I dreamed of a child, a boy, in my arms. The female half dreams about the baby

A boy seen in a dream, in accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, can mean completely different events in real life. In general, one thing can be said, this dream speaks of the favor of fate, financial well-being and success.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a boy, then, as the dream book interprets, perhaps you have a unique chance to radically change something in your life and start all over again.

Giving birth to a boy in a dream often means improvement life circumstances. Sometimes a dream indicates that you may actually have a baby soon. If a bride has such a dream before the wedding, then she should beware of the slander and envy of her friends.

This is especially noted in Miller’s dream book; a boy dreamed of by a young girl warns that she should take care of her reputation. In addition, the dream can also mean receiving an inheritance, an unexpected financial assistance and just good news.

If you had to give birth to a boy in a dream or you saw from the outside how a son was born, the dream book warns that complete success and material well-being awaits you.

For both women and men, it is considered a good omen to give birth to a boy in a dream. The dream book promises an excellent prospect, original ideas And grandiose projects. However, this prognosis will be positive only if the child in the dream is beautiful and healthy.

Sometimes it’s not entirely clear why men dream a little boy. The dream book states that the man has met his own self. This is the side of the personality that does not want to become an adult.

A child - a boy - seen in a dream is a sign that portends prosperity and life success. If there were several children, then this most likely means troublesome and time-consuming work that you will soon have to do.

In a dream, women dream of giving birth to a boy, in some cases they dream of future pregnancy. Often such dreams become a signal of conception. But whether the child will be of this particular gender, interpretations of the dream book differ.

Some argue that if a woman dreams of a male baby, then he should be expected. Especially if such a dream visited a young girl who has not yet thought about children. She will definitely have children and at the same time from great true love. Others argue that in reality the opposite will happen.

Why do young men dream of seeing a boy in their dreams? The dream promises a new and very deep feeling that can turn your whole life around. But to find out the time when this will happen, you should remember in more detail the details of the dream, for example, the time of year and check the predictions of the dream book.

Seeing a child, a boy 5-10 years old, very smart and quick-witted, is considered very good sign. Especially if you were able to ask him a question about your life in a dream. Everything he answered is the absolute truth. But, if his answer turned out to be unclear and incomprehensible, then most likely you are confused in the relationship.

A woman dreams of a newborn boy as a sign of the appearance of a new admirer, especially if only his head is visible. For a man, this dream means unexpected help from a friend. But, if he sees himself in this form, then this may indicate that in the future the man will lead a riotous lifestyle.

If at night you had a dream in which there were a girl and a boy, and you were their parent, then in most cases this means that in reality you have difficult relationships with people who have influence on your life. The dream book says that for childless people, such a dream can symbolize Guardian Angels who brought important news.

Sometimes giving birth to a boy in a dream means unforeseen big troubles. But if a friend gave birth to a child, then the dream books promise good news. If your daughter gave birth to it, her future promises to be prosperous and happy.

You definitely need to know why you dream of a difficult birth; a boy born as a result of it indicates difficulties in business. If in a dream you are present at someone else’s birth, then you will have to take an active part in the affairs of other people.

Why do you dream about a boy you like? According to the dream book, the dream only brings positive changes in life.

Dreams about small children are an auspicious sign. But, in this case, you need to remember all the features of sleep.

For example, if you dream of a baby, then the dream book warns that in real life there is a possibility of deception loved one.

If a young woman dreams of a baby boy in her arms, then she should be prepared for others to judge her for the dissolute lifestyle she leads.

Prosperity in any endeavor - this is what dreams of breastfeeding a boy mean. Taking a baby for a walk in a dream can mean an imminent romantic trip or a profitable business trip.

A single woman should fear for her good name if she dreams of a baby boy.

A small child boy promises the sleeping person the fulfillment of his deepest desires. According to the interpretation of the dream book, playing with him in a dream means achieving success at work or finding the meaning of life.

