Walkthrough of Far Cry 3 enter the city. Storyline

Even when the first part of Far Cry was released, it became clear to gamers that the gaming industry would never be the same. It was enough to turn on the game to understand how great it is in every way. The graphics were especially different - earlier shooters did not emphasize them, but in Far Cry you could not play through the game, but simply admire the landscapes that were simply breathtaking. Then the second part came out, further consolidating the success of the series. Well, as for the third episode, which was released in 2012, there is simply no doubt about it - this is one of the best first-person shooters of all time. This game has received many awards. Including for better graphics. It was also named the best shooter of the year. Now you will read the walkthrough Far games Cry 3, since not all gamers cope with the tasks that confront them in the process. It is worth noting that only the storyline will be discussed here, and in the Far Cry game itself you can still be distracted by side quests, as well as simple exploration of the open world.

Chapters 1-4

The passage of the game Far Cry 3 begins on a Caribbean island, where your character came to relax with friends and his brother. However, something terrible happened, and the entire group was taken hostage by local bandits. The game starts with you sitting in cages. However, your brother manages to get out and free everyone - follow him in an attempt to escape, but nothing will come of it - the bandit leader Vass will attack you and kill your brother Grant, and you need to run as quickly as possible towards the jungle to hide. After this, you will find yourself in the village of Amanaki, where you will come to your senses in the hut of some stranger who will heal your wounds and even give you some money so that you can survive in such dangerous place. With this money you need to purchase your first pistol, and then talk to Dennis again - that’s the name of your savior. He will give you a task - to activate the radio tower. Go to it, it is marked on the map. The task is extremely simple, among your opponents there is only a poisonous snake, which you will find on the tower. Once activated, return to Dennis to begin new chapter. In it you have to learn hunting and gathering - these are also necessary skills without which you cannot survive. You need to go in search of boars, kill two and butcher them, and then find the plants that Dennis told you about. Collect them and return to the camp, where you can make yourself a bag from boar skins to carry more items, and healing potions from herbs. In the fourth chapter, serious action finally begins - together with Dennis you need to go to capture an outpost controlled by bandits. You can do everything quietly, or you can go head-on - it doesn’t change anything. The only important thing is that, according to a tip, one of the girls from your group should have been at the outpost, but she was not there. Well, you'll have to continue playing Far Cry 3 to find her and the others.

Chapters 5-8

The passage of the game Far Cry 3 continues with you looking for Dr. Earnhardt, who must have the same girl who was not at the outpost. When you find the doctor, you will find out that this is true, but it is in critical condition, and you need a special mushroom so the doctor can save her. Go to the grotto, where you will accidentally step on some kind of hallucinogenic mushroom, which will give you visions. Having overcome them, find the desired mushroom and return to the doctor. Leave the specialist to work on your friend's health - you have more important matters to solve. Go to Operation Medusa, which will begin with you searching for the desired liner, which is guarded by quite a lot of bandits. This is a problem, since here you cannot make noise - first of all, eliminate the three signalmen, and if you can do this silently, you can sneak onto the liner unnoticed. There you need to eavesdrop on the conversation in the control room and pick up important information. At the exit, you will need to deal with the support units, after which another mission awaits you - now you need to blow up the bandit camp. Another operation during which you should not make a fuss. Make your way into the camp, plant explosives and get to freedom as quickly as possible so as not to explode along with the camp. The next task is even more serious, now you need to raid the island prison to free it from the clutches of bandits good people. Everything is simple here - a regular assault with a large number shooting - again, pay attention to the signalmen first, as they can call for reinforcements. After clearing the coast, go into the cave and kill all the enemies there. However, when you try to go outside, you will be stunned - this is where the passage takes a rather sharp turn in Far Cry 3.

Chapters 9-12

In the game "Far Cry 3" the passage will give you surprises more than once. On at the moment Vass caught up with you and grabbed you, but you will have a chance to escape. Everything around is on fire, so you will have to move very carefully. Your goal is to reach your friend and save her, after which you need to jump into the car that will save you. But the tail is behind you - grab the grenade launcher and start shooting enemies. Next, you have to return to the cave - now there are already two saved friends, but you need to decide more serious problems, because Vass is actually becoming a huge danger to absolutely everyone. For now, you need to get the transmitter left in the cave and activate it. After this, it will be time to meet with Citra, the local leader of the indigenous population. Naturally, you will first have to prove that she really needs you. To do this, drink the drink that will be prepared for you and go on a journey through hallucinations. There you will need to follow a man in a white suit. As soon as you wake up, go in search of this person. You will need to get into the city, and then go into a bar and join three gamblers who are missing a fourth participant. Soon the same man in white will appear - go after him. The passage of Far Cry 3 is gaining momentum - really crazy events will begin soon.

