The right side of the body hurts, how to restore energy. Right and left side

Receiving a message from our spirit or, in other words, from the higher self. Signs or ringing in some place of our body is a warning, a request to pay attention to some topic. Chronic problems, illness or injury in some place speak of an old topic, neglected and long overdue. Wounding can also indicate self-punishment or an acute warning.

Body Parts. (Main organs, systems, integument, fingers and toes)
Before is something that is obvious, obvious, completely conscious in our lives. This is what is happening in the present or to come in the future.
Backside – obscure problems, often associated with the past. Or what we don’t want to look at, we consider unimportant, secondary.
The right side is the male half of the body, the signs on this side tell us that our problems are related to men (husband, father, lover, son, men in general). The right side is associated with strength, determination, perseverance, initiative, will, and activity. Signs on this part of the body may indicate an overabundance of these masculine qualities, and about their shortcomings - it’s up to you to determine.
Left side – female half human being, signals relationships with women (mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, lover, women in general). The left side is the ability to hear the other, cooperate, and find a compromise. This is acceptance of leadership from others, diligence. The left side is feelings, receptivity, intuitiveness, inner deep knowledge.
The head is consciousness, the thinking center. Your head may hurt from an overabundance of restless thoughts and from the fact that someone persistently thinks about you. Or maybe you need to get some important information, and you have no time due to the bustle. This part of the body can tell us about the need to become aware of some topic, to give ourselves the trouble to understand the situation. Or take control of something.
Parts of the body located on the head: eyes, ears, nose, mouth (tongue) are sensory organs, they allow us to navigate and accept right decisions, based on our perception. Problems in these organs often tell us the need to clear our perceptions. The eyes are often reluctant to see something obvious that seems unpleasant, too difficult or scary. Ears - the need to hear someone, or yourself, your own internal message. Nose – don’t stick your nose into things that aren’t your business or keep your nose to the wind, smell what’s what, or in the case of mucous discharge – the need to pour out feelings through tears, or the need to cleanse yourself of accumulated emotional experiences and energy waste.. Lips, mouth, tongue - may report a desire for pleasure, joy, or talk about excessive chatter or something inappropriately said. The mouth can speak of greed, omnivorousness, promiscuity, or, on the contrary, a reluctance to let in supporting and nourishing information.
The neck and shoulders may suggest the need to throw off the burden of other people’s problems or your own non-existent problems, not to try to do their life’s work for others, and not to overwhelm yourself with an excessive amount of worries. Or, on the contrary, the shoulders indicate the need to bear a certain responsibility for one’s actions, decisions or life tasks. Choosing hot or cold is easy when the topic is outlined and you ask yourself: Am I having too much or too little of this problem? And you always know the answer.
The neck can also indicate inflexibility, a one-sided view, an unwillingness to find another solution or accept the existing state of affairs.
The throat is associated with the ability to communicate (excess or lack) as well as the need to express oneself, expressing out loud one’s feelings, desires, opinions. This organ is also associated with the manifestation of creativity, both artistic and life.
Hands are the most mobile parts of our body, they do many actions, so signs on the hands mean idleness, passivity, or, on the contrary, too persistent actions that do not take into account others, impose their own, perhaps this is “causing good” or an incorrect erroneous action. Here, the interpretation of the left and right sides can suggest and clarify a lot. Hands, also as an extension of the heart, can mean the manifestation of feelings. They may show the need to show healing abilities. Issues with fingers are considered separately.
The chest is a shield, protection, to defend something or fight for something, to declare something. Female breast– nourish, support, care, and also show your feminine attractiveness and sexuality.
Back - rear, support, internal protection, confidence in someone or something, or, on the contrary, betrayal, a stab in the back, unexpected vulnerability. And also the past and what we want to hide, not show to ourselves or others. Fear or cowardice can also be associated with the back.
Belly is the focus vitality, lower back - stress, work, as well as concern about the problem of survival, nutrition and money. Buttocks – sitting still, laziness, passivity, as well as issues of punishment and retribution.
The legs show overall progress in life, our path, whether we are following the main tasks of our life, that is, whether we are taking actions for our development and healing of problems and the manifestation of talents. And at what speed we are moving, we may be flying headlong and not understanding the road, or we are slowing down, stopping ourselves from important decisions and accomplishments, or maybe we have chosen the wrong direction altogether. Moreover, at each stage of life, road signs may differ; you need to pay attention to them. Understanding the meanings of the right and left sides of the body helps to clarify the signs on the legs. The meaning of fingers will be discussed separately. Of the other components of the legs, perhaps the knees have special meaning, adding issues of pride, humiliation and their opposite meanings - worship, respect, gratitude. The feet are a smaller copy of the body map and if you know the meaning of the points or zones of the foot, you can get a lot of information. In addition, legs mean our earthly roots, connection with the earth and connection with our ancestors and family. Therefore, karmic related problems often signal through the legs. Leg problems are a violation of energy exchange with the integrity of life - nature, the elements, other creatures, including the homeland, ethnic group or specific ancestors.
Skin is a protective covering, it is our border. Skin problems indicate living in an uncomfortable, hostile environment. About the lack of personal space or the need to be constantly on the defensive, about pressure from others. Also, health issues related to the skin may indicate an inability to keep the boundary between oneself and others. So the emotional poisons of others penetrate us and destroy us. Or that we ourselves are indelicate and violate the distance in relationships with others. Or we behave distantly and coldly with people, we are afraid strong feelings and close relationships. The skin also helps cleanse away impurities of any kind.