In a dream, women may see a child in their arms. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a man in your life, with whom you have to nurse like a baby. Protect and care for him, love and cherish him, like small child.

Sometimes, what you dream about being pregnant with a boy actually does not convey very positive information. So if in a dream you are pregnant and a male baby is about to be born, this may mean that the marriage will not be happy.

Why else do you see a boy in a dream?

Gemini boys are a dream for everyone who will experience prosperity at work and in business in the near future. True, if in a dream they suddenly get sick, then the dream book notes that there may be some difficulties in achieving the goal.

In a dream, giving birth to twin boys - the interpretation of the dream book is still the same, only the profit and prosperity awaiting you will be doubly great.

Giving birth to twin boys in a dream means a stable position in any business, this applies to both business and love. IN family life happiness and trust awaits. You will gain confidence in the future and will forever forget what worry is.

Twin boys symbolize the balance and serenity of real life. The birth of twins to a man in a dream speaks of his loneliness, sadness, and some kind of alienation. The dream warns of alcohol abuse.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a child, the boy in this case promises the emergence of new plans that you will successfully turn into reality. For pregnant women, the dream book promises a safe and easy birth.

It won’t hurt you to remember your reputation; this is exactly what it means to dream that a boy was born to someone else before the wedding. Perhaps the time has finally come to start restoring it, otherwise you will not see success.

Children, a boy and a girl, are always a symbol of the future. Pregnant women can use this dream to determine the gender of their unborn child. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign of joy. Cheerful children often mean a future pleasant acquaintance or the arrival of guests.

Giving birth to a boy and a girl without complications is a joy. Whereas difficult childbirth signals great difficulties on the path to happiness.

Why do you dream of a beloved boy born after several girls? The dream book says only one thing - great happiness awaits you soon. If in a dream you gave birth to him right at home, then you can forget about the lack of funds.

Many dream books interpret a dream in which a baby boy appeared as a readiness for change. This is a symbol of new duties and responsibilities. Women often have such a dream if they really dream about a child.

Beware that you may be drawn into a dirty business - this is what dreams of two boys fighting mean. An aggressive child who offended your son in a dream - get ready for trouble and the treachery of friends.

If a boy cries in a dream, reconsider your financial investments. Some difficulties may await you. If in a dream you beat a child, then in reality try to restrain your feelings. Sometimes inaction can be better than any action.

In a dream, holding a boy in your arms that someone threw to you means unexpected profit. Holding a sick child means possible problems, betrayal, depression.

For those who will soon become parents - a little boy in their arms to determine the sex of the child. If a woman holds him, a girl will be born, a man - the dream book says, expect a male baby.

Someone else's dead boy in a dream means problems and disappointments in reality. Very often, a baby in a dream symbolizes some business or undertaking. Seeing him dead means in the dream book that your project has no prospects.

Many men wonder why they dream of pregnancy and the birth of a boy. This dream could mean a transition to new stage in life and be an omen of major changes. Having given birth to a child in a dream, the dream book gives hope that a brilliant idea will soon come to you.

A newborn baby boy seen at night is a new business or idea related to money. Such a dream is always favorable, but only on condition that the child is healthy and clean. Otherwise, the dream book recommends preparing for sorrows and difficulties.

If there is Small child, then the dream of a boy peeing means nothing. It is only daytime worries that are transferred into night dreams. If you don’t have a child, this may mean that undertakings will bring too much trouble and will take up energy and time.

If a young girl dreams of a boy she likes, it means that she thinks a lot about him. If he gives flowers, the dream book predicts that you will soon be invited to a date.

To see a dream in which there is a handsome boy is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance for young women. A very beautiful child with a smart facial expression in a dream is a sign of rapid prosperity and the acquisition of material and spiritual values.

Child boy according to the dream book

From time immemorial, it was believed that dreams can predict future events, decipher present ones, and give a sign on how to change life. Since ancient times, people have collected information in dream books on the interpretation of common dreams. One of the varieties is those where a child is present in a dream - a boy. And a lot depends on the form in which the child appears before the dreamer in order to understand what he is dreaming about.