Chapters 13-16

The man in white turned out to be an American CIA agent working undercover. His goal is to deprive the real leader of the bandits of power, because Vass is just one of his assistants. Now the passage of Far Cry 3 changes its direction - you have to complete the tasks of this agent. And first of all, it will be necessary to burn the marijuana fields, which are supposedly rice fields. Arm yourself with a flamethrower and go to work - hurry up, because they will try to interfere with you huge amount bandits. After this it will be very important point- you have to save your friend Oliver, who also survived, although no one believed in it. You will need to shoot enemies with a sniper rifle while Oliver makes his way to the water in his car. As soon as he dives, follow him, get on the boat and sail away, while simultaneously shooting back from his pursuers. Oliver tells you important information about the former bandit Buck, who can help you. Go to the city and talk to him - he will give you a task to find a piece of the compass, which may be the key to the treasure. In this chapter you will have to swim among the compartments of a sinking ship, so be prepared to be extremely focused. Returning to Baku, you will find out where the second part of the compass is - it is in a bunker that is filled with enemies. Get ready for a serious fight, and when you win it, blow up the passage into the cave, swim in it until you find the second part of the compass. What else will the passage of Far Cry 3 have in store for you? "Werewolf" Buck is a pretty slippery guy, so you'll have to be careful with him.

Chapters 17-20

The complete passage of "Far Cry 3" will take you a lot of time - so far you have only reached its middle. So, talk to Buck again - he will tell you the location of the last part of the compass. Go to the desired mine, where again you will need to fight very strong opponents. For example, snipers will be waiting for you, from whom you can only hide behind carts, which you yourself will need to push in front of you. Using a compass, determine the exact location where the last element lies. Now you need to team up with Buck and go to the very statue that houses the dagger that the former bandit was so interested in. Having obtained the dagger, you can return with Buck to his home. As Buck said, he's holding another of your friends, Keith, captive in the basement. And he is ready to exchange the dagger for Keith. When you find yourself in the basement, Buck suddenly changes his mind and decides to capture you as well, but you, of course, can defeat him in hand-to-hand combat. Well, it's for the best - now you have both Keith and the dagger. Now all you have to do is come to Zither and give her this dagger, which is an ancient treasure. This rarity will have a serious impact on the passage of Far Cry 3. The final will be determined by him. But you still need to get to the final.

Chapters 21-24

This is how the passage of Far Cry 3 turned out in such an unexpected way. The werewolf Buck was punished, the dagger ended up in Citra's possession, but Dennis's settlement was under attack by bandits. Hurry to the aid of your new friend - you will first need to blow up the truck, and then climb onto the tower and from there destroy all opponents. After this, you will need to get into the car and catch up with the convoy of trucks containing the prisoners. However, another surprise awaits you - there are no prisoners, but Vass is there - you again find yourself in captivity. This time the bandit takes you to the ocean and throws you into the water, after tying your hands and feet. However, of course, you manage to extricate yourself, after which you will need to swim ashore and clear the coast from opponents. Face Vass again in battle and here he will shoot you right in the heart - however, you won't be that easy to kill. It turns out that the lighter in your breast pocket saved your life, but you are in the pile of corpses that the bandits collected. Get out of it and silently look for your equipment that was removed from you. Return to Citra, who will again give you a drug that will make you hallucinate. Only this time you will have to act more actively - first shoot at the monster with a bow, then shoot opponents in complete darkness, and then finish off the monster itself. Well, now your goal is clear - you need to kill Vass. Go to his island, but know that there will be an ambush waiting for you there. Deal with the bandits. IN certain moment suddenly you realize that the hallucinogen is still working. Shoot off the copies of Vass, and then grapple with the bandit himself and kill him. Now you know how to beat Far Cry 3, but only until Vass dies. As you already know, he was not in charge, which means you still have quite a lot of work to do.

Chapters 25-28

The passage of the game "Far Cry 3" is gradually approaching completion - Vass has been eliminated, but the main bandit Hoyt remains, with whom you will need to deal with the help of Agent Willis, the man in white. Now you need to say goodbye to your friends, and also go to the cave to learn the backstory from flashbacks - how exactly you got to the island. After this, go to a meeting with Willis, who agrees to fly you to Hoyt Island by helicopter. Only for this you will need to shoot opponents while Willis deals with the helicopter. Next, you must jump using the wing suit, and upon landing, deal with the coast guard. Get into the car and go to the city - there you need to go to the bar, where you have an appointment with Sam, Willis's colleague. After playing a game of poker, you can leave with Sam, who has prepared for you a recruit disguise at the Hoyt military base so that you can get as close to the leader as possible. Now you need to get past the guards, distracting them with stones, and make your way to the place where the recruits of Hoyt's army are gathering. Register there under a false name and listen to Hoyt's speech to his recruits. At this stage, the passage of Far Cry 3 becomes increasingly difficult. Codes may be useful to you, but it is better to do without them - throughout the game you may have already learned how to handle your character.

Chapters 29-32

In Far Cry 3, co-op is available for everyone - this greatly simplifies the situation, but this guide describes the walkthrough for a single player. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself. So, you need to win Hoyt’s trust, so on Sam’s tip, go to the camp and eliminate three conspirators quietly and without witnesses - on the body of the third you will find evidence that you can provide to Hoyt. Next, you will need to meet Sam and go along minefield, where he will provide discharge, and you will provide fire support. Your next task is to take photographs of three more conspirators who are at the head of all this action. You will need to climb onto the tower and take photos while moving on a cable. After this, blow up two ships and quickly leave the place, because very strong enemy units will be hunting for you. Well, now you've caught Hoyt's attention and he wants to meet you in person. After the conversation, he decides to take you to the room where your brother ends up - you thought he was dead, but in fact he was only wounded and captured. You need to beat him up so as not to arouse Hoyt's suspicion. This is the sudden turn that Far Cry 3 offers you. The ending is already close, so get ready.