Main organs.
The heart is a zone of love, harmony, gratitude and a happy, comfortable perception of oneself and life. If heart problems occur, you need to look at whether we are sending enough love to our body, accepting ourselves and thanking ourselves. Sharp feeling dissatisfaction, resentment and rivalry traumatize the heart. Here there is selfishness and ambition (or nobility and the desire to help).
Liver ( gallbladder) signal accumulated irritation, anger at someone or something. The liver area is also responsible for issues of will, determination, and intention.
Spleen (pancreas) dependence on other people's opinions, obsessions, doubt, self-doubt. This zone is also associated with mental activity (or inertia), the ability to concentrate and the ability to imagine and imagine. Immunity, protective functions body.
The stomach is associated with anxiety, anxiety, suspiciousness, and undigested grievances. The stomach is also associated with communication, family and domestic problems.
The intestines, especially the small ones, together with the stomach, are responsible for the assimilation and transformation of impressions, emotions, ideas, and various information. Large intestine is more related to the removal of unnecessary junk, constipation may indicate the need to change your old attitudes, to cleanse harmful and limiting ideas. The intestinal zone is also associated with hard work (or inertia), pedantry and demands on oneself and others, and criticism.
The lungs are a zone of freedom, personal space, comfort, joy and ease of being. Problems with the lungs and respiratory system indicate depression or a feeling of stress, a lack of space for individual expression. Sadness, depression, pessimism – the lungs are also responsible for these conditions. Light means inspiration and new ideas. These are principles and perseverance in achieving goals. Communication environment, information exchange, communication skills.
The kidneys are associated with partnership issues. Impaired kidney function may indicate painful emotions in connection with the opposite sex or a feeling of loneliness. This area of ​​the body also includes timidity, shyness, isolation, and fear. Hidden or overt suicide (the desire to leave life) is associated with the manifestation of kidney disease. Kidneys are also associated with hereditary genetic information.
The bladder is responsible for emotional balance, a comfortable, balanced state. The problems here are associated with dissatisfaction and sharp emotions such as fear, shame, humiliation. There is also a direct connection with the sexual sphere.
The genitals can signal a feeling of inferiority in the sexual area, rejection of sexuality, or dissatisfaction. Bitter grievances against a partner or the opposite sex in general have an extremely destructive effect on these organs.

Systems - nervous, circulatory, lymphatic - are associated with issues of the integrity of our lives, with the need to pay attention to all the important components of life. In addition to generally accepted topics (home, work, hobbies), we need to deal with issues of health improvement, active movement, learning new things, development highest qualities and abilities. Nervous system associated with reaction speed, control and protection. Circulatory - with nutrition and protection, lymphatic - with cleansing and redistribution.
Skeletal system it is a support, something that is reliable and strong, something that supports and protects us. Joints, together with bones, provide mobility and flexibility. They talk about issues of communication with others, cooperation, and the ability to coordinate actions.
Hair is a storehouse of information, as well as an antenna for communication with other layers of reality. Hair creates channels of communication, including with family and ancestors, and makes it possible to use their strength and experience. Hair helps transmit subtle forms of energy from and to a person.

Fingers can tell a lot. We often receive information from our fingers, since they are the most mobile and visible part of our body. Fingers and toes can be coded as five elements or as twenty elements.
One decoding for 5 elements is as follows: 5 finger – sensation; 4th finger - feeling, emotion; 3rd finger - thought; 2nd finger - words, statement; 1 finger - action, event, fact.
Another decoding according to Time Cells: 1 finger - input, origin, beginning of something; 2nd finger – conservation (of energy, strength, information), waiting, patience; 3rd finger – change, transformation, maturity, crisis, destruction; 4th finger - conclusion, completion, implementation; 5th finger – matrix, template, diagram, generalization, quintessence, results.
Decoding by 20 elements presupposes knowledge of 20 universal symbols - the seals of the Mayan calendar and the galactic synchronograph.
Hands. Right hand, 1st finger – Sun: be independent, self-confident, remember the power of intentions, observe the result of your own creativity. Do something, create. At the same time, observe the manifestations of your ego, isolation and pride. Show strength, but without pressure.
Right hand, 2nd finger - Dragon: remember something, listen to your deepest needs, start something, take care of yourself, switch to independent nutrition, or accept the support of others, show trust in life.
Right hand, 3rd finger – Wind: think, perceive an idea, hear the truth, read, speak, contact someone.
Right hand, 4th finger – Night: turn to intuition, sleep with important, significant events, something related to the house, stinginess or extravagance.
Right hand, 5th finger - Seed: remember the power of intention, do not sow your life with weeds of doubt, remember your goals, realize the moment, pay attention.
Left Hand, 1 finger – Dog: show sympathy, friendliness, love, or pass the test of infidelity, betrayal. Caring for others or being cared for. Be positive.
Left hand, 2nd finger - Monkey: everything is not so serious, more playfulness and inventiveness are required, you need to take off the mask of self-importance. But perhaps there is a warning here about deception or provocation.
Left hand, 3rd finger – Man: respect others, remember the law of free will, do things as you see fit. Show practicality and common sense. Apply the experience of others.
Left hand, 4th finger – Wanderer: show courage, move, don’t stand still, don’t get attached to the old. Perhaps fear of the unknown or violation of someone's territory, invasion.
Left hand, 5th finger – Wizard: turn on your sensitivity, perceive something with your heart, find joy in what is, do internal work to transform the negative, meditate.