Seeing a boy in a dream can mean completely different events in life. But, as a rule, this indicates success, as in financially, and personal life. If there was not one boy, but several, then this means soon, difficult work, overshadowed by numerous troubles, that needs to be done.

Giving birth to a boy in a dream is often indicated in the dream book as a lasting improvement in life. Sometimes such night visions actually indicate the imminent arrival of a baby in the family. But what gender the newborn will be, information differs in dream books.

The birth of a boy is considered a wonderful omen for people of both sexes. Dream books promise that a person who has such a dream will receive grandiose, life-changing ideas, wonderful prospects will open up in the future, and the most daring projects will be successfully implemented. But for such favorable forecasts, it is necessary that the child seen is physically healthy and beautiful.

To dream of the birth of a small child, a boy, is usually interpreted as a unique chance to radically change your life, even to start from scratch. If the baby was brought into the world by a friend, then favorable news is expected. If she gave birth to a daughter sleeping (or sleeping), this means that her future will be happy and prosperous.

Difficult birth, during which little man, indicates in dream books about complications in business. Presence at someone else's birth indicates active participation in the lives of strangers.

Why do you dream about a newborn?

Some dream books claim that if you dream of a male baby, then it is he who will be born. Especially if he was dreamed of by a young girl who is not yet seriously planning children. This dream means that children will be born soon and out of great passion and love.

According to another point of view, in reality everything will be exactly the opposite. If the bride dreams of this immediately before the wedding celebration, then she needs to be wary of envy and slander from her friends.

Men sometimes dream of a newborn baby boy. Dream books interpret this as a meeting of a man in a dream with his inner self. We can say that this is the side of the personality that resists growing up.

For young men, a dream about a boy is a sign that strong and deep true love lies ahead. And most likely for life. You can even predict the time when this event will take place, you just need to try to remember minor details of the dream, for example, the weather outside, the time of year or any other signs.

Women dream of a newborn baby to signify the appearance of a new admirer. The interpretation is the same when only the child's head is visible. For a man, it means help from a friend that he did not expect. But when a man sees himself in such a piquant position, then soon he will most likely lead a riotous, idle lifestyle.

I also wonder why I dream infant. According to dream books, this is to exist with high probability deception on the part of a loved one. If a lonely girl dreams of a baby boy in her arms, it means those around her are condemning her for indecent behavior. You need to seriously think about restoring your good name.

But breastfeeding a baby in a dream promises success in any endeavor. A walk with a baby in your arms means, according to the dream book, a profitable business trip or a long-awaited trip, with a romantic twist.

If you dreamed about a boy, this in most cases leads to the fulfillment of your deepest desires. And playing with him in a dream even means finding the meaning of life or achieving such heights at work that were previously considered unattainable.

Miller's unique dream book.

Of course, Miller's dream book is by far the most popular. A famous entrepreneur, financier, company owner, Gustav Miller also turned out to be the author of the most famous and accurate dream book. This book is more than a century old, but even now, with correct interpretation, dreams about her always come true.

Why, according to Miller’s dream book, does a boy dream? Crying baby is a bad omen, signifies poor health and trouble. Cheerful, cheerful boy - to the big new love. Beautiful child boy - to happiness and prosperity. For a girl who does not have children in real life, rocking a child in a dream means betrayal by loved ones.

Miller writes in the dream book, for the mother to see nightmare, in which the baby dies - fear, uncertainty about the future, about tomorrow. Rocking your own sick son in a dream indicates mental anguish, melancholy of the sleeper, pain.

For a young girl, a dream with a child indicates the need to take care of her reputation; she is threatened by gossip. In addition, such a night vision can mean receiving an inheritance, or in general any unexpected financial support. And just receiving good news.

Dream books indicate that if a pregnant woman dreams of having a boy, a quick and easy birth. And for creative person, the dream book promises the arrival of a muse, the flowering of talent. Seeing an unfamiliar boy, but in a dream perceiving him as your own son - means distrust of people of the opposite sex, love betrayal.

