Dull pain in the bladder. Why does your bladder hurt?

If your bladder hurts, it causes a lot of trouble and threatens the health of the entire body. Call pain syndrome may be a severe pathology, timely diagnosis and treatment of which will prevent complications and restore good health.

Why does your bladder hurt?

Cramps in the lower abdomen may indicate that a person is developing a pathology of the urinary system. This is signaled by secondary symptoms(blood in the urine or frequent urge to go to the toilet).

Painful sensations in bladder differ in nature and intensity. The manifestation of other symptoms depends on which part is inflamed (cervix or fundus), suggesting the type of pathology. The disease can be more accurately determined only with the help of various methods diagnostics

The most common cause of pain in the bladder is an inflammatory process involving the mucous membrane of the organ. In this case, itching and burning occurs when the walls of the organ are irritated. Depending on the location of the spasm and the conditions of its occurrence (after urination, before menstruation, from cold, in the morning or at night), specialists make a preliminary diagnosis.

If your bladder hurts, you should seek help. medical care at the first symptoms. After laboratory tests the doctor will determine the cause of the illness.


Infectious inflammation of the bladder mucosa occurs in men, women and children. The causative agents of the disease are bacteria that enter the urinary tract due to poor hygiene or after sex.

Congenital and acquired structural pathologies internal organs also lead to inflammation of the bladder. The infection is accompanied by pain and burning when urinating. A person often wants to go to the toilet. Sometimes the temperature rises, and streaks of blood are found in the urine.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain in the bladder area sometimes occurs due to the formation of stones. This pathology is accompanied by renal colic. The pain radiates to lumbar region spine and perineum. Urine changes color. Sediment and streaks of blood appear in it. After a bowel movement, the lower abdomen hurts. Sometimes the spasm gets worse when walking.

Stones can be located in various organs of the urinary system. Pain and difficulty urinating depend on the location of the formation. Pathology is treated conservatively, aimed at dissolving and natural removal of stones. If this is not possible, surgery is performed.


Inflammation of the urethra is accompanied by severe pain, burning and itching. Often blood or pus is discharged from the urethra. Patients experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen with frequent urination. Advanced urethritis threatens inflammation of the kidneys and bladder and requires timely treatment.


Benign and malignant neoplasms in the bladder at the initial stage are painless. The development of severe pathology can be suspected only by streaks of blood in the urine. This is a signal that you need to undergo examination by a urologist. Pain in the bladder area for various reasons. The developing neoplasm gradually grows into the walls of the organ. The development of pathology threatens to damage the ureters, kidneys, intestines and other parts of the body.

Benign bladder tumors quickly degenerate into oncological neoplasms, so their removal should not be delayed.


Pathology of the bladder, which during long period occurs without symptoms and is called a cyst. It occurs during the prenatal period of embryo development at a gestational age of 5-6 months.

Urachus is a duct connecting the bladder with amniotic fluid, does not heal completely, causing the appearance of a cavity filled with meconium, mucus and other biological substances.

The cyst gradually increases in size, causing pain in the suprapubic area and impaired urinary function. If pathological formation will break into abdominal cavity, peritonitis may begin. The urachus cyst is removed surgically.

Mechanical damage

Bladder injuries not only cause pain, but also lead to complications. Contusion or rupture of the organ wall can occur due to various reasons. During sex, if the partner is very active, there are mechanical damage bladder in women. The most common consequence of this situation is postcoital cystitis.

Injury to the walls of the bladder occurs during medical procedures, after surgery, and also after installation of a stent. Severe bladder damage is accompanied by acute pain, internal bleeding and inflammation of the peritoneum.

Complications of the injury are life-threatening.

Bladder pain during pregnancy and after childbirth

The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing discomfort and a frequent desire to go to the toilet. The load on a pregnant woman's body provokes a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of developing infection.

Damage to the bladder after caesarean section or its stretching during childbirth provokes pain and urinary dysfunction. If a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently given birth has pain in her lower abdomen, she should immediately consult a doctor.