Legs. Right leg, 1 finger - Snake: issues of self-preservation, correctly distribute vital forces, accumulate and conserve energy, pay attention to sexual issues, avoid excessive spending.
Right leg, 2nd toe – Connector of Worlds: the need to compromise, accept the challenge of a difficult situation, perhaps a sign of the destruction of something.
Right leg, 3rd finger – Hand: some topic needs healing, or you need to learn how to do something on good level, masterfully, or is it a push to action, or a warning about incorrect, hasty, premature action.
Right leg, 4th toe – Star: violation of ethics, some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself, internal disharmony from one’s own actions or decisions, something ugly, ugly, repulsive that disrupts the internal balance. Possible rejection of one's own appearance, low self-esteem.
Right leg, 5th finger – Moon: excessive emotions, too strong reaction to what is happening, the need for cleansing, healing of some area, inflexibility, rigid fixation on something, insistence on one’s own, reluctance to see that others are right are likely.
Left foot, 1 toe – Eagle: no need to waste time on trifles and get stuck on something separate, you need to perceive everything close up. See the strategic objective and foresee the consequences. The sign invites you to carefully consider the situation holistically and detachedly, without aggravating it with doubts and negative thoughts, if you foresee the severity of the topics and create it. Be lighter, rise above the topic. Perhaps the sign invites maximum vigilance, to be “on the alert.”
Left foot, 2nd toe – Warrior: life offers some challenge, it takes courage to face the facts, determination and thoughtful awareness of the issue. Or maybe too much reasoning, criticism, denial?
Left leg, 3rd finger - Earth: there is a certain plan that reflects the main tasks of life, you need to check it now, see how important what is happening now in the light of the highest goal, separate the main from the secondary, build priorities. Perhaps the sign indicates some kind of coincidence, synchronicity, and this is important. Is that where you are going? Or maybe this place where you stumbled calls you to pay attention here or to perform some kind of healing ritual?
Left leg, 4th toe - Mirror: look closely, the events and people around you show important signs, or reflect yourself. Get away from the hustle and bustle, focus, meditate, and something important will reveal itself to you. Attention: deception is possible, do not fall for the illusion.
Left foot, 5th toe – Storm: don’t slow down, don’t trip yourself up. Allow the necessary changes to occur. There is a clearing, release from old programs. You need to show independence and do something yourself. We need a non-standard approach original solution.

*This is short and far from full list symbolism of bodily signs, when reading and deciphering the signs of your body, use associative connections, comprehending what is connected in meaning with the function of the organ giving you the sign. Be healthy and whole.

Attention! These materials are provided to help those taking our seminars.


You can often hear the phrase: “All problems come from nerves.” It quite primitively reflects the truth that any problem of our physical body associated with thin bodies: first of all, by our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, as well as those traumas that are deeply embedded in our subconscious. Rebirthing is one of the techniques that allows us to understand the causes of our diseases and get rid of many of them in order to achieve harmony with ourselves and the world. This page presents only the basics of psychosomatics; you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail in books by various authors, the list of which is at the bottom of the page.

One of the most simple circuits in the study of the impact of a person’s psychological problems on his health is the chakra system. These are the energy centers of the body in the Indian tradition, which are responsible for certain functions. They appear in the form of energy vortexes and are located on the central axis of the body. There are 7 main chakras: the first and seventh are single - we receive the energy of earth and sky, the other 5 are paired. Chakras correspond to 7 colors, 7 notes.

1 chakra – tailbone.

The wide side goes down to the feet. It receives energy from the earth. Covers the legs, external genitalia, bladder, uterus, rectum. Psychologically, it is the life force chakra. (how well you feel, full of energy, able to move from state to state, act). Diseases of the 1st chakra - loss of strength, fatigue, depression, depression.

The legs are designed to move forward, they symbolize life goals. Legs are the answer to the question: am I going there to be healthy and happy? If our legs hurt, we have the wrong goals in life, or we are going in the wrong direction, or we think that we are going in the wrong direction. The body does not distinguish these nuances. Gnawing at yourself is not productive. It's better to go to the wrong place, understand it, acquire it life experience and change direction, but don’t bite yourself.

Knees are the freedom to pursue your goals. In the knees and lower thighs live those programs that we received from other people - mom, dad, school, society, grandparents - everyone who taught us and “instructed” us on how to live and how not to live, what is right and what is wrong . If it hurts here, it means you have programs in your head that prevent you from moving through life, achieving goals, and doing something to make these goals come true. Only those programs that contradict your internal goals and meanings destroy your body. Useful programs(cross the street to green) can work for the rest of their lives and their body will not hurt.

