The document is a mandatory procedure for carrying out a GIA. Stage of the Unified State Exam in PPE

4. The GIA includes mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics (hereinafter referred to as compulsory academic subjects), as well as exams of the student’s choice in two academic subjects from among the academic subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German and Spanish), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT).

Persons who have studied their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as their native language and native literature) when receiving basic general education are given the right to choose an exam in their native language and/or native literature.

For students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled students who have completed educational programs of basic general education, the number of exams taken at their request is reduced to two mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics.

5. The State Examination in all academic subjects specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure (with the exception of foreign languages, as well as the native language and native literature) is conducted in Russian.

6. If the study of an academic subject of the invariant part of the curriculum of an educational organization was carried out in the native language, the GIA in the academic subject is also carried out in the native language, provided that when studying it, textbooks included in the federal list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation were used , recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations engaged in educational activities *(2).

II. Forms of State Examination

7. State examination is carried out:

a) in the form of the main state exam (hereinafter - OGE) using control measuring materials, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form * (3) (hereinafter - KIM) - for students of educational organizations, including foreign citizens, stateless persons, in including compatriots abroad, refugees and internally displaced persons who have completed educational programs of basic general education in full-time, part-time or part-time forms, as well as for persons who have completed educational programs of basic general education in the form of family education and were admitted to the State Examination Academy this year;

b) in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (hereinafter referred to as the state final examination, GVE) - for students who have completed educational programs of basic general education in special closed educational institutions, as well as in institutions those serving a sentence of imprisonment, studying in educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and implementing educational programs of basic general education with state accreditation, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have specialized structural educational units in their structure (hereinafter - foreign institutions) , as well as for students with disabilities, students with disabilities and disabled people who have completed educational programs of basic general education, for students who have completed educational programs of basic general education in educational organizations located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city in 2014 - 2018 meanings of Sevastopol;

c) in the form established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education * (4) - for students in educational programs of basic general education who have studied their native language and native literature (national literature in their native language) and have chosen the exam in your native language and/or native literature to pass the State Examination.

8. For students specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 7 of this Procedure, GIA in individual academic subjects, at their request, is carried out in the form of an OGE.

III. GIA participants

9. Students who do not have academic debt and have completed the curriculum or individual curriculum in full (with annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for grade IX not lower than satisfactory) are admitted to the State Examination.

The educational subjects chosen by the student, the form(s) of the State Academic Examination (for students in the case specified in paragraph 8 of this Procedure) and the language in which he plans to take exams (for students specified in paragraph 6 of this Procedure) are indicated by him in the application, which he submits it to the educational organization before March 1 inclusive.

Students who are, in the current academic year, winners or prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads and formed in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation * (5), are exempt from passing the state final certification in an academic subject that corresponds to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.

Students have the right to change (add) the list of exams specified in the application only if they have valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances). In this case, the student submits an application to the State Examination Committee indicating the amended list of academic subjects for which he plans to pass the State Examination, and the reasons for changing the previously declared list. This application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams.

10. Students who have mastered the educational program of basic general education in the form of family education, or who have studied in an educational program of basic general education that does not have state accreditation, have the right to take an external state examination in an organization that carries out educational activities in an educational program of basic general education that has state accreditation, in the forms , established by this Procedure * (6).

These students are admitted to the State Examination Examination subject to the condition that they receive grades no lower than satisfactory at the intermediate assessment.

provides methodological support for the conduct of the State Examination * (7), including sending recommendations to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, implementing public administration in the field of education, founders, foreign institutions on determining the minimum number of points confirming that students have mastered educational programs of basic general education in accordance with the requirements Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (hereinafter referred to as the minimum number of points), recommendations for converting the sum of primary points for examination papers of the OGE and GVE into a five-point grading system;

organizes the development of CIMs for conducting the OGE, criteria for assessing examination papers performed on these CIMs, texts, topics, tasks, tickets for conducting GVE, criteria for assessing examination papers of GVE (hereinafter referred to as examination materials), including creating commissions for the development of CIMs for each educational subject (hereinafter referred to as the Commission for the Development of KIM), as well as the provision of these materials to the State Examination Committee of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation * (7);

organizes the formation and maintenance of a federal information system to ensure the conduct of the State Examination of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education (hereinafter - FIS)*(8) in the order *(9 ) ;

provides, together with the founders of educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and implementing educational programs of basic general education with state accreditation (hereinafter referred to as the founders), and foreign institutions, the conduct of State Examinations on educational programs of basic general education outside the territory of the Russian Federation * (10), including creating the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions for conducting state examinations outside the territory of the Russian Federation and organizing their activities * (11) .

13. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, ensure the conduct of the State Examination * (12) :

create the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation * (13) and organize their activities;

establish the form and procedure for conducting the State Examination for students who have studied their native language and native literature *(4);

develop examination materials for conducting the State Examination in the native language and native literature;

determine the location of examination points (hereinafter referred to as the PPE) and the distribution of students between them, the composition of the leaders and organizers of the PPE, authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee, technical specialists, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, assistants for the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure;

provide the PPE with the necessary set of examination materials for conducting the State Examination, including examination materials in their native language;

organize the formation and maintenance of regional information systems to ensure the conduct of the State Examination of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as RIS) * (14) and entering information into the FIS in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation * (9) ;

organize informing students and their parents (legal representatives) on the organization and conduct of the State Examination through educational organizations and local governments that manage education, as well as through interaction with the media, organizing the work of hotlines and maintaining a section on official websites on the Internet of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, or specialized websites;

ensure the processing and verification of examination papers in the manner established by this Procedure;

*(15) .

14. The founders and foreign institutions ensure that the State Examination is carried out outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including:

participate in the activities of the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions created to conduct state examinations outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

ensure the training and selection of specialists involved in conducting state inspections in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure;

determine the location of the PSE and the distribution of students between them, the composition of the leaders and organizers of the PSE, authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee, technical specialists, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, assistants for the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure;

provide the PPE with the necessary set of examination materials for conducting the State Examination;

ensure information security during the storage, use and transfer of examination materials, including determining the storage locations of examination materials, persons who have access to them, take measures to protect CIM from disclosure of the information contained in them;

organize the entry of information into the FIS in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation * (9);

organize informing students and their parents (legal representatives) on the organization and conduct of state examinations through educational organizations and foreign institutions, as well as through interaction with the media, organizing the work of hotlines and maintaining a section on the official websites of the founders on the Internet and foreign institutions or specialized sites;

ensure that the State Examination is carried out in the PPE in accordance with the requirements of this Procedure;

ensure processing and verification of examination papers in accordance with this Procedure;

determine the minimum number of points;

ensure the transfer of the sum of primary points for examination papers of the OGE and GVE into a five-point grading system;

ensure that students are familiarized with the results of the State Examination Test in all academic subjects;

carry out accreditation of citizens as public observers in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia * (16) .

15. In order to inform citizens about the procedure for conducting state inspections in the media, in which the official publication of regulatory legal acts of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out, on the official websites of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, founders, foreign institutions , educational organizations or on specialized websites the following information is published:

16. Organizational and technological support for conducting state inspection outside the territory of the Russian Federation, ensuring activities for the operation of FIS are carried out by a certain organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the authorized organization).

Organizational and technological support for conducting state examinations in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including ensuring activities for the operation of the RIS and interaction with the FIS, processing of students' examination papers is carried out by certain organizations, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - regional information processing centers (hereinafter - RCPO) .

having work experience in organizations engaged in educational activities and implementing educational programs of basic general, secondary general, secondary vocational education (at least three years);

availability of a document confirming receipt of additional professional education, including practical training (at least 18 hours) on assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the criteria for assessing examination papers in the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor *(7).

The general management and coordination of the activities of the subject commission in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman.

19. Consideration of student appeals is carried out by a conflict commission, which does not include members of the State Examination Committee and subject commissions.

Mediation board:

accepts and considers appeals from students regarding violations of the established procedure for conducting the state examination, as well as disagreement with the assigned scores;

Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, makes a decision to approve or reject the student’s appeal;

informs the student who filed the appeal and (or) his parents (legal representatives), as well as the State Examination Committee, about the decision made.

The conflict commissions include representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers, founders and foreign institutions, local government bodies, organizations engaged in educational activities, public organizations and associations.

20. By decision of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, territorial examination, subject and conflict commissions are created as part of the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions, exercising individual powers of the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions on the territory of one or more municipal districts and (or) urban districts.

21. Decisions of the State Examination Committee, subject and conflict commissions are documented in protocols.

22. In order to facilitate the implementation of the State Examination, educational organizations, as well as local government bodies exercising management in the field of education:

against signature, they inform students and their parents (legal representatives) about the deadlines, places and procedure for submitting applications for passing the State Examination, about the procedure for conducting the State Examination, including the grounds for removal from the exam, changing or canceling the results of the State Examination, about maintaining a video recording in the PPE, on the procedure for filing appeals regarding violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and disagreement with the assigned scores, on the time and place of familiarization with the results of the State Examination, as well as on the results of the State Examination received by students;

send their employees to work as managers and organizers of the PES, members of subject commissions, technical specialists, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, assistants for the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure, and monitor the participation of their employees in conducting the State Examination;

upon signature, inform the employees involved in the conduct of the State Examination about the dates, places and procedure for the conduct of the State Examination, including the recording of video recordings in the PPE and classrooms, the grounds for removal from the PPE, and the application of disciplinary and administrative measures against persons involved in the State Examination. conducting state inspection and those who violated the established procedure for conducting state inspection;

enter information into FIS and RIS in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation *(9).