In children

IN younger age the bladder most often hurts due to congenital pathology urinary tract. Due to poor personal hygiene or hypothermia, children may develop acute cystitis. It manifests itself as pain when urinating, incontinence and frequent urges to the toilet.

At the first symptoms of a urinary tract infection, the child should be shown to a pediatric urologist and undergo an examination.

Pain with a full bladder

If a person is unable to go to the toilet for a long period, then there is a feeling that the stomach is aching in the area of ​​the bladder. This symptom is not pathological. Stagnation phenomena in the pelvic area in women are also accompanied nagging pain. Chronic cystitis provokes the development of spasm when the bladder is full. After emptying, the discomfort goes away.


The examination of the urinary system is carried out comprehensively. The doctor examines the patient and determines the location pain when pressed. Diagnosis is based on results general analysis urine and blood.

If an organ infection is suspected, additional laboratory tests. Effective methods clarification of pathology is urine analysis according to Nechiporenko and bacterial culture. Ultrasound remains an informative diagnostic method. Ultrasonography performed with a full bladder. In some cases, cystoscopy is used to clarify the diagnosis.

A complex urodynamic study (CUDI) is more informative. It includes several specific tests to determine the level of elasticity of the bladder walls, the rate at which it fills and empties, and other indicators of the functioning of the urinary system.

Treatment of bladder pain

Bladder spasm occurs in almost all types of diseases of this organ.

If discomfort or pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Once the diagnosis is clarified, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

For infectious lesions of the urinary system, antibacterial therapy is indicated. It is carried out in combination with taking anti-inflammatory and diuretic drugs. If urolithiasis or a tumor is detected, the problem is solved surgically.

If pain in the bladder is caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, complex treatment is carried out.


Antibacterial therapy for diseases of the bladder and adjacent organs is carried out using macrolides or cephalosporins. Such drugs as Monural, Suprax, Ceftriaxone are effective. At the initial stage, it is enough to take tablets. If the inflammatory process is started, injections will be required.

After antibiotics, you should take a course of uroantiseptics. From this group, popular drugs are Furamag, Fitozolin, Canephron. Diuretics are indicated for patients with urinary tract pathologies.


Prevention and treatment of uncomplicated inflammatory diseases bladder can be performed at home using folk remedies. Decoctions, tinctures and compresses can enhance the effect drug therapy and consolidate its results.

Various herbs are used to treat bladder infections. Chamomile, immortelle, corn silk, bearberry, yarrow, dill and other plants relieve inflammation, speed up urination and increase the body's resistance.

Natural components can be taken orally; they can serve as raw materials for preparing medicinal baths.


If your bladder hurts, it is recommended to exclude spicy, salty, sour foods and canned food from the menu. The diet for such pathologies involves eating only light foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Patients need to monitor their drinking regime and avoid alcohol, soda, sweets and fast food.

Possible complications

Pathological processes in the organs of the urinary system lead to serious illnesses. Complications of bladder infection manifest themselves in the form of pyelonephritis, acute renal failure, dysfunctions of the reproductive system.

Urolithiasis threatens to rupture the ducts and walls of the organ. Tumor development leads to oncological diseases, many of which are difficult to treat and result in death.

If your bladder constantly hurts badly, you need to undergo full examination, identify the cause unpleasant symptoms and start treatment as soon as possible.


To prevent bladder diseases and neighboring organs, should be carried out healthy image life, eat right, avoid hypothermia and stress, maintain immunity. You shouldn't join intimacy with unfamiliar partners and practice unprotected sex.

You need to go through it once a year preventive examinations see a urologist. This will help identify the disease at an early stage.

One of the main organs of the excretory system is the bladder. It consists of several sections and is a bag filled with liquid. Because the connective tissue The bladder is quite delicate, then many factors can affect the change in condition. Pain in the bladder area indicates a variety of diseases not only of the bladder itself and the excretory system, but also of neighboring organs. These could be diseases of the genital organs, kidneys, tailbone, etc. Only a specialist can determine why the bladder hurts, so you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Causes and symptoms

Bladder pain is caused by various diseases. Usually, this is cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, kidney stones. The type of disorder can be determined by how the bladder hurts.

