heal within a month, while for others, scratches last for weeks.

Pain after surgery

It is worth preparing for the fact that the stitches will hurt for some time after mammoplasty. Therefore, for the first couple of weeks you will have to take painkillers. But if the pain is of high intensity or persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor. There are several reasons for this manifestation:

  • Friction of clothing (for example, a compression corset);
  • Postoperative complications;

In the latter case, pain occurs with sudden movement of the arms. At the same time, the skin is stretched, and the internal tissues that have not yet been fully restored will give such sensations.

In the case of c, the wrong choice of size or type of compression strap is often encountered. In this case, it is necessary to either change clothes, or, if there are additional fasteners, loosen them by one position. But this can only be done after consultation with the specialist who performed the operation.

Carefully! The video shows how to create a seam during breast surgery (click to open)


Removing stitches

Usually the threads are removed at the first visit to the surgeon after surgery. This happens on average after ten days, if there are no complications. If the intervention was performed using self-absorbable material, then the sutures are generally not removed. The same applies to the use of “invisible seams”.

If we talk about removing sutures that do not dissolve, the process is carried out quite quickly. Many people talk about painlessness, but this procedure can hardly be called particularly pleasant. Pain will be present, but generally falls into the “tolerable” category.

If they are separated or fester

There are two emergency conditions when seeing a doctor is critical not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also health:

  1. If the seam comes apart;
  2. If the seam

If the edges of the wound have separated, then you should not panic. It is necessary to carefully examine the seams and soberly assess the situation. After this, the best and only thing the patient can do is to treat the area with an antiseptic composition to reduce the risk of infection.

If the wound becomes suppurated, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this is a sign of infection on the stitches. Most often, this symptom develops against the background of blood accumulation, which is an ideal environment for bacteria to live. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor immediately undoes the sutures, cleans the wound surfaces, eliminating suppuration and dead tissue. After this, the surface is treated with an antiseptic and antibacterial ointment is applied. Instead of ointment, the doctor may decide to take systemic antibiotics in the form of injections or tablets.

The discharge of serous fluid from the suture after mammoplasty is diagnosed in every tenth patient. Liquid accumulates in the space that remains after suturing the wound and flows out when the suture stretches under its pressure. This can happen either immediately after surgery or several weeks later. Surgeons call the “pocket” of fluid that forms under the skin a seroma. In most cases, seromas do not threaten the health of patients and go away on their own. Help is required only for those who have a severe reaction.

Why do seromas occur?

Seroma is the body's response to injury and a foreign body, i.e. an installed implant. The soft tissue around the implant becomes inflamed and produces serous fluid. This fluid is blood serum that seeps through the walls of small blood vessels. If the fluid is not drained through the drain, it accumulates in the sutured wound.

The development of complications can be facilitated by:

  • increased tissue reactivity (for example, in diabetes mellitus or rheumatic diseases),
  • absence of installed drainages after surgery,
  • physical activity in the early postoperative period, refusal to wear compression garments.

How to detect gray?

Signs of seroma after mammoplasty include:

  • the appearance of swelling and thickening of tissue in the lower part of the chest,
  • increase in body temperature to 38°C,
  • discharge of clear or yellowish liquid from the seam.

Some patients may experience redness and tenderness at the site of swelling. The presence of fluid in the mammary gland after mammoplasty is confirmed by ultrasound results.


Small seromas usually resolve on their own, so patients with such formations are simply observed. To reduce discomfort, your doctor may recommend taking painkillers.
If the seroma grows rapidly or an abscess (wound suppuration) is suspected, the fluid is removed through drainage. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. To prevent infection, the patient is prescribed antibacterial agents.

In 95% of cases, seromas are completely cured in 5-7 days. The complication suffered does not affect the results. Upon completion of treatment, both mammary glands acquire the same aesthetic appearance.

For some people, their small or large breasts are enough to be happy. For others, to be ideal, they need a larger size in the form of a pair of implants—we’ll talk about this category.

A period of rehabilitation is required. The postoperative period is divided into a part of prohibitions for a relatively short time and a final stage of up to six months.