Chapters 33-35

Well, complete walkthrough Far Cry 3 has already taken you quite a long time - there are only a few missions left. The next two are the systematic destruction of two strategic objects of Hoyt, to which he gave you access. But the third mission is a meeting with Hoyt, who is clearly unhappy with what is happening to his important points. Go with Sam to Hoyt's lair and sit down to play cards with him. As it turns out, Hoyt has already realized who is behind his troubles - a brawl breaks out in which Sam dies, but you can defeat Hoyt in a knife fight. That's it, the bandit leader is finished. However, this is not the end of the game. In Far Cry 3, the co-op mode, by the way, is slightly different from the single-player mode, so this guide is only suitable for those who do not play multiplayer. They will be interested in reading the final part of our guide.

Chapters 36-38

That's all, the ending of the game is literally three steps away - you just need to get to it. First you have to get out of the island of Hroita - on the way you will meet large number mercenaries and bandits who will need to be shot. Don't forget to pick up your newfound brother, then board the helicopter with him and fly away. First of all, head to the doctor's mansion, which is all on fire. The work of mercenaries or Citra? Talk to the doctor and find out the truth. Head to the Temple of Citra, leave your weakened brother at the entrance and go inside. A new hallucination will immediately begin, in which you will have to follow the path of the Warrior. When the vision ends, you will find yourself outside, in your hands you will have the same dagger that you yourself gave to Citra. She will stand next to you, and all your friends will be suspended by their hands. Zither will tell you that you now need to make a sacrifice. Closest to you is your girlfriend, whom Citra offers to kill first, and then finish off all the other friends - then you can stay on the island and rule with her. You now face the most serious choice in the game, which will determine the ending. If you choose your friends and kill Citra, you can safely get off the island. If your choice falls on Citra, then in the final video you will kill all your friends, make love, and in the process Citra will take a dagger and stick it in your chest. But don't worry - you'll wake up on the shore of the island, and you'll have to wonder if it was all a dream or if you actually went through it all.

In any case, a free mode opens up for you, and you can explore the island, swim in the ocean, fight with the remaining mercenaries and bandits, complete those side quests that have not yet been completed, and most importantly, have fun gameplay, which truly deserves the highest praise. And if you liked this game, and you have already played the first two, then you should pay attention first of all to the independent add-on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, in which the action is transferred to the future, as well as to the fourth part of the game, which was released completely recently and offers you even more features, as well as various graphic beauties.

Almost everything you do in the game: completing tasks, unlocking skills, collecting relics, etc., unlocks your tatau, which adorns your hand. With the end of the story, the entire skill tree is almost complete, but not all.

In order to fully open the tatau, you must collect all 120 relics, which are distributed throughout the island. You can buy a map of where the relics are located in the weapons store. There is one caveat, one relic (spider 1) is located in a cave on the ship, in the task of which you must dress up as a mercenary, if you did not find the relic (spider 1) during this task, then unfortunately you will not be able to fully open the tatau.

2. Find McLovin

One of the game's secrets is the "Say Hi to the Internet" achievement. This achievement can be unlocked by finding the Hollywood Star by heading to coordinates X: 620 Y: 558, on the beach.

On the beach you will find the actor "Christopher Mintz-Plasee" buried up to his neck in sand. He's in the game because he participated in the series short videos released before the game.

3. Find connections to Assassin's Creed 3

Ubisoft has developed many connections between Assassin's Creed 3, for example: to open the map in Far Cry 3 you need to climb a tower, like in AC 3, it rewards silent killing of enemies and provides many ways to kill.

All this, of course, many did not notice, but players who pre-ordered received the “lost expedition” mission as a bonus; in this mission you can see a lot of connections between the games (image at the top)

There is another connection when the story ends in the last mission in which Hoyt cut off Brody's ring finger, just as in the first Assassin's Creed they cut off a finger to make it easier to kill with a hidden blade. Even when the mechanism of the hidden blade was changed, the assassins branded this finger to show loyalty to brotherhood.

4. Unlock special weapons

In addition to all standard weapons, you can get special weapons. These weapons will give you a great advantage in battle. They can be opened by capturing towers, collecting memory cards and relics.

Finding 20 relics will unlock a special version of the Z93 sniper rifle called AMR. This is the most powerful and most accurate weapon in the game. With this weapon you can kill multiple enemies with one shot.

Restore all towers in the game to unlock weapons Bushman. Customized P416 assault rifle with extended magazine, optical sight and a muffler.

Find 10 relics and Bull your. This is a customized M133 with an extended magazine and a holographic sight. Well suited for hunting big game. In addition to these improvements, the bull's damage output has also been increased.

Unlocks after capturing 16 bases. This is a custom 1911 with a suppressor, extended magazine and red dot sight. U shadows Damage dealt has been increased and noise when firing has been reduced.


Disintegrator opens to detect 10 memory cards. This is a custom Vektor SMG with a suppressed optical sight and an extended magazine. Accuracy and damage are also improved compared to the basic version.