If a man sees himself as small, he, according to the dream book, urgently needs a well-deserved rest from all his affairs and it is advisable to change the situation. At least for a few days. If a woman sees herself as a young man, she is tired of constant questions and conversations from relatives and friends about why she has still not decided on her personal life and is not married.

The meaning of dreams about boys.

If you dreamed of a child, a boy, the real son of the dreamer, there is some unfinished business that needs to be completed. A baby accompanied by a nanny is a harbinger of an easy and pleasant pastime. To babysit a boy's child yourself - friends or business partners on whom a person counted will betray him in difficult times.

If you wanted to adopt a child, but it didn’t work out, your competitors will beat you in business, it’s a bad deal. An interesting version is why one dreams that the person sleeping was adopted by wealthy people. The dream book indicates that there will be support and patronage from wealthy people with influence and authority. They will ensure the successful implementation of plans.

The interpretation of dreams where they are looking for a boy’s child, according to the dream book, usually means searching for the meaning of life and one’s place in the world. Looking for a baby in a dream who manages to sneak away all the time, according to the dream book, is making useless efforts, wasting energy. These efforts will still not bring results. If a parent is looking for his child, most likely in reality he is afraid of losing authority.

In a dream, finding a boy’s child means that soon there will be profit in life, a new relationship or a career take-off. If the boy found is unwanted, then in reality you will have to bear someone else’s burden of problems.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about a baby boy? To see a child in a dream for a woman who plans to become a mother means that her wishes will soon come true. The long-awaited replenishment will not take long to arrive. If a pregnant woman dreams of a boy and she plays with him, then this will bring her happiness. She kisses and hugs the boy - there will be quick success in business and in the family.

A pregnant woman scolds and hits her baby, which is interpreted in the dream book as a sign of troubles and worries. For a pregnant woman, a dream about an unfamiliar boy means fear of childbirth or unpleasant experiences.

A beautiful child, a boy, behaves calmly in his sleep, - a big joy soon. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation; people around him will consider the person better than he is, but such an attitude will only be harmful to him.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offends the dreamer’s child is a sign of future problems and betrayal from imaginary friends. Hitting or punishing a baby in a dream - according to the dream book, this is a warning to keep your emotions under control and remain calm in stressful situations.

A woman who in a dream became a mother of many children will have a close meeting with old acquaintances. The consequences of this meeting will be numerous troubles. Feeding a baby means labor-intensive work that higher management will force you to do. But fulfilling your immediate professional duties will bring a surprise in the form of a large monetary reward.

The meaning of a dream where a boy is crawling suggests that it is necessary to make decisions faster and think about them without delay. Dreams of a little man taking his own independent steps for the first time indicate, according to the dream book, that one should count on oneself and own strength. Don’t listen to other people’s opinions, but have your own, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences.

Dream Interpretation Boy

If in a dream you dreamed of a Little Boy or saw that your Son was Born, Dream Interpretations promise that in reality financial well-being and complete success will await you. Giving birth to a Boy in a dream for both women and men means that you will have new ones promising ideas and grandiose projects. But for young men, Dream Interpretations have prepared a different forecast, believing that a Boy in a dream symbolizes your own Self and that part of your personality that categorically refuses to grow up in real life.

Dreamed of a little boy, Baby, Dreamed of a child boy- a sign of success in business and family life.

It is believed that the boy is in a dream- this is a very lucky sign, foreshadowing your success and prosperity in life. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those in whose dream the Boy was handsome, healthy and cheerful.

I dreamed about boys- to troublesome and time-consuming work.

Boys seen in a dream, in the traditional interpretation, foreshadow you with many projects and ideas, most likely not of a creative, but of a material plane.

Give birth to a boy in a dream, Dreamed that you had a boy, Son (for women)- to pregnancy and the birth of a child of the same gender.