Depression is a disease of the meaning of life (we stubbornly go in the wrong direction). When man walking not towards his goals, sacrifices himself, for example, pursues a career and not love. Any imbalances lead to energy imbalance. Depression comes from within: “Stop, there’s no need to go any further. Stop, figure out where you are going..."

Bladder – emotions. The ability to feel and pass through feelings. Diseases bladder– long-term suppression of emotions or doing nothing about them. It breaks down when the real situation in your life is threatening, it signals that something needs to change.

Rectum (the ability to get rid of the past - you ate it, digested it, you need to let it go) You need to get rid of not only the bad, but also the good. Why remember what it was like? delicious cake or good sex when you can relive it. There is no need to get stuck in the past, it is no longer there, you need to live now, eat fresh food all the time and get fresh impressions from life all the time. Constipation is the fear of letting go of the past. Or people who are stuck in the past. Fear of parting with money (greed). Fear of parting with old things - the house becomes cluttered with old things. Diarrhea – fear of the future (oh, no matter what happens). This is always a neurotic fear, it is not tied to reality: the inability to draw the necessary conclusions and move on, there is no attempt to analyze, the money does not hold.

The womb is childbearing and creation. This is the organ of creativity. Tumors of the uterus - excessive motherhood (being a “mommy”). Infertility is an undeveloped function of motherhood.

On the first chakra live the most terrible fears– biological: fear of dying, fear of getting sick, serious illnesses, fear of poverty, fear of hunger.

2nd chakra - lower abdomen.

It is located 3 fingers below the navel, behind the lower back. Responsible for sexual energy, sexual function and desires.

The right appendage and appendicitis are permission to joy (from eating delicious food to communicating with God). The ability to experience joy is based on sexual energy. I love any joy from physical to spiritual. The left appendage is permission for creativity (the ability to “create” your life). If we don’t do this, we have problems with this side.

The lower back is money. Allowing cash flow in your life. You need to want money on the 2nd chakra. We have as much money as we value ourselves. If you are a good specialist, but do not value yourself, they will pay little. When we earn money, we should feel that we deserve this money, we are worthy of it and we are worthy of the life that this money can buy. Making money is selling yourself, your abilities or qualities. Women who stay at home also earn money - the wife does hard work. Radiculitis is a disease of money.

3rd chakra – stomach and solar plexus.

The periphery of this chakra is all the digestive organs and kidneys. There are three aspects of the third chakra:

3-A. Adaptation to life(the ability to digest life, the ability to survive in society, among other people). At the 3rd chakra there are social fears: fear of how I look, fear of how they treat me, fear of not being pushed away, fear of being unwanted, shame, resentment... Emotions arise here. Emotions are signals about how you are adapting to life. If nothing threatens our adaptation, our survival, we are calm and confident; if something doesn’t go well for us, we feel anger, rage, shame, and sadness. If you feel fear, resentment, depression, it means that something in life is not as it should be. (Like a doorbell - if they come unpleasant people, then don’t cut off the call).

3-B. Individual will(liver). Each of us has the will to live - the ability to exert volition, to do something, to realize something, or to refuse something. Protects our individual will + anger. To be angry is when someone else’s will goes against our will (we can’t, I won’t let...). Or when you are being manipulated. When we are set up, betrayed - this is serious reasons for anger. The most dangerous thing is to try to deny your anger. If you hide your anger from others, it will not particularly harm you, but if you hide it from yourself, you will get sick - ulcers, colitis, gastritis. I have to honestly admit to myself that this is stupid, but I’m angry, I’m offended. This is the key to health. Treat anger like a knife.

3-B. Processing information. Processing knowledge (digestion). We consume knowledge through digestion. What is interesting to us, useful, we send to our biocomputer - the head, and what is not interesting, not needed - goes into the “toilet”. The child should receive and digest knowledge in a calm stop. But he is afraid, he is tense, he doubts his abilities. This spasms the stomach and this knowledge goes through this spasm. In the body, school neurosis = colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. Later in life, situations when you need to prove yourself, pass an exam, are accompanied by pain in the stomach. School neurosis - does not digest what is taught - > a blow to self-esteem - > self-doubt -> the “I’m a fool” mode of brain operation arises. It must be replaced with: “I am smart,” “I can do it.”

Kidneys – fears and very often parental ones get stuck (they were afraid for the child, he is afraid for himself, he couldn’t cope with something). Almost also problems of partnership, relationships with other people.

4th chakra – heart.

Located at the level of the nipples – the Chakra of love.

A person has no choice to love or not to love. If you decide to give up love in your life, your body will fight. It ends in a heart attack or stroke (if a “smart” head puts a ban on love).

Love must move in two directions. We must give love to other people (you don’t have to be Jesus!), and receive love. Reception and return must be balanced - imbalances lead to problems. As much as you give, receive just as fully. If the heart is blocked - a heart attack. Any love begins with self-love. Loving others and not loving yourself is self-deception, which hides the fear of other people. Love is like a spring - it must fill the cup; love must be given out of generosity, and not out of fear. The heart closes from the inside. Only a person can open it from the inside. Make a conscious decision to open your heart - only you can, we cannot do anything without you.