  • Cystitis. In all such cases, pain in the bladder during urination is caused by cystitis. If there is pain in the bladder area and the intensity of this pain increases as the bladder fills, reaching a peak of pain at the end of urination, and then stops. This indicates diffuse inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. IN severe forms disease, the pain is almost stable. In case of illness cervical cystitis painful phenomena are present at the end of urination and continue for a short time. Any form of cystitis occurs with a number of symptoms: frequent and painful urination, the presence of pus in the urine.
  • Cystalgia. Symptoms similar to cystitis are also characteristic of a disease such as cystalgia. The disease is characterized by insignificant or absent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. The disease is diagnosed if the patient's complaints of pain in the bladder are similar to what is observed with cystitis, but there is no pyuria or inflammation. In this case, the patient is referred for cystoscopy.
  • Bladder stones. If pain occurs when walking, riding, physical work, they characterize the appearance of stones. And it is provoked by their movement through the cavity of the bladder. The pain is usually very sharp and wave-like. In addition, in the presence of stones, an increased number of leukocytes and red blood cells is observed in the urine, which changes its color.
  • Bladder rupture. Intense and sharp pain in the bladder or lower abdomen, accompanied by an unbearable urge to urinate that you cannot do. Also, in addition to this, if drops of blood appear instead of urine, all this indicates a rupture of the bladder. And in this case, emergency surgery is required.

Features of the disease in women

According to statistics, women suffer from such diseases many times more often. The reason why the bladder hurts in women is that the weaker sex has a different body structure. Thus, in a woman’s body the structure of the urethra is different, and helps to delay various infections. Ladies are especially susceptible similar diseases during pregnancy, because the immune system undergoes changes. And the risk that the body will not cope with the infection is great.

Typically, cystitis is caused by bacteria, staphylococci. Or, inflammation of the bladder occurs due to damage inner shell. In the form of a stimulant it can be acute urinary stone or chemicals. Or sometimes also provoke inflammation medical manipulations or chemical and thermal burns. These are the reasons why your bladder hurts. During pregnancy, cystitis can be of two types: chronic and acute, that is, occurring for the first time. If the necessary urgent measures are not taken, the inflammation can move upward and affect the ureters or kidneys. Thus, creating a real threat to the life of both the fetus and the woman who bears it.

Features of the disease in men

Bladder pain in men is due to a number of problems in the excretory or reproductive systems. If a man has kidney stones or inflammation of both or one kidney - pyelonephritis, then the disease will be accompanied by chills, elevated temperature and fever. In such a situation, you need to undergo a series of tests, for example, a urine test and an ultrasound. But if there are no kidney stones, and tests do not show the presence of cystitis, then such a case Painful sensations may occur due to urinary retention. In order to solve the problem, you need to find the reason for the delay.

Often inflammation or prostate adenoma causes pain in the lower abdomen. According to statistics, prostatitis is found in 60% of men, most of whom do not even know about their condition, because the disease usually occurs in a latent form. Prostate diseases begin to cause concern against a general background of problems vascular system, circulatory disorders, hypothermia or stress. Prostate diseases are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by pain when urinating. Painful sensations can be observed in the testicles and groin, erectile dysfunction occurs, etc. These diseases cannot be left to chance; they require urgent diagnostics and proper treatment.


Treatment, for example, of cystitis depends on the causes that caused it and the form of the disease. In case of illness acute cystitis except diet and drinking regime, the specialist will prescribe antibacterial agents, which will fight microbes that cause inflammation. In addition, medications will be prescribed that will eliminate the spasm. smooth muscle bladder, for example, medications plant origin. Antibiotics will be prescribed based on tests and identification of the causative agents of the infectious and inflammatory process. But it is worth remembering that, for example, bladder pain during pregnancy and the illness that caused it are treated with antibiotics in extreme cases so as not to harm the fetus.