23. In order to ensure compliance with the procedure for conducting the state inspection, citizens accredited as public observers in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia * (17) are given the right:

upon presentation of an identity document and a public observer certificate, be present at all stages of the State Examination, including when checking examination papers and when considering appeals regarding violations of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination or disagreement with the assigned points;

send information about violations identified during the state inspection to federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies that carry out management in the field of education *(17) .

V. Timing and duration of the State Examination

24. To conduct the OGE and GVE on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, a unified exam schedule is provided. The duration of examinations is established for each academic subject.

25. For persons re-admitted this year to take exams in the relevant academic subjects in the cases provided for by this Procedure, additional deadlines are provided for conducting the State Examination in the forms established by this Procedure (hereinafter referred to as additional deadlines).

26. For students who are unable, for good reasons, confirmed by documents, to pass the State Examination within the time limits established in accordance with paragraphs 24 and of this Procedure, the State Examination is carried out ahead of schedule, but not earlier than April 20, in the forms established by this Procedure.

27. The State Examination for students of educational organizations in correctional institutions of the penal system, who are released from serving their sentence no earlier than three months before the start of the State Examination, is carried out ahead of schedule within the time limits determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, according to in agreement with the founders of such correctional institutions, but not earlier than February 20 of the current year.

28. The break between examinations in compulsory academic subjects, the dates for which are established in accordance with paragraph 24 of this Procedure, is at least two days.

29. The duration of examinations in academic subjects does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing students, opening packages with examination materials, filling out the registration fields of the examination paper, setting up technical means).

If the exam lasts 4 hours or more, meals will be provided for students.

For students with disabilities, students with disabilities and disabled children, as well as those who studied at home for health reasons, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, which provide the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health measures for those in need long-term treatment, the duration of the exam increases by 1.5 hours (with the exception of the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”).

The duration of the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”) for these persons is increased by 30 minutes.

30. By decision of the State Examination Committee, the following students are re-admitted to take the State Examination in the current academic year in the relevant academic subjects in additional periods:

who received unsatisfactory results in the State Examination Test in no more than two academic subjects;

those who did not appear for exams for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances);

those who did not complete the examination work for good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances);

whose appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting state inspection by the conflict commission was satisfied;

the results of which were canceled by the State Examination Committee in the event of detection of violations of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, committed by the persons specified in paragraph 37 of this Procedure, or by other (unidentified) persons.

VI. Carrying out State Examination

31. KIM for conducting the OGE are formed and replicated by the founders, foreign agencies and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, using an open bank of tasks and specialized software posted on the official website of Rosobrnadzor or a specially dedicated website on the Internet ".

Texts, topics, assignments, tickets for the GVE are sent to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foreign institutions and founders on electronic media in encrypted form.

Storage of examination materials is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the procedure for the development, use and storage of CMMs established by Rosobrnadzor * (3). Opening examination materials before the start of the exam, disclosing information contained in the KIM, texts, topics, tasks, tickets for the GVE is prohibited.

32. Exams are held in educational institutions, the locations of which are approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education, founders and foreign institutions in agreement with the State Examination Committee.

PPE - a building (structure) that is used to conduct state inspection. The PES territory is the area inside a building (structure) or part of a building (structure) allocated for conducting state inspection.

In the building (complex of buildings) where the PES is located, before entering the PES, the following are distinguished:

places for storing personal belongings of students, organizers, medical workers, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, experts assessing the performance of laboratory work in chemistry, technical specialists and assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure;

premises for representatives of educational organizations accompanying students (hereinafter referred to as accompanying persons).

In the event of a threat of an emergency, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, founders and foreign institutions, in agreement with the State Examination Committee, decide to postpone the exam to another PPE or to another day provided for in the schedules of the OGE and GVE.

33. The number, total area and condition of the premises provided for conducting the State Examination (hereinafter referred to as the auditorium) ensure that examinations are conducted in conditions that meet the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Areas not used for the examination must be locked and sealed on the day of the examination.

On the day of examinations, stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on the relevant academic subjects must be closed in the classrooms.

A separate workplace is allocated for each student.

Auditoriums allocated for conducting exams in the Russian language are equipped with means of playing audio recordings, in foreign languages ​​- equipped with means of recording and playing audio recordings, in certain academic subjects - with equipment for the laboratory, in computer science and ICT, as well as in cases established by this Procedure - computer equipment.

By decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, founders and foreign institutions, PES are equipped with stationary and portable metal detectors, video surveillance equipment, and means of suppressing mobile communications signals.

d) medications and food (if necessary);

e) special technical means (for the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure);

f) drafts (with the exception of the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”).

Students leave other things in a specially designated place for personal belongings of students in the building (complex of buildings) where the PPE is located.

During the exam, students should not communicate with each other and cannot move freely around the room. During the exam, students can leave the classroom and move around the PPE, accompanied by one of the organizers. When leaving the classroom, students leave exam materials and drafts on their desk.

During the exam in the PPE it is prohibited:

a) students - have with them communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photos, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

b) organizers, assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure, medical workers, technical specialists, specialists in conducting instructions and providing laboratory work, experts assessing the performance of laboratory work in chemistry - have communication means with them;

c) the persons listed in paragraph 37 of this Procedure - provide assistance to students, including transferring to them communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

d) students, organizers, assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to the persons specified in paragraph 34 of this Procedure, technical specialists, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work, experts assessing the performance of laboratory work in chemistry - remove examination materials from the classrooms and PPE on paper or electronic media, photograph examination materials.

Persons who violate the established procedure for conducting the State Examination are removed from the exam. To do this, organizers or public observers invite authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee, who draw up an act of removal from the exam and remove persons who violated the established procedure for conducting the State Examination from the PES.

If a student, for health reasons or other objective reasons, cannot complete the examination work, then he leaves the classroom early. In this case, the organizers accompany the exam participant to a medical professional and invite authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee. If the exam participant agrees to complete the exam early, the authorized representative of the State Examination Committee and the medical worker draw up a report on the early completion of the exam for objective reasons. The organizer puts a corresponding mark on the student registration form.

Acts of removal from the exam and early completion of the exam for objective reasons are sent to the State Examination Office on the same day for consideration when processing examination papers.

Information about changes:

By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 24, 2016 N 305, paragraph 42 was supplemented with paragraph 42.1

42.1. When conducting the OGE in foreign languages, the exam includes a “Listening” section, all tasks for which are recorded on audio media.

The auditoriums allocated for the “Listening” section are equipped with means of playing audio media.

To complete the tasks in the “Listening” section, technical specialists or organizers set up an audio playback facility so that all students can hear it. Students listen to the audio recording twice, after which they begin to complete the examination work.

43. When conducting an exam in foreign languages, the exam also includes a “Speaking” section, oral answers to the tasks of which are recorded on audio media.

To complete tasks in the “Speaking” section, classrooms equipped with digital audio recording equipment are used. Technicians or organizers set up digital audio recording tools to accurately record oral responses.

Students are invited to the classroom to receive the assignment for the oral part of the CMM and subsequently record oral answers to the CMM assignments. The student approaches the digital audio recording device and, at the command of a technician or organizer, loudly and clearly gives an oral answer to the task, after which he listens to the recording of his answer to make sure that it was produced without technical failures. If a technical failure occurs during recording, the student is given the right to take the “Speaking” section again.

44. When conducting GVE orally, students’ oral responses are recorded on audio media or recorded. Auditoriums allocated for recording oral responses are equipped with hardware and software for digital audio recording. The student, at the command of a technical specialist or organizer, loudly and clearly gives an oral response to the task. The technical specialist or organizer allows the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. In the case of logging oral answers, the student is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the protocol of his answer and make sure that it is recorded correctly.

45. 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers inform students about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts to sheets (forms).

After the exam time has expired, the organizers announce the end of the exam and collect exam materials from students.

The organizers pack the collected examination materials into separate bags. On each package, the organizers mark the name, address and PPE number, audience number, name of the academic subject in which the exam was held, and the number of materials in the package, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the organizers.

Students who complete the examination work ahead of schedule hand it over to the organizers and leave the classroom without waiting for the exam to be completed.

46. ​​Upon completion of the exam, authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee draw up a report on the examination in the PPE, which is submitted to the State Examination Committee on the same day.

Sealed packages with examination papers are sent on the same day by authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee to the RCPI (structural divisions of the RCPI of the municipal district and (or) city district).