Often, long before the exact confirmation of pregnancy, a woman receives a signal through a dream about the conception of a child of one gender or another.

I dreamed of holding a baby boy in my arms, Nursing a boy in a dream— financial idea or project.

Small children in a dream symbolize plans and projects that you are busy with in reality. Moreover, the fact that the Child was precisely a Boy in your dream indicates that you will not have to deal with a creative, but rather a financial idea.

I dreamed that a newborn boy had crap himself or peed himself, a little boy was crying in his sleep- there will be household chores or care for younger family members; otherwise, your undertaking will cause a lot of problems.

If there is a small child in your family, the Dream can be considered empty, His appearance was caused by real daytime worries and troubles. For everyone else, the dream predicts that your undertakings and plans will take a lot of time and effort, and will most likely cause serious concern.

I dreamed about a familiar boy- excess affection and love.

The boy you saw in your dream was randomly chosen by your subconscious as the object of your affection and love, which, probably, simply overwhelms you in reality and in every possible way requires a way out.

I dreamed of a naked boy- problems in business.

The boy you saw in your dream symbolizes some kind of business idea. The dream gives you a hint that for complete success in reality you will have to make additional investments and investments.

Dream Interpretation Little Boy

Why does a little Boy dream in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a little boy, expect an invitation to a party or celebration with loved ones or friends.

Time spent in such company will fly by unnoticed, but good mood will stay for a long time.

Who dreamed of a little boy?

If a woman dreams of a little boy

A dream in which a woman sees a little boy portends an improvement in her financial situation. Large purchases are also possible, for example, the acquisition of real estate.

What were you doing with the little boy?

Dreaming about playing with a little boy

If in a dream you happened to play with a little boy, it means that soon what you have been planning for a long time will finally come true. A promotion at work is possible. If a pregnant woman played with a boy, joy and prosperity await her in real life.

A dream in which you kiss a little boy

Do you dream that you are kissing a little boy? Wait good deal At work. IN personal life success and luck will also come.

Babysitting a little boy according to the dream book

A dream in which unmarried girl nurses a little boy, the dream book interprets it as a negative sign. Perhaps there is a person who is planning to betray her.

How is your little boy related?

His own son appeared in a dream as a little boy

If in a dream you saw your son at the age when he was a little boy, know that everything you are working on now will definitely receive approval and encouragement from your superiors.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream interpretation child boy in arms

Taking a sick child in the arms of a boy in a dream means taking on a large burden of adversity. Holding a sick child in your arms in a dream is a dream that portends possible problems, betrayal and depression in the future.

For those who are expecting a child, seeing a man or woman with a baby boy in their arms in a dream is a prediction of the gender of the unborn child; the dream means that you should expect the appearance of an heir. In addition, if the gender of an infant is unclear in a dream, but a man is holding it in his arms, then the dream again foreshadows the birth of a boy.

Picking up a thrown baby in your arms in a dream means making an unexpected profit in the near future.

Dream interpretation of holding a child in your arms in a dream

What does it mean to dream about holding a child in your arms? Dream interpretation

Such a dream, as a rule, means that the business you are taking on will require considerable effort. Moreover, the more the child is seen in a dream, the more efforts will have to be made to implement the plan.

The interpretation of the dream is especially negative if the child you are holding in your arms is sick - this means that the adversity and troubles you will encounter will be very strong. However, the meaning of the dream changes when you dream that the baby you are holding in your arms is thrown to you. This means that profit awaits you, and unplanned profit, which is doubly pleasant.