Before undergoing therapy, the patient undergoes a bacteriological urine test, which is rarely prescribed for acute inflammation, but often with chronic inflammation. And after receiving the results of such an analysis, treatment is usually adjusted, taking into account the sensitivity and reactions of pathogens different forms cystitis on antibacterial drugs. Full course such antibacterial therapy, which will be prescribed by the attending physician, lasts 5–7 days, provided that the general urine test is normalized. Treatment chronic inflammation begin with eliminating the causes of the disease - bladder diverticulum, bladder stones, strictures of the urethra, prostate adenoma, etc. In addition, local instillation therapy is used, in which drugs in liquid form are administered into the internal cavity Bladder.

If a woman has a bladder pain, then treatment is required immediately, since any pain signals about the presence of a disease.

By ignoring pain, you can allow the development of pathology, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Specifics of pain: when and where does it hurt?

If a person feels cutting pains in the bladder, in the lower abdomen, cystitis and urolithiasis may be present. Such pain also appears during hypothermia.

Burning occurs with infections of the urethra, damage to the urethra. If the external genitalia become inflamed, there may also be a burning sensation. Usually it accompanies the process of urination.

The help of a specialist is required, since a burning sensation accompanies many diseases of the urinary system.

Pressing pain occurs with diseases of the urethra, injuries of the bladder. Accompanied by weakness, fever and pallor. To find out the cause of the pain, doctors prescribe an immediate diagnosis.

Aching or dull pain accompanies diseases of the female internal genital organs and kidneys. When it appears in the bladder, such pain also occurs.

Spasms and cramps appear as a result of bladder trauma, tumor neoplasms, renal colic. Often these sensations indicate the presence of stones in the urethra.

Why - reasons

TO reasons for the occurrence Bladder pain includes:

  • Inflammation.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Bladder injuries.
  • Nephritis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Sediment, stones.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • organ walls.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Schistosomiasis.
  • Urinary retention.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Coccyx injuries.

In the morning, the bladder usually hurts due to kidney pathologies and urethral infections. This also happens when there is sediment on the walls of the bladder.

The bladder hurts after urination due to cystitis, urethritis, urinary retention. Pathologies of the genital organs also make themselves felt after emptying the bladder.

Causes of pain during pregnancy

On early stages During pregnancy, the fetus is still very small, but despite this, the uterus is already preparing for future changes. The uterus, located in the pelvic area, puts pressure on surrounding organs. The bladder obturator muscle relaxes.

A woman may experience a feeling of discomfort and burning. The pain is mild, almost unnoticeable. There is no inflammatory process, so no harm is caused to the body.

For more later A woman urinates frequently. In addition, the fetus puts pressure on him and he changes size and shape.

The bladder bends slightly, which can lead to pain in the suprapubic area. By nature, she can be both harsh and whining. This is the norm.

Usually the pain is tolerable, but if it becomes stronger, there is a reason to consult a doctor.

Strong, unbearable pain in the bladder during pregnancy they talk about pathologies:

  • Cystitis.
  • Urinary system infections.

As soon as it arose strong pain in the area of ​​the bladder, need to see a doctor. Perhaps changes in the body during pregnancy led to the occurrence of pathologies. Then the woman needs to be treated.

Bladder problems after childbirth

Full bladder prevents proper contraction postpartum uterus . This leads to inflammation of the urethra and genitals. When filled with urine, the organ begins to ache, the pain is aching, and sometimes a stinging sensation.

There are difficulties with urination, due to which the woman may empty the organ only 2-3 times a day. After childbirth, the uterus cannot contract properly if the bladder is full.

What to do and how to treat: tablets and folk remedies

First of all, experts prescribe painkillers, which eliminate discomfort and improve the patient’s condition:

These medications are taken for severe pain of any nature, one tablet, no more than four tablets per day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For elimination of inflamed foci, to destroy harmful microorganisms, it is recommended to take:

  • Furazolidone.
  • Furadonin.