Unused examination materials and used KIM for conducting the State Examination and texts, topics, assignments, tickets for conducting the State Examination, as well as used drafts are sent to places determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, foreign institution, founder to ensure their storage

Unused examination materials and used KIM for the OGE, texts, topics, assignments, tickets for the GVE are stored until March 1 of the year following the year of the exam, used drafts - for a month after the exam. After the expiration of the specified period, the listed materials are destroyed by a person determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, a foreign institution, or the founder. If, by decision of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, the founder, or a foreign institution, scanning of students’ examination papers is carried out in the PPE (in classrooms), then in the PPE, immediately after the completion of the exam, a technical specialist scans the examination papers in the presence of authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee , head of the PES, public observers (if available). By decision of the State Examination Committee, scanning of examination papers is carried out in classrooms in the presence of students.

VII. Checking the examination papers of State Examination Examination participants and their evaluation

47. RCIO provides subject commissions with impersonal copies of students’ examination papers.

Entries in drafts are not processed or checked.

When checking oral answers to tasks in the “Speaking” section of the OGE in foreign languages, subject commissions are provided with files with digital audio recordings of oral answers in foreign languages ​​and specialized software for listening to them.

48. Examination papers are checked by two experts. Based on the results of the check, experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the examination paper. The results of each assessment are entered into inspection protocols by subject commissions, which, after completion, are transferred to the RCIO for further processing. If there is a significant discrepancy in the scores given by the two experts, a third check is scheduled. A significant discrepancy in scores is defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject.

The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject commission from among the experts who have not previously checked the examination work.

The third expert is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the student’s examination work. The scores awarded by the third expert are final.

49. Subject commissions work in premises that exclude the possibility of access to them by unauthorized persons (with the exception of RCIO employees who provide organizational and technological support for the work of subject commissions, authorized representatives of the State Examination Committee and public observers) and dissemination of restricted access information. Experts are prohibited from copying and removing examination papers, assessment criteria, protocols for checking examination papers from the specified premises, as well as disclosing to unauthorized persons the information contained in the specified materials. Upon completion of the inspection, the materials used by the experts (with the exception of examination protocols) are destroyed by a person determined by the head of the RCIO. Examination papers of students are stored in places determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the founder until March 1 of the year following the year of the examination, and after the specified period are destroyed by a person authorized by the body executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the founder.

If it is established that an expert has violated these requirements, performed his duties in bad faith, or used the status of an expert for personal purposes, the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, a foreign institution, or the founder shall make a decision to exclude the expert from the subject commission.

50. By decision of the executive authorities of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, an exchange of examination papers is organized between the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as interregional cross-checking).

Organizational and technological support for interregional cross-checking of examination papers is carried out by the Regional Centers of Inspection of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

51. Processing and checking examination papers takes no more than ten calendar days. Immediately upon completion of the processing and verification of examination papers, the State Examination Agency RCIO sends to the authorized organization the results of processing and verification of the answers to the examination papers of the State Examination Agency.

52. The results obtained in primary points (the sum of points for correctly completed tasks of the examination work) are translated into a five-point grading system by RCIO.

VIII. Approval, modification and (or) cancellation of state examination results

53. At its meeting, the State Examination Committee reviews the results of the State Examination Examination for each academic subject and makes a decision on their approval, modification and (or) cancellation in the cases provided for by this Procedure.

54. Approval of the State Examination results is carried out within one working day from the date of receipt of the results of checking the examination papers.

55. By decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, subject commissions recheck individual examination papers of students.

The results of the re-check are documented in protocols in accordance with paragraph 48 of this Procedure.

Based on the results of the re-checking of students’ examination papers, the State Examination Committee makes a decision on maintaining the GIA results or changing the GIA results in accordance with the protocols for re-checking the students’ examination papers.


If the conflict commission has satisfied the student’s appeal about disagreement with the awarded points, the State Examination Committee makes a decision to change the GIA result in accordance with the protocols of the conflict commission.

57. If it is established that a student has violated the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, the State Examination Committee makes a decision to cancel the student’s State Examination result in the relevant academic subject.

If the violation is committed by the persons specified in paragraph 37 of this Procedure, or by other (unidentified) persons, then the State Examination Committee makes a decision to cancel the State Examination results of students whose results were distorted in the relevant academic subject, as well as to re-admit them to the State Examination Test in the relevant academic subject. subject in additional time.

To make a decision on canceling the result of the State Examination in connection with a violation of the established procedure for conducting it, the State Examination Committee requests from authorized persons and organizations the necessary documents and information, including examination papers, information about the persons present at the PPE, and other information on compliance with the procedure for conducting the State Examination.

58. The decision to change or cancel the results of the State Examination in the cases provided for by this Procedure is made within two working days from the moment the conflict commission makes the relevant decisions, the completion of the re-check of examination papers, and documentary confirmation of the fact of violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination.

59. After approval, the results of the State Examination are transferred within one working day to educational organizations, as well as local government bodies that manage the field of education, founders and foreign institutions to familiarize students with the results of the State Examination approved by the State Examination Committee.

Familiarization of students with the State Examination results in an academic subject approved by the State Examination Committee is carried out within one working day from the date of their transfer to educational organizations, as well as local government bodies that manage the field of education, founders and foreign institutions. The specified day is considered the official day of announcement of the State Examination results.

IX. Evaluation of State Examination Results

60. The results of the State Examination Test are considered satisfactory if the student in the academic subjects taken has scored the minimum number of points determined by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, the founder, or the foreign institution.

61. Students who have not passed the State Examination or have received unsatisfactory results in the State Examination in more than two academic subjects, or who have repeatedly received unsatisfactory results in one or two academic subjects in the State Examination in additional terms, are given the right to pass the State Examination in the relevant academic subjects no earlier than September 1 of the current year in the terms and forms established by this Procedure.

X. Reception and consideration of appeals

62. The conflict commission accepts written appeals from students regarding violations of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination in an academic subject and (or) disagreement with the assigned points to the conflict commission.

63. The conflict commission does not consider appeals on issues of the content and structure of examination materials in academic subjects, as well as on issues related to the assessment of the results of completing examination tasks with a short answer, violation by students of the requirements of this Procedure or incorrect execution of the examination paper.

64. When considering an appeal, verification of the facts stated in it is not carried out by persons who took part in the organization and (or) conduct of the relevant exam, or who previously checked the examination work of the student who filed the appeal.

65. In order to perform its functions, the conflict commission requests from authorized persons and organizations the necessary documents and information, including copies of examination papers and inspection protocols by subject commissions, protocols of oral answers, answers on audio media, information about persons present at the exam, compliance procedures for conducting state inspection.

66. When considering the appeal, if desired, the student and (or) his parents (legal representatives), as well as public observers, are present.

The appeal hearing is conducted in a calm and friendly atmosphere.

67. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination (except for the cases established by paragraph 63 of this Procedure) is submitted by the student on the day of the exam in the relevant academic subject to an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, without leaving the PPE.

68. In order to verify the information set out in the appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination, an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee organizes an inspection with the participation of the organizers, technical specialists in working with software, specialists in conducting instruction and providing laboratory work not involved in the classroom in which the test was taken. examination of students, public observers, law enforcement officers, medical workers, as well as assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to students with disabilities.

The results of the inspection are presented in the form of a conclusion. The appeal and the conclusion on the results of the inspection are transferred on the same day by an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee to the conflict commission.

When considering an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting state inspection, the conflict commission considers the appeal, the conclusion on the results of the inspection and makes one of the decisions:

dismissal of the appeal;

on the satisfaction of the appeal.

69. If the appeal is satisfied, the result of the exam, according to the procedure of which the student filed an appeal, is canceled and the student is given the opportunity to take the exam in the relevant academic subject on another day, provided for by the State Examination Schedule.

70. An appeal about disagreement with the assigned scores is submitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of the State Examination results in the relevant academic subject.

Students file an appeal of disagreement with the assigned scores directly to the conflict commission or to the educational organization in which they were admitted to the State Examination Examination in accordance with the established procedure. The head of the educational organization who accepted the appeal immediately transfers it to the conflict commission.

By decision of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, the founder, the foreign institution, the filing and (or) consideration of appeals is organized using information and communication technologies, subject to compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection.

Students and their parents (legal representatives) are informed in advance about the time and place of consideration of appeals.

71. When considering an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission requests from the RCIO printed images of the examination work, electronic media containing files with digital audio recordings of the student’s oral answers, protocols of oral answers, copies of protocols for checking the examination work by the subject commission and examination materials completed by the student, who filed the appeal.

These materials are presented to the student (with his participation in the consideration of the appeal).

The student (for students under 14 years of age - in the presence of parents (legal representatives)) confirms in writing that he has been presented with images of the examination work completed by him, files with a digital audio recording of his oral answer, a protocol of the oral answer (in case of his participation in the consideration of the appeal ).

72. Before the meeting of the conflict commission to consider an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission establishes the correctness of the assessment of the examination work of the student who filed the appeal. For this purpose, experts in the relevant academic subject who have not previously checked this examination paper are involved in the consideration of the appeal.

If the experts do not give an unambiguous answer about the correctness of assessing the student’s examination work, the conflict commission contacts the Commission for the Development of KIM for the relevant academic subject with a request for clarification on the assessment criteria.

73. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission makes a decision to reject the appeal and maintain the assigned points, or to satisfy the appeal and assign other points. In this case, if the appeal is granted, the number of previously assigned points may change either in the direction of increasing or decreasing the number of points.