The heart closes in a very early age. Maybe in the maternity hospital. Or a child comes up to mom and dad, and they say “go play, don’t bother me.” The child says “they don’t need my love” and closes his heart. And he becomes very comfortable, but with a closed heart. The program “I am not worthy of love” arises. Then the person says “prove your love to me” and does not believe anyone, no matter how much they love him. Self-love - in our culture this is not accepted, just as it is not customary to praise - if a person has done well - this is how it should be, it’s clear and why praise for it. And scolding is a sacred duty. The child accumulates a feeling of squalor - this is not right, that is not right, this is not right. The child thinks: “Why should you love me? I’m such a wretched person.” Then the ban on self-love is “if I love myself, I will grow up to be a monster.” Most people think that they need to drive themselves with a whip, stimulate them. If you don't press it, it won't do anything.

5th chakra – base of the neck.

Periphery - all respiratory system. Self-realization is being yourself.

Being yourself = breathing and living. Not to be yourself is to die. To step on the throat of your own song is to die without breathing. We put other people's problems on our shoulders! If a child screams and no one comes to him - no one hears me, no one needs me - bronchitis. Asthma, tuberculosis, lung cancer - I have no right to live (guilt) - usually associated with birth trauma. Tonsils and runny nose - strong resentment, lack of tenderness, non-acceptance of the child’s gender. Or bad sexual relations between parents. Cough - pay attention to me.

6th chakra – Center of the forehead and back of the head (it is in the center of the head).

Third eye. Eyes. Problems with vision, some installations. Glasses are protection. Worldview is our view of the world and ourselves in this world, memory, experience, knowledge. Our picture of the world. Worldview changes with experience.

Pain in the head - self-criticism. Our heads hurt when we do something that, according to our ideas, we should not do (does not fit into your picture of the world). For example, you get angry, but you think that being angry is bad. Will headache. Migraine is constant self-criticism at the level of habit. Ears - the child does not want to hear something - energy plugs.

7th chakra – crown (where the child’s fontanel is).

Connection with the beyond. Ultimate values ​​(most important). Connection with other people, connection with life in general. These are the highest values ​​- like conscience. If a person steps over these values, then they say: “The person’s life has crushed him.”

Mental illnesses are often associated with this chakra. If a person cannot live in harmony with his conscience, there is destruction. A closed chakra is the fear of realizing something in yourself or in the world. Offense against God.

Left/right side of the body.

In right-handed people - the right masculine - activity, action, determination, will. Left – female – passive – relaxation, rest, ability to feel. Blood is joy that spreads throughout the body.


  • Zhikarentsev V.V. The path to Freedom: how to change your life. - St. Petersburg: Golden Age LLC, DIAMOND LLP, 1998. - 222 p.
  • Zhikarentsev V.V. The path to Freedom: looking into yourself. - St. Petersburg: Golden Age LLC, DIAMOND LLP, 1998. - 272 p.
  • Louise L. Hay Heal Your Life. Heal your body. The strength is within us. - Ltd. "Ritas", Kaunas, 1996. - 224 p.
  • Viilma L. Soulful light. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 240 p.
  • Viilma L. Without evil in yourself. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 240 p.
  • Viilma L. Stay or go. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 224 p.
  • Viilma L. The warmth of hope. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 368 p.
  • Viilma L. Bright source of love. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 304 p.
  • Viilma L. Pain in your heart. - Ekaterinburg: “U-Factoria”, 2000. - 352 p.
  • Liz Burbo. Listen to your body.- K.: “Sofia”; M.: Publishing House "Helios", 2001. - 176 p.
  • Liz Burbo. Listen to your body - again and again! - K.: "Sofia", 2001. - 256 p.
  • Liz Burbo. your body says: love yourself. The most complete book on the metaphysics of disease and illness. — K.: “Sofia”; M.: Publishing House "Helios", 2001. - 336 p.
  • Voronov M. Psychosomatics: A Practical Guide. - K.: Nika-Center, 2002. - 256 p.
  • Dahlke R., Detlefsen T. Illness as a path. The meaning and purpose of diseases. - St. Petersburg: Ves, 2003 - 320 p.
  • Dahlke R. Illness as the language of the soul. The message and meaning of your illnesses. - St. Petersburg: Ves, 2005. - 448 p.
  • Stecher K. Message of the soul, or What do your diseases mean. St. Petersburg: Ves, 2003 - 128 p.
  • Sinelnikov V. Love your illness. M., 2004.
  • etc...

(Materials from L.I. Umanets were used to create this page)

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which have completely different effects on the human body.

Left-brain dominant people usually logical, rational, well-spoken and quick-thinking. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the acquired knowledge into a holistic picture.

People with a presenter right hemisphere, typically visionaries who process information intuitively. They first grasp the big picture and only then go into detail. They are also more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.

Our educational system is focused on children with a developed left hemisphere, because they think in a linear way, which is easier to teach. Right-hemisphere children adapt worse because they are prone to visualization and need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit disorder. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get this opportunity, no problems with learning arise.

When brain stem goes into spinal cord- the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and left side- with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - is dominant. It seems to make little or no difference. There are many left-handed artists, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also large!

Left and right side of the body

Many eastern schools describe the difference between the right and left sides is like the difference between female and male, yin and yang. It's not about gender, but about the masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If we apply this principle to the language of "mind and body", there is inevitably a connection between problems that occur on one side of the body and internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being, related to the outside world:

  • work,
  • business,
  • competition,
  • social status,
  • politics and power.