Do you want to gut your enemies with the ripper, then complete 6 rakyat tasks. This is a customized MKG machine gun with an increased magazine, which is not bad for a machine gun, and an optical sight.

Japanese tanto:

For fans of close combat, it is easy to take down a heavy machine gunner and a flamethrower. Find 6 lost letters to open Japanese tanto. The Japanese tanto does more damage than a machete, and unlike other favorite weapons, the Japanese tanto can be purchased for free.

5. Car bomb

Far Cry 3 gives you plenty of room to experiment with your tools, and when it comes to improvised weapons, there's nothing deadlier than a homemade car bomb.

In order to do this you will need to stock up on C4 explosives, then find a suitable vehicle to attach them to. You can set up an ambush or jump from the car and press the detonator, etc.

6. Online multiplayer: decoding

During online multiplayer matches, you discover encrypted data items, which can then be analyzed to reward you with additional XP, as well as new weapons and modifications.

To do this, you simply click on the decoder item. and leave it running in the background for a specified time. By registering for Far Cry 3 Outpost, you can unlock a second decoder.

7. Kill a heavyweight with one hit

Tough, armored enemies that are difficult to defeat even if you attack them head-on with standard firearms, they will laugh in your face.

Eat simple ways kill them with the right approach:

1) The heavyweights have a hole in the back of the helmet, where you can kill him with one blow, but already on the second island the heavyweights have more improved armor and there will no longer be a hole.

2) Explosives are a very effective and reliable method of killing a heavyweight. A few grenades or one precise C4 explosion may be enough.

3) If you have the AMR sniper unlocked, then you can kill the heavy with one headshot.

4) If you prefer a quiet option, then you can open a skill from the skill tree (Shark). If you are equipped with this ability you can kill machine gunners and flamethrowers with one hit of the knife.

8. Hunting for macaques

These monkeys are very rarely seen, but some can be found in the Amanaki village, where they are kept as pets.

If you want to unlock all the animals in the guide, then make sure you have a sniper rifle. Not far from the Amanaki village, find yourself a hill where you can take aim and shoot the monkey without any hassle. Then return to the village and remove the skin.

Buck is once again one step ahead of you. Listen to his next story, and go into the mine. Go down using the lift. Push the cart so that the passage is clear. Destroy the enemies that come your way. Get to the pirate camp. Push the carts while taking cover behind them. This will help against snipers. If you have ammo for long-range weapons, it is better to start by dealing with those who are at the far end on the hill. There are snipers and Molotov cocktail throwers. Get to the next camp and clear it as well.

Open the door, use the compass. At the center area, pull the floor lever. Walk further, carefully look at your feet. Varanov is betrayed by their hissing. However, they are not so easy to spot. Run to the old elevator and take it down. Get to the treasure, take the third part from the compass. Quickly leave the temple, which is falling apart.

Lin Kong, I guess?

As you continue through Far Cry 3, you will meet Buck at the designated location. You need to listen to the story, jump into the water. Then climb up the vines to the cave. Get inside, climb up and attack the enemy from above. Go down even lower, cling to the cables. After this, continue through the scaffolding. Jump on the stones, otherwise you will fall into boiling water. Then climb up the wall along the vines.

Open the door using the compass, go further. Get down with right side. The water comes and goes. When it decreases, you need to quickly move from one hill to another. This will take you to the center. Climb along the vines and go to the tomb. Open the passage down, go down into the sarcophagus. Along the way, destroy the monitor lizards. Finally, take the dagger from the tomb and quickly leave from there. Crawl by quickly pressing the necessary buttons.

Sad reunion

The meeting with Buck will be at his home. In order to get to it, you need to go around the rocks, go on the opposite side of the village. Give him the dagger, go down to Keith's basement. You were about to leave when Buck stopped you. Fight him by quickly pressing the right buttons. When you kill him, you can leave from there.

This knife is for you

The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 continues. Keith will tell you that your younger brother Riley is killed. Leave the cave, go to Zither. She also needs a knife. Now there will be no contradictions about who to give it to. Give her the dagger, tell her your request, listen to the story. Leave the Temple of Zithra.


When leaving, Dennis will say that his people are going to attack the convoy. It is in it that Vaas will transport prisoners. Your comrades may also be among the prisoners. Get to the leader of the rakyat, get C-4 Explosives. It must be mounted on a tanker truck. Climb the water tower and wait. Don't forget about the sniper rifle, which will help you shoot at the arriving mercenaries. Do this until the convoy moves. Then you will have a time limit to catch up and kill the remaining enemies. Open the hatch and there will be a surprise! It turns out that Vaas was in the convoy. He will stun you.

Warrior Rescue Service

During your next playthrough of Far Cry 3, Vaas will throw you into the water. You need to quickly press the desired button and free yourself from the ropes that are on your legs and arms. Swim out of the hole, kill your enemies, follow the truck. After this you need to get to the turntable. It's best to do everything quietly. The point is that the alarm may be activated. Use your camera to mark your enemies, then you can keep track of them. A machine gunner dressed in armor walks near the helicopter.

You won't be able to control the helicopter for so long. After the accident, Vaas will decide to finish you off. The main thing is that you survive. Hold, and then quickly press the necessary buttons, climb out of the mass grave. Then you need to go to the nearest enemy camp. Make your way to the last hut. There you will find your belongings.