Before the operation begins, you must purchase a pair of compression bras/tops that will be replaced during washing. You can get by with just one set, but it’s not convenient.

For the postoperative period, a vacation of one to two weeks is taken, this time is somewhat individual and depends on the patient’s health.

Recovery begins from the moment you emerge from anesthesia.

  1. The time spent in the hospital’s hospital is a day, sometimes two.
  2. The first three days after surgery are given to bed rest.
  3. Then, over the next couple of weeks, you can take short walks.

After breast augmentation, the patient is sent home with a list of personally prescribed medications and ointments, the use of which is strictly required.

The drugs are taken as prescribed by the doctor who performed the operation without self-prescription. Any adjustment of medications must be discussed.

Also, upon discharge, the timing of follow-up appointments to remove stitches and dressings, as well as preventive examinations, will be specified.

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation

During the entire recovery period, a number of rules must be strictly followed to avoid displacement of the implants and complications.

  1. Washing, or rather taking a shower, is allowed on the second or third day, or after removal of the drains. The water should be close to body temperature; do not wash with hot or cold water. Stitches and breasts should not be rubbed with hands or a washcloth; soap or shower gel must be with neutral Ph. Afterwards, it is important to lubricate the breast skin and stitches with a moisturizing cream with hydrolyzed proteins, while simultaneously performing a soft stroking massage without pressure.
  2. Driving It is advisable to avoid the first two weeks so as not to strain the arms and chest areas.
  3. Important point - When can you raise your arms after mammoplasty?. The first four days of movement should be soft, without harshness or stress on the upper body. This recommendation is very important to avoid displacement of the implants. Then the body gets used to it, but try to avoid sudden lifting of the body/arms and bending over for about a month.
  4. Sex after breast augmentation will have to be postponed for at least three weeks.
  5. About alcoholic drinks we forget for a couple of weeks so that there are no unforeseen complications and excessive swelling. The same rule applies to smoking; you must at least minimize the number of cigarettes per day.
  6. Wearing compression garments after breast augmentation- not removable for the first month (except for visiting the shower). In the second month we wear it only during the daytime, that is, except for sleep. During this entire period, it is undesirable to try on, let alone wear, new bras.
  7. Bath, sauna, hammam, taking hot baths is prohibited for a period of one to six months, depending on the condition of the sutures and the opinion of the surgeon. After a month, you can go in for a short while to warm up in the hammam; a full visit is allowed after three months.
  8. Swimming in the pool and the sea is possible after completely removing the compression garments.
  9. Return to sports after mammoplasty should be gradual. Starting from the third week, you can walk. After a month, you can begin gradually increasing loads on the lower body, without straining the upper body. After two months, you can engage in many physical activities. During this period, jogging and aerobics are included, but only after consultation with a doctor. Neglecting the recommendations for sports is fraught with suture dehiscence and bleeding, can harm the healing of scars and dislodge the implants.
  10. Lifting weights in the first month is limited to 3 kilograms of weight, it is better to start with one and a half kilograms, from the second month you can gradually increase the load to ten kilos. If there is a small child in the family and his weight is within the permitted weight, try to be careful when lifting him.
  11. Tanning in a solarium and under the sun exclude for three months. This recommendation has some differences in the opinions of different surgeons. At a minimum, it is necessary to wait until the sutures have completely healed and the swelling has subsided. Sunbathing only with SPF applied and wearing a swimsuit that covers the seams. Until the seams lighten, it is forbidden to expose them to the sun to avoid pigmentation.
  12. Sleeping on your back is an unbearable ordeal for many, and the main thing that interests women is: when can you sleep on your side after mammoplasty. Try to avoid this pleasure for about three weeks after surgery. Some people still want to sleep on their stomach, but this is prohibited for a month. Subsequently, it is also better to sleep on your back, but turning over in your sleep will not be dangerous for the implants.
  13. Airplane travel possible two weeks after mammoplasty.
  14. The initial results of the increase can begin to be assessed two months after installation of the implants, however, the condition will be fully assessed after 9-12 months.