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with right side in men may indicate conflict related to the expression of masculine qualities, responsibility for family, difficulties of competition at work, lack of self-esteem or uncertainty with sexual orientation.Women have the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, difficulties in demonstrating confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually held by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

Besides, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, a brother, a loved one, a son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me complaining of a slight numbness on the right side of her body that had been haunting her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. During the conversation, it became clear that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire for her to become a true lady and study to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot. As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused the malaise, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself to follow own desires, and again revive that suppressed, unrecognized part of yourself. The last time I saw her, she was studying to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic ability, listen and trust your own wisdom. This side is associated with home and the inner world of reflection and intuition.

Men have problems with the left side reflect difficulties with showing care and sensitivity, crying and showing own feelings, turn to your own creativity, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with expressing vulnerability, femininity, showing care and maternal feelings, conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

Besides, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here's what a specialist writes: therapeutic massage Jenny Britton:

“David came for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. As I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had recently canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been set, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on getting married or breaking up completely. David decided to break up, and it was not at all easy. His back—lower left, in the area of ​​emotional support/standing up for one’s rights/connection with women—was tight and tense. He said that he went straight from living with his mother to living with his fiancée, and only now realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.”

We choose our own body. Therefore, it is stupid and even dangerous to express dissatisfaction with your appearance. Our higher mind made a choice in favor of the body that we have now. And it is the most suitable tool for our life, for performing certain functions in this world.

Our body is a reflection of our thoughts. Therefore, if we want to change our body, for example, to make it slimmer, more beautiful, then it is necessary to change our thoughts in the subconscious program. It is very important to love and accept your body and your appearance as they are. And only then act.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

Right side of the body

Symbolizes masculine energy, man, father.

Do not forget that man is a holistic being. Both male and female energy circulate in it. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and feminine.

How do you know if there is a balance between masculine and feminine energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with women/men in life reflect the interaction of internal energies. Analyze your relationships with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts in relation to parents and the opposite sex, this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area and others. Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the life of a child symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine. Get rid of negative thoughts about yourself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

Overweight, overweight, obesity

I already wrote above that the state of our body is in at the moment time is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you have overweight, then don’t rush to look for a miracle pill. Turn inside yourself - the reasons are there. There is no need to force yourself and your body. Starve him and different diets. Of course, this way you can achieve a certain result for a while. But if you do not radically change your attitude towards yourself, then the fullness will return again.

Here are some thoughts and feelings that fatness may reflect.

Fear and need for protection. Often fat people feel unprotected. And fat performs a protective, buffer function.

I have found that fat people are very sensitive, but since they cannot cope with their feelings, fat symbolically helps them dull unwanted emotions and experiences.

Being overweight is one of the manifestations of dissatisfaction and self-hatred. You are so unhappy with yourself and criticize and berate yourself so often that your body is forced to defend itself.

A woman of incredible size came to a hairdresser for a friend of mine. She hated and despised fat people.

These ugly fat people, terrible fat folds, are disgusting to look at. “I just hate them,” she said as soon as she saw her own kind.

All people with overweight united by one quality - dislike for oneself.

When such patients come to me, first I teach them to love themselves and accept their body.

Many women begin to gain weight after giving birth. They attribute this to hormonal changes in the body, and doctors say the same thing. But is this the reason? After all, there are women who give birth to two or three children, and even more, but at the same time remain slim. Certainly, hormonal changes In the body of a woman who has given birth, the following things happen: the calcium content in the bones changes, the pelvis expands, the nose lengthens by a fraction of a millimeter, the chin becomes a little heavier, etc. But this is not the reason for being overweight. The reason is that with the birth of a child, a woman pays less attention to herself. All attention goes to the child. And this is a grave mistake.

I believe that after the birth of a child, a woman should pay twice as much attention to herself as before the birth. She should start doing this already during pregnancy. Moreover, attention should be paid not so much to your appearance (although this is mandatory), but to your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. After all, the health of a child depends entirely on the state of thoughts and emotions of his parents. Therefore, the more love and peace there is in the mother, the healthier the child will be. This means there will be fewer sleepless nights.

A woman who gave birth to a child a few months ago came to see me. Immediately after giving birth, she began to recover. Turning to the subconscious, we found out that the reason for its completeness is a negative attitude towards oneself.

Yes,” the woman agreed, “that’s true.” I was always dissatisfied with myself. Even before the baby is born. Even before marriage. I always looked for and found some flaws in myself.

I think, I said, being overweight will make you feel differently about yourself.

You're right.

Are there any other reasons for being overweight? - I asked her to ask a question to the subconscious.

Yes, doctor, there is,” the patient answered, coming out of her trance state. She wanted to say something, but tears flowed from her eyes. After she calmed down, she continued: “After the birth of the child, our relationship with my husband changed,” she said, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. - He became somehow different. There is no longer love and satisfaction in our relationship. That's why I try to get satisfaction at least from food.

But you don’t love yourself, but you want your husband to love you. Your husband just reflects your attitude towards yourself. It's very simple! Start loving yourself, and you will see how your husband will change his attitude towards you.