New challenge

You meet Citra. Drink some elixir, find yourself in another reality. Step back and wait for the ink monster to appear. Run in different sides so as not to fall under the eruption of the monster. IN right moment shoot from a bow and be sure to shoot at the top of your face. It's best to aim for the eyes. After a number of successful attempts, small opponents will appear on the ground. They must be destroyed and the battle with the monster must continue. Dodge the clots that fly at you. Also attack your enemy in the head until he finally falls. Afterwards, climb up the fallen hand and perform a finishing move. To do this, press the buttons indicated on the screen. That's it, continue playing Far Cry 3.


Jump into the water and swim to the island of Vaasa. Kill the enemies you meet along the way. Enter the town through the wall. By the way, Vaasa knew that you were coming. So I was well prepared. Get out onto the roof of the building that is on fire. You need to get to the large gate, killing enemies along the way. You can also shoot at the cages in which the tigers are sitting. When you are at the gate, an armored enemy will appear from the building. Kill him, go inside.

Vaas will stab you with a dagger. Go further with your hallucinations. Move to the mark, shooting at his ghosts along the way. When you reload, it's better to step back. Kill Vaas and wake up. Vaas is the brother of Zithra. Once upon a time, Hoyt arrived on the island and lured him to his side.

Zither's Grace

As you continue through the game Far Cry 3, you will communicate with Citra, after which you will leave the temple. At the exit, talk to Dennis. Go to the cave to your friends, tell them that you want to stay on the island.

Flying south

Leave the cave and contact Willis. He is going to leave the island, as he has a new assignment in Russia. But still, he will be able to help you in the end. Get to the runway, destroy the pirates, wait for the plane to be repaired. At this very time, it is necessary to protect Willis from enemy attacks. In the last wave, enemies will attack from all sides at once. Use the stationary machine gun on the box to clear the open area. The most dangerous are machine gunners. They must be killed first. Get on the plane.

Three blind mice

Jump down and open your wing suit. Fly to the shore, open the parachute. Get to the pirates' location. Shoot the cage on the left, free the tiger. When you destroy everyone, take the truck to the Healthy Horseradish. You'll meet Sam there. He works for Hoyt, but is not averse to helping. To do this, say that you are from Willis.

As you continue through Far Cry 3, talk to the bartender. He will say that a poker game is being played in the basement. There you can find Sam. Talk to the mercenary to let him through. Go downstairs and sit at the table. It doesn't matter how well you play. After the first game, Sam will leave the building through the back door. We must follow him and tell him that you are from Willis.

Wander under the scorching tropical sun, see the azure shores with high altitude, immerse yourself in the world of intoxicating paradise - all this can be done while passing the game Far Cry 3.

Jason Brody, from whom the story is told, is on vacation with his brother. My brother's name is Grant. Unfortunately, enjoy in to the fullest there will be no rest, since after a hang gliding flight the brothers are captured. The pirates are led by the psychotic murderer Vaas.

The player needs to get out of captivity, find friends in the jungle and help the locals in order to overthrow Vaas and his mercenaries.

Ubisoft studio rethought its previous steps, which led to the addition of a number of elements in the new part. Now you have vast territories at your disposal, a character leveling system and much more. Basic and additional missions full of originality.


The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 begins with an introductory video. “Golden Youth” enjoys the beauty of the place and entertainment. Everything that Rook Island has to offer is at their service. But now all this becomes just a memory recorded on a video camera, which Vaas is currently holding in his hands. You have been captured and are being held hostage. You are dragged into the cell in which you are sitting with your brother Grant. He frees his hands from the ropes. Call the thug, and the brother will deal with him. Still, the skills acquired in the army help.

Get out of the cell, bend down, follow your brother. Get to the shack. Take a lighter, map, camera, tablet from the table, cell phone. Go outside, hide behind the well. Throw the stone to the side on the right. This way you will distract the enemy's attention. Quickly make your way into the building, where Grant will kill the enemy.

When further progressing the game Far Cry 3, get out into the street and make your way to the next hut. Exit through the right passage, disappear into the foliage. Once again throw a stone at desired area, quickly sneak up to the passage. Crawl under the bridge, after which Vaas will kill Grant. He will let you go into the jungle and say: “If I don’t kill you, then the jungle will.” Before doing this, try to help your brother by holding down the desired button.

Quickly go deeper into the island. Jump over different obstacles. Move through the cave while crouching. A bandit with a knife will attack you from the opposite side. Quickly press the desired button and kill him. Go to the other side, climb the vines. When you are at the flimsy bridge, it will collapse under heavy fire. You will fall into the river.

Amanaki Village

Meet Dennis. He will find you on the shore and bring you to your senses in his shack. Go outside where there is an interesting party going on. You are safe in this village. Get a few tens of dollars from Dennin, go to the gun shop. Buy yourself an M1911 pistol.

The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 continues. Follow the satellite to the radio tower. Reach it along the path. There will be a snake in front of the stairs. We need to shoot her and rise to the very top. Then destroy the encryption device and a section of the territory on the map will become open. Slide down the rope, Dennis is waiting for you there. Open the map, point to the wild boar habitat, and place a mark.