These are highly effective drugs that are taken in an individually prescribed dosage. With their help, urethral infections are treated and the health of the urinary system is restored.

If the disease has developed sufficiently strongly, antibiotics:

  • Nolitsin.
  • Digital

These medications are taken very carefully, in a strictly prescribed dosage. They help normalize the functioning of the organs of the entire urinary system. Usually already at 5-7 day the disease recedes.

Can help restore health folk remedies. However, they should only be taken initial stages pathologies, since at a later stage they may lose their effectiveness.

Before your appointment folk remedies You should consult your doctor, as individual intolerance is possible.

Accept infusion of dill seeds. This remedy is very effective in eliminating pathologies. genitourinary system, improves the human condition.

To prepare the infusion, you need to mix a glass of boiling water and one tablespoon of seeds. The solution must be infused for at least six hours, then filtered. The finished infusion is taken half a glass 2-3 times a day between meals.

Leaves also help get rid of bladder diseases. To do this, mix 500 ml of boiling water and two tablespoons of the plant. The medicine is infused for at least thirty minutes, then filtered. It is taken 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day after meals.

Your bladder may hurt for a variety of reasons. As soon as the first symptoms appear: painful sensations of any nature, a feeling of pressure, heaviness, tingling, somewhere aching and pulling, then there is a need to consult a doctor.

Timely diagnosis of the disease leads to rapid recovery and prevention of complications.

Recipe natural antibiotic for pain, pressure, tingling in the bladder with cystitis in women:

Pain in the bladder occurs due to a variety of various reasons, and when they appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. The weaker sex is more susceptible to bladder diseases. The reason for this is the specific structure of a woman’s body: their urethra It is located in such a way that various infections are more easily retained in it, and during pregnancy the risk of getting sick also increases due to decreased immunity. If a woman has bladder pain, treatment will most likely take a long time.

Main causes of pain:

  • urethritis – irritation (swelling, redness) of the urethra;
  • cystitis –;
  • polyps, tumors of the bladder walls;
  • injuries to the urethra or bladder;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the uterus;
  • referred pain.

Detailed description of the most common diseases

  1. The most common cause of discomfort in the bladder is inflammatory diseases (urethritis or cystitis). Such cases manifest themselves in the form of a constant desire to urinate and constant feeling incomplete emptying process. The procedure itself causes sharp pain and discomfort in the urethra. Your lower back may hurt. Typically, such symptoms appear after hypothermia.

Unpleasant sensations can be significantly relieved by taking a warm bath or applying a heating pad to the sore spot.

  1. Urolithiasis is statistically in second place after cystitis.

It is expressed by severe pain in the lumbar region, and discomfort in the side may also occur. Sometimes the pain radiates towards the bladder, labia or thighs. Symptoms appear after a long walk, walking, drinking large quantity liquids, strong shaking (for example, on a bus), after a grueling workout.

Urine can come out along with blood - this is due to damage to the urinary tract: the stone moves along the urethra, touching the walls and scratching them.

  1. Bladder tumors ( possible cancer) – the symptoms are in many ways similar to the symptoms of cystitis. It usually occurs in older women (after sixty years). The main risk factor is smoking. It is believed that smokers are diagnosed twice as often as non-smokers. Symptoms: blood in the urine, pain in the lower back and hips, sudden weight loss, permanent pain in the bladder. To accurately diagnose cancer, it is necessary to carry out more detailed analyzes: Ultrasound, x-ray, cystoscopy.

  1. Bladder injuries are a rather uncharacteristic cause of pain. They manifest themselves as unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, delays in breathing, and prolonged anuria. With intra-abdominal rupture of the bladder, these symptoms are added: nausea, long delays stool, increased body temperature and bloating. In the case of extraperitoneal ruptures, swelling is observed in the pubis and groin areas, a bluish tint to the skin above the pubis (resulting from the accumulation of blood).