If errors are detected in the processing and (or) verification of the examination work, the conflict commission transfers the relevant information to the RCIO in order to recalculate the results of the State Examination.

74. After approval, the results of the State Examination are transferred to educational organizations, local governments, foreign institutions and founders to familiarize students with the results they received.

75. The conflict commission considers an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination (except for the cases established by paragraph 63 of this Procedure) within two working days, and an appeal about disagreement with the awarded points - four working days from the date of its receipt by the conflict commission.


*(1) Part 4 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326 ; N 23, Art. 2878; N 30, Art. 4036, Art. 6165)


On the day of the GIA, the head of the PPE and the head of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE GIA-11 is organized must appear at the PPE no later than 07.30 local time, PPE GIA-9 - no later than 08.00.

No later than 07.50, the head of the PPE GIA-11 appoints a person responsible for registering persons involved in conducting the GIA in the PPE, in accordance with the form PPE-07 “List of PPE employees,” from among the organizers outside the classroom.

Responsible organizer outside the classroom, authorized by the head of the PES to carry out registration of persons involved in conducting GIA-11, starting from 08.00 local time, at the entrance to the PES together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police) checks the availability of documents from persons involved in conducting state inspection in the PSE, establishes the correspondence of their identity to the submitted documents, and also checks the presence of these persons in the lists of PSE employees. Registration of those involved in the GIA-9 is carried out by the head of the PES himself.

Admission to the PES of medical workers is carried out according to identity documents and in the presence of an order to send a medical worker to the PES.

In the event of non-appearance of the PSE workers allocated to the PES, the head of the PSE replaces the PSE workers in accordance with the PPE-19 form “Control of changes in the composition of employees on the day of the exam.” Replacement of PES employees is carried out only from the staff of workers assigned to a given PES on the day of the exam.

Organizers, technical specialists, medical workers, as well as assistants for GIA participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities must leave their personal belongings, including communication equipment, in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

At the entrance to the PPE, lists of distribution of GIA participants by audience are posted on the information stands (form PPE-06-01 “List of GIA participants of an educational organization” and (or) form PPE-06-02 “List of participants in the PPE in alphabetical order”).

Admission of GIA participants to the PES is carried out no earlier than 09.00 local time and if they have documents proving their identity, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES.

Organizers (security workers of educational organizations) indicate to GIA participants the need to leave personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications and other prohibited means and materials, etc.) in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

A member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) is present when organizing the entrance of the State Examination Committee participants into the PES and monitors compliance with the requirements of the Procedure, including monitoring the organization of the delivery of other things in specially designated places before the entrance to the PES for storing personal belongings of the State Examination Participants and PSE employees.

When entering the PES, the organizers, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police):

check documents proving the identity of the GIA participants and their presence in the distribution lists in this PES;

using stationary and (or) portable metal detectors, they check the presence of prohibited substances among participants in the Unified State Examination, GVE-11. When a metal detector signal appears, the organizers invite the GIA participant to show the object causing the signal. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the organizers invite the GIA-11 participant to hand over this device to the place where personal belongings of the GIA-11 participants are stored or to an accompanying person. GIA-9 participants are also asked to hand over prohibited substances.

If the GIA participant refuses to take the prohibited drug, the organizers outside the audience again explain to him that in accordance with clause 45 of the Procedure for conducting the GIA for educational programs of secondary general education, clause 43 of the Procedure for conducting the GIA for educational programs of basic general education on the day of the exam ( during the period from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam), it is prohibited to have in the PES any means of communication, electronic computer equipment, photos, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information. Thus, such a GIA participant cannot be admitted to the PES.

In this case, the organizers outside the audience invite the head of the PES and a member of the State Committee (authorized representative). The head of the PPE, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), draws up an act of non-admission of the State Examination Member who refused to hand over the prohibited substance. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PPE and the State Inspectorate participant who refused to hand over the prohibited substance. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by a member of the SES (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the SES, the second - to the GIA participant.

The specified Unified State Examination participant may be allowed to participate in the State Examination again in this academic subject in additional terms only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination.

If, for objective reasons, the student does not have an identification document, he is admitted to the PPE after written confirmation of his identity by the accompanying person (form PPE-20 “Act of Identification of the State Examination Participants”).

If a graduate of previous years does not have an identification document, he is not allowed into the PPE.

A member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) is present when drawing up an act on the non-admission of such a State Examination participant to the PPE by the head of the PPE. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PES and a participant in the State Inspectorate. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by a member of the SES (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the SES, the second - to the GIA participant. The specified participant can be allowed to participate in the State Examination in this academic subject again in additional terms only by decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee.

If a State Examination Participant is late for the exam (but no more than two hours from the start of the exam), he is allowed to take the State Examination Test in the prescribed manner, and the end time of the exam is not extended, which is reported to the State Examination Participants. Repeated general briefing is not provided for late GIA participants. In this case, the organizers provide the necessary information to fill out the registration fields of the State Examination Forms. Organizers are recommended to draw up a document in free form. The specified act is signed by the GIA participant, the head of the PPE and the GEC member (authorized representative).

In the case of a state examination in foreign languages ​​(written part, section “Listening”), late participants are not allowed into the audience after turning on the audio recording (except if there are no other participants in the audience or if the participants in the audience have finished listening to the audio recording). Personal listening is not carried out for late participants (except if there are no other exam participants in the room).

In the absence of a State Examination participant in the distribution lists for a given PES, the participant is not allowed to participate in the PES; a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) records this fact for further decision-making.

The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), draws up acts of non-admission of the above-mentioned participants to the PES. These acts are signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PPE and the participants of the State Examination Committee.

Acts are drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copies are left by a member of the State Electoral Commission (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the State Electoral Committee, the second copies – to the participants of the State Examination Committee. The specified State Examination participants may be allowed to participate again in the State Examination in this academic subject in additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

In the event of the failure of all State Examination participants assigned to the PES to appear for more than two hours from the start of the exam (10.00), a member of the State Examination Committee, in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee (deputy chairman of the State Examination Committee), decides to complete the exam in this PES with the execution of the appropriate PES forms.

Organizers outside the classroom assist GIA participants in moving around the PES. The organizers inform the GIA participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

Organizers in the audience check the compliance of the participant’s identification document with form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examinations in the audience” and send the state examination participant to the workplace according to the automated distribution lists.

During the exam in the PPE classrooms public observers should pay attention to:

The following items may be on the desktops of GIA participants:

gel capillary pen with black ink,

identification document,

medications and food (if necessary),

teaching and educational means permitted for use,

drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized (in the case of an exam in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued),

special technical means (for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities).

The organizers must provide instructions to the GIA participants. The briefing consists of two parts. The first part of the briefing is carried out from 09.50 local time, the second part of the briefing begins no earlier than 10.00 local time.

During the first part of the briefing, the organizers must inform the GIA participants:

about the procedure for conducting the exam,

about the rules for preparing examination work,

about the duration of the exam,

on the procedure for filing an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and an appeal about disagreement with the awarded points,

about cases of removal from the exam,

about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the State Examination,

that records on CMMs and drafts are not processed or checked.

During the second part of the briefing, the organizers demonstrate to the GIA participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with IR.

The delivery package containing the IR must be opened by the organizers no earlier than 10:00 local time. Next, the organizers distribute the ICs to the participants in a random order, ask the State Examination Participants to check the integrity of their ICs, open the ICs along the perforation line and check the completeness of the exam materials issued, the absence of printing defects and the number of CIM pages. If barcode discrepancies, extra (shortage) forms, or typographical defects are detected, the organizers must completely replace the individual set for the State Examination Participant with a new one.

The organizers ask the GIA participants to begin filling out the registration forms and registration fields of the answer forms. During the filling process, the organizers inform the participants about the rules for preparing the examination work and that entries on the KIM and drafts are not processed or checked, and also check that the registration fields on all State Examination Forms are filled out correctly for each State Examination Participant and the compliance of the State Examination Participant’s data in the document, identification and on the registration form. If an incorrect filling in the registration fields is detected, the organizers instruct the participant to make appropriate corrections. Upon completion of filling out the registration fields of the State Examination Forms by all participants, the organizers announce the start and end times of the examination work and record them on the board (information stand).

Note. The duration of the examination work does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing participants, issuing electronic documents to them, filling out registration fields of forms, setting up the necessary technical means used during examinations).

While the GIA participants are performing the examination work, the organizers must maintain order in the classroom.

When leaving the audience, GIA participants must leave the EM and drafts on the desktop, and the organizer must check the completeness of the materials left behind.

Person training

involved in the state final certification

for educational programs of secondary general education at the examination point (organizer in the audience)

Final control in the form of testing

The final testing questions are designed to determine the level of knowledge of persons involved in conducting state final certification in the form of a unified state exam in the position of organizers in the audience of examination points who have undergone training. The question bank contains 85 questions, of which it is recommended to use 30 questions for the final test. The recommended time for the final test is 40 minutes, the recommended passing threshold is 25 correct answers.