Complications after breast augmentation

Complications during any medical intervention are divided into predictable ones, which are considered normal, and those that are not normal and require a visit to the clinic and the surgeon who performed the operation.

  • Pain is present during the first five days and is well relieved by taking analgesics.
  • Swelling after breast augmentation- the norm, as with any medical intervention. Swelling subsides gradually over 1-1.5 months, but everything is individual.
  • Decreased nipple sensitivity It occurs quite often and goes away on its own after some time. There is also an increase in breast sensitivity.
  • Bruises are caused by damage to blood vessels; doctor-recommended ointments can be used for healing. Self-resorption occurs in approximately two weeks.
  • After the installation of implants, the breast initially becomes very dense, gradually over the course of 9 - 12 months it becomes soft and natural to the touch.

Sutures after mammoplasty are practically a separate issue.

A lot of questions:

  1. Treatment with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin 2-3 times a day. If a gel patch or glue is applied to the seams, no treatment is required.
  2. When the sutures are removed after mammoplasty, the average healing time is about 7-14 days, it all depends on the individual patient. By the way, after removing the stitches, you need to apply special stickers for fixation for a couple of weeks.
  3. If there is a seam divergence, you must immediately contact the clinic for stitching.
  4. Scars heal according to the standard procedure, when the scabs come off you can start using scar creams.

Unforeseen complications:

  • Breast asymmetry after augmentation a rare phenomenon, has various factors of formation: sleeping on the stomach, early exercise and sports, removal of compression garments during the prohibited period, primary slight asymmetry, leakage of the gel, incorrect placement of implants.
    Repeat surgery to correct the differences is scheduled after at least six months. If there are grounds (inflammation, gel getting into the tissue), immediate intervention is prescribed.
  • The appearance of redness around the seam, purulent discharge, fever - are an inflammatory phenomenon and require an immediate visit to the attending physician.
  • Hematomas around the implant caused by the characteristics of the body or certain diseases, in the first couple of days they are removed independently through drains. In the future, the patients themselves are to blame for neglecting the rules of the postoperative period, such as sports and wearing special underwear. Removal is carried out by puncture selection or by revision of the wound.
  • Accumulation of serous fluid- requires removal by puncture.
  • Fibrous contracture is the body’s reaction to a foreign body in the tissues. As a rule, the resulting capsule around the implant is soft and does not affect the breast. In some cases, the capsule becomes tight, painful, the breast becomes firm and there is delineation or deformation of the shape. To eliminate the unpleasant formation, an implant replacement is required.
  • Allergic reaction to the implant.

Some other complications are extremely rare. Any changes in the breasts are noticeable during examination by a surgeon, so you should not neglect the health and beauty of your form and skip appointments.

Sutures are used in surgery to stitch wounds and connect the edges of the skin using suture material. For suturing, needle holders and curved or straight needles of different sections and curvatures are used.

Caring for postoperative scars is very important and painstaking, since an improperly formed scar can lead to an unsuccessful result and an unaesthetic appearance after breast correction.

Therefore, it is important to know how you will be stitched, because a lot depends on the plastic surgeon and, in truth, is a “jewelry” work.

The following conditions should be determined in order to ensure that the quality of the scar is acceptable to the patient:

  1. surgical incisions are sutured without unnecessary skin tension;
  2. the wound is sutured using modern surgical materials;
  3. the intradermal suture method is used;
  4. female patients observe the correct rehabilitation period;
  5. the incisions are made in the right place and after suturing they make the wound almost invisible to others;
  6. skin glue is used - if necessary;
  7. use of plasters, sprays, plasters, creams to improve the quality of seams.

Preparation for surgery consists of several stages

  • choosing a clinic;
  • consultation with a doctor;
  • maintaining a proper diet;
  • passing all necessary tests;
  • consultation with a gynecologist and mammologist;
  • two weeks before surgery, stop taking hormonal medications.

Types and methods of tissue connection depending on the type of operation

Having decided on the type of plastic surgery, you can find out what are the methods of applying sutures, their types and principles of application.

So, when performing reduction mammoplasty (breast size reduction), there are several types of tissue joining.