You need to follow the mini-map marker to get to the wild boars' habitat. Collect a set of plants, kill two boars. Then you need to skin them. Blue, red and green plants are marked on the mini-map. You do not need to leave the yellow area, otherwise you will fail the task. Explore the territory, collect everything you need, open the global map. You need to select the yellow mark on it and instantly move to the village of Amanaki.

Leave the shack and meet with Dennis. Open the menu, select “Create Items”. We need to make a couple of medicines and increase the amount of equipment we can carry. To do this, modify the backpack with the help of obtained boar skins. The points you receive will help you create two tattoos. They act as special skills. For example, select Quick Kill. It will help you sneak up to enemies and silently eliminate them from behind.

Outpost capture

The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 continues. We must accept incoming call. Enemies ask you to come to the outpost. Climb into the truck in the passenger seat and drive together to the meeting point. When you're at the outpost, you can act like Rambo or like a ninja. Assess your strengths and capabilities, as well as your opponent, in advance. There is no need to pretend to be a hero if the enemy is ten times superior. When you're done mashing, raise the friendly flag. Break into the central building. Unfortunately, you won't find Lisa here. You will learn from the radio that she has fled in a western direction.


Travel to Dr. Earnhardt's mansion. After the conversation, go into the house and go up to the second floor. There you will find Daisy unconscious. In order to keep it in in good condition, an antidote must be administered hourly. There are practically no reserves. You will have to go mushroom hunting. Get to the underwater cave. We have to go lower and lower along the cables. Swim fast, otherwise you will suffocate. Swim in the cave, climb higher, take a leap of faith. Climb up the vines until something is affected. You will experience hallucinations. The wall turns into the floor. Advance to the building that is moving away from you. Finally you will be able to do what you need to do. After a while you will go through a side door. Go to the mushrooms, you fall down. The hallucinations have already passed, all that remains is to take the mushrooms and get out of the cave to further progress through the game Far Cry 3.

Move along the rock, climb to the very top along the vines. Return to Ernzardt and give him the copy. Go into the house and talk to Daisy, who has woken up. Tell her the news about Grant. After that, go in search of other friends, as well as your younger brother.

Call of Medusa

Get to the abandoned liner along the shore. You can't let your enemies notice. For this reason, simply destroy them one by one, approaching from behind. You can use the camera to tag enemies and monitor their movements. Eliminate the pair of enemies from the side of the ship, then move to the other side. Mark them with your camera, some will have yellow marks. These are the main goals.

Deal with three such targets and mandatory search the bodies. Go up to the wheelhouse, there you will take the bulletproof vest. Listen to the kidnappers' conversations. They want to receive a ransom from rich parents, sell their children into slavery in order to get By more money. At this time, guests will come to you. Go outside, from the top position shoot the enemies that are approaching.

Playing the Robber

The walkthrough of Far Cry 3 continues. Meet at the village in Dennis. Vaas and his people want to attack her. In order to contain them, it is necessary to destroy the enemy's weapons stockpiles. Go to the forest clearing, from the shore approach the observation post. Stealthily go to the warehouse, get inside, plant explosives. Move beyond the yellow zone marked on the mini-map. Leave enemy territory, or simply clear it.

Prison Raid

PB must be deciphered as a pirate bay. It is the local prison, one of the prisons to be precise. Get to the camp, quietly sneak up to the tower, where the alarm panel is. Disable one of them. This will shut down the entire system in the camp. Then no one will call for help. Silently or fight your way to the head of the camp. Deal with him, take the key to the prison. To find the boss, use the camera. He will mark the targets. The main one will be marked in yellow.

Go to the bunker. The enemies there have shotguns in their hands. They work great at close range. Stay away, use cover. Move on until you get stunned.

Let's watch the introductory video. The “golden youth” enjoy all the beauty and entertainment that the chic island of Rook Island can provide. But all this will henceforth remain only in the memory of the video camera that Vaas is currently holding in his hand. We were taken hostage. We are alone in the cell, together with brother Grant. He manages to free himself from the rope. We call the thug and Grant deals with him. Sometimes the skills acquired in the military can be very useful. We get out of captivity and, bending down, follow our brother. We get to the shack, from the table of which we take a lighter, a camera, a map, a tablet and a cell phone. We go outside and hide behind the well. We throw a stone to the right to distract the enemy standing near the passage. We quickly penetrate the building, and again Grant kills the enemy with a deft throw.

We get out into the street and climb into the next hut. Let's go out through the passage on the right and disappear into the foliage. Once again we throw a stone into the indicated area and quickly sneak towards the passage. We crawl under the bridge, after which Vaas kills Grant, and releases us into the jungle with the words: “If not me, then the jungle will kill you.” Before this, we will try to help our brother by holding the corresponding button.

We quickly delve deeper into the island, jumping over various obstacles. We move crouching through the cave, from the other side a thug with a knife attacks us. Quickly press the appropriate button and kill him. We go to the other side and climb the vines. We reach a flimsy bridge, which falls apart after heavy fire, and we fall into the river.

Amanaki village.