Codifier of final testing questions for organizers in the PPE audience


Topic/module name

Number of questions in topic/module

Number of questions for final testing

Regulatory legal acts regulating the conduct of state inspection

Functional responsibilities of the organizer in the classroom

Requirements for exam rooms and equipment for individual subjects

Organization of entry and movement of State Examination participants to the PPE

Features of conducting a state examination for persons with disabilities

Features of conducting an exam using EM on paper

Examination materials in the PES used for conducting the State Examination, the procedure for filling out the PES forms

Organization of EM printing in PPE classrooms

Organization and conduct of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages

Features of organizing and conducting GVE

Compliance by PPE employees with moral and ethical standards when conducting state inspections

I-Topic/module: Regulatory legal acts regulating the conduct of state inspection

Question: What regulatory legal document determines the forms of conducting GIA-11, participants, terms and duration of conducting GIA-11?

  1. The procedure for conducting state final certification of students in educational programs of secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400

Type: single choice

Question: Which document contains instructions for organizers in the PES audience on how to conduct the Unified State Exam in the PES?

Possible answers:

Type: single choice

Question: Which document contains the description of the registration form for a State Examination participant?

Possible answers:

C. Rules for filling out Unified State Exam forms

Type: single choice

Question: Which normative legal document sets out the basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education?

Type: single choice

Question: When are students and graduates of previous years familiarized with the State Examination results approved by the State Examination Committee for an academic subject?

Possible answers:

  1. Within one working day from the date of their transfer to organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as local government bodies exercising management in the field of education

II - Topic/module: Functional responsibilities of the organizer in the classroom

Type: single choice

Question: When should the classroom organizer arrive at the PPE on the day of the exam?

Possible answers:

Type: single choice

Question: Which PPE worker should the organizer in the audience register with upon arrival at the PPE?

Possible answers:

  1. From the responsible organizer outside the classroom authorized by the head of the PPE

Type: single choice

Question: When should the organizer in the audience be instructed by the head of the PES on the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in the PES on the day of the exam?

Possible answers:

  1. No earlier than 8:15 local time

Type: single choice

Question: When should the organizer in the classroom go into his classroom, check its readiness for the exam and begin performing his duties?

Possible answers:

B. No later than 8:45 local time

Type: single choice

Question: Before the start of the exam, the organizer in the audience should distribute the following to the USE participants’ workplaces:

Possible answers:

  1. Drafts (minimum 2)

Type: single choice

Question: The responsible organizer in the audience, when USE participants enter the audience, must:

Possible answers:

  1. Distribute drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is located to the Unified State Examination participants

    Check the details of the identity document of the Unified State Exam participant with the data in the form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examination in the audience” and inform the participant the number of his seat in the audience

Type: single choice

Question: When does the responsible organizer in the audience accept exam materials from the head of the PSE?

Possible answers:

  1. No later than 9:30 local time

    No later than 9:45 local time

Type: single choice

Question: The first part of the instruction for the Unified State Exam participants is carried out by the organizer in the classroom:

Possible answers:

  1. From 9:50 local time

Type: single choice

Question: The second part of the instruction for Unified State Exam participants begins no earlier than:

Possible answers:

  1. 9:50 local time

    10:00 local time

Type: single choice

Question: If a Unified State Examination participant refuses to put a personal signature on the registration form:

Possible answers:

C. The organizer in the audience puts his signature on the registration form

Type: single choice

Question: If a Unified State Exam participant makes a claim regarding the content of his CMM assignment, the organizer in the audience must:

Possible answers:

  1. Replace the participant’s individual kit and increase the exam time

    Record in free form the essence of the complaint in a memo and transfer it to the head of the PPE

Type: single choice

Question: If a Unified State Examination participant leaves the audience during the exam, the organizer in the audience:

Possible answers:

  1. Checks the completeness of the examination materials and drafts left by the participant on the desktop

Type: single choice

Question: 15 minutes before the end of the examination work, the organizer in the classroom should:

Possible answers:

  1. Inform Unified State Exam participants about the imminent completion of the examination work and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts and KIM to Unified State Exam forms

    Count damaged (defective) kits in the classroom, unused drafts, note in the PPE forms the facts of failure to appear for the exam of Unified State Exam participants, check the marks of the facts of removal from the exam, failure to complete the examination work, errors in documents (if such facts occurred)

Type: single choice

Question: 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the examination work, the organizer in the audience must:

Possible answers:

  1. Inform Unified State Exam participants about the imminent completion of the examination work and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts and KIM to Unified State Exam forms

Type: single choice

Question: When can audience organizers leave the PPE:

Possible answers:

C. After transferring the exam materials to the head of the PSE and with the permission of the head of the PSE

III - Topic/module: Requirements for exam rooms and equipment in individual subjects

Type: single choice

Question: Who ensures and verifies that each seat in the classroom is identified with a prominent number?

Possible answers:

  1. Head of PPE

Type: single choice

Question: When preparing the PPE for the exam, it is necessary to ensure that each exam audience:

Possible answers:

  1. For hours in the field of view of the Unified State Exam participants

Type: single choice

Question: What additional materials are allowed to be used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

Possible answers:

  1. Spelling dictionaries

    Additional materials are not used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Type: single choice

Question: The following information should be posted in all Unified State Exam classrooms:

Possible answers:

  1. About video surveillance

Type: single choice

Question: A separate workplace (table) in the classroom, located within the visibility range of video cameras, is intended to:

Possible answers:

  1. To carry out the layout and subsequent packaging of EVs collected by the organizers in the auditorium of the GIA participants

Type: single choice

Question: The following must be closed in exam rooms:

Possible answers:

C. Stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on relevant academic subjects

Type: single choice

Question: The classrooms allocated for the “Listening” section during the written part of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language are equipped with:

Possible answers:

  1. Audio playback tools

Type: single choice

Question: Audiences allocated for completing tasks in the “Speaking” section during the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​are equipped with:

Possible answers:

  1. Audio playback tools

    Digital audio recording

IV - Topic/module: Organization of entry and movement of State Civil Aviation participants in the PPE. Organization of video surveillance in PPE

Type: single choice

Question: When is GIA participants admitted to the PPE?

Possible answers:

  1. No earlier than 9:00 local time

Type: single choice

Question: What document must a GIA participant present at the entrance to the PPE?

Possible answers:

  1. Identity document

Type: single choice

Question: If the student does not have an identification document at the entrance to the PPE:

Possible answers:

  1. A student is admitted to the PES after confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the educational organization and presence in the distribution lists in this PES

Type: single choice

Question: If a student is not on the distribution list in the PPE for the exam:

Possible answers:

  1. The student is admitted to the PPE upon presentation of an identity document

    The student is not allowed in the PPE

Type: single choice

Question: If a Unified State Examination participant is late for the exam

Possible answers:

  1. The participant is admitted to the PPE; the exam time for him is not extended

V - Topic/module: Features of conducting state assessment for persons with disabilities

Type: single choice

Question: Who provides the necessary technical assistance (taking a workplace, moving around, reading the task) to participants with disabilities during the exam?

Possible answers:

  1. Technician

    Organizer in the audience


Type: single choice

Question: What special conditions are provided for visually impaired GIA participants?

Possible answers:

  1. the presence of magnifying devices, copying examination materials in an enlarged size, individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux

Type: single choice

Question: The State Examination Participant’s answers are transferred from the computer to standard answer forms by:

Possible answers:

  1. Assistant in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee and a public observer (if available)

Type: single choice

Question: How long does the duration of the exam increase for participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities?

Possible answers:

  1. For 1.5 hours

Type: single choice

Question: PPE classrooms for hearing-impaired exam participants must be equipped with:

Possible answers:

  1. Sound amplification equipment

VI- Topic/module: Features of conducting an exam using EM on paper

Type: single choice

Question: You can conduct an exam using EM on paper for:

  1. Unified State Exam participants taking the PPE exam at home

Type: single choice

Question: What forms are used in the exam using paper EM?

Possible answers:

  1. Colored double-sided forms, as in previous years

    Black and white single-sided forms

VII - Topic/module: Examination materials in PES, procedure for using PES forms

Type: single choice

Question: How many copies of form PPE-05-01 “List of State Examination Participants in the PSE Auditorium” should the organizer receive in the audience from the head of the PPE before the start of the exam?

Possible answers:

Type: single choice

Question: What form of PES should be posted at the entrance to the classroom by the organizer in the classroom?

Possible answers:

  1. PPE-13-01 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE”

    PPE-05-01 “List of GIA participants in the PPE audience”

Type: single choice

Question: Which Unified State Examination materials are subject to processing and verification?

Possible answers:

  1. Unified State Examination forms, machine-readable PPE forms

Type: single choice

Question: Additional answer forms No. 2 are issued to the organizer in the audience by the head of the PES:

Possible answers:

  1. At the headquarters of the PES at the request of the Unified State Exam participants during the examination work

    At the PPE headquarters before the exam, along with other exam materials

Type: single choice

Question: In the form PPE-12-04-MASH “Registration of the time of absence of GIA participants in the classroom”:

Possible answers:

  1. Participant's first exit from the audience

    All exits of participants from the audience, except for calls to a medical professional

    All exits of participants from the audience

Type: single choice

Question: What should be done in the event of printing defects/defects or accidental damage to the USE participant’s EM kit?