Dream Interpretation small Child in arms

Why do you dream of a small Child in your arms in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of a small child in your arms, be prepared for the fact that it will be quite difficult to bring your plans to life due to some unforeseen circumstances.

boy in arms

Dream Interpretation Boy in arms dreamed of why you dream about a boy in your arms? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing the dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Boy in your arms in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives. A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all sorts of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and excellent appetite. Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage. A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that is being prepared for you imaginary friends. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action. Seeing a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. Dead boy in a dream - a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will suffer. The boy is playing - worry about trifles. The boy is sleeping - internal doubts make you indecisive. The boy is studying - you are suffering because of a mistake you made in the past. Imagine that the boy runs away and a girl comes (see Girl). Or the boy is actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Little boy - surprise or unexpected news; for a pregnant woman - rapid labor; playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and stable materially; for creative people - a surge of inspiration; crying boy - you have to show care and attention to your family, and especially to your loved one; an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of members of the opposite sex. Also see Crying, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is sure sign future successes, both in business and family life. If an older boy is entering adolescence, this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards. If you dreamed of a little boy, this is a sign of great luck, all your affairs will go well mountain. If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman, seeing a boy means money and more property. Seeing boys fighting means your friends can get you involved in a dirty business. Students - means successful and profitable plans. An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Boy - joy, fun - for a woman - money and more property - seeing boys fighting - friends will embroil you in a dirty business - student - happy plans.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Seeing a lot of boys in a dream is a sign of concern. If you dream that you see handsome boy, then expect exciting news. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing with a boy in a dream means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream foretells peace in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Boys

Seeing a lot of boys is a surprise. Really, where did so many boys come from?

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If you dreamed of a boy playing something, then very soon you will have a chance to change your job. To make this change for the better, fry the potatoes in corn oil and eat. If you dreamed that a boy was eating, then in the near future you will have problems with digestion. At midnight, pee on a tree.

Babies seen in a dream should not be taken literally as a quick increase in the family; most often, a newborn symbolizes beginnings or promises dramatic changes in the future.

The nature of upcoming events largely depends on the emotions experienced in a dream at the sight of a baby. In most cases similar dream considered auspicious.

To figure out exactly what a dream of a baby in your arms portends, use the help of well-known dream books.

I dreamed that I had a baby in my arms - how to explain the dream

Miss Hasse's dream book interprets a baby in her arms as a sign that you should rely only on your own strengths; it is independence that will lead you to success. The dream in which you kiss the baby, promises you good health until old age.

By modern dream book pick up the baby to bathe him, is interpreted as a quick solution to a difficult situation. If in a dream you are just holding born baby- expect good news and happy events.

Nursing a sick child in the arms not the best auspicious sign. The dream can be interpreted as:

  • an overwhelming burden of problems and worries;
  • the mental turmoil of the one who saw the dream.

Rock in your arms crying baby – a dream foreshadows many obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If the child falls asleep, problems will be solved in the most unexpected way.

Why do you dream of a little girl in your arms?

Most dream books explain what you see in a dream as a quick surprise in reality. If the child is very small, the unexpected event will be joyful. Holding the baby tightly in your arms means you will soon start something you never intended to undertake.

I dreamed about it beautiful girl on hands- in the family. A newborn girl in your arms that you are going to swaddle - a dream foretells you a tide vitality and an optimistic attitude.

Find a newborn girl in a dream can be interpreted as great chances for your cherished dreams to come true.

Why do you dream of a little boy in your arms?

Dreamed warns of global changes in your life. If the little one is strong and calm, most of the changes will be positive. A weak and whining child portends difficulties and minor troubles; your life will be filled with vanity and petty squabbles.

When a girl dreams of a newborn boy, she will meet a guy. If a man sees such a dream, you can count on success and large profits.

I dreamed of a baby in a man’s arms – what does that mean?

If you saw a man with a baby in his arms in your dreams, expect pleasant events.

In addition, the dream marks changes for the better in life. For a pregnant woman, such a dream indicates that she should wait for the birth of her son. Sometimes a newborn in a man’s arms is interpreted as an increase in income.

Man nursing a crying child– the dream warns of the unreality of your plans and unforeseen complications.

Seeing a baby in a woman’s arms in a dream - what does it mean?

For an expectant mother, such a dream predicts the birth of a girl. If you dreamed of holding a girl in your arms, expect the birth of a daughter in your family.