Relief from bladder pain in women

Therapy is prescribed based on the etiology of the disease. It may involve changes in diet (in case of inflammation), drug therapy. In the presence of malignant neoplasms chemotherapy may be used radiation therapy. In some cases, the only option is surgery. Sometimes in postoperative period use BCG therapy. It is also possible to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures.

If pain is caused by damage to other organs and systems of the body, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root causes.

Below are ways to relieve bladder pain in women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of cystitis (inflammation) of the bladder

Cystitis appears after infections from the rectum, which can cause inflammation if it enters the urethra (infectious form of the disease), or becomes the result of contact with the mucous membrane of the organ chemical substances(non-infectious cystitis). For infectious cystitis, you should contact a gynecologist, and for non-infectious cystitis, you should contact a urologist.

  1. After the onset of an attack of pain, it is recommended to drink a little water (about half a liter) in order to reduce the acidity of urine - along with it, the level of pain during urination will decrease. After this, within three hours Try to drink a glass of some liquid every half hour - juice or weak tea. You can take a painkiller.

  1. To reduce pain during urination, take warm sitz baths regularly. It would be useful to use a steam room for the legs or drugs to relax the internal organs.
  1. Warm up the urethra with heating pads: while lying in bed, place one under your back, and squeeze the second between your legs.

  1. There are many on sale herbal remedies that help relieve inflammation. These are infusions from the leaves of bearberry, lingonberry, goldenrod and others. A wonderful helper for this ailment is cranberry. You can take baths with chamomile decoction.
  1. In no case limit yourself to self-medication! You should visit a doctor and get tested as soon as possible. If the diagnosis is confirmed, specialists prescribe antibiotics and other medicines: Treatment is selected individually for each patient.

Treatment of inflammation should under no circumstances be interrupted, otherwise it will inevitably turn into chronic form and threatens to develop into.

The recovery process takes place on average within two to three weeks.

Treatment of bladder urethritis

Urethritis is not a serious threat to life - it is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations that cause terrible discomfort and do not allow one to live normally.

Urethritis, according to statistics, affects mostly men, but there are frequent cases of this disease in women. Sometimes patients with urethritis try to diagnose themselves and confuse it with cystitis - however, in this case, pain is felt throughout urination and even some time later. In addition, these diseases can occur simultaneously.

How does the bladder hurt in women - the symptoms determine the intensity of the pain. Basically, the symptoms are similar to cystitis, but the inflammation in this case affects the urethra.

Medicines are used to treat urethritis wide range actions. IN mandatory antibacterial drugs are prescribed, and, as in the case of cystitis treatment, warm baths with the addition of chamomile help recovery.

To reduce it, anti-allergic drugs are prescribed (Miramistin, Suprastin, Tavegil and others). If chlamydia is detected, azithromycin and doxycycline are prescribed.

Naturally, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics alone is not enough. To increase immunity to such infections and restore favorable microflora of the genital organs, take drugs that activate immune system: vitamin B, vitamin PP, cycloferon, ribomunil and antioxidants.

Pain in the bladder area is common in both women and men. This symptom can be eliminated with medication, through surgical intervention, as well as through physiotherapy.

Pain in the bladder area is common in both women and men. True, according to statistics, problems with bladder are more common in women. It has to do with physiology female body. Sometimes pain occurs due to an inflammatory process directly in the bladder; in some cases, spasms signal disorders of other organs of the urinary system.

Reasons for appearance

Inflamed kidneys can cause pain. In addition, discomfort in this area may indicate problems with the woman’s reproductive organs, as well as the fact that the urethra is inflamed. In pregnant women, pain in the bladder area indicates an infection resulting from a weakened immune system. Tumors and cancers can also be signaled by painful sensations in the bladder.

Urolithiasis disease

Sand in the kidneys and ureter can cause inflammation. It hurts at the same time. Sometimes spasms appear in the back area. With kidney stones, a person cannot sleep peacefully, since colic intensifies at night. The pain is predominantly aching in nature. During illness, a woman may experience sharp pain when urinating.