Possible answers:

  1. Replace the defective/damaged set with a newly printed set

Type: single choice

Question: Where should electronic media be stored in the EM in the PPE until handed over to the responsible organizer in the audience?

Possible answers:

  1. In the exam room

    In the safe at the PPE headquarters

Type: single choice

Question: What actions should a Unified State Exam participant perform if there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, sheet 1

Possible answers:

  1. Continue writing on the back of answer form No. 2, sheet 1

    Continue making notes on the front side of answer form No. 2, sheet 2

    Ask the organizer in the audience for an additional answer form No. 2

Type: single choice

Question: Which form contains the fields for recording the results of completing tasks with a short answer?

Possible answers:

  1. On the registration form

    In answer form No. 1

    In answer form No. 2 (sheet 1, sheet 2)

Type: single choice

Question: Which form contains the field for recording the results of completing tasks with a detailed answer?

Possible answers:

  1. On the registration form

    In answer form No. 1

    In answer form No. 2 (sheet 1, sheet 2)

Type: single choice

Question: What form is filled out if a Unified State Exam participant violates the procedure for conducting the State Examination in the PPE?

Possible answers:

  1. Form PPE-21 “Act of removal of a State Examination Participant”

Type: single choice

Question: In what case is Form PPE-20 “Act on Personal Identification of State Examination Participant” filled out?

Possible answers:

  1. If a Unified State Examination participant is late for the exam

    If the student does not have an identity document

Type: single choice

Question: In what case is Form PPE-05-04U “Statement of movement of Unified State Exam participants” used?

Possible answers:

  1. If a Unified State Examination participant leaves the audience during the exam

    When a Unified State Examination participant moves from the preparation classroom to the conducting classroom during the oral part of the exam in foreign languages

Type: single choice

Question: In which PPE Form are the numbers of additional answer forms No. 2 recorded?

Possible answers:

  1. Form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examination in the classroom”

    Form PPE-12-03 “Statement of the use of additional answer forms No. 2”

Type: single choice

Question: What form does a Unified State Examination participant sign at the end of the exam in the PPE classroom?

Possible answers:

  1. In the form PPE-06-02 “List of Unified State Exam participants in PPE in alphabetical order”

    In the form PPE-05-01 “List of GIA participants in the PPE audience”

    In the form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examination in the classroom”

VIII - Topic/module: Organization of EM printing in PPE classrooms

Type: single choice

Question: What is printed at the EM Print Station?

Possible answers:

  1. Complete set of exam materials

    Registration forms and answer forms only

    CMM only

Type: single choice

Question: How many EM printing stations should be prepared in the PPE?

Possible answers:

  1. One at the PPE headquarters

    At least one in each classroom

    One for each GIA participant’s workplace

Type: single choice

Question: In what cases is additional EM printing performed in the classroom?

Possible answers:

  1. Additional EM printing is not performed

    If the actual number of participants present in the audience is greater than the number of EM sets on the CD

    In case of a participant being late, as well as the need to replace examination materials due to their damage by the participant or detection of defects

Type: single choice

Question: Which of the PPE employees prints EM on printers and assembles CMMs with individual kits?

Possible answers:

  1. Organizer in the audience


Type: single choice

Question: In the event of a failure of the EM Print Station, the organizer in the audience calls:

Possible answers:

  1. Technical specialist to troubleshoot technical problems

    Member of the State Examination Committee to resolve the issue of postponing the exam to another day

    Head of the PPE for organizing CMM printing in another classroom

Type: single choice

Question: What is the token used for when printing CMMs in PPE classrooms?

Possible answers:

  1. To turn on printers

    To activate the CMM access key before starting CMM printing, as well as to perform additional printing

    To activate the EM Print Station on your computer

Type: single choice

Question: Which PPE employee activates the access key to the CMM in the specialized “Print Station” software?

Possible answers:

  1. Technician

    Member of the State Examination Committee

    Head of PPE

IX - Topic/module: Organization and conduct of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages

Type: single choice

Question: The duration of the examination work in foreign languages ​​(section Speaking) is:

Possible answers:

  1. 15 min

Question: When conducting the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), materials must be prepared in advance in the training room that Unified State Exam participants can use while waiting for their turn:

Possible answers:

  1. Popular science magazines, any books, magazines, newspapers only in Russian

    Popular science magazines, any books, magazines, newspapers only in the language of the exam

    While waiting for their turn, Unified State Exam participants cannot use any materials.

Type: single choice

Question: In the event of failure of the only workstation without the possibility of replacement during the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages, the Unified State Exam participant:

Possible answers:

  1. Heading to another classroom to take an exam

    Sent for retake on a reserve day by decision of the State Examination Committee

    Sent to another PPE to take the exam

Type: single choice

Question: What types of classrooms are used to conduct the oral part of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages?

Possible answers:

  1. Audiences for preparation and audiences for conducting

    Waiting audiences, preparation audiences and holding audiences

    Audiences only

Type: single choice

Question: How long does the duration of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​(Speaking section) increase for participants with disabilities, disabled children, disabled people studying at home and in sanatorium-resort educational organizations?

Possible answers:

  1. For 30 minutes

  2. For 1.5 hours

Type: single choice

Question: In what form are EMs received in the PPE for the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages?

Possible answers:

  1. CMM - on disk, forms - on paper

    CMM and forms on one electronic medium

    CMM on one electronic medium, forms - on another electronic medium.

Type: single choice

Question: How many times is the listening text heard during the written part of the State Examination in Foreign Languages?

Possible answers:

Type: single choice

Question: What information medium is used to transmit oral responses of State Examination Participants in foreign languages ​​for processing at the RCIO?

Possible answers:

  1. Paper media

    Flash media


Type: single choice

Question: What equipment is equipped at the workplace of a participant in the oral part of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages?

Possible answers:

  1. Computer with specialized software, headset

    Computer with specialized software


Type: single choice

Question: The beginning of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(section Speaking) in the classroom is considered:

Possible answers:

  1. From the moment the brief briefing of the first group of Unified State Exam participants was completed

    From the moment of deciphering the CMM at each workplace of the Unified State Examination participant

    From the moment the exam activation code is entered into the software

X - Topic/module: Features of organizing and conducting GVE

Type: single choice

Question: In what form can GVE be carried out in all academic subjects?

Possible answers:

  1. Only in writing

    Orally only

    Both verbally and in writing

Type: single choice

Question: In what form is the GVE in the Russian language conducted for students with autism spectrum disorders?

Possible answers:

  1. Composition


Type: single choice

Question: The duration of the GVE in Russian language and mathematics in written form is:

Possible answers:

  1. 2 hours 30 min

    3 hours 55 minutes

Type: single choice

Possible answers:

  1. Visually impaired

Type: single choice

Question: How long is the text of the presentation given for reading for deaf and hard of hearing participants in the GVE?

Possible answers:

  1. For 40 min

Type: single choice

Question: What devices and materials are allowed to be used during the GVE in mathematics?

Possible answers:

  1. Ruler

    Ruler and protractor

    Ruler, calculator and protractor

Type: single choice

Possible answers:

  1. For GVE participants with musculoskeletal disorders

    For deaf and hard of hearing GVE participants

    For participants with mental retardation

Type: single choice

Question: What additional materials can GVE participants use during the Russian language exam?

Possible answers:

  1. Spelling dictionary

    Spelling and explanatory dictionaries

    The use of additional materials on GVE in Russian is prohibited

XI - Topic/module: Compliance by PPE employees with moral and ethical standards when conducting state inspections

Type: single choice

Question: When communicating with Unified State Examination participants, PPE employees must:

Possible answers:

  1. Maintain speech culture

    Use rude, offensive language and remarks

    Make discriminatory comments

Type: single choice

Question: The appearance of PPE workers must correspond to:

Possible answers:

  1. Business style, which is distinguished by formality, restraint, and accuracy.

    Sports style

    Casual style

Type: single choice

Question: When performing duties, a PPE employee is not allowed to:

Answer options

  1. Take into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health,

    Threatening, using offensive language or remarks, actions that interfere with normal communication or provoke illegal behavior

    Take measures to prevent dangerous corrupt behavior of other PES employees

Type: single choice

Question: In case of unwell health of a Unified State Exam participant, the organizers in the audience are obliged to:

Possible answers:

  1. Ignore complaints from a Unified State Exam participant about feeling unwell

    Independently provide medical assistance to a Unified State Exam participant in the PPE classroom

    Organize accompaniment of the Unified State Examination participant to the medical office for medical care

Type: single choice

Question: In order to comply with legal, moral and ethical standards when conducting an exam, PPE employees must

Possible answers:

  1. Create a friendly and calm environment

    Help the exam participant complete the exam tasks

    Organize breaks for exam participants every 2 hours

Topic/module: Regulatory legal acts regulating the conduct of state inspection

Topic/module: Functional responsibilities of the organizer in the classroom

Topic/module: Requirements for exam rooms and equipment in individual subjects

Topic/module: Organization of entry and movement of State Civil Aviation participants in the PPE. Organization of video surveillance in PPE

Topic/module: Features of conducting state assessment for persons with disabilities

Topic/module: Features of conducting an exam using paper-based electronic media

Topic/module: Examination materials in PES, procedure for using PES forms

Topic/module: Organization of CMM printing in PPE classrooms

Topic/module: Organization and conduct of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages

Topic/module: Features of organizing and conducting GVE

Topic/module: Compliance by PPE employees with moral and ethical standards when conducting state inspections

  • Portable/stationary metal detectors

  • Information stands, posters

    Correct answer: A

  • Type: single choice

    Question: Premises not used for the examination in the PPE:

    Possible answers:

    1. Locked with a key

    2. Remain open

    3. Locked and sealed
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: What additional materials are allowed to be used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

    Possible answers:

    1. Spelling dictionaries

    2. Additional materials are not used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    3. Spelling and explanatory dictionaries
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: The following information should be posted in all Unified State Exam classrooms:

    Possible answers:

    1. About video surveillance

    2. About anti-terrorism security and evacuation plan

    3. About the appeal procedure
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: A separate workplace (table), located within the visibility range of video cameras, is intended to:

    Possible answers:

    1. To carry out the layout and subsequent packaging of EVs collected by the organizers in the auditorium of the GIA participants

    2. For storing personal belongings of GIA participants

    3. For public observers
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: The following must be closed in exam rooms:

    Possible answers:

    1. Blackboard

    2. Stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on relevant academic subjects
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: The classrooms allocated for the “Listening” section during the written part of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language are equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Audiences allocated for completing tasks in the “Speaking” section during the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​are equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    1. Audio playback tools

    2. Digital audio recording

    3. Video media playback tools
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: A safe for storing examination materials must be installed:

    Possible answers:

    1. In exam rooms

    2. At the PPE headquarters

    3. In the PPE corridor
    Correct answer: B
    Topic/module: Organization of entry and movement of State Civil Aviation participants in the PPE. Organization of video surveillance in PPETip: single choice

    Question: When is GIA participants admitted to the PPE?

    Possible answers:

    1. No earlier than 9:00 local time

    2. No earlier than 9:30 local time

    3. No earlier than 9:45 local time
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: What document must a GIA participant present at the entrance to the PPE?

    Possible answers:

    1. Identity document

    2. SNILS

    3. Notification to the State Examination Participant
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: If the student does not have an identification document at the entrance to the PPE:

    Possible answers:

    1. A student is admitted to the PES after confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the educational organization and presence in the distribution lists in this PES

    2. The student is admitted to the PPE after presenting a notification from the State Examination Participants
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: In the event that a student is not on the distribution list in the PPE for the exam?

    Possible answers:

    1. The student is admitted to the PPE upon presentation of an identity document

    2. The student is not allowed in the PPE

    3. The student is admitted to the PPE, the supervisor draws up a memo addressed to the head of the RCIO
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: If a Unified State Examination participant is late for the exam

    Possible answers:

    1. The participant is admitted to the PPE; the exam time for him is not extended

    2. The participant is admitted to the PPE, the exam time for him is extended

    3. The participant is not allowed into the PPE
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: When does broadcasting and video recording begin in exam rooms on exam day?

    Possible answers:

    1. At 8:00 local time

    2. At 8:30 local time

    3. At 9:00 local time
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: When organizing video surveillance when conducting a state physical examination in the PES at home for persons with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out:

    Possible answers:

    1. Broadcast online on the Internet

    2. Offline video recording

    3. There is no video surveillance
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: Exam video recordings are stored:

    Possible answers:

    1. Three years from the date of the exam

    2. Until December 31 of the current year

    3. Until March 1 next year
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: Filling out the access log to the hardware and software complex (SHC) is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PPE

    2. Technician

    3. Organizer in the audience
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: Direct control over the fact of video recording during the exam in the PPE classroom is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Organizer in the audience

    2. Technician

    3. Head of PPE
    Correct answer: A

    Topic/module: Features of conducting state assessment for persons with disabilities

    Type: single choice

    Question: Who provides the necessary technical assistance (taking a workplace, moving around, reading the task) to participants with disabilities during the exam?

    Possible answers:

    1. Technician

    2. Organizer in the audience

    3. Assistant
    Correct answer: STyp: single choice

    Question: What special conditions are provided for visually impaired GIA participants?

    Possible answers:

    1. the presence of magnifying devices, copying examination materials in an enlarged size, individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux

    2. no special conditions provided

    3. coincide with the special conditions for blind State Examination Participants
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: The State Examination Participant’s answers are transferred from the computer to standard answer forms by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Assistant (organizer) in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee and a public observer (if available)

    2. Member of the State Election Commission in the presence of a public observer

    3. Technician
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: How long does the duration of the exam increase for participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities?

    Possible answers:

    1. For 1 hour

    2. For 1.5 hours

    3. For 2 hours
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: PPE classrooms for hearing-impaired exam participants must be equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    1. Sound amplification equipment

    2. Video equipment with teleprompter

    3. Hearing aids
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: If two exams are held on the same day in a specialized auditorium, seating arrangements for participants in different exams are allowed if the number of participants does not exceed:

    Possible answers:

    1. 5 people for each subject

    2. 6 people per subject

    3. 10 people per subject
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: How many drafts for writing in Braille need to be prepared for blind participants of the State Examination Test:

    Possible answers:

    1. 5 sheets per participant

    2. 10 sheets per participant

    3. 15 sheets per participant
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: To organize PES at home, in an inpatient medical facility, PES workers are appointed consisting of:

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PES, member of the State Examination Committee, 1 organizer

    2. Head of the PES, member of the State Examination Committee, 2 organizers

    3. Head of PES, 1 organizer, technical specialist
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: When considering appeals of blind participants, the State Examiner may be present

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PPE

    2. Organizer in the PPE auditorium

    3. Tiflotranslator
    Correct answer: STyp: single choice

    Question: The translation of examination papers of State Examination Examination participants with profound visual impairments (blind) from raised dot font to flat-print font for subsequent processing is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Sign language interpreters

    2. Typhlotranslators

    3. Amblyologists
    Correct answer: B

    Topic/module: Examination materials in PES, procedure for using PES forms

    Type: single choice

    Question: How many copies of form PPE-05-01 “List of State Examination Participants in the PSE Auditorium” should the organizer receive in the audience from the head of the PPE before the start of the exam?

    Possible answers:

    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: What form of PES should be posted at the entrance to the classroom by the organizer in the classroom?

    Possible answers:

    1. PPE-13-01 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE”

    2. PPE-05-01 “List of GIA participants in the PPE audience”

    3. PPE-16 “Deciphering the codes of educational organizations PPE”
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: Which Unified State Examination materials are subject to processing and verification?

    Possible answers:

    1. Unified State Examination forms, machine-readable PPE forms

    2. Unified State Exam forms, drafts

    3. Office memos, drafts
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Additional answer forms No. 2 are issued to the organizer in the audience by the head of the PES:

    Possible answers:

    1. At the headquarters of the PES at the request of the Unified State Exam participants during the examination work

    2. At the PPE headquarters before the exam, along with other exam materials

    3. In the exam room at the request of Unified State Exam participants during the examination work
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: The envelope with the individual USE participant kit is printed and its contents are checked:

    Possible answers:

    1. Organizer in the audience in the first part of the briefing for Unified State Exam participants

    2. Organizer in the audience in the second part of the instruction for Unified State Exam participants

    3. Unified State Exam participant in the second part of the instruction for Unified State Exam participants
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: What should be done in the event of printing defects/defects or accidental damage to the individual set of the Unified State Exam participant?

    Possible answers:

    1. Replace the defective/damaged kit with a reserve individual kit

    2. Replace only defective/damaged sheets from the reserve individual set

    3. The kit cannot be replaced, the head of the PPE writes a memo
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Where should control measurement materials be stored in the PPE until they are handed over to the responsible organizer in the classroom?

    Possible answers:

    1. In the exam room

    2. In the safe at the PPE headquarters

    3. On the desk of the head of the PES at the headquarters of the PES
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: What actions should a Unified State Exam participant perform if there is not enough space for answers on the front side of answer form No. 2

    Possible answers:

    1. Continue writing on the back of answer sheet No. 2

    2. Ask the organizer in the audience for an additional answer form No. 2

    3. Finish the exam paper
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Which form contains the fields for recording the results of completing tasks with a short answer?

    Possible answers:

    1. On the registration form

    2. In answer form No. 1

    3. In answer form No. 2
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: Which form contains the field for recording the results of completing tasks with a detailed answer?

    Delivery of EVs to PPE

    EVs are delivered to the PPE by members of the State Examination Committee or employees of the Carrier on the day of the exam in the relevant academic subject.

    Detailed information on organizing the delivery of EMs to PES is presented in the Methodological Recommendations on organizing the delivery of examination materials for the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the form of a unified state exam in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Entry of persons involved in the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam participants into the PES

    On the day of the Unified State Exam, the head of the PES and the head of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is organized must appear at the PES no later than 07.30 local time.

    No later than 07.50, the head of the PPE appoints a person responsible for registering persons involved in conducting the Unified State Exam in the PPE, in accordance with the form PPE-07 “List of PPE employees,” from among the organizers outside the classroom.