A month later, a completely different woman came to see me: beautiful, slender, fit.

Doctor, you know, I don’t recognize my husband. It feels like we have honeymoon. Tomorrow I will bring my friend to you. She also wants to lose weight.

Loving and accepting yourself is very important. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, then there must be an external manifestation of this dissatisfaction. The external reflects the internal. It has long been noted that when a person loves himself, his body takes on an ideal weight and shape. Very often a person tries to replace the lack of love and satisfaction in life with food, since the soul does not tolerate emptiness.

One of my patients of impressive build tells me:

Doctor, you know, as soon as I become interested in any man, that is, when I have a love affair in my life, I immediately lose weight and reach my ideal weight. But after the breakup I gained weight again.

“I know one such case,” I tell her. - One of my friends is very plump woman While vacationing in Yalta in the summer, I met a famous singer. I spent only one night with him.

But this greatly affected her appearance.

Just one night! And when I returned home, I lost about twenty kilograms. Still impressed by this meeting, she took care of herself: changed her hairstyle, started watching her diet, and began going for shaping and massage.

“And I have the same story,” the patient confirmed. - Only the artists haven’t come across yet.

Why is my help needed in this case? - I ask. - Meet a man and fall in love - and the problem is solved.

Well, it’s hard, right away,” she answers. -First you need to meet such a man.

“So I can hardly become the hero of your love story,” I tell her. - You are, of course, an attractive woman, but I like someone else. A love affair has already begun in my life, and I am not going to interrupt it.

The woman laughs:

Doctor, well, you know what I meant.

Certainly. We will choose another way. We will put you in a state of chronic love, and the extra pounds will disappear. You will always be slim and beautiful, regardless of whether you have a man or not.

Hidden anger and an unwillingness to forgive can also be a cause of obesity. It has been noticed that overweight people are very touchy. Resentment contributes to the accumulation of fat deposits. If you remember from the first book, resentment is the desire to change your attitude towards yourself, that is, the desire to love, respect and value yourself. And again it all comes down to love, to changing your attitude towards yourself.

One of my patients, a young girl, lost four kilograms after the first session, but then the process stopped. From communicating with the subconscious, we found out that what prevents her from further losing weight is her resentment towards her father and his new wife. The fact is that when my patient was fourteen years old, her father divorced her mother and went to live with another woman. It was then that the girl began to recover.

Having realized the reasons and changed the attitude towards his father and his personal life, the girl was able to achieve her ideal weight.

Mother's concerns about her children's health can lead to obesity. This is because concepts such as health and good, plentiful nutrition are often associated.

I had one interesting case. A very plump woman came to see me. She began to gain weight during pregnancy, and after giving birth she gained even more weight.

Doctor,” she asked me, “save me from gluttony.” I already hate myself. I hide from my friends so as not to scare them with my appearance.

The patient turned out to be an excellent hypnotic subject. From communicating with the subconscious, we found out that the part of the subconscious that caused excessive appetite was concerned about the health of her son, who had recently turned nine years old. It turns out that as soon as a woman became pregnant, her mother constantly instilled in her: “If you want your child to be healthy, eat well.” She lived all nine months of her pregnancy in her mother’s house, and she made appropriate suggestions to her every day. By the way, this woman’s mother herself was very fat. What’s interesting about this whole story is that the patient could really boast about her son’s health. But at what cost! Her subconscious simply did not know other ways of behavior to take care of the child’s health.

Very often gluttony is in a neurotic way to implement positive subconscious intentions. Gluttons endow food with some special properties, in addition to those associated with satisfying physiological hunger. For example, with the help of food a person seeks to fill an emotional emptiness. A connection is established in the subconscious: filling the stomach - filling the emotional emptiness, achieving fullness emotional state. It can mean being connected to people, being loved and appreciated. The lack of love and satisfaction in life leads to the fact that a person uses food as a means for quick and immediate pleasure. But since this is self-deception, the body constantly requires new and new portions.

I would like to say one more thing. Rely only on your inner resources, and not on magic cures. If you are looking for help chemicals, then you are denying your inner strength. The acquisition process ideal weight- this is, first of all, work on yourself: internal and external. Internal is bringing your thoughts and intentions into a state of harmony and balance. External is the cleansing of the body from toxins, changes in metabolism, proper nutrition, regular physical activity to maintain muscle tone.

They symbolize a change of direction in life and ease of movement.

Arthritis, rheumatism

This disease is acquired from constant criticism of oneself and others. People with painful joints always strive to be “perfection” in everything and want the world around us was perfect. And this becomes an “unbearable burden” for them. Is it possible to make something or someone better by criticizing and condemning? Can evil overcome evil?

I noticed this feature: people with rheumatism usually attract people who constantly criticize them, because they themselves are very critical of others. Remember? Like attracts like.

There is a lot of violence in the thoughts of such people, but they themselves are very critical of various manifestations strength. They experience a strong lack of love for themselves and for the world around them, they do not love themselves and feel that they are not loved either.

These people approach life as if life is hard and unbearable. They feel like they have too much on them. But it is they who shoulder an unbearable burden.

As one patient with painful joints told me:

I can't stand being pressured. I'm not you wearing this.