Dreamed woman with a girl in her arms marks changes in life and unexpected turn in fate. It is unlikely that your plans will come true; accept that life is completely unpredictable. The changes will not necessarily be unpleasant; later you will understand that everything that is done is for the better.

Why do you dream of a baby in a girl’s arms?

A small child in the arms of a very young girl foreshadows the dishonest thoughts of the people around you and their desire to use you for selfish purposes.

In addition, the dream can be interpreted as infidelity and betrayal on the part of a man. If in a dream you take a girl's child or she offers to take him in her arms - you will face a lot of mental anguish and worries.

According to Veles’s dream book, a dream about a young girl with a child foreshadows tedious work and troubles. If the baby and mother look healthy and tidy, your work will be well rewarded. If the baby is crying, and the girl in dirty clothes means worries and minor problems will lead you to a depressed mood.

For a young woman, such a dream can be regarded as a prediction of an imminent pregnancy. The dream promises a mature lady good profit and a comfortable existence. But if girl in a dream- This is a sign of unforeseen expenses and needs.

If you believe Muslim dream book, then dreamed familiar girl with a newborn portends joyful chores and a pleasant trip. If the girl is unfamiliar and unkemptly dressed, sad events should be expected. Perhaps you have an ill-wisher who intends to “put a spoke in the wheels” in every possible way.

Why do you dream of a baby in the arms of a pregnant woman?

Pregnant woman holding baby in her arms, promises a lot of difficulties and troubles. If a woman looks sick or tired, overwhelming responsibilities will be placed on your shoulders.

Crying baby in the arms of a pregnant woman in a dream foreshadows quarrels with relatives and condemnation of the family. Baby laughs in the hands of a woman - things will “go uphill”, your investments will bring good income.

What does a baby in the arms of a husband promise?

Husband rocking baby, dreams of a new addition to the family. Naked baby in the husband's arms portends help and support in business. Alien baby in the hands of a spouse warns of a major quarrel with a loved one and a long-term conflict. Try to control your emotions when communicating with others.

What does a baby in your arms mean according to Vanga’s dream book

The Bulgarian soothsayer considered the dream of a baby as a sign of some kind of disharmony in the soul. If you often have such a dream, you should take time for introspection and try to get rid of bad thoughts.

Holding a baby close to you, holding it with clean hands, according to Vanga’s dream book, means firm faith in one’s strength and justice. If your hands were dirty, get ready for a series of bad luck and many difficulties.

Calm down crying baby holding him in your arms in a dream portends unexpected events and surprise. If you dreamed that a baby was reaching out to you, you can hope for a quick pregnancy.

A man can see himself with a child in his hands in a dream is a sign that he will be able to decide not to big problems which could lead to negative consequences.

Dreamed baby according to Miller's dream book

Hold in a dream small child in arms means that fate has prepared a surprise for you. If the child cries at the same time, minor health problems and disappointment are possible.

Hold a beautiful one in your arms, neat baby in a dream foreshadows the beginning of a clean and happy love. Babysitting someone else's baby portends abuse of your reliability by loved ones. You may have to take on solving other people's problems.

If you dreamed that you cradled the baby and lost him– life is preparing difficult trials for you. Be prepared for the fact that you will still have to come to terms with some losses.

For an unmarried girl to hold a newborn in her arms - the dream warns of deception and betrayal of a loved one.

If this is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news.

See in a dream healthy baby- to get rid of life's problems and to happy love.

Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries.

If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If the boy is older and entering adolescence, this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy, this is a sign of great luck; all your business will go well.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not be long in coming.

Interpretation of dreams from

Modern dream book

Rocking a sick baby in your arms in a dream does not bode well. In reality, the dreamer risks facing severe adversity and life's difficulties. Holding a baby thrown in your arms by someone - to financial profit in the near future. For pregnant women, such a dream can predict the gender of the unborn child: if the child is held by the woman herself, then she will most likely have a daughter, and if a man is born, a boy will be born.