One type of breast reduction is the short suture method.

With this method, the thread is passed from the nipple to the lower fold of the breast. Such a seam is intended when it is necessary to remove no more than 800-100 grams of tissue.

This application technique is low-traumatic and has virtually no complications.

Photo: T-shaped method

There is also another breast reduction technique using the T-shaped or anchor method of tissue connection.

The thread is passed down and connected there with a suture passing under the inframammary fold. This technique is used when a sufficiently large amount of tissue needs to be removed.

The thread that runs along the inframammary fold is almost invisible. Vertical and horizontal seams heal well and are invisible. The suture takes on its final appearance a year after breast surgery.

There are also several types of breast augmentation:

  • Periareolar is applied to an incision made across the areola. It has an aesthetic appearance and does not cause discomfort;
  • submarine- applied to the incision in the crease under the breast. This type of seam is suitable for women who choose a medium-volume implant; in this case, the fold becomes deeper and the seam is less noticeable.
  • axillary method- the incision is in the armpit.
  • tuba - a thread in the umbilical fold. With this type, only the management of a saline implant is possible; first the shell is inserted, and then a saline solution is injected into the implant using a syringe.

Invisible scar - is this possible and what does it depend on?

Speaking of surgery, there is always a scar on the skin. But, such a scar may be invisible or almost invisible.

This depends on many factors, and the task of the plastic surgeon is to reduce the invisibility of the seam to the most unnoticeable level.

Modern scientific developments make it possible to achieve maximum stealth thanks to:

  • modern technologies;
  • quality of suture material;
  • sutures that will quickly heal and dissolve.

When performing the “invisible seam” technique, you should take into account such nuances as:

  1. depth and extent of the wound;
  2. physiology of the skin;
  3. individual characteristics of the body;
  4. skin elasticity.

Plastic surgeon Sergei Sviridov also uses the “breast without stitch” method, and believes that the operation has special advantages which include the disappearance of traces after the operation within five days.

Also, when using this method of mammoplasty, there is no need to install drains, which means there are no additional incisions or punctures on the chest.

The undeniable advantage of this type of breast surgery is that an ultrasound scan is performed and no fluid or hematomas are formed, and as a result, the postoperative period will pass quickly and painlessly.

In carrying out such an operation, the plastic surgeon uses glue, that is, the skin is not stitched, but practically glued together.

This glue contains a biological preparation – fibrin.

The technology for performing such plastic surgery consists of the following stages:

  1. availability of special equipment;
  2. the presence of an adhesive supply system;
  3. A special fibrin glue is prepared, which consists of various substances, including fibrin.

This method of performing the operation is not known to many people.

Not every surgeon can perform breast surgery using glue, because:

  • special equipment required;
  • The operation is expensive, and not every woman can afford it.

Video: Features of care

What should you limit yourself to?

An important and undoubtedly one of the main stages in breast plastic surgery is the postoperative period.

In order for it to pass painlessly and quickly, you should listen to the doctor’s recommendations, and also be sure to monitor the healing process of wounds and postoperative scars.

  1. In the postoperative period, try to limit yourself in physical activity and lead a less active lifestyle.
  2. You should also avoid lifting weights, since this can contribute to the divergence of the threads, which will subsequently lead to unpleasant, undesirable consequences.
  3. It is also necessary to be in the right position, Do not lie on your chest under any circumstances, because this can lead to deformation of the scars and the formation of an unaesthetic and noticeable scar.
  4. Observe the healing process of wounds, and if you have pain and don’t like the look of postoperative scars, be sure to contact your specialist for a quick response and resolution of the problem .

When are sutures removed after mammoplasty?

Usually the threads are removed at the first consultation with a plastic surgeon after the operation.

If the rehabilitation process was painless and there were no complications, and the scars after surgery heal quite quickly, the suture material will be removed painlessly and quickly.

External scars after mammoplasty, if they were performed without self-absorbing material, the threads are removed within seven or ten days after the operation, and the internal sutures dissolve on their own.