    The responsible organizer outside the classroom, authorized by the head of the PES to carry out registration of persons involved in the Unified State Examination, starting from 08.00 local time, at the entrance to the PES, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police), checks the presence documents from persons involved in conducting the Unified State Exam in the PSE, establishes the correspondence of their identity with the submitted documents, and also checks the presence of these persons in the lists of PSE employees. Admission to the PES of medical workers is carried out according to identity documents and in the presence of an order to send a medical worker to the PES.

    Organizers, technical specialists, medical workers, as well as assistants for USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities must leave their personal belongings, including communication equipment, in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PES.

    At the entrance to the PPE, lists of distribution of Unified State Exam participants by audience are posted on the information stands (form PPE-06-01 “List of State Examination Participants of an Educational Organization” and (or) form PPE-06-02 “List of Unified State Exam Participants in the PPE in Alphabet”).

    Admission of USE participants to the PES is carried out from 09.00 local time and if they have documents proving their identity, and if they are on the distribution lists for this PES.

    The organizers point out to Unified State Exam participants the need to leave personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications equipment and other prohibited means and materials, etc.) in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

    A member of the State Examination Committee is present when organizing the entry of Unified State Exam participants into the PES and monitors compliance with the requirements of the Procedure, including monitoring the organization of the delivery of other things (not listed in clause 45 of the Procedure) in specially designated places before entering the PES for storing personal belongings of participants Unified State Examination and PPE workers.

    When entering the PES, the organizers, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police):

    check the identity documents of the Unified State Exam participants and their presence in the distribution lists for this PES;

    Using stationary and (or) portable metal detectors, the Unified State Exam participants are checked for the presence of prohibited substances 2 . When a metal detector signal appears, the organizers invite the USE participant to show the object causing the signal 3. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the organizers invite the Unified State Exam participant to hand over this device to the place where personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants are stored or to an accompanying person.

    If a USE participant refuses to take a prohibited device, the organizers outside the classroom again explain to him that, in accordance with paragraph 45 of the Procedure, on the day of the exam (from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam) in the PES it is prohibited to have communication devices with him, electronic computer equipment, photography, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information. Thus, such a USE participant cannot be admitted to the PES.

    In this case, the organizers outside the audience invite the head of the PES and a member of the State Examination Committee. The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee, draws up an act of non-admission of a Unified State Examination participant who refuses to take a prohibited drug. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee, the head of the PPE and the Unified State Examination participant who refused to hand over the prohibited substance. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by the member of the State Examination Committee for transmission to the chairman of the State Examination Committee, the second copy – to the Unified State Examination participant. The specified Unified State Examination participant may be allowed to participate in the Unified State Examination in a given academic subject again within additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    If, for objective reasons, the student does not have an identification document, he is admitted to the PPE after written confirmation of his identity by the accompanying person (form PPE-20 “Act of Identification of the State Examination Participants”).

    If a graduate of previous years studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as a student receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, does not have an identity document, he is not admitted to the PPE.

    If a Unified State Exam participant is late for the exam, he is allowed to take the Unified State Exam in the prescribed manner, and the end time of the exam is not extended, which is reported to the Unified State Exam participant. Repeated general instruction for late USE participants is not provided. In this case, the organizers provide the necessary information to fill out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms. Organizers are recommended to draw up a document in free form. The specified act is signed by the Unified State Examination participant, the head of the PPE and the State Examiner member.

    If the Unified State Examination participant is not included in the distribution lists for a given PES, the Unified State Examination participant is not admitted to the PES; the State Examination Member records this fact for further decision-making.

    The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee, draws up acts of non-admission of the above-mentioned Unified State Exam participants to the PES. These acts are signed by a member of the State Examination Committee, the head of the PPE and the participants of the Unified State Examination. Acts are drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copies are left by the member of the State Examination Committee for transmission to the chairman of the State Examination Committee, the second copies – to the participants of the Unified State Examination. The specified Unified State Exam participants may be allowed to participate in the Unified State Examination in a given academic subject again within additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    In the event of failure of all USE participants assigned to the PES to appear for more than two hours from the start of the exam (10.00), the member of the State Examination Committee, in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee (deputy chairman of the State Examination Committee), decides to complete the exam in this PES with the execution of the appropriate PES forms.

    Organizers outside the classroom assist USE participants in moving around the PES. The organizers inform the USE participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

    Organizers in the audience check the compliance of the identity document of the Unified State Exam participant with the form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the audience” and send the Unified State Exam participant to the workplace according to the automated distribution lists.

    During the exam in the PPE classrooms public observers should pay attention to:

    In addition to electronic materials, the following items may be on the desks of Unified State Exam participants:

    gel capillary pen with black ink;

    identification document;

    medications and nutrition (if necessary);

    teaching and educational tools permitted for use (in mathematics - a ruler, in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator, in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator, in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator);

    special technical means (for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities);

    drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued).

    The organizers must provide instructions to the Unified State Exam participants. The briefing consists of two parts. The first part of the briefing is carried out from 09.50 local time, the second part of the briefing begins no earlier than 10.00 local time.

    During the first part of the briefing, the organizers must inform the Unified State Exam participants:

    about the procedure for conducting the exam,

    about the rules for preparing examination work,

    about the duration of the exam,

    on the procedure for filing an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and an appeal about disagreement with the awarded points,

    about cases of removal from the exam,

    about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the Unified State Exam,

    that records on CMMs and drafts are not processed or checked.

    During the second part of the instruction, the organizers demonstrate to the Unified State Exam participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with IR.

    The delivery package containing the IR must be opened by the organizers no earlier than 10:00 local time. Next, the organizers distribute the IC to the participants in a random order, ask the Unified State Exam participants to check the integrity of their IC, open the IC along the perforation line and check the completeness of the exam materials issued, the absence of printing defects and the number of pages of the CIM. If barcode discrepancies, extra (shortage) forms, or typographical defects are detected, the organizers must completely replace the individual set for the Unified State Exam participant with a new one.

    The organizers ask the Unified State Exam participants to begin filling out the registration forms and registration fields of the answer forms. During the filling process, the organizers inform the Unified State Exam participants about the rules for preparing the examination paper and that entries on KIM and drafts are not processed or checked, and also check that the registration fields on all Unified State Exam forms are filled out correctly for each Unified State Exam participant and that the Unified State Exam participant’s data in the document corresponds identification card and on the registration form. If an incorrect filling in the registration fields is detected, the organizers instruct the Unified State Exam participant to make appropriate corrections. Upon completion of filling out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms by all participants, the organizers announce the start and end times of the examination work and record them on the board (information stand).

    Note. The duration of the examination work does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing Unified State Examination participants, issuing electronic documents to them, filling out the registration fields of forms, setting up the necessary technical means used during examinations).

    While USE participants are performing examination work, organizers must maintain order in the classroom.

    When leaving the classroom, Unified State Exam participants must leave the EM and drafts on the desktop, and the organizer must check the completeness of the materials left behind.

    Requirements for compliance with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE

    On the day of the exam (during the period from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam), it is prohibited:

    USE participants - have with them a notice of registration for exams, communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, as well as take them out of the classrooms and PPE EM to paper or electronic media, writing instruments, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, photographing electronic materials;

    organizers, medical workers, assistants providing the necessary assistance to Unified State Examination participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities, technical specialists - have communication means with them and take out of the classrooms and PPE EM on paper or electronic media, photograph the EM;

    all persons in the PES - to provide assistance to the Unified State Exam participants, including transferring to them communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photography, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

    persons who are not prohibited from having communication means with them can use them outside the PPE Headquarters.

    Persons who violate the specified requirements or otherwise violate the Procedure are removed from the PES. Members of the State Enforcement Committee draw up an act on the removal of the person who violated the Order at the PES headquarters in the visibility range of CCTV cameras.

    If the Unified State Examination participant has violated the Procedure, members of the State Examination Committee draw up an act on the removal from the examination of the Unified State Examination participant (form PPE-21 “Act on the removal of the State Examination Participant”) who violated the established Procedure, at the State Examination Committee headquarters in the visibility range of CCTV cameras. The organizer puts the appropriate mark on the registration form for the Unified State Examination participant and in form 05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Examination in the classroom”.

    If a Unified State Examination participant cannot complete the examination work for health reasons or other objective reasons, he leaves the classroom. The responsible organizer must invite an organizer outside the classroom who will accompany such a USE participant to a medical professional and invite the member(s) of the USE to the medical office. If a medical worker confirms that the health status of a Unified State Examination participant has deteriorated and if the Unified State Examination participant agrees to complete the exam ahead of schedule, form PPE-22 “Act of early completion of the exam for objective reasons” is filled out in the medical office by a member of the State Examination Committee and a medical worker. The responsible organizer and the head of the PES put their signature on the specified act. The responsible organizer puts a corresponding mark on the registration form for the Unified State Examination participant and in form 05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Examination in the classroom.”

    On the same day, these acts are sent to the State Examination Committee and the Regional Center for Examination for taking into account when processing examination papers.

    At the request of the Unified State Exam participant, the organizers must issue additional drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is organized, additional answer forms No. 2 (in the event that there is no space left in the answer area of ​​the main answer form No. 2).

    Unified State Exam participants have the right to leave the classroom and move around the PPE only when accompanied by one of the organizers outside the classroom.