We meet Denis, who found us on the shore and was leaving in his hut. We go outside, where the real party is taking place. This is Amanaki Village, we are safe here. We receive sixty dollars from Dennis and go to the gun shop to buy an M1911 pistol.

We follow Dennis to the radio tower. We get to it along the path. There is a snake in front of the stairs leading up. We shoot her and go to the very top. We destroy the encryption device, after which a piece of territory on the map becomes open. We slide down the rope, Dennis is already waiting for us below. Open the map, point the pointer at the wild boar’s habitat and place a mark.


Based on the mark on the mini-map, we take transport to the wild boar’s habitat. You need to collect a whole set of plants, as well as kill two wild boars, and then skin them. Red, blue and green plants are marked on the mini map. Do not leave the yellow area, otherwise the task will fail. Having examined the territory and collected everything you need, we open the global map, on which we select the yellow mark and instantly move to the village of Amanaki.

We leave the hut and meet with Dennis. Open the menu and select “Create Items”. We make a couple of medicines, and also increase the amount of equipment we carry by modifying the backpack using the obtained skins. Using the points received, we create two tattoos for ourselves, which are also special skills. For example, this time we will choose “Quick Kill”, which will help you sneak up on enemies and silently eliminate them from behind.

Capturing an outpost.

We accept an incoming call. Enemies ask you to come to the outpost. We climb into the passenger seat of the truck and go together to the meeting point. Having reached the outpost, we are free to act as we please - secretly or like Rambo, break in directly and shoot everyone who is here. It is important to correctly assess your strengths and those of the enemy. There is no point in getting into trouble when the enemies outnumber us by about ten times. Once clearing is complete, you will need to raise a friendly flag. We break into the central building, but we don’t find Lisa here. From conversations on the radio we learn that she managed to escape to the west.


We go to the mansion of Dr. Earnhardt. After talking with him, we go into the house and go up to the second floor. Daisy is unconscious. To maintain her in a state of normal functioning, it is necessary to administer an antidote every hour. The supplies are depleted, so we have to collect mushrooms. We get to the underwater cave, going lower and lower along the cables. We swim quickly so as not to start suffocating. We swim out in the cave, climb higher and take a leap of faith (ala Assassin’s creed). We climb up the vines until we find ourselves under the influence of something. Hallucinations took over our heads. The wall becomes the floor. We move forward to the building, which still does not want us to enter it. Having finally done this, we wait a little and go through the side door. We approach the mushrooms and fall down. The hallucinations have passed, all that remains is to take the mushroom and leave the cave.

We move along the rock, climb to the very top along the vines. We return to Earnhardt and give him the found copy. We go to the house, where we communicate with the awakened Daisy. We tell her the unpleasant news about Grant, after which we go in search of the rest of our friends and younger brother.

Call of Medusa.

We get to an abandoned liner on the shore. We must not allow our enemies to see us. Therefore, we destroy them one by one, sneaking up from behind. We use the camera to mark enemies and subsequently monitor their movements. We eliminate paired enemies on one side of the ship, then on the other. By marking them from the camera, some will be marked with yellow marks - these are the main targets. We deal with three of them and be sure to search the bodies. Let's go up to the wheelhouse, where we get a bulletproof vest. We listen to the kidnappers' conversations. Their plans, after receiving a ransom from rich parents, are to sell their children into slavery and get even more money for it. Meanwhile, guests came to us. We go outside and shoot the approaching enemies from the top position.

Playing the robber.

We meet with Dennis in the village. The people of Vaas are about to attack her. To contain them, it is necessary to destroy the enemy's weapons stockpiles. We go to a forest clearing and approach the observation post from the shore. We quietly sneak up to the warehouse, get inside and plant explosives. Moves beyond the yellow zone marked on the mini-map. We leave enemy territory or clear it.

Prison raid.

PB – stands for pirate bay. This is one of the local prisons. We get to the camp and quietly creep up to one of the towers, where there is a panel with an alarm signal activated. By turning off one of them, we will turn off the entire system in the camp, and then no one will be able to call for help. We fight or silently approach the head of the camp, deal with him and take the key to the prison. To find the boss, we use a camera that marks targets. The main one is marked in yellow.

We go into the bunker. Here the enemies are armed with shotguns, which are very effective at close range. We keep our distance and use cover. We go further and further until we are stunned.

Rescue of a friend.

Vaas's people grabbed us, and he himself doused the area between us and Lisa with gasoline. We're falling through ground floor, after which we get up and look for the way up. We go up the stairs and wait until the fire goes out. We go further into the room on the right, climb the stairs. We shoot at the valve in the upper left side to extinguish the fire. Another pipe will be located directly above the fire. The time we have been limited to is enough, so we move from floor to floor without fussing. We help our friend free herself and together we jump onto the scaffolding. Again, objects damaged by fire no longer withstand heavy weight and so we fall to the very bottom.

We run to the truck and help start it, pushing it from behind. To do this, quickly press the corresponding button. We destroy the pursuers with a grenade launcher. When the truck stalls, switch to the foreground and kill the enemies with a pistol.


We move to the doctor's mansion and go down into the cave to Daisy. During our absence, she noticed a boat on which, in her opinion, we could leave the island. One element is missing - the power head. We dive into the water and move towards the yellow area. We dive under the water and swim to the flashlight on the left, next to it lies the required item. We return to Daisy, repair the engine, and then start it. We chat with Lisa by the fire.