Why do you dream of babies in your arms? Eastern dream book

For young girls, baby boys in their arms promise the appearance of fans in the future. For men, such dreams promise all possible help from friends in one or another difficult situation. If in your hands, then in reality big undertakings are coming. Interpreters of this dream book advise not to miss the opportunities provided.

French dream book: babies in arms

According to this dream book, children in your arms dream of hitherto unprecedented success. If a woman dreams of not only holding a baby in her arms, but also feeding the child, then in real life many of her deepest desires destined to come true. It is curious that they will come true quite quickly and in a short time.

Babies. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Naked babies in your arms dream of great troubles that will soon befall the dreamer. It will no longer be possible to avoid them, but you can try to reduce them possible consequences to a minimum: this requires the dreamer to have endurance, patience and intelligence. It would be nice to enlist the support of friends who are ready to help survive all the vicissitudes of fate.

Sick babies in your arms dream of severe depression, which will soon take hold of the dreamer. Visits to a psychotherapist who will prescribe appropriate treatment are also possible. In principle, taking antidepressants is the maximum possible negative development real events after such a dream, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Holding a baby in your arms and talking to him in a dream means diseases of one kind or another.

Babies in arms. Vanga's Dream Book

Keeping a baby dirty, trying to rock him to sleep, lull him to sleep and lisp him in every possible way is a sign of a dark streak in real life: numerous difficulties and sheer bad luck are coming. Cradling a baby, holding him with clean hands, means a firm belief in success and higher power. Apparently, the dreamer lacks precisely the spiritual soil to achieve his goals. But after this dream they will be achieved!

Dreams about babies usually leave bright feelings, but their meanings vary, depending on the context and the chosen dream book. Interpretations of what dreams mean differ infant in the arms also when the sleeper knows for sure that in front of him is a boy or a girl. Different meanings will receive the dream of a man or woman. The condition of the baby also affects. Let's take a closer look at each of the interpretations.

A woman sees a baby in a dream

Dreams about children are of particular importance for young girls. Hold in your arms infant for them it means a meeting with their betrothed or a quick marriage. For childless women, such dreams foreshadow the need to constantly take care of some person. The general mood of the dream determines whether it will bring hardships or happy moments.

  • But for pregnant women, such a dream promises good omens: the birth will be successful and the baby will be healthy.
  • Young girls who dreamed that they were holding a baby in their arms and feeding him should be wary of false rumors and gossip.
  • A crying baby promises carefree and joyful events.
  • A woman walks with a baby in her arms in a dream pleasant surprises associated with a fun trip.
  • If the child is a boy, then this portends material well-being for the dreamer. According to Freud, such a dream reflects the need to satisfy sexual desires.
  • Holding a baby girl in your arms portends progress in personality development. Such a dream speaks of a lack of security and a sense of warmth.

Why does a man dream of a baby in his arms?

For representatives of the stronger sex, seeing a healthy and strong baby in a dream promises strengthening friendships and career growth. If the baby wrote - to pleasant surprises and an invitation to visit. Holding a baby with a fever portends mental anguish and a showdown with loved ones.

  1. Rocking a child means stubbornness and reluctance to go straight to the goal. Some obstacles that arise in front of the dreamer are the work of his own hands.
  2. For a young family eager to become parents, such dreams promise the appearance of a long-awaited baby. If a man holds him in his arms, then it will be a boy and vice versa.
  3. Seeing that adult children have again become infants indicates excessive care for the offspring. Sons and daughters should be given more independence.

Why do you dream of a baby being held in your arms? Any dream book knows. In most cases, this is a good, favorable omen. Such a dream indicates imminent positive changes in life: a meeting with a future husband or the birth of a child. A sick or dead baby in your arms portends troubles in life and problems at work. about children should be linked to the general background of the dream. In some cases, they may have opposite or completely different meanings. There is no need to worry about bad omens. It is necessary to take them into account and adjust behavior and character in accordance with the prediction.