Why is arthritis common in older people? Because they “stagnate”, “harden” in their beliefs, and become inflexible.

Sometimes arthritis is a physical barrier to triggering anger, anger and hatred. When a person wants to hit someone or something, the subconscious restrains him in a similar way.

A woman with arthritis came to see me. She developed the disease several years ago. With the help of hormones and anti-inflammatory drugs, it was possible to slow down the development of the disease, but the disease still progressed steadily. The patient herself told me that the disease appeared after stress.

“Five years ago, I experienced extreme stress,” the woman said. - My husband and I lived in another city then. One day my son was severely beaten by teenagers. When he entered the house, it was painful to look at him. My husband was a hunter and he had a gun. He grabbed the gun and shouted: “I’ll kill these scoundrels!” - ran to the door of the apartment. But I grabbed him with a death grip and didn’t let go until he “cooled down.” And literally a week later my joints began to twist.

Turning to the subconscious, we found out the behavior that led to the creation of such stressful situation. Having realized the reasons for the situation, and therefore the causes of the disease, the woman felt much better. In addition, I selected homeopathic medicines for her. And after just a few months, all the symptoms of the disease, which had lasted for many years, gradually disappeared.

This incident once again convinced me how important it is to eliminate real reasons diseases.

Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening next to you and behind you. Neck problems (for example, muscle stiffness) are stubbornness, lack of flexibility, and reluctance to see other sides of an issue.

I had one patient who developed torticollis whenever she disagreed with her husband.

As soon as he starts talking all sorts of nonsense,” she said, “I defiantly turn away from him and try not to listen.

Another woman, as soon as she showed stubbornness or began to criticize, her neck immediately became stiff.

The back is a symbol of the support of life. The spine symbolizes the flexible support of life.

Problems with the back and spine reflect a lack of support and support in life. You perceive life as an unbearable burden, as a constant enduring of life's hardships.

A woman came to see me who had recently suffered a spinal fracture. When we began to find out the subconscious causes of the trauma, she said:

You know, doctor, I have never felt supported by my husband.

Support for what? - I asked her.

Well, you know that a woman always wants to feel supported by a man. But I didn’t feel it. I had a feeling that he did not love me, but only lived with me because of the children. Yes and material support there wasn't much.

Very often, fear for money, for one’s material well-being leads to problems with bottom backs.

I recently went to visit my friend.

“Listen,” he asks me, “today I’ve been feeling pain in my lower back all day and it’s starting to go down my leg. What is this connected with?

“You have some worries related to money,” I tell him.

Exactly! This morning I handed it over a large amount money and I don’t know whether they will return to me or not.

When people with spinal osteochondrosis come to me, you can often hear the following phrases from them:

I took it all on my shoulders.

I take on too much in life.

This is an unbearable burden for me.

I have a feeling that my son sat on my shoulders and dangled his legs.

This is my “cross”, and I must carry it throughout my life.

A young woman is sitting in front of me. The reason that made her see a doctor was back pain.

Doctor, all my life I have been burdened by everyone and everything. I earn more than my husband, and therefore I am considered the “breadwinner” and “breadwinner”. I also help my parents. And I also have my own “cross” in life. This is my disabled brother. I help him too. If you only knew how tired I am, how I want to throw off this heavy burden. Help me! Teach me to take care of my loved ones with a feeling of joy and ease.

I believe that we should endure all the ups and downs of life with joy. After all, only our attitude towards life turns it into a burden. And therefore, before you take on other people’s problems on your shoulders, first sort out your life. Innovate your worldview: learn to see how life cares for you and supports you.

I experienced how, as I took responsibility for my world, my life became much easier. A heavy burden of guilt, resentment, criticism and condemnation was lifted from my shoulders.

We turned to the subconscious of a patient who had recently severely sprained his ankle.

“What positive intention did you want for me to accomplish through this injury?” - we asked his subconscious.

“I care about your safety,” the patient received a mental response.

It turns out that on the eve of the injury, the man was supposed to enter into a deal with one company for a large sum of money. He had doubts about the legality of this deal, but he still decided to go. And so, already leaving his house, he tripped on the steps and twisted his ankle. The injury forced him to stay home that day.

“And you know, a week later this company collapsed,” the patient said. - But I somehow didn’t connect these two events. Although I was glad that I got through. But why did my subconscious choose this particular one? painful way care about me?

Probably they didn’t understand well.

That's for sure. Even when I met these people, I already had a premonition of something bad, but I did not pay attention to it.

The condition of our legs reflects how we walk and move forward in life.

Foot diseases, foot problems

This strong fear before the future. Reluctance or fear to move forward in life.

The man developed a vascular disease lower limbs. We found out the subconscious reason - fear for the future of our children.

Lack of purpose in life or the wrong direction can cause leg problems.

Protects our individuality. In addition, it is a sensory organ of enormous area and capabilities.

Skin diseases

I believe that skin diseases do not exist at all. Eat internal diseases with external manifestations on the skin. Therefore, it is absurd and even harmful to use ointments. Covering up external manifestations, we thereby drive the disease inside. The use of external remedies is not a cure, but a suppression of the disease. Any illness is a signal that a person commits harmful actions in his life or allows negative thoughts and emotions into his soul. This is especially true for skin diseases.