Meeting with Citra.

We leave the cave and contact Dennis by phone. He reports that it is time to meet with Citra, the leader of the rakyat. She will help us gain strength that will help us in freeing the remaining prisoners. You can get to it using a glider, and at the same time we will experience this wonderful structure. Without Dennis they wouldn't even talk to us. He introduced us as a young warrior in front of the fighters. We follow our partner inside the temple. The leader of the people was skeptical about us, but nevertheless gave us a chance. We drink the contents of the flask and go in search of what is lost.

Hallucinations engulfed us quite a bit. Having fallen down, and then, waiting for the water to ebb, we follow forward the man in the suit. We go into the hut and move along the bridge. We observe the characters on the islands, now on the right, now on the left. After crossing the bridge, we take the dagger. Having woken up, we communicate with Dennis and leave the temple to search for a real artifact.

The wrong side of the city.

Let's go to Badtown. The local residents are friendly. We go to the bar and sit down at the table. Just here the man in the white suit from our dream entered. Having finished the game, we’ll get out and follow him. The main thing is not to let the object out of sight for more than twenty seconds and move strictly behind it.

Wasp nest.

We quickly enter the hut and answer the stranger’s question. We go down to his basement. Willis works as a spy. His target is Hoyt Volken, the leader of the pirates, including his patronage over Vaasa. We go to the drug plantation and begin to burn the fields sown with grass. It is not at all necessary to use a flamethrower; it is enough to shoot explosive barrels from any weapon and the fire will spontaneously ignite throughout the entire territory. In small buildings you can find ammunition and first aid kits. Having finished with the fields, we get to the pier of the fishermen’s village. We grab the grenade launcher and shoot at the moving boat.

A man named Hoyt.

We meet with Willis in his hideout and get an earpiece. We listen to the recording, from which we learn that for Hoyt we are target number one. We go to the rice fields and enter the observation post. We see that Hoyt has arranged entertainment for his people. Two of the fugitives died, and the third took refuge in a small building. His name is Rongo, we need to save him. After all, he has valuable information. We kill two and get to Rongo through the minefield. Through clear water They are clearly visible, but not so much through the water. You can sit down to get a better look. We move strictly behind our ally, so as not to run into mines. We protect him from enemies until we get to the hut. He will look for the invoice, and we will protect him. Near the entrance we lay the mines found in the hut. If we suddenly don’t have time to deal with everyone, then the mines will help hold back the attack. Here we select ammunition and grenades from the boxes.

Save Oliver.

We photograph the invoice for Willis and get information from him about the convoy in which Oliver is being transported. The first time, no matter how hard we try, we won’t make it in time, so we go to the observation post. We clear the area and go to the edge of the cliff. The convoy will approach from the right side. Oliver will be dragged to the helicopter, we fire at the warden. We destroy everyone who tries to get closer to him. We shoot at explosive barrels to kill as many pirates as possible at the same time. When Oliver gets to the boat, we jump into the water and swim up to him. We climb onto a stationary machine gun, from which we shoot trucks on the shore, boats chasing us and the only helicopter.

We arrive at the cave and leave another survivor here.

A fragment of the past.

We leave the cave and go to Badtown. We go to the bar, where we communicate with Buck. Hoyt sold him our friend Keith. Buck is favorable to negotiations, so he offers us a deal. Get into the Nostalgia ship and find data that will help you find the dagger. The same one that Citra asked to find. We get to Nostalgia and clear the board of pirates. There is no alarm activation here, so we are free to act as we please.
Having found the entrance inside, we act carefully. We cannot allow ourselves to be noticed and the alarm to be activated. The number of enemies in the holds will constantly increase, but due to the fact that the rooms are small, there should not be any problems eliminating them. In the last room we destroy the armored enemy. We download data from the laptop, which leads to the activation of explosives.

We are trying to get out as soon as possible. We move in a zigzag pattern - now to the right, then to the left. We get out of the sinking ship, following the control points. Buck meets us on the shore. We show him the found compass.

Down into the darkness.

We go to Baku on the other side. After a short history lesson from a not entirely pleasant teacher, we go into the bunker. We climb onto the box, and from it to the wall along the rope. Let's go to control point, jumping down. Let's turn left and swim through the tunnel. Here are the people of Vaasa, please note that Molotov cocktail throwers are located in the center and in the top position. We destroy them first.

We go into the cave, throw a couple of grenades into a cluster of enemies. A wire runs from the closed door to the detonation mechanism. We activate it and then we will be able to go to the Chinese ruins. We jump into the water and are immediately attacked by a crocodile. Quickly press the appropriate button to kill him. We emerge from the other side. We push the seal to open the passage. We jump to the temple, but fall into the water. We reach a ledge that is too high to jump onto.

We push the seal on the right, shoot the three illuminated bars. Let's return to the previous room and push the seal on the left. Similarly, we get to the shaky bars and shoot them. This water level is enough to reach the ledge. When returning to the room with the ledge, a cobblestone will block the path. You can go around it from above.
We get to the treasury, where we select either the compass itself or part of it. Everything starts to collapse, we go left and move along the wooden structure towards the exit.