In the first days after surgery, a bandage is applied to the wound, and then when the scars lighten, you need to use a special cream.

If we talk about the above-mentioned absorbable materials with which sutures are placed, consult with your doctor whether such external threads are necessary.

Because they dissolve within two to three months, and figuratively speaking, dust and dirt can stick to their ends, which can lead to infection in the wound.

What to do if the scar has broken apart

Mammoplasty, like any other plastic surgery, is accompanied by surgical intervention and trauma to the patient’s soft tissues.

Photo: The seams came apart

And the next task of the plastic surgeon is to correctly use the technique of applying threads to the incision, which further minimizes the risk of infection in the wound and promotes its rapid healing.

If the threads come apart, do not panic, inspect the wound and immediately contact a surgeon to assess the situation.

The place where the threads diverge should be treated with an antiseptic, this can be a solution of brilliant green or iodine.

The rehabilitation period after breast correction is very painstaking and requires a responsible approach, so monitor the changes that occur with the incision sites and the healing process of scars.

Frequently Asked Questions

The application of threads after surgery and the rehabilitation period are very important and can influence the further outcome of the operation.

Do not hesitate to ask your specialist questions about how postoperative wounds and the healing process will heal.

Below we will present a series of questions and answers to them, which will allow you to navigate in this area and be more aware of this type of operation.

Does it hurt to remove the threads?

The answer is not clear, as it all depends on:

  • the material from which the thread is made;
  • wounds;
  • human body;
  • psychological mood.

If the wound healing process went quickly and well, removing the threads will not hurt, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

What to do if the corset presses on the scar?

Wearing compression garments after surgery is very important for the patient, as it plays an important role in the outcome after surgery.

The corset may press on the scar because it was incorrectly selected and does not match the size.

You need to take a responsible approach to choosing a corset so that there are no problems with it.

If the corset has several fasteners, try loosening it, but first consult your doctor.

Why does the incision site hurt?

The causes of incision pain after surgery can vary. From banal friction of clothes to various postoperative complications.

In the first week after surgery, you need to take painkillers to reduce pain.

Also, if you make sudden movements with your hands in the chest area after surgery, it may also be accompanied by pain, since the incision sites are very sensitive.

How is scar correction performed?

A surgical wound is a serious matter, as it affects the deep layers of the skin. After joining the edges of the incision, scar formation begins.

Scars and scars after surgery can cause emotional distress, and sometimes discord in intimate life.

Correction of scars and scars will forever relieve you of discomfort and dissatisfaction with yourself.

There are many methods for scar correction, but the main one is the method of surgical excision of the scar.

This technique gives effective results if there are extensive scars, deformities and contractures.

Excision of the postoperative scar should be carried out after it has “matured”, namely within three months to two years.

Surgical excision of the scar can be performed under both general and local anesthesia. This operation lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. .

How to treat the incision site?

After the operation, the incision must be treated immediately, and then after the operation for two weeks as it heals.

Immediately after mammoplasty, the sutures should be treated with special means that will be prescribed by your plastic surgeon; you should not self-medicate as this can lead to unwanted complications.

Treatment of the incision site can be carried out with antiseptics such as:

  • alcohol;
  • common potassium permanganate;
  • You can also use a solution of brilliant green.

Antiseptics speed up the healing process under the crust. Afterwards, you can lubricate the seam with Contractubex ointment and use a silicone patch.

What to do if blood appears from the incision site?

Blood that appears from the incision site can have serious complications, so you should not hesitate to consult a doctor in order to determine the cause of the bleeding and prevent it.

What to do if the wound is suppurated?

The wound festers after surgery due to the fact that various microorganisms enter the wound area.

Often the incision may become suppurated if:

  • hematomas (accumulation of blood) formed during the incision;
  • in places where blood accumulates, which serve as a good environment for the proliferation of bacteria and the occurrence of infections.

Once the diagnosis of wound suppuration is confirmed, the doctor immediately begins treatment:

  1. the threads immediately unravel;
  2. the wound is treated with various antiseptic drugs (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).

You can also administer antibacterial drugs that will kill germs caused by suppuration.