Infection of the lining of the bladder common reason pain in this area. The very first sign of this disease is not even pain, but frequent urination. In this case, the urethra remains healthy, the bladder itself is inflamed. The pain spreads to the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the back.


Sometimes pathogenic bacteria penetrate the urethra, causing an inflammatory process in this area. Urethritis also hurts Bottom part abdomen and back, depending on the location of the infection due to which the canal became inflamed. As a result, problems arise when visiting the toilet. The outflow of urine is difficult, severe pain occurs. Unpleasant sensations are sharp or acute.

Inflammatory diseases of the appendages

Inflammatory phenomena in the appendages can also provoke. These diseases are most often caused by harmful microorganisms. In some cases, inflammation occurs due to a fungal infection. Another common cause of inflammation of the appendages is hypothermia. The pain is aching and radiates to the bladder.

Tumors in the reproductive organs

Myomas, fibroids and other tumors of the reproductive organs can cause pain in the lower abdomen in women. Most common symptom, previous painful sensations– disruption of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, pain appears on late stage when the tumor has reached large sizes. Cancer can be caused by certain types of human papillomavirus.

Intestinal problems

Accumulation of gases or inflammatory processes in the intestines are often the causes of discomfort in the lower abdomen. In pregnant women, gas accumulation is a common cause of abdominal pain. Intestinal diseases such as ulcerative enterocolitis, can also manifest as spasms in the bladder area. However, the pain is mainly localized in the area digestive tract. The unpleasant sensations are aching in nature. Many patients who have severe inflammation, constipation is possible.

Treatment methods

To eliminate such problems, they most often use:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical methods;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Basis drug treatment Many inflammatory diseases of infectious origin are treated with antibiotics. Doctors also recommend medications that restore the immune system. For each disease, a specific course is selected and a special drug is prescribed. For cystitis the basis drug therapy are:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Nitrofurantoin.

Ciprofloxacin has been used to treat bladder infections for many years. You should not take these tablets on an empty stomach. Ciprofloxacin is also prescribed if the urethra is inflamed. However, pregnant, lactating women and children should not use this drug. The drug completely relieves inflammation and relieves pain in the lower abdomen.

Monural is no less effective, but has virtually no contraindications. Monural can be taken by children, the elderly, during pregnancy and lactation. It acts more gently, eliminates inflammation and relieves the urethra and bladder walls from pain.

Nitrofurantoin is prescribed for women with kidney problems. It is also recommended during pregnancy because it does not pose a risk to developing fetus. Nitrofurantoin eliminates inflammation in the bladder and relieves pain. In addition, this remedy heals the urethra and bladder lining from infection.

Surgical treatment is relevant when dangerous tumors in the reproductive organs, intestines, kidneys or the bladder itself. Increasingly, for such operations, methods based on laser microscopy, as well as cryodestruction, are used. In both the first and second cases, the tumor is removed painlessly and with virtually no blood loss.

Laser tumor removal is safe and effective. After such an operation the patient does not need long rehabilitation and return to work occurs after 3-5 days. Cryodestruction is used in the treatment of tumors in the uterus, ovaries and other reproductive organs. During the intervention, the formation is frozen under the influence of low temperatures and is painlessly removed.

The most effective physiotherapy procedures that help restore the body after inflammatory diseases are mud therapy, acupuncture and heat therapy. The power of healing mud helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body from various infections. Mud therapy relieves stress, which causes weakened immunity and the occurrence of cancer.

Acupuncture excellent remedy which helps relieve pain. There are certain points on every person’s body that, by stimulating them, can eliminate pain. Stimulation of points on a woman’s body causes the production of certain hormones that stop spasms. Special needles are applied to such points and after the procedure the stomach practically does not hurt.

Heat therapy and heating are used in the treatment of many diseases. Very often they are prescribed for inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs of women. Also similar procedures used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.

Any of the above conditions can cause pain. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause. The most important thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help in a timely manner.